Diocese of Columbus DIRECTORY 2013
Diocese of Columbus DIRECTORY 2013
Diocese of Columbus DIRECTORY 2013 - 2014 THE CATHOLIC F OU N DAT ION Vocations Social Services Catholic Education Parish Life W W W.CATHOLIC-FOUNDATION.ORG 257 East Broad Street, Columbus OH 43215-3703 | 614-443-8893 2013-14 Directory of The Diocese of Columbus TABLE OF CONTENTS Telephone Index .................................................................................................................................................2 Ohio Dioceses ....................................................................................................................................................5 The Bishop of Columbus ...................................................................................................................................6 Diocesan Administration ...................................................................................................................................7 Diocesan Cemeteries .........................................................................................................................................9 Administrative Structure .................................................................................................................................10 Consultative Bodies .........................................................................................................................................11 Boards, Commissions and Committees.........................................................................................................11 Diocesan Offices ..............................................................................................................................................12 Campus Ministry ..............................................................................................................................................16 Health Care Ministry.........................................................................................................................................16 Prison Ministry .................................................................................................................................................17 Catholic Colleges .............................................................................................................................................18 Schools..............................................................................................................................................................18 Museum .............................................................................................................................................................19 Convents ...........................................................................................................................................................19 Lay Movements.................................................................................................................................................20 Service Agencies..............................................................................................................................................22 Deanery Map .....................................................................................................................................................23 Diocese of Columbus Deaneries ....................................................................................................................24 Ethnic Masses ..................................................................................................................................................24 Parishes .............................................................................................................................................................25 Priests................................................................................................................................................................44 Deacons.............................................................................................................................................................48 Religious Priests and Brothers .......................................................................................................................50 Calendar of Diocesan Events and Collections ..............................................................................................50 Religious Sisters ..............................................................................................................................................51 Third Order Communities and Secular Institutes .........................................................................................54 Priests’ Necrology ............................................................................................................................................55 Deacons’ Necrology .........................................................................................................................................57 Priests’ Ordination Dates .................................................................................................................................58 Deacons’ Ordination Dates ..............................................................................................................................59 Index of Advertisers .........................................................................................................................................60 Cover Image The stained glass window depicts the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is located in St. Joseph Church in Somerset, the oldest Catholic parish in the State of Ohio Photo by Ken Snow 1 Telephone Index A Focolare Movement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-895-0764 B Health Affairs Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Family Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Redeemer, PORTSMOUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Resurrection Mission, Melkite-Greek Catholic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Rosary/St. John the Evangelist, Community of . . . . . Holy Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Spirit School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Trinity, JACKSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Trinity, POND CREEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Trinity, SOMERSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Trinity School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Trinity Mission, ZANESVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holy Trinity, ZOAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H All Saints Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-231-3391 Bishop’s Annual Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop Fenwick Schools, ZANESVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop Flaget School, CHILLICOTHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop Hartley High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop Ready High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop Rosecrans High School, ZANESVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop Watterson High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black Catholic Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blessed Sacrament, NEWARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blessed Sacrament School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buildings, Superintendent of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2550 740-454-9731 740-774-2970 614-237-5421 614-276-5263 740-452-7504 614-268-8671 614-228-0024 740-345-4290 740-345-4125 614-228-2457 C Catholic Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-228-2453 Catholic Charismatic Renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-237-7080 Catholic Charities and Social Concerns, Episcopal Moderator . 614-241-2540 Catholic Conference of Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-7147 Catholic Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-443-8893 Catholic Latino Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-262-7992 Catholic Men’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-457-7402 Catholic Record Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2571 Catholic Social Services: Administration & Service Center . . . . . .614-221-5891, 800-536-5891 Licking Co. Office, HEATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-345-2565 Muskingum Co. Office, ZANESVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-452-5057 Scioto Co. Office, PORTSMOUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-353-3185 Guadalupe Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-340-7061 Catholic Times Newspaper: Advertising/Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .614-224-6530, 800-511-0584 Business and Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-6530 Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-5195 Cemeteries: Mt. Calvary/St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-491-2751 Holy Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-927-4442 Resurrection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-888-1805 Central Purchasing Service . . . . . . . . . . . .614-262-0010, 800-842-8319 Chancery Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .614-224-2251, 800-944-2251 Christ the King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-237-0401 Church of the Ascension, JOHNSTOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-967-7871 Church of the Atonement, CROOKSVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-342-1348 Church of the Nativity, UTICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-892-2321 Church of the Resurrection, NEW ALBANY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-855-1400 Clergy Personnel, Office of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-2251 Communications Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2555 Continuing Education for Priests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-1295 Corpus Christi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-443-2828 Cristo Rey Columbus High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-223-9261 Cum Christo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-464-2474 D Deaf Apostolate (Voice only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (TDD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Development and Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diaconate Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diocesan Council of Catholic Women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diocesan Recreation Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divine Worship, Office for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Due Process Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Immaculate Conception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immaculate Conception School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immaculate Conception, DENNISON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immaculate Conception School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immaculate Conception, KENTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information Technology Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-392-4711 614-224-3416 614-221-4323 614-461-9444 614-262-0390 740-354-2716 614-360-2650 614-252-5926 614-861-1521 614-861-0475 740-286-1428 740-858-4600 740-743-1317 740-743-1324 740-453-0951 330-874-4716 614-267-9241 614-267-6579 740-922-3533 740-922-3539 419-675-1162 614-221-1182 J JOIN (client referral line). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2531 Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center . . . . . . . . . . 614-221-4323 K Korean Catholic Community (St. Andrew Kim Taegon) . . . 614-732-0714 L Legion of Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-5926 Liaison for Religious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-2251 M Marriage and Family Life Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2560 Missions Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-228-8603 N Newark Catholic High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-344-3594 Notre Dame Elementary School, PORTSMOUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-353-8610 Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High School, PORTSMOUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-353-0719 O Our Lady of Bethlehem School and Child Care . . . . . . . . . 614-459-8285 Our Lady of Lourdes, ADA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-634-2626 Our Lady of Lourdes, MARYSVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-644-6020 Our Lady of Lourdes, OTWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-372-2202 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, BUCKEYE LAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-928-3266 Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-861-1242 Our Lady of Peace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-263-8824 Our Lady of Peace School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-267-4535 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, GROVE CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-875-3322 Our Lady of Perpetual Help School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-875-6779 Our Lady of Sorrows, WEST PORTSMOUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-858-4600 Our Lady of Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-488-2428 614-274-1121 614-358-7323 614-241-2550 614-241-2545 614-228-8601 614-241-2580 614-221-4640 614-224-2251 P Parish Aid Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parroquia Santa Cruz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personnel Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pope John XXIII, CANAL WINCHESTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-928-3266 Education Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-221-5829 Superintendent of Schools, Education, Episcopal Moderator R F 614-224-1221 614-784-9732 614-241-2590 614-920-1563 Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-1221 Religious Education & Catechesis Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-221-4633 Long-distance AV rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-688-4641 Finance Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-1221 Fisher, William V., Catholic High School, LANCASTER . . . . . . . 740-654-1231 2 Rural Life Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2540 St. Mary School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-654-1632 St. Mary, MARION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-382-2118 St. Mary School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-382-1607 St. Mary, MATTINGLY SETTLEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-754-2221 St. Mary, PORTSMOUTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-354-4551 St. Mary Queen of the Mission, WAVERLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-947-2436 St. Mary Magdalene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-274-1121 St. Mary Magdalene School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-279-9935 St. Matthew, GAHANNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-471-0212 St. Matthew School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-471-4930 St. Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-267-3406 St. Matthias School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-268-3030 St. Michael, WORTHINGTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-885-7814 St. Michael School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-885-3149 St. Monica, NEW BOSTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-456-5154 St. Nicholas, ZANESVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-453-0597 St. Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-9522 St. Patrick, JUNCTION CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-342-1348 St. Patrick, LONDON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-852-0942 St. Patrick School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-852-0161 St. Paul, WESTERVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-882-2109 St. Paul School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-882-2710 St. Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-889-2221 St. Peter, CHILLICOTHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-774-1407 St. Peter, MILLERSBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-674-1671 St. Peter in Chains, WHEELERSBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-574-5486 Ss. Peter and Paul, GLENMONT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-674-1671 Ss. Peter and Paul, WELLSTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-384-2359 Ss. Peter and Paul School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-384-6354 Ss. Peter and Paul Retreat Center, LICKING COUNTY . . . . . . . . 740-928-4246 St. Philip the Apostle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-237-1671 St. Pius X, REYNOLDSBURG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-866-2859 St. Pius X School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-866-6050 St. Rose, NEW LEXINGTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-342-1348 St. Rose School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-342-3043 Ss. Simon and Jude, WEST JEFFERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-879-8562 St. Stephen the Martyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-272-5206 St. Stephen’s Community House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-294-6347 St. Sylvester, ZALESKI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-596-5474 St. Therese's Retreat Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-866-1611 St. Thomas the Apostle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0976 St. Thomas Aquinas, ZANESVILLE . . . . . . . . . . 740-453-3301, 740-453-3309 St. Thomas More Newman Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-291-4674 St. Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-451-2671 St. Timothy School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-451-0739 St. Vincent de Paul Society, (DIOCESAN COUNCIL). . . . . . . . . . . 614-221-3554 St. Vincent de Paul, MT. VERNON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-392-4711 St. Vincent de Paul School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-393-3611 St. Vincent Family Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-0731 Seton Parish, PICKERINGTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-833-0482 Seton Square Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see Service Agencies, Page 22 Social Concerns Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2540 Spiritual Life and Parish Ministry, Episcopal Moderator . 614-224-2251 S Sacred Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-299-4191 Sacred Heart, COSHOCTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-622-8817 Sacred Heart School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-622-3728 Sacred Heart, NEW PHILADELPHIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-343-6976 Sacred Hearts, CARDINGTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-946-3611 Safe Environment Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .614-241-2568 St. Agatha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-488-6149 St. Agatha School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-488-9000 St. Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-276-5413 St. Aloysius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-276-6587 St. Andrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-451-4290 St. Andrew School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-451-1626 St. Ann, DRESDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-754-2221 St. Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-885-4857 St. Anthony School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-888-4268 Ss. Augustine & Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-268-3123 St. Bernadette, LANCASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-654-1893 St. Bernadette School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-654-3137 St. Bernard, CORNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-342-1348 St. Brendan, HILLIARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-876-1272 St. Brendan School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-876-6132 St. Brigid of Kildare, DUBLIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-761-3734 St. Brigid of Kildare School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-718-5825 St. Catharine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-231-4509 St. Catharine School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-235-1396 St. Cecilia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-878-5353 St. Cecilia School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-878-3555 St. Charles Preparatory High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-6714 St. Christopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-486-0457 St. Colman of Cloyne, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-335-5000 St. Dominic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-252-4913 St. Edward the Confessor, GRANVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-587-3254 St. Elizabeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-891-0150 St. Francis of Assisi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-299-5781 St. Francis DeSales High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-267-7808 St. Francis de Sales, NEWARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-345-9874 St. Francis de Sales School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-345-4049 St. Francis de Sales, NEWCOMERSTOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-498-7368 St. Francis Evangelization Center . . . . 740-596-4316 or 740-596-5820 St. James the Less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-262-1179 St. James the Less School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-268-3311 St. Joan of Arc, POWELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-761-0905 St. John the Baptist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-294-5319 St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-882-7578 St. John, LOGAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-385-2549 St. John School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-385-2767 St. John Neumann, SUNBURY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-965-1358 St. Joseph Cathedral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-1295 Cathedral Music Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2526 St. Joseph, CIRCLEVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-477-2549 St. Joseph, DOVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-364-6661 St. Joseph Montessori School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-291-8601 St, Joseph, PLAIN CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-873-8850 St. Joseph, SOMERSET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-743-1317 St. Joseph, SUGAR GROVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-746-8302 St. Ladislas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-443-2828 St. Leonard, HEATH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-522-5270 St. Luke, DANVILLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .740-599-6362, 740-599-7367 St. Margaret of Cortona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-279-1690 St. Mark, LANCASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-654-2874 St. Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-445-9668 St. Mary School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-444-8994 St. Mary, BREMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-569-4272 St. Mary, CHILLICOTHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-772-2061 St. Mary, DELAWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-363-4641 St. Mary School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-362-8961 St. Mary, GROVEPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-497-1324 St. Mary, LANCASTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-653-0997 T Tribunal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2500 Trinity School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-488-7650 Tuscarawas Central Catholic Elementary School, NEW PHILADELPHIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-343-9134 Tuscarawas Central Catholic High School, NEW PHILADELPHIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-343-3302 V Victims Assistance Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-224-2251 Vocations Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-221-5565 Y Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2565 Scout Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-241-2565 3 Community For Life Wesley Ridge Wesley Glen A Retirement Community in Reynoldsburg 4Independent Living Ridge Homes 4Parkside Independent Living Apts 4Bishop Place Assisted Living 4The English Garden for Memory Care 4Life Center Adult Day Services in the English Garden Building 4Coming in 2013 - The Robert A. Barnes Center for Health Care. A Retirement Community in North Columbus 4Independent Living Patio Homes 4Independent Living Apartments 4Assisted Living 4Special Care for Memory Care 4The Health Center 4Dementia-Specific Day Care 4Rehabilitation Services 4The Wellness Center Wesley Glen4 Locations in Columbus, Reynoldsburg and Lancaster 5155 North High Street Columbus, OH 43214 Call (614) 888-7492 Life Center Wesley Ridge4 Wesley Hills4 Affiliates of Methodist ElderCare Services 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Scan this code with your mobile device for a link to our website. Life Center Adult Day Services 25 years serving Franklin, Fairfield & Licking Counties Call (614) 759-0023 6Life Center Adult Day Services 4 Daytime care for seniors supervised by nurses - with activities, education, socialization and meals. Transportation, bathing services and financial assistance available. Located at: 4 Wesley Ridge English Garden Building Wesley Ridge 2225 Taylor Park Drive Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 call (614) 866-7212 for information Condominium Community in Lancaster, Ohio 46 ranch style condominium homes Great location Five distinctive floor plans Attached garages Four season rooms Vaulted ceilings Community Center Condo Association managed by Wesley Hills Community Center 1422 Epworth Forest Drive call (740) 681-2686 for information visit our website:www.methodisteldercare.com Diocese of Columbus Wesley Glen Ohio Ohio Dioceses Dioceses Ohio 656 THE MOST REVEREND Frederick Francis Campbell, D.D., Ph.D. Bishop of Columbus Ordained a priest ................................................ May 31, 1980 Appointed Titular Bishop of Afufenia and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis .........March 2, 1999 Consecrated in St. Paul, Minnesota ................... May 14, 1999 Appointed Bishop of Columbus ...................October 14, 2004 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral .................January 13, 2005 Former Bishops of Columbus Succeeded to the See of Lafayette, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 20, 1957 Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .January 20, 1965 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25, 1965 Appointed Archbishop of St. Louis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 4, 1968 Installed in St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25, 1968 Appointed Cardinal Priest of St. John Baptist de Rossi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 29, 1969 Created Cardinal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 28, 1969 Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 31, 1979 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17, 1998 The Right Reverend Sylvester Horton Rosecrans, DD Consecrated Titular Bishop of Pompeiopolis and Auxiliary to the Bishop of Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 25, 1862 Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 3, 1868 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 21, 1878 The Right Reverend John Ambrose Watterson, DD Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18, 1880 Consecrated in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August 8, 1880 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 17, 1899 The Most Reverend Clarence Edward Elwell, DD, STD Appointed Titular Bishop of Cone and Auxiliary to the Bishop of Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 7, 1962 Consecrated in Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 21, 1962 Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 29, 1968 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August 22, 1968 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 16, 1973 The Most Reverend Henry Moeller, DD Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 6, 1900 Consecrated in Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August 25, 1900 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August 27, 1900 Named Coadjutor to the Archbishop of Cincinnati with right of succession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 27, 1903 Succeeded to the See of Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 31, 1904 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 5, 1925 The Most Reverend Edward John Herrmann, DD Appointed Titular Bishop of Lamzella and Auxiliary Bishop of Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 4, 1966 Consecrated in Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 26, 1966 Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 26, 1973 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 21, 1973 Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 18, 1982 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 22, 1999 The Most Reverend James Joseph Hartley, DD Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 10, 1903 Consecrated in Steubenville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 25, 1904 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1, 1904 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .January 12, 1944 The Most Reverend Michael Joseph Ready, DD Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .November 18, 1944 Consecrated in Washington, D.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 14, 1944 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 4, 1945 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2, 1957 The Most Reverend James Anthony Griffin, DD, JCL, JD Consecrated Titular Bishop of Holar and Auxiliary to the Bishop of Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 1, 1979 Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 7, 1983 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 25, 1983 Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 14, 2004 The Most Reverend Clarence George Issenmann, DD, STD Appointed Titular Bishop of Phytea and Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Cincinnati. . . . . . . March 24, 1954 Consecrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 25, 1954 Appointed Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 5, 1957 Installed in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 11, 1958 Appointed Apostolic Administrator of Cleveland with right of succession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 7, 1964 Installed in Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 2, 1965 Succeeded to the See of Cleveland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . September 22, 1966 Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 5, 1974 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 27, 1982 Former Auxiliary Bishops The Most Reverend Edward Gerhard Hettinger, DD Appointed Titular Bishop of Teos and Auxiliary to the Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 6, 1941 Consecrated in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 24, 1942 Retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 14, 1977 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .December 28, 1996 The Most Reverend George Avis Fulcher, DD, STD Appointed Titular Bishop of Morosbido and Auxiliary to the Bishop of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 24, 1976 Consecrated in St. Joseph Cathedral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 18, 1976 Appointed Bishop of Lafayette, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 8, 1983 Installed in Lafayette, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 14, 1983 Died . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .January 25, 1984 His Eminence, John Joseph Cardinal Carberry, DD, STD Appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Lafayette, Indiana, with right of succession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 3, 1956 Consecrated in Brooklyn, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25, 1956 Installed in Lafayette, Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .August 22, 1956 6 Diocesan Administration Diocesan Judges: Rev. Msgr. John G. Johnson, JCD Rev. Joseph N. Bay, MA, M Div, JCL Rev. Dennis Stevenson, MA, M Div, JCL Rev. Mr. John Crerand, MA, JCL Rev. Msgr. John J. Dreese, SSL, STL Rev. G. Michael Gribble, M Div Rev. William L. Arnold, ME, M Ed Rev. Leo L. Connolly, M Div Rev. Timothy M. Hayes, STL Rev. Kevin J. Kavanagh, STL, M Div Rev. Charles F. Klinger, M Div, PhD Rev. William A. Metzger, BA Rev. Daniel J. Millisor, M Div Rev. Paul A. Noble, PhD Promoter of Justice, Vicar General: Very Rev. Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney, MA, M Div, JCL Defenders of the Bond: Rev. Mark J. Hammond, JCL, STL Rev. Hilary C. Ike, JCL Mr. Daniel Shakal, M Div, MCL, JCL Advocates: Rev. Mr. Thomas Berg, Jr., MJ, MPS Rev. Mr. Christopher Campbell, BA Rev. Mr. Steve DeMers, BS Rev. Mr. Jeffrey Fortkamp, MPA, JD Rev. Mr. Dan Hann, BSA Rev. Mr. Frank Iannarino, MEd, MTh Rev. Mr. Robert Joseph Rev. Mr. James W. Kelly, MA Rev. Mr. Pete Labita, MA Rev. Mr. Roger Minner, MSW Rev. Mr. James Morris, MS Rev. Mr. Dean W. Racine, MBA Rev. Mr. James Rouse, MS Rev. Mr. Mark Scarpitti, BS Rev. Mr. Craig Smith, BA, JD Rev. Mr. Marion E. Smithberger, BA, JD Rev. Mr. Frank Sullivan, MA Rev. Mr. Patrick Wilson, BS Sr. Wanda Scherer, OSF, MA The Honorable Peggy Bryant, JD Ms. Barbara Kegelmeyer, BA Mr. Thomas E. Long, JD Tribunal Auditors/Notaries: Ms. Mary Beth Krecsmar Ms. Patricia Smith Ms. Sue Ulmer, IAP Tribunal Notary: Sr. Raymunda Brooks, OP, MA Tribunal Psychologist: Timothy M. Luis, PhD BISHOPS Diocesan: Most Rev. Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-224-2251 Retired: Most Rev. James A. Griffin, DD, JCL, JD 740-881-0547 3330 Timberside Dr., Powell 43065 CHANCERY OFFICE 800-944-2251 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-224-2251 Vicar General: Very Rev. Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney, MA, M Div, JCL Chancellor: Rev. Mr. Thomas M. Berg, Jr., MJ, MPS Vicar for Priests: Very Rev. Michael J. Lumpe EPISCOPAL MODERATORS Episcopal Moderator for Administration and Personnel: Dominic Prunte 614-241-2590 197 E. Gay St., Columbus 43215-3229 Episcopal Moderator for Education: Lucia D. McQuaide 614-221-5829 197 E. Gay St., Columbus 43215-3229 Episcopal Moderator for Catholic Charities and Social Concerns: Mark H. Huddy 614-241-2540 197 E. Gay St., Columbus 43215-3229 Episcopal Moderator for Spiritual Life and Parish Ministry: Rev. Mr. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. 614-224-2251 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 COLLEGE OF CONSULTORS Most Rev. Frederick F. Campbell Very Rev. Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Rev. Kevin J. Kavanagh Rev. John E. Stattmiller Rev. Msgr. George J. Schlegel Rev. Msgr. William A. Dunn Rev. Matthew N. Hoover Rev. Msgr. Frank J. Meagher PAROCHIAL EXAMINERS Current members of the Presbyteral Council who are also currently serving as pastors. TRIBUNAL 197 E. Gay St., Suite 500, Columbus 43215-3290 614-241-2500 Fax: 614-241-2522 Judicial Vicar: Very Rev. Msgr. James L.T. Ruef, MA, JD, JCL Adjutant Judicial Vicar: Rev. Msgr. John K. Cody, M Div, JCL Moderator of the Tribunal Chancery: Rev. Mr. John Crerand, MA, JCL DIOCESAN STATISTICS Catholics 269,126 Bishop 1 Retired Bishop 1 Diocesan Priests Active: 103 Total: 151 Diocesan Inactive (retired, ill or absent from the Diocese) 48 Religious Priests 27 External Priests assigned to Diocese 17 Permanent Deacons 104 Transitional Deacons 2 Religious Brothers Religious Sisters Parishes Missions Catholic Colleges/Universities Diocesan High Schools Catholic Elementary Schools Kindergartens Preschools 7 9 230 106 3 3 11 42 42 29 Realize your potential. REALIZE YYO OU. Nursing. It’s a career unlike any other. With challenges, rewards and new opportunities every day to make the world better. At Mount Carmel College of Nursing, you can take all the things that are special about you and elevate them to a higher level. Here, your drive and dedication are matched with an exceptional curriculum, advanced education from top clinicians and real-world experience. Whether you’re looking to enter the nursing field with classes on campus or advance your career through one of our graduate or online degree programs, Mount Carmel College of Nursing will help you realize the next level of you. For more information visit us online at www.mccn.edu or call us at 614.234.4CON Ohio Dioceses The Archdiocese of Cincinnati The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr, DD, JCD 100 E. Eighth St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 The Most Reverend Richard G. Lennon, DD, MTh, MA 1404 East 9th St. Cleveland, OH 44114 The Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD 198 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 The Most Reverend Jeffery M. Monforton, DD 422 Washington St., #969 Steubenville, OH 43952 The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, DD 1933 Spielbusch Ave. Toledo, OH 43604 The Most Reverend George V. Murry, SJ, DD 144 W. Wood St. Youngstown, OH 44503 The Diocese of Cleveland The Diocese of Columbus The Diocese of Steubenville The Diocese of Toledo The Diocese of Youngstown 513-421-3131 800-869-6525 800-944-2251 614-224-2251 740-282-3631 800-926-8277 330-744-8451 Eastern Rite Catholic Dioceses centered in Ohio The Byzantine Rite Catholic Eparchy of Parma The Romanian Catholic Exarchate of Canton The Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of St. Josaphat in Parma The Most Reverend John M. Kudrick, DD 1900 Carlton Rd. Parma, OH 44134 The Most Reverend J. Michael Botean, DD 1121 44th St., N.E. Canton, OH 44714 The Most Reverend John Bura, DD (Apostolic Administrator) 5720 State Rd., #347180 Parma, OH 44134 216-741-8773 330-493-9355 440-888-1522 The Catholic Conference of Ohio An interdiocesan agency that serves all Ohio dioceses. 9 E. Long St., Suite 201, Columbus 43215 e-mail: [email protected] Executive Director: Carolyn M. Jurkowitz Associate Director, Department on Education: Larry Keough Associate Director, Department on Social Concerns: James Tobin Government Programs Coordinator: Raymond A. Cook Director of Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association: Theresa J. Bowser 614-224-7147 Fax: 614-224-7150 Diocesan Cemeteries Director and General Manager: Rich Finn 614-491-2751 Fax: 614-491-4264 614-888-1805 Fax: 614-888-1810 614-491-2751 Fax: 614-491-4264 614-491-2751 Resurrection 9571 N. High St., Lewis Center 43035-9413 St. Joseph 6440 S. High St., Lockbourne 43137-9208 Mt. Calvary 518 Mt. Calvary Avenue, Columbus 43223-2217 Holy Cross 11539 National Road S.W., Pataskala 43062-8304 740-927-4442 Fax: 740-927-4645 9 10 · · · · · · · · · Finance Office Administrative Assistant Pool Buildings Office Catholic Cemeteries Central Purchasing Service Information Technology Insurance Office Personnel Office Ss. Peter & Paul Retreat Center St. Therese’s Retreat Center Office of Development & Planning Vicar General · · · · · · · Office for Social Concerns J.O.I.N. St. Francis Evangelization Center · · Department for Catholic Charities & Social Concerns · · · · · · · · · · Affiliates of National Organizations: · St. Vincent de Paul Society · St. Lawrence Haven · Liaison to: Council for Religious · · · · Chancellor Vocations Permanent Diaconate Priest’s Continuing Education Office of Clergy Personnel Black Catholic Ministries Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Divine Worship Latino Ministry Legion of Mary Marriage & Family Life Missions Office Department for Spiritual Life & Parish Ministry Vicar for Priests Diocesan Sponsored Catholic Social Service Agencies: · Catholic Social Services · St. Vincent Family Center · St. Stephen’s Community House Liaison to: Campus Ministry Scouting Department for Education Office of Catholic Schools Office of Religious Education & Catechesis Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Diocesan Recreation Department for Administration and Personnel Bishop’s Council Judicial Vicar Bishop of Columbus Diocese of Columbus ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE August 1, 2013 Catholic Times Communications Safe Environment Catholic Record Society Consultative Bodies DIOCESAN PASTORAL COUNCIL DIACONAL COUNCIL OFFICERS: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, President Chuck Taylor, Chairman Fred VanOrder, Second Officer John Zacovic, Third Officer Ellen Weilbacher, Executive Secretary 1 Center-South Columbus Carl "Reggie" Osborne, Jr. 2 Northwest Columbus William Neutzling 3 North High Columbus Rachel Namitoka 4 Northland Columbus Connie Sauter 5 West Columbus Fred VanOrder, Second Officer 6 East Columbus John Zacovic, Third Officer 7 Marion Jake Tawney 8 Muskingum-Perry Chuck Taylor, Chairman 9 Knox/Licking Russell “Corky” Stone 10 Tuscarawas/Holmes/Coshocton Ty Ghezzi 11 Lancaster Fairfield/Hocking Patrick Gins 12 Chillicothe vacant 13 Scioto County Mary Kay Hummel Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Karen Kitchell Presbyteral Council Fr. Denis Kigozi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fairfield/Hocking/Perry Dcn. Donald Robers Knox/Licking/Muskingum Dcn. William Andrews Marion/Delaware/Hardin Dcn. Carl Calcara North-Franklin Dcn. William Demidovich Northeast-Franklin Dcn. Dean Racine, Vice Chairman Northwest-Franklin Dcn. Phil Paulucci, Chairman Scioto/Ross/Pickaway/ Fayette/Vinton/Jackson Dcn. Chris Varacalli 8 Southeast-Franklin Dcn. George Zimmermann 9 Southwest-Franklin/Madison Dcn. Dan Hann 10 Tuscarawas/Holmes/Coshocton Dcn. Lyn Houze Ex-Officio Members: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney, Dcn. Frank Iannarino COUNCIL FOR RELIGIOUS EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Sr. Eileen Fitzsimmons, O Carm Vice President: Sr. Mary Michael Carlton, OP Secretary: Sr. Anne Keenan, OP Sr. Maria Elena Garcia-Ramirez, HMSP Fr. Ramon Owera, CFIC Sr. Jean Welling, SC Sr. Maureen Anne Shepard, OSF Sr. Marie Louise Pohlman, OSF PRESBYTERAL COUNCIL DIOCESAN FINANCE COUNCIL OFFICERS: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, President Fr. Mark J. Hammond, Chairman Fr. William L. Arnold, Vice Chairman Fr. Joseph T. Yokum, Secretary 1 Center-South Columbus 2 Northwest Columbus 3 North High Columbus 4 Northland Columbus 5 West Columbus 6 East Columbus 7 Marion 8 Muskingum-Perry 9 Knox/Licking 10 Tuscarawas/Holmes/Coshocton 11 Lancaster 12 Chillicothe 13 Scioto County Bishop's Appointee (ex-officio) Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Bishop Frederick F. Campbell Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. William S. Davis Hugh Dorrian Robert Hetterscheidt Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Ed Walsh Fr. Denis Kigozi Fr. Timothy M. Hayes Fr. Joseph C. Klee Fr. Charles F. Klinger Fr. Leo L. Connolly Fr. William L. Arnold Fr. David A. Poliafico Fr. James C. Csaszar Fr. Mark J. Hammond Fr. Stephen L., Krile Fr. Craig R. Eilerman Fr. Theodore F. Machnik Fr. Joseph T. Yokum Msgr. William A. Dunn PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Michelle Lemiesz William S. Davis Charlie Krile Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. Patrick Davis Rick Jeric Lucia D. McQuaide DEANS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BISHOP'S COUNCIL Bishop Frederick F. Campbell Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. Mark H. Huddy Lucia D. McQuaide Frank Bettendorf, Chairman Timothy Botts Michael De Ascentis Christopher Fidler Thomas McAuliffe Fr. David A. Poliafico Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney William S. Davis Rick H. Jeric Dominic Prunte Center-South Columbus Northwest Columbus North High Columbus Northland Columbus West Columbus East Columbus Marion Muskingum-Perry Knox/Licking Tuscarawas/Holmes/Coshocton Lancaster Chillicothe Scioto County Fr. Denis Kigozi Fr. Timothy M. Hayes Fr. Joseph C. Klee Fr. Charles F. Klinger Fr. Leo L. Connolly Fr. William L. Arnold Fr. David A. Poliafico Fr. James C. Csaszar Fr. Mark J. Hammond vacant Fr. John M. Reade Fr. Theodore F. Machnik Fr. Joseph T. Yokum Boards, Commissions and Committees BUILDING COMMISSION Bishop Frederick F. Campbell Patrick Davis - Chairman Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. Larry Dunn, P.E. Rick Jeric Lucia D. McQuaide CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Contact: Erin Cordle, CCHD Director William S. Davis John Eberts, Sr., Architect Fr. Michael J. Lumpe Dcn. James A. Rouse 614-241-2540 Mark Huddy, Social Concerns Director Becky Boyd John Florian Pat Gibboney Dcn. Frank Iannarino Arthur Lee Bill Pritchett 11 THE CATHOLIC FOUNDATION Web site: www.catholic-foundation.org President & CEO: Loren P. Brown DIOCESAN RETIREMENT PLANS FOR PRIESTS, FOR LAY EMPLOYEES AND FOR TEACHERS 614-443-8893 Fax 614-443-8894 Chairman of Administration Board for Plans: Msgr. George J. Schlegel Board of Trustees: Kathleen M. Houck, Chairperson Stephen C. Denz, Vice Chairperson James M. Vonau, Secretary John Igel, Treasurer Ronald R. Rowland, Immediate Past Chairperson Robert H. Morosky, Chairman Emeritus MARRIAGE MINISTRIES LEADERSHIP COUNCIL E-Mail: [email protected] 614-241-2560 Members: Chairperson: Dan Thimons Ex officio: Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. Diocesan Programs: Natural Family Planning: Jennifer Fullin Marriage Preparation: Lori Humphrey Black Catholic Ministries: Virginia Hardy Diaconate: Dcn. Roger and Mary Kelly Minner Lay Movement Programs: Marriage Encounter: Paul and Marilou Clouse Engaged Encounter: Tom and Meredith Sweeney Retrouvaille: Jeff and Janisse Williams CATHOLIC TIMES 614-224-5195 Board of Directors: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, President Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney, Vice President Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer DIOCESAN BOARD OF REVIEW FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN John J. Kulewicz, Chairman Mitchell J. Brown Dominic Cavello Dr. Paula Compton Linda Day-Mackessy Jed Morison Dr. Juanita Murawski Fr. Paul A. Noble Mary Ginn Ryan Dr. Kathleen Wodarcyk Victims Assistance Coordinator (hotline): 866-488-0217 Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney 614-224-2251 OFFICE OF DIVINE WORSHIP 614-221-4640 Director: Michelle Lemiesz, M.Div. [email protected] Sub-commissions (Art & Environment, Architectural, RCIA, Liturgy, and Music) are coordinated through the Office for Divine Worship. Please contact Michelle Lemiesz, Director of the Office for Divine Worship. PRIESTS PERSONNEL BOARD DIOCESAN COMMISSION FOR ECUMENICAL AND 740-928-3266 INTERRELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Bishop Frederick F. Campbell Erin Cordle Pat Hardesty Margaret Kelly Fr. John M. Reade Fr. Kevin J. Kavanagh, chairman Msgr. John K. Cody Fr. Leo L. Connolly Fr. Michael J. Lumpe Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Fr. Theodore K. Sill Fr. Jan C.P. Sullivan Jerry Abraham Fr. William J. Ferguson Fr. Ignatius Harrington Patrick J. Mooney Fr. Adam A. Streitenberger Diocesan Offices 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, OH 43215-3229, unless noted otherwise; Website: www.colsdioc.org ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Episcopal Moderator: Dominic Prunte Supervisor: Mikchael A. Pirik Administrative Assistant: Teresa De Passio Administrative Assistant: Jan Milner Administrative Assistant: Ronée Woodley 614-241-2590 LIKE us on FaceBook; follow us on Twitter @catholicfounda 614-241-2550 Business Operations: Julie Naporano [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Pres & CEO: Loren P. Brown [email protected] COO: Steve Hagerdorn [email protected] VP Development: James A. Anzelmo [email protected] VP Grants & Dioc Partnerships: Amy F. Parker [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CATHOLIC LATINO MINISTRY e-mail: [email protected] 614-228-2457 Director: Angela Johnston Administrative Assistant: Rebecca Price 614-262-7992 Fax: (call the office first) 614-228-2453 CATHOLIC RECORD SOCIETY 614-241-2571 (See DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING & PASTORAL SERVICES OFFICE) BLACK CATHOLIC MINISTRIES OF COLUMBUS 614-228-0024 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 614-221-1787 Chairwoman: Rachelle Martin Administrative Assistant: Lillian Jackson [email protected] BUILDINGS OFFICE (cell) 614-774-0755 Director: Patrick Davis [email protected] CATHOLIC CENTER / Diocesan Office Building Building Manager: Jim Raleigh Administrative Assistant: Teresa De Passio (Diocesan historical society) Secretary: Donald Schlegel [email protected] [email protected] CATHOLIC CHARITIES AND SOCIAL CONCERNS DEPT. Episcopal Moderator: Mark H. Huddy [email protected] THE CATHOLIC FOUNDATION 257 E. Broad Street, Columbus 43215-3703 website: www.catholic-foundation.org [email protected] Development Officer: Craig Heppner Director of Mktg & Comm: Betsy Sewell Grants & Dev Coord: Danielle Biancone CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, INC. 614-241-2540 197 E. Gay Street, Columbus 43215 614-443-8893 website: www.colscss.org President/CEO: Rachel Lustig Counseling, Parenting Services Fax: 614-443-8894 (toll free) 1-866-298-8893 12 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 614-221-5891 800-536-5891 [email protected] Fax: 614-228-1125 Pregnancy and Maternal Support Counseling, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, Senior Supportive Services, Homemaker Services, Senior Companions, Money Management for Seniors 441 Industry Drive, Columbus 43204 614-340-7061 Guadalupe Center Food Pantry Fax: 274-1384 575 Industrial Parkway, Heath 43056 740-345-2565 Transportation, Senior Supportive Services Fax: 740-345-0199 45 N. Fourth Street, Zanesville 43701 740-452-5057 Payee Services Fax: 740-452-2448 1025 Kinney’s Lane, Portsmouth 45662 740-353-3185 Intervention Education Programs Fax: 740-353-3186 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, OFFICE OF 614-221-5829 Website: www.cdeducation.org Fax: 614-241-2563 e-mail: [email protected] Superintendent: Lucia D. McQuaide [email protected] Assoc Dir of H.S. Curr/Instr/Assess: Susan Streitenberger [email protected] Assoc Dir of School Finance: Doug Etgen [email protected] Assoc Dir of School Leadership: Kathleen M. Quinn [email protected] Assoc Dir of Elem. Curr/Instr/Assess: Rick Logue [email protected] Assoc Dir of School Personnel: Norma Horan [email protected] Assoc Dir of School Plan/Dev: Dana Forsythe [email protected] Assoc Dir of School IT: Stephen Trovato [email protected] Assoc Dir of Spec Popula: Maria Phillips [email protected] Dir of Commun and IT: Ken Collura [email protected] Admin & School Pers Assist: Dianna Dudzinski [email protected] Admin Assistants: Jeanne Gissel [email protected] Sandy Lape [email protected] Judi Smith [email protected] Mike Pirik [email protected] CATHOLIC TIMES Website: www.ctonline.org Editor: David A. Garick [email protected] Asst Editor/Reporter: Tim Puet Bus Mgr: Dcn. Steve DeMers [email protected] Graphics Design Manager: Alexandra Keves Bkpr/Circu Coord: Jodie Sfreddo CEMETERIES 6440 S. High St., Lockbourne 43137-9208 Director/General Manager: Rich Finn CENTRAL PURCHASING SERVICE Director: Steve Deedrick [email protected] Buyer: Beata Kefauver [email protected] 614-224-5195 800-511-0584 Fax: 614-241-2518 [email protected] 614-224-6530 [email protected] [email protected] Director: George JonesDesign Assistant: Kimberly Woodruff CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR PRIESTS 614-224-1295 St. Joseph Cathedral, 212 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215 Director: Fr. Michael J. Lumpe DEAF APOSTOLATE Office: St. Mary Magdalene 473 S. Roys Ave., Columbus 43204 Chaplain: Fr. Stanley Benecki DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING Director: Rick H. Jeric Associate Director: Andrea Pannell Administrative Assistant: Suzanne Roberts Pastoral Planning Coordinator: Ellen Weilbacher Support Coordinator: Patty Perna President: Karen Kitchell Secretary: Annette Roth Treasurer: Vera White Administrative Assistant: Jan McConaha 614-228-8601 [email protected] [email protected] DIOCESAN RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 President and CEO: Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks DIVINE WORSHIP, OFFICE FOR 614-761-3734 [email protected] 614-221-4640 Director: Michelle Lemiesz, M.Div. Program Coordinator: Paul G. Davis Music Consultant: Paul Thornock II, DMA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DUE PROCESS OFFICE 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-224-2251 Promoter of Justice: Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Administrator: Alphonse P. Cincione [email protected] ECUMENICAL AND INTERRELIGIOUS 740-928-3266 COMMISSION Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 5133 Walnut Rd., S.E., PO Box 45, Buckeye Lake 43008-0045 Ecumenical Officer: Fr. William J. Ferguson [email protected] EDUCATION DEPT. Episcopal Moderator: Lucia D. McQuaide FINANCE OFFICE 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Director: William S. Davis Controller: R. Scott Wittich Accounting Manager: Tina Nierman Accountant: Beth Sisson Accountant: Sally Watkins Internal Auditor: Ingrid Sotak 614-221-5829 [email protected] 614-224-1221 Fax: 614-241-2573 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HEALTH AFFAIRS OFFICE 740-392-4711 St. Vincent de Paul Church,303 E. High St., Mt. Vernon 43050-3419 Coordinator: Fr. Mark J. Hammond INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICE e-mail: [email protected] Director: Jim Rathburn Data Analyst: Michelle Swiger Help Desk Tier III: John Ladner Help Desk Tier II: Arlene Taylor Help Desk Tier I: Mary Maltry .Net Developer: Jason Martinsek 614-241-2555 Fax: 614-241-2557 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Website: www.dccw.colsdioc.org 614-262-0010 Vicar General: Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Chancellor: Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. Vicar for Priests: Fr. Michael J. Lumpe Executive Assistant: Julie Greer Administrative Assistant: Yvette Reategui 614-241-2545 614-798-9763 Director: Dcn. Frank Iannarino [email protected] 7266 Innisfree Ln., Dublin 43017-2630 Administrative Assistant: Rebecca Price [email protected] Fax: 614-262-0013 1-800-842-8319 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DIACONATE OFFICE 614-491-2751 Fax 614-491-4264 CHANCERY 614-224-2251; 800-944-2251 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Fax: 614-224-6306 e-mail: [email protected] COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE e-mail: [email protected] Program Associate: Don Novak Program Associate: Erin Schorr Development Assistant: Sarah Hanson Data/Special Events Coordinator: Michael Ames Census Manager: Peggy Cooper INSURANCE OFFICE 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Director: Dominic Prunte Insurance Manager: Julienne Bialt Insurance Coordinator: Peggy Malloy [email protected] TDD only: 614-358-7323 Voice only: 614-274-1121 Fax: 614-274-1122 CLAIMS: Property & Liability Willis-HRH Attn: Todd Evert 775 Yard St., Suite 200, Columbus 43212 Medical: United Healthcare of Ohio, Inc. 9200 Worthington Rd, Westerville 43082 Customer Service Dental: United Healthcare of Ohio, Inc. 9200 Worthington Rd, Westerville 43082 Customer Service [email protected] 614-241-2550 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 13 614-221-1182 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 614-224-1221 Fax: 614-241-2573 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 614-326-4916 Fax: 614-766-8999 1-866-844-4864 1-866-844-4864 RECREATION ASSOCIATION Vision: EyeMed 4000 Luxottica Pl., Mason 45040 Customer Service Life: Insurance Office 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Workers Compensation: AVIZENT PO Box 182364, Columbus 43218-2364 Unemployment Compensation: Care Works Consultants, Inc. PO Box 8101, Dublin 43016 Auto: Willis-HRH Attn: Todd Evert 775 Yard St., Suite 200, Columbus 43212 1-866-800-5457 614-224-1221 Director: Dr. Barbara Romanello-Wichtman Program Coordinators: Martha Choroco Suzanne Reihing Consultants: Jennifer Berryhill Judith Engel Barbara Heitz 614-764-7600 or 800-837-3200 Media Resource Center Website: catalog.cdeducation.org e-mail: [email protected] Long distance AV rental ONLY 614-326-4916 Fax: 614-766-8999 614-224-1221 Long-Term Disability: Insurance Office 614-224-1221 Short-Term Disability: Insurance Office JOIN (Joint Organization for Inner-city Needs) 578 E. Main St., Columbus 43215 Emergency relief for low-income families Client referral line 614-224-1221 RURAL LIFE 614-241-2560 REAL ESTATE Diocesan Finance Office 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-866-1611 Fax: 614-863-9091 Director: Mary E. Murphy [email protected] Associate Director: Sr. Elaine Ballmann, SNDdeN Ss. PETER AND PAUL RETREAT CENTER 888-889-8103 2734 Seminary Rd. S.E., Newark 43056-9339 740-928-4246 Website: stspeterandpaulretreatcenter.org Fax: 740-928-1512 Director: Robert Overman Administrative Assistants: Pam Soiu Cathy Wine [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SCOUT CHAPLAIN 614-241-2565 SOCIAL CONCERNS, OFFICE FOR 614-241-2540 e-mail: SOCmailbox.colsdioc.org Programs for the elderly, Fax: 614-228-7302 Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services, Respect Life Program, Rural Life, Social Justice Education and Advocacy, Legislative Network [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Director: Mark Huddy CCHD/CRS Manager: Erin Cordle Rural Life/Parish Social Concerns Ministry Manager: Jerry Freewalt Administrative Assistant: Angelita Canlas MISSIONS OFFICE/PONTIFICAL MISSION SOCIETIES IN THE UNITED STATES 614-228-8603 e-mail: [email protected] The Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States •TheSocietyforthePropagationoftheFaith •TheMissionaryChildhoodAssociation •TheSocietyofPeterApostle •TheMissionaryUnionofPriestsandReligious Director: Dominic Prunte [email protected] ST. THERESE’S RETREAT CENTER 5277 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-1389 Marriage and Family Life resources available upon request PERSONNEL OFFICE [email protected] ST. FRANCIS EVANGELIZATION CENTER 740-596-5820 located at: 404 W. South St., McArthur (also Fax) 740-596-4316 mailing addr: 108 W. Mill St., McArthur 45651-1229 website: www.familylife.colsdioc.org e-mail: [email protected] PARISH AID FUND 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-241-2568 Safe Environment Manager: Regina E. Quinn LEGACY OF CATHOLIC LEARNING-ADMINISTRATION Diocesan Finance Office 614-224-1221 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 LEGION OF MARY 614-252-5926 Comm. of Holy Rosary/St. John, 648 S. Ohio Ave., 43205-2799 Diocesan Spiritual Director: Fr. Joshua J. Wagner MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE OFFICE 800-688-4641 SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM 614-241-2531 614-224-2251 614-221-4641 Fax: 614-241-2563 [email protected] Director: Lisa Keita LIAISON FOR RELIGIOUS 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 614-241-2540 Manager: Jerry Freewalt Director: Ruth Beckman [email protected] 614-241-2530 Associate Director: Sr. Sharen Baldy, SCN [email protected] Director: Leandro M. (Lany) Tapay Mission Education Coordinator: Gina Sergio [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND CATECHESIS 614-221-4633 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 614-241-2563 Website: www.cdeducation.org/dre 614-793-5466 Fax: 614-932-8610 Long-Term Care: Insurance Office 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Director: Dan Thimons Program Coordinators: Natural Family Planning: Jennifer Fullin Marriage Preparation Lori Humphrey 614-241-2580 Director: Marty Raines SPIRITUAL LIFE AND PARISH MINISTRY DEPT. 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-224-2251 Episcopal Moderator: Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. TRIBUNAL Judicial Vicar: Msgr. James L.T. Ruef [email protected] [email protected] 614-224-1221 VOCATIONS, OFFICE OF e-mail: [email protected] 614-221-5565 Fax: 614-241-2572 YOUTH and YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cdeducation.org/oym 614-241-2565 Fax: 614-241-2563 Director: Fr. Paul A. Noble Administrative Assistant: Rebecca Price 614-241-2590 [email protected] 614-224-1221 Director: Michael Hall Program Coordinator: Sean Robinson 14 614-241-2500 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Catholic Times is the only newspaper that brings you a weekly look at Catholic Life in the Diocese of Columbus Don’t Miss Out Subscribe! catholic times catholic times catholic times 15 Campus Ministry Diocesan Director: Mike Hall 197 E. Gay St.., Columbus 43215 e-mail: [email protected] 614-241-2565 Fax: 614-241-2563 Website: www.cdeducation.org/oym ADA Ohio Northern University Chaplain: Fr. David J. Young Our Lady of Lourdes Church 222 E. Highland Ave., 45810-1122 Masses: (Christ the King Chapel, Sansbury Hall; WHEN CLASSES ARE IN SESSION) Sat 4:00 pm; Sun 7 pm; Daily: Mon-Fri 12 noon; Tue 3:30 pm Confessions: Sun 6-7 pm Ohio State University St. Thomas More Newman Center 614-291-4674 64 W. Lane Ave., 43201-1098 website: BuckeyeCatholic.com e-mail: [email protected] Fr. Joe Ciccone, CSP, Director Fr. Vincent McKiernan, CSP, Associate Fr. Charles Cunniff, CSP, Associate Austin Schafer, Campus Minister Masses: Sat 5:30 pm (for OSU home football games, see parish bulletin); Sun 10 am, noon, 6, 9 pm (no evening Masses during summer); Daily Mass: Mon-Fri 5:30 pm, Wed 12:30 pm at OSU Medical Atrium Confessions: Sat 4:30 pm or by appointment DELAWARE Ohio Wesleyan University Pastoral and Sacramental Care: St. Mary Church 740-363-4641 Director of Catholic Campus Ministries: Kelly Adamson 740-368-2000 GAMBIER Kenyon College Chaplain: Fr. Mark Hammond 740-392-4711 St. Vincent de Paul Church 303 E. High St., Mt. Vernon 43050-3419 GRANVILLE Denison University 740-587-0810 Chaplain: Msgr. Paul P. Enke St. Edward the Confessor Church 740-587-3254 785 Newark Rd., 43023-1450 Sunday campus Mass: 4:30 pm @ "The Open House" (lower campus) NEW CONCORD Muskingum College Chaplain: Fr. Donald E. Franks St. Ann Church, PO Box 107, Dresden 43821-0107 740-754-2221 Mass: 4 pm Brown Chapel Campus Ministry: Rev. Will Mullins 419-634-2626 COLUMBUS Downtowners 614-224-1155 404 S.Third St. 43215-5469 www.downtownersministry.org Executive Director/Campus Minister: Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy An ecumenical campus ministry serving the downtown colleges and universities: Capital University, Law & Graduate Center Columbus College of Art & Design Columbus State Community College DeVry Institute of Technology Franklin University Mount Carmel College of Nursing Mount Carmel College of Nursing 127 S. Davis Ave., 43222-1504 Campus Ministry: Laura Spurlock [email protected] 614-234-1590 Ohio Dominican University 614-253-2741 1216 Sunbury Rd., 43219-2099 Fax: 614-252-0776 President: Peter Cimbolic, PhD Campus Ministry Office: Director/Chaplain: Fr. Thomas Blau, OP 614-251-____ e-mail: [email protected] Coordinator for Campus Ministry: Sr. Margie Davis 614-251-4567 e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.ohiodominican.edu/campusministry/ Health Care Ministry Mohun Health Care Center 2340 Airport Dr., 43219-2602 Chaplain: Administrator: April Queener Director of Resident Life: Sr. Mary Pat Gallagher, OP Restricted Admission PLEASE NOTE THAT NONE OF THE LOCAL HOSPITALS HAVE FULL TIME PRIEST CHAPLAINS. IF YOU ARE GOING INTO THE HOSPITAL FOR TREATMENT OR SURGERY, SEE YOUR PARISH PRIEST BEFORE YOU ARE ADMITTED, TO RECEIVE THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE ANOINTED BEFORE YOU ENTER THE HOSPITAL, PLEASE INFORM YOUR PARISH PRIEST THAT YOU ARE IN THE HOSPITAL AND THAT YOU WOULD LIKE HIM TO VISIT YOU. IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY ANOINTING AND CANNOT REACH YOUR PARISH PRIEST, THEN THE PASTORAL CARE OFFICE OF THE HOSPITAL CAN CALL A PRIEST FOR YOU. Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, Inc. 614-751-5700 5199 E. Broad St., 43213-3800 Fax: 614-751-8311 Administrator: Sr. Pauline Ross, O Carm Mount Carmel Health Systems 6150 E. Broad St., 43213-1574 (includes: Mount Carmel East, Mount Carmel West, Mount Carmel New Albany, and Mount Carmel St. Ann's) Vice President Mission Services: Sr. Barbara Hahl, CSC 614-234-6355 CPE Educator: Rev. Jill Rasmussen-Baker 614-234-4065 Mount Carmel East 614-234-6000 6001 E. Broad St., 43213-1570 Spiritual Care Services 614-234-6027 Mount Carmel New Albany 7333 Smiths Mill Rd., New Albany 43054-9291 Spiritual Care Services 614-234-6027 Mount Carmel St. Ann’s 614-898-4000 500 S. Cleveland Ave., Westerville 43081-8998 Spiritual Care Services 614-898-4000 Mount Carmel West 614-234-5000 793 W. State St., 43222-1560 Spiritual Care Services 614-234-5924 CHILLICOTHE Veterans Affairs Medical Center 17273 State Route 104, 45601 Catholic Chaplain: Fr. Vio O. Joseph COLUMBUS Children's Hospital Pastoral Care Office: Catholic Chaplain: Fr. Sylvester Onyeachonam Corrections Medical Center Mrs. Rose M. Hamilton PO Box 23658, 43223-0658 Chaplain's office Grant Hospital Department of Pastoral Care 111 S. Grant Ave., 43215 614-416-6001 740-773-1141/ext 7203 614-722-5250 614-445-5960 /ext 2770 614-566-9000 614-566-9610 16 OSU Medical Center 450 West 10th Ave., 43210-1228 S-594 Rhodes Hall Pastoral Care Department OSU Hospital, East 1492 E. Broad St., 43205-1546 Chaplain’s Office Riverside Methodist Hospital 3535 Olentangy River Rd., 43214 Pastoral Care Department ZANESVILLE Genesis Health Care System An affiliation between Bethesda Care System and Good Samaritan Medical Center CEO: Matthew Perry Bethesda Hospital 2951 Maple Ave., 43701 Spiritual Care Department Chaplain: Rev. Valerie Johnson Good Samaritan Hospital 800 Forest Ave., 43701 Spiritual Care Department Director of Spiritual Care: Rev. Michael Metcalf 614-293-8000 614-293-8791 614-257-3000 614-257-3255 614-566-5000 614-566-5307 DENNISON Trinity Hospital Twin City 819 N First St., 44621 740-922-2800 740-454-5000 740-454-5000 740-454-4233 740-454-5000 740-454-5859 Prison Ministry CHILLICOTHE Chillicothe Correctional Institution Fr. Lawrence L. Hummer LUCASVILLE Southern Ohio Correction Facility Dcn. James Sturgeon Dcn. Chris Varacalli 740-773-2616 740-772-2061 COLUMBUS Corrections Medical Center Mrs. Rose Hamilton, P.O. Box 23658, Columbus 43223 Chaplain's Office 614-445-5960 ext 2770 FRANKLIN COUNTY PRE-RELEASE CENTER Fr. William A. Metzger 614-879-8562 KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY Chaplain: Dcn. Gregg Eiden 614-267-7500 LANCASTER Southeastern Correctional Institution Dcn. Paul Deshaies MADISON COUNTY Madison Correctional Institution Dcn. Gordon Kunkler MARION Marion Correctional Institution 940 Marion-Williamsport Rd., Marion 43302 Fr. Joseph Klee [email protected] North Central Correctional Camp 332 Marion-Williamsport Rd., Marion 43302 Fr. Joseph Klee [email protected] North Central Correctional Complex 670 Marion-Williamsport Rd., Marion 43302 Fr. Joseph Klee [email protected] MARYSVILLE Ohio Reformatory for Women Fr. Patrick A. Toner ORIENT Pickaway Correctional Institution Dcn. Donald Robers 740-653-4324 ext 2770 LONDON London Correctional Institution Fr. Mark Ghiloni 740-259-5544/ext 3684, 3686 740-776-6065 606-932-4088 740-852-2454 ext 451 740-852-0942 740-852-9777 937-644-0341 740-382-5781 614-372-5249 740-387-0081 614-372-5249 740-387-7040 614-372-5249 614-873-8850 740-385-0447 Formal Forms of Address for Clergy and Religious THE POPE Address on envelope: His Holiness, Pope John Doe Salutation: Your Holiness: BISHOPS Address on envelope: Most Reverend John Doe, D.D. Salutation: Your Excellency: DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS MONSIGNORS Address on envelope: Rev. Msgr. John Doe Salutation: Rev. Msgr.: DIOCESAN PRIESTS Address on envelope: Rev. John Doe Salutation: Dear Reverend Father: RELIGIOUS PRIESTS Address on envelope: Rev. John Doe, O.F.M., Cap. (or C.PP.S., O.M.I., etc.) Salutation: Dear Reverend Father: DEACONS Address on envelope: Deacon John Doe Salutation: Dear Deacon or Deacon John: BROTHERS Address on envelope: Brother John Doe, G.B.S. (or S.D.B., O.P., etc.) Salutation: Dear Brother John: SISTERS Address on envelope: Sister Jane Doe, O.P. (or O.S.F., S.S.J., etc.) Salutation: Dear Sister Jane: 17 THE DIRECTORY OF THE DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS is published by the CATHOLIC TIMES Published: Annually in September 197 East Gay Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 224-6530 BISHOP FREDERICK F. CAMPBELL PRESIDENT & PUBLISHER Catholic Colleges Pontifical College Josephinum 614-885-5585 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1498 Fax: 614-885-2307 Website: www.pcj.edu Rector/President: Very Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Schreck, SSL,PhD, STD Vice-Rector and Director of Pastoral and Apostolic Formation, School of Theology: Rev. Walter R. Oxley, STD Vice-Rector, College of Liberal Arts: Rev. John F. Heisler, MA Vice-President for Advancement: Rev John A. Allen, STB Vice-President for Administration; Treasurer; Director Human Resources: John O. Erwin, MBA, CPA Provost; Dean of Institutional Planning, Accreditation, and Assessment: Deacon Michael D. Ross, PhD Academic Dean, School of Theology: Perry J. Cahall, PhD Academic Dean, College of Liberal Arts: David J. De Leonardis, PhD Director of Spiritual Formation, School of Theology: Rev. Michael Ciccone, OP, PhD Director of Spiritual Formation, College of Liberal Arts: Rev. Msgr. Kevin T. McMahon, STD Director of Sacred Liturgy: Rev. Msgr. C. Eugene Morris, STL Dean of Seminary Life and Director of Human Formation, School of Theology: Rev. Joseph A. Murphy, SJ, STD Dean of Seminary Life, Director of Human Formation, Director of Pastoral and Apostolic Formation, College of Liberal Arts, and Athletic Director: Rev. John M. Rozembajgier, JCL Director of Sacred Music: Jason J. Keefer, DMA Director of Alumni Relations: Rev John A. Allen, STB Director of Apostolic Works: William F. Cunningham, BA Executive Director-Institute for the Formation and Ministry of the Permanent Diaconate: Deacon Michael D. Ross, PhD Director of Online Education, Institute for the Formation and Ministry of the Permanent Diaconate: Deacon Robert W. McCormick, MA, MS Director of Planning and Development, Institute for the Formation and Ministry of the Permanent Diaconate: Deacon Justin J. Green, PhD Priests in residence: Rev. John A. Allen Rev. R. John Boettcher Rev. Michael Ciccone, OP Rev. Raymond N. Enzweiler Rev. Jay M. Harrington, OP Rev. John