
The Tybee Island Pirate Fest began in 2005 with a small handful of
individuals that were looking for a unique event to help boost
visitation to the island in the off-season months. The first year was
even more successful than the organizers, a non-profit called
TybeeFest, even imagined it could be. With the support of many
dedicated volunteers, The City of Tybee Island and its elected officials,
the Tybee Island Tourism Council, and local businesses the event has
grown in popularity each year.
This years event is expected to be the biggest yet! Thanks to the level
of sponsorships received and some island renovations visitors to this
years Pirate Fest will notice lots of changes. The festival will be
headlined by Southern Rock legends The Marshall Tucker Band and
there will be even more activities for the family. The festival grounds
will encompass the entirety of the newly renovated South Beach
Parking Lot by the Tybee Pier from Tybrisa Street to 18th Street.
Of course another addition to this years event it this publication. We
hope that you find it useful and support the many Tybee businesses
found inside.
2008 Pirate Fest Committee Chairs:
Pirate Fest Co-Chair: Ross Howard
Pirate Fest Co-Chair, Staging: Richard Adams
Beer Sales: Rob McLellan
Children’s Activities: Lisa McKenzie
Coke Sales: Amanda Jandura
Costume Contest: Wanda Kendrick
Decorations: Charissa Murray
Entertainment: Randy “Hatman” Smith
Scavenger Hunt: Amy Gaster
Special Projects: Stan Hedgecorth
Marketing: Paula DeVivo
Merchandise: Annette Jandura
Parade: Katrina Murray
Sponsorships: Paul DeVivo
Treasurer: Janet Schaaf
Vendors: Deb Zackarchuk
Volunteers: Kim Gapac
About TybeeFest
Have Fun!
Paul DeVivo
Owner / Publisher
DeVivo Marketing
TybeeFest is an all volunteer non-profit organization that was created to provide entertainment, events, and festivals on Tybee Island for the enjoyment
of Tybee residents and visitors alike. All proceeds from Pirate Fest and the
organizations other events are used to fund future TybeeFest events.
2008 TybeeFest Board of Directors:
Ross Howard - President
Paul DeVivo - Past President
Janet Schaaf - Treasurer
D. Tsoulos - Secretary
Richard Adams
Paula DeVivo
Stan Hedgecorth
Annette Jandura
Steve Kellam
Charissa Murray
Greg Stoeffler
Deb Zackarchuk
Buccaneers Bulletin
A DeVivo Marketing Publication
P.O. Box 2833
Tybee Island, GA 31328
(912) 786-5653
Fax 786-5653
email: [email protected]
Publishers: Paul & Paula DeVivo
Design and Writing: Katrina Murray
Advertising Design: Paula DeVivo
Advertising Sales: Charissa Murray
All ads contained within the publication are
the sole responsibility of the advertiser. This
publication © 2008 - DeVivo Marketing, LLC.
Official Schedule of Events
Pyrate Plunder Party
Pirate Fest
Come shiver your timbers with other island
pirates. Drink specials & live music from Jason
WHEN: Sat., Oct. 4, 9pm
WHERE: Café Loco, 1 Old Hwy 80, Lazaretto
COST: Free admission
INFO: (912) 786-7810
Buccaneer Ball
Dress in your finest Pirate attire and head to
The Crab Shack for this 1st Annual addition to
the festivities. Witness the coronation of the
King and Queen of Pirate Fest (7:30pm), enjoy
a bountiful feast, live music by Savannah Steve,
and a contest for best Pirate & Wench. A chance
to win treasure for all who attend. Tickets are
WHEN: Thu., Oct. 9, 6pm-10pm
WHERE: The Crab Shack, 40 Estill Hammock Rd.
COST: $20 in advance, $25 at door. Tickets
available at Tybee Market IGA and online at
INFO: [email protected] or 786-5393
Available Now!
The Official
2008 Tybee Island
Pirate Fest T-shirts
Kids, Ladies & Mens Styles
Online & at Tybee Market IGA
Bring your family and your friends, dressed up
of course, to the official kickoff of the 4th
Annual Tybee Island Pirate Fest.
WHEN: Fri., Oct. 10, 6pm-11pm
WHAT: Pirate Invasion: Come watch as the
Pirates take the key to the city by force! 6:006:15(ish)pm
Thieves Market: Pirate treasure, Arts & Crafts,
Grog and Grub are all there for just a few
doubloons. 6pm-11pm
Scavenger Hunt: Cash prize of $200 and a
trophy to the winning team. Team size limit:
4 person max. Contest limited to the first 50
teams that register. Hunt is from 7-8pm
Registration: TybeeFest Booth in the Thieves
Market, 6-6:45pm. Entry fee.
Children’s Activities: Little Matey’s Cove
Music: The Train Wrecks 6-7:30pm,
Liquid Ginger 7:30-9pm, and Dikki Du &
The Zydeco Krewe 9-11pm.
WHERE: South Beach Parking Lot, Tybrisa St.
to 18th St.
