Day 2


Day 2
06-10 February 2013
Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India
w w w. s h o w d a i ly s . c o m
From the publishers of
International Aerospace
Grand take off for Aero India 2013
Left to Right: Naina Lal Kidwai, R. K. Mathur, Jitendra Singh, Ajit Singh, A. K. Antony, Jagadish Shettar, N. A. K. Browne, Shashi
Kant Sharma, V. K. Saraswat
Aero India 2013, the ninth edition of the premier
Asian air show, had a spectacular take off on the
bright morning of Feb.6 at the sprawling Yelahanka
Air Force Station in the august presence of the
Indian Defence Minister A. K. Antony. The expanding
India to enhance
defence preparedness
Boeing Defense Broadens
India Horizon
foot print of Aero India-2013 was testified to by the
fact that more than 650 aerospace and defence
companies from India and abroad are taking part
in this popular aerospace and defence expo in this
part of the world. The  Continued on page 04
Will Aerospace sector become
India’s Sunshine industry?
production is still
ongoing: Keskar
HAL leads India’s
he naval version of India’s home grown fighter aircraft Tejas is
now being readied for the next phase of its flight testing involving
the crucial ski jump trials at the shore based test facility set up
at Hans air station of the Indian Navy in Goa. The first LCA Tejas Naval
Prototype NPI had its maiden flight on April 12, 2012. The ski jump trial
is crucial for establishing the carrier compatibility of the deck based
fighter. Realising the carrier compatibility is a major challenge for any
naval aircraft. Significantly, aircraft gets airborne over a Ski-jump in
about 200m and lands in 90m using an arrester hook engaging an
arrester wire on the ship.
Derived from the air force version of Tejas, it is a longitudinally
unstable fly by wire aircraft, making it an agile war machine. The
flight control system of LCA navy is being augmented with Leading
Edge Vortex Controller (LEVCON) aiding reduction in approach
speed for carrier landing. Auto throttle function incorporated in
LCA naval fighter reduces pilot payload by maintaining the constant
angle of attack during the critical phase of flareless carrier landing.
Fuel dump system is an additional feature in LCA navy to enable
safe landing by reducing weight in the event of an emergency
immediately after launch from a carrier. Landing gear for Tejas
naval has been adequately strengthened to withstand increased
landing loads in carrier operations. All system equipment of the
fighter are fully well qualified to withstand arrested landing shock.
Phase Two of the LCA Tejas Naval envisages the development of
two single seat fighters with a new higher thrust engine and further
design optimisation. As such, LCA Navy MK2 would undergo weight
reduction through a re-designed landing gear and associated
structure and increased internal fuel as critical driving factors
in its design. The LCA Navy Mark 2 will have enhanced mission
performance and better maintainability. The key features of LCA
Navy Mark 2 would include redesigned lighter landing gear and
arrester hook system and reduced droop to improve aerodynamic
performance. It will also feature a fuel dump system. This multi
role deck based fighter would be equipped for air-to-air, air-to-sea
and air-to-ground roles.
Radhakrishna Rao
07-february-2013 Day two
Development of
naval tejas gathers
Boeing is proud of its longstanding partnership
with India. A partnership India can depend upon
to meet its developing requirements, from
surveillance, strike and mobility platforms to
C4ISR, unmanned systems and support services.
The most advanced systems and technologies
providing the greatest value for India. That’s a
partnership of endless possibilities.
Dassault Falcon: The Art of the Business Jet
than in it”, said Rosanvallon. In the last
year, the BRIC countries, including India,
have comprised more than 50% of the
business. “We have been present in India
for a number of years and what’s new for us
in Asia is that until 3 years ago China was
behind India and Brazil but in 2011 for the
first time China emerged as our overall top
market”, Rosanvallon said.
In 2011, entrepreneurs in China bought
close to 20 of Dassault’s business jets.
Rosanvallon pointed out that the Chinese,
who want to have the biggest on offer,
picked up Falcon 7X’s in over 50% of these
Worldwide, the company delivered
63 aircraft in 2011 and said it would soon
confirm having done a little over that in
“We have also announced a new
project which is confidential as far as the
specification is concerned. The codename
for this venture is ‘SMS’ and most probably
we’ll make a detailed announcement this
year. The first flight of the aircraft will be
at the end of next year and certification
will be in the second half of 2016”, said
According to him, Dassault Falcon
has the capacity to manufacture over 70
aircraft a year right now and if necessary,
in the long term will be able to build up to
100 planes a year. The company has major
partners and currently works with Pratt and
Whitney for the engine and Honeywell is its
main partner for the cockpit which is a very
advanced cockpit called the EASy. In the
next couple of months a new version of this
cockpit is to be introduced.
“The major factors in developing newer
models for customers are increased range
and cabin space and size. We started with
the Falcon 20 and now we’re at the 7X. The
Falcon 20 first versions had a range of 1200
nautical miles and now the latest model
is close to 6,000. Over this period, the
cabin size has also grown threefold”, said
The 7X was the first business jet in the
world to have a digital flight system. When
designing the new 7X, the company said
it had created a vision for the future, “one
Jean G Rosanvallon
that delivers more Falcon qualities, more
innovations and more benefits to corporate
flight than ever before”.
A completely new aircraft needed a
completely new engineering process. The
Falcon 7X engineering team used ‘Dassault
Systemes’ powerful PLM solutions to create
a virtual design representing every feature
on the 7X, from the smallest component
to the complete, finished aircraft while
optimizing future operating performance
and maintenance requirements.
There’s little doubt that this aircraft will
evoke more interest in India. “We presently
have 20 large cabin aircraft in India and
more coming. Because of the downturn,
the last three to four years has not been as
good. But based on everything we see we
are confident the market will recover well
and we see a lot of potential for discussions
with Indian entrepreneurs here at Aero
India”, remarked Rosanvallon. .
According to him, there are more planes
on order for India which will be delivered in
2013 and 2014. The cost entry level in the
Falcon family is the Falcon 2000S and that’s
priced between $ 26-27 million. “Then our
Falcon 2000LXS, which we just announced,
is over $30 million and the Falcon 7X is just
over $50 million”, said Rosanvallon.
Amitabh Joshi
Falcon 7X
07-february-2013 Day two
Falcon 2000LXS Interior
hen it comes to business jets,
Dassault Falcon has an impressive
range which has caught the
imagination of customers worldwide,
including in India. The aircraft in its stable
include the next generation Falcon 7X,
Falcon 900LX, Falcon 2000 LXS, Falcon
2000LX and Falcon 2000S. Show Daily
speaks to Jean G. Rosanvallon, President &
CEO at Dassault Falcon, on his company’s
success story.
Dassault is the only group in the world
today that designs, manufactures, sells and
services both combat aircraft and business
jets (the Rafale, Falcon, and nEUROn family
of jets). Its current production line includes
a full line of Falcon business jets, the
Rafale fighter jet, and the nEUROn UCAV
(Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle).
In recent years, exports have averaged
73% of the group’s sales and Falcon aircraft
alone have accounted for a bulk of these
sales. “The Falcon part of Dassault Aviation
has been more than 70 % of the business.
In the last 12 years, Dassault, in spite of
the economic downturn, has been able
to continue to invest in new products and
continue to be very healthy from a financial
standpoint to prepare for the future”, said
Jean G. Rosanvallon, President & CEO at
Dassault Falcon.
The company has assembly and
production plants in France and the US,
service facilities on multiple continents and
a robust work force.
Dassault has a lot of tradition and one
of them is that many people in the company
have spent their careers there. Rosanvallon
himself done an MBA in France followed
by military service after which 37 years
ago he began his career at Dassault and
has been there ever since with most of his
work centering on the Falcon, which has
transformed into a giant over the years in
the business jet arena.
“We have about 2000 Falcons operating
worldwide and the centre of gravity of the
fleet is still in the US with about half of
them there. But for the last seven years we
have sold about 70% of our planes outside
the US and 2005 was the first year when
we sold more airplanes outside the US
spectacular inaugural ceremony was preceded by the impressive
display of the heli-borne operations of India’s home grown, multi
role, multi mission, 5.5-tonne class Advanced Light Helicopter
(ALH) Dhruv. Two ALHs successfully demonstrated the breathtaking
exercise of dropping commandos into the “enemy territory” followed
by their safe return. In his inaugural address Indian Defence
Minister A. K. Antony pointed out to the expanding scope and reach
of Aero India over the years both in terms of infrastructure and
growing participation. Specifically, he expressed his happiness over
the growing participation of the domestic industries in this event,
which, he said, augurs well for the Indian aerospace and defence
sector. Stating that India is one of the fastest growing aerospace
markets in the world, Antony drove home the point that Aero India2013 will provide a versatile and robust platform for discussions on
joint ventures, co development and collaborations and exchange of
ideas and concepts. He said Indian aerospace market holds a lot of
opportunities for the global industrial entities.
Coming to the theme of self reliance, Antony urged the state
owned Defence Research and Development Organiation (DRDO)
to acquire the expertise in latest technologies to reduce Indian
dependence on defence and aerospace imports. He described the
public sector defence enterprise, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
(HAL) as an integrated aerospace organization playing a big role
in the growth of the Indian aerospace sector .He expressed his
happiness over many private sector Indian companies entering
the aerospace sector. Interestingly, he was optimistic about many
more Indian companies joining the aerospace stream in the years
ahead. Public Private Participation (PPP), joint ventures, licensed
production, technology transfer should all be harnessed to make
India self reliant in the areas of defence and aerospace, observed
Antony. In this context, Antony said the latest Defence Production
Policy has all the ingredients to support the creation of a fullfledged ecosystem to sustain self reliant production base.
Against this backdrop, Aero India 2013 will provide tremendous
opportunities for foreign participating companies not only to tap
the Indian market but also to make use of the Indian resources for
outsourcing their needs. He also stated that this hugely popular
aerospace and defence expo could pave the way for exploiting
the marketing opportunities in the region .He extended his warm
welcome to all the participants at the show.
He thanked the Karnataka Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar
for his unstinted support in making the event a grand success.
Declaring Aero India-2013 open, he said the next edition of the expo
will be held at the same location in Bangalore between Feb.18 and
22. Antony also released the manual of the aerospace policy brought
out by the Karnataka state government to promote aerospace and
aviation industry in the state in a big way.
On the other hand, Shettar in his address thanked Antony for
continued support to the plan of holding the Aero India show in
Bangalore. He said that for the Indian aerospace industry, Karnataka
holds many advantages. On its part, the state government, said
Shettar, too has taken major initiative in the area of civil aviation by
actively promoting the growth of airport infrastructure in the country.
To this end, it has envisaged the route of Public-Private Partnership
(PPP), said Shettar. Under PPP mode, five airports in the state are
under various stages of development. Bangalore international
airport was country’s first green-field airport to be developed under
PPP mode The Bangalore International airport at Devanahalli,
which, at present can accommodate 12-million passengers, is being
expanded to accommodate 17-million passengers per annum. By
2020, Karnataka plans to link all its districts through air transport.
The excellent eco system for defence and aerospace sector that
Karnataka has spawned stands to benefit from Bangalore’s vibrant
IT and software services industry. Further, an exclusive Karnataka
aerospace policy has been put in place to provide all round boost to
the growth of the aerospace sector in the state. He also said that
it has been the endeavour of his government to position Karnatka
as an ideal destination for investment in aerospace and defence
Indian Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh in his address described
Aero India-2013 as the platform for encasing the best in global
aerospace and defence enterprise. Moreover, this event will help
unlock business opportunities for all participants from a variety of
angles in addition to exchanging of ideas and concepts for mutual
benefit. The participation of 50 countries in the expo and display
of around 50 civilian and military aircraft bears testimony to the
importance of the show, noted Singh. He felt that sky is the limit for
the growth of aerospace sector in the country.
He stressed the point that India is the fastest growing civil
aviation market. The air passenger traffic in the country is growing
at 15% per annum. India is also set to become one of the top five
domestic air travel markets in the world in the near future, noted
Singh. However, he said that there are immense challenges in
so far as upgrading the infrastructure for airports is concerned.
Opening up of the airport construction sector to private-public
participation, privatization of New Delhi and Mumbai airports,
setting up of green-field international airports at Bangalore and
Hyderabad point out to the efforts being made to upgrade airport
infrastructure in the country. The expansion of the airport facilities
in the country has acted as a force multiplier for the employment
sector in the country. He also noted that another big time plan is to
provide air connectivity to remote areas of the country .To ensure
the safety and comfort of air passengers in the country, the state
owned Airports Authority of India (AAI) has initiated a number of
steps. The most prominent among them is the geo augmented
satellite based air traffic navigation system called Gagan. Being
jointly implemented by AAI in association with ISRO, Gagan will
help make air travel safer and more efficient. Gagan is expected to
become operational by July this year.
The elite gathering at the inaugural ceremony had a really
exciting time watching the dazzling and dare devil flying displays
of “iron birds” .To begin with, the breathtaking manoeuvres Tiger
Moth, the second world war vintage aircraft and one of the
oldest aircraft of the IAF, left the audience stunned. Similarly, the
awesome prowess of India’s homegrown fourth generation fighter
aircraft Tejas LCA provided an insight into India’s growing clout in
aeronautical engineering. The sharp dives and sudden leaps as well
as the stunning maneuvers Tejas had the audience holding their
breath for a short while. Colourful and breathtaking aerobatics
performed by Red Bull sponsored flying team from Czech Republc
enthralled the audience. The Red Bulls operated by the Sarang
team of the Indian Air Force(IAF). The Rustom-1 Medium Altitude
Long Endurance (MALE) UAV designed and developed by the state
owned Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
also made a flying demonstration at the venue. At the end of the
day the impression was that India is reaching for skies, literally.
Radhkrishna Rao
Publisher: Trilok Desai, Editor/Group Head: Bhavya Desai, Marketing Director: Aruna Desai, Manager (Advertising): Laila Rupawalla, Execitove Marketing: Wayne
Oliver, Nivedita Hegde, Sudeshna Chakravarty, Vatsala Dimri, Naveen Tanwar Bureau Chief: Amitabh Joshi Executive Editor: Vincent Fernandes, Correspondents:
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07-february-2013 Day two
C O M B AT · H U M A N I TA R I A N · L O G I S T I C S · R E S C U E · S P E C I A L O P S
Every day, V-22 Ospreys are making a critical difference around the globe—executing combat, search and
rescue, humanitarian, MEDEVAC and special operations missions in a fraction of the time of conventional
rotorcraft. The tiltrotor’s unique blend of helicopter and turboprop performance is making it the
platform of choice where speed, long range and survivability make all the difference.
Let’s go Amphibian
hinMaywa, the only Japanese company at the
show, is displaying the mock up of its US-2
STOL Search and Rescue Amphibian aircraft at
their booth. “With the opening of its Delhi office last
year the manufacturer has vigorously pushed the
sales of the aircraft to the Ministry of Defence (MoD)
and the Indian Navy,” said Kanji Ishimaru, Director,
Member of the Board and General Manager, Aircraft
Division, ShinMaya Industries Ltd.
Simultaneously the company has also actively
looked for offset partners as per the MoDs guidelines
to fulfill 30% of offsets carried out in India. Currently
they have narrowed down three companies for the
same but a detailed process of adding infrastructure
and training would be required for the same added
The Indian Navy has issued a Request for
Information (RFI) for 9 aircraft which is still pending.
The Japanese manufacturers face competition from
Russia, Canada and Germany. The configuration for
the Indian Navy is similar to that of the Japanese
Maritime SelfDefense Force to carry out search and rescue
operations. “Our aircraft is best in class as compared
to the competition and that is the reason why it is
more expensive,” added Ishimaru.
Currently the Japan Maritime Self- Defense Force
operates 7 aircraft in their fleet and apart from India,
Brunei and Indonesia have shown interest in the
Amphibian aircraft.
The company has taken full advantage of their
sophisticated technical know-how acquired through
development of flying boats and in developing
and manufacturing components for overseas
manufacturers of civil aircraft. Presently seven
aircraft are operating in Japan, which will need a
new aircraft every two years.
The plane is manufactured in Kobe and apart from
the engine, which is a Rolls-Royce, and propulsion,
which is by Messrs Dowty, all components are built
in Japan. The plant has the capacity to produce four
aircraft a year. The company itself was established in
1920, known then as the Kawanishi Aircraft Company.
It stopped production after WW II and restarted as
ShinMaywa in 1946.
Bhavya Desai
Kanji Ishimaru
MissonCare the app way
olls-Royce, a company synonymous with engines gives
primary focus to offering services that range from repair and
overhaul activity to providing specialist line maintenance; from
operational alerts through engine health monitoring data to keeping
complete technical records history, from managing a customer’s
vendors to making sure customers have sufficient spare engine
With such a large installed base and a wide variety of customers,
there is a huge scope of growth in the military aftermarket business.
Military operators are adapting to a challenging and changing
environment, with cost pressure on budgets and deployment costs,
requiring innovative solutions to which Rolls-Royce has developed
MissionCare, services offered for defence aerospace customers.
MissionCare utilises a collaborative approach with customers to
jointly develop solutions based around customer values. By sharing
experience and perspective, the team is able to construct a solution
which is optimised against its requirements. To ensure that the
benefits of working together are maximised, the team approach
continues during the period of the MissionCare service provision.
Tom Turner, Vice President, Defence Services, India, added, “We
have worked out how to deliver value to the customers and helped
build and developed these apps to educate people. India today is at
the brink of technological progress. Equipment has become more
sophisticated alongwith the maintenance procedures. We have a
state of the art operation support centres in Bristol and Indianapolis,
which are 24x7 call centres along with a facility that houses 600
engineers. These centres co-ordinate support for defence customers
worldwide by integrating data that enables support teams to predict
likely operational issues and make decisions quickly to maintain
aircraft operations or deal with technical problems.
Part of our commitment to armed forces is visibility and
transparency, where with the use of this system the end user is
updated about the health of the engine. In case it is in maintenance,
they are aware of its progress. The same technology helps us to
monitor the health of the engine in our commercial engines segment,
which means that as the problem occurs, we have a solution along
with the spares from the store. Such an approach combined with
the effort of the customer, innovative, tailored solutions and expert
integration provides significant customer benefits.”
This is the first time that Rolls-Royce is showcasing the
enhanced customer oriented iPad-based services technology on
Indian soil along with the Adour Mk871 engine, which powers
India’s latest hawk Advanced jet trainer (AJT) and the CTS800
helicopter engine.
07-february-2013 Day two
production is still
ongoing: Keskar
The focus of the world shifted on the Dreamliner in
recent times, not for the right reasons may be and the
technical issues with the battery resulted in grounding
of all the 50 operating aircraft across the world. Dr.
Dinesh Keskar, Senior VP of Sales and President
of Boeing Aircraft Trading spoke to Bhavya Desai
clearing the air surrounding the situation.
he industry woke up to the news on
17th January 2013 that the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) and
The National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) in the US were grounding the
Dreamliner pending investigations for its
technical snags. Predictably the other
regulatory boards of individual countries
soon followed and all the 50 operating
aircraft around the globe were grounded.
