Welcome Pack - Remunerator


Welcome Pack - Remunerator
Welcome Pack
relating to your
Remunerator (Aust)
Pty Ltd
ABN: 074 423 966
PO Box 1247
VIC 3124
Tel: 1800 654 834
Int: +613 9882 5000
Fax: +613 9882 5444
Salary Package
Welcome Pack
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................................2
WELCOME TO REMUNERATOR ...............................................................................................................3
CONTACT US .........................................................................................................................................4
HOW DOES SALARY PACKAGING WORK? ........................................................................................... 5
HOW YOUR PAYMENTS ARE MADE .........................................................................................................6
ALTERING OR STOPPING YOUR PACKAGE ............................................................................................. 8
ACCESSING YOUR SALARY PACKAGE INFORMATION ............................................................................10
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) .............................................................................................15
PRIVACY STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 16
REIMBURSEMENT CLAIM FORM ............................................................................................................17
NAB Card
Welcome Pack
Welcome to Remunerator
Congratulations on your decision to take advantage of salary packaging. I’d like to welcome you to
Remunerator. We will work with you to ensure you enjoy the many benefits available to you
through salary packaging. Whether you are looking to improve your lifestyle immediately, perhaps
through the purchase of a car or house, or taking a longer term view and striving to improve your
investment position, Remunerator can assist you in achieving your goals.
Salary packaging is a vital first step to achieving true financial independence. Maximising your
earnings through salary packaging allows you to take control of the bigger picture.
We are also able to offer you access to Remunerator Financial Services where you have the
option of further improving your financial position, both now and in the future. Our independent
financial advisors offer a proud record of taxation and investment expertise and can assist you with
retirement planning, mortgage reduction programs and investment strategies.
...it all adds up to financial freedom for life.
Thank you for making the decision to entrust Remunerator with your salary package. We take
this responsibility seriously and will ensure you are provided with the best service possible.
Yours faithfully,
Matthew Honan
Managing Director
Welcome Pack
Contact us
[email protected]
Monday to Friday 9am to 5.15pm (E.S.T)
General Enquiries
1300 654 834 (Toll Free service - only available to interstate customers) Please have your
package number ready, this can be found on your confirmation report.
Novated Lease Enquiries
1800 501 703
Associate Lease Enquiries
1800 220 028
Postal Address
Remunerator (Aust) Pty Ltd
PO Box 1247
(03) 9882 5444
Welcome Pack
How does salary packaging work?
Step 1: Ascertain your budget and consider your circumstances. You may like to use the
online calculator at www.remunerator.com.au to assist you.
Step 2: Nominate which benefits you would like included into your salary package.
Step 3: Complete application form and send to Remunerator.
Step 4: Remunerator will set-up your salary package in accordance with your application. You will be
sent an employee package confirmation report.
Step 5: Employee signs employee package confirmation report and provides a copy to your employer’s
payroll department.
Step 6: Pre-tax deductions commence from your salary, Remunerator makes payments with these funds,
on your behalf, in accordance to your salary packaging requests.
Process Overview
• Sends completed application form to
• Receives confirmation report
• Signs confirmation report and provides a
copy to employer’s payroll department
Payroll makes pre-tax salary
deductions out of your
fortnightly/monthly pay
Your pre-tax deductions are
paid into your employer’s salary
packaging bank account
Payment to Suppliers
Money transferred directly to your
suppliers, for example mortgage or
personal loan payments
Remunerator access your
employer’s salary packaging
bank account and makes
payments on your behalf
Money sent to your individual bank account
to reimburse any expenditure you have
made via cash or credit card (e.g. credit
card repayments or school fees)
Welcome Pack
How your payments are made
Commencement of payment
A package start date will be advised on your ‘employee package confirmation report’.
You will be able to identify that your first salary packaging deduction has been made, as it will be listed
on your pay slip.
The first payment made by Remunerator for each benefit will be specified in the first payment date
column of the employee package confirmation report.
Your packaged items could be paid in a combination of or both these ways: -
Set and regular payment to supplier (Periodical Payment = PP)
This method is used for expenses of a set amount that occur on a regular and frequent basis such
as weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Once your salary package commences, payment via Electronic Funds Transfer will be made directly to the
service provider automatically from your employer’s salary packaging bank account, in accordance with the
payment options you specified on your employee package confirmation report i.e.
The frequency of payment
The amount of each payment
The final date of payment (if applicable)
Reimbursement to Employee (Re)
Some items within your salary package may require you to purchase an item outright and then claim this
expense against your salary package. This payment process is referred to as ‘reimbursement’.
