Spring 2016 Calendar - Rowan College at Burlington County
Spring 2016 Calendar - Rowan College at Burlington County
What is the Office of Student Activities... WANT to GET CONNECTED to CAMPUS? Clubs, student opinion surveys, campus events, and leadership opportunities are just the start of what the Office of Student Activities (OSA) offers everyone on the Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) campuses. The OSA staff is dedicated to serving students and providing recreational, social, and organizational opportunities on- and offcampus. Our office is open to you... visit any time! READY to KICK OFF your COLLEGE EXPERIENCE? Through the OSA and the Student Government Association (SGA), RCBC offers you a pass to an exciting student life full of activities and opportunities. SHORT ON CASH? Most events are held on campus and are free for students. The OSA and SGA offer interactive, exciting, and affordable experiences for all students. Your Student Activity fee helps us host events. So tell us what you want to see, whether it’s a concert, a comedy show, a bus trip, or an OSA sponsored activity! Page 2 ARE YOU A LEADER? Want to improve your speaking, writing, or leadership skills and be ready for real life leadership challenges? The OSA offers new and innovative ways to develop leadership and communication skills. Current student leaders are all around you. Join more than 100 students who are already serving in campus organizations, student government, and on-campus jobs. WANT to KNOW MORE? Get more information on all the programs from the OSA in TEC 107 on the Mt. Laurel Campus or in Parker 126, located near the Student Lounge in the Parker Center on the Pemberton Campus. STUDENT ACTIVITIES and CAMPUS PROGRAMS at RCBC: More than 10,000 students participate in events hosted by the OSA. Throughout the academic year, the OSA hosts more than 100 events that enable students to experience cultural, recreational, leadership, social, and personal interest activities. This experience is enhanced by the opportunity for involvement in more than 25 student organizations, including major-related and interest-related clubs. Additional opportunities are available through service projects and campus events each semester. Get up-to-date club & event info... ...and why should you be involved? WE COORDINATE: Off-campus activities such as bus trips to NYC for Broadway shows, Washington, D.C. for museums, and so much more! LOUNGES: There are two student lounges, one in Mt. Laurel in the Science Building next to the bookstore, and one in Pemberton, on the first floor of the Parker Center. Enjoy shooting pool, playing video games, studying, or just hanging out with friends. REAL-LIFE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: We offer a leadership program that is free to students. We have three to four workshop topics per semester on both campuses. The program will prepare you for the real world and set you apart from your peers. RSVP is required. EXPERIENCE the COLLEGE LIFE YOU DESERVE: GET INVOLVED! YOUR calendar of events is sponsored by the Office of Student Activities. See activities you like? Want to offer some suggestions? THIS is YOUR INVITATION to call ext. 1238 or stop by our offices to share your ideas! ADRIANNE DAHMS Student Activities Specialist Ext. 1360 BRIAN KENNY Student Activities Specialist Ext. 1232 adahms@ bcc.edu bkenny@ bcc.edu For more information about SGA or events, call (856) 222-9311, ext. 2251, or stop by the Office of Student Activities, TEC 107 on the Mt. Laurel Campus or Room 126 of the Parker Center on the Pemberton Campus. EMAIL US at: [email protected] KEEP UP-to-DATE with us on SOCIAL MEDIA at: facebook.com/RCBCstudentactivities OR twitter.com/RCBCOSA ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 3 Student Government Association (SGA) What SGA has done for me and what it can do for YOU! Over the past semester as SGA President, I think the most commonly asked question I’ve received has been, “What has SGA done for you, and what can it do for me?” When thinking about a response I often reminisce about the rollercoaster of different