PLUS< - Natural Medicine


PLUS< - Natural Medicine
Issue 7: November 2012 – February 2013 Treating Menstrual
Problems with
Can Vitamin C
Prevent Osteoporosis ?
A Real Cancer
Breakthrough –
The 5 Most Repeated
Health Myths That
Medical Doctors Have
No Intention of
Treating Diabetes with
P L<U S <
• Health Freedom News
• New Zealand Native
Medicinal Plants
• The Cancer Pages
• GMO Updates
• Vaccine Truth
Price: $NZ 9.90 $A 8.95 £4.99 €6
Case Studies in Pain
Relief and Healing with
SCENAR Technology
Is Ginger Better
Than Multi-Billion
Dollar Acid Blockers?
5 Foods NOT to Eat
While Sick or
Battling a Cold
Top 10 Natural Remedies for
Common Childhood Illnesses
Treating Cancer
with Urea and Creatine
Cayenne –
The Miracle
The Elimination Diet
– Benefits and Risks
Below is the graph, derived from the
NZ Ministry of Health statistics, that
admits that the medical system itself
is the second (or third) leading cause
of death in New Zealand.
Same holds true for Australia and
the US and UK. Even the Journal of
the American Medical Association
admitted it.
(There are some who would argue
that the medical system is our first
leading cause of death, if you count
many cancer deaths as being attributable to the medical system – such
as inappropriate chemotherapy or
even cancer-causing vaccines.)
From this fact alone we should learn
that it’s not just the incompetence of
individual doctors, nurses and technicians – although that occurs all too
frequently. It is because the foundational paradigm of the system is
nurses and technicians are working
so hard – is faulty.
It’s the mindset that is based on false
assumptions, from top to bottom,
and it is therefore not surprising
that it would eventually become the
engine on a huge killing machine that
is now working overtime to find ways
to suppress not only “the competition” (natural medicine practitioners
and supplement companies) – but
even information itself.
In Australia, to take but one example,
the TGA has been running rampant
for years, enforcing the agendas of
Big Pharma by shutting down successful supplement companies, or
threatening practitioners who are actually curing cancer with Black Salve
or other nutritional and/or herbal
The name of the game is this: if you
don’t have something that works, but
the other guy does, try to buy him
out, steal his patent or get the TGA
or the FDA to shut him down.
Or all three.
allow the most toxic drugs to come
to market, regularly defend the use
of toxic vaccines and water “additives” like fluoride, but vigorously
stamp out life-saving supplements.
These days people are awakening to
the fact that the system is not there
for them. Perhaps this is why there’s
such a big push to make vaccines
compulsory, or why some children
with cancer are being removed from
their parents care and forced to have
(Good word, “chemotherapy”. It kind
of makes you think that it will work.)
The fact is that our health has always
been a matter of personal responsibility, while the system has sought to
foster disease and dependency on
the people.
The challenge, then, is to educate
ourselves as to how to regain this responsibility by using the least harmful ways of doing it, working with
rather than against Nature which has
provided us not only with the means
to do it, but with Perfection itself.
These “regulatory agencies” routinely
– Jonathan Eisen, Publisher
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013 3
The system in which these doctors,
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4 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
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The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013 5
6 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
Language of Health
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In this issue:
18 Health Freedom Report
22 Better Health on a Shoestring:
A Skin Cancer Treatment in Your Back Garden
23 Health News Alerts
34 Microwave Shock: Why Not To USe A Microwave Oven
37 Electricity’s Dirty Little Secret
40 GMO Updates
46 Reader’s Story: Help Intravenous Vitamin C Helped
to Resolve a Mystery Pneumonia
50 Stomach Acid Suppressing Drugs and Reflux
52 Oxygen Therapies: Interview with Ed McCabe
57 Fluoride Toxicity: Protect Yourself With Selenium
58 Treating Antibiotic Resistant Infections Naturally
63 The Cancer Pages:
63 Ionised Water: A Complementary Treatment for Cancer
65 Cannabis plant extract –
‘could stop aggressive cancers from spreading’
66 Treating Malignancies with Urea and Creatine
70 Evidence-Based Home Remedies:
70 Cayenne the Miracle Healer and more...
74 Top Ten Remedies For Childhood Illnesses
77 New Zealand Native Medicinal Plants: Kowhai
79 The Elimination Diet – Benefits and Risks
81 Ancient Herbs For An Ancient Affliction:
Artemisia annua joins the Anti-arthritics
83 Some Intriguing Case Studies In Pain Relief and Health Recovery With SCENAR Technology – Part 2
85 Homoeopathy for Menstrual Problems
86 Reviews
Artemisia annua
8 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
ISSN 2324-1551 (Print)
ISSN 2324-156X (Online)
The Full Court Press, Ltd.
PO Box 44-128,
Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246
New Zealand
Katherine Smith, Jonathan Eisen
Telephone:+ 64 9 521 1904
[email protected]
Contributing Editors:
Lady Carla Davis, Allison Roe, Julie
Smith, Wilfried Wank
Advertising and Marketing:
Pip Oxlade
Tel: (07) 829 3001
[email protected]
Subscriptions and Special Sales:
Jenny Hammond
PO Box 838 Whangaparaoa 0943
New Zealand
Tel 09 478 5838
[email protected]
NZ: Gordon and Gotch Ltd.,
Private Bag 106 603 Auckland
Tel +64 9 979 3000
AUSTRALIA: Gordon and Gotch Pty Ltd.,
37-49 Browns Rd, CLAYTON VIC 3168
Tel +61 2 9972 8800
UK and Europe: Ian R Crane
Tel. +44 207 558 8869
Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, but
only in electronic format. Please query us first.
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is published
for educational purposes only. We do not endorse
any modalities of treatment for any illness, disability
or disease, and encourage our readers to seek out
a competent health professional for any treatment
required. We take no responsibility for the use to
which information contained in any of the articles
published herein is put by the reader, and caution
the reader that self-medicating may have unintended
consequences and that the advice of a competent
health professional is always advisable.
Tel. (07) 866 4462 Email: [email protected]
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013 9
Bras and
Breast Cancer
To the Editors:
Your article
“Bras and
the Breast
written by
Ross Singer,
was one of
the most
hysterical, clap-trap pieces of hypothesis I have ever read!
