Dec 2015 - Deeside Thistle


Dec 2015 - Deeside Thistle
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
Issue 501
December 2015
Mark Heady and Jill Prabucki have quite a few folk
interested in their New Year's Day Pedal. You are
welcome to join them.
Volume 42
Assuming the weather is all right it'll be from Banchory,
up the Slug Road to Stonehaven and back.
The Magazine of
Meet in the Bellfield Car Park for a 10.00am start.
Deeside Thistle Cycling Club
Put the word out please and if you are going to join them
contact Mark on [email protected]
Sponsored by:
For those DTCC riders with a hankering for off-road
pursuits, we are putting on a low-key group ride up
Pressendye to start the New Year in style.
Meet at the Queens View Car Park at 1pm on New
Year’s Day. Cross bikes, mountain bikes, Christmas
jumpers, cake - bring what you like. Ride as fast or as
slow as you want, up whichever route you fancy and we
will reconvene at the Mast on Scar Hill.
Current Membership 622 (594)
SCU Membership 285 (269)
Scottish Cycling’s Largest Club
It was early 1967 when I pledged myself to the Deeside
Thistle Cycling Club. In that first year while finding my
feet, I did hanker after the other club - locally the only
other club. However, that soon passed and down through
the years my interest in our group has never waned.
There are many reasons why some folk do change club,
some sound, some less so. It could be itchy feet, moving
with work or just dissatisfied with what’s on offer. It
could be friendships, though I’ve lifelong friendly
relationships with many cyclists from other groups and
saw no reason to join them. Maybe it’s in an effort to
improve one’s standing and ability. Yet often and more
often than not I’ve seen riders move on to join a
supposed better club and not survive the following
When a new club appears a percentage of our members
are going to move because of demographics and that’s
understandable. I know that some members right now are
enrolling in a new group for the social aspects offered but
are maintaining First Claim membership of our club for
competition. Well, and good.
Others are about to change their membership to Second
Claim of the Deeside because they see better competitive
elements elsewhere. We’ve got to accept these decisions
and wish all those who are moving on the best of luck –
but, and here’s the rub, by doing this they will no longer
be able to participate in club activities like the Evening
League. BC Rules state that Club Confined Time-Trials
may only be competed in under the name of the club
which appears uppermost on your BC Membership. You
can’t have your cake and eat it!
Updates here.
Gordon Watt
So that there is no delay in renewing your Membership of
British Cycling and the valuable insurance it gives you
we have ensured that our club’s re-affiliation is in place
prior to the New Year.
Almost 70 members, family and friends collected at
Knockburn Sports Loch on Sunday 13 December for the
annual Christmas Lunch. Numbers may have been
slightly down on previous years but the event was a
Everything went well thanks to the dedication of a few.
We’d an excellent venue with great catering. Some folk
turned up early and enjoyed the policies before sitting
down to the meal. Bert McIntosh, aka Bob the Builder
supplied the wine and Dave Walton provided the sound.
Jill Prabucki had spent countless hours preparing the
Awards Presentation. It went seamlessly with quite a
number of our winners present to collect the trophies
from Chairman Neil Howarth.
We won’t say too much about the setting up of the venue
except that Tom Wilson did the initial preparation and
there was the usual rush of volunteers for the rest.
Fortunately more folk grafted at the close.
If you couldn’t make it you missed something special.
Ideas are appreciated on a new grand design for a
welcome arch at Knockburn’s main gate. The sign will
be portable and not fixed. If you can come up with an
[email protected]
The grass is always greener on the other side
Do you have a view on life? Why not submit your favourite few words
of wisdom for public consumption in this exclusive corner of your
magazine. Send now to Sandy Lindsay, Rowan Cottage, Inveramsay,
Inverurie, AB51 5DQ or email [email protected]
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
It was once I started running that I realised I was 1km or
so from the pits, possibly the worst place to have a
mechanical. I ran as fast as I could but could only watch
helplessly as rider after rider rode past me.
On the weekend of 07 December my Dad and I made the
venture down to Durham for a weekend of cyclocross
racing. On the Saturday was a CXNE round held at
Durham University cricket pitches. Both me and my Dad
were racing. However I was racing with the intent to
learn the course as a round of the British National Trophy
was being held on the same course the next day.
I finally reached the pits and got a spare bike and rode
the final half lap to the finish trying to make up places
but there was nobody within touching distance. I rolled in
32nd place losing 4 minutes in half a lap, but that's bike
There were about 30 people in my race and having no
series points I wasn't best placed on the grid but due to
some people not seeing an extra lane up the side I ended
up on the front row of the grid. I got a good start and was
quickly off the front with one of the locals.
A big thanks to everyone that helped over the whole
weekend, the support was really appreciated! The biggest
thanks to Dad for taking me up and down to Durham for
an ace weekend of proper CX racin'.
Struan Pryde
The course was extremely muddy and wet which had an
impact on the way the race was viewed from a rider’s
point of view, but that was probably due to mud in the
eyes... Me and my companion had built up a fair lead and
riding behind him he had taught me some of the best
lines round the course.
One of the folk we’d like to have highlighted at our
Awards Presentation is Ewen Riddell but he certainly
kept his light hidden.
In 2014 Ewen decided that track sprinting a new interest
but in September of that year an incident meant he had to
withdraw from competing. Then he spent the winter in
the gym and on the track if the snow allowed the drive
With two laps to go I decided to drop the hammer and
accelerated away and got a good sized gap and
fortunately held it to the finish line to take the win.
After a quick wash, both me and the bike, it was back out
into the rain to help my Dad and the rest of the Scottish
contingent in the pits. As the day wore on the course got
muddier and muddier thus meaning more bike changes
took place. This is great if you are the rider, a new bike
every half lap! However for the pit crews this meant
lugging litre after litre of water up to the pits, not ideal
race prep!
In 2015 a trapped nerve a month before Scottish Track
Championships meant he couldn't look over his left
shoulder and maybe couldn't pull as hard at the start gate
in time trials. That said he was happy with the fact that
each race saw an improvement.
This year started with LVCR (League of Veteran Cycle
Racers) Omnium in February at Newport, South Wales
where he targeted the fling lap and TT, though now with
some experience he’ll be trying for the points race.
The next day Dad and I woke to another day at the mud
filled cricket pitches. I opted not to ride the course in the
morning as it was so muddy people were only getting
quarter to half a lap in before a bike change, and having
raced the day before I didn't want to risk breaking the
bike in the tough mud before the race.
With a second visit to the British Masters in June, again
in Newport saw him ride two races, Sprint and TT. He
made a mess of the Flying 200m qualifier by going too
fast for the first two laps due the differences in the tracks
between Newport and Glasgow.
I was almost on the back of the start grid of a field of 50
riders so I knew I would have my work cut out if I
wanted to achieve my goal of a top 10. At the start I got
away quickly and got up to the middle of the pack, but
within seconds of the start everyone was off and running
with the bikes as people were sliding and stalling in the
thick mud.
The match sprint heats were 3-up match sprints. He had a
coming together with Tony Brooks. Tony who had been
boxed in but he had other ideas and barged straight
through hitting Ewen’s front wheel. In red mist Ewen
went full gas for a lap and though he missed out by half
wheel to the third placed rider, Stephen Aslin, he had the
satisfaction of beating Tony.
I'm not the strongest runner but I still managed to get up
to 15th place on the first lap. As the race wore on I
started to chase the top 10 and the race was running
without hitch. I was changing bike every half lap as the
mud was so bad. With one and a half laps to go I was up
to 6th with 7th sitting on my wheel. I was thinking
through the final corners, thinking how and where I
would make a move. I picked up my bike from the pits to
do the final lap, everything was running as smooth as it
had been all race.
There were big delays during the day waiting for the
match sprint repechage and he lost interest. Then the call
came He just sat on wheels not wanting to put that big
effort in. Other riders said he could have taken that one.
Y head needs to be in the right place.
Next morning was the 750m TT. A 96" gear, PB and
within 0.25 sec of bronze medal but there were 6 riders
that quarter second.
At the Scottish Track Championships a Keirin on the
Friday evening kicked things off. Ewen was up against
the Commonwealth Games team riders and he was only a
week out of hospital having a chest drain from a training
Just out of sight from the pits I accelerated out of a
corner and heard a crunch. I didn't panic, I looked down
at the bike to check if I could solve it without getting off.
All I could see was mud and a chain where it wasn't
supposed to be. I jumped off expecting it to be a quick
fix. No such luck. The chain had jumped out of the chain
guide on the rear mech. I had no option but to run.
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
On the Saturday was the flying 200m qualifier. This was
a 2 up match sprint and he was up against Ivor Reid - lots
of experience.
A member for many years, a capable rider, and friend to
many, John Gordon died after a short battle with cancer.
He had moved to work in Houston a few years ago but
still maintained contact with the club and joined in the
Banchory rides whenever he was back home. He was laid
to rest in his home town of Banchory on Friday 03
December. Our thoughts are with his wife, Fiona, and
Match sprint repechage next and he was up against 2
people he trained with. Following then round, on the last
lap he went for it half a bike length on the line.
