ITE Programmes and Progression Opportunities
ITE Programmes and Progression Opportunities
r ITE Proqrammes and Progression Opportunities Polytechnic Diploma I Higher Nitec graduates (DES-to-Poly Prog ramme) For progression to relevant Polytechnic Diploma courses (See Annex F) Nitec graduates Higher Nitec graduates For admission to For progression to relevant Polytechnic Diploma courses, refer to relevant Polytechnic Diploma courses, refer to the Joint Polytechnic Admissions Exercise website* Nitec and Higher Nitec graduates For admission to ITE's Technical Diploma courses (See Annex E) the Joint Polytechnic Admissions Exercise website* I \ Nitec graduates For admission to Higher Nlfec courses (See Annex D) GCE'N'and GCE'O' GCE'O'School GCE N(A) SchoolLeavers School Leavers For entry requirements to Nffec Courses (See Annex A) Leavers For entry requirements to Higher Nftec Courses (See Annex C) :heme-toFor Direct Entry Scheme-toto-Poly) Polytechnic (DESto-Poly) programme andI entry B) requirements (See Annex B GCE N(T) Level GCE 'O' Level and GCE N(A) Level "The Joint PolytechnicAdmissions Exercise website is at Annex A Entry Requirements for ITE Full-Time Nifec Courses ,ffifggl,Co'U:r$€s' $chool 6f ,, 'Dur.ation p,pli6d,iand Healtti'8ci6:nee5 Applied Food Science* 2 Years Chemical Process Technology (Biologics). - OR Chemical Process Technology (Petrochemicals)* 3 GCE'N' Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Science Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in one other subject - Chemical Process Technology (Pharmaceuticals)* Chemical Process Technology (Process lnstru mentation )* Community Care and Social Services 2 GCE'O'Grades: Grade 1-8 in Mathematics Grade 1-8 in Science 2 Years 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) any two subjects OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in English Language Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in any two other subjects 2 Years Nursing 2 GCE'O' Grades in any two subjects OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in English Language Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Science 2 Years Opticianry 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects OR 3 GCE'N' Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics or Science Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in any two other subiects applyinq for these courses must enst rre that they lo not suffer from colour appreciation - deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. r_ Duration M,in,irnum Entry Requiiemonts Attractions Operations 2 Years Fitness Training 2 Years 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects I$ifecGourses $ehool'.of i,Bug,lness & Servlcesi Service Skills (Office) 1 Year Service Skills (Retail) 1 Year Service S kills (Tourism) 1 Year OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: - Grade A-D or Grade Beauty & Wellness 1 Year Hair Services (Hair Fashion & Design)* 2 Years Hair Services (Hair & Scalp Therapy). 2 Years lnteractive Media Design 2 Years 1-5 in English Language Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in anY two other subjects Completed GCE 'O' or GCE 'N' level 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics or Science - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in anY two other subjects - Visual Communication* 2 Years 2 GGE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in English Language - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in anY two other subjects - _ Space Design (Architecture)* Space Design (lnterior & Exhibition). Visual Effects* 2 Years 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in any two other subiects - *Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. r_ Afftac Gotusas Digital Animation* P'ur.ati6n:: M}a,i:mu6.::6ffi,ir] ierng]nR Completed GCE 'O' or GCE 'N' 2 Years level Product Design* DigitalAudio & Video Production" 2 Years 2 GCE'O' Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects Social Media & Web Development OR 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in any two other subjects - Electronics (Computer & Networking). E lectronics (l 2 Years 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects nstru mentation)* OR E E I lectronics (Mobile Devices)* 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics or Science - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in any two other subjects - lectronics (Wireless LAN )* nfo-Commun ications Technology (Cloud Computing)* nfo-Commun ications Technology (Networking & Systems Ad ministration)* I Mobile Systems & Services* Semiconductor Tech nology* Security Technology* 2 Years Completed GCE 'O' or GCE 'N' level ?pplicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. r_ r,truit*fiOn Aerospace Avionics* 2 Years ffirh'tmuml,rEntry.. uirermaRts 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) any two subjects Aerospace Technology* OR Electrical Technology (Lighting & Sound)* 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in any two other subjects - Electrical Technology (Power & Control)* Aerospace Mach ining Tech nology 2 Years 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects Medical Manufactu ring Technology OR Mechatronics (Medical Technology)* 3 GCE'N'Passes: Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Mathematics or Science - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in anY two other subjects - Rapid Transit Tech nology* Automotive Technology (Heavy Vehicles) 2 Years Completed GCE 'O' or GCE 'N' level Automotive Technology (Light Vehicles) Facility Technology (Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration)* Facility Tech nology (Landscaping Services)* Facility Technology (Mechanical & Electrical Services)* Facility Technology (Vertical Transportation)* Laser & Tooling Technology Machine Technology Mechanical Technology Mechatronics (Automation Technology)* Mechatronics (Equipment Assembly). .Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. r_ **eE#*ii i!#ffitr # &i1g:i*'si; Asian Culinary Arts 2 Years 2 GCE'O'Grades (Grade 1-8) in any two subjects Food & Beverage Operations* OR 3 GCE'N' Passes: Pastry & Baking - Grade A-D or Grade 1-5 in Western Culinary Arts - Grade A-D or Grade English Language 1--5 in two other subjects .Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. any 7_ Annex B Entry Requirements for Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic (DES'to-Poly) Programme for Sec 4N(A) Students Ffi$h*:',NiteaGoU Business lnformation Systems Chemical Technology Electrical Engineering E lectronics Engineering lnformation Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatron ics Eng ineering Wireless Technology Minirn qm, Entry,,P*Uu',tem enG Applicants must have a total of 19 points or less for English Language, Mathematics and 3 other subjects (ELMAB3) in the GCE 'N(A)' examinations. For the ELMAB3 aggregate score, applicants must get: - Grade 1-4 in English Language. - Grade 1-4 in Mathematics. - Grade 1-5 in the 3 other subjects. Accounting Banking Services Business Studies (Ad ministration) Business Studies (Event Management) Business Studies (Service Management) Hospitality Operations Logistics for lntemational Trade Leisure & Travel Operations Applicants must have a total of 19 points or less for English Language; Mathematics and 3 other subjects (ELMAB3) in the GCE 'N(A)' examinations. For the ELMAB3 aggregate score, applicants must get: - Grade 1-3 in English Language. - Grade 1-4 in Mathematics. - Grade 1-5 in the 3 other subjects. Hioher Nitec courses is two years. Successful applicants are required to attend a 10Thednration for Higher week preparatory course starting in January. Annex C Entry Requirements for Full-Time Higher Nitec Courses Higher Nifec in Paramedic & Emergency Care and Nlfec in Nu rsing (Dual Certification Course)* 3 Years 3 GCE'O'Grades: and 3 Months - Grade 1-7 in English Language Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1-7 in an approved subject# Biotechnology 3 GCE'O'Grades: Chemical Technology - Grade 1-8 in English Language Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1-8 in an approved subject# 2 Years 3 GCE'O'Grades: Logistics for lntemational Trade - Grade 1-7 in English Language Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) or Principles of Accounts Grade 1-7 in one othersubject To be eligible for selection, applicant must also have sat for Mathematics. Beauty & Spa Management 2 Years 3 GCE'O'Grades: - Grade 1-7 in English Language Grade 1-7 in two other subjects To be eligible for selection, applicant must also have sat for Mathematics. Selected applicants have to pass a pre-admission medical examination. Engineering Science, Human & Approved subjects are: Biology, Chemistry, Combined Social Biology, lntegrated Science, Physical Science, Physics, Science (Chemistry, Biology), Science (Physics, Biology), Science (Physics, Chemistry) and Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry). n Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. qher Nitec Courses Early Childhood Education 'fiili 2 Years Wifiiffilum,En lRe$ls&NBll$,r,:r: 3 GCE'O'Grades: - Grade 1-4 in English Language Grade 1-6 in two other subjects To be eligible for selection, applicant must also have sat for Mathematics. Selected applicants have to pass a pre-admission medical examination. Business Studies (Administration) 2 Years Business Studies (Event Management) Business Studies (Service Management) 3 GCE'O'Grades: - Grade 'l-6 in English Language - Grade 1-8 in Mathematics (Elementary of Additional) - Grade 1-7 in one other subject To be eligible for selection, applicant must also have sat for Mathematics. Business Studies (Sport Management) Community Sport & Recreation Management Leisure & Travel Operations Passenger Services Retail Merchandising Performance Production* 2 Years 3 GCE'O'Grades: Visual Merchandising* 2 Years Grade 1-7 in English Language Grade 1-8 in Mathematics (Elementary of Additional) Grade 1-8 in one other subject 3 GCE'O'Grades: - Grade 1-7 in English Language Grade 1-8 in two other subjects To be eligible for selection, applicant must also have sat for Mathematics. * Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. Higher Nitec Gourses Duration Minimum Entry Requirements School of Electronics & lnfo-Communications Technology 3 GCE'O'Grades: 2 Years Business nformation Systems* I - lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Mobile Unified Communications* Grade 1-8 in English Language Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1-8 in an approved subject# Network Security Technology* Wireless Technology* Electron ics Engineering* 2 Years - Security Systems lntegration* Games Design & Development 3 GCE'O'Grades: 2 Years Grade 1-8 in English Language Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1-8 in an approved subject* 3 GCE'O'Grades: - Grade 1-B in English Language Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1-7 in an approved subiect@ School of Engineering Advanced Manufacturin g Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering* Facility Systems Design Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design 2 Years 3 GCE'O'Grades. - Grade 1-8 in English Language - Grade 1-7 in Mathematics (Elementary of Additional) - Grade 1-8 in an approved subject* Process Plant Design stry Combined S cience, Computer Studies, Engineering Bioloqv. Chemistrv, Approveed subiects subjects are: Biology, Science, lntegrated Science, Physical Science, Physics, Science (Chemistry, Biology), Science (Physics, Biology), Science (Physics, Chemistry)and Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology). + Approved