full program listing - The Black Academy of Arts and Letters!
full program listing - The Black Academy of Arts and Letters!
33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 3 9/14/09 11:37:59 AM GreetinGs from the Black academy of arts and letters (tBaal)! The late president John F. Kennedy once said, “I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in policies, but for our contributions to the human spirit.” These words could not have been more profound at this point in TBAAL’s and our nation’s and world history. We want you, our patrons, to remember us for preserving, promoting, cultivating and fostering the arts and letters of the African, Caribbean and African American experience. We want you to remember us for the diversity of programs we continue to offer. Our 32nd season was a blast! And as we venture into our 33rd season, I am even more energized and thrilled for you to see what we have in store just for you! The music soars! The theatre is heartrending! The dance dazzles! The films entertain! The visual arts exhibits are rich and effervescent! From the emerging to the veteran artists, our 33rd season is filled with a potpourri of entertainment! As we continue to diversify and broaden our reach to strengthen our partnerships and alliances with venues like the Dallas Center for the Performing Arts and other institutions in America, we enthusiastically have embarked upon fertile and unchartered ground where we endeavor to jointly share our artistic ideas, examine our thoughts and have a positive discourse about “our contributions to the human spirit.” For season 33 at TBAAL, I invite you to join forces with us to not only support our enterprise here but to help catapult us in moving forward to fulfill our American desire to make Dallas an even greater arts city and thriving third cultural coast. For season 33 at TBAAL, I encourage you to get your tickets now and become a member and enjoy the many benefits and discounts, at a very modest price, as only a TBAAL member can obtain. Get on our mailing list, email database and receive constant programs updates and corporate surprise gifts. Visit our website at www.tbaal.org and learn more about TBAAL’s incredible 33 year journey! When you support us, you’re supporting a legacy, an institution and a generation of children yet to be born! Curtis King TBAAL Founder and President 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 4 9/14/09 11:38:12 AM season 33 Highlights DAnCE February •WeekendFestivalofBlack Dance,RhythmandSoulof aPeoplep.15 FiLM november •24-HourFilmfeast Featuring Filmmaker Warrington Hudlin p.8 •SISTERS:An Open Dialogue Between Light And Dark Skin African Americans p.20 June •PoetsN’Jazz#3 Wine, Watermelon, The Word Starring C.O.C.O. Brown p.20 •ThreeGentlemenOfGospel •Three Gentlemen Of Gospel A Tribute To Rance Allen, Daryl Coley and Walter Hawkins p.3 •ThePinkElephantConcert •The N’dambip.5 Starring N’dambi november •Jazz •JazzAndSoul Featuring Ramsey Lewis and Al Jarreau p.5 •GospelRootsConcert Featuring The Terrell Sisters p.8 december •17thAnnualChristmas/KwanzaaConcert p.9 •JazzAtTheMuse “Take 2” Concertp.13 •JazzAtTheMuse The Sugar Concertp.16 march •PoetsN’Jazz#2 Hosted By Malcolm Jamal Warner p.18 PLATinum February •“HereComesthePayne” Comes the Payne” p.13 •ComedyNightattheMuse Featuring B-Phlat p.16 •“TheCleanUpWoman”p.16 •Jazz •JazzAtTheMuse Thunder Soul Concert Featuring Kashmere Reunion Stage Band p.20 march June April •JazzAtTheMuse “Peel Me A Grape” Concert Starring Martha Burks p.22 •“PictureIncomplete”p.16 •ComedyNightattheMuse Featuring AJ Jamal p.18 •“BonitaandBillie” p.19 thEAtrE october •ComedyNightAtTheMuse Featuring Pierre p.2 •“Ali...TheManTheMyth ThePeoplesChampion”p.4 •ComedyNightattheMuse •Comedy Night at the Muse D.19 Featuring Sonya D november June •ComedyNight Featuring Corey Holcomb Holcomb p.6 •ComedyNightattheMuse Featuring Cocoa Brown p.20 VisuAL Arts September February •America:ANationOf Cowards?Featuring Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins p.15 •“Don’tBeDeceived,There’s StillSomeGoodMeLeft” Some Good Me Left” p.12 February may m october o ctober •BuildingTowardAMore PerfectUnion...An Open Dialogue Between African Americans and Anglo Americans with Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert and Texas Senator Royce Westp.10 •JazzAtMuse •Jazz At Muse Xavier on Pianop.12 •Jazz •JazzAtTheMuse Rockin’ In Rhythm Starring JoMarie Payton p.18 MusiC Musi C January January march •24-HourFilmfeast In Memory of Esther Rolle A Cinematic Close Up Featuring Actor Antonio Fargas p.14 •BuildingTowardAMore PerfectUnion...An Open Dialogue Between African Americans and Turkishp.5 •ComedyNightattheMuse Featuring Damon Williams p.9 may February LitErA LitErArY ArY r october december January •27thAnnualBlackMusic Annual Black Music AndTheCivilRights Civil Rights MovementConcert:A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. p.11 GoLd • Gala at the Dallas •TBAALGalaattheDallas CenterforthePerforming for the Performing Arts“Hip Hop Broadway: The Musical” p.7 •“One •“OneDivaandTwenty-One Dudes’’Visual Arts Extravaganza p.1 •GalleryExhibition •Gallery Opening!“Building From Scratch…Sustaining the Legacy of an Institution and Its People” p.2 ARTISTSANDPROGRAMSSUBJECT TOCHANGEWITHOUTNOTICE. Corporate sponsors mediA The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, Inc. 2009-2010 33rd season programs are supported in part by the City of Dallas - Office of Cultural Affairs, American Airlines, Fairmont Hotel Dallas, Centerplate, The Dallas Weekly, Downtown Business News, Evans Engraving, TXA 21/CBS 11, Radio One-Dallas, KKDA-AM/K104 FM Radio, Vinson Creative Solutions, Peachez, Inc. and The Design Factory. American Airlines is the official air carrier and The Fairmont Hotel Dallas is the official hotel for TBAAL’s 33rd Season. 