“Although there was no clarity about
the exact status of what happened to the
batteries Boeing is working very closely with
the authorities to find out the root cause of
the problem,” said Keskar. Not in a position
to comment on the investigation Keskar
mentioned that Boeing is committed to the
Dreamliner programme and is certain that
it will be the aircraft of the future. Currently
the manufacturer is awaiting the eight
update by NTSB and the FAA to comply with
its directive in order to get reauthorisation
of the 787. “The whole world is waiting
for us to find a fix to the issue so that the
Dreamliner can fly again and that’s what
are focus is today.”
Boeing was scheduled to deliver 60
aircraft in 2013 but hasn’t delivered any
since January 17th of this year. However
Keskar informs that the company hasn’t
stopped its production line for the aircraft.
“We continue to build the aircraft and
we will apply the fix into the existing 50
operating aircraft that are grounded and
the ones in the production line on a later
date. We think this will allow us to catch
up to our schedule and keep the timeline
of delivering the aircraft in 2013,”he added.
Closer to home Keskar is in regular
touch with Air India who operates six
Dreamliners that have also been grounded
by the DGCA currently. Clearing the air
about the recent media flur about Air India
putting up their fleet of Dreamliners on
sale, Keskar laughs it off saying that it is
the sale-lease back programme that every
airliner goes through across the globe.
“Majority of the airliners across the globe
sell their aircraft after acquisition and lease
them back for a number of years. So there
should be no confusion about the sale of
these aircraft and also the fact that for Air
India their Dreamliners are the cornerstone
of the turnaround plans.”
India’s Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh
recently expressed that Air India would
expect compensation for the losses it was
incurring from grounding its 787 fleet. But
Dinesh Keskar
a decision on that would be taken only after
the NTSB woud’ve finished its review of the
The battery issue that the aircraft
is facing has been manufactured by a
Japanese company GS Yuasa Corp, which
have had visits from NTSB including
the charger manufacturer Securaplane
Technologies in Arizona with plans for
testing the charger, wiring and circuit board
from the Boston plane.
While Dreamliner was a project that was
conceived as an outsourcing model Keskar
states that it is an aircraft that provides
18% less fuel burn as compared to the
other aircraft on same routes, which is the
primary what makes it so popular amongst
the operating airliners.
As the industry speculates about
the situation, leading airliners have
already expressed their confidence in the
Dreamliner. For instance United Airlines
in a press conference recently expressed
confidence in the aircraft, even Etihad
Airways, which has ordered 41 aircraft
stated that with a company like Boeing
there wasn’t much to worry about.
At the time of filing this story news came
in that the NTSB was considering granting
permission to Boeing for resuming flighttesting in order to investigate the battery
problem. Dr. Keskar will be providing
additional details on the Dreamliner in a
press conference today at the show.
07-february-2013 Day two
Advanced E-2D Hawkeye: Update
While there are several technologies on display by Northrop Grumman at the show, undoubtedly the E-2D Advanced
Hawkeye aircraft is the most talked about. We spoke to Tom Trudell, Captain USN (retd), Manager International
Business Development, E-2/C-2 IPT, Northrop Grumman about its recent updates and the current phase of talks
with the Indian Navy.
Tom Trudell
he US Navy finished its six months operational evaluation of
the squadron in October last year. “We are still waiting for the
formal operational report to come out but the indication is
that it will be favourable and we are awaiting the approval for full
rate production which come imminently,” said Trudell.
Northrop is still in talks with the Indian Navy after its request
for information (RFI) in May 2010 for four carrier-based aircraft.
But talks are currently pending depending on the Indian Navy’s
decision for the configuration of its second aircraft carrier.
While the process to move from low initial rate of production
to full production is on going, Northrop is also making continuous
development to this platform. “One of the recent developments
to the platform include in-flight refueling capability, which will
be incorporated into the future production aircraft,” said Trudell.
We have already tanked behind F-18s and C-130s and the basic
feasibility and development has already been completed he added.
Another development that has been carried out recently is the
Wet Outer Wing panel which includes adding additional fuel to
the wing, increasing the operational flight time to eight hours as
opposed to the unrefueled capacity of six hours. “We have finished
the conceptual development to find out if it is feasible and now we
are awaiting a launch customer for this technology to help fund and
finish it’s development,” said Trudell. The wet outer wing can be
retrofitted to the aircraft with minor modifications to the wing, but
essentially it is a straightforward process.
Naturally the biggest USP that the E-2D platform offers is its
advanced radar technology, which combines three radar modes
which include the advanced AEW surveillance (AAS) mode,
enhanced sector scan (ESS) mode and the enhanced tracking sector
(ETS) mode merging the traditional mechanically scanned antenna
with steerable electronic scanning to maximise the benefits of two
To date, Northrop Grumman has delivered nine E-2D Advanced
Hawkeye aircraft to the U.S. Navy. The programme completed Initial
Operational Test and Evaluation in 2012 and Initial Operational
Capability in the U.S. Navy fleet is on schedule for 2015. The
manufacturer will deliver two more aircraft in 2013 whereas a total
of 11 aircraft will be delivered by 2015 taking the total number of
aircraft delivered to 20 (including the nine already delivered). The
total requirement of the US Navy is for 75 aircraft to replace all 75
USN E-2C aircraft operating currently.
Apart from the US Navy the other international customers that
Northrop has had discussions with for its latest platform include
India, UAE and Malaysia as part of the FMS sales approval by the
US Government. An E-2D Advanced Hawkeye crew workstation
and flyable cockpit simulator is on display at the exhibit stand
to demonstrate the benefits of the E-2D for military and civil
Bhavya Desai
Unmanned aerial systems by UTC
Aerospace Systems make their India debut
wo new Unmanned Aerial Systems
(UAS) developed by UTC Aerospace
Systems make their debut at Aero
India 2013. The Vireo and Optio UAS are
applicable to a wide variety of markets
and offer low-cost, effective and flexible
surveillance from a variety of sensors
including electro optical and infra-red.
These systems deliver actionable data to
law enforcement, government agencies,
agriculture producers and first responders.
With key positions on nearly every aircraft
flying today, UTC Aerospace Systems are
exhibiting a range of products, in hall B, booth
4.8 at Aero India. Products on display span
military and civil markets and offer critical
benefits such as enhanced safety, improved
comfort, increased precision and extended
situational awareness.
On display at the UTC Aerospace
Systems booth in hall B are the DB-110
real-time, digital, tactical reconnaissance
solution that provides long-range, dualband EO/IR imaging sensor and fixed and
mobile intelligence exploitation systems,
the Intelligence Exploitation System (IES)
in wide use with both NATO and other
countries, the TERPROM digital terrain
system, a software-based system that
successfully blends and interprets the
inputs of a diverse array of sensors to
provide the aircraft pilot and crew with full
situational awareness, enabling them to
fly far more safely and effectively - even
in areas where GPS is not available, and a
range of micro electro-mechanical systems
(MEMS)-based inertial measurement units
(IMU) and integrated inertial navigation/GPS
systems. The SK3000 civilian passenger
seat - the newest in the UTC Aerospace
Systems’ range of helicopter seats and a
miniature version of the WINSLOW ultralightweight life raft are also on display at
their booth.
07-february-2013 Day two
I fly Sikorsky.
the mission is
never the same.
I fly a Sikorsky BLACK HAWK helicopter for
multiple missions. It’s dependable and durable,
and I have complete confidence in its proven
performance. Sikorsky not only sets the standard for rotorcraft excellence and safety, they
exceed it. It’s evident in everything from the
reliable performance of my BLACK HAWK to
the way they support me in the field. There’s
simply no better helicopter for any requirement,
whether it’s utility, combat search and rescue, or
firefighting. The way I see it, not every pilot gets
to fly in a helicopter this good. But they should.
CASSIDIAN presents first
products designed in
India at Aero India
he engineers at Cassidian Engineering
Center in Bengaluru have designed
Cassidian’s first defence technologies
‘Made in India’. This achievement marks
a new milestone in Cassidian‘s strategy
to increase its industrial presence in the
country. Indian engineers at the Center
have developed a High Accuracy Air
Pressure Measurement System (HAAPMS)
and a Structurally Integrated Antenna (SIA).
HAAPMS is a critical on-board sensor
providing pilots with highly accurate altitude
SIA is integrated into the structure
of military aircraft, reducing drag and
enhancing stealth. Cassidian is now
marketing these products through its
extensive global sales channels and is
displaying them for the first time at Aero
India at their stand at the EADS pavilion,
outside Hall C, OD-6.
Congratulating the engineers on
their achievement, Cassidian India CEO,
Dr. Peter Gutsmiedl said, “Our first two
products ‘Made in India’ for world-wide
use demonstrate the innovative defence
engineering capabilities we have established
in Bengaluru. This center supports our
global technology initiatives and gives
Cassidian a competitive advantage in India.
It allows us to customize global products
to local requirements, especially in areas
such as UAVs, Radar Solutions and Security
The facility in Bengaluru is part of
Cassidian’s global engineering organisation
and conceived as a ‘center of excellence’
- a single source supplier of certain
technologies. Inaugurated in 2011, the
Cassidian Engineering Center is the first
defence oriented facility owned by a foreign
company in India. Currently, around 60
Indian engineers are employed there. Most
were trained at Cassidian’s R&D facilities in
Cassidian India works according to
global best practices in India. It was
recently awarded the widely recognized
aerospace industry quality certification –
EN/AS 9100.
management team
at their booth,
Aero India 2013
Astra Microwave receives top
SME award at A&D Awards 2013
stra Microwave Products Limited
(AMPL) received an award for being
the top Indian SME at the Aerospace
& Defence Awards 2013 held in Bengaluru
recently. Astra received this award for their
remarkable ability to compete in tough
export markets with their international
quality products, and also for the doubledigit growth they achieved last year. M. V.
Reddy, Senior General Manager – Marketing
was elated to have received the award on
behalf of his company.
Started by B. Malla Reddy, the company
has over the years excelled in the focused
and critical area of Radio frequency
and Microwave systems for radars, EW,
Missiles, telemetry, space electronics,
telecom and meteorology. These areas
might seem small scale in nature but are
mission critical applications. Mr. Reddy and
his team of board members were able to
establish a top class business organization
in a span of just 20 years and established
benchmarks for innovations and excellence
in the aerospace and defense industry in
small scale sector.
AMPL is currently working on a wide
variety of important projects such as
the Airborne Early Warning and Control
(AEW&C) programme of the Defence
Research and Development Organisation
(DRDO), various ground and air based
radar programs for Indian Armed forces,
Sub-systems for Akash and Astra Missiles
and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s)
like Nishant and Rustom. The company is
involved in developing Electronic Warfare
(EW) systems for various Naval platforms
and over the years has been associated
with many important projects like Battle
Field Surveillance Radar (BFSR), Central
Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR), Aslesha and
Rajendra radars, etc.
Founded in 1991 with headquarters
in Hyderabad, India, AMPL are designers
and manufacturers of RF/Microwave
components and Sub-Systems and
associated digital electronics. A company
promoted by Microwave Engineering
Professionals and focusing on RF and
Microwave Electronics business since its
inception, AMPL provides services that
include design, development, fabrication
and testing of R.F. and Microwave
components and sub-systems. AMPL’s
product range includes radar sub-systems,
electronic warfare sub-systems, space
sub-systems, telemetry sub-systems,
missile sub-systems, satcom terminals,
monolithic microwave integrated circuits
(MMICs) and micro electromechanical
systems (MEMS), and telecommunication
One of the highlights of AMPL is its
ISRO certified facility. India’s first fully
home grown microwave earth observation
satellite RISAT-1 carried a range of TR
modules and other sub-systems supplied
by the company. Further, components and
modules from AMPL are being used in the
GSAT series of satellites from ISRO, lined
up for launch in the coming years.
AMPL has been gearing itself to
systematically improve its design and
development capability and is now moving
forward to work on the various offset
opportunities available. The company
sees itself working on cutting edge
technologies in the future and being
able to work on Built-to-Spec and Builtto-Print domains with equal leverage in
terms of technology.
07-february-2013 Day two
C-17 Brings Unmatched Strategic
Airlift Capability to India
ndia’s strategic and tactical airlift
capabilities will be considerably
strengthened once the Indian Air Force
(IAF) takes delivery of 10 C-17 Globemaster
III aircraft it ordered in 2011. India’s first
C-17 will now enter a U.S. Air Force flight
test programme at Edwards Air Force Base
in Palmdale, California. Boeing is on track
to deliver four more C-17s to the IAF this
year and five in 2014.
Boeing began production of India’s
C-17s in 2012 at the company’s final
assembly facility in Long Beach, California.
In July 2012, a key milestone in aircraft
assembly was achieved when the C-17’s
four major sections – the forward, center
and aft fuselages and wing assembly – were
integrated in a major joint ceremony.
The C-17’s ability to transport large
payloads across vast ranges, land on short,
austere runways, and operate in extremely
hot and cold climates makes it ideal for
India. And as the only airlifter that possesses
true tactical and strategic capabilities, the
C-17 also offers rapid response capability
for relief missions anywhere in the world.
India will join a group of C-17 fleet
operators that have experienced virtually
every operational scenario. With a
worldwide logistics departure reliability
rate of 90%, the C-17 aircraft is ready to go
anytime, anywhere.
One of the C-17’s most impressive
capabilities is that it can land where other
large airlifters are unable to operate - on a
runway as short as 3,000 feet or an unpaved
airfield with no infrastructure. Once on the
ground, the C-17 is extremely agile and
requires minimal support. Unlike other
large transport aircraft, it can turn around
and park without assistance and does not
have to kneel down for offloading. This
saves considerable time when offloading
the aircraft and returning it to service.
Only the C-17 can carry large combat
equipment and troops or humanitarian
aid over long distances and deliver them
directly to short, unimproved airfields
anywhere in the world. It can land combatready troops on semi-prepared runways or
airdrop them directly where needed.
The C-17 can offload cargo from the air
when it’s too dangerous to land or when an
airfield is not available. It can airdrop 60,000
pounds of equipment and supplies on a single
platform or a total of 110,000 pounds on
multiple platforms right into a disaster site.
Equipped with an externally blown flap
system that allows a steep low-speed final
approach for routine short-field landings,
the C-17 can take off and land on a 3,000foot runway. Even on narrow runways, the
C-17 can manoeuvre using a three-point
star turn and its backing capability. This
ability to back up allows it to operate on
narrow taxiways and on congested ramps.
The C-17 is the only tactical aircraft
capable of performing all airlift missions,
including brigade airdrops and aeromedical
evacuations. Its maximum payload capacity
is 164,900 pounds, and its maximum gross
takeoff weight is 585,000 pounds. With its
full payload and an initial cruise altitude
of 28,000 feet, the C-17 has an unrefueled
range of approximately 2,400 nautical
miles. The C-17 is also designed to airdrop
102 paratroopers and equipment.
The C-17 requires a crew of only three –
a pilot, co-pilot and loadmaster – reducing
personnel requirements, risk exposure
and long-term operating costs. Cargo is
loaded onto the C-17 through a large aft
door that accommodates military vehicles
and palletised cargo. The C-17 can carry a
full array of wheeled vehicles in two sideby-side rows in its cargo compartment
and is completely self-sufficient, with
patient litters including oxygen and
medical equipment to support aeromedical
Ground vehicles and large transport
helicopters are vital to the distribution
of relief supplies. Not only can both be
transported on the C-17, its large cargo
box also allows for minimal disassembly/
loading and unloading/reassembly time.
The large fuel capacity of the C-17 then
allows it to download fuel to the ground
vehicles and helicopters.
Significant modifications have been
made since the C-17 was first rolled
out. From the addition of an extended
range fuel tank and upgraded software to
improvements to the Aerial Delivery System
and communications architecture, the C-17
is constantly being upgraded to meet the
world’s changing environment. The aircraft
is equipped with Defensive Systems, an
Electronic Flight Control System and a
Formation Flight System.
Boeing will support India’s C-17 fleet
through the C-17 Globemaster III Integrated
Sustainment Partnership (GISP), a proven
multinational Performance-Based Logistics
(PBL) programme. The GISP “virtual fleet”
arrangement ensures mission readiness by
providing all C-17 customers - with varied
fleet sizes - access to an extensive support
network for worldwide parts availability
and economies of scale when purchasing
GISP provides support services such
as forecasting, purchasing and material
management for the C-17 and all C-17unique support. This PBL programme,
which started in 1998 with 42 aircraft, now
covers the worldwide fleet. It provides lower
costs through economies of scale from
supporting the entire global fleet.
07-february-2013 Day two
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Israel Pavilion, Hall A
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customer for the P-8. The induction of P-8I
and Harpoon missiles in India’s fleet will
significantly enhance the country’s maritime
surveillance, anti-submarine warfare.
Wight said that the flight test programme
of the aircraft went very well. “As part of
the test programme, the test aircraft has
flown 175 flights with 500 flight hours as of
yesterday. Some of the stores were unique to
the Indian Navy so we required testing them.
There were 29 store separation events and all
went well,” he said.
system and special flight test instrumentation
is conducted at Boeing Field.
In August 2011, Boeing completed final
assembly of the first P-8I aircraft and began
fabrication of the second. The P-8I completed
a successful first flight on September 28,
2011 and began the program’s official flight
test program on July 7, 2012. Boeing’s second
P-8I aircraft completed its first flight July 12,
2012; the third P-8I first flew November 29,
In 2010, Boeing’s team began to receive
the first indigenous deliveries, started
testing software, completed the program’s
final design review and in December began
fabricating the first plane’s fuselage. The
milestones allowed Boeing to successfully
transition from designing to building India’s
new long-range maritime reconnaissance
and anti-submarine aircraft. Boeing was
awarded a $3.89 billion contract for the
system development and demonstration
(SDD) phase of the P-8A Poseidon for the U.S.
Navy on June 14, 2004. SDD activities include
developing and integrating all the necessary
software and onboard mission systems and
developing training systems. Boeing has
built eight P-8A test planes and the USN
has surpassed 2,800 flight-test hours in the
The P-8A is being developed by a
Boeing-led industry team that consists of
CFM International, Northrop Grumman,
Raytheon, GE Aviation, BAE Systems and
Spirit AeroSystems. The initial SDD contract
included building five test vehicles: three
flight test aircraft (T1, T2 and T3), one fullscale static test airframe and one full-scale
fatigue test airframe (S1 and S2). The contract
included an option for two additional test
Boeing is using a first-in-industry
production process and its existing NextGeneration 737 production system to
efficiently design and build the P-8I for
India as well as the P-8A Poseidon for the
U.S. Navy. Both aircraft share the same 737
assembly line. The P-8’s 737-800 fuselage
is built in Wichita, Kansas. and then sent to
Boeing’s final assembly facility in Renton
where all aircraft structural features unique
to the P-8I are incorporated in sequence
during fabrication and assembly. Aircraft
quality and performance acceptance flight
testing takes place at Renton Field and final
installation and checkout of the mission
vehicles (T4 and T5), which has since been
exercised. One additional flight test aircraft
(T6) also was added to the contract.
The U.S. Navy plans to purchase 117
P-8As to replace its fleet of P-3C aircraft. In
January 2011, Boeing received a $1.6 billion
contract for low-rate initial production (LRIP)
of the first six aircraft, spares, logistics and
training devices; in November 2011, Boeing
received a $1.7 billion LRIP award for seven
additional P-8As. In September 2012, Boeing
received a $1.9 billion contract for 11 aircraft,
bringing the total to 24. P-8A initial operational
capability is slated for 2013.
