April - gwrra


April - gwrra
Texas Chapter
DFW Rallycat s
Racont eur
Friends for Fun, Safety & K nowledge
Volume 10, Issue 3
Apr il 2005
South Central Region H
TexasChapter R
Just a Thought….
We appreciate all the responses to the Rider Ed. survey we took at the last gathering. It is
good to know so many of us feel strongly about rider ed. There were many good comments and suggestions. There were suggestions for many area of riders ed. People are
interested in Co-rider, Parking lot practice, group riding (Road Captain) so we have our
work cut out for us. Now is the time to start practicing and honing those skills as the
real riding season is quickly approaching. You Chapter R will have a lot of rides scheduled and even some unscheduled. So let's get prepared mentally, physically and emotionally to get out there and have fun, but be safe as well. Fred Mew, Chapter R educator
is working hard to put together courses and seminars for anyone interested. In the interim there is the opportunity to participate in any of the several Riders Ed seminars
that will be available at the Louisiana District Rally.
The riding season will be in full swing with the events that are right around the corner.
We have the Louisiana District Rally April 7 - 9 and Chapter Z '2's Rally on April
16th. The highlight of the Z 2 Rally is the great Poker Run they lay out. Chapter R
usually has a good showing at both of these
events and we hope to continue that this year. So
get ready to support other Districts and Chapters
and they will do the same and come to the best
rally in Texas, Chapter R's.
We have already had quite a few rides this year
and we are fortunate to live in an area where we
can pretty much ride year round. But the fun is
just beginning. So get ready, it's going to be a
Gary and Alice M eyer
great year.
Texas R—Chapter Directors
Gary & Alice
Chapter News
Staff Updates
March Rides
District News
Region News
Come Join Us
• Chapter R’s Monthly Gathering is held on the 4th
Tuesday of every month.
• The Gathering is held at
the Spring Creek Bar-BQue at 315 State Hwy
114W in Grapevine.
(Check website for directions.)
• For the safety of our members, Chapter R holds
smoke free meetings.
• All visitors are welcomed!
• Dinner at 6:30 pm;
Meeting at 7:00 pm
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapter News — St aff Updates
Thoughts from the Edge
It’s Time to Ride
The trees are budding. The flowers are blooming. That can only mean one thing, it’s ride season in Texas! It’s time to get out and
get to know those favorite old roads again. It’s also time to continue that never-ending search for new roads to ride. Hopefully
you’ll want to share your favorites with your friends and take a group ride. Group rides are easy to plan if you remember a few
simple details.
Just remember R-I-D-E-S and planning a ride is even easier.
Road condition
• Keep rough road conditions to a minimum (10 miles of gravel road may not be
everyone’s idea of fun!)
• Make sure the group is aware if there are small amounts of “less than desirable”
road conditions
Things to see along the way
Departure Time:
• Everyone should be at the meeting place at least 15 minutes before the departure
time for the pre-ride meeting
• Everyone should check the website and calendar for leave times. Also, check email for any last minute changes.
Comfort/Fuel Stops
• Plan fuel stops to accommodate the bike with the smallest tank
• Make sure the location has plenty of gas pumps AND bathrooms
Number of miles.
• Everyone has a different idea of “short” or “long” rides!
Let everyone know the number of miles between stops and the approximate time of arrival
Avoid an ugly scene and plan a food stop!
Give everyone a general idea of what time you will eat
Pick a place with reasonable prices and a good selection of food
If the group is large, call the restaurant in advance to let them know how many hungry motorcyclists to expect
The ideal number of bikes/group is 5 but should never be
more than 7.
