2016 Participant Guide Rock The Ridge


2016 Participant Guide Rock The Ridge
Rock The Ridge
50-Mile Endurance Challenge
2016 Participant Guide
Table of Contents
3. Race Check-in
4. Race Start
6. Course Rules
7. Aid Stations
8. What To Bring
10. Finding Your Way
12. Cutoff Times
All registration for Rock The Ridge is either through the event website, mohonkpreserve.org/rockthe-ridge, or one of our identified registration partners. Online registration will close on April 24,
2016. There is no mail-in registration for the event, or any registration whatsoever after April 24th.
In addition to the registration fee, entry into Rock The Ridge carries with it a minimum fundraising
commitment of $250 per person, which you will guarantee with your credit card as part of the
registration process. CrowdRise.com is our 2016 registration and fundraising partner. After
registering, CrowdRise will provide you with a unique URL for you to share with friends, family, and
colleagues to facilitate your personal fundraising campaign. We have every confidence that you’ll
be successful in your fundraising efforts, but in the event there is a shortfall relative to the $250
fundraising minimum, your credit card will be charged for that shortfall on April 30, 2016.
All contributions made to your campaign on CrowdRise are fully tax deductible, and will go directly
to the Mohonk Preserve, a 501(c)(3) corporation.
Refund Policy
Registration Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Registered participants may withdraw
from the event at any time prior to April 28, 2016 when Crowdrise charges credit cards for the
personal guarantee, and this will cancel their guarantee of their Minimum Fundraising Commitment,
but they will not receive a refund of their registration fee. Donations already received to your
personal fundraising campaign will not be refunded
Participant Parking
There will be no parking at the race Start/Finish area. There will also be no parking whatsoever on
Gatehouse Road, Rte 299, or any of the streets that adjoin Gatehouse Rd. Cars parked in any of
these locations will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.
Primary parking for all Rock The Ridge participants will be at the Ulster County Fairgrounds on
Libertyville Road in New Paltz, approximately two miles from the race start.
A shuttle service will run between the main parking lot and the race Start/Finish area according to
the following schedule:
Saturday, April 30th – from 4:20am to 5:40am (every 10 minutes)
– from 7:00am to 10:00am (every 30 minutes)
– from 1:30pm to 12:00 midnight (every 45 minutes)
Sunday, May 1st – from 12:00 midnight to 7:00am (every hour)
Note: Frequency of all shuttles is approximate.
Participants choosing not to park a car at the Ulster Fairground location can be dropped off near the
race start, on Gatehouse Road near Route 299 (see “Race Start” section below). The runner drop-off
area will be 50 meters beyond the gate to the Testimonial Gatehouse property, and will be indicated
with appropriate signage. Your cooperation in using the designated drop-off area is appreciated,
as this will allow proper flow of the morning shuttle bus service. And remember, there is no parking
whatsoever on Gatehouse Road. Only runner drop-offs are permitted here.
Spectator Parking
Due to the nature of the course, there is a limited amount of spectator/support crew parking along
the route. In order to help facilitate spectator support, each entrant in Rock The Ridge will be
issued two Mohonk Preserve day passes. See the “Spectators” section of this guide for more
details about spectator parking.
Relay Team Parking
All relay team members should plan to park in the primary participant lot, and canproceed by
shuttle service to the Start/Finish area. Once the race has started, shuttle buseswill include the relay
exchange locations at Spring Farm (exchange point #1) and Lyons Rd (exchange points #2 and #3) as
part of their loop route.
Teams may also choose to park at Spring Farm in the early stages of the event, but must bear in
mind that shuttle service to and from Spring Farm will terminate at approximately 12:00pm. Please
plan accordingly so that your car does not get stranded at Spring Farm.