F. Heisler Rev. Louis V. Iasiello, OFM Rev. Msgr. Kevin T. McMahon Rev. David G. Monaco, CP Rev. Msgr. Eugene C. Morris Rev. Joseph A. Murphy, SJ Rev. Walter R. Oxley Rev. John M. Rozembajgier Very Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Schreck Rev. W. Becket Soule, OP Rev. Jared Wicks, SJ Mount Carmel College of Nursing 127 S. Davis Ave., Columbus 43222 President: Ann E. Schiele, PhD, RN Director of Campus Ministry: 614-234-5800 Fax: 614-234-2875 Ohio Dominican University 614-253-2741 1216 Sunbury Rd., Columbus 43219-2099 Fax: 614-252-0776 website: www.ohiodominican.edu President: Peter Cimbolic, PhD Campus Ministry Office: Fr. Thomas Blau, OP 614-251-4567 Director of Center for Dominican Studies: Sr. Mattie Sterner, OP 614-251-4722 e-mail: [email protected] Director of the Honors Program: Matthew Ponesse, PhD 614-251-4579 Admissions 614-251-4500, 800-955-OHIO Schools DIOCESAN HIGH SCHOOLS Principal: James Lower Assistant Principals: Scott Pharion, John Salyer Receptionist: Laurie Berndt COLUMBUS Bishop Hartley High School 1285 Zettler Rd., 43227-1997 website: www.bishop-hartley.org Principal: Mike Winters Assistant Principal: Barbara Recchie Secretary: Sharon Samuelson Chaplain: Deacon Frank Sullivan Bishop Ready High School 614-237-5421 Fax: 614-237-3809 99 E. Cooke Rd., 43214-3199 website: bishopwatterson.com Principal: Marian Hutson Assistant Principals: Virginia O’Connor, Bill Weisner Secretary: Chris Hilty Chaplain: Deacon Frank Iannarino [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Cristo Rey Coulumbus 840 W. State St., 43222-1442 website: www.cristoreycolumbus.org President: James Foley Principal: Dr. Cathy Thomas Seacretary: Jessica Hammill St. Charles Preparatory School 2010 E. Broad St., 43209-1697 website: www.stcharlesprep.org 4212 Karl Rd., 43224-2099 website: www.StFrancisDeSalesHS.org Principal: Dan Garrick Assistant Principal: Jim Jones Associate Administrators: Linda Crandall, Rob Dvorak Office Manager: Christine Johnson 614-276-5263 Fax 614-276-5116 [email protected] [email protected] Bishop Watterson High School St. Francis DeSales High School [email protected] [email protected] 707 Salisbury Rd., 43204-2449 website: www.brhs.org President/Principal: Celene A. Seamen Assistant Principal: Jeri Rod Secretary: Rose Ann Holocher [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 614-267-7808 Fax: 614-265-3375 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] LANCASTER William V. Fisher Catholic High School 1803 Granville Pike, 43130-1095 website: www.fishercatholic.org President/Principal: Sean Kenney Secretary: Kellie Shonk 614-268-8671 Fax: 614-268-0551 740-654-1231 Fax: 740-654-1233 [email protected] NEW PHILADELPHIA Tuscarawas Central Catholic Jr./Sr. High School 777 3rd St., N.E., 44663-2741 website: www.tccsaints.com Principal: Scott M. Power Secretary: Mary Kae Donohoe [email protected] 614-223-9261 [email protected] [email protected] Newark Catholic High School NEWARK One Green Wave Dr., 43055 website: www.newarkcatholic.org Principal: Beth Hill Secretary: Julie Snider 614-252-6714 Fax: 614-251-6800 18 330-343-3302 Fax: 330-343-6388 [email protected] 740-344-3594 Fax: 740-344-0421 [email protected] PORTSMOUTH Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High School 2220 Sunrise Ave., 45662-2988 website: www.nddev.com Principal: Kathleen Milligan Secretary: Traci Montgomery DOVER Tuscarawas Central Catholic Elementary School 740-353-0719 Fax: 740-353-2526 600 N. Tuscarawas Ave., 44622-2838 website: www.sjsdover.com Principal: Matt Ritzert [email protected] PORTSMOUTH Notre Dame Elementary School 1401 Gallia St., 45662-4248 website: www.nddev.com Principal: Ann Kempf ZANESVILLE Bishop Rosecrans High School 740-452-7504 Fax: 740-455-5080 1040 E. Main St., 43701-4496 website: www.rosecrans.cdeducation.org Principal: Jennifer Mallett Secretary: June Zink 1030 E. Main St., 43701 (PS,K,6-8) 139 N. Fifth St., 43701 (1-5) website: www.bfw.cdeducation.org Principal: Kelly Sagan INTER-PAROCHIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Bishop Flaget School CHILLICOTHE 570 Parsons Ave., 45601-2996 website: www.bishopflaget.org Principal: Laura Corcoran Secretary: Rebecca Hurff All Saints Academy COLUMBUS Our Lady of Bethlehem School and Childcare 4567 Olentangy River Rd., 43214-2499 Director: Lori Dulin Office Manager: Lori Ebling website: www.ourladyofbethlehem.org [email protected] 2855 E. Livingston Ave., 43209-3098 website: www.cdeducation.org/schools/asa/ Principal: Laura Miller Secretary: Barbara Branfield 740-453-2637 Fax: 740-454-0653 740-454-9731 Fax: 740-454-8775 INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 740-774-2970 Fax: 740-774-2998 COLUMBUS 740-353-8610 Fax: 740-353-6769 ZANESVILLE Bishop Fenwick School [email protected] 330-343-9134 Fax: 330-364-6509 St. Joseph Montessori School 614-231-3391 Fax: 614-338-2170 933 Hamlet St., 43201-3595 Head of the School: Matthew Brenner Secretary: Debbie Knies website: www.sjms.net [email protected] 614-459-8285 Fax: 614-451-3706 614-291-8601 Fax: 614-291-7411 Museum JUBILEE MUSEUM and CATHOLIC CULTURAL CENTER 614-221-4323 57 S. Grubb Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 The Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center serves the people of the Diocese of Columbus and surrounding areas as a means of preserving our Catholic heritage and sacred patrimony. A visit to the museum allows many to share in the wealth of faith and knowledge given to us through the ages as evidenced in the visible historical objects meaningful to many. Retreats are offered at the museum under the direction of Father Kevin Lutz. These retreats are offered to Confirmation classes, RCIA classes, youth groups, and other organizations. As part of the retreat, many times the day will be split between touring the museum and working in the Holy Family Soup Kitchen. (Website: www.jubileemuseum.com) Convents COLUMBUS Communication Coordinator: Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Joseph Scott Ministry of Welcome: 330-835-5690 x 420 Vocations: Formation: Sr. Arleen Kisiel, OP Chaplain: Fr. Michael Trainor, OP Building Administrator: Ms. Venassa Carter Director of Resident Life: Sr. Teresa Tuite, OP Hospitality Coordinator: Sr. Dolores Flavin, OP CARMELITE SISTERS FOR THE AGED AND INFIRM, O Carm Mother Angeline McCrory Manor 614-751-5700 5199 E. Broad St., 43213 DOMINICAN SISTERS OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, OP St. Dominic Convent 614-252-1221 957 E. Broad St., Columbus 43205-1139 DOMINICAN SISTERS OF MARY, MOTHER OF THE EUCHARIST, OP St. Michael the Archangel Convent 614-846-6420 MISSIONARY SERVANTS OF THE WORD, HMSP St. Stephen the Martyr Convent 4082 Clime Rd, 43228-3562 5694 N. High St., Worthington 43085-3917 DOMINICAN SISTERS OF PEACE, OP 614-272-2644 SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS at STELLA NIAGARA, OSF Our Lady of Peace Convent 614-268-1980 60 E. Dominion Blvd., 43214-2737 Dominican Sisters of Peace Columbus Motherhouse 614-416-1092 2320 Airport Dr., 43219-2059 or 614-252-2137 (Congregational Offices and Residence (Offices) 614-416-1900 for the Dominican Sisters of Peace) Prioress: Sr. Margaret Ormond, OP Leadership Team: Sr. Gemma Doll, OP Sr. Therese Leckert, OP Sr. Gene Poore, OP Sr. Joan Scanlon, OP Franciscan House of Discernment and Hospitality 614-725-0784 613 Enfield Rd. 43209-2258 St. Catharine Convent 440 S. Gould Rd., 43209-2221 614-236-0908 St. Leo Convent 213 Hanford St., 43206-3656 614-444-1733 Holy Trinity Convent, OP SOMERSET PO Box 383, 43783-0383 19 740-743-1030 Lay Movements BETHESDA POST-ABORTION HEALING MINISTRY 2744 Dover Rd., Columbus 43209-3020 Ministry Leadership: Judy Schlueter Ministry Call numbers: 614-718-0277 ENCOURAGE-COLUMBUS CHAPTER Fr. Joseph Klee 614-372-5249 ENGAGED ENCOUNTER (See MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE OFFICE) 614-241-2560 FOCOLARE MOVEMENT 614-895-0764 Margaret Kelly, 7086 Cypress Drive, Westerville, 43082 e-mail: [email protected] 614-309-0157 or 2651 en Español: 614-309-0810 614-457-7402 CATHOLIC MEN'S MINISTRY Chuck Wilson CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS 614-221-7601, 800-642-8387 35 E. Chestnut St., Suite 402, Columbus 43215 Fax: 614-221-0278 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S CONFERENCE 614-774-2417 Christina Klein website: www.columbuscatholicwomen.com CHILDREN OF MARY 8353 Pleasant Chapel Rd., Newark 43056-9258 740-323-1977 Mother Margaret Mary, C.M. (e-mail: [email protected]) website: www.childrenofmary.net CHARISMATIC RENEWAL 4207 E. Broad St. Suite C, Columbus 43213-1200 Bishop's Liaison: Fr. Dean A. Mathewson 614-252-0976 Catholic Charismatic Center: 614-237-7080 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 614-237-6847 website: columbusccr.org Office Director: Jackie Temple 614-237-7080 CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY 614-847-1582 PO Box 340091, Columbus, 43234-0091 President: Pat Reynolds website: www.ChristChildSocietyColumbus.org COURAGE-COLUMBUS CHAPTER OFFICE 614-436-8676 Mary Louise Speicher CUM CHRISTO 614-464-2474 PO Box 163712, Columbus 43216-3712 Website: www.cumchristo.org, e-mail: [email protected] Lay Co-Directors: Elaine & Karl Beem Spiritual Directors: Fr. Charles Cotton, Fr. Michael Reis, Dcn. Pat Wiggins, Dcn. Tony Bonacci, Rev. Jim Long, Rev. Bonnie Gerber, Rev. Orianda Hawkins-Brinkley DOMINICAN ASSOCIATES OF PEACE 1220 W. Market St., Akron 44313-7108 Co-Directors of Extended Relationships: Sr. Maria Beesing, OP [email protected] 330-835-5690 x 427 Conni Dubick [email protected] 330-835-5690 x 418 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 614-853-2642 State Advocate: Kevin P. Miller Cell 614-204-0204 1101 Arbor Oaks Lane, Galloway, Ohio 43119 Councils and Grand Knights Buckeye Lake Our Lady of Mount Carmel Council G.K. William J. Helphrey Cardington Sacred Hearts Council G. K. Kelly Patrick Chillicothe Bishop Flaget Council G.K. Phillip M Hawk Circleville Fr. John Hannan Council G.K. John Lake Columbus Columbus Council G.K. Phillip Renico Santa Maria Council G.K. David Williams Assumption Council G.K. Gary Holloway Pope John XXIII Council G.K. Michael Shuter Immaculate Heart Council G.K. Robert Lancia Fr. Holtzapfel Council G.K. John C. Eaton Miraculous Medal Council G.K. Robin De Santos #13379 740-246-3939 #14671 419-946-6798 #1071 740-649-9901 #5297 740-474-8567 #400 614-864-1646 #2898 614-272-7063 #3727 614-882-9112 #5429 614-444-3449 #5899 614-870-2489 #10284 614 -935-2781 #11188 614-571-8986 KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF MALTA Charles Mifsud 614-378-6253 KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF ST. PETER CLAVER St. Cyprian Council and Court #298 Grand Knight Clarence Roberts Grand Lady Susan Colbert KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE Contact: Don and Monica Brown 614-239-9697 614-237-1802 614-459-5676 KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN INTERNATIONAL AND LADIES AUXILARY Commandery #97, Paul Vitartas 614-314-7463 Commandery #98, Bryan K. Oberting 614-856-9623 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER (see MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE OFFICE) 614-241-2560 RETROUVAILLE "Rediscovery" 614-241-2560 (see MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE OFFICE) SERRA CLUB of Columbus James Reinmann, 1073 Havendale Ave., Columbus 43220 614-246-6711 SERRA CLUB of Fairfield-Hocking Counties Les Maynard, 228 E. Allen St., Lancaster 43130 SERRA CLUB of Knox-Licking Counties Linda Baldeschwiler, 137 S. Quentin Rd. Apt B, Newark 43055-4661 SERRA CLUB of North Columbus Julia Yang, 5247 Griffen House Ct., Columbus 43235 740-653-5581 740-366-4074 614-459-1799 ST. PAUL'S OUTREACH [email protected] 614-352-2440 Ohio site: http://stpaulsoutreach.wordpress.com National site: http://www.spoweb.org ST. THOMAS MORE SOCIETY 614-221-3151 Alphonse Cincione, 2200 W. 5th Ave., 3rd Floor, Columbus 43215 St. Elizabeth Council G.K. Oliver (Bud) Collins #11193 614-891-6200 St. Patrick Council G.K. Thomas Ryan #11207 614-337-0509 St. Peter Council G. K. Peter A. Crowley St. Andrew Council G.K. Daniel Dowler St. Agatha Council G.K. Douglas E. Carpenter St. Catharine Council G.K. Jeffrey Gardner Our Lady of Victory Council G.K. Larry Savage St. Margaret of Cortona Council G.K. Sean Fitzgerald Holy Family G.K. Jack Gookin St. Mary Magdalene G.K. Joseph Bennett Our Lady Of Guadalupe G.K. Juan J. Esparza #11216 614-505-6382 #11275 614-477-7049 #11311 614-457-4111 #11354 614-235-9619 #12900 614-893-5000 #12939 614-348-5052 #13428 614-309-2519 #13581 614-274-7065 #13614 614-866-3989 Christ The King Council G.K. Michael Mileusnich St. Anthony Council G.K. Timothy Brooks Our Lady of Peace Council G.K. Robert Brehm St. Timothy Council G.K. Mark R. Gideon #13705 614-860-9646 #14093 614-580-6126 #14282 614-270-1125 # 14345 614-263-4232 20 Immaculate Conception Council # 14962 G.K. Richard A Viertel 614-286-8167 Pontifical College Josephinum Council #15009 G.K. Christopher Hallada 505-238-6700 Coshocton Coshocton Council G.K. Stephen R. Bordonkircher #994 740 -545-7371 Danville St. Luke Council G.K. James Puster #910 740-392-3502 Delaware Delaware Council G.K. Todd E. Amas #1056 740-272-6325 Dennison St. Francis of Assisi G.K. James T. Still #576 330-827-2327 Dover Dover Council G.K. Mark Clemence #1973 330-343-5240 Dresden Fr. John Kempf Council G.K. John Furek #10820 740-754-2102 Dublin St. Brigid of Kildare Council G.K. Graham Guthrier #10863 614-975-0929 Gahanna St. Jude Council G.K. Jeffrey Bernard Granville St. Edward Council G.K. Daniel Bell #5801 614-315-5565 #10876 740-344-0408 Grove City Our Lady of Perpetual Help Council G.K. Joseph Dickman # 4603 614-871-1483 Grandview St. Christopher Council G.K. Dr. Kent Schwirian #14342 614-488-2830 Mt. Vernon Mt. Vernon Council G.K. Christopher Pae New Albany New Albany Council G.K. Michael Kelley Heath St. Leonard Council G.K. Steven M. Connor #12641 740-522-6410 New Lexington MacGahan Council G.K. Thomas C. Shuman #1065 740-681-1590 Newark Newark Council G.K. Michael J. Burger Fr. Bill Johnson Council G.K. Brian Stischok #721 740-344-9095 #11665 614-961-9737 Newcomerstown John F. Kennedy Council G.K. Michael Poorman Hilliard St. Brendan Council G.K. Rod Anderson #11208 614-792-6499 Johnstown Ascension Council G.K. Thomas Thompson #4324 740-225-8540 Kenton Kenton Council G.K. Bradford Lauter #1597 419-675-0822 #847 740-398-2338 #10941 740-562-7568 Sunbury St. John Newman G.K. Richard A. Bowman Washington Court House Colman Council G.K. John M. Elrich Discovery Council G.K. Allen Dahl #14457 740-965-3960 #5386 740-335-1015 #1341 740-384-1687 Westerville Westerville Council G.K. Sebastian R. Mauriceo #5776 614-728-5331 West Jefferson Fr. Sheldon Kelly Council G.K. Mark T. Taylor #11224 614-879-8458 #5483 740-403-6928 Wheelersburg St. Peter in Chains G. K. Louis A. Boerger #14346 740-961-9346 New Philadelphia New Philadelphia Council G.K. Clifford Clore #2372 330-343-5392 Whitehall Marian Council G.K. Keith E. DeNucci #3864 614-561-8518 Pickerington St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council G. K. George Schneider #11187 740-919-0300 Worthington St. Michael Council G.K. Brett Gissel #11445 614-547-9717 Lancaster Lancaster Council G.K. Vincent L. Johnson St Mark Council G.K. Ronald E. Klausing #1016 740-569-4703 #15447 740-653-2417 Logan St. James Council G.K. Thomas Walsh #2299 740-385-6720 Plain City St. Joseph Council G. K. Jeffrey R. Fisher #12772 614-876-9558 Zanesville Msgr. Dury Council G.K. Scott Ridgley #505 740-454-0384 Zoar Trinity Council G.K. Mark J. Yovanovich #13081 330-864-3697 London Fr. Reidy Council G.K. William Dunkley Marion Fr. William Spickerman Council G.K. Arthur E. Clouse #1786 740-852-4256 Portsmouth Portsmouth Council G.K. Ralph P. Melcher #741 740-353-7183 #671 740-360-4531 Powell St. Joan of Arc Council G.K. Edward Nyahay #10765 614-848-7722 Marysville Marysville Council G.K. Randell Ralston #5534 937-844-1413 Reynoldsburg Fr. Andrew H. Hohman Council G.K. Stephen J. McClellan #5253 740-927-5084 Read the Bible Join the Josephinum Community for Special Events in 2013-2014 December 3 January 30 January 31 February 13 February 16 March 1 March 12 March 18 April 5 April 8 Holiday Concert Lecture: Father David Monaco, CP Clergy Who Cook Lecture: Dr. Robert George Organ Concert: Dr. Jason Keefer Irish Fest! Lecture: Father Francis Martin Lecture: Father Joseph Koterski, SJ Spring Open House Lecture: Father James Schall, SJ Please call 614-885-5585 for more information 7625 NORTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43235 [email protected] / WWW.PCJ.EDU 21 Service Agencies Catholic Inspiration Sponsored by the Legion of Mary 614-443-0864 Catholic Social Services 614-221-5891 President/CEO: Rachel Lustig Fax: 614-228-1125 Columbus Office: 197 E. Gay St., 43215 (For a complete listing of all services offered, see listing for Catholic Social Services under Diocesan Offices, page 12) Guadalupe Center - Food and Clothing Pantry 614-340-7061 441 Industry Drive, Columbus 43204 Fax: 614-274-1384 Licking County Branch Office 740-345-2565 575 Industrial Parkway, Heath 43056 Fax: 740-345-0199 Portsmouth Branch Office 740-353-3185 1025 Kinney’s Lane, Portsmouth 45662 Fax: 740-353-3186 Zanesville Branch Office 740-452-5057 45 N. Fourth Street, Zanesville 43701 Fax: 740-452-2448 Catholic War Veterans, Department of Ohio website: www.ocwvets.org 35 E. Chestnut St., Suite 402, Columbus 43215-2541 State Commander: Thomas W. Simon 614-461-9444 JOIN (Joint Organization for Inner-city Needs) 578 E. Main St., Columbus 43215 Director: Ruth Beckman Marriage & Family Life Office (See Diocesan Offices) 614-241-2531 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, Inc. 5199 E. Broad St., Columbus 43223-3800 Administrator: Sr. Pauline Ross, O Carm Nazareth Towers - Senior Citizens Apts. 300 E. Rich St., Columbus 43215-5242 Administrator: Doug Decker 614-751-5700 St. Francis Evangelization Center 108 W. Mill St., McArthur 45651-1229 Director: Lisa Keita 740-596-4316 740-596-5820 614-241-2560 614-464-4780 St. Lawrence Haven 614-228-0799 Holy Cross School, 244 E. Rich St., Columbus 43215-5232 (Daily distribution of donated food to the homeless, sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Society) St. Stephen’s Community House 614-294-6347 (Youth and family services, Fax: 614-294-0258 child-care center, health center, food pantry, senior citizens' programs.) 1500 E. 17th Ave., Columbus 43219-1002 President/CEO: Michelle Mills Emergency Services 614-299-2123 Coordinators: Marilyn Mehaffie, Lonnie Poindexter (Assistance to low income families, food pantry, utility help, limited rent/mortgage funds, limited prescription assistance) St. Stephen’s Health Center 1500 E. 17th Ave., Columbus 43219-1002 Health Center Administrator: Sylvia Jones 614-645-2700 St. Vincent Family Center 614-252-0731 1490 E. Main St., Columbus 43205 TDD/TTY: 614-252-2069 President/CEO: Shawn Holt Fax: 614-252-8468 VP/CFO: Robert Garrett VP Advancement: Susan Brehm VP Clinical Operations: Rejeanna Haynes, LISW VP Marketing/Communications: Anne C. Ransone St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Distribution Center 578 E. Main St., Columbus 43215 Director: Heather Swiger 614-241-2569 St. Vincent de Paul Society Shop 424 E. Locust St., Lancaster 43130-4439 740-653-6037 614-451-8750 330-343-3611 614-861-4860 419-673-7202 740-389-4746 614-451-1995 740-384-6174 614-274-8550 740-622-7664 330-343-3611 740-453-4422 740-681-1403 740-852-4233 614-492-9944 740-335-2292 The Villas at St. Therese Assisted Living, Inc. 614-864-3576 25 Noe Bixby Rd., Columbus 43213-1461 Fax: 614-864-3577 Administrator: Sr. M. Lois Joseph Baniewicz, O Carm The Villas at St. Therese Independent Living, Inc. 5253 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213 Manager: Terri Fisher St. Vincent de Paul Society 614-221-3554 197 E. Gay St., Columbus 43215 Fax: (call first to activate machine) President: Bill Sparks Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Charles F. Klinger Executive Secretary: Pat Summers St. Vincent de Paul Bishop Griffin Center 2875 East Livingston Ave., Columbus 43209-3039 Co-Chairs: Lisa Reis and Carl Smith 740-349-8425 Seton Square Housing for the Elderly General Manager: Cindy Fisher Seton Square, Dover 501 S. James St., Dover 44622-2158 Manager: Bob Campitelli Seton Square, East 1235 Briarcliff Rd., Reynoldsburg 43068-2259 Manager: Gene Tolliver Seton Square, Kenton 699 Morningside Dr., Kenton 43326-2602 Manager: Kim Manns Seton Square, Marion 255 Richland Rd., Marion 43302-5758 Manager: Debra Erwin Seton Square, North 1776 Drew Ave., Columbus 43235-7413 Manager: Aline Taylor Seton Square, Wellston 570 W. First St., Wellston 45692-1434 Manager: Tami Jolly Seton Square, West 3939 Clime Rd., Columbus 43228 Manager: Dionna Richardson Seton Coshocton 377 Clow Lane, Coshocton 43812 Manager: Roxana Wilson Seton Dover II 139 Fillmore St., Dover 44622 Manager: Bob Campitelli Seton Housing 516 Sheridan St., Zanesville 43701-2557 Manager: David Sears Seton Lancaster 232 Gay St., Lancaster 43130 Manager: Roxanne Bailey Seton London 350 Cambridge Dr., London 43140 Manager: Kitty Binion Seton South Columbus 155 Highview Blvd., Columbus 43207 Manager: Suzanne Ambrose Seton Washington Court House 400 North Glenn Ave., Washington Court House 43160 Manager: Rita Boggs 614-221-7601 Fax: 614-221-0278 800-642-8387 Holy Family Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry 57 S. Grubb St., Columbus 43215 Director: Sharon Wing St. Vincent de Paul Center, Inc. St. Vincent Haven (men's shelter) 115 Wilson St., Newark 43055 Director: Linda Berger 614-856-9951 Fax: 614-856-9654 To advertise in our directory, e-mail to: [email protected] 614-338-8794 22 Diocese of Columbus Deaneries HARDIN HOLMES MARION 7 UNION TUSCARAWAS KNOX MORROW COSHOCTON 9 DELAWARE LICKING FRANKLIN MUSKINGUM 8 1-6 PERRY MADISON FAIRFIELD PICKAWAY 11 FAYETTE HOCKING ROSS VINTON 12 PIKE 10 JACKSON SCIOTO 13 23 Diocese of Columbus Deaneries 1. Center-South Columbus Community of Holy Rosary/ St. John the Evangelist Corpus Christi Holy Cross Ss. Augustine and Gabriel St. Dominic St. Joseph Cathedral St. Ladislas St. Mary St. Patrick St. Thomas the Apostle 2. Northwest Columbus Our Lady of Victory St. Agatha St. Andrew St. Brendan, Hilliard St. Brigid of Kildare, Dublin St. Christopher St. Joan of Arc, Powell St. Margaret of Cortona St. Peter St. Timothy 3. North High Columbus Holy Name Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Peace Parroquia Santa Cruz Sacred Heart St. Francis of Assisi St. John the Baptist St. Michael, Worthington St. Thomas More Newman Center 4. Northland Columbus Church of the Resurrection, New Albany St. Anthony St. Elizabeth St. James the Less St. John Neumann, Sunbury St. Matthias St. Paul, Westerville 5. West Columbus Holy Family Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Grove City Ss. Simon and Jude, West Jefferson St. Agnes St. Aloysius St. Cecilia St. Joseph, Plain City St. Mary Magdalene St. Patrick, London St. Stephen the Martyr 6. East Columbus Christ the King Holy Spirit Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Pope John XXIII, Canal Winchester Seton Parish, Pickerington St. Catharine St. Mary, Groveport St. Matthew, Gahanna St. Philip the Apostle St. Pius X, Reynoldsburg 7. Marion Immaculate Conception, Kenton Our Lady of Lourdes, Ada Our Lady of Lourdes, Marysville Sacred Hearts, Cardington St. Mary, Delaware St. Mary, Marion 8. Muskingum-Perry Church of the Atonement, Crooksville Holy Trinity, Somerset St. Ann, Dresden St. Bernard, Corning St. Joseph, Somerset St. Mary, Mattingly Settlement (M) St. Nicholas, Zanesville St. Patrick, Junction City St. Rose, New Lexington St. Thomas Aquinas, Zanesville 9. Knox-Licking Church of the Ascension, Johnstown Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Newark Church of the Nativity, Utica Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Buckeye Lake St. Edward the Confessor, Granville St. Francis de Sales, Newark St. Leonard, Heath St. Luke, Danville St. Vincent de Paul, Mount Vernon 10. Tuscarawas-Holmes-Coshocton Holy Trinity, Zoar Immaculate Conception, Dennison Sacred Heart, Coshocton Sacred Heart, New Philadelphia Ss. Peter and Paul, Glenmont (M) St. Francis de Sales, Newcomerstown St. Joseph, Dover St. Peter, Millersburg 11. Lancaster St. Bernadette, Lancaster St. Mary, Bremen St. Mark, Lancaster St. Mary, Lancaster St. John, Logan St. Joseph, Sugar Grove 12. Chillicothe Holy Trinity, Jackson Ss. Peter and Paul, Wellston St. Colman of Cloyne, Washington C.H. St. Joseph, Circleville St. Mary, Chillicothe St. Mary Queen of the Mission, Waverly St. Peter, Chillicothe St. Sylvester, Zaleski 13. Scioto County Holy Redeemer, Portsmouth Holy Trinity, Pond Creek (M) Our Lady of Lourdes, Otway Our Lady of Sorrows, West Portsmouth St. Mary, Portsmouth St. Monica, New Boston St. Peter in Chains, Wheelersburg Ethnic Masses ARABIC & GREEK Columbus Holy Resurrection Mission 614-360-2650 4611 Glenmawr Ave., 43224 (Melkite-Catholic) Sun: Divine Liturgy 11:00 am BILINGUAL (SPANISH & ENGLISH) Columbus St. Thomas the Apostle 614-252-0976 2692 E. Fifth Ave., 43219 1st & 3rd Sun each month: 11:30 am GHANAIAN Columbus St. Anthony Church 614-885-4857 1300 Urban Dr., 43229 2nd & 4th Sun each month: 2 pm (check the bulletin or call the office) HAITIAN (CREOLE FRENCH) Columbus St. Matthias Church 614-267-3406 1582 Ferris Rd., 43224-2115 Sun: 1:30 pm INDIAN (SYRO MALABAR RITE) Columbus Sacred Heart Church 614-372-5249 893 Hamlet St,, 43201 Sun: 9 am (except 3rd Sunday of the month) Fri: 7:30 pm ITALIAN (partly in Italian) Columbus St. John the Baptist Church 614-294-5319 720 Hamlet St., 43215 Sun: 9:30 am KOREAN Columbus St. Andrew Kim Taegon Korean Community 221 Hanford St., 43206 614-732-0714 Sun: (call for Mass times) LATIN (Extraordinary Form) Columbus Holy Family Church 614-221-4323 584 W. Broad St., 43215 Sun: 9 am NIGERIAN Columbus St. Matthias Church 614-267-3406 1582 Ferris Rd., 43224 1st & 3rd Sun each month: 3 pm PORTUGUESE (BRAZILIAN) Columbus St. Matthias Church 614-267-3406 1582 Ferris Rd., 43224-2115 Sun: 7 pm SPANISH Columbus Parroquia Santa Cruz 614-784-9732 143 E. Patterson Ave., 43202 Sat: 6 pm; Sun: 8 am, 12:30 pm Holy Days: 7 pm Christ the King 614-237-0414 2777 E. Livingston Ave., 43209 Sun: 12:30 pm St. Agnes 614-276-5413 2364 W. Mound St., 43204 3rd Sun each month: 2 pm St. James the Less 614-262-1179 1652 Oakland Park Ave., 43224 Sat: 6 pm; Sun: 9:30 am & 12:30 pm St. Ladislas 614-443-2828 277 Reeb Ave., 43207 2nd & 4th Sun each month: 11 am St. Peter 614-889-2221 6899 Smoky Row Rd. 43235 Tue: 7 pm; Sun: 7 pm 24 St. Stephen the Martyr 614-272-3004 4031 Clime Rd., 43228 Sun: 8 am & 12 pm; Wed & Sat: 6:30 pm Delaware St. Mary 740-363-4641 82 E. William St., 43015 740-369-9644 Last Sun each month: 5:30 pm Dover St. Joseph 330-364-6661 613 N. Tuscarawas Ave., 44622 Sun: 3 pm (call for monthly schedule) Kenton Immaculate Conception 419-675-1162 215 E. North St., 43326 Sun: 7 pm Marion St. Mary 740-382-2262 251 N. Main St., 43302 Sun: 1 pm Mount Vernon St. Vincent de Paul 740-392-4711 303 E. High St., 43050 Last Sun each month: 11:30 am West Portsmouth Our Lady of Sorrows 740-858-4600 2215 Galena Pike, 45663 Sun: 6 pm VIETNAMESE Columbus Ss. Augustine & Gabriel 614-263-6715 1550 E. Hudson St., 43211-1563 Sun: 12 pm SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION: Resurrection (New Albany) 9 am Sunday St. Anthony (Columbus) - 8 am Sunday St. Brendan (Hilliard) - 12:15 pm Sunday St. Catharine (Columbus)- 11 am Sunday St. Mary Magdalene (Columbus) - 4 pm Saturday Painting, decorating and protecting buildings & churches for two generations…put our reputation and experience to work for you! Interior & Exterior Painting Color Layout & Design Plaster Repair Masonry Repair / Cleaning Caulking / Sealants 614.875.8733 Fax 614.875.6080 www.MartinPainting.com 2040 Longwood Ave. Grove City, Ohio 43123 Parishes Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities The code letters which are the last items in each parish’s listing signify the following: A The church is accessible for persons with physical disabilities. There are no steps, or there is a ramp. A A person in a wheelchair can use the steps without help. The grade is gradual, and there is a railing, or there is an elevator providing independent access. B Accessible (no curb) parking is provided near the entrance of the church. C The church doors are easy for persons with disabilities to open. D The restrooms are accessible. There are no steps, or there is a ramp. E The toilet area will admit a wheelchair. F There is a support bar for the toilet. G Public meeting rooms are accessible. H Transportation is available for persons with disabilities. I For persons with hearing-impairments there is a reconciliation room where people can go to confession face-to-face. P This letter precedes one of the other letters when the provision is partial or limited. In the following listings of parishes, the first number next to its name is the year of its founding; the second number is the deanery of which the parish is a member. (See pages 25-26 for deanery map and listing.) Maeder-Quint-Tiberi FUNERAL SERVICE E S T A B L I S H E D Anthony J. Tiberi John Quint Tiberi Joseph Quint Tiberi William L. Smith 1 8 7 0 614.444.1185 www.MaederQuintTiberi.com 1068 S. High Street Columbus, Ohio 43206 Easy access to I-70 and I-71 ADA OUR LADY OF LOURDES 1874 (7) 419-634-2626 300 E. Highland Ave., Ada 45810-1124 Fax: 419-634-6555 Recory/Office: 222 E. Highland Ave., Ada 45810-1122 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oll-ada.com Pastor: Fr. David J. Young (Catholic Chaplain at Ohio Northern University) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Jeffrey E. Tigyer (residence at IC-Kenton) Deacon: Dcn. J. Michael Hood Parish Manager: Deb Driscoll Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 9 &11 am (Sept-May, see Website) Sat 5 pm, Sun 10 am (June-Aug, see Website) 2nd Sun ea mo (ONU school year) 12:00 pm @ English Chapel Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Mon-Thur 9 am Confessions: Sat 4:00 pm; or by appointment A, A, B, C, D, E, F, G H I 25 BREMEN ST. MARY 1917 (11) 602 Marietta St., Bremen 43107 e-mail:[email protected] Pastor: Fr. Thomas Kessler Business Manager: Darlene Yenrick Pastoral Coordinator: Kathy Kehnast PSR Coordinators: Kent & Angie Kerns Masses: Sun 8:30 am Daily: Tue 8:20 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sun 8:00 am e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Lawrence L. Hummer Administrative Assistant: Joan D’Antoni Pastoral Assistant: Katie Boesch Music Director: Delma Rouleau Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:45 & 11 am Daily & Holy Days: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm Bishop Flaget School PS-8 740-774-2970 570 Parsons Ave. 45601 Website: www.bishopflaget.org Principal: Laura Corcoran e-mail: [email protected] AABDEFGI 740-569-7929 or 740-654-1893 614-634-0499 ABCDEFGI ST. PETER 1845 (12) 740-774-1407 Church: 118 Church St., Chillicothe 45601 (send mail to Business Office) Business Office: 126 Church St., Chillicothe 45601-2405 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stpeterchillicothe.com Pastor: Fr. William P. Hahn Deacon: Dcn. Reed Hauser Administrative Assistant: Donna Weisenberger Organist: Laura Stanton PSR/RCIA: Sharon Patrick Family Life Coordinator: Judy Harness Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Jenny French (High School) Judy Harness (Junior High) Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 11:30 am Holy Days: as scheduled Daily: Tues 6:15 pm; Wed & Thur 8:30 am; Fri (see bulletin) Adoration: Thur 9 am - 9 pm Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm; Tue 5:40-6 pm Bishop Flaget School PS-8 740-774-2970 570 Parsons Ave. 45601 School: 165 pupils, 15 lay teachers Website: www.bishopflaget.org Principal: Laura Corcoran e-mail: [email protected] Convent: 126 Church St. 740-773-3455 AABDEFHI BUCKEYE LAKE OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 1928 (9) 740-928-3266 5133 Walnut Rd. SE, 43008-7788 (shipping ONLY) Fax 740-928-3266 Mailing: PO Box 45, Buckeye Lake 43008-0045 e-mai: [email protected] Website: olmcbuckeyelake.org Pastor: Fr. William J. Ferguson ext 202/205 (Rectory) Deacon: Dcn. Richard B. Busic 740-246-6275 Secretary: Sharon Lieb ext. 201 or 740-246-6876 Administrative Assistant: Pam Klein ext. 201 or 740-323-1458 Bookkeeper: Thomas Niedzielski ext. 201 or 740-927-5787 DRE: Silvia Zaborowski ext. 203 or 740-522-5010 or 740-928-3264 Liturgist: Sally Oldham 740-246-5843 RCIA Director: Pam Klein 740-323-1458 Youth Minister (7-12 grades): Peggy Arthurs 740-246-6159 Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8 am; noon (Feb '14-Aug '14) Holy Days: 8 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 8 am Confessions: Sat AFTER 4 pm Mass; or by appointment AACDGHI CANAL WINCHESTER Pope John XXIII 2000 (6) 614-920-1563 5170 Winchester Southern Rd., Canal Winchester 43110-7917 Fax: 614-920-1564 e-mail: [email protected] Website: popejohnxxiiiparish.com Pastor: Msgr. A. Anthony Frecker Deacon(s): Dcn. Charles Miller Dcn. Roger F. Pry Administrative Assistant: Regina Hrytzik Pastoral Assistant: Dcn. Roger Pry Part-time Bookkeeper: Teresa Iannaggi Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 9 & 11 am Daily: Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri 8 am Tue 8 am morning prayer and Communion service (First Friday every month, ecumenical prayer service at Winchester Place Nursing Home led by one of the Deacons) (First Sunday every month, ecumenical prayer service at Altercare Post-Acute Rehab Center led by one of the Deacons) (Every Wednesday afternoon, ecumenical prayer service at Altercare Post-Acute Rehab Center led by a lay minister) Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm ABCDEFGI CARDINGTON SACRED HEARTS 1868 (7) 4680 US Highway 42, Cardington 43315-9512 website: www.sacredheartschurch.org e-mail: [email protected] Administrator: Fr. John Bakle, SM Administrative Assistant: Tamara L. Dieter PSR Coordinator: Mary McGill Music Director: Cheryl Jason Youth Minister: Kurtis Kiesel Pastoral Minister: R. Jean Endres Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11:15 am Daily: Mon-Fri 8:45 am 1st Sat: 8:45 am Holy Days: 6:30 & 8:45 am, NOON, 7 pm Confessions: Sat 3:30-4:20 pm 419-946-3611 AABCDFGHI CHILLICOTHE ST. MARY 1837 (12) 61 S. Paint St., Chillicothe 45601-3213 website: www.stmarychillicothe.com 740-772-2061 26 CIRCLEVILLE Blessed Sacrament Adoration: 1st Fri 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Confessions: Sat. 3-3:30 pm (English); 1st Fri 5-5:45 pm (Bilingual); Sun 11-11:30 am (Español) All Saints Academy: PK-8 302 pupils, 20 teachers 614-231-3391 2855 E. Livingston Ave., 43209-3098 Fax: 614-338-2170 Principal: Laura Miller [email protected] Secretaries: Barbara Branfield & Maryann Tilley website: www.cdeducation.org/schools/asa Pre-School Director: Sherry Rhodes 614-236-8838 Bethesda Healing Ministry 2744 Dover Rd., 43209-3020 614-718-0277 website: bethesdahealing.org AADEHI ST. JOSEPH 1840 (12) 740-477-2549 134 W. Mound St., 43113-1624 Fax: 740-477-1453 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.saintjosephcircleville.org Parish Center: 777 East Ohio St., POBox 40, 43113-0040 Pastor: Fr. Theodore F. Machnik [email protected] 740-474-1821 Secretary: Erica Theller [email protected] Ext. 300 Bookkeeper: Patty Fouch [email protected] Ext. 307 Youth Ministry: Vanessa Butterbaugh [email protected] Ext. 314 Music Director: Patty Immell [email protected] Church/Rectory Maintenance: Mark Fouch [email protected] Cemetary Maintenance: Jerry Myers [email protected] Cemetery Geneology Search: http://sjcbow.cemeterydata.com Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 11:15 am Summer: June through August, Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 10 am Daily: Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 