With no time to rest he was paired with John Paul. He’d
no chance as John goes 6mph faster. But an experience
gaining exercise none-the-less.
Close friend Malcolm Wilson said he was sad to hear of
John’s very early exit from this world. He was a great
bike rider and very good company. He had Malcolm
gasping for breath on a number of early Sunday morning
bike rides from Banchory. John was a really tough rider
and as they say, it's the grit that makes the oyster.
And the John Paul Quarter final Scottish Champs 2015
Minor sprint final
That left Sunday mornings TT, the Kilo (1000m TT).
Ewen wanted to better last years’ time but that hopefully
was a given as I was not fit then, He also wanted to beat
Colin MacKenzie who got 3rd at the British Masters.
Ewen had used a 96" gear in that so set up a 97" gear for
the Kilo. He got a PB and 0.6sec up on Colin.
Gavin Lord recalled one memorable mountain bike trip
near Aviemore on a route chosen by John where a whole
season of sunshine, strong winds and even hailstones
came on the same day.
In October he went to the World Masters Track
Championships in Manchester. Here’s a clip
x=4&list=PLRRHezrnUmjNKd0mlQKNuZ-U2RMuoHzK. Watch from 11.45 in. In the Kilo he got a PB
again and came 18th overall.
The King of the Mountains Sportive is back next year on
21 May 2016. It will be held over a revamped route. For
those already planning next year there is a special offer
of a 10% discount. Don't miss out, this offer is limited to
200 tickets and ends 9th January 2016. Go here for more
The Masters is run over 8 days and Ewen took part in
various competitions. The Match Sprints were 4-up and
rode more like a Keirin. He held wheels but couldn’t
accelerate above 40mph or 150 cadence. He didn’t make
the quarter final but gained a lot of experience.
My boyfriend and I are traveling home to Scotland for
Christmas and I wondered if anyone had a small and a
large fat bike or mountain bikes we could maybe borrow
for a day?
In 2016 he hopes to start with LVCR Omnium, again in
Newport and he’ll if what he’s learned works in practise.
The RGU gym is going to see a lot of him over winter at
the squat rack and leg press. He would welcome
This will be my boyfriend’s first trip to Scotland and
everything will of course be weather dependent, but just
thought would be great to get out on fat bikes if there's
snow especially too?
This is an early heads up for the Feew-Side Women’s
RR. The event will run on Sat 27th August 2016 from
Knockburn Sports Loch.
Let me know if you can help? We will be there 23rd
December - 5th January. Please contact me on
[email protected]
Lisa Leonard
I'm revamping the course and expanding the size of the
event to bring it in line with a National Series Band 2
event, and will be part of the Scottish National Women's
Road Race series.
Club Fees
It’s nearing Christmas and
some members have not yet
paid club fees. Please help
with the admin for our club.
Have you paid yours?
There will be both morning and afternoon stages with
riders and support teams returning between the events.
I'll be working with Tom Wilson to ensure all the site
user-groups can operate simultaneously (road racers,
mini youths, tri-stars etc).
If we can incorporate any of the mini youth riders in the
program than that would be great for them from an
inspirational point of view. At previous Scot Champs RR
events from Alford, the local kids have led the National
riders on a lap of the Alford track before they left to do
battle on the Suie. We could perhaps do the same round
the new Knockburn track. More information to come.
Tim Mackley
If you haven't yet signed up for another year
we'd be pleased if you could do it soon. or
call 07867 857221 where you can pay over
the phone.
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
This will bring back memories to some. Bert McIntosh
wrote in to say that Alan Main has retired from MPH
after 28 years. He is the grandson of Bella Main or Ferry
Belle. Alan recalls many crossings pulling boats along
the tug wire during his visits to Granny Belle’s ferry and
cafe at Blair’s on the South Deeside road in the 60’s.
A Scottish schoolgirl has penned a moving song on a
topic which affects more than 40% of youngsters.
Olivia Douglas wrote the music, lyrics and has performed
‘Why’ to explain the impact bullying has on the lives of
children and to encourage those who have been bullied to
be strong.
All very clear in his fond memories are pictures of the
hundreds of bikes covering the south bank of the River
Dee when cyclists heading back from training stopped in
past at weekends for her home bakes and the famous
lemonade squash drink of the time.
The 11-year-old of Aberdeen’s West End has uploaded a
video of her singing the beautiful tune to YouTube to
coincide with National Anti-Bullying Week.
Olivia said: “Bullying is horrible and it is really sad to
think how it makes people feel. It is an important issue
for children. I wanted to write a song that explains what
it does to people and how it’s important for those who
have been bullied to be brave and know they can get
through it.”
Alan was a member of Aberdeen Wheelers riding on
fixed wheel everywhere including the Cairn o’ Mount.
The Albyn School pupil is a keen performer and has
ambitions to be a singer and actress. She has taken to the
stage at His Majesty’s Theatre in Joseph and His
Technicolour Dreamcoat and Annie. She is also a
member of Stagecoach and The Aberdeen Youth Music
and Theatre.
The Deeside Thistle made a presentation to Belle on her
retirement and even had proposals to purchase the ferry
for posterity. Unfortunately bigger money became
available and a house was built on the site 40 years ago.
Olivia’s mother Cristina Douglas said: “We are
incredibly proud of Olivia. This is a beautiful song that
she has been entirely responsible for and it’s incredibly
emotive for such a young girl. Listening to the lyrics
really helps us as adults understand bullying from a
child’s perspective and why it is vital we are aware and
can be there to offer our love, support and guidance.”
Late Christmas Present?
Olivia hopes to be able to sell downloads of the track and
donate the proceeds to an anti-bullying charity.
Olivia added: “I think it’s important children aren’t
scared to speak out about bullying and I hope my song
can mean something to people going through it.”
Farming is a Funny Business
Compiled by John and Andrew Arbuckle it
comprises jokes and anecdotes on Farming
and Rural life
To watch Olivia’s performance of Why, click here
Priced £10 all proceeds go to the Royal
Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution
(RSABI) which supports those in need in the
farming, forestry, crofting and game
keeping industries and those retired from
these industries.
The Club circuits (free to members) take place on a
Wednesday evening with Helen Miskelly the new
motivator. They take place in the club HQ at Garlogie
Hall. There’s a special treat for those attending on
Wednesday 23 December.
Copies are available from Town and Cairnie
at Thainstone Mart, Inverurie
Every member is welcome to attend regardless of age or
ability. Each person sets his or her own limits. The
regular attendees are all sociable characters.
From the RSABI web site
Come dressed in shorts/joggers, T-shirt, trainers. Bring a
towel and something to drink. There'll be a cup of tea and
biscuit to finish off. The session starts at 7.00 and lasts
for an hour. Doors open from about 6.30pm.
Email Ian Edwards on
[email protected] and he can obtain
copies locally
These sessions will continue through to the end of
March, weather permitting.
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
membership, guests, insurance, behaviour and runs
Most folk suffer unsolicited phone calls, some on a daily
basis, others even more often.
He adds that this may sound overly authoritarian but
there is no place for anarchy in a fast moving bunch.
He’s been in three clubs and ridden with quite a few
more in his time and one thing he’s learned is that the
best rides are the best organised. None of this is
incompatible with using Facebook Groups but would
benefit hugely from careful planning.
You can help to assist in crushing this useless position
we are all in with anonymous and silent calls along with
the many repetitive calls of various product sales. A
company was recently fined £800k for such calls.
You can report calls to
Roy says that a Social Media Strategy for the club is
important. Also it must be remembered that the new
Facebook page has been implemented to improve
communication, we are not redesigning the club structure
or changing what we do or how we do it.
A member recently got in contact saying that though the
club has good updates in weekly emails about goings on
and things to take note off, there isn’t really any online
club community as such.
He agrees that in the case of some rides some identified
leadership may be needed but on the whole his
understanding is that people just show up, ride and enjoy
themselves - just as a club community should. If
members are looking for coached rides; the club can
facilitate with the club coaches offer these specialist
He suggested that existing Facebook (or Strava Club)
pages be more active. That way people can share rides,
get info on what gear they need for the winter, find out if
a club run will go ahead, pass on info about roads to
avoid due to excessive AWPR or farm traffic leaving it
more like 4x4 track. etc.
The new DTCC FB page, is in place to improve
communications. The club will still be operating in the
same way, doing the same things only it may increase
participation by existing members and may even
introduce new members to club.
He went on to say that as a recent newcomer to the club
he would have found it easier to meet people to cycle
with, find out exactly what is suitable to be riding in over
the winter, maybe even where to get that super bright
light so he can be seen better at night! And it might even
help muster more enthusiasm for current members to get
more involved in the club or even get out cycling more.
His partner is part of the Deeside Diva’s and they have a
very active Facebook page and it seems to be
encouraging them to get out cycling more together and
more importantly get more beginners involved while also
sharing training tips and ride experiences.
I want to raise a concern about the use of the temporary
traffic lights at the various road crossings along the
AWPR route. I commute from Stonehaven to Aberdeen
by bike daily and pass through the crossings on cycle
route 1.
