2007_files/Aug 07
2007_files/Aug 07
SLO VETTES THE CORVETTE CLUB OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY P.O. BOX 14134 SAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93406 Front Page MONTHLY NEWSLETTER © August 2007 will be a vendor’s choice award. We are also planning a picture opportunity for members and their cars near the train. So step back into the 50’s and experience the feeling of Elvis, James Thanks Brian & Becky for the Pool Party Dean and others at the diner and sing along at the Following the Templeton “4th of July Parade”, vaudeville show. Brian and Becky hosted one of their famous BBQ’s and pool party. This has become a tradi- Next Meeting tion for Brian and Becky. The club appreciates their dedication and continued hospitality. The Don’t forget to attend our next meeting Friday parade was wonderful and our cars looked beau- August 10th, at 6 PM at Players in Atascadero. tiful, a true American experience; a reminder and acknowledgment of the sacrifice made by our Al [email protected] troops serving in war theaters throughout the world. Train Lunch and Melodrama in Oceano Plan on attending our September event starting with Lunch at the “Rock and Roll Diner” in Oceano, then traveling some of the “Corvette back roads” through the Arroyo Grande and Santa Maria area and ending our day back in Oceano at the Melodrama Vaudeville Show. Paula and I will host this unusual event. Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 8th. See the flyer for further details. An award will be given to the “Best” Corvette in attendance. This In This Issue Presidents Message In the month of June, there was the Pismo Beach Car Show, June 15 - 17th. I never heard if anyone from our club attended. June 30th was the S.L.O. STUD Day. No interest. July 4th was the Templeton Parade. We had 13 cars all in red, white and blue colors. Seven couples showed up for the B.B.Q. and to cool off in the pool. I never heard if anyone went to the Tahoe run June 29th - July 1st. Events Secretarys Report Birthdays and Anniversaries I also never heard if anyone did the Rogue River on the weekend of July 13th. Event Flyers Our Corvette Treasurers Report NCM Report July 27 - 29th is the Big Bear Bash. It looks like we have a couple of members going. The Miroballi's will be there. PAGE 1 Aug. 4th is the scavenger hunt road run. You should have received a flyer by now. We hope you enjoy this run. Meeting called to order by Brian at 6:05 pm. Aug. 17th is the Hot El Camino Nites Cruise. We Brian is filling in for Al he had a out of town will be meeting again at the El Camino Car Wash meeting. Phil has been ill. Al was to send off Hwy. 41. The Ramos’ and the Reif's will be agenda he did not so we are winging it. B.B.Qing. Our Corvette this month will be the Bravo's again. Aug. 18th is the Atascadero Lake Car Show. This year Jimmy Stone is chairing the event so lets Secretary Report - Becky read the minutes from bring our Vettes out and show some support. last month, motion to except and passed. Flyer enclosed. Treasures Report - Jan gave report, motion to except and passed. Sept. 8th was going to be the Day at the Lake, but there's very little water in the lake this year so Events - Brian gave report on Templeton Parade the people who were going to host it decided to and BBQ, 13 cars and 7 couples at BBQ. try again next year. Al and Paula have stepped July 27th to 29th Big Bear Bash. up and are hosting a run in the south county. It July 28th Arroyo Valley car show. sounds like a real fun run. Flyer enclosed. Aug. 4th Scavenger Hunt Aug. 11th All Corvette Auto Cross Santa Maria Oct. 20th Our event will be hosted by the Ra- Airport. mos’. watch for flyer. Aug. 17th Hot El Camino Cruize Nite. Aug. 18th Atascadero Lake Car Show. I've put a couple of other car show flyers in the Sept 8th Al will put on run. Oct. 20th Chocolate and Champane at the Ramos newsletter for anyone who is interested. house. Remember: Nomination of officers is coming Newsletter - Jon gave a update on Website, 4000 up. Please think about taking an office. We need hits so far. Newsletter is on the website new people with new ideas. each month. See you at the next event. Merchandise - we have new colors in t-shirts and polo's. Brian Sunshine - Gary McPherson mother passed away. Our condolence to Gary & Chris McPherson and family. Bill & Dalene Caldwell were married 50 years on 4th of July. [email protected] 50/50 won by Jon Dallons. Meeting ended at 6:30 pm. Becky [email protected] PAGE 2 Hey you guys....there's a car show at Pine Mountain (near Frazier