COST: Free admission, Scavenger Hunt Entry
Fee $5 per person
INFO: [email protected] or 786-5393
The 2008 Tybee Island Pirate Fest King & Queen
will be officially crowned at the Buccaneer Ball
on Thursday, October 9 at 7:30pm at The Crab
This years honorees are Jimmy Price as
Pirate King and Natalie Gordon as the Pirate
Queen. Each year the board of directors of
TybeeFest, which produces Pirate Fest, choose
two individuals from the local community to
bestow the honor on who embody community
involvement and the fun spirit of the festival.
Jimmy Price is well known on Tybee as the
local Chief of Police. So be warned he definitely
knows how to defend his “crown”.
Natalie owns the Atlantis Inn on Tybee and also
serves on the board of the Tybee Island Tourism
Pirate Fest
Be a Pirate for the day and join in as they
celebrate their victorious invasion of Tybee.
WHEN: Sat., Oct. 11, 10am-11pm
WHAT: Thieves Market: Pirate treasure, Arts
& Crafts, Grog and Grub are all there for just a
few doubloons. 10am-11pm
Little Matey’s Cove: 10am-2pm
Pet Costume Contest: 11am, Kids Stage,
Entry Fee $5. Registration 10-11am.
Kid Costume Contest: 1pm, Kids Stage, No
Fee. Registration 10am-12pm. Pre-judging 12pm.
Adult Costume Contest: 4:45pm, Entry Fee
$5. Registration 10am-2pm. Pre-judging 4pm.
Music: 300 Miles Band 11:30am-1pm (Kids
Stage), Dikki Du & the Zydeco Krewe 3-5pm,
The 8-Tracks 5-7pm, The Bryan Clees Band
7-9pm, The Marshall Tucker Band 9-11pm.
WHERE: South Beach Parking Lot
COST: Free admission, Contest Entry Fees Apply
INFO: [email protected] or 786-5393
Pirate’s Victory Parade
The Memorial Park area & from 14th to Tybrisa
St. are usually the more populated spots to watch
the parade. This is a must see for families!
WHEN: Sat., Oct. 11, 3pm
WHERE: Begins at Hwy 80 at 2nd Ave. down
Butler Ave. to Tybrisa St.
King & Queen
Jimmy Price & Natalie Gordon
Official Schedule of Events
Little Matey’s Cove
October 10
How to understand the
Children’s Activities
Sand Box (3 years & under), Salt Water Fishing
Pond, Pirate Bean Bag Toss, Ring Toss, Face
Painting, and more.
WHEN: 6-8pm
WHERE: Little Matey’s Cove - Thieves Market,
South Beach Parking Lot
COST: Free
Pirate Jokes
Q. What is a pirates favorite
kind of cookie?
A. Ships Ahoy!
Q: Why did the Pirate get both of his ears
A: Because it was only a Buccaneer.
Q: What is a Pirate’s favorite letter?
Q: Why is pirating addictive?
A: They say once ye lose yer first hand,
ye get hooked!
Children’s Activities
Sand Box (3 years & under), Salt Water Fishing
Pond, Pirate Bean Bag Toss, Ring Toss, Face
Painting, and much more.
Sean Driscoll “Pirate Goodie and the
Magic Chest” Show: 10am and 2pm
Pet Costume Contest: 11am-11:30am
Music: 300 Miles Band, 11:30am-1pm
Children’s Costume Contest: 1-2pm
Inflatable Pirate Themed Bounce Rooms:
WHEN: 10am-3pm
WHERE: Little Matey’s Cove - Thieves Market,
South Beach Parking Lot
COST: Free (Except the Pet Costume Contest)
Costume Contests
Pet Costume Contest
11am on the Kids Stage. Entry Fee is a $5
donation to Coastal Pet Rescue.
Registration: 10-11am at the Coastal Pet
Rescue Booth.
Prizes: 1st Place - Trophy & Gift Basket
($50 Value), 2nd Place - Ribbon & Treat Bag.
Kids Costume Contest
1pm on the Kids Stage. No Entry Fee.
Registration: 10am-12pm at the Children’s
Registration Tent - Next to the Little Matey’s
Cove. Pre-judging at 12pm. 10 Finalists in each
age group - Boys & Girls: 0-6yr olds and 7-12yr
olds. Finalists judging at 1pm.
Prizes: 1st Place - Trophy, Pirate Fest T-shirt &
Gift Certificate. 2nd Place - Ribbon & Gift
Certificate. Awarded in each age/gender group.
Adults Costume Contest
5pm on the Main Stage. Entry Fee is $5.
Registration: 10am-2pm at the TybeeFest
Booth. Pre-judging at 4pm. 10 Finalists in each
- Male & Female. Finalists report to Main Stage
at 4:45pm for final judging.
Prizes: 1st Place - Trophy, Pirate Fest T-shirt &
$50 Bag of Loot. 2nd Place - Ribbon & Gift
Certificate. Awarded in each gender group.