am; Tue 7:00 pm; NO MASS on Thurs Holy days: see parish bulletin or the website Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm or by appointment ABCDEFGI COLUMBUS CHRIST THE KING 1946 (6) 614-237-0401 2777 E. Livingston Ave., 43209-3039 (Español) 614-237-0414 website: www.christthekingcolumbus.com Fax: 614-237-4689 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. David A. Schalk In residence: Fr. Sylvester Onyeachonam Fr. Joshua J. Wagner (pastor: Holy Rosary/St. John & St. Dominic) Deacon: Dcn. Peter C. Labita Secretaries: Barbara Cheek and Betty Sawyers Bookkeeper: Suzanne Rodriguez Religious Education Director: Saúl Buitrón 614-237-0414 Music Directors: Jordan Werring and Saúl Buitrón Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8 & 10 am, 12:30 pm (Español) Holy Days: 7 am & noon, 7:00 pm (Bilingual) Daily: Mon-Fri 7 am; Tue, Wed, Thu 12 noon; Sat 9 am zz CORPUS CHRISTI 1925 (1) 614-443-2828 1111 E. Stewart Ave., 43206-3265 Website: www.parishesonline.com/corpuschrististlads Pastor: Fr. Kevin F. Lutz Parochial Vicar: Fr. Rodney M. Damico Deacon: Dcn. Jerry J. Butts Administrative Offices: 277 Reeb Ave., 43207-1978 e-mail: [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Kathy Zimmermann Bookkeeper: Paula Banks Pastoral Care: Sr. Wilma Ross, SCN Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: 277 Reeb Ave., 43207-1978 Director: Pattie Jones Center of Peace: Director, Anita Davidson 614-512-3731 Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 9 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Wed & Thurs 8:30 am Confessions: Sunday 8:30 am A PB C D E F G I HOLY CROSS 1833 (1) 614-224-3416 204 S. 5th St., 43215-5202 Fax: 614-224-9916 Website: www.holycrosscatholic.com Pastor: Fr. Jerome D. Stluka ([email protected]) In Residence: Fr. Ramon Owera, CFIC ([email protected]) Fr. Jose Manickathan, CFIC ([email protected]) Administrative Assistant: Michael P. Agriesti ([email protected]) Studios z z z 27 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Anne Keenan, OP ([email protected]) Coordinator of Religious Ed: Deborah Matthews ([email protected]) Music Director: Kelly Doman ([email protected]) Masses: Sun: 9 & 11 am Holy Days: 11:30 am Daily: (Tues-Sat) 11:30 am Confessions: Fri 11 am, Sun 8:30 & 10:30 am Sorrowful Mother Novena: First Friday @ noon ABDEFI HOLY FAMILY 1877 (5) 614-221-4323 584 W. Broad St., 43215-2710 Fax: 614-221-9818 Website: www.holyfamilycolumbus.org Administrator: Fr. Stanley L. (Stash) Dailey Deacon(s): Dcn. Earl McCurry Dcn. Frank Paniccia Secretary: Donna Grundey Bookkeeper: Liz Richards Masses: Sat 5:00 pm (English); Sun 9:00 am (Extraordinary form - Latin) 11:00 am and 5:00 pm (English) Holy Days: 7:00 pm (English), 8:00 pm (Extraordinary form - Latin) Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: before weekend Masses CCD Director: Mary Sue Dempsey 614-221-4323 RCIA Director: Linda Hamilton 614-221-4323 Organist: Shawn Kenney Development Director: Sheila Lutz Soup Kitchen/Food Pantry/Outreach Mon-Fri 10:30 am - 12:30 pm 57 S. Grubb St., 43215 Director: Sharon Wing 614-461-9444 Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center (Tours by appointment only) 57 S. Grubb St., 43215 614-221-4323 Director: Fr. Kevin F. Lutz 614-221-4323 Curator of Jubilee Museum: Linda Hamilton 614-221-4323 Director of Catholic Cultural Center: Carley Stedman 614-221-4323 AABCDEFGH HOLY NAME 1905 (3) 614-262-0390 154 E. Patterson Ave., 43202-3047 e-mail: [email protected] Administrator: Fr. Antonio Carvalho Music Director: John K. Carter Masses: Sun 10 am, 5:30 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 5:30 pm; Sat 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 11 am - Noon; and one hour before Mass For Spanish Masses (Misa en Español): see Parroquia Santa Cruz Sat 6 pm, Sun 8 am &12:30 pm DHI HOLY RESURRECTION MISSION 1976 (Melkite Greek-Catholic Diocese of Newton) 4611 Glenmawr Ave. Columbus 43224-1050 Mailing address: 8148 Wildflower Lane, Westerville 43081 Pastor: Fr. Ignatius Harrington Divine Liturgy: Sun 11 am Holy Days: 7 pm Assistant to the Pastor: Victoria J. Taylor (Ext: 1) Masses: Sun 9:30 am Weekdays: Tues & Wed 8:15 am Confessions: by appointment Office Staff / Ministries Bookkeeper: John Gerardi (Ext: 4) Senior Impact Director: Irma Nowell (Ext: 5) Development Director: Ms. Cynthia Newberry (Ext: 7) Gospel Choir Director: Vernon Hairston 614-537-3231 Religious Ed. Director: Youth Outreach/Venture Scouting Advisor: St. John Center /Parish Programs 640 S. Ohio Ave., 43205 (rear entrance) 614 252-5926 or 614-258-4308 Facility Manager: Anthony Taylor (Ext: 6) Food Pantry (Tue, Thur 9:30 am to noon): Rose and John Moses (Ext: 3) Community Kitchen, Inc. 614-252-6428 St. John Learning Center 614-252-3132 AAHI HOLY SPIRIT 1947 (6) 4383 E. Broad St., 43213-1357 Website: www.holyspiritcolumbus.org Pastor: Fr. William L. Arnold Deacon: Dcn. George Zimmermann, Jr. Pastoral Minister: Sr. Joan Popovits, OP Parish Secretary: Mary Gilliland Bookkeeper: Patricia Morris Director of Music: Julie Cottrill Religious Education Coord: Mark Butler Director of Youth Ministry: Kathie Rath Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 11 am Daily: Tue & Fri 8:15 am; Wed 8:30 am Confessions: by appointment Parish Hall: Pre-School : 3 - 5 year old 26 Students, 2 teachers School: K-8, 260 pupils, 16 lay teachers 4382 Duchene Lane, 43213-1809 Principal: Linda Saelzler Secretary: Debbie Pecinovsky website: www.holy-spirit-school.org 614-360-2650 BHI THE COMMUNITY OF HOLY ROSARY AND ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST 1979 (1) 614-252-5926 648 S. Ohio Ave., 43205-2799 Fax: 614-252-5933 Website: www.hrsj.org Pastor: Fr. Joshua J. Wagner (in residence at Christ the King) (Ext.:2) 28 614-861-1521 Fax: 614-861-3746 614-861-1544 614-861-4559 614-861-0475 Fax: 614-861-8608 A A B PH I IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 1916 (3) 614-267-9241 414 E. North Broadway, 43214-4114 Fax 614-267-7720 website: www.immaculateconception-parish.org Pastor: Fr. Matthew N. Hoover Deacon: Dcn. Christopher Campbell 614-261-0809 Pastoral Minister: Sr. Ruth Hamel, OP Parish Administrator: Carolyn Smith Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8, 9:30 & 11:30 am Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; 8:30, 11:30 am & 7 pm Daily: 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 3 pm PSR Coordinator: Paulette Mudrey Before/After School Care: Mary Louise West 614-267-0239 or 267-9241 Youth Minister: Adam Boyden School: K-8 425 pupils, 22 lay teachers 366 E. North Broadway, 43214-4114 614-267-6579 Principal: Colleen Kent website: [email protected] AABGHI SACRED HEART 1875 (3) 614-299-4191 893 Hamlet St., 43201-3536 email: [email protected] Parish is administered through the St. John the Baptist office at: 168 E Lincoln St., 43215-1541 Administrator: Fr. Antonio Carvalho In Residence: Fr. Joseph C. Klee 614-372-5249 Masses: Sat NO vigil Mass Sun 11:00 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Confessions: 15 minutes before weekend Mass, or by appointment AB ST. AGATHA 1940 (2) 1860 Northam Rd., 43221-3258 Website: st-agatha.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Daniel L. Ochs In Residence: Fr. Justin J. Ries (retired) Deacon: Dcn. Maurice Milne, III Parish Administrator: Sandy Tate Secretary: Alison Adamsky & Margherita Beacom Bookkeeper: Jane Reagan Misic Director: Michael Vicario Pastoral Minister: Gene Susi McClain Youth Minister: Aaron Richards Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11 am Holy Days: vigil-as announced; 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4:00 pm School: K-8/Latchkey 280 pupils, 20 lay teachers 1880 Northam Rd., 43221-3258 Principal: Joan Mastell Secretary: Vicki Strausbaugh website: saintagathaschool.org RCIA and DRE: Jeanne Altiero Secretary: Carol Stroemer Child Care Director: Patty McClintic OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL 1967 (6) 614-861-1242 5225 Refugee Rd., 43232-5398 Fax: 614-861-1499 website: www.churchofourladycolumbus.org e-mail: [email protected] NOTE: Fax # and e-mail are for parish business only. Please, NO SOLICITATIONS or ADVERTISEMENTS. Pastor: Fr. James Coleman Deacon & Pastoral Associate: Dcn. Steve Venturini 614-861-1242 Secretary: Cheryl Shroyer Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 9 & 11 am Holy Days: 9 am, 7 pm (except Christmas & New Year) Daily(Tue-Fri & 1st Sat): 9 am Novena following Tue Mass Confessions: Sat 3 pm, and by request Catechetical Leader: Char Forrest 614-861-1242 RCIA: Joanne Farrell 614-861-1242 Music Director: Bobbi Nagy 614-861-1242 AABDGI OUR LADY OF PEACE 1946 (3) 20 E. Dominion Blvd., 43214-2737 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.olp-parish.org Pastor: Fr. Kevin J. Kavanagh Deacon: Dcn. Jeffrey Fortkamp Pastoral Ministers: Sr. Barbara Kolesar, OP, Sr. Martha Langstaff, OP Business Manager: Erin Morris Secretary: Debra Mahler Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8:30, 10 & 11:30 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Tue 5:30 pm; Wed-Fri 8:30 am School: K-8/Latchkey 258 pupils, 14 lay teachers 40 E. Dominion Blvd., 43214-2737 Principal: Carol Folian e-mail: [email protected] website: www.olpcolumbus.org 614-263-8824 Fax: 614-263-3383 OUR LADY OF VICTORY 1922 (2) 1559 Roxbury Rd., 43212-2723 e-mail: [email protected] Website: ourladyofvictory.cc Pastor: Msgr. Romano Ciotola Weekend Assistant: Msgr. Anthony Missimi (retired) Deacon: Dcn. Robert Joseph Secretary/Bookkeeper: Terrie Harlor Religious Education Director (K-8): Michelle Fishpaw Organist/Music Director: Carol Ann Bradley Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11 am Holy Days: 8 am, 7 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 8 am Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm (or by appointment) School: PS-8/Latchkey 160 pupils, 18 lay teachers Trinity School 1440 Grandview Ave., 43212-2882 Principal: James Silcott website: www.trinity.cdeducation.org 614-488-2428 Fax: 614-488-0507 614-488-9000 Fax: 614-488-5783 614-488-4975 614-488-3322 AABDGHI ST. AGNES 1954 (5) 614-276-5413 2364 W. Mound St., 43204-2903 Fax 614-276-5413 website: http://stagnescolumbus.com e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Priest Moderator: Fr. Richard J. Pendolphi Deacon: Dcn. Paul Deshaies (service to the Hispanic community) Religious Education: Cindy Oddi Secretary/Bookkeeper: Cindy Oddi Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 10:00 am Holy Days: 9 am Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4 pm A A B C D E F G PH I ext 202 ext 230 ext 231 ext 232 ext 201 ext 200 614-267-4535 Fax: 614-267-2333 ST. ALOYSIUS 1906 (5) 32 Clarendon Ave., 43223-1060 website: http://saintaloysius.dyndns.org e-mail: [email protected] Priest Moderator: Fr. Richard J. Pendolphi In residence: Fr. Dennis E. Stevenson, JCL Religious Education: Cindy Oddi Secretary/Bookkeeper: Cindy Oddi Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun noon Holy Days: noon & 7:30 pm* (*Or as announced in the parish bulletin) Daily: Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri 9 am Confessions: Sat 3:30 pm Bulletin Editor: Judy O’Brien AABDHI 614-488-2428 614-486-0777 614-488-2428 614-486-7678 614-447-9684 614-488-7650 A B G PH I PARROQUIA SANTA CRUZ 1993 (3) 614-784-9732 143 E. Patterson Ave. Fax: 614-784-9732 Mailing address: PO Box 82205, Columbus 43202-0205 e-mail: [email protected] Administrator Pro-tem: Fr. Antonio Carvalho Pastoral Sevice to Spanish-speaking Community: Fr. Yovanny A. Acosta Mass (en Español), Santa Misa en Español: Sat 6 pm; Sun 8 am & 12:30 pm ABDEFI 614-488-6149 Fax: 614-488-6596 29 614-276-6587 Fax: 614-276-1793 PA B D PG I ST. ANDREW 1955 (2) 614-451-4290 1899 McCoy Rd., 43220-4407 Fax: 614-451-8300 Website: www.standrewparish.cc e-mail: see parish website Pastor: Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney (Diocesan Vicar General) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Nicholas L. Droll Deacon: Dcn. Thomas M. Berg, Jr. Business Administrator: Ann Whiteman Secretaries: Pat Hardesty and Jayne Frilling Music Director: Philip Lortz 614-451-1839 DRE: Lisa Schechter 614-451-2855 Youth Minister: Teresa Kurth 614-459-1402 x 2 Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 7:30, 9, 10:30 am & noon Daily: Mon-Fri 6:30, 8:30 am Saturday: 9 am Holy Days: see parish website Confessions: Sat 3:15-4:15 pm School: PS/K-8 & PM Latchkey; 482 pupils, 26 lay teachers 614-451-1626 4081 Reed Rd, 43220-4832 Fax 614-451-0272 website: www.standrewschool.com e-mail: see school website Principal: Joel Wichtman Assistant Principal: Suzanne Emsweller Secretaries: Christine Gerold, Debbie Joseph Preschool: 3's, 4's, Pre-K 3880 Reed Rd, 43220-4829 Preschool Director: Kristine Pellissier Bryce Eck Activity Center 3880 Reed Rd, 43220-4829 Building Coordinator: Kathy Barger ST. CATHARINE of SIENA 1931 (6) 614-231-4509 500 S. Gould Rd., 43209-2221 Fax: 614-231-8366 Website: www.stcatharine.com Bulletin e-mail: [email protected] Business e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Daniel J. Dury Deacon: Dcn. Chris Reis 614-751-0538 Director of Religious Education and RCIA: Chris Schleicher Director of Youth Ministry: Bob Moraine Director of Music: Joy Seipp Organist: Mary Jo Mally Business Administrator: Sharon Burr Secretary: Cindy Skinner Maintenance: Gary Brown Masses: Sat. 5 pm (vigil), Sun 8:30, 11 am* & 5 pm (*11 am Mass interpreted for hearing impaired) Holy Days: contact parish for schedule Daily: Mon-Sat: 8 am Weekly Holy Hour: Thur 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confessions, Benediction) Confessions: Thur 6:35-7:25 pm; Sat 4-4:45 pm School: PS-8/Latchkey 265 pupils, 19 lay teachers 614-235-1396 2865 Fair Ave., 43209-2211 Fax: 614-235-9708 Principal: Janet Weisner Website: www.stcatarineschool.com Pre-School/Pre-K: Ages 3, 4, 5 614-235-4940 Director: Janet Weisner Fax: 614-235-9708 Lead Teacher: Megan Williams A A PB PC D E F G I 614-459-1402 x 3 614-459-1402 x 1 AABCDEFGI ST. ANTHONY 1963 (4) 614-885-4857 1300 Urban Dr., 43229-5132 e-mail: [email protected] Website: StAnthonyParishColumbus.org Pastor: Fr. Thomas G. Petry Deacon: Dcn. Craig Smith 614-523-3135 Secretary/Bookkeeper: Brenda Cepec 614-885-4857 Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 9 & 11:15 am Ghanaian Mass twice monthly - Sun 2 pm (check the bulletin) Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Tue-Fri 9 am (Wed. 8:30am during school) Mon - Communion Service at 9 am First Friday: Eucharistic Exposition: from after Mass (9 am) until noon Confessions: Sat 4 pm School: K-8 180 pupils, 9 lay teachers 614-888-4268 1300 Urban Dr., 43229-5132 Fax: 614-888-4435 Principal: Chris Iaconis School Secretary: Traci Byas 614-888-4268 website: http://www.stanthonycolumbus.org DRE: Judy McElwee 614-888-8190 A A D E F G PH I ST. CECILIA 1882 (5) 614-878-5353 434 Norton Rd., 43228-7602 Fax: 614-878-0459 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.saintceciliachurch.org Pastor: Fr. Leo L. Connolly [email protected] Deacon: Dcn. Jack Malone [email protected] Finance Administrator: Mike Agriesti [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Jackie Mulholland [email protected] Parish Secretary: Barbara Cunningham [email protected] Director of Liturgical Music: Sharon Silleck [email protected] 878-6346 Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 7:30, 9:30 am & 12 noon* *11:30 am MEMORIAL DAY THROUGH LABOR DAY WEEKEND Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; 9:30 am & 7 pm Daily: 8:15 am Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm DRE: Kathy Maggied [email protected] 878-0133 Secretary: Kyle Kowaleski [email protected] Youth/Parish Ministry: Ted Leidinger [email protected] 878-0133 School: K-8 215 students, 16 lay teachers 878-3555 440 Norton Rd. 43228-7602 Principal: Laura Sabido [email protected] Secretary: Dorothy March Preschool, 80 pupils, 8 lay teachers website: stceciliacolumbus.org Early Childhood Director: Mary Beth Aeh [email protected] 878-0134 A A B C G PH I SS. AUGUSTINE & GABRIEL 1984 (1) 614-268-3123 Office: Suite 111, 1567 Loretta Ave., 43211-1507 Fax 614-268-8130 Church: 1550 E. Hudson St. e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.staugustinegabriel.com Pastor: Fr. Joseph N. Bay Pastoral Minister: Sr. Barbara Catalano, OP Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 10 am & 12 pm (Vietnamese Mass) Holy Days: see parish bulletin or call parish office Daily: Mon through Thur 9:30 am; NO Mass on Fri Confessions: Sat 4:00 pm, or as requested ABDEFGI ST. CHRISTOPHER 1948 (2) 1420 Grandview Ave., 43212-2806 website: stchristopherscc.com Pastor: Msgr. John K. Cody Business Manager: Dcn. Carl Calcara Assistant Administrator: Jackie O'Reilly Secretary: Sarah Williams Music Director: Mark Voris 614-486-0457 Fax: 486-0433 The Onslow Group Grant Management Specialists Ronald E. Onslow Grant Research Technical Assistance Proposal Review 30 6638 Buehler Hill Road, SW Stone Creek, Ohio 43840 Request Development (330) 340 – 6831 Report Management [email protected] DRE: Chris Ross RCIA: Dcn. Gregg Eiden Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 9 & 11:30 am / Last Call 6 pm - Seasonal (Sep-May) Holy Days: See parish bulletin Daily: Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4 pm, after Sat 4:30 Mass and by appointment School: PS-8/Latchkey 180 pupils, 19 lay teachers Trinity School 1440 Grandview Ave., 43212-2882 614-488-7650 Principal: James Silcott website: www.trinity.cdeducation.org A A B D E PH I (Church is handicap accessible by elevator through Italian Cultural Center) ST. DOMINIC 1889 (1) 614-252-4913 453 N. 20th St. Fax: 614-252-1655 Administrative Offices: 648 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, OH 43205-2799 e-mail: [email protected] website: stdominic-church.org Pastor: Fr. Joshua J. Wagner (in residence at Christ the King) Deacon: Dcn. Robert Neely 614-337-3179 Secretary: Deidre Ector 252-4913 Masses: Sun 8:00 am & 11:30 am (Gospel music) Daily: Wed & Fri 8:15 am in Parish Center Chapel Holy Days: 7 pm Confessions: Sunday before 8:00 am Mass and after 11:30 Mass Parish hall: 252-9983 Parish Center Building Manager: Cecil Douglas 253-3495 AABCDEFGHI ST. ELIZABETH 1967 (4) 6077 Sharon Woods Blvd., 43229-2646 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stelizabethchurch.org Rectory address: 1682 Lynnhurst Rd., 43229-2640 Pastor: Fr. Charles E. Cotton Deacon: Dcn. Dean Racine Bookkeeper/Secretary: Fran Cautela DRE: Dave Gruber Music Director: Rich Krehnovi Masses: Sat 5:30 pm; Sun 9 & 11 am Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; 8:30 am Daily: Mon, Wed & Fri 8:30 am; Tue 6 pm Confessions: Saturday 4:45 pm A D PE PF PG I ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM BYZANTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1961 (4) (Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma) 614-882-7578 5858 Cleveland Ave., 43231-2862 Pastor: Fr. Terrence Farmer Divine Liturgies: Sunday Matins: Sun 8:30 am Sunday Divine Liturgy: Sun 9:30 am Saturday Great Vespers: Sat 5:00 pm Holy Days: 7 pm on the eve of the Feast Weekdays: 8:30 am Confessions: 8:15-8:45 am Lenten Presanctified Liturgy: Wed & Fri 7:00 pm AACDEFHI ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST SEE: THE COMMUNITY OF HOLY ROSARY AND ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST (see page 29) ST. JOSEPH CATHEDRAL 1878 (1) 614-224-1295 212 E. Broad St., 43215-3702 Fax: 614-224-1176 Cathedral Music: website: www.cathedralmusic.org 614-241-2526 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.saintjosephcathedral.org Rector: Very Rev. Michael J. Lumpe (Diocesan Vicar of Priests) In Residence: Rev. Paul A. Noble (Diocesan Vocations Director) Rev. Hilary Ike (Defender of the Bond in the Diocesan Tribunal) Deacon(s): Dcn. Thomas Johnston 614-267-1903 Dcn. James Gorski 614-659-7117 Office Manager/Bookkeeper: Terri Scott Administrative Assistant: Carol Stollenwerk Part Time-Administrative Assistant: Sherri Dembinski Director of Music: Paul A. Thornock II, DMA Principal Organist and Assistant Director of Music: Robert A. Wisniewski Wedding Coordinator: Nancy Thornock e-mail: [email protected] PSR/Youth: Paul G. Davis e-mail: [email protected] 614-221-4640 RCIA: Paul G. Davis e-mail: [email protected] 614-221-4640 Carol Keene 614-657-9528 Masses: Sat 5:15 pm (vigil); Sun 8 & 10:30 am; 12:30 & 5:15 pm Holy Days: 5:15 pm (vigil); 7:30 & 11:30 am; 12:30 & 5:15 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 7:30 am & 12:05 pm; also, Wed 5:15 pm Confessions: Tues & Thurs 11:15-11:45 am; Sat 4-5 pm The Office of Compline: 9 pm - 1st Sunday each month Weekly Holy Hours: Wed following the 5:15 pm Mass; Thu 10:45-11:45 am AACDEFGI 614-891-0150 Fax: 614-891-3243 882-1782 614-895-9843 891-0151 ABDFGI ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 1892 (4) 614-299-5781 386 Buttles Ave., 43215-1361 Fax: 614-299-1987 e-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.sfacolumbus.org In residence/Administrator pro-tem: Fr. Fritzner Valcin (pastoral care of Haitian Catholics) Pastoral Associate: Sr. Barbara Goodridge, OSF 614-444-1733 Business Manager: Therese Phillips Masses: Sun 9 & 11 am Holy Days: 6 pm Daily: Tue-Fri 6 pm Confessions: Fri 5:30 pm PA C PD E PG I ST. LADISLAS 1908 (1) 614-443-2828 277 Reeb Ave., 43207-1978 Pastor: Fr. Kevin F. Lutz Parochial Vicar: Fr. Rodney M. Damico Deacon: Dcn. Jerry J. Butts Administrative Offices: 277 Reeb Ave., 43207-1978 e-mail: [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Kathy Zimmermann Bookkeeper: Paula Banks Pastoral Care: Sr. Wilma Ross, SCN Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Director: Pattie Jones Latino Ministry, Director: Pattie Jones Assistant: Edith Monroy Masses: Sat 4 pm; Sun 11 am - 2nd and 4th Sundays - bi-lingual Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Tues 6:30 pm; Fri 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 3:15 pm ABCDEFGI ST. JAMES THE LESS 1947 (4) 614-262-1179 1652 Oakland Park Ave., 43224-3552 Fax 614-262-6798 Website: www.stjames-cpps.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Clarence Williams, C.PP.S. ext. 404 Latino Apostolate: Fr. Clarence Williams, C.PP.S. ext. 404 Deacon: Dcn. Robert Jansen, C.PP.S. Pastoral Associate: Br. Tom Bohman, C.PP.S. 406 Bookkeeper: Tom Phillips 403 Office Administrator: Mary Souder 401 Director of Music: Paul Hahn 405 Sick/Homebound: Br. Tom Bohman, C.PP.S. Masses: Sat 4:30 pm (English); 6:00 pm (en Español) Sun 8:00, 11:00 am (English); 9:30 am, 12:30 pm (en Español) Holy Days: 7:00am & 7:00 pm Daily: Mon, Tue & Wed 7 am; Thu & Fri 10:30 am; Sat 8 am Confessions: Sat 3:30 pm School: K-8/Latchkey 460 pupils, 18 lay teachers 1628 Oakland Park Ave., 43224-3552 268-3311 Principal: Mrs. Yvonne Schwab Secretary: Cheryl VanMeter 419 website: stjames.cdeducation.org AABC ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 1896 (3) 614-294-5319 720 Hamlet St., 43215-1534 Fax: 614-294-4303 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.sjbitaliana.com Administrator: Fr. Antonio Carvalho Masses: Sat No vigil Mass Sun 9:30 am (partly in Italian) Holy Days: see parish bulletin (online) Daily: see parish bulletin (online) Confessions: one half hour before weekend Masses or by appointment Italian Cultural Center, 168 E. Lincoln St., 43215-1541 The Columbus Italian Festival 614-294-8259 31 ST. MARGARET OF CORTONA 1921 (2) 1600 N. Hague Ave., 43204-1606 e-mail: [email protected] website: www.stmargaretcolumbus.org Pastor: Fr. Jeffrey J. Rimelspach Deacon: Dcn. Andrew Naporano Secretary: Barbara Maiberger Director of Music: Christopher Walsh Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8:30, 10 & 11:30 am Holy Days: 9 am & 7 pm Daily: 9 am (except Sat) Confessions: Sat 3-3:30 pm DRE: Ken Hagy School: PS-8/Latchkey 180 pupils, 18 lay teachers Trinity School 1440 Grandview Ave., 43212-2882 Principal: James Silcott website: www.trinity.cdeducation.org 614-279-1690 Fax: 614-279-2386 ST. MARY 1865 (1) 672 S. Third St., 43206-1028 Website: www.stmarygv.com Pastor: Fr. Kevin F. Lutz Parochial Vicar: Fr. Rodney M. Damico Deacon: Dcn. Roger Minner Parish Administrator: Ms. Linda Sisson 614-445-9668 Fax: 614-444-1688 272-1127 614-488-7650 AABDEGI 614-444-1265 Secretary: Ann Anderson [email protected] Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 9 & 11:30 am Confessions: Sat 3-3:30 pm School: PS-8/Latchkey 220 pupils, 9 lay teachers 700 S. Third St., 43206-1028 Principal: Luna Alsharaiha website: www.stmaryschoolgv.com Pastor: Fr. Mark S. Summers Pastoral Sevice to Spanish-speaking Community: Fr. Yovanny A. Acosta In residence: Fr. James Colopy Deacon(s): Dcn. Joseph E. Schermer ([email protected]) 614-336-3775 Dcn. Philip Paulucci 614-431-9747 Business Manager: Mike Luis Secretary: Gretchen Heininger Masses: Sat 5:30 pm; Sun 8, 9:30 & 11:30 am; 7 pm (en Español) Holy Days: 7:30 pm vigil; 8:30 am & 7:30 pm (except Christmas & New Year) Daily: Mon-Fri 8:30 am; 7 am (Wed ONLY); also, 7 pm (Tue en Español in Day Chapel) Confessions: Sat 4:30-5 pm Minister of Music: Rino Angelini 889-1588 Religious Education Office: Maureen Luis 889-1407 Elementary: Maureen Luis Junior High Youth: Maureen Luis 889-9743 Senior High Youth: Bill Cunningham 889-0259 Early Childhood: Melaine Myers A A B C PD PE PF G 444-8994 Fax: 449-2853 ACDEFGHI ST. MARY MAGDALENE 1928 (5) 614-274-1121 473 S. Roys Ave., 43204-2551 Fax: 614-274-1122 Website:www.saintmarymag.org Pastor: Fr. Stanley Benecki Secretary: Terrie Wurst Bookkeeper: Carol Lauber Director of Music: Jason Mace Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 9 & 11 am Holy Days: see bulletin Daily: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri 8:15 am; Mon 7 pm Confessions: M-T-Th-F 7:45 am; M 6:30 pm; Sat 3:15-3:45 pm Miraculous Medal Novena with Mass: Mon 8:15 am, 7 pm Eucharistic Holy Hour: 2nd Monday, folowing 8:15 am Mass Eucharistic Adoration: 4th Saturday 9:00 am to noon School: PS-8/Latchkey, 198 pupils, 9 lay teachers 2940 Parkside Rd., 43204-2576 279-9935 Principal: Rocco Fumi Fax: 279-9575 website: www.saintmarymag.org A A D PG PH I ST. MATTHIAS 1956 (4) 614-267-3406 1582 Ferris Rd., 43224-2115 Pastor: Fr. Raymond Larussa Pastoral Associate: Sr. Marie Shields, SNDdeN Secretary: Winnie Durbin Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 9:00, 11 am Haitian Mass - 1:30 pm Sunday Brazilian Mass - 7 pm Sunday Nigerian Mass - 3 pm 1st & 3rd Sunday each month Holy Days: 8:30 am, 7 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 8:30 am Communion Service: Sat: 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4:15-4:45 pm School: K-8/Latchkey 265 pupils, 1 Sister, 12 lay teachers 1566 Ferris Rd., 43224-2115 268-3030 Principal: Daniel Kinley Fax: 268-4681 Secretary: Pamela Reither website: www.cdeducation.org/schools/ma AABCDEGI ST. PATRICK 1841 (1) 614-224-9522 280 N. Grant Ave., 43215-2652 Fax: 614-240-5928 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Michael Dosch, OP 240-5914 Parochial Vicars: Fr. Thomas Blau, OP 240-5918 Fr. Gregory Schnakenberg, OP 240-5917 Fr. Reginald Mary Lynch, OP 240-5916 Rev. Br. Paul Kennedy Secretary: Susan Livingston 240-5910 DRE/Youth Minister: Dan DeMatte 240-5925 Masses: Sat 5 pm; Sun 7, 9, 10:30 am & noon Holy Days: 6:30 pm vigil; 7, 10 am, noon & 6:30 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 7 & 11:45 am; Sat 7 am Confessions: Sat 4-5 pm; Sunday - 30 minutes before each Mass; Mon-Fri 12:15 pm until all are heard; (No confessions on holy days or civic holidays) AABCDEFG ST. PETER 1970 (2) 6899 Smoky Row Rd., 43235-2034 website: stpetercolumbus.com like us on "facebook" 614-889-2221 Fax: 889-6612 Sts. Peter and Paul Retreat and Conference Center Sts. Peter and Paul Retreat & Conference Center is ideally suited for large and small groups to come together for re-treats, conferences and meetings. It is located on 500 acres of beautiful grounds in Licking County. Spacious meeting areas, freshly prepared meals and overnight accommodations will enhance your experience. Let us welcome you! 2734 Seminary Road S.E., Newark, Ohio 43056 • 740-928-4246 www.stspeterandpaulretreatcenter.org 32 ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE 1956 (6) 614-237-1671 1573 Elaine Rd., 43227-2347 Fax: 614-231-8416 website: stphilipcolumbus.org Administrator: Fr. William L. Arnold Deacon: Dcn George Zimmerman, Jr. Pastoral Minister: Sj. Joan Popovits, OP Administrative Assistant: Dave Riegelmayer School of Religion Director: Brad Walters Director of Music: Paolo DeMaria 237-3021 Masses: Sat 4:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am Daily: Mon & Thur 9:00 am Confessions: Sat 3:30 pm All Saints Academy: PK-8/Latchkey 250 pupils, 12 teachers 614-231-3391 2855 E Livingston Ave, Columbus 43209-3041 Principal: Laura Miller website: www.cdeducation.org/schools/asa ABCDHI Pastor: Fr. Denis S. Kigozi In residence: Fr. Dean Mathewson Secretary: Marge McKee Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 9 & 11:30 am Holy Days: 9 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm and anytime by appointment DRE: Jaime Berry Ministerio Latino: Jaime Berry All Saints Academy: PK-8/Latchkey 250 pupils, 12 teachers 2855 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus 43209-3041 Principal: Laura Miller website: www.cdeducation.org/schools/asa ST. TIMOTHY 1961 (2) 1088 Thomas Lane, 43220-5047 website: sttimothyparish.net Pastor: Fr. Timothy M. Hayes In residence: Fr. William J. Faustner (hospital ministry) Deacon: Dcn. Marion Smithberger Secretary: Lucy V. Hickey Bookkeeper: Dottie Cocola Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8, 10 am & noon Daily: Mon-Fri 9 am; School Mass - Wed 9 am Confessions: Sat 4:15-4:45 pm Eucharistic Adoration: Wed 9:30 am - 6:30 pm School: K-8/Latchkey 254 pupils, 14 lay teachers 1070 Thomas Lane, 43220-5047 Principal: George Mosholder school website: www.sttimschool.org Secretary: Ann Tribbie DRE: Rita Marie Feige ST. STEPHEN THE MARTYR 1964 (5) 614-272-5206 4131 Clime Rd., 43228-3537 Fax: 614-272-5200 Website: saintstephenmartyr.catholicweb.com e-mail: [email protected] Administrator: Fr. Saul Alonso García, MSP Associate Administrator: Fr. Eduardo Velázquez, MSP Secretary: Yvette Reategui Sacramental Records: Nancy Lenihan Bookkeeper: Shelly Hamilton Latino Ministry Coord: Adriana Johnson 614-272-3004 PSR administrator: Theresa Daugherty [email protected] Masses: Sat: 4 pm (English); 6:30 pm (en Español) Sun: 8 am (en Español); 10:00 am (English); 12:00 pm (en Español) Daily: Mon, Thur, Fri 8 am (English); Wed 6:30 pm (en Español) Holy Days: see parish bulletin Blessed Sacrament Adoration: 1st Fri, 8:30 am to 9 pm 1st Sat, 8:00 pm to 7:00 am Sunday EVERY Wed, 5 - 6 pm Confessions: Sat 3:30-3:55 pm; 5:30-6:15 pm Sun 9:15-9:45 am Wed 5:00-5:45 pm or, by appointment Convent: Missionary Servants of the Word 614-272-2644 A PH I ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE 1900 (1) 2692 E. Fifth Ave., 43219-2752 Website: www.saintthomasapostle.com CORNING 252-7136 ext 1 252-7136 ext 2 614-231-3391 ACEHI 614-451-2671 Fax: 614-451-4181 451-0739 Fax: 451-3108 451-3867 ABDEGI ST. BERNARD 1882 (14) 740-342-1348 425 Adams St., 43730 Fax: 740-342-9133 mailing address: St. Rose Church, 309 N. Main St., New Lexington, 43764-1204 website: www.strosepcc.org Pastor: Fr. James C. Csaszar Assisting Priest: Fr. John Reade Masses: Sat 4 pm Confessions: Sat 3:30-3:50 pm, or by request A 614-252-0976 Fax: 614-252-7519 33 COSHOCTON Religious Education Office (PSR): [email protected] 740-369-8228 66 E. William St., 43015-2346 Associate DRE: Ann Manning [email protected] Associate DRE: Maria Vonada [email protected] PSR Secretary: Pam Moore [email protected] Youth Minister: 740-363-4641 HS Youth Ministry/Confirmation Director: Carolyn Ferroni [email protected] Elem & Middle School YM: Michele Himes [email protected] Kavanagh Hall: 15 S. Union St., 43015-2329 Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 7:30, 9, 10:45 am &12:15 pm 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays during school year: 6:00 pm Life Teen Mass Last Sunday each Month: 5:30 pm (Misa en Español) Holy Days: 5:30 pm vigil; 8:15 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon, Tue 5:30 pm; Wed, Thu, Fri 8:15 am Confessions: Sat 3:30-4:10 pm School: PS-8 425 pupils, 20 lay teachers 740-362-8961 66 E. William St., 43015-2346 Principal: Ryan Schwieterman Assistant Principal: Gina Stull School Website: www.stmarydelaware.org AADEGHI SACRED HEART 1857 (10) 740-622-8817 Office: 805 Main St. 43812-1638 Fax: 740-623-8834 Church: Walnut St. and Park Ave. Website: www.sacredheartcoshocton.org Pastor: Fr. William A. Hritsko Deacon: Dcn. Doug Mould 740-623-8521 DRE: Dcn. Doug Mould e-mail: [email protected] High School Youth Ministry: Frank Cichon and Barbara Hilgenberg Secretary: Christine Jacobs [email protected] Bookkeeper: Jill Helbling [email protected] Masses: Sat 5 pm (4 pm during Eastern Standard Time); Sun 8 & 10:30 am Holy Days: 7 pm vigil, 9 am & 6 pm Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4:30 pm (3:30 pm during Eastern Standard Time) and private by appointment School: PS-6 60 pupils, 7 lay teachers 39 Burt Ave. 43812-1610 740-622-3728 Principal: Mary Stenner Fax: 740-622-9151 website: www.sacredheartcoshocton.org/school/ A A B C E F PH I DENNISON CROOKSVILLE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 1871 (10) 206 N. First St., 44621-1230 website: icdennison.org Pastor: Fr. Anthony P. Lonzo Secretary: Vicki Schalk Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 10 am Holy Days: 8:15 am & 7 pm Daily: 8:15 am, also see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4:15-4:45 pm School: PS-6 121 pupils 100 Sherman St., 44621-1268 Principal: Matthew Ritzert Secretary: Ava DelGallo website: icsdennison.org CHURCH OF THE ATONEMENT 1901 (14) 740-342-1348 320 Winter St. Fax: 740-342-9133 mailing address: St. Rose Church, 309 N. Main St., New Lexington, 43764-1204 website: www.strosepcc.org Pastor: Fr. James C. Csaszar Assisting Priest: Fr. John Reade Masses: Sun 9:00 am Confessions: 20 minutes before Sunday Masses DANVILLE ST. LUKE 1820 (9) 307 S. Market St., PO Box P, 43014-0616 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Victor R. Wesolowski Secretary: Sandy Mickley Bookkeeper: Betty Hoffman Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 10 am Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; 7:30 am & 7 pm Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 3:30-4:30 pm DRE: Thomas Harrmann Parish Office: 7 W. Rambo Street, PO Box P, 43014-0616 740-599-6362 DOVER ST. JOSEPH 1849 (10) 613 N. Tuscarawas Ave., 44622-2837 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. James H. (Jimmy) Hatfield, III Deacon: Dcn. Ronald Fondriest (retired) Administrative Assistant: Brenda Stilgenbauer DRE: Cindy Teynor Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11:00 am Holy Days: 8:15 am & 6 pm Daily: Tue 6 pm; Wed-Fri 8:15 am Confessions: Sat 5 pm School: PS-6 Tuscarawas Central Catholic Elementary 600 N. Tuscarawas Ave., 44622-2838 Principal: Mr. Matt Ritzert website: tcces,cdeducation.org ABCGHI DELAWARE ST. MARY 1835 (7) 82 E. William St., 43015-2346 Parish Website: www.delawarestmary.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Michael B. Watson In residence: Fr. Balonwu Augustine Okpe Deacon: Dcn. Felix Azzola Business Manager: Rick Trippier Office Manager: Janet Conroy Receptionists: Sophie Haser and Diane Matous Bulletin Editor: Amy Lenocker Census coordinator: Janice Trippier Music Coordinator: Tina Cooney Bookkeeper/Stewardship Coordinator: Cathy Brackenridge 740-363-4641 Fax: 740-363-9915 ST. ANN 1889 (8) 405 Chestnut St., PO Box 107, 43821-0107 e-mail: [email protected] Bulletin: [email protected] www.st-therese-retreat.org Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. Saint Francis de Sales 34 . 