adventures, obstacles, and lessons I’ve learned in Student Government throughout my term thus far. SGA has taught me to become an overall better person as well as a better student. From September to Caylor-Ann December we raised hundreds of dollars for charity Rose-Green and provided supplies and gifts for sick children in President Cooper Hospital, and we have more service projects to look forward to in the spring semester. I don’t say this to brag, but I can honestly say that I have been truly humbled because of the work I have done through my role in the Student Government. Aside from service, we are also given the privilege of being the voice for the RCBC student body. The Administration has invited us to contribute our opinions here at the college about student-centered issues that range from serving on the RCBC Code of Conduct committee, all the way to giving student input and viewpoints on the blueprint of the new Student Success building on the Mt. Laurel campus. All of my SGA experiences have molded me into the young leader I am today. As far as what SGA can do for you reading this, getting involved in SGA is the ultimate opportunity for you to strive for success and to shine amongst your peers. It is an amazing networking opportunity for you to meet staff and faculty at the college that will help, mentor, and mold you to be the successful adult you are destined to be, no matter what occupation you are pursuing. SGA builds leaders, and that is way more than your average resume builder. Caylor-Ann Rose-Green Student Government President, ‘15-’16 Page 4 Get up-to-date club & event info... Nominate SGA 2016-2017 Leaders! MAKE THE BEST OF 2016-2017... NOMINATE AN EMERGING LEADER... OR EVEN YOURSELF! Do you know someone who would make an incredible SGA leader? Maybe even yourself? Visit OrgSync for details on how to nominate an individual for the 2016-2017 Student Government Association. Do you have questions? Stop by TEC 107 on the Mt. Laurel campus! spring 2016 checklist: o Nominate a leader for SGA! o Check out one of our Student Government Association meetings (the first one is Tuesday, January 26 in Mt. Laurel) o Attend a Pizza with the President event (dates are listed on inside back cover) o Don’t forget that March 1 is the Spring Graduation Deadline! Visit rcbc.edu/grads for more details. o Join us for one of our awesome trips, including the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, a Flyers game, trip to see Best Musical Fun Home, and many more! Event dates and on-sale dates are listed on the calendar pages, and tickets must be purchased in advance through WebAdvisor. o Walk to fight cancer! Join RCBC’s Relay for Life team on Friday, April 8. Details are available on OrgSync. o You might be wondering what OrgSync is... see the back cover for information about the site which’ll keep you in the know! o Explore all of the Office of Student Activities events on the following pages. We look forward to seeing you! ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 5 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 1 of 16 WELCOME BACK TO JOIN US AT OUR WELCOME BACK EVENTS! Featuring food and fun for all! EVENT LOCATION CODES: ML/MT. LAUREL • PB/PEMBERTON MH/MT. HOLLY • WB/WILLINGBORO MONDAY JANUARY 18 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. HOLIDAY – COLLEGE CLOSED TUESDAY JANUARY 19 WELCOME BACK TO RCBC - ML Stop by for free stuff and attractions! Noon until 2 pm SPRING 2016 DAY & EVENING CLASSES BEGIN WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20 WELCOME BACK TO RCBC - PB Stop by for free stuff and attractions! Noon until 2 pm Page 6 Get up-to-date club & event info... January 18 through January 24 THURSDAY JANUARY 21 WELCOME BACK TO RCBC - WB Stop by for free stuff and attractions! Noon until 2 pm FRIDAY JANUARY 22 TICKETS ON SALE! Trip is Friday, February 5 | $30 pp Purchase tickets in WebAdvisor SATURDAY JANUARY 23 TICKETS ON SALE! Trip is Saturday, February 27 | $20 pp Purchase tickets in WebAdvisor SUNDAY JANUARY 24 TICKETS ON SALE! Trip is Tuesday, April 12 | $25 pp Purchase tickets in WebAdvisor ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 7 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 2 of 16 Purchase OSA Event & trip Tickets Online! To purchase tickets, log in to WebAdvisor and click on Student Activities Online Purchases. All tickets purchase are final and cannot be refunded! MONDAY JANUARY 25 Stop by TEC 107/ML for some popcorn y a y d a Moonnd and learn how to get involved at RCBC! SGA MEETING TUESDAY 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online JANUARY 26 Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! Want to attend in person? Meeting will be held in Laurel Hall, Room 132! WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 TECH WORKSHOP Have questions about how to use RCBC’s online resources? Come brush up on WebAdvisor, student email, Blackboard, and OrgSync. 12:30 pm • ML / Location TBA Page 8 Get up-to-date club & event info... January 25 through January 31 THURSDAY JANUARY 28 FRIDAY JANUARY 29 SATURDAY JANUARY 30 SUNDAY JANUARY 31 WALK TO FIGHT CANCER! JOIN RCBC’S TEAM AT ROWAN UNIVERSITY’S RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT ON FRIDAY, APRIL 8! VISIT ORGSYNC FOR DETAILS! Relay for Life is an orga niz fundraising walk wher ed, overnight community e teams of people camp out around a track and me mbers of each team take turns walking ar ound the track. Food, games, and activ ities provide entertainment and build ca family-friendly environ maraderie in a ment for the entire community! ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 9 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 3 of 16 February 1 marks the start of Black History Month, an important time to honor the great achievements, contributions and struggles of the black community in the United States. MONDAY FEBRUARY 1 TEST TAKING STRATEGIES Visit rcbc.edu/test center for more information. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2 Cards for Love Make a Valentine’s Day card for children who are being treated at local hospitals 12:30 - 1:30 pm • WB WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 3 Cards for Love Page 10 | 12:30 - 2 pm • PB Get up-to-date club & event info... February 1 through February 7 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4 Cards for Love FRIDAY | 12:30 - 2 PM • ML Alvin Alley AMERICAN DANCE THEATER FEBRUARY 5 PERFORMANCE AT THE KENNEDY CENTER IN D.C. Buses leave ML at 10 am. $30 pp / limit 2. Tickets MUST be purchased in advance through WebAdvisor. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 6 Time set aside to honor Black History started back in 1915. In 1926 it was just a week long and was called Negro History Week. It occurred during the second month of February to coincide with the birth dates of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglass. In the 1960s, due in part to the civil rights movement, the celebration grew from a week to a month. This evolution reportedly started to take place on college campuses. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 7 Since 1976, every president has deemed the month of February “Black History Month.” The first to make the proclamation was Gerald R. Ford who said that this was a time to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” – Sunny Chanel, Babble.com ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 11 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 4 of 16 LEADERSHIP WEEK Throughout this week, check out ways to become a better leader! MONDAY FEBRUARY 8 LEADERSHIP WEEK INVOLVEMENT OSA OPEN HOUSE – ALL DAY! Stop by and say hello to the OSA staff! Enter to win free giveaways just by stopping by! TEC 107 (ML) and Parker 126 (PB) TUESDAY FEBRUARY 9 LEADERSHIP WEEK ENGAGEMENT SGA MEETING 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online Join us at Immersion Day with the RCBC Foundation Board! Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! Attend in person – Laurel Hall, Room 132! WEDNESDAY LEADERSHIP WEEK FEBRUARY 10 MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP: Time Management / Social Media | ML Visit OrgSync for more details! Page 12 Get up-to-date club & event info... February 8 through February 14 THURSDAY LEADERSHIP WEEK FEBRUARY 11 S E RV IC E LEADERSHIP FAIR Noon - 2 pm • Laurel Hall Lounge/ML Pizza with the President! 