160309 Expenditure Summary
160309 Expenditure Summary
\ 310912016 'G.ll6O" FtNJ #-100 •• Exp - G!neral Fmc! •• -D ETA I L- ElllTI ~CR Kef, rE3:H PT10< PI<E om:u aJ.NTY EJffi\O T\.fE SJUR( 310912016 7/01/2015 - A\(lNr 11t.E -D ETA !'Fffi A\(lNr o.mN A\(lNr y- T-D A\(lNr 36,000,00 2,754.00 22,080.00 36.00 17,000,00 1,000,00 50,000.00 2,710,00 BOO,OO 11,000,00 21,000,00 10.500.00 2,500.00 11,500,00 15,000.00 25,689.00 6.700,00 5.420.00 30.042.00 4.123.00 3.898.00 6,750.00 2,000.00 18,000.00 1.250.00 5,000.00 1, BOO.00 2.000.00 1,500.00 25,000,00 1,500.00 344.552.00 2,769,24 191.24 1,080,00 ,00 ,00 123,00 46,877. 00 217,15 ,00 ,00 ,00 271.73 .00 201,68 1.250,00 2, 140, 75 .00 451.67 2.260.68 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 1.500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 59,334.14 23,538.80 1,494,39 11,417,62 35.01 5,075,65 183.00 50, BOO,00 1,022, B9 688.00 9,418,00 36,653,37 9,m.31 1,504.19 3,999.15 11.250.00 19.3n. 84 .00 3,613.36 18.328.26 4,123.00 3.898.00 .00 2.000.00 12.000.00 1.250.00 5,000.00 1, BOO,00 .00 695.00 25,000.00 1,500.00 264,837.84 1 15:27 I L- ENJ.Mm{E A\(lNr lNNlJJEBJ BfU\"{E % FeJ>I N ----------999 10000 11000 11010 1001 2001 2010 2011 3007 3009 3011 5203 5304 5305 5307 5401 5501 5504 5601 5602 5603 5605 5606 5607 5608 5611 5617 5619 5620 5622 7000 7002 7003 9085 9090 11020 11030 11040 11060 11070 11075 11080 11085 11090 11095 •• Exp - G!neral Fmc! •• • G!ner al Q1vermmt Am n • • legislative. •• BJar d a SJpervi SO( s •• S)j ••. i es and Wges Rffi I-eaI t h I nslXance Wrkers' CbrrJ,lensation Merl i si ng Q er k' s Fe::a d ng Fees A.d ti ng Fees GJverment aI CEnter Tel "lfunes I 1lS"'" an:::e. 0 i rre/ Pdper I ns•..•.ance. ~ i c Qti ci aI s I IlSlX ance. G!ner aI Uatility afice SWies Tr ave/I ~ I eage Travel Expenses RJOft q:l of \A r gi ni a M. RJgers A ami ng 0 st. 0Jrm1 \A r gi ni a A:>sociat i on of Cbu1t i es T n ChLflty R!g 01anI>er of Chrmu co M. RJger s [Evel <JIl'1"rt Part ner shi p Slut twelt VA EM> Fanil y R:sa.rce Cb1t er Fr i es eat i on cent er A"ts 0u1d I Two COOnty Free Cinie B"ain InjlJY ~earch Feed ng /Jrf« i ca Oossroods 9leI t er at i co Ei1<ipIM O::!rtified £bard Trailing Qossroads Institute VA I nst il ut e of GNer merrt •• Ebar d a SJpervi SOl'" 5 •• w F«.r 36,000.00 2,754,00 22,080.00 36,00 17,000,00 1,000.00 50,000.00 2,710.00 BOO.00 11,000,00 21,000,00 7.000.00 2.500.00 15.000.00 15.000.00 25.689.00 6.700.00 5,420,00 30,042.00 4,123.00 3.898.00 6.750.00 2.000.00 18.000.00 1.250,00 5.000.00 1, BOO.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 25,000.00 1,500.00 344,552.00 •• B:lar d a s..,:,er vi SQ'" S •• •• Rlgi anal WIer Reject •• •• OadevillelG"-ry 9!Yer" •• OadeviI lelG"-ry 9!Yer" •.• /li q:ort R>ad lAder Raj ect Exl t 19 • • VdocIawl 9!Yer Reject Exl t 1 •• Rn::y Glp WI er •• CEntr al Rlslage ~ Legislative ~ ------------- ------.------ ------------- 344,552,00 344,552.00 59.334 14 ----_.------264,837.84 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 12,461. 20 1,259.61 10,662,38 ,99 11,924,35 817,00 BOO,D01,687,11 112.00 1,582.00 15,653.371.322.69 995.81 7.500.85 3.750.00 6.316,16 6,700,00 1,806.64 11,713.74 .00 .00 6.750,00 .00 6,000.00 .00 .00 .00 2,000.00 805.00 .00 .00 79, 714. 16 34.61 45.73 48,28 2.75 70. 14 81,70 1.6Q. 62,25 14.00 14.38 74.5312.59 3983 65.22 25.00 24.58 100,00 33.33 38.99 .00 .00 100.00 .00 33.33 .00 .00 .00 100,00 53,66 .00 .00 23.13 ----._---~~~~ ------~-~~~~.00 79,714,16 23. 13 . 310912016 "0.060" F\NJ#-loo "" Exp - <£ner aI Ft.nd "" -0 ETA am::u I L- WCR ra;T# CfS:R PnCN ._-_. __ .... 12000 12010 1000 " <£neral & R nanci aI A:inin .• ••. Cbl.J1t y Fai r .•.• ClJuntyFair ••. Qx.nt y Fai r ••. 12020 1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3005 5101 5201 5203 5305 5401 5408 5504 5801 7002 ••. <bu1t Y Petri ri sl rat or ••. S:lI C¥'i es am ~ S:lI ar i es an:t Viges, Part 11ne AnuaI B::rus RO\ \ffi \ffi I nslX ance UlenP oynmt I nslJarx;:e I-eaI t h I nsur ance VOrkers' <OO,:Jensat i 00 f\IU nI ""'""'" of EqU JrO'll 8 ect ri cal S3rvi ces Fbstage Toj epI-<Jne Wi cI e I nsur ance a f i ce 9..«JI i es \e1i d e SJppI i es, Fuel & f\IU nI . Travel Expenses DJes and M!ntler shi ps a Ii ce EqU JrO'll •• Cblflt yAnni sl rat or .•.. 12022 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 5101 5201 5203 5401 5501 5504 6013 7002 12025 1001 Pf(£ <D.NlY EmNJ 1UE SJ.UR( 310912016 7/0112015 Il.llEf IMlNr IHR IMlNr 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000 00 80,000.00 309,074,00 15,419.00 487,00 24,824.00 40,705.00 4,080.00 468.00 35,333,00 324.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,993,00 1,935.00 7.000.00 6,000,00 6,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 465,142,00 2 TIM; 15:27 I L- -0 ETA am:Nr IMlNr 46.17 46. 17 V-T-O IMlNr EN:lMRNE fW.NT lNN1MIHD B'U«E % ~N 68,149,80 68,149.80 ,00 ,00 11,850,20 11,850,20 14.81 14.81 309,074.00 15,419.00 487,00 24,824.00 40,705,00 4,080.00 468.00 35,333.00 324.00 4,000.00 3,500,00 1.000.00 4.993.00 1,935,00 7,000.00 4,250,00 6,500,00 2,750.00 1,500.00 468,142,00 14,749,46 ,00 ,00 1,030.90 2,104.36 190,14 _00 2,379,80 ,00 .00 136.57 .00 808.30 .00 398,92 366.43 .00 ,00 .00 22,164,88 214,711,39 1,202.02 487,27 14,473,98 24,411.73 2,205.81 35,05 21,881.64 315.11 852,85 1.348.33 174.01 3.351,71 1.870. 17 3,549.39 2,086,22 6,357.29 2,741.45 99,00 302.154.42 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 94,362.61 14,216.98 ,2710,350.02 16,293,27 1,874.19 432.95 13,451,36 8.89 3, 147. 15 2, 151. 67 825.99 1.641.29 64,83 3,450.61 2. 183. 78 142,71 8.55 1,401.00 165,987.58 30.53 92.20 ,05- 24.487,13 .281,947,26 3,085.09 371.23 94,00 2,277.92 1,48 140,80 92,25 538,21 284,67 200.00 286,00 82.00 200,00 34.087.76 34,54 .2535.90 3304 39.66 100.00 33.30 2.74 46,93 46.12 41,94 56,93 100.00 95,33 41. 00 100.00 35,19 29,709.46 35,06 41.69 40,02 45,93 92.51 38.07 2,74 78.67 61,47 82,59 32.87 3,35 49.29 50.91 2,19 .31 93.40 35,45 .•.• H.nan R!sour ces .•.• Si ar i es and V'ages AnuaI B::rus RO\ \ffi \ffi I ns•.•.ance U1errp oynmt I nstJ ance ~ t h [nslXance \Ilk ke-' s e.tJlJ:lensat i en 8ectriea fer vi ces Fbstage Tel econmni eat i ens afi ce s.w i es Tr ave! - M I eage Tr ave! Expense Trai ni ng i es Of i ce Ei1U JrO'll .•.• H.nan R!S0lS ces .•.• 70,888.00 108.00 5,423,00 9,336,00 936,00 94,00 6,840.00 54,00 300,00 200.00 483,00 500.00 200.00 300,00 200.00 200.00 96.062,00 70,888,00 108.00 5,423,00 9,336.00 936.00 94.00 6,840.00 54.00 300,00 200.00 1,283.00 500,00 200.00 300,00 200.00 200.00 96.862.00 5,612.78 .00 419.12 BOO.80 72.36 ,00 570,00 .00 16.13 .00 144.46 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 7,635,65 46.400.87 108.28 3,475,74 6,250.91 564.77 .00 4,582.08 52,52 159.20 107,75 744.79 215.33 ,00 118,00 .00 62.774.24 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 ." R narce o.part •.••• S:i a'" j es and Wges 84,715.00 84,715.00 6,570,60 55,005.54 .00 s.w 14.00 , 310912016 FlN) #-100 ,. WCR Krr# B<p- '0-060' G<1efal Fu1d •• -OET AI t:m:R - PKE C'RUL <JlNTY l- PI1 CN 3 111\1' 15:27 -0 ETA I l- EmNJ 1UE SJ.I,ffi( 310912016 7/01/2015 Ell1ET IW.Nf 1m' 217.00 6.481.00 10,753.00 1,118.00 210.00 260.00 17,587.00 85.00 2,500.00 1,350.00 8,000.00 2,200.00 5,000.00 150.00 1,000.00 400.00 26,000.00 1,000.00 169,026.00 217.00 6.481.00 10,753.00 1,118.00 210.00 260.00 17,587.00 85.00 2,500.00 1,350.00 8,000.00 2,200.00 4,865.00 150.00 1,000.00 535.00 26,000.00 1,000.00 169,026.00 .00 437.32 907.48 84.72 17.69 .00 1,700.20 .00 .00 63.35 .00 216.20 151.43 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,148.99 216.56 3.809.19 7,165.72 668.95 122.08 9.70 12,428. 12 82.65 .00 625.43 2,156.61 1,339.58 496. 18 .00 448.86 595.00 24.971.00 408.22 110,549.39 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .44 2,671.61 3,587.28 449.05 87.92 250.30 5,158.88 2.35 2,500.00 724.57 5,843.39 860.42 4,368.82 150.00 551.14 60. ()O. 1,029.00 591.78 58,476 61 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 1,922.00 1,922.00 34,922.00 34,922.00 .00 .00 40,078.00 40,078.00 35,374.00 30,000.00 271.00 4,925.00 4,659.00 467.00 366.00 5,832.00 1,493.00 7,500.00 3,900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,450.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 300.00 15,000.00 35,374.00 30,000.00 271. 00 4,925.00 4,659.00 467.00 366.00 5,832.00 1,493.00 7,500.00 3,900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,950.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 300.00 15,000.00 2,800.88 1,587.92 .00 315.72 399.62 36 10 .00 664.50 .00 .00 381. 12 .00 269. n 372.08 .00 .00 .00 300.00 .00 .00 961.40 23,154.92 18,279.67 270. 73 3,047.91 3,119.36 281.81 184.05 5,176.50 1,452.08 6,565.00 1,713.40 467.60 951.52 1,911.17 420.34 543.61 .00 360.00 375.00 299.94 7,616.99 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 12,219.08 11. 720. 33 .27 1,8n. 09 1,539.64 185. 19 181.95 655.50 40.92 935.00 2,186.60 532.40 48.48 1,038.83 1,579.66 1,456.39 1,500.00 840.00 125.00 .06 7,383.01 IW.Nf (lRlNr IW.Nf Y-T-O IW.Nf EW.J.IH'«E IW.Nf lJ'INlMHID IJIUN:E % R'MN ~._-------1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 3005 5101 5201 5203 5401 5501 5504 5801 7001 7002 ImuaI ROI R nance D>par t _ ElJnus \ffi \R3. I OSlt" ao:e \.ffi I1'l:x'id 0 sabi I i ty lilenP oynent I nsur ao:e I-eaI t h I os..•.wee Wr ker s Cbnpensat i on ~ nt """"'" of fqU pIlOn\ B ectri cal Servi ces Fbstage Tel ecmmri cat i OIlS Ofi ce SJppI i es Travel - rJleage Travel . &penses D..Es & ~ shi ps Clx1JlUler fqU p & kcount i ng &,st em a fi ce fqU pIlOn\ •• R nance D>part _ •• 12030 12040 3002 •• R nance D>par t _ •• •• legal Servi ces •• Cbnpensat i on of COO1ty A: I Q'" ref •• legal S:!r vi ces ** 12050 1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3007 5101 5103 5201 5203 5401 5408 5504 5616 5801 5990 6014 •• To..rismu S:II ali es S3I wi es am \'ages Part - tI ne ImuaI ElJnus ROI \ffi \ffi I "'flRNE U1enPOY- I nslX8I1Ce I-k3I t h I nsIX arce Wr ker s Cbnpensat i 00 Mer t i si ng 8 act ri cal Servi ces IAtI.er ard S:Ner Fbstage Tel epI-ooe afice 3.Wies \t!hi d e SJppI i es, Fu; & t.j; nt. Travel B<pense vebsite ktlvities ~of essi anal cev & t-.tnber shi P Pay_ Rltall S:lI es Tax A"tiSiV1 Oafls .20 41. 