3. governance/management
3. governance/management
CANADIAN SKI MUSEUM Organization of Presentation Medium Term Environment Priorities for 2007-2008 Review of Mission, Vision & Objectives Reports on Museum programs Chairman’s concluding observations Election of Directors. 2 Medium Term Environment Strong foundation built in recent years ! " # $ % # & Less public, but perhaps more, private funding ' ( ) ) *+ , ! ! Growing importance of on-line presence Opportunities associated with 2010 Olympics. 3 Priorities for 2007-2008 Make key artifacts accessible on line Reach out to members, supporters, friends Seek guidance/help from Regional Directors Strengthen ties with regional ski museums Build an endowment growth strategy Build on Success of 2007 Hall of Fame event Seize opportunities with 2010 Olympics Create new opportunities for volunteers. 4 Mission To promote an understanding, appreciation and celebration of Canada’s snow skiing/boarding traditions and accomplishments, and their significance to Canadian life and identity. 5 Objectives • Foster awareness of the heritage of snow skiing/boarding and its contribution to Canadian society, economy and culture • Acquire, conserve, interpret and promote public displays of artifacts and archival assets that reflect Canada’s snow skiing/boarding heritage • Honour individuals and organizations that have made exemplary contributions to Canadian snow skiing/boarding • Nurture a sense of community, tradition and goodwill among those dedicated to the recognition of the Canadian snow skiing/boarding experience • Support endeavours of other partners with shared and complementary interests. 6 Corporate Vision A world class national snow skiing/boarding Museum and Hall of Fame: • A well-balanced and diversified program that reflects the full richness and importance of the snow skiing/boarding experience in Canada and its diverse regions • Professional standards of program design and delivery, consistent with a museum of national stature and world repute • Communication in Canada’s Official Languages • A permanent site in the National Capital Region, with access, relevance, and outreach in all provinces and territories • An engaging, accessible corporate character and spirit. 7 Museum Programs 1. MUSEUM HOLDINGS 2. CANADIAN SKI HALL OF FAME AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3. GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 8 1. Museum Holdings Program Acquisition Conservation and preservation Research and Interpretation Public Display 9 1. Museum Holdings Program Progress Achieved in 2006-07 - Highlights Acquisition ( ! 1 (2 0- ( ) Conservation and Preservation ( # (#! 4 Research and Interpretation 5( 8 6 (8 9 8 ( - 7) ) . 3( / ! 3 ) # ! 3 -# -# ! ! 2 : 10 1. Museum Holdings Program Priorities for 2007-08 Acquisition 8 8 ; ) ; ) 2 + -( 2 + 34 2 ) +! # ( ! 3) (< ) + # 3 Conservation and Preservation (# ! 5 # 8 " ) 3 # Research and Interpretation # 3( ( (# Public Display 9 ) #) ( 3 ) " 3 ) ) ( ! : " ( -# : 11 2. Hall Of Fame and Community Relations Canadian Ski Hall of Fame Priorities for 2007-08 Enrich the Hall of Fame online content Build on the success of the 2007 Induction Ceremony Event by ;( ( ;( ( +) ( + (! + : 12 Canadian Ski Hall of Fame Induction Event - 19 April 2007 # $ %&& ! $ $ %$ " '' # # $ 13 Canadian Ski Hall of Fame Induction Event (+ ' $* " %&& ( $* # ) & " 14 Canadian Ski Hall of Fame Induction Event Canadian Ski Hall of Fame members present at the 2007 Induction event Ed Champagne Rémi Cloutier Judy Crawford Linda Crutchfield John Fripp Meredith Gardner Kerrin Lee Gartner Bob Gilmour Laurie Graham Nancy Greene Anne Heggtveit Peter Judge Don Lyon Arnold Midgley Keith Nesbitt Jean-Marc Rozon Rhoda & Rhona Wurtele 15 2. Hall Of Fame and Community Relations Community Relations Priorities for 2007-08 Expand “Hot Drink Day” at more ski areas Organize major fundraising ski race Increase outreach activities Seek funding for interactive touch-screen kiosks. 