When you have paid for the benefit item, send a copy of the receipt / tax invoice together with a
completed reimbursement claim form to Remunerator for processing. Funds will be paid to your
nominated bank account as they are deducted from payroll.
Should your claim be greater than the amount that has been deducted from your salary, you will only be paid
the amount that has been deducted to date for that benefit. The balance will be reimbursed to you over the
following pay period(s) as your salary is earned.
Reimbursement of your expenses will generally be processed on the day we receive your completed
reimbursement claim form and ‘receipt/tax invoice’. Payment will be made within 3 working days.
Benefits paid by this method are, but not limited to, items such as credit card payments, school fees,
utility expenses.
Welcome Pack
How Do Reimbursements Work?
Step 5
Step 1
You pay for your expenses in person,
by phone, or electronically
Funds available in your account 5 days
after Remunerator receives your claim.
Step 2
You fax or mail proof of
payment, together with
a reimbursement claim
form, to Remunerator.
Step 4
Remunerator transfers
funds from your
employer’s salary
packaging Account to
your account
Step 3
Remunerator processes your claim within 2
days of receipt
REMEMBER: You will only be reimbursed the amount deducted from your salary. You will receive the funds
in your account within 5 days of Remunerator receiving your claim.
You have budgeted $16,049.65 per year for your Credit Card expenses.
You have $617.29 deducted from your salary each fortnight for salary packaging ($16,049.65).
After 3 fortnights you have had $1,851.88 deducted from your salary ($617.29 x 3). $1,851.88 is
available for you to claim.
When you claim less than what has been deducted
When you claim more than what has been deducted
from your salary (eg. less than $1,851.88)
from your salary (eg. more than $1,851.88)
After paying $600 off your credit card you fax your 1.
credit card statement, and a Reimbursement Claim
Form, to Remunerator.
After paying $2,000 off your credit card you fax your
credit card statement, and a Reimbursement Claim
Form, to Remunerator.
Remunerator processes your claim within 2 days of 2.
Remunerator processes your claim within 2 days
of receipt.
$600 is deposited into your account in 3 working 3.
account in 3 working days.
Please Note: You still have $1251.88 available to
claim ($1,851.881 - $600).
The remainder of your claim is reimbursed to you
over the following pay periods as the money is
deducted from your salary. i.e. your claim for
$2,000 is reimbursed over 2 fortnights
($1,851.88 + $148.12).
Multiple benefits on reimbursement method are ‘pooled’ together and claims are processed and Reimbursed
in the order they are received, using the total pooled deduction up to the total annual budget.
The reimbursement claim form can be found on page 14 alternatively it can be downloaded on our
website www.remunerator.com.au.
Welcome Pack
Personal Details
If any of your personal details change, such as address, phone number, salary details, it is important to
notify Remunerator as soon as possible.
This information is necessary in order for Remunerator to accurately manage your salary package.
Some changes need to be made in writing to satisfy ATO requirements, please contact Remunerator
via phone or email to request personal detail changes.
Altering your Package
You can make an alteration to the benefits packaged at any time; however your budgeted amount
will always be 50% of your total income.
If you would like to make changes to your salary package benefit items mid year, you will be required to
complete a ‘repackage advice form’, with the appropriate substantiation attached. A repackage advice form
can be found on our website www.remunerator.com.au.
Welcome Pack
You can stop packaging your salary at any time. No cancellation fee will apply.
In order to terminate your package, Remunerator will need notification in writing. To assist you with this, a
repackage termination form is available on our website.
Under the following circumstances terminating your package may be required. Please notify
Remunerator immediately if any of the following circumstances apply to you:
Cessation of employment, for whatever reason
Commencement of unpaid leave
Transferring from full-time employment to part-time employment
Suspension without pay
Any transfer, promotion, or on a secondment to a position outside your current employer.
Welcome Pack
Accessing your salary package information
Remunerator Website
Your company and individual salary packaging account information is available 24 hours a day via the
Remunerator website.
To access online statements and information follow these steps:
Website address: www.remunerator.com.au
Click on the employees icon, scroll down to statements
There is text explaining how to gain access and understand your statements throughout the facility.
To access online information about Scripture Union salary packaging program please follow these steps:
Website address: www.remunerator.com.au
Click on the client login area
Remunerator website login: scripture
Remunerator website password: union
Automated Phone Service
You can access your individual salary package information 24 hours, 7 days a week, via our
automated phone service
By calling 1300 654 834 you will immediately have access to information such as; balances which are owed to
you, the amount of claims you need to submit and details of your last few reimbursement transactions.