22 33.36 40.16 41.86 96.26 29.33 2.76 100 00 53.67 73.04 39.11 89.80 100.00 55.11 11.213.95 59 17 34.59 53.43 53.43 34.54 39.06 .09 36. 11 33.04 39.65 49. 71 11.23 2. 74 12.46 56.06 53.24 4.84 35.21 78.98 72.81 100.00 64.00 25.00 .02 49.22 am:u. .G.OOO. 310912016 RNJ #-100 •• B<p • Cffiefal Food •• • D ETA I L. ~CR KIT# PKE CIlNTY EJ<llNl11.R; SJU>R( 7/01/2015 D:lUl PTlGI . 310912016 EllIET IffR /Ml.Nf /Ml.Nf 4 11M' 15:27 .DETAI L. a.mNf /Ml.Nf y. T.D /Ml.Nf INJ.1\lfl'NE lNNl.MEID BIUNE /Ml.Nf % ffiJ'j N ----------U 7002 9000 9020 9030 9055 9075 9081 TOlJism** Of i ce E'qLi pnmt TOlJist I nfa-nati on <Hrter ill tlla! .-er i t age Q:mri ssi on <hlmn t y B1ent s Chest nut Q eek S:tOO of Qlr roll <lull y B' ochur e VIC Gant theA-ts *. TQlJi sm •• 12070 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2013 3005 3161 5101 5201 5203 5401 5408 5504 5801 6012 7002 8007 8030 12075 3005 5401 5403 5406 5504 6012 8007 12090 1001 •• I nf or rmt i on Tectv10I ogy •• SII ari es ard ~ ImuaJ Il:nJs RC1I \Ri \R5 - I rlSlI ance \ffi . .-ybrid Osablity U1ef1ljoyt nsll'"ance t-eaI t h I nslX ance Vdr ker s Cbn,:lensati on Tra ni ng ~ nt enao-ce of I'qLi pnmt TecIYloI fYJf COOsul t i ng 8 ect ri cal ~vices Rlst age Tel epIu-e Gfice SWies FOO Trave - Expenses ~shi ps, U censes, cert i fi cati ens U censesJ Slf t Wft e UxJat es o f I ce E'qLi pnmt HP E'qLi pnmt Wr eI ess Inter net A::cess • • I nf Ofnati 00 Techrd ogy •• •• Wb lllvel opnont •• E'qLi pnmt ~ nt enarce a fi ce 9JppI i es ClJmrjns VIal I-bst i ng Tr ave! S:Jft W3f e ard U censes Hirdva'e •• Wb lllvel opnont •• • '" CbrmIssi oner of t he Rlverue • '" Si at i es ard V'*Jes 1,000.00 13,500.00 10,000 00 15.000.00 4.000 00 2,000.00 .00 166,037.00 1,000.00 13.500.00 10,000.00 15.000.00 4.000.00 2,000.00 9.136.00 176,673.00 .00 24.50 833.33 56.00 .00 .00 .00 9.002.94 126,713.00 325.00 9,694.00 15,987.00 1.673.00 126,713.00 325.00 9,694.00 15,987.00 1.673.00 9.871. 64 .00 726.88 1,349.10 127.28 35.03 .00 1,990.00 .00 .00 1,881.72 .00 65.57 .00 541.92 39.88 .00 .00 .00 326.00 .00 .00 453.43 17,388.45 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,143.95 .00 1.143.95 414.00 281.00 23.880.00 100.00 7,500.00 52.000.00 1,500.00 900.00 250.00 35,000.00 3.500.00 250.00 2.000.00 3,000.00 7.500.00 1,000.00 .00 7.000.00 300.467.00 1,100.00 3,300.00 500.00 1,000.00 800.00 2,500.00 1,800.00 11,000.00 256,963.00 414.00 281.00 23.880.00 100.00 7,500.00 52.000.00 1,500.00 900.00 250.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 250.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 84,019.00 7,000.00 356,486.00 I, 100. 00 3.300.00 500.00 1,000.00 800.00 2,500.00 1,800.00 11,000.00 256,963.00 20,248.94 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.000.00 6.356.87 3,333 36 8.396.07 4.000.00 2,000.00 .57 70,932.27 50.28 75,083.33 3.717.09 235.299.37 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 43,965.42 .16 3.565.81 5.326.51 667.37 172.24 270.48 7,952.72 2.74 7,500.00 28.298.28 1,500.00 252.64 249.52 4,052.00 3, 108.78 201. 13 2,000.00 5,210.00 6.277, 47949.72 8.935.67 3.282.91 121,188.63 100.00 54.41 100.00 28.07 99.80 57.88 88.82 80.45 100.00 173.66 83.6994.97 10.63 46.89 33.99 .00 .00 55.24 800.00 .00 2,281.83 .00 3.137.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,100.00 3,300.00 444.76 200.00 800.00 218. 17 1,800.00 7.862.93 100.00 100.00 88.95 20.00 100.00 8.72 100.00 71.48 171,321. 91 .00 .00 7. 143. 13 6.666.64 6,603.93 .00 .00 9,135.43 105.740.73 82,747.58 324.84 6.128.19 10,660.49 1,005.63 241.76 10.52 15.927.28 97.26 .00 23,701.72 .00 647.36 .48 2,948.00 391.22 48 87 .00 2,210. ()(). 13,m.47 85.641.09 100.00 47.08 33.33 55.97 100.00 100.00 .00 40.14 3469 .04 36.78 33 31 39.89 41. 60 96.25 33.30 2. 74 33.32 310912016 'Q06O' F\N) #-100 •• Exp - GJneral Rrd •• -DET AI L- WCR =- 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 3002 3005 3007 3130 4001 5101 5201 5203 5305 5401 5408 5409 5501 5801 7002 7003 12100 12110 12130 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3005 3007 4001 5101 5201 5203 5400 5401 5402 ElilET A\O.Nf rm:RPnCN ._------_ .. .•.• coom 5si oner of t he RNenue S:lI ar i es arK:! Wges, Part 'TI ne fmuaI Ebus RCA \ffi \ffi I nslJ ance I.ffi f)-t>-i d 0 sal>lit y lhenpI oynmt Insurance J-i:BI t h I os ..•.cree I/drkers' <blpensation A' of essi anal S:!rvi ees Mi nt""""'" of 8:tLi pnwt AAer t i si ng ~sessnmt Qrt a Rocessi ng 8 oct ri cal S:!rvi ces Fbstage Telephone S:!r vi res \A:h cI e I nsur ance afi ce 3.4'PI i es \khi d e ~ nt en..¥ICe Fuel Tr ave! -""'1 eage D.Jes and 3.bscr i JX i OIlS Of i ce 8:tLi pnwt Tr ai ni ng .•.• 0lrmI 55i oner of t he RNenue "Rlal ** EState Pf<E O'ffill ffiNTY E*B'D1lJt~ 310912016 7/01/2015 - e .• Ifffi A\O.Nf n~ 5 15: 27 -DETAIL(JJT{Nf A\O.Nf Y-T-D A\O.Nf EN:ll\lffi"{E \JB'il.MEID BIVN:E A\O.Nf % FaI'l N .•.• .00 758.00 19.658.00 33.278.00 3.392.00 333.00 562.00 62.400.00 257.00 15.000.00 2.100.00 400.00 250.000.00 7.600.00 3.730.00 2.900.00 8.283.00 476.00 6.500.00 500.00 750.00 150.00 2.500.00 4.600.00 2.500.00 683.590.00 .00 758.00 19.658.00 33.278.00 3.392.00 333.00 562.00 62.400.00 257.00 15.000.00 2.100.00 400.00 250.000.00 7.600.00 3.730.00 2.300.00 6.283.00 476.00 6.500.00 500.00 750.00 750.00 2.500.00 4.600.00 2.500.00 683.590.00 .00 .00 1.368. 12 2.841. 42 261.04 28.09 .00 5.440.00 .00 .00 152.83 .00 32.220.00 3.362.25 233.82 .00 359.71 .00 545.98 .00 .00 .00 50.00 220.59 .00 67.332.79 2.269.12 757.96 11.889.56 22.619.92 2.078.08 195.53 202.07 43.541.84 249.96 .00 1.222.64 81.50 103.437.50 4.480.25 2.308.42 .00 2.616.99 467.54 1.168.43 .00 253.68 709.23 445.00 220.59 815.11 373.352.81 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2.269. 12.04 7.768.44 10.658.08 1.313.92 137.47 359.93 18.858.16 7.04 15.000.00 8n. 36 318.50 146.562.50 3.119.75 1.421. 58 2.300.00 3.666.01 8.46 5.331.57 500.00 496.34 4O.n. 2.055.00 4.379.41 1.684.89 310.237.19 100.00.00 39.51 32.02 38.73 41.28 64.04 30.22 2.73 100.00 217.896.00 650.00 16.669.00 28.468.00 2.876.00 468.00 55.560.00 218.00 3.500.00 1.000.00 5.500.00 3.850.00 30.000.00 5.000.00 9.000.00 1.000.00 8.000.00 217.896.00 650.00 16.669.00 28.468.00 2.876.00 468.00 55.560.00 218.00 3.500.00 1.000.00 5.500.00 3.850.00 30.000.00 5.000.00 9.000.00 1.000.00 8.000.00 16.811.90 .00 1.131. 98 2.379.54 216.74 .00 4.630.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 211.44 .00 394.65 .00 .00 245.81 142,241.91 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 75.654.09 .32 6.972.83 9.525.00 1. 150. 56 348.82 18.497.12 5.97 496.32 346.00 5.397.11 1.762.52 10.515.00 1.819.76 312.30 793.00 5.467.83 34.72 .04 41.83 33.45 40.00 74.53 33.29 2.73 14.18 34.60 98.12 45. n. 35.05 36.39 3.47 79.30 68.34 41.77 79.62 58.62 41.04 38. 11 100.00 58.34 1. n. 82.02 100.00 66.17 5.43 82.20 95.20 67.39 45.38 Ipp"ai set" Feassessnent .•.• •• Treastxer .•• SIl a'" i es cn:i Wges fmuaI Ebus RCA I.ffi \ffi I nslX ance UlenpI oynmt I nslJ ance I-eaI t h 1 nslJ'"ance Vdrkers' Ctqlensation Mi nt""""'" of pnwt A:tver t i 5i ng l:lrt a R" ocessi ng 8 edri cal Fer vi ces Fbstal S:!rvi ces Tel E!Jb;lne SoY•••! ces Tax 1i eket 5 s_s ali ce SJW I es a,u 649.68 9.696.17 18.943.00 1.725.44 119.18 37.062.88 212.03 3.003.68 654.00 102.89 2.087.48 19.485.00 3. 180. 24 8.687.70 207.00 2.532.17 , :1'0912016 FlN) #-100 ., 'UJJ60' •• "'P • Cffieral Ft.nd • 0 ETA I L. tJlJOl KCf# 5801 7002 13010 1001 1002 1003 1004 2001 2009 2011 3004 3007 5201 5401 5501 5504 5801 7002 BOO2 9000 9001 13020 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3005 3007 5101 5201 5203 5401 5402 5501 5504 5801 A\O.NI" .. _-_ ... _-- •.• TreaslJel' 0Jes and Jl6soci at i on f.Amlershi ps a f i ce Eqt.i pnont •• TreaslJef .. Pdnin" &Rnanclal •• B ectual _d " $:II ar i es and I!ages of _d CllnI>. of afi cers of 8 eel i CIl Cl.:qlensat i 00 of S;I-OO OJst cd ans CllnI> of \ti i ng t\4lc:n ne OJst 00i aIlS RCA I nslJance ~O'fVdrkers' 0Jrrpe0sat i 00 \tlt i ng t.Alchi ne r-Ali nt enance Mert i si ng Rlsl age afi ce s.w i es Tr ave! - M I eage Travel ",penses 0Jes and 9.i:lscr i pi:i em a f i ce Eqt.i pnont - TrairillQ of Oficers Tel ephore at RJI Ii ng A aces •• B eel oral _d " ." Rlgi strar •• S3I ar i es <r'ld VIiIges IffiJaI El:Jros RCA \ffi \ffi [nslJ ance I nslJ'ance ~O'ft-aaI t h I OSlX ance Vlkkers' ~ i on I nsllance t..Ili nt enance of Eqt.i pnont AAer t i si ng 8 ect ri cal S:!rvi ces Rlst aI Servi ces Tel ~ S9r vi ces aoo Fax U ne Oti ce i es Of i ce &1ti pnont Tf ave! - M I eage Travel "'penses 0Jes and Sbscr i pi:i ens ~ strar •.• s.w .. .. 8 ect oral _d •• Pf<E 1,000.00 10,500,00 401,155.00 ---------_ ... 2,447,479.00 I'fffi A\O.NI" 0JTlM A\O.NI" ,00 .00 26,022,06 ----------_ .. 162,607,66 1,000.00 10,500,00 401,155.00 ---------_.-2,517,934,00 Y.T.D A\O.NI" 490.00 1,265.52 252,345,97 .... __ ....... " 546, 425, 60 9,030.00 26,500.00 670.00 6,250.00 691. 00 ,00 9,00 10,000,00 500,00 700.00 12,500,00 1,300,00 2,200,00 200,00 1,000,00 950.00 3,500,00 500.00 60,500.00 9,030 00 36,216.00 1,200.00 17,72.5.00 691. 00 ,00 9.00 10,000.00 1,040,00 700.00 16,625,00 1,771,00 2,200.00 200,00 1,000.00 450.00 743.00 368.00 101,988.00 635,22 572.,50 ,00 ,00 92.36 ,00 ,00 ,00 232.63 292,74 3,392.71 17,25 567,96 ,00 510,96 190,60 ,00 ,00 6,525,15 5,399.37 17,683,54 600.00 5,72.3.36 600,94 17,72. 6.75 ,00 743.29 547,24 14,366,92 1,066.66 1,596,60 160,00 559.40 415, BO 367.69 166.61 50,066. 11 79,066.00 217,00 6,049,00 10, 134.00 1,044,00 94.00 6,480.00 79.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,300.00 2,200.00 4,278,00 1,000.00 5,000,00 1,400.00 2,000.00 350,00 124,191,00 79,066.00 217,00 6,049,00 10, 134.00 1,044,00 94,00 6,480.00 79.00 2,000.00 500.00 2,300.00 2,200.00 4,276,00 1,000,00 5,000.00 1,400.00 2,000.00 350.00 124,191,00 ----_._-_ .. 226,179.00 6,160.26 ,00 464,40 856.28 79,66 ,00 540.00 ,00 .00 ,00 109.26 ,00 356,28 ,00 220,20 ,00 293.98 .00 9, 104. 