Park off of HWY 166) on Saturday, Aug 11. We have friends that have a vacation home there, so we'll probably go. It's only $20 before Aug 5. So if you're interested go to the following website..... Californiacarclubs.com We probably should be listed on it don't you think? Players, Atascadero Just a thought Chris McP ---------------------------------- I recently picked a new primary care doctor After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing "fairly well" for my age. Birthdays for August: Jeri Hart 23rd, Gary Holdstock 8th, Christine Holdstock 4th, and Benny Hintz 21st. Anniversaries: Gary and Christine Holdstock 24th and Harry and Nancy Batrum 1st. A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, "Do you think I'll live to be 80?" He asked, "Do you smoke tobacco, or drink scotch, beer or wine?" "Oh no," I replied. "I'm not doing drugs, either!" Happy Birthday and Anniversary To All Then he asked, "Do you eat rib-eye From SLO Vettes!!! Donna [email protected] steaks and barbecued ribs?" I said, "No, my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!" Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?" "No, I don't," I said. He asked, "Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?" No," I said. He looked at me and said, "Then, why do you even give a shit?" PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Sauvadon 712 Villa Nona, Nipomo 93444, must be received no later than Monday August 20th to ensure we all get a seat. Food, sodas, beer and wine is available at the Melodrama. Melodrama the cost will is $19 per person for premium seats, if we qualify for a discount the remaining monies will be raffled off). Makes checks payable to Al Join us for a “Strictly Fun Run” starting at 11 AM with lunch at the “Rock & Roll Diner” in Oceano (lunch will be on your own) there will be a merchants award for their favorite corvette. (This 50’s train is located at 1300 Railroad St. in Oceano just off Hwy 1). Then we will be off on spirited corvette run through the back roads ending back in Oceano for the 4:30 showing at Melodrama (we need to reserve seats in advance at the September 8th SLO VETTES “FUN RUN” PAGE 5 PAGE 6 For More Info: Nate Fearonce: 805 927-3531 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 Gary and Dellene Bravo gees where do I start...... we started dating in 1966, I think? It was so long ago we can't remember. Dating during our high school years at rival high schools. Don't tell anyone but I went to Gonzales High and Gary to King City High. Lots of competition in sports in those days, now there is competition in gang fighting. The vehicles back then generally were cowboy pickups, low riders and 1955-57 Chevy's (of course). When I met Gary he drove a car with the engine in the rear.....a Corvair, yes a Corvair, not aVW... His brother is the one that had the Corvette. But we did get to take his brothers 1959 Red and White hard top convertible Corvette on a couple of dates and to a couple of proms. I can remember back then Gary saying he wanteda Vette,butit being to impractical, since gas was as high as43 cents a gallon.So he then bought a 1955 Chevy, next was a 1967 El Camino, 1956 Chevy, 1964 Le mans...... the list goes on. Then we got married in 1969 and bought a brand new 1969 Chevelle SS 396 (SWEET) ! In 1970 Uncle Sam sent him the big draft notice and things started changing like: Vietnam, so Gary joined the Navy. We actually drove the SS 396 to the East coast back and forth 2 times in rain and snow, skid on ice had a couple of nice fender binders, but we survived. We moved back to California after four yearswith the first of our three children. After two more sons and two dozen cars later, by thenwho knows what car we owned...Some of Gary's favorite cars werehis BMW and his Porche. Probably the most vehicles he ever had was his pickup trucks since his occupation was a farmer in the Salinas Valley. God only knows how many pickups, four wheelers and tractors he has had. Then with three boys, who knows how many pickups and cars they went through.Missing in his heart was owning a Corvette though. His best friend since childhood Ronnie Lazzaroni had many discussions aboutowning a Corvette. Ronnie was first going to buy one then Gary this story went back and forth for a couple of years between them. Gary knew if hebought a Vette Ronnie would be so mad he 'd go buy one also we would have someone to travel with us. So after driving to the valley then down south and spending hours on line, looking through the photo ads, we practically found one in our back yard at Nacimiento Lake. Our Corvette was owned by a 87 year old man from New York that past away and left it to his daughter.Our car is a 1999 silver and black. Now every time we see thelady we bought it from, she really is sorry she got rid of her Dad's car and asks for it back... tooo late! She doesn't have to worry it is good hands. PAGE 10 PAGE 11 SLO Vettes PL Budget Comparison 07/12/07 January 1 through July 13, 2007 Jan 1 - Jul 13, '07 % of Budget Income 50/50 Raffles Advertising Dues Events Merchandise Misc. 347.50 108.00 2,695.00 1,131.00 709.00 5.00 750.00 180.