740-922-3539 Fax: 740-922-2486 AABI 330-364-6661 Fax: 330-602-7488 330-343-9134 Fax 330-364-6509 A A B C D PG I DRESDEN St. Therese’s Retreat Center 5277 E. Broad Street 614-866-1611 FAX 614- 863-9091 A peacefilled place for all seasons 740-922-3533 740-754-2221 Mission: St. Mary, Mattingly Settlement Pastor: Fr. Donald E. Franks Secretary: Teresa Dooley (Wed 10 am - 2 pm) Organist/Choir: Debbie Lovensheimer 740-828-2594 PSR Director: Teresa Dooley 740-754-2609 PGC Instructor: Laura Miller 440-525-3831 Masses: Sat 5:15 pm summer-DST, 4:30 winter-EST @ St. Mary; Sun 9 am @ St. Ann Holy Days: 7 pm @ St. Ann Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Penance service, by appointment and request BCDEFGHI Cheryl Dranichak Director of Music/Liturgy: Dr. David Brattain Youth Ministry: Pamela Heil School: PS-8/Latchkey 670 pupils, 30 lay teachers 7175 Avery Rd., 43017-2702 Principal: Kathleen O’Reilly Vice-Principal: Cindy Lombardo Assistant Principal: Jill Carfagna School Tuition: Jackie Mack Preschool Director: Maureen DiDomenico Secretaries: Shannon Crawford and Cindy Sovik website: www.stbrigidofkildare.com DUBLIN 614-761-3734 614-718-5832 614-718-5825 Fax: 614-718-5831 ABDEFGHI GAHANNA ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE 1987 (2) 614-761-3734 7179 Avery Rd., 43017 Mailing address: PO Box 3130, 43016-0062 Website: www.stbrigidofkildare.org Pastor: Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks Parochial Vicar: Fr. Tyron J. Tomson Deacons: Dcn. Frank Iannarino 614-798-9763 Dcn. Donald Poirier 614-889-9232 Pastoral Associate: Sr. Joan M. Harper, CDP Pastoral Care/Bereavement: Sr. Patricia E. McMahon, OSF Facility Manager: Jake Groce Business Manager: Joseph V. Burger Business Assistant: Jackie Mack Parish Development Director: Sarah K. Moore Secretaries: Karen Cremeans, Mary Longo, and Betty Ann Santangelo Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 7:30, 9, 10:45 am & 12:15 pm Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; 9 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 9 am; Tues noon Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm Religious Education: Mary Fran Cassidy 614-761-1176 Religious Education Secretaries: Ermagene Kelly, Babs Pulsfort, ST. MATTHEW 1959 (6) 614-471-0212 807 Havens Corners Rd., 43230-3114 Fax: 614-471-0247 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmatthew.net Pastor: Fr. Theodore K. Sill Parochial Vicar: Fr. Ryan M. Schmit Deacons: Dcn. Joe Meyer Dcn. Harry Turner 614-560-0679 Pastoral Associate: Mary Thompson Business Manager: Leo Grimes Parish Operations Coordinator: Beth Vonau Secretary: Joanne Mangia Director of Music: Dawn Shininger 614-471-0212 Wedding Coordinator: Beth Vonau Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8, 10 am, noon & 5 pm Holy Days: see bulletin Daily: Mon-Fri 6:30 & 8:30 am; Sat 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4-4:45 pm; Sun 11-11:45 am; or, by appointment DRE/RCIA Director: Karen Burford 614-471-2067 Build with Integrity, Quality, and Commitment. (614) 901-8844 www.corna.com 35 Fax: 614-471-1673 Youth Minister: Megan Thompson 614-471-7556 School: K-8/Latchkey 600 pupils, 27 lay teachers 795 Havens Corners Rd., 43230-3114 614-471-4930 Principal: Daniel P. Rotella Fax: 614-471-1673 website: http://teacherweb.com/OH/StMatthew/SchoolHomePage/sdhp1.aspx Athletic Director: Eileen Buzenski 614-478-8533 A A D PG H I Secretaries: Barbara Hinterschied, Janet Meager Youth Minister: Andrew Snyder Preschool Director: Linda Foley Director of Music/Liturgy: Susan Brattain Masses: Sat. 5 pm, Sun 8:15 & 10:45 am Holy Days: TBA in bulletin Daily: Mon-Fri 9 am Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm GLENMONT A A B C D E F G PH I GROVE CITY SS. PETER & PAUL 1857 (10) (M) 330-674-1671 Church: St. Rt. 520, Glenmont 44628 Mail: 379 S. Crawford St., Millersburg 44654-1463 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Stephen L. Krile Administrative Assistant: Patricia A. Huebner Secretary: Julie Sponaugle Masses: Sun 8:00 am Daily: Wed 9:30 am at the Holmes County Home Holy Days: 7 pm vigil Confessions: Sat 4:00-4:30 pm at St Peter, Millersburg, or by appointment AAC OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 1954 (5) 614-875-3322 3730 Broadway, 43123-2235 Fax: 614-875-6033 Website: www.OurLadyofPerpetualHelp.net e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Daniel J. Millisor Pastoral Minister: Mrs. Marti Hurd Receptionist/Secretary: Mrs. Beverly Weber Secretary: Mrs. Doris Hoermle Reords Facilitator/Secretary: Nora Matera Parish Accountant/Administrator: Mrs. AJ Alvarez Adm. & Finance Assistant: Kim Owens PSR Director/Wedding Coordinator: Mrs. Camille Kopczewski 614-875-9345 PSR Secretary: Joy Janczak 614-875-9345 Family Enrichment/Life Teen Director: Karen Cook 614-871-5224 Stewardship/Development Director: David Frea Facilities Manager: Kevin Radwanski Masses: Sat 5 pm; Sun 8, 9:30 am & noon Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; 8:30 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon-Sat 8:30 am Confessions: Sat. 4-4:30 pm and by appointment School: K-8/Latchkey 360 pupils, 19 lay teachers 3752 Broadway, 43123-2235 614-875-6779 Principal: Julie Freeman Fax: 614-539-5719 Assistant Principal: Kathy Grundy Secretary: Carol Ardrey Tuition Bookkeeper: Debbie Ippoliti website: www.olphsaints.org ABCDEGHI GRANVILLE ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR 1947 (9) 785 Newark-Granville Rd., 43023-1450 Website: www.saintedwards.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Msgr. Paul P. Enke Deacon: Dcn. John Barbour Pastoral Associate: Michael Millisor Administrative Assistant: Paula McDonald 740-587-3275 740-587-3254 Fax: 740-587-0149 740-587-4160 We invite you to join our credit union. It will be a pleasure to serve your financial needs. SAVINGS PRODUCTS • LENDING SOLUTIONS FINANCIAL EDUCATION GROVEPORT ST. MARY 1871 (6) 5684 Groveport Rd., 43125-1003 Web site: www.stmarygroveport.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Richard L. Metzger Parish Administrator: Joan Lilly Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11 am Holy Days: 9 am & 7:30 pm Daily: Tue-Fri 8:30 am Novena: Mon 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 6 pm DRE: Alice Doran Church Hall: MORTGAGES • CHECKING ACCOUNTS AUTO LOANS • CREDIT CARDS STUDENT LOANS • HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 614-497-1324 Fax: 614-497-2706 614-497-1437 614-497-2213 A B PD PH I HEATH ST. LEONARD 1962 (9) 57 Dorsey Mill Rd., 43056-1198 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.saintleonard-church.com Pastor: Fr. William J. Ferguson In residence: Fr. Ronald Boccali, PIME (retired) Deacon: Dcn. Larry Wilson Secretary-Office Administrator: Peggy L. Pound Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 10 am; noon (July '13-Jan '14) Daily and Holy Days: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4:30-5:15 pm PSR Coordinator: Allison Shardell Find out more today at: www.educu.org •1-866-628-6446 Committed to Serving the Columbus Diocese. Some restrictions may apply. Offers may be subject to credit approval. 36 740-522-5270 Fax: 740-522-5261 740-323-3849 740-405-8892 AACDEFIG HILLIARD JOHNSTOWN ST. BRENDAN 1957 (2) 614-876-1272 4475 Dublin Rd., 43026-2443 Fax 614-876-1482 Web site: www.StBrendans.net Pastor: Fr. Bob Penhallurick Parochial Vicar: Msgr. John G. Johnson Deacons: Dcn. James Morris 614-529-9222 Dcn. Doug Saunders Administrator: Stephanie Esselstein Facilities Manager: Jeff Hayes DRE: Sr. Joanne Fogarty, OSF 614-876-9533 Faith Formation Secretary: Suzanne Duffy Youth Minister & Life Teen: Stacy Pennino Pastoral Care: Sr. Patricia McMahon, OSF Music Director: Pete McClernon Liturgy Secretary: Delores Bennison Bookkeeper: Pam Furr Asst. Bookkeeper: Lynne Clark Secretaries: Lynn Bickar, Penny Hansen Receptionists: Teresa Boyne, Pam Wilson Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 7:15, 8:45, 10:30 am, 12:15 & 5:30 pm Holy Days: see current bulletin or website Daily: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 8:15 am; Wed 8:45 am Confessions: Sat 4:30 until last penitent School: K-8/Latchkey 475 pupils, 22 lay teachers 4475 Dublin Rd., 43026-2443 614-876-6132 Principal: Mary Lang website:stbrendanschool.com A A B C D E PF PH I CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 1912 (9) 555 S. Main St., 43031-9150 Website: www.johnstownascension.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. J. L. Reichert Deacon: Dcn. William Andrews Dcn. Robert Killoren Secretary/Bookkeeper: Kathy Bartolomucci Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11 am Holy Days: 7:30 pm Daily: Tues and Thurs 10 am Confessions: after 5:30 p.m. Mass on Sat PSR Coordinator: Kelly Pertee [email protected] 740-817-1628 AACHI JUNCTION CITY ST. PATRICK 1820 (14) 1170 South State Rt. 668, 43748 Fax: 740-342-9133 mailing address: St. Rose Church, 309 N. Main St. New Lexington, 43764-1204 Pastor: Fr. James C. Csaszar Assisting Priest Fr. John Reade Masses: Sun 9:00 am Confessions: Call priest 740-342-1348 A A B C PH I KENTON JACKSON HOLY TRINITY 1875 (12) 215 Columbia St., 45640-1771 Pastor: Fr. Joseph J. Trapp II Masses: Sat 6 pm, Sun 9 am Holy Days: 7 pm vigil; noon & 7 pm Daily: Wed-Fri 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 5 pm, or by appointment 740-967-7871 Fax: 740-967-0321 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 1836 (7) 215 E. North St., 43326 Parish Office: 222 E. North St., 43326-1523 Website: www.ImmaculateConceptionKenton.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. David J. Young Parochial Vicar: Fr. Jeffrey E. Tigyer Deacon: Dcn. J. Michael Hood Administrative Assistant: Kathy Klingelhofer Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 10 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8 am Confessions: Sat 3:45-4:15 pm or anytime by appointment DRE and RCIA: Jean Bruner St. Anthony Parish Center: 220 E. North St., 43326-1523 740-286-1428 AAC 419-675-1162 Fax: 419-675-1114 A B G PH I LANCASTER ST. BERNADETTE 1963 (12) 1343 Wheeling Rd., 43130-8701 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stbparish.org Pastor: Fr. Thomas Kessler (residence at St Mary, Bremen) Deacons: Dcn. Jeff Carpenter Dcn. Mark Scarpitti Business Manager: Darlene Yenrick Pastoral Minister: Ann Essman Pastoral Coordinator: Kathy Kehnast PSR Coordinators: Kent & Angie Kerns Ministry of Music: Elizabeth Latorre Masses: Sat 4:00 pm, Sun 11:00 am Holy Days: see the bulletin Daily: Mon, Wed, Fri 8:20 am; Thu 6:00 pm Confessions: Thu 5:30 pm & Sat 3:00 pm Morning Prayer: Mon thru Fri 8:00 am School: PS-5 20/130 pupils, 8 lay teachers 1325 Wheeling Rd., 43130-8701 Principal: Pamela Eltringham School Secretary: Barbara Huber website: www.stbernadetteschool.com e-mail: [email protected] ST. MARK 1960 (11) 324 Gay St., 43130-4199 website: www.stmarklancaster.parishesonline.com Pastor: Fr. Peter Gideon Secretary: Theresa Brunney e-mail: [email protected] Masses: Sat 6:30 pm, Sun 8:00 &10:30 am other Masses: as scheduled in parish bulletin 37 740-654-1893 614-634-0499 740-681-9918 740-438-3970 740-654-3137 AABCDEGI 740-653-1229 Fax: 740-653-8329 740-654-2874 740-653-1229 Fax: 740-653-8329 Confessions: Sat 5:30 pm Marriage Family LIfe and RCIA: Phillip Momburg Religious Education Director: Kim Kirchgessner Associate Director: Regina Long Youth Activities: Dan Kemp, Director Teresa Marvin, Associate Director Music Directors: Philip Momburg & David Spencer ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION 1820 (11) 132 S. High St., 43130-3846 Website: www.stmarylancaster.org Pastor: Fr. Craig R. Eilerman Deacon: Dcn. Frank Sullivan Director of Faith Formation: Brian McCauley Music Director: Matthew Nadalin Financial Manager: Charlotte Linn Administrator: Julie Ogilvie Secretary: Cathy Shumaker Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 8:45 & 11:15 am Holy Days: 7, 9 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon & Wed 7 am; Tue & Thu 9 am Confessions: Sat 4-5 pm School: PreSchool-8, 275 pupils, 14 lay teachers 309 E. Chestnut St., 43130-3829 Principal: Erin Schornack PreSchool & Kids CARE Director: Angie Eisenacher School Secretary: Nikki Schmelzer Website: www.saintmarylancaster.org Deacon: Dcn. Todd Tucky Secretary: Dolores Zentkovich Financial Secretary: Vicki Moser Administrative Assistant: Mike Nicolosi Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 11 am; Misa en Español: Sunday at 1:00 pm Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Tue 6:30 pm; Wed/Thur/Fri 8:30 am; Sat 9 am Confessions: Tues 5-6 pm; Sat 4-4:30 pm Rosary weedays, following morning Mass Ministry of Music: Betsy Iacobucci 740-387-6225 CRE: Glenna Celestino 740-382-2262 Hispanic Ministry: Chantelle Blackburn 740-382-2262 Youth Ministry Coodinator: Lori Stevenson 740-387-6225 School: PS-8 130 pupils, 10 lay teachers 274 N. Prospect St., 43302-3040 740-382-1607 Principal: Nicole Sterling Secretary: Chas Nichols website: www.marioncatholicschools.com/stmary.htm AABCDEHI 740-653-1229 740-653-1229 740-653-1229 740-654-7154 740-654-7154 740-653-1229 A B D E F G PH I 740-653-0997 Fax: 740-653-0337 740-756-7318 740-653-5054 MARYSVILLE OUR LADY OF LOURDES 1869 (7) 1033 W. 5th St., 43040-8667 Website: www.olol.cc e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. David A. Poliafico Deacon(s): Dcn. Charles A. Knight (retired) Dcn. Gordon T. Kunkler Pastoral Assistant: Amy Rohyans DRE: Jill Turner Director of Music: Paul Melcher Business Manager: Paul Cordell Administrative Assistant: Joni Palumbo Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 9 & 11:30 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Weekday Masses: Tue & *Fri 5:15 pm Wed & Thu 8:00 am *Fri Masses during Summer 8:00 am ( Memorial Day thru Labor Day) Confessions: Sat 4 pm 740-654-1632 Fax: 740-654-0877 A A B PC D G H I LOGAN ST. JOHN 1841 (11) 351 N. Market St., 43138-1228 Web site: www.stjohnlogan.com e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Msgr. William A. Dunn Deacon: Dcn. Donald Robers Secretary: Marian Gall Bookkeeper: Bonnie Thompson Maintenance: Mary Schmitzer Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 10 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4:15-4:45 pm School: PS-6/Latchkey 94 pupils, 4 lay teachers 321 N. Market St., 43138-1228 Principal: Sharon Elder Part-time Secretaries: Pat Robers, Jennifer Inboden website: www.stjohnschoollogan.org 740-385-2549 Fax: 740-380-2837 740-385-0447 ST. MARY 1856 (8) (M) 740-754-2221 6280 St. Mary Road, Muskingum TWP 43821 (off Creamery Road, off U.S. 60, North of Zanesville) Mail: c/o St. Ann, PO Box 107, Dresden 43821-0107 Mission of St. Ann, Dresden Pastor: Fr. Donald E. Franks Organist: Steve Echelberry 740-828-2266 PSR: Teresa Dooley 740-754-2609 PCG Instructor: Laura Miller 440-525-3831 Masses: Sat 5:15 pm summer-DST, 4:30 pm winter-EST @ St.Mary Sun 9 am @ St. Ann Holy Days: 7 pm at St. Ann, Dresden Confessions: Penance services, by appointment and by request BHI 740-385-2767 Fax: 740-385-9727 AABCDEFGHI LONDON MARION ABCDEFGHI MATTINGLY SETTLEMENT-NASHPORT ST. PATRICK 1865 (5) 740-852-0942 61 S. Union St., 43140-1281 Fax: 740-852-5008 Web site: stpatricklondon.org Pastor: Fr. Mark V. Ghiloni Deacon: Dcn. Dan Hann 740-852-5456 Business Manager: Jane Howard Secretary: Julie Walker Youth Minister: Denise Zimmerman Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 7:30 am & 10:30 am Holy Days: see website, bulletin or call Daily: Mon 9 am Tues 8:15 am (school days); 9 am (non-school days) Wed 9 am (school days at school; non-school days at Church) Confessions: Sat 3:30-4:15 pm or by appointment School: PS-8/Latchkey 170 pupils, 11 lay teachers 740-852-0161 226 Elm St., 43140-9047 Principal: Dr. Jacob F. Froning Secretary: Nicole Rogerson Preschool Director: Polly Forde-Johnston website: www.stpatricklondon/org/school A PA A B PD PE PF G H ST. MARY 1864 (7) 251 N. Main St., 43302-3031 Website: www.marionstmary.org e-mail address: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Thomas Buffer 937-644-6020 Rich Long 7821 Taylor Road SW Suite A Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 740-382-2118 Fax: 740-382-2110 Phone: 614.864.3951 Fax: 866.8698758 Licensed & Insured 38 Daily: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur 8 am; Fri 9 am (school Mass) Confessions: Sat 5:15-5:45 pm School: K-8 137 pupils, 9 lay teachers 119 W. Water St., 43764 740-342-3043 Principal: Mrs. Roxanne Demeter Fax: 740-342-1082 website: www.stroseblueknights.org AI MILLERSBURG ST. PETER 1877 (10) 330-674-1671 379 S. Crawford St., 44654-1463 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Stephen L. Krile Administrative Assistant: Patricia A. Huebner Secretary: Julie Sponaugle Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 11:00 am (Summer Schedule - beginning the 1st Sunday of June and ending 3rd Sunday of August: Sunday Mass at 10:00 am at St. Peter) Holy Days: 12:05 pm & 7 pm Daily: Tues, Thurs and Fri 9 am (Mass for nursing home residents: see current bulletin) Confessions: Sat 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment Mission: Glenmont, SS. Peter & Paul Mass: Sun 8:00 am AABCDEFGHI NEW PHILADELPHIA SACRED HEART 1895 (10) 330-343-6976 139 Third St. NE, 44663-3936 Fax: 330-343-1406 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Jeffrey J. Coning Administrative Assistant/Office Manager: Katy Nicholson Coordinator of Rel. Ed./Youth Ministry: Kathy Hamilton Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11:00 am Holy Days: 6 pm vigil; 8:30 am & noon Daily: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:30 am, Wed 5:30 pm Confessions: Sat 4 pm School: PS-6 Tuscarawas Central Catholic Elementary 600 N. Tuscarawas Ave., Dover 44622-2838 330-343-9134 Principal: Matthew Ritzert Fax 330-364-6509 website: www.sjsdover.com AABCDEFI MOUNT VERNON ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 1842 (9) 303 E. High St., 43050-3419 Website: st-vincentdepaul.org Pastor: Fr. Mark J. Hammond Deacon: Dcn. Timothy Birie Pastoral Assistant: Greg Henkel Minister of Music: Mary Dye Secretaries: Barb Dusenberry, Shirley Lower Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 8, 10 & 11:30 am Misa en Español, last Sun of month, 11:30 am Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat. 3:30-4 pm ARE: Susan Birie School: PS-8/Latchkey 190 pupils, 9 lay teachers 206 E. Chestnut St., 43050-3407 Principal: Martha Downs website: saintvdpschool.org 740-392-4711 Fax:740-392-4714 NEWARK CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1904 (9) 740-345-4290 394 E. Main St., 43055-6529 Fax: 740-345-3890 Parish website: www.blsac.net e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Jonathan F. Wilson Deacon(s): Dcn. Patrick Wilson 740-344-9678 Dcn. Robert Ghiloni (retired) Secretary: Kathy Wilson Bookkeeper/Accountant: Connie Johnston Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 & 10:30 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily Mass: Tue 6:15 pm; Wed & Thu 8:15 am; Fri 8:15 am (summer), 8:45 am (school year) Confessions: Tue 5:30-6 pm; Sat 3:30-4:30 pm School: K-8/Latchkey 180 pupils, 10 lay teachers 394 E. Main St., 43055-6529 740-345-4125 Principal: Mrs. Mary Packham Fax: 740-345-6168 Secretary: Sharon Van Horn School website: www.blessedsacramentschoolnewark.org ACHI 740-393-0826 740-393-3611 PA A B D E F NEW ALBANY CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION 1983 (4) 6300 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., 43054-8592 Website: www.churchoftheresurrection.com e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Jerome P. Rodenfels Pastoral Assistant: Suanne Gettings Business Manager: Suzanne Larson Director of Music: Thom Wyatt Director of Religious Education (K-5): Joan Lucius Youth Minister (6-12): Katy Bee Religious Education Secretary: Peggy Kehres Bookkeeper: Christine Roberts Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 9 & 11 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4 pm Office: 614-855-1400 Rectory: 614-855-0476 Fax: 614-855-0779 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES 1842 (9) 740-345-9874 40 Granville St., 43055-5084 Fax: 740-345-1585 Website: www.stfrancisparish.net Email: [email protected] Pastor: Reverend Jan C. P. Sullivan ext 202 In Residence: Reverend Michael Reis (retired) ext 219 Weekend Assistant: Reverend Thomas Kamau Deacon: Dcn. Steve DeMers (c) 740-258-4129 Accountant: Amber McCracken ext 235 Secretary: Becky Howard ext 200 Secretary: Pam Kelley ext 204 DRE: Lori Mazzone ext 222 Youth Minister: Bob Moraine ext 214 Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 8, 10 am & noon Holy Days: 9 am & 7 pm Daily: Mon, Tues & Fri 9 am; Wed 5:30 pm; Thu 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4:30-5 pm; Sun 30 minutes before each Mass School: PK-8/Latchkey 315 pupils, 20 lay teachers 38 Granville St., 43055-5084 740-345-4049 Principal: Mary Walsh Pre-School Director: Michelle Burd Secretary: Christine Litts website: www.cdeducation.org/schools/dse AABCDEFI 614-939-1794 614-855-0881 614-939-1794 AABCDEFGHI NEW BOSTON ST. MONICA 1915 (13) 740-456-5154 4252 Pine St., 45662-5199 Pastor: Fr. Joseph T. Yokum (in residence at St. Peter, Wheelersburg) Deacon: Dcn. James Sturgeon DRE: Cindy Gannon (share with St. Peter in Chains, Wheelersburg) Secretary/Bookkeeper: Cecilia Morris Masses: Sat 4 pm (odd months, even months at St Peter), Sun 11:30 am Holy Days: 7 pm Vigil Daily: Mon and Fri 5:30 pm First Friday Devotiion for Vocations 6-7:00 pm Confessions: Sat 2:30-3:30 pm (odd months) AAI NEWCOMERSTOWN ST. FRANCIS DE SALES 1917 (10) 440 South River St., 43832-1444 e-mail: [email protected] Priest Moderator: Fr. William A. Hritsko Deacon Administrator: Dcn. Frank A. Duda Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Mariann Pennington Masses: Sun 5:30 pm Holy Days: check parish bulletin Confessions: 5:00 pm (before 5:30 Mass) Parish School of Religion Coordinator: Mrs. Denise Thompson NEW LEXINGTON ST. ROSE 1867 (14) 309 N. Main St., 43764-1204 website: www.strosepcc.org Pastor: Fr. James C. Csaszar Assisting Priest: Fr. John Reade Masses: Sat 6 pm, Sun 7:30 & 10:30 am Holy Days: (vigil) 7 pm 740-342-1348 Fax: 740-342-9133 39 740-498-7368 740-545-7361 AABCDEF 2215 Galena Pike, West Portsmouth 45663-6210 Pastor: Fr. David E. Young Mission of Our Lady of Sorrows Church Masses: Sat 5 pm Daily: Thurs 8 am Confessions: Before Sat Mass OTWAY OUR LADY OF LOURDES 1917 (13) 16 W. Main St., 45657 Mailing address: 2215 Galena Pike, W. Portsmouth 45663-6210 Pastor: Fr. David E. Young Masses: Sun 10:30 am Daily: Wed 6:45 pm Confessions: before Wed Mass 740-372-2202 PORTSMOUTH CDEHI HOLY REDEEMER 1852 (13) 1325 Gallia St., 45662-4218 website: http://holyredeemerportsmouth.org e-mail: [email protected] youth & young adult ministry e-mail: [email protected] Bulletin: www.theCatholicDirectory.com Rectory: 1325 Gallia St., 45662-4218 Pastor: Fr. Adam A. Streitenberger, SFD Director of Catechesis: Mr. Paul Baum Director of Evangelization: Mrs. Megan Baum Pastoral Care: Mrs. Ann Kempf PSR Director: Mrs Mary Anne Hughes Secretary: Mrs. Theresa Schlosser Bookkeeper: Mr. Brad Tindall Masses: Sat 4:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am Daily: Tue 6:15 pm; Thu 8:00 am Holy Days - as scheduled, see bulletin Confessions: Tue 5:00 pm; Sat 3:00 pm Adoration: Tue 5 - 6:00 pm PICKERINGTON SETON PARISH 1978 (6) 600 Hill Rd. N, 43147-9201 Website: www.setonparish.com Pastor: Fr. James A. Klima Deacon(s): Dcn. Joseph Checca Dcn. Hector Raymond Pastoral Minister: Dcn. Hector Raymond Business Manager: John Bernard Secretaries: Becky Story and Beth Tomson Director of Music: Pandora Porcase Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8, 9:30 & 11:15 am Daily: Mon-Fri 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 3:30-4:15 pm Youth Minister: Barbara Serrano Director of Rel Ed: Mary Jane Sobczyk Pre-school: Karen Pitt and Donna Swartz 614-833-0482 Fax: 614-833-4154 833-0485 ext. 229 AABDEFGHI PLAIN CITY 740-354-2716 ABDGI ST. MARY 1841 (13) 740-354-4551 524 Sixth St., 45662-3843 Fax: 740-354-5797 Residence: 515 Fifth St., 45662-3840 Emergency: 740-981-9555 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmaryportsmouth.org Pastor: Fr. Adam A. Streitenberger, SFD [email protected] Deacon: Dcn. Chris Varacalli Finance Manager: Carolyn Paul Director of Evangelization: Megan Baum Director of Catechesis: Paul Baum Secretary: Noreen Hartard Masses: Sat 5:00 pm, Sun 11:00 am Daily: Mon & Fri @ noon; Sat 8:30 am Wed 1 pm at Hillview Nursing Home Adoration: Friday 12:30-5:30 pm Confessions: Fri 12:30 pm, Sat 4:15 pm AABCH ST. JOSEPH 1864 (5) 614-873-8850 670 W. Main St., 43064-1037 Fax: 614-873-0735 Website: www.saintjosephplaincity.com e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Patrick A. Toner [email protected] 614-296-7404 Deacon: Dcn. Anthony C. Bonacci 614-873-4533 Bulletin Editor: Sarah Reinhard [email protected] Secretary: Ann Walter [email protected] Program Specialist/Bookkeeper: Sue York [email protected] Youth Minister: Kelly Jacobs [email protected] Music Minister: Maryann Lange [email protected] Special Events Coordinator: Melissa Bradley [email protected] Masses: Sat 4:30 pm (at the Church - 140 West Ave) Sun 8:30 am (at the Church - 140 West Ave) 10:30 am (at the Parish Activity Center - 670 W. Main St.) Holy Days & Weekdays: see parish bulletin Confessions: see parish bulletin AABCHI POWELL ST. JOAN OF ARC 1987 (2) 614-761-0905 10700 Liberty Rd., 43065-7681 Fax: 614-761-0850 website: www.stjoanofarcpowell.org e-mail: [email protected] bulletin submission: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. James P. Black Parochial Vicar: Fr. Michael C. Gentry Deacons: Dcn. Thomas Berg, Sr. (retired) & Dcn. James Rouse (retired) Director of Music Ministry: Paula Vasey [email protected] Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 7:30, 9, 10:45 am, 12:30 & 5:30 pm Holy Days: 6:30 pm vigil; 8:30 am & 7:30 pm (except Christmas & Easter - check website or contact parish office for times) Weekdays: Mon-Fri 8:30 am; Tues 6:15 pm Confessions: Sat 3:45-4:30 pm Adult Religious Education: POND CREEK HOLY TRINITY 1861 (13) (M) Church address: 9493 Carey's Run, Pond Creek Mailing address: Our Lady of Sorrows Church AACDI 740-858-4600 RCIA, Sacrtstan, Wedding Coord: Mrs. Eloise Carlet [email protected] Stewardship Director: Mr. David Hartline [email protected] Parish Office Staff: Business Manager: Mrs. Marcy Rolph Secretaries: Mrs. Diana Zinkhon, Ms. Jean Keefe, Mrs. Judy Komenda, and Mrs. Julie Winters Parish School of Religion (PSR) Office: 614-761-0903 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Co-Directors: Mrs. Emily Winner [email protected] Mrs. Susan Fox [email protected] Pre-School Coord: Mrs. Jeanne Hayslip [email protected] Elementary Coord: Mrs. Laura Sams [email protected] 40 Middle School Coord: Mrs. Margie Gesell [email protected] Director of Youth Ministry: Mr. Michael Barone [email protected] [email protected] AABCDEFGI REYNOLDSBURG ST. PIUS X 1958 (6) 614-866-2859 1051 Waggoner Rd., 43068-9719 Fax: 614-866-1499 Website: www.spxreynoldsburg.com Pastor: Msgr. David Funk Deacon(s): Dcn. John DuPrey 614-866-6422 Dcn. James Kelly 614-834-5128 Dcn. John Vellani 614-939-5155 Business Manager: Dcn. Charlie Miller x-101 614-866-2859 Secretary: Sue Hodges x-102 Bookkeeper: Judy Miller x-105 Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:30, 10:15 am & noon Holy Days: vigil as announced; 8:30 am, evening as announced Daily: Mon-Fri 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4 pm School: PS, Full Day K, 1-8/Latchkey 560 pupils, 18 lay teachers 1061 Waggoner Rd., 43068-9719 614-866-6050 school website: www.spxelementary.com Principal: Jonathan Cuniak Religious Education - Elementary: De Bukowski 614-864-3505 Children's Center: 1067 Waggoner Rd., 43068 Co-Directors: Mary Benedict & Sharon Miller 614-577-0826 Latchkey Director: Beth Antommarchi 614-866-1209 Pastoral Ministry: Sr. Joan Supel, OP 614-866-1575 Leah Kelly x-103 614-866-2859 Music Coordinator: John Pottkotter 614-501-0104 Youth Minister: Judie Bryant 614-864-3505 AABDGH SOMERSET HOLY TRINITY 1827 (14) 228 S. Columbus St. (parish office location: hrs 9 am - noon) Mailing address: PO Box 190, 43783-0190 Pastor: Fr. Stephen F. Carmody, OP Deacon: Dcn. Eugene Dawson Secretary: Kathy Graves Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun 10 am Holy Days: 11 am & 7 pm Daily: Wed-Fri 8 am at Holy Trinity Confessions: Sat 4-4:45 pm Holy Hour: Wed 4 pm Daily Rosary before Mass School: K-8, 120 pupils, 9 lay teachers 225 S. Columbus St., 43783-9581 Principal: Joan Miller school website: www.holytrinitycs.com DRE: Melissa Sipos Convent: 228 S. Columbus St., 43783 740-743-1317 ST. JOSEPH 1818 (14) State Rt. 383 Mailing address: PO Box 190, 43783-0190 228 S. Columbus St. (parish office location: hrs 9 am - noon) Pastor: Fr. Stephen F. Carmody, OP Deacon: Dcn. Eugene Dawson Masses: Sun 8 am Holy Days: 7 pm vigil Daily: Mon & Tue 8 am 740-743-1317 740-743-1399 740-621-3975 740-743-1324 740-246-5719 740-743-1030 ABCGI 740-743-1399 740-621-3975 CDGHI SUGAR GROVE ST. JOSEPH 1853 (11) 740-746-8302 306 Elm St. Mailing address: PO Box 209, 43155-0209 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. James A. Walter Office Manager: Christine Gierhart Maintenance: Fred Krile Organist: Mike Hammond Masses: Sat 5:30 pm, Sun 9 am Daily: Wed & Fri: 8 am Tue & Thur: 12-noon Holy Days: as announced Confessions: Sat 5 pm, Sun 8:30 am and by appointment AABCDEFGHI 41 SUNBURY ST. JOHN NEUMANN 1983 (4) 740-965-1358 9633 E. State Rt. 37, Sunbury 43074-9672 Fax: 740-965-1377 Website: www.saintjohnsunbury.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. David W. Sizemore Deacon: Dcn. Carl Calcara, Jr. Ministry to the Sick: Sr. Julie O’Stroske, OSF Business Manager: Bob Scott e-mail: [email protected] Office Manager: Libby Muhoberac e-mail:[email protected] Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 9, 11 am & 5 pm Weekdays: Tue & Thur 6 pm; Wed & Fri 11 am Adoration: Mon 5 pm through Tuesday 5:45 pm Confessions: Sat 3 pm DRE: Robert Steinbauer Adult Faith Formation Director: Mrs. Rosemary Halter, M.T.S. Marriage & Family Life: Kim Mazzon Youth & Young Adult Minister: Kate Kriegel Youth Minister: Mrs. Tina Burtch Middle School Youth Minister: Kerrie Ritchey Director of Development: Jackie Sutton Religious Education Administrative Assistant: Jennifer Glassmire Parish Bookkeeper: Jennifer Glassmire Music Director/Liturgy: Andy Wallace AABCDEFG UTICA CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY 1913 (9) 126 N. Main St. Mailing Address: PO Box 506, 43080-0506 Rectory: 271 N. Jefferson St. Pastor: Fr. Stephen A. Metzger Masses: Sat 7:30 pm, Sun 9 am Holy Days: 7:30 pm Daily: as scheduled Reconciliation: Communal as scheduled DRE: Rose Gorius 740-892-2321 740-892-3839 ABI WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE ST. COLMAN OF CLOYNE 1866 (12) 740-335-5000 Office: 219 South North St., 43160-2250 Fax: 740-335-5066 Rectory: 223 East East St., 43160-2281 Website: www.stcolmancloyne.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Patrick W. Rogers Secretary: JoAnne McCoppin Masses: Sat 5 pm; Sun 9 am Holy Days: 9 am, 7 p.m. Daily: Mon-Thu 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 4-4:30 pm Office Manager: Mrs. JoAnne McCoppin Maintenance: Mr. Paul Ondrus and Mr. David Kearney Director of Liturgical Music: Mr. Craig Jaynes Religious Education Coordinator: Mrs. Stephanie Robinson 740-335-5005 A A B PH I WAVERLY ST. MARY, QUEEN OF THE MISSION CHURCH 1878 (12) 407 S. Market St., 45690-1635 Website: www.stmarywaverly.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. William P. Hahn Deacon: Dcn. Reed Hauser Secretary: Shannon Brady Parish Bookkeeper: Jill Kegley Organist: Valerie Tanner Masses: Sun 9:30 am Holy Days: as scheduled Daily: Wed 6:30 pm Confessions: Wednesday 6-6:15 pm, or by appointment 740-947-2436 740-708-0011 AACGHI WELLSTON SS. PETER AND PAUL 1881 (12) 227 S. New York Ave., 45692-1839 Pastor: Fr. Donald M. Maroon Secretary: Pam Coffman 740-384-2359 Fax: 740-384-2945 Masses: Sat 4:30 pm, Sun 9 am Holy Days: see parish bullletin Daily: see parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 3:30-3:45 pm School: PS-8 98 pupils, 9 lay teachers 229 S. New York Ave., 45692-1839 Principal: Kristyl Fulton Secretary: Ann Riepenhoff Pastor: Fr. Joseph T. Yokum Deacons: Dcn. Terry Acox and Dcn. James Sturgeon Family Life Coordinator: Theresa Metzler Secretary/Bookkeeper: Angie Acox Masses: Sat 4 pm (even months, odd at St. Monica), Sun 8:30 am Holy Days: 12:00 and 7:00 pm Daily: Tue 10:00 am at nursing home and 5:30 pm for Vocations: Wed 12:00 pm First Saturday Devotions: 8:00 am (Rosary, Mass and Confessions) Sunday Evening Family Holy Hour: 5:30-6:30 pm (Evening Prayer, Rosary and Benediction) Confessions: Sat 2:30-3:30 pm (even months) A B D E F PH I 740-384-6354 AACGHI WEST JEFFERSON SS. SIMON AND JUDE 1866 (5) 614-879-8562 9350 High Free Pike, 43162-9704 Fax: 614-879-7373 e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. William A. Metzger Deacon: Dcn. Joe Knapke Pastoral Associate: Teena Gallagher Administrative Assistant: Mary Burns Music Director: Adele Rapelye Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 8:30 & 11 am Holy Days: consult bulletin Daily: Tues 6 pm; Wed-Fri 8 am Rosary: Wed-Fri after morning Mass St. Jude Novena: every Wed after morning Mass Confessions: 3 pm Sat; 8 & 10:30 am Sunday (before Masses) ABDEFGI WORTHINGTON ST. MICHAEL 1946 (3) 5750 N. High St., 43085-3917 Pastor: Fr. Anthony A. Dinovo, Jr. Parochial Vicar: Fr. Matthew B. Morris Deacon(s): Dcn. John Crerand Dcn. William Demidovich, Jr. Dcn. Klaus Fricke In residence: Fr. Carmen Arcuri (retired) Business Manager/Bookkeeper: Becky McAninch Facilities Manager: Sheri Rogers Secretary/Receptionist: Cathy Myers Masses: Sat 4:00 pm, Sun 8:30, 10:30 am & 12:30 pm Holy Days: (see parish bulletin) Daily: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 6:30 & 8:15 am; Tue 6:30 am & 7 pm; Sat 8:15 am Confessions: Sat 2:30-3:30 pm School: K-8, 508 pupils, 28 lay teachers 64 Selby Blvd., 43085-3699 Principal: Sr. Mary Michael Carlton, OP website: http://stmichael.cdeducation.org DRE: Kathleen Henry School Cafeteria: WEST PORTSMOUTH OUR LADY OF SORROWS 1944 (13) 2215 Galena Pike, 45663-6210 Mission: Pond Creek, Holy Trinity Pastor: Fr. David E. Young Secretary: Sandra Pierce Masses: Sun 9 am Daily: Mon 7 pm Confessions: Mon 6:30 pm Director of Religious Formation: Mary K. Hummel Music: Rita Frye Administrative Assistant: Benita Osborne Music/Office: Rita Frye 740-858-4600 740-372-2202 740-372-7115 614-898-9681 740-548-5768 614-891-6184 614-885-3149 614-888-5384 614-885-8268 AABPCDEFGHI ZALESKI ST. SYLVESTER 1867 (12) 740-596-5474 119 N. 2nd St., PO Box 264, 45698-0264 Pastor: Fr. Joseph J. Trapp II (residence at Holy Trinity, Jackson) In residence: Fr. Richard Engle (retired) DRE: Vicki Harkins Masses: Sun 11 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin Daily: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat 8 am; Wed 6:15 pm Morning prayer: before morning Mass Evening prayer: before evening Mass Confessions: Anytime and after all Masses A A B C H IH I CU WESTERVILLE ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE 1913 (4) 614-882-2109 313 N. State St., 43082-8825 Fax: 614-891-7476 Website: www.stpaulcatholicchurch.