There are already quite a number of Facebook pages
dedicated to aspects of our club. However, the comments
above have been taken on board and Roy Milne stepped
up to the plate and has already created a new club page.
Recently I have had three incidents where works vehicles
have crossed the road when their route was showing a red
light, causing me to have to stop, even though I had a
green traffic light. In two cases the drivers appeared to be
directed by a worker standing by the road telling them to
drive on. In the other incident a road sweeper was
circling the junction and disregarding the traffic light
Our Chairman, Neil Howarth, says that clearly from the
old school of thinking, the traditional club run with
knowledge of meeting places follows a degree of folklore
and I hope we can still embrace that. On the other hand,
he knows from experiences locally and even a spell
working in Houston, that the cycling community relies
heavily on Facebook and Strava for their run starting
points. He says that with this new runs initiative for
“Deeside Thistle on Facebook” where runs can be
displayed, he think we need to explore this further and
look at ways to reach out to a wider audience.
I am very well lit up with two significant headlights for
cycling along pitch black roads. There is no reason that
the drivers could not have seen me. In any case as they
were going against the traffic lights my visibility is really
I feel it will only be a matter of time before there is a
serious accident. The AWPR project has gone to the
trouble of putting up these traffic lights so road users
believe that they are genuine traffic signals and follow
their instructions. If the AWPR works traffic doesn’t treat
them as proper road traffic signals then this is a very
dangerous situation.
Neil also thinks we need to pursue this in the interests of
our sponsors where they can gain marketing exposure.
To counter this, Bill Byth who operates a very successful
communications system with riders who look for their
clubruns/training sessions from Banchory is concerned
that things could become a free for all. He says that
ground rules are necessary in relation to club
Any subsequent incidents should be reported to Police
Scotland as soon as possible on 101. If possible try and
make a note of the number, vehicle details, direction of
travel, location and time.
Chris Palmer
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
The club tandem is back in business following a few
years out of commission. Previously it was used to offer
locals with poor vision the opportunity to get out in the
fresh air. That remains a key objective. We could also put
it to use for people with arm or leg injuries, inducting
newbies into club runs or even – according to Alan
Campbell – use it for time trials. It’s 23” front, 21 ½”
rear, has lights & mudguards and is ready to roll. John
Sands is currently garaging it in Mid Stocket Road in
Aberdeen’s west end. If you know someone who might
enjoy a run out, or fancy taking it for a spin yourself,
contact John on 07736 143836, [email protected]
Our local governing body, SCGR (formerly ADCA) is
without a General Secretary. This position needs filling
urgently. Are you able to take it on? Please reply to
[email protected]
The Saturday Toonser Group has now morphed into
another group, the MAMIL’s. Richard Harris organises it
and he is using the WhatsApp system to coordinate;
apparently there’s things called mobile telephony now?
The plan is still to head out from the Toon on a Saturday
morning to Banchory. If you want to join this new group
you have to e-mail Richard and he will ‘join’ you. His
address is [email protected]. Sandy Wilson
Sportive/Audax Calendar
I've put together a Sportive/Audax Calendar over the past
few years and one of the MAMIL’s suggested it might be
worth sharing. Go here. It’s basically a list of anything
that took place in 2015 in Scotland (and a few out-with)
and the dates that have so far been fixed for the same
events for 2016. As the seasons go on the dates can be
Andy Kerr
Sir, A quick note to say a huge thank you to everyone
who donated throughout 2015 for Friends of the Special
Nursery. I’ve had a lot of fun (and some pain too)
throughout the year and made some good friends in some
of Scotland’s most remote locations completing these
events for charity. I haven’t quite made my target of £10k
– yet - but still enough to make a difference to the babies
at Aberdeen Neonatal Unit. Planning is already well
underway for next year. [email protected]
Roy Milne
The website,, is now
up-to-date in terms of stock. If you wish to order an item
of clubkit you can find out whether it is in stock by
simply selecting your size next to the garment on the site.
If the site returns a sold out notification then regrettably
we do not have the item in stock and will not have until
the next order is placed early in the New Year. If we have
the item please proceed to payment.
Once paid for, contact Mark ([email protected]) to
arrange collection. Please note that we have had to
increase prices slightly from what we were charging, our
orders are not what they were and do not attract the very
high level of discount that we’ve enjoyed in the past.
The clothing is still extremely well priced for stylish high
quality cycling apparel.
So now that 2015 is almost done, planning is already well
underway for next year and will include;
 D33 – 33 mile Ultramarathon
 Highland Fling – 53 mile Ultramarathon
 Great Glen Way – 70 mile Ultramarathon within
24 hours
 Etape Loch Ness – 65 mile bike race
 Etape Caledonia – 90 mile bike race
 Loch Lomond Triathlon – 1.5km swim, 45km
bike, half marathon
 Mount Keen Challenge (if they’ll have me!!)
As with previous years, I’m keeping it local and relevant
to most people so I’m working with Friends of the
Special Nursery who are the charity of Aberdeen
Maternity Hospital’s Neo-Natal Unit. Statistics indicate
that 1 in 7 babies will visit the Neo-Natal Unit in
Aberdeen and I'd like to help improve the facilities
available not only to the babies but to their families
during difficult times (having been there myself).
Membership of the SVTTA:
Solo membership is £15.00 and £20.00 for couples
Standards: multiple attempts at all distances - £10.
You can donate directly to the
Since the start of 2015 Velocita Coaching has been my
full time business. It’s been a rewarding and successful 2
years since launching in January 2014. Now full time I'm
delighted to be able to provide improved levels of
support and quality of service for existing riders, together
with increased capacity for new clients. Full details of
my coaching packages and support services are on my
website, or get in touch if you would like to discuss a
specific coaching requirement. Make 2016 your season at Thanks for your support and
see you on the bike
Tim Mackley [email protected]
Friends of the Special Nursery are the charity of
Aberdeen Maternity Hospital's Neo-Natal Unit for
premature and sick babies. The committee is made up of
Parents and Nursing staff that want to give something
back to the Unit by supporting the professionals who
provide such a high standard of care.
FOTSN have helped hundreds of families through these
difficult times. Many spend a few days with their baby in
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
the Unit whilst other babies need specialist care for
longer and the Unit becomes their second home.
Contact numbers are: Conference Centre 01330 822234,
Knockburn House 01330 826047, Mobile 07741 314999,
Email: [email protected]
Bert McIntosh
Money raised from this year’s events will directly
purchase the following therefor £20,000 is my target;
 Purchase of a giraffe incubator
 Refurbishing the parent accommodation on the
Neonatal Unit, new paint, furniture, TV etc
 Funding for staff to attend special Neonatal
Conferences & Courses to further their expertise
and keep up to date with latest developments
There is now a Facebook page "Grannygear" to describe
some of the better off-road routes in the area, help
arrange rides, etc. Go to Grannygear to like the Facebook
Alex Doig
My plan is to complete as many events as possible
throughout 2015 with all money going to Friends of the
Special Nursery as per above. These events include but
are not limited to;
BEARDS FOR BAIRNS (January) - Grow a full beard
from Boxing Day to Burns Night.
Mar/05 April) - Westhill Duathlon (Run 4km, Cycle
14km, Run 4km), Aboyne Duathlon (Run 4.2km, Cycle
30km, Run 4.2km), Knockburn Duathlon (Run 4km,
Cycle 17km, Run 4km)
33 miles (53km) Aberdeen to Banchory and back
20km around Inverurie / Bennachie
ISLAY CYCLE (08 April) - Cycle 130km (1890m
climbing) around the entire island of Islay
ETAPE LOCH NESS (26 April) - Cycle 107km
(1260m climbing) around Loch Ness
ETAPE CALEDONIA (10 May) - Cycle 131km
(1196m climbing) around Perthshire and over
1.9km, Cycle 91km, Run 20km
June) - Cycle 60km Aberdeen to Glen Tanar, Cycle
10km up Mount Keen (most easterly Munro), Walk /
crawl / be dragged the last 1km to the top, Cycle 60km
Glen Tanar to Aberdeen
SERIES (12 July, 23 July, 09 Aug, 20 Sept) - Huntly
Triathlon (Swim 750m, Cycle 20km, Run 5km),
Inverurie Triathlon (Swim 750m, Cycle 27km, Run
5km), Westhill Triathlon (Swim 750m, Cycle 21km, Run
5km), Huntly Standard Triathlon (Swim 1500m, Cycle
37km, Run 10km)
RAT RACE COAST TO COAST (12 – 13 September)
- Multi-discipline race from Inverness to Glen Coe over 2
We are running double discount throughout the store. All
you need to bring with you is your Outdoor Experience
card. All club members are entitled to a free OE card, just
pop in past the store and we can sort them out with one.
Stephen Leonard
Ian Wilson has volunteered to take on the role of the club
Press Officer. If you have taken part in any competition
or have completed a challenge that you wish to inform
the press about email Ian on the below address and he
will forward it to the P&J. He can't guarantee that the
paper will publish anything but they will have had the
The members nominated to head the various disciplines,
Tim Mackley and Jack Richards, Road Racing and
Mountain Biking and Gordon Watt, Cyclo Cross, will
also endeavour to collate results in their various
disciplines and will also pass on results to Ian.
