Document Acknowledgement - Cornerstone Family Healthcare
Document Acknowledgement - Cornerstone Family Healthcare
Document Acknowledgement Patient Name: ______________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Patient ID# __________ By signing each statement below I acknowledge that I have received a full version of each document. I understand that is my responsibility to read each document and ask for clarification or more information if necessary. Patient Initials Assignment of Benefits: I authorize payment of insurance benefits to Cornerstone Family Healthcare (CFH) for medical, dental and/or radiology services provided to me. I authorize the release of medical or other information necessary to determine benefits coverage and eligibility. I understand that I am financially responsible for charges not covered by my insurance. It is my responsibility to notify GHVFHC of any changes to my health care coverage. Notice of Privacy Practices & HIPAA Acknowledgement: CFH is committed to protecting your Personal Health Information (PHI) and stay in compliance with federal and state laws such as HIPAA. I have received a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices and understand how my PHI may be used, as well as my rights and CFH’s rights regarding PHI. E-Prescribing Consent: I give consent to CFH to enroll me in the E-Prescribe Program. This includes sending prescriptions electronically to the pharmacy of my choice, as well as requesting and using prescription medication history from other healthcare providers and pharmacy benefit payers and databases. Consent to Photograph for Electronic Health Records: I give consent to CFH to take my photograph to be stored in my electronic health record. This photograph will be used to identify me and help protect me against identity theft. Patient Bill of Rights and Patient Rights & Responsibilities: I have received the Patient Bill of Rights and Patient Rights & Responsibilities document. General BOR:____ Mental Health Services BOR:____ Advanced Directives: I have received the information on Advanced Directives. I understand that in order for my Advanced Directives to be honored, I must complete and submit a Health Care Proxy and/or Living Will form that has been provided to me. General:_____ Mental Health Services : _____ Consent to Release Medical/Dental Information: I hereby give consent to the following individuals to have access and obtain copies of my medical/dental information. This includes health history, exam information, tests and lab results. Information will be provided, based on my consent below. Name: ____________________________________________Phone #: ______________ Relationship to me: __________________________ This individual may have access to my: Medical/Dental Information HIV Status/Information Mental Health Information State Reportable Results I would like to receive text messages from CFH. Such text messages may include appointment reminders, preventative/diagnosis related care reminders and diagnosis related health education material. This excludes information related to HIV, Substance Abuse & Mental Health. Initial to OPT IN for text messaging Witness: Name of CFH Employee: _____________________________ Patient Signature: ______________________________ Date:_____/_____/_____ Revised 5/17/2016 Page 1 of 1 GENERAL MEDICAL & DENTAL CONSENT FOR TREATMENT Patient Name: ____________________________ Date of Birth: ___/___/___ Patient ID#___________ 1. I am asking for medical care and treatment at Cornerstone Family Healthcare and agree to accept services which may diagnose a medical condition, procedures to treat my condition and routine dental and medical care. I understand that these services will be provided to me by physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, midwives, physician assistant and other health care providers, some of whom may be in training. I have not been given any guarantees as to the results of the services I will receive. 2. I understand that my agreement to accept these services will remain in effect unless I say that I no longer want these services or until my treatment is completed. 