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 5 9/14/09 11:38:34 AM SEPTEMBER 2009 D n A A V i s” A “OnE DY-OnE DuDEA z n A G tWEnLtArTS exTrAV ViSuA theArtists nd-Greet remony oMeet-a t wardsCe n A o d ti n p a ce r e e n R in g in D .m.– .–Open how|7p 5-10p.m .m.-ArtS velsI&2 p 5 – . g .m Friday,25 plex|Le in a biddin 11a how atreCom 6 e S 2 r h rt e y, T n a r A – in rd te . to engage D n e s ve IE C Satu p.m rd ha n N a t -6 o N w n’ ti 1 A o n A a e 7 |$40– AAL! You w ny and you’ll see Div llasConv Sunday,2 ALD ntoShow er than TB N o TBAALDa o th O si o em D is e , er m C ac N d pl W eralA d Awards es in no NYBRO $5–Gen KING, al arts Dud w, Dinner an ROWN, J.ANTHO N,MELVIN and ty-one visu B nd Art Sho TO ” en ke O IN tw H ee H d C w r N an IM S la O al arts Diva Dallas for a spectacu BLACK, LARRY“P D,ANDREHINES,T , KEVINWILLIAM d one visu N E O in fin LI O TO t R G up W n’ A E o IN w H T w o H A You do is sh RL WAS ,KENG BIBBS,C u need to CHARLES ZIER,JOJOFEKWA N, JOHNTOMS, BU war. All yo UNBEAL, A O H R S S F P K La M N O es A H ud FR RET rLEE and D EROYCAMPBELL, NN, AND et Cente work. Y,L JERRY LY ites Mark rate. d sell their u S an n CALLOWA EN, TERRY LYNN, gn to si , l Shera FT Dudes” nd to chat host hote d Twenty-One LIONEL LO NG. They’ll be on ha n contact a U se O a a Y iv T le D R p E e GILB rates, e “On quest th nd hotel al weeke 88.627.7074. Re 8 For speci ns servatio Dallas re 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 6 9/14/09 11:38:39 AM SEA SO N g gALLErY EXhiBitiOn “B “BuiLDing FrOM sCrAtCh . . . sust sustAining thE LEgACY OF An institutiOn AnD its PEOPLE” September26,2009–August28,2010 GalleryHours:Tuesday–Friday,10a.m.–6p.m. Saturday,Noon–4p.m. JamesE.KempGallery DonationsAccepted It is seldom that one gets the opportunity to absorb living history that’s informative, encouraging, inspiring and educational. Make it a family outing and bring your children and youth to view this one-on-one educational exhibition which chronicles the cultural and artistic contributions made by African American artists and scholars who have been a part of The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL) history. See vintage and contemporary photographs, film footages, institutional documents, oral histories, celebrity memorabilia and archival ephemera. OCTOBER FeATurinG Pierre Friday,2&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$15 This is the perfect spot to see hot comic PIERRE from ComicView, Badboys of Comedy, Def Jam and Comedy Central. He is no joke and he’s ready and waiting to set Dallas on fire with laughter! 1 # Friday,9&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$10 They’re rhymin’ and rappin’ to the music of pop, jazz, hip-hop and blues. Come see what the new generation of poets have to say! PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 7 2 9/14/09 11:38:50 AM L e P S o G en oF m e L T n e G n, E e L e L s r A n H E i T C K n W A A r ALtEr h utE tO A triB OLEY AnD W DArYL C . [email protected] Monday,1 nMainStage to NaomiBru ra hest rc O – 0 2 $ zzanine $15–Me PAGe country will around the ti-award m o fr s ie l and mul el luminar ternationa ents! Gosp ecial d work of in ing testam WKINS. Sp liv an A e d H lif an R e E s th LT ng e be A so at W ill e br w d le ar g an ce es in Their liv The even L COLEY salute and MSTONG. TRUE EN, DARY n Dallas to , R o LL ns A up io A LL E ut E nd C it B ce N st as in RA SSA and VANE las religious spel artists winning go ude KERVYBROWN ar old established Dal CHES. cl R ye U in 9 H 9 TISTC guests will historically ROVEBAP with three SHADYG d an highlighted IP BELL. H S FRIEND RJEROME LEE,NEW ITHPASTO W G IN K BYCURTIS DB PRODUCE 3 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 8 9/14/09 11:38:55 AM SEA SO N ENCORE! Thursday,15@10:30a.m.-NaomiBrutonMainStage Thursday, RSVP RSVPforTicketsbycalling800-225-7988 Five incredible stories highlighting five great authors, Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving, W.W. Jacobs, Guy de Maupassant and Mark Twain are brought to life on stage in the productions of THE THETELLTALEHEART,THELEGENDOFSLEEPYHOLLOW,THEMONKEY’SPAW,THE NECKLACEandTHECELEBRATEDJUMPINGFROGOFCALAVERASCOUNTY. NECKLACE Presented in partnership with Chamber Theatre Productions. Kierra Gray “YOu CA n BE” CO FeATurin nCErt G rACHe L duPA Rachel Dupard rd And Friday,16& KierrA G Saturday,1 [email protected] ClarenceM rAY . useCaféTh eatre|$1 0 Hip Hop mee ts Jazz and Gos stage perfor ming standa pel when two young te enage singin rds and thei r own origin g sensations al tunes. In take the a word, they ’re remarka ble! “AL . . . thE MAn thE MYth “ALi thE PEOPLEs ChAMPiOn” th STA STArrinG VinCenT CooK Friday,23&Saturday,[email protected]. Friday, ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$15 Clarence It’s an up close and personal portrait of Muhammad Ali’s historic battles in and out of the ring, revealing his biggest fight of all. VINCENTCOOK provocatively changes into Muhammad Ali and embarks upon his life’s long journey to becoming ‘the world’s greatest’ in this one-man show. PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 9 4 9/14/09 11:39:11 AM SEASON THE BLACK ACADE OF ARTS AND LETTEMY RS SEPTEMBER 2009 - AUGU ST 20 10 THE BLACK THE BLACK ACADEMY OF ARTS AND LETTERS SEPTEMBER 2009 - AUGUST 2010 BuiLDing tOWArD A MOrE PErFECt uniOn . . . An OPEn DiALOguE BEtWEEn AFriCAn AMEriCAns AnD turKish SEA SO N ACAD EMY [email protected]. RoomT-203-$15 Dogan Koc The history of the Turkish and people of African descent started more than 1,000 years ago when the Ottomans blocked Europeans to colonized Africa. Over the years, the association between Africa and Turkey became more intense and yet stronger. Come see Turkish Scholar DOGANKOCtalk about this fascinating bond between Africa and Turkey and its influence on African American relationships. Ert OnC C t n A EPh K EL thE PGinn’dAmBi STArrin .m. ay, 31 @ 9 p rd u, tu a S & 0 3 Erykah Bad $20 | Friday, e my winner tr m es a is ra e G h om tiT pr ul M . It se Café singer for nk Elephant w album, Pi use Café! background Clarence Mu awaited ne M and former e long ul ngbird at th s native, so metown with her third Neo-soul so y Dallas, Texa ho ltr r su he is to th s ’t miss return N’DAMBI d charts. Don airwaves an to burst the Ramsey Lewis JAZZ AnD sOuL FEATURING RAMSEY LEWIS AND AL JARREAU Wednesday,[email protected]. MargotandBillWinspearOperaHouse DowntownDallasArtsDistrict 2403FloraStreet,Dallas Al Jarreau $25 – Starlight | $35 – Grand Tier | $55 – Mezzanine & Dress Circle $75 – Orchestra & Orchestra Terrace | $125 – Premium Orchestra & Box Circle Celebrating the blend of jazz, blues, gospel and R&B, Jazz and Soul spotlights two celebrated artists who took jazz, merged it with soul and made the rest their own signature sounds. For tickets, call DCPA (214) 880-0202. A partnership with the Dallas Center for the Performing Arts (DCPA) and Larry Rosen’s “Jazz Roots” Program. 