EVERYDAY LIFE - Joyce Meyer Ministries
ENJOYING E V E R Y D A Y L I F E JOYCE MEYER MINISTRIES M AY / J U N E 2015 Honoring A YOUNG LIFE AND THANKING GOD FOR THE OPPORTUNITY WE HAD TO PLAY A ROLE “He was always PA G E 1 6 a joyful kid with a kind soul.” 0515 EEL 01 P.indd 1 MAY/JUN 2015 // PAGE 1 // DOM 3/23/15 1:21 PM “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations as Your inheritance...” CYAN BLACK PSALM 2:8 L��i�� ��o��e��e�� ��d��a� Yellow Magenta Thank you for helping change lives all over the world through our various outreaches! EEL 0515 2-5 Missions TOC SFTH P.indd 2 Children’s Homes Disaster Relief TV + Radio Water Relief Prison Ministry Books Feeding Programs Inner-City Outreach Conferences Medical + Dental Missions Human Trafficking Rescue Correspondence + Prayer MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 2 // DOM 3/19/15 1:57 PM VO LU M E 30 No 3 M AY/J UN E 2015 SHARING CHRIST AND LOVING PEOPLE BY REACHING OUT A HAND OF HOPE 8 16 14 28 Contents Be a hopeful person. Discover the power of making every day count. 14 Asking for the World By Joyce Meyer Our mission: to help as many people as we possibly can. ST RAI GHT F ROM THE HE A RT T V SCHE DULE AME RI CA AT I TS B EST GOD’S WORD M A D E PE R SO N A L 2015 CONF E RE N CES GOOD ST UF F BLACK By Joyce Meyer 5 6 26 30 31 32 CYAN 8 Be a Hopeful Person...and Make Every Day Better 16 Children of Promise By Rachael Athearn 28 Have a Great Day By Joyce Meyer Feeling bullied by your “to do” list? Be encouraged—God hasn’t called you to be busy. THANK YOU! Every day our Partners help us Share Christ and Love People. Check out joycemeyer.org/annualreport to see how your generosity helps others in need. EEL 0515 2-5 Missions TOC SFTH P.indd 3 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 3 // DOM 3 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 3/23/15 9:03 AM Yellow Magenta HIV positive orphans in Chandrakal, India, are given a loving home and hope for their future. WE SAID... All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted. Because of the generous gifts of people like you, we’ve been able to dig more than 650 clean water wells worldwide. In Canada: Publications Mail Agreement No. 41709522 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Joyce Meyer Ministries Canada P.O. Box 7700 Vancouver, BC V6B 4E2 (800) 868-1002 [email protected] TRIPS* 2015 Madagascar June 3–14 Papua New Guinea Jul 23–Aug 2 Zambia Jul 31–Aug 9 Ecuador Sep 26–Oct 3 Nepal Oct 23–Nov 1 Ethiopia Nov 6–15 nge. *Schedule is subject to cha Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.® , a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2015 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information or to order, call locally (636) 349-0303 or toll-free (800) 727-9673. Internet address: www.joycemeyer.org Resource prices are in U.S. Funds unless otherwise noted. Lives will be changed, including your own. YOU POSTED! issions joycemeyer.org/medicalm Alisa Lewandowski: <3 these boys faces! Order online 24/7 at joycemeyer.org or by phone at (800) 727-9673 or (636) 349-0303. Most major credit cards accepted. See enclosed form for details. Linda Byars: Am so blessed to be part of the work! Titus Khor: Praise the Lord! Contributors Assumpta Ify: ...giving hope to the hopeless... BLACK Danielle Simmons: What a blessing! CYAN SHARE YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT! JOYCE MEYER is one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and travels the country and the world conducting conferences. She has written 100+ inspirational books and her Enjoying Everyday Life® radio and television programs are broadcast all over the world. join THE CONVERSATION! Magenta Discounted offers expire August 31, 2015 (while supplies last) and are not available at conferences. Special offers cannot be combined for additional discounts; some offers may not be available outside the U.S. All prices are subject to change. PHOTOGRAPHERS Chad Spickler, David Dobson, Evan Cox, Greg Holtzmann, Scott Armstrong, Matt Shannon SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGES 2 - Moloko88, 16, 18 - Bariskina, 23 - Melissa Brandes, Ivangai, Libellule, Miloje, Pure Solution 25 - Jiri Hera, 31 - Songquan Deng, 32 - Redchanka, Opicobello, 33 - bluehand facebook.com/ joycemeyerministries @joycemeyer Yellow Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. DAVE MEYER is Joyce’s husband and Vice President of Joyce Meyer Ministries. His passion is to share about this country’s rich Christian heritage and motivate people to get involved by praying, learning about the issues, and taking action. We Are Committed to Financial Accountability ACCOUNTABILITY At Joyce Meyer Ministries, we want you to be confident your gifts are being used in the best way possible. That’s why we are accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. FINANCIAL PRACTICE Joyce Meyer Ministries is voluntarily audited each year by an independent public accounting firm. 4 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 2-5 Missions TOC SFTH P.indd 4 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 4 // DOM 3/19/15 2:36 PM STRAIGHT FROM THE Heart D ear Friends, I have made a powerful discovery over the years, and that’s the value of living with an attitude of gratitude. We have much to be thankful for every day, and I want to encourage people to make gratitude a daily habit in their lives on purpose. It’s all part of what I’m calling a “year of thanks”…simply acknowledging all the good God has done in our lives. Although there are many things I’m thankful for, one of the most important is hope. There is so much power in having hope — a happy and confident anticipation of something good. When you have hope, it means you’re trusting that God loves you and wants to be good to you. That is why missions outreach is so important to us. It’s why we do what we do here at Joyce Meyer Ministries. And we’re grateful to be able to do it with the help of our friends and partners. A great way to express our gratitude is to be good to someone else. Find a way to share the goodness of God with someone in your life or even somebody you don’t know. You could be the answer to someone’s prayer! “ You could be the answer to someone’s prayer! ” CYAN It’s interesting to me that many times, while we are waiting for something good to happen to us, at the same time God is working in someone’s heart to do the very thing we are hoping for. And He wants to use us in the same way to answer the prayer of someone else who is feeling hopeful or one who is finding it hard to hold on to hope. BLACK But there are many people in the world who have lost hope in the face of seemingly hopeless circumstances: things like extreme hunger and poverty, disease, no access to clean water, or human trafficking. Magenta Hopefully and thankfully, 2015 is the #yearofthanks 5 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 2-5 Missions TOC SFTH P.indd 5 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 5 // DOM 3/19/15 2:38 PM Yellow In this issue, we want to share some of those things with you and encourage your heart as well. Beginning on page 11, we talk about our efforts in reaching children worldwide with the hope of Jesus Christ. And I’ll share even more about our hopes and prayers for big things in my article on page 14. E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E Tune In M AY W E E K LY M O N D AY APR 26-MAY 2 What Do You Know? — What do you know about God’s love for you? M AY 2 0 - 2 1 2 The Mind MAY 10-16 Finding Freedom Through Facing Truth — Find out the most effective way of sharing Christ with others. Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK Spiritual Growth MAY 17-24 A Street Called Home* — Joyce returns to Madagascar to help unveil a new safe haven for street children. Bible Study 5 4 Title w/ Guest Description Topical Identifier Topical Identifier Topical Identifier Topical Identifier 4 5 7 6 F R I D AY 1 Title w/ Guest Description Get Your Hopes Up-Part 2 Find out why giving hope is as important as getting it. Hope 8 Everyday Study: Psalm 139 Joyce walks you through an indepth study of Psalm 139 What Is Sin? Man’s law and God’s law are two different things. Which one is guiding your life? Finding Freedom Through Facing Truth Find out the most effective way of sharing Christ with others. Bible Study Temptation & Sin Spiritual Growth 11 Bringing Hope to America* See how you’re helping forgotten US military families. U.S. Outreach 18 12 13 Amazon Journal* Travel to the Peruvian Jungle to see God’s love flow along the Amazon River. Hope on the Inside* God’s message of hope reaching those imprisoned in Namibia and Mississippi. Feeding Programs Water Relief Prison Ministry 19 Everyday Study: Matthew 6 Matthew 6 has rich, practical wisdom for your life. 26 You’ve Got What It Takes Still have fear in your life? Discover the only way to combat it. Boldness joycemeyer.org/broadcast 21 20 Discover the importance of why you should plan ahead to show Kindness and Goodness to others. Loving Others Bible Study 25 14 See some of Latvia’s Hidden Treasures*, people without hope until the church showed them God’s love. WATCH 24/7 EEL 0515 6-7 P.indd 6 T H U R S D AY Title w/ Guest Description Children Outreach MAY 24-30 Everyday Study: Psalm 37* — Find out what God’s Word reveals for your life in Psalm 37. 