34 _ ... _. __ ._--15,629,49 52,119,69 216.56 3,936,24 6,615,60 632.60 16, 19 4,322.06 76.84 .00 ,00 1,078,67 490.00 2,776.66 627,05 625.50 401.93 1,096.65 140,00 75,374,66 . _ .. _-------125,442,97 ------._----204,691. 00 6 THE 15: 27 .DET AI L• E*lNJ 1lR" SJ.lffi( 7/011 2015 • :1'0912016 EUIEr rnrn PT1<N , Cffieral am::u m.N1Y _- ~ lNNJJ\IEID BtU«E A\O.NI" ------_._._-- ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .. _------_ ...00 510.00 9,234,48 148,609,03 ------------969,506.20 3,630.63 16,532.46 600.00 12,001.62 90.06 17,72. ,25 10,000,00 296.71 152.76 4,256.06 662.34 603.40 40.00 440,60 34.20 375.31 199.19 51,919.69 26,946,11 ,44 2,112,76 3,318.20 411,40 77 61 2, 157,92 2. 16 2,000,00 500,00 1,221.33 1,710.00 1.499. 14 372. 95 4,374.50 998.07 903.35 210,00 48,816.14 .. _-------_ .. 100,736,03 % ~N 51,00 67,94 37,09 36,50 40,20 51. 17 50,00 67,71 13.03 100,002,77 100.00 26.52 21,62 22.66 36,52 27,42 20.00 44.06 7.60 50.51 51.33 50.90 34.06 ,20 34.92 32.74 39,40 82.77 33,30 2. 73 100.00 100.00 53.10 7772. 35,04 37,29 67,49 71,29 45. 16 60.00 39,30 44.53 310912016 FIN) #-100 " '0.060' -D ETA WCR =r# 18550 21000 21010 1001 1002 1003 1004 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3005 5201 5203 5401 5415 7002 21020 1003 2001 2009 2011 3005 5101 5201 5203 5401 5504 5801 7002 I L- FeJistfar 21030 7 15: 27 L- -DETAI 8\IJ..I\ffi'NE fMIJ\Ir lNNl.MEID 0JRNr fMIJ\Ir Y-T-D fMIJ\Ir 38.755.00 1.000.00 200.00 400.00 108.00 2.965.00 5.104.00 512.00 94.00 6.480.00 30.00 250.00 250.00 10.402.00 250.00 750.00 750.00 68.300.00 38.755.00 1.000.00 200.00 400.00 108.00 2.965.00 5.104.00 512.00 94.00 6.480.00 30.00 250.00 250.00 10.402.00 250.00 750.00 750.00 68.300.00 3.068.52 150.00 .00 .00 .00 218.88 437.80 39.56 .00 540.00 .00 .00 .00 466.37 .00 .00 .00 4.921.13 25.367.46 900.00 .00 .00 108.28 1.821. 97 3.417.40 308. 78 .00 4.322.08 29. 18 .00 .00 3.758.50 .00 179.50 .00 40.213.15 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 13.387.54 100.00 200.00 400.00 .2111.143.03 1.686.60 203.22 94.00 2.157.92 .82 250.00 250.00 6.643 50 250.00 570.50 750.00 28.086.85 8.320.00 637.00 94.00 8.00 3.300.00 10. 100. 00 100.00 2.164.00 450.00 500.00 250.00 750.00 26.673. 00 8.320.00 637.00 94.00 8.00 3.300.00 10.100.00 100.00 6.364.00 384.50 500.00 315.50 750.00 30.873.00 320.00 24.48 .00 .00 .00 580.01 .00 523. 15 230. 70 .00 .00 259.51 1.937.85 2.720.00 208.08 30.07 7. 78 1.894.98 5.726.33 .00 4. 169. 70 475.64 .00 315.50 489.50 16.037.58 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5.600.00 67.30 428.92 67.33 63.93 68.01 .22 2. 75 1.405.02 42.57 43.30 4.373.67 100.00 100.00 2.194.30 34.47 91. 14- 23.70500.00 100.00 .00 .00 260.50 34.73 14,635.42 48.05 2.500.00 5.900.00 1.000.00 1.450.00 500.00 500.00 1.000.00 12.850.00 2.500.00 5.900.00 1.000.00 2.050.00 500.00 500.00 1.000 00 13.450.00 180.27 314.77 .00 1.470.63 3.107.66 540.97 1.278.54 187.30 219.50 .00 6.804.60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 il"lJ«E % RMN •• .• Q:ut Sislem'. .. a rcLi taut .. SJ arl es and ~ Si ar i es and vages.. JlX or s SlIa1"i es and Viiges-JlEY JIXY I\Iinagerelt fm.Jal Cbrmissi 00 Emus ROI \ffi \oR) I nslJ arce lJlenP",,- I nsurarce I-I:laIth InslJ"ance VtIr ker 5' Q::lnpensat i on ~nt. of E'q,-, I'1ti1I RJ5t age I J'lSlX ance Tel ePn1e S:!rvi ce CJ f i ce SJppI i es ~scell~ Ftx ni Ill" e and E::Q..i p-rent •• a reu t Cblxt •• •• Dstrict OxJrts" s.I ari es and ~ Part To..., ROI lJlenP",,- I OSlJ"ance 'v'Urker s On,;ensat i on E'q<-' I'1ti1I ~ nt en<>lCe 8 ectri cal S:!rvi ces RJ51 aI S:!rvi ce Tel eptale S:!r vi ce afi ce SJppI i es Travel B<penses RbI i eat i OIlS FIx ni t •.•.e and EqU pleflt .. Ostrict Outs" 21025 3005 5101 5201 5203 5401 5801 7002 TIM' tffR fMIJ\Ir B1lET fMIJ\Ir LES:R PI1 OJ -._-------~* PK£ 0>IRll CllNIY EJmID 1U'E SJIUR( 7/01/2015 310912016 B<p - G!ner aI Fmd " •• JlNeni I e <h.Jrt •• E'q<-' I'1ti1I ~ nt ena'lCe 8 ectri cal S3rvi ces RJ51 aI S:lrvi ce Tel Elftlone Fer •••i ce afi ce s.w; es FlbI i cat i ens Ftx ri t IS e and Equi pne'rt •• Jweoi I e Qxrt .. .•.• Mlgi strate •• 164.41 .00 .00 .00 659.45 1.029.37 2.792.34 459.03 771.46 312.70 280.50 1.000.00 6.645.40 34.54 10.00 100.00 100.00 .2538.55 33.04 39.69 100.00 33.30 2.73 100.00 100.00 63.86 100.00 76.06 100.00 41. 12 41. 17 47.32 45.90 37.63 62.54 56.10 100.00 49.40 3100' 2016 OOUL "0-060" F\JIll II- 100 ". B<p - Clrff aI -0 E 1 A I lt.I\J(R KIT# PPCE CI1NlY EmNJ rut SJUR( FtJr<j •• 7/0112015 BLlET !W.Nr CIRR PTlCN 3100'2016 tffR !W.Nr 8 1H.E 15: 27 -0 E 1 A I lDJHNr !W.Nr Y-1-0 !W.Nr 8'D.Mffi'{E !W.Nr lNNJ.MIHD 8'UI'CE % ffi>S>l N ----------•• fJlgi strate U 21060 1001 1004 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 3005 3006 3009 3010 5101 5201 5203 5400 5401 5415 5418 5501 7002 9009 Tel ephone S!rvi ces Ufi ce s..w i es QJes and 9.bscri pt i oos Mlgi sl rate .•• u a erk of a rw t C1:xxt SlI ar i es CVld Wges VOges, Local, Tenp::r ar y Imual IlnJs ROI \ffi \R3 I IlSIJ ance \.f5 t-tbr i d 0 sabi lit y lhenI>l0'1- I llSlJ'"arce t-eaI t h t nsll' ance VUrkers' 0:x1pensat i on ~ nt enance of Eljl.i pre1l Cbpy ~ ne t.Jii nt enance Ad II ng ~ lnosing 8 eel ri cal S!rvi ces Fbs' aI Servi ce Telephone S:lr vi ce 0JIj er i es s..w afiee 9..Wies M see! I <VlElOUS Rlcord IlJoks Travel - ".1 eage Fu- r1 t ur e ard Equi pnmt TectYlOIqJy Trust Gant .... a erk of a rcu t O:u't U 22000 22010 1001 1004 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3005 •• 8 act ri c Servi ce 5101 5203 5401 5801 Qut S/stem.... •• COOm.tt t y & \4 c 1M ness •• •• ~th's I'ttorrey'" S3I ar i es Met Wges VOges, l.c>c,;. 1"""", ar y Alnual IlnJs ROI \ffi \f5 J IlSIJ ance lhenI>l0'1- I 1lSlJ'"<n:e ~ t h Insurance Wrkers' 0:x1pensat i (rl ~ nt enance of Ellli pre1l 2,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 120.00 3.320.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 200.00 120.00 4,820.00 130.40 252.07 .00 .00 382.47 1,287.41 1,612.13 227.99 150.00 3.2n. 53 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 712.59 887.87 27.9930.001,542.47 35.62 35.51 13.9925.0032.00 243.450.00 20,068.00 812.00 20,159.00 31,566.00 3,214.00 135.00 562.00 46.800.00 270.00 1,000.00 14,000.00 6.500.00 20,000.00 17,000.00 5,500.00 2,900.00 400.00 4.500.00 3,500.00 4.000.00 600.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 481,936.00 231,238.69 32.279.31 812.00 20,159.00 31,566.00 3,214.00 135.00 562.00 46,800.00 270.00 1,000.00 14,000.00 6,500.00 20.000.00 17,000.00 5,500.00 3,100.00 400.00 4,500.00 3,500.00 4.000.00 600.00 5.000.00 .00 452,136.00 19,449.54 2,217.00 .00 1,539.78 2,642.90 250.74 11.24 .00 4.020.00 .00 .00 5,087.27 .00 .00 891.49 1,597.40 255.76 .00 .00 31.84 400.00 .00 .00 .00 38.394.96 -----------_. 46,295.88 147,727.47 19,023.00 649.70 12,010.88 19,397.45 1,798.92 78.28 256.56 27,928.20 262.60 .00 9,628.53 6,456.76 11,812.50 8,801.50 4,518.75 2,016.93 49. 12 735.48 611. 54 2,289.64 104.17 .00 .00 276.157.98 ----_.------342,490 84 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 83,511.22 13,256.31 162.30 8,148.12 12,168.55 1.415.08 56.72 305.44 18,871.80 7.40 1,000.00 4,371.47 43.24 8,187.50 8,198.50 981.25 1,083.07 350.88 3.764.52 2,888.46 1,710.36 495.83 5,000.00 .00 175,978.02 36.11 41.06 19.98 32,068.24 .00 .00 2,236.38 4,523.82 413.42 .00 6,020.00 .00 173.40 271.322.48 945.00 649.68 19, 143. 14 36,013. 19 3.291. 16 30.71 48.197.44 291. 78 4,613.32 ~------------ ------------- 593,079.00 569,579.00 415.630.00 .00 650.00 32,379.00 53,221.00 5,395.00 562.00 50.520.00 300.00 6,333.00 415,630.00 .00 650.00 32,379.00 53,221. 00 5,395.00 562.00 50,520.00 300.00 6,333.00 ------------- 40.41 38.54 44.02 42.01 54.34 40.32 2.74 100.00 31.22 .66 40.93 48.22 17.84 34.93 87.72 83.65 82.52 42.75 82.63 100.00 .00 38.92 ------------- .00 227,088.16 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 144.307.52 945.00.32 13,235.86 17,207.81 2.103.84 531.29 2,322.56 8.22 1,719.68 39.88 34.72 100.00.04 40.87 32.33 38.99 94.53 4.59 2.74 27. 15 310912016 '0.000' fIN) #-100 •• B<p - <£ref aI Ftnj •• -DE T AI t.l\JCR f(r;r# Pf<E O'ffill <llNTY EJ4'INl1\R; 3.UI'R( 7/0112015 310912016 l- ElIXEf ~ r:E3:HPT1CN ~ ~ 9 11M; 15: 27 -0 ETA I lam:NT ~ Y-T-D ~ lNNJ.MEID BtUNE EI'UMm'lE ~ % !B'J1 N ----------5101 5201 5203 5401 5501 5504 5801 5802 7002 •• <b1oorrveaI t h' 5 8 eel ri cal $;!rvices A t or ney Fbst aI ~vice Tel ephooe S3r vi ce Ofi ce s..w i es Tr ave! - M I eage Tr ave! B<pense A.Jj i cat i ens DJes and Pssoci at e Mrtler shi ps Olnput... fqLi P""'l •• ~th's fttcrney •• •• \( ct i mWt ness A"ogr am Sll ary I<1r<JaI Emus 22020 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 5101 5201 5203 5204 5206 5404 5501 5504 5801 5802 5803 lJ1enIj oyIns. I-eaI t h I nslX ance Vdr ker s 0Jnp. Ins. 8 ect ri cal S3rvi ces Fbstage an; P. 0 Ibx _ Tel epI'<re 0;1 A10re I nl er net S3r vi ce Oti ce i es Nn-iocal t.lleage Sbsi sl erce Trave! Mmler SA P 0Jes s.w Sbscripti01S Vdrkshcp ~ strati \fctimWtness 00 R"O!J'"am** •• Qrnnltty &\Ac IMness •• 31020 1001 1002 1003 1005 1036 1037 1039 2001 2002 2005 2006 •• S"leri ff •• S:lI at i es ard VI'ges Qiertl ne S'lI ar i es and V8ges, Part 'Ii •.•• S:I"ool ~<::JIJce aficer ROI DEAROI []J tEA <bTpensat i on ROI I.ffi lCDI \ffi I 1lSlJ'" ao::e 2,100.00 300.00 4,300.00 4.500.00 1,250.00 4.750.00 4.000.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 591,690.00 2,100.00 300.00 5,400.00 4,500.00 1,250.00 4,750.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 4,000.00 592,790.00 112.79 .00 286.99 .00 .00 .00 588.50 .00 1,406.44 47.829.98 1,113.58 16.43 3,389.31 3,734.84 761. 97 4,422.74 3,003.40 1,100.00 2,656.43 404,696.60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 986.42 283.57 2,010.69 765.16 488.03 327.26 996.60 400.00 1,343.57 188,093.40 46 97 94.52 37.23 17.00 3904 6.88 47,980.00 108.00 3,670.00 6,319.00 633.00 94.00 6,360.00 40.00 150.00 105.00 1,400.00 840.00 600.00 554.00 940.00 780.00 75.00 50.00 250.00 70,948.00 47,980.00 108.00 3,670.00 6,319.00 633.00 94.00 6,360.00 40.00 150.00 105.00 1,700.00 840.00 600.00 554.00 940.00 780.00 75.00 50.00 250.00 71,248.00 3,798.94 .00 287.54 542.02 48.98 .00 570.00 .00 6.58 .00 212.43 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 100.00 .00 ,00 5,566.49 31,844.11 108.28 2,419.61 4,282.97 387.04 .00 4,562.08 38.91 64.98 .00 1,091.55 .00 .00 49.12 481. 