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 10 9/14/09 11:39:20 AM NOVEMBER FEATURING COREY HOLCOMB Friday,6&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$15 A TBAAL favorite, COREYHOLCOMB is back for a third season. Holcomb is funny! He teased and tickled audiences from Bill Bellamy’s Who’s Got Jokes? and Byron Allen’s Comics Unleashed and he’s going to taunt TBAAL’s audiences too. Just come and see! tBAAL C hiLDrEn ’s ChOr YOuth us AnD st Featurin ring OrChE strA CO g town view Ch nCErt orus and or Saturday,7 Chestra @8p.m. RoomT31 2&313-$ 10 Some of the most their musical talented youth sizzle an d so gifts perform ing from clas ar in their third season at TBAAL show sical to pop DEVLINDeC casing and spiritual UTLER and s to Broadw ANNAKLO ay songs. C-RODRIG UEZ, Condu ctors VOiCEs OF POEtrY #1 # 1 Thursday,12@7:30p.m. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$10 It’s a night of open mic and it’s just right for a whimsical experience when poets gather at TBAAL to let their creative juices flow. PresentedinpartnershipwithRegentManagement. PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 11 4 9/14/09 11:39:32 AM Er t n E C s ALLA D E h t At A L rts A A g g L n i AL” A C A M i r s tB u O F M r PE thE FOr thEP BrOADWAY: Fer i n n O e J h , Adu “hiP B LYn H o A r K Y A r H e , e G STArrin Y, meLBA moorP. FieLdS HoLLidAeLL and FeLiCiA BLACKW 0p.m. se 14@7:3 OperaHou Saturday, sp in W ear ill B d t an ic t Margo rtsDistr nDallasA Downtow t e e Str 2403Flora ra&Terrace hest $75–Orc wo rOne&T $50–Tie r ndTie $35–Gra tional k Tie op Blac ATTire: PAGe on perforaugural seas e DCPA’s in e highlights some of ut in -m 90 ical revu is original ELBA bered in th dazzling mus ny Award winners M To d and remem fast paced, up tempo, an e re lit ud ve po cl re ro in is et Broadway ord, this t artists will BADU, M Color r ERYKAH of spoken w show tunes. The gues t he ne bi in “T w A ’s ! d ay ce ar w man able Broad my Aw most memor OLLIDAY, multi Gram LICIAP.FIELDS from g with Broadway’s FE Purple” alon RH ,” E or ia ol IF C ph N N So he s. JE “T d ne! ’s “M , an ay yo E LL w er R E ev ad O W r ro O K C M also from B htful treat fo re, Holliday, OLYNBLA lig LL R A A de D H a N ar is E St Opera (L-R: Moo MANDK . This show ic Director. TRENTAR ging artists OODS, Mus Purple” and ung professional emer W Y D O O t yo G.W all Dallas’ fines CURTISKIN ortickets,c Directed by s(DCPA).F rt A g Written and du) in erform Ba rfortheP Blackwell & allasCente 43-2400. D e h t h it 7 hipw L(214) Apartners 2orTBAA )880-020 DCPA(214 5 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 12 9/14/09 11:39:36 AM SEA SO N GOSPEL ROOTS CONCERT FEATURING THE TERRELL SISTERS Friday, 20 & Saturday, 21 @ 8 p.m. Clarence Muse Café Theatre - $10 They’re from Dallas and if you really want to hear pure, rich harmony and exquisite soulful voices in gospel music from the roots, then this is the concert you’re sure to enjoy! The TERRELLSISTERS- EMMA EMMAALEXANDER,ODELIAWALKER and ADATUTSON - have been singing since they were born and they’re still singing. You’ll not be able to sit down because they’re known to travel and take their gospel music fire with them wherever they sing. saturday, aturday, 21 @ 11 a.m. room T-314 & Clarence muse use Café Theatre $5 – screening and talk with Filmmaker Make a day of it at the movie with family and friends and see six black-and-white films made by African Americans during the early and mid part of the 20th century. These rarely seen films show images of African Americans portraying roles about African American life that was noticeably disregarded by Hollywood. Following the last film screening, renowned filmmaker WARRINGTONHUDLIN will be on hand to shed light on the importance of these films and his work as a filmmaker. FiLM sCrEEnings “thE DEViL’s DAughtEr” muse Café Theatre, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. After her father’s death, a woman returns to Jamaica to run his banana plantation, but her stepsister, who wants her out of the way, is willing to use voodoo. 120 minutes. 1939. “thE Big tiMErs” room T-314, 10:30 – 12:30 p.m. A wealthy society man is dating a beautiful woman who he believes is also in his ‘socio-economic class.’ In actuality, she is the daughter of a poor hotel maid. 120 minutes. 1945. “BOArDing hOusE BLuEs” muse Café Theatre, 12:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. An evil landlord intends to evict “Moms Mabley” and her tenants from her boarding house because she can’t pay the rent. 120 minutes. 1948. “thE BLACK King” room T-314, 12:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. A corrupt preacher gains control of a Mississippi church and comes up with a plan to scam church members with a back to Africa scheme. 120 minutes. 1932. “thE girL in rOOM 20” muse Café Theatre, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. A girl from a small town in Texas moves to New York City to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. However, her dreams prove to be far more difficult to realize than she had ever imagined. 90 minutes. 