Final Bike Safety Check (this is not the time to tell your
buddy that his bike is dirty)
If there are bikes without a CB, place them in the middle of
a group
Review hand signals, as needed
Think it's time for me to ride
Put my back out on the highway
Feel that wind all in my face
Breathe some air that tastes like freedom…Toby Keith
Page 2
Jeff and Donna Thompson
Assistant Chapter Directors
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — St aff Updat es
“ R” Officers and St aff — 2005
Chapter Directors
Gary and Alice Meyer
(940) 497-4818
[email protected]
Leona McDade
(817) 491-2881
[email protected]
Web Master
Jim Jones
(817) 491-3955
[email protected]
Asst. Chapter Directors
Jim and Theresa Jones
(817) 521-3491
[email protected]
Chapter Couple of the Year
John and Lena Bryant
(817) 741-5216
[email protected]
Ross Crum
(817) 638-5248
[email protected]
Asst. Chapter Directors
Jeff and Donna Thompson
(940) 240-0166
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ways and Means
Liz Crum
(817) 638-5248
[email protected]
Rally Coordinators
Don and Linda Holley
(940) 382-3076
[email protected]
Chapter Educators
Fred and Mandy Mew
(817) 354-4963
[email protected]
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Mandy Mew
(817) 354-4963
[email protected]
Scrapbook Coordinator
Carol Rodgers
(817) 919-7700
[email protected]
Couple of the Year
Scheduling your vacation days for this year? Don’t forget to save a day for “The Texas District Rally” set to start on May 12th
and don’t forget to pre-register before the May 1st deadline.
Last year Chapter R missed out on winning the award for having the most number of pre-registered members in attendance.
We had more than enough at the rally to walk away with the award but many of you did not pre-register. PRE-REGISTER!!!!
Remember, your registration must be post marked by May 1st.
This year’s theme, “The Fabulous 50’s” is one that we know a lot of us can identify with in some way. If you can’t, you will
by the close of the rally. We hope everyone have plans to participate. That’s the true fun of it all. If you have a special talent, participate in the talent show. If you have an ideal for a chapter talent, share it with the group. Prepare to clean up your
bikes and trailers and enter them in the bike show or enter your bike in the light show. Plan on having fun by participating in
the on/off bike games or show your skills on the dance floor and enter the dance contest.
This will be a great time for new members to take some training seminars. If you have been around for a while, this may be
a good time to refresh your knowledge. Who knows, you may even learn a new thing or two.
There is also the couple dress and chapter dress competition. Ask any of the staff members or older members and we will
be glad to help or tell you how you can participate in these or any categories. As your chapter COY, we will need your support so plan on being there for us. R has one hour of security duty on Friday, we can use your help for this. If nothing else,
plan on participating by giving the gift of life by donating blood.
R has the tradition of bringing home the most trophies and awards to up-hold. To continue with our tradition requires every member’s help and support. Here is your chance
to shine. Let’s Do It R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to group ride with; or see you in Wichita Falls.
John & Lena, COY 2004- 2005
Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge
Page 3
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — St aff Updat es
“ R” Level 4 — Tour Mast er s
J.B. Seale
Mat Talmadge
Mike Barchers
Carolyn Hoadley
Breeze Hoadley
Fay Tolson
Ron Tolson
Nina Thomas
Chuck Thomas
Sandy Levengood
Linda Holley
Don Holley
Mark Johnson
Jerry Bennett
Debbie Scott
Greg Scott
Joe Levengood
J.R. Elkins
Dolly Griffin
Dave Cobb
Terry Wright
Betty Mann
Bob Mann
SM # 924
SM # 928
SM # 929
SM # 984
SM # 985
SM # 1668
SM # 1669
SM # 1769
SM # 1770
SM # 1852
SM # 1854
SM # 1855
SM # 2186
SM # 2471
SM # 2557
SM # 2558
M # 2864
M # 2895
M # 2896
M # 2897
M # 2900
M # 2991
M # 2992
Dwan Needham
Mike Needham
Carolyn Barton
Terry Barton
Amy Cook
Dennis Cook
Vern Attaway
Eric Flynn
Jeanne Nevil
Jerry Nevil
Donna Thompson
Jeff Thompson
Gary Meyer
Mandy Mew
Fred Mew
Alice Meyer
Greg Dean
Cassima Dean
Julie Zak
Phil Huddleston
Lena Bryant
John Bryant
# 3692
# 3693
# 3694
# 3695
# 3997
# 3998
# 4010
# 4064
# 4375
# 4376
# 4850
# 4851
# 4867
# 5028
# 5029
# 5153
# 5325
# 5326
# 5337
# 5340
# 5496
# 5497
Senior Masters (SM) have kept their Level 4 certification updated for over 5 years.
