Abdala ResearchThesis pdf
Abdala ResearchThesis pdf
THE EFFECT OF INTRA-ROW SPACING AND NUMBER OF PLANTS PER HILL ON IRRIGATED MAIZE (Zea mays L.) PRODUCTION AT GODE, EASTERN ETHIOPIA MSc THESIS ABDALA ABDIKENI ABDULAHI October 2015 HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY THE EFFECT OF INTRA-ROW SPACING AND NUMBER OF PLANTS PER HILL ON IRRIGATED MAIZE (Zea mays L.) PRODUCTION AT GODE, EASTERN ETHIOPIA A Thesis Submitted to the Postgraduate Program Directorate (School of Plant Sciences) HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE (AGRONOMY) By Abdala Abdikeni Abdulahi October 2015 Haramaya University HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY Postgraduate Program Directorate We hereby certify that we have read and evaluated this Thesis titled `Effect of intra- row spacing and number of plants per hill on irrigated maize (Zea Mays L.) Production at Gode, eastern Ethiopia` prepared under our guidance by Abdala Abdikeni. We recommend that it be submitted as it fulfills the thesis requirements. Ketema Belete (PhD) Major Advisor Jemal Abdulahi (PhD) Co-advisor _________________ Signature __________________ Signature _____________ Date _____________ Date As members of the Board of Examiners of the MSc Thesis Open Defense Examination, we certify that we have read, evaluated the Thesis prepared by Abdala Abdikeni and examined the candidate. We recommend that the Thesis be accepted as fulfilling the Thesis requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture (Agronomy). _________________________ __________________ Chairperson ________________________ Signature ___________________ Internal Examiner _______________________ Signature __________________ External Examiner Signature ii ___________ Date __________ Date _________ Date DEDICATION I dedicate this piece of work to my mother, Quresh Hasan Nur and my father Abidikeni Abdulahi Shegow for their consistent and unreserved help and encouragement with selfless scarifies throughout my educational career. iii STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR First, I declare that this Thesis is my genuine work and that all sources of materials used for this Thesis have been duly acknowledged. The Thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for M.Sc. Degree at Haramaya University and is deposited at the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules and regulations of the Library. I solemnly declare that this Thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any Academic Degree, Diploma or Certificate. Brief quotations from this Thesis are allowable without special permission provided that accurate acknowledgement of sources is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in a whole or in part may be granted by the Head of the School of Plant Sciences or the Director of the directorate of Graduate Studies when, in his/her judgment, the proposed use of the material is in the interest of Scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author. Name: Abdala Abdikeni Abdulahi Signature: ---------------- Place: Haramaya University Date of Submission: ____________ iv BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH The author Abdala Abdikeni was born on January 15, 1985 at Fer Fer district, Shabele Zone of Somali Region State, Eastern Ethiopia. He attended his primary, junior and senior secondary education at Gode. After completion of high school education, he joined Gode Agricultural, Technical Vocational Educational Training College (ATVETC), in the Department of Plant Science and graduated with Diploma in Plant Science in 2005. Soon after graduation he was employed by Adale District Crop, Livestock and Rural Development Bureau in Shabele Zone, Somali Regional State in the crop department as DA (Development Agent). After four year of service he was transferred to Fer Fer District. In 2006, he joined Haramaya University to continue his undergraduate study in Plant Science. After he graduated in 2010, he was employed by Somali Region Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Institute (SoRPARI) as crop researcher and was assigned as crop process owner (Crop Department Head) in Kelafo Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research sub Center (KePARSC). After serving in the sub center for four years, he joined the School of Graduate Studies of Haramaya University in October 2013, to pursue his post graduate study in the field of Agronomy. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and fore most, I bow with gratefulness to Almighty Allah and would like to thank and say Alhamdulillah for having bestowed upon me his grace and blessing, giving me stamina and strength throughout my study. I would like to extend many thanks to my major advisor. Dr. Ketema Belete, who transferred to me his vast and excellent professional knowledge and thoughts related to my research study. His prompt guidance, advice and support have encouraged me to complete this Thesis. Without his friendly and welcoming behavior, this success would not be possible. Then I would like to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to my co-advisor Dr. Jemal Abdulahi for his unreserved constructive guidance, comments, suggestions and criticisms throughout the research time. I appreciate his readiness to share his experience and knowledge. I am especially grateful to the Director of Somali Region Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research Institute (SoRPARI) Dr. Suldan Wali for giving this chance and sponsoring my education. I want also to thank the staff of SoRPARI particularly Mr. Khader Heybe and Mr. Yohones Lama for their support. I am truthfully thankful to all staff members of Gode Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research Center (GoPARC), especially Mr. Abdulahi Rabi (Manager of the Center), Mr. Ahmed Arab, Mr. Abdulahi Soane, Mr. Mahad Abdi, Mr. Abdulahi Arbao and Mr. Adde Hussen for providing me with the material and technical support during planting, trial management and data collection. Last, but not the least, my special thanks and appreciation go to Mr. Abdi Hassan Sufi and Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Ismail for helping in data analysis. Finally, these expressions of appreciation would not be complete without recognizing my much-loved family, in the direction of whom I would like to state my deepest and sincere gratitude for their endurance and continued ethical support which enabled me to complete this work fruitfully. vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ATA Agricultural Transformation Agency CIMMYT Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) DPPA Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency ESA East South Africa ESSP Ethiopia Strategy Support Program GDP Gross Domestic Product IOSNRS Investment Office of the Somali National Regional State KePARSC Kelafo Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research sub Center MoARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development SACCAR Southern Africa Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research SCF-UK Save the Children Fund – United Kingdom SoRPARI Somali Region Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Research Institute vii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE DEDICATION III STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR IV BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS VI LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS TABLE OF CONTENTS VII VIII LIST OF TABLES X LIST OF TABLES IN THE APPENDIX LIST OF FIGURE XI XII 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Origin and Distribution of Maize 5 2.2. Ecology of Maize 6 2.3. Importance of Maize Crop 7 2.4. Importance of Maize in Ethiopia 10 2.5. Effect of Plant Spacing on Maize Production 13 2.6. Effect of Plant Population on Maize Production 15 2.7. Effect of Number of Plants per Hill on Crop Production 18 2.8. Effect of Number of Plants per Hill of Maize Crop 19 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 22 3.1. Description of the Study Area 22 3.2. Treatment and Experimental Design 23 3.3. Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of the Experimental Site 24 3.4. Experimental Field Management 24 3.5. Data Collection and Measurement 25 3.4.1. Crop phenology 25 3.4.2. Growth parameters 25 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ( Continued) 3.4.3. Yield components and yield 25 3.6. Statistical Data Analysis 27 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSION 28 4.1. Crop Phenology 28 4.1.1. Days to 50% tasseling 28 4.1.2. Days to 50% silking 28 4.1.3. Days to 95% maturity 29 4.2. Growth Parameters 31 4.2.1. Plant height (cm) 31 4.3. Yield components and yield 32 4.3.1. Stand count (%) 32 4.3.2. Number of ears per plant 33 4.3.3. Number of rows per ear 34 4.3.4. Number of kernels per row 34 4.3.5. Ear length (cm) 35 4.3.6. Thousand Kernel weight (g) 36 4.3.7. Above ground biomass (kg/ha) 36 4.3.8. Grain yield (kg/ha) 37 4.3.9. Harvest index (%) 38 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 39 6. REFERENCES 41 7. APPENDICS 50 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Combination of plant density on maize crop production 2 Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on Pages 23 27 days 50% tasseling of maize 3 Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on 27 days 50% silking of maize 4. Main effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on days to 28 75% of physiological maturity and stand count difference of maize 5. Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on plant 29 height of maize 6.. Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on Ear 30 height of maize 7. Main effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on number 32 of ears per plants (cm), number of kernel rows per cob, number of kernels per row, ear length (cm) and thousand kernel weight (g) of maize 8. Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on the 34 above ground dry biomass of maize 9Intera Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on grain 35 yield of maize 10 Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on harvest index of maize x 35 LIST OF TABLES IN THE APPENDIX Appendix Table 1. Page Mean square values of ANOVA for phenological parameters of maize as 45 affected by intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill 2. Mean square values of ANOVA for growth parameters of maize as affected by 45 intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill 3. Mean square values of ANOVA for yield components of maize as affected by 46 intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill 4. Mean square values of ANOVA for thousand kernels weight, stand count, 46 above ground biomass, grain yield and harvest index of maize as affected by intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill 5. Long-term (2005-2014) meteorological data of the experimental site at Gode xi 47 LIST OF FIGURE Figure1. Map of the study site, Gode Zone, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia xii THE EFFECT OF INTRA-ROW SPACING AND NUMBER OF PLANTS PER HILL ON IRRIGATED MAIZE (Zea mays L.) PRODUCTION AT GODE, EASTERN ETHIOPIA ABSTRACT Maize is the major cereal crop grown widely in the Gode District. Most appropriate intra-row spacing and plants per hill must be determined for maize production under irrigated condition. Therefore, an experiment was conducted during October 2014 to January 2015 crop season under irrigation at Gode in Shebele Zone, Somali Regional State to assess the effects of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on the yield and yield components of maize. The experiment was conducted in factorial arrangement of four intra-row spacing (25, 30, 35 and 40 cm), and three levels of plants per hill (1, 2 and 3) in RCBD with three replication using maize variety Melkasa-4. Significantly