Transforming Lives


Transforming Lives
Transforming Lives...
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
2006 Results Card
A Look Back at RAIN’s Accomplishments
HIV/AIDS Prevention
Direct Service
RAIN staff and volunteers provided over
11,000 hours of direct service to persons
with HIV/AIDS and their families
RAIN provided HIV/AIDS awareness and
prevention education programs that reached
over 14, 400 people including:
5,600 personal contacts or visits
7,800 people in religious settings
860 rides to doctors, pharmacies,
grocery stores and social outings
6,600 in community settings
400 Pastoral Care conversations.
1,400 youth
586 meals
59 faith institutions participating in various
educational programs.
Pastoral & Spiritual
RAIN provided 1,300 pastoral visits to
persons with HIV/AIDS and their families.
Volunteer Activity
Last year, RAIN supervised nearly 600
volunteers in their service to persons with
HIV/AIDS and their families, and in HIV/
AIDS advocacy efforts within the community.
Long Term Results
Since 1992, RAIN staff and volunteers have made an impact on hundreds of people:
Provided nearly 150,000 hours of service to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their
Trained over 3,000 volunteers
Served 700 individuals living with HIV/AIDS
In Memory of our CarePartners
Janice S.
Frederick B.
Edna J.
David S.
James M.
John B.
Michael D.
Toby G.
Ron D.
February 10
February 24
March 8
June 23
July 28
August 15
August 25
November 30
December 9
“We remember those lost, those living,
and those we must protect.”
Rev. Deborah C. Warren, President & CEO
Results of Operation
Year ending December 31, 2006
$ 52,810
Congregational Donations
Individual Donations
Other Income
Total Revenues
$ 545,804
Program Services
General & Administrative
Total Expenses
$ 654,712
Net Assets, beginning of year
$ 305,687
Net Assets, end of year
Change in Net Assets
$ (108,908)
2006 Board of Directors
Keith Fortier Chair
Woodrow (Woody) Brown
Chandra S. Hollier, M.D
Dan Mauney
Tami F. Boyd Vice Chair
Catherine Cline Collins
John E. Johnson III
Ron B. Moser
Joe Taylor, Treasurer
Michael Condel
Rev. Michelle Jones
Jorge Patino
Denise Shropshire, Secretary
Lisa D. Conklin
J. Wes Kenney
Brad Platt
Scott Vitez, Immediate Past Chair
Charlotte DeLavalle
Candice Langston
Rev. Dr. Stephen Shoemaker
Cecily Durrett
Nancy Lopez-Ibanez
J. Wesley Thompson
Gloria Gibson
Beth MacDonald
Lester E. Ackerman
Brian F. Adams
Gregory & James Adams
Jason Adams
Julie Adams
Vodrick L. Adams
Clyde M. Alexander
Dale Allison
Charles Alliss
Lynde Alverez
Kaye Mason Amos
Roger P. Anderson
Roman M. Arias
Joseph Armentrout
John S. Arrowood
Amber Ashley
Donna G. Austin
Jeffrey Austin
Kelly B. Austin
Sonja Austin
Mike Autrey
Brant Aycock
Charles Bahnson
Kathryn F. Bahnson
Rebekah J. Baker
Rob Ball
Thomas C. Barefoot
Charles T. Barger
B. Barksdale
David Barnhardt
James Barrett
Marilyn H. Barrier
Agnes M. Barry
Jon M. Bass
Hans E. Bengston
Pat Bennett
Gary Berger
Sanford R. Berlin
Donald H. Bernstein
Timothy L. Bice
John R. Biles
Kathy R. Biles
Lynn Bishop
Andrea J. Blaylock
Flora L. Bobbitt
Christopher W. Bos
Sonya Bowling
Tami W. Boyd
Jimmy Boyett
Edward Brady
James G. Brafford
Mark W. Braswell
Marian Brawer
Kevin Brawn
Judy S. Britt
Michael Britt
James M. Brittain
Amy E. Brooks
Joyce C. Brooks
Daryl E. Brown
Woodrow S. Brown
Robert Bugg
Alejandro Burgos
Will Burnette
Robert Bush
Sidney T. Butz
Leigh Calabrese Eck
Bradford Camp
Barbara G. Campbell
John Campbell
Kevin Campbell
William Campbell
Leland Cannady
Marilou Cantwell
Toni and Ren Carlisle
Don S. Carpenter
Joel Carrigan
Gerard P. Carroll
Julia Carroll
Scott Carroll
Kenneth Carter
Lee D. Carter
Marni A. Cartiff
Jan F. Casey
John F. Castano
Natalie A. Castro
Alice T. Catoe
Richard E. Cauthen
Jean-Michael Cazabat
Brian Cesario
Kevin B. Champion
Alicea Charlton
Fred L. Chesson
Martina Cheung
Jonathan D. Cline
Ray W. Cline
Rita Cline
Angeline M. Clinton
Nina C. Cloaninger
Bruce Clodfelter
Gifts from individuals, congregations, corporations and organizations listed in this report were received by RAIN
during our fiscal year -January 1 through December 31, 2006. Despite our best efforts to be accurate, sometimes
errors are made in our listing. If your name has been inadvertently omitted, please accept our sincere apologies and
notify RAIN at (704) 372-7246 ext. 100 so that we may correct our records.
