August 2015 NE Connection.indd - Northeast Oklahoma Electric
August 2015 NE Connection.indd - Northeast Oklahoma Electric
Volume 69, No. 8 neConnection A publication of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative REC Day HUSTLES your way September 19 Grove Civic Center August 2015 Your Touchstone Energy© Cooperative 3 4 - Youthful Invasion 12 - O.D. Baker The cooperative participates in a program benefitting area youth A long-time member of the Operation Round Up board and all-around great guy more inside 3 The final co-op principle: Concern for Community 7 Memories from Youth Tour 8 REC Day Preview 10 Returned capital credits 14 Average Cost of Residential Energy 16 Summer Safety LUCKY ACCOUNT NUMBER 971909 Compare this account number to the one that appears on your monthly electric bill. If they match, contact the co-op at 1-800-256-6405, extension 9332, to claim a $25 credit on your electric account. Cover: Willie Wiredhand is ready to show you a good time at the 77th Annual REC Day. 2 - NE Connection 16 - Watermelon Versatile and fit for literary genius Periodically inspect your dryer vent to ensure it is not blocked. This will save energy and may prevent a fire. Manufacturers recommend using rigid venƟng material – not plasƟc vents that may collapse and cause blockages. Source: All Around Green Country AUGUST 7-8 Langley Pensacola Dam and Grand Lake’s 75th Birthday GRDA Ecosystems and Educa on Center 918-782-3214 AUGUST 28-29 Muskogee River Rumba & Rega a Three Forks Harbor 918-684-6302 AUGUST 8 Jay Cruise Night Downtown 918-253-8698 AUGUST 29 Vinita Fire Up the Lions 5K & Fun Run South Park 918-944-3213 AUGUST 14-15 Tulsa PBR Express Classic BOK Center 800-745-3000 AUGUST 29-30 Claremore Oklahoma Fall Hun ng & Fishing Show Claremore Expo Center 918-313-9552 AUGUST 14-16 Tulsa Powwow of Champions ORU Mabee Center 918-378-4494 SEPTEMBER 4-6 Miami O awa Powwow and Celebra on Adawe Park 918-540-1536 AUGUST 15-22 Miami O awa County Free Fair Miami Fairgrounds 918-542-1688 SEPTEMBER 4-6 Grove Jana Jae Fiddle Camp & Music Fes val Grove Civic Center & Snider’s Camp 918-786-8896 AUGUST 22 Miami Route 66 Cruise Night Waylan’s Ku-Ku Burger 918-542-9693 SEPTEMBER 8-12 Jay Delaware County Free Fair Delaware County Fairgrounds 918-253-4332 AUGUST 26-29 Vinita Will Rogers Memorial Rodeo American Legion Rodeo Grounds 918-256-7133 SEPTEMBER 10-14 Pryor Mayes County Fair Mayes County Fairgrounds 918-825-3241 Events are published as space allows and must be submi ed at least 60 days in advance. Send informa on, including phone number for publica on, to Northeast Connec on Events Calendar, PO Box 948, Vinita, OK 74301. Or, send informa on by email to [email protected]. Loyal ConnecƟons Concern for Community is the last of our seven cooperative principles L oyalty is a prized virtue—to country, family, even the schools we a end. We keep those es strong throughout our lives, myself included: I s ll don my Claremore Zebra stripes every now and then. Northeast Connection is published monthly to communicate with the members of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative. Officers and Trustees PRESIDENT - Dandy A. Risman, District 5 VICE PRESIDENT - John L. Myers, District 4 SECRETARY-TREASURER - Benny L. Seabourn, District 2 ASST. SECRETARY-TREASURER - Everett L. Johnston, District 3 Harold W. Robertson, District 1 Sharron Gay, District 6 James A. Wade, District 7 Bill R. Kimbrell, District 8 Jimmy Caudill, District 9 We at Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve also have loyal es, to the members and communi es we serve. We have deep connec ons here because this corner of Oklahoma is our home, and you are our neighbor. Management Team Cindy Hefner When you signed up for service with Northeast Manager of Public RelaƟons Oklahoma Electric, you became a member, not a customer—because each of our approximately 28,000 consumer-members owns a por on of the u lity. That means we care about improving the quality of life in the areas we serve. From construc ng a recrea onal area in a local community to straightening light poles on a baseball field to sponsoring student efforts in 4-H and FFA, Northeast Oklahoma Electric invests in the places where you live and work. Anthony Due, General Manager Larry Cisneros, P.E., Manager of Engineering Services Susanne Frost, Manager of Office Services Cindy Hefner, Manager of Public Relations Tim Mixson, Manager of Operations Connie Porter, Manager of Financial Services Vinita headquarters: Four and a half miles east of Vinita on Highway 60/69 at 27039 South 4440 Road. Grove office: 212 South Main. As a coopera ve, Northeast Oklahoma Electric doesn’t exist to make profits for distant investors on Wall Street. We exist to provide you with safe, reliable, and affordable electric service—and doing so in a way that makes things be er for future genera ons. Because electric co-ops operate on a not-for-profit basis, we have no need to increase revenues above what it takes to run our business in a financially sound manner. This structure helps keep your electric bills affordable. Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We take our jobs seriously, but we also take our community roles seriously, too. That’s why we offer scholarships to college-bound students, and send four high school juniors to Washington, D.C., every summer to learn about history and government. 2. When contacting the cooperative to report an outage, use the name as it appears on your bill, and have both your pole number and account number ready. We don’t par cipate in these ac vi es simply because it’s nice to do, or even the right thing to do. We do it because we remain loyal to our members, our neighbors, our home—and a mission to make life be er in the areas we serve. Offices are closed Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Available 24 hours at: 1-800-256-6405 If you experience an outage: 1. Check your switch or circuit breaker in the house and on the meter pole to be sure the trouble is not on your side of the service. Please direct all editorial inquiries to Communications Specialist Clint Branham at 800-256-6405 ext. 9340 or email [email protected]. