2008 Product Catalogue
2008 Product Catalogue
08 P R O D U C T C AT A L O G U E 2 0 0 8 TA B L E O F C O NT ENT S NEW 3310 Paralink™ Hoe Drill 6 5710 Air Hoe Drill 12 5725 Air Coulter Drill 18 8810 Culti-Drill 22 6000 Air Seeders 30 NEW 2200 Air Seeder 40 ® Mid Row Banders 26 Seeding 53 52 6000 Mid-Harrow® 7200 Heavy Harrow 56 Fertilizer R e s i d u e M a n a ge m e n t 44 46 48 50 1650 Round Bale Mover Hay Harvest Tillage 8810 Cultivator 9400 Chisel Plow 9800 Chisel Plow Mounted Tillage Options 750 Smart Cart 1100 Grain Cart 54 55 2000 Liquid Fertilizer Cart 57 Cone Bottom LFC 57 8825 Coulter Fert. Applicator 57 president’s message Bourgault is continuously pursuing the development of innovative, leading edge products. We strive to deliver to our customers the most durable and reliable products in the industry. The Paralink Hoe Drill is our latest innovation. The PHD , with its ultra-precise, and highly stable Paralink opener system, coupled with Bourgault’s patented MRB technology produces the ultimate independant, low-disturbance seeding system; not only is the seed placement the most precise and fertilizer placement the safest, the PHD is designed to be the most robust and durable independent opener drill in the industry. TM TM TM ® TM For more than 30 years, Bourgault equipment has consistently provided its customers with the least down time, lowest operating costs and highest resale values. As an example, take the Bourgault Dual Purpose Cultivators manufactured 30 years ago. Last year, the extremely wet weather forced some farmers to cultivate and repair their badly rutted fields. Having sold, or retired their cultivators several years earlier because direct seeding had made them obsolete, these farmers needed to re-purchase a cultivator. In some cases, Bourgault cultivators that were more than 30 years old were purchased. These Bourgault units were either ready to go or were put back into service for a very low cost. Furthermore, these Bourgault cultivators could be used for another 30 years. No other cultivator even comes close to delivering this type of durability! At Bourgault, we remain 100% committed to designing and producing the best equipment on the planet. We believe that our track record proves that we will consistently deliver on this commitment. Gerry Bourgault, PEng. President of Bourgault Industries Ltd. Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 4 Designed to exceed industry standards, Bourgault seeding systems deliver optimal results while minimizing risk. Bourgault offers a wide range of seeding equipment to suit a wide range of farming environments, conditions, and techniques. Common to each of the seeding systems, the Mid Row Bander nitrogen fertilizer application option optimizes each Bourgault seeding system for the best available one-pass technology on the market today. ® The 6000 Series Air Seeder is available from 280 to 550 bushels, a size to suit every farmer. A wide variety of features and options make the 6000 Series as convenient as it is productive, providing unmatched value. The NEW Model 2200 Air Seeder is a basic 200 bushel entry level air seeder. Features from the 6000 Series were incorporated into this design, making it the most advanced 2000 Series model offered by Bourgault. Bourgault Mid Row Banders create a superior one-pass seeding system by allowing Farmers to place all their nitrogen requirements in the ideal location without danger of contact with the seed or fracturing of the seedbed. MRBs can be mounted on 3310, 5710, 5725, and 8810 seeding systems. The NEW 3310 Paralink Hoe Drill is the best independent depth seeding system offered on the market. The Paralink arm delivers stable performance at each opener, ensuring consistent seeding depth in a wide range of soil conditions. The choice of multiple openers allows the 3310 to be optimized for any farming operation. Residue clearance is unmatched in the industry! The 5710 Air Hoe Drill has developed to be the standard seeding implement in the small grain regions of North America. With a durable frame, wide range of packer options and single point depth setting, producers are able to get their seeding completed efficiently and effectively year after year. The 5725 Air Coulter Drill is the ultimate zero-till seeding system. The all coulter seeding system cuts through residue while preserving existing moisture by minimizing soil disturbance. ® seeding ™ ™ > Ideal for a wide range of seeding conditions, with excellent success in dry to superior results in moist seeding conditions. ® The 8810 Culti-Drill provides the ability to adopt a minimal disturbance seeding practice or can be easily reconfigured for conventional seeding or tillage. Also ideal for soil that has high to average susceptibility to over-packing. ™ > Ideal for dry conditions where moisture and soil conservation are priorities. > Ideal for a wide range of seeding conditions, and excels in seedbed situations with reduced moisture. Can be ordered with two sets of packers to expand the window of operation. > Ideal for areas which typically experience moist conditions, but may occasionally have springs with reduced moisture. Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 6 3310 Paralink Hoe Drill TM The Bourgault 3310 PHD is the culmination of thousands of hours ™ of research, design and testing. The goal of consistent seed placement was a key factor in the objectives governing design of this implement. By achieving this benchmark, Bourgault can offer the best performing independent depth seeding system with the greatest flexibility at the lowest risk over the widest range of conditions. ™ ™ Devin Lung has a passion for mechanical engineering and design, and working with the land. Devin brings a balance between farming challenges and practical solutions to the equipment he is involved in developing. His work with Bourgault has brought him to leading a team of Engineers in the development of the 3310 Paralink Hoe Drill. “As a designer, I was focused from the very beginning to help develop a seeding system which could provide the most consistent results over the widest range of conditions. As a farmer and seed producer, and seeing the results of our work, I was able to justify the purchase a 3310 PHD for my own family farm.” Bourgault Mid Row Banders The 3310 PHD is built to the same standards of ingenuity, durability and simplicity as every other Bourgault product. Bourgault backs this with industry leading service and warranty. The superior design and durable construction will help ensure trouble-free operation and greater resale value. One of the defining features of the 3310 Paralink Hoe Drill is the optional Mid Row Banders . Bourgault Series 25 MRBs allow producers to place any rate and form of nitrogen fertilizer and sulphur between every other seed row without danger of seed contact. Other benefits include superior seedbed integrity, faster seeding operation, greater emergence, and superior residue flow. No compromises are required to seed in a single-pass. ™ w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m D E V I N L U N G P. E n g , F a r m e r Tradition of Excellence Continues 7 ® ™ ® ® Paralink TECHNOLOGY Versatility. Smooth Field Finish One of the many benefits of using the 3310 Paralink Hoe Drill is the smooth, even field finish. By utilizing a narrow edge-on shank, the seed-only openers displace a minimal amount of soil. The optional coulter MRBs also minimize disturbance when placing the nitrogen between every other row. The result is a smooth, even field finish with less wear and tear on spraying and harvesting equipment. TM ® Paralink System Provides Choice of Seed Tips ™ The Bourgault 3310 incorporates a parallel link system for the seed opener to maintain a consistent tip angle in relation to the soil, regardless of its position. As a result, the operator is free to choose the tip that will work best for his/her conditions and farming techniques. Careful selection of the right tip will help ensure the best possible seeding results. The openers are mounted on an edge-on style shank to minimize soil disturbance and throw, allowing a greater range of seeding speeds, while minimizing soil disturbance. Many vendors have a variety openers available that are compatible with the 3310 PHD™. Low Maintenance The Paralink linkages pivot on lube-free long life composite fibre bushings. These bushings are designed for the demanding environment of agricultural equipment. Strong cast components and weldments of the arms are designed for seeding around potholes and other field obstacles. The 3310 is backed with the same 3 year limited warranty as all other Bourgault products. ™ Adjustable Hydraulic Pressure The hydraulic configuration on the 3310 PHD efficiently utilizes the tractor’s hydraulic system to adjust packing and trip force for the banding coulters and Paralink seed arm. The pressure may be adjusted during the seeding operation for simple and accurate control of the packing force and of the trip break-out force. The hydraulic arrangement has been designed with integrated line locks and may be used to operate the banding coulters and seeding shanks, or independently. Operators may set packing force as low as 70 lb per run in wet conditions to prevent over-packing and reduce draft. In a dry year, the packing force can be set to an excess of 200 lb per run to conserve all available moisture. The 3310 will encompass the packing range currently offered by our existing 8810 and 5710 seeding systems combined. ™ 9 Precision Seeding optimal opener-to-packer distance allows soil to flow better into the seed row, providing consistent seed depth and the ability to seed at higher speeds. w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m ™ Lube-free fibre composite bushings Model 400 in-cab console to adjust opener pressure and to raise and lower openers. CHRIS FEDEROWICH of Ashville, MB - 3310 PHD Owner ™ “The 3310 works through trash like you wouldn’t believe.” “I’m up to 6.3 m.p.h. seeding Canola with a good finishing job.” “The most important feature of the 3310 is seed placement. You know every seed row is placed at the depth set.” Paralink P TECHNOLOGY Well Engineered, Well Built Frame Consistent Seed Depth in Variety of Environments The 3310 PHD has been designed and tested to meet the same demanding guidelines for quality as every other Bourgault product offered. The 5" by 5" frame with large fore-aft beams on the mainframe ensures many years of reliable service. This heavy and durable construction gives the 3310 PHD the ability to penetrate hardpan soils while still providing available packing force of over 200 lbs per opener. Active down pressure on the inner wings aids the transfer of force, ensuring the frame weight is available to all of the openers. The Paralink arm is designed to achieve a balance between independent contour-ability and stable opener operation. An optimal seed opener-topacker distance was developed to ensure good contouring characteristics and productive seeding speeds while providing a stable operation. The result of these design features is consistent seed placement over a wide range of conditions. The Paralink design also enables producers to select from a wide variety of openers to equip their 3310 PHD . ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Superior Residue Clearance Features such as a seed-only opener on each shank, optimal seed opener to packer distance, edge-on shank design, and residue cutting MRB H coulters allow the 3310 to deliver excellent trash flow in challenging conditions without compromising the seedbed. Again and again, customers have commented on the excellent trash clearance on both the 10" and 12" spaced units. ® Series 25 MRB Fertilizer Applicators ® The incorporation of optional Series 25 Mid Row Banders continues Bourgault’s commitment to providing minimal risk one-pass seeding systems. The MRBs equipped on the 3310 utilize a hydraulic system to lift the coulters from working to transport position and adjust down pressure. Producers can choose between a 10" or 12" spacing without the worry of increased risk of seed damage from the nitrogen fertilizer. ® Easy-Adjust Depth Control With the indexed pin depth adjustment, managing the seeding depth across the unit is simple and repeatable. Depth can be set at 1/6" increments between 0" to 2½". Effective Seeding Speeds An optimal seed opener-to-packer distance allows soil to flow around the seed opener and back into the seed row at productive seeding speeds. The Bourgault PHD openers are mounted on an edge-on style shank to minimize soil disturbance and throw, allowing a greater range of seeding speeds when equipped with narrow openers and MRBs . Operators have commented that they are comfortable with a speed increase of ½ to 1 mph over a similarly equipped traditional hoe drill and still maintain seedbed integrity. ™ ® 3310-40 No. of Sections 3 No. of Rows 3 Working Widths 10" spacing 40' 0" 12" spacing 40' 0" Frame Widths Main Frame 15' 7" Inner Wing 12' 1" Outer Wing N/A Transport Width 20' 8" Transport Height (max)16' 3" *Weight (approx) 10" w mrb 26200 lb 10" w/o mrb 22600 lb 12" w mrb 24500 lb 12" w/o mrb 21400 lb Tires Main Frame Front Main Frame Rear Inner Wing Front Inner Wing Rear Outer Wing Front Outer Wing Rear 13.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) N/A N/A 3310-48 3310-55 3310-65 3310-75 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 48' 4" 48' 0" 55' 0" 54' 0" 65' 0" 66' 0" 75' 0" 74' 0" 15' 7" 10' 2" 6' 1" 22' 6" 14' 1" 15' 7" 11' 5" 8' 2" 22' 6" 16' 3" 18' 4" 14' 11" 13' 5" 24' 3" 17' 3" 18' 4" 13' 2" 10' 4" 24' 3" 18' 6" 30950 lb 26550 lb 28800 lb 25000 lb 34450 lb 29450 lb 31950 lb 27650 lb 42000 lb 36000 lb 39000 lb 34000 lb 46000 lb 40000 lb 42800 lb 37000 lb 13.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) 11Lx15FI (2,4) 11Lx15FI (2) 13.5x15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) 11Lx15FI (2,4) 11Lx15FI (2) 16.5x16.1FI (4) 13.5Lx15FI (4) 13.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) 13.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) 16.5x16.1FI (4) 13.5Lx15FI (4) 13.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) 13.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (2) 11 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m MODEL * all weights are estimates and are subject to change Shank Spacing Trip assembly 10" or 12" Independent depth control w/ in-cab adjustable trip force Trip Assembly Travel + or - 6" Packing force In-cab adjustment from 70 to 200 lb Opener depth adjustment Pin style Packer Options 4.8" pneumatic Pneumatic Tire Pressure 16 to 50 psi Openers BTT Edge on style (less cat. 1 tip) (will accomodate other after market openers) Air kits Single-shoot or double-shoot Blockage monitors - Optical blockage monitors available in single run (1 per manifold) or full run (1 per tertiary line) Row to row spacing 37.5" Front to Rear Wheel 191" with MRB / 169" without MRB Obstacle Clearance 8" MRB / 10" opener Safety Chain & Lights Standard Wing Transport Locks Standard Mid Row Banders (opt.) Equipped with adjustable hydraulic trip, MRBs can be locked up with single valve Row Crop Config. (opt.) 20" with 10" / 24" with 12" Rear Drop Hitch (opt.) For pulling liquid or NH3 tanks with lower hitch pull points Paralink TECHNOLOGY 5710 Air Hoe Drill The 5710 Air Hoe Drill is the benchmark for all one-pass seeding systems. The superior design, combined with strong, high quality components, make the 5710 an Air Hoe Drill that you can count on. For over a decade, the 5710 has provided farmers with trouble-free operation, low operating costs and the highest resale value. Robust Design Provides Exceptional Penetration Durable & Proven Spring Trip Design The design of the Bourgault spring trip assembly utilizes increasing force geometry which allows our seeding units to work soil where competitor’s cultivators just ride on top of the ground. > All Bourgault trip assemblies come standard with greaseless nylon pivot bushings. These trips are very economical for farmers to operate because of their durability and low parts cost when maintenance is required. > The 5710 is available with 230 lb. single spring, 330 lb. dual spring, or 450 lb. dual spring trips. J A S O N K I R S C H , A . S . C . T. , C a n a d i a n S a l e s M a n a g e r w i t h B o u rg a u l t , F a r m e r Farming knowledge was imperative in the design of the 5710. Jason, as a project manager of the 5710 design team and an active farmer, was able to draw from his farming experience to deliver the features and options that provide true value and performance farmers need to achieve profitability. As a result, the 5710 has become the most widely used seeding implement in the direct seeding industry. 13 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m The 5710 frame features five trip-mount rows sandwiched between continuous members running top and bottom the full depth of the frame. > This construction provides a deep profile for high strength and many years of trouble-free operation. > The frame of the 5710 allows weight to be transferred throughout the frame, allowing the 5710 to aggressively penetrate compacted areas. The result is uniform seed placement in conditions where flexible frame designs simply ride up. > The exceptional frame is designed to tow large air seeder tanks, fertilizer caddies and accommodate MRBs. Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 14 Quick and Easy Levelling Set Seed Depth in Seconds The 5710 is the easiest drill to level in the industry! Easily accessible heavy-duty turnbuckles, found both on the castor wheels and packer gangs, can be adjusted with the provided wrenches. Detailed instructions are also located near the point of adjustment. Correct seeding depth is a critical factor in every farming operation. Depth requirements will change with factors such as seed type, moisture conditions and soil type. Farmers need the ability to make seeding adjustments when the conditions change. The accurate and infinitely adjustable Quick Shift Depth Control system provides one point depth control in seconds! Ease your workload with a design that works for you. A wide selection of packer wheels are available for all seeding requirements. > All steel wheel (21½" dia.) - 2¼", 3½" and 4½" wide - Thick steel cap with 11 ga. side-walls - Weld seams do not contact soil - Mud-scrapers optional for steel wheels > Rubber faced semi-pneumatic wheel (22" dia.) - 3" and 4" wide > Fully pneumatic wheel - 5½" wide Stone kickers standard on all packers State-Of-The-Art Hydraulic System The simple, yet durable hydraulic system ensures that your seed and fertilizer are on target all the time. Hydraulic cylinders incorporate a sophisticated seal design with high quality components. An in-line filter is mounted on each master cylinder to eliminate contamination. A precision line lock valve eliminates rebound and keeps the series cylinders locked into place while seeding. Each step of the hydraulic system has been designed for durability and accuracy. Excellent Weight Distribution for Even Packing The 5710 has been designed to produce even packing pressure across the entire width of the machine. Heavy wing lift cylinders have been mounted on the wing to transfer weight away from the heavier main frame. The maximum number of packer wheels are located on the main frame for optimum weight distribution. Packer sections pivot from side-to-side so entire sections can walk up and down to clear obstacles with ease and to distribute packing pressures evenly to ensure good seed to soil contact. For additional information on packer and opener options visit our website at: www.bourgault.com R A N DY J O H N E R , M i d a l e , S a s k a t c h e w a n — B o u r g a u l t 5 7 1 0 A H D O w n e r The Johner farm produces a wide variety of crops including, canola, lentils, peas, chick peas, flax, wheat and durum. “I must comment on the durability of the 5710 Air Hoe Drill. It has seeded 40,000 acres with zero dollars put into it. The summer of 2005, after 6 years of use, I decided we would check it over closely and fix it up. There was nothing that needed replacing. Pins, bushing and linkages are not showing any excessive wear. Even the packer gangs were tight.” The Mid Row Banders are also proving to be durable. “They are costing about 10 cents per acre to maintain”, says Randy. Primary & Secondary Manifolds The Bourgault product delivery system is designed for accurate distribution and low incidence of seed damage (PAMI test #702). Quick inspection manifold caps are made from polyurethane to absorb impact and minimize build up of dust or seed treatment. Secondary lines use highly durable hose that is many times more durable than competitor’s hose. 15 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m The Most Durable Packer Wheels in the Industry Size and Row Spacing The 5710 AHD is available in sizes from 25' to 74' with a choice of 7", 9.8" and 12.6" row spacings depending on implement size. Main frames are designed to minimize transport width and to ensure an adequate balance of frame weight to the wings. 5710 AIR HOE DRILL MODEL Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 16 5710-24 5710-29 5710-34 5710-40 No. of Sections 3 3 3 3 Working Widths 7" Spacing 24' 6" 29' 2" 35' 0" 42' 0" 9.8" Spacing 24' 6" 29' 5" 34' 4" 40' 10" 12.6" Spacing 25' 2" 29' 5" 33' 7" 42' 0" Frame Widths Main Frame 12' 10" 12' 10" 12' 10" 15' 9" Inner Wing 6' 1" 8' 4" 10' 0" 13' 1" Outer Wing N/A N/A N/A N/A Transport Width/Top 18' 6" 18' 6" 18' 6" 21' 7" 12' 7" 15' 3" 17' 2" Transport Height (max)10' 7" Weights (7" spcg with 330 lb trips; 9.8" & 12.6" spcg with 450 lb trips) 7" Spacing 17220 lb 18650 lb 20290 lb 23230 lb 9.8" Spacing 16400 lb 17660 lb 18920 lb 21360 lb 12.6" Spacing 15740 lb 16780 lb 17820 lb 20240 lb Tires 5710-47 5710-54 5710-59 5710-64 5710-70 5710-74 5 5 5 5 5 5 N/A 47' 4" 46' 2" 51' 4" 53' 11" 52' 6" N/A 58' 10" 58' 10" 60' 8" 63' 8" 63' 0" N/A 70' 3" 69' 4" N/A 73' 6" 73' 6" 12' 10" 10' 1" 7' 1" 20' 0" 15' 0" 15' 9" 9' 11" 8' 8" 22' 0" 15' 8" 15' 9" 12' 6" 8' 10" 23' 0" 17' 6" 15' 9" 12' 6" 10' 0" 26' 0" 18' 0" 15' 9" 13' 5" 13' 8" 23' 5" 18' 11" 15' 9" 13' 5" 15' 3" 23' 5" 18' 11" N/A 27180 lb 25640 lb 29680 lb 27790 lb 26030 lb N/A 31780 lb 30020 lb 36080 lb 33840 lb 31860 lb N/A 42500 lb 39800 lb N/A 43300 lb 40600 lb Main Frame Castors 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 12.5Lx15FI (4) 12.5Lx15FI (4) 16.5Lx16.1FI (4) 16.5Lx16.1FI (4) Inner Wing Castors 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (2, 4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.5Lx15FI (2, 4) 9.5Lx15FI (2, 4) 9.5Lx15FI (2, 4) 9.5Lx15FI (2, 4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) Outer Wing Castors Rear Transport Wheels9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 9.5Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 11Lx15FI (4) 12.5Lx15FI (4) 12.5Lx15FI (4) Bourgault HSS™ System As farming operations become larger, farmers look at different options