Race Check-in
Race packet pickup will be at the following times and locations:
Friday, April 29th
12:00pm – 7:00pm Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center, US Rte 44, Gardiner, NY
Saturday, April 30th
4:30am – 5:45am Race Start, Testimonial Gatehouse, Gatehouse Rd, New Paltz, NY
Bag Check / Drop Bags
There will be a bag check table on race morning for any participant needing to check a bag, leave
a drop bag, or both. Drop Bags will be delivered to the Lyons Rd aid station (miles 23.9 and 37.7 of
the course), and returned to the bag check tent at the Start/Finish area for your pickup there after
finishing Rock The Ridge. Note: All bags must be clearly and legibly tagged with the participant’s
full name, telephone number and mailing address, and should be weatherproof. Rock The Ridge is
not responsible for lost or unclaimed bags.
Race Start
The race will begin promptly at 6:00am EDT at the Testimonial Gatehouse, located on Gatehouse
Rd near Rte 299 in New Paltz, NY (red arrow indicates location). All race divisions will begin
simultaneously in a mass start.
Spectators are welcome and encouraged, but be aware that most of the Rock The Ridge course is
remote, and due to the popularity of the Mohonk Preserve, on a good weather day, its parking lots
may be crowded.
Mohonk Preserve Parking
There is a $12 per person (not per car) day use fee for all Mohonk Preserve facilities, but remember
that you’ll be issued two Mohonk Preserve day passes (referenced in the “Parking” section of this
guide) which two of your family/friends can use for free access all day at Mohonk Preserve parking
lots. Note: There are no day use fees for active Mohonk Preserve members.
The Mohonk Preserve parking lots below are open throughout the daylight hours, and from which
you can view, support, and cheer for your participant:
Spring Farm
This location is near the first major aid station and relay exchange point at Slingerland Pavilion,
located at approximately the 10 - mile mark of Rock The Ridge. It is at the most northern point in
the course, and a wonderful location from which to experience what is locally known and revered as
the “million dollar view.”
West Trapps
The West Trapps parking area, located along Rte 44/55, is another Mohonk Preserve facility, and is
located a few hundred yards from Trapps Bridge, which is at approximately mile 22 and 40 on the
course. Trapps Bridge is also only about a two-mile carriage road walk from the Lyons Rd aid station
and relay exchange point. This parking area will close at approximately 8:30pm.
Note: The West Trapps lot is an extremely popular parking spot for rock climbers, and mountain
bikers, and on a good weather day, is often full by late morning. Please plan accordingly
Other Spectator Parking
Lake Minnewaska
This location is within Minnewaska State Park, and is managed by the State of New York. There is an
$8 per car (not person) day fee, and your Mohonk Preserve day passes are unfortunately not valid
here. From Lake Minnewaska you will be able to see/support your participant at approximately the
26 and 35 mile marks as they pass along the northwest corner of the lake in both directions.
This parking area closes at sunset.
Course Rules
All registered runners will be issued an official race number prior to the start. These numbers (known
in the vernacular as “bibs”) must be worn at all times on the front of your clothing. This is necessary
for the safety and welfare of all participants. Any participant found not wearing their official race
number may be asked to leave the course.
Pacing and Crewing
Pacers are not allowed on the course with registered participants unless previously approved by the
Race Director. Crew teams are optional, keeping in mind that parking is limited in most places along
the course.
There may be potential for crew assistance at the Trapps Bridge location (miles 22 and 40), with a
pay parking lot a few hundred yards away, and at Lake Minnewaska (which is at miles 26 and 35).
Please see the Parking section in this guide for details on parking locations and fees.
Note: Due to very limited parking, there will be absolutely no crew assistance allowed at the Lyons
Rd aid station location.
Completing The Course
In order to qualify for awards and appropriate recognition, teams and individuals must complete the
50-mile course in its entirety as it is marked. They must also finish under their own physical power.
Anyone caught cutting the course or using any motorized, mechanical or outside assistance will be
disqualified from the event.
Trekking Poles
For those who plan to hike/walk the course either in part or in its entirety, you are welcome to use
trekking poles throughout the day.