3 W E D N E S D AY Title w/ Guest Description Knowing God MAY 3-9 Power Thoughts* — Before we can act godly, we have to start thinking that way. T U E S D AY 27 A Hope and a Future* In India, lepers find they’re welcomed in God’s love. 28 Children’s Outreach 15 A Street Called Home* Street children in Madagascar get to sleep in their first safe bed. Children’s Outreach 22 Find out how God is Changing Lives and Raising Leaders* in Namibia with your help. International Outreach 29 How to Maintain a Good Attitude Find out how you can keep a good attitude regardless of your circumstances. Mind & Mouth FOR STATIONS AND PROGRAM TIMES in your area, check your local TV listing or visit www.joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. Schedules are subject to change. *TBN will receive alternate programming. MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 6 // DOM 3/23/15 12:04 PM JUNE The votes are in! All this month on Enjoying Everyday Life, we’re airing the episodes you selected as your favorites. BLACK TUNE IN EVERY DAY to see which programs you chose as the very BEST OF 2014. CYAN You are here. THANK YOU! 7 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 6-7 P.indd 7 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 7 // DOM 3/19/15 2:00 PM Yellow Magenta Through your support, Enjoying Everyday Life TV program airs 1,340 times a day in 68 languages… to two-thirds of the world. declaring the Gospel BLACK CYAN Magenta Yellow EEL 0515 8-13 P.indd 8 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 8 // DOM 3/19/15 2:38 PM BY JOYCE MEYER D id you know you can have hope right now? You don’t have to wait days, weeks, months, or years to expect God to move. He’s with you, and He’s already moving in your life. Psalm 71:14 says, “But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more.” A hopeful person doesn’t hope occasionally or sporadically. And a hopeful person certainly doesn’t wait until tomorrow to expect something good from God. A hopeful person is continually hopeful, choosing to hope every day…all throughout the day. There are some practical steps we can take to be continually hopeful—filled with the happy anticipation of good and making every day count. DO SOMETHING FUN EACH DAY Sometimes we lose our hope simply because we lose our joy. Instead of enjoying life every day, we get burned out by bills and discouraged by dilemmas. Why not decide to do something fun each day? It doesn’t have to be a daily trip to Disney 9 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 8-13 P.indd 9 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 9 // DOM 3/23/15 2:06 PM CYAN Yellow Magenta Whatever it is that’s in your heart, if it lines up with the Word of God, dare to ask confidently and then wait expectantly. God loves bold prayers. He answered them time and time again in the Bible, and He still answers them today. Exercise hope, stand in faith, and ask Him for something bold—and do it now. BLACK PRAY ONE BOLD PRAYER EACH DAY If you have hope, you’re never afraid to believe big. In fact, I like to say that hope is the platform that faith stands on. That’s why it’s a good idea to go to God with a bold prayer today. You can’t live with an expectation today if you haven’t had the faith to make a request. World. It could be as simple as coffee with a friend, watching a comedy with your family, or a walk in the park—anything that brings a smile to your face. If you want to be continually full of hope, plan fun things that will create a sense of anticipation. Hope and joy go together, so plan something fun and go through your day enjoying God’s presence and every blessing He gives you. We all need fun and enjoyable things to look forward to. Today I am writing for several hours. I also plan to go for coffee with some friends later, do a little shopping, and go out to dinner tonight. When I plan my day, I always include something that I can look forward to. Don’t wait until you retire to think about enjoying life—enjoy life now. Joyce’s newest book now available BLESS AT LEAST ONE PERSON EACH DAY I love looking around BLACK and finding people I can bless. It’s such a blessing to bless others! If you really want to enjoy your day, I suggest you help someone else enjoy theirs. Maybe you can buy someone’s lunch, give an encouraging compliment, or tell someone they are important to you and that you appreciate them. CYAN Ask God to show you how you can be a blessing and then follow His instruction. As you look to meet the needs of others, you’re going to be surprised at how easy it becomes to hope and believe that God is going to meet your needs as well. Magenta Get Your Hopes Up! Hardcover by Joyce Meyer $22 Don’t put off being a blessing. Do it today—be a blessing now. WRITE DOWN AT LEAST ONE WAY EACH DAY THAT GOD HAS BLESSED YOU Hope thrives in an atmosphere of thankfulness. If you want to live with hope on a continual basis, spend each day looking for ways the Lord has blessed you. You’re going to be surprised at the number of things you’ll find. The more you realize how God is blessing you NOW, the more hopeful you will be that you will see even greater things. At the end of each day, take a moment to write those things down. Start a “testimony of hope” journal. Some days you might have one or two things to jot down, other days you might have 10 or 20 things, filling an entire page. Start documenting God’s goodness in your life and watch how easy it is to never live one day without vibrant hope. I want to challenge you to go ahead and to get your hopes up! Something great could happen. A breakthrough could take place today. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to believe it—believe it today! This is an excerpt from “GET YOUR HOPES UP! Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day” by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2014 by Joyce Meyer. Reprinted by permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved. $28 Canada joycemeyer.org/the happybook Yellow Also available in Spanish (Paperback) $12 10 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 8-13 P.indd 10 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 10 // DOM 3/19/15 2:39 PM As children’s outreach director for Joyce Meyer Ministries’ Hand of Hope, I manage our international children’s programs. Our goal is to provide safe and loving atmospheres where kids can learn about Jesus, receive healthy meals, and have proper support so they can succeed in life. Most people view children’s ministry as teaching Sunday school and planning church events for kids. But at Hand of Hope, our children’s ministry is about outreach, often partnering with like-minded organizations worldwide to support feeding programs and children’s homes. EEL 0515 8-13 P.indd 11 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 11 // DOM 3/19/15 2:40 PM BLACK Yellow BY AMY LEE Magenta CYAN MINISTERING TO CHILDREN WORLDWIDE THROUGH LOVING ACTS & TEACHING GOD’S WORD was a good deed had a negative effect on the village. This demonstrates why we are careful to provide practical support, without disrupting social and cultural environments, to ensure children are safe, healthy and able to attend school. With multiple children’s outreaches around the world, we have our work cut out for us. I traveled throughout Africa and Asia last year to visit our facilities, meet with staff and volunteers, and interact with kids. My goal was to identify what we are doing to help these kids, and to find out how we can do it better. The needs are great, and poverty is a significant hurdle. For many kids who visit one of our 600 feeding sites, that is the only meal they receive that day. More than 70,000 kids come to our feeding sites each year because they are hungry, and we provide them a meal in a safe environment. Most of them come from extremely poor families, so