12:30 pm • ML FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 LEADERSHIP WEEK REFLECTION Take time today and reflect on what you’ve learned this week! SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 14 VALENTINE’S DAY ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 13 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 5 of 16 Purchase OSA Event & trip Tickets Online! To purchase tickets, log in to WebAdvisor and click on Student Activities Online Purchases. All tickets purchase are final and cannot be refunded! MONDAY FEBRUARY 15 Stop by TEC 107/ML for some popcorn and learn how to get involved at RCBC! PRESIDENT’S DAY Moonnddaayy TUESDAY FEBRUARY 16 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! VAWA INFORMATION TODAY (read more about VAWA on page 15) WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 17 FLYERS TICKETS ON SALE TODAY! Purchase in WebAdvisor / $30 per person Saturday, March 19 / 1 pm Philadelphia Flyers vs. Pittsburgh Penguins Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia Transportation not included Page 14 Get up-to-date club & event info... February 15 through February 21 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18 VIDEO GAME WARS 12 – 2 pm • ML FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19 TECH WORKSHOP Have questions about how to use RCBC’s online resources? Come brush up on WebAdvisor, student email, Blackboard, and OrgSync. 12:30 pm • ML / Location TBA SATURDAY FEBRUARY 20 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21 WHAT IS VAWA? The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a landmark piece of legislation that sought to improve criminal justice and community-based responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking in the United States. The passage of VAWA in 1994 and its reauthorization in 2000, 2005 and 2013, has changed the landscape for victims who once suffered in silence. Victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking have been able to access services, and a new generation of families and justice system professionals has come to understand that domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking are crimes that our society will not tolerate. – from thehotline.org ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 15 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 6 of 16 NOMINATIONS Get involved! Nominate a leader... or yourself! For details, check your RCBC email and OrgSync! MONDAY FEBRUARY 22 PHILDADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW TICKETS ON SALE TODAY! Purchase in WebAdvisor / $10 per person TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23 SGA MEETING 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24 Page 16 Get up-to-date club & event info... February 22 through February 28 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH MOVIE MARATHON IN PEMBERTON LIBRARY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 NATIONAL HOLOCAUST MUSEUM IN D.C. TRIP Purchase tickets in advance through WebAdvisor / $20 per person. BUS LEAVES CAMPUS PROMPTLY AT 7:30 am – Meet at TEC/ML. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 17 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 7 of 16 LEAP INTO GOOD HEALTH WEEK! Visit OrgSync for healthy tips and great giveaways! MONDAY FEBRUARY 29 LEAP DAY! Without Leap Days, the calendar would be off by 24 days within 100 years! Stop by TEC 107/ML for some popcorn Moonnddaayy and learn how to get involved at RCBC! TUESDAY MARCH 1 healthy snacks SPRING GRADUATION APPLICATION DEADLINE! VISIT RCBC.EDU/GRADS FOR MORE DETAILS! to benefit RCBC’s Relay for Life Team / ML WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 healthy snacks to benefit RCBC’s Relay for Life Team / PB Page 18 Get up-to-date club & event info... February 29 through March 6 THURSDAY MARCH 3 orgsync health trivia! log in to win! Log in and play for your chance to win a FitBit! FRIDAY MARCH 4 SATURDAY MARCH 5 SUNDAY MARCH 6 WALK TO FIGHT CANCER! JOIN RCBC’S TEAM AT ROWAN UNIVERSITY’S RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT ON FRIDAY, APRIL 8! VISIT ORGSYNC FOR DETAILS! Relay for Life is an orga niz fundraising walk wher ed, overnight community e teams of people camp out around a track and me mbers of each team take turns walking ar ound the track. Food, games, and activ ities entertainment and build provide ca family-friendly environ maraderie in a ment for the entire community! ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 19 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 8 of 16 Purchase OSA Event & trip Tickets Online! To purchase tickets, log in to WebAdvisor and click on Student Activities Online Purchases. All tickets purchase are final and cannot be refunded! MONDAY MARCH 7 FUN HOME BROADWAY TICKETS ON SALE See top of page for how to purchase tickets! SGA MEETING TUESDAY 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online MARCH 8 Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! WEDNESDAY MARCH 9 INTERVIEWS Page 20 Get up-to-date club & event info... March 7 through March 13 THURSDAY MARCH 10 TECH WORKSHOP Have questions about how to use RCBC’s online resources? Come brush up on WebAdvisor, student email, Blackboard, and OrgSync. 12:30 pm • ML / Location TBA FRIDAY MARCH 11 PHILADELPHIA FLOWER SHOW TRIP Leave at 9 am JOB & INTERN FAIR 10 am - 1 pm / Burlington Center SATURDAY MARCH 12 SUNDAY MARCH 13 ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 21 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 9 of 16 Purchase OSA Event & trip Tickets Online! To purchase tickets, log in to WebAdvisor and click on Student Activities Online Purchases. All tickets purchase are final and cannot be refunded! MONDAY MARCH 14 Stop by TEC 107/ML for some popcorn y a y d a d n and learn how to get involved at RCBC! Moon TUESDAY MARCH 15 INTERVIEWS Check OrgSync for details! WEDNESDAY MARCH 16 Pizza with the President! 4 pm • ML INTERVIEWS Check OrgSync for details! Page 22 Get up-to-date club & event info... March 14 through March 20 THURSDAY MARCH 17 ST. PATRICK’S DAY FRIDAY MARCH 18 MARCH MADNESS 2 pm / Get your friends together and compete for a great cause – help to end homelessness with a slam dunk! 8 PM SATURDAY MARCH 19 FAFSA Completio Workshop n PHILADELPHIA FLYERS VS. PITTSBURGH PENGUINS 10 am until 2 pm ml 1 pm / Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia $30 PP / Tickets must be purchased in advance through WebAdvisor SUNDAY MARCH 20 SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES First Day of Spring! ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 23 SPRING 2016 – SPRING BREAK FIRST BOOK Join RCBC’s Service-Learning for a great week of helping young minds gain access to free books! First Book sorting and packing happens all this week at Briggs Road Center in Mt. Laurel. Stop by one, two, or every day! MONDAY MARCH 21 SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES COLLEGE OPEN TUESDAY MARCH 22 SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES COLLEGE OPEN WEDNESDAY MARCH 23 SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES COLLEGE OPEN Page 24 Get up-to-date club & event info... March 21 through March 27 THURSDAY MARCH 24 SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES COLLEGE OPEN FAFSA Completio Workshop n 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm ml FRIDAY MARCH 25 HOLIDAY – COLLEGE CLOSED SATURDAY MARCH 26 SPRING BREAK – NO CLASSES SUNDAY MARCH 27 HAPPY EASTER – NO CLASSES ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 25 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 10 of 16 WHO SHOULD BE VOTED PROFESSOR OF THE YEAR??? Log in to OrgSync to cast your vote! MONDAY MARCH 28 by TEC 107/ML for some popcorn yStop ay d a d n and learn how to get involved at RCBC! n o o M SGA MEETING TUESDAY 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online MARCH 29 Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! Want to attend in person? Meeting will be held in Laurel Hall, Room 132! WEDNESDAY MARCH 30 TECH WORKSHOP Have questions about how to use RCBC’s online resources? Come brush up on WebAdvisor, student email, Blackboard, and OrgSync. 