If you are a newcomer to Pirate Festivals you
might not know the meaning some of the vernacular used in this publication and at the festival. In an effort to help the readers who would
like to educate themselves in advance of the
festival we have included an introductory Pirate
Glossary on page 16-17.
Ahoy -- “Hello!”
Avast! -- “Hey!” , “Stop that!” or “Who goes there?”
Doubloon -- A Spanish gold coin, Money.
Grog -- Generically, any alcoholic drink.
Grub -- Food.
Pirate Fest
Code Of Conduct
• Family Friendly Pirate Attire Only.
• No Real Weapons Allowed!
• No Glass, Fireworks, Fighting Or Illegal
• No Profane Language, Lewd, Vulgar Or
Disorderly Conduct.
• No Under Age (21) Drinking!
• All Alcoholic Beverages Must Be In A Plastic
Cup. (No Cans Or Bottles!)
• No Coolers Allowed.
• No Unauthorized Soliciting.
• No Skateboards, Skate Shoes, Roller Blades,
Bicycles Or Unauthorized Vehicles On Festival
• No Radios Or Boom Boxes.
• Please Put Litter In Trash cans.
• Dogs Must Be On A Leash On Festival Grounds.
• All Children Must Be Accompanied By A Parent
Or Legal Guardian.
• Not Responsible For Accidents Or Personal
• Not Liable For Loss or Damage To Personal
• Festival Organizers Reserve The Right To
Refuse Entrance Or Eject Anyone They
Deem Creating A Disturbance or Danger To
Themselves Or Others.
So Ya Wanna Be A Pirate?
BY: Capt’n David
Two part article reprinted from the April and May 2006 Tybee Breeze.
Throughout my years of cruising, one of the recurring comments I get is, “I
wish I could do that.” Now while I will admit it is the only lifestyle I can or
would lead, it does require some serious adjustments in attitude and expectations. Things that are a huge problem ashore seem to disappear, while many
things you just take for granted on land, become impossible underway.
It’s Not Like In The Brochure……
A robin’s egg blue sea with a light chop, a beautiful blond on the foredeck,
palm trees in the background, you’re sipping boat drinks, all while making 7
knots in paradise. Or, 6 to 8 foot confused seas, blowing like stink, your crew
( some dude in dirty cutoffs and a 4 day beard) is cursing on the foredeck
while trying to douse the jib and you are making 2 knots over the ground 400
miles offshore. The first scenario is on the cover of Cruising Is A Wonderful
Life magazine. The second is usually closer to the reality of making passage.
Those days of calm seas and light air can be found on day trips between islands, or while making short passages behind the reefs of Belize. But first you
have to get there. For instance, when and if I leave the Savannah area this
fall, I plan to head to Puerto Rico. I could take “The Ditch” to South Florida;
jump over to the Bahamas on a good day, and island hop down to the Mona
Passage. Yeah, if I had 6 months to make
the trip.
But, I would like to get there before hurricane season arrives, and the money
runs out, so we will take the direct route. Pretty simple really, head due east
from Savannah for a hundred miles or so, and then turn right. In 11 days
or so, we should be in the Mona Passage and then another day or so, on to
Salinas. Eleven days of sailing on your ear in the open ocean. Interminable
boredom punctuated by moments of absolute terror.
If It Ain’t Broke, It Ain’t A Boat…...
Before we can make this wonderful passage from Savannah to Puerto Rico
the first thing we have to do is get off the dock. Always the most difficult
part of the trip. Now a cruising sailboat is always in a state of constant repair.
Much worse than a house, trust me. No matter how much time or money you
spend on maintaining your vessel something will break every day. And that is
just while sitting still. Get underway where you can’t get supplies, and the rig
and gear are under constant strain, it is not unusual to have something break
hourly. And remember, whatever spare parts you bring will not be the ones
you \need. Best you can do is spend all the money you can (and some of
what you can’t) on whatever you think best, knowing that it won’t be enough
anyway, Remember, you might be a boat-bum if you consider duct tape a long
term investment.
Dear, We Need To Clean The Garage…...
Now that we have our huge cache of spare parts, (none of which we will
need, remember?) all we have to do is find a place to stow them. “There
Is Never Enough Room” should be one of the laws of the universe.
Remember, we have to stuff enough clothes, food, gear, spare parts, alcohol
(sailboat engines run on diesel, cruisers run on alcohol), books, charts, instruments, tools, lines, sails, life raft, propane tanks, spare water and fuel, etc.
etc. etc. to last a minimum of 6 months to a year into a space the size of a
one car garage (with no attic). It can be done, but you must remember what
ever you need will be at the very bottom of the locker you stowed it in. Underway, everything has to be stowed in a locker, rack, or tied in (this includes you
and the crew). Otherwise, it will end up on the cabin sole, or over the side.