the highest of days to tasseling 49.33), days to silking (57.6), plant height (171.5cm) and ear height (89.43cm) were obtained from the highest plant population to 25cm of three plants per hill. The highest of physiological maturity (80.75), number of ears per plant (1.70), number of rows per ear (15.87), number of kernels per row (31.95), ear length (19.57cm) and thousand kernel weight (191.29g) which were obtained from the lowest number of plants per hill. On the other hand, the highest above ground dry biomass (7073kg ha-1) and harvest index (45.69).Moreover, the highest grain yield (3232kg ha-1) which was obtained from one plant per hill and 25 cm intrarow spacing with plant density of 53,333 plants/ha, while the lowest grain yield (1431kg ha-1) was obtained from three plants per hill and 25 cm intra-row spacing with plant density of 160000 plants/ha. Thus, the 25cm x 75cm with one plant per hill could be used for maize production under irrigation condition of Gode. Keywords: days to tasseling, Gode, Melkasa-4, Plant population xiii 1. INTRODUCTION Maize (Zea mays L) is one of the major cereals and chief sources of energy in the human diet. It is the most widely distributed cereal crop. It is originated central America`s greatest gift to mankind. Maize has number of uses as food for man, livestock, feed, and for making many kinds of non-food products (Usha and Pandey, 2007). The importance of maize lies in its wide industrial applications besides serving as human food and animal feed. It is the most versatile crop with wider adaptability in varied agro-ecologies and has highest genetic yield potential among the food grain crops. New production technologies offer great promise for increasing productivity to meet the growing demands of world consumers. For decades, maize growers have worked for continuous improvement and greater efficiency (Singh et al., 2002). Maize is the staple food of 24 million households in east and southern Africa and is annually planted over an area of 15.5 million hectares (Thorne et al., 2002). Research in agronomic practices to optimize grain yields is a priority for governments in the region because of the critical role played by maize in food security. As a result, agronomic evaluation and crop husbandry recommendations for maize focus on optimizing plant population density and reducing weed competition for maximizing grain yield, but have generally paid little attention to the maize crop as sources of cattle fodder (Thorne et al.,2002). In Ethiopia, cereals are the major food crops both in terms of the area they are planted and volume of production obtained. They are produced in larger volume compared with other crops because they are the principal staple crops. Cereals are grown in all the regions with varying quantity as shown in the survey results. Out of the total grain crop area, 78.17% (9,601,035.26 ha) was under cereals. Teff, maize, sorghum and wheat took up 22.23% (about 2,730,272.95 ha), 16.39% (about 2,013,044.93 ha), 13.93 % (1,711,485.04 ha) and 13.25% (1,627,647.16 ha) of the grain crop area, respectively (CSA, 2013). Maize is Ethiopia’s leading cereal in terms of production, with six million tons produced in 2012 by nine million farmers across two million ha of land. Over half of all Ethiopian farmers 2 grow maize, primarily for subsistence. Maize is thus an important crop for overall food security and for economic development in the country (ATA, 2013). Anyhow, the yield of maize in Ethiopia is 3059kg per ha (CSA, 2013). In Ethiopia maize is produced for food, especially, in major maize producing regions mainly for low-income groups, it is also used as staple food. Maize is consumed as ''Injera,'' Porridge, Bread and ''Nefro.'' It is also consumed roasted or boiled as vegetables at green stage (MOA, 2009). In addition to the above it is used to prepare ''Tella'' and ''Arekie.'' The leaf and stalk are used for animal feed and also dried stalk and cob are used for fuel. It is also used as industrial raw material for oil and glucose production (MOA, 2009). Somali Region Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research Institute, during the first years of its establishment in the year 2002, undertook a baseline survey in the rain fed and irrigation crop production areas using a semi-structured questionnaire and the results of this survey revealed that maize is the major cereal crop grown widely in the region. It is largely produced in the Northern, North-eastern and South-western parts of the region. It is produced for food and fodder especially in areas along the river-banks of the region. Maize is consumed as Porridge and ‘’Gerew’’. It is also consumed roasted or boiled cobs, considering the potential of the region for growing maize and its high rate of consumption, especially in the rural areas of the region (Abdi et al., 2009). Number of biotic and a biotic factor affect maize yield considerably. However, it is more affected by variations in plant density than other member of the grass family. Maize differs in its responses to plant density (Luque et al., 2006). Plant populations affect most growth parameters of maize even under optimal growth conditions and therefore it is considered a major factor determining the degree of competition between plants. General management considerations can provide the background for profitable maize production. Since maize is planted in row, the inter row spacing as well intra row plant spacing can be variable depending on the selected planting method (ATA, 2013). It 3 would be usefull to know optimum or critical population densities to exclude population as limiting factors for crop yield (Balasubramaniyan and Palanlappan, 2007). Stand density affects plant architecture, alters growth and developmental patterns and influences carbohydrate production. At low densities, many modern maize varieties produce only one ear per plant. Whereas, the use of high population increases interplant competition for light, water and nutrients, which may be detrimental to final yield because it stimulates apical dominance, induces barrenness, and ultimately decreases the number of ears produced per plant and kernels set per ear (Abuzar, 2011). According to Lopez-Bellido et al (2003) as plant density increases, competition between plants becomes more intense, affecting the growth, development and production of each plant. Number of seedlings per hill is an important factor among the management practices (Akhter et al., 2010). It play important role in boosting yield of plant because it influences solar radiation interception, total sunshine reception, nutrient uptake, rate of photosynthesis and other physiological phenomena and ultimately affects the growth and development of plant production (Faisul et al., 2013). Wekesa et al. (2003) reported that, in Kenya, farmers used higher seed rates than the recommended one up to two plants per hill. In Tanzania the farmer seed rates varied between 1 and 5 seeds per hill. The most popular seed rate was 3 seeds per hill, followed by 2 seeds per hill, and 4 seeds per hill, which are 57%, 25.5% and 17.5% of the sample, respectively. Another sample indicates that 55% of the sample farmers planted two seeds per hill, 42% planted three seeds per hill, and 3% planted only one seed per hill (Katinila et al., 1998). In Ethiopia, the recommended spacing of 75 cm and 30 cm between rows and plants is used, respectively, in maize which is 44,444 plants/ha (EARO, 2004). Somali Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research Institute have introduced various maize varieties that are nationally released and subjected to on-station and on-farm variety adaptation trials. Open pollinated maize varieties have been found to be adaptable and have been recommended 4 to various adaptation areas of the region. On top of this, new adaptability projects have commenced on hybrid maize, which showed there is a tremendous potential to grow hybrid maize varieties in areas where enough moisture can be sustained with supplementary irrigation (Abdi et al., 2009). Maize is the major crop cultivated in Gode area and the agronomic recommendations are Interrow 75cm and intra-row 25cm with plant density 53,333 plants ha-1 (Abdi et al., 2009). Farmers in Gode area apply agronomy` practice of maize such as within plant spacing of 30 cm up to 40cm and number of plants per hill of two to three without leaving any space between the seeds. Hence, realizing the importance of developing appropriate cultural practices for maize in Gode area, the objective of the study was: To assess the effects of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on the yield and yield components of maize. 5 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Origin and Distribution of Maize Maize is considered to be indigenous to the Americas particularly Southern Mexico. It has been domesticated about 8000 years ago and does not exist in its wild form (Mandal, 2014). The crop is a tropical grass that is well adapted to many climates and hence has varieties which have wide maturity from 70 days to 210 days (Stephanie and Brown, 2008). The name ‘maize’ is derived from a South American Indian Arawak – Carib word “Mahiz”. It was first used for food about 10,000 years ago by Red Indians living in the area now called Mexico. For hundreds of years, the tribal people in the area gathered the grains from wild plants before they learnt to grow maize themselves. Thus, it was also called as “Indian corn” although this did not refer to the Asian country “India” in any way (Usha and Pandey, 2007). The genus Zea is classified in the tribe Maydeae of the family Poaceae/Gramineae. There is only one species, Zea mays which is known only in cultivation. Closely related to this genus are two other New World genera, Tripsacum (called gama grass which is used as fodder in North America) and Euchlaena (called Teosinte, believed to be the closest wild relative of maize). Some taxonomists do not recognize Euchlaena as a separate genus and have transferred all the species of this genus to Zea (Usha and Pandey, 2007). The oldest written record of maize in China appears in Dian Nan Ben Cao by Lan Mao in approximately 1492. The original usage of maize was as traditional Chinese medicine. The earliest written record (from 1560) of maize as a food crop mentions that maize was a popular cereal crop cultivated in conjunction with rice, wheat, and millet in Pinliang Fu, Gansu Province, in northwestern China. Records also indicate that maize was used as a tribute to the emperor. Other historical accounts describe the cultivation of maize in the hilly areas of Fujian Province on China’s southeastern coast in the 16th century. By the early 20th century, maize had become one of China’s major crops. The maize area expanded to 10 million ha, approximately 12% of total cultivated area, between 1900 and 1930 (Erika et al., 2006). Usually Africa in particular Ethiopia, grow mainly white dent or semi-flint white grain maize. White flint maize is growing in Central America and South America, Asia and Southern 6 Europe. Overall white maize occupies only 10% of the world maize production. The majority of the areas around the world are planted under yellow maize, and a very small fraction to other grain colors such as black, red, violet, green-blue and other grain colors (ATA, 2013). 