

Feb 2014
Chapter CA2S
Silicon Valley Wings
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Region F / California District
Chapter Meeting
Saturday, Feb. 15
Hometown Buffet @
McCarthy Ranch, Milpitas
Breakfast @ 8 AM
Meeting @ 8:45 AM
 Chapter News, Page 3
 Patti’s Corner, Page 5
 Ride Reports, Pages 5, 13, 15
What’s in this issue:
CD News: Page 2
ACD News: Page 4
Our Sponsors: Pages 6-8
Safety: Page 9
DD News: Page 10
Calendar: Pages 11-12
 COY message, Page 14
Chapter For Sale: Page 14
 Address change? Page 16
Chapter Contact Info: Page 19
 Who’s got the ‘WINGNUT’ this
CA2S Shark Bytes 1
Chapter Director’s Message
The Chapter Educators and Assistant Educators broke
off to another room for their seminar with Mike and
Ruth Burke. Rocky and Roger will have more
information on this.
While the Educators were in the other session, the rest
of us took a quiz on the GWRRA Officer’s Manual.
There is a lot of good information in there. I encourage
all of you to download it from the GWRRA website and
look it over. Even if you aren’t an officer or don’t plan
on it, there is a ton of information on GWRRA and how
it works.
We just got back from our third Officer’s Conference
since we joined G.W.R.R.A. This year they held it at
the Doubletree in Bakersfield. The Hotel and staff were
great which made a huge difference over the last two
years at a different hotel.
The attendees from our chapter were: Deb and I, Sal
and Patti, Rocky, Roger, and Tim and Nancy Wheatley.
Tim and Nancy are not officers, but came anyway, on
their own dime. Way to show enthusiasm for the
Chapter! Every Chapter from California had officers
present, which is great! It was a full house!
The conference started at around 8:15 with the Pledge
of Allegiance, followed by a tribute cd presentation for
Harold Jaffke-CA-1R who was recently killed in a
motorcycle accident while on a ride with his chapter.
Vincent and Pam Puterbaugh, our District Directors,
introduced “The California District Team”. They also
gave a big thank you to Streetmasters for sponsoring
the conference. Streetmasters also donated close to
$10,000 in ride vouchers to those chapters that were
hosting rallies in 2014. Vincent and Pam recognized
several District Officers that were stepping down.
Assistant District Directors, John & Linda Boman could
not attend because of illness. They were missed.
District Stores was there and sales were brisk! 50/25/25
tickets were being sold throughout the conference.
Also, if you rode your motorcycle you received a ticket
for a chance to go out with Walt and Nancy,
(Streetmasters) on Sunday for riding lessons. There
were 6 lucky winners!
New District Educators Mike and Ruth Burke were
installed by Vincent and Pam. There were also new
Chapter CD’s and ACD’S installed at this time also.
Streetmasters presented a 2 hour seminar on riding
techniques along with what their courses offer.
Well, as you know Patti is now the Region Treasurer.
While we were there they received their new brown
Region Vests which you will see shortly.
New Chapter Educators and Assistant Educators were
installed by Mike and Ruth Burke!
We were given fliers for upcoming Chapter Rallies,
Region F Convention, Wing Ding, and District Rally.
They will be out at our next Chapter Meeting.
We had a short presentation by Bob and Linda Harmon
on Motorist Awareness.
The highlight for Deb and I is when we were presented
with The Senior Director designation. We were among
the first 6 people to receive this award and newly
designed patch from Region and the District. We were
completely moved by this award and we know it would
have been totally impossible if we didn’t have the
Officers and Chapter backing us up. The chapter has
come a long way in the last couple of years and we have
all of you to thank for that!
Along with the patches, there was a letter from Region.
In part the letter read, “The purpose of this program is to
have prestigious awards consisting of three levels of
recognition for the G.W.R.R.A. Director Corps that
acknowledges and honors notable Directors, who are
industrious, dedicated, and worthy of consideration for
further advancement. You have joined a selective group
of Directors who have distinguished themselves by
demonstrating excellence in service to the Membership.
This certainly describes you and your efforts with CA2S.”