No wonder he has found so little
‘support’ for it!
Perhaps Sydney’s motive is so he
can enjoy seeing all women go braless. Personally I could not think of
anything more uncomfortable than
running, dancing, exercising or
even just walking without wearing
a bra!
Has he not noticed that women in
primitive tribes who never wear a
bra have breasts which hang down
to their bellies?
Breast cancer has increased only
during the last century, but corsets
have been in use for hundreds of
years before the modern bra,
and they were even more restrictive
– did corsets cause breast cancer?
There is far more evidence that underarm deodorants are the main
culprit for causing breast cancer,
and I would encourage all women to
ensure they are using a safe, 100%
natural deodorant, as our skin absorbs everything we put on it.
Sure, bra choice is also important
for health and safety issues – choosing natural fibres, and wearing
properly fitted, comfortable bras,
but I certainly am not throwing mine
away due to one man’s scaremongering cancer theory.
Editor’s response:
My husband and I met Sydney and
his wife Soma Grismaijer (who was
also his partner in his research)
when they visited NZ many years
ago. They are serious researchers and certainly not advocating
bralessness for any sort of lewd
In their book Dressed to Kill Soma
recounts how a lump in one of her
breasts resolved after she stopped
wearing a bra; it was this discovery
that provided the initial impetus for
their research. The book also discusses some of the negative health
consequences of other clothing
fashions such as corsets and high
Your point about corsets being
constrictive is a good one. However,
according to one young woman I
know who wears Victorian style corsets from time to time, these are less
constrictive of the breasts than are a
push-up bra.
It is true that ingredients from
deodorants may be found in breast
tumours and that it is prudent to
avoid those that contain parabens
that are thought to be oestrogen
mimics. It is also possible that there
is a synergy between wearing a bra
(especially a tight one for more than
12 hours each day) thereby constricting the lymphatics and trapping toxins absorbed into the body
through the skin after deodorant is
applied, and this may be contributing to increased breast cancer incidence – in addition to other modern
practices such as prolonged use of
hormonal contraceptives.
Hi Katherine,
I read the article “The Borax Conspiracy” in issue 6 with great
interest. Late last year I had several
serious falls. Two were caused by
tripping over low wires on farmland,
and one when attempting to drench
a reluctant donkey.
These resulted in my injuring and
tearing tendons in both shoulders,
requiring a lot of physio, and visits
for scans and to a surgeon. ACC
refused to pay for surgical repairs,
and I was told by the surgeon that
arthritis would be the ultimate result
(I am now a very active 70).
10 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
Yes, my shoulders got gradually
more and more sore, until I was reluctant to attempt many of the more
physical jobs around my lifestyle
block, or even in my very elderly
After reading the article I went on
a hunt for borax, but could find
none in the shops that I tried. Then I
walked into a health food shop and
asked if they ever sold boron. Yes,
in capsule form (3mg) and made in
Within a week my pain was far less,
and after a month I am having no
problems with it. My son came up
from Wellington last week, and we
spent three very physical and exhausting days splitting, carting and
stacking firewood, installing ceiling
insulation, and sorting out a number
of other problems with leaking guttering and the chimney flue.
After a four and a half hour session
of loading, carting and stacking
firewood I fully expected to be in
agony the next day. But not a tweak!
So I just wanted to say thank you
for sending me the magazine, and
to report that at least one reader
has found it useful! I shall definitely
continue to take boron capsules and
enjoy life again.
S. E.
Dear Jonathan and Katherine,
I am writing to you with an idea for
an article you might be interested in
including in your awesome magazine.
I have a deep concern about the
increasing use of strong opiates to
treat long-term pain, and also addiction treatment with methadone. I
can relate here my own experience.
Seventeen years ago, after a motorcycle injury I was started on opiates
of one form or another for chronic
pain. These progressed from short
acting weaker forms to long acting stronger ones. After a spell in
Burwood spinal unit and the pain
clinic I was started on methadone
for pain approximately 8 years ago.
My daily dose was much less than
that given to treat opiate addiction
(approximately 1/3rd). At first it
did give me a better quality of life,
but this was quickly replaced with
many unpleasant side effects. To cut
a long story short, it was killing me
and I knew if I didn’t stop I would
just fade away or end up with a life
threatening illness. I had a recent
assessment by the pain clinic doctors, during which I tried my hardest to express these concerns. Their
reaction was: “We are so pleased
with your progress, we suggest you
stay on this for the rest of your life,
in fact we would like to increase the
dose and add in a number of other
meds to help with the side effects”.
At this point I felt defeated, but determined to find a way off. Looking
into traditional detox, I found that
it is a process that works despite
of, not because of, with months and
months of rehabilitation and treatment which many never complete.
The basic failure is that the body’s
opiate receptors are always open
and raw and most people, even if
they can stay off, really struggle
with constant cravings, because of
the empty receptor sites. It takes
years for the body to right this situation (if ever). Also, for someone such
as myself, you also have the original
pain issue to deal with as well.
I just happened to be watching TV
and they mentioned a possible cure
called “Ibogaine treatment”. You
basically take it once and it resets
your receptors and neuro-transmitters to the way they were before
you ever took anything. It cuts out
95% of withdrawals. It works best
for heroin addiction and any other
short acting opiates, and is a slower
recovery process for methadone
dependence because methadone
saturates your body, but nonetheless it works. It has even been used
successfully for all sorts of addictions including alcohol and cannabis and is classed as an “addiction
interrupter”. It also has positive potential for many mood imbalances
and some mental conditions.
Ibogaine is an alkaloid derived
from the bark of an African shrub,
called Tabernanthe iboga and is
traditionally used by the Bwiti
tribe of Gabon. The American FDA
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
won’t approve it because basically
it has too many modes of action
(they only like substances with one
direct therapeutic mode of action)
including many spiritual aspects
(as anyone who has been through it
will testify.) It is classed as a strong
There are only two places in NZ offering treatment at present which I
will detail at the end of this email.
To be treated you go through an assessment, to be successful you need
to be determined and ready to stop.