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found on-line at http://www.ascr.usda. gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S. W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Employees take a break a er construc ng a playground in Spavinaw. August 2015 - 3 A Youthful CooperaƟve teams with Cherokee NaƟon for sum N ortheast Oklahoma Electric (NEOEC) was flush with new faces this summer. Through a program offered by the Cherokee Na on, the Cherokee Na on Summer Youth Employment Program (CNSYEP), internships were made available to area youth. This is the first year NEOEC has been a part of this local community summer program. CNSYEP is a 6-week experience that allows students to gain knowledge of various occupa ons and interests, while receiving durable pay throughout the summer. This program allows Na ve youth ages 16-21, who live within the tribe’s 14-county jurisdic on, a chance to par cipate in different ac vi es in the work force. According to the program’s website: The Cherokee Na on has helped hundreds of youth find summer jobs every year since the program’s incep on in 1977. This year, more than 500 eligible par cipants will be paid by the tribe and placed at job sites based on their interests, including posi ons at the Cherokee Na on, local veterinarian clinics, floral shops and more. The posi ons with NEOEC came packed with responsibili es and required the ability to problem solve, to work in different work environments, and to use team-building skills. Those skills are vital to any posi on at NEOEC and to any career the interns choose to pursue for their future. The many posi ons within NEOEC assort from the different departments set within the coopera ve including NRS, RECtec, Public Rela ons, Billing, and many other services. During their internship, the students were interviewed about their 4 - NE Connection experiences. Here is what some of them had to say about their summer at NEOEC. Allyson Boyd Allyson Boyd is from Vinita, Oklahoma. She is currently a ending the University of Tulsa, studying biology. She spent the summer at NEOEC assis ng the front office and the member service representa ves. “I’ve had an enjoyable me,” she stated. “My coworkers are kind and generous and always willing to help me with what I may be struggling with. I am very grateful for this opportunity.” subsidiary, RECtec. RECtec is the technology and communica ons subsidiary. It has been in service for over 20 years, changing with the technology needed for the mes. RECtec started in the nine es as a 2-way radio business, evolving later into a Motorola radio repair shop, and recently into providing IT and communica ons needs to schools and businesses throughout Oklahoma, northwest Arkansas, and southeastern Missouri. Kanaan came to work at NEOEC for a very specific goal. “It sounded like a good experience and it is.” Allyson found that her internship this summer also would help in future endeavors as well. “The job is very similar to my work study posi on at TU. The experience should help with my skills and efficiency.” In addi on to work experience, Allyson took away some memorable moments. “On June 23, I no ced a red wasp in the light above my desk. A er informing the others in my area, I hid behind a locked door with Barbara McCoy for five to ten minutes while others tried to kill it. To my knowledge, he’s s ll up there, plo ng his revenge.” With the excep on of a vengeful bug, her summer at NEOEC was well spent indeed. Kanaan Nichols Kanaan Nichols is a junior at Vinita High School. Kanaan was assigned to NEOEC’s Left to r Front ro Invasion Story and individual photos by Charlie Brewer Meg Watkins mmer program Kanaan has a niche for computers. One of his tasks this summer was helping to pre-program the routers for the new BOLT Fiber Op c Services. He also traveled to surrounding communi es, including Grove, to aid RECtec workers in various tasks as well. “This employment opportunity has given me invaluable work experience, as well as income for the future as well,” he affirmed. Kanaan is also grateful for this chance to work, and thanks both the Cherokee Na on and NEOEC. “I like the Cherokee Na on Summer Youth Program. They got me a job working in a field I like. I’ve really enjoyed my me being here at REC as well.” Charlie Brewer Charlie Brewer is from Grove, Oklahoma. He is currently a ending the University of Oklahoma, pursuing the field of Civil Engineering. He was employed in the Public Rela ons department. “It certainly was an interes ng summer, to say the least,” he stated. “My me in PR took me all over the coopera ve complex and beyond.” One of his primary assignments that would prove to be the one of the most extended and interes ng: digi zing photos and newspaper ar cles accumulated in the PR archive. This involved scanning and cropping physical photos and saving them to a computer database. “It was an experience seeing the 75+ year history of REC translated into right, back row: Kodee Bohannan, Dylan Woods, Charlie Brewer, Kanaan Nichols ow: Allyson Boyd, Sydnee Hopwood, Meg Watkins August 2015 - 5 photographs. Nothing quite sums up the longevity of this organiza on quite like finding a newspaper ad congratula ng REA Farm Electric Coopera ves for their 14th anniversary…in 1949! I also managed to iden fy several people I know in the photos as well,” Charlie said. In addi on to his PR du es, Charlie gained some valuable insight into his future degree plans. “I met the leading engineer for the facility, Larry Cisneros. While he is an electrical engineer and I am studying civil engineering, his insights about the best course for my future plans were invaluable. He also offered himself as a resource to aid my future endeavors as well.” Charlie also had a final word to REC and the Cherokee Na on. “Thank you so much for the opportunity to come out here and learn, as well as to serve. This program really is a posi ve step towards the future of many and the ‘coopera on’ of REC and the Cherokee Na on made this possible.” Meg Watkins Meg Watkins is from Vinita, Oklahoma. She is currently a ending NEO A&M in Miami as a Graphic Arts & Design major. She was employed in the Northeast Rural Services office (NRS) as an office clerk. “I have really enjoyed my me here”, she exclaimed. “I really love my office crew 6 - NE Connection that I’ve been honored to work with. They are the deligh ul part of this opportunity for my first office job. I am undoubtedly thankful for everything they do and have done.” There are various du es while being an office clerk such as inpu ng data and taking care of financial needs throughout the office. “Since I took a computers class on how to use Excel and other programs, I thought this would make a great experience on how I would use that knowledge in a new environment. So far, the involvement of this job has made me realize the importance of being a part of a great company.” This is the first year NEOEC has joined in on the Cherokee Na on Summer program and has made a big difference to the students that had the opportunity to be able to work here. “I have been in this program for two years now and definitely plan on a third. The Cherokee Na on has helped the young adults of this community realize the many possibili es for their future success. The experience these students get to have is greater than any other program I’ve been a part of. REC has been a huge help for the future understanding. . . ‘It is a chance for students to be a part of