3. I understand that my agreement to accept these services is called a General Consent and that it includes any routine procedures(s) or treatment(s) such as blood drawing, physical examination, administration of medication(s), taking x-rays, use of local anesthesia and other non-invasive procedures. _____________________________________________________ Signature of Patient or Parent/Legal Guardian of Minor Patient ______________ Date If the patient cannot consent for him/herself, the signature of either the health care agent or legal guardian who is acting on behalf of the patient, or the patients next of kin who is agreeing to the treatment for the patient, must be obtained. ____________________________________________________ Signature of Health Care Agent/Court Appointed Guardian ______________ Date ____________________________________________________ Signature & Relation of Next of Kin ______________ Date Witness: I,____________________________ am an employee of Cornerstone Family Healthcare who is not the patient’s health care provider and I have witnessed the patient or other appropriate person voluntarily signs this form. Signature and title of Witness ________________________________________________ Interpreter/Translator: To the best of my knowledge the patient understood what was interpreted/translated and voluntarily signed this form. Signature of Interpreter/Translator______________________________________________ Revised 5/17/2016 Page 1 of 1 HealthlinkNY Health Information Exchange LEVEL ONE HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE CONSENT FORM ORGANIZATION: Cornerstone Family Healthcare ,XQGHUVWDQGWKDW,FDQFKRRVHZKHWKHUWRDOORZWKH3URYLGHU2UJDQL]DWLRQRU+HDOWK3ODQQDPHGDERYHWRREWDLQ DFFHVVWRP\PHGLFDOUHFRUGVWKURXJKDFRPSXWHUQHWZRUNRSHUDWHGE\+HDOWKOLQN1<ZKLFKLVSDUWRID VWDWHZLGHFRPSXWHUQHWZRUN7KLVFDQKHOSFROOHFWP\PHGLFDOUHFRUGVIURPGLIIHUHQWSODFHVZKHUH,JHWKHDOWK FDUH +HDOWKOLQN1<LVDQRWIRUSURILWRUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWVKDUHVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWSHRSOH¶VKHDOWKHOHFWURQLFDOO\ DQGPHHWVWKHSULYDF\DQGVHFXULW\VWDQGDUGVRI+,3$$DQG1HZ<RUN6WDWH/DZ 7ROHDUQPRUHYLVLWWKH +HDOWKOLQN1<ZHEVLWHDWZZZKHDOWKOLQNQ\FRP Your choice will not affect your ability to get medical care or health insurance coverage. Your choice to give or deny consent may not be the basis for denial of health services. The choice you make in this Consent Form does NOT allow health insurers to have access to your information for the purpose of deciding whether to give you health insurance or pay your bills. Please carefully read the Consent Form Information Sheet about how your information is used before making your decision. Your Consent Choices<RXFDQILOORXWWKLVIRUPQRZRULQWKHIXWXUH<RXFDQDOVRFKDQJH\RXUGHFLVLRQDW DQ\WLPHE\FRPSOHWLQJDQHZIRUP Please choose only one of the following two options: Ƒ I GIVE CONSENT IRUWKH3URYLGHU2UJDQL]DWLRQRU+HDOWK3ODQQDPHGDERYHWRDFFHVV$// RIP\ HOHFWURQLFKHDOWKLQIRUPDWLRQWKURXJK+HDOWKOLQN1<LQFRQQHFWLRQZLWKSURYLGLQJPHKHDOWKFDUH VHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJHPHUJHQF\FDUH Ƒ I DENY CONSENT IRUWKH3URYLGHU2UJDQL]DWLRQRU+HDOWK3ODQQDPHGDERYHWRDFFHVVP\HOHFWURQLF KHDOWKLQIRUPDWLRQWKURXJK+HDOWKOLQN1<IRUDQ\SXUSRVHHYHQLQDPHGLFDOHPHUJHQF\ ,I\RXZDQWWRGHQ\FRQVHQWIRUDOO3URYLGHU2UJDQL]DWLRQVDQG+HDOWK3ODQVSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQ+HDOWKOLQN1<\RXPD\GRVRE\YLVLWLQJZZZKHDOWKOLQNQ\FRPRU FDOOLQJ 3ULQWHG1DPHRI3DWLHQW/DVW1DPH )LUVW1DPH 6LJQDWXUHRI3DWLHQWRU3DWLHQW¶V/HJDO 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH 5HODWLRQVKLSRI/HJDO5HSUHVHQWDWLYHWR3DWLHQWLIDSSOLFDEOH 'DWHRI6LJQDWXUH 00''<<<< 3DWLHQW'DWHRI%LUWK 00''<<<< 3ULQW1DPHRU/HJDO5HSUHVHQWDWLYHLIDSSOLFDEOH /DVW1DPH)LUVW1DPH +HDOWKOLQN1<ZZZKHDOWKOLQNQ\FRP &RXUW6WUHHW6XLWH%LQJKDPWRQ1HZ<RUN :HVWDJH%XVLQHVV&HQWHU'ULYH6XLWH)LVKNLOO1< +HDOWKOLQN1<B0DVWHUB&RQVHQWB)RUPB7ZRB&KRLFHBB0DUFKB NEW PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM (revised 05/17/2016) PATIENT ID NUMBER _____________ PATIENT INFORMATION Patient’s Legal last name: Legal first name: Today’s Date: Middle: Preferred name: Social Security Number: DOB: Mailing Address (if different from home address) Home address: City: State: E-Mail Address for Patient Portal: Zip Code: *Must be 18 years of age or older* Cell phone number: Language Needs (Collected as a federal requirement): Check if you prefer to communicate in a language other than English. Indicate language preference (including American Sign LanguageASL): _______________________ Veteran Status (Collected as a federal requirement) Home phone number: Are you a veteran of the U.S. military? yes No Work phone number: INSURANCE INFORMATION *If you don’t have insurance, please ask one of our staff members how you can apply for a sliding fee discount based on your income.