Calls of Nature
Along the course, there will be bathroom facilities at the major aid stations located at miles 9.8
(Spring Farm), 23.9 (Lyons Rd), and 37.7 (Lyons Rd again). There will also be facilities at the start/
finish area, near the Lake Minnewaska aid station (Miles 26.4 and 35.2), and along Undercliff Rd (near
Mile 40). There will not be any facilities at any other points on the course. If nature calls and you are
not able to reach one of our port-o-johns in time, please use discretion by moving to an area that
is away from the course, and wherever and whenever possible, please bury your waste six inches or
more in the ground and cover it appropriately.
No Littering
The lands of the Mohonk Preserve, Minnewaska State Park, and all other parts of the course are
“carry in – carry out” in nature. Please do not dispose of any trash or food waste on the ground, or
anywhere other than an aid station or a bona fide trash receptacle (there will be a few along the way,
but not many). Anyone caught littering will be disqualified from the event.
No Smoking
There is no smoking allowed anywhere on the Rock The Ridge course, its aid stations, or the Start/
Finish area.
Man’s Best Friend
Although many of our participants work out frequently with their family pooch, we regret that dogs
— or any other pets — are not allowed on the Rock The Ridge course.
Aid Stations
photo by JOHN MIZEL
Aid stations along the Rock The Ridge course will take two forms. First are the major aid stations,
located at miles 9.8, 23.9 and 37.7. These locations will have food, fluids (water & sports drinks) and
first aid available to all registered participants. There will also be “fluid-only” aid stations located at
several points in between the major aid stations. Except for Mountain Rest Rd, fluid stations will also
typically have energy gels.
The chart below details all of the support locations, and summarizes the services provided at
each one:
Mountain Rest Rd.
Spring Farm
Rhododendron Bridge
Lyons Rd
Lake Minnewaska
Lake Minnewaska
Lyons Rd
Rhododendron Bridge
First aid
Drop bag
Aid Station Check-in
All participants must report to the timing official (look for the important looking person with the
clipboard) to be checked in at each of the three major aid stations shown in boldface above. This is
critical for both runner tracking and safety.
What To Bring
Although there are a number of aid stations along the course, they may not be able to provide you
with all of the things you’ll want or need to make your Rock The Ridge experience complete. With
respect to clothing, you’ll need to plan for all potential weather conditions for early May in New
Paltz, NY, and also for changing temperatures throughout the day as you travel the course. See our
“Prepare Yourself” page for a recommended clothing and equipment list (mohonkpreserve.org/
prepare-yourself). For most people, refillable water bottles (or a water backpack) are a must, as is a
reliable sports watch, a hat, and sunglasses.
You should also consider any special forms of nourishment that you may prefer in the event the
food offerings at the major aid stations do not meet with your preference or your constitution. As
mentioned in other sections of this guide, Rock The Ridge will facilitate the use of a drop bag if you
wish to put one together. Drop bags should be weatherproof, and must be clearly tagged with the
participant’s name, phone number and mailing address. Upon checking in on race morning, drop
bags should be delivered to the Bag Check table, and will be transported for you to the Lyons Rd
aid station location for your access during the event.
Most important — and especially for participants who expect to take more than 14 hours to
complete the course — is that you bring a headlamp or lightweight flashlight.
We encourage Rock The Ridge participants to bring cameras and take pictures of the sights they see
on their journey, and to subsequently post any or all of those pictures to our Facebook page or using
In fact, many of our 2015 participants posted photos to Facebook,Twitter and Instagram as they
went along! It’s our belief that a pictographic sharing of your experience will bring to you a strong
sense of the community that is Rock The Ridge. If you post photos to your social media accounts,
share your journey with us — use #RockTheRidge2016.
The most important priority of Rock The Ridge is the safety of all its participants. The course is
comprised almost entirely of smooth carriage roads, making for fairly stable footing. However,
the course will still be open to the general public during the event, so be mindful of day hikers,
mountain bikers, rock climbers, boulderers, and any others who you may see while on your journey.