I Must Confess, I Need Some Rest……
Having outfitted your beautiful boat to resemble a cross between a Grapes of
Wrath pickup truck and a gypsy wagon, we are off the dock and underway
continues on p. 8
Past Kings and Queens of the
Tybee Island Pirate Fest.
In 2007, TybeeFest selected Bonnie Gaster
and Jiggs Watson as their Pirate Queen
and King. Bonnie is a well known real
estate agent on Tybee Island for Prudential
SE Coastal Properties. Jiggs owns Tybee
Island Insurance and is the organizer of
the wet and wild Tybee Island Beach Bum
Parade. If you haven’t heard of it the
Beach Bum Parade is a water fight parade
that is held each May.
King Jiggs Watson
Queen Bonnie Gaster
In 2006, TybeeFest chose Gene
Kindrick and Debbie Brady Robinson
as their Pirate King and Queen. Gene
was the longtime commander of
American Legion Post 154 on Tybee
Island. Debbie is a well known
local artist and owner of the Atlantic
Beacon Gallery and Hall of Frames.
Debbie also serves on the board of
the Tybee Island Tourism Council.
King Gene Kindrick
Queen Debbie Brady Robinson
For the 1st Annual Pirate Fest event
organizers reached out to Jack Flanigan
to be their Pirate King and Jenny Orr for
Queen. Jack owns The Crab Shack, which
is an incredibly popular seafood restaurant
on the island known as “Where the elite
eat in their bare feet”. The Crab Shack will
also host the Buccaneer Ball this year on
October 9th. And yes, that is a real parrot
he is holding in the picture. Jenny
is the owner of Fannie’s restaurant
on Tybee’s south end which directly
borders the festival grounds and has
a great view of all the action.
King Jack Flanigan
Queen Jenny Orr
So Ya Wanna Be A Pirate?
Cont. from p. 6
(only two weeks late). You are now ready to drop into the routine of day-today life underway. If you’re fortunate enough to have another fool onboard,
it means you can get at least 4 to 6 hours of sleep between your watches.
Sure you can, as long as nothing breaks, the weather doesn’t change, and
your crew remembers how to check their position. So having had 2 hours of
sleep behind the lee-boards of the pilot berth (two sail changes and a reef in
2 hours) you stagger into the cockpit after having spent 10 minutes making
a pot of coffee and transferring it into a thermos
without spilling half of it
down your pants (always
wear your oilies when
making hot stuff) and
immediately sit down in a
puddle of your crewmates
spilled beer. After half an
hour, deal with leaking autopilot or other problem of
your choice. Keep constant
watch for enormous ships
2007 Pirates Victory Parade
attempting to reduce you
to flotsam. Check position and work your way below decks to mark on chart.
Stay awake. Go below and thrash around in the dark looking for peanut butter crackers without waking crewmate. Put flying fish in pilot berth to see
expression on crewmates face. Repeat for 4 to 6 hours, crawl into a damp
pilot berth that smells like feet. Awaken 1 hour later as crewmate returns flying fish to berth. Repeat four to six times daily for 11 to 13 days.
Land Ho! or Mañana Doesn’t Mean Tomorrow,
It Just Means Not Today ……
Having reached our destination or at least where we think we are, its time to
prepare for landfall. First thing is, no matter how much you try to time your
landfall for first light when it’s easy to see where you are, that is not going
to happen. Usually you will arrive around midnight in a nice 4-foot swell. Of
course the channel markers (if there are any) are not going to be exactly
where it shows on the chart, the light house at the end of the harbor is dark
or has flat disappeared, and there is no moon to help out either. Now we
could just take our chances and go for it, but as I am somewhat averse to
leaving large important chunks of the hull behind on a reef, we will just wait
it out until dawn. Time passes quickly when you’re having fun, right? Besides,
it will give you time to make sure you can get the diesel started, dig out the
courtesy flag for whatever country you are arriving in (you did remember
that one, didn’t you?) get together the ships papers, crew lists, passports and
other miscellaneous and sundry that you won’t have enough of anyway.
Six hours later and the sun comes up to show you you’re right where you
thought you were all along. Good deal!! Sail on into the harbor, raise the
courtesy flag and the quarantine flag and drop the hook. Hop in the dink and
head for shore to find customs and immigration. Depending on where you
are, you also may have to find the Office of Public Health, the Dept of Agriculture and who knows what other offices and officials. Of course, these will
all be within a block or two of each other, right? Wrong! You will be lucky if
they are in the same town. Having located where you need to go, be prepared for the fact that at least one or possibly all of the officials will not be
available today but will be there mañana. Remember, no matter what they
taught you in high school Spanish, mañana does not mean tomorrow. It just
means not today. Eventually you will get where you need to be, and having
provided all the necessary documentation you will be free to return to your
ship, release the crew dogs from bondage and head ashore for that cold beer
and hot shower.
continues on p. 9
So Ya Wanna Be A Pirate?
Cont. from p. 8
¿Dónde Es Baño? …..
