City of EI Cajon
City of EI Cajon
City of EI Cajon Planning Commission Agenda June 24, 2013, 7 P.M. ANTHONY SOTTILE,Chairman PAUL CIRCO, Vice Chairman DARRIN J. MROZ STAR BALES ADEL DANKHA Meeting Location: City Council Chambers, 200 Civic Center Way, EI Cajon, CA I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. CHAIRPERSON'S WELCOME V. PUBLIC COMMENT: (This is the opportunity for a member of the public to address the Commission on any item of business within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda. Under state law no action can be taken on items brought forward under Public Comment except to refer the item to the staff for administrative action or to place it on a future agenda.) VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 1A. 1B. VII. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 6,2013 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL CAJON CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 28, 2013 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. RAZUKI MALL - AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2169 Resolution No. 10696 This is a public hearing on a request to modify project phasing requirements. The subject property is addressed as 861 East Main Street. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). APN: 488-134-30 General Plan: General Commercial (GC) Zoning: General Commercial (C-G) Applicant: Haith Razuki /619.750.2024 Project Planner: Noah Alvey /619.441.1773 Email: [email protected] and include "AM CUP 2169" in Subject Line Decisions and Appeals - A decision of the Planning Commission is not final until the appeal period expires 10 days from the date of transmittal of the Commission's resolution to the City Clerk. The appeal period for the items on this Agenda will end on Monday, July 8, 2013 at 5:30 p.m., except that Agenda items which are forwarded to City Council for final action need not be appealed. 3. VIII. OFF-SITE EXCESS AUTO SALES INVENTORY STORAGE LOTS AMENDMENT OF ZONING CODE NO. 424 Resolution No.1 0727 (This project is tentatively scheduled for the City Council meeting on August 27, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.) This is a City-initiated proposal to amend Title 17 (Zoning) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code to allow used vehicles in addition to new vehicles to also be stored off-site on a temporary basis. OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION IX. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS X. COMMISSIONER REPORTS/COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT This Planning Commission meeting is adjourned to July 8,2013 at 7 p.m. AGENDA ITEM 1A MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING May 6,2013 The meeting of the EI Cajon Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & MOMENT OF SILENCE COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Anthony SOTTILE, Chairman Star BALES Paul CIRCa, Vice Chairman Adel DANKHA COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Darrin J. MROZ STAFF PRESENT: Manjeet RANU, Planning Manager I Planning Commission Secretary Michael REID, Staff Attorney Tony SHUTE, Senior Planner Ron Luis VALLES, Administrative Secretary SOTTILE explained the mission of the Planning Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion was made by BALES, seconded by CIRCa, to adopt the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held on March 11, 2013; carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS There were none. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS AGENDA ITEM NO.2 - ALCOHOL SALES LAND USE ORDINANCE - AMENDMENT OF ZONING CODE NO. 423 The Planning Commission was presented with the City Council's direction, background information, project schedule, proposed ordinance structure and opportunities for community input regarding off-sale alcohol outlets and their associated effects. This was 21 an information item only. Public testimony was given, but the Planning Commission did not take action at this meeting. In a PowerPoint presentation, SHUTE summarized the staff report. SOTTILE commented that other municipalities, such as the County, Encinitas and Escondido, have reached their limits on overconcentration of the number of beer and wine licenses. SHUTE referred to the statute where cities that have more than one Type 20 License for every 2,500 people are considered to be in a moratorium. Currently the City of EI Cajon is within that moratorium by one to two licenses. CIRCa asked if staff could update or provide a map showing on-sale outlets to see if there are similar correlations within the 600 foot buffer of alcohol related arrests to off-sale outlets. He does not like to differentiate between on-sale and off-sale locations. SHUTE advised that they could change the background on the map to make it more legible for the Commissioners. However, the City Council had directed staff to focus their attention on the sale of off-sale Type 20 and Type 21 outlets. SOTTILE mentioned the business owners gathering to implement a self-policing situation that the Council agreed to for a six month period to see what would occur. There were great results initially, but since then results have slipped back and he asked if staff knew the reason for the slippage. SHUTE deferred to Chief Jim REDMAN, who was in the audience to answer any questions. REDMAN explained that in 2011 they started the community program and asked all liquor store and market owners to come together and sign a volunteer pledge, which was nonbinding, to police themselves and refrain from selling alcohol to serial inebriates. These people are the number one complaint in the Police Department. The program lasted about five to six months before things started slipping back to normal as shown by the increase in crime statistics for public drunkenness and alcohol related offenses. He added that a valiant effort was made, but did not work because there was no penalty for violating the rules. Unless some way is established to enforce the rules these issues would slip back to the norm. BALES asked for an explanation of the small bottles of alcohol which seem to be creating the most problems. REDMAN answered that they are called airline bottles because they are the type sold on airlines. These small bottles of hard liquor are sold very cheap for $.99 each. Because of the price and high proof content they are the alcohol of choice for transients or a person who is a chronic alcoholic. Then it becomes a police concern. Single serve beer and cheap fortified wines are also a problem. 22 SOTTILE asked what procedures were in place by the Police Department to deal with these types of issues. REDMAN explained that they go to jail. The District Attorney is allowing them six offenses and then they are released when sobered up. But on their sixth offense they can actually receive longer jail time. However this could be over a four to six month period, sometimes even a year. It is a never ending cycle and the Police Department is seeking better ideas to deal with this problem. If a limit could be put in place to the access to alcohol, it would be a step in the right direction. SOTTILE asked if this process was also in place for drug arrests, prostitution, etc. REDMAN answered that all these offenses are associated with alcohol problems, as well as petty theft, vandalism and public urination, and involves the same people they deal with that are the chronic drunks. The number two complaint is traffic and the number three complaint is gangs. SOTTILE asked if there was an increase in gang activity with adults buying alcohol for them. REDMAN answered that they have not seen any connection with gang activity to the extent they see with the transients. BALES asked if there was anything else that contributed to crimes besides selling small bottles and if there was anything they could put into place to help the situation. REDMAN answered there were things that could be put into place to prevent panhandling and the Police are working on ideas in this arena. One solution would be to prevent them from getting the money they use to buy the alcohol. SOTTILE mentioned that he believes most of these people do not want help. REDMAN added that with most of the 100 transients and homeless in EI Cajon that they deal with on a daily basis, 40 of these are chronic drunks and they do not want any help. SHUTE then summarized by stating there would be a work session on the draft ordinance which would then go back to the Commission and on to the City Council for approval. RANU interjected that the Council identified issues with off-sale of alcohol from the crime and recent activities, including the burden it has on municipal services; primarily Police, and the feedback received from constituents who attended the Police Department community forums. The approach the Council had decided to take is a comprehensive view where we deal with land use regulations that are applicable to existing off-sale outlets, as well as those that will come in the future. So the focus right now is on the off-sale of alcohol at smaller markets because that is where the criminal activities are primarily conducted based on the data. In the meantime, the Council had communicated with the markets at 23 their February meeting that it will take several months to work through this process, so there is an opportunity for these markets to voluntarily police themselves again as they did several years ago. After evaluation of how well that voluntary process is working, the Council can then determine what kind of regulations they might want to put in place. The purpose of this meeting today is to introduce the identified issues to the public, who will have the opportunity to provide testimony as well. SOTTILE confirmed with RANU that this meeting was not a public hearing however public comments on the proposed regulations would be heard. CIRCa mentioned that the deemed approved language sounded like it was a retroactive conditional use permit (CUP) and asked how it would affect the grandfathered alcohol outlets. SHUTE replied that it would directly affect the grandfathered locations. The deemed approved means granting a CUP to those outlets who currently do not have a CUP and to those that do have a CUP, but are legal non-conforming is some manner. An example would be an outlet that may not meet the distance requirements that are currently within the code. What's being granted is their ability to use their land as an alcohol outlet under the land use authority for sale of beer, wine or liquor, which they already have as grandfathered. This is a measure that the City can apply as a blanket CUP which would give the City local control over the land which it does not currently have. RANU added that this is the key point of local control because the City does not have any authority over the issuances of licenses, which are handled by the State. But, the City does have land use control, and for those outlets which are not operating under a CUP today, or are non-conforming is some way, by making them a deemed approved location, then if issues arise, would have the ability to revoke that land use approval and either shut them down or impose additional operational conditions upon them. It is an opportunity for the City to take control of regulating the sale of alcohol through its land use authority. CIRCa confirmed with Staff that about 75% of the current small markets selling alcohol are non-conforming. SOTTILE opened the floor for public comment. Rick SWEENEY, representing Downtown EI Cajon Business Partners, spoke first in support of restrictions. He requested consideration of restrictions of off-sale alcohol sales within the downtown area. He added that the merchants, businesses and City have worked hard over the past two decades to improve the business atmosphere of downtown EI Cajon with public improvements, i.e., lighting, way finding signs, landscaping, and common traffic improvements. Individual property owners have invested as well in facade improvements, interior improvements and creation of their own assessment district. All this work had been conducted to create a destination for shoppers and their families. Off-site alcohol outlets in the district are not conducive to the goal of their stakeholders, merchants and the City. The downtown merchants, who must compete with other family-oriented 24 shopping clusters, i.e., Parkway Plaza and Grossmont Mall, would like the same playing field as these businesses. SOTTILE confirmed with SWEENEY that the Downtown Business Partners are for greater restrictions and agreed that those proposed would improve the business climate. SWEENEY agreed that it would help generate an overall family destination point they were hoping downtown EI Cajon would become and they have been working toward this goal. SHUTE added that the downtown area is governed by Specific Plan 182 (SP 182), which currently prohibits off-sale outlets, and the Downtown Partner's boundaries are within that area. There is no proposal to change SP 182, so currently alcohol outlets are not allowed. Mark ARABO, President of the Neighborhood Market Association, spoke next. He thanked City staff, the Commissioners and Chief Redman on all the hard work done to date and handed to REID a handout for the Commissioners of the signs that they have put in place. He added that he again is reaching out to the City to develop a partnership. They have worked very hard throughout the community and with the Police Department and have drafted some changes. One change is they have asked every store to voluntarily take down all their advertisements for liquor and beer, and they complied. They also solicited community input on people loitering and panhandling, whereby every store voluntarily installed a sign to deter this behavior. They held four different seminars with their members to come up with ways to make EI Cajon a safe place for all, including their workers, to be able to come and go in the mornings and evenings in a safe environment. He shared that they changed their lighting and cleaned up the parking lots and have a hot line set up where authorities can be called if problems arise. The biggest issue they had was the changing of the status of the grandfather clause. He believed it would open up the City to possible lawsuits. Their 79 merchants have the legal right to do things in their stores, which they have been doing, and are not creating any public safety issues in this regard. They believe the City is targeting them and not including bars and restaurants. They want to work with the City in partnership and have taken considerable significant steps forward. Every store has the sign up and are enforcing the do not sell list. All advertising of beer, wine and liquor have been removed from the windows voluntarily. All of these changes were accomplished without passing new laws. They support an education program and working with the community and the Police Department. SOTTILE asked if he agreed that reducing panhandling, public drunkenness, prostitution, etc. would be beneficial for all businesses no matter what part of the community these problems may exist. ARABO agreed that panhandling and loitering should not exist, which is why they created the signs voluntarily. He again charged that to blame compliance on liquor store owners or single out some businesses in the community is wrong. SOTTILE added that the signs were great, however asked what would be the process if a person did not comply. 25 ARABO answered, they would then target them with the help of the Police Department. However, they have not had any problems in this area. SOTTILE reminded him that the Police Chief stated these issues are a revolving door. These people get processed and then they go back on the street. The City is trying to propose regulation which possibly might put an end to the revolving door. ARABO believed the opposite would occur. In explanation he said to ban shots and half pints would be a mistake because then people would purchase the one-half gallon bottles at a cost of $3.00. He advocated a community effort, not to only target liquor stores or markets. They support the East County Transitional Living Center process and continued community education. SOTTILE wanted to clear up a statement the speaker made that the City was trying to close down the legal non-conforming stores and asked for clarification from staff. SHUTE replied that the proposed ordinance is not an attempt to close down an existing business. It puts in place, under deemed approved, a land use control so that if a business is non-compliant and meets the thresholds that would be established in the proposed ordinance of non-compliance, and were then to come to a point where they were not meeting standards, then a hearing process could have their deemed approved CUP revoked. RANU added that it would apply uniform operating standards to all stores. ARABO asked about a new fee or tax proposed on small business owners to open and close their stores. Again he felt the City was targeting off-premise Type 20 & 21 stores and not looking at bars and restaurants. SOTTI LE asked staff if there was a fee to be imposed on existing store owners versus only on new businesses. SHUTE responded that a fee is something staff was looking into with the City Attorney's office, but as yet not a part of the ordinance. REID clarified that no fee is proposed yet and it was only an idea at this point. If a fee would be included, it would not be an inappropriate tax, which the City cannot do. If a fee were to be imposed, it would be on all establishments and would be a regulatory fee to cover the City's cost of enforcing the ordinance. Also, no specific amount had been discussed. ARABO suggested that the math for 79 outlets for a full time police officer at $100,000 per year, including pension and benefits, divided by 80 equals $1200/year just for cost recovery alone. SOTTILE added that the fee was an element that they were only thinking about at this time, but if businesses are not abiding by rules and there is a problem, they would try to 26 eliminate the revolving door. Businesses complying with all regulations have nothing to worry about. CIRCO asked other than the 79 stores associated with the Association, if it governed all small markets and liquor stores in EI Cajon. ARABO answered in the affirmative and reiterated all the good things they have done as a group. He was in support for the City to enforce the laws currently on the books and not pass new regulations. BALES told ARABO she liked his approach to work with the City and said the Planning Commission was there for the small businesses and all the citizens of EI Cajon. She added that she did drive around and looked at the stores with the newly installed signs. She suggested that they might take into consideration possibly doing something more aesthetically pleasing to the exterior of the stores. ARABO summed up by stating the two areas that they have issues with. One is the grandfather clause issue and the second is the targeting of liquor stores only. Katherine WEBB, longtime resident, spoke next. She advised that the cross streets of Second and Broadway have an alcohol outlet on every corner. She lives close by and when she goes out to get her morning paper many times has found someone intoxicated laying in her front yard or debris from alcohol consumption. She also mentioned that if you walk down Broadway from Second Street toward Target you can tell you are approaching the few liquor stores along the way by the amount of debris in the parking lots and landscaping at the adjoining businesses. This will not attract any new businesses to EI Cajon. She believes the deemed approved proposal puts everybody at the same level to play by the same rules. Rules need to be put in effect to be able to control those individuals. She believes the estimated $100 fee per business is not much and most stores should be able to afford it. Joe JABORO, owner of Nick's Liquor, spoke next. "Hello Mr. Commissioners, everybody. My name is Joe Jaboro, I have a liquor store, Nick's Liquor. Just to give you a little history. I've been in this business well over 30 years. I'm 42 years old. I've seen a lot of things happening. There is a 10t. .. 1don't know where to start, so I'm just going to go back and forth on a lot of issues. First of all, let's go back to her [Katherine Webb's comments] trash and debris ... My liquor store, I have a trash can, five feet away, and people still open up their car door, just regular people, not transients, nobody, [they] dump their trash on the floor and they drive away ... it's five feet away. That's never going to go away, people are people. Aesthetically, I've probably put in the last month over three to four hundred dollars in cleaning up my store; it's always been a very clean store. But we've put new doors, and taken out the signs. My wife has been planting garden bushes all over, and then the next day somebody steals them. Last year, two years ago, I put in copper piping, put in 27 about $300 worth of copper piping, the next day they stole them. I called the cops; of course nothing is going to happen because they can't find them. Just so you know, we've tried very, very hard, but there's a lot of things. Our hands are tied. We can't do anything about it. Let's see here; urinating in public. I don't know about you guys but I've driven out [in] the city before trying to look for a bathroom, and unless you go to Jack in the Box or something, nobody is going to let some homeless person into their door, into their home, and use their restroom. I'd like to see a show of hands if anybody is going to do that. Because of course, they are going to steal from you or whatever. I've tried to help these people out as much as I can in my store, you know. There's good and there's bad. You can tell who's good and who's bad. And again with that, buying alcohol, we have a list of faces for everybody, and we go by that, but there's people, when we kick them out, they just across the street or 7-11, and they come right back, walking down the street, with their cans of beers in their bag. Either they got them their selves or somebody buys it for them. So, we can only do so much on that. Do you know why to me, why the crime rate is so high? It's because, we talk to our customers every day, they don't have no jobs. It's very simple. If you don't have a job, you got to support your family, one way or another, your crime is going to go high. Anywhere ....