Amitabh Joshi
P-8I: Performing to Plan
Leland Wight
-8I Program Manager Leland Wight
briefed the media on Boeing’s
performance on the P-8I long-range
maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine
warfare aircraft program on the opening day
of Aero India. The P-8I, designed specifically
for the Indian Navy, is the next generation in
maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft,
and will provide maritime security for India.
“What we’re trying to do is sell a product
as well as a service. I think we’ve done a
good job of regularly communicating and
embracing the Indian Navy’s needs,” said
Wight is the Boeing P-8 India program
manager and is responsible for all P-8I
development, design, production and support
activities. Prior to his current assignment,
Wight was the P-8A Poseidon systems
engineering integrated product team leader
and the engineering focal for the P-8I
negotiation team. In support of the P-8I
program Wight was in charge of negotiating
with the Indian Navy and India’s contract
negotiating committee on a technical
baseline, as well as P-8I contract terms and
The P-8I is a variant of the P-8A Poseidon
that Boeing is developing for the U.S. Navy.
This military derivative of the Next-Generation
737-800 combines superior performance and
reliability with an advanced mission system
that ensures maximum interoperability in the
future battle space.
Boeing signed a contract on January 1,
2009, to deliver eight aircraft to the Indian
Navy. Boeing will deliver the first P-8I in 2013
and the remaining seven by 2015. An option
for four additional aircraft was included in the
original contract. India is the first international
07-february-2013 Day two
e at display: lution
1s tdoo lete so
ou comp nse
AEL’ r Air De
Multi-layered integrated air and
missile defense.The complete system of
systems designed to meet any challenge.
Missile Firing Unit
Missile Firing Unit
Missile Firing Unit
Missile Firing Unit
• SPYDER: Protects against attack aircraft, combat helicopters,
UAS, UCAVs and stand-off weapons
•DAVID’SSLING: Defends against medium/long range
rockets, short range ballistic and cruise missiles
• IRONDOME: Counters short range artillery rockets
MIC4AD Modular, Integrated C4i Air & Missile
Defence System
F-35 Programme Makes Strides
espite denials from government
departments, intrigue continues
over whether India is seriously
interested in Lockheed’s F-35 Joint Strike
Fighter. Washington had last year indicated
that it “was willing to share data about the
aircraft” but that no US offer had been put
forth for the aircraft.
Meanwhile, the Lockheed Martin F-35
Lightning II Programme completed 30
aircraft deliveries and achieved significant
advances in flight test highlighting a year of
continued progress for 2012.
The 30 F-35 deliveries in 2012 included
11 Conventional Takeoff and Landing
(CTOLs), 18 Short Takeoff/Vertical Landing
(STOVL) variants, and one Carrier Variant
(CV). Two of the STOVLs were the program’s
first two international jets, which were
delivered to the United Kingdom. All but
the carrier variant, known as CF-5, were
production aircraft delivered to various
bases for operational purposes. CF-5 was
built for flight testing and delivered to the
System Development and Demonstration
(SDD) program. The 30 aircraft delivered in
2012 is more than double of the 13 aircraft
delivered in 2011.
The 2012 flight test plan called for 988
flights and 8,458 test points by Dec. 31.
For the year, the SDD program flew 1,167
flights and tallied 9,319 test points. The
F-35A Flight Science test aircraft flew 291
flights and accomplished 2,573 test points.
The F-35B Flight Science test aircraft
accomplished 396 flights and 2,443 test
points. The F-35C flew 239 flights and tallied
2,247 test points. The Mission Systems test
aircraft accomplished 241 flights and 2,056
test points. The F-35B also executed 102
vertical landings.
The cumulative 2012 milestones
were achieved through a combination
of planned test flights and test points,
along with test flights and test points
added throughout the year. The flight
test programme is now more than one
third complete in aggregate with the Air
Force’s F-35A variant leading the way
with 43 percent complete.
“We are completing our third year of
on-plan system development performance
since the F-35 Program Executive Office
completed its Technical Baseline Review
in 2010,” said Orlando Carvalho, Lockheed
Martin F-35 programme executive vice
president and general manager. “We fully
expect this to continue in 2013 as we begin
flight test of the Block 2B mission system
software which will ultimately provide the
initial war-fighting capability the Marines
need for their initial operational capability.
This successful system development
progress, a maturing production line and
further operational base stand up are all
strong indicators of the F-35 program’s
positive trajectory.”
In 2012 major milestones were witnessed.
The U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
announced the end of probation for the
F-35B STOVL, nearly one year ahead of
schedule. The first two international F-35s
were delivered to the United Kingdom.
The first three operational F-35B STOVL
fighters delivered in November marked the
beginning of tactical operational training at
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Ariz.
Furthermore, Norway procured its
first F-35 commencing the largest public
procurement project in its history. The
event was marked by Minister of Defence
Espen Barth Eide authorizing the order for
the first F-35A for the Norwegian Armed
Luke AFB was selected for F-35A U.S.
and international pilot training. The base
will receive 72 aircraft for three fighter
Major flight test accomplishments
included the first aerial weapons release
for the CTOL and STOVL; the F-35A reached
maximum high-angle-of-attack milestone
in four flights; the first night flight and night
refueling missions were accomplished
and both the CTOL and STOVL completed
air-start testing.
The F-35 program also surpassed 5,000
flight hours. The F-35 Lightning II is a 5th
Generation fighter, combining advanced
stealth with fighter speed and agility, fully
fused sensor information, network-enabled
operations and advanced sustainment.
Lockheed Martin is developing the F-35 with
its principal industrial partners, Northrop
Grumman and BAE Systems.
07-february-2013 Day two
New MiGs for the Indian Navy
Sergei Korotkov, CEO, MIG Corp.
iG” belongs to a small number
of the world-famous brands in
military aviation. During more
than seven decades of its operation, MiG
Corp has developed 450 projects of combat
a/c, out of which 170 had been implemented
up to “a demonstration model phase’, while
94 had been brought to “a series production
phase”. Only Russian aviation industries
had produced around 45 000 a/c of the
MiG brand, including 11 000 MiGs, which
had been exported to over 40 countries
For a few past years MiG Corp. has
brought to markets several new aircraft
and increases steadily volumes of their
In the short-term perspective, a base of
production line of the MiG Corp will mainly
include a range unified family fighters:
MiG-29K/KUB, MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-35. In
comparison with their predecessors, these
multi-role a/c feature modern avionics,
new armaments, an increased combat
load and operational distance. Plus to
these characteristics, their service life is
increased considerably.
In December 2012 the MiG Corporation
shipped to the Indian Navy four MiG-29K/
KUB multi-role ship-born fighters. By that
were launched the current supplies under
the second contract of 2010. The previous
deliveries of 16 MiG-29K/KUB had been
implemented during 2009 – 2011 as per the
contract of 2004.
So, by now the IN’s aviation arm
operates 20 MiG-29K/KUB fighters, while by
the mid of the current decade its number
will increase up to 45. The fighters will
operate as a part of aviation groups both
on the board of “Vikramaditya” aircraft
carrier, which is being nowadays developed
and tested in Russia, and boards of aircraft
carriers of Indian origin.
The aircraft’s and the “Vikramaditya”’s
aviation systems’ performances had
been thoroughly tested during July –
September, 2012 at the Barents Sea, on
the Russia’s Nord.
As noted by Indian and Russian
specialists, who participated in the flying
tests, all the ship’s systems, connected
with flying control, had demonstrated
outstanding performances. Mr. Sergei
the MiG Corp CEO, says:
”We have got the confidence: a fighter’s
component of the Indian naval aviation
would be battleworthy and efficient”.
The MiG’s boss is certain in his opinion.
He had not only been available on the
“Vikramaditya” during the flights of crucial
importance, but had performed a few
flights himself on MiG-29KUB doubleseated fighter.
scheduled for 2013.
As noted by the MiG’s boss, one of the
MiG Corp’s main business priorities is the
on-going up-gradation of ‘classic’ MiG-29s
into modern multi-functional fighters.
Nowadays a number of such programs
are being implemented, while the most
technologically advanced is being considered
by experts the MiG-29UPG modernization
program, which was developed as per the
IAF’s requirements. The first six had been
up-graded in Russia and at the end of 2012
their shipment to India were started.
The main part of MiG-29s will be
Mr. Korotkov stresses that flying tests
had been performed in near to combat
conditions. Precisely, takeoffs and landings
were made during a day and a night, with
a combat load up to 4.5 tons, with full fuel
filling and external tanks. At the same time,
the fighters were equipped with all variants
of modern weapon systems, ‘air-to surface’
supersonic missiles including.
The Russian Navy are also keen to arm
their flagship “Admiral Kuznetsov” a/c
carrier with this state-of-the-art fighter.
According to the contract between the Corp
and the Russian Navy, signed up in 2012,
the latter will get 24 a/c with first deliveries
modernized in India, where the MiG
Corp in the tie up with IAF and local
aviation industries have set up necessary
manufacturing base.
Mr. Sergei Korotkov says: ”We are
all ready to extend and strengthen our
collaboration both with the Indian MoD
and Indian hi-tech industries”. It may be
mentioned here that the whole issue of IndoRussian military-technical cooperation was
launched half century back precisely by the
MiG’s supplies. Nowadays, this cooperation
has been up-graded towards joined R&D
and manufacturing of the most advanced
arms systems.
07-february-2013 Day two
A plAne And A pArtnership powered by
capability and commitment
The C-130J Super Hercules is more than the aircraft that redefines air capability. It is a symbol of
commitment and partnership. Configured and equipped to meet India’s needs, the C-130J is a proven
performer that has achieved every development milestone on time and on budget.
The C-130J Super Hercules. A platform for long-term partnership.
BrahMos enters new phase
with air-launch version
he Indian – Russian Joint Venture
BrahMos Aerospace is exhibiting
BrahMos air-launched version besides
the land and naval variants of BRAHMOS
which have been inducted in the Indian Army
and Navy.
Executive Officer and Managing Director,
BrahMos Aerospace, who was conferred
the “Padma Bhushan” for distinguished
service of high order on Republic Day last
month, said after inducting the BrahMos in
the Army and Navy, the time is come for
the realisation for the air-launched version
of the 290-km-range BrahMos supersonic
cruise missile system, which would be
fitted on the Su-30MKI combat aircraft of
the Indian Air Force (IAF).
The Sukhoi 30 has proved high value with
deep strike capabilities, high precision and
power. Both together will be the most potent
weapon to defeat any external aggression.
An agreement was signed between
Rosoboronexport and Sukhoi Design
Bureau for developing the air-launched
version of the missile and synergy is being
created between the IAF, Sukhoi Design
Bureau, HAL and other industry players to
start a production line for BrahMos. Dr. Pillai
is confident that the first operation flight test
from Sukhoi 30 will be in December 2013.
BrahMos missiles integrated on the
Su-30s will help the IAF achieve the
capability to deliver a deadly blow to enemy
formations from stand-off ranges of around
300 km without getting close to them.
Under the leadership of Dr. Pillai, the
Indian Russian Joint Venture Company
BrahMos Aerospace, formed by the
amalgamation of Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) and
Russia’s Mashinostroyenia Company, has
taken phenomenal steps since it was first
established in 1998.
BEML to set up a new
aerospace facility in Bangalore
he state owned public sector enterprise, Bharat Earth Movers
Limited (BEML), which has already entered the aerospace
sector from its current product configuration of mining and
construction, is planning to set up a state-of-the-art manufacturing
facility on a 25-acre plot at the aerospace park being promoted by
the Karnataka Government near to the Bangalore International
Airport at Devanahalli. According to spokesman of BEML, this facility
is being set up with a view to take up the production of bigger air
worthy components and aircraft structural assemblies. This facility,
capable of meeting the Indian and global aircraft manufacturing
requirements, will have a sheet metal shop and a machine shop
along with heat treatment, surface treatment and paint facility.
The aerospace manufacturing division of BEML is now operational
in Mysore. BEML is supporting the aerospace operations by
supplying ground support equipment such as aircraft towing tractor,
multipurpose weapon loader and crash fire tender. The aerospace
manufacturing facility of BEML has scaled up its activities through
manufacture and supply of a wide variety of jigs, fixtures, ground
support and test equipment. As it is, BEML launched its aerospace
vertical in its technology division during the year 2007 to exploit the
potentials of the e-engineering services in the aerospace domain.
Radhakrishna Rao
Dr. A Sivathanu Pillai
Of Micro and Mini Air Vehicles
he role of an air vehicle that can constantly and
continually provide first hand intelligence information
has become all the more pronounced in the context
rapidly changing contours of modern day warfare. As such, an
increasing thrust is being laid on fixed wing micro and mini
air vehicles to meet the stringent battle field conditions. The
development of micro and mini UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles)
is a challenging and complex task covering a wide ranging
technological disciplines. Against this backdrop, the Bangalore
based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) in
association with National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) has
developed three all composite aerodynamically efficient and
fully autonomous fixed wing micro air vehicles namely Black
Kite, Golden Hawk and Pushpak. On the other hand, while ADE
has developed Imperial Eagle mini air vehicle while NAL has
developed Sky Bird mini air vehicle. The development of these
fixed wing micro air vehicles has resulted in the realisation
of a range of technologies including light weight airframe
design and fabrication, computational fluid dynamics for low
Reynolds number flows, experimental studies using wind
tunnels, development of auto pilot as well as portable ground
control station and real time image processing.
Radhakrishna Rao
07-february-2013 Day two
Ramenskoye Avionics for Future Helicopters
Mi-28 cockpit
amenskoye Design Company (RDC) is
one of the world leaders for avionics
RDC aboard complexes (AC) has been
successfully applied for Russian military
and commercial helicopters, including all
types of Mil and Kamov families for Russia
and abroad.
In the recent years RDC successfully
developed highly efficient ACs for Mi-28N,
Ka-52, Mi-24, Ka-31, Mi-28M, Ka-52K,
Mi-26T2, Ka-28M, Ka-29M to meet the most
modern customers demand for combat
operations as well as personnel training.
Within the Russian State Helicopter
Industry Innovation program the RDC has
been involved in the following R&D projects:
• AC for the future multipurpose shipborne
helicopter complex;
• intellectual AC development;
• AC development for the future high-speed
• AC development for unmanned
• testing control integrated system
technologies implementation.
The AC design has been going in
accordance with DO-178B and DO-254
requirements for future certification
according to AP MAC, EASA, FAA.
RDC has been offering various AC
configuration as well as deep or partial
upgrade of the existing avionics. The RDC
advantages include complex technical
solution with pre-and after flight support
integrated logistics as well as personnel
development for helicopter complex and its
main parts;
The RDC has been following the most
modern world trends of the combat
helicopter design, including network
2, Gurieva str., Ramenskoye,
Moscow region, RF, 140103
Tel: +7-495-556-2393 , 992-5691
Fax: +7-49646-319-72 , 300-72
E-mail: [email protected]
07-february-2013 Day two
Armed with cutting edge defense helicopter technology.
All weather capable, unrivalled in harshest environment, combat proven.
Ready for special operations from most remote areas or warships.
EC725 - Deploy the best.
Thinking without limits
Aerospace Ecosystem to
Bring in New Capabilities
In an exclusive interview with the Show Daily, Aravind Melligeri,
Chairman and co founder of QuEST Global projects the role of SEZ
in pushing the growth of the Indian aerospace sector.
Congrats on bagging the prestigious
Aerospace and Defence awards 2013.
On this occasion, how do you feel about
the QuEST Global SEZ Pvt. Ltd getting
recognised as the emerging company of
the year?
We thank the jury for the recognition.
Company started doing the groundwork
to establish an ecosystem in 2007. We
have started seeing some fruits of those
activities now. There is lot more yet to be
to Belgaum into a total aerospace
ecosystem designed to meet the diverse
needs of global customers at one
Company has been walking down the path
of strategically bringing in supply chain
integration through partnerships in one
campus to build an in-country aerospace
capabilities and capacity. Today at SEZ
we can see capabilities of, aerostructures
machining, aero systems manufacturing,
sheet metal, aerostructures assemblies,
special processes, and forging. We
Aravind Melligeria
Who are your major global customers?
How wide is your footprint over the
Indian aerospace and defence market?
UTC Aerospace Systems (UTAS), Eaton
Aerospace, Magellan Aerospace, SAAB,
SABCA, Airbus and Honeywell. We work
with HAL and we are supporting our
customers on offset requirements.
Do you expect to stand benefited
substantially from the defence Offsets?
Details please.
We are working with some of our customers
to provide offsets to meet the requirements
laid out by Minisstry Of Defence for their
What are the special features of your SEZ
at Hattargi? What made you to set up this
SEZ at a remote rural location of North
QuEST Global SEZ is not developed/
managed as a real estate company but
developed as a company which is looking to
build manufacturing ecosystem for highly
engineered products such as aerospace.
We chose rural Karnataka so that we can
develop and nurture the required talent
with long term view and expecting to retain
the resources to grow with the ecosystem.
Looking ahead, what future do you
envisage for the QuEST Global aerospace
focussed SEZ? Do you think SEZs can
play a crucial role in giving a major boost
to the Indian aerospace sector for long
dominated by the state owned player?
Our journey in SEZ is going to be measured
in decades not in years. We believe in a
healthy in-country aerospace ecosystem
leveraging capabilities of public and private
sectors working together as part of an
How are you going to transform
your aerospace SEZ at Hattargi near
continue to bring in more capabilities in
the SEZ. We have some global customers
leveraging one of the capabilities and
others leveraging multiple capabilities
based on their products.
You had recently signed an MOU with the
Swedish defence and aerospace company
Saab for a joint venture (JV)? What are
the objectives of this JV?
The JV named as Aerostructures
Assemblies India (AAI) is setup with the
goal of carrying out large Aerostructures
Assemblies by leveraging the detail parts
procured from the ecosystem and outside.
What steps have you initiated to become
a major player in the global aerospace
market which is highly price sensitive?
Another reason for us to choose the rural
location is for ability to maintain the cost
competitiveness over longer period due to
lower inflation which we see in rural areas
compared to Metros.
Do you think the Indian private sector will
overtake the state run Indian aerospace
enterprise and serve as a major catalyst
for the growth of the Indian aerospace
sector in the years ahead?
I do not expect to see any private sector
company overtake public sector company
in the coming decade.
Do you plan to go in for Initial Public
Offering in the near future? If Yes details
No plans at this point in time.
07-february-2013 Day two
“Our growing defense partnership is
one of our greatest success stories,
leveraging the best innovative efforts of
our governments, people, and industries
into closer cooperation on regional and
global security challenges, as well as the
economic advancement for the people of
both our countries.” U.S. Ambassador to
India Nancy Powell said after inaugurating
the U.S. Pavilion at the Aero India.
“The collaboration between our two
countries in the defense marketplace is
evident here today. The US companies
participating at this show have
demonstrated a commitment to partner
with India on its goal of modernising
and upgrading its defense aerospace
Nancy Powell inaugurates U.S. Pavilion
capabilities,” she said.