You have an ECG, full blood counts
and a liver function test. Then at
the treatment center they give you
a test dose of 200mg to make sure
you are not allergic, then an hour
later a flood dose based on body
weight, mine was 1800mg. You are
then placed in a darkened room,
and what proceeds is a very visual
and full on hallucinogenic experience. It is definitely not a drug
anyone would abuse as it has some
strange and somewhat unpleasant
effects including a complete purging (vomiting).
It has been completely successful
for me, and 30 days later I am drug
free. (I wouldn’t say it has been a
fun month, but this is because it
was methadone.) I know of a good
number of others who it has been
successful for here in NZ. I understand that it isn’t available in most
Western countries, but it is in Canada, Thailand, Mexico and now NZ.
It isn’t entirely without risk, hence
the detailed assessment and medical tests prior, and there are reported cases of death associated
with it, which traditional medicine
is quick to point out. It should be
noted though that most of these
have been from people who have
taken what they consider their
normal dose of drug of choice after
treatment, not realising that because they have been re-set they
don’t have a tolerance anymore, and
then subsequently overdose. It also
should also be noted that if you take
the number of deaths worldwide
from heroin, morphine, methadone
and all other opiate based drugs,
these are staggering and all pales
by comparison (and that’s without
the misery caused.) My concern is
that in NZ alone, prescriptions for 11
opiates (especially methadone) are
increasing, year on year, without
properly informing people such as
myself what you are letting yourself
in for long-term. (If I had known I
would have run a mile.) At present
ibogaine is also an expensive
treatment (approximately $5,000,
depending on individual needs). It
is not funded, but compared with
traditional drug detox, much cheaper and very quick.
If you do a Google search you
will find information on it. The two
places offering treatment in NZ are:
1. The Aotearoa Ibogaine Charitable
Trust in Dunedin.( A.IC.T ) http://
2. A medical doctor who imports
this drug into NZ. He treats people out of a clinic called the “Herb
Shack” in Kaitaia, Northland, and his
name is Dr Cornelius Van Dorp. His
website is:
Also as a source of info
I supply all of this info to you in the
hope it may help others and that you
find it interesting and in line with
the alternative treatment methods
mentioned in your magazine.
Name and address withheld
Herbal Treatment
for Cancer
To the Editors,
I had a carcinoma on my leg above
the ankle and it was slowly increasing in size. When it was the size of
my thumbnail I put some blood root
(cinquefoil) [Sanguinaria candensis]
paste on it and after a week weeks
the centre came out but left a raised
edge around it which started to
grow again. My doctor had said it
would need to be cut out.
Bloodroot paste on the skin is painful and its use can make it hard to
sleep at night so I thought that I
would try something different. My
grand daughter told me she knew
of case where Celandine she knew
of cases where Celandine leaf and
stem juice was very effective in
destroying growths on the skin and
gave me three plants from her gar-
den. [Ed note: There are two plants
with the common name Celandine;
the plant used was Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus)].
I applied the juice to the lump on
my leg in May and could feel no
pain or stinging at all. I put the juice
on each morning in a thin cover
leaving it there all day and night.
Dead cells came away every few
days in the bath with a light rub.
The lump began to slowly shrink
and five weeks later it was completely gone and healed over. The
skin was a little thicker where the
growth had been, which can happen
with healing, so I put aloe vera gel
on it for a week and then couldn’t
tell where the growth had been.
A P Finlay, New Zealand
Editor’s note: Since receiving this
letter I have spoken to two other
people who have used the fresh
juice from Chelidonium majus as a
topical treatment. One woman has
used it successfully to treat solar
(or actinic) keratoses on her face.
She applied the fresh juice on the
lesions every three days or so until
they were healed. The juice stains
the skin brown for about a week
after the final application. She found
it a painless treatment.
or four weeks the tumour (which
resembled a rubbery ball) fell out
leaving a cavity which is healing
over with applications of aloe vera
and has almost reached skin level.
If any other readers have experience in using Chelidonium majus to
treat skin cancers or other tumours,
I would be interested to learn of the
Lemons and Cancer
Hello Katherine,
I passed some information about
lemon juice and cancer on to a
friend who had bladder cancer. He
was told it was inoperable in April
of this year. He was unable to eat
and could only tolerate lemon juice
in water.
In June he was under hospice care
but still living at his home. We were
told he had 2-3 weeks max before
he would die.
In late June he surprised his wife –
asking her to get meat, bacon and
oysters. He began to eat and started
walking again.
He is gaining weight and blood tests
are rising. Over the last two weeks
he has been taking himself down to
the river whitebaiting !
The other person with whom I
spoke applied the fresh juice twice
daily to her intact skin over the site
of a small tumour (about the size
(Name and address supplied)
of a modern NZ 50 cent piece) that
was palpable beneath the skin. She
repeated the applications every
four days or so.
The skin where
Dear Editor,
she applied the
juice became
I have a 12 year old son who has type one diabetes
inflamed and
requiring insulin four times daily. A few months ago I
slightly paintried giving him gymneema and have been amazed
ful and a crater
to find his insulin requirements fell by about a third
began to form
within 24 hours and have continued at the lower
around the
levels. He is 47 kgs in weight and yet is only needtumour. Every
ing about 30 units of insulin in total each day, much
third day she aplower than doctors expect.
plied 35% food
grade hydrogen
I wondered if other type 1 diabetics had similar expeperoxide to the
riences or if there is any research that supports what
affected area
we have found.
which reacted by
“fizzing” on the
Yours faithfully,
inflamed area.
J. Wilson
After about three
12 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
Featured Letter
Diabetic transforms his health with a low-carb diet –
so his doctor urges him to eat more carbs ?!?!?!
To the Editor:
I got an interesting email over the
weekend from a 56-year-old type 2
diabetic. He was diagnosed at age 42.
He initially managed this as he was
advised: with a high carbohydrate, low
fat diet. He moved to ‘healthy’ grains
that were ‘less refined’ and ate sourdough bread.
In his own words: “And despite all of
this, I saw no improvement, in fact I
gained weight to around 90 kg before
changing my diet at the start of the
The man in question ended up reading the book Primal Body, Primal Mind
by Nora T Gedaudas after hearing her
featured on a podcast.