(two words undecipherable) ... people steal from there too. I grew up in EI Cajon and I've been here since I was three years old, I'm 42 years old. So I've been out there all my life. I've seen it all. About this single shots, half pints and pints, and, I was here at the last meeting, [red light flashing] sorry but my time is up." SOTTILE asked, "Do you need another minute?" JABORO responded, "Can I?" SOTTILE answered, "Sure, you can have another minute." JABORO continued, "I have a lot of information, but I just want to try to push it real fast. I'm sorry." SOTTILE added, "You can have a minute." JABORO then continued, "You know, the person I was telling, he said, "Oh, how can a 99 cents shot, put you out of business." My business is 85 percent or more, of those shots, single cans of beers, and I'm not talking selling to homeless people, these are regular every day people, that come into my store. They come in the store, and their hands are shaking like a leaf, and they have one shot, and they'd be perfect. They'll come back, two, three hours later, again. The alcohol is like literally medicine for them. 28 And I tell them, why don't you buy a half pint or a pint? And they say, "Joe, I'll drink that half pint as fast as I can shop it." So if I sell them a fifth or half gallon, they can't stop, they'll drink it straight down. So what is going to happen now, they're going to get a DUI, they're going to go out there and kill somebody. So restricting them from buying these little shots, is in, from my perspective, from what I see, is not going to be a good thing. Uhm ... " SOTTILE said, "Sir your time is up" JABORO added, "I'm sorry. I could go on for hours really. Again, if you would like to come to my store, literally, come to my store, anyone of you, any time. My wife's there seven days a week. I'm there seven days a week. I've had three back operations. I still put in seven hours a day or more. So, I'm semi-retired. Just come in and see the people coming in. It's more everyday people, and they just don't have the money to buy to buy an 18 pack of beer any more. The economy is not there for them." SOTTILE thanked JABORA and asked if the Commissioners had any questions. There were none. JABORO responded, 'Thank you." Kathy ZEMAN, representing Downtown EI Cajon Business Partners, spoke next. Their focus has been to try to make EI Cajon as family friendly as possible with the car shows, farmers markets and concerts throughout the summer. They would like to see a buffer between them and the liquor stores. One program they run is the "Clean and Safe" program with involvement of the East County Transitional Living Center. They work at cleaning up after the homeless and helping to move them along and breaking up their encampments. These people may not be buying liquor here, but getting it and bringing it into the district and drinking here. They have been talking to various businesses interested in coming to downtown and it would be more attractive to keep the homeless and debris to a minimum in order to retain businesses for the long term. Dana STEVENS representing CASA spoke next. They support what staff has presented to address some of the problems associated with alcohol outlets. She suggested considering a fee, however, the cost to the City is much more than $100/month. Research demonstrates the way to hold businesses accountable is by establishing something that they have made an investment in, such as a CUP, and associated fee. In reference to the possible lawsuits brought up earlier, she stated that the Oakland ordinance on deemed approved has been upheld by the courts and there are 20 plus cities in California that currently have the deemed approved ordinance in place successfully. She supported the deemed approved ordinance to bring an even playing field to all, including new stores. She felt self-regulation had not worked in the past. Only 41 of the 79 stores made the pledge to follow the law already in place. She supported the fee for all 79 stores and added that the other 3,000 businesses in the community deserve a healthy, safe environment to conduct their business and to invite the community to come and shop at their stores. 29 No other members of the public approached the podium to speak. SOTTILE then asked each of the Commissioners to share their thoughts on the proposed ordinance and public comment. DANKHA advised it was nice to get a full picture of what was going on in the community. It is very important that all the rules, procedures and laws already in place be followed when alcohol is sold. This would solve many problems. BALES shared she personally knows many business owners and has watched them build up their businesses over many years, including the long hours they worked. She wants to find common ground to solve the issues identified. She supports keeping lines of communication open. CIRCO said there have seen quite a few of Type 20 licenses come before the Planning Commission for approval and most have been turned down strictly based upon the moratorium. He mentioned he deals with homeless people on a day-to-day basis in EI Cajon as part of his job. No one he deals with on a regular basis is carrying around small bottles of alcohol. They want money to buy a soda or a quart of milk. The big alcohol related problem in EI Cajon is vandalism and public nuisance. The homeless have no place to live and there is no enforcement. The proposed ordinance is trying to put teeth into the law where the City would have a remedy whereby if there is a store that's consistently selling to a persistent drunk, the City will then have recourse. Right now with some of the grandfathered liquor stores there is no means of enforcement. The Neighborhood Market Association has the means to playa valuable role in this and to talk to local liquor stores. The deemed approved would give the City the ability to put more strength into the process. Voluntary is his favorite solution. He would rather see a voluntary effort to enforce laws already in place. He added it is a difficult issue and this is why they take the time to receive the public input. SOTTILE agreed with all that was said and broke the issue down into two approaches. The micro approach would be to not sell small containers to people inebriated on a consistent level. The macro approach would be an umbrella approach where the City would have the tools to enforce no small containers to be sold. The City is trying to address both and do want the community to police itself, however, he feels enforcement should be in place as well. He does not want those grandfathered to be taken out of business. He wants to see self-policing and if people are not able to police themselves, the City should have the tools to take care of the issues locally like in meetings such as this. He appreciated everyone's thoughts, especially Mr. ARABOs, and advised that there would be other opportunities where all could come back to discuss the issues in the future. SHUTE added a working draft should be ready for the June 10 Planning Commission. SOTTILE invited all to return for the next session. OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION There were none. 30 COMMISSIONER REPORTS/COMMENTS CIRCa asked if in a residential area with a single-family home,a single car driveway and a single curb spot out front, if there was any way to reserve that spot on the curb. RANU responded since it is a public street, there is no way to reserve a spot. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by CIRCa, seconded by SOTTILE, to adjourn the meeting of the EI Cajon Planning Commission at 8:40 p.m. this 6th day of May, 2013 until May 20,2013, at 7:00 p.m.; carried 4-0. Anthony SOTTILE, Chairman ATTEST: Manjeet RANU, AICP, Secretary 31 AGENDA ITEM 18 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EL CAJON CITY COUNCIL and PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF EL CAJON EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA MAY 28,2013 A Joint Special Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of EI Cajon, California, held Tuesday, May 28, 2013, was called to order by Mayor/Chair Mark Lewis at 1:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 200 Civic Center Way, EI Cajon, California. ROLL CALL Council/Agencymembers present: Mayor/Agencymembers absent: Mayor Pro TemNice-Chair present: Mayor/Chair present: Planning Commissioners present: Other Officers present: Ambrose Kendrick and McClellan Wells Lewis Bales, Circo, Dahnka, Mroz and Sottile Rutledge, City Clerk/Secretary Foley, Attorney/General Counsel Williford, City Manager/Executive Director Griffiths, Deputy Director of Public Works Ranu, Planning Manager PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG led by Mayor Mark Lewis and MOMENT OF SILENCE. (The Courts have concluded that sectarian prayer as part of City Council Meetings is not permitted under the Constitution). POSTINGS: The City Clerk posted the Agenda of the May 28, 2013, joint special meeting in accordance to State Law and Council/Agency Policy. AGENDA CHANGES: None Special Meeting: EI Cajon City Council and Planning Commission -142Minutes May 28,2013 1:30 p.m. 1.1 GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT WORKSHOP WITH RELATED DISCUSSION OF EXISTING DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 182 (Report: Planning Manager) RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council and Planning Commission • Receive staff's presentation; • Receive public comment; and • Direct Staff to proceed with the Housing Element based on City Council and Planning Commission input, notify property owners with property on the sites inventory, conduct CEQA review and schedule public hearings; and • Direct Staff to proceed with amending Downtown Specific Plan No. 182 based on the general approach outlined in the Agenda Report. DISCUSSION City Manager Williford indicates the purpose of the meeting is to discuss two interrelated, major programs of the City: the proposed amendments to Specific Plan No. 182, or the Downtown Master Plan, and the new Housing Element to the General Plan. He comments on the future direction of the Master Plan, and possible integration of a multi-use zone. Veronica Tamm, Consultant, speaks about requirements of the Housing Element, the importance of meeting the deadline for submission, and the benefits of obtaining a "State Certification" status, in order to be eligible for State funding on certain projects. Manjeet Ranu, Planning Manager, discusses the primary issues of the Housing Element, including development of a strategic plan for allocation of housing units over the next eight years, the need to change land use regulations, and the possible addition of higher density housing and "up zoning". Daryl R. Priest speaks in support of the plan presented by Staff, noting that it will provide owners some flexibility and will support quality developments. Councilmember Ambrose feels there was not enough infrastructure in the previous plan. He concurs with comments made by Mr. Priest, and commends Staff and the Planning Commission for being creative. Commissioner Bales indicates she looks forward to future quality developments as mentioned by Mr. Priest. Paul Templeton states that he owns a lot on Chambers Street and is interested in rezoning. He encourages the cleanup of EI Cajon and anything that Council can do to facilitate it. Special Meeting: EI Cajon City Council and Planning Commission -143Minutes May 28,2013 1:30 p.m. ITEM 1.1 (Continued) Eric Lund feels the City is taking a great direction and looks forward to supporting the planned improvements. Discussion ensues among Council, Staff and Planning Commissioners on the following: • Compliance with the regional housing needs allocation of 5,805 units; • The proposal to plan and zone land, prior to formulating the details of future housing developments; • Concerns expressed by Commissioner Sottile about language and terminology used in the plan; • The challenge to support both single- and multi-family housing; • Concerns about the homeless. Councilmembers thanks Staff and Planning Commissioners for their efforts on developing both plans. Planning Manager Ranu states the next Planning Commission meeting on this matter will be on August 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., and the City Council public hearing is tentatively scheduled for August 2ih at 3:00 p.m. He advises the public may submit comments in writing, and that a CEQA document will be available for review. Mayor Lewis reiterates the public can still submit comments to both Council and the Planning Division. MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY WELLS, to DIRECT STAFF to proceed with the Housing Element based on City Council and Planning Commission input, notify property owners with property on the sites inventory, conduct CEQA review and schedule public hearings; and DIRECT STAFF to proceed with amending Downtown Specific Plan No. 182 based on the general approach outlined in the Agenda Report. MOTION CARRIES BY UNANIMOUS VOTE OF THOSE PRESENT. (KENDRICK and MCCLELLAN - Absent) ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Lewis adjourned the Joint Special Meeting of the EI Cajon City Council and Planning Commission held this 28 th day of May 2013, at 2:34 p.m. KATHIE J. RUTLEDGE, CMC City Clerk/Secretary Special Meeting: EI Cajon City Council and Planning Commission -144Minutes May 28,2013 1:30 p.m. STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 24, 2013 - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 CIVIC CENTER WAY EL CAJON, CA 92020 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 SUBJECT: RAZUKI MALL - AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2169 This is a public hearing on a request to modify project phasing requirements. The subject property is addressed as 861 East Main Street. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). APN: 488-134-30 General Plan: General Commercial (GC) Zoning: General Commercial (C-G) Applicant: Haith Razuki / 619.750.2024 Project Planner: Noah Alvey / 619.441.1773 Email: [email protected] include"AMCUP2169" in Subject Line ********** ********** ********** ********** RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to adopt the proposed Resolution NO.1 0728 approving an Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 2169, subject to conditions. ********** ********** ********** ********** BACKGROUND On July 9, 2012, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 2169, authorizing the relocation of an existing legal nonconforming liquor store into a new building and the construction of new retail commercial development at the subject site. A complete project description is included in the July 9, 2012 Planning Commission staff report, which is attached to this report. The approved commercial development was authorized as a two-phase project in order to allow the continuous operation of the liquor store during construction. The phasing plan (attached) authorized the construction of Building "C", a portion of the parking lot, and the trash enclosure in Phase 1. Phase 2 included the demolition of the existing liquor store and the construction of Buildings "A" and "B" along with the remaining public and private improvements. The approving resolution (see attached Resolution No. 10696, condition 3.c) required the applicant to enter into an agreement with the City to guarantee the installation and completion of all private improvements contained in the second (final) phase of the project. Planning Commission Staff Report Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 06-24-13 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existing Conditions: The subject property is located on the southwest corner of South Mollison Avenue and East Main Street. The property is currently developed with a liquor store (Main Street Liquor). The applicant has started to perform work for the new commercial development by grading and constructing retaining walls. Project Proposal: The applicant is requesting to modify the approved project phasing requirements. Rather than providing a bond for Phase 2, the applicant is requesting to build Phase 1 and occupy the building with a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. After being granted a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant is proposing to demolish the existing liquor store and then request a final Certificate of Occupancy for Phase 1. GENERAL PLAN/CODE COMPLIANCE/FINDINGS/CEQA REVIEW The July 9,2012 Planning Commission staff report includes information regarding General Plan consistency, code compliance, required findings and CEQA review. The applicant's request to modify project phasing will not affect these portions of the previous staff report. Noticing Requirements: Notice of this public hearing was mailed on June 13, 2013, to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site, and to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090, 65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the city's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to the two public libraries in the City of EI Cajon, located at 201 East Douglas and 576 Garfield Avenue. ANALYSIS Staff believes the Commission can make all of the required findings to approve the proposed project based on the project analysis contained in the July 9, 2012 Planning Commission staff report. Staff discussed phasing and bonding requirements with the applicant and several bonding companies and discovered that it is not feasible to obtain a bond for private improvements. The current phasing condition requires that the City essentially become the developer, should the applicant fail to perform. This is not the role of the City. Since bonding is not feasible, the Planning Commission will need to adopt a new resolution in order for the project to be built in phases. -2- Planning Commission Staff Report Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 06-24-13 The applicant has proposed to link the opening of the new liquor store with the demolition of the existing store in order to guarantee that the existing store is removed. Staff believes that this is a viable option, if a Certificate of Occupancy for the new store is granted after the existing store is demolished, rather than allowing the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Staff believes that this project will benefit the community and improve the overall appearance of the existing commercial corridor. The request to modify project phasing requirements was routed for comments and no new comments were received. The Police Department did not have any concerns related to project phasing or previously approved conditions related to the sale of alcohol because of the conditions that the applicant has agreed to abide by, which address numerous policing concerns. The attached resolution includes all of the same conditions that were contained in P.C. Resolution No. 10696, except for minor corrections and the following recommended change: 3.c The liquor store shall not operate in the Building "C" until the existing building is demolished and the site is cleaned up with all necessary storm water improvements in place and grading completed, as determined by the City Engineer. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 10728 EXHIBIT A - PC Res. 10728: Standard Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT B - PC Res. 10728: Public Works Department comments dated 6-13-2012 EXHIBIT C - PC Res. 10728: Building comments dated 5-30-2012 EXHIBIT D - PC Res. 10728: Fire comments dated 5-30-2012 EXHIBIT E - PC Res. 10728: Helix Water District comments dated 6-4-2012 EXHIBIT F - PC Res. 10728: Phasing Plan 2. Application 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Project Narrative 5. July 9,2012 CUP No. 2169 Staff Report -3- AM CUP NO. 2169 Attachment 1 Proposed Reso. No.1 0728 PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10728 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2169 TO MODIFY PROJECT PHASING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EXPANSION OF A LEGAL NONCONFORMING LIQUOR STORE AND THE ADDITION OF NEW RETAIL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) ZONE, APN: 488-134-30, GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL. WHEREAS, the EI Cajon Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on June 24, 2013 to consider an Amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 2169, as submitted by Haith Razuki, requesting to modify project phasing requirements related to the expansion of a legal nonconforming liquor store and the construction of new retail commercial buildings in the General Commercial (C-G) zone, on property located on the southwest corner of South Mollison Avenue and East Main Street and addressed as 861 East Main Street; and WHEREAS, the following findings of fact have been made in regard to said conditional use permit: A. The proposed use is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with 15332, Class 32 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the CEQA Guidelines because the project is consistent with the General Commercial (GC) General Plan designation and all applicable General Plan policies as well as with the C-G zoning designation and regulations; the proposed development occurs within City limits on a project site of no more than five acres surrounded by urban uses; the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services; and none of the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines exist. B. The proposed use and new retail commercial buildings are consistent with the applicable goals, policies, and programs of the General Plan. The expanded liquor store is proposed in Building "C", adjacent to East Main Street. The store location will implement General Plan policies that seek to minimize conflicts with sensitive land uses by locating and orienting the store away from nearby residential uses. The redevelopment of the site with new retail commercial buildings will also implement several General Plan goals, policies and objectives by installing new trees and landscaping; concealing trash and loading areas to the maximum extent feasible; and by accommodating an infiltration system that is adequately sized to handle runoff at the site. C. The proposed site plan and building design are consistent with all applicable use and development standards. The proposed site plan complies with minimum Zoning Code development standards. New signs will comply with the Sign Code, if the applicant submits a master sign program that is in substantial compliance with Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 10728 the conceptual sign locations. New landscaping at the site will comply with the Water Efficient Landscape Code, if the applicant obtains approval of a landscape documentation package and installs all landscaping elements in accordance with the approved plans. The proposed building elevations are comprised of vertical and horizontal elements that consist of a mixture of exterior textures that include stucco, metal and stone veneer. The building design complies with the Zoning Code because the new structures use varied materials and textures that will upgrade the appearance of the area and will be compatible with surrounding buildings. D. The proposed use will be operated in a manner that is compatible with existing and planned land uses in the vicinity of the proposed use. The Zoning Code permits the relocation and expansion of the existing nonconforming liquor store, if the Planning Commission approves a conditional use permit. The resolution incorporates limited hours of operation that will promote compatibility of the liquor store with the surrounding properties and uses. The proposed liquor store expansion will provide additional space that will be used to display and sell produce, packaged food, and convenience items. E. The proposed use and project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, including but not limited to matters of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic. The proposed use would include liquor sales and additional retail uses. Activities at the site will occur within enclosed buildings and sufficient onsite parking will be provided. The operation of the proposed commercial shopping center will not involve equipment that generates excessive amounts of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors or hazards that may negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. Noise from the liquor store and shopping center will not exceed the performance standards contained in the Zoning Code. The redevelopment of the site will be compatible with adjacent residentially-developed properties because it incorporates a masonry block wall, with trim cap, and landscaping as a buffer. A Traffic Letter Report confirms that the proposed project will not generate excessive concentrations of traffic. F. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. This proposal will remove an outdated building and parking areas that have become degraded over the years. The proposed development is comprised of new buildings and new site improvements that will enhance the existing commercial district. The expanded store will create a convenient location for nearby residents to obtain produce, packaged food, and convenience items. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings offact stated above, the El Cajon Planning Commission hereby APPROVES the amendment of Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 to modify project phasing requirements related to the expansion of a legal nonconforming liquor store and the construction of new retail commercial buildings in the C-G zone, on the above described property, subject to the following conditions: Page 2 of6 Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 10728 1. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a revised, onepage mylar site plan to the Planning Division that reflects the following specific notes and changes: . a. Indicate that the wallon the southerly property line will be a masonry block wall . with a trim cap. b. Add the corrections and comments listed in the Public Works Department comments, Section C, dated 6-13-2012. c. Add the on-going conditions of approval listed in condition no. 4 under the heading, "Planning Notes." d. Include a floor plan for the liquor store on the final site plan. The floor plan shall reflect the following requirements: i. The alcohol display area shall not exceed 40% of the retail display area. ii. The entrance to the liquor store shall be located adjacent to East Main Street. iii. The window adjacent to East Main Street shall not be obscured by merchandise or signage. 2. In addition to complying with the notes and site configuration of the approved CUP No. 2062 site plan, the following conditions shall be satisfied: a. The applicant shall comply with all the applicable conditions listed in the "Standard Conditions of Approval" adopted by the Planning Commission in Resolution NO.1 0649, and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit A." b. The applicant shall comply with the comments from the Public Works Department as noted in the attached memo labeled "Exhibit B" and dated 6-13-2012. c. The applicant shall comply with the building comments from the Building & Fire Safety Division as noted in the attached memo labeled "Exhibit C" and dated 5-30-2012. d. The applicant shall comply with the fire comments of the Building & Fire Safety Division as noted in the attached memo labeled "Exhibit 0" and dated 5-30-2012. e. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Helix Water District as noted in the attached letter labeled "Exhibit E" and dated 6-4-2012. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the following conditions of approval shall be satisfied: a. The construction plans submitted to the Building and Fire Safety Division shall reflect the approved materials, colors and site configuration approved by the Planning Commission. b. A Landscape Documentation Package shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval. The approved landscaping and irrigation plans shall be included the construction plans. c. The liquor store shall not operate in the Building "G" until the existing building is demolished and the site is cleaned up with all necessary storm water improvements in place and grading completed, as determined by the City Engineer. Page 3 of 6 Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 10728 4. The following are ongoing conditions of approval for the term of this conditional use permit and shall be noted on the CUP site plan. a. No video or other electronic games shall be located in the liquor store. b. The liquor display area shall not exceed 40% of the retail display area, and shall be limited to the area shown on the approved CUP site plan. c. Outdoor display of merchandise is prohibited. d. The window for the liquor store adjacent to East Main Street shall remain non-obscured, with the interior of the liquor store visible at all times from outside the building. No signs or merchandise shall obscure the window at any time. e. The store shall not display for sale, trade or exchange, any airline- or "shot-" sized bottles of alcohol (50 milliliters or less) except in an area under the control of the seller's employee(s). Three acceptable methods of displaying such bottles shall be: i. In a completely enclosed cabinet or other storage device which shall be permanently affixed to a building or building structure, and which shall, at all times except during access by authorized representatives, remain securely locked. ii. In an enclosed area behind a sales or service counter which the public is not permitted to enter (within the area approved for liquor sales on the final CUP site plan). iii. In an area under the direct visual supervision of employees at all times during business hours (within the area approved for liquorsales on the final CUP site plan). f. Any alteration to the approved configuration of the floor plan on the final CUP site plan may require an amendment to the conditional use permit. g. This conditional use permit shall terminate and cease to apply to this establishment if the liquor store: i. Shall have ceased its operation for a period of 90 or more calendar days, if there is thereafter filed any application or requested transaction with the State of California, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, whereby the laws of the State of California require notice thereof to be filed with the city, and allow the filing of a protest thereon by the city (including person-to-person transfer of existing licenses). ii. Shall have ceased its operation for a period of 90 or more calendar days, and where after such 90-calendar-day period, the existing license shall have ceased to apply to such establishment. iii. Where the existing license shall have been surrendered to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a period exceeding 180 calendar days. h. Landscaping shall be routinely maintained, weeded and trimmed in a neat and orderly manner, watered and fertilized to achieve a healthy appearance; kept free of dead and/or dying plant materials, replacing plant materials as Page 4 of6 Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 10728 i. needed; and the irrigation system shall be properly maintained and operated to provide appropriate watering, and to avoid inadequate and excessive watering. The approved hours of operation for the liquor store are 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. 5. Prior to the installation of any signs, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a comprehensive sign program. The sign program shall address individual building facade mounted signs as well as the manner in which space is allocated to tenants on any freestanding signs. The sign program shall reflect a complementary and coordinated design for the shopping center. 6. The Planning Commission may at any time during the life of this use permit, after holding a properly noticed public hearing, at which time the applicant may appear and object under applicable law to any potential revocation or modification of the conditions of approval, and after considering testimony as to the operation of the approved use, revoke the permit, or modify the permit with any additional conditions as it deems necessary, to ensure that the approved use continues to be compatible with surrounding properties and continues to be operated in a manner that is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health, safety or welfare. 7. The existence of this conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder. 8. The proposed use shall be developed and operated in substantial conformance as presented in the Planning Commission staff report titled Conditional Use Permit No. 2169, dated July 9,2012, except as modified by this resolution. Operation of the use in violation of the conditions of approval is grounds for revocation. 9. If this permit is not legally exercised within two years of project approval, and a written request for an extension of time has not been received by the Planning Secretary within the same time period, and subsequently approved, this conditional use permit shall be considered null and void per EI Cajon Zoning Code Section 17.35.010. {The remainder of this page intentionally left blank} Page 5 of6 Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 10728 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon Planning Commission at a regular meeting held June 24, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Anthony Sottile, Chairman ATTEST: Manjeet RANU, AICP, Secretary Page 6 of 6 AM CUP NO.2169 ExhibitA - PC Reso. NO.1 0728 Standard Conditionsof Approval STANDARD CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT (Planning Commission Resolution No. 10649) All projects approved by the Planning Commission shall comply with the following standard conditions! unless specifically exempted by the Commission or Council. A. B. GENERAL 1. The applicant shall comply with the school impact fee requirements of the Grossmont Union High School Districts! Cajon Valley, and La Mesa-Spring Valley School Districts when applicable. 2. For projects that require a grading permit and excavate more than three feet into native soils! and prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall submit a letter to the Director of Community Development agreeing to suspend construction in the vicinity of a cultural resource encountered during development of the site! and leave the resource in place until a qualified archaeologist can examine them and determine appropriate mitigation measures. All fees and expenses for the retaining of a qualified archaeologist shall be paid by the applicant and shall not be at City expense. The applicant shall agree to comply with mitigation measures recommended by the archaeologist and approved by the Director of Community Development. PROJECT SITE 1. The applicant shall comply with all regulations and code requirements of the Building and Fire Safety Division! Public Works Department! the Police Department and any other agencies requiring review of the project. If required, these agencies shall be supplied copies of the final building and site plans. 2. All landscape areas that adjoin parking spaces! driveways! vehicular circulation areas! or the public right-of-way shall be protected from encroachment by vehicles in a manner that also complies with state storm water regulations! which require storm water to be discharged to landscaped areas in order to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants. The method of protection shall be determined by the Director of public works or the director's designee. The approved method may include six-inch high curb segments! wheel stops! decorative rock bands! or other methods determined to be acceptable by the Director of public works. 3. Environmental and engineering studies, as directed by the Director of Community Development! must be complete and on file prior to commencement to plan checking. Developer shall install off-street improvements determined necessary by the City Engineer to provide safe traffic conditions. 4. Developer shall underground existing and required on and off-site utilities as specified in Chapter 15 of the Municipal Code! or as deemed necessary by the City Engineer. C. D. 5. All development projects shall comply with Title 12 (Streets and Sidewalks), and Title 13 (Water, Sewers, Grading, Erosion and Stormwater) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code as determined by the City Engineer. 6. All retaining walls visible from public right-of-ways shall include decorative elements, subject to approval by the Planning Division. 7. The design of any masonry soundwall shall be approved by the Planning Division. Such walls shall match or be architecturally compatible with existing soundwalls of neighboring projects along that street. All masonry wallsshall have a trim cap. ARCHITECTURE 1. All exterior materials and colors used in this project shall be in conformance with the materials and color samples approved asa part of this application. 2. All mechanical, and/or roof mounted equipment shall be architecturally screened from public view. 3. All trash/recycling enclosures shall be constructed of masonry material with viewobscuring doors. The enclosure shall include materials and colors consistent with the primary building and meet appropriate Stormwater Division requirements. Required roofs shall match elements of the primary building and shall include a fascia trim. 4. All vents, gutters, downspouts, flashing, electrical conduits, etc., shall be painted or finished to match the color of the adjacent surface, unless otherwise directed by the Planning Commission. 5. Soffits and other architectural elements visible from view but not detailed on the plans shall be finished in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the exterior of the building. 6. Finish quality of approved exterior design elements shall be subject to approval of the Planning Division prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 7. Any decorative elements around the base of a building (stone veneer or tile, etc.) shall be finished with a decorative cap or trim piece. LANDSCAPING 1. Specific landscaping for screening shall have an appearance of mature growth subject to a field check and approval by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 2. All existing trees to remain shall be shown on the gradingplan. E. 3. The area under the drip line of all existing trees that are to remain shall be protected during construction by a fence or other acceptable means. Grading shall be restricted under the trees to prevent soil compaction and to prevent root damage. 4. All sloped banks greater than three (3) feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: deep-rooting grasses, ground cover and shrubs. Shrubbery shall be a minimum one-gallon size and shall have a minimum separation of one (1) times the mature width and on slopes of 10 feet or more in vertical height shall include, a minimum of one (1) tree for every 600 square feet of the total slope area. Trees shall be a minimum fivegallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 30 feet apart. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary the slope plane. Slope planting required by this condition shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 5. All landscaping shall be maintained in good growing condition. Such maintenance shall include, where appropriate, pruning, mowing, weeding, cleaning of debris and trash, fertilizing and regular watering. Whenever necessary, dead or dying plants shall be replaced with other plant materials to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscaping requirements. Required irrigation systems shall be fully maintained in . sound operating condition with heads periodically cleaned and replaced when missing to ensure continued regular watering of landscape areas, and health and vitality of landscape materials. MISCElLANEOUS 1. Final occupancy shall not be granted until all construction and landscaping is complete in accordance with all approved plans. Under certain circumstances, a temporary occupancy may be granted prior to final inspection. 2. It is the responsibility of the applicant or developer to check with each agency for requirements that may pertain to their project. 3. All signs shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval per Section 17.190.060 of the El Cajon Municipal Code. 4. The site shall be maintained in a neat and clean manner free of trash and debris. 5. Certain outdoor equipment, such as satellite dishes and back-flow prevention devices shall be Visually screened or painted to match surroundings upon installation subject to the approval of the Planning Division. Screening devices shall be shown on construction and/or landscape plans. 6. All exterior light fixtures shall be shown on a lighting plan and made part of construction drawings subject to staff review and approval. All lights attached to buildings shall provide a soft "wash" of light against the wall. All building, parking, and yard lights shall conform to the City General Development Standards 17.130.150 and Performance Standards 17.115.130 (G) and shall complement the site and building architecture. 7. The removal of trees shall not take place during the bird-nesting (breeding) season (February 1 through August 15), unless written authorization from a qualified biologist to proceed with tree removal is submitted to the Planning Division. If clearing is proposed to take place during the breeding season, a survey shall be conductedby the qualified biologist to determine if nests are present, or nest building or other breeding/nesting behavior is occurring. If nesting is not occurring (which includes nest building or other breeding/nesting behavior) within this area, clearing shall be allowed to proceed. If nesting is occurring (or breeding/nesting behavior is occurring), tree removal shall be postponed until a qualified biologist determines that all nesting (or breeding/nesting behavior) has ceased or until after August 15. 8. The placement of bollards within parking areas and driveways shall only be permitted when no other alternative design (curbs or landscaping) is feasible and accepted by the Building Official. AM CUP NO. 2169 Exhibit B - PC Reso. No. 10728 Public Works Depart. comments APN: 488-134-30 Street Name Right-or-Way Curb \ Street Class General Plan Class J I J Exist Prop Exist Prop EAST MAIN STREET 100' 100' 76' 76' PRIMARY GENERAL COMMERCIAL SOUTH MOLLISON AVENUE 84' 84' 64' 64' SECONDARY GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO: PLANNING DIVISION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: CUP 2169 LOCATION: 861 EAST MAIN STREET PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS WITH THIS ACTION A. STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS WITH THIS ACTION A-I. Add the following notes to the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Site Plan and implement the Best Management Practices as a condition of the CUP: All operations shall comply with the City's Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) and the City's Storm Water Ordinance (Municipal Code 13.10 and 16.60) to minimize or eliminate discharges of pollutants to the storm drain system. Operations shall include implementation ofBest Management Practices (BMPs) as follows: a. Only rain is permitted to enter the storm drain system. Discharges (direct or by conveyance) oftrash, debris, vehicle fluids, or wastewater (including washing fluids) to the storm drain system are strictly prohibited. b. No new food grinders (disposals) shall be installed in compliance with Municipal Code 13.38.040. c. Sweep or vacuum to clean outdoor areas (trash enclosures, sidewalks and parking lots). Power washing and the washing offloor mats in outdoor areas is strictly prohibited. d. Maintain parking area to be free from trash and petroleum leaks. e. Provide sufficient trash receptacles. f Dispose ofwastes properly. H:\PRIVATE DEV\PLANNING ACTIONS\CUP 2 J 69_86 J E. Main St.doex Page J of 4 g. All dumpsters used by this project shall have lockable lids. All lids on all dumpsters shall remain closed while dumpster is not directly in use and locked after business hours. All dumpsters shalf be properly stored inside ofa building or in a covered trash enclosure. h. All trash enclosures must be secured, covered with an impervious roof, and constructed with a berm or grade-break across the entire entrance in accordance with the requirements of Public Works Storm Water Attachment No. 2 (available to the public through Public Works on the 4th floor of City Half). i. Any food service establishment shall provide any necessary spill response kits for grease spills. The spill response kits must be available and quickly accessible to employees. Signage must be posted to clearly denote the locations ofthe kits. J. All materials must be stored in a properly covered and contained area that will not be exposed to rainwater, either directly or indirectly. k. All storm water runofftreatment control mechanisms (Low Impact Development (LID) and other treatment control BMPs) employed on the property shall be maintained to be in good working order and replaced as necessary. 