Natalie Baeumler, Gerhard Haszprunar and Bernhard Ruthensteiner
Natalie Baeumler, Gerhard Haszprunar and Bernhard Ruthensteiner
Overlap in appearance of the protonephridia and the metanephridial system in a mollusc Natalie Baeumler, Gerhard Haszprunar and Bernhard Ruthensteiner Fig. 1. Lepidochitona corrugata, juvenile. Zoologische Staatssammlung München Introduction: As typical for many spiralian taxa, in the polyplacophoran mollusc Lepidochitona corrugata two types of excretory systems are formed during development: first one pair of anteriorly situated, larval-juvenile protonephridia (head kidneys) and then the posteriorly located, juvenile-adult metanephridial system. Fig. 2. Surface renderings of serial sections (Amira software) of a larva (A) and of postmetamorphic juveniles (B-G) of Lepidochitona corrugata. Protonephridia Results: G Metanephridial system protonephridial kidney pericardium renopericardial duct efferent nephroduct metanephridial kidney terminal portion F E efferent nephroduct eye D C B A 100 µm Metanephridial System Protonephridia A oe st dgl r dgl pk Fig. 3. Protonephridia of Lepidochitona corrugata. A. Cross section through whole animal, re-sectioned for TEM in B-D. Framed areas enlarged in other figure parts. B. Left protonephridial kidney. C. Protonephridial lumen. D. Basal infoldings of protonephridial kidney cells. E. Terminal portion of right B protonephridium with ciliary flame. F. Ultrafiltration site. For abbreviations 50 µm see below. B C lln Fig. 4. Metanephridial system of Lepidochitona corrugata. A. Cross section through whole animal, resectioned for TEM in B-D. Framed areas enlarged in other figure parts. B. Right metanephridial kidney. C. Metanephridial lumen. D. Basal infoldings of metanephridial kidney cells. E. Ventral wall of pericardium. F. mk Ultrafiltration site. For abbreviations 50 µm see below. A i B dgl re B mv C va i nu ci va C mi va ci mv mi va C 1 µm 1 µm D dgl D D va D mu mi dgl va dgl dgl va mu bb E uf 1 µm 5 µm 1 µm 10 µm E F lp F mv F uf pd us nu pd cf mu mi us F mv bc bm 1 µm 1 µm mk bm mu 1 µm 1 µm Abbreviations: bb - basal body, bc - body cavity, bm - basal membrane, cf - ciliary flame, ci - cilium, dgl - digestive gland, i - intestine, lln - left lateral nerve cord, lp - lumen of pericardium, mi - mitochondrion, mk - metanephridial kidney, mu - muscle fibre, mv - microvilli, nu - nucleus, oe - oesophagus, pd - pedicle, pk - protonephridial kidney, r - radula, re - rectum, st - stomach, uf - ultrafiltration site, us - ultrafiltration slit, va - vacuole. Each protonephridium is composed of three portions (Fig. 2): 1) The tube-like terminal portion with the ultrafiltration sites (Fig. 3E,F), 2) the prominent protonephridial kidney (Fig.3A) and 3) the efferent nephroduct. The protonephridia exhibit two remarkable features: 1) They achieve their peak level of development (size, structural differentiation) after metamorphosis, thus in the juvenile life phase (Fig. 2BG). 2) With the protonephridial kidneys the organs form voluminous, pouch-like differentiations in the duct, previously unknown from molluscan protonephridia (Fig. 3A-D). The metanephridial system is made of the pericardium with e n c l o s e d h e a r t , pa i r e d kidneys, paired renopericardial ducts and paired efferent nephroducts (Fig. 2E-G). Ultrafiltration sites can be found in the ventral wall of the pericardium (Fig. 4E,F). Both organ complexes, the protonephridia and the m e ta n e p h r i d i a l s y s t e m , overlap in presence for a substantial period during juvenile development (Fig. 2) to ensure continuous function of excretion. The protonephridia and the meta-nephridial system show striking resemblances in organization. These include the composition of the “kidneys” (Fig. 3A,B, 4A,B) several highly characteristic cells surrounding a ramified excretional lumen (Fig. 3C, 4C) that contains single scattered cilia and is densely packed with microvilli. The kidney cells are characterized by an extensive apical microvillous border, a strong vacuolization (Fig. 3B, 4B), a mitochondria-rich cytoplasm, basal nuclei and extensive basal infoldings (Fig. 3D, 4D) that probably represent reabsorptive differentiations. The similarities also include the ultrafiltration sites with slits between regularly arranged pedicles (Fig. 3F, 4F). Conclusions: The close similarities of components of the protonephridia and of the metanephridial system respectively let the often accentuated differences between both excretory systems become more and more blurred. These resemblances in organisation indicate that there is a serial (iterative) homology of protonephridia and the metanephridial system at the level of organs within the Mollusca. Protonephridia might even be present in adult molluscs. The anterior pair of kidneys of adult monoplacophorans that lack a connection to the pericardium may represent such organs. This study was kindly supported by the DFG (RU-895/4-1).