After reading Nora’s book, he followed
most of her advice and then slowly
extricated himself from the wheat and
grain-dominated foods that he “was
supposed to eat to obtain energy and
remain healthy.” He started eating
animal fats for the first time in years
and gave up alcohol. Here’s his email
to me:
“I had my 6 monthly diabetes checkup last Wednesday. The diabetes
consultant was really happy with all
of my figures on cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, weight (I’ve
lost another 4 kg since February
without really trying), kidney and liver
function are excellent – in fact he was
really impressed and asked me what I
was doing to get these improvements.
“Simple, I said, I’ve stopped eating
wheat in all its forms and grains in
general, I avoid rice and all potato
products. I eat animal fat and the
only oil that I use is extra virgin olive
oil. Breakfast is typically a one-egg
omelette and with a small amount of
bacon, smoked salmon or Parma ham.
I have spinach or other leafy greens
and tomatoes. Lunch is often not taken
as I do not feel hungry until 6.00 pm
when I have my evening meal. Another small portion of meat and plenty of
veggies. The only fruit that I have are
a few blueberries, wild strawberries
(when they are available) and raspberries – and I mean a few.
“I sleep better than ever, don’t feel
tired and have lost weight. I really
ought to exercise though, that is the
only flaw in my regime.
“‘No, you MUST eat some carbohydrates” he said.
“‘I do, I told you, I eat plenty of vegetables.” I said.
“‘No, no, starchy carbohydrates, you
NEED them’
““Why do I NEED them??
“‘For energy, your body needs carbohydrates for energy’ came his concerned reply.
“‘How do you think that I’ve managed
to survive since you last saw me then?
And, you told me how pleased you
were with all of my readings – doesn’t
that suggest that I’m doing fine without refined, starchy carbohydrates?’
“He had no reply other than to repeat
to me that I MUST eat carbohydrates
for energy.
“I urged him to read Primal Body,
Primal Mind by Nora T Gedgaudas and
made him write it down. I could see
that he wasn’t convinced. So, I told him
that the bullshit that he’d been taught
by the food industry-research funded
nonsense that the Government taught
him is causing all of the major health
problems that he has to deal with
every day.
“I also said that I throw a fat-fuelled
log onto the fire in the morning
rather than the carbohydrate kindling
throughout the day to keep me provided with energy and avoid the feeling of hunger. Again, nothing seemed
to penetrate that simple head of his;
it was full of the guff that he’d been
taught not to question.”
This represents to me many facets of
a growing theme in the interactions
patients have with their health and
healthcare professionals. This is the
sort of scenario I’m talking about (I’m
using diabetes as an example, but the
themes can apply to lots of conditions):
• Someone gets diagnosed with diabetes and takes conventional advice to
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
eat a high-carbohydrate, low fat diet
which the diabetic finds it difficult to
control blood sugar levels effectively,
even with sometimes multiple medications.
• The diabetic starts reading information on the internet and in books
which explains why a high-carbohydrate diet is (generally) a disaster
for diabetics and what works better
(a diet richer in fat and adequate
• The diabetic decides to take matters
into their own hands, changes their
diet, and their blood sugar control and
general health improve through the
• When their doctor finds out that their
patient is eating a ‘fad’, ‘low-carb’ or
‘Atkins’ diet, they either elect not to
engage with this, or positively dissuade the diabetic from taking this
In this particular case, the doctor
shows a mind-numbing ignorance
about basic physiology (assuming he’s
been quoted correctly): No-one needs
to eat starchy carbohydrate (or any
carbohydrate) for energy. For a start,
fat is a suitable fuel for the body. Plus,
sugar can be made from other dietary
elements (e.g. protein) in the liver.
I fear that we doctors are going to
have to ‘get with the programme’
by ensuring we are better educated
about the impact of nutrition on health.
And another thing we could do better,
I think, is not to dismiss our patients
who have been motivated enough to
educate and help themselves, and
in so doing have experienced significant improvements in their health
and wellbeing. Isn’t it by listening to
patients that we doctors get to know
what works and what doesn’t? And
won’t this information and experience
be invaluable to us when we come to
advise other patients?
The age of the internet means patients
can quite easily know much more
about their health and health management than their doctors. Rather than
dismiss what they have discovered,
I suggest we doctors embrace these
experiences and learn from them.
That is, of course, if we care about our
patients getting the best advice and
support possible. – Dr. Briffa 13
The 5 Most Repeated Health Myths
That Medical Doctors Have No
Intention of Abandoning
By Marco Torres
There are more health myths propagated by the media and conventional medicine today than there
ever have been throughout history.
In large part, this is due to a lack of
public education and a broadening
of the corporate powers who promote myths to achieve very specific
and malicious goals all in the name
of profit.
Myth #1
Conventional medicine and the
healthcare system helps sick people.
Perhaps the biggest health myth
today is the public's misconception
that mainstream medicine and the
healthcare system helps sick people. Nothing could be further from
the truth.
The freedom of people to choose
natural healing, alternative medicine and methods of disease prevention could soon be threatened
by corporate lobbyists who will do
anything to protect their wealth at
the expense of your health.
Promoters of conventional medicine claim that all the drug studies,
approvals, surgical procedures,
all other treatments are based on
scientific evidence. But is it really
science? What passes for "science"
today is a collection of health myths,
half-truths, intellectual dishonesty
and fraudulent reporting to help
serve higher interests. Science is
not really science anymore.
90 percent of all diseases (cancer,
diabetes, depression, heart disease,
etc.) are easily preventable through
diet, nutrition, sunlight and exercise.
None of these solutions are ever
promoted by conventional medicine
because they make no money.
No pharmaceuticals actually cure
or resolve the underlying causes of
disease. Even "successful" drugs
only manage symptoms, usually at
the cost of interfering with other
physiological functions that will
cause side effects down the road.
There is no such thing as a drug
without a side effect.
There is no financial incentive for
anyone in today's system of medicine (drug companies, hospitals,
doctors, etc.) to actually make
patients well. Profits are found in
continued sickness, not wellness or
Almost all the "prevention" programs you see today (such as free
mammograms or other screening programs) are nothing more
than patient recruitment schemes
designed to increase revenue and
sickness. They use free screenings
to scare people into agreeing to unnecessary treatments that only lead
to further disease. Mammography is
a very good example. Chemotherapy is another.
