From Father Joe - Good Samaritan


From Father Joe - Good Samaritan
Monday, December 8:The Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation)
8:00 am (GS) Elizabeth Vlasic by Angie Iwanczyk
9:00 am (SJ) John Cappabianco (SJ) by Ann Allison
7:00 pm (GS) For the Living and Deceased of our Parishes
Tuesday, December 9: Advent Weekday
[St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin]
8:00 am (GS) Paul Miskulin by Daughter, Paula Dobrosielski
Wednesday, December 10: Advent Weekday [St. Damasus I]
8:00 am (SJ) In honor of Frederick J. Ringel Sr.’s birthday by
Helen Ringel
6:00 pm (GS) Stanley Slawianowski by Wife & Children
Thursday, December 11: Advent Weekday
8:00 am (GS) Hilda Murga by Bartosh & Melton Families
Friday, December 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe
8:00 am (SJ) In honor Wayne Lindsey’s birthday by Dorothy Starr
8:00 pm (GS) Marian Prayer Group Mass
Saturday, December 13: Saint Lucy
4:00 pm (SJ) Vigil - Frank Firich by Muffy Cappabianco
5:30 pm (GS) Vigil - For the Living & Deceased of our Parishes
Sunday, December 14: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT
8:00 am (GS) James Simon by Wife, JoAnne; Children, Dan &
Jennifer and Grandaughters, Alexis, Catie & Faith
9:30 am (SJ) John Varhol by St. John’s Holy Name Society
11:00 am (GS) Raymond D. Frangione by Steve & Vera Solomich
2:00 pm (SJ) Padre Pio Prayer Group
Readings for the Week of December 8, 2014
Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38
Tuesday: Is 40:1-11/Mt 18:12-14
Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/Mt 11:28-30
Thursday: Is 41:13-20/Mt 11:11-15
Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Lk 1:26-38
Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11/Mt 17:9a, 10-13
Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
Bread and Wine
Raymond E. Cowles (SJ) by Mary Ann Cowles
Blessed Mother Shrine Candle
Michael Pavkovich (GS) by Granddaughter, Juli Pavkovich
Holy Trinity Shrine Candle
John & Louise Strella (GS) by Cheryl Schmidt
Sanctuary Candle
Sharon Papasodero (SJ) by Shultz Family
The Immaculate Conceptions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, December 8 (HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION)
8:00 am Mass at Good Samaritan
9:00 am Mass at St. John the Baptist
6:30 pm Mass at St. John the Baptist
7:00 pm Mass at Good Samaritan
Good Samaritan
Saint John the Baptist
DECEMBER 7, 2014
From Father Joe
As we enter our second week of Advent, I realize just
how quickly this month will come and go. In your
kindness, I hope you will keep me and our staff and all our
wonderful volunteers in prayer as we enter our first
Christmas season without a parochial vicar.
Together with parishes throughout the Diocese, this
Wednesday, December 10, we will participate in “The
Light Is Still On For You”, an evening where folks who
may have been away from the Church for a while, or
people who just want to talk to a priest, can drop into the
Church and a priest will be present. Unfortunately, this
year we will only be doing it at Good Samaritan (unless I
can figure out how to bi-locate between now and
Wednesday). Please note that we have moved the 6:30 pm
Mass to 6:00 pm, so that I can be available for confessions,
or spiritual direction or just conversation from 6:30 to 9:00.
Please also remember that Monday, December 8 is the
Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation. May
God bless you this Advent, and thanks for your prayers...
4:00 pm Christmas Mass, Vigil
St. John the Baptist
5:30 pm Christmas Mass, Vigil
Good Samaritan
9:30 pm
Musical Prelude
St. John the Baptist
10:00 pm Christmas Mass, Vigil St. John the Baptist
11:15 pm Singing-Traditional Carols Good Samaritan
Midnight Christmas Mass
Good Samaritan
8:00 am Christmas Mass
Good Samaritan
9:30 am Christmas Mass
St. John the Baptist
11:00 am Christmas Mass
Good Samaritan
Prepare for the coming of Christ in your heart by taking
advantage of the sacrament of Penance this Christmas
Wednesday, December 10 6:30-9:00 pm Good Samaritan
Monday, December 15
7:00 pm Our Lady of Peace
Tuesday, December 16
7:00 pm St. John the Baptist
Monday, December 22
2:30 pm Good Samaritan
Most Diocesan parishes will also be open December 10 for
“The Light Is Still On For You” from 6-9:00 PM
Good Samaritan
Weekly Offering, November 23, 2014
Weekly Offering, November 30, 2014
Religious Retirement Collection
Thanksgiving Collection SVDP
Online Giving, November 2014
St. John the Baptist
Weekly Offering, November 23, 2014
Weekly Offering, November 30, 204
Religious Retirement Collection
Thanksgiving Collection
Has it been a long time
since you’ve been to confession?
Been away from the Church?
Just need to talk with a priest?
This Advent season, Catholic
throughout the Diocese of Pittsburgh will have
their doors open and lights on Wednesday
evening, December 10, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm.
If you have been reluctant to come to the
sacrament, have been away for some time or just
found it difficult to get to a Saturday confession,
this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with
Christ and His Church. “The Light is Still On for
You!” especially if you haven’t been to confession
in a while. www.diopitt.orglightstillonmation. The
Light is Still On schedule is below:
Good Samaritan Parish: Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Mass at 6:00 PM, (NOT at 6:30 as usual)
Followed by confessions/opportunity to talk with a priest until 9:00 PM
Remembering Our Departed Loved Ones At Christmas
Each year parishioners are invited to hang a Christmas ornament on our Memorial Christmas Tree in
memory of departed loved ones. The tradition began years ago as part of parish bereavement
ministry, which was directed by Connie Christioff who passed away in 2009. Now, affectionately
known as “Connie’s Tree,” the tradition continues.