Among other things, Level 4 riders are current in both First Aid and CPR, and they
carry a First Aid Kit on their motorcycle. They have also completed an approved
Rider course within the last three years. For more information, or if you are interested in becoming involved in the Rider Education Program, contact Fred or Mandy
Mew (Chapter Educators).
Rider’s Education Corner
Fred & Mandy Mew
Chapter Educators
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DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — St aff Updat es
Rider’s Education Corner (Continued)
Life Grand Master Tour Rider
You have been a Level 4 for at least 15 continuous years.
No renewal fee.
Grand Master Tour Rider
You have been a Level 4 for at least 10 continuous years.
Cost to renew every year: $5.00
Senior Master Tour Rider
You have been a Level 4 for at least 5 continuous years.
Cost to renew every year: $7.50
Level 4—Master Tour Rider
Wear proper riding apparel at all times while riding.
You are a Level 3 for at least one year and have at least 25,000 safe miles.
You are current in First Aid and CPR.
Cost to enroll: $35
Cost to renew every year: $10
Level 3—Safety by Preparedness; Certified Tour Rider/Co-Rider
You are current in Levels 1 and 2.
Maintain current First Aid or CPR course certifications.
Carry a First Aid kit on the motorcycle.
Cost to enroll: $4 per participant.
Cost to renew every year: $4 per participant.
Level 2—Safety by Education; Tour Rider/Co-Rider
You are current in Level 1.
You have taken an approved riding course (MSF Basic or Experienced Rider’s Course
for riders/2 up for Co-Riders) within the last 3 years.
You have at least 5,000 safe miles.
Cost to enroll: $5 per participant.
Cost to renew every year: $5 per participant.
Level 1—Safety by Commitment; Safe Rider/Co-Rider
You commit to riding safely.
Cost to enroll: $6 per participant. This fee includes first safe miles pin.
There is no yearly renewal cost for this level.
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DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — St aff Updat es
The Reverend’s Soapbox
Here we go! The season is upon us and Tish and I's bikes are all shined up and ready to ride.
Yes, Tish has a new set of tires and she is ready to get back into the groove. Patty Anne and the
Weasel will also be accompanying her, so make sure you wave to them on the next ride. The
Texas District Rally is coming up soon so be sure you have your reservations in and your registration mailed. We have some great rides coming up
so be sure and ride as many as you can. You know we always have a
great time and somuetimes even manager to do it without a U-Turn. Ok,
maybe we need the U-Turn to make it official. Remember to let your CD's
or ACD's know of any rides you would like to have the chapter take. You
can email us or write it down and hand it to us at the next gathering. Don't
just tell us as we tend to be a bit absent minded. Now, what was it I was
Jim “Reverend” Jones
Assistant Chapter Director
writing about?
Tish “Weasel” not pictured
Jim and Tish Jones
Survey Results
There were 28 responses from the survey taken at the February
Monthly Gathering. This month’s survey related to Rider’s Education.
¨ 21 are currently involved in the GWRRA Rider’s Education Program.
¨ 13 have taken a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) course.
These include the Basic Rider’s Course (BRC), Experienced
Rider’s Course (ERC), or both.
¨ 26 have taken some kind of rider’s education (MSF or GWRRA).
¨ 25 have used what they have learned.
If you have additional comments, contact Gary or Alice Meyer.
Page 6
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — Staff Updates
Welcome R New
Mike and Donna Cagle
Dave and Karen Charles
Keith and Patti Gowen
Jeff and Ju Thornton
To new grandparents, Mike and Dwan Needham .
Their new granddaughter lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
∗ To new grandparents, Jerry and Jeanne Nevil.
Grandchild number 10 was born March 7. Melanie Catherine weighed 8
pounds, 8 ounces.