“As you know, our defense relationship
has continued at a strong pace. C-17,
C-130J, and P8I procurements are now
being executed. In fact, the Indian Air
Force (IAF) recently received its first
Boeing C-17 strategic airlifter for flight
testing. And in 2011, the first C-130Js
proved vital to the Government of
India’s all-weather humanitarian relief
requirements during the
Sikkim earthquake.
“Of course, the most
important and enduring
aspect to our growing
relationship with India is
our people-to-people ties
for which we have all of
you here today and many
others to thank. The U.S.
Government understands
the challenges industry
faces with the pace of
contract negotiations and
Embraer showcasing its full portfolio
mbraer promoting its full portfolio of
Commercial Aviation, Executive Aviation
and Defense and Security products and
services in the show.
The portfolio includes the leading family of
commercial jets up to 120 seats in the global
market (E170, E175, E190 and E195), the
most modern and complete product line of
business jets, from the entry level Phenom 100
to the ultra-range Lineage 1000, and a broad
range of integrated solutions for defence and
security that combine a high technological
level and operational efficiency at competitive
acquisition and operating costs.
Three of the Embraer Executive Jet
aircraft are on static display: the entry-level
Phenom 10, the long-range Legacy 650 and
the ultra-large Lineage 1000.
Embraer has a strong presence in the
Indian market and counts the national
government, private organisations and
individuals as customers and operators. The
country is home to more than a third of the
company’s executive jets in the region with at
least one type each of the Phenom, Legacy
and Lineage jets in service today.
Embraer Executive Jets is the only
business jet manufacturer to produce a full
range of aircraft solutions and its aircraft
have received more than a dozen international
design and innovation awards from top luxury
and aviation publication for setting a new
programmee execution, the complexity of
executing offset obligations, and obstacles
to transfer of technology. We are working
with the Government of India and the
private sector in both India and the US to
reduce obstacles, overcome challenges,
and foster development of the defence
and aerospace sectors to the benefit of
both nations.
“Your presence at Aero India 2013, and
the cooperation and relationships that will
flow from your participation here puts us
firmly on the path to achieving our mutual
goals. For that, and all you will achieve
during your time here, I congratulate
you,” she added.
Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Honeywell,
Esterline, Bell, GE Aviation, Sikorsky
and American Aerospace Industries
Association; and other U.S. companies
have set up pavilions as a part of the Aero
India show. Several U.S. military aircraft
will be participating in static and flying
standard for business aircraft.
To support the operations of the growing
number Embraer executive jet customers
and operators in the country, Embraer
Executive Jets has named Indamer Pvt
Ltd. And Air Works Engineering Pvt Ltd as
authorised service providers in the country
for all operators of Embraer Executive Jets
Five of Embraer’s Legacy jets are also
used by the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Border
Security Force (BSF) for the transportation
of VIPS and foreign dignitaries. In addition,
Embraer Defense and Security has
collaborated with India’s Defense Research &
Development Organisation (DRDO) to create
three bespoke EMB145 jet platforms for use as
Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C)
aircraft, two of which were delivered last
07-february-2013 Day two
India is our major
foreign partner
- Mr. Oleg Demchenko, President, IRKUT Corp
Oleg Demchenko President, IRKUT Corp.
IRKUT Corp is well-known in India
mainly due to the successful Su-30MKI
Program. What is the present stage of this
Since long India has been and will be our
major foreign partner. I am rather confident
in this regard. Our collaboration has got a
complex character.
IRKUT Corp. in a team-up with
Rosoboronexport State Corp. has been
supplying Su-30MKI fighters to the IAF
since long now. United Aircraft Corporation
and IRKUT, as its integral part, promote a
number of joint projects with Indian defence
industries, who have been progressing
recently in a big way.
As far as the Su-30MKI Program is
concerned, undoubtedly it will keep its
further development. Just on the eve of
2013, during the official visit to India of Mr.
Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia,
was signed up a contract on supply to India
of 42 Su-30MKI in knockdown kits for their
assembling on the HAL’s facilities. On its
part, IRKUT Corp. has already started its
Rosoboronexport, IRKUT and Sukhoi
Corp. keep to discuss with our Indian
partners a theme of further up-gradation
of Su-30MKI a/c, what will make the
fighter’s outstanding performances even
better. As it is being practiced nowadays in
manufacturing, all works will be made in
close collaboration with the leading Indian
defence industries. In the team-up with
HAL. Corp. we do prepare ourselves for
overhauling of the IAF’s Su-30MKIs, which
were shipped to India in the first batches.
It should be noted, that for IRKUT the
Su-30 Program is not totally India’s specific.
In 2012 we delivered to the Russian AF first
two Su-30SM fighters out of 60, ordered by
the Russian Air Force.
as it was stipulated in the contract for
the year 2012. The deliveries are being
executed under the contract on supply of
55 a/c, which was signed up at the end of
2011. Yak-130 has become the first combat
trainer in the world, which is all set for a
full-scale training of pilots of fighters of
«4++» and «5» generations. Precisely for
this reason, the Russian AF has started
its acquisition, because the RAF launched
replacing of its fighters’ arm in mass.
We do place a great deal of importance
to the Yak-130 Project in expansion of our
export’s geography and nowadays we are
in talks on the trainer’s supplies with a
number of countries. In order to widen
our markets, we work on increasing of
the trainer’s combat performances. It will
get the round-the-clock opto-electronic
system and, a bit later, an on-board radar.
Nowadays IRKUT promotes its MC-21 air
liner rather actively. Could you, kindly,
give us more details on the project?
I would not say that we are on an active
stage of its promotion. We do place our
main emphasis on the MC-21 Project’s
development and at the same time we do
prepare ourselves for its series production.
The MC-21 family a/c are short-range and
middle-range airliners of a new generation,
which, as predicted by aviation experts,
will surpass in the efficiency’s criteria all
existing narrow-body a/c and their new
In comparison with existing air-liners,
which dominate on the present day market,
MC-21 a/c provide more than 20% reduction
in fuel consumption.
Our experts believe that passengers will
become more and more comforts-prone
in coming days. For this reason, comforts
inside the MC-21 narrow-body air-liner
will be similar to wide-body ones. Inside
the Project we envisage a great level of
the components’ flexibility in order to meet
requirements of our different customers
from aviation business, like charters,
low-costers and premium class companies.
It should be noted that at India
Aviation’2012 in Hyderabad this March,
IRKUT Corp. presented the MC-21’s
full-scale mock-up for Indian aviation
companies and we had got a great deal of
interests here
At which stage, is the Project at the
moment, and when do you plan to enter
the market?
Right now we are finalizing the development
of design documentation of our leader
model, which is 180-seated MC-21-300
airliner and have just started an assembling
of the a/c’s first components on the Irkutsk
Aviation Plant’s facilities.
By now we have managed to form up
the order book, which is quite sufficient
for this stage of the Program. It contains
over 250 orders, out of which 185 are the
firm ones plus options to them. To be
noted, the MC-21’s first operators will be
companies of Aeroflot Group, the Russian
national carrier. The MC-21’s maiden flight
is scheduled for 2015, while its entering into
service – in 2017.
Who are major participants of the Program?
Even at the initial stage we decided to invite
to the Project some leading Russian and
foreign companies. Among our numerous
partners, I’d like to mention first of all
Pratt&Whitney Corp., the air engines
manufacturer, who will be supplying its
PW1400G air engine and Zodiac Comp.,
the French producer of a/c systems and
I’d like to outline that IRKUT is all ready
to collaborate within the MC-21 Program
with Indian manufacturers as well, keeping
in mind our joint expertise in development
such complex and successful military
Program like Su-30MKI.
It was in news that IRKUT started
deliveries of Yak-130 trainers to the
Russian AF. What are the main features of
this aircraft?
Yak-130, the
state-of-the-art combat
trainer had been exported by IRKUT Corp.
since 2011. In December 2012 IRKUT Corp.
shipped to the Russian AF fifteen Yak-130s
07-february-2013 Day two
Rosoboronexport for strong positive impetus to
the relations in the military-technical sphere
t Aero India 2013, a Rosoboronexport
delegation presented the latest
export models of Russian aviation
and air defence equipment and discuss
the promising areas in military-technical
cooperation between Russia and India and
other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Aero India will give a new impetus
to strong positive military-technical
cooperation between Russia and India and
other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Here, Rosoboronexport will present the
Yak-130 combat trainer, Il-78MK-90
tanker, the newest Il-76MD-90A military
transport aircraft, Be-200 multipurpose
amphibian, Mi-35M, Mi-26T2, Ka-31 and
Ka-226T helicopters, as well as many
other new samples of the Russian aircraft
industry, including training aids and
airborne weapons.
Russian planes and helicopters have
proven to be worthy in the Asia-Pacific
region. The fact that India’s Republic Day
Parade 2012 started with a flyover by
the newest Mi-17V-5 military transport
helicopters, which were given the honour
of carrying the National Flag and the
Army, Navy and Air Force flags, was a
clear evidence of India’s strong confidence
in Russian aviation equipment.
Building an anti-aircraft and missile
defence system, without which it is
impossible to talk about the reliable
security of any state, is very promising
for the development of a militarytechnical dialogue with the countries in
the region, particularly with India. With
its vast experience in this sphere, Russia
will showcase a wide range of reliable
systems capable of providing assured
protection for military installations,
administrative and political centers,
and infrastructure components in India
– the Antey-2500 ADMS, Tor-M2E and
Buk-M2E SAM systems, as well as the
Pantsir-S1 SPAAAGM system and Igla-S
General Viktor Komardin heading the joint
Rostec and Rosoboronexport delegation
noted that in cooperation with India
Rosoboronexport came over, de facto,
from traditional sales pattern to joint
development of the latest equipment.
he Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and the
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have signed a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to establish the Air
Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI), Singapore’s
first institute dedicated to research and development (R&D) in
air traffic management (ATM). Over the next five years, CAAS
will provide S$50 million to fund ATM R&D activities undertaken
by the ATMRI, as well as ATM experts for the research projects,
while NTU will provide in-kind contributions of S$22 million,
including research manpower and facilities. “The ATMRI is a key
element of CAAS’ larger effort to build Singapore as a Centre of
Excellence for ATM. Through the conduct of high quality ATM
R&D of world class standard, the ATMRI will develop innovative
solutions to catalyse ATM.
The S$50 million is drawn from the S$200 million Centre of
Excellence for ATM Programme Fund that was Established in
September 2012 to provide seed funding for the establishment of
research institutes and thinktanks and the conduct of R&D in ATM
in Singapore.
The ATMRI will also contribute to progress towards seamless
ATM in the region, in the face of robust air traffic growth,” said Yap
Ong Heng, Director-General, CAAS.
Professor Freddy Boey, Provost of NTU, said, “NTU has
established globally recognised strengths in engineering and
science and is well placed to lead in this area of ATM Research.
Our School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE),
which will be championing this initiative, is one of the largest
mechanical engineering schools in the world, with globally
recognised expertise in design,
advanced manufacturing,
robotics, aerodynamics, human factors engineering and
operational research.” Professor Boey continued, “Through
the new Institute, NTU will be able to translate more of our
fundamental research - what we call yet-to-be applied research
- into feasible applications in the real world, not only generating
knowledge and know-how but also providing critical manpower
needed for research in ATM. It will help our efforts to build up
and nurture intellectual and human capital for ATM R&D in
Singapore and beyond. With a vibrant ATM R&D community in
Singapore, we will be able to retain a strong research talent pool
in the long run.”
The CAAS-NTU collaboration will see synergy in CAAS’ domain
knowledge in ATM, and NTU’s research capabilities and talent. The
ATMRI will undertake research projects that seek to create air
traffic capacity and enhance efficiency of flight operations, starting
with the areas of:
• Air-Ground Traffic Management: Improve runway throughput
through more efficient management of air traffic and airspace
around the airport.
• Weather Forecast and Information Management: Enable
advance planning of air traffic flows by minimising weather-induced
disruptions to flight operations.
• Aircraft Separation Management: Optimise aircraft-to-aircraft
separation to boost runway throughput by using better prediction
and modelling tools.
• Human Performance: Enhance human-machine interface
to reduce human errors arising from increased automation, and
optimise workflow efficiency.
The ATMRI will also collaborate with international entities with
interests and expertise in ATM. This will facilitate knowledge and
expertise transfer to contribute to jump-starting ATM research
efforts in Singapore. Partnerships with such foreign entities will
also inject global perspectives to the work undertaken by the
Institute and ensure that the concepts and solutions developed
here are aligned and harmonised with international developments.
The ATMRI will have an office and laboratory of over 1,000 square
metres of space at NTU.
07-february-2013 Day two
Yakutia Airlines First to Operate
Bombardier Q400 Aircraft in Russia
akutia Airlines, a domestic passenger
carrier based in the northeast region
of Russia, will fly three Q400 aircraft,
with the first one having arrived recently at
Yakutsk Airport.
Yakutia Airline’s new status as a
Q400 aircraft operator follows the type
approval that was awarded in June 2012
by the Interstate Aviation Committee
(IAC) - commonly known by its Russian
acronym, MAK. The Q400 aircraft is the
largest Western-built turboprop aircraft
to be awarded type approval for operation
in Russia and the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS).
“This marks a wonderful achievement
and milestone for the Q400 aircraft
programme. We’re proud to welcome
yet another new operator to the family Yakutia Airlines as the first Russian-based
operator,” said Mike Arcamone, President,
Bombardier Commercial Aircraft. “The
Q400 aircraft is tailor-made for Yakutia
Airline’s diverse route network that provides
regional airline service to one of the largest
territories in the world,” said Mr. Arcamone.
“The powerful, yet fuel-efficient Q400
turboprop was selected for Yakutia’s
operations because of its high speed, which
will allow us to cover long sectors; its
ability to operate on unpaved runways; and
importantly − its capability in the difficult
conditions that northeast Russia presents,
including high winds and extreme cold in
the winter,” noted Ivan Prostit, General
Director of Yakutia Airlines. “We expect
that the combination of passenger comfort
and low operating cost offered by the
Q400 aircraft will allow us to optimise our
regional operations.”
Powered by two new-generation, 5,071shaft horsepower (shp) PW150A engines,
and capable of flying at a speed of up to
360 knots (667 km/h), the Q400 aircraft can
quickly climb to turbulence-free altitudes,
and can also provide fast access to the
remote airports of the Siberian region of
the Russian Federation.
CONTROP’s FOX Family of Unique
Thermal Imaging Cameras
ONTROP has launched the FOX
1200mm and the FOX 1400mm
Thermal Imaging (TI) Cameras for
very long operational ranges. These new
products join the FOX Family of Cooled
Thermal Imaging Cameras – ranging in
size from 250mm focal length through
1400mm focal length – all of which are
well known worldwide due to their unique
Continuous Optical Zoom Lens as well as
other unique features such as Local AGC
(Automatic Gain Control) and advanced
image processing.
Uncooled Thermal Imaging Cameras with
unique Continuous Optical Zoom Lens and
miniaturiSation. In this range, CONTROP
offers Fixed Field of View (FOV), Dual FOV
and/or Continuous Optical Zoom FOV, with
a variety of focal lengths such as 60mm,
120mm and 180mm.
Through an agreement with a major
Indian PSU, CONTROP recently launched
Maintenance Level (IML) Laboratory to
ensure local maintenance and optimal
operation of CONTROP equipment in India.
This new FOX-1400 TI Camera has a
1400mm lens with x35 Continuous Optical
Zoom lens. This provides exceptionally long
range target acquisition and observation,
with unmatched superiority in the world of
night vision! The new FOX 1400 has already
been supplied as part of the SPIDER LR
system to several modern customers as
part of a long range observation system for
coastal protection and surveillance.
The FOX family of thermal imaging
cameras includes – FOX 250, FOX 450,
FOX-600, FOX 720 and FOX-1400 - all
including the Continuous Optical Zoom
Lens which has a tremendous advantage
over the traditional thermal imagers with
incremental zoom capabilities. The FOX
continuous zoom feature provides a smooth
transition between the various fields of view
and ensures eye contact with the “target”
through the entire zoom magnifications as
well as during video tracking. The improved
Image Processing algorithms, including
a unique Local Automatic Gain Control
(LAGC), enables a high quality image even
when there is a “hot spot” in the picture
(an explosion, fire, etc). Furthermore,
the FOX cameras can be integrated with
other systems through their standard
communication protocol. The FOX Thermal
Imaging Camera is available with or without
an enclosure, so that the camera can be
used for higher assembly level systems, by
installation in the Customer’s payload or
operated as a stand-alone system.
applications in Aerospace
ndia based Genser Aerospace and France
based MAINtag signed an Agreement
to work together in the field of RFID
applications in aerospace.
The aim of the cooperation is to create
awareness of the extensive and beneficial
applications of RFID in aviation/aerospace;
together meet market demands with
standard Flyable RFID products of MAINtag
and customised application development
and integration services of Genser; Identify
and develop new applications together
for global requirements ; work-share and
resource-share for optimisation of project
specific costs and risks and support
selective manufacturing of RFID products
in India for cost competitiveness.
Arunakar Mishra, CEO of Genser
Aerospace said, “We are delighted to be
partnering with MAINtag, a company
focused in aerospace centric RFID;Genser
brings its insight on‘India Centric global
aerospace activities’ and its strengths
in the areas of Engineering Services,
Manufacturing Services and In-ServiceSupport Services. We are convinced,
together, that we can offer
useful, cost-effective and quality
packages of services to both
airlines and manufacturers.”
Executive Vice President Sales &
Marketing,who signed the MoU
on behalf of MAINtag, said that
after the selection of MAINtag
RFID solutions by more than 45
OEMs and A/C manufacturers
and their company presence
in EMEA and the Americas, he
sees a footprint in India under
a comprehensive MoU with
Genser, a key milestone for
growth for MAINtag.
07-february-2013 Day two
At Saab, we see an India with limitless potential.
Our presence will support India in the creation of
a powerful, self-sufficient defence industry.
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 feBruAry 2013
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Winners will be notified via email, and prizes will be couriered to them.
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CAE’s Dynamic Synthetic Environment helps
answer question ‘where did that bridge go?’
efence customers with an appetite for
state-of-the-art training solutions
are faced with much smaller
budgets as a result of fiscal austerity and
the changing face of military operations,
which require them to “do more with less”
wherever possible. The inevitable result of
this is an increasing demand on the supplier
community to provide better, more resultsoriented and above all more cost-effective
solutions for training soldiers, airmen and
sailors for the type of operations they are
likely to face in the future.
The problem is exacerbated by the fact
that simulation is now such a crucial and
integral part of many training solutions. In
some markets, up to 50% of training now
takes place in simulated – or synthetic
– environments. Though India is not to
this level in the use of simulation, India’s
defence forces are planning to increase
synthetic training. One of the methods
of providing the type of broad spectrum
enhancement increasingly required, as far
as simulation is concerned, is to provide
a more realistic environment for training
to take place in – a virtual environment in
which the “willing suspension of disbelief”
is no longer necessary for trainees to
gain maximum benefit from an advanced
CAE has leveraged its experience in
modelling and simulation, and in domains
other than that of flight training, for which it
has a justifiable global reputation, to address
this requirement in the development of what
it calls a “Dynamic Synthetic Environment”,
or DSE. What that translates to, in effect, is
enhanced realism, a higher fidelity virtual
environment and more effective training,
mission rehearsal and decision-making.