1. All "No Dumping" signage shall be maintained to be legible and replaced as necessary. A template for painting the concrete or asphalt around inlets and catch basins can be provided by the City upon request. For Public Works requirements on this Planning Action please refer to the Conditions of Approval. This Site Plan may not clearly show existing or proposed improvements in the public right-of-way and should not be usedfor public improvement construction purposes." B. STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS (PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE 01" ANY BUILDING PERMIT): B-l. All building permit plans and landscaping plans shall comply with all phases of the approved Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SWMitP) and the approved Grading and Drainage Plans. a. The landscaping plans shall include a detailed cross-section for required amended loamy sand soils in the engineered treatment swale. The engineered soil section must be at least 18" in depth and span the width of the swale. Planting in this soil is allowed and encouraged, but no mulch is allowed in flow lines and a note must be included to this effect. b. Details and notes must be included to show that all final grades in all landscaped areas must be at least 2" below tributary hardscape. Final landscape grades must be 4" below all tributary drainage structures and include proper permanent erosion control devices (i.e. riprap). B-2. In accordance with the City's lot grading ordinance, no grading or soil disturbance, including clearing of vegetative matter and demolition activities, shall be done until all necessary environmental clearances are secured and an Erosion Control Plan (ECP) has been reviewed and approved by Public Works. H:\PRIVATE DEV\PLANNING ACTIONS\CUP 2169_861 E. Main St.docx Page 2 of 4 a. The approved ECP shall be included with all final building permit plan sets. The ECP shall control sediment and pollution and be in compliance with the City's 2008 Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan (JUR\t1P). The plan should show measures to ensure that pollutants and runoff from the development are reduced to the maximum extent practicable. NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLY 'WITH OR IMPLEMENT CUP CONDITIONS IS CONSIDERED A VIOLATION OF THE CITY'S JURNIP AND MAY RESULT IN A CITATION WITH MONETARY FINES, CRIMINAL CHARGES, AND/OR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. c. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT REQUIRNIENTS AND COMMENTS REQUIRED WITH THIS ACTION: C-1. Include the following on the CUP Site Plan: a. Show the existing public utilities (fire hydrant, street light, power pole, telephone box, traffic signal equipment, sewer manholes) that abut subject property along East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue on the CUP Site Plan. b. Show the new full-width sidewalks on both East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue. Also show the new curb ramp, curb return radius and modified traffic signal equipment at the southwest comer of East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue. D. PUBLIC 'VORKS COMMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS WITH THIS ACTION AND PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT: D-l. Reconstruct the existing curb return at the southwest comer of East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue to a 35-foot curb radius. Relocate the existing traffic signal equipment including, but not limited to a new traffic signal pole and equipment, the relocation of the traffic signal controller, rewire of a portion of the signal service cabinet and any related work to accommodate the new curb radius. Provide a new curb ramp on the southwest corner of East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue per San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings (SDRSD) G-27 and with a 4' x 3' truncated dome for ADA compliance. D-2. Close the existing driveways on East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue and replace with full height curb and gutter and sidewalk per SDRSD G-2, G-7, G-9, G-IO and G-ll. D-3. Reconstruct the proposed driveways on South Mollison Avenue and East Main Street per SDRSD G-26 for ADA compliance. Include 2-foot transitions on both sides of the driveways for 8" to 6" curb transitions. Edge of driveways shall be a minimum of 3-feet from the property line and all obstructions. The driveways shall be a minimum 24'/36' curb cut. Repair all damaged concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk. Relocate any existing facilities (such as utility pole and support cables) away from the transition areas as needed. H:\PRIVATE DEY\PLANNING ACTIONS\CUP 2\69_861 E. Main St.docx Page 3 of4 The driveway on East Main Street shall be signed 'Right tum only'. Also, the existing sewer manhole located in the sidewalk on East Main Street may need to be relocated to .accommodate the proposed driveway. Remove the existing utility pole to the north of the proposed driveway on South Mollison Avenue. D-4. Remove the existing sidewalk on South Mollison Avenue and replace as full width 10' sidewalk per SDRSD G-7, G-9, G-lO and G-ll. D-5. Remove and replace the sidewalk, curb and gutter on East Main Street per SDRSD G-2, G-7, G-9, G-IO and G-ll. E. GENERAL E-l. An Encroachment Permit is required for any construction work within the public right-of-way. E-2. Repair all damaged curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveway. DENNIS C. DAVIES Deputy Director of Public Works H:\PRIVATE DEV\PLANNING ACTIONS\CUP 2169_861 E. Main St.docx Page 4 of 4 AM CUP NO. 2169 Exhibit C - PC Reso. No.1 0728 BUilding comments CITY OF EI CAJON I RECEIVED I MIW 30 2012 L PLANNING DIVISION J ,.,.,.,...""'=."""_.- - _ . - MEMORANDUM Wednesday, May 30,2012 To: Planning Division From: Building and Fire Safety Div., Dan Pavao Subject: Building Comments for CUP 2169 861 E. Main St. Building Comments for this planning application are as follows: 1. Comply with Currently adopted edition of the CSC, CMC, cpe, and CEC. 2. A Building permit is required for this project. 3. Project must comply with Title 24 disabled access regulations. 4. Title 24 energy efficiency compliance and documentation is required. 5. Soils report will be required for this project. 6. A licensed design professional is required for this project. 7. An automatic sprinkler system is required by CBC or local ordinance. 8. A demolition permit and bond are required for structures being removed. 9. Undergrounding of all on-site utilities is required. 10. Address will be assigned at plan check. AM CUP NO, 2169 Exhibit D - PC Reso, No, 10728 Fire comments CITY OFEI CAJON i--RECEIVED! I! !~AV ~ {~ '>0 1'" 11. ',I u v t: tt, I,----_.---_._-_..I PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM Wednesday, May 30,2012 To: Planning Division From: Building and Fire Safety Div., Dan Pavao Subject: Fire Comments forCUP 2169 861 E. Main St. Fire Comments for this planning application are as follows: 1. This project must comply with currently adopted edition of the CFC. 2. All weather fire access road shall be available on the job site before start of canst. 3. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system is required for this project. 4. Commercial address numbers shall be visible from the street, contrasting in color from wall surface, and minimum 8 inches in size (individual suite numbers may be 3"). 5. Fire extinguisher is required. One for every 3000 s.f with max. 75 ft. travel distance. Minimum size 2A 1OBC with signage. 6. Install fire hydrants per Fire Department requirements. 7. Knox Box required. Contact Fire Department for application. Dan Pavao AM CUP NO.2169 Exhibit E - PC Reso, No. 10728 Helix Water District comments Helix Water District (619) 466-0585 FAX (619) 466·1823 Setting standards of excellence in public service RECEIVED June 4, 2012 Noah Alvey Associate Planner City of EI Cajon 200 Civic Center Way EI Cajon, CA 92020 SUbject: JUN 0' 520i2 L PLANNING DIVISION Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 APN: 488-134-30-00 861 E. Main 8t. Dear Mr. Alvey; Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subject project. Helix Water District serves the subject property with 2 - 1 inch water services. The nearest fire protection is provided by a fire hydrant near the SE corner of the property with 1-4, 2-2.5 inch outlets. Water pressure in the area is approximately 8 psi. We have reviewed and signed plans for this property in the past but construction was halted. We will require new plan submittals to review and signatures of the plans by all interested parties prior to construction beginning again. Onsite fire services and fire hydrants have been required by the fire department and are shown on the expired plans Helix signed. Backflow devices will be required for any existing water services that will be providing water to the property and shall be installed per current Water Agencies' Standards. The new backflow devices shall be tested by a certified backflow tester with a copy of the passing test results forwarded to Helix Water District attention Darrin Teisher. The owner's shall submit to us the proposed make and model of backflow device they intend to use for approval prior to the purchase or installation. They also should check with the City of EI Cajon regarding permits for the installation. If you have any questions, please call me at (619) 667-6277. Sincerely, ~ M/J1-<u' of) Chris Magi" -- C)'Senior Engineering Technician c: Ross, Anub, Perdomo - Helix Water District GIS Plat 4"RW \ ------------6"RW 8'RIN \ '---0, ; -.........:--0-----1 , _.': 2"'" B"GV __~ _ " ~e,~n" i"FH I I ,r---------....-,/ ; ·0 I I 1 I -"C '" "I' 1 :') c ... ", 5J ~1 ~! c l 'Z~/;-:-::.--!.7:5 1 1 I UJ ft· -" J J I ;;1 Gl ~l"'-.... .., t ~ -.::~ ~ i z i ::; :~':;:A ~ ! ..J ; :i i ·;C·,,~· F oa::: ,!:n ! ! c:; (J) '\ /' ! ' , :!'TRACl50 J~ 6-· Ii 197.9068 4"1=533' !'II ,'. FH i 1 II I I II 1 I i r-ie I ! , , I ,, I i , ! !'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1I - i I I PM 14239 ! ~FH I ! ! , i .. T ! . I SM ~5C60 PM In' CUP 2169, APN 488-134-30-00 861 E. MAIN ST. RFC12-017, WO 2150 Haith Razuki , 1~;:(j7 : Scale: 1":100' ! ~! : - Printed: 614/2012 '" \, \-1~,i'~ __cc ~P~r-'o>-' c , ::..=.,/. <,\, . -, GlW"" sc""... ~.)._ .. , r--_.':, __ .....,.~ ...." ..... ~I I! ==\--.: "==-'='-i \ \1 iii. ........ , .... ' t .7 I ;r- ~ 5'SX1:~TroRnM1t1 ~." :_~:~;)J;~;:~.t S' ~£JtSOKNr _LL.J2 ':!-VIo9.-rr:D_ ~-~"'"- -~- .. --~- •. - - .....- ..:;;............. .:.~ , .~. ;:i;'"'"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (.I ~' ~ _ ~ !!:....~l£~- _ I IV tit: ~ : ,j' ! . . . • r j Hj I !"lC';.:. \ ", -, ,_ ~,,:c;ro ...,,-5' ~ .rtp,.~ :j;"~'''''''''''''-'I~ :g i \-'I~J~~ \';j~0{~:::: 2 .. SIQt~t1~-r::rC#lJ.f. _.__.. i :.x)~,;St."':b::t, I .".. 11' '<' ~~ t!' T.»:;'im8L"b'Ir. f W,'STRVl:wr ,II , ! I .',.··.1 Ii i/. . ,/ i "k e rs ~t ,. ,.' t:-~::lS\ .;1 ,e!"" .,:,:. -'-",". ,,. . . . .'>-'.Ir-.:-L..'\'.i. . ..,'. _ c:: _ ··1. /,1.," '0 __ i ...'. -v • . -:.:::Y(........ - ' I: .'.1'II , .'. ' • ]:.!I\)1II 11 0'· . 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L._J ! . /"'?p. (;VI ---o-._._ ..: ;-. =~ 1 \---11-----::::'-,:::---------------- .-. '~J_.~~ \ "'_'.__._ nit' /-:::;c:C."'.."""' . . .J.',~i}.!::f~ ' " """ICSC""-=: <,...... , , ~--"---c ) Iii' I I'/S1"t:Olt ,._- :1\;-; I ; , e...n: ,l.~evo\l. lX~Il" f;!t,..~!l":'_ • ~oo.ll",~ TlQ,ll f7-l': _.-- STMAIN STREET OF _f! _._ SHE2:iS t.NGiNt(R;;~o;V;sir.lii7:il-1<0 CUP NO,2169 8£2 ----------,H';-;;"W"'".D. RCG&!ved 5·17-12 w.o. 21;,0 cuP 20El AM CUP NO. 2169 Attachment 2 Application community Development Department Planning Division DISCRETIONARY PERMIT APPLICATION City of EI Cajon Type of Discretionary Permit(s) Requested DAZP D Specific Plan !2cup DLLA DTSM DTPM DpUD DZR DpRD DVAR D Other: Applicant Information (the individual or entity proposing to carry out the project; not for consultants) Company Name: _Hp\,tb Contact Name: ~z{O._-'=k--...LIS-'-'--1. ~~CL-j E?61 £: M "-I;" 610/- 250 ~ 21)2. If Address: Phone: Interest in Property: 5' + _ _ {£ / CA jt>YI o Lease !Rl Own 1202 ('A 0 (7 Option Project Representative Information (if different than applicant; consultant information here) Company Name: Contact Name: Address: C,'ef- tiiet>e. -G. en e J0 "'('otA€ C t-eP~ (tdi_~ :s 2- 5' C,,-,I-,I~2,--1.=--6,--· _ + V t' s ~ ~2~ {re 1'1 1-0 ----1.0 (/i,( /( w ()... y 858-filf7-Q)OO Phone: License: A(Cl11'+e~·t- Email: , _ _~e.r&Ct.eet>-{OI. . €..COM Property Owner Information (if different than applicant) Company Name: Jd~tJJ_~ vJ<. ,-'-' Contact Name: LC\L+!A _ Address: 116/ b f1~_5"7L Phone: 6'/1- 72 {;. - 020} 200 Civic Center Way _ ~ l>~ki k l ' Email: C~JDV1 C A 92020 _R JJ(}.( ~th CO tlo7m rAr'/ <:011-1 £/ I [I Cajon I California I 92020 I 619-441-1742 Main I 619-441-1743 Fax Project Location Parcel Number (APN): Address: Nearest Intersection: 488~/Jf.,/- 50- ~61 £ Mr;..IA 57 I 1£/ C~"j)1? C A J, mn&lS'tW frVf NV'tJ { f}j!rJ1'f S77<E'Pt Project Description (or attach separate narrative) See Hazardous Waste and Substances Statement Section 65962,5(f) of the State of California Government Code requires that before the City of EI Cajon accepts as complete an application for any discretionary project, the applicant submit a signed statement indicating whether or not the project site is identified on the State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. This list identifies known sites that have been subject to releases of hazardous chemicals, and is available at http:/ Check the appropriate box and if applicable, provide the necessary information: The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application: '~.)s/are NOT contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. is/are contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. If yes, provide Regulatory Identification Number: Date of List: _ o =-_ APPlicantSignature"?-==-4_~=c Authorization Property Owner Sign 1. ~ : e: c;~~-- __ Date: Date: r 17·-/2~ S--/2-IL Applicant's Signature: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information iscorrect, and that I am the property owner, authorized agent of the property owner, or other person having a legal right, interest, or entitlement to the use of the property that is the subject of this application. I understand that the applicant is responsible for knowing and complying with the governing policies and regulations applicable to the proposed development or permit. The City is not liable for any damages or loss resulting from the actual or alleged failure to inform the applicant of any applicable laws or regulations, including before or during final inspections. City approval of a permit application, including all related plans and documents, is not a grant of approval to violate any applicable policy or regulation, nor does it constitute a waiver by the City to pursue any remedy, which maybe availableto enforce and correct violations of the applicable policies and regulations. I authorize representatives of the City to enter the subject property for inspection purposes. 2. Property Owner's Signature: If not the same as the applicant, property owner must also sign. A Signed, expressed letter of consent to this application may be provided separately instead of signing this application form. By signing, property owner acknowledges and consents to all authorizations, requirements, conditions and notices described in this application. Notice of Restriction: property owner further acknowledges and consents to a Notice of Restriction being recorded on the title to their property related to approval of the requested permit. A Notice of Restriction runs with the land and binds any successors in interest. AM CUP NO. 2169 Attachment 3 Disclosure Statement Community Development Department Planning Division City of El Cajon DISCLOSVRE STATEMENi Disclosu re Statement This statement is intended to identify and avoid potential conflicts of interest that may exist between the project proponents and the decision makers; including City staft Planning Commissioners, and City Council members. The following information must be disclosed: 1. List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. H~I '.(4 «. f>.Z4 Ie, ( ~_._ _ 50. f", M &0'- Z C1. Ie, '.__ list the names and address of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. 2. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a corporation or partnership, listthe names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a trust, list the name and address of any person serving as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of the trust. '---~---'---- 200 Civic Center Way I EI Cajon I California 192020 I 619-44-1-1742 Main I 619-441-1743 Fax 4. Have you or your agents transacted more than $500.00 worth of business with a~Y member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and Council within the past 12 months or $1,000.00 with the spouse of any such person? Yes _ _ No vi': If yes, please indicate personts), dates, and amounts of such transactions or gifts. "Person" is defined as "Any individual, proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, business trust, company, corporation, association, committee, and any other ~.o. rg:;.zat. ;= or group 0 0.0 f pe_rs_o?ns acting in concert.~:OV'\ Code §82047. ~ rrcA.fih f:?\ZU NOTE: Attach appropriate names on additional pages as necessary. , Sf AM CUP NO. 2169 Attachment 4 Project Narrative April 30, 2013 Noah Alvey City of El Cajon 200 Civic Center Way EI Cajon, CA 92020 Re: Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 (P.C Resolution No. 10696) Noah Alvey: The purpose of this letter is to request that the Community Development Department issue the following permits for construction at the southwest comer of East Main St. and S. Mollison Ave.: Phase No.1: BP 2012-360 (120 S. Mollison Ave.) Phase No.2: BP 2012-361 (110 S. Mollison Ave.) P.c. Resolution No. 10696, Condition 3.c (attached) requires that the City Attorney approve a bond or trust agreement guaranteeing the improvements in Phase No.2 prior to the issuance of building permits for the project, Unfortunately, we have not been unable to obtain a bond that will guarantee the improvements in Phase No.2. In order to retain project financing it is urgent that construction commence immediately. We are requesting that permits for Phase No.1 and Phase No. 2 be issued simultaneously and that the project continue as a single phase project. We fully understand and acknowledge that the entire project will need to be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate or Occupancy for any of the buildings, unless the Planning Commission approves a change to condition 3.c of P.c. Resolution No. 10696, Condition 3.c. If the Community Development Department approves the issuance of building permits for the project, we would like to request that the Planning Commission reconsider condition 3.c of P.c. Resolution No. 10696. In order to guarantee the project will be completed, we respectfully request that we be allowed to occupy Phase No.1 (120 S. Mollison Ave.) with a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. After being granted a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, we will demolish the existing liquor store and then request a final Certificate of Occupancy for 120 S. Mollison Ave. By authorizing this change in project phasing we believe that we are providing a guarantee to the Planning Commission that the project will be completed. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there are alternative solutions that would allow the construction to commence immediately. Haith Razuki Property Owner Attachment: P.e. Resolution No. 10696 AM CUP NO. 2169 Attachment 5 July 9, 2012 StaffReport STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 9, 2012 ·7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 CIVIC CENTER WAY EL CAJON, CA 92020 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2169 - RAZUKI MALL This is a public hearing on a request to expand an existing legal nonconforming liquor store and to construct new retail commercial buildings. The subject property is addressed as 861 East Main Street. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). APN: General Plan: Zoning: Applicant: Project Planner: Email: 488-134-30 General Commercial (GC) General Commercial (C-G) Haith Razuki /619.750.2024Noah Alvey / 619.441.1773 [email protected] and include "CUP 2169" in Subject Line. ********** ********** ********** ********** RECOMMENDED ACTiON: Move to adopt the proposed Resolution No.1 0696 approving Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2169, subject to conditions. ********** ********** ********** ********** BACKGROUND On August 24, 2008 the Planning Comrnission reviewed and approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 2062. The request was substantially similar to the current request and included the relocation of the legal nonconforming liquor store into a new building and the construction of new retail commercial space at the site. The CUP approval expired on August 4, 2010, because the applicant did not secure building permits and commence construction at the site. PROJECT DESCRIPTIO_~ Existing Conditions: The subject property is located on the southwest corner of South Mollison Avenue and East Main Street. The property is currently developed with a 2,079square foot liquor store (Main Street Liquor), two small parking areas and the remainder of the site is vacant. The property is almost completely flat with approximately 154 feet of Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 frontage on East Main Street and 227 feet of frontage on South Mollison Avenue, and a total lot area of 35,029 sq. ft. (or 0.80 ac.). Currently, the liquor store is open daily from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. The uses in the area surrounding the subject property are mixed. North of the site, across East Main Street, there is a furniture store that is located in the General Commercial (C-G) zone. South of the site there is an unimproved alley and apartments located in the MultipleFamily (RM-1500) zone. East of the site, across South Mollison Avenue, there is an auto parts store and a social club that are located in the General Commercial (C-G) zone. West of the site there is a thrift store and detached residential units that are also located in the General Commercial (C-G) zone. Project Proposal: This applicant is proposing to demolish the existing 2,079 sq. ft. liquor store and construct three new retail buildings (depicted as Buildings "A", "B" and "C") that have a combined area of 10,770 sq. ft. Building "A" will be located on the corner of East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue and Building "B" will be located to the south of Building "A", adjacent to South Mollison Avenue. Building "C" will be approximately 6,700 sq. ft. and will be located along the westerly property line. Parking areas are located between the buildings. There are a total of 44 proposed parking spaces. Two driveways provide access to the parking areas on the subject site. The first driveway is located on East Main Street between Buildings "A" and "C". The second driveway is located to the south of Building "B" and provides access to S. Mollison Avenue. The parking areas and driveways will be separated from the residentially zoned property to the south by a six-foot-high masonry wall, with trim cap. The proposed site plan indicates landscaping in the exterior setbacks and dispersed throughout the site. The applicant is proposing to re-establish the existing liquor store within Building "C" in the tenant space closest to East Main Street. The applicant is requesting to have the liquor store be located within a larger store that will also sell produce, packaged food, and convenience items. The proposed store will be approximately 4,308 sq. ft. The first floor will include the liquor sales area, produce, packaged food, and convenience items and will be 3,296 sq. ft. The area devoted to liquor sales will be approximately 1,318 sq. ft. or 40% of the display area. While this is less than the size of the existing liquor store, the overall retail space is larger and co-mingled with the liquor sales. Therefore, it is considered an expansion of a legal nonconforming use. The applicant is also proposing to have a mezzanine, which will be approximately 1,012 sq. ft. The mezzanine will include storage, office and accounting space for the store. The applicant has proposed that the store be open daily from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m., which are the same hours of operation as the existing liquor store. - 2- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 The buildings at the site will be tied together in color, texture and detail. The body of the buildings will be a light beige and will be accented by columns that will be a dark magenta with a stone veneer base. The columns will support cantilevered metal canopies that will provide shade during the day and will accommodate lighting during the night. The buildings will be capped with dark brown stucco pop-out accents that will add a horizontal detail to the building facades. GENERAL PLAN/CODE COMPLIANCE General Plan: The General Plan land use designation for the subject property is GC. This designation is intended to provide for general shopping or service needs and for uses not typically found in regional shopping centers. These commercial developments are often along major streets and are sometimes called "strip commercial" areas. The proposed site improvements comply with the following General Plan goals and policies for commercial development: 1-1.1. Adequate landscaped off-street parking areas shall be provided for all commercial areas and they shall be properly maintained. 1-1.2. Numerous trees and ample landscaping shall be used around and within commercial areas to break up the monotonous and barren look of parking areas. The proposed project will provide additional landscaping along E. Main Street and S. Mollison Avenue and throughout the parking area. The applicant will be required to submit a landscaping and irrigation plan that has been prepared in accordance with the water efficient landscape provisions contained in the Zoning Code. 8-10.1. The City shalf minimize the amount of impervious surfaces and directly connected impervious surfaces in areas of new development and redevelopment. Where feasible, the City will insure that new development or redevelopment slows runoff and maximizes on-site infiltration of runoff. The applicant's proposal includes an infiltration system that is adequately sized to handle runoff at the site. The system will be integrated into the landscaping adjacent to building areas at the site and will include a vegetated swale adjacent to Building "A". 9-4.3. Commercial establishments shalf be carefully integrated with the surrounding area. Conflicts with residential or other sensitive land uses should be minimized. -3- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 9-4.7. Loading docks, trash collection areas, equipment storage including roof equipment and other unsightly areas shall be concealed from sight. 9-4.9. Commercial uses shall be buffered from surrounding streets and uses by means of curbs, islands, landscaping, fencing and/or back-up development. The proposed project will accommodate loading and trash collection in the southwesterly corner of the site, which willlirnit visibility from the public right of way. Landscaping and a six-foot-high masonry wall will separate the development from the apartments to the south. Zoning: The proposed project is consistent with the C-G zoning regulations, which govern development on the project site. The following table shows the applicable regulations and policy guidelines used by staff in this review. Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Lot Area 35,029 s . ft. None Lot Width None . 1_53 ft...:-. Front Yard* 10ft. 1 ft. Interior Side Yard None None ._-------j Street Side Yard* 10ft. 10 ft. .-=..:.-=---'-''------+-------------j--------~ Rear Yard None to commercial & 10ft. 10ft. to residential ._------+--------------+-35 ft. Maximum Buildin ht 29 ft. 1 :250 for first 10,000 sq. ft., Parking Proposed buildings 1:300 for next 15,000 sq. ft. (10,770 sq. ft.) 43 spaces required 44 spaces provided Exceeds minimum Minimum Site Landscaping Exterior yards & 10 sq. ft. per l.-.-Lp_a_r_ki~~~~~____'___ ° -j * Minimum front and street side yards must be landscaped for the full depth of the required yard. [EI Cajon Municipal Code (ECMC) Section 17.195.100] The applicant's proposed site plan does not allocate a sufficient number of parking spaces to accommodate eating and drinking establishments on the subject site. Any potential eating and drinking establishments would be limited to take-out only, unless future uses and time of occupancy are restricted to make available the necessary parking for restaurants. Design Guidelines: The proposed buildings must be measured against the architectural guidelines contained in Chapter 17. t 80 of the Zoning Code. The intent and purpose of the -4- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 guidelines is to improve the appearance of buildings in the community, using quality and compatibility with surroundings as primary considerations. Section 17.180.040 of the Zoning Code states that "visual interest should be provided by means of variations in building details, form, materials, and color." The proposed building elevations are comprised of vertical and horizontal elements that consist of a mixture of exterior textures that include stucco, metal and stone veneer. The proposed elevations also include conceptual sign locations, which have good proportions and good relationships to one another and to building entrances. The draft resolution requires the applicant to submit a master sign program for shopping center. The cantilevered metal canopies that mark building entrance points will be equipped with lighting. The building elevations also include lights that will illuminate the accent columns. The proposed lights are directed down onto the private sidewalk so that they do not create a nuisance on any other properties. The conceptual landscaping plan includes a mixture of trees, shrubs and groundcover. Proposed trees are located in the exterior setback and dispersed throughout the parking area. The landscaping plan also accommodates a storm water infiltration area that does not detract from the overall landscaping design. Nonconforming Uses: A liquor store is permitted in the C~G zone, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. In order to establish a DJ?W off-sale alcohol establishment, it must be located a minimum distance of 600 feet away from a residentially-zoned property. Since the subject site is currently developed with a legal off-sale alcohol establishment that does not have a valid CUP and because it is located within 600 ft. of a residentially zoned property, it is considered a legal nonconforming use. Zoning Code Section 17.120.050 states, "Nonconforming uses and nonconforming structures occupied by nonconforming uses may be expanded on the same parcel, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit by the planning commission. The planning commission may grant the request, grant the request with modification, or deny the request. The planning commission may require as a condition of approval that a specific termination date be set for the use and/or structure being expanded." Alcohol Sales: Chapter 17.210.080 of the Zoning Code includes special operating conditions of approval for an alcohol sales establishment. These regulations apply to the sales and display of airline- or "shot-" sized bottles of alcohol, as well as the use of video games within the store. The draft resolution is written to incorporate these regulations. -5- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 In considering the approval of a conditional use permit for the expansion of the nonconforming liquor store, the Planning Commission may consider the following: A. The amount of existing or proposed off-street parking facilities, and the distance of such parking facilities from the proposed establishment; B. Hours of operation of the proposed establishment; C. The combination of uses proposed within the proposed establishment; D. The crime rate within the police district where the proposed establishment would be located as compared to the crime rate city- wide; provided that no permit is denied solely upon the basis of such crime rate if it does not exceed specified averages set forth by state law; E. The total area of all window signs (painted or electric) shall not exceed 33.3 percent of the total window area of the establishment; F. Whether there is an over-concentration of such businesses within the census tract in which the sale of alcoholic beverages is being proposed; G. Such other considerations as in the judgment of the planning commission are necessary to assure compliance with the purpose and intent of this title. The proposed redevelopment of the site complies with current parking standards. The applicant is not proposing to alter the existing hours of operation for the liquor store and staff has not received any recent complaints concerning the existing liquor store. The combination of uses is not expected to create problems because the store expansion will allow for the sale of produce, packaged food and convenience items. Staff solicited comments from the Police Department regarding this request. The Police Department did not express objections to the relocation of the existing liquor store, although the crime rate within the district where the existing liquor store is located is higher than the crime rate for the overall city. The business is located in a Census Tract that does not have an overconcentration of alcohol outlets. The existing store currently sells tobacco products and has a valid Tobacco Retailers License. Phasing: The applicant is requesting to phase construction activities. Phasing the redevelopment of the site will allow the continuous operation of the liquor store during construction. The applicant is proposing to construct Building "C", a portion of the parking lot, and the trash enclosure in Phase 1. The applicant will then demolish the existing liquor store and then construct Buildings "A" and "B" in Phase 2. The proposed resolution -6- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 recommends that the applicant enter into an agreement with the City to guarantee the installation and completion of all private improvements contained in Phase 2. The agreement must be in the form of a bond or trust agreement. In order to determine the amount of the bond or trust agreement, the applicant must submit separate cost estimates for private improvements being deferred to Phase 2. The separate cost estimates must include the cost of demolishing the existing liquor store, the construction of Buildings "A" and "B", parking lot improvements, and landscapinglirrigation. Required Findings: In order for the Commission to approve the proposed project, the Commission must be able to make the following findings: A. The proposed use is consistent with applicable goals, policies, and programs of the general plan, and with any applicable specific plan; B. The proposed site plan and building design are consistent with all applicable use and development standards; C. The proposed use will be operated in a manner that is compatible with existing and planned land uses in the vicinity of the proposed use; D. The proposed use and project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, including but not limited to matters of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations oftraffic; and E. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. CEQA: The proposed project is exempt from environmental review in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32 of CEQA Guidelines. Class 32 allowsinfill development projects to be exempt provided that all of the following conditions are met: A. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations. B. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no morethan five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. C. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. D. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. -7- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 E. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The proposed project meets all of the above criteria and can found categorically exempt from CEQA Guidelines in accordance with Section 15332, Class 32. None of the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines exist. Noticing Requirements: Notice of this public hearing was mailed on June 28, 2012, to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site, and to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090,65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the city's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." The notice was also mailed to the two public libraries in the City of El Cajon, located at 201 East Douglas and 576 Garfield Avenue. . ANALYSIS Staff believes the Commission can make all of the required findings to approve the proposed project based on the following project analysis. The proposed use and new retail commercial buildings are consistent with the applicable goals, policies, and programs of the General Plan. The expanded liquor store is proposed in Building "C", adjacent to East Main Street. The store location will implement General Plan policies that seek to minimize conflicts with sensitive land uses by locating and orienting the store away from nearby residential uses. The redevelopment of the site with new retail commercial buildings will also implement several General Plan goals, policies and objectives by installing new trees and landscaping; concealing trash and loading areas to the maximum extent feasible; and by accommodating an infiltration system that is adequately sized to handle runoff at the site. The proposed site plan and building design are consistent with all applicable use and development standards. The proposed site plan complies with minimum Zoning Code development standards, but it does not allocate a sufficient number of parking spaces to accommodate sit-down restaurants. Any eating and drinking establishments proposed at the site will have to be take-out only, unless future uses and time of occupancy are restricted to make available the necessary parking for restaurants. The proposed bUilding elevations include conceptual sign locations, which have good proportions and good relationships to one another and to building entrances. New signs will comply with the Sign Code, if the applicant submits a master sign program that is in substantial compliance with the conceptual sign locations. The cantilevered metal canopies that mark building entrance points will be equipped with lighting. The building elevations also include lights that will illuminate the accent columns. Tile proposed lights are directed down onto the private -8- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 sidewalk so that they do not create a nuisance on any other properties. The conceptual landscaping plan for the site includes a mixture of trees, shrubs and groundcover. Proposed trees are located in the exterior setback and dispersed throughout the parking area. New landscaping at the site will comply with the Water Efficient Landscape Code, if the applicant obtains approval of a landscape documentation package and installs all landscaping elements in accordance with the approved plans. The proposed building elevations are comprised of vertical and horizontal elements that consist of a mixture of exterior textures that include stucco, metal and stone veneer. The building design complies with the Zoning Code because the new structures use varied materials and textures that will upgrade the appearance of the area and will be compatible with surrounding buildings. The proposed use will be operated in a manner that is compatible with existing and planned land uses in the vicinity of the proposed use. The Zoning Code permits the relocation and expansion of the existing nonconforming liquor store, if the Planning Commission approves a conditional use permit. The draft resolution incorporates limited hours of operation that will promote compatibility of the store with surrounding properties and uses. The proposed store expansion will provide additional space to display and sell produce, packaged food, and convenience items. Section 17.120.050 of the Zoning Code allows the Planning Commission to require that a specific termination date be set for the nonconforming liquor store as a condition of approval for the expansion. Staff does not find that circumstances exist to warrant a termination date for the liquor store, due to the nature and extent of the expansion. Therefore, the standard termination provisions for liquor stores contained in Zoning Code Section 17.210.050 have been included as conditions of approval. The proposed use and project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, including but not limited to matters of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic. The proposed use would include liquor sales and additional retail uses. Activities at the site will occur within enclosed buildings and sufficient onsite parking will be provided. The operation of the proposed commercial shopping center will not involve equipmentthat generates excessive amounts of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors or hazards that may negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. Noise from the liquor store and shopping center will not exceed the performance standards contained in the Zoning Code. The redevelopment of the site will be compatible with adjacent residentially developed properties because it incorporates a masonry block wall, with trim cap, and landscaping as a buffer. The applicant has submitted a Traffic Letter Report indicating that the proposed project will not generate excessive concentrations of traffic. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. This proposal will remove an outdated building and parking areas that have become degraded -9- Planning Commission Staff Report Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 07-09-12 over the years. The proposed development, which is comprised of new buildings and new infrastructure (landscaping, parking, lighting, etc.), will enhance the existing commercial district. The expanded liquor store will create a convenient location for nearby residents to obtain produce, packaged food, and convenience items. The attached resolution incorporates changes recommended above by staff. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 10696 EXHIBIT A - PC Res. 10696: Standard Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT B - PC Res. 10696: Public Works Department comments dated 6-13-2012 EXHIBIT C - PC Res. 10696: Building comments dated 5-30-2012 EXHIBIT D - PC Res. 10696: Fire comments dated 5-30-2012 EXHIBIT E - PC Res. 10696: Helix Water District comments dated 6-4-2012 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Application Disclosure Statement Project Narrative Aerial Photograph Public Hearing Notice Reduced Site Plan Reduced Building Elevations Reduced Phasing Plans 10. Police Department comments dated 6-4-2012 11. Full-sized plans & Materials (Commissioner's Binders) - 10- cuP No. 2169 Attachment 1 Proposed Reso.No. 10696 PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.1 0696 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USEPERMIT NO. 2169 FOR THE EXPANSION OF A LEGAL NONCONFORMING LIQUOR STORE AND THE ADDITION OF NEW RETAIL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS IN THE GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-G) ZONE, APN: 488-134-30, GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: GENERAL COMMERCIAL. WHEREAS, the EI Cajon Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on July 9, 2012 to consider Conditional Use Permit No. 2169, as submitted by Haith Razuki, requesting to expand a legal nonconforming liquor store and to construct new retail commercial buildings in the General Commercial (C-G) zone, on property located on the southwest corner of South Mollison Avenue and East Main Street and addressed as 861 East Main Street; and WHEREAS, the following findings of fact have been made in regard to said conditional use permit: A. The proposed use is categorically exempt from environmental review in accordance with 15332, Class 32 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the CEQA Guidelines because the project is consistent with the General Commercial (GC) General Plan designation and all applicable General Plan policies as well as with the C-G zoning designation and regulations; the proposed development occurs within City limits on a project site of no more than five acres surrounded by urban uses; the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, orwater quality; the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services; and none of the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines exist. B. The proposed use and new retail commercial buildings are consistent with the applicable goals, policies, and programs of the General Plan. The expanded liquor store is proposed in Building "C", adjacent to East Main Street. The store location will implement General Plan policies that seek to minimize conflicts with sensitive land uses by locating and orienting the store away from nearby residential uses. The redevelopment of the site with new retail commercial buildings will also implement several General Plan goals, policies and objectives by installing new trees and landscaping; concealing trash and loading areas to the maximum extent feasible; and by accommodating an infiltration system that is adequately sized to handle runoff at the site. c. The proposed site plan and building design are consistent with all applicable use and development standards. The proposed site plan complies with minimum Zoning Code development standards. New signs will comply with the Sign Code, if the applicant submits a master sign program that is in substantial compliance with the conceptual sign locations. New landscaping at the site will comply with the Planning Commission Resolution No. 10696 Water Efficient Landscape Code, if the applicant obtains approval of a landscape documentation package and installs all landscaping elements in accordance with the approved plans. The proposed building elevations are comprised of vertical and horizontal elements that consist of a mixture of exterior textures that include stucco, metal and stone veneer. The building design complies with the Zoning Code because the new structures use varied materials and textures that will upgrade the appearance of the area and will be compatible with surrounding buildings. D. The proposed use will be operated in a manner that is compatible with existing and planned land uses in the vicinity of the proposed use. The Zoning Code permits the relocation and expansion of the existing nonconformi n9 liquor store, if the Planning Commission approves a conditional use permit. The draft resolution incorporates limited hours of operation that will promote compatibility of the liquor store with the surrounding properties and uses. The proposed liquorstore expansion will provide additional space that will be used to display and sell produce, packaged food, and convenience items. E. The proposed use and project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, including but not limited to matters of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibration, odors, and hazards or excessive concentrations of traffic. The proposed use would include liquor sales and additional retail uses. Activities at the site will occur within enclosed buildings and sufficient onsite parking will be provided. The operation of the proposed commercial shopping center will not involve equipment that generates excessive amounts of noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors or hazards that may negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. Noise from the liquor store and shopping center will not exceed the performance standards contained in the Zoning Code. The redevelopment of the site will be compatible with adjacent residentially-developed properties because it incorporates a masonry block wall, with trim cap, and landscaping as a buffer. A Traffic Letter Report confirms that the proposed projectwill not generate excessive concentrations of traffic. F. The proposed use is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity. This proposal will remove an outdated building and parking areas that have become degraded over the years. The proposed development is comprised of new buildings and new site improvements that will enhance the existing cornmercial district. The expanded store will create a convenient location for nearby residents to obtain produce, packaged food, and convenience items. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings of fact stated above, the EI Cajon Planning Commission hereby APPROVES Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 for the expansion of a legal nonconforming liquor store and the addition of new retail commercial buildings in the C-G zone, on the above described property, subject to the following conditions: I Page 2 of 6 Planning Commission Resolution NO.1 0696 1. Prior to the issuance of bUilding permits, the applicant shall submit a revised, onepage mylar site plan to the Planning Division that reflects the following specific notes and changes: a. Indicate that the wall on the southerly property line will be a masonry block wall with a trim cap and that it will be a light sandstone stucco to match the primary building color. b. Add the corrections and comments listed in the Public Works Department comments, Section C, dated 6-13-2012. c. Add the on-going conditions of approval listed in condition no. 4 under the heading, "Planning Notes." d. Include a floor plan for the liquor store on the final site plan. The floor plan shall reflect the following requirements: i. The alcohol display area shall not exceed 40% of the retail display area. ii. The entrance to the liquor store shall be located adjacent to East Main Street. iii. The window adjacent to East Main Street shall not be obscured by merchandise or signage. 2. In addition to complying with the notes and site configuration of the approved CUP No. 2062 site plan, the following conditions shall be satisfied: a. The applicant shall comply with all the applicable conditions listed in the "Standard Conditions of Approval" adopted by the Planning Commission in Resolution NO.1 0649, and attached to this resolution as "Exhibit A." b. The applicant shall comply with the comments from the Public Works Department as noted in the attached memo labeled "Exhibit B" and dated 6-13-2012. The applicant shall comply with the building comments from the Building & c. Fire Safety Division as noted in the attached memo labeled "Exhibit C" and dated 5-30-2012. d. The applicant shall comply with the fire comments of the Building & Fire Safety Division as noted in the attached memo labeled "Exhibit D" and dated 5-30-2012. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Helix Water District e. as noted in the attached letter labeled "Exhibit E" and dated 6-4-2012. 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the following conditions of approval shall be satisified: a. The construction plans submitted to the Building and Fire Safety Division shall reflect the approved materials, colors and site configuration approved by the Planning Commission. b. A Landscape Documentation Package shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval. The approved landscaping and irrigation plans shall be included the construction plans. c. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City to guarantee the installation and completion of all private improvements contained in Phase 2. Page 3 of 6 Planning Commission Resolution No. 10696 The agreement must be in the form of a bond or trust agreement that is subject to review and approval by the City. In order to determine the amount of the bond or trust agreement, the applicant must submit separate cost estimates for the deferred private improvements. The cost estimates are subject to review and approval by the City based on accepted industry standard cost estimating practices and methods and must include the cost of demolishing the existing liquor store, the construction of Buildings "A" and "B", parking lot improvements, and landscaping/irrigation. 4. The following are ongoing conditions of approval for the term of this conditional use permit and shall be noted on the CUP site plan. a. No video or other electronic games shall be located in the liquor store. b. The liquor display area shall not exceed 40% of the retail display area, and shall be limited to the area shown on the approved CUP site plan. c. Outdoor display of merchandise is prohibited. d. The window for the liquor store adjacent to East Main Street shall remain open to view at all times. No signs or merchandise shall obscure the window at any time. e. The store shall not display for sale, trade or exchange, any airline- or "shot-" sized bottles of alcohol (50 milliliters or less) except in an area under the control of the seller's employee(s). Three acceptable methods of displaying such bottles shall be: i. In a completely enclosed cabinet or other storage device which shall be permanently affixed to a building or building structure, and which shall, at all times except during access by authorized representatives, remain securely locked. ii. In an enclosed area behind a sales or service counter which the public is not permitted to enter (within the area approved for liquor sales on the final CUP site plan). iii. In an area under the direct visual supervision of employees at all times during business hours (within the area approved for liquor sales on the final CUP site plan). f. Any alteration to the approved configuration of the floor plan on the final CUP site plan may require an amendment to the conditional use permit. g. This conditional use permit shall terminate and cease to apply to this establishment if the liquor store: i. Shall have ceased its operation for a period of 90 or more calendar days, if there is thereafter filed any application or requested transaction with the State of California, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Whereby the laws of the State of California require notice thereof to be filed with the city, and allow the filing of a protest thereon by the city (including person-to-person transfer of existing licenses). Page 4 of 6 Planning Commission Resolution No.1 0696 ii. h. i. Shall have ceased its operation for a period of 90 or more calendar days, and where after such 90-cafendar-day period, the existing license shall have ceased to apply to such establishment. iii. Where the existing license shall have been surrendered to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for a period exceeding 180 calendar days. Landscaping shall be routinely maintained, weeded and trimmed in a neat and orderly manner, watered and fertilized to achieve a healthy appearance; kept free of dead and/or dying plant materials, replacing plant materials as needed; and the irrigation system shall be properly maintained and operated to provide appropriate watering, and to avoid inadequate and excessive watering. The approved hours of operation for the liquor store are 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. 5. Prior to the installation of any signs, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of a comprehensive sign program. The sign program shall address individual building facade mounted signs as well as the manner in which space is allocated to tenants on any freestanding signs. The sign program shall reflect a complementary and coordinated design for the shopping center. 6. The Planning Commission may at any time during the life of this use permit, after holding a properly noticed public hearing, at which time the applicant may appear and object under applicable law to any potential revocation or modification of the conditions of approval, and after considering testimony as to the operation of the approved use, revoke the permit, or modify the permit with any additional conditions as it deems necessary, to ensure that the approved use continues to be compatible with surrounding properties and continues to be operated in a manner that is in the best interest of public convenience and necessity and will not be contrary to the public health, safety or welfare. 7. The existence of this conditional use permit shall be recorded with the County Recorder. 8. The proposed use shall be developed and operated in substantial conformance as presented in the Planning Commission staff report titled Conditional Use Permit No. 2169, dated July 9, 2012, except as modified by this resolution. Operation of the use in violation of the conditions of approval is grounds for revocation. 9. If this permit is not legally exercised within two years of project approval, and a written request for an extension of time has not been received by the Planning Secretary within the same time period, and subsequently approved, this conditional use permit shall be considered null and void per EI Cajon Zoning Code Section 17.35.010. Page 5 of 6 Planning Commission Resolution NO.1 0696 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon Planning Commission at a regular meeting held JUly 9,2012, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Darrin J. MROZ, Chairman ATTEST: Manjeet RANU, AICP, Secretary Page 6 of 6 cUP No. 2169 Exhibit A - PC Reso. 10696 Standard Conditions ofDevelopment STANDARD CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT (Planning Commission Resolution No. 10649) All projects approved by the Planning Commission shall comply with the following standard conditions, unless specifically exempted by the Commission or Council. A. B. GENERAL 1. The applicant shall comply with the school impact fee requirements of the Grossmont Union High School Districts, Cajon Valley, and La Mesa-Spring Valley School Districts when applicable. 2. For projects that require a grading permit and excavate more than three feet into native soils, and prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall submit a letter to the Director of Community Development agreeing to suspend construction in the vicinity of a cultural resource encountered during development of the site, and leave the resource in place until a qualified archaeologist can examine them and determine appropriate mitigation measures. All fees and expenses for the retaining of a qualified archaeologist shall be paid by the applicant and shall not be at City expense. The applicant shall agree to comply with mitigation measures recommended by the archaeologist and approved by the Director of Community Development. PROJECT SITE 1. The applicant shall comply with all regulations and code requirements of the Building and Fire Safety Division, Public Works Department, the Police Department and any other agencies requiring review of the project. If required, these agencies shall be supplied copies of the final building and site plans. 2. All landscape areas that adjoin parking spaces, driveways, vehicular circulation areas, or the public right-of-way shall be protected from encroachment by vehicles in a manner that also complies with state storm water regulations, which require storm water to be discharged to landscaped areas in order to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants. The method of protection shall be determined by the Director of public works or the director's designee. The approved method may include six-inch high curb segments, wheel stops, decorative rock bands, or other methods determined to be acceptable by the Director of public works. 3. Environmental and engineering studies, as directed by the Director of Community Development, must be complete and on file prior to commencement to plan checking. Developer shall install off-street improvements determined necessary by the City Engineer to provide safe traffic conditions. 4. Developer shall underground existing and required on and off-site utilities as specified in Chapter 15 of the Municipal Code, or as deemed necessary by the City Engineer. C. D. 5. All development projects shall comply with Title 12 (Streets and Sidewalks), and Title 13 (Water, Sewers, Grading, Erosion and Stormwater) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code as determined by the City Engineer. 6. All retaining walls visible from publicright-of-ways shall include decorative elements, subject to approval by the Planning Division. 7. The design of any masonry soundwall shall be approved by the Planning Division. Such walls shall match or be architecturally compatible with existing soundwalls of neighboring projects along that street. All masonry walls shall have a trim cap. ARCHITECTURE 1. All exterior materials and colors used in this project shall be in conformance with the materials and color samples approved as a part of this application. 2. All mechanical, and/or roof mounted equipment shall be architecturally screened from public view. 3. All trash/recycling enclosures shall be constructed of masonry material with viewobscuring doors. The enclosure shall include materials and colors consistent with the primary building and meet appropriate Stormwater Division requirements. Required roofs shall match elements of the primary building and shall include a fascia trim. 4. All vents, gutters, downspouts, flashing, electrical conduits, etc., shall be painted or finished to match the color of the adjacent surface, unless otherwise directed by the Planning Commission. 5. Soffits and other architectural elements visible from view but not detailed on the plans shall be finished in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the exterior of the building. 6. Finish quality of approved exterior design elements shall be subject to approval of the Planning Division prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. 7. Any decorative elements around the base of a building (stone veneer or tile, etc.) shall be finished with a decorative cap or trim piece. LANDSCAPING 1. 2. Specific landscaping for screening shall have an appearance of mature growth subject to a field check and approval by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. All existing trees to remain shall be shown on the grading plan. E. 3. The area under the drip line of all existing trees that are to remain shall be protected during construction by a fence or other acceptable means. Grading shall be restricted under the trees to prevent soil compaction and to prevent root damage. 4. All sloped banks greater than three (3) feet in vertical height and 2:101' greater slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: deep-rooting grasses, ground cover and shrubs. Shrubbery shall be a minimum one-gallon size and shall have a minimum separation of one (i) times the mature width and on slopes of 10 feet or more in vertical height shall include, a minimum of one (1) tree for every 600 square feet of the total slope area. Trees shall be a minimum fivegallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 30 feet apart. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary the slope plane. Slope planting required by this condition shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 5. All landscaping shall be maintained in good growing condition. Such maintenance shall include, where appropriate, pruning, mowing, weeding, cleaning of debris and trash, fertilizing and regular watering. Whenever necessary, dead or dying plants shall be replaced with other plant materials to ensure continued compliance with applicable landscaping requirements. Required irrigation systems shall be fully maintained in . sound operating condition with heads periodically cleaned and replaced when missing to ensure continued regular watering of landscape areas, and health and vitality of landscape materials. MISCElLANEOUS 1. Final occupancy shall not be granted until all construction and landscaping is complete in accordance with all approved plans. Under certain circumstances, a temporary occupancy may be granted prior to final inspection. 2. It is the responsibility of the applicant or developer to check with each agency for requirements that may pertain to their project. 3. All signs shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval per Section 17.190.060 of the EI Cajon Municipal Code. 4. The site shall be maintained in a neat and clean manner free of trash and debris. 5. Certain outdoor equipment, such as satellite dishes and back-flow prevention devices shall be visually screened or painted to match surroundings upon installation subject to the approval of the Planning Division. Screening devices shall be shown on construction and/or landscape plans. 