Having arrived in paradise looking for that cold
beer and hot shower, you may find that language
is a bit of a barrier. After cruising for a while, your
language skills will improve but having a bit of
knowledge ahead of time is an immense help. My
Spanish isn’t too bad, my French is rusty but understandable (usually) and I know enough Dutch
to find a beer and the bathroom. It helps to learn
the essentials. If you can find a beer, the customs
house and a bathroom, you are pretty well set up.
Most of the locals will speak more English than
you speak whatever, and will be glad to try to help
you out. Of course, this is after they get off the
ground from laughing when you explain you want
to buy the Mayor’s underwear, rather than the cold
beer you were really looking for.
one is. Need a machine shop? No problem mon.
Need a sail repaired? No problem mon. Need a
left-handed thingamabob? No problem mon, my
cousin make you one mañana. Remember, you’re
not in Kansas anymore Dorothy and you may need
to be a bit resourceful in obtaining parts and supplies. Lots of trades and such will come to pass in
order to find what you need. And the guy driving
around in a 1952 Ford sedan with a John Deer
tractor motor will probably be able to help you
niences, there is nothing else like it in the world.
The freedom to sail to strange places, meet new
people and explore new ways of looking at the
world, without the restrictions of just being a tourist. Being able to live within, and enjoy the local
economy and customs. Just the sheer joy of being
alive in a new and different situation and location. Some say, “Attitude is the difference between
ordeal and adventure.” I believe they are right. If
you have the attitude, it is one heck of an adventure.
So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish ……
So we have been here for six weeks now, been to
most of the bars at least twice, and have the boat
in as good as shape as we
think we need to for the
next passage. Have met
the people, seen the sights,
and it is time to move on.
One last round of officials
Wheedle Mooch and Connive ….
(easier now that we have
Having spent some time in town, caught up on our
a good driver), pay off our
rest, and decided what we want to see and what
tab at the local cantina,
needs to be repaired and restocked on the boat, it
and head out. Get ready
is time to find our taxi driver.
to do the whole thing over
A good taxi driver is essential to any arrival in a
again. And after reading
strange port. If possible get a recommendation
all the reasons why not to
from a cruiser who has been there a while, but
do it, why would we do it
if not, get a taxi driver anyway. This guy can get
again anyway? Because
anything and knows where everything and everyafter all the inconve-
Fair Winds and Safe Passage
Capt’n David
Keeps on Rockin
30 Years & Counting...
See them FREE at Pirate Fest on
Saturday, Oct. 11, 9-11pm
From their first LP in 1973, to their powerful stage presence today, the Marshall Tucker Band has played countless concert venues around the world.
With the success of the Volunteer Jam Tour, and 1999 release of Gospel,
the good ol’ boys from Spartanburg, South Carolina remain as a powerful
force in the world of music.
David Muse has rejoined the Marshall Tucker Band after a three year absence. As a founding member of Firefall, David took sometime away from
MTB to reunite with his band mates. David originally joined MTB in 1996.
We are truly grateful to have such a tremendous talent return on flute, sax
and keys.
Doug Gray, lead singer, is quick to credit
the band’s current dynamic members with
carrying on the everlasting Marshall Tucker
Band sound. In 1989, slide guitarist Stuart
Swanlund joined the lineup of talented musicians. They also added the highly respected B.B. Borden, who is a former member of
both Mother’s Finest and The Outlaws, on
drums in the early 90’s.
“The buying public never really cared
whether we were country or rock and roll”
says founding member Doug Gray. “They
called us a Southern rock band, but we
have always played everything from country
to blues and all things in-between. We’re
still playing all of the classic songs, but we
are moving ahead into other styles as well.
We’re also playing for a younger audience
than we have in the past, perhaps to the
kids of the fans we played in front of in the
70’s and 80’s.”
The Marshall
Tucker Band is:
Doug Gray – Lead Vocals
Pat Elwood – Bass Guitar
Chris Hicks – Guitars
Clay Cook – Vocals, Guitar,
Keyboards, Flute, Sax
B.B. Borden – Drums
David Muse – Keyboards,
Saxophone & Flute, Vocals
Gray also notes that people have gotten
“married and buried” to classic MTB songs
like “Desert Skies” and “Can’t You See”. After nearly 30 years, The Marshall
Tucker Band continues to be played on classic rock and country radio, and
they have never stopped touring.
continues on p. 13
Pirate Glossary
To start with, of course, say “ye” for you, “me” for my or mine, and
don’t skimp on the “ahoy” and “arrrrrgh!”
Addled -- Mad, insane, or just stupid. An “addlepate” is a fool.
Aft -- Short for “after.” Toward the rear of the ship.
Ahoy -- “Hello!”
Avast! -- “Hey!” Could be used as “Stop that!” or “Who goes there?”
Begad! -- By God!
Belay -- Stop that. “Belay that talk!” would mean “Shut up!”
Bilge! -- Nonsense, or foolish talk. The bilges of a ship are the lowest parts, inside
the hull along the keel. They fill with stinking bilgewater -- or just “bilge.”