their community and heritage while working at a new place where they can accomplish new career op ons and job opportuni es in the world.’” Kodee Bohannan Kodee Bohannan, like many of the interns at NEOEC, is from Vinita, Oklahoma. He is currently a ending Vinita High School. He kept busy over the summer in the warehouse of the coopera ve complex, where supplies vital to the maintenance and construc on of lines are stored. One of his main goals to receive through the program was work experience. “It was fun for the six weeks I was here,” Kodee said. “I learned a lot about REC and BOLT.” In the future, Kodee hopes to be employed full- me at the coopera ve. “It was a great experience,” Kodee concluded. NEOEC The interns weren’t the only ones to gain and grow from this summer experience, as summed up by Anthony Due, General Manager of NEOEC, “I am thankful the coopera ve was able to par cipate in this program. Not only did we receive hardworking and reliable help, we forged working rela onships with some of the youth that may very well be employed here someday. We don’t o en get a glimpse of our future, but if these interns are any indica on of what it is like, our future will be just fine.” Back home and rested up, Youth Tour par cipants share on their experience. Whitney Lawson: Visi ng Washington, D. C. was a phenomenal, life-changing experience. I now have a whole new perspec ve and love for our country. We made a lot of unforge able memories visi ng our na on’s historical landmarks, monuments, museums and archives. Rachel Wallis: Thank you so much for sponsoring us on the Washington, D. C. Youth Tour this summer. It was an experience of a life me and I will always be grateful for the opportunity. From the Mar n Luther King, Jr., Memorial to the Smithsonian Museum of American History, I was a witness to many reminders of the greatness of our country. I will never take that for granted. Left to right: Christian Folks, Whitney Lawson, Cheyenne Houck, Rachel Wallis, and chaperon Sami Jo Frisby Cheyenne Houck: The overall trip was amazing. It was such a great opportunity to visit most of our country’s historical sites. The trip was an experience of a life me and helped me have a greater apprecia on for this country. August 2015 - 7 REC Day Fever 2 T ime is near to put on your boogie shoes and hustle to REC Day Fever! The 2015 Annual Mee ng is coming soon and it is sure to be a good me. We have decided to make a couple of changes that are sure to put smiles on faces. The first-ever REC Day car show is sure to be a hit. Enjoy a stroll through muscle cars past or enter your own sweet ride. With a 1970s theme (this is our 77th Annual Mee ng), the car show will be limited to 1970s model muscle cars, and because space will be limited, registra on will be limited to the first 50 cars. All entries will receive groovy dash plaques and top-honor trophies will be awarded. Wait. Did we men on that car show entries are FREE? Contact Roxann Wilson at 918-256-9323 or [email protected] for informa on and to receive an entry form. All forms must be completed and returned no later than September 9 to be included in the car show. A er checking out the cars, make your way inside. The lights and sounds of SUPERFREAK, a disco tribute band, will take center stage. If you are ready for a party, you are ready for Superfreak. They are one of the ho est and most requested party/ dance bands. Always dressed to kill, Superfreak plays the best in disco, funk, and dance. Go for a ride back in me as they show you how to boogie. If you want disco, you definitely want to get Superfreaky--the only disco band that rocks! Together for 13 years, Superfreak has played backyards, arenas and everything in between! Individually, the members of Superfreak have performed on Broadway, The Tonight Show, and TNN’s Prime Time Country just to name a few. Superfreak’s stage show is second to none, with smoke machines, a nice wash of stage ligh ng, choreography, and outrageous costumes. Dance funk isn’t your thing? Mosey outside near the kid zone and tap your toes to the bluegrass beat of Dylan Hall and Pure Tradi on. Dylan is a homegrown talent with a knack for pleasing the crowd. A er all the disco and toe-tapping, your doughnut and coffee will have worn off. Regain your energy (you’ll need it to visit the kid zone) with a Frito chili pie and drink. A convenient and comfortable ea ng area will be located under the tent outside. 8 - NE Connection 2015 015 September 19 Grove Civic Center Don’t forget the most important of ac vi es at REC Day. Prize drawings! We know the high-end washers and dryers have been a hit, but we had to push the envelope just a bit. That’s what the 70s was all about, right? We will have a laundry list of prizes, including the ever-popular $500 electric credits and computers for students, but a new prize this year is sure to get your motor running. The RAVEN 7100 MPV is a hybrid mower, generator, and mul -purpose vehicle. With a 46” mowing deck and a ght 14-inch turn radius, yard work will be done in a snap. Trimming hedges and bushes will be a breeze when you can plug in your trimmer to the on-board generator instead of dragging 50 feet of extension cord. Use a power sprayer to paint the fence. With 5 available outlets, back-breaking work becomes a thing of the past with this sleek machine. The mower deck removes with ease to reveal a mul purpose vehicle with a 17-mph transport speed. Operate it in electric mode and you can drive through the woods without disturbing the wildlife. How do you make sure you have a chance to win this beauty? REGISTER at REC Day. Registra on is open from 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, September 19, at the Grove Civic Center. You do not have to be present to win, so there’s no excuse to miss tossing your hat is in the ring. See you there! R U ! O N Y O T E E G OOV GR AAugust 2015 - 9 Unclaimed Dollar$ Could Be Yours A s a member of Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, you are entitled to a portion of any profit made by the company. Following approval by the cooperative’s board of trustees, patronage capital refund checks for a percentage of allocation accrued from 1984 to 2013 were mailed in September 2014. Only checks in the amount of $10 or more were mailed to eligible members. Members with patronage capital accounts less than $10 were not mailed a check. Their accounts will continue to accumulate with each retirement. When a members’ account reaches $10 or greater, a check will be issued during the next retirement. LAUGHLIN, RAYMOND J - AFTON OK LAUGHLIN, THOMAS - LANGLEY OK LAVERTY, LEWIS - NEODESHA KS LAVERY, W F - AFTON OK LAW, CECIL - COLCORD OK LAW, DONALD R - JAY OK LAWHEAD, BESSIE J - WYANDOTTE OK LAWRENCE, FORREST C - ENID OK LAWSON, DICK - MIAMI OK LAWSON, FLOYD R - LOCUST GROVE OK