On some portions of the course, you will encounter 180-degree switchbacks, or be in close proximity
to sheer drop-offs that could lead to severe injury or death. There is no fencing or guardrail in most
places to protect you from these features in the terrain, so it’s important to use good judgment and
caution as you make your way along the course.
You may also encounter wildlife along the way, none of which are generally dangerous, but some
of which may give you pause. In 2013, there were two bear sightings, a porcupine sighting, and
numerous deer sightings. As long as you use proper judgment and do not disturb the local animals,
in all likelihood they won’t disturb you either. There are also several brief road crossings along the
way. Although motorists will be alerted to your presence, please be mindful of potential speeding
cars (quite unlikely, but possible) as you cross these paved roadways.
Required Items
The event will start in fairly good morning light, but the sun will set at approximately 7:55pm, making
headlamps a necessity for those who haven’t completed the course by that time. All participants
expecting to finish in 14 hours or more are required to have a headlamp or flashlight with them, and
must use it beginning at sunset. Be sure that you have fresh batteries in the unit when packing for
the event. A reflective piece of clothing could also be worn if you so choose.
If you don’t wish to carry it with you the entire way, your headlamp can be put into a drop bag, and
picked up when you reach the Lyons Rd aid station at mile 37.7. If you don’t anticipate reaching this
point on the course by 8:00pm, you should take it with you upon reaching this same location at the
23.9 mile mark.
Cell Phones
Optionally, you may wish to carry a cell phone with you for additional communication and photo
taking opportunities. Cell tower coverage along the route is somewhat sporadic, but you should be
able to place calls, or at the very least, send text messages in the majority of locations on the course.
Should you become injured or ill and find yourself either temporarily or permanently unable to
continue, please notify the nearest Rock The Ridge race official as soon as possible. EMTs will be
on hand at the major aid stations, and will be charged with primary assessment of your medical
condition. If an EMT determines that you are not fit to continue, you must leave the course at once.
Arrangements will be made to get you back to the Start/Finish area, where additional medical
support will be available if necessary. All race officials have the authority to remove participants from
the course for medical or safety reasons. Your cooperation is appreciated, with the understanding
that your well-being is our primary concern.
Finding Your Way
photo by TOM WEINER
The Rock The Ridge course will be marked throughout the entirety of its 50 miles. You will see small
signs featuring the event name directing you along the route, and there will be course marshals
located at some intersections in order to help assure that you’re traveling in the proper direction. In
certain spots you may see flour on the ground acting as a directional. You will also encounter milemark signs at 5-mile increments, keeping you apprised of your personal progress, and hopefully
exciting you about getting closer and closer to the finish line of this colossal achievement!
Refer to our Course Description (mohonkpreserve.org/rock-ridge-course-description) for a listing of
some of the many progress points on the course.
Feel free to print and carry this information with you.
After Dark
It goes without saying that seeing the markings and staying on course will become more challenging
after the sun goes down. Accordingly, please be sure to travel the Rock The Ridge route more
deliberately after it becomes dark. Look for arrows and other relevant markings at all trail junctions.
Those markings will be complemented with fluorescent glow sticks to give you further comfort that
you are on the right track.
We recommend purchasing maps of the Shawangunk Trails from our mapping partner the New
York-New Jersey Trail Conference. These may assist you in getting back on course in the unlikely
event that you should miss a turn. A complete map set of the area is available at http://nynjtc.org/
product/shawangunk-trails and you can purchase the NYNJTC app for your smartphone.
As a reference, there will also be a large course map posted on a board at the Start/Finish area, and
mini course maps will be available to carry with you, courtesy of the Trail Conference.
The Divisions
Rock The Ridge is geared toward teams, but encourages participation in several forms. The three
main divisions of the event are:
Team 50-mile
By definition, 50-Mile teams will consist of 2, 3 or 4 people, and teammates will typically traverse the
entire course together as a group. All team members must check in together at each of the three
major aid stations. Separating is permissible, but it will disqualify you from awards.