The CAE Dynamic Synthetic Environment
is a suite of tools and simulation software
that can be added on to the existing
capabilities of Common Database (CDB)
“We recognised quite early in the
development process that it was pretty
simple to make event-dependent changes
to terrain features in the database on a
network server, but not quite so simple to
make those changes effective in real time
without advance preparation and without
human intervention,” says David Graham,
CAE’s Director of Technology Application.
Changes in terrain that result from
events within the simulated scenario have
always been difficult for providers to cater
for in real time. CAE’s solution makes it
possible for scenario designers to provide
trainees with a truly dynamic environment,
in which those effects become apparent
– and, more importantly, exercise a
subsequent effect on the unfolding of the
scenario – as they actually happen. An air
strike on a bridge, for example, may deprive
the commander of the exfiltrate stage of
the river crossing on which his plan had
depended, likely requiring a rapid shift to
alternative tactical transport.
The development of a dynamic synthetic
environment has been “primarily in
response to an unmet requirement,”
says Graham. “It started life as simply
‘dynamic terrain’ but we believe DSE is a
better and more appropriate description,
given the broad approach to the synthetic
environment it involves.”
Graham believes that DSE does this
in a wholly new manner – or at least in a
manner that allows a wholly new approach
to integrated training, mission rehearsal
and decision support.
ruined buildings – all of these were done
previously as special effects in the visual,
but didn’t leave behind a useful or lasting
impact on operations within the scenario,”
explained Graham. “The Dynamic Synthetic
changes in the database, which are then
independently written back to storage.”
Effectively, this means that commanders
and troops involved in a simulation now
have an additional level of complexity to
deal with – one that increases the ‘fog
of war’ effects and adds realism to the
decision-making processes that are a
major component of the readiness and
preparation objectives.
Is this truly a useful capability? Is it one
that customers will be prepared to pay
for? Although it is early days yet, Graham
believes the answer is a resounding yes.
“This is the kind of technology required
to truly make a virtual environment that
realistically simulates the real world,” says
In order to deliver capability, however,
DSE needs to be not only dynamic –
providing real time changes to the database;
but also persistent – ensuring the impact
of changes in the environment continue
through the period of the simulation and
beyond; based on open data model and
format standards rather than proprietary
solutions; and, perhaps most importantly,
scalable so that it is able to cater for large,
federated networks.
Graham believes DSE does just this. “If
dynamic is all you need, simply buy a video
game. But if you need dynamics coupled
with persistence, openness and scalability
for joint and multi-national training and
mission rehearsal, then DSE is a leading
technology in the field right now.”
CAE is demonstrating its Dynamic
Synthetic Environment at it booth (Hall C,
1-6) during Aero India 2013.
Sagem creates Indian subsidiary,
Sagem Services India Private Ltd
agem (Safran) has created Sagem
Services India Private Ltd., a
wholly-owned subsidiary that will be
headquartered in New Delhi.
Primarily focused on maintenance,
Sagem Services India will provide
customer support for all Sagem avionics,
optronics and inertial navigation systems
and equipment in service in India.
The creation of Sagem Services India
marks a major step forward in Sagem’s
development in this country. Working
closely with its customers, Sagem will be
able to enhance its role in the development
of India’s aerospace industry, and form
new partnerships in all of its business
Already a contributor to several
major Indian civil and military aircraft
programmes, Sagem works closely with
Indian industry to supply avionics and
navigation systems for both new aircraft
and modernisation programmes.
Sagem’s new subsidiary will draw
on the resources of its parent company,
Safran, which already has some 2,100
employees in India.
07-february-2013 Day two
BAE Systems developing Next Generation
Training Capabilities for the Indian Hawk
Agreement: Airbus
and ENAC join forces
AE Systems announced the extension
of the Teaming Agreement with Elbit to
develop next generation Indian Hawk
airborne simulation capabilities.
They will jointly develop leading edge
airborne simulation technologies as a response
to the Indian Air Force (IAF) Virtual Training
System (VTS) requirement. The requirement
was first outlined in a Request For Information
issued in 2009 and the companies have now
extended the teaming agreement in readiness
for a formal request from the IAF. This combined
effort will build upon both companies extensive
experience in the airborne simulation field and
incorporate synthetic radar, electronic warfare,
countermeasures and weapons into the Hawk
Mark 132 mission system architecture.
irbus and ENAC (National
School for Civil Aviation)
agreement to strengthen, develop
and secure their long-term
relationship. This agreement
cooperation, and particularly with
regards to teaching and academic
life. It will also ensure that both
parties agree on the training
content to ensure it matches
the strategic skills sought by the
aeronautical sector. In addition it
will look at the dissemination of
privileged internship offers, regular
participation in conferences, not to
mention support and development
of alternating work/study schemes
for aeronautical engineers.
students will have the possibility of
discovering Airbus at every stage
of their training through site visits
or by taking part in professional
forums or school-enterprise days.
Lastly, the agreement includes
awarenessraising initiatives concerning
diversity and disabilities, to
encourage and promote social
and cultural diversity and inspire
in particular young women to take
up a career in the aeronautical
industry sector. “It is essential that
we should attract, develop and
promote the best talents if we are
to support our technological and
commercial development, stay at
the cutting edge of innovation and
maintain our level of excellence.
This partnership will make it
possible to strengthen further
the close ties that already exist
between Airbus and ENAC,”
declared Marc Jouenne, Head
of HR, Airbus in France. “This
agreement is the outcome of the
far-reaching relations that have
existed for many years between
ENAC and Airbus. It will allow
us to coordinate our common
actions better on the international
level, improve the effectiveness of
ENAC’s development initiatives
regarding Airbus’ activities and
take the societal aspects better
into account,” added Marc Houalla,
ENAC’s Director and signatory of
this agreement.
It will provide enhanced fast jet training on
the Hawk Mark 132 allowing additional skills
to be taught to pilots smoothing the transition
to front line fast jet Squadrons. The Hawk Mark
132 VTS will revolutionise the IAF pilot training
system and make India a world leader in fast jet
Michael Christie, BAE Systems Senior Vice
President for India said, “India is an incredibly
important market to us and one we are
committed to for the long term. It’s an exciting
time for Hawk in India with the aircraft continuing
to be successfully built and delivered by HAL.
Extending the agreement with Elbit paves the
way for BAE Systems to introduce enhanced
capabilities to the Hawk Mark 132 aircraft and
make training for the Indian pilots even better.”
Villa Air introduces the ATR 72-600 in the Maldives
aldivian carrier Villa Air, commercially
known as FlyMe, is about to become
the very first operator of an ATR -600
series aircraft in the archipelago. The airline will
start operating an ATR 72-600 which has been
delivered to the US-based lessor GECAS (GE
Capital Aviation Services Limited), the commercial
aircraft leasing and financing company of GE, who
is leasing the aircraft to Villa Air. The aircraft, after
arriving in the Maldives, will perform its inaugural
flight between Malé and Maamigili, the main hub
of Villa Air in early February.
This new generation ATR 72-600 will allow Villa
Air to expand the airline’s fleet and boost service to
cities destinations it already flies to: from Maldives’
capital Malé to airports in Maamigili, Gan and
Dharavandhoo. Villa Air already operates a fleet
of 2 ATR 42-500s aircraft deployed on domestic
routes in the islands. The ATR 72-600 is equipped
with a new full-glass cockpit and is configured in
a highly comfortable 66-seat layout. The modern
Armonia cabin features extra legroom, new seat
trim and shapes and wider overhead luggage
compartments. In addition to the performance
advantages and enhanced comfort, this aircraft
will bring additional capacity to meet the needs
of Maldives’ rapidly strengthening travel demand
and address the sustained growth of the Maldivian
travel market.
Qasim Ibrahim, Chairman of the Villa Group,
underlined “the importance of offering new
standard of comfort to passengers as well as the
outstanding inter-island capabilities of the new
ATR 72-600. We are delighted to upgrade our fleet
with the most modern 70-seat regional aircraft
renowned for its environment friendliness. We
want to associate our growth to the preservation
of the environment in the Maldives.”
Todd Freeman, SVP and Manager, Regional
Aircraft, of GECAS, stated, “We are now introducing
the ATR 72-600 aircraft in our lease portfolio
and we are pleased by the strong attractiveness
of this aircraft among regional airlines all over
the world. With its low operating costs and its
modern passenger comfort standards, the ATR
72-600 is becoming increasingly popular. Our ATR
72-600 commitments will allow us to offer even
more comprehensive product offerings to our
customers and help them to succeed in the years
to come.”
Filippo Bagnato, Chief Executive Officer of ATR,
declared, “We are pleased that the advantages of
the -600 aircraft, starting from the outstanding
comfort standards, are now available for
passengers in the Maldives”. He added: “The Villa
Group of companies has a strong commitment to
the environment and this is exemplified by their
choice of the most “Green” aircraft available
today. It’s an exciting new chapter for ATR today,
which underscores the strong confidence that
Villa Air has in ATR, and underlines the Maldivian
market’s growth potential. Finally, GECAS has
an outstanding track record of placing airplanes
with airline customers around the world. We are
pleased they continue to expand their portfolio of
ATR aircraft.”
07-february-2013 Day two
UK Defence companies
seek partnership
opportunities during Show
Boeing committed to India’s
growing aerospace industry
today underscored the
strength of its commitment to
expand its partnerships in India to
become the aerospace company of choice
in this important market.
Company executives at the Aero
India 2013 trade show in Bengaluru
further emphasised that local presence,
collaboration and integration are key to
Boeing’s success in India, and that the
company is uniquely positioned to offer
Indian customers the best in technology,
capability and support.
“We are investing in collaborations
and partnerships with Indian industry
and academia to jointly harness the
full potential of India and Boeing,” said
Boeing India President Prat Kumar. “This
winning relationship will provide a fantastic
opportunity to build a strong future for
India’s aerospace industry. India is also an
important customer, and we are here to
remain responsive to our commercial and
defense customers’ requirements. We are
definitely here for the long term.”
“The induction of Boeing P-8I and
C-17 aircraft and Harpoon missiles in
India’s fleet will significantly enhance
the country’s maritime surveillance,
anti-submarine warfare and airlift
capabilities,” said Dennis Swanson,
vice president, International Business
Development, Boeing Defense, Space &
Security. “Boeing is focused on delivering
its commitments to India’s Ministry of
Defence, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force
and looks forward to a closer partnership
in 2013 and beyond.”
“We continue to see strong growth in
India’s commercial aviation market and
look forward to meeting that demand,”
said Dinesh Keskar, senior vice president
of Asia Pacific and India Sales, Boeing
Commercial Airplanes. “Our complete
family of airplanes will help Indian airlines
provide reliable, comfortable passenger
service and fuel-efficient operations.”
Boeing is on track to deliver three P-8I
long-range maritime reconnaissance
and anti-submarine aircraft to the Indian
Navy in 2013 and the remaining five by
2015. The Indian Air Force will receive five
C-17 Globemaster III airlifters in 2013 and
five in 2014.
Boeing has proposed its AH-64
Apache to become the Indian Air Force’s
next attack helicopter, and submitted its
H-47 Chinook for the heavy-lift helicopter
Boeing offers a broad portfolio of
products and services that could meet
India’s future requirements, including
vertical lift, support and training,
unmanned systems and network-centric
operations. Boeing is also positioning
for growth in the aircraft services and
support market.
In 2009, Boeing opened the Boeing
Research & Technology Center in
Bengaluru – the third such facility outside
the US – to advance aerospace innovation.
A Boeing Analysis & Experimentation
Centre in Bengaluru provides defense
experimentation and decision support
services to the Indian armed forces.
“The benefits of a strong partnership” is the
key message from the United Kingdom as
the British Minister or Defence Equipment
Support and Technology leads a large UK
delegation to Aero India 2013.
In addition, close to 40 UK companies,
many involved in some of the most cutting
edge technology in the defence , aviation
and security sectors, are also visiting the
exhibition to showcase their capabilities
and are intent on forging long-lasting
industrial partnership and joint ventures
with Indian companies.
The UK Minister for Defence Equipment,
support and Technology, Philip Dunne is
accompanied by Ian Felton, Deputy High
Commissioner in Bangalore, Richard
Paniguian Head of UK Trade & Investment’s
Defence and Security Organisation (UKTI
DSO), Air-Vice Marshal Nigel Maddox,
Senior Military Adviser UKTI DSO, and Alan
Malpas Regional Director for India, the
Middle East and Africa.
Mr. Philip Dunne said, “I am delighted
to have the opportunity to make my
first Ministerial visit to India to lead a
strong delegation to Aero India. This is
a very important air show which gives
UK and Indian companies a chance
to explore opportunities for industrial
partnerships which can underpin our
relationship going forward and be a
recipe for increased success. The theme
for my visit is the India/UK Partnership;
a partnership between our technologyrich defence industries; a partnership
between our modern and professional
air forces; and a partnership between
our world class defence scientists. We
are keen to enhance and strengthen our
relationships in both the defence and
security sectors.”
Ian Felton, added, “British companies
in the aerospace industry, large and small,
are continuing to develop their business
across India and their representation
at Aero India covers a wide spectrum of
capabilities and global experience. This is
not a one-way street and I hope we will see
even more business develop as a result of
this important international event.”
Richard Paniguian, Head of UKTI DSO,
said, “The UK has a significant range of
world class products across the air, land,
maritime and security sectors and we are
keen to identify opportunities in India in
these sectors, whilst encouraging UK and
Indian companies to develop and sustain
long term industrial partnerships.
07-february-2013 Day two
A joint venture of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Balmer-Lawrie & Co. Ltd. and NYCO S.A. France
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Rafael displays complete Air
and Missile Defense Systems
mong its advanced Air defense
systems, Rafael is displaying a
Integrated Air and Missile Defense
Systems, Precision Guidance Kits, Electro
Optic and Communication Systems and
Multi-Purpose, Tactical, Guided Missile
A core requirement in an aerial campaign
is the ability to detect, recognise, identify
and perform target navigation. Rafael has
developed “Litening”, an advanced electrooptical Pod, in use by more than 20 air forces
around the world, mounted on a variety of
kinds of fighter aircraft. There are more
than 1,300 such pods, says Shlomo Levy,
RecceLite & Litening Marketing Manager.
Targets can be struck with precision-guided
weapons on a single pass, dramatically
enchancing combat effectiveness while
reducing collateral damage. Rafael
has also developed Reccelite, for day/
night reconnaissance real-time imagery
collection and data transfer via data link
communications for manned and unmanned
aerial vehicles. Reccelite is combat-proven
and in operation worldwide.
In the air-to-ground domain, Rafael
offers SPICE, a precise air-to-ground
missile with a navigation kit and scenematching capabilities to overcome GPS
jamming, turning a standard bomb into
a smart, precise system. The SPICE,
weapon system hits and destroys targets
with pinpoint accuracy and at high attack
volumes. Spice is in service with the Israeli
Air Force and under contract with several
international customers. Spice comes in
two variants Spice 1000 and Spice 2000 for
1000 lbs and 2000 lbs warheads, says Igal
Shirion, Business Development & Program
Israel owes its security to Rafael’s Air
Defense system providing a complete
solution ensuring tactical overmatch
against a broad spectrum of air and missile
threats. The solution is based on a multilayered concept that has been designed
to provide optimum protection against all
current and future airborne threats, says
Ehud (Udi Cohen), Business Development &
Marketing Manager, Air & Missile Defense
The layered concept consists of two
separate double-tiered systems that cope
effectively with two different types of threats.
These separate systems are modular, yet
provide maximum interoperability and
As mentioned above, Rafael has
developed “Iron Dome”, the only system
today capable of effectively intercepting
short range rockets. Developed in recordtime of two and a half years, Iron Dome is
already battle-proven and has intercepted
over 500 rockets that have been launched
at strategic sites and populated areas in
Southern Israel since April 2011, including
during operation “Pillar of Defense in
November 2012, in which Iron Dome
intercepted 421 rockets that were fired at
southern and central Israel, with success
rates of over 80%.
The other double-tiered solution offered
by Rafael is the Spyder family of air defense
systems. The Spyder-SR is a slant-launched
SHORAD system and the Spyder-MR is a
vertically launched medium range system.
RAD-SOS provides a comprehensive
air and missile defense solution. All
systems enable full interoperability as
well as integration capability with other
components (missiles, C4I, radars and
The Spyder family includes two versions,
SPYDER-SR for short range threats and
Spyder -MR for medium range threats.
The Spyder systems are designed to
protect against attack aircraft, combat
helicopters, bombers, UAVs and UCAVs
and stand-off weapons. They also provide
excellent protection of valuable assets, as
well as first-class defense for forces located
in the combat area.
developments in the area of air defense is
MIC4AD - is an advanced, unified, integrated
C4I system that commands and controls the
operation of both air and missile defense,
including air-superiority missions. MIC4AD
provides a total solution for multi-system,
multi-layer and multi-range air and missile
defense, traditionally operated as separate
commands, says Meir Ben Shaya, C41
S.M.E. & Business Development Manager,
Air & Missile Defense Systems. Anything
threat in the atmosphere is taken care of ,
he adds.
Highly automated, easy-to-use and with
advanced interactive displays, MIC4AD is
a true force-multiplier. Enabling unified
command and fire control of multiple air and
missile defense systems, MIC4AD delivers
multi-mission, multi-layer and multi-range
C4I capabilities that ensure end-to-end air
and missile protection.
Javelin demonstrates extended range capability in recent tests
he Raytheon and Lockheed Martin
Javelin Joint Venture demonstrated
the ability of the Javelin missile
to engage targets beyond its current
maximum range requirements during a
series of tests at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.
During the U.S. Army tests, the Javelin
system acquired and engaged targets up
to 4,750 meters.
“These tests prove that, under
favourable conditions, Javelin can have
reliable, solid performance as a closecombat weapon system well beyond the
current maximum range requirement
of 2,500 meters,” said Duane Gooden,
Javelin Joint Venture president and
Raytheon Javelin programme director.
“There were two direct hits on the threat
representative target at the extended
range.” Demonstrating Javelin’s extended
range performance will further enhance
survivability of the dismounted Javelin
gunner in combat.
“Most vehicle requirements are for a
missile that can engage a target at 4,000plus meters,” said Barry James, Javelin
Joint Venture vice president and Javelin
programme director in Lockheed Martin’s
Missiles and Fire Control business. “The
results of these tests indicate the fireand-forget Javelin missile can potentially
be used in both vehicle and dismounted
07-february-2013 Day two
Electromagnetic Design Frameworks
and Measurement Systems
Antenna Design Framework
ADF is a fully configurable system for design of antennas as
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generated by the antennas with the spacecraft.
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Measurement Systems
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The ‘Near Field Measurement System’ permits the generation
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VIRtual Aircraft Design Framework
VIRAF is a system that assists the user through all the main steps of the electromagnetic design process
of new generation aerial platforms consisting of RCS and Infrared prediction tools.