LAWSON, JAMES - WELCH OK LAWSON, REBECCA R - KETCHUM OK LAWSON, S D - BARTLESVILLE OK LAWSON, TIM G - JAY OK LAYMAN, G L - GROVE OK LAYMAN, HARRY C - GROVE OK LAYMAN, LOREN - GROVE OK LAYMON, JACK R - CHELSEA OK LAYNE, ANDY F - LOCUST GROVE OK LAYNE, GEORGE B - COLCORD OK LAZENBY, DENTON J - MIAMI OK LEACH, L E - ROSE OK LEACH, MAY - OAKS OK LEACH, SYLVIA - PRYOR OK LEACH, WALKER - OAKS OK LEADER, CHARLIE - WYANDOTTE OK LEADERSHIP PROPERTIES - OKC OK LEAF, DEBBIE - KETCHUM OK LEAR, FRED - AFTON OK LEATHERMAN, FRED J - QUAPAW OO LEATHERS, ETHEL M - ADAIR OK LEATHERWOOD, J D - CHOUTEAU OK LEDBETTER, CARL W - WEBB CITY MO LEDBETTER, WILLIAM - SALINA OK LEDGERWOOD, CHARLES - NEOSHO MO LEDGERWOOD, LAWRENCE - BLUEJACKET OK LEDGERWOOD, WINNIE - BLUEJACKET OK LEE ELLER ENTERPRISES INC - GROVE OK LEE ELLER INC - TULSA OK LEE, AUSTIN L - CHELSEA OK LEE, C M - MIAMI OK LEE, CHATA - TULSA OK LEE, CLYDE D - FAIRLAND OK LEE, DAN - SALINA OK LEE, DELORES M - INOLA OK LEE, E F - PRYOR OK LEE, HAROLD M - SULPHUR SPRINGS AR LEE, JAMES T - TULSA OK LEE, JEROME - VINITA OK LEE, JERRY M - COMMERCE OK LEE, RONALD OR BETTY - COLCORD OK LEE, ROY D - KANSAS OK LEE, WAYNE - TULSA OK LEEMAN, DON J - OKC OK LEFFEL, ROBERT L - TOPEKA KS LEFLORE, BILL - VINITA OK LEFORCE, EARL - VINITA OK LEGENDS EXPLORATION CORP - PONCA CITY OK LEGGITT, J R - GROVE OK LEHRMAN, HOWARD - CHOUTEAU OK LEICHTER, KURT - OKC OK LEIST, CLIFFORD - CHOUTEAU OK LEMASTER, JOHN A JR - MISSION TX LEMASTER, JOHN E - GROVE OK LEMMONS, PAUL O - BETHANY OK LENHART, J L - WICHITA KS LENOX, ALBERT W - DISNEY OK LEONARD, RUDY - GROVE OK LESSEIG, WILLIS - GROVE OK LESTER, LEE R - MIAMI OK LESTER, WALTER A - MIAMI OK LEWIS, DONALD E - CORPUS CHRISTI T LEWIS, EARL - DISNEY OK LEWIS, EDWARD H - CLAREMORE OK 10 - NE Connection LEWIS, ELMER L - RIVERTON KS LEWIS, GEORGE I - FAIRLAND OK LEWIS, JAMES F - TULSA OK LEWIS, JOHN H - VINITA OK LEWIS, KENNEITH M - CLAREMORE OK LEWIS, M D - LANGLEY OK LEWIS, MARGARET A - GROVE OK LEWIS, RICHARD - BLUEJACKET OK LEWIS, RITA - PRYOR OK LEWIS, SCOTT D - CLAREMOREOK LIBBY, RAY - GROVE OK LICKLITER, PHILLIP G - AFTON OK LIDDY, FRANK T - TULSA OK LIEBLAND, HEATHER - COLCORD OK LIGGANS, LARRY R - BROKEN ARROW OK LIGHTFOOT, MERRITT A - COLCORD OK LIGHTFOOT, S R - VINITA OK LIGHTNER, JOHN M - JOPLIN MO LILE, CLEO C - KANSAS OK LILLY, M A - TULSA OK LINAM, NETTIE M - COLCORD OK LINDENBERG, E C - BROKEN ARROW OK LINDQUIST, EVERETT L - VINITA OK LINDREN, JOHN M - COLCORD OK LINDSAY, JACK T - TULSA OK LINDSAY, MICHAEL - PRYOR OK LINDSEY, C A - KANSAS OK LINDSEY, MARY V - AFTON OK LINDSTROM, ROBERT C - TULSA OK LINGREN, PETE - CHELSEA OK LINK, CHARLES B - TULSA OK LINKS, PAUL C - FAIRLAND OK LINN, EARL - SILOAM SPRINGS AR LINN, NEWTON - COLCORD OK LINN, ORVILLE - GROVE OK LINN, ROGER - WATTS OK LIST, LARRY - BARTLESVILLE OK LISTON, FRED - CLAREMORE OK LITLE, WILLARD A - TULSA OK LITTLEFIELD, L M - PRYOR OK LITTLEFIELD, LINDA - CHELSEA OK LITTLEFIELD, MURL L - SALINA OK LITTON, EDWARD D - GROVE OK LITTRELL, EUGENE - COLCORD OK LITTRELL, L D - VINITA OK LIVELY, W R - BIG RIVER CA LIVERGOOD, BESSIE - GROVE OK LIVINGSTON, RICHARD L - MIAMI OK LLOYD, JUDY - PRYOR OK LLOYD, STEPHEN E - GROVE OK LOBAUGH, DARRELL - KANSAS OK LOCKE WRIGHT FOSTER INC - OKC OK LOCUST GROVE ROUND-UP - LOCUST GROVE OK LOE PROPERTIES INC - AFTON OK LOE PROPERTIES INC - TULSA OK LOFGREN, PRESTON D - VINITA OK LOFLAND, CARL - WYANDOTTE OK LOFLAND, JIM - MIAMI OK LOFTIN, D L - QUAPAW OK LOFTIS, OTIS - COLORD OK LOGAN CONSTRUCTION CO - NICHOLS HILLS OK LOGAN, ALPHA D - OVERLAND PARK KS LOGAN, CLAIRE FE - QUAPAW OK LOGAN, JERRY - COFFEYVILLE KS LOGAN, JIMMIE D - COFFEYVILLE KS LOGAN, TWILA - JAY OK LOGSDON, E R - CHERRYVALE KS LOHMEYER, CLARENCE - GIRARD KS LOHMEYER, WILLIAM L - JENKS OK LOLLAR, OSCAR - WYANDOTTE OK LOLLAR, ROY J JR - TULSA OK LONCARICH, CONNIE L - SENECA MO LONDAGIN, JAY - GRAVETTE AR LONDON, ELMO - SALLISAW OK Northeast makes every effort to ensure you receive the patronage capital this is rightfully yours. To accomplish this, it is very important for Northeast to have your current mailing address. Many patronage capital checks have been returned with the address marked as undeliverable. Many because they do not have the correct 911 address. To help you determine if you are entitled to one of these unclaimed checks, a partial listing is included. Future issues of the Northeast Connection may contain additional listings as space allows. If you see your name, please call Northeast at (800) 256-6405, extension 9313 to claim your check. LONG, BUFFORD H - DAYTON IA LONG, CLYDE D - DISNEY OK LONG, MARK T - ADAIR OK LONG, R H - SPAVINAW OK LONG, ROY - N/A LONGABERGER, ROBERT E - MIAMI OK LOOMIS, JIM E - WICHITA KS LOOMIS, SEAN P - JAY OK LOONEY, CLAUDE - GROVE OK LOONEY, RAY - ADAIR OK LOPER, VERNON - LAKEWOOD CO LORENZ, W J - TULSA OK LORIMER, PATRICK H - MIAMI OK LOT 36 ASSOCIATION - GROVE OK LOTT, VIRGINIA L - GROVE OK LOUCKS, GEORGE F - GROVE OK LOVE, ALFRED L - NEWTON KS LOVE, SUE - AFTON OK LOVELESS, ALVIN E - AFTON OK LOVELESS, GENE - CHELSEA OK LOVETT, LOUIS M - PRYOR OK LOWDER, GRACE E - EUCHA OK LOWE, DWAIN - CHOUTEAU OK LOWE, EARL - CHELSEA OK LOWE, LOREN E - AFTON OK LOWE, LOUIS B - SILOAM SPRINGS AR LOWE, ORREL L - IRVING TX LOWE, ROBERT W - TULSA OK LOWE, STEVE - SALINA OK LOWERY, RAY E - JAY OK LOWERY, RICHARD - BAXTER SPRINGS KS LOWMAN, DON E - VINITA OK LOWRANCE, C S - LANGLEY OK LOY, HAROLD W - PITTSBURG KS LOY, HERBERT - VINITA OK LOYAL ORDER OF THE MOOSE LODGE - GROVE OK LUBBER, KERMIT E - JOPLIN MO LUCAS, EDWIN K - OKC OK LUCKHART, DONALD C - TULSA OK LUCKY, H L - TULSA OK LUKER, JOHN R JR - TULSA OK LUNSFORD, DON - BARTLESVILLE OK LUPER, BEN - KANSAS OK LUPER, CLYDE - TAHLEQUAH OK LUPER, STANLEY - PORT ARANSAS TX LUTTRELL, PERRY - COLCORD OK LUTZ, LORRAINE - COLCORD OK LYLE, BEN A - GROVE OK LYLE, IRVIN V SR - GROVE OK LYMAN, JOHN - COLCORD OK LYNCH, HAROLD L - FAIRLAND OK LYNES, DEDRA J - AFTON OK LYNN, GERALD - JAY OK LYON, J A - JAY OK LYON, LAWRENCE - DISNEY OK LYON, TIM A - LOCUST GROVE OK LYONS, LUTHER - PRYOR OK LYONS, TERRY L - COLCORD OK LYSTER, JEFF - GROVE OK LYSTER, KENNETH L - GROVE OK LYTLE, JOHN O - JENKS OK M & H CONSTRUCTION - GROVE OK M J LEE CONSTRUCTION CO - TULSA OK MACKEN, KENNETH J - COLCORD OK MACLEOD, MURDO I - WELCH OK MACY, TED E - AFTON OK MADDLE, RONALD III - PRYOR OK MADDLE, RONALD JR - TULSA OK MADDOX, CHRISTINA J - OKC OK MADDOX, RICHARD H - TULSA OK MADDUX, WILLIAM C - NOWATA OK MADISON, CHARLES - GROVE OK MADLOCK, CLYDE - TWIN OAKS OK MADLOCK, VIRGIL - TWIN OAKS OK MAELZER, RACHEL E - OLATHE KS MAGANA, RAYMOND B - BARTLESVILLE OK MAGEE, RUSSELL L - TULSA OK MAGGARD, CLARENCE - BIG CABIN OK MAGGARD, ELLIS - CLAREMORE OK MAGNESS, GARY D - SCOTTSDALE AZ MAGNESS, OPAL K - CHELSEA OK MAGRUDER, MACK - TULSA OK MAHAN, FRANK - GROVE OK MAHAN, RICHARD B - BROKEN