TUESDAY January 6 2009 B Planning Staff County
TUESDAY January 6 2009 B Planning Staff County
AGENDA ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY January 6 2009 30 p 4 m Public Hearing SISTER CITIES CITY HALL I ROLL CALL II COMMENTS A Commissioners B Planning Staff C Public III MINUTES IV DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST V PUBLIC HEARINGS A Pitkin B C County Jail Growth Management Review Aspen Institute Greenwald Pavilion SPA Amendment 533 E Hopkins Kenichi restaurant Growth Management Review VI OTHER BUSINESS A VII VIII Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Appointments 2009 BOARD REPORTS ADJOURN NEXT RESOLUTION NUMBER t 0 I SCA MEMORANDUM TO Planning FROM Errin Evans Current Plannerv THRU Jennifer DATE OF MEMO December MEETING DATE January RE 485 Rio Grande Place Growth and Zoning n iGo Commiss Phelau Deputy Community Development Director 19 2008 6 2008 Management Quota System Review APPLICANT OWNER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Pitkin Smith County Pitkin Manager County Jodi Faculties recommends construct Associates that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that Council approve the request for a Growth Management Quota System exemption to REPRESENTATIVE Stan Clauson Staff an addition to the County Jail Building Inc SUMMARY LOCATION The Civic Address 485 Rio Place Legal Description County Grande Pitkin Applicant requests of the Planning Commission to approve the request for and Zoning exemptions for growth management mitigation Center Lot 1 and Lot 5 of the Rio Grande Subdivision Parcel Identification Number 002 19 182 2735 CURRENT ZONING USE Located in the Public zone with district SPA overlay containing public buildings such as the County Court House and the County Jail a essential PROPOSED LAND USE The Applicant construct computer an is requesting to addition to house servers Photo of the Revised 12 2008 30 Page 1 of 4 On December BACKGROUND 16 2008 the Planning Zoning Commission made a Grande Specially Planned Area and recommendation to Council to approve an amendment to the Rio SPA for an addition to the County Jail The Rio Grande SPA encompasses several properties including the two properties owned by the County The two properties will be the location of the new addition Growth In addition to the SPA amendment the Management confusion whether created The or Review When the not the review and Planning was application required Zoning was because Commission is also application is first required submitted net leasable no new to requested now recommendation to Council to approve approve with conditions deny or there to undergo some was areas make will be another the review for growth management LAND USE REQUEST following land use AND REVIEW PROCEDURES approvals from the The applicant is requesting the Zoning Commission Planning and Ouota System Essential Public Facilities pursuant to Land Use 090 4 Any development to an essential public facility requires the 470 Code Section 26 and Zoning Commission at a public hearing to make a recommendation to the Growth Management Planning City Council Management for approval approval Review The City with conditions Council is the final GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW The Planning and Zoning Commission first or disapproval of the Growth authority application on December 16th to review the SPA amendment This application also requires growth management review This addition will be used to store technical computer equipment There will be no employees working in the unit new net leasable commercial or this will the addition generate new employees There will be office space created as defined by the Land Use Code except for routine equipment checks no saw nor Net leasable commercial and office space Those areas within a commercial or office building which are or which are designed to be leased to a tenant and including but to bathrooms stairways circulation not necessarily limited to areas dedicated corridors mechanical staging areas and storage areas provided however that these areas are used solely by tenants on the site occupied for commercial or office purposes exclusive of any area Staff Comments undergo review addition to an essential public facility Since no requirements for growth management mitigation This application is required RECOMMENDATION to under Growth new Management net leasable Community Development Department Planning and Zoning Commission recommend Management Review area is because it is created there an are no staff recommends that the that the Council approve the request for Growth Revised 12 2008 30 Page 2 of 4 RECOMMENDED MOTION If the Planning and Zoning Commission chooses to recommend to make a recommendation to may use this motion I Council to approve the request for the exemption for growth management mitigation approval for the move request they City i ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A Staff findings Exhibit B Application 2008 30 Revised 12 Page 3 of 4 OD I RESOLUTION NO SERIES 2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN MAKING A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO COUNCIL FOR GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AN ADDITION TO THE PITKIN COUNTY JAIL BUILDING LOCATED AT 485 RIO GRANDE PLACE LEGALLY KNOWN AS LOTS 1 AND 5 PITKIN COUNTY CENTER CITY OF ASPEN 851 47 073 Parcel Identification Number 2737 Stan Clauson WHEREAS Colorado for a behalf of Pitkin on Specially Commission County Associates 855 06 073 2737 Inc located at 412 North Mill Street 530 E Bleeker Street Aspen Colorado Planned Area Amendment dated October 2008 to the 6th submitted Planning Aspen request a and Zoning and WHEREAS the subject property is located of 485 Rio Grande Place Aspen the parcels aze 6e identified as pazcel numbers 851 2737 47 073 2737 855 and 06 073 property is Pitkih County Center Lot 1 and 5 the of the legal description City of Aspen County of Pitkin State of Colorado and WHEREAS upon review of the Community Development Department applicable as leasable area the proposal determined and the mitigation applicable for code standards growth management the was not is for storage of computer infrastructure and does not generate net and WHEREAS during Zoning application Commission Council to approve an a approved duly noticed public hearing on Resolution No 36 Series of December 16 2008 making Planning and recommendation to SPA Amendment for the construction of an addition to the y the County Jail and Zoning WHEREAS during a Commission made a duly noticed public heazing on recommendation to Council January 6 2009 to approve the Planning and the request for Growth Management Review and WHEREAS the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission development proposal under the applicable provisions of the has reviewed and considered the Municipal Code as identified herein and WHEREAS the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that this resolution furthers and is necessary for the promotion NOW THEREFORE of public health safety and welfare BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS Section 1 procedures and standazds set forth in Section 26 of the City of Aspen Municipal Planning and Zoning Commission hereby approves the request for exemptions for Code growth management mitigation This proposal does not generate new employees or create new This addition is proposed to be used for the storage of net leasable commercial or office space computer equipment If this use was to change iri the future growth management mitigation may be required Pursuant to the the Section 2 representations and commitments made by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awazded whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Planning and Zoning Commission aze hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fixlly set forth herein unless amended by an authorized entity All material Section 3 This resolution shall not affect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended as herein provided and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such prior ordinances Section 4 If any section subsection sentence clause phrase or portion of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining separate portions thereof i APPROVED BY the January 2009 with Planning a and Zoning Commission of the City of Aspen on this vote Attest Jackie Lothian Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM James R True Special Counsel LJ Erspamer Chairperson 6 day of EXHIBIT A 090 Review Standards for Development of Essential Public Facilities 470 26 development of an essential public facility upon a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be approved approved with conditions or denied by the City Council based on the following criteria The a or structure Community Development Director has determined the primary use and to be an essential public facility see definition Accessory uses may also be part of an essential public facility project The proposed addition is an accessory use to the County Jail and other County and City The facilitate a more efficient network and computer server system Currently the existing facilities are inadequate and the new addition will accommodate all the current needs for space and allow for more growth of future computer equipment Stafffnds this criterion to be met services b It will be used to City Council may assess waive or partially waive affordable housing mitigation requirements as is deemed appropriate or warranted for the purpose of promoting civic uses and in consideration of broader community goals The employee generation rates may be used as a guideline but each operation shall be analyzed for its unique employee needs 100 Calculations 470 pursuant to Section 26 The addition will be used to house data equipment and computer servers There will not be any new net leasable commercial or office space created There will not be any new staff generated as a result No growth management mitigation is required for this proposed addition Stafffinds this criterion to be met Upon a recommendation from the Community Development Director the Revised 12 2008 30 Page 4 of 4 XNtaiZ3 STAN CIAUSON ASSOCIATESiNc landscape architecture planning qu North Mill Street Aspen Colorado com scaplanning info design resort 97o f q7o t z3z3 gz5 6z8 gzo Sibu mm scaplanning www Memo io Errin Evans From Stan Clawson AICP ASLA Cc Jodi Smith Pitkin Date 24 December 2008 Re Pitkin Pursuant to City of Aspen Community Development Dept County our County Facilities Manager Data Center responses to Sec 26 090 470 application for an SPA Amendment for a modular structure adjacent to the Pitkin County Jail to house data processing equipment we are submitting this supplementary information responding to the Essential Public Facilities section of the application Commission hearing City of and provided our Aspen Land Use Code After we had submitted public notice of 16 December 2008 for the City Planning Zoning staff determined that it would be necessary to respond to this code section been provided for a second Planning Accordingly public notice has Zoning commission hearing on b January 2009 and this supplementary memorandum is provided in response to the aforementioned code section Sec 26 090 City Council 470 applications The following types of development shall be approved approved with conditions or denied by the City Council pursuant to Section 26 110 Proceduresfor review and 470 the criteria for each type of development described below Except as noted all growth with the shall management applications comply general requirements of Section 050 Except as noted all City Council growth management approvals shall be 470 26 deducted from the respective annual development allotments and development ceiling levels 4 Essential public facilities The development of an essential public facility upon a from the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be approved with conditions or denied by the City Council based on thefollowing criteria approved recommendation a The Community Development structure to be an Director has determined the primary essential public facility see definition flccessory be part of an essential public facilityproject use uses or ancl may also Enin Evans 3 City of Aspen Community Development Department 24 December 2008 n Page Two 1 Response The Community Development addffion to the Pitkin proposed County data processing facilities is provisions b Director has determined that the for a structure to house City and County Jail an essential public facility and subject to the of this section Development Director the City Council may assess waive affordable housing mitigation partially warranted for the purpose of as is deemed and appropriate requirements The promoting civic uses and in consideration of broader community goals employee generation rates may be used as a guideline but each operation shall be 100 470 analyzed for its unique employee needs pursuant to Section 26 Upon a recommendation from the Community or waive Calculations Response The proposed data center will consolidate data processing equipment currently housed with an unacceptable level of security in city and County buildings It will provide a greater level of security for this equipment while meeting the foreseeable expansion needs for addtional equipment The consolidation of this equipment will provide for enhanced security and maintenance efficiency thereby supporting community goals This new facility will not generate any new employees Moreover the spaces being vacated by the relocation of this equipment are not likely to support additional employment generation equipment closets of various is B MEMORANDUM TO Aspen Planning THRU Jennifer FROM Jason RE The Aspen Institute Greenwald Pavilion and Zoning Commission Phelan Planning Deputy Lasser Special Projects Planner Amendment and GMQS Review MEMO DATE December 31 2008 MEETING DATE January 6 SPECIAL NOTE the changes Director to the This staff proposal L Tent Resolution Consolidated SPA No Series of 2008 2009 report is since the December new since the last hearing 16 hearing and addresses It contains the following A summary of the issues raised from the last meeting information provided by Staff and the Applicant Staff recommendation motion and with additional A revised resolution Also attached is the commission associated with SUMMARY original staff report of December 16 2008 This memo provides the the development proposal background and dimensional standards the development so that you have this information at hand with QUESTIONS s public hearing on The Aspen Institute Greenwald Pavilion permanent 16 only tent the Planning and Zoning Commission raised a number of issues that they summer asked be addressed in further detail prior to moving on the application AND At the December An informal Development Review Committee December 2008 submission meeting was held on December 17 to review the Proposed Plan A tent location off utilities and Proposed Plan B tent location straddling utilities Due to site constraints the applicant is requesting the Planning and Zoning Commission review the December 9 2008 submission Proposed Plan A Changes to the landscape plan features have been included in the drawing submitted by the applicant on December 29 2008 attached as Exhibit K The 9 Applicant has amended the design below Comments from Staff follow in of the a project and a summary of the changes are provided applicable separate italicizedparagraph when 1 Proposed Changes Pavilion Location At the December 16 2008 hearing the location of the tent discussed