2.2. Ecology of Maize Maize is grown globally from 50°N to 40°S, and from sea level up to 4000 m altitude. It is a short-day plant with 12.5 hours/day being suggested as the critical photoperiod. Photoperiods greater than this may increase the total number of leaves produced prior to initiation of tasseling, and may increase the time taken from emergence to tassel initiation (Stephanie and Brown, 2008). Plessis (2003) indicated that maize is a warm weather crop and is not grown in areas where the mean daily temperature is less than 19 ºC or where the mean of the summer months is less than 23 ºC. Although the minimum temperature for germination is 10 ºC, germination will be faster and less variable at soil temperatures of 16 to 18 ºC. At 20 ºC, maize emerges within five to six days. The critical temperature detrimentally affecting yield is approximately 32 ºC. It does not do well when the temperature during the growing cycle averages below 190C or above 400C (ATA, 2013). It is a warm weather plant that requires high temperature during the growing period. The crop requires an average temperature of about 24Co. Low temperature reduces growth and extremely high temperature may retard germination of seed particularly when it’s combined with deficient moisture (Balasubramaniyan and Palanlappan, 2007). The optimum temperature for maize growth and development is 18 to 32 °C. Temperatures of 35 °C and above considered inhibitory. The optimum soil temperatures for germination and early seedling growth are 12 °C or greater, and at tasselling 21 to 30 °C is ideal (Stephanie and Brown, 2008). It is a cereal crop adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions and is cultivated in all agro-ecologies of West and Central Africa. The crop is grown throughout the region, even under suboptimal conditions. Suitability for maize production is determined mainly by the length of the growing season that in turn is determined by the amount of rainfall and its distribution and temperature (Apraku et al., 2012). 7 Approximately 10 to 16 kg of grain are produced for every millimetre of water used. Yield of 3 152 kg/ha requires between 350 and 450 mm of rain per annum. At maturity, each plant will have used 250 liter of water in the absence of moisture stress (Plessis, 2003). According to the Stephanie and Brown (2008) maize can grow and yield with as little as 300 mm but prefers 500 to 1200 mm as the optimal range. Depending on soil type and stored soil moisture, crop failure would be expected if less than 300 mm of rain were received in crop. The crop grows well under any soil type with pH ranging from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (pH range of 5.8 to 7.5). Adequate drainage is needed to allow for the maintenance of sufficient oxygen in the soil for good root growth and microbial activity, as well as water holding capacity to provide adequate moisture throughout the growing season (ATA, 2013). A deep loamy soil, high in organic matter and plant nutrients is the best soil for maize production. However, with proper management and fertilizer practices, a variety can be grown successfully on any soil from loamy sand to clay. The soil should be free from salinity and water logging (Chowdhury and Hassan, 2013). Water loggings are harmful at seeding stage; continuous water logging for 3 days reduces the yield by 40–45% (Chandrase et al., 2010). The most suitable soil for maize is one with a good effective depth, good internal drainage, an optimal moisture regime, sufficient and balanced quantities of plant nutrients and chemical properties that are favourable specifically for maize production (Plessis, 2003). 2.3. Importance of Maize Crop Maize is one of the most important cereal crops in the world and the leading crop of the world after rice and wheat. It has high productivity due to its large leaf area and being a C4 plant has one of the highest photosynthetic rates of all food crops. It is the highest potential for carbohydrate production per unit area per day. It can be grown throughout the year because of its photo-insensitiveness. The maize seed contains 11% protein and its nutrient value is higher in comparison to rice and wheat (Chowdhury and Hassan, 2013). It is generally grown in the areas of high to medium production potential that, because of their ecological and geographic characteristics, have the potential to be major food producing areas for Africa (Thorne et al., 2002). 8 It is one of the important cereal crops in the world’s agricultural economy both as food for men and feed for animals. Because of its higher yield potential compared to other cereals, it is called “Queen of Cereals”. Green cobs are roasted and eaten by the people. Maize has low fibre content, more carbohydrate and most palatable. It is widely used in preparation of cattle feed and poultry feed. It can be used as green fodder and has no hydroajanic acid (HCN) content. It can be preserved as silage (Chandrase et al., 2010). It is a widely cultivated crop throughout the world and a greater mass of maize is produced each year than any other grain. The United States produce 40% of the world’s harvest. Other top producing countries include China, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, India, Ukraine, Indonesia, France and South Africa. The USA is the first maize producer in the world with average yield of 8.5 (tons per ha) followed by China (4.6 tons per ha) (Abuzar, 2011). Maize grain yields in the U.S. started to rise in the late 1930s, concurrent with introduction of hybrids and improved cultural methods (Duvick, 2005). In India, maize is cultivated throughout the year in most of states of the country for various purposes including grain, feed, fodder, green cobs and industrial products. Maize area, production and productivity in India have shown a steady upward trend in recent years. The consumption pattern of maize is 52% poultry, pig, and fish, 24% for direct human consumption 11%, cattle feed and starch and 1% seed and brewery industry ( Singh et al., 2002). It is the third most important cereal crop in Pakistan after wheat and rice. About 60% maize is grown in irrigated and 36% in rain fed areas of Pakistan. Basically it is a tropical plant but at present it is being cultivated extensively with equal success in temperate, tropical and subtropical regions of world (Abuzar, 2011). The yield of maize in Pakistan is very low as compared to other maize producing countries. Among the various factors responsible for low yield, non availability of seed of improved varieties and sub optimal or super optimal plant population per hectare are the causes of lower yield (Sikandar et al., 2007). The importance of maize lies in its wide industrial applications besides serving as human food and animal feed. Grain is the most important part of the maize and used for food (Babaji et al., 2012). New production technologies offer great promise for increasing productivity to 9 meet the growing demands of world consumers. For decades, maize growers have worked for continuous improvement and greater efficiency (Singh et al., 2002). Food products like corn meal, corn flakes etc., can be prepared. It is used in making industrial products like alcohol, corn starch (dextrose), glucose, corn oil, corn syrup etc., and used in canning industry; production of polymer, making paper, paper boards, and bread etc. Maize grain contains proteins (10%), carbohydrates (70%), oil (4%), albuminoides (10.4%), crude fibre (2.3%) and ash (1.4%) (Chandrase et al., 2010). Tanzania’s maize production has been on a progressive gain since 2005. However this production is gaining at the same time when consumption is also growing. Maize is perhaps the most widely grown crop in Tanzania, grown by 4.5 million agricultural households representing about 82% of farm households. On average, maize production is estimated at 3-4 metric tonnes. Nearly all (98%) of the maize produced in Tanzania comes from smallholder farmers (Shellemiah and Patrick, 2013). In a processed form it is also found as fuel (ethanol) and starch. Starch in turn involves enzymatic conversion into products such as sorbitol, dextrine, sorbic and lactic acid, and appears in household items such as beer, ice cream, syrup, shoe polish, glue, fireworks, ink, batteries, mustard, cosmetics, aspirin and paint. In developed countries, maize is consumed mainly as second-cycle produce, in the form of meat, eggs and dairy products. Most people regard maize as a breakfast cereal. In developing countries, it is consumed directly and serves as staple diet for some 200 million people (Plessis, 2003). The significance of maize as a staple crop in east Africa has grown tremendously over the last 30 years. In Kenya, food security is synonymous with maize availability. Maize is a staple to over 90% of Kenya’s population with about 42% dietary energy intake. The production of maize in Kenya takes a central focus thus; it occupies more land area than any other crop; estimated at 1.6 million hectares annually. Of this, over 70% production is attributed to smallholder farmers. In Uganda, maize production is growing in importance as well as consumption this is attributed to rising urbanization, a change in consumption patterns and the agility of smallholders to diversify into maize production as a commercial crop. The national yield of maize is however very low estimated at 2.3 Mt/ha (Shellemiah and Patrick, 2013). 10 Maize is Ghana’s most important cereal crop and is grown by the vast majority of rural households. It is widely consumed throughout the country, and it is the second most important staple food next to cassava. Ghana is one of the major maize producers in Africa south of the Sahara, accounting for about 9 percent of the total acreage among surveyed countries and 7 percent of the total acreage in West and Central Africa (Alene and Mwalughali 2012). Both production and area cultivated with maize have been increasing over time. Production has been increasing over time slightly faster than area and therefore yield (in tons/hectare). The national average yield was 1.7 tons/hectare/year (MOFA, 2011). 2.4. Importance of Maize in Ethiopia Ethiopia’s agriculture is complex, involving substantial variation in crops grown across the country’s different regions and ecologies. Five major cereals (teff, wheat, maize, sorghum and barley) are the core of Ethiopia’s agriculture and food economy (Alemayehu et al., 2011). In Ethiopia, maize production is of recent history. Probably it was introduced to this country from Kenya during the 17th Century. Maize has been introduced to Ethiopia in the 1600s to 1700s. In Ethiopia, maize grows under a wide range of environmental conditions between 500 to 2400 meters above sea level (EIAR, 2015). Over half of all Ethiopian farmers grow maize, mostly for subsistence, with 75% of all maize output consumed by farming households. This makes maize Ethiopia’s leading cereal crop, in terms of production, with 6.2 million tons produced in 2013 by 9.3 million farmers across 2 million hectares of land (EIAR, 2015). Ethiopian agriculture is mainly subsistence oriented and most of the production is for household consumption. About 67% of cereal grain produced is consumed at the household level and the surplus is either sold or used as seed. Among the cereals, maize and sorghum have highest proportion consumed by producers (75–76% of produce consumed by producers), followed by finger millet, oats and rice (ILRI, 2007). The role of maize as a source of cash income is low compared to other cereals except oats and barley. Only about 10.9% of the maize grain produced was marketed in 2001/02 compared to 11 25.8% for teff and 19.5% for wheat. Thus, the major role of maize in Ethiopia is for household consumption (ILRI, 2007). Maize is one of Ethiopia’s major and strategic cereal crops that have important role in the country’s food security and farmers’ livelihood. It is grown in 13 agro-ecological zones on about 1,994,813.80 ha (16.08%) of the total grain crop area of which 39% of the total maize area in Ethiopia is now planted with improved varieties. Among all cereals, maize is second to tef in area coverage but first in productivity and total production (CSA, 2014). However, instead of simply growing maize for subsistence, Ethiopian smallholder farmers have the long-term potential to cultivate large surpluses of the crop for domestic processed food production as well as for