1946. “MArK OF thE hAWK” room T-314, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. A Sidney Poitier film, actor Sidney Poitier is at first sympathetic to a liberation movement, then he fights against the group only to be accused of being a member of the movement and put on trial for murder. 90 minutes. 1957. COnVErsAtiOn With FiLMMAKEr WArringtOn huDLin – 4:30 p.m. PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 13 6 9/14/09 11:39:44 AM DECEMBER FEATURING DAMON WILLIAMS Friday,4&Saturday,[email protected]. Friday, ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$15 Clarence If you want to get drunk with comedy, then don’t miss this side-splitting comedian. He’s rocked the house on BET LIVE, Comedy Central’s Premium Blend, Tom Joyner Sky show, Cedric the Entertainer Comedy Revue and HBO’s P Diddy’s Bad Boys of Comedy. DAMONWILLIAMS is notoriously funny! BuiLDing tOWArD A MOrE PErFECt uniOn . . . n An OPEn DiALOguE BEtWEEn AFriCAn AMEriCAns AnD nAtiVE AMEriCAns ers Bob Ray Sand [email protected].|RoomT-203-$15 The relationship between African Americans and Native Americans is historically intriguing and fascinating! African American journalistBOBRAYSANDERS and Native American educator PEGGYLARNEY sit at the head of the breakfast table leading an enlightening and searing discussion about the two groups. Peggy Larn ey 17th AnnuAL ChristMAs/ s/ KWAnZAA COnCErt Friday,[email protected].|StudentMorningPerformance Saturday,[email protected].|PublicPerformance NaomiBrutonMainStage-$10 The choirs of ROOSEVELT,SOUTHOAKCLIFF,KIMBALL, A.MACEOSMITH,LINCOLN,TOWNVIEW,SPRUCE,ADAMS,SUNSET,BOOKERT.WASHINGTON LINCOLN, TOWNVIEW, SPRUCE, ADAMS, SUNSET, BOOKER T. WASHINGTON HIGHSCHOOLFORTHEPERFORMINGANDVISUALARTS and UMPHREYLEEELEMENTARYSCHOOL combined with the incomparable TOWNVIEW HIGHSCHOOLBAND create an awesome musical combination! More than 200 voices from the Dallas Independent School District will highlight the holiday season with hymns, spirituals, gospel and classical music. Lobby performance by TOWNVIEWORCHESTRA. 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 14 9/14/09 11:39:56 AM JANUARY 2010 Mayor Leppert Senator West BuiLDin g tOWA An OPE n DiALO rD A MOrE P gu Er AnD An gLO AM E BEtWEEn AFr FECt uniOn. .. E iCAn AM riCAns Saturday, 9@10a EriCAns .m.|Roo mT-203-$ Segregatio 15 n, Jim Crow, slavery, disc when referr rim ing to the relationship ination, integration, these two equal and groups ofte betw civil rights n ti promising me is mutua een African American are just dialogue le s and Ang lly co rd ia d by DALL l an lo American a few words often us miss what d so m etimes soci ASMAYO ed s. The dich these dyna RTO ally otomy betw mic leader s have to sa MLEPPERT and TEX and politically tense. een This is sure ASSTATE y! SENATOR to be a ROYCEW EST. Don’t FEATURI NG TYLE R CRAIG Friday,15 &S ClarenceM aturday,[email protected] useCaféT . heatre-$ 15 Known for his signatur e lin one liner, T YLERCRA e, “and the moral of th IG is no st e story is” Comedy Ja ranger on followed by m, Laffapal the comed a funny, bu ooza and B down right y circuit ha t meaningfu ET’s Comic wild! ving perfor l View. He’s med on HB simply a co O’s Def nnoisseur of comedy an d just PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 15 8 9/14/09 11:40:04 AM nD A C i s u Ert M C K n C O A C L LB Ent M E th AnnuA V r. O J , M G s n t 27 i K h rig Her L T i u V L i C n i E T th mAr . r d o T e A TriBuT .m. 7@7:30p Sunday,1 eyerson .M MortonH yCenter t Symphon rtsDistric nDallasA Downtow t Stree 2501Flora 5 1 $ , 0 2 $ , 0 $3 PAGe 60s and t of the 19 s Movemen narration, music ht ig R il iv C footage, and the n Dr. King werful film d Grammy e reflects o it of change with po ut ol winner an ib Id tr an ng ic vi ir er m sp onducted by A e C , . id st This mo G ti nw ar IN o CURTISK a new nati ecial guest sp by es d at es br ce ur le at du ce t fe d and pro The concer D. Conceive SEPH. and dance. STUDDAR SEE and CLARKJO N E B U R S E K T nominee PA , RKTATUM BS11. JOHNMA -21ANDC b rt yTXA a p n i d e Support 9 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 16 9/14/09 11:40:09 AM SEA SO N “DO “DOn’t BE DECEiVED, thErE’s stiLL sOME gOOD MEn LEFt” s STARRING DAVID WHITFIELD Friday, 22 & Saturday, 23 @ 8 p.m. Clarence Muse Café Theatre - $15 This riotous comedy tells the story of men who left women but the women should have kept them and the men that women let go, they should have held on to. From the moment DAVID WHITFIELD makes his stage entrance, every minute and second is filled with music, drama and laughter in this one man show about stuff in the lives of men and women. “BLACK JOURNEY” Tuesday,[email protected]. NaomiBrutonMainStage-$10;$6.98for5ormore The remarkable voyage of a people from the villages of Africa to modern-day America, this musical celebrates African American influence and contributions in every field of endeavor from science and industry to education and literature; from the performing and visual arts to government and community service. The journey begins its portrait with African chants and progresses to gospel music and continues its path through jazz, blues, rag, swing, rock-n-roll and rap. PresentedbyAmericanTheatreforYouthinpartnershipwithTBAAL.Foradditional specialrates/discounts,call800-523-4540. TBAALMembershipdiscountnotapplicableforthisshow. Jazz at the Muse FEATURI NG XAV IER ON P Friday,29 &S ClarenceM aturday,[email protected] useCaféT . heatre-$ 10 Come be tr ansformed by an outs idols! XAV tand IERJACKS ON, this tw ing pianist influenced When you by his jazz, enty-three see and he year talent blues and ar him, you gospel mus on piano, is won’t belie ic ve your ears inspiring an ! d refreshing ! IANO PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 17 10 9/14/09 11:40:15 AM FEBRUARY “HERE COMES THE PAYNE” FEATURING CARL PAYNE Friday,5&Saturday,[email protected]. Friday, ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$15 Award winning actor CARLPAYNE takes an in-depth dramatic and comedic look into his own life from his childhood to his meteoric rise to fame. If you want to have an entertaining roll-a-coaster ride, this is it! AMERICA: A NATION OF COWARDS? Saturday 6 @ 10 a.m. Room T-203 - $15 When the first African American U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said, “Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,” it stirred quite a national controversy. Dallas’ first African American DISTRICTATTORNEYCRAIGWATKINS will lead a spirited discourse about Holder’s comments at this sizzling breakfast! # ner Lessie Von 2 Thursday,11@7:30p.m. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$10 If you missed the last poetry gathering, don’t hesitate to catch this one. The mic is still hot waiting for you to let the audience in on your poetry. Presentedinpartnershipwith RegentManagement. Jazz at the Muse “TAKE 2” CONCERT FEATURING LESSIE VONNER STARRING DIANE MONROE Friday,12&Saturday,[email protected]. Friday, Clarence ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre-$15 Diane Monroe PAGe The Muse is going to heat up when 16 year old trumpeter LESSIEVONNER and her Quintet open the set for renowned and riveting jazz violinist DIANEMONROE. If you like good music and great jazz, then this is the perfect outing to converse, relax and be entertained! 11 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 18 9/14/09 11:40:32 AM sEuP CLO C i t A M A CinE n s nio farga Tor anTo man being! Her c a g in n in d hu aWard W and profoun Times” alk WiTh s. She was a thoughtful e portrayed left “GoodAL called T d n a g TBA actres enin ters sh $5 – screre than a great American en was regal! The characany Americans. Whenevermy and Image oo 13@12-N Saturday, 14 RoomT-3 o scre of m e Em She was m stage and the homes TBAAL remembers th ard winning acn television, can still be felt l in on, g, aw as in se en re rd presence o 3 ch sc 3 erican hi e essions w no. For our st work. Following th ’s work in African Am lasting impr ort, she never said lle be o r R he f o f o supp g some importance on her for s by showin discuss the ning actres n hand to o be ill w award-win S IOFARGA age and film. tor ANTON levision, st te an ic er and Am ing rEEn FiLM sC r “suMME iLDEr” O s n A ErM OF MY g to ed POW assign ily. a German m s fa ay h pl is ) w n o Je ruce Davis Bergens, a .m. nton. She n Reiker (B barn owned by the A h to it n Noon-2p A w II, ve World War fuge in a ls) falls in lo who played the rgia during ker escapes taking re gan (Kristy McNicho E, Set in Geo ei er R B THERROLL y . S tt E rm . Pa local fa authorities 86 teen-aged 9 e 1 ,’ . th st es d work at a ue ut an ‘g in r ce. 98 m her family ified by he performan the rest of At first terr ard for her s him from aw de y hi m ly Em us o zeal , won an use keeper Bergen’s ho E sun” h t n i in rpiece trical maste aimed thea r for the play’s “A rAis cl ac ly al ic te crit ars la 1959 enty-five ye d style, this e Younger 2-4p.m. bstance an itier and Ruby Dee. Tw ving drama about th su f o ce ie o rp frailties Po m te an ey is as m th m dn hu Si a in E starred plores the erry starred Heralded as LL ex sb O It ition. . R an ’s nd R H 0 E 5 co 9 H ne Lorrai e mid-1 e human andEST written by ghetto in th ny Glover overcome th 0. an to go D s ca y, ke hi ar C ta rs it in 9 utes. 19 rseverance 25th annive oud, Black and living r. 171 Min age and pe r, pr na Younge as the cour Le l a el family, poo rgAs w am as m , d hatred e role as OniO FA t n A of bigotry an simply brilliant” in th r O lle is ith ACt “Esther Ro AtiOn W .– 4:30 p.m s COnVEr PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 19 12 9/14/09 11:40:44 AM p.m. ay,20@8 &Saturd 9 1 y, a e g id Fr Sta tonMain NaomiBru rClass ceMaste . BlackDan .m.-2p.m a 1 1 20@ Saturday, 2-313 RoomT31 rmance o rf e P $10– rClass e st $10–Ma PAGe RE, DJELY CETHEAT N A E C D N IA LACKDA HAPPYN DALLASB on TBAAL’s d ling dance. an zz Y da N f o enings ECOMPA al Theatre It’s two ev ANDANC and Music to enjoy ESTAFRIC , Contemporary, Jazz you’re sure W A en D th N U e, K nc an ic da fr A le ib rm perfo of incred THEATRE e a variety e. If you lik Main Stag cular night! .Maples. this specta PatriciaB Member rd a o B y Hostedb 13 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 20 9/14/09 11:40:56 AM SEA SO N FeATurinG B- PHLAT Friday,19&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 The audience demanded that she return this season! Her scorching and special blend of brassy urban humor had people rolling in their seats. Seen on BET’s Comic View, VH-1 and “The Love Lounge,”BPHLAT returns to the Muse for a second season! nATion JD LAWr AL Tourin G Prod EnCE’s Thursday,2 “ t h 5–Saturday E CLEAn u uCTion ,27@8p NaomiBru .m.;Sunday tonMainS P WOMA ,28@7:3 tage TICKETSG 0p.m.;Satu OONSALE rday&Sun n” MONDAY, [email protected] DECEMBER Back by popu . 7,2 lar demand, 009 JA in JDLAWR ENCE’S accl CKEE´HARRY,TELMA HOPKINS, aimed comed anchor job. CHRISTOP y. Journalist But when Te HERWILLI Terri Adams rri starts ne demands sh AMS and G gl pushes asid ec e clean up he ting home fo EORGEWIL e her newly r her new po r act startin recommende BORN star wed domes g with the ho sition, her su d by a co-w tic apron fo use. To keep pportive hu orker. If not r a six figure than she’s su sband comes peace with careful, she’ pposed to! he to his wits en s subject to Momma used find out that r man and job, Terri hire d and to always sa s a local clea ‘the clean up y, “Never le ning service woman’ just t another w might be pi oman sit on ckin your bed or clean your ho g up more use!” Bobby Sparks Keith Anderson Jazz at the Muse THe SuGAr ConCerT FeATurinG BoBBY And KeiTH Friday,26&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 Two of Dallas’ hottest jazz artists, BOBBYSPARKS-ORGANIST and KEITH ANDERSON-SAXOPHONIST, pay special tribute to their jazz heroes, the late saxophonist STANLEYTURRENTINE and organistJIMMYSMITH. This is sure to be a ‘sugar’ blistering jazz evening! 