Ruby L. Coffey
Calvin Cohen
Robin & Charles Coira
Margo S. Colasanti
Stephanie Cole
Catherine C. Collins
C. Lewis Comer
Michael S. Condel
Lisa D. Conklin
David Cook
Robert W. Cook
Stephen J. Cooley
William D. Cornwell
Michael P. Costa
Myra Cowan
Joe Craig
Dan Craver
Brent Crawford
Betty A. Crocker
J. Scott Crowder
Connie Crumpton
Brian K. Crutchfield
Dianne P. Crutchfield
W. R. Cuthbertson
Richard Cyrus
Larry Daniely
Denise Darnell
Elizabeth E. Davenport
Diane Davis
Elizabeth S. Davis
Joe Davis
Warren J. Davis
William F. Dealy
Gerry Deas
Teresa H. Dees
Charlotte S. DeLavalle
Carolyn B. Dempsey
Crystal A. Dempsey
Christopher DeSantis
Charles R. Dickerson, Jr.
Katrina Dixon
Susan M. Docherty
Robert F. Dogens
Kelley Doherty
Cathy Dolan
Idalia C. Dorta
Mark A. Downer
Stephen Drinkard
Tania A. Dunphy
Nichole Eason
Rita Edwards
Edward C. Eklund
Bill Elder
Darla Ellington
Richter Elser
Alan Emtage
Dianne English
Thomas Ensley
Jeanne G. Evans
David A. Fann
Deadra Faustine
Alison A. Fearn
Jean A. Feiler
Kelly Ferguson
Vickie L. Ferrell
Cheryl Forlines
Keith R. Fortier
Mae Foster
T. J. Fox
Charles S. Fralin
B.L. Franks
Stanley L. Fri
Nanni C. Froehlich
Lois Fruhbeis
Bruce Frye
Valaida Fullwood
Brian E. Furr
Cameron Furr
Sara Furr
Chris Gabriel
S.G. Gabriel
Chris Gammon
Gabriel Garcia
Sherry Garner
Jake Gatch
Carlton Gay
James Gaynor
James M. Germann
John A. Gettys
Nghia Giang
Gloria S. Gibson
Jacob B. Golden
Elizabeth Gonzalez-Kosel
Eddie G. Goodwin
William R. Gordon
Barry Gouge
Mildred B. Gragg
James Graham
James A. Grattan
Billy M. Green
Myron S. Greer
Joseph W. Griffin
Kelly S. Hall
Tim N. Hamilton
Jeffrey R. Harkey
Ed Harrell
Chad Harrington
Rebecca Harris
James E. Hatley
Robert Haulbrook
Amy B. Haynes
Paulette A. Heath
Cynthia A. Hellmann
Kay Helm
James Henderlite
Jeff Herman
Luis Herrera
Judy Herron
Michael Herron
Sharlyn Hester-Manissero
Laura Hewett
Steve Hewins
Anita Hill
Jo Ellen Hill
Larry Hill
Rosemary A. Hill
Darryl Hines
Rodney S. Hines
Lamont C. Holley
Chandra S. Hollier
Craig Honeycutt
Jerry W. Hoogenakker
Amy Hoover
Jerri L. Howard
Michael W. Howard
Clyde C. Howell
Kenneth F. Howey
Thomas Hudnall
Melissa Ann Hudson
Christine Huebner
Barbara A. Huffman
Bob Humphrey
Lisa R. Hund
William Hundley
David T. Hunt
Michael Icenhour
Stephanie R. Insko
Mitch Jackson
Scott Jacobson
Tracy Jenkins
John R. Jesso
Archie Ann Johnson
Becky Johnson
Bonnie S. Johnson
Christopher M. Johnson
John E. Johnson
Johnny A. Johnson
Michael C. Johnson
Phyllis M. Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
Zuni Johnson
Gensie L. Johnston
Christopher Jones
Edward K. Jones
Megan Joyce
Rowanne Joyner
Walter E. Kearns
Joanne Kemp
Louis W. Kemp
Ann M. Kenney
J. Wesley Kenney
Bryan Kern
Angie Key