12:30 pm • PB / Parker 126 Page 26 Get up-to-date club & event info... March 28 through April 3 THURSDAY FAFSA Completio Workshop n MARCH 31 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm WB FRIDAY APRIL 1 SATURDAY APRIL 2 SUNDAY APRIL 3 ONE WEEK ‘TIL RELAY FOR LIFE! JOIN RCBC’S TEAM AT ROWAN UNIVERSITY’S RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT ON FRIDAY, APRIL 8! VISIT ORGSYNC FOR DETAILS! Relay for Life is an orga niz fundraising walk wher ed, overnight community e teams of people camp out around a track and me mbers of each team take turns walking ar ound the track. Food, games, and activ ities entertainment and build provide ca family-friendly environ maraderie in a ment for the entire community! ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 27 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 11 of 16 BURLINGTON COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER MONTH All this month OSA will be collecting toys, food, and monetary donations. Contact OSA for more information on how you can help! MONDAY APRIL 4 Stop by TEC 107/ML for some popcorn y a y d a d n and learn how to get involved at RCBC! Moon TUESDAY APRIL 5 FUN HOME BROADWAY TRIP Bus leaves ML at 2 pm TICKET REQUIRED WEDNESDAY APRIL 6 CLUB FINANCE WORKSHOP Visit OrgSync for details! Page 28 Get up-to-date club & event info... April 4 through April 10 FAFSA Completio Workshop n THURSDAY APRIL 7 FRIDAY APRIL 8 5:30 pm until 8:30 pm ml RELAY FOR LIFE IS TONIG SATURDAY HT! JOIN RCBC’S TEAM AT ROWAN UNIVERSITY’S RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT! VISIT ORGSYNC FOR DETAILS! APRIL 9 SUNDAY APRIL 10 ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 29 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 12 of 16 Purchase OSA Event & trip Tickets Online! To purchase tickets, log in to WebAdvisor and click on Student Activities Online Purchases. All tickets purchase are final and cannot be refunded! MONDAY APRIL 11 TECH WORKSHOP Have questions about how to use RCBC’s online resources? Come brush up on WebAdvisor, student email, Blackboard, and OrgSync. 12:30 pm • ML / Location TBA SGA MEETING TUESDAY 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online APRIL 12 NYC METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART TRIP Buses leave ML at 9 am. $25 pp / limit 2. Tickets MUST be purchased in advance through WebAdvisor. Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! VAWA INFORMATION TODAY (read more about VAWA on page 15) Page 30 Get up-to-date club & event info... April 11 through April 17 THURSDAY Pizza with the President! APRIL 14 12:30 pm • WB 12:30 pm • ML FRIDAY APRIL 15 SATURDAY APRIL 16 STUDENT CLUB BUDGETS DUE! FAFSA Completio Workshop n 10 am until 2 pm ml SUNDAY APRIL 17 ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 31 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 13 of 16 Student Appreciation Week! MONDAY APRIL 18 Moonnddaayy Fall 2016 Online Registration Begins! TUESDAY APRIL 19 Casino Day 12 - 2 pm • ML WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 ML Game Truck & Snacks 12 – 2 pm • PB Page 32 Get up-to-date club & event info... April 18 through April 24 THURSDAY DRESS FOR SUCCESS APRIL 21 TRIVIA – WIN TICKETS EVERY HOUR! Log on for more information! FRIDAY APRIL 22 SGA STUDENT LEADER BANQUET SATURDAY APRIL 23 SUNDAY APRIL 24 ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 33 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 14 of 16 GET READY FOR FINALS with RCBC’s Tutoring Center! See page 35 for a list of review sessions! MONDAY APRIL 25 BURLINGTON COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER DROP OFF SGA MEETING TUESDAY 12:30 pm ML | PB | Online APRIL 26 DE-STRESS PROGRAM At today’s SGA Meeting! Check out OrgSync for SGA Meeting details and login information! WEDNESDAY APRIL 27 Page 34 Get up-to-date club & event info... April 25 through May 1 THURSDAY Pizza with the President! APRIL 28 12:30 pm • PB 12 - 2 pm • ML FRIDAY APRIL 29 SATURDAY APRIL 30 SUNDAY MAY 1 tutoring center review sessions Final Review: MTH 055 Monday 4/25 6 - 7 pm Monday 4/25 2 - 3 pm Tuesday 4/26 12 - 1pm PB WB ML Final Review: MTH 075 Monday 4/25 6 - 7 pm Tuesday 4/26 12 - 1 pm Tuesday 4/26 2 - 3pm PB ML WB Final Review: MTH 095 Wednesday 4/27 6 - 7 pm Thursday 4/28 12 - 1 pm PB ML Q&A: MTH 107 Tuesday 4/26 6 - 7 pm Thursday 4/28 12 - 1 pm PB ML Visit rcbc.edu/tutoring for more information. ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 35 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 15 of 16 GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS! MONDAY MAY 2 Moonnddaayy TUESDAY MAY 3 FINAL EXAM WEEK BEGINS WEDNESDAY MAY 4 FINAL EXAM WEEK Page 36 Get up-to-date club & event info... May 2 through May 8 THURSDAY MAY 5 FINAL EXAM WEEK FRIDAY MAY 6 FINAL EXAM WEEK SATURDAY MAY 7 FINAL EXAM WEEK SUNDAY MAY 8 FINAL EXAM WEEK ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 37 SPRING 2016 – WEEK 16 of 16 Commencement Week! VISIT RCBC.EDU/COMMENCEMENT FOR EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! MONDAY MAY 9 FINAL EXAM WEEK ENDS TUESDAY MAY 10 WEDNESDAY MAY 11 Page 38 Get up-to-date club & event info... May 9 through May 15 THURSDAY MAY 12 FRIDAY MAY 13 SATURDAY MAY 14 COMMENCEMENT Congratulations Class of 2016! SUNDAY MAY 15 ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 39 RCBC BARONS SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULES SOFTBALL BASEBALL 3/14 CCBC Catonville 3 PM H 3/18 through 3/26 – Spring Break 3/29 Monroe 3 PM A 4/1 RCGC TBD A 4/2 Lackawanna 1 PM H 4/5 RVCC 3:30 PM H 4/6 Ocean 3:30 PM A 4/7 Mercer 3:30 PM H 4/9 Morris 12 PM H 4/12 Valley Forge 3 PM H 4/15 Chesapeake 3PM H 4/17 Cumberland 12 PM A 4/19 Harford 3 PM H 4/21 Brookdale 3 PM H 4/23 DelTech Owens 12 PM A 4/24 Monroe 12 PM H 4/26 Camden 3:30 PM A REGION XIX TOURNAMENT 4/30 Region XIX Championship 5/7 Districts @ Region 21 5/17 through 5/21 – National Championships 3/1 Philadelphia U 3/6 Dundalk 1 PM H 3/10 Atlantic Cape 3 PM A 4/27 Cumberland 3:30 PM A GOLF 4/28 Harford 6:30 PM A 3/28 4/4 4/6 4/11 4/15 4/18 4/25 5/2 5/8 6/5 Deerwood GC 12 PM Ashbrook GC 12 PM Valleybrook GC 12 PM Baywood GC 12 PM Old Homestead GC 10:30 AM Flanders Valley 12 PM Regional Qualifier 9 AM High Bridge GC GSAC Tournament 12 PM Flanders GC through 5/10 – Region XIX Tournament at Black 8 AM through 6/10 – NJCAA Div. III National Golf Championship at Chautauque GC Page 40 3:30 PM H 3/13 CCBC Essex 12 PM A 3/15 Ocean 3:30 PM H 3/18 through 3/26 – Spring Break 3/29 Ocean 3:30 PM A 3/31 Philadelphia U 3:30 PM A 4/2 Mercer 12 PM A 4/3 Queensborough 4/5 RCGC 3:30 PM A 4/7 Atlantic Cape 3:30 PM H 4/9 Morris 12 PM H 4/10 RVCC 12 PM A 12 PM A 4/12 Valley Forge 4/16 Sussex 4/19 Middlesex 2 PM H 12 PM A 3:30 PM A 4/20 Lackawanna 4/23 DTOwens 4/24 Manhattan CC 2 PM H 12 PM A 12 PM H 4/30 Globe 1 PM A 5/1 Montgomery 5/3 Union 3:30 PM H 12 PM H 5/5 Bergen 3:30 PM A REGION XIX TOURNAMENT 5/7 First Round 5/13 Region XIX Championship 5/28 through 6/2 – National Championship Get up-to-date club & event info... RCBC BARONS SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULES MEN’S BASKETBALL WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 1/12 Manor 7 PM H 1/9 1/14 Mercer 7 PM A 1/12 Manor 5 PM H 1/16 Morris 3 PM A 1/14 Mercer 5 PM A 1/23 RVCC 1 PM H 1/16 Morris 1/28 Valley Forge 8 PM H 1/23 Raritan Valley 1/30 Lackawanna 3 PM H 1/28 Valley Forge 5 PM H 2/2 Essex 7 PM H 1/30 Lackawanna 1 PM H 2/6 DelTech Stanton 2 PM A 2/2 Essex 2/9 CCBC Catonsville 7 PM H 2/6 DelTech Stanton 2/11 Harcum 7 PM H 2/9 CCBC Catonsville 2/16 Lackawanna 7 PM A 2/11 Harcum 5 PM H REGION XIX TOURNAMENT 2/16 Lackawanna 5 PM A 2/20 First Round @ Higher Seed REGION XIX TOURNAMENT 2/23 Second Round @ Higher Seed 2/20 First Round @ Higher Seed 2/25 Semifinals @ CC of Morris 2/22 Second Round @ Higher Seed 2/27 Finals @ CC of Morris 2/25 Semifinals @ CC of Morris 3/5 2/27 Finals @ CC of Morris District @ Region XV or XX Union 12 PM H 1 PM A 11 AM H 5 PM H 12 PM A 5 PM H 3/5 & 3/6 – District @ Region XV or XX Come out and support your RCBC teams! Visit rcbc.edu/athletics for a complete list of events, including