Using Infrared Emission Spectroscopy to Study Arctic
Using Infrared Emission Spectroscopy to Study Arctic
Using Infrared Emission Spectroscopy to Study Arctic Atmospheric Chemistry and Radiation Zen Mariani1 Kimberly Strong1, Mareile Wolff1, Mathias Palm2, Penny Rowe3, Von Walden3, and Pierre Fogal4 1Department of Physics, University of Toronto of Physics, University of Bremen, Germany 3Department of Physics, University of Idaho, USA 4Environment Canada, Air Quality Research Division, Toronto, Canada 2Department ArcticNet Conference December 17, 2010 Climate Change in the Arctic Climate Change in the Arctic Evidence of rapidly changing climate in the Arctic Annually averaged total column ozone (O3) loss of 7% since 1979 in response to enhanced chlorine (WMO, 2006) Sea-Ice: Melting Sea-Ice = Increased Water Vapour = Increased Surface Temperature Positive Feedback Observations from ground-based instruments are crucial to better our understanding of the changing climate. ACIA, Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (2004), Cambridge University Press WMO Scientic Assessment of Ozone Depletion (2006): WMO Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report No. 50, Geneva Stratospheric O3 O3 naturally created and destroyed in stratosphere via Chapman mechanism (Jacob, 1999): Enhanced chlorine can cause catalytic destruction of O3: Image source: Jacob, D. (1999): Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry. Princeton University Press Tropospheric Trace Gases Nitric oxide (NO) reacts to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2), producing tropospheric O3 in the process: HOx (OH, HO2, and H2O2) and NOx catalyze O3 production in the troposphere and O3 destruction in the stratosphere Image source: Jacob [1999]5 Where do we measure these Trace Gases? Measurement Site: Eureka Ellesmere Island, Nunavut (80°N, 86.2°W) PEARL Eureka (0PAL) PEARL = Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory 0PAL = Zero-altitude PEARL Auxiliary Laboratory Images from, Google Maps Photo by Paul Loewen How do we measure these Trace Gases above Eureka? Photo by Paul Loewen Photo by Paul Loewen Photo by Paul Loewen Photo by Paul Loewen Photo by Paul Loewen The (new) Instrument to Measure these Trace Gases The Extended-range Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (E-AERI) Original AERI system selected by Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program in 1996 E-AERI Designed by University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Centre; Manufactured by ABB Bomem (Quebec) Infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometer with 1 cm-1 resolution Extended wavelength range covers 400-3000 cm-1 (3-25 µm) Measurement of accurately calibrated downwelling infrared thermal emission from atmosphere DOE (1990): Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program plan, DOE/ER-0442 and DOE/ER-0441, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 135 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Fourier Transform-InfraRed (FT-IR) spectrometer is based on a Michelson Interferometer Optical Path Difference (OPD) between two beams creates interference pattern Image source: /programs/21m2/ openpath/op-ftir/ Additional E-AERI Specifications Installed at PEARL, Eureka, NT, in October 2008 Acquired one full year of measurements Spectra every 7 min, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (precipitation pending) Polar Night Measurements Image credit: ABB Bomem CANDAC Bruker 125HR Polar Night Rodica Lindenmaier E-AERI at PEARL 25th October 2008 – 22nd September 2009 80.05°N, 86.42°W Altitude: 610 m E-AERI Operated by Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC) Photo by Paul Loewen Penthouse of PEARL April 4, 2009 Measurements at PEARL SFIT2 Retrieval Algorithm Prototype version of SFIT2 to retrieve total columns of various trace gases (Mathias Palm, Univ. Bremen) SFIT2 fits regions of spectrum Well-defined spectral lines Obtain total column concentrations of trace gases CO Comparison with the PAERI Assess initial measurements through comparisons with a similar instrument, the Polar-AERI (PAERI) Installed prior to E-AERI at Eureka Instrument mentor: Dr. Von Walden Analysis: Dr. Penny Rowe (University of Idaho) Ideal Instrument for comparison purposes Similar specs (1 cm-1 resolution) as E-AERI Data series overlap until June 2009 PEARL Eureka (0PAL) E-AERI = PEARL 600 m PAERI = 0PAL Comparison with the PAERI PAERI Spectra obtained for April 4, 2009 SFIT2 Measurements: Retrieved total columns for five trace gases above Eureka on April 4, 2009 Error (%) Conclusion E-AERI data set at PEARL from Oct 2008 – Sept 2009 Measured O3, CO, CO2, CH4, and N2O total columns for E-AERI and PAERI Both instruments have high sensitivity to tropospheric trace gases and lower-stratospheric O3 Difference between E-AERI and PAERI measurements <10% Future Work Measurements at 0PAL Automation Investigate of other trace gases that can be retrieved by E-AERI (e.g. NOx) Use extended spectral range to investigate ‘dirty window’ (400 cm-1 region) to determine changing Arctic radiative balance Acknowledgements Centre for Global Change Science (CGCS) CANDAC and PEARL are supported by: ARIF, AIF/NSRIT, CFCAS, CFI, CSA, EC, GOC-IPY, NSERC, OIT, ORF, INAC, and PCSP Logistical and operational support at Eureka: CANDAC operators Team at the EC Weather Station CANDAC/PEARL PI J.R. Drummond CANDAC data manager Yan Tsehtik Canadian Arctic ACE Validation Campaigns supported by: CSA, EC, NSERC, and NSTP Thank You! Questions? Photo by Paul Loewen
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