75 335.67 100.00 .00 180.00 45,946.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 33.63 .2534.07 32.22 38.85 100.00 28.26 2.72 56.68 100.00 35.79 100.00 100.00 91. 13 48.75 56.96 33.3J. 100.00 28.00 35.51 24.91 26.66 33.58 31.73 *" ROI I.R3 \ffi I nslr ance *" *" ------------- ------------- 662,638.00 664,038.00 1,236,803.00 ,00 21,959.00 29,081.00 .00 .00 .00 96.684.00 182,137.00 17,638.00 17,140.00 I, 236, 803. 00 16,498.00 21,959.00 29,081.00 .00 .00 .00 96,684.00 182,137.00 17,638.00 17,140.00 .. _--------_. 53,396.47 96.855.99 .00 1,355.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 6,951.64 13,750.19 .00 1,255.50 450.642.67 .00 16,135.89 .281,250.39 2,036.03 245.96 94.00 1,797.92 1.09 85.02 105.00 608.45 840.00 600.00 504.68 458.25 444.33 25.()(). 50.00 70.00 25,301.93 ------------213,395.33 812,059.96 .00 14,125.00 15,659.00 108.33 168.41 3,860.42 59,635.73 109,939.14 17,638.00 9,992.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 424,743.04 16,498.00 7,834.00 13,422.00 108.3J. 168.413,860.4237,048.27 72,197.86 ,00 7,147.50 -----_._----- ------._----- 32.13 34.34 100.00 35.67 46.15 l00.()(). 100. ()(). 100. ()(). 38.31 39.63 .00 41. 70 31 0912016 -G.06OF\J\D II- 100 - - &p - C£rer aJ Ftm --DET AI WCR lID- ~<Il.NTY EmNl1Ut~ 7/0112015 - L- B.II£T IWJIlr rnrn PT1(N PKE TIM' -DETAI 31 0912016 IffR IWJIlr 0Jm'Jr IWJIlr y- T-D IWJIlr 10 15: 27 L- 8iJJ\lH'«:E IWJIlr l.NNlMEffi BI'lA'{E % RMN ----------•• S1eri If \RiM li'bird Dsabilily lJ-EnIJI0'/- I IlSlXarK:e I-eaI t h I ns •.•.ance Vtfrkers' Cbnpensation lhi fans fI4li nt enance Cbnt r act s Mer t i si ng Cb.r t 1\Jpoi" ed ft t or rev 8 eel ri cal fer vi ces Rlst aJ 9:lrvi ce Tel ~ 9:lrvi ce \ehi cI e I ns •.•.ance (J f i ce SJppI i es Qlsd i ne \Ehde SJppies U 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 3005 3007 3150 5101 5201 5203 5305 5401 5408 5409 5410 5412 5504 5801 7000 7005 7006 31030 31040 1001 1003 2001 2002 2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 31050 1001 2001 2002 2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 3001 Riice 9.Wies Tlition Travel &penses 0Jes and A6soci at e M.'nbef shi ps lli1pJI er 51U pnont Cbrmuni t Y Ri icing [}'-!l Dlg -- _iff -- •• 'khi cI e Mlint enance •• •• O:ut r ocm Sectri t Y ~ S:lI a i es and Wges RCA \ffi LCDI -- Qly fl!part ing A'ogram-S3I at i es and Wges RCA \ffi LCDI \ffi I IlSlI" WlCe lJ-EnIJI0'/- I nslJ'ance I-aaI t h I ns •.•.ance Vdf ker s Cbnpensat i 00 D'UJ Test i ng .00 3.803.00 236.484.00 18.500.00 6.500.00 12.569.12 50.00 1.000.00 12.000.00 2.500.00 16.794.00 21.576.00 3.500.00 100.000.00 52.369.00 27.136.00 12.500.00 15.000.00 1.500.00 7.000.00 1.500.00 2.000.00 12.25 .00 22.821.60 .00 205.99 278.41 .00 .00 720.62 21. 68 1.314.03 .00 9.99 5.312.98 9.080.98 248.40 .00 58.99 .00 1.185.52 .00 .00 161.439.76 36.75 420.54 185.858.21 17.992.89 6.182.11 10.854.69 .00 4&\.00 7.114.46 372.38 11.010.62 21.506.94 3.476.95 56.939. 11 42.807.92 16.511.60 12.500.00 4.103.52 1.500.00 3.648.18 277 85 1.960.02 1.448.741. 23 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 36.753.382.46 50.625.79 507.11 317.89 1.714.43 50.00 520.00 4.885.54 2.127.62 5.783.38 69.06 23.05 43.060.89 9.561.08 10.624.40 .00 10.896.48 .00 3.351.82 1.222.15 39.98 723.479.89 100.0088.94 21.40 2.74 4.89 13.64 100.00 52.00 40.71 85.10 34.43 .32 .65 43.06 18.25 39.15 .00 72.64 .00 47.88 106.000.00 60.000.00 13.472.00 16.706.00 1.904.00 1.665.00 491.00 18.006.00 2.500.00 220.744.00 106.000.00 60.000.00 13.472.00 16.706.00 1.904.00 1.665.00 491.00 18.006.00 2.500.00 220.744.00 7.921.96 3.484.00 820.88 1.116.26 .00 103.31 .00 1.895.24 .00 15.341.65 66.054.40 34.866 00 7.375.16 8.482.22 1.904.00 801.23 334.22 11, 424. 68 2.431.48 133.673.39 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 39.945.60 25.134.00 6.096.84 8.223.78 .00 863.77 156.78 6.581.32 68.52 87.070.61 37.68 41.89 45.25 3.077 40 232.34 439.08 .00 39.68 .00 564.26 .00 .00 26.037.22 1.967. 15 3.495.41 477 00 315.88 .00 4.516.16 583.55 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 14.253.78 917.85 1.847.59 .00 182.12 94.00 1.898.84 16.45 100.00 35.37 31.81 34.57 .00 36.57 100.00 29.60 2. 74 100.00 81.47 1.99 33.30 t lltilt SlI ar i es and Wges FWt TIno \ffi 1 IlStJ ance ~ oynenr. Insurance I-eaI t h I nslX ance \AIr ker s Cbnpensat i on •• ax... t r ocm SO!cll' i t Y I:Epar t .00 3.803.00 236.484.00 18.500.00 6.500.00 12.000.00 50.00 1.000.00 12.000.00 2.500.00 7.794.00 21.576.00 3.500.00 100.000.00 50.000.00 15.000.00 12.500.00 10.000.00 1.500.00 7.000.00 1.500.00 2.000.00 2.126.649.00 l1I!l1t 40.291. 00 2.885.00 5.343.00 47700 498.00 94.00 6.415.00 600.00 100.00 40.291.00 2.885.00 5.343.00 477 00 498.00 94.00 6.415.00 600.00 100.00 49.22 .00 51.87 31.93 36.55 2.74 39.44 310912016 'Q06O" R.N:l #- 100 •• 6<p • G!rer al Fund •• .DE T AI =. PI(£ CIlRll CD.NIY EmNl TUt s.Mffi( 7/01/2015 310912016 L. WCR CIRH POCN ---_._--._. 1m' B.lXEr #\ON #\ON 4,000.00 150.00 60,853.00 4,000.00 150 00 60,853.00 111£ -DETAI amNr #\ON Y-T-D #\ON 11 15:27 L- EN:lMH"«E #\ON lNNl.MIHD BtU«E % RN<N •• Qly R!por Ii ng A" ogr am •• 3015 5413 <bot r act eel ~ vi ces 3JppI i es • • Qly R!por t i ng A" ogr am •• 31060 1001 1002 1003 1007 2000 2001 2002 2006 2010 2011 2012 3005 5401 5408 5409 5410 5412 5504 5801 7000 7005 7006 6005 8011 •• Hg~ Slfety •• S3I ar i es Wld \/ages Cl'ert i Ill! S:lI ar i es and Vl'ges, Pa" tine IffiJaj Ibnus A::clrnJI at ed Leave RCA \ffi \R) I nslr ance t-mI t h I nsur CV'lCe Vdr ker' s <l:lnJlensat i on lhi fans ~ nt enance Cbnt r act 5 Ofi ce j es Glsol i ne \tlhi d e suppl i es Riice SJppies Tli ti 00 Trave! 6<penses DJesarld ~soci ate ~shi 0>1p.Jt er 61U prell Q:mrul t y fbi icing [tug [lJg M:t a \tlhi d es Qlpi tal . o 'patch _ •• H ~ Slfety •• s.w ps •• 9ler j ff ** 32020 2005 3005 5310 5601 5602 5604 5605 6000 7000 6005 8006 9020 .•• \til lint eel'" Fi re [£part nmt s ** L<D\ \tlhi del nslX ance A::ci dent I nstx CVlCe HlIsville Fire [£p:. Qlna Fire~. Lau-el Fo'k R re !llpI. Fa"est Fi re ~vi ce C:lIls-Qher l:l:!p<r"tnmts Fi re A"ogram Fmd Mt a \khi cI es Mt a \t!hi d es - H.fD Trai ni ng ** \thrrt eer R re ~ t nent s ** 179,621,00 350,000.00 32,000.00 4,656,00 12,000.00 42,964,00 12,746,00 1,187,00 41,030,00 2,500.00 18,500.00 7,175.00 6,500.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 8,500.00 10,000,00 1,000,00 13,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 160,000.00 87,000.00 1, 111, 379. 00 ------------3,519,625.00 6.834.00 28,000,00 30.942.00 90,000.00 64,000.00 40.000.00 16,500,00 54,000,00 78,000.00 375,000,00 .00 2,500.00 785,776.00 179,621,00 350,000.00 32,000.00 4,656.00 29,266.00 42,964,00 12,746.00 1,187,00 41,030,00 2,500.00 18,500.00 27,175.00 6,500.00 12,734.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 8,500.00 10,000,00 1,000.00 13,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 186,799.00 87.000,00 1,138,178.00 --------_ .... 3,591,996,12 6,834.00 28,000.00 30.942.00 90,000,00 64,000.00 40,000.00 16,500,00 54.000.00 78,000.00 375,000.00 75,979.29 2,500,00 861,755.29 ,00 ,00 4,352,76 1, 176.5028,239.27 1,352,00 ,00 .00 2,079.53 1,382,48 130.26 1,778,90 ,00 1,589.22 1,815.29 418,37 ,00 ,00 112,15 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 37, no. 91 ---_ ... _----218,855.08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,500.00 8,408.00 .00 .00 .00 12,908.00 2,700,00 ,00 40,092,37 109,961,95 192,148.18 9,353.50 4,926,83 29,265.44 24,819.30 14,029,09 1,325.28 19,653.43 2,431,48 4,238.20 10,604.53 4,022,55 ,00 16, 708. 16 15,699,74 8,325.00 4,602,95 924,00 4,424,52 4,974.87 2,115,84 27,981,10 1,604,62 514, 140. 56 ------_.- .... 2,136,647,55 6.834.00 21,506.95 .00 67,500.00 48,000.00 30.000.00 15,854.22 36.000.00 12,958.80 .00 75,979.79 327.00 314.960.76 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ._----------.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 1,300.00 150.00 20,760 63 69,659.05 157,851.82 22,646.50 270.83,56 18, 144.70 1,283,09138.2821,376,57 68.52 14,261.80 16,570,47 2,477. 45 12,734.00 3,291. 84 24,300,26 175.00 5,397,05 76,00 6,575.48 1,025,13 2,684,16 158,617,90 85,395,38 624,037,44 .---------_ .. " 455, 348. 57 32,50 100.00 3411 38,78 45,10 70. 77 5.81,00 42.23 10,0611.6452.09 2,74 77.09 60.97 38,11 100.00 16.45 50, 75 2.05 53.97 7,60 65.96 17,08 57,68 85.02 98.15 54.82 40.51 ,00 ,00 6.493.05 23.18 30,942.00 100.00 25.00 22.500.00 16,000.00 25.00 10,000,00 25.00 3,91 645.78 18.000.00 33.33 65,041.20 83.38 375,000.00 100.00 .50.00 2,173.00 86,92 546,794,53 63.45 310912016 F\.N) It- 100 •• Exp- ","CR /CU, 32030 2005 5305 5310 5680 5682 5683 5684 7002 7004 7010 9020 32040 5604 °G-I160" Ftnd •• (h-ffal -0 ETA am:u I L- (ffiR Pn<N ----_._._.00 \tJI un! eer Rlscue ~ 'kt1 cI e I nsur ance A::ci _ I nslJ'"MCe am EM) Fe ntu senmt llllrel For k B.6 Fe ntu sl"ltilt llllrel EM) Fe ntu senmt A per s Glp EM>Fe nb.Jr senont Fcur - f or - U f e R..n:j Search ard R:!scue Teem Clluntyvi de 9.W i es Trainill'J .•.•\ti lJ1t eer Rlscue SQJads .••. •••• 8M gency Cl:mnni eat i OIlS ••.• E- 911 Cbrmi55i Cfl Expenses •• \bIl.J1teer Rre eat ions"" ~tnents •• 33020 7006 •• C:tre of Fti scner' s •• Payrrent s to R>gil>'lai Jai I •• CNe of R"i soner' s •• 33030 3009 6000 7010 .•.• Yout h ard Fani I Y 9:lr vi ces of Jweni I es Joi nt (per at ions WaDI- Gaysoo •• Yout h ard Fani 1 Y Sarvi ces •• 33300 5101 5203 •• ftobatlon •• 8 ectri cal S:!f'vi ces Te ecoomJni eat i ens •• ftobati on •• car e *'" care of A'i scner' s *'" 34010 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 *'" B..i I di ng I nspect I 00 •• 3:lI ••. i es and V\6ges ImJaI Iro.Js ROI \ffi \.f5 I nsur ance u..n,; oyrrent I nslJ8flCe I-eaI t h I nslr ance Vdrkers' <Dn,lensat I 00 Ul farns Tli ti 00 PII:E 12 EI.lIET I'ffR A\O.NI" A\O.NI" TIt.