Other Area GWRRA Chapter Gatherings
TX-B, Garland, TX
1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Raymond’s BBQ
10920 Garland Rd, Dallas
TX-F2, Fort Worth, TX
1st Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Luby’s Cafeteria
251 University Dr, Ft Worth
TX-M, Arlington, TX
1st Thursday, 7:00 pm
Spring Creek BBQ
Corner of Hwy 287 and Debbie
Lane, Mansfield
TX-N, Richardson, TX
3rd Wednesday, 7:30 pm
Spring Creek BBQ
12835 Preston Rd, Dallas
TX-W2, Waxahachie, TX
3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Peele’s Steakhouse
Waxahachie, TX
TX-Z2, McKinney, TX
4th Thursday, 7:00 pm
Steak Kountry
153 Westgate Shopping Center,
Other Texas GWWRRA Chapter Gatherings can be located on the District
Website at www.texasdist.org/DistChapters
Page 7
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — Feb. - Mar. Rides
Brunch Ride to Ruby’s - Feb. 20, 2005
Jim and Tish Jones
Lloyd Porter
Gary and Alice Meyer
Tony and Pam Senia
Jim and Pam St. John
Keith and Patti Gowen
Greg Dean
Back in February, we took a nice brunch ride to Ruby's on the square in
Denton. Although the food was not fantastic, it'll MAT. The ride afterwards
was fantastic! We wandered out north of Denton and back to Sanger where
we headed out West and took a great ride around and back south to Boyd.
Man, it was a great ride to shake out the cobwebs. For those of you who
missed it, you missed a great time. Maybe next time…
Jim Jones
Impromptu Ride to Rocket—Feb 27, 2005
Fuddrucker’s Friday - March 4, 2005
Page 8
Jim and Sheila Walton
Lloyd Porter
George and Sherry Jones
Greg and Cassima Dean
Gary and Alice Meyer
Terry and Leona McDade
and grandson Preston
Dave and Karen Charles
Joe and Cheryl Stone
Carol and Krystal Rodgers
Dale and Nita Allen
Dale and Lana
Dennis and Amy Cook
John and Lena Bryant
Ross and Lainie Crum
and friend
Lloyd Porter
Mike Barchers and Mat Talmadge
Greg and Cassima Dean
Tony and Pam Senia
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapter News — Mar ch Rides
Lunch Ride to Loco Coyote - Mar. 6, 2005
John and Lena Bryant
Jim and Sheila Walton
Jeff and Donna Thompson
Gary and Alice Meyer
Lloyd Porter
Mandy Mew
George and Sherry Jones
Dave and Karen Charles
Greg and Cassima Dean
Terry and Carolyn Barton
Ride to Loco Coyote:
Who remembers their first country bike ride and how exhilarating it was to feel the wind in
your face as you wove in and around and then down and back up the exciting curving
roads of the beautiful outdoors that God has blessed us with. It wasn’t so awfully long
ago for me … as a mater of fact it was just yesterday as Dave and I joined our new Rallycat friends on our first ride with the group and my first ride like this ever. The weather
forecasters predicted a slight chance of showers, which we had just a tiny taste of, but
that didn’t matter to me … I was ready for this ride. And oh what a ride it was. John and
Lena did a really fine job of planning and leading the group making my first experience all
the more memorable. And what a “find” was the Loco Coyote for lunch. My catfish was
truly “delish” as were, I’m sure, the heaping portions I saw being delivered to everyone
around me. I’m so glad Dave and I found such a great group of friends and plan to be
frequent participants. Thank you for making us feel so incredibly welcome. This, to me,
is exactly what biking is supposed to be.
Karen Charles
Page 9
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapt er News — Mar ch Rides
Where In the World is Loco Coyote???
By Carolyn Barton
So, here we are trying to remember how to ride motorcycles after so long spent building a house and
not riding. First thing, Terry had to make sure they would even run after a long winter rest. Then, I
had to have a refresher course on how to start “Dovey”, where the gears were, brake operation, radio
operation, etc. My feeble brain finally kicked in and then we had to find our riding clothes. Few of
you have seen our garage and know what a disaster it truly is at the moment and that finding anything is almost impossible, especially those things we really need. The search was on for all the stuff
we needed, gloves, glasses, chaps, pants, jackets, helmets. You know how it is when you are looking for something specific, can’t find that but make another wonderful discovery. I finally found the
gloves I had hunted all winter, but not my wind pants for riding. Oh well, they are here somewhere
and I am sure will surface some day.