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Charles F. Klinger Parochial Vicars: Fr. David E. Gwinner, Fr. Michael J. Hinterschied Deacons: Dcn. Thomas Barford 614-895-3544 Dcn. Joe Ciaciura 740-549-2116 Dcn. Mickey Hawkins 614-890-2468 Dcn. Carl Jerzyk 614-392-5304 Masses: Sat 4 pm, Sun 7:30, 9, 10:30 am, 12:15 & 5 pm Holy Days: 6:00 pm vigil; 6:40, 8:30 am, 6 & 7:30 pm Daily: Mon-Fri 6:40 & 8:30 am Saturday: 8:30 am Confessions: Sat 2:30-3:30 pm Rosary: Tues 7 pm, Mon-Sat after 8:30 am Mass Pastoral Associates: Susan Bellotti, Mary Reichley Director of Parish Administration: Dcn. Dean Racine Development Director: Helmut Naunheimer Music Director: John Bryan Secretary: Pat Kitzler Bulletin/Newsletter: Dee Shomo Bookkeeper: Mickey Hutson PSR Office 614-882-5045 DRE: Paul Stokell Youth Minister: Linda Hall 614-882-2537 Marian Gift Shop 614-882-5257 School: K-8/A.C.E. 61 Moss Rd., 43082-9054 614-882-2710 Principal: Kathleen Norris, Ph.D. website: www.stpaulk-8.org AABDGHI ZANESVILLE HOLY TRINITY MISSION (8) Melkite-Greek Catholic Diocese of Newton 3745 West Pike Mailing address: PO Box 2456, 43702-2456 Pastor: Fr. Ignatius Harrington Secretary: Samuel Tremblay Divine Liturgy: Sat 5:30 pm Eves of Holy Days: 7 pm ST. NICHOLAS 1842 (8) 955 E. Main St., 43701-4407 Pastor: Fr. Martin J. Ralko Deacon(s): Dcn. Burdette N. (Pete) Peterson Dcn. Robert E. (Gene) Staker Pastoral Minister: Rosalyn Headington Music Director: Susan Davis CRE: Kevin Dooley Secretary: Marcy Stemm Bookkeeper: Emilie Kohler Parish Administrator: Thomas C. Pitcock Director of Faith Formation: Mary Lou Staker Youth Minister: Patty Boggs & Ron Westerheide Masses: Sat 5:15 pm, Sun 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Holy Days: please check parish bulletin Daily: please check parish bulletin Confessions: Sat 4:15-5 pm School: Bishop Fenwick School 1030 E. Main St., 43701-4410 (PK, 4-8) WHEELERSBURG ST. PETER IN CHAINS 1852 (13) 2167 Lick Run Lyra Rd., 45694-8882 e-mail: [email protected] 614-885-7814 Fax: 614-885-8060 740-574-5486 Fax: 740-574-6641 42 740-453-0951 Res: 614-895-0340 AACI 740-453-0597 Fax: 740-453-0590 740-453-5288 740-450-8024 740-450-7461 740-454-9731 Fax: 740-454-0653 139 N. Fifth St., 43701-3505 (K-3) Principal: Mrs. Kelly Sagan website: www.bfw.cdeducation.org Fax: 740-454-8775 AABCHI ST. THOMAS AQUINAS 1842 (8) 740-453-3301 144 N. Fifth St., 43701-3506 740-453-3309 Pastor: Fr. Joseph Peter Fegan, OP Fax: 740-453-0333 Parochial Vicar: Fr. Luke Turon, OP Temp-Parochial Ministry: Fr. Jeffrey Dominic Joseph Bump, OP Secretary: Mrs. Sheila Branson Bookkeeper: Ms. Tam Bowman Masses: Sat 5 pm, Sun: 7, 9 & 10:30 am Holy days: 5 pm vigil; 8:05 am, noon & 7 pm Daily: 8:05, noon Adoration: Fridays noon-9 pm Confessions: Fri 11:15-11:45 am, Sat 8:15-8:45 am, 4-4:45 pm Rosary: Mon-Fri 7:30 am, Sat 8:30 am (with Novena Prayers) Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Melanie Von Gunten Pastoral Associate for Sick and Elderly: Sr. Maureen Mahon, OSF School: Bishop Fenwick School 740-454-9731 1030 E. Main St., 43701-4410 (PK, 4-8) Fax: 740-454-0653 139 N. Fifth St., 43701-3505 (K-3) Fax: 740-454-8775 Principal: Mrs. Kelly Sagan website: www.bfw.cdeducation.org Funeral Home and cremation Service 1177 W. 5th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212 Phone: 614.294.4416 Fax: 614.294.0198 Robert C. Carter, Funeral Director www.johnquint.com START YOUR DAY A BETTER WAY! ZOAR HOLY TRINITY 1995 (10) 330-874-4716 1835 Dover Zoar Rd. NE, Bolivar 44612-8913 Fax: Call office Website: holytrinityzoar.org e-mail: [email protected] Administrator pro-tem: Fr. Jefrey J. Coning 330-874-0391 Deacon: Dcn. Lyn Houze 330-874-4614 Secretary: Virginia K. Rimer Masses: Sat 4:30 pm; Sun 8 & 10 am Daily: Wed & Thur 9 am Holy Days: see parish bulletin or call parish office Confession: First Saturday each month 3:30 pm, or by appointment PSR: Coordinator Patti Watson RCIA: Dcn. Lyn Houze 330-874-4614 ABDEFG St. Paul the Apostle Church Westerville, Ohio St. John Neumann Church Sunbury, Ohio 5227 West 137th Street Brook Park, OH 44142 (800) 362-0217 www.henningers.com 40,000 square feet of church items, studios, and workshops Call for information about setting up standing orders for hosts, ordos, palms, etc. Vestments Albs Clergy Apparel Metalware Communionware Statues Visit www.henningerswarehouse.com and www.church-inventory.com to view our selection of used church goods online 43 Priests Acosta, Fr. Yovanny A. (June 18, 1984) St. Peter Church 6899 Smoky Row Rd., Columbus 43235-2034 Allen, Fr. John Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. Hight St., Columbus 43235-1499 Arcuri, Fr. Carmen J. (May 27, 1961) St. Michael Church 5750 N. High St., Worthington 43085-3986 Arnold, Fr. William L. (May 17, 1980) Holy Spirit Church 4383 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-1357 Ascencio, Fr. Joseph A. (Apr. 30, 1983) 955 Eudora St., Apt. 1205, Denver, CO 80220-4340 Atwood, Fr. Ronald J. (May 24, 1969) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3766 Aubry, Fr. Ronald J. (Jun. 20, 1981) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3766 Bakle, Fr. John, SM (July 22, 1967) Sacred Hearts Church 4680 U.S. Rt. 42, Cardington 43315-9512 Bay, Fr. Joseph N. (June 11, 1994) Ss. Augustine and Gabriel Church 1567 Loretta Ave., Suite 111, Columbus 43211-1677 Bender, Msgr. Thomas G. (May 26, 1956) Mother Angeline McCrory Manor 5199 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-3800 Benecki, Fr. Stanley (June 23, 1984) St. Mary Magdalene Church 473 S. Roys Ave., Columbus 43204-2598 Black, Fr. James P. (June 11, 1988) St. Joan of Arc Church 10700 Liberty Rd. S., Powell, 43065-7681 Blau, Fr. Thomas J., OP (June 4, 1999) St. Patrick Church 280 N. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215-2193 Blubaugh, Fr. Homer D. (May 24, 1969) P.O. Box 33, Danville, OH 43014-0033 Boccali, Fr. Ronald, PIME (June 11, 1960) St. Leonard Church 57 Dorsey Mill Rd. E., Heath 43056-1198 Boettcher, Fr. John (February 2, 1991) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Borrelli, Msgr. Anthony (Mar. 27, 1954) 3140 El Greco Dr., Columbus 43204 Brosmer, Fr. Thomas J. (May 24, 1969) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Buffer, Fr. Thomas J. (June 22, 1991) St. Mary Church 251 N. Main St., Marion 43302-3031 Byrne, Fr. Patrick J. (May 28, 1955) 4468 Beachwood Lake Dr., Naples, FL 34112 Campbell, Bishop Frederick F., D.D., Ph.D. (May 31, 1980) 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Carmody, Fr. Stephen F., OP (June 5, 1981) Holy Trinity Church and St. Joseph Church P.O. Box 190, Somerset 43783-0190 Carvalho, Fr. Antonio (June 5, 1993) Holy Name Church 154 E. Patterson, Columbus 43202-3047 Ciccone, Fr. Joseph, CSP (May 13, 1989) St. Thomas More Newman Center 64 W. Lane Ave., Columbus 43201-1098 Ciccone, Fr. Michael, OP (May 28, 1975) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1498 Ciotola, Msgr. Romano (May 29, 1965) Our Lady of Victory Church 1559 Roxbury Rd., Columbus 43212-2723 Clagett, Msgr. Carl P. (May 28, 1955) Villas at St Therese Assisted Living #109 25 Noe Bixby Rd., Columbus 43213-4411 Cody, Msgr John K. (Mar. 24, 1973) 614-398-7119 St. Christopher Church 1420 Grandview Ave., Columbus 43212-2891 Coleman, Fr. James (May 8, 1976) 614-861-1242 Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church 5225 Refugee Rd., Columbus 43232-5398 Colopy, Fr. James (May 17, 1986) 614-889-2221 St. Peter Church 6899 Smoky Row Rd., Columbus 43235-2034 Coning, Fr. Jeffrey J. (May 31, 1997) 330-343-6976 Sacred Heart Church 139 Third St. NE, New Philadelphia 44663-3936 Connolly, Fr. Leo L. (June 13, 1981) 614-878-5353 St. Cecilia Church 434 Norton Rd., Columbus 43228-7602 Corcoran, Fr. Shawn (June 3, 2000) — c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Cotton, Fr. Charles E. (May 26, 1973) 614-891-0150 St. Elizabeth Church 1682 Lynnhurst Rd., Columbus 43229-2640 Csaszar, Fr. James C. (June 26, 1999) 740-342-1348 Perry County Consortium of Catholic Parishes w/ res at St. Rose Church 309 N. Main St., New Lexington 43764-1204 Cunniff, Fr. Charles E., CSP (May 21, 1983) 614-291-4674 St. Thomas More Newman Center 64 W. Lane Ave., 43201-1098 Dailey, Fr. Stanley L. (May 24, 2008) 614-221-4323 Holy Family Church 584 W. Broad St., Columbus 43215-2710 Damico, Fr. Rodney M. (June 6, 1992) 614-443-2828 St. Ladislas/Corpus Christi Churches 277 Reeb Ave., Columbus 43207-1978 Dettling, Fr. William C., OP (June 5, 1959) 614-253-8517 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 DeVille, Fr. William H. (Dec. 22, 1962) 614-232-1515 196 S. Grant Ave., Unit 304, Columbus 43215-8365 Dinovo, Fr. Anthony A. (June 2, 2001) 614-885-7814 St. Michael Church 5750 N. High St., Worthington 43085-3986 Dosch, Fr. Michael Mary, OP (June 10, 2005) 614-240-5914 St. Patrick Church 280 N. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215 Dreese, Msgr. John J. (May 30, 1959) 740-394-2990 P.O. Box 39, New Straitsville 43766 Droll, Fr. Nicholas L. (May 25, 2013) 614-451-4290 St. Andrew Church 1899 McCoy Rd., Columbus 43220-4407 Dunn, Msgr. William A. (May 29, 1965) 740-385-2549 St. John Church 351 N. Market St., Logan 43138-1293 Dury, Fr. Daniel J. (May 29, 2010) 614-231-4509 St. Catharine of Siena Church 500 S. Gould Rd., Columbus 43209-2221 Ehwald, Fr. Joseph A. (May 26, 1962) — 1308 Erickson Ave., Columbus 43227-2059 Eilerman, Fr. Craig R. (June 6, 1987) 740-653-0997 St. Mary Church 132 S. High St., Lancaster 43130-3846 Engle, Fr. Richard F. (May 26, 1956) 740-596-5474 St. Sylvester Church 119 N. 2nd, P.O. Box 264, Zaleski, 45698 Enke, Msgr. Paul P. (May 27, 1972) 740-587-3254 St. Edward the Confessor Church 785 Newark Rd., Granville 43023-1450 Enzweiler, Fr. Raymond (June 23, 2006) 614-885-5585 Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Everett, Fr. Willis E. (May 26, 1990) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 614-889-2221 614-885-5585 614-885-7814 614-861-1521 303-393-7862 419-946-3611 614-268-3123 614-274-1121 614-761-0905 614-240-5918 740-502-2679 740-522-5270 614-885-5585 614-308-0325 — 740-382-2118 239-774-6602 614-224-2251 740-743-1399 614-262-0390 614-291-4674 614-885-5585 614-488-2428 614-866-6291 44 Fairchild, Msgr. Edward J. (May 30, 1959) 614-202-1849 3306 Beachworth Dr., Columbus 43232 Faustner, Fr. William J. (May 29, 1976) 614-451-2671 St. Timothy Church 1088 Thomas Lane, Columbus 43220-5047 Ferguson, Fr. William J. (May 27, 2006) 740-928-3266 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 5133 Walnut Rd. SE, P.O.Box 45, Buckeye Lake 43008-0045 Fitzhenry, Fr. J. Stephen, OP (June 5, 1958) 614-253-8517 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Franks, Fr. Donald E. (May 19, 1979) 740-754-2221 St. Ann Church-Dresden Box 107, Dresden 43821-0107 Frecker, Msgr. A. Anthony (May 27, 1972) 614-920-1562 Pope John XXIII Church 5170 Winchester Southern Rd. NW, Canal Winchester 43110 Funk, Msgr. David R. (May 27, 1974) 614-866-2859 St. Pius X Church 1051 Waggoner Rd., Reynoldsburg 43068-9704 García, Fr. Saul Alonso, MSP (May 31, 2008) 614-272-5206 St. Stephen the Martyr Church 4131 Clime Rd., Columbus 43228-3537 Gately, Fr. Robert E. (May 22, 1952) 813-938-4458 702 Valley Forge Blvd., Sun City, FL. 33573 Geiger, Msgr. James A. (Aug. 15, 1950) 614-751-8424 Villas at St Therese Assisted Living #138 25 Noe Bixby Rd., Columbus 43213-4417 Gentry, Fr. Michael C. (May 25, 2013) 614-761-0905 St. Joan of Arc Church 10700 Liberty Rd., Powell 43065-7681 Ghiloni, Fr. Mark V. (June 11, 1983) 740-852-0942 St. Patrick Church 61 S. Union St., London 43140-1281 Gideon, Fr. Peter M. (June 13, 1976) 740-654-2874 St. Mark Church 324 Gay St., Lancaster 43130-5127 Gribble, Fr. G. Michael (May 16, 1981) 740-246-4486 13644 Juniper Rd., Thornville, OH 43076-9150 Griffin, Bishop James A., JD, JCL (May 28, 1960) 740-881-0547 3330 Timberside Dr., Powell 43065 Gwinner, Fr. David E. (June 23, 1984) 614-88-22109 St. Paul Church 313 N. State St., Westerville 43082-8825 Hahn, Fr. William P. (June 26, 2004) 740-774-1407 St. Peter Church 126 Church St., Chillicothe 45601-2405 Hammond, Fr. Mark J. (June 24, 1989) 740-392-4711 St. Vincent de Paul Church 303 E. High St., Mt. Vernon 43050-3419 Harrington, Fr. Ignatius (Aug 7, 1982) 614-783-0042 Holy Resurrection Melkite Catholic Church 8148 Wildflower Lane, Westerville 43081 Harrington, Fr. Jay, OP (May 4, 1985) 614-885-5585 Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Hatfield, III, Fr. James H. (May 29, 2010) 330-364-6661 St. Joseph Church, 613 N. Tuscarawas Ave., Dover 44622-2837 Hayes, Fr. Stephen D., OP (May 20, 1988) 740-453-3301 St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Administrator) 144 N. 5th St., Zanesville 43701-3506 Hayes, Fr. Timothy M. (June 22, 1985) 614-451-2671 St. Timothy Church 1088 Thomas Lane, Columbus 43220-5047 Heisler, Fr. John F. (May 15, 1999) 614-885-5585 Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Hendricks, Msgr. Joseph M. (May 27, 1972) 614-761-3734 St. Brigid of Kildare Box 3130, Dublin 43016-0062 Hinterschied, Fr. Michael J. (May 26, 2012) 614-882-2109 St. Paul Church 313 N. State St., Westerville 43082-8825 Hoover, Fr. Matthew N. (June 24, 1995) 614-267-9241 Immaculate Conception Church 414 E. North Broadway St., Columbus 43214-4114 Hritsko, Fr. William A. (May 30, 1998) 740-622-8817 Sacred Heart Church 805 Main St., Coshocton 43812-1638 Hummer, Fr. Lawrence L., (Feb. 2, 1973) 740-772-2061 St. Mary Church 61 S. Paint St., Chillicothe 45601-3213 Huntzinger, Fr. Ralph J. (Mar. 18, 1950) 614-253-8517 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Hussey, Fr. M. Edmund (May 31, 1958) 614-771-2736 3714 Falls Circle Drive, Hilliard 43026 Iasiello, Fr. Louis V., OFM (May 13, 1978) 614-885-5585 Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Ike, Fr. Hilary C. (May 8, 2004) 614-224-1295 St. Joseph Cathedral, 212 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3702 Johnson, Msgr. John G. (June 1, 1974) 614-876-1272 St. Brendan Church 4475 Dublin Rd., Hilliard 43026-2443 Joseph, Fr. Vio O. (Oct. 10, 1979) 740-773-1141 Veterans Affairs Medical Center 17273 S. R. 104, Chillicothe 45601 Kamau, Fr. Thomas (July 22, 1990) 740-297-7474 4600 Centenial Pkwy., Zanesville 43701-6485 Kavanagh, Fr. Kevin J. (June 11, 1983) 614-263-8824 Our Lady of Peace Church 20 E. Dominion Blvd., Columbus 43214-2737 Keck, Fr. Edward L. (May 26, 1973) 330-418-9338 626 Hannah Circle, Canton, OH 44709-1381 Kessler, Fr. Wm. Thomas, (July 20, 1974) 614-634-0499 St. Mary Church 600 Marietta St., Bremen 43107-0085 Kigozi, Fr. Denis S. (Oct. 5, 1991) 614-252-0976 St. Thomas the Apostle Church 2692 E. Fifth Ave., Columbus 43219-2752 Kitsmiller, Fr. Robert J. (June 26, 2004) 740-252-6276 Holy Redeemer College 3112 7th St. NE, Washington D.C. 20017 Klee, Fr. Joseph C. (June 2, 2001) 614-372-5249 Sacred Heart Church 893 Hamlet St., Columbus 43201-3536 Klein, Fr. Terrance W. (July 14, 1984) 620-276-2024 St. Dominic Church 615 J.C. St., Garden City, KS 67846 Klima, Fr. James A. (May 15, 1976) 614-833-0482 Seton Parish 600 Hill Rd. N, Pickerington 43147-9201 Klinger, Fr. Charles F. (June 11, 1983) 614-882-2109 St. Paul Church 313 N. State St., Westerville 43082-8825 Krile, Fr. Stephen L. (June 11, 1983) 330-674-1671 St. Peter Church, 379 S. Crawford St., Millersburg 44654-1463 Lane, Msgr. Frank P. (Mar. 11, 1967) 513-231-2223 6616 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230-2006 Larussa, Fr. Raymond (June 2, 1974) 614-267-3406 St. Matthias Church 1582 Ferris Rd., Columbus 43224-2115 Laurinaitis, Fr. Saulius P. (Dec. 18, 1948) Villas at St Therese Assisted Living #142 25 Noe Bixby Rd., Columbus 43213-1411 Lavelle, Fr. Raymond E. (May 25, 1957) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3766 Lee, Fr. Abdon (June 24, 2002) St. Andrew Kim Taegon Korean Catholic Community 221 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Linowski, Fr. Eugene (June 1, 1957) 614-451-6900 2221 Glenmere Rd., Columbus 43220-4713 Lonzo, Fr. Anthony P. (June 25, 2005) 740-922-3533 Immaculate Conception Church 206 N. 1st St., Dennison 44621-1230 45 Losh, Fr. Joseph F. (May 30, 1964) 614-577-9409 Villas at St Therese Assisted Living 25 Noe Bixby Rd., Columbus 43213-1411 Lumpe, Very Rev. Michael J. (June 26, 2004) 614-224-1295 St. Joseph Cathedral 212 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3702 Lutz, Fr. Kevin F. (Nov. 11, 1978) 614-445-9668 St. Mary Church 684 S. Third St., Columbus 43206-1028 Lynch, Fr. Reginald Mary, OP (May 24, 2013) 614-224-9522 St. Patrick Church 280 N. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215-2652 Machnik, Fr. Theodore F. (June 22, 1991) 740-474-1821 St. Joseph Church 134 W. Mound St., Circleville 43113-1624 Manickathan, Fr. Jose Souru, CFIC (June 11, 2006) 614-224-3416 Holy Cross Church 204 S. 5th St., Columbus 43215-5294 Maroon, Fr. Donald M. (May 27, 1967) 740-384-2359 SS. Peter and Paul Church 227 New York Ave., Wellston 45692-1899 Mathewson, Fr. Dean (May 26, 1973) 614-252-0976 St. Thomas the Apostle Church 2692 E. Fifth Ave., Columbus 43219-2752 McClory, Fr. Bernard J. (May 30, 1953) — c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3766 McKiernan, Fr. Vincent W., CSP (May 11, 1957) 614-291-4674 St. Thomas More Newman Center 64 W. Lane Ave., Columbus 43201-1098 McMahon, Msgr. Kevin T. (June 29, 1975) 614-885-5585 Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 McNew, Fr. Dwayne A. (June 24, 1995) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-3766 Meagher, Msgr. Frank J. (Aug. 6, 1960) 740-506-4692 Villas at St. Therese Independent Living 5253 East Broad St., Apt 207, Columbus 43213-3835 Metzger, Fr. John L. (May 27, 1967) 740-342-2415 PO Box 55, New Lexington 43764 Metzger, Fr. Richard L. (May 27, 1967) 614-497-1324 St. Mary Church 5684 Groveport Rd., Groveport 43125-1003 Metzger, Msgr. Robert E. (May 28, 1960) 740-987-8438 P.O. Box 277, Junction City 43748-0277 Metzger, Fr. Stephen A. (May 16, 1970) 740-892-2321 Church of the Nativity Box 506, Utica 43080-0506 Metzger, Fr. William A. (May 27, 1978 614-879-8562 Ss. Simon and Jude Church 9350 High Free Pike, West Jefferson 43162 Metzger, Fr. William J. (Dec. 22, 1962) 614-425-1362 May-Oct: 3941 Karl Rd. #235, Columbus 43224-5205 Nov-Apr: 20137 Orange Tree Ln., Estero, FL 33928-4013 Millisor, Fr. Daniel J. (May 17, 1986) 614-875-3322 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 3730 Broadway, Grove City 43123-2235 Missimi, Msgr. Anthony N. (Dec. 22, 1962) 614-481-4459 1374 Lakeshore Dr., Apt B, Columbus 43204-4905 Moloney, Msgr. Stephan J. (June 12, 1982) 614-451-4290 St. Andrew Church 1899 McCoy Rd., Columbus 43220-4407 Monaco, Fr. David, CP (May 17, 1990) 614-885-5585 Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Morris, Fr. Matthew B. (May 25, 2013) 614-885-7814 St. Michael Church 5750 N. High St., Worthington 43085-3917 Morris, Msgr. Eugene C. (May 25, 1996) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Murphy, Fr. Joseph A, SJ (May 19, 1973) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Nimocks, Fr. Michael F. (June 29, 1996) Villas at St. Therese Independent Living 5253 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-3849 Noble, Fr. Paul A. (May 23, 1981) St. Joseph Cathedral 212 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3702 Nolan, Fr. Lawrence H., OCSO (May 1, 1958) St. Therese Retreat Center 5277 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-1389 Noon, Msgr. Robert L. (May 26, 1951) Villas at St. Therese Independent Living 5253 E. Broad St. Columbus 43213-3849 Nugent, Msgr. James B. (May 26, 1956) Villas at St. Therese Assisted Living 25 Noe Bixby Rd. Columbus 43213-4411 O’Brien, Fr. David W., CSP (May 3, 1956) Mohun Health Care Center 2340 Airport Dr, Rm 226, Columbus 43219-2602 Ochs, Fr. Daniel L. (May 22, 1976) St. Agatha Church 1860 Northam Rd., Columbus 43221-3258 Ogurchock, Fr. James A. (May 31, 1958) 1253 Villa Oaks Ct., Gahanna 43230-6795 Okpe, Fr. Balonwu Augustine (July 10, 2004) St. Mary Church 82 E. William St., Delaware 43015-2346 Onyeachonam, Fr. Sylvester (July 22, 2000) Christ the King Church 2770 Dover Rd., Columbus 43209-3020 Owera, Fr. Ramon Macoy Cruz, CFIC (May 30, 1998) Holy Cross Church 204 S. 5th St., Columbus 43215-5294 Oxley, Fr. Walter R. (June 28, 2003) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Oyafermi, Fr. Clement 5551 Valley Ridge, Columbus 43228 Pendolphi, Fr. Richard J. (Oct. 9, 1976) St. Agnes Church 2364 W. Mound St, Columbus 43204-2903 Penhallurick, Fr. Robert (Sept. 7, 1996) St. Brendan Church 4475 Dublin Rd., Hilliard 43026-2443 Perez, Fr. Jose (July 25, 1964) Villas at St. Therese Assisted Living 5253 E. Broad St. Columbus 43213-3849 Petry, Fr. Thomas G. (June 4, 1978) St. Anthony Church 1300 Urban Dr., Columbus 43229-5132 Pietrzyk, Fr. Pius, OP (May 23, 2008) St. Thomas Aquinas Church 144 N. 5th St., Zanesville 43701-3506 Poliafico, Fr. David A. (June 24, 1995) Our Lady of Lourdes Church 1033 W. 5th St., Marysville 43040-9282 Ralko, Fr. Martin J. (June 23, 1984) St. Nicholas Church 955 E. Main St., Zanesville 43701-4407 Reade, Fr. John M. (Nov. 21, 2009) 1358 Hemlock Ct., Lancaster 43130-1177 Reichert, Fr. J. Lawrence (May 29, 1971) Church of the Ascension 555 S. Main St., Johnstown 43031-9150 46 614-885-5585 614-885-5585 740-244-6589 614-224-1295 614-501-0115 614-577-0074 614-367-1924 614-253-8517 614-488-6149 614-337-1110 740-363-4641 614-237-0401 614-224-3416 614-885-5585 614-254-4714 614-276-5413 614-876-1272 614-885-4857 740-453-3301 937-644-6020 740-453-0597 740-503-2827 740-967-7871 Reis, Fr. Justin J. (May 24, 1969) St. Agatha Church 1860 Northam Rd., Columbus 43221-3258 Reis, Fr. Michael J. (May 27, 1967) St. Francis deSales Church 40 Granville St., Newark 43055-5084 Rimelspach, Fr. Jeff J. (June 22, 1985) St. Margaret of Cortona Church 1600 N. Hague Ave., Columbus 43204-1606 Rodenfels, Fr. Jerome P. (May 26, 1974) Church of the Resurrection 6300 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., New Albany 43054-8592 Rogers, Fr. Patrick W. (June 12, 1982) St. Colman of Cloyne Church 219 S. North St., Washington C.H. 43160-2250 Rozembajgier, Fr. John (May 29, 2004) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Ruef, Msgr. James L.T. (June 3, 1978) 119 S. Chesterfield Rd., Columbus 43209-1911 Schalk, Fr. David A. (May 24, 2008) Christ the King Church 2770 Dover Rd., Columbus 43209-3020 Schilder, Fr. David M. (May 25, 1968) 192 Grand Ave., Chillicothe 45601 Schlegel, Msgr. George J. (May 28, 1966) 7592 Pickett Lane, Columbus 43235-1948 Schmit, Fr. Ryan M. (May 28, 2011) St. Matthew Church 807 Havens Corners Rd., Gahanna 43230-3114 Schnakenberg, Fr. Gregory, OP (May 29, 2009) St. Patrick Church 280 N. Grant Ave., Columbus 43215 Schneider, Fr. Harold E. (May 26, 1962) 913 Hartney Drive, Gahanna 43230 Schneider, Msgr. Robert E. (May 25, 1957) Villas at St Therese Assisted Living #115 25 Noe Bixby Rd., Apt. 115, Columbus 43213-1411 Schreck, Very Rev. Msgr. Christopher (July 9, 1977) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Serraglio, Msgr. Mario A. (Apr. 26, 1958) P.O. Box 703, Canal Winchester 43110 Sill, Fr. Theodore K. (June 24, 1989) St. Matthew Church 807 Havens Corners Rd., Gahanna 43230-3114 Sizemore, Fr. David W. (June 29, 1996) St. John Neumann Church 9633 E. State Rt. 37, Sunbury 43074-9672 Smith, Fr. Paul O. (May 30, 1964) c/o 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3766 Snoke, Fr. F. Richard (May 29, 1965) 1390 Hamburg Rd. SW, Lancaster, OH 43130-8554 Sorohan, Msgr. David V. (Dec. 20, 1959) 925 Vernon Rd., Bexley 43209 Soule, Fr. W. Becket, OP (December 18, 1993) Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Stanton, Fr. Francis M. (May 30, 1959) Villas at St. Therese Independent Living 5253 E. Broad St., Rm. 124, Columbus 43213-3834 Stash, Fr. Robert St. John Chrysostom Byzantine-Catholic Church Stattmiller, Fr. John E. (May 28, 1966) PO Box 31, Otway 45657-0031 Stevenson, Fr. Dennis E. (June 11, 1988) St. Aloysius Church 32 S. Clarendon Ave., Columbus 43223-1097 614-488-6149 Stluka, Fr. Jerome D. (Dec. 19, 1969) Holy Cross Church 204 S. 5th St., Columbus 43215-5294 Streitenberger, Fr. Adam A. (May 26, 2007) St. Mary Church 524 Sixth St., Portsmouth 45662-3843 Subler, Fr. Carl A. (June 26, 2004) P.O.Box 245, Versailles, Oh 45380 Sullivan, Fr. Jan C.P. (June 22, 1991) St. Francis de Sales Church 66 Granville St., Newark 43055-4909 Summers, Fr. Mark S. (May 29, 2010) St. Peter Church 6899 Smoky Row Rd., Columbus 43235-2034 Swickard, Fr. John L. (Apr. 21, 1974) 500 Capitol Ct., Williamsburg, VA 23185-4501 Tigyer, Fr. Jeffrey E. (June 3, 2000) Immaculate Conception Church 215 E. North St., Kenton 43326-1570 Tomson, Fr. Tyron J. (May 28, 2011) St. Brigid of Kildare Box 3130, Dublin 43016-0062 Toner, Fr. Patrick A. (May 24, 1975) St. Joseph Church 670 W. Main St., Plain City 43064-1037 Trainor, Fr. Michael P., OP (May 28, 1975) Dominican Sisters of Peace-Columbus Motherhouse 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Trapp II, Fr. Joseph J. (June 29, 1996) Holy Trinity Church 215 Columbia St., Jackson 45640-1771 Valcin, Fr. Fritzner (Sept. 5, 1999) St. Francis of Assisi Church 386 Buttles Ave., Columbus 43215-1361 Velázquez, Fr. Eduardo, MSP (June 11, 1999) St. Stephen the Martyr Church 4131 Clime Rd., Columbus 43228-3537 Virginia, Fr. Stephen G. (May 24, 1979) 1018 27th St., Portsmouth, OH 45662 Wagner, Fr. Joshua J. (June 26, 2004) Community of Holy Rosary/ St. John the Evangelist 648 S. Ohio Ave,, Columbus 43205-2799 Walter, Fr. James A. (May 26, 1962) St. Joseph Church 306 Elm St., Box 209, Sugar Grove 43155-0209 Watson, Fr. Michael B. (May 17, 1986) St. Mary Church 82 E. William St., Delaware 43015-2346 Wesolowski, Fr. Victor R. (May 24, 2008) St. Luke Church Box P, 305 S. Market St., Danville 43014-0616 Wicks, Fr. Jared, SJ Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus 43235-1499 Williams, Fr. Clarence, C.PP.S. (Oct 28, 1978) St. James the Less Church 1652 Oakland Park Ave., Columbus 43224-3552 Wilson, Fr, Jonathan F. (May 31, 2003) Church of the Blessed Sacrament 394 E. Main St., Newark 43055-6529 Yokum, Fr. Joseph T. (May 26, 2007) St. Peter in Chains Church 2167 Lick Run Lyra Rd., Wheelersburg 45694-8882 Young, Fr. David E. (June 24, 1995) Our Lady of Sorrows Church 2215 Galena Pk., W. Portsmouth 45663-6210 Young, Fr. David J. (June 26, 2004) Our Lady of Lourdes Church 222 E. Highland Ave., Ada 45810-1122 740-345-9874 614-279-1690 614-855-1400 740-335-5000 614-885-5585 614-237-0125 614-237-0401 — 614-798-0427 614-471-0212 614-240-5917 614-418-5803 614-367-0752 614-885-5585 614-397-9455 614-471-0212 740-965-1358 — 740-653-7430 614-239-6218 614-885-5585 614-530-1938 614-882-7578 740-961-1654 614-276-6587 47 614-224-3416 740-354-4551 614-425-1586 740-345-9874 614-889-2221 757-229-1763 419-675-1162 614-761-3734 614-873-8850 740-286-1428 614-299-5781 614-272-5206 614-252-5926 740-746-8302 740-363-4641 740-599-6362 614-885-5585 614-262-1179 740-345-4290 740-574-5486 740-858-4600 419-634-2626 Deacons Acox, Dcn. Terrence A. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-574-5640 Scioto County Parish Consortium e-mail: [email protected] 6459 Lick Run Lyra Rd., Wheelersburg 45694-8710 Allison, Dcn. Mark (Feb. 1, 1997) 540-966-6638 177 E. Arrowhead Ct. Troutville, VA 24175 e-mail: [email protected] Andrews, Dcn. William J. (Nov. 29, 2008) 740-967-2374 Church of the Ascension, Johnstown e-mail: [email protected] 5106 Raccoon Run Rd., Johnstown 43031-9455 Azzola, Dcn. Felix F. (Aug. 5, 1989) 740-369-2014 St. Mary Church, Delaware e-mail: [email protected] 131 Yorkshire Rd., Delaware 43015-3844 Ball, Dcn. Frank (Oct. 12, 1980) 614-305-1673 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 4340 Sunninghill Dr. Grove City 43123-8149 Barbour, Dcn John C. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-366-4124 St. Edward the Confessor Church, e-mail: [email protected] 186 N. Quentin Rd., Newark 43055-4669 Barford, Dcn. Thomas (Feb. 15, 1992) 614-895-3544 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 5977 Blue Spruce St., Columbus 43231-2315 Baumann, Dcn. Richard (June 6, 1976) 614-319-3181 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 3171 Griggsview Ct., Columbus 43221 Berg, Jr., Dcn. Thomas (Jan. 29, 2005) 614-224-2251 St. Andrew Church Chancellor, Diocese of Columbus 198 E. Broad St., Columbus 43215-3702 Berg, Sr., Dcn. Thomas (June 4, 1983) 614-431-2480 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 1304 Durness Ct., Columbus 43235-2191 Birie, Dcn. Timothy J. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-694-1060 St. Vincent dePaul Church, e-mail: [email protected] 9571 Woodridge Circle, Fredericktown 43019-9217 Bonacci, Dcn. Tony (Feb. 1, 1997) 614-873-4533 St. Joseph Church, Plain City e-mail: [email protected] 6870 Plain City-Georgesville Rd, Plain City 43064 Busic, Dcn. Richard (Feb. 3, 2001) 740-246-6275 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Buckeye Lake e-mail:[email protected] 13211 Rosewood Rd., Thornville 43076-9106 Butts, Dcn. Jerry J. (Oct. 12, 1980) 614-444-2267 Corpus Christi Church email: [email protected] 1283 Wilson Ave., Columbus 43206-3171 Cain, Dcn. Albert E. (Oct. 5, 1991) 740-522-4750 Retired e-mail:[email protected] 1320 Sequoia Lane, Heath 43056-1122 Calcara, Jr., Dcn. Carl A. (Nov 29, 2008) 740-965-1132 St John Neumann Church, Sunbury e-mail: [email protected] Business Manager, St. Christopher, Columbus 1370 S. Galena Rd. Galena 43021-9536 Campbell, Dcn. Christopher (Jan. 29, 2005) 614-261-0809 Immaculate Conception Church e-mail: [email protected] Registrar, Bishop Watterson High School 177 E. Dunedin Rd., Columbus 43214-3803 Carpenter, Dcn. Jeffrey P. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-681-9918 St. Bernadette Church, e-mail: [email protected] 3027 Valley View Rd. NE, Lancaster 43130-8707 Checca, Dcn. Joe (Feb. 17, 1990) 614-833-5818 Seton Parish, Pickerington e-mail: [email protected] 107 Jamie Lynn Circle, Pickerington, 43147 Ciaciura, Dcn. Joseph W. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-549-2116 St. Paul the Apostle Church, Westerville e-mail: [email protected] 6660 Jaycox Rd., Galena 43021-9530 Crerand, Dcn. John (Feb. 15, 1992) 614-898-9681 Diocesan Tribunal St. Michael Church, Worthington e-mail: [email protected] 390 Ashford Dr., Westerville 43082 Davis, Dcn. James R. (June 29, 1985) 614-263-7559 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 2664 Howey Rd., Columbus 43211-1233 Davis, Dcn. William J. F. (Feb. 1, 1997) 740-201-8204 Retired The Inn at Olentangy Trail, 36 Corduroy Rd., Delaware 43015 Dawson, Dcn. Eugene (Feb. 17, 1990) 740-621-3975 Holy Trinity Church, Somerset 4795 Marietta Rd. SE, New Lexington 43764 e-mail: [email protected] DeMers, Dcn. Steve (Jan. 29, 2005) (c) 740-258-4129 St. Francis de Sales Church, Newark e-mail: [email protected] Business Manager, Catholic Times, Diocese of Columbus 299 Merchant St., Newark 43055-4491 Demidovich, Jr., Dcn. William F. (Nov 29, 2008) 614-563-8508 St. Michael Church, Worthington e-mail: [email protected] 7795 Red Maple Pl., Westerville, 43082-7082 Deshaies, Dcn. Paul (Feb. 3, 2001) 740-687-6085 St. Agnes (service to Hispanic Community) e-mail: [email protected] 1912 Independence Blvd., Lancaster 43130-1207 Drummer, Dcn. Ken (Feb. 3, 2001) 863-815-9655 7915 Ridge Point Dr. West, e-mail: [email protected] Lakeland, FL 33810 Duda, Dcn. Frank A. (Feb. 17, 1990) 740-545-7361 St Francis deSales, Newcomerstown e-mail: [email protected] 22242 County Rd #124, W. Lafayette 43845-9777 DuPrey, Dcn. John (Feb. 15, 1982) 614-866-6422 St. Pius X Church, Reynoldsburg 7411 Harbour Town Rd., e-mail: [email protected] Pickerington 43147 Eiden, Dcn. Gregory (May 29, 1982) 614-267-7500 Kairos Prison Ministry Chaplain e-mail: [email protected] 305 Acton Rd., Columbus 43214-3305 Elam, Dcn. Jack (Feb. 15, 1992) 740-366-6721 Retired 187 Jefferson Rd., Newark 43055-4639 e-mail: [email protected] Fondriest, Dcn. Ron (Aug. 19, 1979) 330-827-9735 Retired e-mail:ron. [email protected] PO Box 2204, Dover 44622-1000 Fortkamp, Dcn. Jeffrey (Nov 29, 2008) 614-246-0174 Our Lady of Peace Church e-mail: [email protected] 1120 Northport Dr., Columbus 43235-4078 Fricke, Dcn. Klaus (Feb. 3, 2001) 614-891-6184 St. Michael, Worthington e-mail: [email protected] 1767 Hillandale Ave., Columbus 43229-1413 Ghiloni, Dcn. Bob (Feb. 1, 1997) 740-345-1122 Retired 75 Amy Lane NE, Newark 43055-9655 e-mail: [email protected] Gorman, Dcn. William J. (June 29, 1985) 440-937-4082 Retired 525 Augusta St., Elyria 44035-8312 e-mail: [email protected] Gorski, Dcn. James (Feb. 3, 2001) 614-659-7117 St. Joseph Cathedral e-mail: [email protected] 2667 Pointewood Loop, Galena 43021 Gundrum, Dcn. Hank (Aug. 5, 2005) 740-407-7316 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 1565 A Monmouth Dr., Lancaster 43130-8772 Hann, Dcn. Dan (Feb. 1, 1997) 740-852-5456 St. Patrick Church, London e-mail: [email protected] 2609 Chrisman Rd., London 43140 Hauser, Dcn. Reed T. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-775-1835 St. Peter Church, Chillicothe e-mail: [email protected] 146 Applewood Dr., Chillicothe 45601-1946 Hawkins, Dcn. Mickey (Feb. 3, 2001) 614-890-2468 St. Paul the Apostle Church, Westerville e-mail: [email protected] 1796 Staffordshire Rd. Columbus 43229-2142 Hood, Dcn. J. Michael (Nov 29, 2008) 419-634-1645 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ada e-mail: [email protected] and Immaculate Conception, Kenton 224 Grandview Blvd., Ada 45810-1660 Houze, Dcn. Lyn (Feb. 3, 2001) 330-874-4614 Holy Trinity Church, Zoar e-mail: [email protected] 9575 SR 212 NE, Bolivar 44612-8642 Iannarino, Dcn. Frank (Nov. 11, 1989) 614-798-9763 St. Brigid of Kildare Church, Dublin e-mail: [email protected] Director, Office of the Diaconate, Diocese of Columbus Chaplain, Bishop Watterson High School 7266 Innisfree Ln., Dublin, 43017-2630 Jerzyk, Dcn Carl (Sept 6,2008) 614-392-5304 131 Cherrington Rd., Westerville, 43081-2930 e-mail: [email protected] Johnston, Dcn. Thomas (June 29, 1985) 614-267-1903 St. Joseph Cathedral e-mail: [email protected] 1175 Zebulon Ave., Columbus 43224-2757 Joseph, Dcn. Robert (Nov 29, 2008) 614-488-0777 Our Lady of Victory e-mail: [email protected] 1406 Cambridge Blvd., Columbus 43212-3207 Kelly, Dcn. James W. (Nov 29, 2008) 614-834-5128 St. Pius X Church, Reynoldsburg e-mail: [email protected] 11795 Huntington Way, Pickerington 43147-9102 Killoren, Dcn. Robert (May 22, 1999) 614-418-7228 Church of the Ascension e-mail: [email protected] 782 Cherry Wood Place, Gahanna 43230 48 5555 Heathrow Dr., Powell 43056-7970 Pry, Dcn. Roger (Mar. 25, 1975) 614-833-1817 Pope John XXIII Church, Canal Winchester e-mail: [email protected] 4284 Wincove Dr., Groveport 43125 Racine, Dcn. Dean W. (Nov 29, 2008) 614-895-9843 St. Elizabeth Church e-mail: [email protected] Business Manager, St Paul-Westerville 756 Southbluff Dr., Westerville 43082-8603 Rankin, Dcn. Jack (Nov. 2, 1975) 614-403-8045 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 275 Wetmore Rd., Columbus 43214-2117 Raymond, Dcn. Hector (May 6, 2006) 614-833-0482 Seton Parish, Pickerington e-mail: [email protected] 11977 Huntington Way, Pickerington 43147-9105 Reis, Dcn Christopher J. (Nov. 24, 2012) St. Catharine Church e-mail: [email protected] Chaplain, Diocesan Office of Scouting 181 S Broadleigh Rd., Columbus 43209-1905 Robers, Dcn. Donald (Jan. 29, 2005) 740-385-0447 St. John Church, Logan e-mail: [email protected] 13831 Nickel Plate Rd., Logan 43138-8899 Ross, Dcn. Michael 614-985-2260 Provost, Pontifical College Josephinum e-mail: [email protected] 965 Clubview Blvd. S., Columbus 43235 Rouse, Dcn. Jim (Feb. 1, 1997) 614-876-2327 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 3909 Braidwood Dr., Hilliard 43026-2414 Rzewnicki, Dcn. Phil (June 2, 1985) 919-845-9622 11210 Crestmont Dr., e-mail: [email protected] Raleigh, NC 27613-5912 Saunders, Dcn. Douglas A. (Nov. 24, 2012) 614-529-1961 St. Brendan the Navigator Church e-mail: [email protected] 5749 Plank Dr., Hilliard 43026-7346 Scarpitti, Dcn. Mark (Feb. 1, 1997) 740-468-1042 e-mail: [email protected] St. Bernadette Church, Lancaster 4395 Richland Rd., Pleasantville 43148 Schermer, Dcn. Joseph E., Sr (May 29, 1982) 614-336-3775 St. Peter Church e-mail: [email protected] 5735 Newbank Circle, Unit 102, Dublin 43017-5505 Smith, Dcn. Craig (Jan. 29, 2005) 614-523-3135 St. Anthony Church e-mail: [email protected] 1897 Red Fern Dr., Columbus 43229-1425 Smithberger, Dcn. Marion E. (Nov 29, 2008) 614-885-9673 St. Timothy Church e-mail: [email protected] 7658 Footemill Lane, Columbus 43235-1638 Staker, Dcn. Gene (May 28, 1983) 740-450-8024 St. Nicholas Church, Zanesville e-mail:[email protected] 2850 Wayneridge Rd., Zanesville 43017 Sturgeon, Dcn. James M. (Nov 29, 2008) 740-776-6065 Scioto County Parish Consortium e-mail: [email protected] 5407 Harrison Ave., Portsmouth 45662-5204 Sullivan, Dcn. Frank (Feb. 3, 2001) 740-756-7318 St. MaryChurch, Lancaster e-mail: [email protected] Chaplain, Bishop Hartley High School 3185 Carroll Southern Rd., Carroll 43112-9784 Supino, Dcn. Bart (June 7, 2003) 740-286-6181 Retired 18866 SR 327, Wellston 45692 e-mail: [email protected] Tucky, Dcn. Todd M. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-368-8345 St. Mary Church, Marion e-mail: [email protected] 33 Tarpys Ln., , Delaware 43015-1455 Turner, Dcn. Harry (Nov. 17, 1984) 614-855-4603 St. Matthew Church, Gahanna e-mail: [email protected] 1400 Hollybrier Dr., #205, Gahanna 43230 Varacalli, Dcn. Christopher (Jan. 29, 2005) 606-932-4088 Scioto County Parish Consortium e-mail: [email protected] 264 Timberlake Meadow, South Shore, KY 41175 Vellani, Dcn. John (Feb. 15, 1992) 614-939-5155 St. Pius X Church, Reynoldsburg e-mail: [email protected] 6032 Witherspoon Way, Westerville, OH 43081 Venturini, Dcn. Stephen (Jan. 23, 1982) 740-862-6284 Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church e-mail: [email protected] 3915 Blacklick Rd. NW, Baltimore 43105-9410 Wiggins, Dcn. Patrick (June 29, 1985) (c) 614-563-9466 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 2697 Rolling Oaks Blvd., Hilliard 43026-8573 Wilson, Dcn. Larry (May 17, 2003) 740-323-3849 St. Leonard Church, Heath e-mail: [email protected] 5823 Jacksontown Rd. SE, Lot 16A, Newark 43056 Wilson, Dcn. Patrick (Jan. 29, 2005) 740-344-9678 Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Newark e-mail: [email protected] 1203 Shide Ave., Newark 43055-1948 Zimmermann, Dcn. George A. (Nov 29, 2008) 614-868-1815 Holy Spirit Church e-mail: [email protected] 5673 Flintlock Lane, Columbus 43213-2626 Knapke, Dcn. Joseph C. (Nov. 24, 2012) 740-852-6271 Ss. Simon & Jude Church, W. Jefferson e-mail: [email protected] 2066 Palouse Dr., London 43140-9019 Knight, Dcn. Charles (Feb 11, 1978) 740-363-9609 Retired 560 SR 257 S, Ostrander 43061 e-mail: [email protected] Koebel, Dcn. Larry (Oct. 12, 1980) 614-478-3038 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 384 Coldwell Ct., Gahanna 43230-1778 Krick, Dcn. Richard T. (June 29, 1985) 863-427-7631 Retired e-mail:[email protected] 213 Knollwood Dr., Davenport, FL 33837-8744 Kunkler, Dcn. Gordon T., Sr. (May 28, 1983) 937-738-7702 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Marysville e-mail: [email protected] 1018 Watkins Glen Ct., Marysville 43040-8361 Labita, Dcn. Peter (Oct. 12, 1980) 614-236-5361 Christ the King Church e-mail: [email protected] 2665 Tudor Rd., Columbus 43209-2955 Lampe, Dcn. Elmer (Aug. 14, 1977) 614-262-7359 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 308 Garden Rd., Columbus 43214-2134 Larcomb, Dcn. Dwight (June 29,1986) 808-651-2779 Retired e-mail:[email protected] 3200 Smeltzer Rd., Lot 74, Marion, OH 43302-8434 Malone, Dcn. John R. (Nov. 24, 2012) 614-457-2484 St. Cecilia Church e-mail: [email protected] 2458 Wimbledon Rd., Columbus 43220-4210 McCurry, Dcn. Earl (May 28, 1983) 740-360-5328 Holy Family Church, Columbus e-mail: [email protected] PO Box 1524, Marion 43302-1524 McDevitt, Dcn. Frank (May 7, 1977) 740-879-3350 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 1682 Primrose Ave., Lewis Center 43035-8400 Meyers, Dcn. Joseph C. (Nov. 24, 2012) 614-890-4007 St. Matthew the Apostle Church e-mail: [email protected] 1059 Marie Lou Dr., Westerville 43081-1980 Miller, Dcn. Charles (Nov 29, 2008) 614-367-1830 Pope John XXIII Church, Canal Winchester [email protected] Business Manager, St Pius X Church, Reynoldsburg 916 Mahle Dr., Reynoldsburg 43068-6799 Milne, III, Dcn. Maurice N. (Nov 29, 2008) 614-538-9505 St. Agatha Church e-mail: [email protected] 4347 Mumford Dr., Columbus 43220-4438 Minner, Dcn. Roger (Jan. 29, 2005) 614-444-1265 St. Mary Church, Columbus [email protected] 294 Stewart Ave., Columbus 43206-2726 Morris, Dcn. James (Jan. 29, 2005) 614-529-9222 St. Brendan Church, Hilliard e-mail: [email protected] 1786 Stemwood Dr., Columbus 43228-9716 Mould, Dcn. Douglas (Feb. 3, 2001) 740-623-8521 Sacred Heart Church, Coshocton e-mail: [email protected] 26881 TR 1205, Coshocton 43812-9379 Mueller, Dcn. Martin (Jun. 4, 2005) 941-468-8614 9295 Abbey Orchard Ln., Columbus 43240 e-mail: [email protected] Naporano, Dcn. Andrew W. (Nov 29, 2008) (cell) 614-949-6369 St. Margaret of Cortona Church e-mail: [email protected] 1978 Bald Eagle Dr., Grove City 43123 Neely, Dcn. Robert (Feb. 17, 1990) 614-337-3179 St. Dominic Church e-mail: [email protected] 3218 Oak Springs Dr., Columbus 43219-3021 Paniccia, Dcn. Frank (June 6, 1976) 740-746-9797 Retired RR 1 Box 519, Sugar Grove, OH 43155-9605 Parsons, Dcn. Ralph (June 29, 1985) 740-852-2541 Retired e-mail: [email protected] 181 LaFayette Ave., London, OH 43140-1138 Paulucci, Dcn. Phil (Feb. 17, 1990) 614-431-9747 St. Peter Church e-mail: [email protected] 1953 Samada Ave., Worthington 43085-3471 Peterson, Dcn. B.N. (Pete) (May 28, 1983) 740-453-5288 St. Nicholas Church, Zanesville e-mail: [email protected] 2669 Center Dr., Zanesville 43701-1424 Phillips, Dcn. Byron (Feb. 3, 2001) 614-855-0632 St. Christopher Church e-mail: [email protected] 3914 Pine Meadow Rd., New Albany 43054-9512 Plummer, Dcn. Gil (Feb. 1, 1997) 614-876-6090 St. Brendan Church, Hilliard e-mail: [email protected] 3711 Luxair Dr., Hilliard 43026-1561 Poirier, Dcn. Donald (Jan. 29, 2005) 614-889-9232 St. Brigid of Kildare Church, Dublin e-mail: [email protected] 49 Religious Priests and Brothers CFIC CPPS CSP FFM MSP OCSO OFM OP OP PIME SAC SJ SM Congregation of the Sons of Immaculate Conception Society of Precious Blood Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle (Paulist) Franciscan Brothers Minor Missionary Servants of the Word Cistercians of the Strict Observance Franciscan Friars, Province of the Most Holy Name Order of Preachers (Dominican) Province of St. Albert Order of Preachers (Dominican) Province of St.Joseph Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions Society of the Catholic Apostalate (Pallottines) Society of Jesus (Jesuit) Society of Mary (Marianists) Province of Cinci. CONGREGATION OF THE SONS OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PAULIST FATHERS Holy Cross 204 S. 5th St., 43215-5294 Fr. Jose Souru Manickathon, CFIC Fr. Ramon Macoy Cruz Owera, CFIC 614-224-3416 St. Thomas More Newman Center 64 W. Lane Ave., 43201-1098 Fr. Joseph Ciccone, C.S.P., Director Fr. Charles Cunniff, C.S.P. Fr. Vincent W. McKiernan, C.S.P. Fr. David O’Brien, C.S.P. (at Mohun Health Care Center) 740-743-1317 PRECIOUS BLOOD FATHERS 614-224-9522 St. James the Less 1652 Oakland Park Ave., 43224-3552 Fr. Clarence Williams, C.PP.S., Pastor Br. Tom Bohman, C.PP.S. Dcn. Robert Jansen, C.PP.S. DOMINICANS Holy Trinity and St. Joseph 228 S. Columbus St., Somerset, 43783-0190 Fr. Stephen F. Carmody, OP, Pastor St. Patrick 280 N. Grant St., 43215 Fr. Michael Dosch, OP, Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Blau, OP, Associate Fr. Gregory Schnakenberg, OP, Associate Fr. Reginald Lynch, OP, Associate Br. Paul Kennedy, OP 614-291-4674 614-262-1179 SACRED HEART FRIARY - FRANCISCAN BROTHERS MINOR St. Thomas Aquinas 740-453-3301 & 740-453-3309 130 N. Fifth St., Zanesville 43701-3583 Fr. Joseph Peter Fegan, OP, Pastor Fr. Stephen Dominic Hayes, OP Fr. Joseph Pius Pietrzyk, OP Our Lady of Peace 614-263-8824 20 E. Dominion Blvd., 43214-2737 Br. Giles Mary of Our Lady of the Annunciation, FFM Br. Felix Marie of Our Lady's Pireced Heart, FFM Br. Lawrence Mary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, FFM Br. Crispin Maria of Our Lady Help of Christians, FFM Br. James Mary Douglas, FFM Br. Bonaventure Maria Gbaba, FFM Br. John Paul Mary Engo, FFM Calendar of Diocesan Events and Collections FEASTS/COLLECTIONS Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God World Day of Prayer for Peace National Vocations Awareness Week Propagation of the Faith Collection Catholic Times Collection Ash Wednesday Black and Indian Missions Collection Catholic Relief Services Good Friday (Holy Land Collection) Easter Aid to the Church in Central & Eastern Eur. World Day of Prayer for Vocations Bishop’s Annual Appeal Feast of the Ascension Pentecost Catholic Communications Campaign Catholic Home Missions Appeal Holy Father Collection (Peter’s Pence) Church in Latin America Feast of the Assumption World Mission Sunday All Saints Day Cath. Campaign for Human Development First Sunday of Advent Feast of the Immaculate Conception Retirement Fund for the Religious Christmas (Diocesan Charities) 2013 Tuesday, Jan. 1 Tuesday, Jan. 1 Jan. 13 - 19 Sunday, Jan. 20 Sunday, Feb. 10 Wed., Feb. 13 Sunday, Feb. 17 Sunday, March 10 Friday, March 29 Sunday, March 31 Sunday, April 14 Sunday, April 21 Sunday, May 5 Sunday, May 12 Sunday, May 19 Sunday, May 19 Sunday, June 2 Sunday, June 23 Sunday, Aug. 4 Thursday, Aug. 15 Sunday, Oct. 20 Friday, Nov. 1 Sunday, Nov. 24 Sunday, Dec. 1 Saturday, Dec. 7 Sunday, Dec. 8 Wed., Dec. 25 50 2014 Wednesday, Jan. 1 Wednesday, Jan. 1 Jan. 12 – 18 Sunday, Jan. 19 Sunday, Feb. 9 Wed., March 5 Sunday, March 9 Sunday, March 30 Friday, April 18 Sunday, April 20 Sunday, May 4 Sunday, May 11 Sunday, May 4 Sunday, June 1 Sunday, June 8 Sunday, May 18 Sunday, June 1 Sunday, June 29 Sunday, Aug. 3 Friday, Aug. 15 Sunday, Oct. 19 Saturday, Nov. 1 Sunday, Nov. 23 Sunday, Nov. 30 Monday, Dec. 8 Sunday, Dec. 14 Thursday, Dec. 25 2015 Thursday, Jan. 1 Thursday, Jan. 1 Jan. 11 - 17 Sunday, Jan. 18 Sunday, Feb. 8 Wed., Feb. 18 Sunday, Feb. 22 Sunday, March 15 Friday, April 3 Sunday, April 5 Sunday, April 19 Sunday, April 26 Sunday, May 3 Sunday, May 17 Sunday, May 24 Sunday, May 17 Sunday, June 7 Sunday, June 28 Sunday, Aug. 2 Saturday, Aug. 15 Sunday, Oct. 18 Sunday, Nov. 1 Sunday, Nov. 22 Sunday, Nov. 29 Tuesday, Dec. 8 Sunday, Dec. 13 Friday, Dec. 25 Religious Sisters (02) Sisters of Divine Providence (03) Sisters of the Precious Blood (04) Sisters of the Holy Cross (11) Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm (12) Adrian Dominican Sisters, Adrian, MI (13) Dominican Sisters, Kenosha, WI (14) Dominican Sisters of Peace (18) Franciscan Sisters, Manitowoc, WI (19) Sisters of St. Francis, Joliet, IL (20) Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, IN (21) Sisters of St. Francis, Rochester, MN (22) Sisters of St. Francis, Stella Niagara, NY CDP CPPS CSC OCarm OP OP OP OSF OSF OSF OSF OSF (26) Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration PCPA (27) Sisters of the Good Shepherd RGS (29) Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati SC (30) Sisters of Charity of Nazareth SCN (31) Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur SNDdeN (39) Congregation of the Sisters of St. Agnes CSA (48) Dominican Sisters, Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena, Nigeria OP (50) Hermanas Misioneras Servidores de la Palabra HMSP (Missionary Servants of the Word) (52) Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist OP (54) Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Conception OP (55) Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy DMMM Abeyta, Sr. Bernardita, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus, 43219-2059 Allen, Sr. Catherine, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Ambrosic, Sr. Marilyn Sue, OP (14) 614-253-2223 2344 Woodward Ave., Columbus, 43219-2127 Amicon, Sr. Rosina, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Anzenberger, Sr. Marialein, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Armstrong, Sr. Angelica, OP (14) 614-856-9490 5750 Beverly Hills Dr., Apt. A, Columbus 43213-6678 Ashoff, Sr. Francine, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Bachman, Sr. Janice, OP (14) 614-257-0467 2355 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2601 Bailie, Sr. Ann, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus, 43219-2059 Baldy, Sr. Sharen, SCN (30) 614-274-7337 333 S. Algonquin Ave., Columbus 43204-1907 Ballmann, Sr. Elaine, SNDdeN (31) 614-868-5380 5404 Malibu Dr., #F, Columbus 43213-6616 Baltz, Sr. Joanne, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Baniewicz, Sr. M. Lois Joseph, OCarm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E Broad St, Columbus 43213-3800 Bauman, Sr. Clara, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Berendt, Sr. Mary, OSF (19) 614-231-1135 2361 Waterpointe Ct., Columbus 43209-3329 Bernert, Sr. Mary Alena, RGS (27) 614-416-1092 2320 Airport Dr., Rm 215, Columbus, 43219-2059 Boll, Sr. Paulette, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Bosch, Sr. Catherine, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Brantl, Sr. Charles Marie, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus, 43219-2059 Brooks, Sr. Raymunda, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Brown, Sr. Jeanne, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Buchanan, Sr. Nadine, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Burkhart, Sr. Melinda, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Burland, Sr. Catherine, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Burson, Sr. Mary Sheila, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Busch, Sr. Rita, OP (14) 614-856-1999 7872 Meadowlark Lane N., Reynoldsburg 43068-8182 Campbell, Sr. Bernadette, OP (14) 614-861-1494 5560 Beverly Hills Dr, Apt A, Columbus 43213-6679 Campbell, Sr. Mary Goretti, PCJ (25) 614-416-6295 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Campbell, Sr. Mary Jacinta, OP (52) 614-846-6420 St. Michael Convent, 5694 N High St., Worthington 43085-3917 Carlton, Sr. Mary Michael, OP (52) 614-846-6420 St. Michael Convent, 5694 N High St., Worthington 43085-3917 Caroccia, Sr. Nancy, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Carusi, Sr. Malya, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Casey, Sr. M. Francis, OCarm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E Broad St, Columbus 43213-3800 Caspar, Sr. Ruth, OP (14) 614-476-1005 707 Havens Corners Rd. Gahanna 43230-3133 Chen, Sr. Annunciata, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Chen, Sr. Catherine, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Chickory, Sr. Elizabeth, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Ciriello, Sr. Maria, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Colson, Sr. Adrienne, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Connolly, Sr. Mary Ann, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Conrad, Sr. Jeanne, OP (14) 614-794-0662 624 Virginia Lane Ct., Westerville 43081-1342 Conroy, Sr. Germaine, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Costello, Sr. Elizabeth E, OCarm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E Broad St, Columbus 43213-3800 Csuk, Sr. Eileen, OP (14) 614-253-2223 2344 Woodward Ave., Columbus, 43219-2127 Cuenin, Sr. M. Camille, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 D’Amato Sr. Juliana, OP (14) 614-476-1005 707 Havens Corners Rd. Gahanna 43230-3133 Davis, Sr. Marjorie, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Devlin, Sr. Edwina, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Diehl, Sr. Mary, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Disterheft, Sr. Winancja, OP (54) 614-252-1221 St. Dominic Convent, 957 E. Broad St., Columbus 43205-1139 Doll, Sr. Gemma, OP (14) 614-257-0467 2355 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2601 Doone, Sr. Mary, OSF (22) 614-467-9058 1678 Watertower Dr., Columbus 43235-5984 Doyle, Sr. Dorothy, RGS (27) 614-276-9700 2100 Firestone St., Columbus 43228-9623 Eberly, Sr. Johanna, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Eumen, Sr. Irene, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Fatula, Sr. Mary Ann, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Fitzpatrick, Sr. Mary Shawn, OP (14) 614-866-8652 5550 Beverly Hills Dr., #C, Columbus 43213-6680 Fitzsimmons, Sr. Eileen Mary, OCarm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E Broad St, Columbus 43213-3800 51 Flavin, Sr. Dolores, OP (14) 614-367-1213 St. Thomas Convent, 277 Santa Rosa Dr., Apt D, Columbus 43213-6696 Flavin, Sr. M. Petra, OP (14) 614-367-1213 St. Thomas Convent, 277 Santa Rosa Dr., Apt D, Columbus 43213-6696 Fleder, Sr. Marcia, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Fogarty, Sr. Joanne, OSF (22) 614-799-8590 3386 Durkin Cir., Dublin 43017-3607 Ford, Sr. Joan, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Forquer, Sr. Loretta, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Fox, Sr. Mary Jo, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Franks, Sr. Joan, OP (14) 614-268-1980 Our Lady of Peace Convent, 60 E Dominion Blvd., Columbus 43214-2737 Frohnapfel, Sr. Agnes Imelda, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Frohnapfel, Sr. Wilhelmina, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Gallagher, Sr. Colleen, OP (14) 614-337-1087 101 N. High St., Apt. B1, Gahanna 43230-5690 Garcia Ramirez, Sr. Maria Elena, HMSP (50) 614-272-2644 St. Stephen the Martyr Convent, 4082 Clime Rd., Columbus 43228-3562 Garcia, Sr. Mary Rose, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Gavaghan, Sr. Patricia, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Geelan, Sr. Mary Faith, OP (14) 614-575-2594 5415 Yorkshire Terrace Dr, Apt C6, Columbus 43232-2853 Gerlica, Sr. Dorothy, SCN (30) 740-342-3500 321 W. Water St., #F1, New Lexington 43764-1165 Gerlica, Sr. Rose Mary, SCN (30) 614-430-9197 4750 Tamarack Blvd., Apt. 309, Columbus 43229-5686 Ghiloni, Sr. Assunta, OSF (22) 614-865-1325 1911 Hillandale Ave., Columbus 43229-1441 Gibson, Sr. Mary Edmund, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Goodburn, Sr. Mary Sharon, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Goodridge, Sr. Barbara, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Graham, Sr. Rosalie, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Grandpre, Sr. Mary Cecil, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Granger, Sr. Marie, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Groom, Sr. Helene, OP (13) 614-444-5285 206 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3657 Hagman, Sr. Laurene, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Hahl, Sr. Barbara, CSC (04) 614-866-9397 Mt. Carmel East Convent, 266 McNaughten Rd., Columbus 43213-2186 Halsema, Sr. Corinne, OSF (22) 614-236-0908 St. Catharine Convent, 440 S. Gould Rd., Columbus 43209-2221 Hamel, Sr. Ruth, OP (14) 614-268-1980 Our Lady of Peace Convent, 60 E Dominion Blvd., Columbus 43214-2737 Hardesty, Sr. Thomasine, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Harper, Sr. Joan Marie, CDP (02) 614-761-3734, ext. 249 424 Caldy Ct., Dublin 43017-3330 Heery, Sr. Elizabeth Anne, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Heery, Sr. Mary Rose, OCarm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-3800 Heider, Sr. Ruth Ann, OSF (22) 614-224-6256 Nazareth Towers, 300 E. Rich St., Apt 712, Columbus 43215-5225 Henderson, Sr. Michaeleen, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Hernandez Gomez, Sr. Karina, HMSP (50) 614-272-2644 St. Stephen the Martyr Convent, 4082 Clime Rd., Columbus 43228-3562 Hoffman, Sr. Margaret, OSF (19) 614-252-4546 2692 Ruhl Ave., Columbus 43209-1055 Hohenbrink, Sr. Jo Ann, OP (14) 614-257-0467 2355 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2601 Holtzinger, Sr. Barbara, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Hooley, Sr. Diane, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Hopkins, Sr. Marilyn Sue, OSF (22) 614-235-1090 4175 Wright Park, Columbus 43213-2958 Horkans, Sr. Lelia, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Humpe, Sr. Suzanne, OSF (22) 614-497-1857 Seton South, 155 Highview Blvd., #204, Columbus 43207-6040 Hymel, Sr. Mary Osanna, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Idoko, Sr. Patricia, OP (48) 614-252-2137 St. Mary of the Springs, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Impastato, Sr. Fara, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 John, Sr. M. Thomasina, PCJ (25) 614-416-1840 St. Mary of the Springs, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Justinger, Sr. Monica, CSA (39) 740-474-8861 1215 South St., Circleville 43113-2132 Kapelewski, Sr. Lillian, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Keenan, Sr. Anne, OP (14) 614-214-4920 163 Lazelle Rd., Columbus 43235-4661 Kern, Sr. Rose Henry, RGS (27) 614-416-8747 Rosemont, 2440 Dawnlight Ave., Columbus 43211-1934 Kerscher, Sr. M. Sharon, OSF (19) 614-220-9473 Nazareth Towers, 300 E Rich St., Apt 710, Columbus 43215-5226 Kessler, Sr. Mary Carol, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Kessler, Sr. Venard, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Kinney, Sr. Jean, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Kolesar, Sr. Barbara, OP (14) 614-268-1980 Our Lady of Peace Convent, 60 E Dominion Blvd., Columbus 43214-2737 Kozlowski, Sr. Diane, OP (14) 614-762-3463 272 Santa Monica Dr., Columbus 43213-6624 Kraus, Sr. Christina, OSF (22) 740-987-7984 2473 Twp. Rd. 138 NW, Somerset 43783-9523 Kysely, Sr. Maria Vianney, OP 614-252-1221 St. Dominiic Convent, 957 E. Broad St., Columbus, 43205-1139 Lamantia, Sr. Jo Ann, OP (14) 614-891-5920 5291 Harvestwood Ln., Gahanna 43230-4071 Langenhennig, Sr. Mary Jordan, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Laufersweiler, Sr. Jeanne, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 614-416-6132 Lawlor, Sr. Jeremy, OP (14) Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Leandres, Sr. Mary Ruth, OP (14) 614-266-3435 239 B Santa Rosa Dr, Columbus 43213-7601 Leckert, Sr. Therese, OP (14) 614-416-1851 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Lemon, Sr. Dorothy, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Link, Sr. Jude Andrew, OP (52) 614-846-6420 St. Michael Convent, 5694 N High St., Worthington 43085-3917 Lolli, Sr. Barbara, OP (14) 614-762-3463 272 Santa Monica Dr., Columbus 43213-6624 Lolli, Sr. Mary Irene, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Loomis, Sr. Rosemary, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Lorenz, Sr. Mary Linda, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Mahon, Sr. Maureen, OSF (20) 740-450-1185 2670 Wayne Ridge Rd., Zanesville 43701-7119 Malone, Sr. Noreen, OP (14) 614- 253-1428 Sabbath House, 2385 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2601 Masse, Sr. Rita Agnes, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Mattingly, Sr. Pieta, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Mayer, Sr. Josetta, OP (14) 740-743-1030 Holy Trinity Convent, PO Box 383, Somerset 43783-0383 McCabe, Sr. Patricia, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 McEneany, Sr. M. Sarita, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 52 McGough, Sr. Joan, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 McIntyre, Sr. Sheila Marie, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 McMahon, Sr. Mary Agnes, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 McMahon, Sr. Patricia E., OSF (22) 614-467-9058 1678 Watertower Dr., Columbus 43235-5984 McOsker, Sr. Diane, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 McVeigh, Sr. Joan, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Metzger, Sr. Alice, OSF (22) 740-987-2285 PO Box 235, Junction City 43748-0235 Miller, Sr. Marie, OSF (19) 614-841-0806 5839 Linworth Rd, Worthington 43085-3360 Miller, Sr. Nancy, OSF (22) 614-277-9988 1784 Parkwick Sq. E., , Columbus 43228-3455 Miller, Sr. Roberta, OP (14) 614-326-2664 3129 Rivermill Dr., Columbus 43220-2258 Mollica, Sr. Bettina, OP (12) 614-326-2664 3129 Rivermill Dr., Columbus 43220-2258 Myers, Sr. Mary Elizabeth, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Nekoranec, Sr. Teresa Robert, OCarm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-3800 Nnajiofor, Sr. Justina, OP (48) 614-252-2137 St. Mary of the Springs, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Nugent, Sr. Mary Ann, OSF (18) 740-455-8511 Sisters of St. Francis, 833 Adair Ave., Zanesville 43701-2839 O'Connor, Sr. Patricia, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 O’Stroske, Sr. Julie, OSF (22) 740-965-6757 Sunbury Park, 131 Miller Dr., #104, Sunbury 43074-8555 Olivieri, Sr. Mary, OSF (19) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Olmedo Santiago, Sr. Nereida, HMSP (50) 614-272-2644 St. Stephen the Martyr Convent, 4082 Clime Rd., Columbus 43228-3562 Ormond, Sr. Margaret, OP (14) 614-416-1347 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Paris, Sr. Carmen, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Passeri, Sr. Louis Mary, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Perkinson, Sr. Mary Caryl, OSF (22) 614-829-7717 3532 Heath Trc., Canal Winchesteer 43110-7706 Petersen, Sr. Loretta, OSF (22) 614-236-0908 St. Catharine Convent, 440 S. Gould Rd., Columbus 43209-2221 Petry, Sr. Luella, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Pietrowski, Sr. Joseph Leo, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Pitstick, Sr. Aniceta, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Platt, Sr. Catherine, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Pohlman, Sr. Marie Louise, OSF (22) 614-236-0908 St. Catharine Convent, 440 S. Gould Rd., Columbus 43209-2221 Poore, Sr. Gene, OP (14) 614-416-1351 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Popovits, Sr. Joan OP (14) 614-864-9026 209 D Santa Rosa Dr., Columbus 43213-7604 Porrello, Sr. Marie Joseph, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Raymond, Sr. Mary Catherine, OSF (22) 740-987-2285 PO Box 235, Junction City 43748-0235 Reaney, Sr. Mary Faith, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Richard, Sr. Robin, OP (14) 614-253-1760 971 N Nelson Rd., Columbus 43219-2607 Riley, Sr. Mary, OP (14) 614-670-3621 634 Waterside View Dr., Blacklick 43004-8588 Ritchey, Sr. Christella, OSF (22) 614-236-0908 St. Catharine Convent, 440 S. Gould Rd., Columbus 43209-2221 Roahrig, Sr. Edith, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Romano, Sr. Eleanor, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Rosinski, Sr. Patricia, O Carm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-3800 Ross, Sr. Pauline, O Carm (11) 614-751-5700 Mother Angeline McCrory Manor, 5199 E. Broad St., Columbus 43213-3800 614-444-2598 Ross, Sr. Wilma, SCN (30) 295 Reeb Ave., Columbus 43207-1978 Rowe, Sr. Immaculata, OP (52) 614-846-6420 St. Michael Convent, 5694 N High St., Worthington 43085-3917 Rozario, Sr. Ignatius, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Rutledge, Sr. Anne, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Ryan, Sr. Michele, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Sause, Sr. Peggy, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Scanlan, Sr. Margaret, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Scanlon, Sr. Joan, OP (14) 614-416-1343 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Schaub, Sr. Roderic, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Scherer, Sr. Wanda, OSF (21) 614-833-6760 5070 Zimmer Dr., Columbus 43232-6048 Schirtzinger, Sr. Ruth, OP (14) 614-268-0973 2940 Calumet St., Columbus 43202-2247 Schmeltzer, Sr. Mary Lois, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Schmid, Sr. Ann, OP (14) 614-253-1760 971 N Nelson Rd, Columbus 43219-2607 Schmitz, Sr. Rita, OSF (19) 614-501-9791 5911 Little Brook Way, #213, Columbus 43232-9412 Schneider, Sr. Theresa, OSF (22) 614-467-9058 1678 Watertower Dr., Columbus 43235-5984 Selinsky, Sr. Bernadette, OSF (18) 740-455-8511 Sisters of St. Francis, 833 Adair Ave., Zanesville 43701-2839 Shaul, Sr. Valerie, OP (14) 614-257-0467 2355 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2601 Shepard, Sr. Maureen Anne, OSF (18) 740-455-8511 Sisters of St. Francis, 833 Adair Ave., Zanesville 43701-2839 Shields, Sr. Marie, SNDdeN (31) 614-582-8845 4115 Karl Rd, #309, Columbus 43224-2073 Shonk, Sr. Maxine, OP (14) 614-253-1428 Sabbath House, 2385 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2601 Sieron, Sr. Mary Hope, OP (14) 614-781-1692 440 Broadmeadows Blvd., #112, Columbus 43214-5001 Sigala, Sr. Tomasa, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Smith, Sr. Camilla, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Smith, Sr. Jean Ann, CSC (04) 614-866-9397 Mt. Carmel East Convent, 266 McNaughten Rd., Columbus 43213-2186 Snyder, Sr. Mary Ann, OSF (21) 614-224-2641 Nazareth Towers, 300 E. Rich St., Apt. 1414, Columbus 43215-5227 Snyder. Sr. Regina, OSF (22) 614-236-0908 St. Catharine Convent, 440 S Gould Rd., Columbus 43209-2221 Spangler, Sr. Mary Michael, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Spangler, Sr. Stella, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Spencer, Sr. Carol Ann, OP (14) 614-253-2223 2344 Woodward Ave., Columbus 43219-2127 Stalter, Sr. Rose Clement, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Stang, Sr. Jeanette, OP (14) 614-604-7616 240 Santa Rosa Dr., Apt A, Columbus 43213-6685 Staub, Sr. Corinne, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Sterner, Sr. Matthias, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Sunic, Sr. Mary Ronald, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Supel, Sr. Joan, OP (14) 614-476-1005 707 Havens Corners Rd., Columbus 43230-3133 Swanson, Sr. Thoma, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Thurn, Sr. Carolyn, OP (14) 614-224-9353 Nazareth Towers, 300 E. Rich St., Apt. 210, Columbus, 43215-5223 53 Toomey, Sr. Stephana, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Tuite, Sr. Teresa, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Vaitekaitis, Sr. Matilda, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Valdez, Sr. Mary Laurene, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Van Buren, Sr. Rose Ann, OP (14) 614-759-6046 1478 Terry Dr, Reynoldsburg 43068-2435 Walsh, Sr. Margaret, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Walter, Sr. Helen, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Welling, Sr. Jean, SC (29) 740-392-3032 26 Brook Run Ct., Mount Vernon 43050-9102 White, Sr. Anne, OP (14) 614-416-1092 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Whitney, Sr. Mary Gabriel, OP (52) 614-846-6420 St. Michael Convent, 5694 N High St., Worthington 43085-3917 Wiegman, Sr. Lauren,OSF (19) 614-841-0806 5839 Linworth Rd, Worthington 43085-3360 Wilkes, Sr. Alberta, OSF (22) 614-444-1733 St. Leo Convent, 213 Hanford St., Columbus 43206-3656 Wilxman, Sr. Helen, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Winstel, Sr. Lucille, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Wszolek, Sr. M. Vincentia, PCPA (26) 614-416-6262 Mohun Health Care Center, 2340 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2602 Wurzelbacher, Sr. Thelma, CPPS (03) 614-223-1194 380 S. 5th St, Apt 611, Columbus 43215-5438 Zibilich, Sr. Mary Carmelite, OP (14) 614-416-6132 Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus 43219-2059 Zielinska, Sr. Leonarda, OP (54) 614-252-1221 St. Dominic Convent, 957 E. Broad St., Columbus 43205-1139 Third Order Communities and Secular Institutions Dayton Marian Center is for devotees of Our Lady who promote Marian devotion in the diocese, with an effort to perfect their own spiritual life. Holy hour is held weekly for priests. For information: 937-291-0760. they share in the Church’s mission by the testimony of consecrated life in the world. For information: Fr. John Puntino, SDB, 914-636-4225 or, e-mail: [email protected]. The Secular Franciscan Order (formerly The Third Order Secular) is the oldest religious order of men and women, which includes those in the married, single, and clerical states of life. Secular Franciscans seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, making a commitment to bring “the Gospel to Life, and Life to the Gospel.” The Diocese of Columbus is part of two different Secular Franciscan Regions: St. Maxilmillian Kolbe Region, which includes fraternities north of Franklin County, and Holy Trinity Region, which includes Franklin County and all areas south. St. Pio of Pietrelcina SFO Fraternity:meets on the third Sunday of every month at Holy Family Church, 584 W. Broad Street, Columbus. For information call Robert Contino, SFO at 614-833-0371. St. Catherine of Bologna SFO Fraternity: meets on the third Sunday of every month at St. Christopher Church, 1420 Grandview Avenue, Columbus. For information call Elizabeth Bowen, 614-276-1953. For information about fraternities in the St. Maximillian Kolbe Region, call 800-372-6247. The Associate Program for the Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity of Holy Name Province was established in 1987. The program consists of women and men who collaborate with the Sisters for mutual strength and enrichment in living the Gospel. The focus is to follow in the way of St. Francis, St. Clare and Mother Magdalen Damen (founder of the Sisters of St. Francis). They participate in monthly meetings in their area and attend various Province events. After a period of attending gatherings and studying Franciscan Spirituality, the life of Mother Magdalen, and the history of the congregation, they are commissioned as Associates. For more information, contact Sister Christella Ritchey, OSF, 440 South Gould Rd., Columbus OH 43209-2221; phone: 614-236-0908; e-mail: [email protected] Sisters of Mercy Associates are men and women over 21 who wish to share prayer, community and ministry with the Sisters of Mercy. Associates have a year of orientation and then make a covenant. They maintain their own lifestyle while enriching the lives of one another and the Sisters through their friendship. For information, call 513-221-1800; e-mail: [email protected]. Associates of the Dominican Sisters of Peace: Dominican Associates are women and men who choose to share the Dominican charism and mission. Associates willingly commit themselves to one another through prayer, study, and ministry as a faith community. They maintain their own lifestyle and commit to the mission through their lives, families, workplaces, churches, and communities. For information: contact Conni Dubick [email protected] or Sister Maria Beesing, OP [email protected] or call 330-835-5690. Notre Dame Associates are women and men who live the Gospel in the context of the charism of St. Julie Billiart which focuses on God’s goodness and care of the poor. They are linked with the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur throughout the world in their spirituality and mission and live these within the circumstances of their vocation and responsibilities. The clusters of Notre Dame Associates in Columbus meet monthly. For information: call Mary Ellen Logan, 614-866-0101. Companions of Jesus the Good Shepherd is a pious association of consecrated lay women, single, or single again. They make private vows annually of poverty, chastity, obedience and zeal. Some companions are committed through the private vow of zeal. They are dedicated to serve as a leaven of the Gospel in their own environment. Founded by St. Mary Euphrasia, foundress of the Good Shepherd Congregation in 1845. Revised and updated in 1987 to meet the needs of our times. For information: call Joanne Bellisari, 614-276-9700. Oblates of St. Benedict are Christian men and women admitted to spiritual union and affiliation with a Benedictine community of monks or nuns so that they may share in the spiritual life, prayers, and good works of the community. Oblates seek to serve God and mankind in accord with the spirit of the Rule of St. Benedict as their state in life permits. For information: Rita & James Merk (Lancaster) 740-654-3255. The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites is a contemplative association of the faithful who undertake the pursuit of evangelical perfection in the world, under the guidance and spiritual direction of the Discalced Carmelite Friars.The Diocese of Columbus has two communities. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Community: Meetings are held on the Tuesday following the second Sunday from Sept.