particularly scheme B with the tent straddling the utilities Development Review Committee DRC meeting it was determined unacceptable by Public Works due to difficulties with emergency Page 1 of 5 was After to a be access Community Development Staff and the referral agencies recommend scheme A presented with scheme B on December 9 2008 The proposed location of the pennanent summer only tent will be north of the existing temporary use location to allow for emergency access to the water and sewer mains The terrace on the south side of the tent will allow for emergency access the material to be determined but likely to be ADA compliant crusher fines installed to the specifications of the Building Department The Utility Department has stated that the tent cannot be located on the easement Per the International Code IBC All paths shall be firm stable and slip resistant Staff recommends the applicant continue to research materials and work with the Parks Engineering and Building departments to meet their requirements Building Reducine the width of asphalt to six 6 feet on the fire truck about the material of the fire pedestrian path raised access access road Questions and road hammerhead relationship to the Staff specifically the increase in the Commission and by impervious surface azea In response to the comments about the 14 wide asphalt road the applicant has instead proposed a 6 wide pedestrian bike and cart path with pavers that allow grass or vegetation to pass through that make up were the amount of the additional width requirements allow for proper fire truck emergency access The additional width will be comprised of a material to be determined required to crushed fines grass between pavers landscape pedestrian friendly but will allow for the required loads Configuration of the turnazound hammerhead will accommodate the existing trees as approved by the Pazks Department Per the International Fire Code IFC Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads offire apparatus and shall be weather driving capabilities this provision does not surfaced so as to provide all specify a particular type ofsurface It is written in performance language therefore the surface must carry the load of the anticipated emergency response vehicles and be drivable in all kinds of weather Ifgrass pavers are to be used they must be installed to meet the above standards The grass paved areas must be maintained be careful of snow plowing ripping out the pavers The grass paved areas must be delineated from adjacent landscaping Staff recommends the applicant minimize the amount of asphalt providing an alternative material for the access road in order to provide a pervious landscape friendly experience for the pedestrian The bike nedestrian oath has been moved bevond 15 feet from top of sloe cart Concerns were raised about the proximity of the initial proposal in which the cart path bike pedestriw was directly adjacent to the top of slope Stream margin Review standards do not allow for any development within a setback of 15 feet from top of slope The applicant has relocated the cart path to the south to avoid encroaching into the required 15 setback from top of slope Concerns about the proximity of the relocated path to the top ofslope were expressed at the December 16 2008 hearing A request to move the path to avoid being within 1 S feet from the top of slope by Commission members and Staff has been addressed by the applicant to locate the path outside of the IS setback The disturbed areas Page 2 of 5 shall be rewith native plants as approved by the Parks Department Staff vegetated recommends the applicant continue to work with the Parks Department on the landscape planfor the proposed path and surrounding areas Landscapine Neighborhood concerns about the have been raised A berm and and scale of the temporary tent landscaping to the north of the tent have mass screening addition requirements for facilities the application proposed proposes three 3 port potties to be located between the tent and the Koch seminar o building The bathrooms aze to be required only when the permanent summer only been tent is In functioning to meet for events Landscape screening for both the tent and temporary facilities has been proposed In order to reduce the submitted a detailed perceived mass and height of landscape plan for the area to the the tent the applicant has north of the tent along the that the trees be deciduous either pedestrian and bike path Parks has requested aspen or cottonwood as the tent will only be used in are out and when the tent is removed in the winter transparency through the site The applicant has the summer when the leaves the bare trees will allow responded to a reguest to for screen the temporary facilities with landscaping from both the Commission and Staff Building department has reviewed and conceptually approved proposed plan A December 9 2008 submission and determined that temporary port o potties are the needs the events in the Pavilion least one At sufficient for of 1 ADA compliant stall shall be provided Staff recommends the applicant continue to work with the Parks Department to establish a landscape plan to be reviewed prior to Ciry Council review Maximum of 8 events per year no private events all events must comply with City ofAspen sound ordinance requirements Due to neighborhood concerns about noise frequency and use the number of events has been limited to eight 8 per summer running private parties such as weddings have late been raised by neighbors The applicant has agreed to eliminate private events and all events will be scheduled to comply with the City sound ordinance Concerns about noise from in 2006 from the original 2005 temporary use permit included the elimination of private events due to noise complaints and violations of Ciry Ordinance Staff recommends limiting the number of events to alleviate traffic and transportation concerns Private events have more flexible schedules such as weddings with dancing at the end of the evening for example than a lecture or ideas festival type event Changes which has brochures and marketing material with a specific Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that Council prohibit private events and require all events to comply with the Ciry of Aspen sound Ordinance timeline REFERRAL AGENCY COMMENTS The Department Fire Marshal Aspen Consolidated Sanitation District Building Department Housing Department Historic Preservation Officer Utilities Transportation and Parking Departrnents have all reviewed the proposed application and their requirements have been included as conditions of approval when appropriate City Engineer Zoning Officer Pazks Page 3 of 5 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Initially in the first proposal the removal of existing plantings and increase in non landscaped surfaces paved trails and vehiculaz access ways detracted from the existing pedestrian experience and did not enhance the mix of development in terms of open space relationship to Anderson Park and landscaping However with reductions in tent size limiting impervious surfaces moving the pedestrian path from within 15 feet from top of slope and landscape screening for the tent and temporary facilities the proposal has addressed the concerns of the neighbors Planning and Zoning Commission and Community Development Department Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve the application with applicant continue to refine the proposal and provide conditions for review prior to proceeding to City Council and recommends the conditions drawings reflecting Specifically the Staff recommends Conditions of Aaaroval 1 The applicant shall provide a drainage plan grading plan and transportation plan mitigating for Tent events as approved by the City Engineer 2 The transportation plan