All that rambling done, off we went in the fog/drizzle/clouds on an adventure to find the mysterious
Loco Coyote. Terry had gotten directions from John the night before and relayed them to me just
enough to confuse. It felt good to be on the bike again after so long a time, even if my side was still
sore from my flight experience with the ceiling. Terry had done something to his shoulder, but on we
went. Take that Aleve and keep going is our motto these days. We are NOT getting old, just overdoing it a bit I think. Anyway, after our very own “R” U turn in Meridian, we get to Glen Rose and
proceed south on Hwy 67 trying to find CR 1004 as directed. We rode and rode and rode, passed
CR 1017 and thought we had gone too far until we encountered CR 1003. I am not sure who numbered the roads in that part of the world, but they obviously flunked math in the early years when
counting was learned. Our basic landmark was a Steak House across the road where we turned and
we almost decided we were in Hico instead of Glen Rose. Wonder of wonders, just when we had
almost given up, there was the Loco Coyote sign and CR 1004 just as John had said.
As we took off down the road, T kept saying he heard John on the CB. Those of you who know T
know how bad his hearing really is, so I just thought he was hearing those voices again. About ½
mile down the road (just as the sign said) was this quaint little place that looks like something from
Luckenbach or further in the ‘sticks’. The first thing I noticed was the building ‘out back’ labeled “He”
and “She”. It was an updated version with actual running water and flusher. Sawdust on the floor and
red/white checkered table cloths, rustic tables & benches, old posters and stuff on the walls, a huge
picture of Willie, and many ‘autographs’ on the walls & ceiling is the best I can do in the way of description. When I asked Lena how in the world they found it, she just started laughing and said
someone told them about it.
Remember that Lena told everyone to bring the little thingy for the kickstand? Well, most forgot and
she even forgot to bring her spare, but no one seemed to be handicapped by it. Hey, Mandy even
made the ride, her first group ride, in fine style and sure does look natural on that Shadow. You go
Mandy!!! After a great meal ranging from chicken fried steak that covered the plate, ribs, fish, &
steak with all the trimmings, we all waddled back to the bikes for a misty ride home. We left the
group at Glen Rose to go south as they went north. It was really good to get out and ride again and
now I REALLY have the fever and am ready for more.
One day in the not too distant future, we will have a gathering at our new place, as soon as the mud
dries up and some of the mess is cleaned out of the garage. Until then, Be Happy Trails!
Carolyn Barton
Page 10
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapter News — Mar ch Rides
Dinner Ride to Razzoo’s - Mar. 8, 2005
Spring Ride - Mar. 13, 2005
Dennis and Amy Cook
Joe and Sandy Levengood
Dave and Karen Charles
Joe Stone
Fred and Mandy Mew
Vern Attaway
Jeff and Donna Thompson
Lloyd Porter
Greg and Cassima Dean
Tony and Pam Senia
Terry and Leona McDade
Mark Tucker
Phil Huddleston
Julie Zak
Gary and Alice Meyer
Ross and Liz Crum
Alex and Courtney
Jim Jones
Jim and Pam St. John
Mark and Rebecca Herman
John and Lena Bryant
Jim and Sheila Walton
Mark Johnson
Tony and Pam Senia
Keith and Patty Gowen
Yes, I kept it a secret on where we were going to the Spring Ride just to see how many
adventurous souls we would have, well it turns out that we have about 14. We headed
in a new direction. Did you know that they actually have roads East of Grapevine? Even
better, they have roads that are biker friendly!!! OK, so we haven't gone East in while,
well I made sure we did this time. We went out 121 to McKinney and then headed out
Northeast from there to a little town called Blue Ridge, where we overwhelmed a luittle
cafe called the Cattleman's Steak House. Needless to say 14 hungry Chapter R people
pretty much took them by surprise. Guess we'll need to call ahead if we ever stop there
again. The food was OK, but probably could have been better. Anyway, we headed
from there North to 455 and took 455 West. What a great ride. I think everyone must
have scraped a peg on this ride, even the three wheelers.... We didn't even mind the
25-30 MPH winds. Can't wait till the next ride.
Jim and Tish
Page 11
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Chapter News—Mar ch Rides
At FEBRUARY’S MONTHLY GATHERING we sat with Ruth and John, a retired goldwing riding couple
that has visited with R on many occasions, been with us on some of our rides and has exchanged many,
many laughs and experiences with the group. By choice, they visit with and participate in events of as
many neighboring chapters as possible and claim each as “their chapter”. What a great idea! Since they
are experienced bike travelers, we seized the moment to pick their brains on a few good eating places.