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 21 9/14/09 11:41:11 AM MARCH “BEAutY AnD thE BEAst” Wednesday,[email protected].|NaomiBrutonMainStage|$10;$6.98for5ormore An all-time favorite, this exciting musical recalls how Beauty’s love for her father causes her to be trapped in the castle of the Beast. PresentedbyAmericanTheatreforYouthinpartnershipwithTBAAL. Foradditionalspecialrates/discounts,call800-523-4540. TBAALMembershipdiscountnotapplicableforthisshow. FeATurinG AJ JAmAL Friday, 5 & Saturday, 6 @ 9 p.m. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 The “King of Clean” comedy is back at TBAAL to bring more joy and laughter to the season. Having started his career on the hit series In Living Color, he’s got a recipe of jokes and he’s been going non-stop captivating audiences worldwide ripping joke after joke. tiOn A i C O s s AL A sA) D th nAtiOn A n ( s 4 t sts 7 h Ar O C h E E L P A s A tB AnD C i t A M LAs ts from L A nted studen D OF DrA n i eatre g and tale in Th is ’ m E es ro ti p si C most Univer En COnFEr , “Shifting g on THeme: din il u B and Changing on” ti a d n Fou a Strong rday,13 tu ay,10–Sa Wednesd PAGe the ionals in lleges and s, some of erican Co meet industry profess ve season m ti -A cu an se n ic fr erging co A d em y an f tl o e g an et in p in For four form, com 0 predom ting gather 3 er ci p talent. ex to an is le s th ib Th la . al ed more to see incr nvene in D e NADSA Conference s co al n ill ns of io w w s ss o Program on at th ps and d stry profe and televisi l showcase for indu nals and learn the u lm fi e, tr ea th nderfu professio sts is a wo om these young arti orkshops fr w ke ta n Students ca ent business. nm the entertai 15 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 22 9/14/09 11:41:33 AM SEA SO N 2 # Saturday,[email protected]. NaomiBrutonMainStage|$15 Back by popular demand, this spectacular night of live jazz and spoken word from some of America’s best poets will be hosted and headlined by actor MALCOLMJAMALWARNER. If you want to relax and get into a jazz and poetic groove, then this is the right mix! “PiCturE inCOMPLEtE” STArrinG TrenT ArmAnd KendALL Friday,19&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 One desperate, Black, middle-aged New Yorker drags his memories to the curb for a closer examination and begins a journey of self-discovery. It’s a little bit of Eddie Murphy, a little bit of Tyler Perry and a whole lot of TRENTARMAND KENDALL! This “funky, fierce and fabulous” one man musical is full of energy like theBroadway shows ‘RENT’ and ‘IN THE HEIGHTS’! Jazz at the Muse rOCKin’ in rhYthM FeATurinG JomArie PAYTon Friday,26&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 Little did television fans of Family Matters mom JoMARIEPAYTON know that jazz matters to this wonderful singer! She’s dazzled audiences on TV and now she’s going to charm them onstage when she scats and croons original and standard jazz classics. PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 23 16 9/14/09 11:41:52 AM APRIL # 3 Thursday,8@7:30p.m. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$10 Don’t keep your poetry hidden in a closet or trunk to collect dust. Show up at TBAAL and divulge your words at the open mic. PresentedinpartnershipwithRegentManagement. “BOnitA AnD BiLLiE” STArinG BoniTA BriSKer Friday,16&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 This 90 minute moving musical tribute to the late celebrated jazz icon Billie Holiday chronicles the untold story of “Lady Day’s”public and private life. Brilliantly executed in this solo performance, BONITABRISKER remembers this 51st anniversary year of Holiday’s passing. Holiday would have been 95 years old on April 7th. tBAAL ChiLDrEn’s ChOrus AnD YOuth string OrChEstrA COnCErt FeATurinG ToWnVieW CHoruS And orCHeSTrA Saturday,[email protected]. RoomT312&313|$10 The Children’s Chorus and Youth String Orchestra glow in the spotlight for their spring concert. They’ll turn the heat up on all genres of music performing from classical to pop, jazz, the spirituals and Broadway melodies. DEVLINDeCUTLER and ANNAKLOC-RODRIGUEZ,Conductors. FeATurinG SonYA d Friday,23&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 Wanna know what they call you when you’re on top of your game? LOL. . . Laugh Out Loud! That’s what’s going to happen when you hear Def Jam, BET Comic View and Apollo comedian SONIAD! Jamie Foxx said, “Don’t hate, the girl is bad! Give her, her props!!” Come see. BuiLDing tOWArD A MOrE PErFECt uniOn... An OPEn DiALOguE BEtWEEn AFriCAn AMEriCAns AnD hisPAniCs Maryellen Hicks PAGe 17 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 24 [email protected]. RoomT-203|$15 edrano Ricardo M Is the history in America between Hispanics and African Americans similar? Is there jealousy and competition between the two groups which creates a racial divide? Is their a cultural and artistic phenomenon that make the two groups strikingly different? Assured to be an awe-inspiring dialogue led by JUDGEMARYELLENHICKSand businessmanRICARDO MEDRANO, this breakfast promises to be provocatively unforgettable! 9/14/09 11:42:03 AM MAY Jazz at the Muse thunDE sOuL COnCErt thunDEr CO FeATurinG KASHmere FeATurin reunion STAGe BAnd Saturday, May 1 @ 3 & 8 p.m. Saturday,[email protected].&8p.m. Clarence Muse Café Theatre|$15 Theatre ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 If you like jazz, Big Band and Top 40’s music, then this is the ideal setting to relax, be entertained and enjoy 25 top of the line musicians as they serenade their fans in a ninety-minute unforgettable afternoon of music. sistErs: An OPEn DiALOguE BEtWEEn Light AnD DArK sKin AFriCAn AMEriCAns [email protected]. RoomT-203|$15 What color are you? What difference does color make? Everything. Nothing. This roundtable breakfast is sure to be spirited and a real eye opener when the light and dark skin sisters confront the challenges of color, race, gender and as human beings! Let’s talk. ModeratedbyBERNESTINESINGLEY. JUNE FeATurinG CoCoA BroWn Friday,4&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 Imagine a dab of Richard Pryor, dash of Jerry Lewis, teaspoon of Marilyn Monroe and a cup of Whoopi Goldberg, you’ll get a big dish of COCOABROWN! She’s one of America’s funniest female comedians. Be prepared to be taken on a hilarious voyage. When COCOA hits the stage, she’s like a tornado! PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 25 18 9/14/09 11:42:18 AM y,26 –Saturda Monday,7 day7–Friday24 n o Classes:M 313,T314 03,T312,T RoomsT2 @8p.m. Friday,25 . : ce n a rm o p.m FinalPerf p.m.