-May at St. Therese’s Retreat Center, 5277 E. Broad Street, Columbus. For information please contact Rosemary Pasternack, 614-570-6421. Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace Worthington OH OCDS Community: Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday each month at St. Michael Church, 5750 N. High St., Worthington OH. For information please contact Edith Bellisari OCDS, president, 614888-6825 or e-mail: [email protected] Third Order of Lay Carmelites is a community of persons committed to living the Carmelite charism (mission) with its dedication to Mary, living by these same ideals within a larger society. Meetings are held at St. Brigid of Kildare Church, 7179 Avery Road, Dublin, on the first Monday of each month in the Msgr. Hendricks Center from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For information, call Jodelle 614-799-1237. Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, St. Catherine of Siena Chapter is comprised of men and women in every walk of life who are striving for the santification of the world from within the world. They are guided in the service of God and neighbor by their own Rule under the guidance of the Dominican Order. Meetings are held at Columbus St. Patrick Church, 280 N. Grant Avenue. For information: Tom Gjostein (614-325-9545) or David Nixon (614-483-9738). Third Order of St. Dominic — St. Thomas Aquinas Chapter of Dominican Laity. Lay Dominicans are people from all walks of life who hold in common the call they have received to participate in Dominican life and spirituality. They are committed to prayer and study, and service to others. Meetings are at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 144 N. Fifth Street, Zanesville. For information: 740-453-3301 ext 15, or 740-453-3717 (Melanie). Cooperators Salesians is an association of the faithful for the laity and the secular clergy. Members are Salesians in the world who follow their vocation to holiness through services to the young and the poor in the spirit of St. John Bosco, on behalf of the local Church. For information: Cooperators Provincial Coordinator, 914-636-4225, or e-mail: [email protected] Don Bosco Volunteers is a pontifical secular institute for lay women. Consecrated through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, the members work for sanctification of the world from within. They carry on a quiet and steady mission of making Christ and his message known through the witness of their personal lives and apostolic response to the needs of the hour. As part of the Salesian Family they follow the spirit of St. John Bosco (Don Bosco) and receive guidance from Salesian priests. For information: Fr. John Puntino, SDB, 914-6364225 or, e-mail: [email protected]. The Volunteers With Don Bosco for celibate men is an association of the faithful aspiring to become a secular institute. Members profess the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience while living on their own in the world, with different professional occupations. Working according to the Salesian spirit of St. John Bosco (Don Bosco) 54 Priests’ Necrology January Jan. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1971 Jan. 2, 1958 Jan. 2, 1958 Jan. 2, 1972 Jan. 3, 1948 Jan. 3, 1952 Jan. 3, 1958 Jan. 4, 1879 Jan. 4, 1971 Jan. 5, 1925 Jan. 5, 1939 Jan. 5, 1984 Jan. 5, 2013 Jan. 6, 2012 Jan. 8, 1905 Jan. 8, 2011 Jan. 9, 1930 Jan. 9, 1938 Jan. 10, 1888 Jan. 10, 1959 Jan. 11, 1969 Jan. 16, 1991 Jan. 12, 1944 Jan. 12, 1944 Jan. 12, 2009 Jan. 13, 1951 Jan. 13, 1955 Jan. 14, 1939 Jan. 14, 1999 Jan. 15, 1931 Jan. 17, 1958 Jan. 17, 1999 Jan. 18, 1929 Jan. 18, 1944 Jan. 19, 1970 Jan. 19, 1971 Jan. 19, 2010 Jan. 21, 1918 Jan. 22, 1953 Jan. 23, 1872 Jan. 23, 1890 Jan. 23, 1980 Jan. 24, 1925 Jan. 24, 1955 Jan. 24, 1956 Jan. 25, 1933 Jan. 25, 1959 Jan. 25, 1984 Jan. 26, 1893 Jan. 26, 1971 Jan. 27, 1958 Jan. 27, 1983 Jan. 28, 1882 Jan. 29, 1926 Jan. 30, 2009 Jan. 31, 1996 Jan. 31, 2001 Fr. Charles A. Doherty Fr. William J. Spickerman Fr. Paul G. Corbett, OP Fr. Robert Beckman, CPPS Fr. Dante Carbonari, PIME Fr. Bernadine Kuhlman, OFM Cap Fr. Frederick A. Reutter Fr. Joseph Sheehan, OP Fr. William Schonat Fr. Joseph V. Bergkamp, OP Archbishop Henry Moeller Fr. Francis Gloeckner Fr. Frank J. Lawler Fr, James T. Smith Fr. Thomas Shonebarger Fr. Henry Schlichter Msgr. Edward J. McFarland Fr. James R. Kennedy, OP Fr. William E. Rath, CPPS Fr. Daniel B. Cull Fr. Stanislaus J. Karwowski Fr. George A. Masley Msgr. George J. Undreiner Bishop James J. Hartley Fr. Valerian Fligier Fr. Robert J. Schuer Fr. Francis Horak Fr. William J. Riley Fr. James F. McCarney Fr. Joseph J. Buzek Fr. Francis S. Mueller Fr. Lucius J. Kessler Fr. Peter V. Sartori Fr. Timothy Crowley, OP Bishop Francis W. Howard Fr. Philip H. Vogel, SJ Fr. Adolph D. Frenay, OP Msgr. Charles J. Foeller Bishop Nicholas A. Gallager Msgr. Thomas A. Nolan Fr. William T. Bigelow Fr. John Baptist Schmitt Fr. Charles D. Martineau, CD,OP Fr. Michael M. Meara Msgr. Henry J. Kellerman Fr. James J. Foley Msgr. John E. McGuirk Fr. Edward A. McGinty Bishop George A. Fulcher Fr. J.P. White Fr. Patrick T. Quinlan Fr. Paul R. Hammer Msgr. George T. Wolz Fr. William Hawe Fr. John A. Mattes Msgr. William J. Maroon Fr. Ralph R. Dermody Fr. Francis Connor Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Fr. Edwin E. Yocke Fr. Roger A. Emmert Fr. Frederick Schmidt Fr. George H. Foley Fr. Lawrence J. O’Connor Fr. Augustine L. Winkler Fr. Joseph Quinlan, OMI Fr. Daniel A. Coffey Fr. Eugene F. Sweeney, OMI Fr. John M. Sailer Msgr. Leonard J. Fick Fr. Vincent G. Cleary, OP Fr. James C. Wilburn, OP Fr. Noah E. Brunner Fr. Francis C. McKenna, OP February 1, 1962 1, 1997 2, 1901 2, 1965 2, 1987 3, 1981 3, 1994 4, 1916 4, 1960 4, 1961 4, 1990 5, 1927 5, 1927 6, 1965 6, 1973 Feb. 7, 1896 Feb. 7, 1902 Feb. 7, 1958 Feb. 7, 2007 Feb. 8, 1920 Feb. 9, 1932 Feb. 9, 1957 Feb. 10, 1985 Feb. 11, 1945 Feb. 12, 1922 Feb. 12, 1931 Feb. 12, 1952 Feb. 12, 1976 Feb. 12, 1989 Feb. 14, 1965 Feb. 15, 1928 Feb. 15, 1962 Feb. 15, 2001 Feb. 15, 2001 Feb. 16, 1942 Feb. 16, 1967 Feb. 16, 1973 Feb. 18, 1978 Feb. 18, 1979 Feb. 20, 1961 Feb. 21, 1883 Feb. 21, 2006 Feb. 22, 1874 Feb. 23, 1920 Feb. 23, 1953 Feb. 24, 2002 Feb. 25, 1959 Feb. 26, 2000 Feb. 26, 1911 Feb. 27, 1903 Feb. 27, 1922 Feb. 27, 1923 Feb. 27, 1964 Feb. 28, 1942 Feb. 28, 1943 Feb. 28. 2004 Fr. Francis J. Campbell Fr. Charles L. Grimmer Fr. Patrick F. Ruane Msgr. Edward L. Kessler Fr. Charles F. Kessler Fr. Francis L. Kelley, OP Fr. Otto F. Guenther Fr. Albert Clappert, CICM Fr. Rudolph E. Schwartz Fr. Francis M. Woesman Fr. Hubert Brockman, SJ Fr. Rocco Petrarca Fr. Al Ryan Msgr. Paul L. Richter Msgr. William C.Hayes Fr. Charles H.A. Watterson Fr. Charles B. Ryan Msgr. Stephen B. Hawkins Fr. Robert T. Manning Fr. William J. Moran Fr. John H. Eyerman Bishop Clarence E. Elwell Bishop James Whelan, OP Fr. Pius Kaelin, OFM Cap Fr. Charles Mulvey, OP Fr. Damian J. Klueber Fr. Robert A. Klee Fr. Joseph McPhillips Fr. John B. Achatz Msgr. Tiburtius A. Goebel Msgr. Roland T. Winel Msgr. John B. Donahie Msgr. Richard F. Dodd Fr. Arthur Kernan. OP Fr. John J. Dacey Fr. John Meade Fr. John C. Goldschmidt Fr. James G. Crombie, OP Fr. William P. Clark, PhD Fr. William Sullivan, OP Fr. James W. Jones March Mar. 1, 1935 Mar. 1, 1994 Mar. 2, 1934 Mar. 2, 1934 Mar. 2, 1956 Mar. 3, 1951 Mar. 3, 1962 Mar. 3, 1987 Mar. 3, 2012 Mar. 4, 2010 Mar. 5, 1914 Mar. 5, 1924 Mar. 5, 1932 Mar. 5, 1966 Mar. 6, 1978 Mar. 7, 2004 Mar. 8, 1991 Mar. 9, 1985 Mar. 10, 1969 Mar. 11, 1965 Mar. 11, 1980 Mar. 12, 1929 Mar. 12, 1973 Mar. 12, 2012 Mar. 13, 1923 Mar. 13, 1926 Mar. 13, 1966 Mar. 13, 2004 Mar. 15, 1956 Mar. 15, 1991 Mar. 16, 1940 Mar. 16, 2005 Mar. 18, 1939 Mar. 18, 1974 Fr. Joseph F. Wittman Msgr. Michael L. Donovan Fr. Patrick Riley Fr. Leonard Wangler, TOR Fr. Balthazar J. Mattes Fr. George F. Drescher Fr. Peter C. Schneider Fr. Leon McWilliams Fr. Charles R. Griffin Fr. Joseph E. Stanton Fr. Philip J. Donaghue Fr. Patrick M. Heery Fr. William A. Schaefer Msgr. Patrick J. Kilgallen Msgr. Frank T. Riehl Fr. Thomas J. Cadden Fr. Edmund B. McCormick Fr. Sherwin Derouin, OFM Cap Fr. Carl L. Heilman Fr. Urban Nagel, OP Fr. Ernest Horning, OFM, Cap. Msgr. John H. O’Neil Fr. William Marion Young Fr. Charles R. Griffin Fr. Peter T. Thurheimer Msgr. Thomas P. Harrington Fr. Julian J. Schaefer Fr. Joseph E. Murphy Msgr. Robert F. Coburn Msgr. Harold A. Estadt Fr. Casimir R. Smogor Fr. John M. Fulcher Msgr. George A. Gorry, STD Fr. Michael A. Snider, OP 55 Mar. 20, 1940 Mar. 20, 1988 Mar. 20, 1991 Mar. 21, 1968 Mar. 22, 1925 Mar. 22, 1935 Mar. 22, 1966 Mar. 22, 2000 Mar. 23, 1926 Mar. 23, 1972 Mar. 24, 1892 Mar. 25, 1884 Mar. 25, 1893 Mar. 26, 1926 Mar. 26, 1969 Mar. 27, 1938 Mar. 27, 1975 Mar. 28, 1971 Mar. 29, 1994 Mar. 29, 1949 Mar. 31, 1971 Fr. Dennis A. Casey, OP Msgr. Joseph Casey Msgr. William E. Kappes Fr. Ambrose W. Schilling Fr. Anselm Kaelin, OSB Fr. John W. Cavanaugh, CSC Msgr. William. C. O’Brian Msgr. Bennett Applegate Fr. Joseph Pollman Fr. Francis L Hickey Fr. Charles F. Schelhamer Fr. G.H. Ahrens Fr. John F. Kalenberg Fr. Abraham McNamara Fr. Stephen J. Pekalla Fr. Jeremiah Treacy, CM Fr. Paul E. Rodgers, OP Fr. George Kemper Fr. Anthony Migoni, CPPS Fr. Eugene Owens Fr. William A. Stecker Apr. 1, 1974 Apr. 3, 1940 Apr. 4, 1886 Apr. 5, 1995 Apr. 6, 1894 Apr. 6, 1936 Apr. 6, 1951 Apr. 6, 1958 Apr. 6, 2007 Apr. 7, 1975 Apr. 8, 1933 Apr. 8, 1935 Apr. 8, 1983 Apr. 8, 1985 Apr. 9, 1946 Apr. 9, 1962 Apr. 9, 2006 Apr. 10, 1988 Apr. 11, 1930 Apr. 11, 1925 Apr. 13, 1869 Apr. 13, 1986 Apr. 14, 1924 Apr. 14, 1956 Apr. 15, 1998 Apr. 15, 2006 Apr. 16, 1925 Apr. 17, 1899 Apr. 18, 2003 Apr. 18, 1925 Apr. 18, 1948 Apr. 19, 1993 Apr. 20, 1890 Apr. 22, 1905 Apr. 22, 1915 Apr. 22, 1924 Apr. 22, 1944 Apr. 22, 1969 Apr. 22, 1998 Apr. 23, 1875 Apr. 23, 1942 Apr. 24, 2011 Apr. 26, 1929 Apr. 26, 1944 Apr. 26, 1955 Apr. 26, 1972 Apr. 27, 1957 Apr. 28, 1935 Apr. 29, 2003 Fr. James H. Mulcahey, OP Fr. James T. Nevin Fr. Henry B. Dues Msgr. George F. Schorr Fr. Johann G. Nordmeyer Fr. John P. Vonville Fr. Francis P. Reynolds Fr. Clement H. Crock Fr. Frank P. Miller Msgr. George A. Buchmann Fr. Philip F. X. Clark Fr. Aegidius Suppan Fr. Walter Hubert Horan, OP Msgr. Edwin F. Murphy Fr. Louis Mandery Msgr. Henry J. Grigsby Fr. Robert F. Reilly Fr. Robert G. White Fr. Daniel J. Kennedy, OP Fr. Hugh Ewing Fr. Joseph A.Heimo Msgr. Aloysius Berendt Fr. Jeremiah Murray Fr. Marion Pagendorm, OFM Cap Fr. Michael J. Tabit Fr. Alan M. Sprenger Fr. Edward E. Hackett Bishop John A. Watterson Msgr. J. Colby Grimes Fr. Edward E. Hackett Fr. Herman Tague Fr. Bernard George Hart, OP Fr. William O’Reilly Fr. Ignatius Sagerer Fr. John Schneider Fr. Joseph M. Wehrle Fr. Michael Sullivan Fr. William F. Connolly Fr. Bernard P Jones Fr. Francis Karge Fr. Austin A. Cush Fr. Charles Theodore Thomas Fr. Bernard P. Hanna Fr. William C. Kelly, OP Fr. Alois Soukup Fr. William Meyer, CPPS Msgr. Paul J. Glenn Fr. E. S. McGinnis, OP Fr. Arthur J. Dimond April May May 1, 1957 May 2, 1925 May 2, 1957 Msgr. Bernard P. Vogel Fr. L.W. Mulhane Bishop Michael J. Ready May 2, 1979 May 3, 1942 May 3, 1984 May 5, 1960 May 5, 1997 May 8, 1941 May 9, 1934 May 10, 1940 May 10, 2011 May 12, 1916 May 12, 2008 May 13, 1980 May 13, 2007 May 14, 1937 May 14, 1938 May 14, 1985 May 16, 1993 May 17, 1920 May 17, 1963 May 18, 1971 May 18, 1972 May 18, 2004 May 20, 1878 May 21, 1904 May 22, 1967 May 23, 1943 May 23, 1961 May 23, 1999 May 24, 1983 May 25, 1990 May 28, 1962 May 28, 1997 May 28, 2011 May 29, 1913 May 31, 1902 Msgr. Maurice Donovan Fr. J. D. Pendergast, OP Fr. Peter W. Elder, OP Msgr. John J. Murphy Msgr. Clarence M. DeRuntz Fr. Arthur C. Haid Fr. Albert J. Fisher Fr. H.S. Martin, OP Msgr. James J. Carroll Fr. Thomas F. Delany Msgr. Edward F. Spiers Fr. Edward Reidy Fr. Edwin J. McNulty Fr. George M. Scanlon, OP Fr. Otto VonLintel Fr. John Patrick Reid, OP Msgr. James W. Kulp, PA Fr. Dennis A. Clarke Msgr. Edward J. Leinheuser Fr. Chester A. LeBlanc Msgr. Edmund A. Burkley Fr. Arthur W. Wiles Fr. John J. Meara Fr. John S. Singleton Msgr. Joseph P. Kiefer Fr. William L. Thomas Fr. John Grady, OMI Msgr. Anthony Kleinschmidt Fr. John T. Dunn Fr. John J. Ryan Fr. William M. Sullivan Fr. Wayne E. Miller Msgr. Donald C. Schulz Msgr. Francis X. Specht Fr. Denis E. Meara June June 2, 1955 June 2, 1972 June 2, 1998 June 3, 2007 June 5, 1947 June 5, 2003 June 6, 1892 June 6, 1972 June 7, 1909 June 7, 2004 June 8, 1920 June 10, 1927 June 10, 1928 June 10, 1939 June 10, 1986 June 10, 1991 June 13, 1922 June 13, 1983 June 14, 1994 June 15, 1946 June 15, 1948 June 15, 1979 June 15, 1983 June 16, 1929 June 16, 1937 June 16, 1972 June 16, 1982 June 17, 1975 June 17, 1995 June 17, 1998 June 17, 1979 June 18, 1931 June 18, 2007 June 18, 1980 June 19, 1951 June 20, 1959 June 21, 1943 June 22, 1953 June 23, 1929 June 23, 1986 June 24, 1972 June 24, 1973 June 25, 1972 June 26, 1932 June 26, 1972 Fr. Paul J. Bernier Fr. Earl M. Hanley, OP Fr. Wiliam D. Huber Fr. George J. Marzluf Fr. Raymond M. Brown Fr. Jerome K. Raiser Fr. William F. Hayes Fr. M. D. Garry, OP Fr. James J. Slevin Fr. Clement B. Durbin Fr. Michael P. Sullivan, OP Fr. John J. Cahalan Fr. Thomas J. O’Reilly Msgr. Anthony L. Leininger Fr. Roland Torer Fr. William J. McEwan Fr. William McDermott Fr. Peter J. Grabaskas Fr. Jan B. Kish Fr. Anthony Domm Fr. Edmund J. Klass Fr. John Bauer, OP Fr. John P. Tague Fr. Louis A. Tieman Fr. Hugh M. McManus, OP Msgr. Joseph J. Kloss Fr. James G. Petry Fr. Robert E. Brennan, OP Fr. Clarence J. Durbin John J. Cardinal Carberry Msgr. Walter J. Rees Fr. Edward Cummings, OP Fr. Charles (Pete) Essman Fr. Francis B. Touey Fr. Joseph G. Bender Fr. Francis J. Kreuskamp Fr. Joseph J. Herman Msgr. John J. Manning Fr. Joseph C. Brady, OP Fr. Richard J. Connelly Fr. Joseph Finan Fr. Edward D. Fenwick, OP Fr. John A. Sullivan, OP Msgr. Simon P. Weisinger Bishop Henry J. Grimmelsman June 27, 1974 June 28, 1965 June 29, 1965 June 30, 1935 June 30, 2004 June 30, 2009 Fr. John C. Cody, CM Msgr. Frederick W. Burkhart Msgr. Roderick MacEachen Msgr. Joseph Och Fr. Joseph F. Jerabeck Msgr. .Michael Andrew (Andy) Nugent July July 1, 1954 July 1, 1967 July 2, 1978 July 2, 2002 July 2, 2013 July 3, 1976 July 4, 1928 July 4, 1994 July 4, 1994 July 5, 1874 July 5, 1966 July 6, 1955 July 6, 1968 July 6, 1977 July 6, 1981 July 8, 1914 July 8, 1972 July 8, 1993 July 9, 1933 July 9, 1963 July 11, 1898 July 11, 1952 July 12, 1939 July 12, 2004 July 13, 1910 July 15, 1897 July 16, 1964 July 16, 1971 July 17, 1889 July 17, 1931 July 18, 1906 July 18, 1968 July 19, 1901 July 19, 1942 July 19, 1951 July 19, 1986 July 19, 1991 July 20, 1977 July 20, 1993 July 21, 1929 July 21, 1979 July 22, 1870 July 22, 1880 July 25, 1898 July 25, 1965 July 25, 1978 July 26, 1973 July 27, 1884 July 27, 1982 July 29, 1892 July 29, 1976 July 31, 2004 Fr. Elwood S. Berry Msgr. Matthew A. Howard Fr. William T. Rardin Msgr. James M. Berendt Fr. Vincent D. Matthews Fr. Michael Meade Fr. Joseph E. Kernan, OP Fr. T. Edward Hopping Fr. James Kimberley Fr. Louis Cartuyvels Fr. Edward Hudacek Fr. James L. Riley Fr. Eugene F. Dunn Fr. Richard J. Endres Fr. Joseph E. Douglas Fr. Joseph B. Schmitt Fr. Joseph A. Manning, OP Fr. Robert W. Harwick Fr. Albert O’Brien, OP Fr. Vincent Mooney Fr. Louis DeCailly Fr. Vito Perrini Fr. Joseph B. Kircher, OP Fr. Charles A. Haluska Msgr. John Kyran Larkin Fr. Richard J. Fitzgerald Msgr. Stephen A. Laca Fr. Louis J. Puhl, SJ Fr. Jeremiah F. Bric Fr. Dennis J. Dunne Fr. Francis J. Rudolf (CIN) Fr. Donald Ritzler, CPPS Fr. John J. Banks Fr. Alexander F. Farrell Fr. H.J. Schmacher Fr. Robert H. O’Brien Fr. Leo J. Lawler Fr. Stephen J. Muha Msgr. John J. Yonk Fr. Frank Mattes Fr. Leo L. Wiggins Fr. Michael J.D. Ryan Fr. Julius Brent Fr. Herman H. Mayrose Fr. William Hackett Fr. Charles A. Curran Fr. Albert V. Kessler Fr. Magnus Eppink Bishop Clarence G. Issenmann Fr. John B. Kuehn Fr. Francis J. Trettel Msgr. F. Thomas Gallen, PA August Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 1, 1905 1, 1969 1, 1984 1, 1994 1, 1985 2, 1884 2, 1921 2, 1940 2, 1948 3, 1900 4, 1927 4, 1968 4, 2013 5, 1982 6, 1931 6, 1980 6, 1990 7, 1971 Fr. Henry Anderson Fr. Philip H. O’Neill, SJ Msgr. Herman E. Mattingly Fr. John Patrick Byrne Msgr. Maurice A. Hofer Fr. Thomas Rooney Fr. Walter Ross Fr. John P. Roach, OP Fr. John J. Slattery Fr. Thomas J. Cady Fr. Theodore Igel Msgr. Albert Bremer Fr. Ronald L. Arter Fr. James J. Donaldson Fr. Adolph Dengler Fr. Louis A. Phillips Fr. Eugene D. Yoris Fr. Charles A. Haverty, OP 56 Aug. 7, 2011 Aug. 8, 1930 Aug. 8, 1970 Aug. 8, 1975 Aug. 9, 1924 Aug. 9, 1943 Aug. 9, 1960 Aug. 11, 1949 Aug. 11, 1991 Aug. 12, 1967 Aug. 12, 1969 Aug. 12, 1995 Aug. 12, 2005 Aug. 13, 2011 Aug. 14, 1951 Aug. 15, 1919 Aug. 16, 1954 Aug. 16, 2002 Aug. 17, 1992 Aug. 18, 2012 Aug. 20, 1891 Aug. 20, 1964 Aug. 20, 1975 Aug. 20, 1982 Aug. 21, 1959 Aug. 23, 1937 Aug. 23, 1971 Aug. 23, 1972 Aug. 24, 1961 Aug. 25, 1932 Aug 25, 2008 Aug. 26, 1991 Aug. 27, 1876 Aug. 27, 1894 Aug. 27, 1916 Aug. 27, 1931 Aug. 27, 1935 Aug. 27, 1983 Aug. 28, 1910 Aug. 29, 1951 Aug. 29, 1977 Aug. 30, 1903 Aug. 31, 1960 Aug. 31, 2009 Fr. Michael J. Devaney, OMI Fr. George J. Vetter Fr. Francis Shutz Fr. John J. O’Rourke Fr. William F. Boden Fr. Maximilian Pivetz Fr. John J. Harbrecht Fr. Joseph Lappan Msgr. George Kennedy Fr. John T. Priest Fr. Anthony G. Nickel Fr. Samuel E. Durbin Msgr. Clement F. Faistl Fr. Rodric J. DiPietro Fr. Anthony E. Tague Fr. Benetius Heil, OFM Fr. Mieceslaus S. Dzikowski Fr. Casto Marrapese, PIME Fr. Michael Woodrow Wellnitz Msgr. John V. Wolf, STD Fr. J. Bernard Wismann Msgr. Joseph G. Mehler Fr. Raymond S. Bauschard Fr. John G. Curley, OP Msgr. Raymond R. Harris Fr. Mark Campbell Fr. James C. Gunning, OP Fr. William A. Fincel, OP Fr. Walter C. Durbin, OP Msgr. John S. Hannan Fr. Kenneth F. Wise Fr. Richard T. Lebarty Fr. Gabriel Volkert Fr. James Mahoney Fr. Joseph T. Keelty, OP Fr. James F. Colbert, OP Fr. Herman J. Heck Fr. John A. Turel Fr. Owen J. Synan Msgr. David P. Quailey Fr. John D. Grabowski Fr. Pierre Gladu Msgr. John Fagan Msgr. Lawrence J. Corcoran Sept 1, 1948 Sept 2, 1928 Sept 2, 1932 Sept 2, 1964 Sept 2, 1998 Sept 5, 1924 Sept 5, 1939 Sept 5, 1964 Sept 5, 2002 Sept 5, 2006 Sept 6, 1968 Sept 7, 1940 Sept 7, 2001 Sept 7, 2001 Sept 7, 2008 Sept 8, 1912 Sept 8, 1936 Sept 8, 1964 Sept 8, 1976 Sept 9, 1910 Sept 12, 1964 Sept 13, 2007 Sept 14, 2009 Sept 15, 1965 Sept 15, 1970 Sept 15, 1986 Sept 16, 1959 Sept 16, 1964 Sept 17, 1945 Sept 18, 1957 Sept 18, 1978 Sept 18, 2006 Sept 19, 1908 Sept 19, 1943 Sept 19, 2007 Sept 20, 1922 Sept 21, 1870 Fr. Edward F. Sullivan Fr. John H. Wagner Fr. Andrew J. Biebl Fr. William F. Maloney Msgr. Francis J. Schwendeman Fr. Francis J. Seeber Fr. Joseph L. Carney Fr. Joseph H. Dick Fr. Francis R. Schaefer Msgr. Edward F. Healey Fr. John J. Sughrue Fr. Joseph J. Gooley Fr. Paul Wayne Meyer Fr. Raymond E. Thomas Msgr. Thomas M. Bennett Fr. John T. Carrigan, OP Fr. John F. Plunkett Fr. Leo R. Brehm Msgr. Linus J. Dury Fr. Michael Ahern Fr. John J. Costello, OP Msgr. Edward F. Trenor Msgr. John T. (Jack) Dittoe Fr. James T. McKenna, OP Fr. William Leaver Fr. Brice Mulroy, OFM Msgr. Harry S. Connelly Fr. Ralph M. McCaffrey, OP Fr. John J. Trainer Fr. Stephen A. Yantko Fr. Luke J. Tupper, OFM Fr. Arvids Bernans Fr. Peter Kloss Fr. Herman C. Fischer Fr. William C. Patterson Fr. Augustine Vassal Fr. James McGourty September Sept 21, 1912 Sept 22, 1953 Sept 22, 1965 Sept 22, 1973 Sept 23, 1939 Sept 23, 1985 Sept 24, 1906 Sept 25, 1942 Sept 25, 1960 Sept 26, 1902 Sept 26, 1970 Sept 27, 1906 Sept 28, 1925 Sept 28, 2013 Sept 29, 1983 Sept 30, 1926 Sept 30, 1977 Fr. Martin M.A. Hartnedy Fr. Vincent G. Schiele Fr. Anthony G. McCabe, OP Fr. Peter R. McEwan Fr. Joseph Molitor Fr. Earl Holtzapfel Fr. Francis Moitrier Fr. John L. Seuffert Fr. Jerome Angelus Osborne, OCarm Fr. Matthew A. Smith Fr. Andrew Zamborski Fr. John B. Beagin Fr. Anton Wiercinski Fr. Jack G. Maynard, SFO Msgr. Jerome J. Rojewski Fr. John Goetz Fr. Leonard P. Falvey October Oct. 1, 1913 Oct. 3, 1902 Oct. 3, 1971 Oct. 3, 1971 Oct. 6, 1940 Oct. 6, 1981 Oct. 7, 1930 Oct. 7, 1938 Oct. 7, 1991 Oct. 7, 1991 Oct. 8, 1976 Oct. 8, 1995 Oct. 9, 1918 Oct. 10, 1973 Oct. 10, 1981 Oct. 15, 2011 Oct. 16, 1878 Oct. 16, 1898 Oct. 16, 1949 Oct. 17, 1941 Oct. 18, 1878 Oct. 19, 1873 Oct. 20, 1928 Oct. 20, 1944 Oct. 20, 1960 Oct. 20, 1966 Oct. 21, 1878 Oct, 21, 1967 Oct. 21, 1996 Oct. 21,2005 Oct. 22, 1883 Oct. 22, 1893 Oct. 22, 1932 Oct. 22, 1979 Oct. 22, 2013 Oct. 23, 1987 Oct. 23, 1984 Oct. 23, 1915 Oct. 24, 1896 Oct. 24, 1973 Oct. 24, 1982 Oct. 25, 1954 Oct. 26, 1891 Oct. 26, 1953 Fr. Thomas J. Horan Fr. Matthew A. Smith Fr. John R. Smith, OP Msgr. James M. Kirwin Fr. Stephen J. Gassman Fr. Vaclovas Suminas Fr. Hugh J. Leonard, OP Fr. Walter Minder Msgr. Robert A. Brown Fr. Thomas Lowery Msgr. Anthony J. Schlernitzauer Fr. Joseph R. Switalski Fr. Francis A. Theado Msgr. Paul J. O'Dea Fr. Charles P. Foy Msgr. Kenneth F. Grimes Fr. R.C. Christy Fr. Samuel Mattingly Msgr. Joseph A. Cousins Fr. James Aldridge, OP Fr. John B. Hemsteger Fr. Emmanuel Thienpont Fr. Bernard M. O'Boylan Msgr. James M. Ryan Fr. Albert E. Culliton Fr. Angelo Gallorini Bishop Sylvester H. Rosecrans Fr. William J. Glavin, CM Fr. Daniel P. McGinnis Msgr. James P. Hanley Fr. Francis C. Mallon Fr. Philip Meschenmoser Fr. Anthony J. McGovern, OP Fr. John Aloysius Segren, OP Msgr. Francis X. Schweitzer Fr. Richard C. Crosser Fr. Sheldon Kelly, OMI Fr. John J. Schneider Fr. John M. Jacquet Fr. Edward Clancy, OP Fr. John Arnold Favret Fr. John N. Diegelman Fr. Thomas J. Lane Fr. Eustace H. Foley Oct. 26, 1971 Oct. 26, 2004 Oct. 29, 1903 Oct. 29, 1929 Oct. 29, 1942 Oct. 29, 1964 Oct. 29, 1986 Oct. 30, 1940 Oct. 30, 1973 Oct. 30, 1980 Oct. 30, 1993 Oct. 31, 1884 Oct. 31, 1922 Oct. 31, 1933 Oct. 31, 1957 Oct. 31, 1962 Fr. Thomas W. Sabrey Msgr. Patrick J. Griffin Fr. Benjamin P. Horny Fr. J. B. Oeink Msgr. Joseph A. Weigand Fr. Mario Venturini, PIME Fr. John J. Soltis Fr. John R. Fannan Fr. Elmer H. Boyden Msgr. George O. Mason Msgr. Joseph E. McGlynn Fr. Ignatius Luttig Fr. Edward L. Fladung Fr. Jerome B. Mattingly Msgr. William Robben Fr. Edmund C. Keifer November Nov. 1, 1971 Nov. 2, 1894 Nov. 2, 1899 Nov. 3, 1870 Nov. 3, 1888 Nov. 4, 1921 Nov. 4, 1923 Nov. 4, 1966 Nov. 4, 1972 Nov. 5, 1918 Nov. 5, 1918 Nov. 5, 1969 Nov. 9, 1996 Nov. 10, 1977 Nov. 10, 1987 Nov. 11, 1986 Nov. 11, 1990 Nov. 12, 1914 Nov. 12, 1981 Nov. 13, 1970 Nov. 14, 1902 Nov. 14, 1947 Nov. 15, 1913 Nov. 16, 1877 Nov. 16, 1961 Nov. 17, 1978 Nov. 18, 1961 Nov. 18, 1966 Nov. 20, 1925 Nov. 20, 1929 Nov. 21, 1918 Nov. 21, 1951 Nov. 21, 1960 Nov. 21, 1983 Nov. 21, 2009 Nov. 23, 1911 Nov. 23, 1911 Nov. 23, 1915 Nov. 23, 1918 Nov. 24, 1935 Nov. 25, 1924 Nov. 26, 1939 Nov. 29, 1993 Nov. 29, 2004 Nov. 30, 1947 Fr. Urban C. Wiggins Fr. Joseph Rauck Msgr. Joseph Jessing Fr. Patrick J. Daly Fr. J.B. Weisinger Fr. R.A. LaPlante, OP Fr. Clement R. Rhode Fr. John Casey Fr. Leo Sullivan Fr. John P. Curran Fr. Charles J. Wirtz Fr. James J. McLarney, OP Msgr. Francis F. Brown Fr. Ambrose Metzger Msgr. Joseph A. Hakel Fr. Stephen Jusasko, OP Msgr. John P. Kleinz Fr. Louis DeMaio Msgr. Ambrose L. Freund Fr. Peter B. Crelly Fr. J. George Montag Fr. James T. Banahan Fr. William H. O'Sullivan Fr. Jeremiah A. Moroney Fr. David P. Power Fr. Constantine C. Superfisky Msgr. Joseph F. Dooley Fr. Charles I. Litzinger, OP Fr. A. M. Leyden Fr. John A. Dempsey, OP Fr. Aloysius M. Spangler Fr. Edgar A. Hoffman Msgr. Nicholas Pinter Fr. Camillus A. Musselman, OP Fr. John J. Gamba Fr. John Ritter Fr. Bede Herman J. Hansen Fr. Joseph Tuohy Fr. Jacob Geiger Fr. Max J. Phillipp Fr. Lawrence F. Kearney, OP Fr. Thomas F. Carey Fr. Richard H. Hoch Msgr. Robert R. Schmidt Fr. Otto. P. Trogus December Dec. 1, 1905 Dec. 1, 1937 Dec. 1, 1994 Dec. 1, 1960 Dec. 1, 2010 Dec. 2, 1922 Dec. 2, 1941 Dec. 4, 1977 Dec. 5, 1956 Dec. 6, 1931 Dec. 6, 1968 Dec. 6, 1969 Dec. 7, 1967 Dec. 7, 1975 Dec. 7, 1979 Dec. 7, 2003 Dec. 9, 1915 Dec. 9, 1922 Dec. 9, 1947 Dec. 9, 1982 Dec. 9, 2010 Dec. 10, 1972 Dec. 13, 1939 Dec. 14, 1989 Dec. 15, 1916 Dec. 15, 1981 Dec. 15, 2003 Dec. 16, 1873 Dec. 16, 1923 Dec. 16, 1981 Dec. 16, 1996 Dec. 17, 1982 Dec. 18, 1969 Dec. 18, 1981 Dec. 19, 1954 Dec. 19, 1963 Dec. 19, 1965 Dec. 20, 1996 Dec. 21, 1948 Dec. 22, 1996 Dec. 22, 1999 Dec. 22, 2010 Dec. 23, 1923 Dec. 24, 1960 Dec. 24, 1971 Dec. 24, 1982 Dec. 24, 2010 Dec. 25, 1937 Dec. 25, 1945 Dec. 25, 1967 Dec. 26, 1997 Dec. 27, 1949 Dec. 27, 1981 Dec. 27, 1985 Dec. 27, 1994 Dec. 28, 1911 Dec. 28, 1937 Dec. 28, 1938 Dec. 28, 1946 Dec. 28, 1993 Dec. 28, 1996 Dec. 29, 1930 Dec. 29, 1969 Dec. 30, 1888 Dec. 31, 1940 Dec. 31, 1969 Fr. Nicholas E. Pilger Fr. John T. Ford, OP Fr. James J. McEwan Fr. William G. Mottey, OP Fr. Raymond J. Carter Fr. Francis A. Gaffney, OP Fr. Charles A. Mulhearn Fr. Edmund C. McEniry, OP Fr. Clement B. Teipe Fr. Aloysius Kausler, OFM Cap Fr. Robert F. Sifferlin Msgr. John W. Kerrigan Fr. John J. Lach Fr. Louis E. Hoffman Fr. William A. Kelly Fr. Robert Justin Hennessey, OP Fr. Philip Steyle Fr. John B. Eis Msgr. James H. Cotter Msgr. Andrew Beros Fr. William J. Connor Msgr. Raphael D. Rodgers Fr. Thomas A. Powers Msgr. Hubert A. Rubeck Fr. Andrew J. Johnson Msgr. Edward A. Gilbert Fr. Charles A. Jackson Fr. Thomas M. Tuomey Fr. John T. MacNally Fr. William G. Dowd Fr. John H. Graf Fr. Joseph A. Pickard Fr. Arthur T. Zuber Fr. Herman A. Crock Fr. Edmund C. Richards Fr. Andrew H. Hohman Fr. William R. Byrne Msgr. Julius G. Klinec Fr. Leo J. O'Connor Fr. Paul J.D. Scanlon, OP Bishop Edward J. Herrmann Fr. Raymond F. Totten Fr. Seraphim Pierotti Fr. Felix Cleary Fr. Andrew R. McQuillan, OP Msgr. Harold O'Donnell Fr. John Barry Bentz Fr. Joseph J. Hynes Fr. Paul Smith Fr. James M. McMahon Msgr. Gerald F. Durst Fr. Hugh J. Spires Fr. Hugh J. Gilbert Fr. Patrick Hannon Msgr. William J. Johnson Msgr. Aloysius L. Nonnen Fr. John C. Matysiak Fr. Gerald J. Spencer Fr. John W. Byrne Fr. John D. Kempf Bishop Edward G. Hettinger Fr. J.R. Kennedy, OP Msgr. George Gressel Fr. Henry Fehlings Fr. Anthony C. Baar Fr. Richard Welch Deacons' Necrology Jan. 18, 1990 Jan. 26, 2010 Mar. 4, 2011 Mar. 10, 2010 Apr. 1, 1991 Apr. 10, 2011 Apr. 29, 2009 May 1, 1982 June 2, 1995 June 6, 1995 June 15, 2005 June 19, 2000 June 23, 2010 July 16, 2006 July 26, 2006 Sept 1, 2005 Oct. 12, 2010 Oct. 19, 2010 Oct. 23, 1994 Nov. 2, 2000 Nov. 2, 2013 Nov. 22, 1995 Nov. 24, 1987 Nov. 30, 1990 Dec. 20, 2008 Dcn. Vincent Minella Dcn. Joseph Farry Dcn George Lovensheimer Dcn. David Kruse Dcn. Robert Stock Dcn Charles Stevens Dcn. John Rericha Dcn. Richard Hennessy Dcn. Thomas Spaith Dcn. Charles Brockman Dcn. Joseph Farmer Dcn. William Whalen Dcn. George Horsley 57 Dcn. James Smith Dcn. James Feerick Dcn. Frederick Schmitt Dcn. John (Jack) Stahl Dcn. Paul Belhorn Dcn. Robert Holehouse Dcn. David Hohl Dcn. Kasuma Santos Dcn. Ronald Eagon Dcn. Terry Canavan Dcn. Bernard (Bud) O'Shea Dcn. Pete Conrad Priests’ Ordination Dates Oct. 27 1945 Msgr. Francis X. Schweitzer 1948 Dec. 18 Fr. Saulius Paul Laurinaitis 1950 Mar. 18 Msgr. Ralph J. Huntzinger Aug. 15 Msgr. James A. Geiger 1951 Oct 28 Nov 11 Fr. Clarence Williams, C.PP.S Fr. Kevin F. Lutz 1966 May 19 May 24 Oct. 10 Fr. Donald E. Franks Fr. Stephen G. Virginia Fr. Vio O. Joseph May 17 May 31 Fr. William L. Arnold Bishop Frederick F. Campbell May 16 May 23 JUNE 5 June 13 June 20 Fr. G Michael Gribble Fr. Paul A. Noble Fr. Stephen Carmody, OP Fr. Leo L. Connolly Fr. Ron J. Aubry May 28 Msgr. George J. Schlegel Fr. John E. Stattmiller 1967 1953 Mar. 11 Msgr. Frank P. Lane May 27 Fr. Donald M. Maroon Fr. John L. Metzger Fr. Richard L. Metzger Fr. Michael J. Reis July 22 Fr. John Bakle, SM 1954 May 25 Fr. David M. Schilder May 26 Msgr. Robert L. Noon 1952 May 22 Fr. Robert E. Gately May 30 Fr. Bernard J McClory 1968 Mar. 27 Msgr. Anthony Borrelli 1955 May 28 Fr. Patrick J. Byrne Msgr. Carl P. Clagett June 9 Fr. Luke Turon, OP May 24 May 3 Fr. David W. O’Brien, CSP May 26 Msgr. Thomas G. Bender Fr. Richard F. Engle Msgr. James B. Nugent May 16 1958 April 26 Msgr. Mario A. Serraglio May 1 Fr. Larry Nolan, OCSO May 31 Fr. M. Edmund Hussey Fr. James A. Ogurchock June 5 Fr. J. Stephen Fitzhenry, OP 1959 May 30 Msgr. John J. Dreese Msgr. Edward J. Fairchild Fr. Francis M. Stanton June 5 Fr. William C. Dettling, OP Dec. 20 Msgr. David V. Sorohan 1960 May 28 Bishop James A. Griffin Msgr. Robert E. Metzger June 11 Fr. Ronnie Boccali, PIME Aug. 6 Msgr. Frank J. Meagher 1961 Fr. Carmen J. Arcuri 1962 May 26 Fr. Joseph A. Ehwald Fr. Harold E. Schneider Fr. James A. Walter Dec. 22 Fr. William H. DeVille Fr. William J. Metzger Msgr. Anthony N. Missimi Fr. Stephen A. Metzger 1971 May 27 1972 Msgr. Paul P. Enke Msgr. A. Anthony Frecker Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks 1973 Feb. 2 Mar. 24 May 19 May 26 Fr. Lawrence L. Hummer Msgr. John K. Cody Fr. Joseph A. Murphy, SJ Fr. Charles E. Cotton Fr. Edward L. Keck Fr. Dean Mathewson Apr. 21 May 26 May 27 June 1 June 2 July 20 Fr. John L. Swickard Fr. Jerome P. Rodenfels Msgr. David R. Funk Msgr. John G. Johnson Fr. Raymond Larussa Fr. Wm. Thomas Kessler May 24 May 28 May 28 June 29 Fr. Patrick A. Toner Fr. Michael Ciccone, OP Fr. Michael Trainor, OP Msgr. Kevin T. McMahon 1974 1975 1976 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 June 13 Oct. 9 Fr. James Coleman Fr. James A. Klima Fr. Daniel L. Ochs Fr. William J. Faustner Fr. Peter M. Gideon Fr. Richard J. Pendolphi July 9 Msgr. Christopher Schreck 1964 May 30 Fr. Carl E. Drake Fr. Joseph F. Losh Fr. Paul O. Smith July 25 Fr. Jose Perez 1970 May 29 Fr. J Lawrence Reichert 1957 May 11 Fr. Vincent W. McKiernan, CSP May 25 Fr. Raymond E. Lavelle Msgr. Robert E. Schneider June 1 Fr. Eugene Linowski 1969 Fr. Ronald J. Atwood Fr. Homer D. Blubaugh Fr. Thomas J. Brosmer Fr. Justin J. Reis Dec. 19 Fr. Jerome D. Stluka 1956 May 27 1965 May 29 Msgr. Romano Ciotola Msgr. William A. Dunn Fr. F. Richard Snoke May 13 May 27 June 3 June 4 1977 1978 Fr. Louis V. Iasiello, OFM Fr. William A. Metzger Msgr. James L.T. Ruef Fr. Thomas G. Petry 58 1979 1980 1981 1982 April 25 Fr. Robert Stash June 12 Msgr. Stephan J. Moloney Fr. Patrick W. Rogers Aug. 7 Fr. Ignatius Harrington 1983 April 30 Fr. Joseph A. Ascencio May 21 Fr. Charles Cunniff, CSP June 11 Fr. Kevin J. Kavanagh Fr. Charles F. Klinger Fr. Stephen L. Krile Fr. Mark V. Ghiloni 1984 June 23 Fr. Stanley Benecki Fr. David M. Gwinner Fr. Martin J. Ralko July 14 Fr. Terrance W. Klein 1985 May 4 Fr. Jay Harrington, OP June 22 Fr. Timothy M. Hayes Fr. Jeffrey J. Rimelspach 1986 May 17 Fr. James Colopy Fr. Daniel J. Millisor Fr. Michael B. Watson June 6 Fr. Craig R. Eilerman 1987 1988 May 20 Fr. Stephen Hayes, OP June 11 Fr. James P. Black Fr. Dennis E. Stevenson 1989 May 13 Fr. Joseph Ciccone, CSP June 24 Fr. Mark J. Hammond Fr. Theodore K. Sill 1990 May 17 Fr. David Monaco, CP May 26 Fr. Willis E. Everett July 22 Fr. Thomas Kamau 1991 Feb. 2 Fr. John Boettcher June 22 Fr. Thomas J. Buffer Fr. Theodore F. Machnik Fr. Jan C.P. Sullivan Oct. 5 Fr. Denis S. Kigozi June 6 1992 Fr. Rodney M Damico 1993 June 5 Fr. Antonio Carvalho Dec. 18 Fr. W. Becket Soule, OP 1994 June 11 Fr. Joseph N. Bay June 18 Fr. Yovanny A. Acosta 1995 June 24 Fr. Matthew N. Hoover Fr. Dwayne A. McNew Fr. David A. Poliafico Fr. David E. Young 1996 May 25 Msgr. Eugene C. Morris June 29 Fr. Michael F. Nimocks Fr. David W. Sizemore Fr. Joseph J. Trapp II Sept. 7 Fr. Robert Penhallurick May 31 1997 Fr. Jeffrey J. Coning 1998 May 30 Fr. William A. Hritsko Fr. Ramon Macoy Cruz Owera, CFIC 1999 May 15 Fr. John F. Heisler June 4 Fr. Thomas J. Blau, OP June 11 Fr, Eduardo Velazquez, MSP June 26 Fr. James C. Csaszar Sept 5 Fr. Fritzner Valcin May 16 June 3 July 22 May 24 June 2 2000 Fr. John Heisler Fr. Shawn D.Corcoran Fr. Jeffrey E. Tigyer Fr. Sylvester Onyeachonam 2001 Fr. Joseph Peter Fegan, OP Fr. Anthony A. Dinovo Fr. Joseph C. Klee 2002 June 24 Fr. Abdon Lee 2003 May 31 Fr. Jonathan F. Wilson June 28 Fr. Walter R. Oxley 2004 May 8 Fr. Hilary C. Ike May 29 Fr. John Rozembajgier June 26 Fr. William P. Hahn Fr. Robert J. Kitsmiller Fr. Michael J. Lumpe Fr. Carl A. Subler Fr. David J. Young Fr. Joshua J. Wagner July 10 Fr. Balonwu Augustine Okpe 2005 June 10 Fr. Michael Dosch, OP June 25 Fr. Anthony P. Lonzo 2006 May 27 Fr. William Ferguson June 11 Fr. Jose Souru Manickathan, CFIC June 23 Fr. Raymond N. Enzweiler 2007 May 26 Fr. Adam Streitenberger Fr. Joseph Yokum 2008 May 23 Fr. Pius Pietrzyk, OP May 24 Fr. Stanley L. Dailey Fr. David A. Schalk Fr. Victor R. Wesolowski May 31 Fr. Saul Alonso Garcia, MSP 2009 May 29 Fr. Gregory Schnakenberg, OP Nov 21 Fr. John M. Reade 2010 May 29 Fr. Daniel J. Dury Fr. James H. Hatfield, III Fr. Mark S. Summers 2011 May 28 Fr. Ryan M. Schmit Fr. Tyron J. Tomson 2012 May 26 Fr. Michael J. Hinterschied 2013 May 24 Fr. Reginald Mary Lynch, OP May 25 Fr. Nicholas L. Droll Fr. Michael C. Gentry Fr. Matthew B. Morris Permanent Deacons - Ordination Dates 1975 Mar. 25 Dcn. Roger Pry Nov. 25 Dcn. John D. Rankin June 6 1976 Dcn. Richard L. Baumann Dcn. Frank Paniccia 1977 May 7 Dcn. Frank McDevitt Aug. 14 Dcn. Elmer Lampe 1979 Aug. 19 Dcn. Ron Fondriest Oct. 12 1980 1990 Feb. 17 Dcn. Joe Checca Dcn. Gene Dawson Dcn. Frank Duda Dcn. Phil Paulucci Dcn. Robert Neely 1982 1983 1994 Dcn. Mark Allison Dcn. Anthony Bonacci Dcn. William Davis Dcn. Robert Ghiloni Dcn. Daniel Hann Dcn. Gilbert Plummer Dcn. James Rouse Dcn. Mark Scarpitti Feb. 3 Dcn. Richard Busic Dcn. Paul Deshaies Dcn. Ken Drummer Dcn. Klaus Fricke Dcn. James Gorski Dcn. Mickey Hawkins Dcn. Lyn Houze Dcn. Douglas Mould Dcn. Byron Phillips Dcn. Frank Sullivan 1984 June 7 1986 Dcn. Dwight Larcomb 1989 Aug. 5 Dcn. Felix Azzola Nov. 11 Dcn. Frank Iannarino Sep. 6 Nov. 29 Dcn. Carl S. Jerzyk Dcn. William J. Andrews Dcn. Carl Calcara, Jr. Dcn. William F. Demidovich Dcn. Jeffrey Fortkamp Dcn. J. Michael Hood Dcn. Robert A. Joseph Dcn. James W. Kelly Dcn. Charles J. Miller Dcn. Maurice N. Milne, III Dcn. Andrew W. Naporano Dcn. Dean W. Racine Dcn. Kasuma Santos, Jr. Dcn. Marion E. Smithberger Dcn. James M. Sturgeon Dcn. George A. Zimmermann Nov. 24 Dcn. Terrance A. Acox Dcn. John C. Barbour Dcn. Timothy J. Birie Dcn. Jeffrey P. Carpenter Dcn. Joseph W. Ciaciura Dcn. Reed T. Hauser Dcn. Joseph A. Knapke Dcn. John R. Malone, Jr. Dcn. Joseph C. Meyer Dcn. Christopher J. Reis Dcn. Douglas A. Saunder Dcn. Todd M. Tucky 1997 Feb. 1 Nov. 17 Dcn. Harry Turner June 2 Dcn. Phil Rzewnicki June 29 Dcn. James Davis Dcn. Bill Gorman Dcn. Tom Johnson Dcn. Richard Krick Dcn. Ralph Parsons Dcn. Joe Poland Dcn. Pat Wiggins Dcn. Hector Raymond 1992 Dcn. Tom Barford Dcn. John Crerand Dcn. John DuPrey Dcn. Jack Elam Dcn. John Vellani May 14 Dcn. Michael Ross May 28 Dcn. Gordon Kunkler Dcn. W. Earl McCurry Dcn. Pete Peterson Dcn. Gene Staker June 4 Dcn. Tom Berg, Sr. 1985 May 6 1991 Dcn. Frank Ball Dcn. Jerry Butts Dcn. Larry Koebel Dcn. Pete Labita Jan. 23 Dcn. Steve Venturini May 29 Dcn. Gregg Eiden Dcn. Joseph Schermer Dcn. Thomas Berg, Jr. Dcn. Christopher Campbell Dcn. Steven DeMers Dcn. Roger Minner Dcn. James Morris Dcn. Donald Poirier Dcn. Donald Robers Dcn. Craig Smith Dcn. Christopher Varacalli Dcn. Patrick Wilson Feb. 23 Dcn. Phil Spina Oct. 5 Dcn. Al Cain Feb. 15 May 17 June 7 2001 2003 Dcn. Larry Wilson Dcn. Bart Supino 59 2005 Jan. 29 2006 2008 2012 Index of Advertisers Altman General Contractors 33 Catholic Cemeteries Back Cover Catholic Foundation Inside front cover Methodist Eldercare 4 Mount Carmel College of Nursing 8 Muralworks Studios 27 Catholic Social Services 35 Ohio Dominican University Corna/Kokosing Construction Co. 35 Peebles-Herzog, Inc. 32 Pontifical College Josephinum 21 Dee Printing Co. 8 Inside back cover Education First Credit Union 36 R.A. Long Painting 38 Egan-Ryan Funeral Directors 40 Sheridan Funeral Home 28 Franklin Art Glass Studios 21 Ss. 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