export. Ethiopia is the fourth largest maize producing country in Africa, and first in the East African region. It is also significant that Ethiopia produces nongenetically modified white maize, the preferred type of maize in neighboring markets (ATA, 2014). In Ethiopia, maize is mainly used for food and feed purpose. The stover is also used for construction and domestic fuel. Though maize is mainly used for human consumption, its share in the total calorie intake in Ethiopia is lower when compared to other African countries. For instance in Malawi the contribution of maize is as high as 67% where as in Ethiopia it has only a share of 19% (Berhanu et al., 2007). Maize production in Ethiopia is exercised using both the traditional methods and extension package. The extension package is of a green revolution type characterized by use of high yielding varieties, fertilizers and chemicals (Berhanu et al., 2007). In Ethiopia maize is produced for food. It is consumed as injera, porridge, bread and nefro. It is also consumed roasted or boiled as vegetable at green stage. In addition to the above, it is used to prepare local alcoholic drink known as Tella and Arekie. The leaf and stalk are used for animals feed and also dried stalk and cobs are used for fuel. It is also used as industrial row material for oil and glucose production, (MOA, 2010). Moreover, maize plays a central role in Ethiopia’s food security. It is the lowest cost source of cereal calories. Also it already plays a critical role in smallholder livelihood and food security, 12 this role can be expanded. Maize is the staple cereal crop with the highest current and potential yield from available inputs, at 2.2 tons per hectare in 2008/09 with a potential for 4.7 tons per hectare according to on-farm field trials, when cultivated with fertilizer (Rashid et al., 2010). Ethiopia national maize yield is 3.2 tons per hectare, 28% above the developing world average of 2.5 tons per hectare (ATA, 2014). The ‘developed’ world, however, sees Ethiopia’s maize farmers strive for these increased potential averages, the maize initiative is expanding a core technology package aimed at growing smallholder farmer productivity and yields, while at the same time connecting farmers to reliable demand sinks to better market their harvests. The core package, which includes increasing the availability of improved inputs, access to credit, and training on agronomic practices, has been scaled-up for 2014, with a goal of reaching 500,000 farmers across 50 target woredas in the Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray Regions (ATA, 2014). Maize is instrumental for the food security of Ethiopian households, and is the lowest cost caloric source among all major cereals, which is significant given that cereals dominate household diets in Ethiopia. The unit cost of calories per US dollar for maize is one-and-a-half and two times lower than wheat and teff, respectively. Maize is also a low-cost source of protein in comparison to other cereals. On-farm consumption is the largest source of demand with few large, downstream buyers and limited processing activity. The most attractive demand sinks for maize are in food and livestock feed, with potential demand of 800,000 tons of cereal demand for food and upwards of 450,000 tons of maize demand for feed (IFPRI, 2010). Maize is the only crop with significant use of commercial inputs. In 2008, about 37 percent of the maize farmers used fertilizer, compared to the national average of 17 percent for all cereal farmers. An estimated 26 percent of the maize growers used improved seed, which is again about twice the national average for all cereal farmers (Rashid et al., 2010). In Somali Regional state maize production plays great role. The Region is suitable for maize production and maize yield about 3500kg/ha was obtained for Melkasa-4 and ECV- 3 varieties s on research field and on farmer ` field a yield of 1520kg/ha was obtained (Abdi et al., 2009). Majority farmers of the Somali Regional State still grow maize as have been grown for centuries. Use of proper plant population densities, proper selection of suitable crops in crop rotation, intercropping of friendly crops, have always been ignored (GLCRDB, 2014). 13 2.5. Effect of Plant Spacing on Maize Production Plant spacing is an important agronomic attribute because it is believed to have effects on light interception during which photosynthesis takes place which is the energy manufacturing medium using green parts of the plant. Also, it affects the photosphere and rhizosphere exploitation by the plants especially when spacing is inadequate and the plants clustered together. Proper plant spacing gives the right plant density (Ibeawuchi et al., 2008). Plant spacing plays an important role on growth, development and yield of cereal crops. Optimum plant density ensures that plants grow properly with their aerial and underground parts by utilizing more sunlight and soil nutrients Closer spacing hampers intercultural operations and in a densely populated crop, the inter-plant competition for nutrients, air and light is very high, which usually results in mutual shading, lodging and thus favours more straw yield than grain yield (Bhowmik et al., 2012). Row spacing requirements depend on architecture and growth pattern of the varieties. For higher yield, higher proportion of incident radiation at the soil surface must be intercepted by crop canopy. If a row distance is too wide, solar radiation that falls between crop rows remains un utilized. On the other hand, plants become crowded and they suffer from mutual shading if the row distance is too narrow. Moreover, yield may be reduced in narrow spacing due to increased competition of plants for nutrient and moisture (Das and Yaduraju, 2011). Selecting optimal row spacing is important to improve crop productivity as plants growing in too wide of a row may not efficiently utilize light, water, and nutrient resources. However, crops grown in too narrow rows may result in severe inter row competition. Row spacing also modifies plant architecture, photosynthetic competence of leaves, and dry matter partitioning in several field crops (Hussain et al., 2012). Plant density is dependent on both row width and intra-row spacing and under dry land conditions row width plays an important role in determining plant density (Mashiqaa and Ngwako, 2011). 14 Though the yield per plant is lower at closer spacing, greater number of plant per ha compensate the loss in the yield of individuals plant (Balasubramaniyan and Palanlappan, 2007). The optimum plant population varies and it is important to target a specific planting density (GRDC, 2005). Intra-row spacing should not be too narrow as this can increase competition between plants and results in yield detrimental effects (Mashiqaa and Ngwako, 2011). The impact of row spacing on cereal yield varies depending on the rain fall growing season, the time of sowing and the potential yield of the crop. The higher the yield potential, the greater the negative impact of wide rows on cereal yields. There is some variation in responses to row spacing greater than 40cm among cereal varieties (GRDC, 2011). The best way to get uniform plant stands is to plant in regularly spaced rows and at regular intervals within the row (Faisul et al., 2013). Maize is among the least tolerant of crops to high plant population densities. Stated that the plant height and ear yield of maize increased as the plant density increased, but ear lengh, ear diameter and filled ear length decreased in high plant density. Rising of maize plant population from 53333 to 88888 plants ha-1 significantly increased the fresh ear yield (Akman, 2002). Modern varieties are much more responsive to closer spacing than traditional varieties (Balasubramaniyan and Palanlappan, 2007). High plant densities are used to increase crop yield per unit area while yield per plant decreases with increased plant densities. Total light interception by the canopy is maximized and total yield is increased. The high plant densities significantly increased leaf area, grain yield and harvest index in different maize cultivars compared with low plant densities. Wider spacing significantly promoted grain yield of maize crop compared with narrow rows (Muhammed et al., 2002). Plant density exerts a strong influence on maize growth, because of its competitive effect both on the vegetative and reproductive development. Grain yield increases linearly with plant density until some competitive effects become apparent. Effects of plant density normally 15 refer to number of plants per unit area, but spatial arrangement of plants should also be considered. Plant density effects are highly pronounced in crops such as maize, where there is no possibility of filling gaps between plants by branching or tillering. So, an appropriate plant stand may help in harnessing all the renewable and non renewable resources in a more and efficient manner towards higher crop yields (Ahmed et al., 2010). Maize grain yield was greatly influenced by the different plant spacing used. Maize usually is planted in rows with spacing between rows ranging from 50 up to 100 cm, although in some countries maize still is broadcasted (ATA,2013). Sikandar et al. (2012) reported that spacing of 75cm x 35cm resulted in increased grain yield of maize while 75cm x 15cm gave maximum cob weight. In the both the hybrid and the local maize, plant spacing of 25 x 75cm had the highest grain yield followed by plant spacing of 30cm x 50cm that had 66,667 plants/ha while plant spacing of 100 x 100cm had the least grain yield (Chinyere, 2013). Increase in the use of maize has led farmers to reduce spacing among plants thus; population density is increased with attendant increased quantity of maize grain produced (Futuless et al., 2010). Farmers grow maize at very irregular and wide spacing, due to the fact that most farmers inter-crop maize with other crops (Iken and Amusa, 2004). 2.6. Effect of Plant Population on Maize Production The production of a crop is influenced by many factors among which plant population and spacing play very important role in enhancing its productivity (Babaji et al., 2007). Plant population is defined as the number of plants per unit area (Balasubramaniyan and Palanlappan, 2007). Plant population density is a management variable that affects the production and quality of most crops. Though optimal plant densities for production differ among geographic regions, research indicates that grain yield generally increases as plant density increases. Crop potential yield may also be affected by intra-row spacing. It has been reported that effects of plant population are not easily disentangled from within-row spacing differences (Shaw et al., 2008). 