6. All exterior light fixtures shall be shown on a lighting plan and made part of construction drawings subject to staff review and approval. All lights attached to buildings shall provide a soft "wash" of light against the wall. All building, parking, and yard lights shall conform to the City General Development Standards 17.130.150 and Performance Standards 17.115.130 (G) and shall complement the site and building architecture. 7. The removal of trees shall not take place during the bird-nesting (breeding) season (February 1 through August 15), unless written authorization from a qualified biologist to proceed with tree removal is submitted to the Planning Division. If clearing is proposed to take place during the breeding season, a survey shall be conducted by the qualified biologist to determine if nests are present, or nest building or other breeding/nesting behavior is occurring. If nesting is not occurring (which includes nest building or other breeding/nesting behavior) within this area, clearing shall be allowed to proceed. If nesting is occurring (or breeding/nesting behavior is occurring), tree removal shall be postponed until a qualified biologist determines that all nesting (or breeding/nesting behavior) has ceased or until after August 15. 8. The placement of bollards within parking areas and driveways shall only be permitted when no other alternative design (curbs or landscaping) is feasible and accepted by the Building Official. cUP No. 2169 Exhibit B _PCReso. 10696 PublicWorKs comments APN: 488-134-30 ! Street Name Rjoht-of-Wav I:> " I Street Class Curb General Plan Class ! Exist Prop Exist Prop EAST MAIN STREET 100' 100' 76' 76' PRIMARY GENERAL COMMERCIAL SOUTH MOLLISON AVENUE 84' 84' 64' 64' SECONDARY GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO: PLANNING DIVISION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: CUP 2169 LOCATION: 861 EAST MAIN STREET PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS WITH THIS ACTION A. STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS WITH THIS ACTION A-I. Add the following notes to the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Site Plan and implement the Best Management Practices as a condition of the CUP: All operations shall comply with the City's Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) and the City's Storm Water Ordinance (Municipal Code 13.10 and 16.60) to minimize or eliminate discharges of pollutants to the storm drain system. Operations shall include implementation ofBest Management Practices (BMPs) asfollows: a. Only rain is permitted to enter the storm drain system. .Discharges (direct or by conveyance) oftrash, debris, vehicle fluids, or wastewater (including washing fluids) to the storm drain system are strictly prohibited. b. No new food grinders (disposals) shall be installed in compliance with Municipal Code 13.38.040. c. Sweep or vacuum to clean outdoor areas (trash enclosures, sidewalks and parking lots). Power washing and the washing offloor mats in outdoor areas is strictly prohibited. d. Maintain parking area to befree from trash and petroleum leaks. e. Provide sufficient trash receptacles. f Dispose ojwastes properly. I-l:\PR1VATE DEV\PLANNING ACT10NS\CUP 2169_861 E. Main St.docx Page I of 4 a All dumpsters used by this project shall have lockable lids. All lids on all dumpsters shall remain closed while dumpster is not directly in use and locked after business hours. All dumpsters shall be properly stored inside ofa building or in a covered trash enclosure. h. All trash enclosures must be secured, covered with an impervious roof and constructed with a berm or grade-break across the entire entrance in accordance with the requirements of Public Works Storm Water Attachment No. 2 (available to the public through Public Works on the 4th floor of City Hall). i. Any food service establishment shall provide any necessary spill response kits for grease spills. The spill response kits must be available and quickly accessible to employees. Signage must be posted to clearly denote the locations ofthe kits. j. All materials must be stored in a properly covered and contained area that will not be exposed to rainwater, either directly or indirectly. k. All storm water runofftreatment control mechanisms (Low Impact Development (LID) and other treatment control BA1Ps) employed on the property shall be maintained to be in good working order and replaced as necessary. I. All "No Dumping" signage shall be maintained to be legible and replaced as necessary. A template for painting the concrete or asphalt around inlets and catch basins can be provided by the City upon request. 0' For Public Works requirements on this Planning Action please refer to the Conditions of Approval. This Site Plan may not clearly show existing or proposed improvements in the public right-of-way and should not be used for public improvement construction purposes. " B. STORM 'VATER REQUIREMENTS AND COMMENTS (PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT): B-1. All building permit plans and landscaping plans shall comply with all phases of the approved Stann Water Mitigation Plan (SWMitP) and the approved Grading and Drainage Plans, a. The landscaping plans shall include a detailed cross-section for required amended loamy sand soils in the engineered treatment swale. The engineered soil section must be at least 18" in depth and span the width of the swale. Planting in this soil is allowed and encouraged, but no mulch is allowed in flow lines and a note must be included to this effect. b. Details and notes must be included to show that all final grades in all landscaped areas must be at least 2" below tributary hardscape. Final landscape grades must be 4" below all tributary drainage structures and include proper permanent erosion control devices (i.e. riprap). B-2. In accordance with the City's lot grading ordinance, no grading or soil disturbance, including clearing of vegetative matter and demolition activities, shall be done until all necessary environmental clearances are secured and an Erosion Control Plan (ECP) has been reviewed and approved by Public Works. H:\PRIV ATE DEV\PLANNING ACTIONS\CUP 2169_86\ E. Main St.docx Page 2 of 4 a. The approved ECP shall be included with all final building permit plan sets. The ECP shall control sediment and pollution and be in compliance with the City's 2008 Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Plan (JURVIP). The plan should show measures to ensure that pollutants and runoff from the development are reduced to the maximum extent practicable. NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLY \VITH OR IMPLEMENT CUP CONDITIONS IS CONSIDERED A VIOLATION OF THE CITY'S JURlVlP AND MAY RESULT IN A CITATION WITH MONETARY FINES, CRIMINAL CHARGES, AND/OR REVOCATION OF PERl'VIIT. C. PRIV ATE DEVELOPMENT REQUIRlvlENTS AND COMMENTS REQUIRED WITH THIS ACTION: C-l. Include the following on the CUP Site Plan: a. Show the existing public utilities (fire hydrant, street light, power pole, telephone box, traffic signal equipment, sewer manholes) that abut subject property along East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue on the CUP Site Plan. b. Show the new full-width sidewalks on both East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue. Also show the new curb ramp, curb return radius and modified traffic signal equipment at the southwest comer of East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue. D. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS WITH TIUS ACTION AND PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMIT: D-l. Reconstruct the existing curb return at the southwest comer of East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue to a 35-foot curb radius. Relocate the existing traffic signal equipment including, but not limited to a new traffic signal pole and equipment, the relocation of the traffic signal controller, rewire of a portion of the signal service cabinet and any related work to accommodate the new curb radius. Provide a new curb ramp on the southwest corner of East Main Street and SouthMollison Avenue per San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings (SDRSD) G-27 and with a 4' x 3' truncated dome for ADA compliance. D-2. Close the existing driveways on East Main Street and South Mollison Avenue and replace with full height curb and gutter and sidewalk per SDRSD G-2, G-7, G-9, G-IO and G-l1. D-3. Reconstruct the proposed driveways on South Mollison Avenue and East Main Street per SDRSD G-26 for ADA compliance. Include 2-foot transitions on both sides of the driveways for 8" to 6" curb transitions. Edge of driveways shall be a minimum of 3-feet from the property line and all obstructions. The driveways shall be a minimum 24'/36' curb cut. Repair all damaged concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk. Relocate any existing facilities (such as utility pole and support cables) away from the transition areas as needed. H:\PRIVATE DEV\PLANNfNG ACTIONS\CUP 2169_861 E. Maio St.docx Page 3 of 4 The driveway on East Main Street shall be signed 'Right tum only'. Also, the existing sewer manhole located in the sidewalk on East Main Street may need to be relocated to accommodate the proposed driveway. Remove the existing utility pole to the north of the proposed driveway on South Mollison Avenue. D-4. Remove the existing sidewalk on South Mollison Avenue and replace as full width 10' sidewalk per SDRSD G-7, G-9, G-lO and G-11. D-5. Remove and replace the sidewalk, curb and gutter on East Main Street per SDRSD G-2, G-7, G-9, G-10 and G-11. E. GENERAL E-1. An Encroachment Permit is required for any construction work within the public right-of-way. E-2. Repair all damaged curb and gutter, sidewalk and driveway. ~,. (2~ DENNIS C. DAVIES bll3/1'l.. DATE Deputy Director of Public Works H:\PRIVATE DEV\PLANNING ACTIONS\CUP 2169_86\ E. Main St.docx Page4 of 4 cUP No. 2169 Exhibit C • PC Reso. 10696 Building comments CITY OF EI CAJON --REceivED MAY 3G201l Pl.ANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM Wednesday, May 30, 2012 To: Planning Division From: Building and Fire Safety Div., Dan Pavao Subject: Building Comments for CUP 2169 861 E. Main St. Building Comments for this planning application are as follows: 1. Comply with Currently adopted edition of the CSC, CMC, GPG, and GEC. 2. A Building permit is required for this project. 3. Project must comply with Title 24 disabled access regulations. 4. Title 24 energy efficiency compliance and documentation is required. 5. Soils report will be required for this project. 6. Alicensed design professional is required for this project. 7. An automatic sprinkler system is required by CSC or local ordinance. 8. A demolition permit and bond are required for structures being removed. 9. Undergrounding of all on-site utilities is required. 10. Address will be assigned at plan check. cuP No. 2169 Exhibit 0 ~ PC Reso. 10696 Fire comments CITY OF EI CAJON II ---RECEivEr> I 2.0H~ ----. D1V1SI0~ .....--- MAY 3 ij l_ PLANNING ........ ...,.,.. .... MEMORANDUM Wednesday, May 30, 2012 To: Planning Division From: Building and Fire Safety Div., Dan Pavao Subject: Fire Comments for CUP 2169 861 E. Main St. Fire Comments for this planning application are as follows: 1. This project must comply with currently adopted edition of the CFC. 2. All weather fire access road shall be available on the job site before start of canst. 3. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system is required for this project. 4. Commercial address numbers shall be visible from the street, contrasting in color from wall surface, and minimum 8 inches in size (individual suite numbers may be 3"). 5. Fire extinguisher is required. One for every 3000 s.f with max. 75 ft. travel distance. Minimum size 2A 1aBC with signage. 6. Install fire hydrants per Fire Department requirements. 7. Knox Box required. Contact Fire Department for application. Dan Pavao ...-- ••_ . Helix Water District CUP No. 2169 Exhibit E - PC Reso. 10696 Helix Water Districtcomments (619) 466-0585 FAX (619) 466-1823 Setting standards of excellence in public service RECEiveD June 4,2012 Noah Alvey Associate Planner City of EI Cajon 200 Civic Center Way EI Cajon, CA 92020 JUN 0' 5 2.01l PLANNING DIVISION ------- Conditional Use Permit No. 2169 APN: 488-134-30-00 861 E. Main St. Subject: Dear Mr. Alvey; Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subject project. Helix Water District serves the subject property with 2 - 1 inch water services. The nearest fire protection is provided by a fire hydrant near the SE corner of the property with 1-4, 2-2.5 inch outlets. Water pressure in the area is approximately 8 psi. We have reviewed and signed plans for this property in the past but construction was halted. We will require new plan submittals to review and signatures of the plans by all interested parties prior to construction beginning again. Onsite fire services and fire hydrants have been required by the fire department and are shown on the expired plans Helix signed. Backflow devices will be required for any existing water services that will be providing water to the property and shall be installed per current Water Agencies' Standards, The new backflow devices shall be tested by a certified backflow tester with a copy of the passing test results forwarded to Helix Water District attention Darrin Teisher. The owner's shall submit to us the proposed make and model of backflow device they intend to use for approval prior to the purchase or installation. They also should check with the City of EI Cajon regarding permits for the installation, If you have any questions, please call me at (6'19) 667-6277. Sincerely, ~~ ItAf~r'OD U-- Chris Magi~ -Senior Engineering Technician c: Ross, Anub, Perdomo - Helix Water District GIS Plat - 6"RW 4"RW -------_._--- \ "9 7·?C52 :r';:~ ! I ~i3 ··C SE C::RPr" ; \1 (; r;L.c;9--,~-Lp-~.-- ---... E MAIN 5T ---'.---~-~ --.~- ----~-,.-.~-.----... -a"TRAC:50 a"GV .- ---~---- ....-.--..-.~- -~ . ~ ~..'"..--"~._~"""'."'~, >;_--.-~ ..--- , -r-,... /,.-.- -- -......--.,., --------,' //' I ! i .- ; I I ,., I I I ! i I , 1...•. ,. " ~?; :03";<:'1\' I , j I I :3'1 £;, ~ J-c... :':1 ¥ ~-·-I I PM 14239 I l I I .... CUP 2169, APN 488-134-30-00 861 E. MAIN ST. RFC12-017, WO 2150 Haith Razuki ..._ - _ . _ - - - - - - - - ~ - Scale: 1":1 O()' Printed: 6/4/2012 .._ --- ----~-p---_ ,.- ..,...-. ;"CNEG cUP No. 2169 Attachment 2 Application Community Development Department Planning Division City of EI Cajon DISCRETIONARY PERMIT APPLICATION Type of Discretionary Permit(s} Requested DAZP Specific Plan o [2JcuP DlLA DTSM DTPM DpUD DZR DPRD DVAR o Other: Applicant Information (the individual or entity proposing to carry out the project; not for consultants} Company Name: Contact Name: HQu 'j''J,.. Address: fl~1 Phone: 6/0/- 2S0 ~ 21)2 '-I Interest in Property: R o.;z k Is I . .t:: MO\.(~ 5"+ EI COf.,J"tlVl o Lease ~ Own ('/\ 0 1202 (7 _ Option Project Representative Information (if different than applicant; consultant information here) Company Name: Contact Name: ~ etle-._4Pf>IJ.(()tl£.~ lo52S Address: -"C"-,/,-"f-,,,2,,--,Z.=-6=--~ __~ . + C' e t1 'l( O VtSLo.._:V;1rr 85f?-.!i!i7-C1)OO Phone: License: Email: ~_ e«. k w{}..Y 1) ~e..~~t~/)l..\e.. Col.? Property Owner Information (if different than applicant) Company Name: Contact Name: Address: Phone: ~L:t'~ Uqll'+k te (f\,~J<. ,_. I/(~AKI._· _ _ -fl-b I r; f'1 {fl_LLL51- .£/ C~t/\ los"} C A 92" Z 0 6/ q- 721> ~ Dz'Q_1_ Email: JLJio/fh(3)HoTMq..(ICOI.11 200 Civic Center Way \ EI Cajon I California 192020 1619-441-1742 Main 1619-441-1743 Fax Project Location Parcel Number (APN): Address: Nearest Intersection: 4 88~ I; f.,J - s" . . ttl IE Mq..(ri 51: l EI C~j>'" CA J, mb~{;f£tJN frVE' MVtJ f, (hAJj{ ,STf:.Eft Project Description (or attach separate narrative) See Hazardous Waste and Substances Statement Section 65962,S(f) of the State of California Government Code requires that before the City of EI Cajon accepts as complete an application for any discretionary project, the applicant submit a signed statement indicating whether or not the project site is identified on the State of California Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List. This list identifies known sites that have been subject to releases of hazardous chemicals, and is available at the appropriate box and if applicable, provide the necessary information: The development project and any alternatives proposed in this application: ' NOT contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. o is/are contained on the lists compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. Date of List: If yes, provide Regulatory Identification Number: Authorization Applicant Signature.': =-=-~-~ - -~_ .. , a~»<r~-...=<.~~- ~ - . - ~~~= Property Owner Sign ur e ; / c_· 1. 2. ---- . ~~ ~-- • _ ---=-.--..- • Date: Date: 5'-- /7-/2.- -"'------- ~~L2-jL Applicant's Signature: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above informationis correct, and that I am the property owner, authorized agent of the property owner, or other person having a legal right, Interest, or entitlement to the use of the property that is the subject of this application. I understand that the applicant is responsible for knowing and complying with the governing policies and regulations applicable to the proposed development or permit. The City is not liable for any damages or loss resulting from the actual or alleged failure to inform the applicant of any applicable laws or regulations, including before or during final Inspections. City approval of a permit application, including all related plans arid documents, is not a grant of approval to violate any applicable policy or regulation, nor does it constitute a waiver by the City to pursue any remedy, which may be available to enforce and correct violations of the applicable policies and regulations. I authorize representatives of the Cityto enterthe subject property for inspection purposes. Property Owner's Signature: If not the same as the applicant, property owner must also sign. A signed, expressed letter of consent to this application may be provided separately instead of signing this application form. By signing, property owner acknowledges and consents to all authorizations, requirements, conditions and notices described in this application. Notice of Restriction: property owner further acknowledges and consents to a Notice of Restriction being recorded on the title to their property related to approval of the requested permit. A Notice of Restriction runs with the land and binds any successorsin interest. CUP No. 2169 Attachment 3 Disclosure statement ~ Community Development Department Planning Division ..• -.,.,--.-...,;... - City of EI Cajon DISCLOSURE STATEMENi --------..........._------------_.....-...-Disclosu re Statement This statement is intended to identify and avoid potential conflicts of interest that may exist between the project proponents and the decision makers; including City staH, Planning Commissioners, and City Council members. The following information must be disclosed: 1. List the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. List the names and address of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. 2. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a corporation or partnership, listthe names and addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) above is a trust, list the name and address of any person serving as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of the trust. ------~-- 200 Civic Center Way -------- I EI Cajon I California I 92020 I 619-441-1742 Main I 619-441-1743 Fax 4. Have you or your agents transacted more than $500.00 worth of business with al1Y member of City staff, Boards, Commissions} Committees and Council within the past 12 months or $1,000.00 with the spouse of any such person? Yes No vl' If yes, please indicate personts), dates, and amounts of such transactions or gifts. "Person" is defined as "Any individual, proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate} business trust} company, corporation, association, committee} and any other c.m~;L.:. ion 5 actingin concert"~~OV'tCOde §82047. rrt'Aft4 rR.. a. z u NOTE: Attach appropriate names on additional pages as necessary. . , f:.. { CUP No. 2169 Attachment 4 Project Narrative Razuki Mall Project Desciption Razuki Mall with be a special shopping center that will revitalize the corner of East Main and Mollison in the city of El Cajon. It will create a wonderfull shopping experience in a setting of three unique buildings. The center is designed to provide frontage on both streets that hides the ocean of asphalt typical in these smaller centers. Each building will provide a separate visual experience for those who pass this intersection. We have a building that fronts on the cornter and its exterior wall is sympathic to the new curve at the intersection. This wall will have a display window to provide a sense of transparency as well as inquistiviness to whomever looks into it to gauge the products available when either walking or driving by the corner. Another building will front onto Mollison with display windows and will provide direct accesss from the sidewalk like building use to do. The area along the streets will be lined with thick landscaping allowing the Center to be framed as friendly and invitiing to those on foot or in a vehicle. Our anchor building is taller to house a storage floor, but will contain the relocated market/liquor store into a nicer and better enviorment: The building height will draw attention to the corner Center from a distance. All buildings in the Center will be tied together in color, texture and detail. The body of the buildings will be a light plaster to allow for colorful signage over the tenant spaces. That plaster will be broken into various rectangular forms with metal screeds that will provide intimate detail to those walking or driving through the Center. The buidling will be capped with a simple rectangular foam cantilevered element which will also be reused to cap other forms on the exterior walls. The forms, 'columns' are three dimensional with a dark plaster finish that are founded on a stack stone base. The 'columns' support the cantilevered metal canopies that hover over the sidewalk providing shade during the day and light after darkness falls. This concept repeats itself on all three buildings taking into account each buidlings shape; access and image. The idea is provide a variety of color in the plaster, texture in the stone and detail with the screed and windows to appeal to those walking within the Center creating a welcoming experience. The windows will be tinted to allow viewing in from outside as well as energy efficient as required by State Codes .. The landscaping located throughout will provide seasonal color as well as being a low maintenance and water dependant environment. . A unique shopping center who provides three distinctive opportunities for retailers and their customers is a special place to shop: Razuki Mall. Gene Cip;',l\\)Ih' 1()52S Vi,\a Sorrcmo !