these kids often work to help support their family rather than attend school. If we can alleviate that burden—the pressure of work—a child can come to our facility and be fed, which means they don’t have to work for their food. This frees them up to go to school. Communication is key. Managing multiple global outreaches requires unity and vision, and an understanding of social issues and cultural environments. The best intentions can sometimes cause problems if one is unaware of the impacts. For instance, I once heard of a wealthy woman who visited a village in Africa and started a children’s feeding program to alleviate poverty. What she didn’t realize was, the men in that village worked to provide for their children. When the feeding program began, it circumvented the efforts of fathers to support their families, so the men stopped working. Ultimately, what this woman thought Our facilities’ needs vary widely around the world, and we are careful about the way we approach meeting them. One need is to provide ongoing training and development for staff to ensure they are well equipped. The ministry curriculums we provide must be accessible to a wide variety of reading levels, and in many instances, this means teaching the Gospel through games as a fun, memorable way to learn. Another need is health and safety education. We teach kids about Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK Access to education varies widely around the world. For example, school systems in India are good quality. Children are engaged and driven to achieve their goals. Our facilities in India provide after school tutoring, along with feeding programs and Bible teaching. In other locations, such as Cambodia and certain parts of Africa, the school systems are very poor. Our ongoing challenge is to discover ways to support academic growth by making sure kids are fed, sheltered, ministered to and have adequate after-school tutoring available to them. LEFT: Girl studies at children’s home in Thailand. TOP RIGHT: Amy pictured with children in Madagascar. BOTTOM RIGHT: Smiling children wait in line to receive meals in Madagascar. 12 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 8-13 P.indd 12 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 12 // DOM 3/19/15 2:41 PM Meet some of the children whose lives have been changed through Children’s outreaches around the world! SETSON Namibia Two-year-old Setson and so many others in Namibia are daily receiving nutritious meals and learning about Jesus. proper hygiene and self-protection. We keep track of the children in all our locations. The most needy kids often have the least parental guidance. We know where they are, and when one doesn’t show up, we follow up to make sure he or she is safe. Building relationships with children is a critical part of what we do. Someone once told me that every encounter with a child is a Divine appointment. We have the ability to change the trajectory of a child’s life by speaking encouraging words over them and introducing them to the Gospel. That’s the biggest part of why we do what we do. We aim to not only provide food and shelter to at-risk children—we disciple them. The Gospel gives them a greater sense of value and self-worth. It’s not about just giving them a little bit of Jesus here and there—our goal is to help children come to know the Lord personally. Abandoned to be raised by dogs, it took time for Vitya to learn how to eat with utensils, talk and stand up straight. Today, he’s “just one of the kids” receiving Christ’s love at House of Mercy children’s home. Children are so amazing to work with. They are full of life, genuine, open and honest. My greatest reward is seeing their smiles—when they are laughing, giggling, and no longer hungry. My favorite question to ask them is, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It provokes them to dream big and activates their hope. And watching them sing with all their hearts, and worship God—it gives me chills. These kids get it. They know who Jesus is and they love Him. Thailand Amy Lee is the Director of Children’s Outreach for Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries. EEL 0515 8-13 P.indd 13 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 13 // DOM Magenta CYAN BLACK Russia BILLY Once malnourished and scarred by abuse, Billy is growing physically and spiritually strong, learning about God’s love for him at Bethel Children’s Home in Chiang Rai. Yellow I once read that if you win a child, you win the future. I can think of no better way to impact the world than to reach children! VITYA 3/19/15 2:41 PM ASKING FOR THE WORLD CYAN BLACK BY JOYCE MEYER Yellow Magenta Several years ago, I felt like God placed it in my heart to ask Him for something big. I mean really big. So I did. I prayed, “Father, I would like to be able to help every single person on this earth.” In my mind, it sounded ridiculous and a bit impossible. But I know that nothing is impossible with God! So in faith, I began to pray this seemingly impossible prayer and God continues to show Himself faithful. 14 MAY/JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 14-15 P.indd 14 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 14 // DOM 3/19/15 2:49 PM I’ll admit, this number is surprising, but it also means we have a great Whenever Dave and I have opportunities like this to minister around the world, we are constantly reminded of you, our friends and partners, who help make it all possible. Our mission is pretty simple: to share Christ and love people in every way we possibly can. It’s what we’re passionate about, and it defines who we are. And you are a vital part of this mission. GETTING THE WORD OUT SHARING THE LOVE We are also passionate about meeting people’s physical needs. We want to be an extension of God’s love to the world—to be like Jesus. God is love, and it’s His love—working in us and through us—that compels us to reach out. And as we help meet people’s needs, their hearts are more open to the message of the Gospel. Through Hand of Hope, the world missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries, we are reaching out to the poor and hurting through children’s homes, medical clinics, rescue programs I teach God’s Word at more than a dozen conferences each year, and our Enjoying Everyday Life You’re also in nations like Peru…digging water wells where there is no clean drinking water. That might not mean much until you watch a mom walk five to ten miles one way with a heavy pot on her head just to get enough water for the day! I am so grateful that we serve a big God who puts big dreams and visions in our hearts. The Lord has challenged us to go beyond the norm…and expect Him to do more than we can even imagine. So, at Joyce Meyer Ministries, we are literally asking for the world. Whether it’s sharing the Gospel with someone through our TV program… or offering them lifesaving assistance through one of our Hand of Hope outreaches, with your help and support, we will continue our mission: to help as many people as we possibly can. TRAVEL WITH US THROUGH EUROPE! Follow Joyce’s trip for photos, videos, testimonies, and more. handofhope 15 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 14-15 P.indd 15 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 15 // DOM BLACK When people think of the mission field, Europe isn’t usually the first location that comes to mind. However, a very small percentage of those living in Europe are Christians. In France, for instance, less than 1% of its population claims to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Please keep us in prayer as we minister in several large venues here in Europe. We are hoping to reach a large number of people who don’t yet know Jesus Christ. From our ministry website, joycemeyer.org, to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media sites, we’re using every tool we can to get the Word out. If you are a partner with us, you are helping to provide more than 70,000 meals a day to hungry children—the only meal some of them will receive—and make it possible for people in remote areas to receive the medical attention they need for life-threatening but treatable illnesses. CYAN D Right now, as this magazine arrives in your home, Dave and I are so excited to be in Europe with our team. We’re in the middle of a ten-day trip through England, France and the Netherlands, where I’ll have the chance to teach God’s Word to tens of thousands of people at four separate conferences. opportunity in front of us… it means there are a lot of people who need to hear the Gospel message! I’m always