We’ll check them out for you and plan a ride around them in the near future. Be on the look out!
Seizing the moment to represent R and GWRRA, doesn’t start and stop at our monthly gatherings. It is an
everyday passion for us and FUDDRUCKER’S FRIDAY in March was no exception. The venue was great
as always and the twenty nine of us in attendance had a very pleasant evening. We arrived late and as
you would know it, the quiet and seemingly shy Lloyd jokingly informed us that meeting time was 6:30.
We ate and chatted with Dave and Karen, one of R’s newest members, while wads of paper kept flying
across our table (by guess who?). They shared with us some of their life’s experiences they had while living in Germany and at the same time was inquisitive about R’s activities, group rides and up-coming
events. We could have chatted all evening about R and GWRRA because that is something we enjoy doing.
Dave and Karen was also one of the fourteen bikes that took the LUNCH RIDE TO LOCO COYOTE on
the 6th. We were relieved when we woke up that morning and the weather forecast had changed to a slim
chance of rain for the day. Before we called Gary to see if the ride was going on as scheduled, we had
already decided we were riding somewhere, even if it was only a short ride. It was truly an adventure!
Can’t you tell by the picture?
Riders are so appreciative whenever one of its own takes the time to plan and lead a group ride, especially
when that leader is prepared to change the plan at the last minute based on road conditions and weather.
That is what happened with the scheduled SPRING RIDE. It was originally planned for the 20th but later
moved up to the 12th. The day before the ride the temperature was in the 80’s; however, the morning of the
12th, it was very chilly and very windy so “just in case”, Rev. Jim had prepared for and quickly changed the
route direction to try to avoid some of the high winds.
Before departing Luby’s, everyone was dressed in layers with the intent of taking off clothes as the day
warmed up but instead, we ended up adding more layers. The route took us to the Cattleman’s Steak
House in Blue Ridge where we had lunch. In spite of the chilly weather and high winds, the ride ended up
to be a great one, thanks to Rev. Jim.
John & Lena, COY 2004- 2005
January 50/50 Winners
Page 12
Jim/Tish Jones
Lloyd Porter
Carolyn Barton
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Dist r ict News
Texas Dist r ict St aff — 2005
Senior District Directors
Breeze and Carolyn Hoadley
(940) 243-5237
Asst. District Directors/
Motorcycle Awareness Division
Steve and Judy Ferguson
(281) 328-2936
Asst. District Directors/
Vendor Coordinators
Ken and Barbie Peterson
(817) 293-4667
Asst. District Directors/
Events & Membership
Steve and Judy Mueller
(281) 955-7220
Asst. District Directors/
John and Bonnie Simonick
(210) 497-0447
District Educators
Sam and Anita Belinoski
(281) 469-5755
Any of these District Staff members can be reached by phone or by
e-mail at www.texasdist.org
Asst. District Educators
John and Lydia Bourg
(281) 242-5125
District Treasurer/
Newsletter Editor
Pam Meyer
(281) 578-8371
District Couple
Carolyn Thomsen
(281) 540-2454
2004-05 District COY
Merlyn and Alyce Harman
(361) 573-6529
Senior District Director News
When time flies it really flies in February. Here we are at the end of February, looking at March and
spring head on. This is just what your District Staff has been doing in preparation for the “Fabulous
50’s” looking the rally head on and making every effort to make it one step above the last. The Seminars at the rally should have that extra twist that will entice your curiosity to want to see what it is all
about. Don’t forget plenty of film for you never know what might be happening.
I would like to thank all of you for your help in the survey of South Padre Island. It is rather difficult to
know what the members like and/or dislike. The survey helps the Staff to provide the membership with
activities and events that you would like to participate in. The District Staff is here for you and with out
your feed back the tasks become more challenging.
With out the help of the Chapter Directors, the end of the year paper work seems endless. Every effort to make this less time consuming has been done by your District Staff.
The rally season is here. Looking at the District Calendar and the Chapter Newsletters, we are in for a
FUN year. We plan to make as many chapter events as we can. Be looking for ya soon.
Take it to the road
Breeze & Carolyn Hoadley
Senior District Directors
Senior Master Tour Riders
985 & 984
Page 13
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Dist r ict News
Texas District News
The Texas District Rally
Wingfest 4th Annual
May 12-14, 2005
Wichita Falls, Texas
See Texas District Website for more information.