subjects are: Biology, Chemistry, Combined Science, Computer Studies, Design & Technology, Engineering Science, Fundamentals of Electronics, lntegrated Science, Physical Science, Physics, Science (Chemistry, Biology), Science (Physics, Biology), Science (Physics, Chemistry) and Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)" @ Approved subjects are: Combined Science, Computer Studies, Engineering Science, lntegrated Science, Physical Science, Physics, Science (Physics, Biology), Science (Physics, Chemistry), and Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology). *Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test. r Hospitality Operations 2 Years 3 GCE'O'Grades: - Grade 1-6 in English Language Grade 1-8 in Mathematics (Elementary or Additional) Grade 1-7 in one other subject. To be eligible for selection, applicant must also have sat for Mathematics Annex D Progression from A/r'tec to Higher Nitec Courses '1 ) Progression of NrTec graduates to Higher Nitec Engineering / ICT / Applied Sciences / Design & Media courses year HiSher ffitdeGouise with Piogies6idn to Minimum Cumulative G.P'Aofi23 (inchsire of'CCA,,bonus) IVifec Eng ineerin g/lCT/Applied Aerospace Avionics Aerospace Machining Technology Aerospace Technology Applied Food Science Automotive Technology (Heavy Vehicles) Automotive Technology (Light Vehicles) 1z: Sciences Courses with High relevance Electrical Engineering. Electronics Engineering* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Eng ineering" Advanced Manufactu ring Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Enqineerinq Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Enqineerinq* - Biotechnology - Chemical Technoloov Advanced Manufacturing Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Piogression ]to :,2,1r'Y96,,.' Higher Nitec Courses with with Minimum l\Ir'tec Cririulative GPA oJ 3;5,,, (inclusive of CGA bonus) Electronics Engineering- - Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Can aBply ifor:Piogr?asion to -the following Higher Nitec Engineering/ ICT/Applied Sciences/Design Courses Advanced Manufactu ring Biotechnology Business lnformation Systems* Chemical Technology Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Facility Systems Design Games Design & Development lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Eng ineering* t\/lnhila I lnifiar{ f'nmmr rninalinnc* Network Security Technology* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Performance Production" Process Plant Design Security System lntegration. Wireless Technoloov" applyinq for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vtsion test Building Drafting unemrcal Process Technology Communications Technology Advanced Manufacturing Civil & Structural Engineering Design Facility Systems Design Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Process Plant Desiqn - Biotechnology - Chemical Technology Electronics Engineering" lnformation Technology* Wireless Technology* Digital Animation - Games Design & Development Digital Audio & Video Production - Games Design & Developmenl Digital Media Design - Games Design & Developmenl - lnformation Technology* Electrical Technology (Lighting & Sound) Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Mechatronics Engineering* Performance Production - Electrical Engineerang Electrical Technology (Power & Control) Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Mechatronics Engineering - Electrical Engineering* applying for these courses must ensure that they do not test Biotechnology Business lnformation Systems* Chemical Technology Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Facility Systems Design Games Design & Development lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering* Mobile Unified Communications" Network Security Technology* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Performance Production Process Plant Design Security Systems lntegration. Wireless Technoloqv* appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision - Electrical Engineering* - Electronics Engineering* - Mechaironics Engineering* Electronics (lnstru mentation) Biotechnology Business lnformation Systems" - Electronics Engineering* - Mechatronics Engineering" - Wireless Technology* Facility Technology Building Services Technology (AirConditioning & Refrigeration) / - Advanced Manufacturing - Civil & Structural Engineering - Building Services Technology (Mechanical & Electrical Services) - - Mechanical Engineering Design Facility Systems Design Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Process Plant Design Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering. Mobile Unified Communications* Network Security Technology* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Performa nce Production* Process Plant Design Security System lntegration* Facility Technology (Landscaping Services) these courses must ensure Chemical Technology Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering" Electronics Engineering* Facility Systems Design Games Design & Development lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore they do not appreciation and must pass 7 lnfo-Communications Technology lnfo-Commun ications Technology (Networking & Systems Administration) Business lnformation Systems lnformation Technology" Wireless Technology" Business lnformation Systems* lnformation Technology* lnfo-Comm un ications Technology (Cloud Computing) lnteractive Media Design Laser & Tooling Technology Machine Technology Mecnanrcal Technology - lnformation Technology' - Games Design & Development - lnformation Technology* Advanced Manufacturing - Mechanical Engineering Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Facility Systems Design Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Process Plant Design - Mechanical Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Biotechnology Business lnformation Systems* Chemical Teehnology Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Facility Systems Design Games Design & Development lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering* Mobile Unified Communications* Network Security Technology* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Perf ormance Production* Process Plant Design Security System lntegration* Wireless Technoloqv* . @itheydonotsufferfromcolourappreciationdeficiencyandmustpaSSthecolourVision test Advancecl Manufacturing Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering* Mechatronics Medical Manufacturing Technology AOvanceo Manulactunng Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mobile Systems & Services Electrical Engineering" Electronics Engineering" Mechatronics Engineering* Multimedia Technology - Mechanical Engineering Systems* - lnformation Technology" lnformation Technology* Advanced Manufacturing - Mecnanrcal Engrneenng Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering F'rooucl lJesrgn Biotechnology Business lnformation Systems* lnformation Technology* Mobile Unified Communications* Network Security Technology* Wireless Technology* Opticianry Precision Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Chemical Technology Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Facility Systems Design Games Design & Development lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering. Mobile Unified Communications* Network Security Technology* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Performance Production* Process Plant Design Security System lntegration* Wireless Technoloov* Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and must pass the colour vision test r Kapro r rans[ tsrecrncar Engrneenng' Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering* - Meohatronics Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Biotechnology Business lnformation Systems* Security Technology - Electrical Engineering* - Electronics Engineering* - Mechatronics Engineering* - Security System lntegration* Electrical Englneering' Electronics Engineering* Mechatronics Eng ineering* 5emtconouctor Technology Social Media & Web Development - Space Design - Civil & Structural Engineering (Architecture) - Security System lntegration* - Electronics Engineering. lnformation Technology- Design - Facility Systems Design Space Design (lnterior & Exhibition) - Offshore & Marine Engineering Design - Process Plant Design Visual Communication - Games Design & Development - lnformation Technology* Visual Effects - Games Design & Developmenl - lnformation Technology* Aoolicants applying aoolvino for these courses must ensure that thev they do not suffer test Chemical Technology Civil & Structural Engineering Design Electrical Engineering* Electronics Engineering* Facility Systems Design Games Design & Development lnformation Systems Quality lnformation Technology* Marine Engineering Marine & Offshore Technology Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Engineering" Mobile Unified Communications* Network Security Technology* Offshore & Marine Engineering Design Performa nce Production* Process Plant Design Security System lntegration* Wireless Technology* ation deficiency deficiencv and must pass oass the colour appreciation Building Drafting Digital Animation Digital Media Design lnieractive Media Design Product Design Space Design Visual Communication Visual Effects * Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that do not sufferfrom colour appreciation deflciency and must pass the colour vision test courses must ensure that they do not the colour vision test and must pass r 2) Progression of Nlfec graduates to Higher Nitec Business & Services/ Design & Media/ Health Sciences courses Asian Culinary Arts Attraction Operations Food & Beverage Operations Pastry & Baking Service Skills (Office) Service Skills (Tourism) Western Cu linary Arts/Cu li nary Skills (Western) Accounting Banking Services Business Studies (Administration) Business Studies (Event Management) Business Studies (Service Management) Business Studies (Sport lManagement) Beau.ty & Spa Managernent Community Sport & Recreation Management Hospitality Operations Leisure & Travel Operations Logistics for lnternational Trade Passenger Services Retail Merchandising Beauty Therapy/ Beauty & Wellness Hair Services (Hair Fashion & Design) Hair Services (Hair & Scalp Therapy) Hair Fashion & Design Service Skills (Retail) - Accounting - Banking Services - Business Studies (Administration) - Business Studies (Event Management) - Business Studies (Service Management) - Business Studies (Sport Management) - Beauty & Spa Management - Community Sport & Recreation Managemenl - Hospitality Operations - Leisure & Travel Operations - Logistics for lntemational Trade - Passenger Services - Retail Merchandising - Visual Merchandising* Community Care & Social Services - Accounting - Banking Services - Business Studies (Service Management) Business Studies (Sport Management) Business Studies (Administration) Business Studies (Event Management) - Community Sport & Recreation Management - Hospitality Operations Leisure & Travel Operations Logistics for lnternational Trade Applicants aDolvinq applying for these courses must ensure that thev do not suffer from colour the colour vision test and must pass r Fitness Training Accounting Banking Services Business Studies (Admin istration) Business Studies (Event Management) Business Studies (Sport Management) Beauty & Spa Management Community Sport & Recreation Management Leisure & Travel Operations Logistics for lntemational Trade Passenger Services Retail Merchandising Studies (Sport Management) - Business Studies (Sport Management) - Paramedic & Emergency