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 375.00 46.3% 60.0% 89.8% 37.7% 70.9% 1.3% Total Income 4,995.50 8,305.00 60.2% Expense ACA ACE Annual Mtg. food expenses Events - expenses Membership - name badges Merchandise (apperal) Misc.- flowers, supplies, etc. Newsletter P.O. Box fee President's expenses Xmas Party ($15 x 50 membership 0.00 200.00 374.90 1,233.83 21.66 0.00 83.00 346.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 500.00 3,250.00 600.00 1,000.00 800.00 750.00 55.00 400.00 750.00 0.0% 100.0% 75.0% 38.0% 3.6% 0.0% 10.4% 46.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Total Expense 2,260.13 8,305.00 27.2% 2,735.37 0.00 100.0% Net Income Budget PAGE 12 July 25, 2007 NCM Quick Links 2007 Events Shop the Online Store Become a member Visit our home page Check out our Tshirt Gallery for the lastest Designs! And the Winner Is… Congratulations to Charles Nixon of Forth Worth, Texas (ticket number 1166) drawn this afternoon as the winner of the 2007 Corvette Indy Pace Car Convertible! Charles owns several classic automobiles including two 1965 Corvettes and was excited to be drawn as the winner. Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket. Your next chance to win a new Corvette is coming up on Saturday, September 1 as part of our Labor Day Celebration festivities – six weeks away! We will be drawing the winner of the 2008 Victory Red Corvette Coupe and tickets are only $10 each! Take a chance and purchase your tickets online at:http://www.corvettemuseum.com/raffle/index.shtml or call us at: (800) 53-VETTE. 2009 Caravan Registration is Open! Shop Online in the Corvette Store $10 Could Win You a new Corvette! Purchase Your Tickets Online Here Own a True Piece of Corvette History From the First Corvette Assembly Plant Place Your Order here: Become a Museum Member and Help Register now and select your caravan route for the 2009 National Corvette Caravan! Planning for the 4th National Corvette Caravan has been underway for two years and the route captains have been working to make each route as spectacular as possible. Join thousands of other Corvette enthusiasts in August 2009 on a journey you will never forget as you travel to Bowling Green, Kentucky to help us celebrate our 15th Anniversary. Our website will give you all the details you need to register for the caravan activities, contact the captain for the route you choose, and sign on to be a part of the “caravan chat” list to keep you informed on all the updates and happenings. If setting off on an expedition of a lifetime with other enthusiasts is your idea of fun – we encourage you to join us by registering online at: http://www.corvettecaravan.com View coverage of the 2003 caravan and festivities at: http://www.corvettemuseum.com/caravan/2003/index.shtml Adopt-A-Corvette of Your Own Inside the Museum Our “Adopt-A-Corvette” program opened in February and several display cars have been adopted by clubs and supporters. This program was created as a fundraiser to benefit our Building Campaign efforts and to offer families, clubs, members and organizations a chance to be a featured sponsor of a Corvette on display inside the Museum. Adopting families or organizations can choose, according to availability, a vehicle from the NCM or GM owned vehicles to adopt for three months or six months. The adopter will receive a “Certificate of Adoption” as well as a photograph of the vehicle. A professionally designed plaque with the adopting family or organization’s name, city and the name of the vehicle and photo will be displayed beside the adopted Corvette. At the end of the adoption period, the sponsor will receive the photograph plaque by mail. Adopt a Corvette for three months in return for a $300 donation or for six months with a $500 donation. If you or your club is interested in adopting a Corvette and would like to receive a list of Corvettes available for adoption, please contact Membership Services Manager, Stephanie Morrill at: [email protected]. PAGE 13 PAGE 14