and scheduling of events shall address the number of concurrent events increasing the mitigation and management for overlapping events as approved by the City Engineer The institute shall hold no more than 8 events per year at the Greenwald Pavilion 3 4 No private events shall be held at the Greenwald Pavilion weddings etc 5 All events must comply with City of Aspen sound ordinance requirements 6 The Greenwald Pavilion shall comply with the requirements of the ACSD and Public Works no tent or structures over the utility easements to allow for emergency access n Landscape screening shall be on the north side of the tent and around the toilet facilities edges of the temporary facilities port o potties 1 required 8 At least one 1 pedestrian path through the Paepcke Memorial Garden shall be accessible ADA all paths must be firm stable and slip resistant provided with a around the north and west minimum of one RECOMMENDED MOTION ALL Imove to approve Resolution Specially Planned Area SPA ADA stall MOTIONS ARE WORDED IN THE 35 Series 2008 recommending AFFIRMITIVE consolidated approval of the Amendment to the Greenwald Pavilion Tent with conditions ATTACHMENTS EXHIBIT A SPA EXHIBIT B provided Amendment GMQS Applicant Supplemental Findings provided in the 12 08packet 16 criteria letter dated 2008 30 6 Information SPA GMQS Information Employee Analysis in the 12 08 packet 16 ExHisiT C Applicant provided Staff in the Supplemental 08 packet 16 12 Page 4 of 5 letter dated 08 18 8 EXHIBIT D Applicant Supplemental Information Traffic Parking Memo email dated 19provided in the 12 8 08 08 packet 16 ExxisiT E DRC Comments APCHA Parks Transportation Zoning provided EXHIBIT F Historic Preservation Commission Minutes approved with conditions and November 12 2008 Planned Area EXHIBIT H The Aspen Agreement provided 08packet 16 in the 12 14 Series of 1991 Final Approval 08 packet 16 SPA provided in the 12 Meadows Specially ofthe Aspen Planned Area Development Elevations Tent Utilities and Alternate location water the 12 08packet 16 Plan mains provided in EXHIBIT J Revised Alternate location Meadows Subdivision in the 12 08packet 16 EXHIBIT I Revised Plan over north of sewer and Elevations December 9 2008 submission Tent Utilities and sewer and water mains provided a 2 in the 12 08packet 16 2 and landscape plan December 24 2008 Proposed Plan A of sewer and water mains provided in new packet for off January 6 2009 Public Hearing srr K Revised Plans Exx submission Alternate location the and 28continued 08 5 08 23 7 provided EXHIBIT G Ordinance No Specially Parking Engineering 08 packet 16 in the 12 Page 5 of 5 35 RESOLUTION N0 SERIES OF 200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY SPECIALLY PLANNED AREA COUNCIL SPA APPROVE REVIEW FOR A PERMANENT SUMMER ONLY OF THE ASPEN MEADOWS INSTITUTE A CONSOLIDATED AMENDMENT AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT SUBDIVISION TENT B LOCATED UPON LOT 1 COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ASPEN 1000 NORTH THIRD STREET 809 29 121 PARCEL ID 2735 WHEREAS the property commonly known and referred to as the Aspen Meadows has previously been designated a specially planned area SPA on the City of Aspen Official Zone District Map and WHEREAS Ordinance No 14 Series of 1991 of the City Council of the City of Aspen granted final approval of the Aspen Meadows Specially Planned Area SPA final development plan and associated land use approvals and 1992 the First Amended Plat was approved to reconfigure 160 acres and has three existing buildings subdivision to create Lot 1 B a parcel that is 13 and the Paepcke Auditorium building Bechter Building the Koch Seminar Facility WHEREAS in the the to the WHEREAS in 1995 the Second Amended Plat was approved allowing modifications Seminaz Building defining dimensions and setbacks with a supplemental site plan 2005 WHEREAS the Institute has been operating asummer only tent as a temporary use from through 2008 for special events that exceed the capacity of existing meeting rooms on the Institute campus and Aspen Institute represented by Jim Curtis Planner only tent located at requested conceptual major development approval for a permanent summer 1000 N Third St Aspen Institute Aspen Meadows Lot 1 B City and Townsite Aspen and WHEREAS the WHEREAS at opened and continued Commission considered standards and applicant The regular meeting on July 23 2008 after the hearing was noticed May 28 2008 and July 23 2008 the Historic Preservation the application found the application was consistent with the review Aspen Historic Preservation Design Guidelines and approved the their from City of conceptual application with conditions by a vote of 5 to 0 WHEREAS upon initial review of the application and the applicable code standards the Community Development Department recommended the Applicant amend the proposal to better comply with the requirements of a Specially Planned Area SPA and WHEREAS during a duly noticed public hearing continued to January 6 2009 upon further public testimony discussion and consideration the Planning and Zoning Commission Series of 200 by a five to zero vote and adopted Resolution No Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the development proposal meets or exceeds all the applicable development standazds and that the approval of the development proposal with conditions is consistent with the goals and elements of the Aspen Area Community Plan and WHEREAS the Aspen THEREFORE NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ASPEN COLORADO THAT Section 1 Aspen Municipal Code the Consolidated Specially Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends approval of a Planned Area SPA Amendment and Growth Management Quota System Review for an Essential Public Facility with the following conditions to be incorporated prior to City Council Pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Review Conditions of Aaaroval 1 The applicant shall provide a drainage plan grading plan and transportation plan mitigating for Tent events as approved by the City Engineer 2 The transportation plan and scheduling of events shall address the number of concurrent events increasing the mitigation and management for overlapping events as approved by the City Engineer 3 The institute shall hold no more than 8 events per year at the Greenwald Pavilion 4 No private events shall be held at the Greenwald Pavilion weddings etc 5 All events must comply with City of Aspen sound ordinance requirements 6 The Greenwald Pavilion shall comply with the requirements of the ACSD and Public Works no tent or structures over the utility easements to allow for emergency access facilities n Landscape screening on the north side of the tent and around the toilet shall be provided around the north and west edges of the temporary facilities port o potties with a minimum of one 1 ADA stall required 8 At least one 1 pedestrian path through the Paepcke Memorial Garden shall be accessible ADA all paths must be firm stable and slip resistant Section 2 Buildine adopted building codes and requirements if and when a building permit is submitted Accessible routes to any public right way and accessible parking spaces will be of required The proposed project will be subject to the newly adopted Use Tax on building materials The proposed project may be required to comply with a newly developed Efficient The Applicant shall meet Building Program for Commercial Section 3 Engineerin The Applicant sdesign shall be Title 21 and all design projects compliant City of Aspen Municipal Code published by the Engineering Department with all sections of the and construction standards Section 4 Affordable Housing Audit employee audit priol to building permit issuance and two yeazs after issuance of C O the form and methodology ofthe audit shall be reviewed by APCHA and be