Nobody has any interest in your
health except you. No corporation,
no doctor, and no government has
any desire to actually make you
well. This has served the short-term
financial interests of higher powers in the west very well. The only
healthy, aware, critically thinking
individuals are all 100% free of
pharmaceuticals and processed
Myth #2
Vaccines prevent diseases and
increase immunity.
The term "immunization", often substituted for vaccination, is false and
should be legally challenged. Medical research has well established
that the direct injection of foreign
proteins and other toxic material
(particularly known immune-sensitising poisons such as mercury)
makes the recipient more, not less,
easily affected by what he/she
encounters in the future. This means
they do the opposite of immunize,
commonly even preventing immunity from developing after natural
The actual frequency of health
problems has been estimated by
authorities to be possibly up to 100
times, or more, greater than that
reported by government agencies.
That difference is due to the lack of
enforcement or incentive for doctors to report adverse effects. With
the anti-vaccination movements now
exposing the truth on the internet,
the medical community is now on
high alert, defending their claims
and being told by vaccine manufacturers that they must never let their
patients (or parents) think that the
risks could outweigh the benefits.
The benefit risk ratio is an important decision in anyone deciding
whether to vaccinate or not. Contrary to popular belief and marketing,
childhood diseases in a developed
country are not as dangerous as
we are led to believe. Catching a
particular disease does not mean
you will die from it. Vaccines were
actually introduced at a time when
diseases had already declined to
a low risk level. This fact is proven,
The main advances in combating
disease over the last 200 years have
been better food and clean drinking water...not vaccines. Improved
sanitation, less overcrowded and
better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in
published peer reviewed research
which prove that vaccines did not
save us.
Many vaccines contain neurotoxins,
immunotoxins, and carcinogenic
compounds. Some examples include formaldehyde, a carcinogen
found in almost every vaccine,
neurotoxins such as monosodium
14 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
glutamate, aluminium hydroxide
(proven to cause brain damage in
animal studies) and the mercury
based preservative thimerosal.
It is no coincidence that the more
educated you are, the less chance
you will vaccinate which contradicts
the misconceptions of many health
professionals who profess that parents don't vaccinate because they
are under-educated, poor or misinformed. Those who become fully
informed of the dangers of vaccines
never see them in the same light.
Myth #3
We must all focus on lowering bad
Perhaps one of the biggest health
myths propagated in western
culture and certainly in the United
States, is the misuse of an invented
term "bad cholesterol" by the media
and medical community. Moreover,
a scientifically-naive public has
been conned into a fraudulent correlation between elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular disease
(CVD). Cholesterol has not been
shown to actually cause CVD. To the
contrary, cholesterol is vital to our
survival, and trying to artificially
lower it can have detrimental effects, particularly as we age.
We have become a culture so
obsessed with eating foods low in
cholesterol and fat that many health
experts are now questioning the
consequences. Could we really
maintain a dietary lifestyle that was
so foreign to many of our ancestral
populations without any ill effects
on our health? Many researchers are
now concluding that the answer to
that question is "NO." Current data
is now suggesting that lower cholesterol levels predate the development of cancer.
The 'noddy-science' offered by
marketing men to a generally
scientifically-naive public has led
many people to believe that we
should replace certain food choices
with specially developed products
that can help 'reduce cholesterol'.
Naturally this comes at a price and
requires those who can afford it to
pay maybe four or five times what
a 'typical ordinary' product might
cost. But is this apparent 'blanket
need' to strive towards lowering our
cholesterol justified? And, indeed, is
it healthy?
The cholesterol itself, whether being transported by LDL or HDL, is
exactly the same. Cholesterol is
simply a necessary ingredient that
is required to be regularly delivered
around the body for the efficient
healthy development, maintenance
and functioning of our cells. The difference is in the 'transporters' (the
lipoproteins HDL and LDL) and both
types are essential for the human
body's delivery logistics to work
Problems can occur, however, when
the LDL particles are both small and
their carrying capacity outweighs
the transportation potential of available HDL. This can lead to more
cholesterol being 'delivered' around
the body with lower resources for
returning excess capacity to the liver.
Myth #4
Medical screening and treatments
prevent death.
Even though the medical community advocates for regular screenings
for those with illnesses, they may
bring little benefit and may actually
pose harm to your health. This applies to almost every type of medical screening for cancer and several
other diseases. Medical screening
carries an immense risk in itself, not
only due to the damage inflicted by
screening techniques on the human body, but by the very nature
of medical follow-up protocols.
These protocols usually encourage
patients to enter deeper into more
invasive techniques, which further
cripple health and lead to a very
high percentage of fatalities.
In a Swedish study of 60,000 women,
70 percent of the mammographically detected tumors weren't tumors
at all. These "false positives" aren't
just financial and emotional strains,
they may also lead to many unnecessary and invasive biopsies. In fact,
70 to 80 percent of all positive mammograms do not, upon biopsy, show
any presence of cancer.
A prostate (PSA) blood test looks
for prostate-specific antigen, a
protein produced by the prostate
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
gland. High levels are supposedly
associated with prostate cancer.
The problem is that the association
isn't always correct, and when it is,
the prostate cancer isn't necessarily
deadly. Only about 3 percent of all
men die from prostate cancer. The
PSA test usually leads to overdiagnosis – biopsies and treatments for
which the side effects are potentially impotence and incontinence.
Repeated biopsies may spread cancer cells into the track formed by
the needle, or by spilling cancerous
cells directly into the bloodstream
or lympathic system.
News coverage of many diseases focus too much on treatments and not
enough on prevention, a trend that
could prove risky in the long run for
most people who don't understand
how to take care of their health.
The biggest single type of story
we usually hear about on the news
involves treatment, and narratives
lend themselves much better to that
kind of story. Stories about prevention, about people exercising and
eating right, just don't make great
If our current treatment approach to
health continues, hundreds of years
from now, mankind may look back
at today's "modern medicine" and
think: "How could they have been so
primitive in ideology and so wrong?
What lack of humanitarianism in
government allowed the medical industries to kill people with
economically driven false beliefs
and ideas? Why didn't government
stop them? Who were the people in
charge of protecting those citizens?
Preventive education demands
increased funding for research into
new dietary, physical activity, behavioural, socioeconomic, environmental and medical approaches for
the prevention of chronic disease.