Blaggard -- “Blackguard.” An insult.
Blimey! -- An exclamation of surprise.
Booty -- Loot.
Briny deep -- The ocean.
Buccaneer -- A general term for the Caribbean pirates.
Bucko -- Familiar term. “Me bucko” = “my friend.”
Cap’n -- Short for “captain.”
Cat o’nine tails, or just “cat” -- a whip with many lashes, used for flogging.
Chantey -- A sailor’s work song. Also spelled “shantey” or “shanty.”
Chase -- The ship being pursued. “The chase is making full sail, sir”
Chest -- Traditional treasure container.
Corsair -- A more romantic term for pirate. But still a pirate.
Crow’s nest -- A small platform, sometimes enclosed, near the top of a mast.
Cutlass -- A curved sword, like a saber but heavier. Traditional pirate weapon.
Davy Jones’ locker -- The bottom of the sea.
Deadlights -- Eyes. “Use yer deadlights, matey!”
Dead men tell no tales -- Standard pirate excuse for leaving no survivors.
Dog -- A mild insult, perhaps even a friendly one.
Doubloon -- A Spanish gold coin.
Fair winds! -- Goodbye, good luck!.
Feed the fish -- What you do when you are thrown into the sea, dead or alive.
Gangway! -- “Get out of my way!”
Godspeed! -- Goodbye, good luck!
Grog -- Generically, any alcoholic drink. Specifically, rum diluted with water.
Grub -- Food.
Gun -- A cannon.
Fore, or forrard -- Toward the front end of the ship.
Flogging -- Punishment by caning, or by whipping with the cat.
Hands -- The crew of a ship; sailors.
Handsomely -- Quickly. “Handsomely now, men!” = “Hurry up!”
Jack Tar, or tar -- A sailor.
Jollyboat -- A small but happy craft, perhaps even one which is a little dinghy.
Jolly Roger -- The pirates’ skull-and-crossbones flag. It was an invitation to
surrender, with the implication that those who surrendered would be treated well.
A red flag indicated “no quarter.”
Keelhaul -- Punishment by dragging under the ship, from one side to the other.
The victim of a keelhauling would be half-drowned, or worse.
Kiss the gunner’s daughter -- A punishment: to be bent over one of the ship’s
guns and flogged.
continues on p. 14
The Marshall Tucker Band
Cont. from p. 10
“We never play less than 150 shows a year, and sometimes we play as many
as 200 shows. We feel we owe it to the fans who have supported us through
the years to deliver the music in person,” says Gray.
Years of rigorous tour schedules earned the band the respect of critics and
countless dedicated fans. With hit singles like “Heard It In a Love Song,”
“Fire On The Mountain,” “Can’t You See,” and “Take The Highway,”
The Marshall Tucker Band earned seven gold and three platinum albums
while they were on the Capricorn Records label. During the 90’s, the MTB
scored four hit singles on Billboard’s country chart and one on Billboard’s
gospel chart. Their music has also been featured on the sound tracks of
movies such as Smokey and the Bandit, The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper, and
The Marshall Tucker Band got its start in Spartanburg, S.C. when Gray
teamed up with Tommy Caldwell and Toy Caldwell, Paul T. Riddle, George
McCorkle and Jerry Eubanks, borrowing the name “Marshall Tucker” from a
piano tuner who’s name was found on a key ring in their old rehearsal space.
In 1972, they signed with Capricorn Records, the same label that guided
The Allman Brothers Band, Wet Willie, and others to national fame. The MTB
opened shows for The Allman Brothers in 1973, and the following year, they
began to headline their own shows across America due to the platinum-plus
sales of their debut album.
In years to come, The Marshall Tucker Band would wow critics and influence
major country acts like Alabama, The Kentucky Headhunters, Confederate
Railroad, and Travis Tritt with its definitive blend of rock, rhythm & blues,
jazz, country, and gospel. Now, thanks to the expanding scope of today’s
music, a new generation of fans is learning what the rest of their fans have
known for so long- that good music knows no boundaries.
“As we’ve become older,” Gray grins, eyes twinkling, “our Southern heritage
seems to come out even more. But no matter how old we get, we can still
rock your socks off.”
Pirate Glossary
continued from page 12
Lad, lass, lassie -- A way to address someone younger than you.
Landlubber or just lubber -- A non-sailor.
Letters of Marque -- Papers issued by a national government during wartime,
entitling a privately owned ship to raid enemy commerce, or even attack enemy
Lights -- Lungs. A pirate might threaten to “have someone’s lights and liver.”
Line -- A rope in use as part of the ship’s rigging, or as a towing line.
Lookout -- Someone posted to keep watch on the horizon for other ships or land.
Maroon -- A punishment where victim was left on a deserted coast or an island.
Me -- A piratical way to say “my.”
Me hearties -- Typical way for a pirate leader to address his crew.