amazed by the thousands of letters we receive from people who have been impacted by our programs. So many come from nations “closed” to the Gospel…places like Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and Afghanistan. Translated into more than 80 languages, our programs are reaching villages and homes in places where it’s otherwise impossible to take the Gospel. for women and children trapped in human trafficking, disaster relief efforts, inner city outreaches, and so much more. Magenta E From the very beginning, God has given me a burning desire to teach people His Word and help them to practically apply biblical principles to their lives. I am thrilled to say that Joyce Meyer Ministries is now reaching more people with the Gospel message than ever before… TV and radio broadcasts are communicating these messages around the globe every single day. 3/19/15 2:50 PM Yellow G From the very beginning, God has given me a burning desire to teach people His Word and help them to practically apply biblical principles to their lives. CHILDREN OF INDIA India PROVIDING A LIFE OF LOVE AND HOPE FOR ORPHANS IN CHANDRAKAL, INDIA BY RACHAEL ATHEARN BLACK Sai Saran sits on the curb across from the playground, watching his sister and the other children fly kites and climb on the jungle gym. Having tuberculosis and AIDS, the sweet 13-year-old has a hard time finding the strength to keep up with the others while they play. But the complete care he receives ensures that he can enjoy the company of his friends and, like any good big brother, he’s especially watchful of his 8-yearold sister, Sandhya. That’s the way I will always remember Sai. And it’s also why it was so very difficult when we received the news about his passing. Yellow Magenta CYAN Sai and Sandhya are just two of many orphaned children who have received a new family—and been given the opportunity to know true joy—at Home of Hope in Chandrakal, India. The home, which is fully funded by Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, provides 50 children who are HIV positive with the opportunity for a better life. It’s a place where they are nurtured and able to experience God’s wonderful love. And we are so thankful Sai Saran, age 13 (left) and Sandhya, age 8 (right) 0515 EEL 16-19 REV.indd 16 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 16 // DOM 3/20/15 3:43 PM HAND OF “After coming here, I learned about Jesus and I came to know about the Bible,” Roja says. Like many of the children, her health also improved tremendously. “Before, I used to feel very sick. I’m very active and I’m healthy now, and also I am happy.” Since childhood, she has wanted to help others the way she has been helped; so today she is studying to become a pediatrician. “I want to help the children who were suffering like me,” Roja says. “After I become a doctor, I want to treat them.” The chance to live a full life and go to college is a dream come true. “I didn’t expect I would live like this, but God blessed me and (gave) me this nice opportunity,” Roja shares. “I am here because of God’s grace only.” Roja, age 18 Meet Samuel At 16, Samuel knows what he wants to do with his life. And he also understands that a good education is the key to accomplishing his goal of becoming a doctor. First in his class, Samuel loves to read science books and studies diligently for up to 16 hours a day at college. He is also passionate about God, which drives his desire to help others. Orphaned as a young boy, he calls Home of Hope his home. He’s so thankful for the help he has received through the Hand of Hope outreach that it’s the reason he wants to become a doctor—so he can return to Chandrakal with a skill that will help the children at the home who are all HIV positive. “I need to help my brothers and sisters who are living in the Home of Hope,” he says. “I think (being a) doctor is the (best) way to tell the people about the Lord Jesus Christ.” Watch the Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcast May 27 and learn more about how you’ve helped children in India. Check your local TV listing for stations and program times in your area or visit joycemeyer.org/tvlistings. 0515 EEL 16-19 REV.indd 17 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 17 // DOM 3/23/15 8:52 AM BLACK In fact, a whole world of opportunities has opened up for Roja and eight other bright young adults who grew up at Home of Hope. Now they are attending college three hours away in At 18 years old, Roja thinks about all the ways God has taken care of her over the years, and she is grateful. Her smile shines as she reflects on her life at Home of Hope, where she was given a good education, clothing, nutritious food and medication to combat the virus. She also found new life in Christ as the house parents shared devotions from God’s Word and demonstrated His love every day. CYAN Almost a decade ago, we met another little girl who was sitting on the lawn at the rural Hand of Hope hospital across the street. Her father had previously passed away, and her mother had just died there ravaged by AIDS, and the 10-year-old was suddenly alone and without a permanent home. That girl—named Roja—became the inspiration for Home of Hope Children’s Home, and today she is thriving in college. Magenta “If this home did not exist, Sai would not have known the Lord, nor would have he had these past eight to nine years feeling loved and valued,” says Scott Norling, director of Joyce Meyer Ministries in Asia. “Sai really loved the Lord ... he was always a joyful kid with a kind soul.” Hyderabad, India, and experiencing life in a big city for the first time. The teens are on their way to seeing their dreams realized as they study to become doctors, computer-software engineers, data-entry operators and more. And as the younger children at Home of Hope see the example of their older “brothers and sisters” they realize that, with God’s help and the prayers and support of many people around the world, they too can accomplish any God-given dream that’s in their heart. Yellow for the role God has allowed us to play in these precious children’s lives. hope THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE WE GET THE LOVE. — CHITTI Linga, age 16 (right) and Chitti, age 13 (left) It’s also a place for the children to learn about themselves and cultivate their talents through the encouragement of their house parents. Now 16, Linga was 7 years old when he moved into Home of Hope. “Because I am HIV positive, people started mocking…me at school and there at the village, and that disturbed me a lot,” he says. “We take care of these kids as if they’re our own,” says G. Sunil Samuel, one of the house parents. “We take that responsibility, that position of being their father and mother at times when they are down, especially when they need love and care. Discouraged and unsure of where to turn, the young boy was considering running away from home. That’s when he met a pastor who introduced him to the children’s home in Chandrakal. “Everybody was (HIV) positive here, so there was nobody to mock (me), there was nobody to make fun of me, and I just did well (and) enjoyed myself being at the home,” he says. “Whenever we…get the opportunity, we definitely encourage them by… showing the other nine kids who have gone to Hyderabad to pursue their higher education.” You might say Roja has paved the way for the children who are currently being wrapped in God’s love and given the chance of a bright future at Home of Hope. But you, the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries, have also played a huge part! Together, we are caring for more than 925 kids in 35 children’s homes around the world, and that is amazing. So as these nine young people move on to new opportunities in college and precious Sai leaves a permanent mark on our hearts, we are ever grateful to God for how they each enrich our lives. And we thank you for helping us reach many children like Sai, giving them the chance to know Christ and have a life beyond what they ever would have had. Thank you for consistently nurturing, feeding and loving God’s children near and far. It’s exciting to see how God is working in their lives! CYAN BLACK Before he joined Home of Hope, Linga always thought he’d be a farmer like his father. But at the children’s home, he developed a love for cricket, which he plays whenever he’s not studying for his computer classes. Linga’s sister, Chitti, moved to the children’s home in 2008 with her older brother. She misses him now that he’s away at college, but seeing him grow up and live out his dreams gives her hope for her own future. Growing up with Roja and the other girls who are now in college has been especially inspiring, Chitti says. They are girls she looks up to. Magenta Yellow Someday she believes she will fulfill her dream of being a pastor. “I want to live for God. I want to serve God. I want to preach the Gospel,” she says. Chitti also learned about God’s love through the house parents and their demonstration of Christ’s love for the children. After coming to Home of Hope, she decided: “This is the place where we get the love.” For more stories of how these young, promising lives have been changed, visit joycemeyer.org/meetthestudents. 