Registration form is on page 15 of this newsletter.
Note: Pre-register by May 1, 2005
Texas District—Chapter E-mail Addresses
The District has created and maintains several e-mail lists for your use.
Chapter Newsletter Editors:
[email protected]
Chapter Web Masters:
[email protected]
Chapter Directors:
[email protected]
Chapter Educators:
[email protected]
Reprinted from Texas District Newsletter, February, 2004
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DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Distr ict News
Page 15
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Region News
Region H St aff — 2005
Region Directors
Cliff and Donna Miller
(405) 949-1748
Region Treasurer
Ed Nahl
(405) 321-6467
2004-05 Region H COY
Brent and Roxie Comeaux
(337) 993-8440
Asst. Region Directors/Trainers
Harry and Joan Dollarhide
(405) 391-7661
Region Educator
Walt Smith
(281) 362-0960
Region Webmaster
John and Lydia Bourg
(281) 242-5125
Any of these Region Staff members can be reached by phone or by
e-mail at www.region-h.org
By the Book
By Harry Dollarhide, Region H Trainer
The “By The Book” articles are intended to help familiarize
Volunteer Leaders and GWRRA Members with the guidelines,
policies, procedures, and information contained in the
GWRRA Officer’s Guidebook. Please feel free to reprint these
articles in Region, District and Chapter newsletters.
This code for STANDARDS OF CONDUCT for
GWRRA officers has been adopted to promote and
maintain the highest of standards for association service
and personal conduct among its officers. Adherence to
these standards is necessary and will further serve to assure Member confidence in the integrity and fairness of
all GWRRA officers.
MAINTAIN loyalty to my Association and aggressively
help it to achieve its objectives and goals.
HOLD inviolate the confidential relationship between
the individual Members of our Association and myself,
and all confidential information entrusted to me through
my Association office.
SERVE all Members of our Association impartially,
and to provide no special privilege to any individual
Member, nor to accept any special personal compensation for the performance of my duties.
NEITHER engage in, nor countenance, any exploitation
of our Association, and to safeguard and protect all its
RECOGNIZE and properly and fairly perform my responsibilities to our Association, to uphold all rules and
policies relating to its activities, with skill, courtesy,
honor, goodwill and especially to uphold exemplary service to the Membership.
EXERCISE and utilize sound “people principles” in the
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conduct of the affairs of my office.
USE only fair, moral and ethical means when seeking to
influence opinion.
ALLOW no false or misleading statements to be made to
the public or Membership.
NOT disseminate any malicious information concerning this
or any organization.
ACCEPT responsibility for cooperating in every reasonable
way with all Association officers and Members.
UTILIZE every opportunity to improve public understanding of the positive principles of motorcycling, especially
MAINTAIN high standards of personal conduct, and make
efforts to improve my management skills, my character, and
my communication techniques.
DO’S and DON’TS for Officers (and Members)
1. DO have patience
2. DO promote fun activities.
3. DO promote safety.
4. DO communicate with other officers and Members.
5. DO provide proper example.
6. DO take surveys.
7. DO provide and care about the Members.
1. Do NOT play the role of a dictator.
2. Do NOT dictate or demand.
3. Do NOT have a negative attitude.
4. Do NOT play favorites.
5. Do NOT lose temper.
6. Do NOT berate Members.
7. Do NOT blame others for our
Harry & Joan Dollarhide
Region H Trainers
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
April 2005
Chapter R Calendar of Events
Thur sday
Most rides leave from Luby’s Cafeteria parking lot located on Hwy 114
and William D. Tate Blvd. Drivers meet 15 minutes prior to the listed
departure time. For vehicles using CBs, Chapter R monitors Channel
1. Unless otherwise specified, come with full tanks, full bellies, and
empty bladders. All rides are Weather Permitting.