ARROW OK MAHANES, KATHERINE H - VINITA OK MAHON, WILMA - SPRINGFIELD MO MAHONEY, J E - TULSA OK MAINARD, JOSEPH D - WAGONER OK MAKER, OLIVER T - COWETA OK MAKRES, G D - JAY OK MAKRES, GUST D - DISNEY OK MALES, RHONDA G - PRYOR OK MALET, M E - BROKEN ARROW OK MALEY, HENRY W - GROVE OK MALLARD, LATTY T - EUCHA OK MALLORY, JIMMIE - CHOUTEAU OK MALLOW, CHARLES L - OAKS OK MALLOY, TURLEY M - OKC OK MALONE, BOB J - CHELSEA OK MALONE, DAVID H - AFTON OK MALONE, MARY J - CHOUTEAU OK MALONEY, JOHN S - CLAY CENTER KS MALOY, BOBBY W - BIG CABIN OK MALOY, CORA E - OAKS OK MANALE, MARTIN F - GROVE OK MANCHESTER, J T - TULSA OK MANCUSO, MICHAEL - GROVE OK MANER, PERRY O - CHOUTEAU OK MANGOLD, GLENN E - MIAMI OK MANLEY, C J - WICHITA KS MANN, PAUL T - TULSA OK MANNING, BERT E - GROVE OK MANNING, FRANKLIN - SW CITY MO MANNING, ROBERT K - SW CITY MO MANOS, EARLE E - PRYOR OK MANTON, ROBERT - TULSA OK MANTON, ROBERT B - SALINA OK MAPLE, CURTIS - MIAMI OK MAPLES, ROBERT - AFTON OK MAPLES, SALLY - JAY OK MARBLE, JOHN - SALINA OK MARBLE, MAXINE - PRYOR OK MARBLE, RAY - SALINA OK MARBUT, CLIFFORD - LEACH OK MARCHBANKS, DALE E - OSWEGO KS MARCUM, WELDON E - MIAMI OK MARCUS, BILL - COLUMBUS KS MARINE UNLIMITED - PRYOR OK MARION, JOHN - JAY OK MARKS, JIMMY/PAMELA - CROSSVILLE TN MARLIN, LUTHER - SALINA OK MARRIOTT, CHARLES - AFTON OK MARRS, D W - CLAREMORE OK MARRS, S E - CATOOSA OK MARRS, TROY L - BETHANY OK MARSH, DANIEL L - MIAMI OK MARSH, DEDRA - GROVE OK MARSH, JOHN E JR - OKC OK MARSHALL, DALE N - ROSE OK MARSHALL, JAMES A - CHELSEA OK MARSHALL, KATHERINE E - GROVE OK MARSHALL, THOMAS - TULSA OK MARSHALL, WALTER G - QUAPAW OK MARTIN, ARTHUR L - MIAMI OK MARTIN, BOB M - TULSA OK MARTIN, CHARLES K - GROVE OK MARTIN, DAVID - AUSTIN TX MARTIN, DOROTHY - SPAVINAW OK MARTIN, EDWARD O - JOPLIN MO MARTIN, EULE H - KANSAS OK MARTIN, HERRELL R - CARTERVILLE MO MARTIN, JAMES - CHELSEA OK MARTIN, JAMES A - AFTON OK MARTIN, JO K - SALINA OK MARTIN, JOHN D - WICHITA KS MARTIN, KAY - CHOUTEAU OK MARTIN, L D - SALINA OK MARTIN, LARRY R - SENECA MO MARTIN, LLOYD E - WELCH OK MARTIN, ROBERT L - NOEL MO MARTIN, ROY G - CHOUTEAU OK MARTIN, SCOTT - TULSA OK MARTIN, W E - ROSE OK MARTIN, WALTER A - BELLA VISTA AR MARTINEZ, JOE - WYANDOTTE OK MARTINO, ADA L - JAY OK MASON, JAMES H - GROVE OK MASON, RICK L - PRYOR OK MASON, RUBY J - AFTON OK MASON, RUTH E - DISNEY OK MASSEY, BOB A - WYANDOTTE OK MASSEY, JOHN - WYANDOTTE OK MASTERS, DANNY L - SILOAM SPRINGS AR MATHENY, HAZEL M - VIRGINIA BEACH VA MATHEWS, LEON H - TULSA OK MATHEWS, THOMAS C - QUAPAW OK MATHEWSON, B H - DISNEY OK MATHIA, C W - BEAUMONT TX MATHIA, DOYLE V - GROVE OK MATHIA, FRED - WYANDOTTE OK MATHIA, RALPH E - WYANDOTTE OK MATHIS, DANIEL J - VINITA OK MATHIS, IRVIN R - BARTLESVILLE OK MATLOCK, JIM - EUCHA OK MATLOCK, JIM - JAY OK MATTHEWS, GENE - EUCHA OK MATTHEWS, J P - VINITA OK MATTHEWS, SUE - FAIRLAND OK MAUK, RICHARD L - AUGUSTA KS MAULDIN, WILLIAM O - SPRINGFIELD MO MAUPIN, ATHA E - KANSAS OK MAXCEY, WESCOAT T - MIAMI OK MAXEY, CURTIS L - TULSA OK MAXON, C W - COFFEYVILLE KS MAXON, GRANVAL - EDNA KS MAXVILLE, CHESTER - BRISTOW OK MAXWELL, TED R - PAWNEE OK MAY, KATHLEEN - N/A MAYABB, FRANK E - SKIATOOK OK MAYES, CECIL L - QUAPAW OK MAYES, HELEN L - GROVE OK MAYES, ROBERT H - CHOUTEAU OK MAYFIELD, J D - TULSA OK MAYFIELD, OSCAR N - PRYOR OK MAYFIELD, T - TULSA OK MAYHEW, SHELBY - TWIN OAKS OK MAYHUE, GEORGE E - WYANDOTTE OK MAYOZA, JAMES C - TULSA OK MAYS, W A - CHELSEA OK MAYS, WINSTON C - AFTON OK MAZIE RURAL WATER DISTRICT - MAZIE OK MCAFEE OIL & GAS - CHELSEA OK MCAFEE, J C - AFTON OK MCAFEE, J C - CLAREMORE OK MCAFFREY, L R - MIAMI OK MCAHREN, EUGENE - VINITA OK MCALLISTER, LURA M - CAMDENTON MO MCANALLY, DOYLE - KETCHUM OK MCARTHUR, GALE E - PONCA CITY OK MCCABE, WILLIAM K - TULSA OK MCCAIN, RONALD K - GROVE OK MCCALL, JACKIE D - CHELSEA OK MCCANN, RILEY L - SHAWNEE MISSION KS MCCART, ANN - SALINA OK MCCARTER, JACK - SALINA OK MCCARTER, LEON - SILOAM SPRINGS OK MCCARTNEY, JOHN D - TULSA OK MCCARTY, LEROY - TULSA OK MCCAULEY, D J - WATTS OK MCCAULEY, TERRI R - ADAIR OK MCCAW, C H - COLLINSVILLE OK MCCHAREN, JOHN T - GROVE MCCLEARY, DENNIS - MIAMI OK MCCLEARY, PAUL J - EXCLSOR SPRGS MO MCCLEARY, ROCKY - MIAMI OK MCCLELLAN, WILLIAM R - COLLINSVILLE OK MCCLENDON, JERRY E - PORTER OK MCCLURE, GEORGEANN - KETCHUM OK MCCLURE, LOYD - AFTON OK MCCLURE, MINNIE E - BARTLESVILLE OK MCCLURE, WILLIAM D - TULSA OK MCCLUSKEY, RAY - WICHITA KS MCCOIN, JAKE K - AFTON OK MCCOLLOUGH, HOWARD R - CATOOSA OK MCCOLLOUGH, ROBERT M - AFTON OK MCCOMBS, JOHNNY W - VINITA OK MCCORKLE, EARL L - DISNEY OK MCCORMICK, ALBERT - SAND SPRINGS OK MCCORMICK, CLIFFORD - SALINA OK MCCORMICK, JAMES - INOLA OK MCCORMICK, NANCY - CHOUTEAU OK MCCORMICK, S A - BARTLESVILLE OK MCCOY, BILLY M - KANSAS OK MCCOY, HARVEY H - COLCORD OK MCCOY, JOHN C - LANGLEY OK MCCOY, JOHN C - TULSA OK MCCOY, MIKE - FT SMITH AR MCCOY, WALTER - COLCORD OK MCCRACKEN, JOHN - GROVE OK MCCRARY, LEO H - NOWATA OK MCCRAW, JIM - WAGONER OK MCCREADY, JOANNE - AFTON OK MCCREARY, KEN - GROVE OK MCCREERY, ROBERT L - SAND SPRINGS OK MCCUISTION, TED R - PRYOR OK MCCULLIN, KENNETH - ADAIR OK MCCULLOUGH, BILL E - GROVE OK MCCULLOUGH, EVERETT D - BARSTOW CA MCCUNE, BERT E - SPOKANE VALLEY WA MCCURLEY, TIPTON J - JAY OK MCDANIEL, BETH - CLAREMORE OK MCDANIEL, GARY A - OKC OK MCDANIEL, JAMES O - BROKEN ARROW OK MCDANNOLD, GEORGE R - OKC OK MCDONALD, CHARLES F - GROVE OK MCDONALD, ERNEST C - CLAREMORE OK MCDONALD, LARRY O - SALINA OK MCDONALD, REX W - SALINA OK MCDONALD, T E - JAY OK MCDOWELL, BOYCE N - MIAMI OK MCELHANY, DONALD J - MIAMI OK MCELHANY, JOE - MIAMI OK MCELHINEY, ROY J - COLCORD OK MCELWAIN, HERBERT L - MOORE OK MCENROE, KENNETH M - COLCORD OK MCFARLAND, BENJAMIN L - PRYOR OK MCFARLAND, JOHN A - TULSA OK MCFARLAND, LLOYD G - SALINA OK MCFARLAND, W M - TULSA OK MCFARLIN, CRAIG T - HOUSTON TX MCGARRAH, DARRELL - GROVE OK MCGAUGH, MICHAEL E - BIG CABIN OK MCGAVOCK, ED - SALINA OK MCGAVOCK, LOTTIE M - SALINA OK MCGEHEE, DELLIE - VINITA OK MCGHEE, BOBBY J - JAY OK MCGHEE, D - WELCH OK MCGHEE, JOHN W - WELCH OK MCGHEE, RETHA F - GROVE OK MCGHEE, ROBERT L - JAY OK MCGILLEM, DAVID J - SCHOFIELD WI MCGINLEY, PATRICK J - JAY OK MCGINNIS, GARY - JOPLIN MO MCGINNIS, WILLIARD A - CLEARVIEW CITY KS MCGINTY, IDA H - MIAMI OK MCGLOTHLIN, W H - COLCORD OK MCGOUGH, MIKE - OVERLAND PARK KS MCGREGOR, WILLIAM C - GROVE OK MCGUIRE, CARLOS - CHOUTEAU OK MCGUIRE, GAIL D - WYANDOTTE OK MCHENRY, LEWIS K - BEGGS OK MCI TELECOM CORP - CLINTON MS MCINTOSH, PAT - TULSA OK MCKEE, BURT - KANSAS OK MCKEE, JACK - EDMOND OK MCKEE, JACQULYN S - GROVE OK MCKEE, KATE - BROKEN ARROW OK MCKEE, W T - TULSA OK MCKIM, DAVID G - SALINA OK MCKINLEY, DOLORES - MAYSVILLE AR MCKINNEY, DELMER E - PRYOR OK MCKINNEY, FRANK J - MIAMI OK MCKINNEY, GROVER - VINITA OK MCKINNEY, WESLEY R - TULSA OK MCKINNEY, WILLIAM B - LOCUST GROVE