18 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 0515 EEL 16-19 REV.indd 18 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 18 // DOM 3/23/15 8:54 AM BLACK CYAN joycemeyer.org/Iwill 0515 EEL 16-19 REV.indd 19 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 19 // DOM 3/23/15 8:54 AM Magenta Help feed the little girl who would otherwise go home hungry, and rescue the woman who was forced into human trafficking. Help the elderly man who so desperately needs medical attention, and the widow who lost everything she owned in a natural disaster. Say, “I Will…” and help someone in their greatest time of need. Yellow Make a difference today. AN INTERVIEW WITH Yellow Magenta CYAN BLACK Joyce & Darlene 0515 EEL 20-23 P.indd 20 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 20 // DOM 3/19/15 2:58 PM A L O O K AT L I F E , F R I E N D S H I P, A N D R E U N I T I N G FOR THE 2015 LOVE LIFE WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Joyce: Right away, we’re bombarded with thoughts like, This is never going to work out…you’re never going to get well. So, what we think and say is very Joyce: How we think and feel about ourselves has everything to do with our confidence. If I don’t believe in me, then how can I expect anybody else to? If I get up to teach, for example, and don’t have any confidence that my teaching is good, then how can I expect others to feel that way? BLACK You’ve both had experiences with breast cancer—Darlene, this past year, and Joyce in the early 90s. What advice do you have for other women facing similar situations? Darlene: I have learned many things over the last year. I know God is faithful to His Word. I needed to be around faith and around worshippers. I learned to reject negative emotions and draining people during that time in my life. I fell in love again with the church— local and global—as I felt so carried by prayer. And I learned that God’s presence is truly heaven to me. How do your thoughts affect your confidence and ability to do what God has called you to do? Darlene: Your thoughts are like the fuel of your future. I could not minister if I was consistently depressed, worried, or scared of failing. We all live by the grace of God, and rather than get taken off course by all I cannot do, I just trust God to use me where He can. As Joyce says regarding fear: “Just do it afraid!” CYAN Joyce: Well, I first met her at Hillsong Church. I was impressed right away because I walked in with my daughter-in-law, and Darlene didn’t just start talking to me first because I was well-known. She started talking to my daughter-in-law, which I thought was phenomenal. Darlene loves everybody and takes the time to be kind to everybody…and those kinds of things mean a lot to me. Joyce: Mainly I appreciate that Darlene is genuine. She’s not a phony person. She doesn’t just worship God from a platform. She is a worshipper. I know she’d be there for me if I needed her, and she knows I’d be there for her. important. One way to stop the wrong thoughts is by confessing the Word of God out loud. I also learned that God is faithful. We don’t always understand what God does or why He does it, but our only job, really, is to trust God and to let Him take care of the rest. Can you give an example of how our thoughts affect different areas of our lives— relationships, goals, etc? Joyce: Our thoughts affect every area. Take friendships, for example. If I have a friend and I meditate on the couple times she hurt my feelings, there’s no way I’m going to treat her the Magenta How did your friendship get started? Darlene: We met in a ministry setting. Joyce was doing what she does best, I was leading worship, and I was so nervous to meet her as I had admired her for so many years. What is one of your favorite things about each other? Darlene: Since I’ve known Joyce, she’s been the same person on and off the platform. She’s always been genuinely interested in my personal well-being and in many ways been like a spiritual mum. 21 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org 0515 EEL 20-23 P.indd 21 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 21 // DOM 3/19/15 2:59 PM Yellow Maybe the most well-known worship artist in the world, Darlene Zschech has written numerous classics, inspiring millions to have a closer relationship with God. Having experienced a year of trials and victories, Darlene will join us in September to share her story as a guest speaker at Joyce’s 2015 Love Life Women’s Conference. We recently caught up with Joyce and Darlene to discuss their longtime friendship and this year’s conference theme—Mind, Mouth, Moods and Attitudes. way God would have me treat her the next time we get together. Many times in friendships things get uncomfortable or just don’t feel right. I think it often goes back to thoughts people are having that they shouldn’t have. Darlene: If I only lead worship when I “feel” like I could, I would be doing it a lot less often! I discipline my thoughts because I know that out of the abundance of the heart my mouth speaks, so what I meditate on is of premium importance. As a wife and mum, my attitude in the home is so important. I set the tone for the rest of the family, so “joy” is where I choose to live. Darlene: Psalm 23: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.” Psalm 91—the whole Psalm. But I keep confessing, “With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Hallelujah! Can you give us a sneak peek at this year’s Love Life Women’s Conference? How can women prepare? Joyce: I’ll definitely be sharing how our thoughts are the beginning of almost everything else. Our thoughts become our words…our words become our emotions and moods and attitudes…and all that becomes our life. I’d say come with an open heart, and ask God to show you truth and change you… because it’s the truth that sets us free. BLACK How has God helped you change the way you think and speak? Joyce: By teaching me His Word. When we really become serious about studying the Word, our minds are renewed. We don’t realize how many lies we believe, and we have nothing to compare our beliefs with until we learn the Word of God. CYAN Darlene: Living to please God is a massive trust journey. He doesn’t just help the way we think. If we orientate our whole lives around Him, then His words become our life! In Him we live and move and have our being (see Acts 3:6). Magenta Yellow Joyce: I feel very strongly about confessing the Word of God. I say things like, “I’m blessed, and this is a blessed day. My family is blessed. I believe God meets all of our needs according to His riches in glory.” I’ll say, “God, I put my hope in You. Something good is going to happen to me and through me today.” Darlene: To say I am honored to be speaking would be a massive understatement. I’ll be sharing some of my journey and what I heard God speak to me during immense trials. Come ready for God to work in your heart like never before. Come with expectation…for expectation is the breeding ground for the miraculous! What are a couple of Word-based statements you regularly speak over your life? 22 MAY/JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 0515 EEL 20-23 P.indd 22 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 22 // DOM featuring JOYCE MEYER CRAIG GROESCHEL DARLENE ZSCHECH MATT REDMAN CHRISTY NOCKELS ANTHONY EVANS, JR. Early Bird Price NOW $59 U.S. Funds $69 After May 31 LADIES, THIS WEEKEND IS JUST FOR YOU! 3/19/15 3:00 PM THE BLACK TO A B ET T E R YO U 0515 EEL 20-23 P.indd 23 YOUR JOURNEY AWAITS Sept 17-19 ST. LOUIS MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 23 // DOM Register Today! joycemeyer.org/lovelife (888) 727-5280 (636) 349-0303 (U.S. & Canada) (International) facebook.com/lovelifeconference 3/19/15 3:00 PM Magenta There’s a road that leads to great relationships, deeper peace, lasting joy, and a supernatural ability to love—really love—others and yourself. A path that renews your mind, mouth, moods and attitudes. Come