Children who grow into teenagers and then adults require more
accountability for their own wellbeing through health conscious
decisions which are motivated by
proper practical and theoretical applications. They need to know that
treatment modalities and pharmaceutical applications may not save
their health in the future. Substantial
political and financial contributions are also imperative to invest 15
in prevention more effectively to
regulate revisions and mandate
policies which affect the governing bodies of health and education.
Any procrastination or failure to
resolve these matters in the next
decade will only lead to the further
deterioration of human health and
healthcare systems. Proper leadership and effective communication
regarding these preventive measures may still reverse screening/
treatment trends and consequently
reverse this thinking to ultimately
promote a healthier aging population.
Myth #5
Fluoride prevents tooth decay.
Water fluoridation is a hoax. Drinking any amount of fluoride is
dangerous to your health and has
NEVER been proven to prevent
tooth decay. It's actually the biggest
scientific fraud ever to be promoted
by national and international Governments. Fluoride has been linked
to osteoporosis, cancer, auto-immune diseases, and even very small
concentrations can disrupt DNA
repair enzymes by 50%.
The fluoride added to our water is
a waste product of aluminum and
phosphate fertilizer processing.
And it's not even calcium fluoride
that appears naturally in water, but
sodium fluoride, or hydrofluorosilicacid.
In fact, sodium fluoride has no good
news. Except for a few suspect reports by the people selling the stuff,
study after research study proves
that sodium fluoride does not protect our teeth, and it does a number
on our bones. And on other body
parts, too, including our thyroid
• Fluoride was found to be an
equivocal carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute Toxicological
• Drinking fluoridated water will
double the number of hip fractures
for both older men and women.
• Infertility in women was found
to increase with water fluoridation. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) scientists reported a close
correlation between decreasing total fertility rates in women between
ages of 10 and 49, and increasing
fluoride levels.
• Fluoride has never been found to
effectively reducing tooth decay by
any notable margin. No causation or
even correlation was found between
the level of fluoride in water and
dental caries in any study.
• Fluoride also attacks the pineal
gland. The pineal controls our inner
clock, provides good sleep, works
with our adrenal glands to handle
stress, keeps the thymus gland fed
and cared for, and communicates
24/7 with the rest of the endocrine
system about how things are going.
Fluoride calcifies our pineal gland
and inhibits its function.
• The government classifies sodium
fluoride as environmentally hazardous waste. Anybody handling it
must wear HazMat protective gear.
Dumping it into rivers is a crime.
Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses
was generated by A-bomb program
scientists, who had been secretly
ordered to provide "evidence useful
in litigation" against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the
U.S. A-bomb program were not over
radiation, but over fluoride damage,
the documents show.
It seems that the healthiest people
on the planet right now are those
that have deviated from the norms
of conventional medical quackery,
and have migrated towards natural
health. The proof is in the pudding.
Find the healthiest five people you
know and you'll find they typically
don't subscribe to the health myths
promoted by mainstream medicine.
Your longevity and aging gracefully
depends on it.
About the Author:
Marco Torres is a
research specialist,
writer and consumer
advocate for healthy
lifestyles. He holds
degrees in Public
Health and Environmental Science
and is a professional
speaker on topics such as disease
prevention, environmental toxins and
health policy.
16 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
Drug Company Chief’s Confession:
“Our Drugs Do Not Work
on Most Patients”
by Steve Connor
A senior executive with Britain's biggest
drug company has admitted that most
prescription medicines do not work on
most people who take them.
Allen Roses, worldwide vice-president
of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK),
said fewer than half of the patients
prescribed some of the most expensive
drugs actually derived any benefit from
It is an open secret within the drug
industry that most of its products are
ineffective in most patients but this is
the first time that such a senior drug
boss has gone public. His comments
come days after it emerged that the NHS
drugs bill has soared by nearly 50 per
cent in three years, rising by £2.3bn a
year to an annual cost to the taxpayer
of £7.2bn. GSK announced last week
that it had 20 or more new drugs under
development that could each earn the
company up to $1bn (£600m) a year.
Dr Roses, an academic geneticist from
Duke University in North Carolina,
spoke at a recent scientific meeting in
London where he cited figures on how
well different classes of drugs work in
real patients. Drugs for Alzheimer's disease work in fewer than one in three patients, whereas those for cancer are only
effective in a quarter of patients. Drugs
for migraines, for osteoporosis, and
arthritis work in about half the patients,
Dr Roses said. Most drugs work in fewer
than one in two patients mainly because
the recipients carry genes that interfere
in some way with the medicine, he said.
"The vast majority of drugs – more than
90 per cent – only work in 30 or 50 per
cent of the people," Dr Roses said. "I
wouldn't say that most drugs don't work.
I would say that most drugs work in 30
to 50 per cent of people. Drugs out there
on the market work, but they don't work
in everybody."
Some industry analysts said Dr Roses's
comments were reminiscent of the 1991
gaffe by Gerald Ratner, the jewelry
boss, who famously said that his high
street shops are successful because
they sold "total crap". But others believe
Dr Roses deserves credit for being hon-
est about a little-publicized fact known
to the drug industry for many years.
"Roses is a smart guy and what he is
saying will surprise the public but not
his colleagues," said one industry scientist. "He is a pioneer of a new culture
within the drugs business based on
using genes to test for who can benefit
from a particular drug."
Dr Roses has a formidable reputation
in the field of "pharmacogenomics" –
the application of human genetics to
drug development – and his comments
can be seen as an attempt to make the
industry realize that its future rests on
being able to target drugs to a smaller
number of patients with specific genes.
The idea is to identify "responders" people who benefit from the drug – with
a simple and cheap genetic test that
can be used to eliminate those nonresponders who might benefit from
another drug.
This goes against a marketing culture
within the industry that has relied on
selling as many drugs as possible to the
widest number of patients - a culture
that has made GSK one of the most
profitable pharmaceuticals companies,
but which has also meant that most of its
drugs are at best useless, and even possibly dangerous, for many patients.
Dr Roses said doctors treating patients
routinely applied the trial-and-error approach which says that if one drug does
not work there is always another one. "I
think everybody has it in their experience that multiple drugs have been
used for their headache or multiple
drugs have been used for their backache or whatever.