You are invited again this year to bring an ornament and place it on our tree,
even if you cannot make it to the lighting service.
The Memorial Tree will be decorated and blessed on
Sunday, December 14th
after the 11:00 Mass
Refreshments will follow. The Tree will remain until Epiphany.
All are welcome to add Christmas ornaments in memory of beloved ones.
Ornaments may be personalized with names and pictures, but should be
weatherproof. Please do not bring heirloom ornaments because they are on
display outdoors and we cannot guarantee their safety.
Pancake Breakfast
with Saint Nicholas
Hosted by Family Ministry and Holy Name Society
Crafts and visit with Saint Nick
Saturday, December 20th at 10:00 AM
Saint John the Baptist Church Social Hall in Baden
Cost: $6.00 per person. $20.00 per family
Adult Name:
Number of adults attending:_________
Number and ages of children attending:
Please return registration to Saint John the Baptist or Good Samaritan
DECEMBER 7, 2014
SAINT JOHN’S CORNER Volunteer Form for Liturgical Ministers
Good Samaritan Parish
Pio Prayer Group, 2nd SUN. MONTHLY DEVOTION
at St. John the Baptist. Holy Mass at 2:00 pm; Holy Hour at
3:00 pm. A meeting and social follows at 4:00 pm in the
hall. All are welcome. Fr. Ladis Cizik will be the celebrant.
PIEROGI PROJECT We have just 2 more weeks of
pierogi sales before the Christmas break. These will be very
busy days in the kitchen on Thursdays (Dec. 11 and 18)
beginning at 8 AM and also Thursday afternoon-evening
from 3:00 PM on and ALL DAY on Fridays (Dec. 12 and
19). PLEASE, more volunteers are needed; can you help
for a couple of hours? If you are a new volunteer, call the
parish office 724-869-2280. Thanks, and God bless you!
GIVING TREE REMINDER Please be sure to return
wrapped gifts with the ornament attached to the church or
parish office by Monday, Dec. 15. If you have any
questions, call the parish office: 724-869-2280.
“Our Lady, Undoer of Knots Fourth Month Novena
Prayers” will take place this Monday, December 8th, in
Good Samaritan Church immediately following the 7:00
pm Holy Day Mass.
Women’s Bible Study and DVD Presentation by Anita
Gutzchick will resume at our January 12th session.
Christian Mothers/Ladies Guild
Good Samaritan Holiday Fruit Baskets for Shut -Ins
will be packed on Friday, Dec. 12th at 6:30 pm and
delivered on Saturday, Dec. 13th at 9:00 am before the
Christmas Parade. Please call JoAnn Smith to help at 724266-7677. Thank you.
Good Samaritan Church will be decorated for
Christmas on Sunday, December 21st after the
11:00 am Mass. All help will be appreciated. Thank you.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society thanks all who
contributed food and cash that enabled us to provide for
families at Thanksgiving. We will have a Christmas
distribution to help families in need. Please place your nonperishable food donations in the red collection
barrels at the doors of Good Samaritan. God
bless you all for your generosity.
Congratulations and blessings to Janelle
Mae Francis and Claire Helena Heinrichs
who were baptized at Saint John the Baptist.
Congratulation to the following Good Samaritan
students who were named on the OLSH Honor Roll
from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School.
Highest Honors: Heidi Langhorst, Victoria Schmidt &
Jessica Kerecman. Honors: Malachi Kristek.
Phone Number _______________________________
Extraordinary Minister Lector Altar Server
Greeters (Christmas Vigil & Christmas Day Only)
Christmas Eve, Vigil
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
5:30 pm
Christmas Day, The Nativity of the Lord
Thursday, December 25, 2014
12:00 am (Midnight) 8:00 am 11:00 am
New Year’s Eve, Vigil
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
5:30 pm
New Year’s Day, Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Thursday, January 1, 2015 10:30 am
Return to the Parish or in the collection basket by Dec. 7.
Offices Closed for Immaculate Conception
9:00 am (GS) Dough Making (JH)
5:15-6:45 pm CCD - Grades 3-5
7:00 pm (GS) Women’s Bible Study (Ch./SJH)
Tuesday, December 9
8:30 am (GS) Baking (JH)
6:30 pm (SJ) Choir Practice
Wednesday, December 10 MASS TIME CHANGE
6:00 pm (GS) Mass time change due to “Light is On”
6:30-9:00 pm (GS) Confessions The light Is On For You.
7:15 pm (GS) Mary Bible Study Session 7 (SJH)
Thursday, December 11
6:00 pm (SJ) Potato Ball Rollers
7:00 pm (SJ) Mary Bible Study Session 7 (Church Hall)
Friday, December 12
(SJ) Pierogi Sales 724-869-9758
11:00 am (GS) Mary Bible Study Session 7 (SJH)
7:00/8:00 pm (GS) Rosary/Mass - Marian Prayer Group
Saturday, December 13
4:00 pm (SJ) after Mass, Family Ministry Christmas
Sunday, December 14
9:00 am (GS) CIC/TEEN RCIA (SJH)
9:30 am (SJ) Liturgy with children during Mass
9:30-11:00 am - CCD Grades 6-8 (GS)
11:00 am (GS) after Mass, Memorial Tree Service (outside)
2:00 pm (SJ) Padre Pio Group
4:00 pm (GS) Doors Open for Christmas Vigil Dinner (JH)
6:30 pm (GS) RCIA (SJH)
IN SYMPATHY: Please pray for the repose of the
souls of Joseph Coppenrath, Steve Kennedy, Mike Klaich
(father of Alan Klaich), Louis Marsilio, Jr. and Ralph
Thomas. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.