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Electromagnetic Multi-code INtegrated Design
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E-MIND is a modular framework aimed to integrate antennas already designed on an aerial platform,
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Embraer Selects Honeywell
to Provide Avionics for
E-Jets 2nd Generation
selected Honeywell to
provide its Primus Epic
2 integrated avionics system
for the second generation of
E-Jets, which are planned
to enter service in 2018. The
decision is another important
milestone in the programme
that is expected to be
launched later this year. Last
month, Embraer selected
Pratt & Whitney as the engine
“Honeywell has been a
valued partner of Embraer
for many years, so it is with
great confidence that we
extend our relationship for
this important programme,”
said Paulo Cesar Siva,
President & CEO of Embraer
Commercial Aviation. “We
believe that the evolution of
the Honeywell Primus Epic,
including large landscape
displays, will provide flexibility
for continuous innovation in
the flight deck, while offering
a mature system and a
smooth transition for pilots
between the current and
future generation of E-Jets.”
The Honeywell Primus
Epic 2 integrated avionics
system on the second
generation of E-Jets will be
an evolution of the existing
Primus Epic system on the
current generation, which
will assure a high degree of
pilot commonality. The five
8x10 inch displays will be
replaced by four 13x10 inch
large landscape displays
development with current
planning, navigation and
“Honeywell’s Primus Epic
2 is an incredibly innovative,
highly integrated and proven
technology that makes flying
safer and more efficient.
Our avionics systems are
found inside the world’s most
successful aircraft, including
Embraer’s existing 170/190
E-Jet family of aircraft,” said
John Bolton, President of
Air Transport & Regional
Honeywell Aerospace. “We
look forward to continuing
pursuing additional E-Jet
opportunities that our unique
breadth of products and
services affords us.”
Honeywell’s Primus Epic
system has accumulated
more than nine million flight
hours to date, on the E-Jets
alone. Because these avionics
are software based, Embraer
will be able to easily and
effectively integrate future
communication, navigation
and air traffic management
Eurocopter brings its missionready military and civil
helicopters To Aero India 2013
display is the AS565
MBe Panther naval helicopter,
armament complement. This
proven rotorcraft is proposed
for both the Indian Navy’s
planned acquisition of utility
helicopters and the Indian
purchase of ship-based light/
medium helicopters. The AS565
MB Panther is a militarised
popular Dauphin family, and
has demonstrated its abilities in
India – as one of this helicopter
type’s largest civilian operators
is the country’s Pawan Hans
Helicopters, with a significant
AS365 N3 Dauphin fleet.
major investments in building
up its product portfolio, which
positions us to offer products
that meet India’s mission
requirements in bolstering
its defence capabilities,” said
Eurocopter President & CEO
Lutz Bertling. “At the last Aero
India event, we showcased
the AS550 C3 Fennec, which
was presented as the ideal
replacement for India’s aging
Cheetah and Chetak fleet.
This time, we are bringing the
combat-proven AS565 MBe
Panther with a complete set of
armament, which is in service
in many military forces around
07-february-2013 Day two
the world.”
The AS565 MBe is a combat
and utility helicopter suitable
for both ship-borne and shorebased operations, and also
serves as a highly capable
search and rescue system for
both day and night operations.
Accompanying the helicopter’s
display at Aero India will be
a comprehensive armament
suite for use in sea and ground
warfare – including an antisubmarine
torpedo, ASW depth charge,
gun and rocket pods, and a
0.5-in. sniper rifle.
the Panther comes with a
fully-certified 4-axis digital
System (AFCS) incorporating
search and rescue modes,
which enables search patterns
to be flown automatically,
and automatic hover, as well
as the ability to adjust the
helicopter’s position from the
hoist operator’s joystick.
flights at Aero India 2013 is an
AS350 B3e from Davangere
Sugar – the enhanced version
of the single-engine AS350
B3, with exceptional lifting
capability, extended range,
fast cruise speed and great
endurance in hot climates and
high altitudes.
Aero Cluster Laboratories of DRDO to boost technology
laboratories of DRDO
(Defence Research and
most of which are located
in Bangalore,
are active in
executing projects of national
importance in the areas of
design and development of
combat aircraft, gas turbine
engine, airborne early warning
and control system, Unmanned
parachutes and arrester barrier
and Electronic Warfare (EW)
systems and airworthiness
certification of military aircraft
and airborne systems. Here is
a thumb nail sketch of these
Aeronautical Development
Agency (ADA): an autonomous
institute set up under the
Ministry of Defence to speed
up the development of India’s
aircraft Light Combat Aircraft
(LCA) Tejas is now handling
multiple programmes like the
development of LCA MK1,LCA
MKII and LCA naval variant. It
is also involved in the feasibility
studies on Advanced Medium
Combat Aircraft (AMCA) and
Unmanned Strike Aircraft.
Aeronautical Development
major thrust of the Bangalore
based ADE is focussed on
the design and development
of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(UAV),design and development
of systems for fighter jets,
flight simulation, air weapon
integration as well as flight
research and development. The
core competence of ADE are
system design, aerodynamic
design including composites,
flight controls and avionics,
integration, air-borne sensor
exploration, flight testing and
evaluation, fly by wire flight
control systems, cockpit display,
air weapons
pilot training simulation to
support aircraft design and
aeronautical research. The
successful products designed
and developed by ADE are
Lakshya pilotless target aircraft
UAV. After having successfully
accomplished the flight trials
of the technology demonstrator
Rustom-1, ADE is actively
pursuing the design and
development of the Medium
(MALE) UAV, Rustom-II.
Aerial Delivery Research and
(ADRDE), Agra is working
in the areas of design and
development of parachutes for
different end uses including
personnel, aircrew escape,
combat free fall, cargo delivery,
parachutes and controlled air
delivery systems. ADRDE has
also developed aircraft arrester
floatation system.
Centre for Airborne Systems
(CABS) is a premier DRDO
with the task of developing
airborne surveillance systems.
It has a well proven track
record in the development of
several technologies vis-àvis air-borne active array
antennas, rugged consoles for
airborne applications, mission
computer, identification friend
or foe systems (IFF), tactical
software inclusive of multi
sensor data fusion interception
control as well as mission
communication system. Right
now, CABS is actively engaged in
the programme for developing
Airborne Early Warning and
Control System (AEW&C) on the
Brazilian Embraer aircraft.
Airworthiness and Certification
(CEMILAC) is mandated with
the responsibility of providing
07-february-2013 Day two
airworthiness certification for
military aircraft and airborne
stores in India. Bangalore based
CEMILAC has been involved in
airworthiness certification for
more than five decades and has
presence all over the country
through its 14 regional centres
for military airworthiness.
Defence Avionics Research
premier DRDO aero cluster
engaged in the design and
electronic warfare (EW) and
avionics systems which are vital
to the modern day battlefield.
Many of the combat aircraft in
service with the Indian defence
forces feature EW suites and
avionics systems developed
by DARE. DARE is currently
involved in the design and
development of EW suites for
MIG-27 upgrade, Light Combat
Aircraft (LCA) Tejas and MiG-29
upgrade and missile approach
warning systems for helicopters
and aircraft. Gas Turbine
Research Establishment (GTRE)
the Bangalore based DRDO
outfit is actively involved in the
design and development of aero
gas turbine engines for military
applications and its derivatives,
besides carrying out advanced
research in the area of aero
gas turbine subsystems. The
current programmes of GTRE
include the development of
Kaveri gas turbine engine for
LCA Tejas, its marine version
called Sagar Shakti engine
and small gas turbine engine
for UAVs. The Kaveri engine
achieved a major milestone last
year after its successful maiden
test in Russia.
Radhakrishna Rao
Russian Helicopters showcase new models
ussian Helicopters, JSC (a subsidiary of UIC Oboronprom, a
part of Rostec State Corporation), and a leading global designer
and manufacturer of helicopters, is exhibiting some of its latest
models at Aero India 2013, Bangalore.
They are showcasing the new light and medium multirole
helicopters, the Ka-226T and Mi-171A2. The light multirole Ka-226T,
which features a unique coaxial rotor, currently competing in a
major Indian Air Force tender for surveillance and reconnaissance
helicopters. In December 2012, Russian Helicopters signed an
agreement in New Delhi with India’s Elcom Systems to establish a
joint venture to assemble Russian helicopters including the Ka-226T
in India.
Another addition to the company’s range is the upgraded
civil medium Mi-171A2, the latest version of the Mi-8/17 series.
The Mi-171A2 combines the best performance of its legendary
predecessors with leading-edge technologies. Almost 200 Mi-8/17s
operate in India, and demand for these helicopters remains strong.
Russian Helicopters recently signed another contract for Mi-17V-5
helicopters with the Indian Air Force; the contract is expected to be
fulfilled in 2013.
At Aero India 2013, Russian Helicopters and Rosoboronexport
will also showcase the Mi-28NE Night Hunter attack helicopter. This
combat helicopter has outstanding capabilities, being able to operate
day and night and in all weathers, and can fly search-and-destroy
operations against tanks, armoured and unarmoured vehicles, as well
as enemy forces on the battlefield and low-speed air targets.
At Aero India 2011, 675 companies from 29 countries and 47
overseas delegations participated in an exhibition space of 75,000
(L-R): Pavel Osin, Board of Director, Russian Helicopters; H.E. Mr Alexander
M. Kadakin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian
Federation to the Republic of India; Alexander Fomin, first deputy director of the
Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation; Victor Komardin, Deputy
Director of Rosoboronexport; Dmitry Petrov, CEO, Russian Helicopters
sq m (including outdoor space) – nearly 57% more than the previous
edition in 2009, according to the organisers.
Aero India 2013, the ninth Aero India show, will play a significant
role in the aerospace industry and is one of the key trade shows in
Asia. Russian Helicopters is a repeat visitor to Aero India, representing
the Russian aerospace industry in Bangalore since 2009.
Indian Aerospace and Defense IndustryDelivering Projects on Time and With Quality
Dr. Chandan Chowdhury
Managing Director,
Dassault Systemes, India
he Indian Aerospace & Defense (A&D)
market has become an attractive
place for all leading global A&D
players. Companies which can ensure
on-time delivery of high quality products
will be able to leverage government’s
offset policy and contribute to the growth
of Indian A&D industry’s global aspirations.
Currently, our A&D industry faces the
following challenges:
1. How do we conceive a ‘winning
program’ in A&D?
2. How do we deliver a project on-time
and within budget?
3. How technology ensures ‘design
for manufacturability’ and ‘design for
4. How do we build a robust ‘eco-system’
for delivery of high quality A&D projects?
5. How do we significantly reduce cycle
time of A&D projects (concept to final roll
6. How do we use operational
intelligence and easy to implement experts
systems to eliminate defects in defense
manufacturing facilities?
7. How do we reduce life cycle costs?
Successful Aerospace & Defense
companies win new business and maintain
customer satisfaction by executing on
time, within budget and delivering the right
technical solution. For an Aerospace &
Defense player with global aspirations, at
the time of introducing a new product to
the market or while bidding in response
to a customer request for proposal (RFP),
delivering a winning proposal requires
an integrated management of complex
system alternatives definition and analysis
of various trade offs (techno commercial
aspects of various alternative solutions).
Driven by aggressive targets for better
product performance, lower costs and
shorter development time, companies
in the aerospace and defense industry
are under increasing pressure to deliver
proposals or offers with demanding initial
commitments. A winning programme is one
that is meeting all defined requirements,
performing on budget and on schedule,
and identifying and effectively managing all
potential risks. Historically, this has been
a challenge for most companies because
they lacked tools that could enable them
to efficiently capture and reuse intellectual
property across programmes, quickly
explore alternative designs to find the best
one, and simulate the impact of decisions
on the programme throughout its lifecycle.
“Winning Program” enables innovative
A&D companies to effectively perform
front end business activities defining
new offers and/or win new business and
comprehensively execute the requisite
system engineering choices and associated
trade studies. Companies who are bidding
on new work can use “Winning Program”
to manage their proposal and conceptual
design processes. Those who are internally
proposing a new market offering, can use it
to manage their conceptual design process
leading to Authority to Offer the new
commercial item.
Studies have shown that the majority of
costs throughout a programme’s lifecycle
are determined at the earliest stages of
concept and preliminary design. Many
companies have innovative ideas and visions
that they include in those early phases, but
until now, they’ve had no way to determine
exactly how they will execute their plan.
As a result, time and budget overruns
have been far from unusual occurrences.
By providing a means to fully understand
the elements of each proposal or offer,
along with a detailed roadmap of how
each element will be delivered, Dassault
Systemes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform with
the ‘Winning Program’ industry solution
experience enables companies to increase
their win ratio and deliver more innovative
offerings to market without the associated
With exponential improvements in
the level of engineering detail and shared
knowledge available in the conceptual design
phase, “Winning Program” can significantly
improve adherence to programme costs and
schedules. It provides a platform to optimise
concept studies with more alternatives and
more tradeoff studies, resulting in more
accurate and realistic decisions. Integrated
programme and change management
processes manage requirement changes
to drive consistency and reduce costs.
Ultimately, the solution enables companies
to avoid risk by delivering a high fidelity
proposal and the confidence they can
succeed. In addition, it enables companies
to capture all of the intellectual property
created throughout the proposal phase to
ensure that knowledge is not maintained
only by individuals, but is captured as part
of an integrated solution for reuse on future
Dr. Chandan Chowdhury
Tata Advanced Material,
Strongfield Technologies sign MOU
Strongfeild Technologies entered in
a MOU to jointly explore the potential
business co-operation areas in various
segments of the Pilotless Target Aircraft
activities as well as other aerospace
and defence activities. Strongfield
Technologies Limited intends to involve
India’s Defence Industry in relation
with the offset requirements of Indian
Governmental acquisition programe,
namely Pilotless Target Aircraft. STL is
willing to develop a strong relationship
with TAML which will contribute to better
answer its worldwide requirements.
07-february-2013 Day two
Prime Group on Expanding Spree
rime Group is a highly diversified
group of companies operating on
an international plane, providing
innovative technology solutions in five
business verticals: Aerospace & Defence,
Technology, Infrastructure, Manufacturing &
Services, and Power & Energy. It was founded
in 1986 by its Chairman and Managing
Director Padmashri Shri Surinder Mehta,
with the clear aim of infusing the best among
globally available technologies that can help
accelerate the overall economic growth of the
core sectors of India. Since Aerospace is an
important thrust area for the Group, we spoke
to Mr. Vivek Saxena, Group President driving
the aerospace and defence activities of the
Group. Excerpts:
Prime Group has certainly created a niche
for itself when it comes to Aerospace,
with its flagship company PCI Limited
playing a stellar role with great technical
collaborations. How do you think PCI is
making a difference?
Prime Group continues to try to make impact
on the Indian Aerospace scenario. With
our collaboration with Diamond Aircraft
Industries of Austria, PCI Limited has
already established a leadership position
when it comes to the flying training segment
in India and the Asian sub-continent.
Diamond Aircraft have been tremendously
well-accepted in the Indian market because
of their high fuel-efficiency, fully composite
construction, high-end avionics, engines
with unique options, user-friendliness,
and sleek looks. With the complete range
of high-technology single engine, twin
engine, and Jet aircraft in addition to
advanced aerial surveillance and flight
simulator solutions, we most effectively
address the entire spectrum of needs of
Corporate Houses, Training Schools, Pointto-Point Air Operators, Hobbyists, and
Adventure Seekers in addition to piloted
or unmanned flying solutions to address
various surveillance and mapping needs of
the various arms of the government. Two of
India’s leading training schools are using
significant numbers of these aircraft and
simulator solutions to improve the flying
training standards. Well over 40 aircraft
have already taken to the Indian skies.
What is the entire scope of association
and through which of its entities does
Prime Group address the Aerospace and
defence scenario?
At Prime Group we address the Aerospace
and Defence vertical through various
business entities, each with its clear vision
and mission. These are PCI Limited through
its Aerospace and Aviation Divisions,
Skymaster Aviation Adventures Pvt Ltd.,
Prime Hi-tech Engineering Ltd., Prime
Harness Systems Ltd., and Planet PCI
Infotech Ltd. (PPIL).
Broadly speaking, Prime Group’s
association with this sector spans a vast
range of activities. It has its own airport
in central India in addition to the sale of
aircraft, ground power units, Passengers
stairs, Containers, Pallet Loaders etc. In
the area of Defence, Prime Group is active
with FLIR for a range of Infrared Thermal
Imagers for Sea, Air and Land application;
with EADS for their range of emergency
rescue systems for submarines. Through
its own software arm, PPIL, the Prime
Group is directly associated with the stealth
design consultancy for the Indian Navy
Ships & Air Force UCAV. The Prime Group
also supplies landing gear and engines to
the Indian UAV programs.
What do you think is the primary reason
for the Group’s success in today’s
aerospace scenario? Is it its geographic
reach or is it innovation?
The reason for
success is indeed
attributable to many synergistic factors.
But the chief thrust of all corporate
action at Prime Group can be summed
in its philosophy of ‘Looking Beyond
Tomorrow’. All strategic diversification and
growth comes from innovation—be it on a
technological or an operational level. Our
association with Diamond Aircraft is a great
example. Be it the introduction of the famed
Austro Engines that bring about drastic
reductions in operational costs, or the
way we extended this collaboration to also
address various surveillance and mapping
needs through the Multi Purpose Platform
specially designed to carry multi-functional
aerial sensor equipment such as cameras
and infrared technologies. This extended
collaboration with Diamond Airborne
Sensing also allowed us to cater to further
needs of newer and highly specialised
More specifically about our collaboration
with Diamond Airborne Sensing—It allows
us to address various surveillance and
mapping needs through the MPP specially
designed to carry multi-functional aerial
sensor equipment. Using cameras and
infrared technologies, the multi-feature
MPP can also be used for 3D city mapping
by simply flying over the zone. Diamond
Aircraft are capable of long all-weather
operations without re-fuelling and their
surprisingly low fuel consumption coupled
with their unique capability to fly on Jet A1
fuel allows the MPP to cut the surveillance
costs by nearly half. This makes the MPP
an ideal work-horse for agencies involved
Vivek Saxena
in Intelligence gathering, Reconnaissance,
Border management, Law enforcement,
Geocentric Data Acquisition, Infrastructure
monitoring, Environmental surveillance,
Security management etc.
All in all, while we have a very vast
national and international presence, it
is our steadfast focus to look beyond
tomorrow when it comes to delivering ideal
technologies that are scalable enough to
meet the growing needs of customers,
which has always kept the various
companies of Prime Group ahead.
What are the chief activities of Prime Group
insofar as these relate to Aerospace ?
Prime Group has deep association with the
Aerospace industry. Apart from distribution
and service relating to the full range of
Diamond aircraft and simulator solutions,
the Group is also into the distribution and
service of Austro Engines. The Group’s
interests in Airport Management includes
managing the Airport at Rewa, Madhya
Pradesh. The Group is also setting up
a flying school for ab-initio training at
Rewa. Prime Group is also into MRO
(Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul) operations
that comprises of the MRO services for
Light Aircraft including Austro, Lycoming
and Rotax in the first phase and PT6 &
others to be included later. The Group
has also signed-up for the maintenance
of Dornier 228 Aircraft. Another major
area of the Group’s participation in the
Aerospace sector includes Software—that
it does through Planet PCI Infotech Ltd.