So again Thanks to all the officers and participants that
have given of themselves to make CA-2S what it is
Charlie and Debra Porzio Chapter Directors, CA-2S
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CA2S News
Upcoming events you shoulda
heard about already
February 1 Chapter 2014 Event Planning
Thursday’s Ride to Eat
Check your email and the yahoo site for
details, polls, & information.
Charlie & Deb receiving their
‘Senior Director’ award.
Les Cook
Pete Stinson
Bob Loomis
Kathryn Wilkinson
Debbie Watt
Danita Bratcher
Jim Carr
Tim & Nancy Wheatley
Do you order online from Amazon?
If so, help the chapter by using our special account.
We get a % of the purchases that goes to our
chapter funds.
Use the special code/link below:
Visit the Silicon Valley Wings Yahoo Group at:
The winner of the prestigious Wing
Nut this month goes to Roger Moraes.
For his diligence and hard work
recuperating his hand and getting
back to riding again.
CA2S Shark Bytes 3
know what inclement or “borderline” weather is. Our rain
storm is their drizzle.
We Know the Way to San Jose!
We are home from Sweet Home Alabama. For us, this trip was a
bit more challenging due to inclement weather. There were
records broken for both rain and cold temps. We just dodged
about two inches of snow. Our area of SE Alabama already
experienced 64 inches of rain, and the season was not over yet.
We had low temps down to 13 degrees – egad! On our first ride,
we started out with the temperature at 27 degrees. You want a
chilling experience – go 65 mph when it is 27 degrees. Talk
about wind chill. We planned our first ride of 2014 with Chapter
M for the traditional New Year’s Day ride to Bagby Lake, about
70 miles away. At the last minute we elected to take the “cage”.
The predicted temperature was 42 degrees with showers off and
on. Patti commented; “I can ride and be wet. I can ride and be
cold. But, I draw the line at being wet and cold!” I can
appreciate Patti’s comments especially since I’m protected by a
faring, and she is sitting a bit higher in the back. For the most
part on this trip, our “Blew By You” just stayed covered in the
out building (that’s southern for garage).
However, the bad weather does not keep these M’ers from getting
out on their bikes and enjoying good times. My hat is off to
them. I am thinking these are “motorcycles animals” – nothing
stops them from going on a ride. The cold and rain in the winter
is only surpassed by heat and humidity in the summer. And yes,
they subscribe to ATGATT – religiously hot or cold. To be
honest, they make me feel a bit wimpy…… It is easy to find
excuses not to go “too cold, too wet, too hot….” Etc. Yet, last
year their top rider had over 23K miles and
several others had 10 to 13k miles under
their belts. How in the world do they do it?
At this years Officers Conference one
couple rode about 150 miles, in rain, to get
there. Take a look at the photo of Corky
[note the wet pants]. How they do it is to take riding more a
I got to thinking about it and realized they enjoy their bikes as
much as we do. They enjoy GWRRA events as much as we do.
They enjoy the friendships and fun as much as we do. Then I
realized they are not blessed with the weather we have here in
CA. Consequently, they ride every chance they get even when
the weather is boarder line. Out here in the south bay, we don’t
There is no doubt we are spoiled by our great weather in the
south bay. I believe we take our weather for granted because it
is almost never an issue. I cannot help but think that one day
past is one we won’t see again. So why are we not out on our
bikes more? There are other things that get in the way such as
work, family obligations, household upkeep, etc. That is
understandable and we all have those things to deal with. But,
on the other side of that are the excuses we make to ourselves
for reasons to keep the bikes parked (I don’t feel like getting
dressed, it’s too hot, it’s too cold, it’s to wet, it’s to dry, it’s
Wednesday, ….. etc).
These past few months we have seen an increase in rider miles.
That’s great! Folks are getting out on the RTE’s and having a
good time, but not everyone is free midweek. We have
scheduled weekend rides planned a year in advance. And, once
in awhile an impromptu pops up. There is plenty of
opportunity. The blue print is out there to enjoy our bikes, good
fellowship, and fun. It is up to us to take advantage of the
At this writing, the Event Planning meeting is scheduled for
Saturday, February 1. Thank you Roger and MK for opening
your home to us. I have the pleasure of facilitating the meeting.