OK MCKINZIE, FRANK E - MIAMI OK MCKISICK, LAURENCE - VINITA OK MCKNIGHT, BOBBIE J - AFTON OK MCKOWEN CONSTRUCTION CO - TULSA OK MCLAIN, WILLARD T - CHOUTEAU OK MCLAUGHLIN, STEPHEN W - GROVE OK MCLAUGLIN, K J - JAY OK MCLENDON, BILL - WYANDOTTE OK MCMAHAN, EUGENIA A - SPOKANE WA MCMAHAN, FERN N - GROVE OK MCMAHAN, JAMES R - MIAMI OK MCMAHAN, LAURA - CHELSEA OK MCMAHAN, M T - SALINA OK MCMAHON, CHARLES L JR - VINITA OK MCMAHON, RICHARD W - TULSA OK MCMASTER, JOHNNY B - COLCOR OK MCMILLIAN, JERRY - BROKEN ARROW OK MCMILLIAN, WALT L - AFTON OK MCMULLEN, J R - ORLANDO FL MCMULLEN, ROBERT E - JAY OK MCMULLIN, C H - CHELSEA OK MCMULLIN, EDDIE D - SALINA OK MCMULLIN, ROY - CHELSEA OK MCMURROUGH, PATRICK J - GROVE OK MCMURTREY, JOHN - CHOUTEAU OK MCNAIR, RICHARD B JR - PRYOR OK MCNELIS, L W - WELCH OK MCNERNEY, DONALD E - CHELSEA OK MCPHERSON. EVERETT S - MIAMI OK MCQUEEN, STEVE A - VINITA OK MCREYNOLDS, JOHN C - TULSA OK MCREYNOLDS, KENNETH P - OKC OK MCVEIGH, HAZEL - PRYOR OK MCWATTERS, JACK L - KETCHUM OK MCWHIRT, DENNIS - SALINA OK MCWHORTER, DONALD G - GROVE OK MEAD, DARWIN I - CHETOPA KS MEAD, MERLE W - PRYOR OK MEADOR, KENNETH - CARTERVILLE MO MEADOWS, BETTY A - GROVE OK MEADOWS, SID - TULSA OK MECCA PETROLEUM CORP - DENVER CO MEDLIN, W C - JOPLIN MO MEDLOCK, WILLIAM - CHELSEA OK MEEDER, A E - BARTLESVILLE OK MEEK, JOHN D - KETCHUM OK MEEKS, ALICE B - BLUEJACKET OK MEEKS, RUTH - CHELSEA OK MEGHAN COVES - GROVE OK MEHL, JAMES L & LAURA - AFTON OK MEIER, ERNEST - AFTON OK MELCOLM, CAROL L - GROVE OK MELENDY, R I - TULSA OK MELOY, JOHN C - JAY OK MELROSE, HAROLD F - HELENA OK MELTON, C F - OWASSO OK MELTON, JOANNE D - GROVE OK MELTON, RALPH I - GROVE OK MERCER, MARTHA A - FAIRLAND OK MERCHANT, EARL - GROVE OK MERCHANT, MAXYNE M - WAGONER OK MERIT, DONALD L - MIAMI OK MERIT, J D - MIAMI OK MERLE NORMAN STUDIO - COLCORD OK MERRELL, BILL J - BROKEN ARROW OK MERRITT, BEULAH - AFTON OK MERRITT, TONY - OKC OK MERYDITH, ERNEST F - CHELSEA OK MESPLAY, CHARLES - TULSA OK MESSICK, KENNETH - VINITA OK MESSIMORE, ALLEN L - JAY OK METCALF, ROBERT W - ADAIR OK METCALF, ROGER - TULSA OK METZ, KENNETH L - WINFIELD KS METZEN, THEOORE W - ORANGE PARK FL MEYER, JOHN E - TULSA OK MEYER, VIRGIL - JOPLIN MO MIAMI EVENING LION CLUB - MIAMI OK MIAMI FARM EQUIPMENT - MIAMI OK MIAMI NATIONAL BANK - MIAMI OK MIBB, RUSSELL W - PRYOR OK MICH, BETTY M - AFTON OK MICHAELS, WILLIAM B - TULSA OK MICKLE, DONNA G - DISNEY OK MID-CONTINENT PAPER - DENVER CO MID-WESTERN MACHINE CO - JOPLIN MO MIKE LONG CONSTRUCTION - MIAMI OK MIKE LONG CONSTRUCTION - STILLWATER OK MILAM, JESSE W - GROVE OK MILDREN, MARY L - ALBUQUERQUE NM MILDREN, WINEVA - VINITA OK MILER, ROBERT M - TULSA OK MILES, WILLIAM - TRENTON MO MILLARD, ROY E - MIAMI OK MILLARR, H B - VINITA OK MILLER, AARON D - SPRINGDALE AR MILLER, BETTY J - TULSA OK MILLER, BRIAN R - OKC OK MILLER, C W - VINITA OK MILLER, CAROL - PRYOR OK MILLER, CHARLES H - JOPLIN MO MILLER, CLARENCE E - LAMAR CO MILLER, DANIEL G - CHOUTEAU OK MILLER, DARRYL S - MIAMI OK MILLER, DAVE - TULSA OK MILLER, DOUGLAS E - ADAIR OK MILLER, FRED - CHELSEA OK MILLER, FRED - TWIN OAKS OK MILLER, FRED D - CLAREMORE OK MILLER, FRED D - SALINA OK MILLER, FRED W - AFTON OK MILLER, GARY S - GROVE OK MILLER, GEORGE E - SKIATOOK OK MILLER, GEORGE F - PRYOR OK MILLER, GLENN G - PRYOR OK MILLER, HAROLD W - GROVE OK MILLER, ISLE R - TUCSON AZ MILLER, JACK F - MIAMI OK MILLER, JAKE - CLAREMORE OK MILLER, JOE L - GROVE OK MILLER, JOHN A - TULSA OK MILLER, JOHN G - LOCUST GROVE OK MILLER, JOHN S - BARTLESVILLE OK MILLER, LARRY P - CHOUTEAU OK MILLER, LEE A - GROVE OK MILLER, LEONARD C - GROVE OK MILLER, MELVIN - GROVE OK MILLER, MENNO - SW CITY MO MILLER, NELSON - AFTON OK MILLER, OMER - MIAMI OK MILLER, PRESTON J - CHELSEA OK MILLER, ROBERT E - BROKEN ARROW OK MILLER, ROY - LOCUST GROVE OK MILLER, SAMUEL E - GROVE OK MILLER, THOMAS J - WELCH OK MILLER, VERNON J - BLUEJACKET OK MILLER, VIRGINIA P - MIAMI OK MILLER, WALLACE H - CHOUTEAU OK MILLER, WILLIAM M - TERRE HAUTE IN MILLIKAN, DWIGHT D - BIG CABIN OK MILLIKIN, MONTE - JAY OK MILLIKIN, MONTE R - ADAIR OK MILLS, BARBARA A - GROVE OK MILLS, EARL W - BARTLESVILLE OK MILLS, FRED - COLCORD OK MILLS, IRWIN W - FAIRLAND OK MILLS, TERRY L - TULSA OK MILLSPAUGH, ROBERT C - TULSA OK MINER, LAWRENCE L - GROVE OK MINER, LESTER D - QUAPAW OK MINES, JOHN N - RED BUD IL MINSCER, RICHARD D - WYANDOTTE OK MINSON, BONNIE S - WYANDOTTE OK MINSON, L G - AFTON OK MINSON, LOLETA - WYANDOTTE OK MINTER, JOHNY S - ADAIR OK MINTON, D E - JOPLIN MO MIRES, JAMES K - MIAMI OK MISENER, GLENN C - LOWELL AR MISER, R G - FAIRLAND OK MISSOURI TRI-STATE FOX - MIAMI OK MITCHELL, BRENDA K - VINITA OK MITCHELL, CARL A - OKMULGEE OK MITCHELL, CLAYTON C - BROKEN ARROW OK MITCHELL, ERMAN - CARL JUNCTION MO MITCHELL, EVERETT - GROVE OK MITCHELL, HIRAM - CHOUTEAU OK MITCHELL, HOMER L - GROVE OK MITCHELL, JAMES L - TULSA OK MITCHELL, JOE A - MIAMI OK MITCHELL, LULA A - EUCHA OK MITCHELL, MICHAEL L - PAOLA KS MITCHELL, ROY E - WICHITA KS MITCHELL, TOMMY D - VICTORIA TX MITCHELL, W D - CHELSEA OK MITCHELSON, JERRY J - CHOUTEAU OK MIZE, JAN - KANSAS OK MIZE, JOHN B - MOUNDS OK MIZELL, ALVA T - JAY OK MOATES, LORI - QUAPAW OK MOATS, L S - AFTON OK MOBERLY, BILLY L - BARTLESVILLE OK MOBILE MANOR - TULSA OK MODICA, LOUIS - DISNEY OK MOFFETT, NORMAN E - LAMAR MO MOFFITT, ALVA V - GROVE OK MOIST, LILLIAN B - JOPLIN MO MONAHAN, FRANK G - STRANG OK MONAHAN, THOMAS C - TULSA OK MONETT, JAMES F - LOCUST GROVE OK MONFFORT, DICK - AFTON OK MONGRAIN, CHARLES S - TULSA OK MONK, CARL D - ROSE OK MONKEY ISLAND - AFTON OK MONROE, ELEANOR P - OSWEGO KS MONROE, MARY - AFTON OK MONSON, WILBUR I - SALINA OK MONSOUR, RICHARD P JR - PITTSBURG KS MONTGOMERY, M T - OWASSO OK MOODY, ALFRED J - WEST PALM BEACH FL MOODY, EARL W - SAPULPA OK MOOMAW, IDA M - BLUEJAKET OK MOON, RAYMOND - TULSA OK MOOR, BENNIE - VINITA OK MOORE, BOB - CLAREMORE OK MOORE, BOB L - YUKON OK MOORE, CARL L - AFTON OK August 2015 - 11 Operatio Experience rew “He asked me what kind of work I could do and I told him I’d do anything,” recalls Baker. “So he rolled his wife’s brand new Oldsmobile out there and had me wash and wax it. I guess I did a good job because it was a er that he offered me a job working in the store.” Baker says he owes a lot to Jones for the opportunity he was given. “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Philippians 4:12 L ife is good for O. D. Baker. It is especially good when the great-grandbabies visit. When that happens, he says, the rest of the world, with all of its cares, simply fades away. “I could close the store or miss an auc on and it wouldn’t ma er,” said Baker with a smile. “My world lights up when we get those great grandkids are down here.” Baker can easily recall a me when life wasn’t so good. The 68-year-old Delaware County na ve was born in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, and raised near Colcord. When he was seven, the family of four relocated to Tulsa, where Baker’s father secured a new job doing janitorial work at a large downtown bank building. The family’s world was turned upside down one day when a large storage tank that Baker’s father was cleaning shi ed and rolled, injuring him severely. The accident le Baker’s father permanently disabled. With no income, the family struggled to survive. “We had an aunt and uncle that would come and help mom and dad,” Baker said. But it was s ll tough to keep the family fed. “Groceries were real scarce,” recalls Baker. 