in order to get the crop seeded within the limited spring seeding window. The Bourgault HSS™ (High Speed Seeding) system gives operators a new and viable option to increase seeding efficiency and maximize every hour in the seeding window. Cooperators who have worked with the HSS system found that they were able to increase their seeding speed by 25% to 30% under typical seeding conditions and achieve good field finish and seed placement. Excellent Contour Following Capability Contouring Depth General Specifications (All Sizes) Tine Spacing Packer Options 7" 9.8" & 12.6" 7", 9.8", and 12.6" Steel - 2-1/4", 3-1/2" / Rubber - 3" Steel - 2-1/4", 3-1/2", 4-1/2" / Rubber - 3", 4" / Pneumatic - 5-1/2" / Split Packer Wheel - 12.6" only Mud Scrapers Optional for steel wheels Stone Kickers Standard Openers Quick-Change Adapters standard. Refer to BTT for optional openers. Seed boots Standard or wide spread seed boot avail. Air kits Single-shoot, double-shoot and granular air kits available. Blockage monitors Impact blockage monitors available for tertiary air lines. Tandem wheels for wings Standard on 5710-59 and 5710-60 inner wing, optional on all other wing sections. In-frame harrow Optional 4 row configuration with a clear back row for rotary or tine harrows. Floating wing Optional Trip assemblies 7" 9.8" & 12.6" Trip assemblies Row to row spacing Frame depth Castor to packer depth Hydraulic system Safety chain and lights Transport locks Mid Row Banders® Mid Row Shanks Rear Tow Hitch 230 lb, 330 lb 230 lb, 330 lb, 450 lb 1" x 2" shank, 27" to 31" of frame to ground clearance (depending on opener), 11" of obstacle clearance 24.5" 102" 145" working at 1" of seeding depth. High quality master/slave series cylinders with in-line hydraulic filter, double line lock/ pressure reducing valve, slide action single point quick shift depth control. Standard Standard Optional on 12.6" and 9.8" spacings with NH3, dry, or liquid fertilizer tubes Optional on 12.6" and 9.8" spacings Standard The 5710 Requires Little Maintenance It takes little time to grease a 5710. Bourgault designers incorporated high quality replaceable wear-resistant components such as Nylatron, case hardened steel or composite bushings in many 17 pivot locations. Even the rockshafts are mounted on maintenance free nylon bearings. This leaves only a minimum number of greasing locations required on a 5710 Air Hoe Drill. w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Bourgault has designed the 5710 with the packer wheels mounted closely behind the rear trips and the front castor wheels positioned within the first row of the air hoe drill’s frame. This results in a very short Contour Depth (distance between packers and castor wheels) enabling the 5710 to better follow undulant land. 5725 Air Coulter Drill Equip with Bourgault Mid Row Banders® Bourgault’s 5725 ACD is designed for one-pass seeding with the optional Mid Row Bander® System. Mid Row Banders operate independently of the seed coulters, depositing granular, liquid, or NH3 fertilizer between the seed rows. One-pass seeding is achieved while maintaining moisture levels, and soil and seedbed quality, to create the ideal growing environment. The 5725 Air Coulter Drill is the ultimate Zero-Till seeding implement! The 5725 ACD is designed to operate in managed field residue and stubble which is generally cut high to capture moisture and bind soil. The coulters provide minimal soil and surface disturbance, shielding the soil from the evaporating effects of the wind and the sun. When water and soil conservation is key, the 5725 ACD performs second to none. Sealing in the Moisture Extreme Zero-Till More Durable, More Productive Bourgault Air Coulter Drills are the lowest maintenance coulter drill on the market. Competitor’s coulter units have a multitude of linkages and pivots that are prone to bending and wear. The Bourgault 5725 ACD uses a single point depth control allowing the depth to be set in seconds, saving you hours in adjustment time and reducing any chance of error. The 5725 ACD pictured at right is seeding directly into a field harvested with a stripper header. The coulters cut through the straw and accurately place the seed and fertilizer in the soil. This successful zero-till operation demonstrates the 5725’s ability to operate in extreme conditions. Seed Into All Stubble Types Competitors’ units, equipped with gauge wheels tend to ride on the corn or sunflower stalks, resulting in uneven seed depth or seed left uncovered. The 5725 sets seeding depth at the frame, providing more consistent seed depth in residue. The coulter discs will cut through field residue without stalks or vines wrapping around shanks, so even in corn, sunflower, or soya bean stubble, the 5725 will achieve consistent seeding depths. 19 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m The flap of soil cut by the coulter is directed back to the furrow by the closer wheel. Packing force of 150 to 200 lbs. per wheel ensures that the furrow is well sealed, even in dry conditions. Existing soil moisture is retained to ensure optimum germination and emergence. Steel and rubber cap packers are available for both models. 5 7 2 5 A I R C O U LT E R D R I L L Model Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 20 5725-29 5725-34 No. of Sections 3 3 2 2 No. of Rows Working Widths 9.8" Spacing 29'5" 34'4" 12.6" Spacing 29'5" 33'7" Frame Widths 12'10" Main Frame 12'10" 8'4" 10'0" Inner Wing Outer Wing N/A N/A 18'6" 18'6" Transport Width (@ Top) 12'7" 15'2" Transport Height (Max) Weights: (with 3.5" steel packer option, without MRBs) 9.8" Spacing 20000 lb 22200 lb Weight Packages 9.8" Spacing (With MRBs) 1200 lb N/A 5725-40 5725-47 5725-50 5725-60 3 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 40'10" 42'0" 47'4" 46'2" 53'11" 52'6" 63'8" 63'0" 15'9" 13'1" N/A 21'7" 17'2" 12'10" 10'1" 7'1" 20'0" 15'0" 15'9" 9'11" 8'8" 22'0" 15'8" 15'9" 12'6" 10'0" 26'0" 18'0" 26800 lb 29800 lb 32400 lb 39000 lb 1200 lb 600 lb 2400 lb N/A The Fixed Height Coulter — The Heart of the 5725 ACD The Model 5725 Air Coulter Drill utilizes a coulter assembly mounted to a spindle arm and an extension spring to maintain pressure on the disc as it runs through the soil. 1 The Coulter Disc is a 20" alloy steel disc set at a specific angle to part the soil and produce a furrow. 2 The Carbide Floating Scraper scours the disc as it turns to prevent plugging. Secondly, it helps maintain the furrow as the seed is being placed. 3 The Dry Seed Boot directs the seed into the furrow produced by the disc. Additional boots are available on request. 4 The Floating Scraper Adjust allows for pressure adjustment on the carbide scraper using the handle supplied. 5 The Floating Scraper Slide allows for the adjustment of the floating scraper placement as the coulter wears. 6 The Extension Spring provides a trip force of 430 lb for effective soil penetration. 7 The sturdy Upright Arm is constructed of 3"x3" tubing. 8 The Spring Tower anchors the spring to the drill frame. 9 A Steel Closer Wheel works behind the coulter opener to ensure the parted soil is moved back over the furrow to prevent the loss of product. 10The Outside Tine Scraper keeps the side of the coulter disc free of mud or clay buildup. This scraper is essential in moist, high clay soils. 6 7 9 10 1 4 5 2 3 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m “Trash clearance was very good. We seeded into standing sunflower, corn, and wheat stubble. We also had very good results seeding into bean ground. It actually has the best residue clearance of all my drills. We seeded between 6 and 6.5 mph, but the drill still left a smooth field finish. The germination was the best in my area.” “We purchased this unit with Mid Row Banders. The move to one-pass seeding was critical for our operation to reduce our input costs and labor requirements. In the end we were able to save on fuel and man hours with this system.” Roger has been farming for over 45 years. He has seeded a variety of crops including wheat, duram, barley, canola, beans, pintos, sunflowers, corn, and winter wheat. Roger also sits on the board of directors for the Dakota Pasta Growers Co. Roger has over 10,000 acres logged on this seeding implement in the 2007 season. ROGER KENNER of Leeds, Nor th Dakota — Bourgault 54' 5725 ACD Owner 8 21 8810 Culti-DrillTM The 8810 Culti-Drill™ provides the ability to adopt a minimal disturbance seeding practice, yet reconfigure the unit for conventional seeding or tillage. The Culti-Drill™ is ideal for areas which typically experience moist seeding conditions, but may occasionally have springs with reduced moisture. It is also ideal for soil that has high to average susceptibility to over-packing. tillage conventional / high disturbance seeding - high moisture conditions OPTION 2 conventional / normal - low moisture conditions OPTION 3 low or minimal disturbance one-pass seeding OPTION 4 The 8810 Culti-Drill is a Versatile Seeding Tool! * additional specification information can be found in the 8810 Tillage section w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m “We looked at the competitor’s out on the market place, but they tend to leave the field pretty rough. The Mid Row Banders leave a better field finish, and require relatively low horsepower to pull them.” “I liked the heavy duty rubber packers on the 8810. The mud doesn’t stick, and we have that ability to adjust our packing pressure. The packers spread over a wider area than the poly packers, and cover the seed row better.” CHARLES AND SUSAN GILSON of Medora MB – 8810 Culti-Drill™ Owner OPTION 1 23 Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 24 Excellent Flotation The 8810 Culti-Drill is available with 10" spacing and features heavy duty steel mounted on-row packers which will provide similar packing characteristics to an air drill, yet still provide the versatility of an 8810 cultivator. Packer wheel options include: 2¼" steel, 3" and 4" (5710 only) rubber capped steel (semi-pneumatic), and 5½" pneumatic. These are the same 22" diameter packer wheels used on the 5710 Air Hoe Drills. Packers are arranged in small 4 or 5 wheel gangs. This provides even packing on seed rows through hills, dips, or stones. The 8810 Culti-Drill™ incorporates in-frame running gear. In wet conditions, more weight can be transferred to the wheels to prevent the castor wheels from diving into the mud. The walking in-frame running gear is slightly biased to the back tire. This again helps prevent the front wheel from dipping down in wetter conditions. ™ Adjustable Packing Pressure The heavy-duty packer assemblies mounted on the Titan™ arms can be adjusted to suit the seeding conditions. Packing can be adjusted from 50 lbs to 80 lbs per wheel to match crop type and field conditions. Dry seeding conditions will warrant heavier pressure delivered to the packer wheels, whereas wetter conditions will require less pressure. Excellent Residue Clearance The 8810 has five rows of shanks, mounted on a 10" spacing, with a minimum of 40" distance between shanks on the same row. Special consideration is given to clearance around the wheels within the frame of the implement. The Mid Row Banders® are mounted on the front of the frame, which cuts through the residue before it reaches the seed openers. These features all help to provide a remarkable residue clearance. Direct Seed with Bourgault MRBs® The 8810 Culti-Drill™ is designed to accommodate the Bourgault Mid Row Bander® System for direct seeding applications. With the Mid Row Banders® placing