Matey -- A piratical way to address someone in a cheerful, if not necessarily
friendly, fashion.
No quarter! -- Surrender will not be accepted.
On the Account -- The piratical life. A man who went “on the account” was
turning pirate.
Piece of eight -- A Spanish silver coin worth one peso or 8 reales. It was
sometimes literally cut into eight pieces, each worth one real.
Pillage -- To raid, rob, and sack a target ashore.
Pirate -- A seagoing robber and murderer. Contrast with privateer.
Poop deck -- The highest deck at the aft end of a large ship. Smaller ships don’t
have a poop; the highest part aft is the quarterdeck.
Port -- A seaport or the left side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow.
Poxy, poxed -- Diseased. Used as an insult.
Privateer -- A ship bearing letters of marque (q.v.), or one of her crew, or her
captain. Thus, she can only attack an enemy ship, and only in time of war.
Rope’s end -- another term for flogging.
Rum (noun) -- Traditional pirate drink.
Sail ho! -- “I see a ship!”
Salt, old salt -- An experienced seaman.
Scurvy -- A deficiency disease which often afflicted sailors; it was caused by lack
of vitamin C. A derogatory adjective suitable for use in a loud voice, as in “Ye
scurvy dogs!”
Sea dog -- An experienced seaman.
Shark bait -- Your foes, who are about to feed the fish. A worthless or lazy sailor;
a lubber who is no use aboard ship.
Shiver me timbers! -- An expression of surprise or strong emotion.
Sink me! -- An expression of surprise.
Smartly -- Quickly. “Smartly there, men!” = “Hurry up!”
Splice the mainbrace -- To have a drink. Or, perhaps, several drinks.
Spyglass -- A telescope.
Starboard -- The right side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow.
Swab (noun) -- A disrespectful term for a seaman. “Man that gun, ye cowardly
Swab (verb) -- To clean something, “swabbing the decks”.
Swag -- Loot.
Walk the plank -- A piratical execution.
Wench -- An individual of the female persuasion.
Yo-ho-ho -- A very piratical thing to say.
The 8-Tracks
One of the most respected and indemand cover bands in the greater
Savannah area, The 8-Tracks dig
deep to rediscover great tunes that
have fallen through the cracks and
which deserve to be heard — and
danced to! Their unique and eclectic set list specifically avoids the
most overused party tunes, focusing instead on custom arrangements of rarely-heard classics and long-forgotten hits by many of the biggest names in pop, rock, R & B, soul, country
and alternative music of the past 50+ years.
A show by The 8-Tracks is anything but predictable, as approximately 80%
of their repertoire is not performed by any other group in the area. With
such an unusually broad scope of material, they appeal as much to teenagers and 20-somethings as they do to those in their 50s, 60s and even
70s. It is not uncommon at their engagements to hear someone exclaim, “I
can’t believe they know that old song — I haven’t heard that in 30 years!”
Their instrumentation includes electric and acoustic guitars, piano, Hammond organ, bass and drums. All the members sing lead, and the band
is known for their tight and creative vocal harmonies. They have played
throughout the Southeast at the most popular bars and music rooms, the
most exclusive private clubs and ballrooms, and at several major charitable
fund-raisers and outdoor festivals.
From ABBA to ZZ Top and from Merle Haggard to Prince, The 8-Tracks play
it all, and they play it their way. Don’t miss your chance to see and hear
what all the fuss is about Saturday, Oct. 11, 5-7pm.
The Train Wrecks
Savannah, Ga.’s own local-boys-donegood, The Train Wrecks offer up raucous and rollicking Americana that’s as
equally indebted to the traditionalist
legacies of A.P. Carter and Johnny Cash
as it is to the forward-thinking rock &
roll of Wilco and Lucero. Local reviewers
have been “blown away” by the band’s
live shows, and the Wrecks have been
officially dubbed “The Hardest Gigging Band in Savannah”, a testament to
the love and dedication they have for their music.
The Wrecks have spent the summer headlining club dates and playing festivals throughout the southeast, and are in the midst of planning a full-scale
tour in the new year.
Jason Bible (guitar, voice, harmonica) is an award-winning singer-songwriter hailing from Ft. Worth, TX.
Carolina-raised Markus Kuhlmann (drums, voice, guitar)
Savannah born Eric Dunn (elec. bass, upright bass, voice)
Stuart Harmening (dobro, banjo, guitar)
The Train Wrecks have played both locally and nationally gaining the attention of any audience they play in front of. All four bring their own unique
perspective and talents to the table to create a singular musical vision, one
that they hope to bring to as many people as possible as they continue to
tour tirelessly and passionately. Watch them Friday, Oct. 10, 6-7:30pm.
Liquid Ginger
Liquid Ginger is:
Ginger Fawcett -Vocals
Rick Betz - Guitar/Keys
Bob Hack - Drums
Paul Manley - Bass Barr
Dylan Nobles - Guitars
Playing Pirate Fest Fri. 7:30-9pm
Founded in 1999, Liquid Ginger is one of the
Southeast’s premiere original rock bands.