These meetings are always spirited and fun with good
exchanges. We accomplish a lot. A good deal of effort goes
into planning the meeting, setting it up, providing hospitality,
and laying out the plan for the year’s events – for you. These
events are rides, dinners, parties, picnics and whatever other fun
things we can do in CA2S. Everyone is excited and has great
ideas of what to do. By the end of the meeting our calendar is
full for the year and we are looking forward to a great time with
events, day rides, overnight rides, and most of all FUN with
good friends. Everyone is excited about the year’s events.
But, when it comes time for the “rubber to hit the road” where is
everyone? Rick is often sitting in the parking lot alone or with
just one or two to join him. That puzzles me some because
every event we have in CA2S is a great time – so let’s have
more great times, well more participation. Being a ride
coordinator is a tough job, but a worthwhile one when there 8 or
10 bikes ready to fire up for great day rides or overnighters.
Let’s do something about that calendar we put so much effort
Let’s all be more supportive of our events process and our Ride
Coordinator. We all joined GWRRA to have FUN and ride, so
let’s have more of it. Goodness knows the events are there, all
we have to do is show up. So take a look at the calendar you
just filled out. Use it to mark your personal calendar to share
time with your CA2S family. We had and action packed year
last year filled with smiles and fun – let’s add some miles. I
know we can do even better this year. Let’s keep CA2S the “go
to” place for a great time.
Sal & Patti
CA2S Shark Bytes 4
Patti’s Corner
Hi Everyone,
It is a new year… what happened to 2013 and 2014 is already well into it. I have asked this question
before and no one has called me or emailed me with the answer. Why don’t you get more involved??
We have a lot of events on our calendar…the chapter has gotten more active over the last several
months. It takes participation by everyone to keep everything going. If you haven’t been to a chapter
meeting in the last six month, why not? If you haven’t been on a ride with the chapter recently, why not? In order to make CA 2S the best
chapter in California, we need to know what you want to do and why you don’t come out and play with us more often.
Our event planning meeting will create lots of opportunities for you to come out and play with us. Get on that bike and do it. I don’t know
what will be on the calendar, but I know there will be a lot of fun rides and other events.
Put Memorial Day weekend on your calendar and go to the annual Region Rally in St. George, UT. A number of people from our chapter
attended last year and talked about how much FUN they had.
So, dust off the bike, get in your car and come play with us…or tell me what you want to see us doing and what will get you to participate.
2014 Thu RTE, by Pete Stinson
CA2S’s first ride of 2014 got to be the Chapter’s Thu Ride To Eat. We had a great turnout
and six bikes headed up Hwy 9 to Skyline Blvd in beautiful riding weather. Alice’s
Restaurant in Woodside was our stop for lunch and visiting; a long time motorcycle stopover
and a perfect way to start the year.
CA2S’s RTE was started by Sal, our ACD for the Chapter, and was created for an opportunity
to get out on our bikes for a short while and stop for lunch. Drive time from start to lunch
stop is typically one hour or less and all are local hops. The rides have varied from north to
south and east to west around the Bay Area. One of the big pluses has been no traffic to speak of and no lines to order lunch. Some of the
eateries we been to so far have been Phil’s in Moss Landing, JJ’s in San Juan Batista, Cadillac Café in Watsonville, Al’ Beef in San Jose,
and 9 Burger in Boulder Creek. Lunch is the end of the planned ride and individual members choose whether they would like to continue
on a ride or head on back.
The ride for the upcoming week is usually posted on our Yahoo site by Sunday evening with all the pertinent info and where to
respond if you are interested in joining in. This gives our Chapter members an opportunity to plan ahead if they interested in
Sooo…., this little spiel is to let you know about the Chapter’s RTEs in case you don’t know about them; and to invite you out
to a lunch ride if you are available and would like to get out on your bike for a while for some fun and friends. Keep the wheels
turning and see ya soon.