Debbie K. Kidd
J. Wade Kirkland
John Kiser
William J. Kiser
Barrett W. Klutts
Jamily Knight
Sally Knight
Jeffrey Koenig
Shirley W. Kohut
Laura Krawczyk
William D. Kreft
Peg Kuman
M. Lackey
Albert Laidlaw
Lisa LaJoie
Debra Lambert
Frank A. LaRocco
David Latour
A.J. Lawing
Anita S. Leader
Amy Leahman
Joel M. Leander
Russell C. Leciejewski
David L. LeClaire
Christi Lee
Rosanne Lenderman
Lori Leonaitis
Jeffrey Lewis
Lori R. Lewis
Heidi H. Lichtner
Cheryl Lindblom
Kathleen M. Lindh
J. Scott Lindsey
Joyce C. Little
Vince Long
Brian Luna
John Maas
Beth MacDonald
Chad Mackie
Donna Magaro
Donald Magioncalda
John P. Maloney
Wesley A. Mancini
Gregory Mangum
Lois A. Mannon
Joel H. Manson
Janet M. Manzullo
Robert B. Marcy
Ann Marsh
Brett Marshall
John Martin
Joseph B. Martin
Rob Martin
Leonard D. Martina
Jaime I. Martinez Arteaga
Sherry Mason-Brown
Timothy L. Mattox
Dan Mauney
Daryl W. McCollum
Jason T. McCraw
Alan L. McIntyre
Leslie A. McLain
Margaret McLaurin
Stephen McMahon
Bryan McRae
Amy G. McTier
David H. Meacham
Tom Melody
Heloise Merrill
Kay Michalak
Roslyn Mickelson
Jeffrey Miele
Carlos Mondragon
Gregory Moore
Sandy Moore
Tom Moore
Michael E. Miles
Deanna Miller
Janet B. Miller
Kevin Miller
Melissa D. Miller
William Mills
Sharyl Mitchell
Beverly Mitzel
Charlie A. Morgan
Frances L. Morrison
Garland M. Morrison
Ron B. Moser
Richard R. Moss
Leslie W. Muir
Charles Mull
Stewart K. Murray
Jared Neumark
Timothy Nichols
David Norman
Richard Norman
Judy L. Norris
Julie A. Norris
Jonathan O'Conner
Courtenay S. O'Donoghue
Michael O'Hara
Patrick O'Leary
Andrew O'Neil
Allison O'Neill
Peter Okkerse
Richard W. Osborn
Michael & Ben Outen-O'Hara
Beth Ann K. Owen
Kimberly Owens
Mike & Kelly Painter
Sharron W. Palermo
Elaine Palmore
Leland M. Park
Gerald H. Parks
Jane C. Patterson
Susan L. Patterson
Dominic Pellicciotti
M. Wayne Penninger
Robert Perkowitz
Toni M. Perrone
Harrison Perry
Bjorn Pfeiler-Greene
Dale J. Pierce
Quinn N. Pillsworth
Brad S. Platt
David T. Platts
James C. Plyler
Lucy W. Poisson
Martha B. Poisson
Joyce Poole
Chad Poteat
Anthony J. Potts
Reese P. Presson
Steven T. Price
Robert A. Pritchard
James Pruitt
Jetta Pyatt
Larry D. Quade
Pat Quade
Fred Quattlebaum
Carmela Quezon
Richard Ramsey
Maryrose Randall
James T. Rayburn
Eleanor Reali
Kathleen M. Reardon
Rona L. Reid
Elaine Rhodes
Shawn J. Richard
Phyllis Riddlesberger
Jimmy Rivera
Joanne Robertson
Ronny Robillard
Sean M. Robinson
Lynn Rogers
Charles Romano
Isabel E. Ros
Diane S. Ross
Shonn L. Ross
Wally Ross
Elizabeth Rostan
Robb W. Rowe
J. T. Rubenson
Tracy O. Russ
Keith M. Russell
Amanda Ryan
Emily Sagor
John A. Salazar
Sharyn S. Sapp
Allen B. Saunders
Donna Schena
Joseph Schneider
Aaron Schwartz
Jack G. Scruggs
Danny Seavers