consistent for both audits The applicant shall provide mitigation for any increase in employees unless otherwise waived by City Council The applicant shall submit an Section 5 Fire Mitigation Aspen Fire Protection District shall be met This includes but is not limited to access International Fire Code IFC Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to weather driving capabilities this provision does not specify a particular type of provide all surface It is written in performance language therefore the surface must carry the load of the anticipated emergency response vehicles and be drivable in all kinds of weather If grass pavers aze to be used they must be installed to meet the above standazds The grass paved areas must be maintained be careful of snow plowing ripping out the pavers The grass paved areas must be delineated from adjacent landscaping All codes adopted by the Section 6 Public Works System Standards with Title 25 and with the applicable standazds of Title 8 Water Conservation and Plumbing Advisory Code of the Aspen Municipal Code as required by the i pity of Aspen Water Department Utility placement and design shall meet adopted City of Aspen standazds No structures shall be permitted over the utility easements Emergency access to service the utilities shall be provided The Applicant shall comply with the City of Aspen Water at all times Section 7 Sanitation District Requirements Permanent prohibited in sewer easements or right of impact public ROW or easements owned by the improvements landscaping which will are by the district to the Institute will be required Prior approval of construction material for the license issued easement access easements will be required from the applicant to construct a ways including hard district A revocable s terrace on the district terrace will be required Additional s to the district to facilitate the district sanitary sewer lines Service is contingent upon compliance with the s rules regulations and specifications which are on file at the District office ACSD will District review the approved Drainage plans to assure that cleaz water connections aze not connected to site utility plans require approval by ACSD ACSD will not the sanitary sewer system On approve service to food processing establishments retrofitted for this use at a later date Driveway s interceptor entrance drains must drain to drywells elevator shafts drains must flow thru o All ACSD fees Permanent improvements are prohibited in sewer easements or right of ways infrastructure permit must be paid prior to the issuance of an excavation foundation or access ability to maintain the main w Section 8 Environmental Health The state of Colorado mandates specific mitigation requirements of when with regard to asbestos filing building permit Additionally requirements noise of dust on requirements fugitive prohibition engine idling regulation fireplaces and pool designs code to be aware a include a abatement Section 9 Exterior Liehtin All exterior s requirements of the City Outdoor lighting 150 575 26 shall meet the lighting Land Use Code Section Outdoor Lighting Code pursuant to Section 10 Dimensional Standards The dimensional requirements which shall apply to all permitted and conditional uses in the A zone district shall be set by the adoption of a conceptual development plan final development plan pursuant to Chapter 440 26 specially planned area Academic and Section 11 Parks approved tree permit is required line of any tree on site Hand work opening of the irrigation ditch re before submission decrease the amount of spruce trees increase in aspen cottonwood Douglas fir and service berry bushes The new grading and planting will require City seed mixes and approval of the landscaping All new plantings will need to be irrigated and the landscape plan reviewed by Parks Department her designee Tree protection fences must be in place and inspected by the city forester or his before any construction activities are to commence No excavation storage of materials storage of construction backfill and storage of equipment foot or vehicle traffic allowed within the drip An only will be of the approved building permit within the protection set zones and for the Section 12 Transportation Transportation requests that the Institute meet with Staff prior to each summer season to discuss transportation impacts as well as mitigation parking service etc Transportation requests that the Institute communicate about alternative transportation options prior to large events their schedule of events and associated as increased shuttle attendees event staff such with Section 13 by the Applicant pursuant to the development proposal approvals as herein awarded whether in public hearing or documentation presented before the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Cotancil are hereby incorporated in such plan All material representations and commitments made development approvals and the amended by an authorized entity same shall be complied with as if fully set forth herein unless Section 14 This Resolution shall not affect any existing any action or proceeding now pending under as herein and the provided prior ordinances same and shall not operate as an abatement of virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended litigation or by shall be conducted and concluded under such Section 15 clause phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional in a court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a separate distinct and independent provision and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof If any section subsection sentence APPROVED BY the January Planning and True Special City of Aspen on this 6th day of Lothian Deputy City PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION LJ Counsel ATTEST Jackie Commission of the 2009 APPROVED AS TO FORM Jim Zoning Clerk Erspamer Chair 9990 LZ6 Y m OL6 931 659IB OJ 9eewwoug Lb9 xog 3 p puadsd smopeayQ uadst Z n IV L uotiin uaaa id pasodo u d ua d pien opeay uads ayZ sn sui uads auZ i n a O 2I O 3 J I A I o nnn 99 90 LZ6 OL6 931 659L8 OJ eeewaoug puads smopeay u n vv o V 4 x 8 rl I x y x 5 w use LL N e uz o O R bC I K A 4Y bC Y Tlr r u5 rc y 4W cM Vr yr zVrW s I xxxpa zr xa 1 i1u tr 9 zy N W l r t NS4 aV Vr y g x O x O L9 m 3 s v roW v r y t Y r I yi tx r y 14x4x lavi9i YyW t4aYt4 yYy x Yl Y NZ r j e f t f y uY fi i j pps yry4b x v Y Y k a E zA x d xx 9 T b J v 0 i n 4u k o g x 7 r A 46T xx es M t 4 xv o a x z A y x 43 f 3 F a w a y c p n l I T io ti x l l y n dii i a y Tti 9 xaw lY 9 nm xay n vo m a 1 M J u tiw a 1 4 wH 9 g f we u M 7 c j 92 y i 1 I 4 r rdLl i a sv f ns n x sa U i xxa a K rt vx5 3 x d3E iu 0 u M 1 dry xy h rt vY k i ffi 4 w sy r mc j 4 mw FN ayx tz7 lea J Fy M ha e e 5 z yy r x v fq q a4 R u 9 y r yMer7 a r Mir n c sac s x 5 Y w r y eu P A z sr 3 n a W 5 nyl xF x I xeanv M it v1d A r x y yr y u a ys bx a 5 k e i x 6 S a x ua alts L x vx 1 x yx QFPN N Jt kp x a ixv a a M a 0 a M b x nx EE x x Y t Yy Ye tl P yxa YUy6 S r s Ii a z F m rl M1 Y x Xr G x sj w z h M x i O x v g i 3 I Ir lrf 9 v 0 x a V Y 9 l 1 Kp r e 9 xE F 8 e i u ZQO tr U o a N b L G77 i s W x pa0 T1 N s tl 9 V iE 6 h 9 w4 WFa ze to z zY a 1 j Lf na tz Ks e k r w 4cW 4E tly v A dx b r Y x Y 41 9 yL V z y s e X x n V 00 ti Y 9 d b a a yr cs9e s rexe a r E io m z4x ry P 44 xsiMsYe V4 t Fw o a xs x s sl F w r zYrLyx9 axs Y 4 rc e txM z Px 4Y x W a I UE 4reaAyaN rc ti a E ixxti 4c xi t x9azAa w Wxl 9 x v NyYy a x xl4t t11o1 9 g 9l x r r999 AVVJN 4 rYzz wb 4y t5 YYe Al 1n tY tr x 4 i xA e r i x Sti r yxrx x r Yv Y V19 y iI u n t Yry 4z z4 4 ae e xvw G p 3W 3 4 F w z KW rc T 9Y F Q z E a t S ly YZ ree eft OC w 1 K f 000 J b a i a Uo A m O am 0 p wQ rKU r z Z O Y W m z I Y S aF z t r 4 j44 1 i oOnO r Zm F t 1 4 V 2V n t d t i4 oo do i Qm9 o baYt4 XqY 84 ww wskau oo 