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And now a kind word for our sponsors:
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Safety Corner,
Rocky Fagundes
The reason crashes happen are not very numerous: inattention,
alcohol or drug impairment, lack of traffic management
strategies, poor risk perception, lack of mental preparedness and
attention, and inadequate cornering, braking and slow speed
skills. Sure there are other reasons we could add to this list, but
you will find that this list covers a huge percentage of why
crashes happen. And you’ll notice that 5 out of the 6 reasons I
listed are mental skills. Not being in the right mental condition
to effectively and accurately evaluate the environment puts you
at high risk of being involved in a crash. The physical skills of
cornering, braking and keeping a slow-moving motorcycle
upright are also critical. It is necessary to have the highest
possible level of ability to control your motorcycle, but often it
is the lack of mental proficiency and good judgment that gets us
into trouble. Poor mental skills require us to use superior
physical skills to survive.
About half of all fatalities are the result of single vehicle crashes,
and the vast majority of those crashes occur in a curve. Riders
often fail to negotiate a corner because they enter the turn faster
than they can handle (lack of mental skill). This usually is
followed by an inability to corner effectively at this higher rate
of speed (a mostly physical skill). Had the rider used better
judgment about the entry speed, the corner would have passed
without incident.
Single vehicle crashes can also be the result of road surface
hazards. Motorcycles stability relies on traction. Add sand,
gravel, oil, diesel spills, anti-freeze, or water onto the pavement
and you’ve got the potential for a crash. While the existence of
road hazards is not in your control, we must learn to spot these
hazards before they become a problem.
Low-speed tip-overs may not seem all that scary, but these
seemingly benign mishaps can land you in the hospital with
nasty fractures and soft tissue damage. Too many riders ignore
their slow speed riding skills, partly because it doesn’t seem that
important, but also because learning to control a motorcycle at
walking speed can be rather intimidating.
So, here I go again touting the need for rider training.
The reason is that rider training is the gateway to
reduce risk. When I say rider training, I don’t only
mean formal training programs, I also mean continual
practice, whether that is in a parking lot or track day.
It can also mean purposefully refining mental
strategies and control skills while you are on a typical
ride or commuting to work. The opportunity to
become a better rider is always present.
I understand spending a week-end rolling around a
parking lot instead of touring the beautiful countryside
does not appeal to many. However, the time spent on
mental survival strategies and physical control skills
can mean the difference making it home and spending
several expensive days in a hospital bed or worse.
Even a fractured ankle or foot can change your plans
for the rest of the season.
Self-help training is just as valid as formal training, as
long as your knowledge and control skills are solid to
begin with. However, self-help training lacks the
feedback of a professional instructor, but the drills
outlined in a good motorcycle training book can
provide you with the fundamental information to help
you raise your skill level.
Even the most proficient riders are involved in
crashes. However, there is no doubt that we can tip the
scales in our favor if we become as skillful as possible
both mentally and physically. So let’s get tippin!
Doc Wong's Calendar of Riding Clinics
The 2014 Schedule of classes has not been
posted yet. Will update when available or check
the website.
These clinics are hosted by Dr. Harry Wong, located
at 1021 Alameda De Las Pulgas, Belmont, CA. Most
clinics are free.
More information is available at
www.docwong.com/st-clinic/, or by phoning
(650) 365-7775. He also maintains the Doc-Ride mail
list, which you may subscribe to at the web site.
CA2S Shark Bytes 9
District Director’s Message
to be used as the chapter saw fit. As one of the
instructors at StreetMasters, I look forward to
seeing many of you out there this year and,
again, it is through partnerships with
organizations like this we can all improve our
riding skills and margins of safety.
Each year, CA1-I kicks off our rally season and
this year is no different. In addition to having
the Gold Angels perform, they always have a
great ride planned and excellent food as well.
The event is held at Bert’s Mega Mall in Covina
with check-in at 9:00. In addition to all of the
usual events we will also be announcing the
2014 Chapter of the Year.
Back In the Saddle Again
As some of you know. I have been recovering
from having my ankle operated on back in
November. After six weeks in a cast and six
more rehabbing, I have finally been cleared to
get back in the saddle and start riding again.