( 15: 27 -DE T AI L- ClHtNf A\O.NI" V-T-D A\O.NI" EN:l.J\ffi'NE A\O.NI" lNNlMBID !l"lJNE % ~N 00 LCD\ .••. 8lt!f gency Cbrmu1i CIl.NlY EmNl T\.R; s.J.Im( 7/01/2015 310912016 5,695.00 20,000.00 30,942.00 90,000.00 75,000.00 87,500.00 206,250.00 28,000.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 581,387.00 5,695.00 20,000.00 30,942.00 90,000.00 75,000.00 87,500.00 206,250.00 28,000.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 581,387.00 .00 .00 .00 3,817.30 1,298.20 1,453.15 16,645.35 3,062.70 .00 2,176.01 .00 28,452.71 5,441.00 19.636.n .00 38,540.06 20,787.91 25,611.18 125,825.97 12,692.36 467.54 15,801. 29 3,746.32 268,550.40 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 254 00 363.23 30,942.00 51,459.94 54,212.09 61,888.82 80,424.03 15,307.64 7,532.46 4,198.71 6,253.68 312,836.60 388,368.00 388,368.00 374,154.00 374,154.00 30,585.25 30,585.25 251,813.00 251,813.00 .00 ,00 32.69 32.69 -._---------- -----------_. 1,755,531.00 1,817,296.29 71,945.96 835,324.16 .00 122,341.00 122,341.00 ------.-----981,9n.13 1, 200, 000. 00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 246,680.65 246,680.65 1,030,884. 10 1,030,884 10 .00 .00 169,115.90 169,115.90 14.09 14.09 ------------- ------------. ------------- 4.46 1.81 100.00 57.17 n. 28 70.73 38.99 54.67 94.15 20.99 62.53 53.80 54.03 U 130,000.00 13,000.00 16,n4.00 159,n4. 00 2,100.00 2,620.00 4,720.00 -----._---_ .. " 364, 494. 00 218,561.00 433.00 16,720.00 28,784.00 2,885.00 375.00 32,520.00 3,500.00 750.00 500.00 130,000.00 13,000.00 16,n4.00 159,n4.00 3,046.66 .00 .00 3,046.66 78,670.91 8,938.17 .00 87,809.08 .00 .00 .00 ,00 51,329.09 4,061. 83 16,n4. 00 n,I64.92 2,100.00 3,020.00 5,120.00 128.51 215.25 343.76 1,268.n 1,899.68 3,168.40 ,00 .00 .00 831.28 1,120.32 1,951.60 ._--------_.1,364,894.00 218,561.00 433.00 16,720.00 28,784.00 2,885.00 375.00 32,520.00 3.500.00 750.00 500.00 ------------250,071.07 17,529.48 .00 1,253.80 2,470.34 226.02 .00 3,218.00 .00 ,00 .00 ------------1,121,661.58 148,969.81 433.12 10,749.21 19,212.83 1,756.31 14.02 24,589.76 3,404.06 49.10 116.00 ------0------ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 39.48 31.24 100.00 45.16 39.58 37.09 38. 11 - ___ 0_.------ 243,232.42 69,591.19 . 125,970.79 9,571. 37 1, 128. 69 360.98 7,930.24 95.94 700.90 384.00 17.82 31. 84 .0235.71 33.25 39 12 96.26 24.38 2.74 93.45 76.80 310012016 FlNl II- 100 " '0-1)60' B<p - <mer al Ftrd " -0 ETA ~CR Kef 0 3005 5101 5201 5203 5305 5401 5408 5409 5411 5412 5415 5504 5803 7002 I L- B.lI£T fW.Nr *" B.i I di ng Inspect ion •• Mli nt erlaI"Ce Cbnt r act , OJPer 8 octri cal S!rvi ces Fbst al S:!rvi ce Tel epilooe S:!rvi ce \ttli del nsurcree Ofi ce 9.W i es 'khi d e i es ard Mli nt enance Fuel u.es SJbscr i IX i OIlS Sate 1.75%SJcharge Tr ave! B<penses ~mds Ei:jLi pnont " EUldng Inspection •• s.w IffR fW.Nr 500 00 1.320.00 700.00 4.800.00 1.500.00 4.000.00 2.500.00 7,000.00 250.00 500.00 2.500.00 1.000.00 500.00 500.00 332.598.00 500.00 1.320.00 700.00 5.20000 1.500.00 4.000.00 2.500.00 7,000.00 250.00 500.00 2.500.00 1.000.00 500.00 500.00 332.998.00 ----._---.--332,598.00 ------------332,998.00 44.883.00 108.00 3.432.00 5.908.00 592.00 94.00 6.480.00 575.00 800.00 700.00 300.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 500.00 700.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 500.00 300.00 1.000.00 35.000.00 7.500.00 1.500.00 2.000.00 7.000.00 44.883.00 108.00 3.432.00 5.908.00 592.00 94.00 6.480.00 575.00 800.00 700.00 300.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 1.500.00 700.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 500.00 300.00 1.000.00 35.000.00 7.500.00 1.500.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 " " 6" OS! en & S3di nent COOtro •• B.JiI d ng I nspecti 00 •• "ffinol COOt'0 " S:II ar i es arK:! \/ages f<1nual Emus ROI \ffi \R) I flSlJ" C¥1Ce U1enJj oyInsurance .-eaI t h I nslJ ance Vdrkers' <OOpensat i 00 In forns Training RId 0 Mli nt enance A:Jvert i si ng 8 ect ri cal S:!rvi ces Fbstage Tel ephone S:!rvi ce \tlhi cI e I nslJ ance i es llJg Tags a'<1 R<:ord 8:xJI<s Travel B<pense RJyJ Dains U vesl ock a ai ns Paynent s to Joi nt qe-at ion. \.etj cl e Fuel \ehi cI e Mli nt enance &.< gency I npcu1d ~ &_er ~O\Tam Pf<E CllMY EmNJ 1\RO SJ.UR( 310012016 7/01/2015 - rnrn Pl1 CN _._------_. 34020 35010 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 3005 3007 5101 5201 5203 5305 5415 5417 5504 5802 5803 6000 6408 6409 7001 7002 am:u s..w R>.r<1 13 111'.1' 15:27 -OETAI LU1HNf fW.Nr .00 63.60 .00 613.68 .00 883.99 646.85 100.88 40.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 27.046.64 ---_._------27.046.64 3,482.54 .00 254.52 496.88 44.90 .00 540.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 22.92 .00 144.46 .00 2.88 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 218.14 .00 .00 .00 Y-T-O fW.Nr ~ .00 627.87 6664 3.367.36 935.08 2.159.98 802. 12 1.974.30 120.00 .00 .00 .00 203.98 .00 219.551.35 ---_._------219.551.35 29. 191. 91 108.28 2,142.63 3.926.25 354.80 .00 4.322.08 559.24 145.03 190.00 .00 .00 226.58 1.46 916.04 467.54 366.20 92.18 320.12 .00 .00 23.286.84 2.762.65 904.11 650.34 7,000.00 LN3'O.MEID Iltlfi'{E fW.Nr % fB'S>j N .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 692.13 633.36 1.832.64 564.92 1.840.02 1.697.88 5.025.70 130.00 500.00 2.500.00 1.000.00 296.02 500.00 113.446.85 100.00 52.43 90.48 3524 37.66 46.00 67.91 71.79 52.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 59.20 100.00 34.06 .00 ----_ .. _-_ ... 113.446.65 34.06 --_.--------- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15,671.09 34.93 . 37.56 33.54 1.981.75 40.06 237.20 94.00 100.00 2,157.92 33.30 2.74 15.76 654.97 81.87 510.00 72.85 300.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 273.42 54.68 98.54 98.54 583.96 38.93 232.46 33.20 1.633.80 81.69 1.907.82 95.39 179.88 35 97 300.00 100.00 1.000.00 100.00 11,713.16 33.46 4.737.35 63.16 595.89 39.72 67.48 1.349.66 .00 .00 31W2016 FlNl#-l00" '0-060' B<p - G<1eral Fmd " -0 ETA WCR KIT# om:u I L- rnrn PT101 Pf(E 0l.NTY 14 11M' 15:27 EmNJ TlFE 9J.&ffi( 7/0112015 31W2016 -0 ETA I L- IffR A\O.Nr a.mN A\O.Nr Y-T-O A\O.Nr 124.552.00 125.552.00 5.207.24 77. 934. 28 .00 47.617.72 118.941.00 217.00 9.099.00 17.040.00 1.570.00 187.00 15.360.00 3.400.00 300.00 850.00 60.000.00 350.00 3.900.00 500.00 1.800.00 3.200.00 500.00 210.00 1.500.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 .00 7,500.00 250.424.00 118.941.00 217.00 9.099.00 17.040.00 1.570.00 187.00 15.360.00 3.400.00 30000 850.00 60.000.00 350.00 5.700.00 500.00 1.800.00 3.200.00 500.00 210.00 1.500.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 556.000.00 7.500.00 808.224.00 9.200 00 .00 708.78 1.312.62 118.60 .00 570.00 .00 .00 .00 3.550.81 17.03 717.25 .00 .00 .00 90.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 16.299.54 n.54O.60 216.56 5.907.88 10.422.54 941.70 .00 9.396.24 3.306.80 .00 160.00 50.168.69 168. 14 3. no 55 467.54 93.94 505.83 .00 90.00 616.14 250.93 .00 557.073.68 .00 721,097.76 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 41.400.40 .44 3. 191. 12 6.617.46 628.30 187.00 5.963.76 93.20 300.00 690.00 9.831.31 181. 86 1.929.45 32.46 1.706.06 2.694.17 500.00 120.00 883.86 781,073.00 5.000.00 79,169.00 2,274.00 55.554.00 101, m.oo 9,057.00 10,310.00 997.00 2.710.00 158,232.00 49,808.00 6.800.00 8.800.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 10.500.00 781,073. 00 5.000.00 79.169.00 2.274.00 55,554.00 101, m. 00 9.057.00 10.310.00 997.00 2,710.00 158.232.00 49.808.00 12.300.00 6.800.00 18.000.00 12.000.00 10.500.00 49.646.91 .00 13,937.02 .00 4,592.04 7,415.35 .00 685.42 47.45 .00 11,544.50 .00 202.44 .00 205.46 .00 78. 74 435,850.54 .00 135,320.60 2,382.28 41,892.50 59.513.73 9.057.00 5,539.72 327.25 1,032.56 88,026.94 48.442.71 11.869.94 4.702.00 10.608.26 7,000.00 6,603.39 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 BJ:ITI A\O.Nr lN3'll.J\IEffi IJIU«E EIil.Mm'lE A\O.Nr % IB'J'l N ....... _--- "l<1no! ClJn1r 01 1<1no! ClJn1r 01 " " 35030 35050 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 3002 3004 5101 5203 5305 5401 5409 5504 5802 6409 7000 7002 8001 9087 "t.l!dical Exam ner .••. •.•. Ei'M gercy Ser vi ces •.•. SiI ar i es and VVges fmuaI fu1us RCA \ffi \ffi I nsur aoce I ns•.•.ance l1'enPa;nont I-I:aI t h I IlSIJ arce VUrkers' O:r1pJensatioo lhi for ns ft of essi onaI files !>Ad cal Exani ner Feci 0 r-.4lint enance 8 eel ri cal Servi ces T•• ephore. WI •.•ar \..t!hi del nsurance a f i ce 9.JppI i es Fuel Travel B<penses SJbscr i pt i ons \ehi d e r-.4lint enance Tr ai r1 ng and 9JWI i es E'qLi pnont fJIchi ner y am fqt.i pnont I.8IfG •.•. EilI!rgency fer vi ces •.•. 35060 1001 1002 1003 1007 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 3002 3005 3015 5101 37.92 CNrdl EM; ., SlI ar i es and \/ages SlI ar i es and IIages cr S31aries &VVges Pc1rt-til'1l! fmuaI fu1us 14.45 1,749.07 2.000.00 1.073.637,500.00 87,126.24 34.80 .20 35.07 38.83 40.01 100.00 38.82 2.74 100.00 81.17 16.38 51.96 33.85 6.49 94. 78 84.19 100.00 57.14 58.92 87.45 100.00 .19100.00 10. n U RCA \ffi LCDI \R) I ns•.•.ance \ffi t-Ybri d 0 sabi I i ty lhertP Ofnmt I nslXance I-eaI t h I ns..•.cree Wrker' 5 0:r1pJensat i on lhi fCJ"r1S !'tot Sics - MJ<;cal B<am "Ii nt ernnce ot E'qLi pnont <INTR"CIID SRA CES Uilities 345.222.46 44.19 100.00 5.000.00 56. 151.60- 70.92108.2B4.7613.661.50 2459 41,663.27 41.17 .00 .00 4,770.28 46.26 669.75 67.17 1,677. 44 61. 89 44.36 70.205.06 1.365.29 2.74 430.06 3.49 2.098.00 30.85 41. 06 7.391. 