16 A given plant population may be arranged in several ways, leading to variation in intensity of interaction between the cultivars concerned (Chinyere, 2013). Plant population per ha depends very much on the variety (ATA, 2013). Plant population can have either asymptotic or parabolic. In the asymptotic relation, yields increase linearly with increase population over the lower range of population. However, in parabolic the total yield decline at higher population and there is an identifiable optimum value (Mashiqaa and Ngwako, 2011). Also plant population per ha depends on the fertility of the soil (ATA, 2013). A nutrient to plants is affected by the interaction between the plants and thus, efficiency of the use of the limiting resources (Chinyere, 2013). Lower crop densities encourage weeds growth whereas higher crop densities negatively affect the leaf area and other phenological parameters. The competitiveness of a weed community with a crop depends on species composition, time of emergence and abundance. The recent rise in environmental awareness of the public, interest in organic food production and possible hazards of herbicide use has led us to device methods of weed management that could be economical and environment friendly (Subhan-ud-Din et al., 2013). Low plant density results in unnecessary sacrifice of yield and higher density also lead to unnecessary stress on the plants. High plant densities are used to increase crop yield per unit area while yield per plant decreases with increased plant densities. High plant densities significantly increased leaf area, grain yield and harvest index in different maize cultivars compared with low plant densities (Iken and Amusa, 2004). Under optimum water and nutrient supply, high plant density can result an increase number of cobs per unit area, with eventual increase in grain yield (Bavec and Bavec, 2002). The optimum density or plant population for any given situation results in mature plants that are sufficiently crowded to efficiently use resources such as water, nutrients, and sunlight, yet not so crowded that some plants die or are unproductive. At this population, production from the entire field is optimized, although any individual plant might produce less than would have occurred with unlimited space. Many factors influence the optimum plant population for a crop: availability of water, nutrients and sunlight; length of growing season; potential plant 17 size; and the plant’s capacity to change its form in response to varying environmental conditions (Drew, 2009). Plant density is an important agronomic attribute since it is believed to have effects on light interception during which photosynthesis takes place which is the energy manufacturing medium using green parts of the plant. Good plant spacing gives the right plant density, which is the number of plants, allowed on a given unit of land for optimum yield. In agronomic practices plant density exerts a strong influence on maize growth, because of its competitive effect both on the vegetative and reproductive development. The maize, 80000 plant populations per hectare produced higher yield than 60,000 plant population (Amin and Maysam, 2014). Maize plant population for maximum economic grain yield varies from 30,000 to 90,000 plants per ha depending on planting date, water availability, soil fertility and maturity (Chinyere, 2013). Optimum maize population is known to vary according to level of soil fertility, moisture status, cultivar grown and planting time. Generally, under irrigation, the practice is to grow short season cultivars at a population of 80000 to 90000 plants ha-1 whereas medium to long season cultivars can be grown at populations of 45000 to 65000 plants ha-1 (Fanadzo et al., 2010). Maize yields variations between regions or agro ecological zones can be attributed to various factors of which some are agronomic like plant density, planting dates, and soil fertility. Plant density affects yield by influencing yield components such as number of ears, number of kernels per ears, and kernel mass (Mashiqaa and Ngwako, 2011). Plant density affects yield of maize by influencing yield components such as number of ears, number of kernels per ears, and kernel weight (ATA, 2013). Optimum plant population of 53,333 plants/ha for maximum yield of maize, the report indicated that this is obtainable using a spacing of 75cm x 25cm at 1 plant per stand or 75cm x 50cm at 2 plants per stand (Iken and Amusa, 2004). For maize, plant population per ha vary considerably around the world, depending on cultivars, rainfall, soil fertility and other challenges. In very dry environments (below 500 mm rainfall) plant densities ranging from as low as 15,000 to 25,000 plants/ha can be found, 18 However, on more favorable environments or irrigated areas, populations between 50,000 to as high as 100,000 plants/ha give the optimum grain production. In Ethiopia, the recommended spacing of 75 cm and 30 cm between rows and plants is used, respectively, in maize which is 44,444 plants/ha (EARO, 2004). The optimum plant population range for maize varies depending on the yield potential of the soil, the variety, and the intended use of the crop (Chodhury, 2013). Tropical maize yields an average of 1.2 to 2.0 t/ha under sole cropping with a varying population density (Futuless et al., 2010). Optimum plant population for grain production and optimum seed rate for forage production are important. In order to increase grain, there is a need to plant maize at proper plant population. If plant population is too high, then crop net photosynthesis process will be affected due to less light penetration in the crop canopy as well as increase in the competition for available nutrient which will affect grain yield and forage production. On the other hand, if plant population is lower than optimum plant population then per hectare production will be low and weeds will also be more (Sikandar et al., 2007). 2.7. Effect of Number of Plants per Hill on Crop Production The grain yield per plant was decreased (Luque et al., 2006) in response to decreasing light and other environmental resources available to each plant (Abuzar, 2011.) The crop plants depend largely on temperature, solar radiation, moisture and soil fertility for their growth and nutritional requirements. Among various agronomic factors limiting yield, planting pattern is considered of great importance. Increase in yield can be ensured by maintaining appropriate plant population through different planting patterns. The plant spacing and number of seedlings per hill are two effective factors in planting pattern design (Faisul et al., 2013). Excess number of seedlings per hill result in mutual shading, lodging and thus favoring the production of straw instead of grain, while less number may cause insufficient use of space, nutrient utilization and tiller growth and at the end, total number of panicles per unit area may be reduced resulting in poor yield. The highest grain yield of rice (7.40 t ha-1) was obtained 19 when transplanted with four seedlings per hill (Akhter et al., 2010). So, it may be inferred that the effectiveness of grain filling is decided by the conditions of particular tiller. Hence, planting of fewer seedlings resulted in higher grain yield (Faisul et al., 2013). The growth and development of rice plant is greatly affected both qualitatively and quantitatively by hill density. Optimum hill or planting density enables the rice plant to grow properly in its aerial and underground parts by utilizing maximum radiant energy, nutrients, space and water ultimately leading to bumper crop production. Improper spacing and hill density may adversely affect the normal physiological activities of the rice plant. In densely populated rice fields the inter-specific completions between the plants heights results in gradual shading and lodging and thus favor the increased production of straw instead of grain (Islam et al., 2012). On the contrary, sparsely populated fields with wide spacing lead to uneconomic utilization of space, profuse growth of weeds and diseases and reduction of grain yield per unit area. Improper hill density and improper number of seedlings per hill may affect the physiological activity of rice plant and account for yield reduction (Islam et al., 2012). Like hill density, number of seedlings per hill also influences the uptake of nutrients, availability of radiant energy, and other physiological phenomena, ultimately affect the growth and development of plant. Among various factors improper hill density and number of seedlings per hill are now considered as the major reasons for low yield of rice (Islam et al., 2012). 2.8. Effect of Number of Plants per Hill of Maize Crop Plant configuration recommendations specifically on plant density, seeds per hill, spacing, timing, and planting for maize inbred liner were developed in Ghana based on extensive onstation trials concluded that lodging increases with higher plant density and greater interplant competition, or a planting density of about 56,000 to 76,000 plants per hectare (based on twoseeds-per-hill planting) or approximately 20 kilograms of seed per ha (IFPRI, 2012). Farmers used to plant maize as many as five seeds per hill, and researchers examined the effect of number of seeds per hill at different plant densities in several on-station trials. Yield was reduced only slightly when surviving plants per hill increased from one to two, but the 20 decline became more rapid when the number exceeded two per hill, especially at low plant densities (IFPRI, 2012). Wekesa et al. (2003) reported that, in Kenya, farmers used higher seed rates than the recommended one-two seeds per hill. Under normal farmer production practices in Uganda, maize is planted in rows more than one meter apart with a spacing of one meter between hills. Farmers usually plant three- four plants per hill and often interplant their maize with beans or other crops. This spacing results in a maize plant population of approximately 20,000 plants per hectare (Elizabeth, 1992). A plant population of 53,000 plants per ha achieved with a spacing of 75cm x 50 cm with 2 two plants/hill was recommended as optimal. It was expected that altering the spacing to 75cm by 25 cm with one plant per hill (i.e. the same plant population of 53,000/ha) would result in a comparable yield (Elizabeth, 1992). Depending on the germination test, planting two seeds per hill is recommended for those with 85 to 100 percent germination rate and three seeds per hill for a 70 to 84 percent germination rate; it is recommended to get better seeds if the germination rate is lower than 70 percent (IFPRI, 2012). Faisul et al. (2013) indicated that in maize single seedling per hill recorded significantly higher yield and its attributes as compared to other treatments of planting. With the increase in number of seedlings per hill, grain and straw yields increases up to three seedlings per hill but further increase to five seedlings per hill showed decreased trend. In Tanzania, the recommended spacing for full-season maize varieties is 75 x 30 cm with one plant per hill, resulting in a plant population of 44,000 plants/ha. Results from the Maize Research Programme show that in similar yields were produced by planting two seeds per hill at 90 x 50 cm, three plants per hill at 90 x 75 cm, or a single seed per hill at 90 x 25 cm. In the day, intermediate altitude areas, similar yields were obtained by planting two seeds per hill at 21 75 x 60 cm or one seed per hill at 75 x 30 cm. For short-statured varieties, farmers are recommended to sow two seeds per hills at 75 x 40 cm (Katinila et al., 1998). The combination of 25cm intra-row and two plants per stand had to obtain the highest grain yield, which is significantly comparable with that at three plants per stand under similar intrarow spacing of 75cm and one plant per stand had the least grain yield (Babaji et al., 2012). The higher cob and grain yields so obtained at combinations of 25 cm and two or three plants per hill could also be due to fact that more cobs are harvested under this population (Onyango, 2009). Maintaining one plant per stand had resulted in heaviest cobs. The least cob weight was recorded when three plants/stand was maintained which in turn was statistically at par with that produced by maize sown at two plants/stand cob weight was not significantly affected by interaction of within row spacing and stands density (Babaji et al., 2012). Maize spaced at 25cm intra-row resulted in the highest cob yield. Increase in intra-row spacing to 50cm intra-row led to significant reduction in cob yield. The cob yield obtained at the widest intra-row spacing of 75cm intra-row was lower than for 50cm. Maintaining three plants per stand had the highest cob yield that was significantly comparable only with that obtained by two plants per stand (Babaji et al., 2012). The higher yield with low seedling density might be due to higher percentage of productive more interception