Care* these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation the colour vision test Annex E Entry Requirements for ITE Technical Diploma Courses Course Duration Mihimum Entry Requirements ITE Technical Engineer Diploma in Automotive Engineering 2 Years of College- Higher rVlfec with GPA 2.0 and above in: based The ITE Technical Engineer Diploma in Automotive Engineering is a partnership between ITE and Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports (MEYS), BadenWUrttemberg, Germany. Training and 1.5 Years of Work Experience* - The certification will be issued by MEYS and will be similar to the one given out in Germany. ITE and MEYS will also issue a joint transcript to all graduates, reflecting the grades attained in the MechanicalEngineering Mechatronics Engineering Or Nitec in Automotive Technology with GPA 3.0 and above course. ITE Technical Engineer Diploma in Machine Technology The ITE Technical Engineer Diploma in Machine Technology is a collaborative effort between ITE and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS), Baden-WU rttemberg, Germany. The cedification will be issued by MEYS and will be similar to the one given out in Germany. ITE and MEYS will also issue a joint transcript to all graduates, reflecting the grades attained in the course. Graduates of the Technical Engineer Diploma in Machine Technology course will be eligible for admission to the related NUS Bachelor of Technology Programmes as well as the Universities of Applied Sciences in BadenWUrttemberg, Germany. Higher tVifec with GPA 2.0 and above in: - Mechanical Engineering MechatronicsEngineering Or lVlfec with GPA 3.0 and above in: - Aerospace Machining Technology Laser & Tooling Technology, Machine Technology Mechatronics MedicalManufacturing Technology Precision Engineering Course Duration Minimum Entry Requirements ITE Technical Diploma in Gulinary Arts 2.5 Years of College- Higher rVlfec with GPA 3.0 and above in Hospitality Operations The Diploma is conducted by ITE in collaboration with the prestigious French culinary school, lnstitut Paul Bocuse. Training with lndustry Attachment* based The certification will be issued by lnstitut Paul Bocuse and will be similar to the one given out in France. ITE and lnstitut Paul Bocuse will also issue a joint transcript to all graduates, reflecting the grades attained in the course. Graduates of the Technical Diploma course will have an opportunity to study in Lyon-France for a Dual Bachelor's Degree in lnternational Hotel & Restaurant Management, delivered by the lnstitut Paul Bocuse and IAEUniversitv of Lvon 3. * Or tVrtec with GPA 3.0 and above in: - Asian Culinary Skills Food & Beverage Operations Pastry & Baking Western Culinary Skills Applicants for Technical Diploma Culinary Arts must pass a preadmission medical examination Relevant work experience acquired after complelion of Nitec/Higher Nitec courses but before the Diploma course may be recognised as fulfilling part of work experience/attachment. Annex F Progression from Higher Nitec DES-to-Poly Programme to the Polytechnics Applied Sciences Chemical Technology Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technoloqy Chemical & Green Technoloqy Environmental Science Pharmaceutical Sciences NYP NYP RP 2 z.c l5 RP 2.5 NP NP 3.5 NYP 2.5 2.5 2.5 NYP 2.5 3.5 SP 2.5 2.5 3.5 SP TP 2.5 NP NP 2.5 2.5 NYP 2.5 RP SP SP 2.5 2.5 TP 2.5 3.53 NP 2.5 2.5 2.5 1E 2.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 35 .R 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Engineering Electrical Engineering tlectronrcs tngrneefl ng Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics Enqineerinq Electrical Enqineerinq Electronic & Computer Engineering Electrical Enqineerinq with Eco-Desiqn Electronics, Computer & Communications Enoineerino Electrical & Electronic Enqineerinq lnfo-Communication Enqineerinq & Design Electrical & Electronic Engi neering Prooramme Electrical Enqineering Electronic & Comouter Enoineerinq Electronics, Computer & Communications Enoineerino Biom edical Electronics Electrical and Electronic Enoineerinq lnfo-Communication Enqineerinq & Desiqn Electrical & Electronic Engineering Prooramme Mechanical Enoineerinq Manufacturinq Enqineerinq Mecnatronrcs tsnqrneefl nq Mechanical Enqineerinq Mechatronics & Robotics Mechatronics/ Aerosoace Enoineerinq Automation & Mechatronic Svstems Mechatronics Enqineerinq Manufacturinq Enqineerinq Mechatronics & Robotics Mechanical Enoi neerino Mechatronics/ Aerospace Enoineeri nq NYP NYP SP SP TP NP 35 2t 3.5 CE 3.5 2.5 NYP NYP SP SP TP 2.5 nformation Technoloqv NP Enqineeri nq I nformatics NYP NYP NYP 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 35 2 2.5 2.5 z.a lnfo-Gommunications Technology I nformation Technology Wireless Technology nformation Technoloov Multimedia & lnfocomm Technoloqv I nformation Technoloqv lnfo-Communication Enqineerinq & Desiqn I nformation Technoloqv I nformation Technoloqv lnfocomm & Network Engineerinq I nformation Technoloov nformation Technoloov lnfo-Communication Enoineerinq & Desiqn lnformation Technoloqv lnformation Technoloqv Busi ness I nformation Technology I Business lnformation RP SP SP TP TP NP RP SP SP TP NP 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2. t3 ' Pl".r" note that fot Higher Nitec DES courses in Applied Sciences, Engineering and lnfo-Communications Technology, in addition to the qualifying GPAs, students are required to offer and pass a Math elective at ITE to be eligible to articulate into polytechnic courses under the DES{o-Poly Programme '3 R.f"r. to ITE Grade Point Average excluding CCA bonus points Applicable to Electronics, Media & Communications Technology, Computer Engineering and Microelectronics only a Applicable to Mechatronics only Systems Business Aoolications Business lnformation Svstems Busi ness Information