3aaa 59 5 7 E 33zinm @ d as Z b x ttz t y 4tY 4 n A r ax yet 1 J i gme ggAGG i pj arc o U oouwin H Z SIH 3 mZ O oa t maoam 13W3Sb Ya rco w4 u a 2 Frc 2 YVS Pit x OO Z a z NauxYtY Vd Ji Q E i9 v a dtYs NtNZ1 z tZYGix x I y f z Vx I jQ WFI IcXm K E x N z dx E u f x 00 O b v r p mm x t I JJS OU r Ne 1 i i Yz g onu vxi a 5 2 z Iw FW 1 t x yFl n KZ yV F 0 r xx a YYY 4 dIw o 1 A Yw r bx ayd A hen s J a F Y l O J f x P x yT w r n N o y www E r I Y uadsd 3 rx WL r zog O 1 uaaa n id pasodoad u uaZ uoiiin d pi suI uads auZ t n a opeay uads auZ sn Z d L69 x a d a o Q a as d o 3 g f m s z a m w o S Z gd i W a 99 F Q a I yS a Va I E a Q II to prc wmu z r i7 fjY Si E P7 i I S1N3W3SV 7 Wyf j 4 d m I y 9 m s S L y xk tIgmnn zjex 5 i A V Y e j rj j r i b S Y q t ti i yS 8 b 1 ab a Y E n 945 tro v t t 1 i p S i 4 g pia d 4 a soon z V 5 k pz y or wLL 3 U om i9 oiwi r9pF F w o r 5 h S d Q g5 zo o 0 6 o Z roNOmmw so ga No o O wo i v Il 8 a g za jai w w i 1 j 7e a u a W d QO ooam Orv iin LLC EPSEMENT z U 1 y W a In W yaw s o JW d WZF wv m O LG x amp LL iir oY l a U owe x s s C N3W3Sb3 e a x I Ems S m 1 a o WY 8 e G 3z 5 w i Qaa d 3 ifr a az g i5 i i R W a u Z MEMORANDUM TO Aspen Planning and THRU Jennifer FROM Drew RE Kenichi Restaurant Zoning Commission Phelan Community Development Deputy Alexander Planning Director Technician Redevelopment 533 East Hopkins Avenue Growth Management Review for Affordable Housing Resolution No Series 2009 Public Hearine MEETING January 6 2009 DATE APPLICANT OWNER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Kenichi Staff recommends that the Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission approve the Growth Management review of Affordable Housing Inc REPRESENTATIVE David Johnston Architects pc SUMMARY Block 94 of Aspen and Townsite Lots G I City 533 East Hopkins Avenue USE CURRENT ZONING Located in the Commercial Core zone district with restaurant is a a historic permitted Management Housing CC overlay The restaurant retail use PROPOSED LAND USE will not change proposed development The land use Applicant requests of the Planning and Zoning Commission approval of one Growth The LOCATION from the Review request Affordable LAND USE REQUESTS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES The Applicant Commission to is requesting redevelop the the following land approvals use from the Planning and Zoning site Growth Management Review for Affordable Housing pursuant to Land Use Code Section 4The Planning and Zoning Commission is the final review authority who 070 470 26 may approve approve with conditions or deny the proposal PROJECT SUMMARY The Aspen Inc has requested approval to expand their existing restaurant Hopkins Avenue with an additiona1242 gross square feet of which 235 square feet aze gross interior floor azea The restaurant is completely subgrade and the expansion would include the following Applicant Kenichi which is located at 533 East Expansion of the northern the centerline of the Besides the 100 104 26 facade window wall to the north columns supporting the structure above expansion an interior remodel is so proposed office Definitions Net leasable commercial and that it is Pursuant space are aligned to with Section those areas within a commercial or office building which are or which are designed to be leased occupied for commercial or office purposes exclusive of any area including but not necessarily limited to areas as dedicated to bathrooms stairways circulation corridors mechanical areas provided however that these areas are used solely by tenants on the site to a tenant and Certain azeas seating are now also a new that previously were being used for restaurant altered for the service such as dining room expansion of existing restroom space There is airlock entrance that counts net leasable as circulation and will not be counted towards These areas are equated and accordingly adjust the gross interior square of 235 footage expansion squaze feet and provide a new net leasable azea of 98 square feet This 98 squaze feet also being the amount of squaze footage subject to the Affordable Housing review The wishes to provide Applicant of new net leasable area See through Exhibits 2 9 this affordable Appendix B of the housing mitigation Application for 98 squaze feet lieu payment in acash All development performed on structures in a Historic district must be granted a Certificate of no negative effect prior to development occurring This is an official form stating that the proposed work will have no detrimental effect on the chazacter defining features of a The Historic Preservation Officer has reviewed this application and designated property approval has been granted This project meets the underlying zone district dimensional requirements Commercial uses in the Commercial Core CC zone have a Floor Area Ratio of 2 1 This would not be exceeded by the new development STAFF COMMENTS GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEWS The Applicant is requesting one growth management approval to obtain sufficient development allotments to construct the proposed project The requests and the project s compliance with the applicable review standards are discussed below Growth Management Approval for the Development of Affordable Housing As mentioned lieu payment for the in previously Applicant has requested approval for acash affordable housing requirement related to net leasable area The City uses the calculations established in the City of Aspen Land Use Code and the Aspen Pitkin Employee Housing the under Section 26 4The review 070 470 Guidelines to determine this Development of affordable housing as required requires that the development proposal be consistent with the Aspen and Housing Guidelines The Area appropriate Community Plan following fee comply with the Pitkin County Employee Aspen cash payment lieu presents the calculation for the in Table 1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING CASH LIEUCALCULATION IN 1 Total Additional Gross Interior 2 Less Additional Area for Restrooms sq ft 3 Less additional Area for for Airlock 4 Net Leasable Area Applicable to Affordable 5 Number of employees 6 25 Reduction for net leasable space located within 7 Number of employees 8 60 of Employees 9 Affordable s ft Circulation generated 235 107 sq ft 30 Housing Mitigation sq ft per 1000 sq ft in CC generated by expansion a zone district basement level 98 sq ft 1000 sq ft generated 1 4 08 3 30 0 18081 0 Housing in Cash for payment 10 Cash Lieu Payment for this in 98 one Category 4 employee project 130 213 x 18081 214 130 81 543 23 TABLE NOTES Line 6 of Table 1 above represents the deduction granted to expansions of spaces that are within the basement or upper floors refer to Calculations Section 26 1 Kenichi is 100 470 and considered basement space For commercial net leasable space within upper floors the rates shall be reduced by twenty five percent 25 for the purpose of calculating total employee generation This 25 reduction is attributed towazds the Line 5 entirely subgrade basement or detail of 4 1 new employees generated per 1 000 sq ft of net leasable lieu calculation in employees generated rate for this cash area The total in Line 6 is the REFERRAL AGENCY COMMENTS The lieu Aspen County Housing Authority provided Pitkin for the Application See Exhibit B a recommendation for a cash payment in RECOMMENDATION In reviewing as well as the the proposal Staff believes that applicable review standards in the project is consistent with the goals of the AACP the City Land Use Code This project provides net leasable space downtown The increase in net leasable generates 18 recommends accepting the cash lieu payment in RECOMMENDED MOTION I move to as Block ALL MOTIONS ARE WORDED IN THE employees and staff AFFIRMATIVE approve Resolution No Series of 2009 approving the Growth