discover the roadmap to the beautiful life God has for you. Yellow e CYAN Y HAND OF hope AN OASIS OF HOPE SHARING THE LOVE OF CHRIST WITH THE BOSNIAN IMMIGRANT COMMUNITY IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI BY LORI POTTER UNITED STATES United States BLACK The Bosnian War lasted from 1992 to 1995. Bosnian Muslims were targeted for “ethnic cleansing” — a type of genocide. This included widespread murder, rape, torture and forcible removal from homes — all of which resulted in the deaths of about 100,000 Bosnians. It was the worst act of genocide in Europe since World War II.1 CYAN Although most who orchestrated the genocide are now either dead or serving life sentences in prison, the traumatic effects of enduring widespread violence, at the hands of people claiming Christian faith, remain with many first-generation Bosnian War survivors. Magenta Yellow A LITTLE-KNOWN FACT about Joyce Meyer Ministries’ hometown, St. Louis, Missouri, is that it is also home to more Bosnians than any other place outside of Bosnia. During the mid to late 1990s, thousands of Bosnian immigrants, rocked by the post-traumatic stress of genocide in their war-torn homeland, relocated to St. Louis. Today, many of these precious families are welcoming their third generation since immigration. And as their community grows, their deep respect for Bosnian heritage remains strong, amplified by their obvious love for St. Louis. Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hand of Hope recognized a unique opportunity to reach out to the Bosnian community and celebrate who they are by sharing God’s love with them with no strings attached. Hand of Hope joined with Oasis International and dozens of church communities and organizations to host a free festival called Celebrate Bosnia. This first-of-its-kind event, held at Christy Park in St. Louis, included authentic Bosnian food, soccer clinics, arts and crafts, live entertainment and family games. Special giveaways included soccer balls printed with the Gospel message in Bosnian, along with a special edition of Joyce’s book Tell Them I Love Them and DVD teaching, both of which were translated into Bosnian. Mark Akers, representing Oasis International, shared how one mother was so grateful for Christians reaching out to help Bosnians in St. Louis at another event last year that she called her two sons in Baghdad and Dubai and handed the phone to Akers to speak with them. They thanked him profusely for helping their mother, expressing gratitude over the Christians in St. Louis showing kindness toward Bosnians. “Not only are we demonstrating God’s love to the Bosnian people, but by doing so, we are providing peace of mind to their family members around the world,” Akers said. 24 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 24-25 Bosnia FeatRes P.indd 24 1. http://www.history.com/topics/bosnian-genocide MAY/JUN 2015 // PAGE 24 // DOM 3/19/15 3:37 PM DISCOVER PEACE, CONTENTMENT, AND EVEN LAUGHTER WITH A SIMPLE, SPIRIT-LED LIFE. CONTENTMENT & SATISFACTION 4 TEACHINGS ON CD $26 / $33 CAN CYAN BLACK 100 WAYS TO SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE HARDCOVER $16.99 / $22 CAN Magenta ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE MUG $12 / $15 CAN EEL 0515 24-25 Bosnia FeatRes P.indd 25 MAY/JUN 2015 // PAGE 25 // DOM LAUGH 64-MINUTE DVD OF SOME OF JOYCE’S FUNNIEST TEACHING MOMENTS $20 / $26 CAN Yellow START RELAXING AND GIVE GOD CONTROL. ORDER TODAY AT JOYCEMEYER.ORG/BOOKSTORE. 3/19/15 3:38 PM A M E R I C A AT I T S best God’s Plan for America’s Comeback BY DAVE MEYER ALTHOUGH MANY PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE of it, Satan has a plan for America. He wants us to forget our godly heritage and slowly erase our rich, biblical foundation. We see the signs everywhere. God and prayer have been removed from schools and history books. God has been removed from our government except during times of emergency like September 11. Our Constitution has also been reinterpreted and re-written to change our Founders’ original intent. BLACK To take our moral temperature, all you have to do is turn on the television. Our society celebrates doing whatever they think is right, and sin is no longer called sin. The good news is God also has a plan— and His plan is always greater. What is it? Yellow Magenta CYAN God’s Four-Step Recovery Plan In 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Lord says, If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. God gives us four specific things to do: humble, pray, seek, and turn. This is our part of the process. As we do these things, then God will do His part to hear, forgive and heal. But until we do our part, God will not do His part. The key word in this entire verse is “then.” It makes it clear that our part must be fulfilled before God’s part can be initiated. Our part involves true humility and repentance. We can pray for restoration, however, restoration can’t come until there is revival; revival can’t come until there is responsibility; responsibility can’t come until there repentance; and repentance can’t come until we remember... We must remember who we are, where we come from...and why it’s important to be accountable for what God’s given us through our Founding Fathers. We must discover things like: • How was our government formed? • What price was paid for our liberty… and who paid it? • What role did God play in the lives of our Founding Fathers? • What responsibilities did our Founders give us? The Bible says wisdom comes from two sources: the Word of God and life’s experiences (history). If we choose to forget the past, then we lose the wisdom of the past—wisdom that came at a great price. If we forget, then history will inevitably repeat itself…and we’ll once again pay a tremendous price. 26 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 26-27 America Friends P.indd 26 MAY/JUN 2015 // PAGE 26 // DOM 3/19/15 3:45 PM God wants to use our nation as a beacon of light to shine brightly for Jesus Christ all around the world. The Lord wants to use our nation, our resources, and our people to once again become a beacon of light, to shine brightly for Jesus Christ all around the world. On May 26, Memorial Day, we will celebrate those who have allowed our light to shine in years past...an honor all of the servicemen and women who fought for this nation and made the ultimate sacrifice. Today, we continue the fight. However, it’s a battle against misinformation, passivity, and what I refer to as “historical amnesia.” Seeds of Change The future begins with us. Discover how to transform America from the inside out. BLACK What did he mean? A republic means “rule of law” (our constitution). This form of government offers the very greatest liberties and freedom—but it also requires the most responsibility, moral virtue and maintenance to keep it intact. Worth Fighting For God is waiting for the body of Christ in America to become a courageous body…a group who will stand up and do what He is asking us to do. This is the true meaning of a “patriot.” It involves becoming educated about our past, then taking action for our future. These battles are just as important as any we’ve ever fought. Our generation has the responsibility to protect the precious liberties that brave men and women have sacrificed to protect. Friends, with your help, we can protect them—God America has gone from a strong has given us the plan. One by one, we can do our part godly nation, ready to fight for to take a stand for America. As we are faithful to do our liberties and moral prinwhat we can do, the Lord will be faithful to do what ciples…to one that’s complacent, we can’t… allowing ungodliness to creep in little by little. …and bring healing to our land. CYAN In 1787, as Benjamin Franklin exited the Constitutional Convention, a woman shouted from the crowd, “Sir, what have you given us?” Franklin famously responded, “A republic, ma’am, if you can keep it.” As Christians, the choice is up to us: We can either stand up and fight or lay down entirely. But we can’t stay the same and expect the direction of our country to change. Renewing the Soul of America Paperback by Charles Crismier $17.99 27 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 26-27 America Friends P.indd 27 MAY/JUN 2015 // PAGE 27 // DOM Magenta I believe a lot of people simply want God to rescue this nation— to solve our problems without requiring any action on our part. However, revival for America includes taking responsibility to do what God shows us to help preserve what our forefathers have obtained. Evil doesn’t just happen overnight—it happens slowly over time as we fail to fulfill our responsibilities. Not doing what needs to be done in the face of evil encourages its existence and growth. Evil is only denied existence by wise action...and wise action is our responsibility! 