Any Time Trialling results will have to be forwarded to
Ian by the relevant competitor as being such a diverse
sport it's difficult to monitor who competed in what
If the media wish to cover a story in more depth Ian will
contact the member and they can decide if they wish to
communicate with the press. He will not pass on any
personal contact details without prior permission.
Contact Ian on [email protected]
The current version of your Club Handbook is on line.
Those keen to check up on all the Current and Past
Champions, contact Club Officials and read all the Rules
and Regulations can do so here. The link also appears at
the bottom of emails which go out to members
Other events to be confirmed may include;
 Sections of the Cycle John O’Groats to Lands
 Cycle London to Paris (4 days)
 Ride24 – Cycle Newcastle to London (24hrs)
Get a FREE Outdoor Experience Card, which entitles
you to 10% OFF Everything at Tiso, Blues the Ski Shop
and Alpine Bikes. Normally £10 this is a good offer to
Deeside members. Not sure what proof you need but
maybe your club membership card will do. Pop in and
request one at one of the shops.
As well as the above events, I’ll be training weekly with
Deeside Thistle Cycling Club, Metro Running Club, and
competing in the British Triathlon Age Group League.
You can track the technicalities of my progress on
Strava: Feel free to
forward these details on to interested parties. Roy Milne
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
A benefit of your club's affiliation to British Cycling is
that club members can get up to £20 off membership
when they join British Cycling for the first time. Simply
use the promotion codes below when you join British
Cycling for the first time. You will get the introductory
discount on the payment page when you join online.
The promotional codes required are:
If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to contact our
team: [email protected]
Existing members and those who have been members in
the past are eligible for a 10% discount when they set up
their first direct debit instruction to renew or rejoin their
British Cycling membership.
I’ve often said that I’d only wear a crash hat if forced to;
that the majority of cycle accidents do not result in
serious head injury; that I wasn’t blind to the dangers but
wasn’t too concerned about another bit of scar tissue
appearing on my already battered body. That view has
been tempered by the climate of change which is
sweeping the world in respect to head-protectors.
For many years controversy for and against hard-hats has
raged. I remember on tour on the west coast of Scotland
way back in the mid-70s seeing two cyclists, their bikes
bedecked with mirrors and windshields, overladen with
panniers, fat tyres and minute gears. My comment to the
rest of my touring party was a cynical “they must be
American.” Significantly they also wore hard-hats.
The hats of that time were undoubtedly of an inferior
standard to the current SNELL, ANSI or BS6368
requirements but since then a lot of research has taken
Graeme Marks
Olivia French
Bill Bavidge
Billy Bavidge
Cory Amundrud
Trish Amundrud
Duncan Amundrud
Fraser Amundrud
Gavin Baxter
Finlay Baxter
Sandy Baxter
Adam Finnigan
Matilda Hendry
David Tweedie
Katy Tweedie
Libby Tweedie
Maisie Harrington
at This page is
open to the general public and can be "Liked" by any
Facebook member, worldwide.
The page is expected to announce only general and
public information about the Club, to promote the Club,
its activities and its rider’s results. In addition to the Club
official page, we also run a closed, private and secret
group specific to the Road Racing Team to discuss race
tactics and preparation.
The group page is accessed by invitation only at To be
"invited", contact me at [email protected] or connect
with me on Facebook.
Laurent Schirrer
Deeside Thistle Cycling Club is delighted to offer free
membership to new youth riders for their first year. If
you would like to take advantage of this offer please see:
Bike Box Hire
Looking for a safe and cost effective way to transport
your bike? Bike Box Hire has recently opened a branch
in Aberdeen and currently has boxes for hire. We supply
Web: Tel: 07850 055642,
email: FB:
Club Welfare Officers are: Ian Wilson who can be
contacted by telephone on 07919 280656 and Gillian
Watt who’s number is 01975 564520. The email address
to use is [email protected]
Bike Box with TSA approved locks. I’ve recently had it
over in Florida and fitted everything in perfectly,
including Track pump, helmet, tools, shoes, etc, and was
still under 22kg. Rates will be £30.00/full week or
£6.00/daily. I can deliver within 20 miles of Inverurie.
There will be a £200 deposit required on delivery, pick
up along with the full fee for rental. Any inquiries please
email doubleh22@btinternet,com
Have you paid your club fees?
Go here:
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
That evening a foreigner took out his bottle of Scotch to
have a nip along with his meal. The warden’s husband
appeared and a tug-of-war ensued. The foreigner
gesticulated, spat, made some famous expletives sound
even worse in his own language but eventually gave best
when told he’d get it back in the morning.
It looked like the weather had changed for the best. The
sun was out and blazing hot as they prepared to leave the
next morning. A couple of young cyclists from |Aberdeen
had shared the hostel and the wheel of one of these was
rebuilt to get him home.
Jeff and Colin elected to not follow the planned route and
said they’d meet with the two Petrie’s and Lindsay at the
end of the track along the west shore of Loch Lochy.
The ride along the track was enjoyable but uneventful as
was that of the other three along the busy main road. They
did not meet as planned! Colin and Jeff had reached the
Spean Bridge Commando Memorial and that being near
the end of the loch they waited. And waited! The other
three, two and a half miles west gained tarmac and
continued south on B class roads along the Caledonian
Canal and overtook two cyclists who’d been at the hostel
and left earlier and also took the forest track. Fort William
was reached and after a biscuit lunch the others rode in.
The ride south to Oban continued via the new bridge at
Ballachulish and a short cut over an old railway bridge at
Loch Creran. On reaching Connel ferry they had a
spectacular view of the tidal stream, Falls of Lora,
rushing out of Glen Etive. From there to Oban was a
short hop.
A long, long queue of French tourists, sporting a great
variety of frying pans, cooking pots and kettles,
festooning their haversacks, waited patiently until the
hostel opened. Eventually everyone was booked in and
fed. Jeff took over the housekeeping for the rest of that
day. The followed one of the more eventful happenings
of the tour.
In the dorm leather jackets adorned one corner and a lone
hosteller sat on his bed with a gigantic kit bag laid at the
end of it. Sandy spent some time repairing his camera
then went for his customary, solitary evening
constitutional. The others repaired to the common room,
pool and ogling Natalie, one of the better looking French
tourists. Sometime later the worried faces of Jeff and co
appeared at a window and shouted AJL in. Colin had lost
£15.00. It had been stolen. He’d come up to the dorm and
saw that his bag had been tampered with and checking
had found that his keep of cash had been broken into.
Immediately suspicion fell on the owners of the leather
jackets but when they returned their innocence was
apparent. Their jackets had been tampered with; their
beds had been shifted. The warden was summoned but
could do nothing. It was left at that for the time being.
It transpired during conversation that the warden was a
Londoner, and an ex-Wren Wheeler who’d been in San
Sebastian during the World Championships of 1966
when Tommy Simpson had pipped Rudi Altig for the
title. His camera had been stolen there and that was an
omen for the next day.
Meanwhile, once the stramash had quietened, a glorious
sunset closed over the Isle of Kerrera and shone a red
(An account of the 1978 Summer Tour)
(to satisfy the cravings of members from the past)
(continued) With the intention of catching the tourists the
quintet mounted their machines and set off in pursuit.
They didn’t get very far. Uri leaped off his protesting
steed. He’d pulled his wheel. But on slackening the
tracknuts a cascade of balls indicated he, too, had broken
his spindle. A fruitless search of Kyle for an old bike was
made. Then leaving Uri to walk the others set out to
Dornie hoping to find a discarded bike. Bikes are so
numerous that every stretch of road has umpteen lying
rusting on the verge except for that stretch between Kyle
and Kintail.
At Dornie a stop was made for lunch and when about to
start again Colin found he’d a puncture. Leaving him
with a companion to do the repair and wait on Uri, Bruce
and Sandy continued along Loch Duich past the
picturesque Eilean an Donan Castle.
An enquiry at a filling station told them that bikes were
hired from Kintail Hotel. They might have luck there. At
the hotel the son of the business said, no, they didn’t have
and spindles but there was a dump down at Shiel Bridge
with a wheel in it. The wheel turned out to be affront but
the spindle was scavenged in any case. The young fellow
then said to wait awhile. A pal of his would be along
shortly. Lived in Ratagan. He had loads of bikes. He’d be
bound to help. Immediate thoughts were that this pal must
be the warden from Ratagan YH who had set up a bike
hiring business a couple of years previously, but that
warden had moved to Braemar. While pondering the
problem Uri arrived. When walking despondently on the
roadway just past Revaig a good Samaritan (this was
Sunday), straight out of church, fell in with him. Uri had
been taken to the Samaritan’s home a piece of screwed rod
with the correct thread was fitted. Back on the road again.