(PPIL) and in technical collaboration with
IDS (Ingegneria Dei SistemiS.p.A) of Italy.
This allows the Group to contribute to the
Aerospace and Defence sectors immensely.
Through PPIL, the Group also has
made immense contributions to various
defence applications as well that have a
far-reaching impact on Indian aerospace
and space programmes. Prime Group’s
business interests in Aerospace also see it
associated in the design and manufacture
of Customized cable assembly, Harnesses
and electrical Looms for use in aerospace,
07-february-2013 Day two
defence and medical applications. This is
through Prime Harness Systems Pvt. Ltd.,
which is a joint venture between PCI Ltd.,
and A.A.S Hivut Ltd. of Israel.
Can you share some details on the offerings
of your software arm? How do these benefit
the aerospace and defence segment ?
Planet PCI Infotech Ltd., has a technical
SistemiS.p.A (IDS) of Italy. This allows
Prime Group to contribute to the Aerospace
and Defence sectors significantly e.g. for
automation of AIS and generation of the
Indian AIP of Aeronautical Information
System (AIS) at Airports Authority of India
among other areas. Take Virtual Aircraft
Framework (VIRAF) for instance. It is a
simulation environment developed by IDS to
enable platform designers (civil and military
aircraft, helicopter, unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) etc., and avionic systems
integrators to set out a conceptual model
for an aircraft as per given requirements
and predict its electromagnetic behaviour
and the stealth capability of the aircraft
during its design process by reducing its
RCS and IR Signatures. Another interesting
and highly valuable software offered by
this collaboration is the Antenna Design
Framework (ADF) which provides all
functions required to model antennas in
free-space or when mounted on spacecraft.
Another highly advanced solution is the
Electromagnetic Multi-code Integrated
Design (E-MIND). E-MIND is a modular
framework aimed to integrate antennas
already designed on an aerial platform,
minimising interference, and supplying
the necessary support for the avionics
environment. Air Navigation and Airport
System (AIRNAS) is yet another software
that is being much talked about these
days. This multi-disciplinary integrated
design framework based on CAD/DIS
techniques, satellite orbital positioning
and electromagnetic signal propagation
analysis is capable of concurrently dealing
with design and validation problems relating
to all phases of air operations (en-route,
landing, missed approach, departure) and
the various tasks involved in system choices
and performance evaluation of navaids.
Apart from the aerospace area, IDS
actually also has significant contribution
in the Naval domain and has made major
contribution to the field of Naval Signature
Management in India. Through its
leadership in the Electromagnetic domain,
IDS has also created several innovative
products like Ground Probing Radars and
through the wall radars.
So, what is next?
We are setting up manufacturing facilities
to cater to the aerospace opportunities. We
are in talks with several global majors on
this and expect the facility to be on-stream
by end of the year.
all the way
gustaWestland is displaying a host of products at the show
which include the AW101, 12 of which are now in the process
of delivery to the Indian Air Force for government transport
duties. Other helicopters that are featured include the AW109LUH
light twin-engine military helicopter, the AW139 12-15 passenger
medium-twin engine helicopter and the naval variant of the NH90
Geoff Hoon, Managing Director, International Business,
AgustaWestland said, “India is an important and growing market
for AgustaWestland, so at Aero India we are promoting the most
modern and capable rotorcraft available today, confident that we
can build on our past success and fulfill the future requirements
of both the Indian armed forces and commercial customers.”The
company intends using Aero India to help pursue their strategy to
expand and develop relationships with Indian companies.
In the military category the company is displaying the naval
variant of the NH90 to the Indian Navy for its new anti-submarine
and anti-surface warfare helicopter requirement. The helicopter
till date has firm orders for 529 units to equip and modernise 19
services in 14 countries including the Armed Forces of France,
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Norway,
Sweden, Greece, Oman, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and
Belgium. Of those 529 firm orders over 100 are for the NFH naval
variant for the navies of Italy, France, Norway and The Netherlands.
The Indian Navy’s fleet of Sea King Mk42B helicopters, used for
anti-submarine and anti surface warfare, is to undergo a mid-life
upgrade programme. AgustaWestland, as the original equipment
manufacturer, is bidding for this contract. In 2005 AgustaWestland
sold its first AW109 Power helicopter to the Government of
Visit us at Aero India 2013, Hall C, Booth 1-6
Rajasthan and since then sales of its civil product range have
taken-off with orders being placed for nearly 50 aircraft including
additional AW109 Power, the GrandNew light twin-engine
helicopter, the AW119Ke and the AW139 medium twin-engine
helicopter. The company will also certify two all new twin-engine
commercial helicopters, the AW189 and AW169, in 2013 and 2014
respectively, which along with the in service AW139 form the new
AgustaWestland family of helicopters covering the 4.5 to 8 tonne
weight range.
In 2010 AgustaWestland signed a Joint Venture agreement with
Tata Sons Ltd. for the final assembly, completion and delivery of
AW119 commercial helicopters for the worldwide market. This
company, Indian Rotorcraft Ltd., will produce the aircraft in
Hyderabad where an all new facility is currently under construction.
The 8,000 sqm. facility is being built on a 10 acre site adjacent
to the Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi International Airport and includes
a main assembly building, flight hangar, office accommodation
and outside helicopter landing pads. The facility will be capable
of producing up to 30 helicopters per year and will be able to
accommodate a variety of helicopter types, including the AW101.
Final assembly of aircraft is scheduled to start in early 2014.
A global leader in high-fidelity
helicopter simulators and training
Raytheon Can Help India Achieve
its Modernisation Goals
A Strong Relationship
Raytheon is proud of its decades-long relationship with India. In
the past, the company has provided Paveway laser guided bombs
and the Munitions Control Unit to India’s Jaguar fighters, and Fire
Finder radar systems to India’s Army.
On the commercial side, Raytheon has been providing India
with world leading air traffic management technology for several
decades and its next generation automation system, AutoTrac. It
is in operation at India’s three busiest hubs, Mumbai, Delhi and
Chennai. AutoTrac technology is also being deployed as part of the
Indian military airfield modernisation programme, MAFI.
India’s satellite air navigation system, Gagan, developed
by Raytheon in partnership with ISRO (Indian Space Research
Organisation), is on schedule to go operational this year. The
GPS-aided, geosynchronous augmented navigation system will
provide satellite based navigation for commercial aviation over
Indian airspace and adjoining areas in South and South East Asia.
“Our portfolio is broad, and it fits nicely with India’s long-term
plans for updating its defence and commercial capabilities,” said
Bill Blair, President, Raytheon Asia, Raytheon International Inc.
“India is a key emerging market for us, and we believe our advanced
technology capabilities can be tailored to support India’s unique
needs over the coming years.”
A Global Company
Raytheon is a global company, successfully working with more
than 80 countries worldwide. An expert in managing offset
requirements, Raytheon truly understands how to succeed in
the global marketplace. Raytheon also partners effectively with
countries and companies around the globe.
A Broad Portfolio
• Global ISR – Raytheon’s extensive ISR domain knowledge and
systems integration expertise provide our global customers with the
appropriate sensors, platforms (manned or unmanned) and ground
elements that are fully integrated into a system that is matched
precisely with the unique requirements of each customer’s mission.
• Precision – Raytheon partners with governments and militaries
around the world to provide precision weapons technologies and
integration capabilities that enable warfighters to achieve their
missions in all environments.
• Integrated Air & Missile Defence – Raytheon is a proven global
integrator of air and missile defense technologies and systems,
delivering innovative and reliable
solutions that protect lives and
critical infrastructures against Bill Blair
current and evolving threats.
• Integrated Fighter – A leader in integrated fighter capabilities,
Raytheon offers a host of sophisticated products and capabilities
— including AESA radars, weapons, displays, electronic warfare
systems, and secure airborne processing — that deliver superior
performance in theater.
• C4I – Raytheon designs, develops and delivers a comprehensive
portfolio of integrated and networked command, control and
communications products and systems that enable warfighters to
communicate reliably and share actionable intelligence.
• Net Centric Modernisation – Raytheon is working together
with India entities to apply leading networked technologies and
capabilities for affordable defence, security, air transportation,
and civil infrastructure solutions that will provide for effective
Looking ahead
Raytheon will continue its efforts to team with Indian companies
and find ways to provide the very best solutions for India’s evolving
needs. With a broad portfolio of products and a relentless
commitment to mission assurance, Raytheon is well positioned to
help India achieve its goals.
We are a trusted and valued partner. For more than 25 years,
Raytheon has collaborated with the government of India and been a
trusted and valued partner and technology supplier in many areas.
Raytheon has performed well and delivered successfully on all of
its commitments to India during this time.
We are committed to expanding our relationship with India.
Raytheon has recently initiated several innovative programmes
with India that will continue to expand and deepen our valued
partnership in the future, and will enhance our collective positioning
in the global marketplace.
Finally, we offer extensive training, education and mission
support. Raytheon is committed to enhancing its partnership
programs to help develop India’s industrial base and train its
workforce in the latest technologies and systems. Raytheon offers
a comprehensive array of training solutions and mission support
services to India, for every product and system it provides.
“Raytheon has been in India for decades. We are a trusted
partner and we will be here for the long term,” added Blair.
Hawker Beechcraft Names Ted Farid Vice President of Sales for India, Asia Pacific
awker Beechcraft Corporation (HBC) announced the
appointment of Ted Farid as vice president of sales for the
Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, which includes all of North and
South Asia and India. In this role, Farid oversees sales activities
in a region that is essential to the company’s future success, with
many of the countries in the APAC region featuring some of the
world’s fastest growing economies and infrastructures. Todd
Hattaway, current director of sales for HBC in India, will report
to Farid.
Farid, who was born in New Delhi, India, joined HBC in 1996.
He has served in a variety of leadership roles with the company
focusing on the Indian marketplace. Most recently, he served as
senior vice president for International Sales and New Business
Development. Prior to HBC, he held leadership positions in
international sales and marketing at both Bombardier Learjet and
Cessna Aircraft Company.
Farid’s extensive worldwide sales experience, especially in
the APAC/Indian marketplaces, makes him an excellent choice to
lead the company’s efforts in this region. He received a bachelor’s
degree in engineering from Northrop Institute of Technology in
Inglewood, Calif., and is a private pilot.
The former vice president of the APAC region, Dan Keady,
was recently appointed to serve as Senior Vice President of the
company’s Special Missions organization.
07-february-2013 Day two
Narita NRT
HAL leads India’s aerospace charge
Dr. R. K. Tyagi
AL is showcasing it’s strength in
design, development and production
through its products during Aero
India 2013 including in-house designs such
as Light Combat Helicopter, “Rudra” the
weaponised Advance Light Helicopter and
Intermediate Jet Trainer.
ALH- Dhruv, LCH and Rudra (Mk 4
WSI) will be on flying display. Scale Models
of Light Utility Helicopter, Hawk, Light
Combat Aircraft and Su-30 are on display
at their stand.
In addition, Pilotless Target Aircraft
(Lakshya), Shakti engine, state-of-theart accessories and avionics from various
Divisions of HAL are being showcased.
The other specialities of the HAL pavilion
include 3D video mapping of HTT-40,
Dornier Glass cockpit, scale models of
aerospace structures of GSLV MkII, GSLV
Mk III and PSLV.
The Rotary Wing Corner will provide
the visitors through simulation and
visual display, a helicopter view of
the technologies, the capabilities and
competencies built in the Company. There
is also a holographic projection depicting
capabilities of LCA, Hawk, LCH and LUH.
Over the years Hindustan Aeronautics
has grown into a premier aeronautical
complex in Asia with 19 production
divisions and ten R&D centres having a
turnover in excess of US$ three billion with
one stop solutions for all the design needs
of aircraft and helicopters in airframes,
airframe systems, avionics, mission and
combat systems using advanced design
It has also diversified into manufacture
and repair/overhaul of Industrial and Marine
Gas Turbine engines, and manufacture of
structures for aerospace vehicles.
Some of the aircraft under production
include SU-30 MKI, a multi-role aircraft;
Tejas a single engine, light weight, highly
agile, multi-role supersonic fighter; LCH
a 5.5 ton class, powered by two Shakti
engines that inherits many technical
features of the Advanced Light Helicopter;
The LUH, a 3 Ton Class helicopter being
India and Directorate General of Civil
Aviation (DGCA), India respectively; The
IJT, a State II trainer aircraft indigenously
designed and developed is undergoing
flight test for certification; The Hawk Mk.
132, an Advanced Jet Trainer with tandem
dual seats meant to provide advanced flying
and weapons training; DO-228 Aircraft, a
twin turboprop, high wing aircraft with
a retractable tricycle landing gear. The
cabin in commuter transport role can
accommodate 15/19 passengers.
HAL has developed expertise in aircraft
upgrades with successful programmes
like MiG-27M, Jaguar, Sea Harrier, HS-748
(Avro) and Do-228. Integration of modern
systems like Multi-Mode Radar, Advanced
Avionic Systems, Secure Communication
System, Radio Altimeter, IFF equipment,
Mission Computer, Modern EW suite, Radio
developed indigenously by HAL; Cheetal
, the re-engined version of the proven
Cheetah helicopter; “Dhruv”, Advanced
Light Helicopter (ALH) built for military
as well as civil applications for which the
helicopter is certified by Centre for Military
Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC),
Altimeter, Global Positioning System, are
carried out to enhance the capabilities
of the aircraft, as per user requirement.
Upgrade of Jaguar Darin-III and Mirage
2000 has been taken up.
The company achieved a sales turnover
of Rs 14,204 crores in 2011-12, registering
a growth of 8.3% over the previous year (Rs
13,116 crores). HAL has 11 joint ventures.
HAL’s exports have seen a steady
growth over time and in 2011-12 registered
an impressive growth of 47% compared to
the previous year.
HAL also has 11 joint ventures to build
on its technical capabilities.
requirements, HAL has conceptualized
the indigenous development of a Basic
Turboprop Trainer (HTT-40). HAL will be
a partner in Multi-role Transport Aircraft
(MTA), Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft
(FGFA) and Indian Multi Role Helicopter
(IMRH) required for our defence service.
07-february-2013 Day two
Mikhail Pogosyan
UAC seeks to spread
wings in India
nited Aircraft Corporation is showcasing its military,
civil, transport and amphibia aircraft at AeroIndia2013 in
Bangalore. For the first time in India the model of advanced
frontline aircraft system (PAK FA) designed and developed by Sukhoi
will be showcased. Models of the new transport aircraft Il-76MD90A and civil UAC aircraft - SSJ 100 and MC-21 will be showcased
as well. At UAC stand A3.1 in hall A
MiG-35, Su-30MK, Be-200 and Yak-130
will also be showcased. A unique MiG-29
real vision simulator able to imitate
almost all MiG-29K/KUB flight modes
will be another outstanding exhibit
item. The simulator reproduces air
picture and bottoming surface providing
an absolute illusion of the real flight.
Along with current Su-30MK licensed
production and MiG-29 modernisation to
MiG-29UPG programmes, UAC together
with Indian aviation industry developes
new FGFA (fifth generation fighter
aircraft) MTA (multipurpose transport
aircraft) projects. Both projects are
developed on parity basis and are good
illustrations of Russia and India strategic
The above mentioned projects
presuppose the unprecendented level
off cooperation between our countries.
Only few countries can offer such close
“Russia has been in cooperation
with India for almost 50 years already.
Today there are about 500 Russian
aircraft operating in the Indian Air and Navy Forces, the majority
of Indian military air fleet. We do not want to be satisfied with what
has already been achieved and I think that on the basis of current
collaboration we could cooperate successfully at the civil market as
well,” said Mikhail Pogosyan, the UAC President.
India is Russia’s long-term partner in military aircraft building
and it remains one of the most promising markets for UAC
production in the medium term prospective. Today India is one of
the most fast growing world economies. It’s domestic transport
market will show biggest annual growth within upcoming 20 years.
The implemented full-scale programme of transport infrastructure
improvement will allow to increase the air transportation growth
pace and stimulate population mobility and air transportation too.
UAC civil aircraft sales forecast might be about 100 up to 2030 (SSJ
100 and MC-21).
Sukhoi Holding is also involved in the development of fifth
generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) on the basis of PAK-FA T-50
project in which India also has a stake.
The first preliminary design phase of the fifth generation fighter
aircraft programme has been successfully completed and work on
the multi-role transport aircraft (MTA) - both Indo-Russian joint
projects - is progressing on schedule.
UAC, a state-controlled corporation, was established in 2006 to
streamline the Russian aircraft making industry.
At present, the UAC in conjunction with the Indian industry
successfully works out new programmes for the development
of an advanced multifunctional jet (PMI- FGFA) and a versatile
transportation plane (MTC).
Russia will also ship two Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) passenger
jets to the Mexican airline Interjet in mid-2013, United Aircraft
Corporation (UAC) President Mikhail Pogosyan also pointed out at
a press conference on the first day of Aero India 2013.
“We have commissioned two Superjet International planes for
their adaptation for the Mexican airline Interjet. We will start their
shipment in the middle of the year,” he said. Interjet has contracted
30 planes of this type. The UAC also plans to bring the number of
SSJ100s shipped to Laos to three and ship the first three planes to
Indonesia in 2013,” he said.
The plane has good prospects for being supplied to India,
Australia and Africa. Pogosyan said. “The matter primarily concerns
regional carriers and low-cost airlines,” he said.
Aero India 2013:
expanding footprints of drdo
uoyed up by a string of successes
that it has been able to notch
up - during the course of 2012—
in a number of areas involving frontier
research and cutting edge technologies
including missiles, aeronautics, combat
vehicles and armaments, the state-owned
Defence Research and Development
Organisation(DRDO) has unveiled an
ambitious plan for an impressive presence
at Aero India 2013 being held between
Feb.6th and 10th at Air Force Station,
Yelahanka, Bengaluru. The major thrust
of DRDO’s presence at this ninth edition
of international aerospace and defence
expo will be centred round the projection
of aerospace related research and
development (R&D) advancements made
by various labs under DRDO including the
Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA)
and coordinated efforts of various R&D
work centres of DRDO.
The most conspicuous highlight of
DRDO’s participation at Aero India 2013
would be the tarmac display of the fighter
variant of
India’s home growth fourth
generation supersonic combat aircraft
Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) and
flying display of Tejas which is now winging
its way towards the Final Operational
Clearance (FOC).it is also planned for the
flying display of the Advanced Early Warning
and Control (AEW&C) System developed by
the Bengaluru based Centre for Airborne
Systems (CABS). On the other hand, the
static displays would include the trainer
variant of LCA Tejas with the armaments
mock ups, Rustom-1 Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV), missiles on launch vehicles
and Akashdeep Aerostat. As many as 21
DRDO labs would be participating in the
event to showcase their technological
Indeed, as pointed out by V.K. Saraswat,
chief of DRDO, the year 2012 is remarkable
for the organisation as it witnessed many
“success stories” including the flight trials
of Agni-V long range surface to surface,
nuclear capable missile and Astra, the high
performance, supersonic air to air missile.