12 - NE Connection For two very lean years, the family did what it could to exist. Baker even remembers he and his sister venturing out into their north Tulsa neighborhood—near the corner of Pine and Lewis—to rummage through dumpsters for discarded food. “We never talked about it much, but that was where a lot of our food came from,” Baker said. A er two difficult years in Tulsa, the family moved back to Delaware County to be closer to its support network. They received a warm welcome from the community of Li le Kansas and se led into a home located on the five-acre homestead owned by his grandfather, Burt Baker. O. D. and his family have been fixtures in the Kansas community ever since. When O.D. was a teenager, he began helping support the family when he went to work for local businessman J.O. Jones. Mr. Jones owned a grocery/general store and gave O.D. all the hours he could work, including before and a er school and on Saturdays. O.D. said he proved his worth to Jones by washing a car. But not just any car. “He taught me a lot about business,” said Baker. “He was a good man.” O. D. graduated high school at Kansas in 1965, met and married his wife Rita here, and he and Rita raised two daughters here. Thanks to the kindness of the community, Baker family businesses have always been supported. The grocery store at “Baker’s Five Acres” closed a year or so ago a er a long run, but O. D. and Rita s ll operate the furniture, an ques and collec bles store— which is located across from the fire sta on in Kansas. It has been going strong for forty years. O. D. also does estate sales and business liquida ons with Pete Davis, with whom he has worked for 22 years. Except for the years that O.D. le to obtain his teaching degree at Northeastern State University and teach at nearby Jay, Li le Kansas has been home for his family. “The community has always supported us,” O. D. confirmed. “We’ve had a lot of repeat business and that’s what you have to have to be in business in a small town. One thing I’ve always done, if I’ve ever sold you anything that I told you worked right and it doesn’t, I’ll send a repairman out there to fix it or I’ll give you your money back.” O. D. and Rita met by chance one day when she visited the store where he was working. She was from Idaho and was visi ng rela ves in Oklahoma. “I was 21 and she was 18,” said O. D. “We went to the show Saturday night, went to church Sunday morning and Sunday night, and then she le and went back to Idaho. on Round-Up Story and photo Clint Branham CommunicaƟons Specialist arding for Baker A few days later, I called her and asked her if she wanted to get married. She told me she was on her way. We’ve been married 46 years.” The Bakers have two daughters, Wadonna and Michelle, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren—with another on the way. Life is good and O. D. says he has much for which to be thankful. OPERATION ROUND-UP Opera on Round-Up has given away $2,240,653 in the nearly seventeen years that it has been in existence. That’s right— well over $2 million dollars. With all of that money to talk about, it’s easy to forget that the Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve benevolent program owes its success to PEOPLE. There are people—coopera ve members—who contribute to Opera on Round-Up by allowing their monthly electric bill to be rounded up to the nearest dollar. There are also people who apply for the grants and make sure the money is put to good use. At the very heart of the program are nine individuals who oversee this process by ensuring that the money is matched with recipients where it will do the most good. These nine individuals make up the Northeast Oklahoma Electric Coopera ve Trust Founda on, also known as Opera on Round-Up, board of directors. O. D. Baker is one of two individuals who have been on the board since the incep on of the program in 1998. Baker has been the president of this board since day one. His keen judgment and sense of compassion make him the perfect individual to lead the group. “Charlo e Corle and I were both on the board when it was first organized,” he said. “The group elected me president and I’ve held that office ever since.” The nine Trust Founda on directors have developed a close bond with one another over the years. Baker represents District 8 and Corle , a Vinita resident, represents District 4. The remaining seven individuals on the Trust Founda on board are: Randy Parmley of Wyando e (District 1), Mark Stunkard of Fairland (District 2), Bob Eubanks of Welch (District 3), Sandy Hunt of A on (District 5), Norma Kinion of Adair (District 6), John Baumert of Locust Grove (District 7) and Mike Teel of Grove (District 9). The group has lost some close friends who have served on the board over the years. Three former directors, including Terry Sixkiller, Don Boye and Janet Kleeman, have passed away. “We are a very close-knit bunch,” Baker said of the group. “The nine of us who are on there are very much like a family. We care about one another and work well together.” Baker said each member of the board takes the responsibility seriously. “I don’t spend my money foolishly, and I do the same for the people we represent.” He added: “A lot of mes we’ll go into the community and talk to the people who submit an applica on. That gives us insight on what they want to do and why they need the money. If the need is there and we have the funds, we are going to do our best to help. We screen each of those applica ons and give each request a lot of considera on. It can be difficult. There are tough decisions that must be made. O en, more money is requested than what can be granted. It is hard when you don’t have enough money to go around.” O. D. has many success stories to share from his years on the Opera on Round-Up Trust Founda on board. One in par cular he will never forget is when assistance was awarded to a lady who could not afford the pump equipment needed to deliver a fresh, clean water supply into her home. “I went to her home and the water inside her home at that me was black,” said Baker. “I am not sure how she ever drank it. She had a well, but she did not have money for a pump and a system to supply