Up Glen Shiel the route took them to Glen Cluanie and
Cluanie Inn at the head of the loch. Out of the inn,
refreshed after their ham rolls, bourbon and Scotch, came
the two Bell helmets. They were caught and passed and a
race started. The husband (it was a husband and wife
team who were on holiday, heading for the British Gran
Prix at Silverstone from their home on the shores of a 70
mile round lake 5000feet up in the Sierra Nevada
mountains) did bit and bit with the Aberdonians leaving
the struggling mass of Sasquatch Stoney struggling in
their wake with the Belle. She was worried that her
partner, Jeff, wouldn’t wait. At the junction for
Invergarry she insisted that her Jeff take a snapshot of
this real bicycling club back home with them and then
while Uri (who’d punctured) was waited on the Yanks
headed up and over to Invergarry.
Before the top of the hill was reached the Aberdeen lot
had overtaken then again. This rime Jeff had no reply and
dropping down to the loch the youngsters had a dip while
AJL hoyed on to the Well of Heads to buy the supper.
The hostel at Loch Lochy is an exception among hostels.
The accommodation is extraordinarily comfortable. The
showers and washrooms are especially luxurious; the
beds had continental quilts.
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
carpet over the waters of Loch of Lorn to Lismore. Boats
continually drifted into and out of the harbour until late at
night and restarted early in the morning. One boat, the
steamer for Mull wakened everyone and just as they were
dressing the Police arrived.
A few questions were asked and answered but nothing
transpired. The leather jacketed motor-cyclists who
would spend the rest of the day bombing up and down
the pier were questioned. The Canadian with the giant
kitbag was gone. He’d been in the lobby and told the
warden he was leaving early to catch the train for
Glasgow. An expensive camera had gone missing at this
time. Suspicions ripening the Police would stop the train
at Crianlarich and approach the Canadian and hopefully
recover the camera, money and any other valuables lost
from the hostel. That kitbag, standing a good five feet
high and a foot in diameter could have held an awful lot.
He was never found.
Again, for the third day running the weather was
ridiculously hot. In order to avail themselves of
Glasgow’s favourite holiday resort and in the hope that
the thief would be caught they spent the morning in
Shortly after noon they set out retracing to Connon
Bridge, then on through the Pass of Brander to join the
Glen Coe road at Tyndrum.
When entering the Pass of Brander a golden eagle burst
from cover at the roadside as they passed, soaring into
the air, climbing to join its mate high above them.
In Crianlarich they met the two cyclists who’d been on
the Loch Lochy track two days previously. The German
cyclists with good English informed the browning
Aberdonians that sunstroke was a terrible thing. Bruce, in
fact, had, over the past couple of days, with sensitive skin
been protecting himself much of the time inside his
That evening, in Killian, Ray Harris, his son Nick and
another youngster from Edinburgh were met.
Again as from Oban, on the morrow, retracing of some
road had to be done. This time to join Glen Ogle where a
long freewheel to Lochearnhead was enjoyed.
Scorning the delights of the main road on the north side
of the loch they took the narrow picturesque one on the
south and were blown into Crieff where some last
souvenir hunting was done.
With lots of time to fill in they rode leisurely to
Auchterarder stopping some time to watch parachutists
descending to Strathallan airfield where four of the local
bootboys bravely challenged the cyclists. No way was the
challenge to be accepted though Bruce did make a sortie
into their midst. They leapt onto their bikes and made off
from the might of Auchterarder’s 9 year old army.
A through Glen Eagles took them to Glen Devon and the
hostel where arriving early the rest of the afternoon was
pent at the new reservoir at Tormankin. Norman Skene
arrived unexpectedly and stayed with them to the end of
the tour. In the evening a game of Frisbees and a climb to
the top of the hill behind the hostel entertained all.
There were only two days of the tour left which, to most
of the group was disappointing. Uri, however, was
having problems. His bike was failing him and the
following day when the speed went up he called it a day
and decided to take the train home form Dundee.
Before reaching Dundee they took a detour via Glendye
to Dunning then a couple of miles south the A9, Stirling
to Perth road was paralleled. South of Perth, the new
motorway, still under construction, was met calling for
some neat navigation to take them to the junction at
Aberargie where hearts in mouths and courageously the
terror track was crossed.
Keeping away from main roads the Firth of Tay was
hugged to Tray Bridge and a wind assisted crossing on
the downhill bridge took them into Dundee. Visiting
JRN’s shop Irene invited them all back to lunch, an
invitation which was readily accepted.
At Nicky’s house his two bikes with the chainwheel in
place of the cog and a child’s chainset were unearthed and
played on until Irene had a meal cooked. Just as they were
finishing a truckload of new bikes arrived and as a small
reward for the meal, these were willingly unloaded.
Setting out north via Meigle they passed through Alyth
and seesawed over relatively familiar hills to the circular
Knockshannoch Lodge at Glenisla where a new warden
was in residence. It was with some chagrin that his wife
refused to book them in or allow them to prepare their
dorm until he returned from his pony-trekking trip with a
Breakaway group. He did in the end turn up at about
8.00pm but to add to the ill-feeling had no milk. The
ordered milk, he said, would be available in the morning.
The party, once organised took a trip to Glenisla Hotel
where to make merry on their last night. They, of course,
stayed stoically sober.
On return to the hostel round a campfire were sat a mob
of folk all chanting like a tribe of rain worshipping
Indians. Their minibus arrived out of which climbed the
warden with crates of beer and bottles of spirit. Looked
like there was to be a party with firewater. The cyclists
refused to join them. This was an invitation not to be
After 11pm the party still continued with the cyclists
indoors finishing off their game of pool, eating their
supper and playing cards. Suddenly the warden burst into
the kitchen and ordered them off to bed. This seemed a
strange attitude to assume after he’d spent the previous
hour living it up somewhat against hostel rules. On
retiring to their segment shaped room an agitated
altercation seemed to be taking place between the warden
and some of the pony trekkers. These pony trekkers were
seen to be carrying cans of beer in and round the hostel.
Come morning things had quietened though it might well
have been that a few heads boomed. One of the cyclists
went to collect the fresh milk only to be told that it
wouldn’t arrive until after 10.30. They were refused any
of the milk instore for the Breakaway party. It was not a
happy band which departed vowing that on the next visit
things would need to be improved.
In familiar country the roads streaked under wheels to
Glenshee and over the sadly missed Elbow for a terrific
sweep down past Auchallater and a flock of sheep, into
Braemar where the entire stock of apple turnovers was
bought from the baker.
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
Britain’s National Cyclists’ Association
A Finance and Management Committee meeting took
place at JAS Forwarding, Westhill, on Monday 07
December 2015. In attendance were Neil Howarth, Sandy
Lindsay, Rob Armstrong, Ashley Pearson, Rod Stone and
Mark Tandy.
Working for all Cyclists
Newcomers are welcome
particularly on the Morning/
Slower Full Day runs.
Faster Full Day runs are for
the more experienced
Contact numbers: Please do not phone after 9pm - In case of bad
weather, you may wish to phone that day’s designated run leader to
check if the run is going ahead
Apologies for non-attendance were received from Shelley
Farrar, Mona & Tim Mackley, Jill Prabucki, Laurent
Schirrer, Jon Strachan, David Walton, Gordon Watt and
Ian Wilson.
Clothing Co-ordinator
Rod Stone has stepped in to take over the maintenance
and distribution of club clothing. Once stock is
transferred he will place a new order which will have
logos of new and current sponsors. EPS files of logos
have to be provided. It was suggested that to comply with
race rules in open competition new garments could be
given to racing members. Rod is to investigate insuring
club stock
Office Bearers
Runs Co-ordinator
Social Secretary
Membership Records
John B
John S
John T
01224 571984
01224 639012
01224 790269
01224 680749
07760 720428
01224 639012
Right to Ride Representatives
South Aberdeenshire
Central Aberdeenshire
John T
01330 823418
07547 953000
01224 639012
Runs Co-ordinators
Try Cycling Rides
Morning Runs
Slower Full Day Runs
Medium FDay Runs
Faster Full Day Runs
Additional Runs Leaders
Youth Development
The Mini Youth group block at Knockburn is near year
end. A newsletter detailing progress may be produced.
More coaches are needed in the New Year
Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were accepted as a correct record
Business Arising from Minute
a) Sponsorship –It was with great pleasure TierneyStrachan were welcomed as new sponsors. Support
for the future has been confirmed from MPH. Stena
Drilling and NORCO have yet to decide.
b) General Event Support –Carried over to next meeting
c) Christmas Lunch – 64 places have been booked for
the club’s Christmas Lunch and Presentation on 13
December at Knockburn. There have been challenges
in preparing the ceremony with a number of Award
winners not able to attend
Dave W
Dave B
Joe M
Liz L
01224 734799
01224 310719
01224 680749
01569 730313
01224 876136
01224 A
01224 630669
01224 318507
01224 869434
01224 583195
01224 314127
01224 682781
Newcomers: We welcome newcomers, particularly on the ‘Try
Cycling’ and ‘Morning’ runs. You do not need to be a member of
the CTC to join our runs, but after 4 or 5 runs you would be
N leader
expected to join the CTC. Ask
the run
for a membership
form or join through the CTC website:
Runs start promptly at the time stated. Distances are calculated
from the meeting place. Bring spare inner tube, puncture repair kit,
tools, wet weather gear, some food, drink and LIGHTS where
relevant. It is contact coffee/lunch stops with eta.