and Parking
Lot Practice
NWHS Stadium
Parking Lot
(Justin) at 1:00
Edo Hana in
Meet there 7:00
Gayle Johnson’s
Gathering —
Spring Creek
Mike and
6:30 Eat
7:00 Meet
Chapter E
6:30 at
Fuddruckers in
Fred Leads
Luby’s 8:30
Train Ride/
Picnic to
Fred Leads
Luby’s 8:00
Bring your own
picnic and $16 for
the train ride
LA District Rally - Lafayette, LA
Z2 Rally McKinney
Alice Leads
Buddy and Martha
Gary Meyer’s
Visit to
Chapter W-2
John Bryant Leads
Luby’s 8:00
Waco Buzzard
Billy’s &
Alice & Carol
Luby’s 8:00
Luby’s 6:00
Dale and Nita
Satur day
Lafay Tolson’s
Po Melvin’s
6:30 Eat
7:00 Meet
Directions on
Fr iday
Bug Run
Fred Leads
Luby’s 9:00 PM
Page 17
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
May 2005
Chapter R Calendar of Events
Gathering —
Spring Creek
Gary & Alice
Luby’s 9:00
Jerry and Mary
Page 18
Ross & Donna Plan
Luby’s 8:30
Arkansas District Rally
Po Melvin’s
6:30 Eat
7:00 Meet
Ride TBA
Texas District Rally
6:30 at
Fuddruckers in
Time and Place
Jim and Pam
St. John’s
Details TBD
6:30 Eat
7:00 Meet
Most rides leave from Luby’s Cafeteria parking lot located on
Hwy 114 and William D. Tate Blvd. Drivers meet 15 minutes
prior to the listed departure time. For vehicles using CBs,
Chapter R monitors Channel 1. Unless otherwise specified,
come with full tanks, full bellies, and empty bladders.
All rides are Weather Permitting.
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
¨ June 10 - 11: Oklahoma District Rally, Stillwater, OK
¨ July 4 - 7: Wing Ding XXVII, Fort Wayne, Indiana
www.gwrra.org or www.wing-ding.org
¨ August 6:
TX-I “Spirit Fest”, Marshall, Texas
¨ September 10: Chapter R Rally, Denton, Texas
¨ September 16—17: Chapter Y2 Rally, Tyler, Texas
¨ September 23—25: Kansas District Rally, Winfield, Kansas
¨ September 29—October 1: South Central Region H Rally, Marshall, Texas
Page 19
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Classif ied/Sponsor s
2004 Chevrolet Cavalier LS
Sport Package, A/C, Power Windows/Doors/Door Locks. Remote Access. AM/FM/CD System. Rear
Defroster. ABS Brakes. Alloy Wheels. Sunroof. Automatic. Cruise Control. Power Mirrors. Tinted
Windows. 27,500 miles. Red with gray cloth interior. Immaculate inside and out.
Asking $12,395. Call 936-228-0526 or 713-557-4544.
2000 Fleetwood Mallard Trailer
30 ft in length, side electric pull out in living area. Used it only about 3 months for job. Has large pull out
awning and all the comforts of home. Asking $12,000. Call Jim Jones at 817-521-3491 or email at
[email protected]
202 W Parker Rd
Plano Texas 75074
Plano Honda is a single line
Dealer, with over 14000 sq ft of
showroom featuring a large selection of new and pre-owned
bikes. We also carry a full line
of Parts, Accessories, Apparel
and Specialty items, featuring
Genuine Honda parts and Licensed Honda Footwear and Apparel. When your bike needs
service be sure to check out our
Service Center for the very best
in service.
[email protected]
To experience the all new Plano Honda you have to see it. Come by and meet the
all new management team. Craig Turman General Manager, Chris Gunter Parts &
Acc Manager, Service Manager Bill Heard.
Page 20
DFW Rallycats Raconteur, April 2005
Classified/Sponsor s
D. David Dendy II
[email protected]
2350 William D. Tate (SH 121)
Grapevine, Texas 76051
Phone 817-421-HONDA (4663)
Cell 214-808-8797
Page 21
Sponsor s
Honda and
Acura Specialist
Now Servicing
Gold Wings
1511 W. Euless Blvd.
Euless, Texas 76040
Metro 817-267-8661
Or 817-571-0093
Fax 817-571-1773
Dealership Quality
for Less
♦ Tires
♦ Scheduled Maintenance
♦ Oil & Filter Changes
♦ Chrome Accessories
Visit our web page:
Owner Terry Wright, GWRRA #132553, Texas Chapter “R”
Tou r in g
Sp ecia lties
Page 22