Octavia Seawell
Linda C. Seigel
George M. Sellers
Sally A. Serenius
George G. Shackelford
Gregory Shackelford
Trish Shandor
Matt Shaul
G. T. Shelton
Ryan M. Shenoha
Christopher Sherod
H. Stephen Shoemaker
Robert L. Shore
Denise L. Shropshire
Marc & Courtney Sieger
Michael N. Silverman
George A. Simonetti
Peter A. Sims
Kathleen E. Sinclair
Sondra B. Sipes
S. Gail Sisson
Monica Skarban
Courtney A. Sloan
Gary J. Small
Belinda Smith
Christina P. Smith
Christopher Smith
Jason Smith
Kathleen Smith
Keith A. Smith
Kristin L. Smith
L. Murdock & Linda Smith
Megan Smith
Nathan B. Smith
Sandra Smith
Merry H. Smyre
Will Sneden
R. Patrick Snoddy
Grace V. Solomon
Brad Sorg
Gregory J. Sparapani
Randall W. Sparger
Brian Sperberg
Kenneth M. Spielfogel
Michael S. Spivey
Helen St. Angelo
Keith Stallings
Corey J. Steele
Mark M. Steele
Andrew D. Steever
Tristan Stevenson
Beverly Stewart
Michael Stitt
Robert F. Stokes
John Stotler
Welby Strickland
Londa Strong
Andrea & Dave Strubbe
Carrie Stutts
Jefferson L. Stutts
Anthony P. Sullivan
Rick Sullivan
Linda J. Swinson
Erik J. Tandarich
Trish D. Tanger
Joy Tarquin
John H. Taylor
Joseph W. Taylor
Max Taylor
Margo Terman
Lee E. Terrell
Dave Thompson
J. Wesley Thompson
Keith Thompson
Myles P. Thompson
Tillie S. Tice
Kenneth W. Tinnin
Daniel Tobal
Judith Toman
Lucie F. Tonon
Allen Torres
Mary Traxler
James T. Trollinger
Lecia Tucker
Rodney S. Tucker
Steven G. Turner
Edward Ulrich
Howard Upchurch
Jason Usher
Sandra Valente
J. Michael VanDiver
Scotty Vanhoozier
Scott Vitez
T.P. Vivian
Barbara Vogel
Kristofer L. Vogel
Mark S. Vogel
Willie E. Wade, Jr.
Susan Wagoner
Page W. Walden
Nancy E. Walker
Carolyn Waltrip
Deborah C. Warren
Frank Warren
George C. Warren
Joel T. Warshauer
Anne M. Washington
Melissa Waters
Andrew H. Weathersbee
John Webb
Ruth K. Webb
David A. Weinrib
Stephen Weinrib
James Wellman
Charles P. Wells
Robert M. Wells
Sean P. Welsh
Rex Welton
Vernon R. West
Bruce Wham
Benjamin R. Whelchel
Kristi Whitely
John Whitesell
Virginia K. Whitesides
Sarah P. Whitmire
Gail Brinn Wilkins
James Wilkins
David Williams
Robert Williams
Roger P. Williamson
Ryan S. Willis
Stacey W. Wilson
Steven Wilson
Adam Winn
Jere W. Witherspoon
David B. Witt
Warren Wollin
Janet Wood
John Wood
Deborah A. Woodard
Debra Wright
Katrina L. Wright
Vivian Yancey
John Yorke
Jim Young
Larry J. Young
Lawrence R. Zastrow
Ricky Zboinski
Nancy J. Zuilkowski
Advent Lutheran Church
All Saints' Episcopal Church
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
Bethany United Methodist Church
C. N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church
Christ Episcopal Church
Christian Mission Baptist Church
Cokesbury United Methodist
Cross and Crown Lutheran Church
David Baptist Church, Inc.