Technoloqv Business nformation Technoloov RP RP 2.5 SP TP 2.5 2.5 Accountancv Business lnformation Svstems Business Applications Accountinq & Finance Accountancy Business Aoolications Financial Business lnformatics Business Studies Business Manaqement NP RP RP 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 I Business & Services Accounting Banking Services Business Studies (Admin) Management) Hospital ity Operations lntegrated Logistics Management Business Studies (Service Management) 30 lnteqrated Events Manaqement Customer Relationship & Service Manaoement Business Administration Business/ Logistics & Operations ManaqemenV Marketinq Gerontolooical Manaoem ent Studies Retail Manaqement RP 3.0 RP 3.0 SP 3.0 TP 3.0 TP 3.0 TP 3.U lntegrated Events Management RP 3.0 Business/ Logistics & Operations TP 3.0 NP RP TP 30 30 TP 3.0 Supply Chain Management RP 3.0 lndustrial and Ooerations Manaoement Business/ Logistics & Operations ManaqemenV Marketinq RP 3.0 TP 3.0 lntegrated Events Management RP 3.0 RP 3.0 ManaoemenV Marketino Hotel & Leisure Facilities Manaqement Hotel & Hospitalitv Manaqement Leisure & Resort Manaqement Hospitalitv & Tourism Manaqement Customer Relationship & Service Manaqement Business/ Logistics & Operations 3.0 3.0 TP 3.0 Retail Manaoement TP 3.0 Hotel & Hospitality Management RP 3.0 Gerontoloqical Manaqement Studies Leisure & Resort Manaqement Hospitality & Tourism Manaqement TP TP TP 3.0 3.0 3.0 ManaoemenU Marketino Leisure & Travel Operations SP RP TP NP NYP NYP Marketinq Business Studies (Event TP l5 FACTSHEET APPLICATION RESPONSE FOR ITE NITEC COURSES UNDER JANUARY 2012 INTAKE EXERCISE ITE conducts two major intakes a year - in January and April. While the January intake is targeted at GCE 'N' school leavers, the April intake is mainly for GCE 'O' school leavers. For the January 2012 intake, ITE received 9,411 applications comprising 9,191 applicants for Full{ime and 220 applicants for Traineeshipl Nrfec courses. This was 3% lower than the 9,726 applicants for January 2011intake. This is because of the smaller number of candidates for the GCE 'N (Technical)' examination. The number of GCE 'N (Technical)' exam candidates for year 2012 intake is 5,675 which is 10% lower than 6,318 for year 2011 intake. The GCE'N (Academic)' exam candidature has increased by 4o/o from 11,801 to 12,244 for year 2012intake. Among the 57 full-time rVffec courses offered in January 2012 intake, Service Skills (Office), Aerospace Avionics and Service Skills (Tourism) were the 3 most popular courses in terms of number of first-choice applications received. As for the 21 courses offered under Traineeship, the 3 most popular courses were Service Skills (Office), Service Skills (Retail) and Marine Technology. Details on the application response for ITE Full-time and Traineeship courses in the January 2012 intake are given in Annex A and B respectively. Applicants for full-time courses are selected based on merit. The cut-off points for the respective full-time Nitec courses for January 2012intake are given at Annex C. 4 The job titles and gross mean salary of graduates of the Full-time Nifec courses from ITE Graduate Employment Survey conducted in 2011 are given at Annex D. The survey shows that ITE graduates are highly employable and their skills are consistently in demand by industry. 5 Secondary schools are encouraged to use the information to advise their students on their choice of courses at ITE. Registrar's Office lnstitute of Technical Education June 2012 1 Traineeship courses are offered by companies in conjunction with lTE. Under the Traineeship mode of training, trainees undergo both institutional and on{he-job training while they earn as they learn. a Annex A January 2012 Joint lntake Exercise Distribution of First-Choice Applications for ITE Full-Time Alifec Courses r'li.illalii;2tiii:liiri::":id::::,it, :r:;r'-llitilliil::,1,:r1llr1;3,, t.,lW :AiAl rr,rlirlliir,:iriiiiii:i:,rriliri:r:::i€i:ll'::rr' Nitec Gourse 1 Nlfec in Service Skills (Office) 2 N/fec in AerosPace Avionics rlrti ;lIrii,il?ir:iitl :: $:ru ii:*AlffifbH :il 806 1,325 (1455) 1.64 72 490 6.81 (425) 3 Nifec in Service Skills (Tourism) B4 435 (51e) 5.18 4 Nlfec in Electronics - Computer & Networking - lnstrumentation - Mobile Devices - Wireless Lan 840 384 (503) 0.46 5 tVlfec in Fitness Training 168 384 (354) 2.29 6 Nifec in Aerospace TechnologY 108 360 (2ee) 3.33 7 Nr'fec in Nursing 294 342 (385) 1.16 8 Nifec in Automotive Technology (Light 210 323 1.54 (-) Vehicles) I Nitec in Digital Audio & Video 168 320 (366) 1.90 B4 315 3.75 Production '10 Nitec in Beauty & Wellness (1e2) 11 Nlfec in Pastry & Baking Nifec in Facility TechnologY - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - Landscaping Services - Mechanical & Electrical Services - Vertical Transportation 13 Nlfec in nforCommunications Technology (Networking & SYstems 12 I 42 274 (205) 6.52 462 269 (325) 0.58 312 245 (3e6) 0.79 324 244 0.75 Administration) 14 Nlfec in Mechanical TechnologY (220) Nlfec in Chemical Process Technology - Biologics - Petrochemicals - Pharmaceuticals - Process lnstrumentaiion 16 Nlfec in Mechatronics - Automation TechnologY - Equipment AssemblY 15 252 222 (222) 0.88 360 222 (235) 0.62 a 17 Nlfec in Digital Animation 108 210 (28e) 1.94 18 Nifec in Security Technology 84 209 (261) 2.49 84 208 2.48 Nifec in Hair Services - Hair & Scalp Therapy - Hair Fashion & Design 20 Nlfec in Service Skills (Retail) 19 (142) 234 197 0.84 (185) 336 Nlfec in Electrical Technology - Lighting & Sound - Power & Control 22 Nifec in Western Culinary Arts 21 191 0.57 (175) 42 176 4.19 (142) 1.99 23 Ndec in Attractions Operations* 84 167 24 Nlfec in lnfo-Communications Technology (Cloud Computing). 