the nitrogen fertilizer between every second seed row, producers can select a narrow seed opener to minimize soil disturbance. One-pass seeding is achieved while maintaining current moisture levels, and soil and seedbed quality, to create the ideal growing environment. When nitrogen is not being applied, or the 8810 is required for a tillage application, the MRBs® can be parked up! 25 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m A Wide Range of Packer Options Place Nitrogen in the Ideal Location in One-Pass MRBs place nitrogen fertilizer between the seed rows, shielding the seedlings from the nitrogen’s harmful toxic and salt effects. The separation allows only the mobile and beneficial nitrate form of the fertilizer to reach the seedlings for optimum nutrient uptake. Producers have the versatility to choose from granular, liquid, or anhydrous without worry. From every angle, the Bourgault Mid Row Bander® system is the most beneficial and lowest risk one-pass seeding system available. B A R RY P E N T E L I U K , I n s i n g e r S K – 5710 70’ AHD Owner Barry and his family continuous crop 7800 acres near Yorkton, SK. “We have been using Mid Row Banders on Bourgault drills now for over 10 years. Because of the amount of straw we see, the MRBs provide the benefit of cutting through that straw without plugging. This also saves time after seeding, as we don’t have to harrow straw piles.” “The placement of the fertilizer away from the seed is excellent. We have no trouble from seed burn from the nitrogen. We’ve done alot of acres with the mid row banders, and have been very happy with the performance.” MRBs ® Mid Row Banders ® Mid Row Banders® open a window of opportunity for farmers who wish to maximize the benefits of one-pass seeding, yet avoid the risks that are inherent with other one-pass systems found on the market. For over a decade and through millions of acres, Bourgault Mid Row Banders® have provided guaranteed seed-to-fertilizer separation and seedbed integrity. The Bourgault MRB® system has truly revolutionized one-pass seeding. Mid Row Bander, Mid Row Banders and MRB are registered trademarks of Bourgault Industries Ltd. in Canada and the U.S.A. Benefits of Mid Row Banders 27 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m > Seedbed Integrity – MRBs coupled with narrow seed openers provide a superior low disturbance single-pass seeding system. Wider profile sidebanding openers create more disturbance, exposing the seedlings to potential emergence problems from seedbed fracturing, particularly in dry seeding conditions. > Guaranteed Separation – MRBs guarantee separation of nitrogen fertilizer from the seed row. Side-banding systems may cause the seed to mix with the fertilizer depending on a number of factors such as: seeding speed, soil texture, opener condition, and soil moisture. > Versatility – MRBs work well with all forms of nitrogen fertilizer: Dry Urea, Anhydrous Ammonia, and Liquid UAN. Farmers have the choice of using the nitrogen form that is advantageous to their seeding operation. No other one-pass system can offer this range of flexibility with the same degree of safety. > Seeding Efficiency – MRB systems aid seeding efficiency by allowing farmers to seed at higher speeds, while those with side-band systems typically have to maintain a slower seeding speed to reduce soil throwing and soil fracturing by the openers. > Horsepower Requirements/Fuel Consumption – Side-banding openers can pull harder than MRBs with narrow seed knives. Easier pulling MRBs mean less fuel consumed for the same number of acres seeded, as well as less wear and tear on the tractor. Fiberglide bushings in the cast height adjustment mount provide a solid low friction fit on the chrome shafts. Floating scraper adjustment can be made quickly by setting the tension on the spring. Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 28 Adjustment is vertical and infinitely adjustable; this allows the operator to change working height quickly and easily, or “park” in the up position when not in use. The initial trip force is set at 450 lbs for excellent soil penetration. A heavy duty arm with a 4" wide pivot provides durability through extreme conditions. A composite fiber selflubricating bushing with urethane seals and plastic thrust washers pivots on a 1" diameter chrome pin. A user friendly slide adjust scraper/boot system allows for adjustment as the disc wears. The combo boot is a versatile fertilizer applicator. It can be fitted with distribution hoses for dry urea, or tubes for anhydrous ammonia or liquid fertilizer. The carbide scraper provides many acres of service. The carbide edge and wear pad ensures long life, even in abrasive conditions. The hub is a ductile, greasable, 4 bolt 1500 lb rated capacity and comes with a tapered roller bearing and triple lip seal. The large 20" coulter disc is set at a 5° angle to cut field residue. The initial form of nitrogen fertilizer is ammonia, (NH3). Nitrogen fertilizer, in this form, is very toxic to the seed and plant, and is not very mobile in the soil. Risk of fertilizer toxicity is high if the seed(ling) is close to the fertilizer row. Mid row banding fertilizer eliminates the chance of the seed coming into contact with the toxic ammonia. Ionic transfer converts ammonia to ammonium, (NH4). Ammonium is not as toxic as ammonia, but can cause seedling damage at an excessive concentration. Ammonium sensitivity varies with plant species and ammonium is not very mobile in the soil. Risk of fertilizer toxicity is reduced in comparison with ammonia, but may impair plant development. Microbial activity in the soil converts ammonium to nitrate (NO3). Nitrate is the safest, most effective form of nitrogen and promotes robust plant development. Nitrate is very mobile in the soil, and can reach the seed row from the mid row band in as little as two days. MRBs Reduce Risk Mid Row Banders prevent crop damage from fertilizer toxicity by providing the required amount of separation between nitrogen and seed to provide protection from ammonia and ammonium, but ready access to nitrate. This separation also prevents salt effect of the fertilizer from desiccating the seed(lings). The management of risk from fertilizer damage allows producers to grow the best crops possible. MRBs Provide Superior Emergence Third party research supports the fact of superior emergence when mid row banding fertilizer. PAMI Report #768 “Emergence and Yield Comparison of Mid Row and Side Banding Seeding/Fertilizer Systems” documents 216 pairs of emergence and yield comparisons over a three year period. Of those 216 pairs, 42 pairs showed significant difference in emergence, of which the mid row banded tests were significantly higher in 33 of the 42 pairs! The ultimate goal of seeding is to achieve the best emergence possible. With Bourgault MRBs, farmers have the best one-pass seeding system to maximize emergence and minimize risk. S E R I E S 2 5 M I D ROW BA N D E R I I MRB Weight Trip Height Trip Mechanism Arm Pivot Depth Control Coulter Diameter Coulter Hub Product Type MRB Compatible Units: 120 lbs with mount 10" unobstructed 450 lbs initial tension 4" wide pivot with composite fiber self-lubricating bushing & urethane seals and plastic thrust washers pivots on 1" dia. chrome pin. Infinite Adjustment Stainless Steel Acme Thread 20" dia. Greasable 4 bolt — 1500 lb rated capacity, equipped with taper roller bearings & triple lip seal Granular, Liquid, or Anhydrous Ammonia application 3310 ParalinkTM Hoe Drill 5710 Air Hoe Drill 8810 Cultivator 5725 Air Coulter Drill 29 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Fertilizer Form & Toxicity 6000 Air Seeders Over twenty-five years of Air Seeder development has led to the 6000 Series, the latest generation of Bourgault Air Seeders. No other air seeder manufacturer can offer the range of sizes, features, durability, and convenience available on the Bourgault 6000 Air Seeder line. From 280 to 550 bushels, from single-shoot to double-shoot to multi-shoot with an industry leading fourth tank compartment, there is a 6000 Air Seeder to suit your needs. any operation! size to fit > 10" Deluxe Load/ Unload Auger > Tow behind. (170 bu/15 bu/75 bu/290 bu) > 10" Deluxe or Std. Load/Unload Auger > Tow behind or Leading. (145 bu/15 bu/60 bu/230 bu) Air Seeder 6550 ST 6450 6350 6280 > 550 Bushels > 4 compartment tank > 450 Bushels > 4 compartment tank > 350 Bushels > 3 compartment tank > 280 Bushels > 2 compartment tank > 8" Load/Unload Auger > Tow behind or Leading. (140 bu/70 bu/140 bu) > 8" Load/Unload Auger > Row crop tire options > Tow behind or Leading. (112 bu/168 bu) w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Bryan manages an integral part of air seeder design, and is also a farmer near the town of Tisdale, Saskatchewan. He finds his farming vocation an asset when developing or improving products for Bourgault. “The focus of my work is the design, development, and testing of product distribution systems for Bourgault air seeders. For me, the process goes one step further, since I also farm with a Bourgault air seeder. I have an understanding of what customers expect in terms of functionality, versatility, dependability and profitability as I am not only a Bourgault designer but a Bourgault customer as well.” B R YA N C R E S S W E L L , B S c . A g , F a r m e r An 31 2 3 1 Se e d i n g S y s t e m s 32 4 Below are two examples of the 6550ST tank’s flexibility. 6550ST PEA CONFIGURATION (ALL TANKS INDEPENDENT) 6550ST CANOLA CONFIGURATION (COMBINING TANKS 3 & 4) Product Product Tank(s) Volume Rate Acres Seed #1 170 bu 1.1 bu/acre 155 acres Seed Innoculant #2 15 bu 5 lbs/acre 155 acres P/K #1 165 bu 100 lbs/acre 132 acres Phosphate #3 75 bu 40 lbs/acre 146 acres Urea #3 370 bu 180 lbs/acre 123 acres Seed #4 290 bu 1.9 bu/acre 153 acres Tank(s) Volume #2 15 bu Rate Acres 6 lbs/acre 125 acres Industry Exclusive Flexible, Internal, Tank Design Class A Straight-Thru Primary Line Design The patented individual compartment internal port tank design provides unprecedented flexibility to farmers. The three (6350) or four (6450, 6550ST) internal compartment design allows for efficient use of total volume, regardless of seeding rates or size of seed being applied. In fact, the internal port design allows seven different tank configurations (on the 4 tank models only) which can be achieved in a matter of minutes. The Class A Straight-Thru primary line design makes it very easy to direct the contents of any tank compartment into any air stream. The operator is not limited by the tank when determining what products and rates he needs for each crop. At the end of day, tank clean-out is simple with an unobstructed drop into the load/unload auger hopper. The flexibility offered by Bourgault Air Seeders is unmatched in the market. High Density Poly Metering Augers Metering Orifice Greaseable bearings protected from dust and debris Flow through sump Access at bottom allows for easy clean-out PDM Plus Metering System The heart of the 6000 Series air seeder is the Bourgault Positive Displacement Metering Plus system. > High density poly metering augers coupled with precisely matched steel orifices provide accurate metering and low maintenance. > The PDM Plus is gentle on peas and lentils. PAMI Research Update #702 found that overall average damage of all tests was 0%. > A large flow-through sump for easy and complete tank clean out and metering auger inspection. Only a few cups of product are left in the sump when