Try Cycling: Runs aimed at beginners, at a slow pace with
frequent stops, about 10 - 15 miles long. They may include a
coffee stop. The start point (Duthie Park, Riverside Drive) has
parking for those bringing their bikes to the start by car.
New Business
a) Mary Lindsay Award – It was decided to make this
award to someone associated with Youth
Development in the current year and not to award it
for competition in a particular event as originally
discussed. After further discussion it was
unanimously agreed to award it to Ashley Pearson for
her work with the Mini Youths
b) First Aid Course – Phil Glennie has agreed to run a 2Day First Aid Course at Knockburn on 30/31 January
2016. He is to bill the club for the event and in
exchange for assisting at events members will be
invited to attend on a first come first served basis
c) Deeside Facebook Group – Roy Milne has offered to
set up and administer a Facebook Group to encourage
participation in Training and Clubruns
Morning Runs: These runs are at a relatively slow pace and are
usually about 25–30 miles long. A coffee or picnic stop will
usually be made.
Full Day Runs: These are all-day runs intended for experienced
cyclists. A coffee stop and lunch/picnic stop will be made.
Distances and speeds vary as outlined below:
Slower Full Day Runs: Slowish - distance normally 30-45 miles
Medium FDay Runs: Moderate - distance normally 45-60 miles
Faster Full Day Runs: Fast pace - distance normally 60-75 miles
Pub Runs: Start prompt at the time stated, to reach the pub by 21:00
approximately. LIGHTS! For further information, contact Sheila
Bike & Hike: These runs are generally from Aberdeen to a beauty
spot for a short walk and picnic, before returning
Next Meeting
AGM on Wednesday 13 January at 8.00pm in Garlogie
Hall. Nominations are to be invited from members to fill
vacant committee positions
Social Evenings: Partners & friends welcome. Please arrive at
19:45 for a start at 20:00 and take a bottle and/or some food.
Please also give a contribution of £3.00 per head
Tea & Biscuits: Visits to member’s homes. Please give a
contribution of £2.00 per head
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
Sat 06 Feb Morning Run
D 09:30 Woodend
Eday Rd, coffee at Mains of Drum Garden Centre, Drumoak (01330
Sun 07 Feb Slower Full Day C 09:30 Duthie Park, Riverside
Drive, coffee at Asda, Portlethen (01224 782200), lunch at Kirktown
Garden Centre, Stonehaven (01569 764343).
Sun 07 Feb Try Cycling
E 10:00 Seaton Park, Don St
Entrance, Short easy rides, all welcome.
John C
Sat 13 Feb Medium Full Day B 09:30 Airyhall
coffee at Floras Cafe, Cullerlie (01330 860848), lunch at Dee's Teas,
Kincardine O Neil (01339 884202).
John T
Sun 14 Feb Faster Full Day
A 09:00 Parkhill Bridge, Dyce,
coffee at Old Post Office, Chapel of Garioch (01467 681660), lunch at
Cafe Treehouse, Midmar (01330 830000).
Sun 14 Feb Morning Run
D 09:30 Torry Battery Car
Park, coffee at Paul Lawrie Golf Ctr, Ardoe (01224 865751).
Sun 14 Feb Try Cycling
E 10:00 Duthie Park, Short
easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 20 Feb Slower Full Day C 09:30 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, coffee at Marshall's Farm Shop, Kinellar (01224 790493),
lunch at Bennachie Lodge, Kemnay (01467 642789).
Sun 21 Feb Faster Full Day
A 09:00 Peterculter (west end),
coffee at Inchmarlo Golf Club, Banchory (01330 827080), lunch at
Belwade Farm, Aboyne (013398-85398).
Sun 21 Feb Morning Run
D 09:30 Brig O Balgownie,
coffee at Parkhill Garden Centre, Parkhill (01224 722167).
John S
Sun 21 Feb Try Cycling
E 10:00 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 27 Feb Faster Full Day
A 09:00 B&Q, Bridge of Don,
coffee at Via Cassino, Ellon (01358 722372), lunch at St Olaf Hotel,
Cruden Bay (01779 813130).
John B
Sat 27 Feb Morning Run
D 09:30 Cults Library, coffee at
Peterculter Parish Church, Peterculter (07854 054090).
Liz L
Sun 28 Feb Medium Full Day B 09:30 Old
Maryculter, coffee at Kirktown Garden Centre, Stonehaven (01569
764343), lunch at Salutation Hotel, Inverbervie (01561 361455). Doug
Sun 28 Feb Try Cycling
E 10:00 Seaton Park, Don St
Entrance, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 05 Mar Faster Full Day
A 09:00 Westhill
Centre, coffee at Cafe Treehouse, Midmar (01330 830000), lunch at
Bistro, Alford (019755 63154).
John S
Sat 05 Mar Morning Run
D 09:30 Leggart Terrace, coffee
at Teacake, Chapelton of Elsick (07917 762464).
Sun 06 Mar Slower Full Day C 09:30 Brig O Balgownie,
coffee at Parkhill Garden Centre, Parkhill (01224 722167), lunch at
Newburgh Inn, Newburgh (01358 578888).
Sun 06 Mar Try Cycling
E 10:00 Duthie Park, Riverside
Drive, Short easy rides, all welcome.
John C
Sat 12 Mar Memorial Run
C 09:30 Airyhall
coffee at Floras Cafe, Cullerlie (01330 860848), lunch at Albert and
Muriel's, Monymusk, BYO sandwiches. Memorial Run.
Dave W
Sun 13 Mar Faster Full Day
A 09:00 Old
Maryculter, coffee at Kirktown Garden Centre, Stonehaven (01569
764343), lunch at The Anchor, Johnshaven (01561 362288).
Dave B
Sun 13 Mar Morning Run
D 09:30 Seaton Park St Machar
Entrance, The Chanonry, coffee at Craibstone Golf Club, Craibstone
(01224 716777).
Sun 13 Mar Try Cycling
E 10:00 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 19 Mar Slower Full Day C 09:30 Brig O Balgownie,
coffee at Parkhill Garden Centre, Parkhill (01224 722167), lunch at
Ross's Coffee Shop, Inverurie (01467 620764).
Sun 20 Mar Faster Full Day
A 09:00 Parkhill Bridge, Dyce,
coffee at Lochters, Oldmeldrum (01651 872000/78), lunch at
Kellockbank, Insch (01464 851114).
Sun 20 Mar Morning Run
D 09:30 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, coffee at Marshall's Farm Shop, Kinellar (01224 790493).Anne
Sun 20 Mar Try Cycling
E 10:00 Seaton Park, Don St
Entrance, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 26 Mar Faster Full Day
A 09:00 Peterculter (west end),
coffee at Platform 22, Torphins (01339 882807), lunch at Gordon
Highlander, Inverurie (01467626780).
John B
Sat 26 Mar Morning Run
D 09:30 FourMile
Kingswells, coffee at Floras Cafe, Cullerlie (01330 860848).
Sun 27 Mar Special
01:00 Switch
Summer Time, clocks go forward by 1 hour.
Sun 20 Dec Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, coffee at Crathes Castle, Banchory (01330 844634/52), lunch
at Kirktown Garden Centre, Stonehaven (01569 764343).
John B
Sun 20 Dec Morning Run
D 09:30 Footdee
House), coffee at Parkhill Garden Centre, Parkhill (01224 722167).Anne
Sun 20 Dec Try Cycling
E 10:00 Duthie Park, Riverside
Drive, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 26 Dec Special
B 10:00 Leggart Terrace, lunch
at Mains of Balquharn, Portlethen (01224 783856), Boxing Day Special
Sun 27 Dec Slower Full Day C 10:00 Tesco, Woodend for
coffee, Run starts at 10:30, lunch at Beakies Neuk, Newmachar (01651
Sun 27 Dec Try Cycling
E 10:00 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, Short easy rides, all welcome.
2 Jan Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Leggart Terrace, coffee
at Sterling Furniture store, Bridge of Don (01224 704250), lunch at
New Inn, Ellon (01358 720425).
John T
Sat 02 Jan Morning Run
D 09:30 Airyhall
coffee at Tesco, Lang Stracht.
Sun 03 Jan Medium Full Day C 09:30 Airyhall
coffee at Marshall's Farm Shop, Kinellar (01224 790493), lunch at
Ross's Coffee Shop, Inverurie (01467 620764).
Sun 03 Jan Try Cycling
D 10:00 Duthie Park, Riverside
Drive, Short easy rides, All welcome.
Sat 09 Jan Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, coffee at Marshall's Farm Shop, Kinellar (01224 790493),
lunch at Crathes Castle, Banchory (01330 844634/52).
Sat 09 Jan Morning Run
D 09:30 Brig O Balgownie,
coffee at Sterling Furniture store, Bridge of Don (01224 704250). Cindy
Sun 10 Jan Try Cycling
E 10:00 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sun 10 Jan Slower Full Day C 10:00 Asda, Dyce (01224
724134) for coffee, Run starts at 10:30, lunch at Redgarth Hotel,
Oldmeldrum (01651 872353).