168 158 25 Nifec in Asian Culinary Arts 42 142 (173) 3.38 26 Ndec in Aerospace Machining Technology^ 120 137 1.14 27 N/ec in Community Care & Social 42 114 C) (-) G) 2.71 (142) Services 28 0.94 Nifec in Visual Communication 84 111 1.32 (110) 29 84 Nlfec in Applied Food Science 104 1.24 (124) 30 Nifec in Automotive Technology 84 (Heavy Vehicles) 31 101 1.20 (-) 42 Nifec in Opticianry 96 2.29 (141) 32 Ndec in Food & Beverage Operations 84 94 1.12 (123) 33 Nrfec in Product Design 80 94 1.18 (141) 34 Nlfec in Rapid Transit Technology 84 90 1.07 (e0) 35 36 Nifec in Social Media & Web Development* 234 Nitec in Space Design (Architecture) 84 89 0.38 (, 85 1.01 (72) 37 N/ec in Space Design (lnterior & 84 Exhibition) 38 Ndec in lnteractive Media Design 57 0.68 (63) 84 45 (64) 0.54 39 Nifec in Mobile Systems & Services 84 37 0.44 (43) 40 Nifec in Laser & Tooling Technology^ 160 33 41 Nlfec in Machine Technology^ 160 32 0.21 C) 0.20 (-) 42 N/fec in Visual Effects 84 23 0.27 (12) 43 Nifec in Mechatronics (Medical Technology) 44 45 16 36 0.44 (1 1) Nlfec in Medical Manufacturing Technology^ 120 Nifec in Semiconductor Technology 144 14 0.12 (-) 7 0.05 (4) 46 N/ec in Automotive Technology (-) G) (, (542) 47 (-) Nifec in Aerospace Machining Technology / Medical Manufacturing C) (1 C) 76) Technology^ 48 Nlfec in Multimedia Technology- C) (-) (-) (66) 49 N/ec in Machine Technology / Laser & Tooling Technology^ (, C) (-) (54) Figures in parentheses denofe Jan 11 intake figures * - New courses offered in Jan 12 intake . Nitec in Multimedia Technology has been phased out from Jan 12 intake. ^ Nifec in Aerospace Machining Technology / Medical Manufacturing Technology course has been split into 2 separate courses, Nitec in Aerospace Machining Technology and Nitec in Medical M an ufactu ring Tech nology. Nitec in Machine Technology / Laser & Tooling Technology has been split into 2 separate courses, Nitec in Machine Technology and Nitec in Laser & Tooling Technology. Annex B Distribution of Applicants For Traineeship Gourses Under January 2012lntake 1 Nifec in Service Skills (Office) 191 42 (48) 2 Nifec in Service Skills (Retail) 138 3 Nlfec in Marine Technology 48 4 Nifec in AutomotiveTechnology (Light Vehicles) 134 25 ,12\ 24 Q1\ 18 (31) 5 Nlfec in Mechatronics (Automation Technology) 76 18 (5) 6 Nitec in DentalAssisting 67 7 Nlfec in Beauty & Wellness 78 8 Nifec in Facility Technology (Mechanical & ElectricalServices ) Nifec in lnfo-Communications Technology 81 46 (Networkinq & Svstems Administration) 10 Nlfec in Hair Services (Hair Fashion & Design) 163 o 15 (7\ 12 ('10) 11 (15) 11 (25\ I (9) 11 Nlfec in Culinary Skills (Chinese) 18 7 (7\ 12 Nlfec in Port Equipment Technology 30 13 ISC in Health Care 25 7 (-) 5 (35) 14 Vlfec in Marine-Electrical Technology 48 5 (8) 15 Nifec in Fabrication Technology (Marine Pipe) 80 4 Q\ 16 Nifec in Food & Beverage Operations 87 17 Nifec in Western Culinary Arts 23 3 /12\ 3 (9) 18 19 Nlfec in Electrical Technology (Power & Control) 34 Nlfec in Welding 10 I u\ 1 (0) in Automotive Technology (Heavy Vehicles) 20 Nitec 21 Nlfec in Fabrication Technology (Hull & Structures) 22 Nifec in Food & Beverage Operations (Chinese 23 Restaurant) Nifec in Semiconductor Technology 16 0 (3) 78 0 (3) (3) 1 Figures in parentheses denote Jan 11 intake figures Annex C January 2012 J.oint lntake Exercise (JlE) Cut-off Aggregate Point of Successful Applicants for ITE Full-Time Nitec Courses The Jan 2012 JIE COP (cut-off points) indicated in the following table refer to the net ITE aggregate points (best 4 GCE 'N' subjects including pre-requisites and bonus points) of the last applicant posted to 2012 Joint lntake Exercise the course under the Jan Aerospace Avionics -.6amPus.. ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) Service Skills (Office) ITE College West Opticianry ITE College East Applied Food Science ITE College East Aerospace Machining TechnologY ITE College Central (Balestier Campus) DigitalAudio & Video Production ITE College East DigitalAudio & Video Production ITE College West Service Skills (Tourism) ITE College West Pastry & Baking ITE College West Aerospace Technology ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) nfo-Communications TechnologY (Networkinq & Svstems Rapid Transit Technology ITE College West Western Culinary Arts Service Skills (Office) ITE College West \sian Culinary Arts ITE College West nfo-Communications TechnologY (Cloud Computing) I nfo-Communications Technology (Cloud Computing) I nfo-Comm unications TechnologY (Networkino & Svstems Social Media & Web Development ITE College East Security Technology ITE College West I I Jin,,20l*JlE,eOP 6 7 ITE College West ITE College East ITE College West 10 ITE College East ITE College West ITE College West (Medical Technology) ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) Mechatronics Electronics Mobile Systems & Services ITE College West Electrical Technology Service Skills (Office) ITE College West 11 ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) Community Care & Social ITE College East Fitness Training ITE College West Automotive Technology (HeavY ITE College West Vehicles) Automotive Technology (Light Vehicles) Visual Effects Visual Communication ITE College West ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) 12 Beauty & Wellness ITE College East Chemical Technology ITE College East Electrical Technology ITE College East Space Design (lnterior & ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) Attractions Operations ITE College West Electronics ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) Facility Technology ITE College West ITE College West Mechatronics (Automation Technology / Equipment Assembly) Social Media & Web Development ITE College Central (Balestier Campus) Mechanical Technology ITE College East Nursing ITE College East Fitness Training ITE College East Electronics ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) Electronics