Management Review for affordable housing through acash lieu payment for the property legally described in 94 Lots G I City and Townsite of Aspen 533 East ATTACHMENTS ExrttBlT A Review Criteria and Staff Findings EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C Housing Referral Application dated DECEMBER 17 2008 Hopkins Avenue Q Resolution No SERIES OF 2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APPROVING GROWTH MANAGEMENT REVIEW OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE BUSINESS KNOWN AS KENICHI AND LOCATED AT 533 EAST HOPKINS AVENUE COLORADO COUNTY CITY OF ASPEN PITKIN Parcel No 004 40 3 07 2737 WHEREAS the City of Aspen Community Development staff held apre application conference where it was determined that the Applicant sought to expand the existing restaurant by 242 gross sq ft however Ordinance 51 was in effect thus not allowing this type of development without approval from the Community Development Director and WHEREAS the Community Development Director received a letter from the Applicant requesting exemption from Ordinance 51 The Community Development Director granted the exemption based on the determination that the expansion was a minor improvement to a business s existing space and which did not substantially alter the intensity of the use and WHEREAS the Applicant held another pre application Community Development staff and established the appropriate Application and conference direction with for the WHEREAS it was determined by Community Development staff that the review Use Development the for Minor Expansion of a Commercial Lodge or Mixed and the Commercial No Certifzcate of Negative Effect Design Review would be handled administratively with the Historic Preservation Officer granting the Certificate of No Negative Effect and the Commercial Design Review and WHEREAS the Applicant was informed that the creation of new subject to GMQS review of Affordable Housing by the Planning Commission and area is WHEREAS the Applicant requested that lieu payment and in through acash the affordable net leasable and Zoning housing requirement would be met WHEREAS Community Development staff and lieu payment for in Housing Authority calculated the cash leasable area and the Pitkin County Aspen the 98 sq ft of new net Zoning Commission reviewed the application Development Department and the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority on January 6 2009 and WHEREAS the and Planning upon recommendation of the Communit WHEREAS the City of Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission finds development proposal meets or exceeds all applicable development standards and approval goals and and recommendation of objectives of the Aspen WHEREAS Management Review WHEREAS the approval Area Community Planning and for Affordable the City of of the land Zoning Housing as use that the that the requests is consistent with the Plan and Commission grants approval of Growth a cash lieu fee and in Aspen Planning and Zoning Commission finds that this promotion of public health safety and welfaze Resolution furthers and is necessary for the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ASPEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS Section 1 Pursuant to the Code the procedures Planning and Review for Affordable and standards set forth in Title 26 of the Zoning Commission hereby Aspen Municipal Management approves Growth Housing Section 2 Buildin Permit Application The building permit application a A copy of the final recorded P ZResolution b c The conditions of approval If during d printed on the following cover page of the drainage plan including an erosion licensed Civil Engineer which maintains required Colorado shall include the a building permit control set plan prepazed by a sediment and debris on site and after construction As applicable an excavation stabilization plan CMP and drainage and soils reports pursuant construction management to the plan Building Department s requirements e As applicable Environmental f As applicable techniques approval by or the fugitive dust control plan Health Department a a detailed other excavation techniques City Engineer if plan to be reviewed and approved by that utilizes vertical soil appropriate and acceptable the stabilization for review and g Accessibility and building codes ADA requirements shall be addressed to satisfactorily meet adopted Section 3 Dimensional Requirements The redevelopment of the building as presented shall comply requirements of the Commercial Core CC zone district with the dimensional Section 4 En ineerin Building permit submission Municipal Code Title 21 shall be and all compliant with all sections of the construction and excavation City of Aspen the published by engineering department Section 5 Affordable Housing The affordable housing requirements of the shall be met with the project of provision a lieu payment to be assessed at the time in cash Section 6 Fire Mitieation All codes Aspen Fire Protection District shall be met This includes but is access International Fire Code IFC 2003 Edition Section 503 sprinkler and fire alarm systems IFC as amended Section 903 and 907 adopted by the not limited to approved fire Section 7 Water Department Requirements The Applicant shall and with the 25 Advisory Code Department comply with the City of Aspen standards of Title 8 applicable Aspen Municipal Code of the as Water System Standards with Title Conservation and Plumbing Water required by the City of Aspen Water Section 8 Sanitation District Requirements Service is contingent specifications which compliance upon aze on with the s District and rules regulations file at the District office Section 9 Impact Fees Pursuant to Land Use Code Section pay a AirQuality and TDM a 26 Current Impact Fees 090 610 Development fees for the creation Pazks the Applicant shall of net leasable Section 10 Exterior LiHhtin All exterior pursuant lighting shall meet the to Land Use Code Section requirements of the City s Outdoor Lighting 150 Outdoor lighting 575 26 Code Section 11 The rights granted by the approval of this site specific development plan shall remain vested period of three 3 yeazs from the effective date of the approved development order However any failure to abide by any of the terms and conditions attendant to this approval shall result in the forfeiture of said vested property rights Failure to properly record all plats and agreements required to be recorded by this Code within 180 days of the effective date of the development order shall also result in the forfeiture of said vested property rights and shall render the development order void within the meaning of Section 26 050 Void 104 for a permits Section 12 The approval granted hereby shall be subject to all rights of referendum and judicial review the period of time permitted by law for the exercise of such rights shall not begin to run until the date of publication of final development approval as required under Section Aof this Chapter 070 304 26 Section 13 that is not part of the approved site creation of a vested property right Zoning specific development plan shall not result in the Section 14 Nothing in this approval shall exempt the development order from subsequent reviews and approvals required by this approval of the general rules regulations and ordinances or the City of Aspen provided that such reviews and approvals are not inconsistent with this approval Section 15 The establishment of a vested property right shall not preclude the application of ordinances or regulations which aze general in nature and aze applicable to all property subject to land use regulation by the City of Aspen including regazd electrical and mechanical codes In this the applicant shall abide mechanical codes unless but not limited to building fire plumbing condition of