74 41.66 5.000.00 37.11 3.896.61 310912016 R.1'D #-100 ., '0.060' "'p. G!reral WCR KCf# ali ce s..w i es W; cI e Fuel, ~nt" &iiWies Training _cal SJW ies ~ ••••••y ard &1Upnont MIt Of \khi d es art ri bJt i 00 from Cl:ult y •• Carroll EM; •• 42020 1001 1003 1007 1099 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 5401 42030 1003 1007 2001 2009 2011 3004 3011 5101 5203 5415 6000 ,. .. Utter Ortrol Utter A" and Fecyd i ng •• Utter COOtrol .. *.. Fef use 0 sposal .. .DET 310912016 EliIET fffR A\O.Nf A\O.Nf UmM A\O.Nf y. T.D A\O.Nf AI L. ENl.J\lm\(E A\O.Nf lJ8O.MEID BV«E % iB'JlI N 6,520.00 2,000.00 70,000.00 4,000.00 32,000.00 36,800.00 180,000.00 53,000.00 1,697,781,00 ------------2,072,757.00 6,520,00 1,500.00 70,000,00 4,000.00 32,000.00 35,800.00 180,000.00 53,000.00 1,697,781,00 --_ .. _----_.2,631,557,00 ,00 507,22 4,727. 18 ,00 6,078.87 ,00 ,00 3,640.51 103,309.11 ------------- ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 5,610.51 958.96 42,759.50 2,953.26 29,341.80 71.82 .00 26,002,49 975,867,76 ------------- ------------- 909.49 541,04 27,240.50 1,046 74 2,658.20 35,728,18 180,000,00 26,997,51 721,913. 24 13.94 36,06 38.91 26,16 8.30 9979 100,00 50,93 42,52 ------------- 124,815.89 " n4, 899. 80 ,00 856,657,20 32.55 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 10,200.00 10,200.00 100.00 100.00 h rN S!I ar i es and I/ItJeS S3I at'i es and Wges, FIlrI line !'muaI Ibnus fl!rsomel COOt i ngency ROI \.ffi \R5 I nslJ'"ance \.ffi f)'t>-i dO saIi lily U1enp",nent I nsll'"ance I-eaI t h I nsurance afi ce SJppIi es ** Fef use 0 sJX)S31 .. •• Cvla Trash Ste Q:leratioo"" Si wi es and Wges Pai"t-ti ~ !'muaI Ibnus ROI U1enp",nent Insurance Vdrkers' Cbnpensati (Xl Rlpai r s and Mli nt eoaoce Paynents to ~ onaI SIA 8ectric Tel etJhcre t.J scel I aneous &1Upnont Lease ** Clna Trash Ste Q:eration.•• Utter 43010 (OOt rol 7/0112015. 15 11M; 15: 27 EM;" 'khi cl e I nsU'"ance "Airml 42010 3201 L. -----_._ carroll PK£ CIlNTY EJffi'l] 1\It ~ ffimPllCN ... a. 5305 5401 5409 7000 7001 8001 8005 9000 CI'ffill Ft.o:l •• . DET AI (OOt rol • • MIi nl enat'U, Cb, Cl:Jr'I'Iex •• 10,200.00 10,200,00 10,200.00 10,200,00 305,509.00 28,063.00 975.00 15,000.00 25,518,00 39,909.00 4,033.00 ,00 842.00 80,520,00 ,00 500,369.00 305,509.00 28,063.00 975.00 15,000,00 25,518.00 39,909.00 4,033,00 150.00 842,00 80,520,00 100.00 500,619.00 26,445.00 108,00 2,041.00 309,00 1,300,00 500.00 23,500,00 1,329.00 200.00 250.00 4,290.00 60,272. 00 -----."-----570,841,00 26,445.00 108.00 2,041,00 309,00 1,300.00 500,00 23,500.00 1,329,00 200.00 250.00 4,290.00 60,272,00 ------------571,091.00 26,475,58 .00 ,00 ,00 1,863,34 3,m.l0 341.32 15.55 ,00 6,710.00 ,00 39,128.89 1,902. 16 ,00 145.51 ,00 ,00 15.50 1,331,50 ,00 2.29 .00 330.00 3,726.96 ------------42,855.85 220,000.99 .00 974.52 ,00 15,604.81 29, 193, 33 2,676.36 107,30 73,61 53,712.24 2,542,39 324,885.55 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 16,810.25 108.30 1,294,21 118.71 1,264.37 142,58 15,253,00 96.41 39.93 82.13 2,640.00 37,849.89 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ...... .00 ------------362.735.44 ------_ 85,508. 01 27,98 28,063,00 100,00 ,48 ,04 15,000,00 100 00 9,913. 19 38.84 10,715.67 26.85 1,356.64 33,63 28,46 42.70 768.39 91.25 26,807,76 33.29 2, 442. 39- 442. 39175,733.45 35.10 9,634.75 .3Q. 746.79 190,29 35,63 357,42 8,247,00 1,232.59 160.07 167,87 1,650.00 22,422.11 ............. 208,355.56 36.43 ,27. 36.58 61. 58 2,74 71.48 35,09 92,74 80.03 67. 14 36.46 37.20 36,48 .0.060. 3100/2016 FlNJ #-100 •• 6<p - G!ner,; fmj •• -D ETA f>S>JCR 1'CCf# amll CIlNTY Pf(£ I L- 16 TIMe 15: 27 EmNJ WE SJ,UR{ 3100/2016 7/01/2015 - -DETAI L- Il11TI IffR IMlNr IMlNr o.RtNr IMlNr \ffi \oR) I nslJ ance l1lerrpl Clfnent I nsur arce t-eaI t h I nslJ"cree Vdrkers' e:trTpensat i on U1i faIlS Tr ash OJ I ect i on 8 ectri cal $:!rvices Telephone aor vi eel ~ nt . of ~i nt M see! I aneoJS Tr ai rlll'J art er a e<rli ng Cbnt r act 8 evat or Cbnt r act R r e Ft event i on S:!r vi ces HJtC S:!r vi ce Cbnt r act t.4lchi nor y and EQj pnent •••• t.Ili nt enance, Cb. CbnJJlex •• 237,605.00 56,320,00 756.00 22,638.00 30,981,00 3,136.00 1,338.00 56,056,00 5,200.00 5,000,00 1,000.00 29,000.00 1, 4SO,00 .00 2,000.00 5,300,00 3,600,00 8,700.00 35,000,00 509,082,00 237,605.00 56,320,00 756.00 22,638,00 30,981. 00 3,136,00 1,338,00 56,056.00 5,200,00 5,000,00 1,000.00 29,000,00 5,550.00 .00 2,000.00 5,300,00 3.600.00 8,700.00 35,000,00 513, 182. 00 27,642.16 3,452,64 ,00 2,257,34 2,439.70 224,54 ,00 5,560.00 ,00 396.92 72,00 1,460.24 433.34 .00 .00 .00 360,00 ISO.00 .00 44,499.08 .. .. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 29.77 29.77 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,500.00 300.00 3,100.00 3,200.00 700.00 700.00 3,500,00 17,000.00 31,000.00 13.000.00 1.100.00 .00 2,500.00 300.00 3,100.00 3.200.00 700.00 700,00 3.500.00 17,000.00 45,100,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 309. 78 .00 56.38 .00 .00 .00 366.16 12.862.56 964.00 127.96 1,427.47 .00 2.068.20 2,330.01 557.77 .00 400.00 ,00 20,757.99 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 137,42 1.05 116.00 10.54 127.96- 100. ()(). 1,072.53 42.90 300.00 100.00 1,031.60 33,28 869.99 27.18 142.23 20,31 700,00 100.00 3.100.00 88.57 17,000,00 100.00 24,342,01 53.97 199,733.00 20,000.00 11,549.48 1.561. 94 ,00 ,00 97.881.61 7,213.51 [EUl PT1(»l Y-T-D IMlNr EN:lJ\ffiN:E IMlNr lNNlM!HD BtU«:E % RMN ----------1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 3010 5101 5203 5415 7000 7003 7004 7005 6001 43030 43040 2009 430SO 43060 1003 2001 2009 3004 3010 5101 5102 5103 5401 7006 6001 43060 43090 43100 43110 1001 1003 •..• ~ nt enance, (b. CbnJJlex •• S3I at i es and V\ages S:lI ari es, Part li nI! I'mJaI aoos ROI •••• t.Jli nt enarx;e of O:u t house .•.• •• ~ntenance of Olrler 8dg. lJlertpI C1fnml. I nslX ance •• ~ntenance of Olrler 8dg. •• ~ 111. of Slci,; .•.• Mli nl enance of aorv, 164,156.20 45,830.31 1,028.71 15,232. 16 20,457,73 1,871. 70 366.08 39,924.96 5,057,45 3,879,24 283,SO 14,416.57 3.343.28 17.99 551.00 400.00 2,107.00 5,493.00 .00 325,456.89 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 73,448.60 30.91 11,489.69 19. 70 270.7135.717,405.64 32,71 10,493.27 33.87 1,264.30 40.31 951,92 71. 14 18, 131. 04 31,23 142.54 2.74 1,120,76 22,41 716. SO 71,65 14,563.43 SO.28 2,206 72 39,76 17.99- 100. ()(). 1.449.00 72. 45 4,900,00 92,45 1,493.00 41.47 3,207. 00 36.86 35,000.00 100.00 187,715.11 36.57 29.7729.77- 100. ()(). 100, ()(). 8 dg. CuYler y .•.• Par t li ne EilP "'lee ROI lJlenpI oynent I nslJ" nace Fepai r s crd foJli nt enance GJr bage W I eet i on 8 ect ri cal S=rvi ces Fte WI er and S!ve' Ufi ce 9.W i es Training Mdi nor y and EQj pnent •..• t.Ili nt eralCe of C3rmef y ••.• tJlint. of Child Qlre Qr. •• ~nt. of Lovells (tee!< Cllm•• •• Mlint. of Qher Roperties" .••. Mli nt enance Rr ce •••• S)J ar i es and V\Iges S:!I ar i es and V\Iges, Part li ne H 213,833.00 20,000.00 101,851,39 12.786.49 49,00 36.06 310912016 FlNl II- 100 " '0-060" Exp - (J;oer al Fund •• -DET AI am:u L- ~CR Krr# 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 3003 5101 5203 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5415 8001 43120 43130 43140 43150 43160 1001 1003 1007 1099 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 5101 5203 5401 CES:R PIl 01 ._--------* • Mli nt en<I'lCe Fa" ce •• Ionual Ebrus RO'\ \ffi \f5 I f1SlJ" ance \.f5 .-ytx'id Dsatility UlenP OYl'lelt I flSlX ance I-eaI t h I os•.•.ance Vdr ker 5' <DnJ;ensat i on S>:>Y_al 8 eet ri cal S:!rvi ces Tel ephone, Qli I Ame CBsd i ne D esel lkhlEilLi paw i es IkhIrqup Ins lires SJpp i es Too s and ~ scell aneous MicIl ner y ;m E'quipro!fl1 •• Mli nt eIBlCe For ce •• Ml.i ntencn;e Fa" ce - \A:lhi des" ~ nt enance For ce - EilLipro!fl1 ~ nt enance For ce - 9lop •• Mli nt enance Fa" ce - a f ice'" A.bIic Uilities" a i es a"ld IIages ~ ar i es <n:J IIages Pr A1nual Ibnus FersaY1el Cb1t i ngercy RO'\ \ffi \.ffi I f1SlJ" ance \ffi- f)obrid Dsatility LherlJl/oynent I nsLX ance I-eaI t h I f1SlX ance 8 edri cal S!rvi ces Tel ecormtri cat i ons •• •• •• •• •• SI afice 3.Wies *- R.JbIicUilities 43200 3004 5102 5103 5302 5405 ** • • t.Ili nt 01 (J;oer ill Ropert i es •• Cb.n1 y A' ope! t i es- ~ r s & r.ti nt 0::U1t Y R opef t I es- ~ i ng Fuel <b..r1t y R opert i es- WI er & ~ 1 ns FtenilflS . Are CbLnIy Ftoperti es-Jari tal aI 8.-1' PKE CIlNTY ErnNJ"TI.RO S.MlRf 310912016 7/01/2015 - THE -DETAI 17 15: 27 L- IffR fMlNf a.mNI" fMlNf 596.00 17,931.00 27,660.00 2.623.00 178.00 661.00 48.336.00 5,365.00 1,000.00 12.000.00 500.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 6,500.00 10,000.00 2.000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 62.500.00 465.563.00 596.00 17,931.00 27,660.00 2.623.00 178.00 661.00 48,336.00 5.365.00 1,000.00 12.000.00 1,200.00 22,000.00 5,000.00 6.500.00 10,000.00 2.000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 62,500.00 452,183.00 .00 937.66 1.624.56 148.90 13.71 .00 2,510.00 .00 45.56 1,216.77 412.92 713.11 97.09 437.44 .00 25.00 154.66 32451 .00 21,793.73 270.71 8,556.30 12.236.59 1,118.81 71. 76 70.30 17,548.84 5,217.94 735.56 6.882.17 992.05 10.306.48 2,281.09 3.014.00 8,883.30 1.455.50 1,943.63 1.623.96 .00 197,846.87 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 325.29 9.374.70 15,623.41 1,704. 19 106.24 590.70 30,787.16 147.06 26444 5,117.83 207.95 11,693.52 2,718.91 3,486.00 1,116 70 544.50 1,056.37 1,876.04 62,500.00 254.336.13 54.57 52.28 56.07 60.36 59.68 89.36 63.69 2.74 26.44 42.64 17.32 53.15 54.37 53.63 11.16 27.22 35.21 53.60 100.00 56.24 691,028.00 9.300.00 1.833.00 15.000.00 53,575.00 90.109.00 9.122.00 188.00 1,679.00 146,880.00 500.00 4,350.00 .00 1,023.544.00 691,028.00 9.300.00 1,833.00 15,000.00 53.575.00 90.109.00 9.122.00 188.00 1,679.00 146,880.00 500.00 5,150.00 8,000.00 1.032.344.00 50.109.26 781.26 .00 .00 3,565.52 7,062.42 646.04 51. 30 .00 10,420.00 94.78 467.28 4,238.01 77,455.87 439.029.81 6.060.59 1,624.20 .00 31,605.10 55.899.12 5.673.70 200.05 133.80 83,440.38 935. 71 3,346.73 12,726.31 640.695.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 251,998. 19 3,219.41 208.80 15,000.00 21,969.90 34.209.88 3,448.30 32.051,545.20 63,439.62 435.711.803.27 4.726.31391.648.50 36.46 34 61 11.39 100.00 41.00 37.96 37.80 19.0792.03 43.19 87. 1435.01 59.0737.93 65.000.00 68,000.00 13,000.