playoff dates! A: Away Games | H: Home Games ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 41 Important Information for RCBC Students All RCBC students are responsible for the policies published in the Rowan College at Burlington County Student Handbook. The RCBC Student Handbook is produced by Rowan College at Burlington County as a first-hand reference source for RCBC students. A digital copy of this publication can be found at: rcbc.edu/publications The RCBC Student Handbook includes these Community Policies & Student Rights/Responsibilities: •Campus Security Act •Civil Rights on Campus •Internet and Other Computer Use •Motor Vehicle Policies •Bill of Rights •Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Policies •Students Rights & Responsibility Policies Scan this QR code to read the RCBC Student Handbook RCBC Directory (856) 222-9311 or (609) 894-9311, and ext: Academic Advising Academic Divisions Liberal Arts Science, Mathematics and Technology Health Sciences 1559 International Office 1350 1441 Library Mt. Laurel Campus Pemberton Campus 2021 1306 Military Education Center – Joint Base, McGuire Dix-Lakehurst 1681 Public Safety Office – Main Desk, Mt. Laurel Main Desk, Pemberton Main Desk, Willingboro Main Desk, Mt. Holly Public Safety Tip Line 2100 1100 3100 4100 1111 Office of Registrar 1560 Transcripts 1396 1402 / 1372 1410 Office of Admissions 1200 Alumni Association 2510 Athletics 1435 Business Office 1285 Career Services 1034 College Bookstore – Mt. Laurel Campus Pemberton Campus 2640 1245 Conduct Officer 1440 Distance Education 1790 Student Activities 2251 Education Opportunity Fund 1462 Office of Financial Aid 1575 Office of Student Support & Disability Services 1208 Foundation – Scholarships 2513 Test Center 1662 Information Technology – Student Help Desk 1388 Transfer Center 2737 / 2056 Veterans Affairs 1299 For a complete, searchable directory visit rcbc.edu/directory Page 42 Get up-to-date club & event info... Pizza with the President FREE PIZZA Now that we have your attention... join President Drayton and other college administrators at one of our Pizza with the President events... an informal gathering to discuss YOUR experience at Rowan College at Burlington County. Come hungry... did we mention there’s FREE PIZZA? THURSDAY, February 11 12:30 pm • Mt. Laurel WEDNESDAY, March 16 4 pm • Mt. Laurel THURSDAY, April 14 4 pm • Willingboro THURSDAY, April 28 12:30 pm • Pemberton Did somebody mention free pizza? Rowan College at Burlington County does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or veteran status. Visit rcbc.edu/hr for more details. ... log in to rcbc.edu/orgsync Page 43 ® What is it, and why do I need it? OrgSync is an online platform, available on your computer, tablet, or phone, and gives you a way to meet new students, join clubs, get information about activities, weigh in on polls, voice your student concerns, and so much more. We know RCBC students are super busy, so we’ve come up with a way for you to connect with RCBC’s community without having to take time away from your job, friends, or academics. In fact, OrgSync combines all of the above topics, AND gives you an easy and accessible way to get involved with campus activities and student clubs. LOG IN NOW! All RCBC students already have an OrgSync account already set up. Your username is your RCBC student email ([email protected]). If you know your password, enter it and you’re on your way. If you forgot your password, just click the link that says, “Forgot Your Username or Password?” and OrgSync will email you instructions on how to access your account. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? Process Colors Are you confused about how to take advantage of all of OrgSync’s cool features? Do you just want to tell us how awesome you think OrgSync is for RCBC (we know!)? Call the Office of Student Activities at (856) 222-9311, ext. 1238 or email [email protected] and we’ll be more than happy to help with any of the above questions, or anything else you can come up with to say about OrgSync! CONTACT US! (856) 222-9311, ext. 2251 or email [email protected]