Instrumental overtones of Pop, Dance,
Alternative, and Classic Rock, and lead vocals
with hints of R&B, and Contemporary Pop
and Rock, are combined to give this band a
distinctive, soulful flavor.
Liquid Ginger’s live shows are an affective
avalanche of high energy, consisting of emotionally charged original tunes and a wide
assortment of carefully selected cover songs,
making the group a sought-after commodity
in their hometowns of Savannah and Atlanta, GA.
Bryan Clees Band
Bryan Clees Band was the 2007 Entertainer of the year
for Atlanta Country Music.com. Contemporary sounding county/rock band from the Savannah, Georgia
area. Bryan is an award winning singer/songwriter
originally from Tampa, FL. He has been taking the
southeast by storm lately with his energetic live shows.
Don’t miss the chance to see them live on Saturday,
Oct. 11, 7-9pm.
The Bryan Clees Band is:
Bryan Clees - Guitars, Vocals, Sam Wood - Bass, Vocals , Michael
Brown - Drums and Percussion , Earnest Spiva - Rhythm Guitar
Dikki Du
and The Zydeco Krewe
Fri. Oct. 10, 9-11pm & Sat. Oct. 11, 3-5pm
Dikki Du (Troy Carrier) was born in 1969 in
Church Point, Louisiana and discovered his love
for zydeco music at the tender age of nine. After
school he would get together with his brother
Chubby, sister Elaine and father Roy to play
Zydeco music. At the age of twelve Troy moved
to a little town called “Lawtell”,
where his father had owned
the Offshore Lounge for over
fifteen years. Troy played the
washboard for Roy Carrier, his
father, on local gigs; he then
joined forces with the great
C.J. Chenier for two years.
Troy’s brother Chubby Carrier
then started a family band
and offered Troy a job playing
the drums. Troy toured with
his brother from the late 80’s
until the 90’s, when he returned home to pick up
the accordion. It has now been eight years that
Dikki Du and the Zydeco Krewe have been on
the scene. Dikki Du has incorporated his musical
heritage with unique experience to create one
of the most innovative zydeco groups around.
The krewe captures an audience with one of the
best sets around. His original funky and hypnotic
zydeco style announces that he has arrived,
occupying a spot on par with the best. “Personally the triple row is the sound that I like the
best”. says Dikki Du. He takes songs from classic
zydeco and turns the inside out with fresh and
funky renditions driving it to the next level. The
krewe’s innovations revitalize zydeco charging it
for years to come.
to melodic vocals means Dikki Du is guaranteed
to entertain. You will enjoy their hard driving
funky zydeco, and love the dance steps performed by the band as they entertain on stage.
Most people don’t, but Dikki Du.
What a sound!!! Dikki and the krewe stretch
out songs and it is great to
dance to, as well as to listen
to. Hard driving and relentless
is the theme all night. It’s just
funky as can be. Nice polyrhythmic grooves going around the
stage, and on the dance floor.
Dikki Du and his krewe come
out “smokin” harder and faster
in the second set. The band is
one of the best, all stars in their
own right; anyway its wonderful
time that seems to go to fast.
The whole band is very nice, easy to work with
, and professional. As I say to people who book
Intense and fascinating accordion action coupled
300 Miles Sat., Oct. 11, 11:30am-1pm
300 MILES is a rock/alternative band from
Emanuel County, Georgia. They have 12+ originals, but also play classic rock and alternative
rock music. Some of their cover music includes
songs by Three Doors Down, Bob Segar, and
Tom Petty.
They performed at the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration in Shellman Bluff and around Tybee. More
recently, they performed at the 10th Anniversary
Randy Fulghum Poker Run and the 2008 Firecracker Fest at Mill Creek Park in Statesboro,
Barbados Punch
2/3 part Tommy Bahama Golden Sun Rum
1 part Tommy Bahama White Sand Rum
1/3 part premium orange liqueur
1 3/4 parts pineapple juice
The juice of 1/2 lime
1 3/4 parts orange juice
2 dashes of grenadine
One of 300 MILES originals, “Blue Jeans”, was
inspired by time spent at the 2007 Tybee Island
Pirate Fest.
300 Miles is:
Dakota Moss, 15
- Lead Vocals &
Ryne Sutton, 14
– Drums
Tyler Brown, 13
– Bass Guitar
Jameson Price, 17
– Vocals & Guitar
Pour all ingredients except Tommy Bahama Golden Sun Rum into a shaker with ice.
Shake sharply. Strain into a glass with ice. Carefully float the dark rum on top. Garnish
with a slice of orange and maraschino cherry.
Tommy Bahama Rum, 40% alc./vol. Imported exclusively by Sidney Frank Importing Co.,
Inc. New Rochelle, NY under license from the Tommy Bahama Group, Inc.
Tommy Bahama® is a registered trademark of the Tommy Bahama Group, Inc.