the tank shows empty. > Product sump ensures precise metering, even at low tank levels. Wide metering rolls may experience uneven product draw at low tank levels. > A five year, 100% warranty, plus a 50% lifetime warranty are offered on the PDM Plus metering auger and housing system. w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m 33 Variable Speed Transmission Patented Hydraulic Power Calibration The heavy-duty design of the Variable Speed Transmission ensures that precise metering rates will be maintained, even in harsh conditions. > Ground drive metering system > Infinitely variable metering rate settings with 3 ranges > Each transmission is protected by a self-resetting torque limiting clutch > Change rates “on-the-go” with the optional Cab Rate Adjust (CRA), Zone Rate Control (ZRC), or the X20 Monitor/Controller System > In case of electrical problems, transmissions can be easily converted to manually adjust to ensure no downtime With the standard Hydraulic Power Calibration system, it is very easy for an operator to obtain a large, accurate product sample at the turn of a lever. Convenient Catwalk & Safety Handrails The convenient two-stage ladder and 5th wheel platform provides easy access to the tank top from either side of the air seeder. The tank top handrails have a lift-and-release feature, allowing them to be easily folded down for indoor storage. Gearbox Transmission Drive This all mechanical drive system provides a clean and efficient transfer of power from the drive wheel to each variable speed transmission. The shaft drive system will provide you with trouble-free operation and virtually zero maintenance requirements. E L D O N B O O N , Verdin MB – 6550ST Owner “We have operated with a 6550ST air tank for three seasons and I like it a lot. The 10" Deluxe loadunload auger is the most superior tank auger I have ever dealt with. It works well under semi-trailers, and we use semi-trailers around here all the time. If there are two of us we can load that 6550ST in about 20 minutes, that is quite a time saving.” 10" Standard Load/ Unload Auger (6450, L6450) 8" Standard Load/Unload Auger The 10" Deluxe Load/Unload Auger allows producers to fill the 6550ST cart and return to seeding in 20 minutes. The auger has complete hydraulic control for positioning and returning to transport position. A horizontal hopper design enables the deluxe auger to work with belly-dump trailers. Clean-out is very clean, with typically less than a gallon of product left in the auger. Load/Unload Rate: 85 bu/min The 10" Standard Auger is equipped with hydraulic control for swing and manual control for auger height. The 10" standard auger also has the classic hopper design. Load/Unload Rate: 75 bu/min The 8" Standard Auger has a well balanced ergonomic design allowing the operators to manually position the auger quickly and easily. Load/Unload Rate: 35 bu/min (6350, 6280, L6350, L6280) * unload rates based on dry barley @ 48 lb/bu Augers Fast and Convenient Load / Unload Augers The Bourgault Load/Unload augers allow you to fill all compartments while keeping the auger hopper in the same location. This feature saves time and effort. Working Lights The working lights include lights around the metering transmissions, the sides of the tank, the load/unload auger head, catwalk, and on the rear of the air seeder. These lights give excellent illumination around the seeding unit during night time operation and are standard on the 6000 Series. 35 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m 10" Deluxe Hydraulic Load/Unload Auger (6550ST, 6450, L6450) 591 AIR SEEDER MONITOR The Model 591 Monitor provides standard monitoring features for up to four bins. Some of the key features of the 591 monitor include a large screen and intuitive controls. > Monitor air seeder data including: fan speed, application rate, bin levels, area seeded, & ground speed. > The large screen will allow you to monitor up to eight functions on one screen. > Four display screens are available to customize the data displayed. You can easily toggle between each page to access preprogrammed screens. > Case drain pressure is monitored to help prevent costly hydraulic fan motor damage. > Available with optional Cab Rate Adjust and Zone Rate Control to adjust application rates on-the-go. > Zone rate control available with optional electric-overhydraulic fan speed controller option. > Four optical sensors in each compartment report the amount of product remaining. All but the bottom empty bin sensor can be repositioned according to the operator’s preference. options Monitors 591 monitor Cab Rate Adjust — CRA The application rate can be adjusted for each metering auger at the push of a button, on-the-go, from the tractor cab. An electric actuator mounted on each transmission remotely adjusts the rate setting when activated by the operator. A second control panel is located on the tank for convenient rate changes during calibration. Zone Rate Control — ZRC Zone Rate Control allows for all metering augers to be automatically adjusted to a preset rate by a single control. Up to five different product application groups can be preprogrammed by the operator. The operator can now make a coordinated rate change with just a click of one dial when crossing zone boundaries. Both CRA & ZRC systems can be switched to manual operation in case of electrical problems to ensure no costly downtime. X20 MONITOR Seed & Fertilizer Rate Controller > Variable rate control of up to 5 products including granular and liquid fertilizer combinations (Liquid is monitored, not controlled) > Adjustable voice and visual alarms > Bin levels count down as product is used > Granular blockage monitoring available (single-run only) Guidance System > Parallel and contour guidance standard > Includes obstacle marking and automatic air seeder clutch ON/OFF > Save As-Applied Maps Mapping System > Upload maps from a PC or create on the X20 monitor > Use GPS and VR control to apply your own prescribed rates > Log product application rates in a field map format Touch screen, full colour control of your Bourgault seeder. All adjustments are just a click away, as well as, visual and audio alarms for all functions on your air seeder. Integrated guidance with your seeder control allows features such as a coverage map to show where you have applied product. This feature can also be used for automatic master clutch control. Optional Maplink (Variable Rate Control Software) allows you to turn your X20 equipped Bourgault seeder into a prescription variable rate seeding machine. Control up to 5 tanks (including NH3) X20 monitor 37 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m X20 Monitor Controller System The X20 Monitor/Controller, by TopCon®, with exclusive Bourgault Seed Rate Control programming, is an optional system which performs monitor and controller functions simultaneously. Touch screen control on a large colour display provides superior visibility and operation. The Seed Rate features two programmable rates with preset incremental adjustment control on each bin. Guidance (both parallel and contour) is standard with the X20. Single run blockage monitoring available for both single and double-shoot air seeder kits. Proximity Sensor Auto Clutch Switch The air seeder clutch can be controlled in the headlands with an optional auto clutch switch which uses a proximity sensor. This new style switch has no moving parts, eliminating any possible issues due to dust contamination or wear. The proximity clutch switch is available for both the 591 Monitor and the X20 Monitor / Controller system. (Note: Auto clutch switch is standard on the 3310 PHD™) Product Lift System (6280 – 6550ST) This revolutionary new feature means you no longer have to strain yourself by lugging heavy seed bags or calibration boxes up the tank stairs. Simply load your bags or boxes (250 lb. capacity) and lift them hydraulically to the top air seeder platform (Patent pending). S y s t e m s 38 Se e d i n g Tire Options that Work for You Bourgault offers a tire for any soil type. Large single, or dual tire options minimize compaction of your fields. Correct tire loading is not only important for reduced compaction, but also for safe operation of the unit. Proper tire selection is key for problemfree operation in all seeding conditions. Dual Fan Product Delivery System Todays larger seeding systems require a large volume of air for accurate and consistent product rates. Bourgault utilizes a dual fan product delivery system for double-shoot air kits to maximize efficiency, simplify settings, and to minimize any plugging problems. Options Leading in More Ways than One MODELS 6280 Total Tank Volume (bu) 280 #1 Tank Volume 112 #2 Tank Volume N/A #3 Tank Volume 168 #4 Tank Volume N/A Height Transport (Top of L/U Auger) A 12' 1" 14' 0" Field (Top of Hand Rail) B 13' 2" Overall Width (Single Tires) C Front Axle to Rear Axle (TBHD Only) G 12' 6" Length (Front Frame to L/U Auger) Hitch Pin to L/U Auger H Tow Behind Units 29' 2" Leading Units 31' 3" Hitch Pin to Rear Tow Hitch Pin 29' 10" Tow Behind Units J Leading Units: 27' 3" Tire Spacings Front Tire Spacings (TBHD Only) D 5' 0" Rear, Single 10' 10"** (** - 10' (3m) also available) F N/A Rear, Inside Dual F N/A Rear, Outside Dual E 6350 6450 6550ST 350 140 70 140 N/A 450 145 15 60 230 550 170 15 75 290 12' 5" 15' 0" 13' 6" 12' 5" 15' 0" 13' 9" 12' 5" 15' 0" 13' 9" 12' 6" 15' 6" 15' 6" 29' 2" 31' 3" 30' 8" 32' 8" 32'11" N/A 29' 10" 27' 3" 32' 10" 30' 2" 32' 10" N/A 5' 0" 5' 0" 5' 0" 10' 10"** 10' 0" 15' 0" 10' 10" 10' 0" 15' 0" 10' 10" 10' 0" 15' 0" The Leading 6000 Series Air Seeder offers all the versatility, reliability and durability as the 6000 tow behind, in a tow-between system. The superior design and balance allows only approximately 8500 lbs (3850 kgs) of hitch weight for a fully loaded L6450 . The rear tow hitch is designed for the rigours of large seeding implements in a minimum or zero-till operation. Available from 280 to 450. 