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 65.000.00 68,000.00 13,000.00 2,500.00 25,000.00 2.439.80 162.90 246.88 .00 1,323.56 20.296.49 23.683.15 8,637.94 2.347.00 13,037.95 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 44.703.51 44,316.85 4,362.06 153.00 11,962.05 68.77 65.17 33.55 6.12 47.84 Y-T-D fMlNf EN:l.1\lH\'iE fMlNf I.NNl.MEID I3'UN:E % EliIET fMlNf ffiJ'l N .. .0.060. 310912016 FlN) #-100 •• Exp - Q!neral Flnl •• -0 ETA I L- =. ~CR 5410 5420 43300 43400 43500 3004 5101 5102 5103 5307 5405 8006 CES:RPTlCN •• 0u1t Y 0:xJnt y •• I\IU III ~ III of Q!neral A- oper ti es •• R reA' eve'll i on S3" vi ces B:i I er & r-.khi nery I nsur arce of Q!neral A- ope!' ti es U 4,500,00 4,900.00 182,900.00 4,500,00 4,900.00 182,900.00 ,00 .00 4.193.14 1,020.00 3,636.00 72,658,53 ,00 .00 ,00 2,500,00 72,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,780,00 1,000,00 30,224,00 117,004,00 ,00 4,523.07 ,00 74.40 .00 ,00 ,00 4,597.47 891,17 24,647.16 ,00 605,59 5,780,00 ,00 30,224.00 62,147,92 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 a.HB>lr A\Q.Nr ENJ.Mm{E A\Q.Nr lNNlMBID BtUI"I:E % fB\l'l N 3,480,00 1,264.00 '10,241.47 7733 25.79 60.27 •• a. age Enorger<:y1m cl es •• .. Oerk of the\l'Qrks" • • VOcxI aw1 S::hooI Fepair s and fI4lint enance 8 ectri cal ~vices _i ng Fl.<lI WI", &s....I nsur ance Cbler aI Ualjlity Janitorial 9JppI i es COOstr uet i on \A:h d es and Eqt.i •• Vdcx:I awl S::hooI u .. fXlEI1t MIi nt er'Iar'Ce, OJ. ChnPex •• awl ..• • VdodI Klallh" S::hooI .. S1are of teal t h [),part _ 8 eet ri cal Si!rvices Tel ecoomJni eat i OIlS •• I-eaII h •• •• Mli nt enance, 53020 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2010 2012 3016 5101 5203 5305 5799 y- T-O A\Q.Nr 1m< 2,500.00 75,000.00 .00 2,500,00 5,780,00 1,000,00 ,00 86,780,00 ------------. ------------- 2, 298, 889. 00 2,342,713,00 243,549.00 9,500.00 16,915,00 269,964,00 .. OJ. ChnPex •• _al Klallh&_al Rlge<s •• _al Klallh&_al R:!tard •• •• _al F€tard M. em Klallh&_~ ~ard •• RJbI i c /l6si st arce •• ~aries am ~ Pmual Eb'1us RO\ \,ffi \,ffi I taR'«E \,ffi ftl>' i d 0 sabilit y ~ th I nsurarce li'enP 50 FBffi B ectri cal S:!r\li ces Tel ecammi cat j oos \6-i D..EI taR'«E U'di sl r i I:JJted \PA Expenses "t- 243,549,00 9,500.00 16,915,00 269,964,00 ------------- - _____.0---.- 152,905.45 1,319,603,47 20,295.75 500, 13 1,255.60 22,051. 48 .00 1,608.83 47,852.84 2,500.00 1,894.41 .00 1,000.00 ,00 54,856.08 --_.--------1,023,109.53 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 81,183.00 4,562.36 6,796.08 92,541.44 33,33 48.02 40.17 34 27 ------------- 162,366.00 4,937,64 10,118.92 177.422.56 64.35 66,00 100.00 75.77 ,00 100.00 .00 46.88 43.67 269,964,00 22,051.48 177,422,56 .. _----_._--,00 ___ .w_. ______ 269,964,00 92,541,44 34.27 130,500.00 130,500.00 130,500.00 130,500.00 10,875.00 10,875.00 87,000,00 87,000.00 .00 .00 33.33 33,33 ------_._---52010 5604 15:27 -OET AI L- ElllE A\Q.Nr A\Q.Nr 18 11M' ._--------- ~* 51000 51010 5001 5101 5203 Pf(E am:u <XlNTY EJm'lJ 1Ut 9.JUR( 7/01/2015 310912016 ------------- ------------- --.--.----_ .. ** •• _._-------_ .. -----------_. 130,500,00 130,500,00 10,875,00 87,000,00 .00 43,500,00 43,500,00 ..... ----43,500,00 1,232,405.00 3,898.00 94,279.00 160,679.00 16,268.00 612,00 315,037.00 .00 4,000.00 14,500.00 21,265.00 ,00 I, 520, 533, 00 100,438.43 848,078.71 4,222.92 60,673,58 107,770,60 9,892.96 614,08 202,915,32 755.21 2,205,00 7,651,36 12,720.95 4,207.88 964,122,46 .00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 384,326,29 324.9233,605,42 52,908.40 6,375,04 2,08112,121.68 755,211,795.00 6,848.64 8,544.05 4,207,88556,410.54 1,232,405.00 3,898.00 94,279,00 160,679.00 16,268.00 612,00 315,037.00 ,00 4,000.00 14,500.00 21,265.00 .00 1,520,533,00 ------------- .00 7, 122. 07 13,239,74 1,217,42 108.46 25,128.90 ,00 294.00 775.00 1,578,50 ,00 127,495.27 ----.-_._---- --------_._-- --_ 33,33 31, 18 8.3335,64 32.92 39,18 ,3335.59 100.0044.87 47.23 40.17 100,0036.59 310912016 'Q06O' F\N) #-100 •• &p • Qneral Furd •• .0 ETA am:u I L. (IlJ.llY 8m'D 1lff' 9JIUR( 7/01/2015 310912016 arrrr ~<R =# A\O.NI" rnmPT101 '*fR A\O.NI" PKE 19 l1MO 15: 27 .0 ETA I L. Clffi3'I[ A\O.NI" V.T.O A\O.NI" EN:J.J.m'N:E A\O.NI" lNNJ.MEID I¥U\'iE % ~N ----------- 6901 6905 AJbI i c Aisi 5t ance •• Ch1y;tehensi ve Servi ces Pet (SO. Idrri ni 5t rat i 00 Expenses •• A.JbI i c A>si 51ance •• 53070 53080 53090 5604 6000 6001 6003 6004 •• Yout h ard Fani I Y S3r vi ces •• •• Oli I d CJre <B1ter •• •• S3ni or a ti zens R ogr <rlS •• S3ni or a I i zens C£nt er WadI awl Ostrict III <Doper at i ve 1Mb- Slut hernI oll Cbnm Or. laurel Fork <l>mtnly Or. l..allilsblx 9 COOmri t y <Htt er •.• ~or Otizens Rograns •• U a", •• PubI i c flssi 51ance •• 61010 5604 • • <l>mtn t Y Q)/ I egos •• \Yl hevi I I e Clxmm I Y Q)/ I ege •• ClJr1mnI Y Q)/ I egos •• 1.300.000.00 12,500.00 4, 695, 976. 00 12,500.00 34,115.00 9.000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 73.615.00 ------------4,769.591.00 42.000.00 42.000.00 .----------.3.500.00 983,950.75 619. 19 1,334.47 985.904.41 42,000.00 •• •• S:OOol _d S:OOol SJpporI 8 ectrl car Servi ces Tel eccrmtJIli cat i ons •• S:OOol _d .• 16,815,009.00 11,500.00 29,000.00 16.855.509.00 16,815.009.00 11.500.00 21.700.00 16.848.209.00 •• S:OOol _d 16.855.509.00 •• fliss 11Yough FU1ds •• Fe::reat i on SlI a- i es and Vl'ges S3I at i es and Wges. Part 1i ne AY1uaI Bloos ROI \ffi \ffi I 1lSlJ'ance \ffi/1tl:x'id Osaality trenpoynont I llSlJ'ance I-eaI t h I 1lSlJ'ance VQrkEl(s' Cbnpensation <b1t r Cd uaI VQrkers Eq.i p-oont t.Jli ntenance PdvEl(t i si ng <k bage S3"vi ce 8ectric 10'" afi ce U 1.041. 67 2.642.92 750.00 750.00 750.00 6,134.59 --_ .... _-_.-. 433,364. 02 4.769.591.00 Q)/Iegos" •• 148,870.10 961.54 427.229.43 ------------- _._---------- 70020 71010 1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 3002 3005 3007 3010 5101 12,500.00 34,115.00 9.000.00 9,000.00 9.000.00 73. 615. 00 42,000.00 42,000.00 ------------42.000.00 •• Clxmmly 62100 5004 5101 5203 '. 300, 000. 00 12.500.00 4. 695, 976. 00 ------------- ------------16.848,209.00 3.500.00 3,500.00 ------------985.904.41 1.243. 121. 21 8,173.09 3. 4n. 125. 33 8,333.36 22.743.36 6.000.00 6.000.00 6.000.00 49,076.72 .00 .00 .00 56.878.79 4,326.91 1.218,850.67 4.37 34.61 25.95 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,166.64 11.371.64 3.000.00 3.000.00 3.000.00 24,538.28 33.33 3333 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 3. 526. 202. 05 .00 ... _--------'. 243, 388. 95 28,000.00 28,000.00 .---._------ . 28.000.00 .00 .00 14,000.00 14,000.00 33.33 33.33 14.000.00 33.33 ----------.-- 11.041.706.00 6,113. 02 10.889.52 11. 058, 708. 54 ------------- "------------ ------------- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------- 11, 058, 708. 54 .00 73.551.25 56.404.41 812. 19 9,546.48 9,539.78 892.42 160.63 576. 79 13.978.16 3.306.80 19.002.00 3.511.75 796.40 1,550.36 5,683.10 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -------_._--- 5, n3, 303. 00 5,386.98 10,810.48 5. 789, 500. 46 26.06 34.33 46.84 49.81 34.36 ------------5.789,500.46 34.36 U 125.039.00 71.698.00 596.00 14.200.00 12.128.00 1.252.00 159.00 1.On. 00 20.616.00 3.400.00 40,000.00 18,000.00 1,000.00 3,300.00 7.500.00 125.039.00 71.698.00 596.00 14.200.00 12, 128.00 1,252.00 159.00 1,On. 00 20.616.00 3,400.00 40.000.00 18.000.00 1.000.00 3.300.00 7.500.00 9. 125. 52 4,062.81 .00 942. 18 1.256.12 117.64 27.05 .00 1.940.00 .00 2,869.00 606.52 .00 191,98 455.85 51.487.75 15,293.59 216.194.653.52 2.588.22 359.58 1.63500.21 6.637.84 93.20 20,998.00 14,488.25 203.60 1.749.64 1.816.90 41. 17 21.33 36.27 • 32.n 21.34 28.72 1. 0246.44 32.19 2.74 52.49 80.49 20.36 53. 01 24.22 310912016 F\N) #-100 •• &p- 'GJl60' (J)ner al Fund •• -D ETA om:::u. Cl1NTY EJ<flN] 11Jt ~ 310912016 7/01/2015 - I L- WCR lRUl PTlCN KJ:,f# ..... _----- 5103 5201 5203 5305 530B 5401 5409 5412 5504 5801 5830 5890 5899 5990 6013 6015 7002 7003 7006 BOOI 9060 a u 71050 •• f«r eat i 00 •• wte- fa Ofi ce RJst al ~vice Tel ephc:rle fer vi ce \th cI e I rlSlJ"arK:e (J)neral UaIllity Ins ati ce s.w i es D esol Fuel G 0lT0ds 9Jppl i es Travel &penses 0Jes & A5soci at i on ~ shi ps ROunds Rlcr eat i on A' ogr ans & Blent 5 S:ri oc YnP cs Fe!:ai I ::BI es Tax Pay_ eat i '" Eljli p....u Q:ncessi 00 9Jppl i es Yout h Teans \ehi cI e ~ nt enance Sipends ~ t, Eljli p....u Ct ooked Ct eel< R!c:r eat ion" EUIEf !WJIIT i'ffR 1,300.00 600.00 2.400.00 2,500.00 .00 5.000 00 4,000.00 8,250.00 1.000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 9,000.00 2,500.00 900.00 9.000.00 15.000.00 25,000.00 3.000.00 3,600.00 20,000.00 6.500.00 442,515.00 1,300.00 600.00 4,300.00 2.500.00 5.300.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 8.250.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1.000.00 26,474.00 2.500.00 900.00 9.000.00 15,000.00 19.700.00 3,000.00 3,600.00 20,000.00 6.500.00 461,889.00 -----------_. •• •• Glr,dl-QIIax f€g U brary S:lI ar i es and "Wges S3I ar I es and "Wges Pr IlJnus RO\ \ffi \oR) I rlSlJ"ance I rlSLrance lhen!JI 01'rt!aI t h I rlSIX cn::e IAkkers' O:Jnpensati 00 \EH Q£ 1NiR'KE afi ce s.w i es Pay_, 10 Rlgi..,.; u tx"ary •• Glrrd1-Q11ax f€g. U brary a.mM !WJIIT 61.20 73.50 577. 79 .00 .00 29931 105.10 365.57 .00 .00 25.00 853 98 .00 .00 993.22 .00 1,988.07 12.28 196.00 .00 .00 27,145.69 Y-T-D !WJIIT 472. 20 105.62 2,820.92 2.337.71 5,271.98 3.370.82 1,474.08 3,598.18 390.01 .00 245.00 21,075.83 2,014.70 930.81 1,758.87 4.212.76 6.466.85 573.30 637.00 12.980.52 2.814.62 272..884. 30 EN::lMm'{E !WJIIT l.I'BIlJ.MHID BIU«E .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 827.80 494 38 1,479.08 162.29 28.02 1,629 18 2.525.92 4,651.82 609.99 2.000.00 755.00 5,398.17 485.30 30.817,241.13 10.787.24 13,233. 15 2,426.70 2.963.00 7,019.48 3,685.38 189.024.70 .. _---------189,024.70 % ~N 63 67 82.39 34.39 6.49 .52 32.58 63.14 5638 60.99 100.00 75.50 20.39 19.41 3 4280.45 71.91 67.17 80.89 82.30 35.09 56.69 40.92 f€g .* U br(l(Y ** *. A am ng Qx-mi ssi on •• sn FtN:6 Travel ---_.