fresh water. That was one of the most gra fying grants we ever awarded.” O. D. admits he was skep cal about joining the Trust Founda on board when first asked. “When I was first approached about joining the board, I really didn’t have any interest in it at all. A er I saw how we could help the communi es that we serve, I agreed. Of course, I sure didn’t know I would serve for 16 plus years. We don’t get any pay for it, but it is a great reward. It is one of most gra fying things I’ve ever done in my life.” Directly or indirectly, everyone in northeast Oklahoma has been impacted by Opera on Round-Up. Perhaps you were helped or know someone who received assistance. Maybe your local fire department or police sta on received money to purchase equipment that may help save a life. “It benefits a lot of people and all it costs each member is just a few pennies a month,” Baker said. “As far as I’m concerned, Opera on Round-Up is one of the greatest things that the coopera ve has ever done. They should never let it go. If people can only see how much good it does. I know I will serve on this board as long as God allows.” To make sure you are par cipa ng, call 1-800-256-6405 and speak to a member services representa ve. August 2015 - 13 You’re doing fine Oklahoma The chart at right details the average prices for residential electric service across the U.S. In Oklahoma, we are fortunate to be well below the national average and below all but one neighboring state. The board of trustees for Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative works continuously to meet their mission statement and commitment to you: “Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc., is a member-owned business that delivers competitively-priced electric power and works to improve our members’ quality of life.” R ED ED, WH ITE and EW E Use your Co-op ConnecƟons card at Cinema 6-Grove, Siloam Springs 6, Center Theater-Vinita, or Allred Theater-Pryor to save Bring this coupon by our booth at the Mayes, Delaware, or Ottawa county fair and receive a special gift! REC supports 4-H and FFA! (800) 256-6405 Buy a large fountain drink and large popcorn, receive a second large fountain drink for $1.00 For more informaƟon on discounts call 800-256-6405 Food When one has tasted watermelon he knows what the angels eat. -Mark Twain August 3 is Watermelon Day WATERMELON SALAD WATERMELON MARGARITA 1 small seedless watermelon (or 1/4 of a large one) 1/2 red onion, sliced thin 16 leaves fresh basil, julienned 1/4 cup (2 ounces) crumbled Feta 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper 4 cups seeded and chopped watermelon Fresh lime juice Sugar 1/2 cup tequila* 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lime zest 1/4 cup fresh lime juice (about 3 limes) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves Cut the watermelon into bite-size pieces and add to a large bowl (you should get about 8 cups). Add remaining ingredients and toss gently to combine. Serve immediately. Place watermelon in a single layer on a baking sheet. Freeze 4 hours or un l firm. Coat rims of cocktail glasses with lime juice; dip in sugar. Process frozen watermelon, tequila, and next 4 ingredients in a blender un l slushy. Pour into glasses. Garnish, if desired. *1/2 cup orange or apple juice may be subs tuted for tequila. RIND PICKLES 1/2 small watermelon 3 tablespoons salt 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon anise seed Remove rind from watermelon, leaving a small amount of red flesh a ached to rind. Reserve watermelon flesh for another use. Peel rind, and cut into 1-inch cubes (about 5 cups cubed). Place in a large bowl. S r together salt and 3 cups water. Pour over rind. Cover and chill 24 hours. Drain; rinse well. Combine rind, sugar, vinegar, anise, and 3/4 cup water in a large Dutch oven. Bring to a boil; remove from heat. Cool completely, s rring occasionally. Cover and chill 24 hours before serving. Store in refrigerator up to 1 week. WATERMELON COOLER 8 cups (1/2-inch) watermelon cubes 1 1/2 cups ginger ale 1/3 cup water 1 (6-oz.) can frozen limeade concentrate Place watermelon cubes in a single layer in an extralarge zip-top plas c freezer bag, and freeze 8 hours. Let stand at room temperature 15 minutes. Process half each of watermelon, ginger ale, water, and limeade concentrate in a blender un l smooth; pour mixture into a pitcher. Repeat procedure with remaining half of ingredients; s r into pitcher, and serve immediately. August 2015 - 15 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TULSA, OK Permit 2171 Stay safe exploring the great outdoors this summer By Abby Berry S ummer is in full swing, and that means it is me for fun in the sun! As you find yourself spending more me outdoors, Northeast Oklahoma Electric reminds you to stay safe. Planning a home improvement project? When working outdoors, you may be using tools, such as ladders, power tools, shovels – or even paintbrushes with extendable arms. These items help you get the job done, but have the poten al to be dangerous if used improperly. Pay a en on to where you place metal ladders or dig for fence posts. Before you start any project, always look up and avoid overhead power lines. Keep a minimum of 10 feet between you and overhead lines. If you are planning a project that requires digging, remember to dial “811” first to find out if the area you will be working in is clear of underground power lines. Power tools should be kept away from wet surfaces, and outlets should not be overloaded. Exploring the great outdoors is a great way to spend me with the family, but keep these safety ps in mind. Children should never climb trees near power lines – always assume a wire is live. Fly kites and remote controlled-airplanes in large open areas like a park or a field, safely away from trees and overhead power lines. Planning to take a dip in the pool? Electrical devices, such as stereos, should be kept at least 10 feet away from water sources, and outdoor electrical outlets should always be covered. If you hear a rumble of thunder, exit the pool right away. Speaking of thunder, summer storms can be dangerous if you’re caught in the wrong place at the wrong me. If you find yourself outdoors during a storm, move toward suitable shelter with covered sides, and s ck to low-lying ground if possible. These are just a few ps to remember when you are spending me outdoors this summer with your family. Use the QR code to the right to watch a video with your kids. It is a great way to encourage them think about their own safety. Have some fun out there, and always keep safety in mind! Abby Berry writes on consumer and coopera ve affairs for the Na onal Rural Electric Coopera ve Associa on, the Arlington, Va.based service arm of the na on’s 900-plus consumer-owned, not-forprofit electric coopera ves.