39 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m 6000 AIR SEEDER Stationary Rate Calibration With a manual calibration crank, an operator can quickly perform stationary calibration. Hookup is Quick It takes less than five minutes to hook up your 2200 Air Seeder to your cultivator or air drill. Simply flip the over-centre clamp on the transfer line, re-attach the hydraulic and electric couplers and you are ready to go! Positive Displacement Metering Plus System (PDM Plus) Model 2200 uses the same proven metering augers as 6000 Series Air Seeders > Works with all types of seeds & fertilizers without changing components > High-density poly metering augers designed for accurate metering and low maintenance > A large flow-through sump allows complete tank clean out and convenient meter inspection > Independent test results show that the PDM system is both gentle and accurate with all seeds 2200 Air Seeder The Model 2200 is the best economy-priced seeding system on the market today, designed specifically for farming operations that are as concerned about equipment price as productivity. Several features from the 6000 Series have been incorporated into this model to create the most advanced 2000 Series air seeder offered by Bourgault. No other company can offer this level of volume, quality and durability at this price. Convenient Catwalk 2200 AIR SEEDER Tank Lids Total Tank Capacity 200 bu. Front Tank 120 bu. Rear Tank 80 bu. Height 12' 6" Width 11' 6" Length 30' 6" Weight 6500 lb Load/Unload Auger 8" Radial Fan - Hydraulic Motor Fan Drive Hydraulic Piston Motor Oil Pressure Req. Typical - 2250 psi, Max - 2600 psi Oil Flow Rate Req. Typical - 12 gpm, Max - 15 gpm Seed Metering DriveGround Drive Metering System PDM Plus Metering Augers Right Hand - Single Flight Right Hand - Double Flight Output Range Capacities - PDP Plus Metering Auger PDM Plus Single Flight Auger Minimum 20 lb/acre Maximum 260 lb/acre PDM Plus Double Flight Auger Minimum 2 lb/acre Maximum 150 lb/acre The Model 2200 has the same large, reinforced tank lids as the 6000 series air seeders. The large opening allows for easy and complete filling of the tank. Convenient Loading/Unloading Auger > > > > > Well-balanced 8" (203 mm) diameter auger Easy to secure locking system Rotate 180 degrees to unload the air seeder Bottom end features cupped flighting Auger controls located at the base and top of the auger Fast Rate Change The wrenchless Quick Change Sprocket System allows the operator to select any rate without the need for changing or adjusting the internal workings of the metering system. A chart provides typical rates along with the recommended sprocket. Model 491 Deluxe Monitor The Model 491 Monitor provides standard monitoring features for up to four bins. Monitor air seeder statistics, including: fan speed, application rate, bin levels, area seeded, & ground speed Case drain pressure is monitored to help prevent costly hydraulic fan motor damage 41 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m The convenient two-stage ladder and 5th wheel platform with handrails, provides safe and easy access to the tank top from either side of the air seeder. The tank top handrails can be folded for indoor storage. In 1974, F.P. Bourgault Industries entered the market place with the first true dual-purpose tillage unit. With this first product Bourgault Industries began a legacy of agricultural equipment designed under the principles of ingenuity, durability, and simplicity. The long history of tillage systems has evolved into the most advanced and durable units available in the market place. tillage 9400 Chisel Plow Incredibly Effective Trip Design The Bourgault legendary trip design utilizes increasing force geometry to penetrate hard soils. As the soil gets tougher, the shanks begin to tip back ever so slightly. This increases the angle of attack of the sweeps and improves their ability to penetrate. As the trip springs extend, the penetration force increases dramatically. This increase in force returns the shank/sweep to it’s original position. The result is that Bourgault tillage will penetrate ground the competition barely scratches. Durable Spring Trips The Bourgault trip assembly features a single grease-less pivot point equipped with a nylon composite bushing and a grade 8 bolt. Extensive tests have 9800 Rigid Hitch Chisel Plow proven that Bourgault’s trip will have twice the life span of competitor’s systems in normal operating conditions! When maintenance is required, the pivot bushings are easily changed at a price of less than 1/10th of some competitors’ units! Dependable Hydraulics Bourgault incorporates a masterslave hydraulic system for depth control. A precision line lock valve is incorporated to eliminate rebound and to keep the series cylinders locked during operation. Protection is provided by an in-line filter mounted on each master cylinder. The operator can quickly set the operating depth of the entire machine with the standard Quick Shift single point depth control. ™ 43 Dependable Running Gear Quick and Easy to Level Bourgault tillage utilizes extremely durable hubs with the triple lip seals pressed onto the spindle to prevent seal damage from debris wrapping. This seal allows bearings to be overpumped with grease without damage to the seals. The leg style castor wheels greatly reduces the effort required in changing a tire. Front-to-back adjustment is quick and easy by adjusting the screw jack that connects the in-frame running gear to the castor wheel (8810 & 9400). Adjustment screws on top of the depth control cylinders allow side to side adjustment. Wrenches are supplied and fixed to the frame for easy access. Low Maintenance Wherever possible, wear points are protected with nylon, case hardened steel, or composite components. These features allow Bourgault tillage systems to require less grease locations and longer greasing intervals than competitor’s systems. w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m 8810 Cultivator The 8810 design allows for the cultivator to be used as both a tillage unit and as a seeding system. The clean and simple floating hitch design, has made this tillage unit a mainstay throughout the small grain regions of North America. Frames Designed for Outstanding Endurance The 8810’s trip layout is designed to achieve unmatched trash clearance. Design ensures good residue flow around the wheels. Distance is maximized between adjacent rows and shanks. The 8810 frame features five trip mount rows sandwiched between continuous members running top and bottom the full depth of the frame. The deep profile provides high strength and many years of trouble-free operation. The design allows weight to be transferred throughout the frame to aggressively penetrate compacted areas, providing uniform seed placement. Designed to tow large air seeder tanks, tow fertilizer caddies, and mount MRBs . Ti l l a g e 44 Maximum Residue with Minimum Effort ® Minimized Contouring Depth Research has proven that the ability to follow field contours is primarily related to frame depth and wheel positioning. The 8810 has the shortest contouring depth in the industry. The front castor wheels are positioned close to the front of the frame and the walking axles are centered in the frame. With this short contouring depth, the 8810 seeds more evenly over the peaks and valleys. Easy to Level Front-to-back adjustment is performed by adjusting the screw jack that connects the in-frame running gear to the castor wheel. Adjustment screws on top of the depth control cylinders allow side to side adjustment. (Wrenches are provided.) 8810 Floating Hitch Cultivator D A R R E N B O R S T M AY E R , P. E n g . , F a r m e r Darren has worked for a number of years in Research and Development with Bourgault, including as R&D Team Leader. Darren is also an active partner with the family farm operation. “My focus is to provide the best product so farmers can maximize their equipment investment with minimal down-time.” Darren, today, oversees the manufacturing of all Bourgault equipment as the Manufacturing Leader, and ensures each Bourgault product leaves the plant with the same degree of quality as it was designed. 8 8 1 0 F L O AT I N G H I T C H C U LT I VAT O R 8810-24 8810-28 8810-35 8810-48 8810-54 No. of Sections 3 3 3 5 5 No. of Rows 5 5 5 5 5 54' 8" Working Widths 8" spacing 10" spacing 12" spacing Frame Widths Main Frame 24' 0" 28' 0" 34' 8" 48' 0" 25' 4" 29' 4" 36' 0" 49' 4” 56' 0” 26' 8" 30' 8" 37' 4" 50' 8" 57' 4" 28' 0" 32' 0" 38' 8" 52' 0" 58' 8" 29' 4" 33' 4" 40' 0" N/A 60' 0" 25' 0" 28' 4" 35' 0" 48' 4" 55' 0" 26' 8" 30' 0" 36' 8" 50' 0" 56' 8" 28' 4" 31' 8" 38' 4" 51' 8" 58' 4" 30' 0" 33' 4" 40' 0" N/A 60' 0" N/A N/A 34' 0" 48' 0" 54' 0" N/A N/A 36' 0" 50' 0" 56' 0" N/A N/A 38'0" 52'0" 58' 0" N/A N/A 40'0" N/A 60'0" 12' 10" 12' 10" 14' 2" 15' 6" 15' 6" Inner Wing 6' 1" 7' 9" 10' 6" 8' 8" 11' 3" Outer Wing N/A N/A N/A 7' 10" 8' 4" 17' 8" 17' 8" 19' 0" 25' 1" 26' 0" 13' 11" 16' 3" 14' 4" 17' 7" Transport Width Transport Height (max)12' 6" Weights (Base unit configured with 330 lb double spring trips.) 8" spacing 10600 lb 11400 lb 12150 lb 10" spacing 10200 lb 17800 lb 21200 lb 10800 lb 11400 lb 16800 lb 20000 lb 12.5x15FI(4) Tires Main Frame 9.5x15FI(4) 11x15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) 12.5x15FI(4) Inner Wing 9.5x15FI(4) 9.5x15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) Outer Wing N/A N/A N/A 11Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) MF Castors 9.5x15FI(2) 9.5x15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) IW Castors 9.5x15FI(2) 9.5x15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) OW Castors N/A N/A N/A 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) General Specifications (All Sizes) Wheel System Wheel Standards Offset walking tandem axles Triple-lip seals on 5000 lb hubs (6000 lb hubs on 48'-54' mainframes walking axles) Packer Options Heavy Duty gang style, poly gang style, or poly independent mounted Mud Scrapers Optional fixed or spring-loaded style Openers Quick-Change and Speed-Loc adapters are optional. Refer to BTT for optional openers Air Kits Single-Shoot, Double-Shoot & Granular Air Kits are available Blockage Monitors Impact Blockage Monitors available for secondary or tertiary lines Mounted Harrow Opt.3, 4, or 3 bar heavy duty harrows Trip Assemblies 8" spacing - 230 lb, 330 lb or 450 lb initial tension; 10" & 12" spacing - 330 lb or 450 lb initial tension 1" x 2" shank, 27" of frame to ground clearance, 11" obstacle clearance Row-Row Spacing 25" min. Row Shank Spacing 8" spacing - 32" min., 10" spacing - 40" min., 12" spacing - 36" min. Frame Depth 104½" Contour Depth 7'2" between the castor wheels and the walking axle pivot Wing Lift Solid Truss system with hydraulics connected in parallel Front/Back Levelling Patented Floating Hitch Axle/Castor Wheel Linkage System Safety Chain, Trans. Locks & Lights - Standard Side Draft Eliminators - Optional Hitches - A-Frame, Optional Heavy Duty Trailing Hitch Frame Members 4" x 4" x .250" Wall TM 45 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Model Bourgault has refined the floating hitch design into today’s proven 12" spaced 9400 Series Floating Hitch Chisel Plow. An experienced design team using the latest in computer solid modelling and stress analysis design software worked to ensure the cleanest, most effective design. The 9400 has been evaluated over hundreds of hours in extreme conditions, both at the factory and by a select group of demanding co-operators. Customer satisfaction and the high residual value reflects a high degree of success. In fact, a 50% premium over other brands is common for used Bourgault chisel plows! 