Your will be required to enter your individual package number of date of birth before securely accessing
this information.
Hard Copy Statements
If you do not have access to the internet, a hard copy statement can be provided upon request.
Welcome Pack
NAB Card
One of the major benefits that can be used by Scripture Union Employees is the NAB Salary packaging
Card. Remunerator have partnered with the NAB to provide you with the best service possible. Within 10
working days of Remunerator receiving your application you can expect to receive the following four items
in the mail:
A NAB salary Packaging Card
A PIN for your Salary Packaging Credit Card
A letter from Remunerator advising you of your NAB ID
A password from NAB to be used with your NAB ID so you can check the balance of your card on
NAB’s internet banking platform.
If you have not received these four items within 10 working days please contact Remunerator.
Welcome Pack
NAB Card
Welcome Pack
NAB Card
Welcome Pack
NAB Card
Welcome Pack
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s)
Please refer to the Remunerator website for a complete listing of FAQs. We’ve included here
some of the top FAQs for your information:
I have a receipt for something I purchased prior to packaging, can I claim it?
You can use tax invoices and claim for reimbursement of expenses that are up to 12 months prior to the start
date of your package. To claim a reimbursement you must show proof of expense and payment – i.e.
invoice/receipt, credit card statement or bank statement showing payment has been made.
Can I change the structure (content) of my package during the year?
Yes, however each time you repackage your salary, your package will attract an administration fee. You are
encouraged to budget your twelve month expenditure needs.
Can I separately claim any part of the packaged benefits on my personal income tax return?
No, you cannot receive a tax benefit twice. If you package a benefit through your employer you are
immediately prevented from claiming it again privately. The salary packaging program brings forward any
potential tax savings/claims that you may have, should you privately claim these expenses at the end of
the financial year (June 30 each year).
I am allowed to package credit card. Will you pay my credit card directly if I send in my statement?
No. Unfortunately we are not able to transfer money electronically to credit card companies. You will need
to pay off your credit card first and then send in a copy of the statement showing the payment. We will then
reimburse you any money that you are entitled to into your nominated savings or cheque account.
When will I receive funds in my account?
Money will be banked into your account generally 5 days after processing. i.e. claim processed on Monday,
money will be available for customer's use on Friday.
I have taken a loan from my father and would like to salary package it.
No. Unfortunately family loans are not allowed to be packaged. Only loans from financial institutions can
be packaged.
How do I get to my on-line statement?
Go to www.remunerator.com.au
Select Employee Statements
Enter your user ID (i.e. package number)
Enter password (i.e. date of birth)
Welcome Pack
Privacy statement
Remunerator is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality and security of personal
information provided by you to us. We are therefore bound by the National Privacy Principles and the
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
Information we Collect
All the information that we ask for is required for us to effectively manage your salary package and to
provide you with the employee benefits available to you as part of the Remunerator service package.
Information may be disclosed only to legally contracted service providers who assist us in managing these
Right of Access
You have the right to access any such information held by the Remunerator that relates to you, and to
correct any information that is inaccurate.
If you object to us using the information as described, you can advise us at any time by writing to:
The Privacy Officer, Remunerator PO Box 167, CAMBERWELL VIC 3124.
Joint Authorisation
A Joint Authorisation Form is available for you to complete, nominating a third party who can access
your Salary Packaging details. You can access this form via our website www.remunerator.com.au or by
requesting it from our Customer Relations Officers. Fill in the details required on the form and return the
completed form to our officers as instructed on the Authorisation form.
Welcome Pack
Reimbursement claim form
Package Number
Number of pages including cover sheet:
Fill out the description of the expense(s) to be reimbursed
Attach a copy of the receipt(s) and/or Tax Invoice(s) to the Claim Form
(*Include receipt from supplier or credit card “Customer Copy” or credit card statement).
Either FAX on (03) 9882 5444 or POST to PO Box 1247, CAMBERWELL VIC 3124
Note: Fax Cover Sheet not required
Description of Expense (items with GST)
ƒ If more than $50.00 per item requires copy of Tax Invoice (s)
Amount $
Description of Expense (items without GST)
Total Amount Claimed
Work or Income Related Expense Declaration
Please sign, if you are claiming a reimbursement for a work or income related expense
(ie: an expense that if you didn’t salary package would be available to you as a tax deduction on your personal tax return eg. professional
development, development travel, professional membership or subscriptions to trade journals, financial counselling, income protection).
declare that the above work or income related expenses were
provided to me by my employer and the expenses were incurred by me for the following purpose.
I also declare that the percentage of the above expense incurred in earning my assessable
income was 100%.