3/19/15 3:46 PM Yellow Revival or Rescue? On May 7, millions in America will observe the 64th Annual National Day of Prayer. It’s an incredible opportunity to come together and focus our eyes on the true Source of our help. However, as we pray, we have to be willing to do what God shows us. BLACK H OW TO F E E L L E S S B U SY CYAN AND BE MORE FRUITFUL Magenta I N Y O U R E V E R Y D AY L I F E Yellow BY J OYC E M EY E R EEL 0515 28-29 Joyce No2 P.indd 28 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 28 // DOM 3/19/15 3:47 PM You know, we spend time just like we spend money. When we spend it, it’s gone. We can’t get it back. So we need to think about what we are spending it on and decide whether or not we are making the right choices. No matter what’s on your to-do list today, I want to encourage you that God hasn’t called you to be busy. He wants you to live purposefully and be fruitful. AND THE SECRET TO BEING FRUITFUL is to have a close, personal relationship with God. John 15:5 says, I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing. No matter what you have to do to make time with God your top priority, SO MUCH STRESS IS THAT THEY’RE LISTENING TO EVERY VOICE AROUND THEM EXCEPT THE VOICE OF GOD. You may have to wake up extra early or stay up later at night, but I encourage you to set aside time daily to spend with God. And when you do, listen for His voice. One reason people feel pressured and under so much stress is that they’re listening to every voice around them except the voice of God. John 15:8 says, When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine. Following God can sometimes sound like a huge, impossible task. But really, you can be a great witness for God just by being productive, and resting in His presence as you go about your daily life. When you feel like you’ve lost your balance again and things are getting busy, don’t just drag yourself through the day. Make time with God your priority. He will give you the strength you need to live each day with peace and purpose as you accomplish everything He’s calling you to do. Matthew 11:28-29 says, Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. Even Jesus spent time alone with God before He went out into the world to do ministry, and He only did what God put before Him to do. He didn’t let other people decide His schedule. If we will do the same, then our lives can be peaceful and purposeful as well as fruitful. Free yourself up to be more fruitful. Using Your Time Wisely 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer $26 / $33 Canada 29 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 28-29 Joyce No2 P.indd 29 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 29 // DOM BLACK Instead of dreading that you don’t have enough time, you can make the decision to have more wisdom with the way you spend your time. PRESSURED AND UNDER God wants to encourage us through His Word to live as people of purpose, making the most of the time we’re given. CYAN Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. ONE REASON PEOPLE FEEL ARE YOU LIVING PURPOSEFULLY OR JUST BEING BUSY? Have you ever had a day when you were busy all day long but couldn’t tell what you accomplished at the end of it? We don’t have to live that way. 3/19/15 3:48 PM Magenta You may think time is the problem— that there just isn’t enough of it. But God gives everyone the same amount. We all have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I guess that’s God’s way of saying that’s all the time we need to live a well-balanced life with plenty of time for work, rest and play. you are never going to regret doing it. There is absolutely no better way to spend your time than to pray and study God’s Word. It will bring you peace, joy, confidence, wisdom and understanding. You’ll be encouraged. You can be healed. There’s just no end to the good things that can happen in your life when you put God first. Yellow ARE YOU ONE OF THE MILLIONS who feel constantly busy? Do you wake up thinking: I might as well stay in bed. There’s no way I can get everything done! Obviously that’s not a good way to live. God would much rather see you relaxed and confident in Him, peaceful and fulfilling your purpose in life. So if you’re in a habit of feeling anxious and overwhelmed, I want to help you fi x that. JU GOD’S word MADE PERSONAL In Pursuit of Fruitfulness Time is a gift and we’re able to spend it any way we choose. But once we spend it, it’s gone. At the end of every day, God wants us to be fulfilled and satisfied, having spent our time in a fruitful way. We can find encouragement in God’s Word to not be merely busy, but fruitful and fulfilled. Sometimes we get so focused on completing our “to do” list, thinking then we can rest. We forget that something else will always come up—and that God’s Word instructs us to rest continually in Him. Read Genesis 2:2-3, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 1:4, Acts 3:19, Psalm 62:8. How can these different forms of rest increase our productivity? Fruitfulness happens when we plug in to our power source—Jesus Christ (see John 15:5). Read Galatians 5:22-23. What are the some of the benefits of abiding in Him? He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy]…. Read Luke 10:25-42. These passages show us what it means to be busy and what it means to be fruitful. Do you ever feel compelled to be busy or controlled by your schedule? If so, what can you do practically to see a positive change? BLACK —Ecclesiastes 3:11 Yellow Magenta CYAN God is here for you—and He is able to bear your load. Instead of running on your own steam, take time to be refreshed in His Word. Read Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 12:27, and Isaiah 40:28-31…and rest in Him. What is He speaking to your heart? PRAY: Father, Thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit to help me do everything I need to do, even as I rest in You. Help me set my priorities according to the wisdom in Your Word. With Your help, Lord, I can enjoy a more fruitful, fulfilling life and be a blessing to others simply by abiding in You. Amen. 30 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 0515 EEL 30-31 P.indd 30 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 30 // DOM 3/19/15 3:30 PM JU UPCOMING conferences GRAND RAPIDS, MI JUNE 4-6 RESURRECTION LIFE CHURCH WORSHIP WITH CHRISTY NOCKELS LONG BEACH, CA JUL 30 - AUG 1 LONG BEACH ARENA WORSHIP WITH PHIL WICKHAM ATLANTA, GA AUG 13-15 THE ARENA AT GWINNET CENTER WORSHIP WITH HIGHLANDS WORSHIP BAND WORSHIP WITH ISRAEL HOUGHTON & NEW BRIEED LONDON, ENGLAND APR 30 - MAY 2 and MAY 4-5 PARIS, FRANCE ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS MAY 8 MAY 9 For more information, visit joycemeyer.org/Europe2015 joycemeyer.org/conference facebook.com/joycemeyerministries twitter.com/joycemeyer Get the complete schedule and details you need to plan your trip at joycemeyer.org/conference. Spanish translation will be available at some locations; please check online for more information. Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing will be provided. No registration required. Schedule is subject to change. MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 31 // DOM Yellow (866) SEE - JOYCE 0515 EEL 30-31 P.indd 31 Magenta Enjoy four unique teachings, inspiring worship, and a faith-filled atmosphere where anything is possible. Take some time away—your life may never be the same! CYAN AUG 27-29 GIANT Center BLACK HERSHEY, PA [email protected] (800) 707-7877 x3516 3/19/15 3:31 PM May/June ‘15 E N J O Y I N G E V E R Y D AY L I F E Good Stuff INTERESTING BITS, READER RESPONSES, MILESTONES & MORE FAITH IN ACTION LOVE LIFE PRAYER STARTER A Prayer for Moms & Dads SEPT. 17-19 | ST. LOUIS MOTHER’S DAY MAY 10 | FATHER’S DAY JUNE 21 HOPE EXPECTS GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN. Here is a taste of what it brings: Dear Father, Help moms and dads rest in You as they go about their days. Provide them with wisdom and patience, and the strength and encouragement they need to be all You desire them to be. Bless their homes with peace. May they find joy in each day, laugh off their mistakes, live in the moment and expect good things for the future. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. What to Bring Your heart to be changed. A story to tell. A friend to share in the experience. MON 25 Motivation to reach your goals MON 25 A softening of a hard heart COMING SOON There’s a room with your name on it. For reduced hotel rates and travel deals, visit joycemeyer.org/lovelife SEE THE DIFFERENCE MON you are making in the lives of people all over the world! Look for our special 2014 Annual Report issue of Enjoying Everyday Life, arriving in YOUR mailbox in June. 25 A promise of better days ahead MON BLACK CYAN Magenta AN OF TH KS of the lain all p x e n few e ot ev rt and a a e h “I cann y h fami ess in m s I watc happin a s e y e ugh my es. Thro ht x o tears in b d o ive fo broug lies rece osity we have to so ner and joy , your ge s s e n i year happ ressful t s a smiles, n e e owed It has b . You sh ss y many. t i n u comm ppine for the ing, ha v i g s t n ssed.” de eing ble b our stu f o g n feeli and the E A N OT Help for More Than 300 Families in Ferguson, MO The Ferguson community needed to feel God’s love after enduring months of civil unrest. THANKS TO YOU, the families MON 25 of all 345 students at Koch Elementary School were blessed with Christmas gifts and free groceries in December—plus the development of an on-site food pantry sustained by the St. Louis Dream Center, MON an outreach of Joyce Meyer Ministries. 5 25 Patience while you’re waiting A reminder that God is in control 2 EY, ER, —KIM N TEACH GRADE T S IR F O SON, M FERGU Enjoyment of life And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You. Yellow — PSALM 39:7 32 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 32-35 Stuff Testimony Thanks P_MM.indd 32 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 32 // DOM Adapted from Joyce’s book, Get Your Hopes Up! 3/23/15 2:02 PM A LIFE FREEDOM OF GOD’S LOVE When Aaron’s father found them and reclaimed his children, things didn’t change. Although he really loved them, it was difficult for him to provide for 33 ENJOYING EVERYDAY LIFE joycemeyer.org EEL 0515 32-35 Stuff Testimony Thanks P_MM.indd 33 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 33 // DOM 3/23/15 2:02 PM CYAN AND DESPAIR TO THE She returned a short time later to get Aaron, his brother and sister, whisking them away to a small town in the Rocky Mountains. She believed she was doing the best thing to protect her children, but the reality of being a single mom and the sole provider of the family meant working at least two jobs and never having enough time or energy to be a nurturing parent. Magenta THE PAIN OF INSECURITY Yellow ONE MAN’S JOURNEY FROM AARON’S EARLIEST MEMORIES of home and family are filled with “a lot of drama,” anger, strife and tension. He still vividly remembers the night when he was just four or five years old and his parents were arguing and “really going at it.” Then suddenly, his mom stopped fighting, picked up her bags and left. BLACK Transformed his family and be the loving father they needed. Through this season of chaos and change, Aaron’s sense of separation, abandonment, insecurity and instability continued to steadily grow. Eventually, Aaron’s mom returned and was reunited with her two sons and daughter. She remarried, but their stepfather had problems with alcohol and anger, which created a continual atmosphere of tension, conflict and strife. Home became a place he wanted to avoid, so he spent a lot of time at a friend’s house; when he had nowhere else to go, he was usually alone in his room, with his guitar for comfort. Aaron and his wife, Becky, serve together as worship pastors at Citipointe Church in Australia. Aaron began to see the evidence in his mom. He says, “All of a sudden…I noticed my mom was this crazy Christian. When she would drop us off at school, she’d say things like ‘Aaron, you are more than a conqueror!’ She had all of these Joyce Meyer teachings and she’d watch her on TV. We’d wake up in the morning and she was listening to praise and worship music.” The change in her made an impression, but Aaron needed his own personal encounter with God. It happened in a most unlikely situation: a spring break trip to Mexico. For the first three days, he was drunk most of the time. But on Thursday morning, he says, “I woke up with this discontentment and didn’t know what it was. I went to order a drink but something wasn’t right.” He ended up on the beach by himself, and although he hadn’t wanted anything to do with God because of the hurt and confusion he’d experienced most of his life, he was compelled to pray and worship God for the next two hours. And for the rest of the trip, he didn’t have another sip of alcohol. Magenta CYAN BLACK When he was around 13 years old, Aaron’s struggle with rejection, a total lack of self-worth and constant sense of abandonment caused him to start hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking and smoking marijuana. But somehow, in the midst of all the chaos, God was there. ing a personal relationship with Jesus. It wasn’t long before he began attending a church founded in Colorado by Pastors Mark and Leigh Ramsey of Citipointe Church Brisbane in Australia. After joining the worship team playing guitar, he says, “That’s when I felt connected to my destiny.” Now Aaron was ready for healing in his mind and emotions so he could move forward in God’s plans for his life. He recalls how God dramatically touched his heart while he was at youth camp. One evening during a prayer time with other musicians on the worship team, he began weeping uncontrollably. He says, “That’s when the Father’s love wrapped me up in His arms. I realized He’s not just up in the sky; He is a faithful, loving Dad.” When Aaron returned home and told his mom what had happened, she gave him a copy of Joyce’s book Battlefield of the Mind. Aaron spent the next three months of his lunchtime at school in the library, reading this book. He says, “It was like the world was silent and it was just me, God and…this book. Every page just came alive. She grabbed every scripture I needed, and the first thought that nailed me was ‘This is the way Jesus thinks and this is how I should think.’” Looking at him today, it’s hard to imagine Aaron as an extremely negative, depressed teen who believed he was unworthy of love and fearfully wondered: Who am I going to become if I’m nobody? How am I going to live if I will never amount to anything? The power of God’s love and His Word took Aaron from the oppression of anger, hate, unforgiveness and self-pity to the freedom and security of God’s unconditional love with a humble yet bold confidence to be the man he was created to be. Today, Aaron and his wife, Becky, serve together as worship pastors at Citipointe Church in Australia. It’s been an amazing journey that can only be described as a miracle of God. Aaron Lucas is a life transformed by Love and Truth! “Y Yellow Aaron returned home with a changed heart. He started going to church with his mom and pursu- 34 MAY / JUNE 2015 (800) 727-9673 // Canada (800) 868-1002 EEL 0515 32-35 Stuff Testimony Thanks P_MM.indd 34 MAY/JUNE 2015 // PAGE 34 // DOM To get the whole story from Aaron, visit joycemeyer.org/extra 3/23/15 2:03 PM be thankful a YEAR OF THANKS Join us in a whole year of giving thanks. Even when things get difficult, we encourage you to: We have so much to be thankful for, and focusing on what God’s doing in our lives is a great way to live—it energizes us, gives us joy, and fills us with hope! So I hope you’ll join me in my goal and make it your own: I want to be the most thankful person on the planet. Together, we can make 2015 a “year of thanks.” I encourage you to be thankful and say so. Tell people you appreciate them. Show your gratitude for the small things. Live in a spirit of thanks all year long! You can even add to our online conversation by using the hashtag #YEAROFTHANKS. Help make 2015 a year filled with gratitude and thanksgiving! Tell people you appreciate them. Have fun with it! Be thankful and say so. PSALM 100:4 Show your thanks in big & small ways. …AND SAY SO! Share your gratitude with the world. Post your thoughts, photos and creative ideas online using the hashtag #YEAROFTHANKS. Here are just a few of the comments we’ve seen so far. “Thankful/grateful for half days and stolen moments with my girls!” #YEAROFTHANKS —@NOFEARENTERTAIN “You had your hand of protection over me while I was in Afghanistan.” —JASON “I am so thankful for #YEAROFTHANKS getting thru cancer; so thankful for my husband and all his support.” —MARY #YEAROFTHANKS #YEAROFTHANKS “He makes every morning awesome!” EEL 0515 32-35 Stuff Testimony Thanks P_MM.indd 35 —@NSWARTZY #YEAROFTHANKS 3/19/15 3:05 PM
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