Sat 16 Jan Social
00:00 Please let Gordon
(01224 318507) know by this date, if attending the Burns Supper on the
23rd of Jan.
Sat 16 Jan Medium Full Day C 09:30 Leggart Terrace, coffee
at Teacake, Chapelton of Elsick (07917 762464), lunch at Burnett
Arms, Banchory (01330 824944).
Sun 17 Jan Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Leggart Terrace, coffee
at Kirktown Garden Centre, Stonehaven (01569 764343), lunch at
Salutation Hotel, Inverbervie (01561 361455).
Sun 17 Jan Morning Run
D 09:30 Cults Library, coffee at
Wynford Farm, Kingswells (01224 745411).
Sun 17 Jan Try Cycling
E 10:00 Seaton Park, Don St
Entrance, Short easy rides, all welcome.
John C
Sat 23 Jan Slower Full Day C 09:30 Airyhall
coffee at Mains of Drum Garden Centre, Drumoak (01330 811000),
lunch at Raemoir Garden Centre, Banchory (01330 825059).
Sat 23 Jan Social
19:45 90 Hammerfield Ave,
Burns Supper at Gordon and Hilda's. Names to Gordon (01224 318507)
by Sat 16th Jan, if attending. Attendees should also bring dessert and
Sun 24 Jan Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Airyhall
coffee at Cafe Treehouse, Midmar (01330 830000), lunch at Inchmarlo
Golf Club, Banchory (01330 827080).
John S
Sun 24 Jan Morning Run
D 09:30 Footdee
House), coffee at Tesco, Danestone (01224 809500).
Liz L
Sun 24 Jan Try Cycling
E 10:00 Duthie Park, Riverside
Drive, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 30 Jan Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, coffee at Crathes Castle, Banchory (01330 844634/52), lunch
at Ross's Coffee Shop, Inverurie (01467 620764).
John B
Sat 30 Jan Morning Run
D 09:30 Duthie Park, Riverside
Dr, coffee at Peterculter Parish Ch, Peterculter (07854 054090). Anne
Sun 31 Jan Medium Full Day C 09:30 B&Q, Bridge of Don,
coffee at The Store, Foveran (01358 788083), lunch at Redgarth Hotel,
Oldmeldrum (01651 872353).
Dave W
Sun 31 Jan Try Cycling
E 10:00 Hazlehead, Groats Rd
Car Park, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Sat 06 Feb Faster Full Day
B 09:30 Leggart Terrace, coffee
at Raemoir Garden Centre, Banchory (01330 825059), lunch at Dee's
Teas, Kincardine O Neil (01339 884202).
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
Sun 27 Mar Medium Full Day B 09:30 Westhill
Centre, coffee at Cafe Treehouse, Midmar (01330 830000), lunch at
Belwade Farm, Aboyne (013398-85398).
Sun 27 Mar Try Cycling
E 10:00 Duthie Park, Riverside
Drive, Short easy rides, all welcome.
Distance (miles): A*:75+ A:60-75 B:45-60 C:30-45 D:20-30 E:10-15
i) Saturday - 9am - Peterculter SPAR shop - 2.5 hours
with some periods of near race intensity and disciplined
group riding. Contact Ian Brown [email protected] or
Laurent [email protected]
Saturday – 10am - Banchory Car ParkProgressive rides in Zone 2 (15-18mph) start from
Banchory every Saturday morning at 10.00am – weather
dependent - for the period to March 2016 -- Focus is on
base building and riding skills. Contact Neil Howarth
[email protected] for details
k) Sunday – 10.00am - Banchory, The Square Car Park,
Town Hall. Two or three groups depending on numbers:
a Fast group leaving at 10:00am, a second Fast group at
10:03 and a Steady group at 10:05 for new or recovering
riders. The Steady group will try not to drop anyone. All
head to Ballater for coffee and then may choose different
return routes. To join email group, contact Bill Byth
[email protected]
l) Sunday Steady runs leaving Kintore, 50 to 60 miles
[email protected] for further details.
Note – Banchory runs have an added meeting point
where departure is at 8 am on Saturday and Sunday
mornings from Tesco's at Mannofield. Whoever is there
is included. We set out along the North Deeside Road
and pick others up along the way as and when they join.
Richard Harris has set up a WhatsApp group for
information and if people want to be included they just
have to drop him an email on [email protected]
a) Monday - Metafit Class - Metafit Airyhall
Community Centre, Countesswells Road. Every Monday
night 7.25 – 7.55pm. £3.50/class. High intensity interval
session. Contact [email protected] mobile
07736247911 Facebook page Metafit Airyhall
b) Tuesday – The Road Race Team meet on Tuesdays
at 1800 at Peterculter bus stop, opposite Spar. Now into
winter we will be doing night rides, 40 miles at Z2-Z3,
starting steady in October building up to spring. Lights
and mudguards are essential, as are good group riding
skills. Please ensure your bike is in good working order
and carry appropriate spares / tools. Route
[email protected]
c) Tuesday – Banchory Bike Shop at 18.15 – Hilly Ride
– Steady. John F. [email protected]
d) Tuesday - Turbo Session - FFT turbo training
sessions started Tuesday, 6th of October at the Cults
Sports Complex in Quarry Road (next to Cults
Academy). Sessions are suitable for both Cyclists and
Triathletes. Doors will open at 7pm in the main gym hall.
Over the winter we will progressively develop bike skills
and fitness starting with the skill of pedalling quickly and
smoothly. It is useful if you have a computer which can
measure cadence for these sessions. Cost, £4 for FFT
members, £6 for non-members.
e) Wednesday - Very civilised run with a coffee stop.
Pace is moderate to fast. Start from Banchory Town Hall
at 10:00hrs. Around 50 miles, returning well before
14:00hrs. Contact [email protected] to join the email
f) Thursday – Every Thursday 10am – 11am at
Knockburn Sports Academy (£5 per session). Starting
Thursday 29 October 2015. Weekly progression – all
abilities catered for. The sessions will be structured,
progressive and continue throughout the winter months.
This is the ideal way to get fit over the winter and to be
ready to enjoy the spring and summer. If you are
interested please contact Sarah Rowe (ABCC and BC
[email protected] or 07970 919453
g) Thursday – Turbo Training – Sessions at Crathes
Hall every Thursday @ 1730-1900 and run through
March 2016. The format is the same as previous years,
structured and progressive. 8 weeks base, 8 weeks power,
[email protected] if you're interested - Nelly
h) Friday – Very civilised run with a coffee stop. Pace
is moderate to fast. Start from Banchory Town Hall at
10:00hrs. Around 50 miles, returning well before
14:00hrs. Contact [email protected] to join the email
More detail
Organised runs take place throughout the northeast. Leaders
are invited to publish details in this column and to post them
To confirm any particular run prospective participants should
make prior arrangement with the organiser. Or, indeed, you
are welcome to advertise your run here.
To keep this column accurate please update your
information. If sessions have ceased or if you have a new
session started please contact [email protected].
Banchory - Bill Byth
Very civilised midweek & Sunday club runs arranged by
email with a stop for coffee and scones. Pace is moderate
too fast. Depending on levels of fitness we may set off a
faster group first followed by a moderate group five
minutes later. Start from Banchory Town Hall at
10:00hrs. The route is decided on the day but is usually
up the Dee Valley to Ballater for coffee, around 50 miles,
returning well before 14:00hrs. Midweek runs are usually
Wednesday and Friday but may also be on other days.
Contact [email protected] to join the email list.
Stonehaven Training Sessions - Fleet-Feet Triathletes
Multiple training sessions are available through FleetFeet. These include circuit training, interval running,
swimming and trail running. See for
more information.
If you’d like to add any training sessions to this column
please get in contact with Sandy on [email protected].
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
When (1) appears at the end of an item that item will not
appear next month (unless requested). Items that sell
before the third month should be notified to the editor.
Boardman Team CX 2012 cyclocross bike, 56cm.
Metallic grey with SRAM Apex shifters & cable
es/cyclo-cross/product/review-boardman-cx-team11-45403/ As new condition. £600. Contact
[email protected] or 07941-856223 (1)
It's a Ridley Aedon 716A road bike. 3 gears at
front 8 at back. 55cms frame with carbon fibre
forks. Colour Red. White and blue. I'm asking for
[email protected]
818865 (1)
Excellent Winter Trainer or Commuter Bike.
£475. Planet X Kaffenback 2 Shimano Tiagra
Road Bike. Large Matt Black steel frame with
bike shop fitted full SKS Chromoplastic Road
Mudguard Set Black, well maintained & cleaned.
