KOL MEVASSER - Kahal Joseph Congregation
KOL MEVASSER - Kahal Joseph Congregation
26 Sivan 5772 16 June 2012 KOL MEVASSER KJ Congratulates the Class of 2012 KJ Schedule As the year turns to summer, we watch the young members of our community flourish and grow. We take this opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and learning of these individuals as they prepare themselves to lead us into the future. Our graduates will be featured in the newsletter both this week and next. Mazal Tov! Erev Shabbat Shelah / Birkat HaChodesh Friday, June 15, 2012 Shaharit/Morning Prayer ......................... 6:30 am Shir HaShirim .......................................... 6:45 pm Minhah/Arbith ......................................... 7:00 pm Shabbat Candle Lighting ......................... 7:48 pm Elementary & Middle School Brittany Mathalon is graduating from Beverly Vista Elementary and Middle School. She will attend Beverly High in the fall. University, Undergraduate & Graduate Natalie Assia graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelors degree in Psychology, French (Business Emphasis), and Marketing. High School Eliana Jalali is graduating from Hamilton High School & intends to spend her next year in Israel. Elan Shahrabani is graduating from Beverly Hills High School. Jacob Shaoul Levy graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania and received the prestigious Louis Randolph Award. Daphna Shalom graduated from Yeshiva University’s Stern's College. (Continued on page 3) Saturday, June 16, 2012 Shabbat Shaharit/Morning Prayer............ 8:30 am Women’s Tehillim .................................... 6:00 pm Rabbi’s Class........................................... 6:45 pm Minha, Seudah Shlisheet, Arvith .............. 7:15 pm Motzei Shabbat / Havdallah ..................... 8:51 pm Weekdays Sunday, June 17, 2012 Shaharit/Morning Prayer .......................... 7:30 am David S. Kelly Youth Choir of KJ ........... 11:00 am Monday to Friday, June 18 to 22, 2012 Shaharit/Morning Prayer ......................... 6:30 am Rosh Hodesh Tammuz Wednesday & Thursday, June 20-21, 2012 Erev Shabbat Korach Friday, June 22, 2012 Shaharit/Morning Prayer ......................... 6:30 am Minhah/Arbith ......................................... 6:30 pm Friday Night Dinner Young Couples .. 7:30 pm Shabbat Candle Lighting ......................... 7:49 pm Sunday, June 24th KJ Summer Kick-Off Picnic at Westwood Park, 12 to 4 pm In Memoriam Legacy of Kindness Gala Dinner 09.09.12 The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of Kahal Joseph Congregation are pleased to announce our annual Legacy of Kindness Gala Dinner. The gala and our community will honor Rylla and Benjamin H. Elias for their, love, devotion, and dedicated service to our synagogue. The fete will take place this September 9, 2012. Save the date! Invitations will follow. Rosh Hodesh Tammuz A new month can also mean a new beginning in our lives. One of the reasons may be that something new always causes higher motivation. We wish you a Hodesh Tov, a great healthy and successful month to all. Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 At: Kahal Joseph Congregation 10505 Santa Monica Blvd., L.A. 90025 Time: 6:00 pm, please be prompt RSVP to [email protected] Seudah Shlisheet is co-sponsored in memory of Ezat Partiyeli, z’’l by The Partiyeli Family Seudah Shlisheet is co-sponsored in memory of Daniel ben Tuba Rojhani, z’’l and Maurice ben Simha Mathalon, z’’l by The Mathalon Family The Rojhani Family, and The Shaaya Family Condolences We send our thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of Ezat Partiyeli, z’’l May Hashem comfort them together with all the mourners of Tzion Refuah Shlemah Gerry Shapiro · Yocheved bat Rachel · Rachamim ben Sarah · Hinah Titza bat Itah · Yitzhak ben Abdullah Mazal bat Malka · Dan Herdoon We remember the following yahrzeit anniversary of passings, for June 16 to 22, 2012. It is customary to light a memorial candle and donate tzedakah. Family members are encouraged to attend prayer services in honor of loved ones the preceding Shabbat. 