of light. Grain filling is the process of remobilization from stored reserves, particularly from stem, leaves, and from current photosynthesis (Faisul et al., 2013). Improved endurance in high stands has allowed maize to intercept and use solar radiation more efficiently, contributing to the remarkable increase in grain yield potential (Mashiqaa and Ngwako, 2011). Farmers sell some of their maize as green cobs and price is charged as per cob. Therefore, a higher plant population with acceptable cob size would mean higher income per given unit of land (Fanadzo et al., 2010). Therefore, increasing plant per hill will contribute to more cobs per unit area. 22 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Description of the Study Area Field experiment was conducted under irrigation at Gode in Shebele Zone, Somali Regional State from October 17, 2014 to January 13, 2015. The experimental site was located about 3 km West of Gode town. Shebelle Zone is one of the nine administrative Zones of the Somali Regional State that constitutes nine Woredas/districts (Gode, Adadle, Berano, Kelafo, Mustahil, Ferfer, East Imey, Danan and Elweyne) and one city administration council, It is bounded by Korahe Zone in the East, Afdere Zone in the West, Nogob Zone in the North and Republic of Somalia in the South. The zone has a total population of 524,068 of which 293, 478 are males and 230, 590 are females (CSA, 2007). Figure 1: Map of the study area, Gode Zone, eastern Ethiopia. The Zone has four main livelihood types: Pastoralist, Agro-pastoralist, Riverine farming and Urban where 85.70% live in rural areas and 14.36% live in urban areas. It has four seasons (Deyr/Meher, Jilal/Bega, Gu/Belag and Haga/Tseday) where Deyr (October –December) and Gu (April –May) are wet and Jilal and Haga are dry seasons (DPPB et al., 2013). 23 It is located between latitude of 5°57' N and longitude of 43°27' E, The climate of Gode is characterized as arid to semi-arid agro-ecology, where livestock is the main occupation and crop cultivation is undertaken along Shabelle river bank and rain fed plains (SCF-UK DPPA, 2003). The altitude of Gode ranges between 200-1100 amsl with bimodal rain pattern with annual mean precipitation of 220 mm and annual mean temperature range is 24Co -35Co (DPPB et al., 2013). It is located about 580 km south of the regional city, Jigjiga. The Shabelle River laid the southern and the eastern boundaries of the district. The Webi-shabelle River basin is a huge plain area of 500,000 to 600,000 ha of land which is suitable for agriculture. There is well developed irrigation channel system for irrigation about 27,000 ha indicating the high unexploited potential of the river for the future use (Mahammed, 2009). The predominant land use activity in the district is livestock grazing and browsing encompassing 55.5% of the district’s land (IOSNRS, 2000). 3.2. Treatment and Experimental Design The treatment consisted of four intra-row spacing (25, 30, 35 and 40 cm) and three levels of seeding per hill (1, 2 and 3) (Table 1). Intre-row spacing of 75cm was used. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with factorial arrangement with three replications. The maize variety Melkasa-4 (ECA-EE-36) that was released in 2006 was used (MoA, 2010). Each plot has a gross plot area of 15 m2 with 4m long and 3.75m width and 5 rows. Data were collected from the middle 3 rows. Blocks and plots were separated by 1.50 m and 40 cm respectively. The experimental seeds were sown in each hill and later were thinned according to the treatment. 24 Table.1. Intra-row spacing, plants per hill and plant density No 1 Intra-row spacing (cm) 25 2 30 3 35 4 40 Number of plants per hill 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Plant density(plants/ha) 53,333 106,667 160,000 44,444 88,889 133,333 38,095 76,190 114,286 33,333 66,666 99,999 3.3. Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of the Experimental Site The soil in study area is slightly alkaline (pH = 8.2) with low organic matter (0.84%) and total nitrogen content (0.04%). Landon (1991) classified soils having total N of greater than 1.0% as very high, 0.5-1.0% high, 0.2-0.5% medium, 0.1-0.2% low and less than 0.1% as very low in total nitrogen content. Therefore, the soil of the experimental site has very low total nitrogen content (Abdifarah, 2013). Since the experimental field was under continuous irrigation, the high pH value and the low N contents are expected. Likewise, Olsen et al. (1954) rating of available P soil test of >25, 18-25, 10-17, 5-9, <5 ppm were classified as very high, high, medium, low and very low, respectively. Thus, the soils of the study area fall under the low category in its available P (5.31 ppm) (Abdifarah, 2013). On the other hand, the Cation Exchange Capacity (44 meq/100 g soils) of the soil was under very high category according to Landon (1991) who classified soils having CEC of >40, 2540, 15-25, 5-15,<5 meq/100g as very high, high, medium, low and very low, respectively (Abdifarah, 2013). 3.4. Experimental Field Management The land was prepared by tractor and harrowing, leveled by human labor. Planting date was 17 October 2014.The seed was sown at depth of 4- 5 cm for three up to four seeds per hill to ensure adequate emergence and were thinned 7 days after emergence to maintain the intended 25 of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing between plants. The recommended fertilizer for maize N 92 kg/ha (urea 200 kg/ha) and P2O5 46 kg/ha (DAP100 kg/ha), was used. Weeding was done as needed and irrigation was done as the practice of farmers. Irrigation water was applied through between maize rows across the slope of the experimental field as per water requirement of the crop. It was 15 days of interval irrigation and weeding was three times. Other crop management practices were carried out uniformly for each plot as per the recommendation at the appropriate time (EARO, 2004). 3.5. Data Collection and Measurement 3.4.1. Crop phenology Days to 50% tasseling: Days were counted from sowing to the day when 50% of the plants produced tassels in a plot or more plants in a plot started shedding pollen Days to 50% silking: was determining as number of day taken from planting to the stage when 50% of the plant in produce silk. Days to 95% maturity: the day of maturity was recorded when 95% or more plants formed black layer at the base of the kernel. 3.4.2. Growth parameters Plant height (cm): The height of five randomly taken plants was measured from ground level to the point where the tassel starts branching when 50 percent of the plants in the plot reached taselling stage and the mean value was taken as plant height. Ear height (cm): Was recorded from five randomly taken plants by measuring the height of the stem from ground to the base of upper ear at maturity. 3.4.3. Yield components and yield Stand count: The number of plant per plot was recorded after thinning and at harvest from the central three rows and the plant stand count difference was reported in percentage. 26 Number of ears per plant: The number of ears per plant was recorded from the count of five randomly sampled plants per plot at harvest. Number of rows per ear: The number of kernel rows was counted on five representative ears and the average value was recorded for each plot. Number of kernels per row: This yield component was determined by counting the number of kernels per row from five randomly taken ears and the average was registered for the plot. Ear length (cm): Was recorded from the measure of five randomly taken plants ear length at harvest. Thousand kernels weight (g): Count of seed from sample taken after grain yield was determined. Above ground biomass (kg/ha): Was measured based on five plants randomly taken at harvest time after sun drying, and changed to per hector using respective plant density for each treatment. Grain yield (kg/ha): Was recorded after harvesting from the central three rows of the net plot. Grain yield was adjusted to 12.5% moisture level the adjusted grain yield per plot at 12.5% moisture level was converted to kg/ha and used for the analysis. Harvest index (%): harvest index was calculated as the ratio of grain yield to above ground dry biomass per plant multiplied by 100 at harvest from the respective treatments. Harvesting index = 27 3.6. Statistical Data Analysis Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for RCBD with factorial arrangement was done (Gomez and Gomez, 1984) using the SAS software (SAS, 2002). Significant treatment means were compared using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) Test at 5% level of significance. 28 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSION 4.1. Crop Phenology 4.1.1. Days to 50% tasseling Analysis of variance showed that of the days of tasseling was significantly (P<0.05) affected by intra-row spacing and highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by number of plants per hill and interaction of intra-row spacing by number plants per hill (Appendix Table 1). The highest days to 50% tasseling (49.33) was recorded at intra-row spacing of 25 cm and three plants per hill with plant density of 160000 plants/ha while the intra-row spacing 40 cm and one plant per hill with plant density of 33333.333 plants/ha delayed tasseling (42.00) (Table 2). This result indicated when plant population increase the days of tasseling will increase due to inadequate of light, nutrient and water. This result agree with that of Zahid et al. (2013) who indicated that high maize density delays tasseling. This result was contrary with Sikandar et al. (2007) who report the days to tasseling was not significantly affected by plant density of maize. According Langham (2007) described the attributed to that closely spaced plants use resources faster. 4.1.2. Days to 50% silking Analysis of variance showed that number of days to 50% silking was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the main effect of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing while the interaction of number of plant per hill by intra-row spacing was significantly (P<0.05) affected the trait (Appendix Table 1). Significantly the highest days to 50% silking (57.67) was recorded at intra-row spacing of 25 cm and three plants per hill with plant density of 160000 plants/ha while the lowest days was with 40 cm intra-row spacing and one plant per hill with plant density of 33333.333 plants/ha hastened silking (46.00) (Table 3). This result indicated when plant population increase the days of tasseling and silking will increase due to inadequate of light, nutrient and water. This result was agree with that of Zahid et al. (2013) who reported that days to tasseling and silking are greater at higher population density. 29 Table 2: Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plant per hill on days 50% tasseling of maize crop Number of plant per hill Two Three b 46.33 49.33a 46.67b 47.67ab 43.67cd 47.33b 47.00b 47.00 b Intra-row spacing (cm) One 25 44.00c 30 44.33c 35 44.33c 40 42.00d LSD (0.05) 1.70 CV (%) 2.2 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column followed by the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance. Table 3: Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plant per hill on days to 50% silking of maize crop. Number of plants per hill Two Three c 53.00 57.67a 53.33bc 56.67a 50.67cd 56.00ab c 52.33 52.67c Intra-row spacing (cm) One 25 49.33d 30 52.00cd 35 50.67cd 40 46.00e LSD (0.05) 2.87 CV (%) 3.2 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column followed by the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance 4.1.3. Days to 95% maturity The number of days to 75% physiological maturity was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing while the interaction did not significantly affect the trait (Appendix Table 1). 