Purchased new Nov 2013. Shimano Tiagra
CS4600 Cassette / 10 Speed, FSA Gossamer
Chainset 2013 / 172.5mm / Black / 5034T, OnOne
Bignose Saddle, Shimano Tiagra ST4600 STI
Levers, Planet X Superlight Team 3D Forged
Stem 100 mm / Polished Black / 6 degrees / 318
mm Clamp, Mach 1 820 Rims On Deore M475
29er Wheelset / 29 Inch / Black / 32/32,
Continental 28 Gatorskin tyres, Shimano RT66 6Bolt Disc Rotor / 160mm, Avid BB7 Mechanical
Disc Brake Road. Contact: Ronan Anderson Tel:
07768705642/[email protected] (1)
4 a) Cervelo P3 Time Trial Bike, 2011 model, 3T
Ventus cockpit, SRAM Red all round (brakes,
F&R mech, cranks), great condition. Size Medium
so would fit c. 5' 8" to 5' 11". No Wheels. Looking
for around £1700 (1)
b) Rocky Mtn ETSX30 Mtn Bike. Size 15". Frame
and suspension (Fox Talas) in good condition.
Needs some work, new brake cables, chain. (quote
from Highland Cycles to put right c. £200). Price
as is £500. If I fix up slightly more. Viewing
recommended (1)
c) Pair of virtually new Schwalbe Ice Spiker tyres.
Only ridden 6 laps of Strathpuffer - c.50 miles.
£80 for the pair (1)
If you are interested in any of the above contact
[email protected] or call/text 07464
Trek Domane 4.5 (2013) Stunning bike in
excellent condition which unfortunately hasn't
been used much (certainly not to its full potential)
Full carbon fibre 54cm frame. Bought it for £2100
new & looking for £1200 ONO. It has been kept
indoors throughout & will come with a
which was bought separately & fitted into the
frame itself making it aerodynamic. There are also
front & rear Cateye lights which come with it. The
DOMANE features isospeed technology which
softens the blow on rough roads. Fantastic bike all
here: (2)
Complete kit for installation of a Rohloff 14 speed
hub gear on your 26" wheeled mountain bike.
Included are the hub complete with 32 spoke
Mavic XC 717 wheel (straight and true) and
Panaracer FireXCPro 26x2.1" tyre. A 160mm disc
is fitted. Also included is a 40T Race Face front
ring with fitting kit (spacers), Rohloff chain
tensioner, Speedbone (for IS Disc mounts),
Rohloff chain guide, axle plates (x2), Rohloff grip
shift type changer complete with cables etc.,
SRAM PC890 chain, grips to suit Rohloff grip
shift changer, and full Rohloff installation manual.
Spare oil for oil changes in the hub is also
included. Please be aware that this kit should fit a
26" mountain bike with IS disc mounts, however
because of the myriad of possible configurations,
some additional items may be required. Note all
items are used, however in good condition and
completely serviceable. SJS Cycles can supply all
Rohloff parts. £750 ovno. Further details/pictures
available by e mail - [email protected] (2)
New Genesis Equilibrium 725 Steel 2015 model
in size 58cm. This bike has only been on four
rides with less than 150 miles in the wheels and
has the following specs: Frame: Reynolds 725
Heat-Treated Cr-Mo w/ mudguard & rack eyelets
(Di2/Mech. compatible). Fork: Carbon Road w/ 11/8" Alloy Steerer & mudguard eyelets. Headset:
FSA Orbit Equipe Sealed Cartridge (1-1/8").
Weight: Frame - 1.96 kg (56cm w/o pedals) Fork 0.59 kg (278mm steerer). Shimano Ultegra 6800
Groupset. Mavic Ksyrium Elite Wheelset. TRP
RG957 Long Reach Brakes (upgraded from the
ultegra brakes which are also provided). Ritchey
WCS Stem. Specialized 44cm Alloy Bars. Fizik
Antares R3 Saddle. Canyon VCLS carbon seat
post – super strong and comfortable. Shimano
Ultegra Carbon Pedals. SKS Chromoplastic
Mudguards. Continental Grand Prix 4 Season
Tyres. Total build cost came to £1825.00 pounds
– will sell for £1400. The same spec from a store
would be well over £2000! This is an absolutely
bombproof bike – fast and extremely smooth, the
ride with steel is something very special. Please
[email protected] to view/test ride.
Pictures can be viewed on Gumtree (2)
Thule 2 bike Clip-On High rear door mounted
rack for sale. I bought this after using one in Spain
and finding it much easier to use than my roof
Recommendations, saw Mondeo Estate and
ordered from Amazon Oct 30 for £185.
Assembled it last week only to find it doesn't fit
my newer 2012 Mondeo Estate. Way beyond
return date. My fault for not reading carefully and
I guess I really shouldn't use it though it is
tempting. If you fancy a brand new, assembled
and unused rack I'd love to sell for around £100.
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
But check the Thule website below for
compatibility for a wide range of estates, hatches
and SUVs - just not our Mondeo!
Contact Bill on [email protected] (3)
Specialized Allez Road Race Bike. Frame - 54cm
Colour - Blue & White with Black Trim. Gears Shimano XTR / Tiagra Gears. Crank (s) – Sugino
RD 3000 & Shimano 600. New Rear Tyre. Cleats
Fitted. Excellent Condition (Been used the last 2 +
years on a Turbo Trainer Only). £150. Contact
Nikk Horne on 07801 999174 or email:
[email protected] (3)
Club Member Catherine Ross (MBE) has
arranged with Tesco Banchory to do a Till
Packing* on behalf of the Army Benevolent
Fund (ABF) on WEDNESDAY 23rd
DECEMBER and at present she is woefully
short of volunteers
How about some, no, a lot of you fit young
people doing a bit at the Tills for a very good
So far the Club is represented by me and
Howard Mallen, both a bit long in the tooth for
a long session and anyway we are
representing Banchory Men's Shed (no we
don't have one yet, but we're working on that)
CLUB KIT – New Stock
Come on, half an hour, an hour, two hours,
surely you can manage a wee bit? Any bit of
time between 08:30 and 17:30 would be great.
It's a very good cause and you'll feel really
good about doing a good thing for Xmas
We have recently replenished stock levels and
so if you have pre-ordered kit or are waiting for
new stock to come in please contact Mark
directly to arrange for collection
The website,, is now upto-date in terms of stock. If the site returns a
sold out notification then regrettably we do not
have the item in stock and will not have until the
next order is placed early in the New Year. If we
have the item please proceed to payment.
Contact me, Bill Byth on [email protected] or
Catherine at [email protected]
*Just in case you have been off-shore for too long you pack the folk's stuff in their bags and they are
so grateful that they put a bit of change in the
bucket that you display prominently or nudge in
front of their trolley with your foot. This is a proven
money spinner and you can wear that Christmas
outfit that your partner won't let you out of the
house in. Just a suggestion, not compulsory, and
Irene won't let me either. Or our Club jersey - the
sponsors would like that and green and red is kind
of Christmassy.
Mark can be contacted on
[email protected] or on 07557 345343.
Collection is preferred on Sunday evenings by
prior arrangement but other arrangements can be
made by exception
Make Christmas Happy
Deeside Thistle Cycling Club
Wednesday 13 January 2016 at 8.00pm
Garlogie Hall, Garlogie
Eligible to attend are Full and Family Members
Chairman’s Remarks
Annual Report
Financial Report
Championship Report
Election of Officials
It is hoped there will be a good attendance. A number of Office Bearers have stood down so if
you would like to help run your club now is your chance
Comments/enquiries to [email protected]
Christmas time …….Mistletoe and wine
Ian Grant
Gardening: - Grass Cutting
General Tidying - Rotovation
Pressure washing - Tree Surgery,
Welding (electric) and small repairs
£9.00/hr or estimates
30 Sclattie Park, Bucksburn, Aberdeen
Tel (01224) 713033
Workshops, Musical Theatre, Performance
Class, Exam classes
Rhona Mitchell, BA (Hons), Dip S&D, TQSE,
01467 621861
Car Clinic contacts: [email protected] ,
Car Clinic, Unit 2, Hillview Road, East
Tullos, Aberdeen, AB12 3HB
(01224) 891414
Car Clinic, Broadfold Road, Bridge of
Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8EE Phone:
(01224) 821010
Grampian Health Foods
Mon - Fri 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday 9 am - 5.30pm
Sunday Closed
34 Market Street
AB11 5PL
01224 590 886
Total Endurance
Scientific Cycle Coaching for Fitness, Bike
Racing & Multisport. One to one coaching and
personalised training to help you to reach your potential
as a bike rider. Substantial discounts for DTCC
For more information contact Ken Bryson Email [email protected]
Tel 01224 877533
This small area has been reserved to persuade each
member who has read this far, to invite anyone showing
an interest in cycling to apply for membership of
Britain’s biggest cycling club
Membership Application
Name: ……………………………………………....
Address: …………………………………….……...
Phone Number:…………………….……………….
Email: ………………………………………………
Date of Birth: …………..…………………………..
Please complete and return to Sandy Lindsay, Rowan
Cottage, Inveramsay, Inverurie, AB51 5DQ Telephone
(01467) 681330 or email: [email protected]
The DeesideHealth
Thistle Cycling Club publishes this magazine. The Editor is Sandy Lindsay MBE, Rowan Cottage,
Inveramsay, Inverurie, AB51 5DQ. Tel: Pitcaple (01467) 681330 – Email: [email protected]
Mon - Fri 9 am - 6
Saturday 9 am 5.30pm
Sunday Closed