Davidson College Presbyterian Church
Dilworth United Methodist Church
First Presbyterian Church, Monroe
First Presbyterian Church, Statesville
First United Methodist Church
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Grace Baptist Church
John Calvin Presbyterian Church
Matthews United Methodist Church
Mouzon United Methodist Church
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church
Myers Park Baptist Church
Myers Park Presbyterian Church
Myers Park United Methodist Church
Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church
Oakland Baptist Church
Our Lady Of Consolation Catholic Church
Park Road Baptist Church
Reformation Lutheran Church
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Sharon Presbyterian Church
St. Ann's Catholic Church
St. John's Baptist Church
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Luke Catholic Church
St. Martin's Episcopal Church
St. Matthew Catholic Church
St. Peter's Catholic Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Temple Beth-El
The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Unity Presbyterian Church
7 Complete Fashions & Fresh Kuts Salon
Abbott Laboratories
Action Signworks
All Over Media
Bank of America Foundation
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Brixx Woodfired Pizza - Uptown
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Cabarrus County
Cantina 1511
Carolinas Medical Center
Catherine Eason & Friends Concert Committee
Charlotte Crown Jewels
Columbia University Press
Competitive Edge Sports
Contractor Sales and Service
Creative Loafing
Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center
Diamond Springs
Diving for Life
Empty Stocking Fund
Family Dollar Stores
Fayetteville State University
Friends of RAIN
G E Foundation
General Dynamics Armament & Tech Prod.
G E Consumer Financial, Charlotte
Glaxo Smith Kline
Hewitt Associates
Hughes Supply
IBM Corporation
Illumination Dynamics
IMR Research Group
Jemsek Clinic
Just Work Out
L & K Partners
Lending Tree
Mama Ricottas & Cantina
McKee Charitable Foundation
Mecklenburg Cosmetology Association
Mecklenburg Medicine Chest
Metrolina AIDS Project
Microsoft Giving Program
Monroe Inc.
Myers Park H.S. Free the Planet Club
Neighborhood Theatre
Oricon Funding Corporation
Overcash Electric
Pharma Care
Presbytery Of Charlotte
Queen City Branch #1564
Regional HIV/AIDS Consortium
Sara Lee Matching Grants Program
Shine Salon
Sisters of Mercy of NC Foundation
Southeast Industrial Equipment
Springs Industries
Starbucks Coffee
Starbucks Coffee Partner Giving Programs
Studio Hair Designs
The Charlotte Business Guild
The Charlotte Eagle
Tibotec Therapeutics
Vienna Elementary School
Wachovia Corporation
RAIN engages the community to transform lives and promote respect and dignity
for all people touched by the AIDS crisis through compassionate care, education
and leadership development.
RAIN will be recognized as a model for providing compassionate care and a
leader for innovative and effective AIDS work that engages a diverse network of
volunteers committed to putting faith into action.
We will aspire to integrate the wisdom and voices of those infected with HIV/AIDS
in the planning and delivery of our services.
We will be a leader and educator among health and human service organizations
as well as faith-based and community groups, partnering with them on initiatives
and promoting dialogue that seriously examines and deals with the spiritual and
social justice issues connected with HIV/AIDS.
As a result of our work, we will inspire and empower more people to live, open
more minds and help break the stigma of HIV/AIDS regionally, nationally and
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network
P O Box 37190
Charlotte, NC 28237-7190
(704) 372-7246
(704) 372-7418 Fax
[email protected]
RAIN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; all gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
North Carolina Solicitation License #SL003699

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