* I am insured (please provide a copy of your insurance card to the patient service representative) ❶ Primary Insurance Name: _________________________________________ Who is the primary subscriber? patient/myself ID#: ________________________________________ other- Name: _____________________________________________ If other, insured date of birth: ______________________________ Insured relationship to patient ___________________________________ ❷ Secondary Insurance Name (if applicable): _______________________________________ ID#: ___________________________________ Who is the primary subscriber? other- Name: ______________________________________________ patient/myself If other, insured date of birth: ______________________________ Insured relationship to patient ___________________________________ ❸ Name of person who is financially responsible for healthcare payments (deductibles/co-pay’s, etc.): Myself Other (please provide name) __________________________________________________________________________ HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? Internet Radio Insurance Company Newspaper/Magazine Ad Social Media Referral from a friend/family member Referral from my healthcare provider: Name and address of provider: ___________________________________________________________ this provider is also my Primary Care Provider If provider above is not your primary care provider, please list primary care provider here: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability. Name of person completing this form: (print) ____________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________ Relationship to patient: self parent legal guardian other: _______________________________________________________ NEW PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM (revised 05/17/2016) PATIENT ID NUMBER _____________ GETTING TO KNOW YOU We require the following information for the purposes of understanding our population better and to satisfy our reporting requirements to the federal government. The options for these questions were provided by those organizations which analyze this information, and in no way impact the care you receive. Please help us serve you better by selecting the best answer to these questions. Thank you. Male Female Race (Collected as a federal requirement): Sex assigned at birth (Select one) You may select one or more Marital status (select one): Single Married Partnered/Other White/ Caucasian Black or African American American Other Pacific Indian/ Islander Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian I Decline to provide this information (Collected as a federal requirement) Sexual Orientation (Select one) Lesbian, gay or homosexual Male Straight or heterosexual Female Bisexual Transgender Male/Female to Male Something else/Other Transgender Female/Male to female Don’t know Gender Queer Choose not to disclose Other Ethnicity (Collected as a federal requirement): Please select one Non-Hispanic Hispanic Gender Identity (Select one) I Decline to provide this information Choose not to disclose Employment Status (Only for patients 18 years and older; Collected to assess potential exposures to health risks): Employed full-time Employed part-time Occupation: _____________________________________________ retired disabled student other I decline to provide this information Income: (Collected as a federal requirement to examine the percentage of poverty levels within our patient population) Anticipated annual household income for this year: Total # of people living in household, including yourself: Housing Status: (Collected as a federal requirement) I live in my own apartment/home, which is my permanent residence I permanently joined households with someone/another family (stable, permanent residence such as foster care, group home, or halfway house/ living long-term with extended family members) I temporarily joined households with someone /another family (not a stable residence/ not permanent/ may be at risk of losing nighttime residence/ not paying rent)-Doubling-up I stay with different people in their homes and move around often from one house to another-Transitional I live in a shelter I live in a hotel/motel I live in transitional housing (room or apartment in a residence with support services) I live either on the street/car/park/tent/abandoned building Pharmacy Information: Name: Telephone number: EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION In the event we are unable to reach you to discuss important test results, or should there be a medical emergency during one of your visits, Cornerstone Family Healthcare will contact the person you indicate below. Name: ________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact telephone number: Select type of phone: cell phone Relationship to patient: _________________________ home phone work phone Print phone number: _____________________________________ extension if applicable ______ ***Please note that the person you designated above does not have the right to your (or your child’s) protected health information. If you choose to designate this person as someone who we may discuss your (or your child’s) information with, please complete the appropriate section in the Document Acknowledgement form***