\rchikct, lnc. l\lIb\~{y Suit<.:: \20 Sail Dic:go C\ <")'.:121 Voice: X5?;.5X7()\(J{) Fa'.: :,)5,';.587. \95,1 Email: btne({(cippal'('l1c.(Oj]) cUP No. 2169 Attachment 5 AerialPhotograph CUPNo. 2169 Attachment 6 Public Hearing Notice I•• •• •• • ••• • ••• •• I • • i• RS-6 All property owners within this line shall receive notification CoG ; I I I i i i I i -e-e-e.• -1l •..•.• -e- ....... • .· -_.1• .e.e e r..I ·..,u'---IrG ..; .- l I -.,.l_.-lI-_"-'_~ .·.·11 _ '.'Il .•-tlI-.a'.-._Il .- .• J f r··········H·i ri i·II i ; RM-4300 CoG t't""..........- ........._ _m....,.l.r··~···~~"$N_ •: ,• :, • ·• p ; fw•._----_•••• _oI • Jf................. • I , ..ji · ·· ·iH~~ j . RM-1500 RM-2200 i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the EI Cajon Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at LQQJUIh-.-Msmga' . ~_20.1~, in the City Council Chambers, 200 Civic Center Way, EI Cajon, CA, to consider: £.Q!1RJ1lQbt~!:Jl§~ NO. 216j!, as submitted by Haith Razuki, requesting an expansion of an existing legal nonconformlnq liquor store and it construction of additional retail commercial space. The subject property is addressed as 861 East Main Streel. This project exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA). The public is invited to attend and participate in this public hearing. If you challenge the matter in court, you may be limited ,raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written corresponden delivered to the Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. The City of EI Cajon encourages the participation of disabl individuals in the services, activities, and programs provided by the City. Individuals with disabilities who require reasonal accommodation in order to participate in the public hearing should contact the Planning Division at 619.441.1742. More informati about planning and zoning in EI Cajon is available at If you have any questions, or wish any additional information, please contact NOAH ALVEY at 619.441.1773 or via email [email protected] and reference "CUP 2169" in the subject line. . ~''''''',· PROJECT IN FORMATION . :"'~ ....... <:r._·" ... _. s'fR.5Xr ------ 1".0' ,iAS'i MA:N J:".~,,-':;_~""""'''-- I-- Lw Lw I PROJECT ml~ TIUS Fb~Mrr iV) ?:: I illL-. ~ ~ a EAST LEXIHG10N I:.'fl.' VICINITY MAP NO SCALE f'rotC"~1 De~t'r!€liun: Exj>lh\~ 2.0?'..' ~.I. Uqw.:r ~tut't. be reI !o { J .ta-l 1,1' ':W.GC ..llf'O <'11"\;(u"u:::_ Ie: rcrJM~d witI': i.1 'It'1Y ~ tbtee (j,J O\h. ~Mrpinll. ceruer. ;nl;' e:'lbti"1j:l Liquor ~IQ·e 10 UP. ld.Kal~r~ 10 8uildi:1~ 'C' Il~ Fh,-l<.f> I 01 ccnstrcruoo. lhe exi~ltf\1> structure WI!) bt: d~Il).[)',hht:d <:l:tdPhase 1 wi:~ te lhl:' ~ump,'l :§ of rhe sue area 4lnd bIHldngs 'A' aM; '8'. C:::~t..iPtion: tegtl; Trle L.b! 1$3 t! feci :11 tn! H of Nn I. of Chase R,lll(ho Sub:i"i~llll s:~,I\Di;~c~. u~:;:~(:j~!~IJ:~~~y of ~f,~~:dn~;J ;:;.Jfh~t~1i~~~f~~~~ ~;;nt\' S...r. Di:l&:"I CCl.l·lly. I'illfll4. 1:;1: al,Jib:n!l~ I-V) I'll'.: E.... tM."f".~t(el."t A\\t:~~llr t'",I'(l!'i No.' t:S ~I:Ul.lj~·30 tOlJ\rt'a' l,S,oHd. tv! (l~vcr<!I\C' 9,75E--;::-r..~<j% l .. ndv;lrp. A",'~ 4.1.!i::;-J-----;lTi'\~ G(11_~ B\.III1J1;\& f,l'!a: ~o.",o -,I. ~SAre;t(G~ Buthlmll;. .....' :.'311 •• /. ",1:171'<; 8\1ildmc 'C' 6,727 ~ f T"I.::1 lO./?O!>.f ~ ~[e, r)f 5.0.44 NtWt;UIUl ..... \. 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CUP No. 2 ~):> o R£.CE\\1'E.D~~~ 6-11-201 ro 9- z ni3f:> :=(1)N o::>~ ::>-Ol "'cow BU1LD1NG Be" EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS :::>~"'L.l;:: Ole" = 1",0· EAST ,,,,,~r."'~;;2;,:~ o::::w: T 4 ~L_ I I f'z,.wzalll).:w 4 i~_L-I" i __ i ---j- f u:wa • • 'i Q!U!SJ6 1-'==1--·[" I. JI····I I -j --+--, --+---,-t I 'StON~ \JF.,,~o,J I · t Ir-·-··+---I. ···lj·-_.)--I··············· - I I I I I---1----I I 1 I Sfucc",eA::~-l WEST CITY OF EL CAJON PERMlf NO _"______ ""IEC;A:AtFQA'" ""C~Nr APPUCANT; ~l\l !\M HAZUI'o:I & II";!!I f~ALUKl A$SE50R PARCEL ND~.:0R-l,\·I-.}q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ £~TE"'.OIl..'V-5TER_~ _ NORTH SOUTH ~lOU[~I: -t- .~~o••"J Nfw.' H\J11 Dll"C '~ljOPPING CfNTfR -----------------_.- _ NOTE: PC RESOLunON NO FOR COl-OR INFORMA."IQN. cc saa Mf>,.'1'.:.R\ ....... eOARO RES.O\11110~ QRClN .......Ct. NO APPROVLOBY, NO o.l>.lE. 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CU~f'!o.2.~69 Received 5·17·12 W.O. 21,0 ~li CUP20E2 CUPNo. 2169 Attachment 10 Police Department comments CITY OF EL CAJO.N f RECElVEDl j JUN 01 201J2 IL _ PLANNING DIVISION POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: June 4,2012 TO: Chief of Police FROM: Lt. J. D. Arvan SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit #2169 I am in receipt of a Request for Comments from the planning division regarding Razuki Mall, located at 861 E. Main. There are no specific crime prevention recommendations for this business, and the police department should not oppose this CUP. ,.-\ U.OArvJ ~l \ ~ \ .' J 6. I 'IJ(\/ Patrol Division Committed to a Safe & Secure Community through Service, Mutual Cooperation and Respect STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 24, 2013 - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 CIVIC CENTER WAY EL CAJON, CA 92020 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 SUBJECT: OFF-SITE EXCESS INVENTORY STORAGE LOTS FOR CAR DEALERSAMENDMENT TO EL CAJON MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 17 (ZONING) This is a public hearing on an amendment to the Zoning Code to allow for temporary offsite storage of excess new and used automobile sales inventory, subject to conditions. Location: Citywide Applicant: City of EI Cajon Project Planner: Manjeet Ranu /619.441.1771 Email: [email protected] (This project is tentatively scheduled for the City Council meeting on August 27, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.) ********** ********** ********** ********** RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Open the public hearing and receive testimony; 2. Close the public hearing; and 3. MOVE to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.1 0727 recommending City Council approval of an amendment to the Zoning Code pertaining to temporary off-site storage of excess automobile sales inventory. ********** ********** ********** ********** BACKGROUND Automobile dealerships in the City that do business in both new and used vehicles occasionally need additional storage space for excess vehicle inventory. The Zoning Code only allows for temporary off-site storage of excess inventory for new vehicles. However, used car sales are an integral part of dealerships that also sell new vehicles. To accommodate periodic demand and increased sales of both used and new vehicles, the Zoning Code needs to be amended to allow used vehicles to also be stored off-site on a temporary basis. Therefore, the City Council initiated this potential amendment on April 9, 2013. Planning Commission Staff Report Temporary off-site storage of automobile inventory April 9, 2013 Agenda PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT EI Cajon Municipal Code (ECMC) Subsection 17.75.020 F allows "Vehicle storage lot for short-term storage (i.e., no more than two (2) years) of excess inventory of new automobiles, when dealership is operated within city limits" under a Temporary Use Permit, which is generally issued administratively. This provision is only available to automobile dealers that sell new cars, since it only allows for off-site storage of new cars. ECMC Subsection 17.190.140 B.3 accommodates additional advertising signage for businesses in certain zoning districts on sites of at least two acres in size that have half of the merchandise outdoors. This allowance in the Zoning Code is primarily intended to accommodate new automobile dealers. All 11 of the automobile dealerships that sell new passenger cars do business from sites that are at least two acres in size. Additionally, there are available vacant sites throughout the City's commercial corridors, some of which were once used for vehicle sales, which can be used for the temporary storage of excess vehicle inventory. This puts an otherwise vacant site into beneficial economic use and encourages proper maintenance of the property. The proposed Zoning Code Amendment would allow automobile dealers operating from sites at least two acres in size to store both new and used sales inventory off-site, subject to a Temporary Use Permit. It would be allowed in all commercial and industrial zoning districts, except Neighborhood Commercial (C-N). It would also allow for the imposition of appropriate conditions, such as stormwater, minimal site planning improvements, lighting and security systems. Parking lot surfaces may be either paved or an improved, unpaved surface. FINDINGS The Planning Commission may recommend and the City Council may adopt any amendment to the Zoning Code, provided that it first makes findings, pursuant to EI Cajon Municipal Code Section 17.20.050. Staff's determination is that the Commission can make the findings, as described below. A. The proposed zoning amendment, including any changes proposed in the various land uses to be authorized, is compatible with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs specified in the general plan. The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are consistent with the General Plan, including Policy 10-1.1, which directs that the City "periodically revise its regulatory codes, ordinances and policies so that they may reflect current, upgraded -2- Planning Commission Staff Report Temporary off-site storage of automobile inventory April 9, 2013 Agenda standards of development and performance." Fundamentally, that is the purpose of this amendment. B. The proposed zoning amendment is consistent with any applicable specific plan governing development of the subject property. This amendment does not change the standards in the City's specific plans. C. It is in the public necessity and convenience and/or general welfare that the zoning regulations governing the property be changed. The amendment promotes economic development by accommodating the needs of the City's vital automobile sales industry. D. When a reduction in residential density is proposed, the following additional finding shall be made: The remaining sites identified in the housing element are adequate to accommodate the city's share of the regional housing need pursuant to California Government Code Sections 65584, and 65863. This amendment does not affect existing regulations affecting housing density. DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATION Providing reasonable flexibility in the Zoning Code to accommodate the periodic changes in the vehicle inventory of the City's automobile dealers is a simple method of supporting dealers that sell both used and new cars. A fiscally-significant amount of the revenue that funds City services for its residents comes from the sale of new vehicles. Staff recommends this Zoning Code amendment to promote economic development. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT This project is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Subsection 15061(b)(3), the "General Rule," which states that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. The intensity of allowable development is not increased and there are no potentially significant environmental effects as temporary storage facilities will occur on existing developed and underdeveloped sites. -3- Planning Commission Staff Report Temporary off-site storage of automobile inventory April 9, 2013 Agenda PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this public hearing was published in the East County Gazette on June 13, 2013, and was mailed to anyone who requested such notice in writing, in compliance with Government Code Sections 65090, 65091, and 65092, as applicable. Additionally, as a public service, the notice was posted in the kiosk at City Hall and on the City's website under "Public Hearings/Public Notices." ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 10727 Excerpt City Council minutes, April 9, 2013 Public Hearing Notice City Council April 9, 2013 agenda report -4- AMZC NO. 424 Attachment 1 Proposed Reso. No. 10727 PROPOSED PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10727 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO EL CAJON MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 17 (ZONING) AMENDING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE TEMPORARY OFF-SITE STORAGE OF EXCESS AUTOMOBILE SALES INVENTORY; ZONING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 424 WHEREAS, on April 9, 2013, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 48-13 initiating an amendment to the Zoning Code to accommodate periodic demand and increased sales of both used and new vehicles by allowing used vehicles as well as new vehicles to be stored off-site on a temporary basis; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Code allows for the temporary off-site storage of new automobile inventory, but not used vehicles; and WHEREAS, new car dealers also sell and buy used vehicles, which represents an integral part of dealership sales; and WHEREAS, new car dealerships are generally required to provide facilities that are designed according to franchise standards, which standards are sensitive to surrounding properties and are in harmony with neighboring commercial and nearby residential uses; and WHEREAS, additional flexibility in the Zoning Code would support the growth and success of the new automobile dealerships in the City; and WHEREAS, all new automobile dealerships operate from sites at least two acres in size; and WHEREAS, the EI Cajon Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on June 24, 2013, to consider this amendment to the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the proposed amendment to the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the following findings offact are hereby made in regard to the proposed amendment: 1. The recitals above are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. 2. This project is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Subsection 15061(b)(3), the "General Rule," which states that CEQA applies only to projects which have the 1 of 3 P.C. Resolution No. 10727 potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. The intensity of allowable development is not increased and there are no potentially significant environmental effects as temporary storage facilities will occur on existing developed and underdeveloped sites. 3. The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are consistent with the General Plan, including Policy 10-1.1, which directs that the City "periodically revise its regulatory codes, ordinances and policies so that they may reflect current, upgraded standards of development and performance." Fundamentally, that is the purpose of this amendment. 4. This amendment does not change the standards in the City's specific plans. 5. The amendment promotes economic development by accommodating the needs of the City's vital automobile sales industry. 6. This amendment does not affect existing regulations affecting housing density. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon said findings of fact, the El Cajon Planning Commission hereby RECOMMENDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL of Zoning Code Amendment No. 424, with the following changes to the Zoning Code: 1. That automobile dealers operating from sites at least two acres in size be permitted to store excess new and used vehicle inventory off-site, subject to a temporary use permit, with one allowable administrative renewal. 2. That such temporary storage lots are only permitted in commercial and industrial zoning districts, except Neighborhood Commercial (C-N); 3. That the amendment enable the imposition of conditions as appropriate to address stormwater requirements, parking lot surface materials, lighting, security systems and basic minimum site improvements, which would only be the minimum needed to ensure regulatory compliance and promote a quality community. 2 of 3 P.C. Resolution No. 10727 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the EI Cajon Planning Commission at a regular meeting held June 24, 2013, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Anthony SOTTILE, Chairman ATTEST: Manjeet RANU, AICP, Secretary 3 of 3 AMZC NO. 424 Attachment 2 Excerpt City Council minutes EXCERPTS FROM CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES April 9, 2013 REPORTS OF COUNCILMEMBERS: (Continued) 7.4 RESOLUTION: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT INITIATION - OFF-SITE EXCESS INVENTORY STORAGE LOTS FOR CAR DEALERS RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council move to adopt the next RESOLUTION in order approving a Resolution of Intention to amend Title 17 (Zoning Code) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code pertaining to temporary off-site storage of excess automobile sales inventory. DISCUSSION Mayor Pro Tem Wells indicates the impetus for this amendment came about after discussions with local auto dealers. They raised concerns about storage of excess inventory of both new and used vehicles. He requests that Staff review the ordinance for a possible revision to help solve problems facing auto dealers. No one comes forward to speak. MOTION BY LEWIS, SECOND BY KENDRICK, to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 48-13 approving a Resolution of Intention to amend Title 17 (Zoning Code) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code pertaining to temporary off-site storage of excess automobile sales inventory. MOTION CARRIES BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. Joint Meeting: EI Cajon City Council And Redevelopment Agency - 22EXCERPTS OF MINUTES April 9, 2013 3:00 p.m. AMZC NO. 424 Attachment 3 Public Hearing Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The EI Cajon Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 24, 2013 in Council Chambers, 200 Civic Center Way, EI Cajon, CA, for the following items: OFF-SITE EXCESS AUTO SALES INVENTORY STORAGE LOTS. This is a Cityinitiated proposal to amend Title 17 (Zoning) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code to allow used vehicles in addition to new vehicles to also be stored off-site on a temporary basis. The City of EI Cajon is endeavoring to be in total compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act. If you require assistance or auxiliary aids in order to participate at the Planning Commission meeting, please contact the Planning Division at (619) 441-1742 as far in advance of the meeting as possible. In case of a court challenge, you may be limited to those issues raised at the public hearing, or in written correspondence to the Commission, described in this notice. This item also requires subsequent review and approval by the City Council. Manjeet RANU Planning Manager Community Development DATE: June 24, 2013 City of EI Cajon Planning Division Fax: (619) 441-1743 Ph: (619) 441-1742 TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE EAST COUNTY GAZETTE; THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2013 AMZC NO. 424 Attachment 4 City Council agenda report 1······D~t~··st~mp . ·l m~l;J If ·mJ Iflllil Alg,. BilJIJ?lt : MEETING:.Apr. 9, 2013 ITEM NO: _ : TheValley ofOpportunity W%"fr... 'W#k.'!o'0'W'i",,%"$_:<®i'--'W_#.-$:<t'i,;·~=ili';W&_;w-="" TO: FROM: Mayor Lewis, Councilmembers Ambrose, Kendrick, McClellan CENTENNIAL ·~(>o" "1",'1,' ~PorateG "\: Mayor Pro Tern Wells SUBJECT: Zoning Code Amendment Initiation - Off-site Excess Inventory Storage Lots for Car Dealers RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Move to ADOPT the next RESOLUTION in order APPROVING a Resolution of Intention to amend Title 17 (Zoning Code) of the EI Cajon Municipal Code pertaining to temporary off-site storage of excess automobile sales inventory. ISSUE: Automobile dealerships in the City that do business in both new and used vehicles occasionally need additional storage space for excess vehicle inventory. The Zoning Code only allows for temporary off-site storage of excess inventory for new vehicles. However, used car sales are an integral part of dealerships that also sell new vehicles. To accommodate periodic demand and increased sales of both used and new vehicles, the Zoning Code should be amended to allow used vehicles to also be stored off-site on a temporary basis. DISCUSSION & RECOMMENDATION: Providing reasonable flexibility in the Zoning Code to accommodate the periodic changes in the vehicle inventory of the City's automobile dealers is a simple method of supporting dealers that sell both used and new cars. A fiscally-significant amount ofthe revenue that funds City services for its residents comes from the sale of new vehicles. The City Council is requested to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Code, direct staff to study the issue and for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on a potential amendment. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT: Initiation of this amendment is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is a procedural, administrative step in the process, which only directs the Planning Commission and staff to study and prepare a potential amendment of the Zoning Code for future consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: None PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Manjeet Ranu PLANNING MANAGER Douglas Williford CITY MANAGER