30 One plant per hill significantly delayed maturity as compared to two and three plants per hill, and 40 inter-row spacing significantly delayed maturity as compared to others (Table 4). This result indicated that maturity delays as intra-row spacing increases. This result was contrary with Zahid et al. (2013) indicated that there was an intra-specific competition effect at higher maize densities; thus, the plants transferred the resources to vegetative growth causing delay in the reproductive growth which eventually increased the number of days to maturity. Table 4: Main effect of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing on days to 75% of physiological maturity (DPM) and plant stand count difference (PSCD) (%) Treatment Days of Physiological 95% (DPM) Plant stand count difference (PSCD) (%) Number of plants one 80.75a 80.08b Two 78.00b 94.12a Three 74.92c 96.46a LSD (0.05) 2.007 5.82 25 75.67 94.7 30 77.56 91.9 35 77.89 87.5 40 80.44 86.7 LSD (0.05) 2.317 NS 3.0 7. 6 Intra-row spacing (cm) CV (%) NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significance, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column and followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance. 31 4.2. Growth Parameters 4.2.1. Plant height (cm) The analysis of variance indicated that plant height was significantly (P<0.05) affected by the number of plants per hill and highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the interaction of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing, while intra row spacing did not significantly (Appendix Table 2) affected plant height. The tallest plant was recorded (171.5 cm), at the narrowest intra-row spacing of 25 cm and three plants per hill with plant density of 160,000 plants/ha, while the shortest plant (146.1cm) was recorded at the widest intra-row spacing of 40 cm and planted one plant per hill with plant density of 33,333 plants/ha (Table 5). This indicated that at highest plant density (160,000 plants\ha) the competition for light resulted in tall plants as compared to the lowest plant density (33,333, plants/ha).This result agreed to Babaji et al. (2012) who reported that the higher competition for light might have been the reason for production of taller plants at the highest density. Similarly, Ibeawuchi et al. (2008) reported that closely spaced plants compete for nutrient and other growth factors; they tend to grow taller than those with wider spacing. Langham (2007) reported that the plant spacing affects the phenotype and the length of time of the phases and stages as plants compete for light at high population densities plants to grow taller and faster than low population density. Table 5: Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on plant height (cm) Number of plant per hill Two Three 152.5cd 171.5a 152.5cd 160.4abc 155.0bcd 159.7abc ab 168.4 156.4bcd Intra-row spacing (cm) One 25 155.1bcd 30 157.1bcd 35 155.5bcd 40 146.1d LSD (0.05) 13.42 CV (%) 5.0 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent, means in column followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance. 32 4.2.2. Ear height (cm) In the present study, ear height per plant was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by number of plants per hill and significantly (P<0.01) affected by interaction of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing while the effect of intra-row spacing was not significant (Appendix Table 2). The longest ear height (89.43cm) was scored under intra-row spacing of 25 cm planted with three plants per hill with plant density of 160000 plants/ha while the shortest (68.67cm) was recorded from intra-row spacing of 40 cm and one plants per hill with plant density of 33,333 plants/ha (Table 6). This may be due to high computation for growth resources at high density. This result was contrary with Mina and Joveno (2006) reports that the significant differences in ear height were attributed to the interaction number of plants per hill. Plants tended to become shorter when grown in pairs per hill in each mixed culture. Table 6: Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plant per hill on ear height (cm) Number of plant per hill Intra-row spacing (cm) 1 2 3 bc bc 25 76.27 75.57 89.43a 30 79.73b 78.90b 82.07ab 35 77.20b 79.60b 80.47b 40 68.67c 83.30ab 81.17b LSD (0.05) 7.85 CV (%) 5.8 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance 4.3. Yield components and yield 4.3.1. Stand count (%) The analysis variance showed that the number of plants per hill effect on stand count difference at harvest as compared to initial count was highly significantly (P < 0.01), but, the effect of intra-row and their interaction effects was not significant (Appendix Table 2). 33 The highest stand mortality (96.46%) was occurred for three plants per hill while significantly lower mortality percentages were recorded for one plant per hill (Table 4). Therefore, this study indicated that, when number of plants per hill increased, plant mortality percentage also increased. This might be due to at lower population comparatively availability of more space might have resulted in less competition for resources (nutrients, moisture and light) whereas at high density more intra-specific competition the weaker plants might have died by the time the crop approached maturity. This result was in agreement with Henderson et al. (2000) who reported that final plant population of grain amaranth at harvest showed increasing plant mortality as plant population increased, reduced inter plant competition and plant mortality were observed at the lowest plant population, compared with the higher plant population. 4.3.2. Number of ears per plant Number of ears per plant was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the number of plants per hill, but it was not significantly affected by intra-row spacing and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing (Appendix Table 3). Significantly the lowest number of ears per plant (1.28) was obtained due to planting of three plants per hill as compared to one and two plants per hill (Table 7). This might be due to the competitor for resources at higher number of plants per hill. This result agrees with that of Junichi (1974) who reported that the number of ears per plant decreased with an increase number of plants per hill. This decrease was more significant in the tillers than in the main culm. Zamir et al (2011) reported when increasing plant density the number of ears per plant was significantly reduced possibly due to more competition for light, aeration and nutrients and consequently enabling the plants in these treatments to undergo less reproductive growth. Also Babaji et al. (2007) explained that maize spaced at 25cm resulted in the highest ear yield Increase in intra-row spacing to lead to significant reduction in number of ear yield. 34 This might suggest that plants need optimum densities to bear two or more ears per plant and plant density above a certain optimum inhibited prolificacy. 4.3.3. Number of rows per ear The analysis of variance showed that the number of kernels row per ear was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the number of plants per hill while intra-row spacing and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing did not significantly affect (Appendix Table 3). The number of kernels row per ear due to one plant per hill was significantly highest than due to two and three plants per hill (Table 7). This might be due to the competitor for resources at higher number of plants per hill. This result agrees with that of Junichi (1974) who reported that the number of kernels row per ear decreased with an increase number of plants per hill. Similarly, Gobeze Loha, et al., (2012) explained that the Number of kernels row per ear decreased with increasing plant density within all plants. 4.3.4. Number of kernels per row The analysis variance for the number of kernels per row indicated that the number of plants per hill had highly significant (P<0.01) effect, while the both intra-row spacing and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing was not significant (Appendix Table 3). One plant per hill gave significantly higher number of kernels per row than three plants per hill (Table 7). This is possibly due to less availability of nutrients to grain formation at three plants per hill than at one plant. This result was agreement Gobeze Loha, et al., (2012) who reported that the Number of kernels per row was decreased with increasing plant density within all plants. Increasing plant density led to reduction in number of kernels per row and kernels per ear presumably due to increased interplant competition and mutual shading of lower leaves where light could not penetrate throughout and distribute to all leaves for efficient photosynthesis. Similarly, 35 increasing plant density inhibited the prolific character of plants and negatively correlated with plant densities. Table 7: Main effect of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing on number of ears per plants (cm) (NEPP), number of rows per ear (NRPE), number of kernels per row (NKPR), ear length (cm) (EL) and thousand kernel weight(g) (THKW) Treatment NEPP NRPE NKPR EL(cm) THKW (g) Number of plant per hill 1 1.70a 15.87a 31.95a 19.57a 191.2a 2 1.58a 14.98b 29.60ab 17.18b 173.7b 3 1.28b 14.07c 26.94b 14.98c 153.6c 0.15 0.70 2.66 1.06 10.42 LSD (0.05) Intra-row spacing (cm) 25 1.55 14.87 30.60 17.30 169.2 30 1.48 15.22 30.18 17.79 173.9 35 1.48 15.22 29.06 16.80 170.0 40 1.55 14.58 28.16 17.09 178.2 LSD (0.05) NS NS NS NS NS 12.2 5.1 10.7 CV (%) 7.3 7.2 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance 4.3.5. Ear length (cm) The result obtained from this study showed that the ear length was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by plants per hill while intra-row spacing and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing was not significantly affect ear length (Appendix Table 3). The ear length due to one plant per hill was significantly the longest as compared to two and 36 three plants per hill (Table 7). This result contrary with Mina and Joveno (2006) who reports that the differences ear height of number of plants per hill of maize were not significant. 4.3.6. Thousand Kernel weight (g) Thousand kernel weights was highly significantly (P<0.01) affected by the main effect of number of plants per hill while the effect of both intra-row spacing and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing were not significant (Appendix Table 3). The highest significant kernel weight (191.2g) was recorded for one plant per hill while significantly the lowest was recorded for three plants per hill (Table 7). This might be due to fewer competitors for resource at one plan per hill. Gobeze Loha, et al., (2012) reported that increased competition for resources becomes severe which in turn affected the grain formation and grain filling. Junichi (1974) also reported that the thousand kernel weights decreased slightly with an increase of number of plants per hill. 4.3.7. Above ground biomass (kg/ha) The analysis of variance showed that number of plants per hill and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing had highly significant (P<0.01) and intra-row spacing had significant (P<0.05) effect on above ground biomass (Appendix T able 4). The highest above ground biomass weight (7073kg/ha) was obtained from one plant per hill and 25cm intra-row spacing with plant density of 53,333 plants/ha while the lowest weight was recorded (3591kg/ha) which was obtained at three plants per hill and 25cm intra-row spacing with plant density of 160000 plants/ha (Table 8). This result was in line with that of Gobeze Loha, et al. (2012) who reported that subjecting plants to reduced row spacing increased the ability of plants for capturing resources which was reflected as evident in their increased biomass production. 