ITE College East Hair Services ITE College East ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) Medical Manufacturing Tech nology ITE College Central (Balestier Campus) ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) Sem iconductor Technology ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) Space Design (Architectural) lnteractive Media Design I nfo-Com m unications Technology (Networking & Systems Administration) Laser & Tooling Technology Service Skills (Retail) Service Skills (Retail) ITE College West Food & Beverage Operations ITE College West ITE College East Facility Technology ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) Mechatronics (Automation Technology / Equipment Assembly) Mechanical Technology Product Design Digital Animation 14 '15 16 ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) ITE College Central (Balestier Campus) ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) Machine Technology 13 17 18 ITE College Central (Balestier Campus) ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) 19 20 Note : Different categories of Nitec courses come with different entry requirements ranging from 3 GCE N level passes to completed GCE N level. GCE N students applying for admission to full-time Nifec courses will need to meet the entry requirements for the courses applied for. Posting to a course is based on an aggregate of best 4 GCE N subjects, including pre-requisites and bonus point where applicable and is subject to availability of vacancies. Some courses will require applicants to attend admission interview / drawing test. Annex Job Titles And Gross Mean Salary of Nifec Graduates from Year 2011 Graduate Employment Survey Nifec in Aerospace Avionics \ircraft Technician (Avionics Trade) $1,330* {vionics Technician Aircraft Maintenance Technician Nrfec in Aerospace Machining Technology Vlanufacturing Specialist Nitec in Aerospace Technology -ngineering Technician Aerosnace Machinino Snecialist {ircraft Maintenance Technician $1,500* \ircraft \ircraft \ircraft \ircraft Nitec in Automotive Technology Technician ood Technician ood Production Technician ood Processinq Technician Iruck or Bus Technician (Heavy Vehicles) )iesel Engine Technician Nlfec in Applied Food Sciences Ndec in Automotive Technology (Light Vehicles) Nrfec in Beauty & Wellness $1,670 Engine Technician Structural Repair Technician Sheet Metal Technician Sustomer Service Adviser r/ehicle Technician $1,450 $1,610 $1,630 3ustomer Service Adviser r/ehicle lnspector 3eautician 3eauty Therapist Manicurist $1,370 )edicurist Nrfec in Chemical Process Technology 3peration Technician nstrumentation Technician )lant Maintenance Technician )rocess Technician $1 Nifec in Digital Animation CG ArtisUAnimation Assistant to 3D Animator Assistant to 3D Modeller Assistant Producer Vision / Mixer Operator Cameraman Assistant Production Coordinators Video Editor Event Technology Coordinator $1,350 Nifec in Digital Audio & Video Production N/ec in Electrical Technology Nlfec in Electronics rVifec in Facility Technology Videooraoher Electrical Draughtsman Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Technician Electrical lnstallation Technician Electrical Power Technician Electrical Technician Computer Systems Technician Electronics Maintenance Technician Electronics Production Technician Electronics Servicing Technician lnstrumentation Technician Manufacturing Technician Wireless LAN Technician Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Engineering Technician Building Maintenance Technician Building Services Technician Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Equipment lnstaller Refrioeration & Air-Conditionino Plant lnstaller ,610 $1,520 $1,570 $1 ,510 $1,320 D ,: .:' Vilec in Fitness Training /Vifec in Food & Beverage .,1', t . t ,. , , .'. ... ....,.ttt'a--f.--fS Fitness lnstructor Personal Trainer Floor Trainer Waiter $1,660 $1,520 Operations /Vftec in Hair Services Nifec in lnfo-Communications Technology Captain Bartender Hair Care Hair Care Hair Care Computer I Therapist Assistant Consultant Technician $1 ,1 90 $1,540 nfo-Communications Technician Network Technician Wireless Network Technician /Vlfec in Laser & Tooling Technlogy Manufacturing Specialist /Vifec in Machine Technology A/l/ec in Mechanical Technology Vifec in Mechatronics Sheet Metal Designer Tool Setup Technician Manufacturing Specialist Machine Assembly Specialist Enoineerino Technician lndustrial Machinery Technician Maintenance Technician Mechanical Enoineerino Technician Assembly Technician (Mechatronics) Automated Equipment Maintenance Technician $1,480* $1,350. $1,620 $1,630 Automation Technician Engineering Assistant /Vlfec in Medical Manufacturing Mechatronics Technician Production Technician Service/Assembly Technician Technical Specialist Manufacturing Specialist $1,320. Technology Nlfec in Nursinq Nitec in Pastrv & Bakinq Nitec in Product Design tVlfec in Security Technology A/ifec in Service Skills (Office) Nitec in Service Skills (Retail) Nltec in Service Skills (Tourism) Nifec in Space Design (Architectural) /Vifec in Space Design (lnterior & Exhibition) t\tlfec in Western Culinary Arts lniection Mouldins Technicians Enrolled Nurse Commis Cook Assistant Product Designer Product lllustrator Product Model Maker Security Systems Technician Service Technician Svstems Technician Administrative Assistant Executive Assistant Customer Service Associate Retail Assistant Retail Associate Sales Executive Tour and Travel Consultant Ticketino Officer Architectural Draftsman Architectural Technician Assistant lnterior Designer $1,370 $1,260 $1,650 $1,520" $1,250 $1,470 $1 ,310 $1,320 $1,400. Draftsman Assistant Chef Commis Chef r Figures may not be representative as no. of respondenfs ls 10 or less $1,480
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