"It's in their experience, but they don't
quite understand why. The reason why is
because they have different susceptibilities to the effect of that drug and that's
genetic," he said.
"Neither those who pay for medical care
nor patients want drugs to be prescribed that do not benefit the recipient.
Pharmacogenetics has the promise of
removing much of the uncertainty."
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
Response rates
Therapeutic area: drug efficacy rate in
per cent
• Alzheimer's: 30
• Analgesics (Cox-2): 80
• Asthma: 60
• Cardiac Arrhythmias: 60
• Depression (SSRI): 62
• Diabetes: 57
• Hepatitis C (HCV): 47
• Incontinence: 40
• Migraine (acute): 52
• Migraine (prophylaxis): 50
• Oncology: 25
• Rheumatoid arthritis: 50
• Schizophrenia: 60
Originally published on December 8,
2003 by the lndependent/UK
"Response rate", is an often misused
term. It has nothing to do with actual
cure rate, and it does not necessarily
indicate any significant improvement
or symptom alleviation. It only means
that some kind of positive response was
observed, however small it may have
been. When it comes to cancer, the term
"response rate" is often abused to sell
patients on expensive chemotherapy
drugs or other mainstream treatments
which often have extremely poor success rates.
The GSK vice-president blamed the
drugs failure on genetics. Yes, there
must be something about natural human
genetics which does not respond well to
unnatural chemical compounds which
attempt to force the body to function
abnormally to repress symptoms of
illness and in the process create more
medical conditions and the need for
more and more drugs. As opposed to
natural herbs, vitamins, minerals and
other nutrients which help the body
function normally and help prevent and
actually cure illness by addressing the
root causes instead of just symptoms.
htm 17
Health Freedom News
By Katherine Smith, Editor
Health Freedom
• The NZ Natural Health
Products Bill
The Health Select Committee has
again changed the date on which
it is going to report back on the
Natural Health Products Bill. The
new date is October 30, 2012. I will
update the Health Freedom section of our website when I have any
news about this bill.
• Australian TGA
Attacks Black Salve
The traditional treatment for skin
(and other) cancers known as
“black salve” is now unavailable in
Australia; unless people make the
remedy themselves. In March 2012,
the Australian TGA (the regulator of
pharmaceutical drugs and natural
health products in Australia) put out
a warning against the use of black
salve and stated that it was not on
the Register of Therapeutic Goods.
Its site now warns that “Penalties
of up to $5.5m apply to the illegal
importation or supply of therapeutic goods”.
The TGA has also demanded that
a journalist respond to a complaint
made against him and a guest – simply because his guest stated how
she had treated a cancer successfully with this product. According to
a media release on the Fair Dinkum
Radio website, the complaint alleges radio host Leon Pittard and
his guest Meryl Dorey, president of
the Australian Vaccination Network
(AVN), “advertised” and “promoted” black salve and that Leon
Pittard has further promoted and
advertised black salve by publishing the interview. “The agency has
given him two weeks to respond
to allegations of advertising, even
though he has no advertisers and
features no advertisements on his
radio, but merely discusses issues
related to health, politics and freedom of speech.”
The AVN had previously been
ordered by the TGA to stop selling
the DVD One Answer to Cancer.
According to the AVN:
“On May 15th, the AVN agreed to
remove the following item [the DVD
One Answer to Cancer] from our
web store….“The TGA has ordered
us to stop selling this DVD because,
according to their code, providing
information about products is exactly the same as selling the product
that is discussed on this DVD - Black
Salve. Even if we were to give the
DVD away, they would consider that
promoting the use of Black Salve.”
The AVN warns the public:
“The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is a government body
that is meant to license all therapeutic products (drugs, vaccines, etc)
and ensure that they are safe and
effective. Since 1998, the TGA has
been operating under what is called
'cost recovery'. This means that
they receive NO funding from the
government whatsoever. All their
operating expenses are covered by
licensing fees. In other words, they
are totally beholden to those they
are meant to regulate. Instead of
protecting the public, they seem to
be more likely to protect the drug
companies and medical community.”
The DVD is still available from www. or
the NZ distributor www.bodytech. (Issue 1 of The NZ Journal of
Natural Medicine also includes an
article about black salve.
Health Freedom
Threat to home gardening
and local food production
in North America
A disturbing trend in North America
is the criminalisation of normal
activities, such as growing fresh
vegetables in your own garden.
The Huffington Post reported how a
Quebec couple was ordered to dig
up most of their vegetable garden
because it takes up more of their
section than the city plan allows
for; or face $100s in fines each day.
Community pressure forced the city
authorities to back down; however
the anti-vegetable faction in the
council still plans to outlaw any new
vegetable gardens in front yards.
In the USA, local authorities have
taken even more drastic action
against citizens who have the temerity to want to improve their health
or simply stay well by growing fresh
vegetables and herbs – or even
beautiful flowers – in their own gardens. Natural News has reported
how a woman in Tulsa, Oklahoma
had her well-tended garden destroyed by city officials. "Not only
are the plants my livelihood, they're
my food and I was unemployed
at the time and had no food left,
no medicine left, and I didn't have
[medical] insurance," Denise Morrison reportedly said about about her
garden. "They basically took away
my life and my livelihood." She is
filing a lawsuit against the city.
18 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013
FDA Looking to Ban B6 Supplements,
Give Boost to Big Pharma
By Elizabeth Renter
September 22, 2012
Vitamin B6, naturally present in a variety of foods, is necessary for proper
nerve function, protein synthesis,
regulating blood sugar, and producing antibodies and haemoglobin. In
other words, it’s pretty important stuff.
But, while many people get their B6
through supplements, the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration is looking to
make things a lot more difficult – by
slowly taking all forms of B6 supplements off the market so Big Pharma
can make millions off of prescriptions
According to the Alliance for Natural
Health (ANH), the FDA has already
begun their crusade. They removed
Pyridoxamine (a natural form of B6)
supplements from the market at the
request of BioStratum, a pharmaceutical company. Why? Because BioStratum thinks it might be nice to use
Pyridoxamine in a prescription drug.