37 Table 8: Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plant per hill on above ground (kg ha-1 biomass of maize crop Number of plant per hill Intra-row spacing (cm) One Two Three a fg 25 7073 4539 3591g abc abcd 30 6779 5990 4694ef 35 5136def 5730abcd 4462fg 40 4611fg 6806ab 5710cde LSD (0.05) 525.2 CV (%) 11.9 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column and followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance 4.3.8. Grain yield (kg/ha) The result obtained from this study of grain yield was highly significant (P<0.01) due to number of plants per hill and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing while the intra-row spacing was significant (Appendix Table 5). The highest (3232kg-1) grain yield weight was obtained from one plant per hill and 25 cm intra-row spacing with plant density of 53,333 plants/ha while the lowest weight (1431kg ha-1) was recorded from three plants per hill and 25 cm intra-row spacing with plant density of 160000 plants/ha (Table 9). This result was in agreement with Ibeawuchi et al. (2008) who reported that the plant spacing 75 x 25cm with plant density of 53,333 plants/ha had the highest grain yield. Also Abuzar et al. (2011) reported that the lower grain yield at the highest population. This result was in contrary reported by with Babaji et al. (2012) who explained that the each increase in intrarow spacing has resulted in corresponding significant decrease in maize grain yield. 38 Table 9: Interaction effect of intra-row spacing and number of plant per hill on grain yield (kg ha -1) of maize crop Number of plant per hill Two Three de 1764 1431e 2664bc 1800de 2542c 1698de ab 3098 2032d Intra-row spacing (cm) One 25 3232a 30 3029abc 35 1922de 40 1613de LSD (0.05) 507.3 CV (%) 13.4 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column and followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significantly. 4.3.9. Harvest index (%) The analysis variance of the harvest index indicated that the number of plants per hill and interaction of number of plants per hill by intra-row spacing was highly significant (P<0.05) while the intra-row spacing was significant (Appendix Table 5). The highest harvest index (45.69%) was obtained from 25 cm intra-row spacing and one plant per hill with plant density of 53,333 plants/ha while the lowest (34.89%) was recorded from one plant per hill and 40 cm intra-row spacing with plant density of 33.333 plants/ha (Table 10). Table 10: Interaction of effect intra-row spacing and number of plant per hill on harvesting index (%) of maize crop Number of plant per hill Intra-row spacing (cm) One Two Three 25 45.69a 39.18bc 39.87b 30 44.67a 44.16a 38.29bcd cd a 35 37.72b 44.29 38.22bcd 40 34.98d 45.51a 35.56cd LSD (0.05) 4.07 CV (%) 5.9 NS = Non-significant, LSD = Least Significant Difference at 5% level of significant, CV (%) = coefficient of variation in percent; Means in column and followed by the same letters are not significantly difference at 5% level of significance 39 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In Ethiopia, cereals are the major food crops both in terms of the area they are planted and volume of production obtained. They are produced in larger volume compared with other crops because they are the principal staple crops. Maize is Ethiopia’s leading cereal in terms of production, with six million tons produced in 2012 by nine million farmers across two million ha of land. Over half of all Ethiopian farmers grow maize, primarily for subsistence. Maize is thus an important crop for overall food security and for economic development in the country (ATA, 2013). Anyhow, the yield of maize in Ethiopia is 3059kg per ha (CSA, 2013). Maize it is largely produced in the Northern, North-eastern and South-western parts of the Somali Region State. It is produced for food and fodder especially in areas along the riverbanks of the region. It is consumed as Porridge and ‘’Gerew’’. It is also consumed roasted or boiled cobs, considering the potential of the region for growing maize and its high rate of consumption, especially in the rural areas of the region. Plant populations affect most growth parameters of maize even under optimal growth conditions and therefore it is considered a major factor determining the degree of competition between plants. General management considerations can provide the background for profitable maize production. Number of seedlings per hill is an important factor among the management practices, can play important role in boosting yield of plant because it influences solar radiation interception, total sunshine reception, nutrient uptake, rate of photosynthesis and other physiological phenomena and ultimately affects the growth and development of plant production. Realizing the importance of developing appropriate cultural practices for maize in Gode area, the study was conducted for one season the assessing of the effects of intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill on the yield and yield components of maize. Four intra-row spacing (25, 30, 35, 40 cm) and three levels of plants per hill (1, 2 and 3) were evaluated in factorial arrangement using RCBD with three replication. The result showed that highly significantly (P>0.01) main effect of number of plants per hill on days to tasseling, days to silking, days of physiological maturity, ear height (cm), stand 40 count (%), number of ears per plant, number of kernels per row, number of rows per ear, ear length (cm), thousand kernel weight (g), above ground dry biomass (kg-1), grain yield (kg-1) and harvest index (%). The highest plant population of 25cm and three plants per hill gave the highest of days to tasseling (49.33), days of siliking (57.67), plant height (171.5 cm) and ear height (89.43 cm). The plants stand count differences the highest was (96.46%) which were obtained three plants per hill. The highest of physiological maturity (80.75 days), number of ears per plant (1.70), number of rows per ear (15.89), number of kernels per row (31.95), ear length (19.57cm) and thousand kernel weight (191.2 g) which were obtained one plant per hill. Similarly, the highest above ground dry biomass (7073kg ha-1), grain yield (3591kg ha -1) and harvest index (45.69%) which were obtained lowest plant population (25cm and one plant per hill). The main effect of intra-row spacing was highly significant on days silking, days of maturity, while the days of tasseling, above ground dry biomass (kg -1), grain yield (kg -1) and harvest index (%) was significantly. The interaction effect of number of plants per hill and intra-row spacing had significantly influence days of tasseling, days of silking, plant height (cm), ear height (cm), above ground dry biomass (kg -1), grain yield(kg -1) and harvest index (%). 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APPENDICS Appendix Table1: Mean square values of ANOVA for phenological parameters of maize as affected by intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill Mean squares Source of variation d.f DT DS DM Replication 2 4.5 5.86 4.861 Number of plant per hill 2 52.19** 117.52** 102.19** Intra-row spacing 3 4.32* 22.19** 34.74** Intra-row x plant per hill 6 4.82** 7.63* 6.60ns Error 22 1.013 2.89 5.619 df = Degree of freedom, DT = Days to tasseling, DS = Days to silking, DM = Days of maturity, *Significant difference at P < 0.01, ** = Significant difference at P < 0.05 and NS = Non-significant at P > 0.05. Appendix Table 2: Mean square values of ANOVA for growth parameters of maize as affected by intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill Mean squares Source of variation d.f PH EH SCADP Replication 2 62.40 14.60 39.56 Number of plant per hill 2 219.51* 183.31** 942.13** Intra-row spacing 3 27.82ns 14.05ns 128.54ns Intra-row x plant per hill 6 168.42** 67.97* 89.05ns Error 22 62.72 21.51 47.23 d.f = Degree of freedom, PH = Plant Height, EH = Ear Height, SCADP = Stand count difference pecentage, *Significant difference at P < 0.01, ** = Significant difference at P < 0.05 and NS = Non-significant at P > 0.05. 51 Appendix Table 3: Mean square values of ANOVA for yield components of maize as affected by intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill Mean squares Source of variation d.f NEP NKPR NRPE EL Replication 2 0.021 9.49 0.0686 4.510 Number of plant per hill 2 0.554** 75.35** 9.7211** 63.054** Intra-row spacing 3 0.013ns 11.02ns 0.8752ns 1.564ns Intra-row x plant per hill 6 0.039ns 10.57ns 1.0707ns 1.876ns Error 22 0.03 10.04 0.59 1.59 d.f = Degree of freedom, NEP = Number of ears per plant, EL = Ear length, NKPR = Number of kernels per row, NRPE = Number of rows per ear, *Significant difference at P < 0.01, ** = significant difference at P < 0.05 and NS = Non-significant at P > 0.05. Appendix Table 4: Mean square values of ANOVA for thousand kernels weight and above ground biomass, grain yield and harvest index of maize as affected by intra-row spacing and number of plants per hill Mean squares Source of variation d.f THKW AGB GY Replication 2 365.1 132870 Number of plant per hill 2 425.8** 5996274** 22209** 84.18** Intra-row spacing 3 151.8ns 1394665* 33109* 24.08* Intra-row x plant per hill 6 157.3ns 3959662** 13536** 45.66** Error 22 157.3 413745 8974 5.78 21102 HI 11.39 d.f = Degree of freedom, THKW = Thousand kernels weight, AGB = above ground biomass, GY= Grain yield, HI = Harvest index, *Significant difference at P < 0.01, ** = Significant difference at P < 0.05 NS = Non-significant at P > 0.05. 52 Appendix Table 6: Long-term (2005-2014) meteorological data of the experimental site at Gode No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan 34.7 34.9 35.2 36.2 35.8 Na 35.1 35.8 35.7 35.2 Feb 36.4 36.3 37.3 35.7 36.9 Na 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.2 March 37.8 37.2 38.1 36.8 38.1 Na 37.8 37.8 36.1 37.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 21.3 22.7 21.8 23.3 22.1 Na 21.5 20.6 22.1 21.7 23.1 23.1 24.1 22.6 22.6 Na 22.8 22.4 22.8 23.1 25.9 24.3 25.5 23.2 23.9 Na 24.4 24.2 23.8 25.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Na 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 11.9 0.0 0.0 2.2 Na 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 87.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Na 0.0 0.0 74.4 0.0 Maximum temperature (co) Apr May Jun Jul 36.1 34.8 34.3 33.3 36.0 34.4 34.1 32.3 36.1 36.1 32.4 33.6 36.2 34.4 34.5 33.3 36.5 35.9 35.8 33.6 36.2 35.8 34.6 32.9 48.3 34.51 34.6 33.4 35.2 35.2 34.1 32.8 33.6 34.7 33.0 32.2 37.7 36.1 34.8 32.6 Minimum Temperature (co) 25.6 24.9 24.8 24.1 24.9 24.2 24.8 23.7 25.2 25.7 24.2 23.8 24.9 24.4 24.2 24.1 25.2 24.6 24.3 23.3 25.5 26.0 25.5 24.4 25.9 25.0 25.6 24.8 24.6 24.7 24.5 24.0 23.6 23.8 22.8 23.2 25.8 24.9 24.9 21.1 Total Rainfall ( ml) 32.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.0 51.1 0.0 0.6 151.6 64.0 0.0 0.0 47.6 60.2 0.0 0.0 5 42.1 0.0 0.0 85.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 87.6 17.2 0.0 0.0 90.6 51.6 0.0 0.0 126.3 22.4 Na 1.4 7.3 11.0 0.0 0.0 Aug 33.4 34.3 34.5 35.0 34.3 34.6 34.4 34.7 34.1 34.5 Sep 35.2 34.9 35.4 36.4 35.5 35.2 35.7 35.8 36.1 35.4 Oct 34.1 33.3 34.3 34.6 33.8 Na 33.5 34.0 33.6 32.9 Nov Na 32.5 33.5 35.8 34.5 Na 32.6 33.3 32.0 34.4 Dec Na 34.5 35.7 36.2 35.7 Na 34.1 Na 34.2 Na 23.9 23.2 24.5 24.4 24.1 24.8 24.9 24.0 23.5 24.7 24.7 23.8 25.0 24.9 25.1 25.5 25.6 24.3 24.9 24.7 24.1 23.6 23.5 23.2 24.3 Na 23.7 23.4 23.3 23.6 Na 21.6 22.2 21.6 22.5 Na 22.7 21.2 21.8 22.7 Na 21.1 21.9 20.7 23.9 Na 19.9 Na 19.2 Na 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.3 33.1 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120.0 40.8 52.6 94.0 Na 100.5 0.0 95.8 145.3 0.0 59.1 34.0 19.3 1.7 Na 95.8 0.0 142.3 13.3 0.0 12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Na 7.8 Na 0.0 Na Source: National Meteorological Agency, Jigjig a Meteorological Branch Office Note: NA = means not available data.