3-Point Frame to Hitch Attachment The unique three point frame-to-hitch attachment is designed to more uniformly distribute the high horsepower loads that today’s tractors can place on a machine. The hitch has also been designed extra long, measuring 20' on five-plex models. Bourgault designers know that a long hitch increases stability for better tracking in tough tillage conditions. Truss rod kits are also available when mounting a granular applicator tank on the 9400 hitch. Ti l l a g e 46 Excellent Contour Depth Research has proven that the ability to follow field contours is primarily related to frame depth and wheel positioning. The 9400 has the shortest contouring depth in the industry. The front castor wheels are positioned close to the front of the frame and the walking axles are centered in the frame. With this short contour depth, the 9400 tills more evenly through the peaks and valleys and requires less horsepower to pull. 9400 Floating Hitch Chisel Plow 9 4 0 0 F L O AT I N G H I T C H C H I S E L P L O W No. of Sections Working Widths 9400-28 9400-36 9400-46 9400-54 3 3 5 5 46' 48' 50'/ 54' 56' 58' 60' 28' 30' 32' 34'/ 36' 38' 40' 42'/ Frame Widths Main Frame 13'6" 15'6" 15'6" 15'6" Inner Wing 7'5" 10'5" 9'2" 11'0" Outer Wing N/A N/A 6'3" 8'5" 20'11" 24'6" 26'6" N/A 22'0" 22'8" Transport Height (max)15'0" 17'3" 16'5" 16'9" Frame Depth 8'11" 8'11" 8'11" Transport Width (max) 19'3" 6' above ground N/A 8'11" Weights (Base Unit) with 500 lb trips 11750 lb with 600 lb trips Tires Main Frame 12710 lb 13070 lb 17530 lb 18990 lb 14300 lb 19100 lb 20840 lb 9.5Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) Inner Wing 9.5Lx15FI(4) 9.5Lx15FI(4) 9.5Lx15FI(4) 11Lx15FI(4) Outer Wing N/A N/A 9.5Lx15FI(4) 9.5Lx15FI(4) Main Frame Castors9.5Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) Inner Wing Castors 9.5Lx15FI(2) 9.5Lx15FI(2) 9.5Lx15FI(2) 11Lx15FI(2) N/A 9.5Lx15FI(2) 9.5Lx15FI(2) Outer Wing Castors N/A General Specifications (All Sizes) Trip Assemblies 500 lb Spring Cushion 600 lb Spring Cushion 1-1/4" x 2" shank, 31-1/2" of frame to ground clearance, 13" of obstacle clearance Solid Mounted Shank 1-1/4" x 2" shank, 27-1/2" of frame to ground clearance Wheel System Offset walking tandem axles Leg type castor wheels for easy tire removal Wheel Standards Triple-lip seals on 5000 lb hubs (6000 lb hubs on 46' - 54' mainframe walking axles) Safety Chain and Lights Standard Transport Locks Standard Row to Row Spacing 32" minimum Spring tine mounted harrows Opt. 3 or 4 bar or 3 bar heavy duty harrows Mounted Packer system Opt. gang style, or individually mounted Mid Row Banders Opt. with NH3, dry or liquid fertilizer tubes Side Draft Eliminators Optional Mud Scraper Optional, fixed or spring loaded style Hydraulic System Superior quality master/slave, single series ® Hydraulic in-line filter Double line lock/pressure reducing valve Handle Maximum Residue Bourgault’s designers have always made trash clearance a top priority. The 4 row trip layout is designed to achieve unmatched trash clearance around the wheels. The distance between shanks is a minimum of 36", the distance between adjacent bars is 32" and the frame to ground clearance is 31½" with 1¼" shanks. This is all part of the formula for superior straw clearance. 1" x 2" shank, 30" of frame to ground clearance, 12" of obstacle clearance Slide action, single point, quick shift depth control Shank Spacing 12" shank spacing with 36" min between adj. shanks and 32" between frame rows Front to Back Levelling Patented Floating Hitch Axle/Castor Wheel Linkage system Contour Depth 8'4" between the castor wheels and walking axle pivot Hitches Three pull point hitch, Optional Rear Tow Hitch 47 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Model Bourgault is confident in its claim that the 9800 Rigid Hitch Chisel Plow is the strongest chisel plow ever built. The 9800 is the culmination of over 30 years of tillage equipment manufacturing experience, the latest in stress analysis design software and hundreds of hours of extreme endurance testing. The claim is backed up with a 3-year limited warranty. Ti l l a g e 48 A Hitch Fit for the Job Maximum Residue with Minimum Effort The 9800 hitch consists of two 8" side beams that attach near the hinge area to transfer heavy draft loads, and a center beam which transfers all fertilizer/air seeder cart loads to the tractor. An appropriate tongue height can be found regardless of draw bar height or operating depth. The hitch height adjustment mount can be flipped end for end to provide additional ground clearance and hitch adjustment. The 9800 has a four row frame design with shank spacings of 8", 10", 12" or 15". No other chisel plow can even come close to matching the 9800s performance in heavy residue. The four-row design provides generous distance between the sweeps and the wheels. The shank arrangement has been optimized to provide excellent residue flow. Unmatched Frame Strength The frame features 4" x 4" x ¼" wall steel tubing members welded between 4" x 3" x ¼" wall frontto-back members, producing a structure that is extremely strong. With the continuous front to back hitch beams running under the frame, the 9800 is given unmatched frame strength. 9800 Rigid Hitch Chisel Plow Features for High Draft Operation The top cylinder mount has two positions: an 18" lift range regular lift setting and a high pressure 22" setting. Optional stabilizer wheels available for working in high draft situations to ensure even penetration of the ground engagement tools. 9 8 0 0 R I G I D H I T C H C H I S E L P L OW No. of Sections Working Widths 8" Spacing 9800-28 9800-36 3 3 28'0", 29'4", 30'8", 32'0" 36'0", 37'4", 38'8", 40'0" 10" & 10.125" Spacing 28'4", 30'0", 31'8", 33'4" 35'6", 37'6", 39'0", 41'0" 12" Spacing 28'0", 30'0", 32'0", 34'0" 36'0", 38'0", 40'0", 42'0" 15" Spacing 28'0", 30'6", 33'0" 35'6", 38'0", 40'6" Frame Widths Main Frame 13'6" 13'6" 7'6" 11'4" 18'10" 18'10" Transport Height 14'2" @ 34' 18'3" @ 42' High Lift Range 15'1” @ 34' 19'2" @ 42' Wing Transport Width Weights (Base unit with 500 lb double spring trips.) 12" Spacing 10480 lb Tires Main Frame 11080 lb General Specifications Wheel System, Main Frame Offset walking tandem axles. Wings Standard: High flotation single axle; Optional: Offset walking tandem axles. Wheel Standards Triple-lip seals on 5000 lb hubs (6000 lb hubs on 46' - 54' mainframe walking axles) Packer Options Optional (Not available on 15" spacing) Mud Scrapers Optional fixed or spring-loaded style Openers Quick-Change and Speed-Loc adapters are optional. Refer to BTT for optional openers. Air Kits Refer to Bourgault Dealer for availability TM Tine Mounted Harrows Optional 3 or 4 bar harrows. Trip Assemblies 230 lb, 330 lb, 450 lb, 500 lb, 600 lb, Solid Row to Row Spacing 31" min row centers Row Shank Spacing 8" -> 24" min, 10" & 10.125" -> 30" min, 12" -> 36" min, 15" -> 45" min 11Lx15 FI(4) 11Lx15 FI(4) Wing - Single Wheel 12.5x15FI(2) 12.5x15FI(2) Frame Depth 114½" Wing - Double Wheel 9.5x15FI (4) 9.5x15FI (4) Depth Control Hydraulic series rephasing cylinders, “QuickShift” depth control, Variable Depth/Precision Control Valve Wing Lift Solid Truss system with hydraulics connected in parallel Safety Chain & Lights Standard Side Draft Eliminators Optional Frame Members 4" x 4" x .250" frame members with 4" x 3" x .250" cross members Support Wheel Wings Optional height adjustable support wheel mounted on front corner of wings 9.5x 15FI tires 49 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Model Ti l l a g e 50 Gang Style Mounted Packers Independent Mounted Packers Section Widths 8" spacing — 7, 8, 9 & 10 wheel 10" spacing — 4, 5, 6 & 8 wheel 12" spacing — 4, 5, 6 & 7 wheel Section Widths 8" spacing — 7, 8, 9 & 10 wheel 10" spacing — 4, 5, 6 & 8 wheel 12" spacing — 4, 5, 6 & 7 wheel Wheels 20" diameter, durable linear medium density polyethylene Wheels 20" diameter, durable linear medium density polyethylene Features 1" shaft and heavy duty pillow block bearings mounted on a rugged hollow structural steel frame Features Each wheel is individually bearing mounted with its own spring cushion system, utilizing double contact sealed ball bearings Packing Force up to 55 lbs. per wheel on 8" spacing 4" of independent movement on each wheel Provides uniform packing on each and every row for maximum emergence rates Packing Force up to 55 lbs. per wheel on 8" spacing Mounted Systems Features and Specifications Heavy Duty Mounted Packers Mounted Harrows 51 Section Widths 10" spacing - 4 & 5 wheel gangs 3 Bar Harrow Wheels Section Widths 4½' & 6' sections w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Features 22" diameter available in: 3" rubber cap 2¼" & 3½" steel 5½" pneumatic tire 1½" shaft and heavy duty pillow block bearings mounted on a rugged hollow structural steel frame. Features 3/8" x 16" double tines, with 9" centres 3" overall spacing on a 3-bar harrow 5 available tine angle settings 4 Bar Harrow Section Widths 4', 5', & 6½' sections Features Packing Force up to 90 lbs. per wheel on 10" spacing Important: Mid Row Banders or a Weight Kit is required to offset the weight of the Heavy Duty Packers. 3/8" x 16" double tines with 8" centres 7/16" x 16" double tines with 8" centres (4' only) 2" overall spacing on a 4-bar harrow 5 available tine angle settings 3 Bar Harrow (Heavy Duty Mounted) Section Widths 5' & 6½' sections Features ½" x 20" tines 8" center These harrows can be used in place of the 4-bar double tine harrows 7 4 2 6 5 8 H a r v e s t 52 3 1 No other grain cart provides the same features as the 1100. The turret style unloading auger allows grain to be placed accurately when cart to truck alignment is less than perfect. With a nearly horizontal turret unloading auger, the operator also avoids the potential contact between the auger housing and grain truck. Superior flotation combined with the low hitch load allows the operator to keep ahead of the combines and allows travel at 10 mph fully loaded. Eight flotation tires to carry the load at a very low 19 P.S.I. The 1100 is the fastest grain cart in the field! 1 Eight flotation tires on a double walking axle assembly guarantees stability and allows travel at 10 mph fully loaded. 6 Working lights are standard. Marker and signal lights help ensure safe transport. 2 Mesh windows located on the front and back panels show grain level. The operator can also detect traffic when in transport for increased safety. 7 The unique turret style auger allows producers to place grain accurately and top the load without riding the tractor clutch. Because of the near horizontal position of the auger, there is virtually no chance of contact with the truck box. 3 Trap doors found on the underside can be opened quickly to empty the contents through the 6" x 56" openings. 8 The efficient truss design is more than strong enough to take the 1100 bushel load through wet fields and uneven terrain. 4 Lowest tank height for its size in the industry. 9 A unique belt drive system is used to engage the drag auger. The Soft Start system uses a hydraulic actuated belt tensioner to ensure smooth operation. 5 Loaded hitch weight of only 3000 lbs. 1100 Grain Cart Tank Capacity Max Content Cap. Weights Empty Cart Est. Loaded Tongue Auger Size Hitch Type 10 An optional electronic weight scale allows producers to track yields and inventory accurately. An optional printer can produce records of each load. 1100 bu 72000 lb 15300 lb 3000 lb 18" Single Min. Tractor H.P. Req. Drive (RPM PTO) Roll Over Tarp Loadcell Scales Scale Printer Unloading Rate 200 hp 1000 optional optional optional 350 bu/min @800 PTO rpm Tire Options Rib Implement Tire 21.5Lx16.1 14-Ply Lug Tire 21.5L x 16.1 14-Ply Row Crop 460/70R24 - 150 A8 Radial 3 1 Turret Design The Bourgault turret style unloading auger is a unique feature in the grain cart market. 8 5 7 6 The smart features found on the 750 set it apart in its class. Features such as the turret auger, hydraulic choke control, and various drive options puts convenience and control in the producers hands during a busy harvest. 1 A mesh window located on the front panel allows the operator to see how much product is in the 750 cart. 2 The hydraulic choke on the unload auger gives the operator independent flow control over and above tractor rpm. 3 A large 18" turret style auger with single flighting moves dry grain at up to 200 bu/minute with only 80 p.t.o. horsepower. All auger flightings are balanced and ride on bearings for smooth operation and longer life. 4 Continuously welded tank exterior - no stitch welds or silicone! Tank Capacity 750 bu Max Content Cap. 48750 lb Weights Empty Cart 11600 lb Est. Loaded Tongue 3200 lb Auger Size 18" Auger RPM 550 to 680 Hitch Type Single Min HP Req. Tire Options Standard Tire Large Tire Roll Over Tarp Loadcell Scales Drive Options > The flatter profile almost eliminates potential contact between the auger and grain truck. > Place grain accurately! The operator can adjust the position of the auger when topping up, rather than riding the tractor clutch. > The 750 turret style unloading auger can be retracted over the tank, well supported and safe for transport. 