26 Sivan / Shabbat, June 16 Daniel Rojhani George Sassoon Khadoory Hai ben Ezra Samha Zelkha 27 Sivan / Sunday, June 17 Abdallah Joseph Abdallah Faraj Yoseph Isaac Maurice Mathalon Moshe ben Avraham 28 Sivan / Monday, June 18 Aziz Daniel Pourati Aziz ben Daniel 29 Sivan / Tuesday, June 19 Eric Jacob Jonah Ezra ben Yaacov Abraham Mashaal Abraham ben Yehezkel 30 Sivan / Wednesday, June 20 Ester Mayer Ester bat Sofi 1 Tammuz / Thursday, June 21 Selina Jacobs Ezra Kemareh Ezra Yaacov Maurice Morris Maurice ben Abdullah Lulu Moshi Lulu bat Simha Abraham Posmentier Avraham ben Isser Nadhim Sarraf Yitzhak ben Haim 2 Tammuz / Friday, June 22 Isaac Amron Eugene Cornateanu Simha Goury Simha bat Lulu Meyer Edward Nathan Meir ben Ezra 3 Tammuz / Shabbat, June 23 Joseph Moses Yosef ben Aharon Habibollah Rokhsar Habib ben Mordecai (Continued from page 1) University, Graduate School Emily Shaaya graduated from Loyola Law School. Jenna Zelman graduated with her Masters in Organizational Management from Antioch University KJ Member of the Week The “Member of the Week” represents our appreciation for those making Kahal a special place. The following are the first to be recognized this month thus far: Akbal Tbibi Rivka Mangoli Maryam Shadi Abe Abraham Anita Wozniak Who will be the new "Member of the Week"? Come to Kahal this Shabbat to find out! It could be YOU!" AfterSchool Jewish Studies Jessica Fischman completed a course of Jewish studies and plans to continue her Jewish education next year. Kahal Joseph’s Norma & Sam Dabby Hebrew School Sunday Mornings Tuesday Afternoon and/or Homestudy Programs SHABBAT TORAH PORTION Parashat Shelakh 623 to 634 Haftara 635 to 637 For information call 310,474.0559 Friday Night Dinner Young Couples Friday, June 22nd, 2012 We invite couples ages 18-36 to a great dinner with a talk by Rabbi Batzri about “Why Be Married?” $10/adult RSVP to 310.474.0559 Kahal Joseph Congregation Summer Kick-Off Picnic in the Park Sunday, June 24, 2012 12 to 4 pm A Great Way to Start Summer! Kosher Grill on Wheels * Soccer, Sports, Games & Activities for Kids Westwood Park at Sepulveda South of Wilshire RSVP 310.474.0559 Eruv Notice: Community Eruv is down for this weekend due to freeway construction. A Song for Shabbat: Im HaGolan or With the Golan Listen to Rabbi Batzri sing Im HaGolan on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWihaNt09Rs Im ha’Golan—shalom b’kheylekh; Ba’rama—shalvat armenotayikh Ve’rav shlom banayikh—bonayikh; Shalom rav le’ohavey—torotayikh Ve’hotzeti, ve’hitzalti, ve’gaalti, ve’lakakhti, ve’heveti etkhem el ha’aretz asher nasati et yadi. Im ha’Golan ... Mi asher yaaleh b’daato. Lered meh’rosh tzurim behto. Yistom mekorot mey khemdato. Yafkir amo nakhalato. Yivtakh b’tzur rav moshiyo. Lo yiten lashvi uzo. Yishmor artzo mekhorato. Atid amo mivtakh ha’yetzur kulam. Im ha’Golan... Netivey yosher im nishmor. Derekh avotenu nintor. Zakhor Shabbat v’gam shamor. Nakhala bli mehtzarim nigdor. Nishma ba’aretz kol ha’tor. La’mnatzeakh shir mizmor. Alo naaleh le’har haMor. B’vo go-el likro dror. Le’am olam: Im ha’Golan … By the Golan By the Golan—there is peace in Your forces In the heights—the tranquility of Your palaces And great is the well-being of Your children—Your ones who create A great peace shall there be for those who love Your teachings. “And I took you out, and I rescued you, and I redeemed you, and I took you [to be My own], and I brought you to the land when I forgave.” By the Golan ... He who will consider leaving [the land of Israel], the summit, the rock fortress of His home. He will block the springs of the waters of His love. He will desert his nation, [the streams of] his heritage. He who will trust the great rock of his Redeemer. He will not allow his strength to be captured. He will safeguard his country, his place of origin. The future of His nation is a safeguard for all creatures, all. By the Golan ... If we keep the ways of honesty [and virtue]. [If] we watch over the way of our fathers. Remember Shabbat and protect it. A heritage, [an inheritance] without bounds we will enclose. We will hear in the land [of Israel] the call of the turtledove. To the victorious, a song, a psalm. Let us go up to the mountain at the coming of the Redeemer to proclaim freedom for the Jewish people. By the Golan ... This week’s Torah portion expresses G-d’s love for the land of Israel, Eretz Israel, and the importance of the connection between the Jewish people to the land of Israel. According to Ramba"m, also known as Maimonides, all areas that King David included in his kingdom are still considered part of Eretz Israel. So, the Golan, also known as the Golan Heights, are part of Israel. Here is the song written by Rabbi Meir Mazooz in tribute to the Golan and in recognition of its spiritual power. It is sung in the Maqam of this week "Nahwand”, by Rabbi Batzri.
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File - Kahal Joseph Congregation
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