16 3. GOVERNANCE/MANAGEMENT = 7 ( ) )) ( 17 3. GOVERNANCE/MANAGEMENT Board Affairs Priorities for 2007-08 Engage all directors, including those outside NCR Focus on responsibility for specific projects/results Fewer formal meetings, more time for projects. 18 3. GOVERNANCE/MANAGEMENT Finance Priorities for 2007-08 Strengthen linkage between membership and revenue Develop an endowment growth strategy by = 1 (2 " ( " # + (+ # Timely planning of fundraising events ) -) (3 # Systematic search for public and private funding. 19 3. GOVERNANCE/MANAGEMENT Communications Priorities for 2007-08 Improved, more interactive website Revised communications and marketing strategy Dedicated communications support for events. 20 3. GOVERNANCE/MANAGEMENT Treasurer’s report (detailed report attached) Fixed Expenses: $120, 000 – bare minimum $ 2 # & #! : Average annual income from all sources: $80,000 ;( " 4 ) + ! ( ) ) + ! + : Bottom line: Critical need for new funding strategy. 21 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS From the Chair 22 DONORS & SUPPORTERS Tom Abernethy James and Wilma Alexander Brian Aller Louise Karsh Archer Peter Bean Andre Bedard Marc Bertrand Randy Bertrand James Berwick Walter Boyce Grant & Edi Boyd Louise Brault Dick Brown Chuck and Joanne Calvé Tom Cairns Canada Post Canadian Freestyle Ski Asso. Canadian Snow Sports Asso Ed Champagne CGI A.E. Ted Clark Rémi and Kay Cloutier Tom Cloutier Patrick Corcoran Diane Culver Stephen Cushing Bill Dawson Johan Draper Luc Dubois Elizabeth Dunbar Luc Durand Peter Edmison Estate of Liv E. Lockeberg Marilyn Fenwick Alfred Fischer Gerry Fitzpatrick Fondation MSSI Don and Shirley Green Family Charitable Foundation Brett Fripp John Fripp Shaun Fripp Don Frisby Bob Gaasbeek Bob and Gloria Gilmour Alain Guilbert Louis Hambrock Harris Computer Services Doug Hartwick Anne Heggtveit Evelyn and Terry Innes Bob and Judy Irving Bill and Deanna Irwin William Irwin Stuart Iversen Brian Jacks James Henry Capital Corp. Christine Jannasch Susan Jessop Ann Johnson Brian Jones Jupa Sports Jim Kennedy Chris Kent Marilyn and Wayne King Trevor Klotz Yvette Kopriva Ivo Krupka Kunstadt Sports Sharon Leslie Brian MacPherson Russ McColl R.J. McKee Eng. 23 DONORS & SUPPORTERS DONORS Continued… Sarah McKenzie Arnold Midgley Vincent Midgley Katherine Mills Mauricio Morales Patrick and Susan Morris Larry Nardone Keith & Linda Miller-Nesbitt Oakley Canada Mallory and Ryan O’Connor Ontario Trillium Foundation Mount Pakenham Glenn Pushman & Lucie Sauvageau Power Corporation of Canada Gordon Patterson Fraser Pullen Armin Quickert Dave Rees Rossignol Canada Pat Ritchie Douglas Ryan Dr. H.J. Scott Oakley Semple Dean Shantz Dave Shirley Bernie Simpson Nancy Smart Michael Staniforth Molly and Barry Starr Etta Stewart Aaron Surkis Catherine Thomas Brian Thurgood Barbara Tindale Robert Toller Natalie Tommy Tommy and Lefebvre Helen Tsialamatas Valpak Ottawa Peter W. Webster Donald E Welch Wiltold Wisniewski Raymond and Helen Worrell Rhoda Wurtele Eaves George Zegouras 24 SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS GIFTS IN KIND: CTV (Production of DVD montages for Hall of Fame event) Château Cartier Resort (Sponsorship of Inductee rooms at Hall of Fame event) CHUM radio (Radio ads for Hall of Fame event) Courage Distributing Inc. (Donation of frosted window film) Dean Roberts (MC at Hall of Fame event) Flower Rainbow (Boutonnières at Hall of Fame event) Forces Ottawa Ski Club (Booth at their ski show) Gail Sala (Interior Design for Hall of Fame event) Johnsons Business Interiors (Donation of all office furniture and exhibit seating area) Kevin Schenk (Design of poster for hot-drink day, design of tickets and front-page news posters for the Hall of Fame event) Kristy’s Restaurant (Wine sponsor at Hall of Fame event) Lowe Martin (Printing Museum brochures) Marie-Piere Belisle-Kennedy (MC at Hall of Fame event) Ottawa Citizen (Ads for Hot-drink day and Printing of Front Page News pages for Hall of Fame event) Performance Printing (Printing Hall of Fame event tickets and Hot-drink day posters) Rossignol Canada (Provided 100th anniversary display at Hall of Fame event) St Laurent Centre (Wine sponsor at Hall of Fame event) Tommy and Lefebvre (Exhibit cases, Dry-mounting Olympic exhibit panels) Valberg Imaging (Photography at Hall of Fame event) Wally Schaber (Updating carved sign) 25 Supporting Corporate Ziebarth Electrical Contractors Regular Corporate Canadian Snow Sports Assoc. Canadian Ski Patrol System H.D. Fripp & Son Ltd. Doran Contractors Ltd Lanctôt Ltée Supporting Individual Gold Paul Ramage Grant and Edi Boyd (Family) Dave Jacobs Supporting Individual Elizabeth Dunbar Suzanne Firth John Gammell Bob Gilmour John Hooper James Johnson Arnold Midgley Lorne O’Connor David Pym H. J. Scott Stuart Wardrop Henry Yates Family Barbara & Jim Champion Vincent & Grace Midgley David & Rolande Midgley . Eleanor & Peter Sneyd Bob & Judy Irving Doug & Ethel Bonell Individual Rosemarie Asch B.D. Baily Gordon Belot James Berwick Louise Brault Claire Breckenridge David Brennan Don Brough Barb Campbell John Cockburn Elizabeth Cote Patrick Corcoran Murray Dempsey Bruce Dempsey Louise Dryver Luke Durand Claude Dumontier Sylvia Evans Alan Forbes David Forkes John Fripp Betty Anne Graves A. Hungerbuhler William Honeywell Stuart Iversen Ann Johnson Marie Jutras Bruce Little Michael MacConaill Baylor McConville Martha McKenna Ken Meikle Joan Meyer Cy Monkman Helen Morris Al Morrison Keith Nesbitt Jaroslav Pachner Harry Palter Gordon Patterson Dave Rees Jack Robbins H.P Rosewarne Douglas Ryan Clarence Servold Robert Shelso Nancy Smart Jim Soame Audrey Staniforth Etta Stewart Bastien Theriault Barbara Tindale Peter Van Wagner Susan Verdier Thorstein Weibust Donald Welch Bev Williamson 26 2006/07 MUSEUM STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Museum Staff: Carly Thomas, Curator/Director Simon Calvé, Curatorial Assistant In-house Museum Volunteers: Keith Cattell, Community volunteer Cataloguing artifacts, research, writing, editing, Hall of Fame steering committee (since 2002) Dominique Lafleur, Collections Management Student Placement, Museum Management and Curatorship program May - August 2007 Brent Morash, Collections Management Placement Student, Applied Museum Studies Program at Algonquin April –May 2007 Megan Draper, Collections Management Placement Student, Applied Museum Studies Program at Algonquin Young Canada Works summer student, June – August 2006 THANK YOU! To all volunteers who help on an as-needed basis (set-up and takedown of Hall of Fame event décor, transportation of materials, etc) 27 MUSEUM Board of Directors 2006/07 ) % & % ' ( ( * $ %% $ ' + + , % !" # $ & $ * % "" ! " # $ ! ! $ ' ( ' & ! ) * $ ! ) * $ % ! ) * $ " $ # +" -" % 28