&4 y,26@1 &Saturda nMainStage to NaomiBru Fee-$75 gistration e R n o ti u Instit nce–$1 Performa PAGe 10-18 from ages 500 youth makean , th n ig re o es stume d ighlight, m co h e, n tr o notch ea as p th se to be a c, dance, ll scale, to Guaranteed ash courses in musi inating in a large fu erform several se cr . Culm udents p take inten production case, the st e available g and film eatre show dent scholarships ar th l ca up, lightin si u m u t St en s! m ce ch ri dien summer en om only au standing ro ed basis. shows to rv SCHOOL se me, firstPENDENT E co D tN rs fi I S a A n o ALL TBYTHED AM. EDINPAR RICHMENTPROGR SUPPORT N E R E M M U S DISTRICT 19 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 26 9/14/09 11:42:29 AM SEA SO N # 4 Thursday,10@7:30p.m. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$10 Come toast the final word of the season as TBAAL breaks for the summer! PresentedinpartnershipwithRegentManagement. Jazz at the Muse “PEEL ME A grAPE” COnCErt STArrinG mArTHA BurKS STA Friday,11&Saturday,[email protected]. ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre|$15 She continues to be a huge hit at the Muse! Now for her sixth season at TBAAL, MARTHA BURKS will be back delighting fans belting out smooth jazz, down-home blues, finger snapping pop and a little soulful gospel. HostedbytheDallasChapteroftheCharms. 3 # STArrinG C.o.C.o. BroWn Wine, Watermelon, the Word Friday,18&Saturday,[email protected]. NaomiBrutonMainStage|$15 When national spoken word artistC.O.C.O.BROWNteams up with a hot jazz trio, you can bet that this is going to be a smoking night of entertainment! Don’t miss this posh season highlight. gALLErY EXhiBitiOn FinAL shOWing! “BuiLDing FrOM sCrAtCh . . . sustAining thE LEgACY OF An institutiOn AnD its PEOPLE” July1throughAugust28,2010 GalleryHours:Tuesday–Friday,10a.m.–6p.m. Saturday,Noon–4p.m. JamesE.KempGallery DonationsAccepted Catch the last glimpse of TBAAL’s history which includes vintage and contemporary photographs, film footages, institutional documents, oral histories, celebrity memorabilia and archival ephemera. PAGe 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 27 20 9/14/09 11:42:51 AM Become a TBaal memBer Purchase Your MeMbershiP online now!! sign uP at www.tbaal.org. The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, Inc. (TBAAL) Founded July 17, 1977 | Chartered and Incorporated November 23, 1977 | Curtis King, Founder and President Features Programs • LocatedintheDallasConventionCenterTheatreComplex • 250,000squarefeetofspacewhichhouses: -NaomiBrutonMainstageTheatre(seating:1,750) -ClarenceMuseCaféTheatre(seating:250) and Kitchen area - Eva Jessye Gift Shop - James E. Kemp Art Gallery - Administrative Offices - Rooms for Meetings, Rehearsals, Lectures, Classes, Film Screenings, Receptions, Weddings, etc. • Culturalartsandentertainmentinthefollowingareas: - Dramatic and musical stage plays (local and national) - Concerts (jazz, blues, r&b, gospel, classical, pop, hip-hop, reggae, spiritual) - Visual Arts exhibitions - Gala benefits - Scholarly lectures - Classes - Book reviews - Film screenings - Dance - Conferences and Festivals - Special Programs (Summer Youth Arts Institute and others) please compleTe The memBership applicaTion and reTurn To TBaal WiTh your paymenT. please print/check Type of membership [ ] individual memBership Please circle one - Mr. Mrs. Ms. [ ] New Member [ ] Renewal First Name M.I. Mailing Address ( ) Day/Telephone Number Last Name Apt.# ( ) City ( Evening/Telephone Number ) State Zip Code Email Fax Number special guesT memBership NOTE:GuestMembershipWillBeSentToMember’sAddress. Please circle one - Mr. Mrs. Ms. 1. [ ] New Member [ ] Renewal First Name M.I. Mailing Address ( ) Day/Telephone Number Apt.# ( ) City ( Evening/Telephone Number 2. ) State Zip Code Email Fax Number [ ] New Member [ ] Renewal First Name M.I. Mailing Address ( Last Name ) Day/Telephone Number Last Name Apt.# ( ) City ( Evening/Telephone Number ) State Zip Code Email Fax Number [ ] Business/corporaTe/organiZaTion [ ] New Member [ ] Renewal Name of Business/Corporate/Organization Mailing Address ( ) Day/Telephone Number Suite # ( ) City ( Evening/Telephone Number ) State Zip Code Email Fax Number memBership levels My/OurMembershipIsFor: individual: [ ] $20 [ ] $30 [ ] $40 [ ] $100 [ ] $250 [ ] $500 [ ] $750 Business/corporaTion/organiZaTion [ ] $1,000 [ ] $1,500 [ ] $2,500 [ ] $5,000 [ ] $7,500 meThod of paymenT [ ] Check [ ] Cashier’s Check/Money Order [ ] Cash (DO NOT MAIL CASH) [ ] American Express [ ] Master Card [ ] Visa [ ] Discover Credit Card Number Date Experation Date Signature thanK You For Your suPPort! 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 28 9/14/09 11:42:51 AM Become a TBaal memBer Today! Become a TBAAL me mber today and support the pre servation and perpetuation of a major Third Cultural Coas t Institution Basic BenefiTs and discounTs TBAAL Members at All Levels Receive these Basic Benefits and Discounts: •10%DiscountonTicketsforTBAAL Programs (Excluding National Touring Productions) •ReducedHandlingChargeforTickets Purchased at TBAAL Box Office ONLY •10%DiscountatEvaJessyeGiftShop •VIPAdmittancePriortoOpeningofthe House to the Public at Performances •TBAALUpdatesandInformationduring the Season •AdvanceNotificationofTBAAL’sSummer Program for Youth •“WinningWednesday”(“WW”)TBAAL Membership Night. TBAAL Members Receive Special Discounted Ticket Price of $17.50 for National Touring Productions. Must Pay Handling Charge and Maintenance Fee and Tickets Must be Purchased at TBAAL Box Office. Limited Tickets. First-Come, First-Serve. arTisTs and programs suBjecT To change WiThouT noTice. 