this development approval as a by any and all such building fire plumbing electrical exemption therefrom is granted in writing by the city and an Section 16 All material by the Applicant pursuant to the awazded whether in public hearing or development proposal approvals documentation presented before the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council aze hereby incorporated in such plan development approvals and the same shall be complied with as if fiilly set forth herein unless amended by an authorized entity representations and commitments made as herein Section 17 This resolution shall not effect any existing litigation and shall not operate as an abatement of any action or proceeding now pending under or by virtue of the ordinances repealed or amended prior as herein ordinances provided and the same shall be conducted and concluded under such Section 18 If any section subsection held invalid reason shall be deemed validity of the a or sentence unconstitutional in separate distinct and remaining portions APPROVED BY the Planning portion of this resolution is for any of competent jurisdiction such portion clause phrase a court or independent provision and shall not affect the thereof and Zoning Commission of the City of Aspen on this of January 2009 APPROVED AS TO FORM PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION LJ City Attorney ATTEST Jackie Lothian Deputy City Clerk Ersparmer Chair 6 day EXHIBIT A REVIEW CRITERIA AND Pursuant to Section a STAFF FINDINGS 070 Minor Planning 470 26 The proposed units and Zoning Commission Applications of the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority Pitkin County Housing Authority shall be Aspen requiredfor this standard The Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority may choose to hold a public hearing with the Board of Directors comply with the Guidelines A recommendation from the lieu payment in housing mitigation through acash was submitted to the Pitlcin County Housing Authority A recommendation was then Aspen received from the Aspen Pitltin County Housing Authority by Community Development staff See Exhibit B This review criterion has been met The s request Applicant for affordable b Affordable housing required for mitigation purposes shall be in the form of actual newly built units or buy site units shall be provided within the City limits Units down units Off outside the City limits may be accepted as mitigation by the City Council pursuant to 2 Ifthe mitigation requirement is less than one Ifull unit acash 090 470 Paragraph 26 lieu payment may be accepted by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon a in recommendation from the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority If the mitigation is one or more units acash lieu in shall payment requirement 1 require City Council 3 Required affordable housing may be 090 470 approval pursuant to Paragraph 26 a mix these methods of provided through requirement for this development proposal is less than one 1 unit and one 1 lieu in employee generated therefore the Applicant may submit a request for cash has submitted a recommendation acceptance The Aspen Pitlcin County Housing Authority lieu in acash supporting payment thus promoting a review by the Planning and Zoning The mitigation Commission This review criterion has been met c Each unitprovided shall be designed such that the finishedfloor level or more unit net livable ofthe s area is at or above natural or offifty percent SO finished grade whichever is higher Not applicable d The Applicant is not proposing to develop The proposed units shall be deed restricted as affordable housing units for sale units and transferred to qualified Aspen County Housing Authority Guidelines The owner Pitkin may be entitled to select the first purchasers subject to the aforementioned gualifications with approval from the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority The deed restriction shall authorize the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority or the City to own the unit and rent it to gual ed renters as defined in the Affordable Housing Guidelines established by the Pitkin County Housing Authority as amended Aspen purchasers according to the The proposed units may be rental units employer or including but not limited to nonprofit organization if a legal instrument in rental units owned by form acceptable a to the City an Attorney ensures permanent affordability of the units The City encourages affordable housing units requiredfor lodge development to be rental units associated with the lodge operation and contributing to the long term viability ofthe lodge Units owned by the Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority the City ofAspen Pitkin County or other similar governmental orquasi municipal agency shall not be subject to this mandatory for sale provision Not applicable The AppGeant is not proposing to deed restriction of for sale units does develop not pertain affordable housing units so the EXHIBIT B MEMORANDUM TO Jennifer Phelan FROM Cindy Christensen Housing Community Development DATE December 17 2008 RE 533 EAST HOPKINS AVENUE EXPANSION AND REMODEL KENICHI ParcellD No 004 40 073 2737 ISSUE The applicant feet ofwhich 98 is is requesting to expand and renovate a restaurant by adding a total of241 square net leasable commercial space Review Standards Section 26 4 070 470 relates to the A 100 470 states that 60 of employee generation plan Section 26 The or lodge development shall be mitigated the additional commercial employees generated by applicant also states that this section allows fora 25 reduction for commercial net leasable space within basement or upper floors Although the Code classifies the restaurant in the basement and is allowed the 25 reduction the restaurant is 100 below grade According to the Code the 25 reduction is fee allowed The applicant calculated the payment to be 23 544 lieu in the If the 25 reduction were not allowed the calculation of the fee would be area Less additional area follows sq ft 235 for Restrooms sq fr for Circulation @ Airlock sq 107 Total Additional Gross Interior Floor Area Less additional as Net leasable Area Application to Affordable Number of Employees Number of Employees 30 ft 98 Housing Mitigation sq fr generated per 1000 sq ft in CC zone district Generated by Expansion 98 1 000 X 4 1 1 4 40 24 60 of Employees Generated AH Cash Lieu Payment for in a Category Lieu Payment for Affordable In Cash Since the space is defined building permit approval as basement space the 4 employee Housing Mitigation 544 23 would be the 213 130 12 251 31 lieu due in payment at the time of TO Aspen Planning and FROM Jennifer Phelan Community Development Deputy RE Appointment Zoning Commission of Chairperson and Director Chairperson Vice MEETING DATE January 2009 of the year the Planning and Zoning Commission is tasked with electing a Chair and Vice Chair The appointment is for one year and currently elected members can be re At the first elected meeting RESOLUTION NO uJ Series of 2009 WHEREAS chairperson the as Planning use code the term of each chairperson and vice 030 Membership 212 26 Appointment removal terms and Zoning outlined in Section vacancies of the land WHEREAS and Commission is required to elect and position is for WHEREAS the commission voted to meeting of the year on January 12 2009 one elect a 1 year and chairperson and chairperson vice elected chairperson and January 13 2010 and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning be appointed Colorado by this resolution that be appointed as vice chairperson and DATED both positions January 13 shall expire on 2009 Chair ATTEST Jackie Lothian Deputy City at their first and was WHEREAS elected vice chairperson and WHEREAS a Clerk as Zoning Commission of Aspen chairperson and