-------- -----._------ ------------- 442,515.00 461,889.00 27.145.69 272..884. 30 ------------.00 70,436.00 43,148.00 325.00 8.689.00 9,276.00 930.00 692.00 20,040.00 94.00 .00 .00 156.844.00 310.474.00 70.436.00 43.148.00 325.00 8,689.00 9.276.00 930.00 692.00 20.040.00 94.00 .00 .00 156,844.00 5,467.64 3.126.98 .00 692.34 780.08 70.50 .00 640.00 .00 .00 186.16 39.211.00 50. 174. 70 45.831.62 28.961.82 379.01 5.269.73 6.164.25 557.10 174. 70 11,297.68 91.42 467.54 1,392.76 117,633.00 218,220.63 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------- ------------- 40.92 •• -.. •• a..rdI-Gllax 81010 3016 5504 20 •• 9N rmi ng R:lOI •• Rlcr eat i 00 73020 1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 5305 5401 5604 !WJIIT PKE 11M; 15: 27 -DETAI L- 310,474.00 ----------.-. ------------- 310.474.00 310.474.00 3,500.00 BOO.00 3,500.00 BOO.00 50,174.70 245.00 .00 218.220.63 490.00 .00 ... _--------.00 .00 .00 24.604.38 14, 188 18 54.013.419.27 3,111.75 372.90 517.30 8.742.32 2.58 467.541,392.7639,211. 00 92.253.37 34.93 32.87 16.6139.35 33.54 40.09 74.75 43.62 2.74 100.00100.0025.00 29.71 92,253.37 29 71 ------_._._-- 3,010.00 BOO.00 86.00 100.00 310912016 FlN) #-100 " 'G.OOO' B<p • C£neraJ Fmd •• • 0 ETA I l. W(R !'CIT" f'I(£ rnffil. CIlNlY EmNJ TlR; SJ>UR( 7/0112015 • 310912016 1m' A\O.NI" UffiCNf A\O.NI" Y.T.D A\O.NI" 500.00 4,800.00 500.00 4,800.00 30.00 275.00 30.00 520.00 B.llE A\O.NI" rnrn PT1CN 11M' .DETAll. ENl.1'.l'R'«E A\O.NI" lNNlMHID BI'l.A'lE % ~N ..... _--- .. 9000 .•.• A anni ng Cbrmi ssi 00 .•.• Training •••• A anni ng Ctrmi ssi on .•.• 81020 81030 1001 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 2011 3002 5101 5201 5203 5401 5408 5409 5504 6012 .•.• Land L1;e ard A ami ng •• <£ograj:tli c I nfa ~vi ces •• $II ar i es and Wges Ebnus ROI \R3 \ffi I nsLJ ance lhenpI C1jrltirt I nsur ance I-eaI t h I nsur ance I/dr ker 5' <l:lnJJensat i 00 Cbntractual Servi ces 8 eel ri cal Servi ces RJstage Tel ecormt.rli eat i oos Of! ce s.w i es \€hi deW nt enalCe Ft.e Ft of essi onaI COvel qroont S:Jf t ver e U censesl LPdat es •• Gogr aphi c I nf a S:r vi ces •• 51,313.00 108.00 3,925.00 6,758.00 677. 00 94.00 13,080.00 950.00 3,500.00 750.00 50.00 967.00 4,000.00 716.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,440.00 91,328.00 51,313.00 108.00 3,925.00 6,758.00 677. 00 94.00 13,080.00 950.00 6,000.00 750.00 50.00 967.00 3,093.00 716.00 .00 .00 2,647.00 91,328.00 3,983.18 .00 245.74 568.30 51. 36 .00 1,090.00 .00 3,000.00 58.08 .00 35.88 505.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 9,537.54 81060 3016 5201 9002 9007 •• Ecoroc:m c COvel qroont sn fBo(S I D'I RJst age I D'I r.Alnller S i perds BJsi ness R:l: ent i on & &cpansi 00 •• Ecoroc:mc COvel qroont •• .00 ,00 5,200.00 47,000.00 52,200.00 5,200.00 50.00 .00 47,000.00 52,250.00 245.00 ,00 .00 31.50 276.50 81070 5604 5610 9004 •• Arp::x-t •• Qlnt ri but i 00 - TvJ n Cb. A rp:l"t ~ Lrn Fer sooaI Ft~ Taxes A rport Expansi 00 •• A rport •• 41,000.00 9,915.00 19,960.00 70,875.00 41,000.00 9,915.00 19,960.00 70,875.00 73,194.00 7,000.00 217.00 6,135.00 9,640.00 966.00 240.00 19,920.00 73,194.00 7,000.00 217.00 6,135.00 9,640.00 966.00 240.00 19,920.00 81500 81550 1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2009 2010 21 15: 27 - .•.• BJsi ness [Eve! op"lmt ••• Oossroads s:rc ••• SII ar i es and V;6ges SJI ar i es em Ih'ges PI" IfflJal Ebnus ROI \R3 \oR) I OSll' ance UlenpI C1jnmt 1 nslJ' ance I-eaI t h I nsLr ance .00 .00 470.00 4,280.00 94.00 89.16 33,388.43 108.28 2,090.57 4,490.70 405. T7 .00 8,728.32 923.96 6,000.00 573.45 ,00 289 II 1,725.28 .00 .00 .00 2,846.73 61,570.60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 17,924.57 .281,834.43 2,267.30 271.23 94.00 4,351. 68 26.04 .00 176.55 50.00 677. 89 1,367.72 716.00 .00 .00 .27 29,757,40 34.93 .2546.73 33.54 40.06 100.00 33.26 2. 74 .00 23.54 100.00 70.10 44.21 100.00 .00 .00 .00 32.58 2,649.00 969.35 ,00 31,749.99 35,568.34 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,351.00 45.21 919.35- 838.70.00 .00 32.44 15,250.01 16,681. 66 31. 92 3,416.67 .00 ,00 3,416.67 27,333.36 .00 9,979. T7 37,313.13 .00 .00 .00 .00 13,666.64 9,915.00 9,980.23 33,561.87 5,630.32 68.00 .00 380.93 803.32 72.58 ,00 1,660.00 47,857.72 2,397.00 270.71 3,425.21 6,426.55 580.64 28.32 13,290.40 .00 .00 . 00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 25,336.28 4,803.00 53.71 • 2,709.79 3,213.45 385.36 211.68 6,629.60 U 33.33 100.00 50.00 47.35 34.61 65.75 24.7544.16 33.33 39.89 88.20 33.28 310912016 F\.N) #.100 •• &p- 00Ul. 0l.NIY '0.060' Q,re-a1 Furd •• .DE T AI L- wrn El.JlEr Kr:r# 2011 5401 81555 lE'l:R PO CN ...... __ ._*.* Vlkker's Cbnp Ins afice SWies ••• Oossroads s:r:c •.• .. sn; Olunsel i ng IW.Nf IW.Nf 1,236.00 ,00 118,548.00 1,236.00 ,00 118,548 00 ,00 .00 8,615.15 1,202.12 652.39 76, 131. 06 ------------337,751.00 oe ------------337,801. 00 5,000,00 3,000.00 8,000,00 5,000.00 3,000.00 8,000,00 82040 1001 5203 .•• 8ct ens! 00 and Cbnt i rU ng fit S3I ari es and ~ TeI~ S!rvice Ed ensi 00 ard 0Jnt i f1l.i ng EO. 54,420,00 4,000,00 58,420.00 54,420.00 4,000.00 58,420.00 B3060 1001 1003 1007 2001 2002 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 3005 5102 5201 5203 5401 9040 .. •.•. Scnl1'Bter .. Chnservation .. Faf"ners' ""'kel SEll at i es arKi ~ S3I ar! es and ~, PiYt To"" Il:Jnus RCA \,ffi \.f5 I nsur ance \,ffi ftbr i d 0 sabi I it y I nsll"ClIlCe ~oynont I-eaI t h I nslX aoce Vdrkers' COOpensati 00 Eil~pnont Mli nt enance R.e RJst aI S:!rvi ce Tel ep/lJne S:!fvi ce af! ce s..w i es Transfer to Ef{H)\ •• Farners' "'" kel •• Far ner 5' ""'ket 90000 90010 5012 5013 .. ._._--------ard WIer ImJaI AI L. ENlJ.ffi'N:E IW.Nf lNNlMEffi IlIU'N:E % ~N .. ,00 ,00 ,00 33.88 2.74 652.3(1- 100.0042,416 94 35.78 •• •• SJi I arKi \litter COOservati (Xl •.• Cb1t r i but i on t 0 9JQD - GJI ax 0Jnt r i but i on t 0 R:W CbL.n:i I •• SJi I and Wter Onservati on •.• .. Y.T.D !'FfR IW.Nf (J.ffiM IW.Nf B2030 5604 5605 •• SJi I .DET 22 15: 27 Oossroads SIL ••• • • A ami ng O:mri 55! 00 B2060 Pf<E m.E EJ<HNJ TlfE SJ\t,ffi( 7/0112015 . 310912016 .. •• 66,420.00 245,078.00 25,000,00 541.00 20,661,00 31,667,00 3,235.00 175,00 802,00 40,200.00 5,000.00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 270,000,00 642,359.00 ... _------.-642,359.00 ------- _._.-._-----22,120,86 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 251. 13 251. 13 .. _.-66,420,00 ------------251, 13 245,078,00 25,000.00 541.00 20,661.00 31,667.00 3,235.00 175.00 802.00 40,200.00 5,000.00 ,00 ,00 ,00 2,000.00 ,00 270,000.00 644,359.00 17,019.44 346.67 .00 1,224.70 2,401. 82 ------------- 219.42 ,00 ,00 3,500.00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 216.20 ,00 ,00 24,928.25 ------------- ------------211,103.13 --_.----_ .... .00 5,000.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 ,00 ,00 ,00 7,202,55 2,023,80 9,226.35 ,00 ,00 ,00 ------------- ------------- 17,226.35 .00 141,274.04 14,178,81 595.55 11,106,21 18,814 07 1,718.86 ,00 104.87 28,017.68 4,862,94 256,00 188.80 27,40 1,323.01 549.88 240,000.00 463,018.12 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 .00 ,00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 -.-.--------- ------._----- ------------126,697,87 ,00 ,00 .00 37,50 .00 ,00 ,00 1,976.20 49,193.65 86.76 49.40 84 20 ------------49,193.65 74.06 47,217.45 103,803.96 10,821.19 54.5!>9,554.79 12,852.93 42.35 43.28 10.0846,24 40.58 46,86 1.516.14 175.00 100,00 697, 13 86.92 12, 182,32 30.30 137,06 2.74 256.00- 100,00188. BQ. 100.0027,40- 100.00676,99 33.84 549.88- 100.0030,000,00 11. 11 161,340.88 28 14 ------------- 644,359.00 24,926.25 463,018,12 ,00 181,340.88 28.14 ,00 1,123,938.00 ,00 66,271,85 16,060.00 858,850.59 ,00 ,00 16,060.00265,087,41 100.0023.58 D>bl S!rvice •• •• Trcnsfer to o her Fu1ds." CC R exi bI e ~ Tramfer to PSA. ng Ft.n:i ,00 1,199,528,00 310912016 '0.060' flN) #-100 •• EXp - <£oo"al Furd •• -0 ETA am:u. I L- !'I\Jrn EliIET IW.Nr CfS:R PTlCN Kr:r# PKE 23 CD.NlY E*B'{llUE SJIUR( 7/01/2015 310912016 I'fffi IW.Nr 1lt.E 15: 27 I L- -0 ETA Clffi'N[ IW.Nr y- T-O IW.Nr ENJ.J.lmiE IW.Nr lNNJ.MHffi % RMN BtU«E ----------5014 90020 ** Transfer to QtleI' Fu1ds •• Transfer to I (A- COOJjex _ ** TrWlSfer to Qher Fu1ds •• .. .. .... S:!rvi ce U Nlrdeparl _ al Nlrdepar 1_ al R<sorrel 0Jnt i ngency IkkgrOUld cOOcksi dr"l 1esl 5 Ora- Cbnt i ngency Brt s:; & O>posi 1 li cket sf Vk.hc::Ni a Qed 1 Cllrd & Tel echeck Fees A-oj eel Fe;erve GlIilal Nlrdepar 1_ al .. .. .. .. Nlrdepar 1_ 92100 94000 8089 al .. Feverue Rrt' lJlds * * •• OJpilai R"oj Ed s ** R" oper t Y PcqU si ti 01 0Jpi 1al Ftoj ect s •• .. .. .... .... .. 0Jpi 1aI Raj acts •• 95000 210600 220100 310500 350600 414,463.00 1,538,401.00 .00 66,271.85 414,462.50 1. 289, 373. 09 .00 .00 ----._----._- ._----------1.538.401.00 ------------- ------------- 1.613.991.00 1. 289. 373, 09 -------_.---.00 50,000.00 7,000,00 50,000.00 8,000,00 40,000,00 50,000.00 205,000,00 50.000.00 7.000.00 50.000.00 8.000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 205,000,00 .00 2,645.00 19,857.07 21,278. 03 24.069.61 2.539.44 70.389,15 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------- ------------- 205,000.00 205.000.00 .50 249.027.91 .00 16.18 Law U brary .- lE!Jl 91400 91500 1099 3001 5610 5899 5999 8001 414.463.00 1.613.991.00 lE!Jl Servi lE!Jl S!rvi lE!Jl S:!rvi lE!Jl Servi lE!Jl S:!rvi --flN) ce *" ce •• ce •• ce •• ce ** TaA.-- .00 .00 ------------.00 41,853,248.00 222.000,00 222.000.00 ------------222.000.00 42. 821, 435. 41 66.271.85 .00 335.00 3,783. 15 514.27 1.564.88 2,539.44 8,736.74 ----------_ .. 8. 736. 74 ------------70.389.15 .00 .00 ------------. .00 222,000,00 222,000,00 ------._--_.222.000.00 2.881.283.91 28. 143, 791, 39 ------------- -_.-----._._- 249,027.91 50.000.00 4.355,00 30.142.93 13.278.0315.930.39 47,460,56 134,610.85 16.18 100.00 62.21 60.28 165.9739.82 94.92 65.66 ------------- .00 134.610.85 65.66 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------.00 .00 ---_ .. _-----.00 14.677.644.02 ,00 34,27