They haven’t developed the drug, we
don’t know what it is, and who knows
when it will come to fruition, but the
FDA honored a request from the big
corporation to protect the company’s
Now, the FDA is poised to pull another B6 product: Pyrodoxal-5-Phosphate
or P5P.
to undermine the incentive for the
development of new drugs because
many people may choose to purchase
the supplements rather than the
So, that basically sums it up. In order
to protect the money-grabbing interests of this company, at whatever risk
to the health of the general public, the
federal government should step in
and take the supplements out. I suppose that line of thought makes sense
if you are a top official with Medicure
But, the FDA has not yet honored the
ANH’s petition yet concerning the
B6 supplements. And while the FDA
doesn’t always care what is in the
best interest of the people, we hope
that by joining the ANH, we can make
our voices heard.
You can help. Contact the FDA and
Congress today and let them know
that not all consumers are interested
in drugs over supplements. You can
find a petition here on the Alliance
for Natural Health’s website.
Two other equally upsetting cases
come to mind. Through examining
and following the FDA’s decisions,
anyone can see that the organization
continuously pushes pharmaceutical
drugs while censoring health food
and supplements and their ability to
heal. Such is the case with a company
known as Fleminger, Inc. and their
green tea product, where the FDA
threatened to seize Fleminger Inc.’s
products, in addition to making them
completely change their claim statement. The company claimed green
tea reduces the risk of breast and
prostate cancer, so the FDA insisted
they use the claim:
“Green tea may reduce the risk of
breast or prostate cancer. FDA does
not agree that green tea may reduce
the risk because there is very little
scientific evidence for the claim.”
In another situation, claims made by
Diamond Foods that omega-3s found
in walnuts produce health benefits
make their walnuts “drugs”. As far as
the FDA is concerned, these “drugs”
can not be legally marketed in the
United States without an approved
new drug application.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.
You see, the human body must
convert B6 to P5P to make it usable
within the body. Fortunately, some
supplement companies have created
P5P and it is currently available as
a natural supplement. But, another
pharmaceutical giant has petitioned
the FDA to “protect its interests”.
Medicure Pharma would like all P5P
removed from the supplement market
so they can begin to work on a drug
containing the crucial form of B6. In
their petition, they state:
“Pharmaceutical companies developing new drugs must be protected
from companies that may seek to
market the ingredients in those drugs
as dietary supplements. The marketing of such products has the potential
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013 19
Good News for Children –
Vaccination Opt-Outs
on the Rise
By Dr. Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD, DMP
Vaccines continue to be touted as
“the safest of medicines,” but the
reality of the real harm that vaccines
cause continues to accumulate in
the government’s Vaccine Adverse
Events Reporting System (VAERS)
database. Nobody denies in public
that vaccines do not kill children –
because they do. The government
records every death that is reported
but medical officials routinely admit
that only 10% of vaccine adverse
reactions are actually ever reported.
Doctors and hospitals hate more
than anything to admit that it was
the vaccine(s) that caused a child to
drop dead hours after being administered multiple shots.
Dr. Saad Omer, assistant professor of global health, epidemiology
and pediatrics at Emory University
in Atlanta said, “Rates of exemption are substantially higher today
than several years ago… they are
even rising in states that make it
more difficult.” Parents were 2.5
times more likely to opt out in states
that permit philosophical reasons
compared with states that require
religious objections. They were also
more than twice as likely to opt out
in states with easy exemption processes.
The side effects that doctors long
have known about, such as fevercaused seizures and brain inflammations, are risks parents take
every time they take their kids in for
The Institute of Medicine found convincing evidence of 14 side effects:
• Fever-triggered seizures, which
seldom cause long-term consequences, from the measles-mumpsrubella, or MMR, vaccine.
MMR also can cause a rare form of
brain inflammation in some people
with immune problems.
children with vaccines that contain
toxic ingredients while ignoring
the outrageous rise of childhood
diseases and autism that are being
caused by them.
• The varicella vaccine against
chickenpox sometimes triggers that
viral infection, resulting in widespread chickenpox or a painful
relative called shingles. It can also
occasionally lead to pneumonia,
hepatitis or meningitis.
At an Institute of Medicine meeting,
Dr. Jay Lieberman (Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of California, Irvine) suggested that the
mercury-based preservative thimerosal can actually be beneficial.
Obviously there are madmen afoot
who believe potent neurological
poisons are nothing to worry about.
To them neurological poisons are
not poisons but medicines. [Editor’s
note: Most of the vaccines on the
market for children in NZ no longer
contain added thimerosal; however
many contain aluminium salts, such
as aluminium hydroxide which has
been proven to cause brain damage in laboratory animals.] There
are many reasons I would not be
comfortable sitting at a table with a
pediatrician. I would feel the same
with any serial murderer or rapist
and even if saying and thinking that
is over the top, I still would not like
to sit with them as I do not enjoy
ignorant/arrogant professionals.
• Six vaccines – MMR and the chickenpox, hepatitis B, meningococcal
and tetanus-containing vaccines –
can cause severe allergic reactions
known as anaphylaxis.
• Vaccines in general sometimes
trigger fainting or a type of shoulder inflammation.
Today, the pharmaceutical, academic, and healthcare oligarchies
and various agencies of the federal
government are engaged in an
intensive propaganda campaign
and war against any kind of sanity
in medicine. Concealing the linkages between vaccination programs
and the acute harm and chronic
disease that vaccines cause is just
the tip of the iceberg. Today there is
a war against all kinds of alternative
treatments and the practitioners that
administer them. showing the true
intentions of these oligarchies and
all who follow them.
It is power, money and greed that
drives the heart of modern allopathic corporate medicine and
this darkness of mind and purpose
virtually controls key aspects of
the governmental apparatus, the
mainstream media and, increasingly, even the courts. All of these
people and agencies are promoting
the idea that it is necessary to inject
Poison in Vaccines
Pediatricians are the last people
we should trust with our children.
They play on parents’ fears and
on parental caring and love while
they deliberately inject their young
patients with known neurological
poisons. Even though the 2004 Institute of Medicine report accepted
that thimerosal, a mercury-based
preservative in vaccines, can injure
the nervous system, doctors continue to inject mercury into their
young patients.
In drinking water, mercury cannot
exceed 2 parts per billion. A liquid
with more than 200 parts per billion
of mercury is considered hazard-
20 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine: November 2012 – February 2013