5 Available with 24.5 x 32 Lug Tires or 800/65R32 Radial Lug Tires. 6 The high clearance frame and clean out location allow you to back over a regular or swing-away auger and unload without spillage, or to load into an air seeder with the Load/Unload Auger. 9 7 The low hitch weight of 3200 lb loaded will minimize the wear and tear on the tractor. 8 The 750 Smart Cart has the choice of p.t.o. drive, hydraulic drive, or both. 9 The Bourgault turret style auger’s unique flatter profile almost eliminates potential contact and allows the operator to adjust the position of the auger and not the tractor when topping up. 120 PTO hp 24.5 x 32 12-Ply 800/65R32 optional optional PTO, Hydraulic or Both PTO Options 1-3/8" 21 Spline 1-3/4" 20 Spline Unloading Rate 250 bu/min max@800 to 1000 PTO rpm Row Crop Compatible yes Wheel Spacing 120" 750 Smart Cart 53 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m 4 Residue Management 54 The 6000 Mid-Harrow is designed to distribute straw after harvest to ease direct seeding, yet preserve standing stubble to trap moisture and bind soil. The 6000 Mid-Harrow is also excellent for post-seeding harrowing without fear of dislodging planted seeds. The 6000 MidHarrow will be the most versatile harrow you’ll ever own. ® ® ® > Available in 70' or 90' working widths. > Features quick and trouble-free auto-fold system. > Hydraulic control of harrow down-force and section angle. > Running gear can be manually adjusted to extend operational life of expensive harrow tines. > Self levelling rockshaft arrangement automatically levels each section as the tine angle is changed. > The 10' sections mount on spring loaded arms providing section down-pressure to be adjusted from 0 to 750 lbs > Requires only 2 to 3 HP per foot for operation. > The 6000 Mid Harrow features 5 rows of 7/16" x 20" straight tines on effective 2" centres. 6000 Mid Harrow ® Model 6000-70 6000-90 Transport Length 50'4" 60'4" TransportWidth 11'3" 11'3" Transport Height Weight* *with 11L x 15 tires 10' 7500 lb 10' 10000 lb > Standard 11L x 15.6 ply tires can be upgraded to the optional 16.5L x 16.1 tires. > Double Acting Cable design offers the benefits of a cable draw and solid draw. > Operators can easily determine operational settings by the highly visible indicator gauges. Tires Main Frame - Standard 11L x 15 FI C Main Frame - Optional 16.5L x 16.1, 6-ply Wings (Transport & End Wheel) 11L x 15 FI C Tines 7/16" Dia. X 20" Long Boom Clearance - Hydraulically adjusted from 16"-24" Harrow Sections - 10' wide, 5 bar sections 6" x 6" x 0.250" Wall Main Boom Tubing Safety Chain, SMV Sign & Lights Standard Wheel Standards - Cart Frame - Triple-lip seals on 6000 lb hubs Wing - Triple-lip seals on 5000 lb hubs No. of Hydraulic Outlets Required 2 Tine Angle Control Standard/ Manual adjust Hydraulic Section Angle Control Standard 55 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m Having hydraulic control of all settings from the tractor seat puts the 7200 Heavy Harrow head and shoulders above the competition. Instead of stopping and manually adjusting to meet the conditions, the 7200 allows farmers to make every adjustment from the cab, making the most of each precious hour available. > Tine angle, down force, and harrow section angle are hydraulically controlled for on-the-fly adjustment in variable straw conditions. Highly visible gauges indicate settings. > Double Acting Cable design offers the benefits of a cable draw and solid draw. > Features quick and trouble-free auto-fold system. The latch cable can be moved to deactivate the feature when windrowing. > Designed and built for high-speed service with high horsepower tractors, the 7200 is designed and built for high speed service in challenging residue conditions. > Requires about 5 hp per foot. > Five rows of straight 9/16" x 26" straight tines on an effective 2½" tine spacing. Tine angle is adjustable between 45° and 80°. Optional 5/8" x 26" tines are available. > Spring-loaded heavy-duty extension springs eliminate harrow bouncing regardless of the operating speed. Sections can “trip out” without damage when an obstacle is encountered. Model 7200-48 7200-60 7200-72 7200-84 Transport Length 40'5" 46'5" 52'5" 58'5" Transport Width 14'2" 14'2" 14'2" 14'2" 11' 11' 11' Transport Height 11' Weight* 8360 lb 10350 lb 12450 lb 13780 lb Tires Main Frame - Standard 16.5L x 16.1, 6-ply Main Frame - Optional 21.5 x 16.1, 10-ply Wings (Trans. & End Wheel)- 11Lx15Fl, 8-ply Tines - Standard - 9/16"x26", Opt. - 5/8"x26" Boom Clearance - Hydraulically adjusted from 20" to 28" Harrow Sections - 6' wide, 5 bar sections Main Boom Tubing - 8" x 8" x 0.250" Wall Safety Chain, SMV Sign & Lights - Standard Wheel Standards Cart Frame - Triple-lip seals on 6000 lb hubs Wing - Triple-lip seals on 5000 lb hubs No. of Hydraulic Outlets Required - 3 Tine Angle Control Standard - Hydraulic, Adjustable from 45° to 80° Hydraulic Section Angle Control - Standard 7200 Heavy Harrow Hay / Fertilizer 56 The Bourgault 1650 Round Bale Mover is at the top of its class. Features such as heavy duty loading arms, a sturdy frame, protected bale chains, and walking - oscillating running gear allow operators to move large bales quickly, even in challenging fields. > Adjustable forks on 6' x 6' loading arms are angled to rotate the bale into position for problem-free loading. > The patent pending rubber paddles on the bale chain prevent damage to the bales or cutting the bale twine during loading or unloading. The rails provide a secure transport of bales. > The walking and oscillating action of the running gear ensures smooth travelling. Weight is spread 45% on the front wheels and 55% back to prevent diving in on soft ground. All wheels are easily accessible for maintenance. > Five different settings are available for the rail height. Rail height is adjusted with a screw jack and wrench supplied. Rails are adjustable to accommodate bales from 4' to over 6' in diameter. > Last bale indicator lets the operator know when the bales have reached the end of the rail. The last bale reflective indicator is highly visible, even during night use. > Bale rows are designed to give the operator good visibility behind the bale mover. Transport lights and a transport safety chain are standard. 1650 Round Bale Mover Weights Unloaded 11500 lb Est. Tongue Weight (empty) 1650 lb Maximum Load Capacity 40000 lb Per Bale 2500 lb Load Capacity (Bale length) Qty. 4'0" 20 Bales 5'0" 16 Bales 6'0" 14 Bales Deck Length 44'0" Unloading System Tilt deck & bi-directional bale chains Carrying Chains 2082 Chain with 105ft of rubber paddles. Min Tractor HP Req. 100 TRACTOR hp Tires (8 per unit) 12.5 x 15FI 12 Ply Hydraulics Hydraulic Motor Two remotes with standard Electric over Hydraulic system 45.6 in3 (with heavy duty drive link) High Pressure Cylinders 3-1/2"x20" Standard Items: Walking/Oscillating Axles, Last Bale indicator on each side of deck, Screw Jack and Wrench provided, Cylinder Transport locks/guards, Greaseless bushings on sprockets CB LFCs 8825 Coulter Applicator The LFC 2000 is a 2000 US gallon liquid fertilizer cart featuring the ability to convert between a tow behind and tow between unit in under 10 minutes. The Cone Bottom Liquid Fertilizer Cart Series incorporates a sloped bottom design on each tank to ensure complete drainage on every application. > optional diaphragm pump with rate control system > 10° cone bottom tank provides total drainage > complete clean out with fertilizer tank sump In locations where low soil disturbance and moisture conservation are a priority, the 8825 Coulter Applicator applies fertilizer with minimal disturbance and moisture loss. When applying on sunflower, corn, or soy bean stubble, the coulters will cut through the field residue and get the fertilizer in with no shanks to wrap up around. Definitely the superior method of applying fertilizer. > low centre of gravity for stability > converts from tow behind to tow between in under 10 minutes > durable 7/16" thick polyethylene tank > 2000 US gallon capacity > 5/16" thick polyethylene tank available in 1800, 2400 or 3000 US gallon size > heavy duty 8" x 8" frame > the 5th wheel front axle with goose neck hitch provides superior tracking and tight turns > available with John Blue 32 GPM or 64 GPM piston pump > heavy duty 8" x 8" frame > optional mounted Honda transfer pump available > transport light package > walking front axle provides even loading > emergency rinse tank > emergency rinse tank > tank ladder > transport light package > tank ladder > The floating hitch applicators are available from 35' to 60' sizes in 12" and 15" spacings. > The sturdy frame allows for extra ballast to guarantee penetration in all conditions. > Configure for any form of fertilizer; dry, liquid, NH3 or a combination of dry and NH3 or liquid. > Can be fitted with closer wheels for excellent sealing of the slots. (Recommended when applying NH3) > Cutting action of the large 20" discs requires only 2~3 H.P. per foot at 5 m.p.h. > An excellent choice for fertilizer applications that require minimal disturbance. Fertilizer Applicators 57 w w w. b o u r g a u l t . c o m LFC 2000 Sowing the Seeds … In 1969, Frank Bourgault was a 44 year old farmer and partner in the Massey Ferguson farm implement dealership in St. Brieux, Saskatchewan, Canada. During his involvement with the implement dealership, Frank earned a reputation as an excellent farm equipment mechanic. Through his experience, Frank learned the strengths and weaknesses of the implements he worked on, and felt that he could provide a better designed cultivator to overcome many of the shortcomings he saw. His goal was to produce an implement that could do the job of both a chisel plow and a cultivator. By 1970, Frank had developed a prototype model that was so well received, it convinced Frank, and his partners to go into production. F.P. Bourgault Industries Ltd. was incorporated on May 4, 1973 and began production of the dual-purpose cultivators. Frank Bourgault (at far right) working on a Bourgault cultivator. Growth and Success… Today, Bourgault Industries Ltd. has extensive production facilities at its headquarters in St.Brieux, Saskatchewan. Sales and service for the U.S. is conducted from Minot, North Dakota. Offices in Armadale, Western Australia and Kiev, Ukraine manage the company’s operations in each of their respective territories. With a wide range of agricultural products, and a strong commitment to ingenuity, simplicity, and durability, Bourgault continues to aggressively pursue perfection in all of its endeavors. Bourgault USA Bourgault Canada Bourgault Australia B O U R G A U LT I N D U S T R I E S LT D . (U.S. Division) PO Box 1118 3915 North Broadway Minot, ND U.S.A. 58702 (Canadian Division) PO Box 39 1 mile North, Hwy. 368 St. Brieux, SK Canada S0K 3V0 www.bourgault.com Printed in Canada. 09.07 Every effort has been made to produce this catalogue with the most current information possible. However, ongoing product development and improvements mean that the equipment and specifications are subject to change without notice. Equipment subject to local availability. Please contact your Bourgault representative for additional information.
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