Individual 50-Mile
In this division,Ridge Rockers will take on the entire course solo. No outside pacers are allowed to
assist participants in this division.
Team Relay
This division of Rock The Ridge is for athletes who may not wish to traverse the entire 50 miles, but
want to participate in a relay-oriented way. Teams in the Relay category may consist of either two (2)
or four (4) members, each one running/walking a portion of the course. Teammates must each run or
hike their entire leg(s) in order to qualify for awards.
Note: Participants in two-person relay teams may not complete the course in ‘leap frog’ fashion.
Each team member must run either legs 1 and 2 –OR– legs 3 and 4 in consecutive fashion.
Cutoff Times
Although Rock The Ridge has a 24-hour time limit, which should allow properly prepared participants
(say that three times fast) to complete the course on time, for the sake of our many volunteers and
other staffers, we cannot keep the course open longer than that. Accordingly, we have stipulated
cutoff times as indicated below:
Mile mark
Time cutoff
Aid station #2 Lyons Rd
Aid station #3 Lyons Rd
If you don’t reach each of the above locations before the stated time cutoffs, in all likelihood you will
not be able to complete Rock The Ridge within its 24-hour limit. Accordingly, you will be asked to
drop out of the race, and will be transported back to the Start/Finish line by a race official or one of
our shuttle buses.
Rock The Ridge participants in all divisions will be timed on a ‘gun-time’ basis, and intermediate
splits will be captured at the Spring Farm and Lyons Rd (twice) exchange locations. In the Team 50Mile division, the team’s official completion time iswhen your last member crosses the finish line. All
team members who start the race must cross the finish line in order to qualify the team for a team
award. However, a DNF (‘did not finish’) of one team member will not disqualify his/her teammates
from receiving a finisher’s medal.
In the Team Relay division, the team’s completion time is captured when the 2ndor 4th team
member (depending on how many are in your team) crosses the finish line. Each team member
must fully complete his or her designated portion(s) of the race in order to qualify for team awards.
If a member is unable to complete one or more of their legs due to injury, illness or exhaustion, their
teammates can still qualify for finisher’s medals provided that each one fully completes their own
relay leg(s).
photo by JOHN HAYES
Awards at Rock The Ridge fall into four main categories.
Competitive Awards
Awards will be given in each of the three competing divisions of Rock The Ridge as follows:
Team 50-Mile
• Top three teams
Individual 50-Mile
• Top three (3) males
• Top three (3) females
• Top Masters male
• Top Masters female
Team Relay
• Top three teams
Finisher’s Medals
All finishers in each of the Individual and Team 50-mile divisions will earn a special, custom-designed
medal commemorating their phenomenal achievement, which will be given to them as they cross the
finish line.
All members of relay teams who complete their part of the course will receive a medal designating
them as a Rock The Ridge ‘Relay Finisher.’ Relay team medals can/should be picked up by the
member of your team who completes the final leg.
Fundraising Awards
Special awards will be given to top fundraisers at the pre-race dinner on Friday night, April 29th.
Post Race
photo by JOHN MIZEL
Food / Refreshments
Upon your completion of Rock The Ridge, there will be hot food and cold refreshments available to
all participants.
Awards Presentations
Awards will be given out to team and individual winners as soon as possible once the results
have been verified by our scorer. Due to the logistics of this event, there will not be a scheduled
Shuttle Service
A shuttle service will be available to take you back to your car at the main parking lot once you’ve
had sufficient time to wind down from your accomplishment.
Checked/Drop Bags
Before you leave, don’t forget to pick up your checked bag or drop bag from the bag check tent.
In order to facilitate your weekend plans, Rock The Ridge has identified a number of local hotels
and other places for you and your teammates to stay if you are coming in from out of the area.
Please refer to mohonkpreserve.org/places-stay and feel free to book with any of these local