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 29 MEMBERSHIP LEVELS INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP LEVELS $20 Beale Street Strutters •MembershipforOne(1)Person $30 Artists Renaissance Trailblazer •Membershipforone(1)personplusone(1)guest membership. Good for ninety days. $40 Abyssinian Circle •Membershipfortwo(2)peopleresidinginthesame house hold plus one (1) guest membership. Good for ninety days. $100 Schomburg Scholars •Membershipforone(1)plustwoguest memberships. Good for one year •NamelistedinTBAALprograms $250 Apollo Stars •Membershipforone(1)plustwo(2)guest memberships. Good for one year •Two(2)complimentaryticketstotheannualMLK Concert •NamelistedinTBAALprograms $500 Cotton Club Sophisticates •Membershipsforone(1)personplustwo(2) guest memberships. Good for one (1) year •FourcomplimentaryticketstoMLKConcert •NamelistedinTBAALprograms $750 Savoy Kickers •Membershipforone(1)personplustwo(2) guest memberships. Good for one year •Six(6)complimentaryticketstotheMLKConcert •NamelistedinTBAALprograms SPECIAL GUEST MEMBERSHIP The Special Guest Membership allows your guest to receive a 10% discount on TBAAL programs (excluding National Touring Productions) and to purchase One (1) “Winning Wednesday” Ticket per Touring Production. Your Guest(s) must present the Special Guest Membership Card and valid Identification to receive discounts. Special Guest Membership is non-transferable. CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP LEVELS TBAAL presents exceptional opportunities for corporations, businesses, and organizations to become an active part of the hottest spot in Big D, the ’Cultural Corner’ (Akard and Canton Streets). TBAAL Corporate Members receive facility usage hours for parties, seminars, banquets, etc. in a safe, aesthetically-pleasing environment. Corporate Members can use designated areas at TBAALin4-hourincrements(between8:00a.m. and12:00a.m.)Monday-Sundayexceptholidays, based upon availability. Time period includes setup and breakdown. Facility usage does not include catering or technical costs, if applicable. $1,000 Level •50Individual$20levelmemberships,useoffacility with minimum set-up (8 hours per year) Room T-203 (Seats 100 theatre style) $1,250 value $1,500 Level •75Individual$20levelmemberships,useoffacility with minimum set-up (16 hours per year) Room T-203 (Seats 100 theatre style) $ 3,600 value $2,500 Level •100Individual$20levelmemberships,use of facility with minimum set-up (24 hours per year) Room T-314 (Seats 300 theatre style) $5,400 value $5,000 Level •125Individual$20levelmemberships,useoffacility with minimum set-up (32 hours per year) Room T-314 (Seats 300 theatre style) $9,600 value $7,500 Level •150Individual$20levelmemberships,useof facility with minimum set-up (36 hours per year Room T-314 (Seats 300 theatre style) Room T-312/313 (Seats 500 theatre style), one-time use of Muse Café Theatre (Seats 250 Cabaret style) $11,700 value 9/14/09 11:42:58 AM TBAAL IS NOW A FULL-FLEDGED TICKETMASTER OUTLET! If you’re looking for a convenient place to purchase tickets for sporting events, concerts, theatrical productions and other entertainment events, come to The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL). We’re located in the heart of downtown Dallas at the corner of Akard and Canton Street, right across from Dallas City Hall. enjoy easy parking and professional, cusTomer-friendly service! TBaal/TickeTmasTer ouTleT Box office hours: monday-friday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. saTurday, 12 noon - 4:00 p.m. The Box office is closed from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on Tuesdays TBAAL can also service your ticket needs by selling Tickets for ANY non-TicketMaster events. For information, contact TBAAL’s Box Office at 214-743-2400. Purchase tickets for all TicketMaster events at The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, Inc. TBaal TickeTmasTer ouTleT, call 214-743-2400 Programs and artists subject to change without notice. VENUE MENU TBAAL is the right place with the right space to satisfy the most discriminating taste. Conveniently located inside the Dallas Convention Center Theatre Complex, TBAAL has extensive and intimate space plus ample parking for you and your guests. From meetings to celebrations and social gatherings and special shows, TBAAL can accommodate you with space, quality environment for just about any occasion. And, for sumptuous, delectable dining, we have our own world-class caterers to delight any appetite. Please make selections from our venue menu. VENUE MENU naomi Bruton main stage Newly-renovated, comfortable, spacious, and acoustically pleasing. Seats 1,750. Orchestra Pit and Star Dressing Rooms. clarence muse cafe Theatre State-of-the-art, intimate, cabaret-styling setting. Seats 250. Stage, Star Dressing Rooms and Bar area. room T-203 Compact space for small gatherings. *Seats 100 Theatre-Style. 1,071 square feet. rooms T-312 & T-313 Large space that’s great for meetings. *Seats 500 Theatre-Style. 3,760 square feet. room T-314 Medium-size that’s great for meetings. *Sets 300 Theatre-Style. 2,655 square feet. *Seating may vary depending on program/event and desired room layout, i.e., tables may be used. call TickeTmasTer aT 214-373-8000 The Black academy of arTs and leTTers, inc. Dallas Convention Center Theatre Complex 650 S. Griffin Street Dallas, TX 75202 214.743.2440 | www.tbaal.org 33rd_SeasonBroch_2.indd 2 for faciliTy usage informaTion, call 214.743.2446 visiT our WeBsiTe aT WWW.TBaal.org Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Dallas, Texas Permit No. 1091 9/14/09 11:37:55 AM