Saraswat also stressed the point that the
technology being developed for Indian UAVs
by DRDO has attained a high degree of
Addressing the DRDO press meet/
curtain raiser on Aero India 2013 and
Aero India International Seminar 2013 at
Bengaluru on Jan.25, Saraswat announced
that the maiden flight of the much awaited
subsonic cruise missile Nirbhay (fearless in
Sanskrit) would take place in February this
year. The one tonne class, six metre long
Nirbhay with an inbuilt loitering capability
is expected to supplement the capability of
the Indo-Russian supersonic cruise missile
BrahMos, the naval and land attack versions
of which have already been ainducted into
services. Like Brahmos, Nirbhay would be
versatile enough to be launched from a
variety of platforms. As envisaged now, the
all weather Nirbhay incorporating a state
of the art control and guidance system will
From L.H side Sh. NM Kavaerppa, regional PRO, DRDO (South), Sh. R Swaminathan, Programme Director
(MM) ADA, Sh. Ravi Kumar Gupta, Director (P.I), Dr. Tamilmani, CE CEMILAC, Dr. VK Saraswat, SA to RM, DG
DRDO, Sh. PS Subramanayam, Director ADA & Sh. PS Krishnan, Director ADE
be inducted into services before the middle
of this decade. Saraswat also stated that
Nirbhay has been designed for a high
degree of accuracy in terms of impact and
About the Advanced Medium Combat
Aircraft (AMCA) - a follow up to Tejas featuring fifth generation technologies,
Saraswat said that this advanced fighter
aircraft being taken up for development by
the Bengaluru based ADA will have features
like stealth and super cruise capability.
Currently, AMCA project is in leading phase
under which identification of technologies
and the type of the configuration will be
arrived at. As envisaged now, AMCA is
planned to be a single seat, twin engine
multi role fighter. As is the case with Tejas,
AMCA too will have a naval variant. Further,
it is planned to equip AMCA with advanced
missile systems, stand off weapons and
precision weapons. The avionics suite of
this Indian fighter aircraft would include
AESA radar.
About the production phase of LCA Tejas,
Saraswat said that the Indian aeronautical
major HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited)
has already made the ground work to roll
out the first LCA Tejas by the middle of this
year with a plan to deliver four Tejas aircraft
every year from then on. Significantly, a
section of the media had sometime back
raised doubts about the soundness of HAL
assembly lines to produce an advanced
fighter like Tejas.
About India’s home grown Kaveri engine
taken up for development by the Bangalore
based Gas Turbine Research Establishment
(GTRE) in late 1980s,Saraswat stated that
this aircraft power plant has successfully
gone through a series of trials on-board the
Russian IL-76 aircraft and it will be taken to its
logical conclusion. Though initially conceived
of as a power plant to propel Tejas, due to its
inability - at the current stage of development
- to generate sufficient level of thrust, it
is now planned to use the engine to power
UAVs being developed by DRDO. ”Unmanned
air systems would see the integration of
Kaveri engine for different
is also planned to demonstrate the engine
on-board an Indian origin aircraft,” observed
Saraswat. Meanwhile, DRDO is planning to
co-develop the Kaveri engine in association
with a foreign engine major. The idea is to
transform Kaveri into an engine that could
power even AMCA. In the context of the delay
in the realisation of Kaveri, MK-I version of
Tejas would be powered by GE-404 engine
while MK-II version of the fighter would be
propelled by GE-414 engine.
07-february-2013 Day two
About the airborne warning and control
system, Saraswat noted that two of the
home grown AEW&C (Airborne Early
warning and Control (AEW&C) mounted
on the Brazilian Embraer aircraft will
be ready this year .As a follow up to this,
DRDO has taken up a Rs.60,000-million
AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control)
system project meant to supplement the
capabilities of AEW&C and strengthen
the military surveillance along India’s
international borders. Capable of flying
longer and higher than the AEW&C, the
Indian AWACS would give better coverage
- 360 degrees compared to 270 degrees
by AEW&C. ”The AWACS system will be
able to penetrate into enemy territory for
longer distances, not physically but by way
of radars and electronic warfare systems,”
noted Saraswat. He also revealed that many
countries deploy both the systems, since
each of them have their own role to play.
More importantly, Saraswat noted
that DRDO continues to make significant
contribution to the self reliance in the area of
defence. Citing the findings of the Economic
Analysis Wing of the Government of India,
Saraswat drove home the point that the Self
Reliance Index of DRDO has gone up to 55%
from the earlier 30%.However, he debunked
the idea of 100% home grown products. For
Saraswat made it clear that in a globalised
and networked world, no country can afford
to produce everything going into a system.
Outsourcing has become the mantra of the
modern day production and DRDO has to
be alive to this trend. Otherwise, the final
products would be prohibitively costly.
At the DRDO press meet cum curtain
raiser, it was also announced that that the
theme of the Aero India 2013 International
Seminar being organised by DRDO in
association with Aeronautical Society of
India (ASI) would be “Aerospace Products—
Challenges in Design to Deployment”. For
according to the organisers, the success of
any aerospace design ultimately depends
on its capable translation to production.
About 875 delegates including 25 from
abroad would participate in the seminar
being held in Bengaluru between Feb.4
and 6, 2013.The plenary session of the
seminar would be inaugurated by Raksha
Mantri A.K.Antony on Feb.5 with Phil Boyle,
President of the Royal Aeronautical Society
and G.M.Rao, President of ASI as guests
of honour. According to Saraswat,”The
seminar is aimed at providing aerospace
professionals an environment to study,
examine and share information on
contemporary advances on the theme”.
Radhakrishna Rao
firm launch date for
about plan for a human
space flight mission, which is
awaiting final clearance from
the Government of India, is yet
to be announced by the Indian
Space Research Organisation
(ISRO). Originally, it was planned
to launch the Indian manned
mission during 2016. Though
ISRO had done preliminary
ground work to identify some
of the critical technologies
required for the realisation
of this high profile mission,
many aspects of this project
continue to pose a problem in
terms of “infrastructure and
industrial resources”. A sum
of Rs.1500- million has already
been sanctioned by Government
of India for pre project studies
aimed at zeroing in on specific
technological elements vital
for the accomplishment of
the mission. According to K.
ISRO, “A human space flight is a
complex mission requiring a host
of things such a heavy rocket,
re-entry vehicle, space capsule,
control, a life support system
and an escape system for the
crew. As of now, we don’t have a
programme to launch a human
space flight mission over the
next five years.” He also made
it clear the cost of the project
would need to be reworked
in the context of the changed
schedule of the programme.
ISRO has hinted at deploying the
man rated version of the three
stage, heavy lift off GSLV-MKIII
rocket for the mission. But then
with ISRO yet to qualify the home
grown cryogenic propulsion for
the basic GSLV-MKII vehicle,
the operationalisation of GSLVMKIII has become a challenging
proposition. Indeed, the failure
of two GSLV (Geosynchronous
Satellite Launch Vehicle) flights
during 2010 — one equipped
with the home grown cryogenic
engine stage and the other
propelled by Russian supplied
cryogenic engine stage —
proved a setback to India’s
Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Chairman, ISRO
launch vehicle development
For the manned space flight
programme, a third launch
pad will be set up at Satish
Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC)
in Sriharikota island on India’s
eastern coast. On another
front, ISRO in tie up with the
Institute of Aviation Medicine
(IAM), a part of the Indian Air
Force (IAF), has initiated the
process for the setting up of
an astronaut training facility
near to Bangalore. In yet
another major initiative, ISRO
has signed a Memorandum
07-february-2013 Day two
of Understanding (MOU) with
the Bangalore based DEBEL
(Defence Bio engineering and
Electro-medical Laboratory),
functioning under the state
owned Defence Research and
(DRDO), for the engineering
of space suit, the technology
of which is zealously guarded
secret of a few space faring
will be designed to protect
astronauts against extremes
in temperature compounded
by intensive solar radiation in
space during the mission.
Indian manned flight
envisages sending two member
crew into a near earth orbit for
about a week followed by their
safe return to earth. Since India
lacks expertise in designing
and developing a manned space
capsule, Russian assistance
will be used for building a space
capsule under an agreement
India has entered into with
Russia. Russia will also assist
India in the area of astronaut
training. Way back in 1984, Sq.
Ldr Rakesh Sharma became
the first Indian cosmonaut after
he flew on-board the Russian
Soyuz spaceship.
Radhakrishna Rao
India’s Human Space Flight
Mission Takes a Back Seat
Embraer signs MOU with Indamer for Beechcraft King Air
Series Continues
Legacy 500 maintenance support
mbraer announced that it inked a
Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with Indamer Pty Ltd to provide
maintenance support for the midsize Legacy
500 aircraft, ahead of the jets’ expected
entry into service in 2014. The aircraft which
is currently in the flight test stage following
the successful maiden flight of the first
prototype on 27th November, 2012.
“The MoU illustrates our commitment
to our customers’ peace of mind by
providing the best possible customer
support infrastructure for current and
future operations of Embraer Executive
Jets aircraft in the country,” said André Luis
Vieira de Sousa, Director Customer Support
and Services, Asia Pacific – Embraer
Executive Jets. “By looking ahead, we will
ensure the efficient operation of all our
business aircraft operating in the region.”
Indamer is one of the initial 17 service
centers that the company plans to enter into
MoUs with for product support. The move is
part of the company’s maturity strategy to
have all product support in place worldwide
before the Legacy 500 jet enters into service
in 2014.
The MoU extends the maintenance
service provider’s mission in India, where it
already offers line and base maintenance for
the entire portfolio of Embraer’s Executive
Jets in India today, including the entrylevel Phenom 100, super-midsize Legacy
600, long-range Legacy 650 and ultralarge Lineage 1000. Indamer is one of two
authorised service providers for Embraer
Executive Jets in the country; the other
is Air Works Pty Limited which provides
maintenance support for Phenom 100 jets
in the market.
Sagem creates Indian subsidiary
agem (Safran) announced on the first
day of the show that it has created
a Sagem Services India Private
Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary that will
be headquartered in New Delhi in India.
Primarily focused on maintenance, the
company will provide customer support for
all Sagem avionics, optronics and inertial
navigation systems and equipment in
service in India.
The creation of the new subsidiary
marks a major step forward in Sagem’s
development in this country. Working
closely with its customers, Sagem will be
able to enhance its role in the development
of India’s aerospace industry, and form new
partnerships in all of its business sectors.
Sagem already works closely with the
Indian civil and military aircraft programmes
to supply avionics and navigation systems
for both new aircraft and modernisation
programmes. Sagem’s new subsidiary will
draw on the resources of its parent company,
Safran, which already has approximately
2,100 employees in India.
to Lead Turboprop
Market in India
awker Beechcraft Corporation is
displaying the flagship of its bestselling business aircraft family
– the Beechcraft King Air 350i – at Aero
India 2013.
The Beechcraft King Air series has
long led the turboprop market segment
in India. According to JETNET industry
data, 82% of the new turboprop business
aircraft delivered into India from 20022011, were King Air products, while 83%
of the total fleet of registered business
turboprops registered in the country are
King Air aircraft.
“The reliability, durability and
versatility of King Air turboprops make
them ideal for operating in the diverse
environments of this region,” said
Todd Hattaway, HBC director of sales,
India. “In addition, we continue to see a
growing demand for our aircraft used in
special mission applications throughout
the country.”
More than 20 King Air turboprops are
currently registered to state or federal
government organisations in India – the
majority providing VIP transportation for
both interstate and cross country travel.
The worldwide fleet of more than
7,000 King Air turboprops has amassed
in excess of 45 million flight hours while
operating in 115 countries around the
world. King Air products serve a variety
of missions such as traditional transport
of personnel and high-value cargo,
electronic and imagery surveillance,
air ambulance, airways calibration,
photographic mapping, training and
weather modification.
The Beechcraft King Air 350i
turboprop on display at Aero India
features next generation capabilities
and efficiency, providing a responsible,
sustainable alternative for business air
travelers. Not only is the King Air 350i
its segment’s greenest aircraft, but it
can also take more passengers farther
on less fuel – meaning consistent
savings for its operators. This, combined
with state-of-the-art design and
performance enhancements, represents
new heights of power and durability,
while its new interior means that it has
the most comfortable and capable cabin
ever offered in its class.
07-february-2013 Day two
Accord Software & Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Accubeat Ltd.
ACUTRONIC Switzerland Ltd
ADG Army Aviation
ADS Group Ltd
Aerodata AG
AeroMag Asia
Aeromet International PLC
Aimil Ltd
Air & Ground Ltd
Air Defence Concern “Almaz-Antey” jsc
Air Works India Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A.
All Metal Servives Ltd
Alloys Engineers Pvt Ltd
Alpha Design Technologies Pvt Ltd
Amado Tools
AMI Metals UK Ltd
Amphenol Interconnect India Pvt Ltd
Apollo Aerospace Components India Pvt. Ltd.,
Apollo Computing Laboratories (P) Ltd
ASB Aerospatiale Batteries
Astra Microwave Products Limited
AUSY Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Avaana Software & Services
Axis Aerospace & Technologies Ltd.
BAE Systems
BE Analytic Solutions LLP
Bell Helicopter Textron
Beriev Aircraft Company
Bharat Dynamics Ltd
07-february-2013 Day two
List of Exhibitors
BrahMos Aerospace
Bralco Metals
Breton spa
Capgemini India Pvt Ltd
Captronic Systems Pvt Ltd
Chemring Countermeasures Ltd
Chivaro Technologies Pvt Ltd
CI Systems Ltd
Cobham Plc
comint systems and solutions and private limited
Concern AVIONICA jsc
CONNEKT Electronics Private Limited
Controp Precision Technologies
CoreEL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
CSM Software Private Limited
D.Marchiori s.r.l.
DCX Cable assemblies Pvt.Ltd
DEARBORN Electronics
Diehl Defence Holding GmbH
Discovery Aviation.
Dover Ceramic and Microwave products
DRS Technologies, Inc.
Dynamatic Technologies Limited
EIS Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.
ELECTROSTAL Metallurgical Plant, JSC
Embraer Executive Jets
Embraer SA
EMSAC Engineering Pvt Ltd
Enti Innovations Private Limited
EuroAvionics GmbH
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH
Evonik Degussa India Pvt. Ltd.
EWAS Technologies Pvt Ltd
Faro Business Technologies (I) Pvt Ltd
FED Corporation
FLAG (Flemish Aerospace Group)
Flanders Investment & Trade
FLIR Systems, Inc.
Garner CAD Technic GmbH
GE Aviation
German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
GippsAero Pty Ltd
GKN Aerospace
Global Components Inc
Govt. of Karnataka
Gulfstream Aerospace
Hale Hamilton Valves Limited
Hartmann Elektronik GmbH
HCL Technologies Ltd.
Hindustan Aerosystem pvt ltd
Hindustan University
HTMS (High Tech Metal Seals)
IAI - Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd
IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
Opportunity, Office of Trade and Investment
Ilyushin Aviation Complex
India Strategic
Indian Defence Review
Infotech Enterprises
Interturbine Aviation GmbH
Irkut Corporation
Ivchenko-Progress, SE
J S Precision
Jahagirdar Aero Products
JSC “558 Aircraft Repair Plant”
Kallman Worldwide
07-february-2013 Day two
L-3 Communications
Lakshmi Vacuum Heat Treaters Pvt Ltd
Lakshmi Vacuum Technologies
LDRA Technology Pvt. Ltd
Lockheed Martin
LPS Bossard Pvt. Ltd.
Magellan Aerospace
Mahindra Aerostructures Pvt. Ltd.
Mahindra Satyam
Merlinhawk Aerospace Pvt ltd
MicroMet - ATI
Micronel Global Engineers (P) Ltd
Mikroflo Filters (P) Limited
Millennium Aero Dynamics Pvt Ltd
MKU Pvt. Ltd.
Modern Chemical, Inc.
Motion Dynamics Pvt Ltd
Motor Sich JSC
Motor Sich, JSC’’
National Aerospace Laboratories
National Small Industries Corporation
Newsline Publication Pvt Ltd
Nicomatic India Electronics Pvt Ltd.
Noble Aerospace Private Limited
NORMAL Corporation, Inc.
Northrop Grumman
Offset India Solutions Pvt Ltd.
OIS-Advanced Technology
OPEN MIND Technologies AG
Opgal optronic Industries Ltd.
Orbit Communication Systems Ltd.
Ordnance Factory Board
Orion Advanced Systems Ltd.
Paramount General Trading L.L.C
Pelican Products & Services India Pvt.Ltd
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd
PPG Aerospace
Pratt & Whitney Canada
Processware Systems (P) Ltd
Prodigy Technovations
Production Association “Ural Optical&Mechanical
Plant” named after Mr.E.S.Yalamov”
Punj Lloyd Ltd
Pushpak Products India Pvt Ltd
QuEST Global Inc.
Rada Electronic Industries Ltd.
Radiall India Pvt. Ltd.
Radiant Coral Digital Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Raghu Vamsi Machine Tools Pvt Ltd
Rajdeep Automation Pvt. Ltd.
Rajnish Industries Pvt Ltd
Rangsons Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Rapid Global Business Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.
Raytheon Company
Reutech Communications
Robertson Fuel Systems
Rockwell Collins
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Rossell Techsys
Rotary Electronics
Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG
Russian Aviation Company (Rusavia)
Russian Technologies State Corporation
S.G.D Engineering Ltd.
Saab AB
SACS Aerospace GmbH & Co. KG
Samtel Avionics and Defence Systems
Sap Media Worldwide Ltd
SasMos HET Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Sattva Aero Accessories & Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Selex ES
Sensonor AS
Servocontrols Aerospace India Private Limited
07-february-2013 Day two
Karl Storz Endoscopy India Pvt. Ltd
Kineco Kaman Composites India Private Limited
Kingsly Instrumentation and Communication P. Ltd.
KINTEX Shareholding Company
Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS
KUKA Systems
Shephard Media
ShinMaywa Industries, Ltd.
Sikorsky Aircraft
Sirius Technologies
SLN Technologies Pvt Ltd
Snapon Tools Pvt Ltd
Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies and
Industries (SIATI)
Star Hentzen Coatings Pvt. Ltd.
Stork International GmbH
STPI Group
Strongfield Technologies Ltd
Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company
Suma Springs Pvt Ltd
Syratron technologies Private Limited
System Controls Technology Solutions Private Limited
Systems Aids
TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd.
TATA Advanced Materials Limited
Tata Advanced Systems Limited
Tata Elxsi Ltd.
Tata Industrial Services Ltd.
Tata Power SED
Tata Services Ltd.
Tata Steel
Tata Technologies Ltd.
Techtest Ltd
TEMEX Ceramics
TenCate Protective Fabrics
Textron Systems
The Boeing Company
ThyssenKrupp Aerospace Germany GmbH
Tital GmbH
Titan Industries Ltd.
Titanium Industries India Pvt Ltd
Trade & Invest British columbia
Travian Flight Services Pvt Ltd
Trident Infosol Pvt Ltd
Trigyn Technologies Limited
Tritech Group Limited
TW Metals
Ultra Electronics
Ultralife Corporation
United Aircraft Corporation
UTC Aerospace Systems
Uvision Global Aero Systems Ltd.
Varman Aviation Pvt Ltd
Vayu Aerospace and Defence Review
Vector Software Inc.
Vibrotech Aviation
Wesco Aircraft
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering
Zing Technologies
To Advertise &
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07-february-2013 Day two
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