To celebrate this success, my wife, Princess,
bought me a shiny, brand-new 2014 bike! It’s
blue and has all the bells and whistles you
could ask for except one: a motor. My loving
spouse bought me a bicycle to help rebuild the
strength in my ankle. I suppose it’s really my
own fault; the next time I tell Santa I want a new
bike for Christmas I will be more specific! On
the positive side, I am up to 15 miles at a time
and if I keep at it, will be back on the Gold Wing
in time for CA1-I’s Valentine’s Day Ride.
Last month we held our annual Officer’s
Conference in Bakersfield. I would like to
publicly acknowledge and thank Nancy Foote,
the owner of StreetMasters for sponsoring the
conference and for her generosity.
StreetMasters’ Lead Instructor, Walt Fulton, put
on the entire classroom portion of their course
for all of the attendees and then planned an onroad course for some of the attendees on
Sunday at no charge. Additionally,
StreetMasters donated a gift certificate to attend
one of their all-day, on-track courses valued at
$390.00 to each of the chapters in attendance
In March, we have two events. For those of you
wanting to become Certified Trike Instructors,
GWRRA is offering the class in Tucson, AZ
during the first week of the month. It is a 5-day
course and after successfully completing it and
being monitored, you will be qualified to teach
the Trike Rider Course (TRC) at any District,
Region, and National event including Wing
Ding! Anyone interested in becoming certified
should contact Mike Burke, our District Educator
(his contact info is on the District’s website).
The second of March’s events is CA1-R’s 16th
Annual Rally In the Valley entitled, “Ridin’ on the
River”. Their rally is the 28th through the 30th
at Harrah’s Laughlin Hotel and Casino. I will
share more details next month about their rally,
but circle the dates now so you can plan on
partying with us that weekend in Laughlin!
Until next month, ride well and ride often.
Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh
California District Directors
CA2S Shark Bytes 10
February 2014
Chapter 2014 Event
Planning Meeting
Meet at Roger/Mary K’s
Start 10AM
Meet at
6:30pm start
Dinner 6:00
CA-1L Valentine Run
Chapter Meeting
Meet at Hometown Buffet,
212 Ranch Dr. “McCarthy
Ranch Shopping Center”,
Starts promptly at 8:45
AM, Breakfast 8:00 AM.
After Ride – JJ’s
CA2S Shark Bytes 11
March 2014
Meet at
6:30pm start
Dinner 6:00
Chapter Meeting
Meet at Hometown Buffet,
212 Ranch Dr. “McCarthy
Ranch Shopping Center”,
Starts promptly at 8:45
AM, Breakfast 8:00 AM.
After Ride – JJ’s
CA-1R Rally in
the Valley
CA-1R Rally in the Valley
CA-1R Rally in
the Valley
CA2S Shark Bytes 12
2013 Los Altos Light Parade (LALP) w/ SiconValleyWings (SVW)! by Jerry McHugh
This year was the first time that we (Judy and I) witnessed the Los Altos Light Parade (LALP) and we were very impressed - both
by the overall parade and the 2Sers that rode in the parade. Here is what the website says about this event that started back
in 1977: "Today, there are more than 17,000 people that watch the approximate 60 entrants in the Parade that has turned into
one of the most popular Los Altos events of the year. The theme remains “A Child’s Holiday Fantasy”, and the Board is vigilant in
ensuring that this event remains a Parade for children as opposed to a Parade of children. There are approximately twenty-five
illuminated floats, twinkling walking storybook characters, the mayors of both Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, local high school
marching bands, and of course Santa with his sleigh and reindeer.
There are presently 35 volunteers who help put the Parade together on the Sunday after Thanksgiving each year. They transport
the floats to the Parade staging area, repair the lights, install batteries or generators, dress and make up the costumed characters,
orchestrate and synchronize the Parade entrants, and even push or drive the floats if they are not already in costume themselves.
By early Sunday afternoon, it is evident that something is about to happen as seen by the abundance of chairs and blankets that
have been laid out to “stake” favorite viewing locations.
At 6:00PM, the Parade now begins at First and State Streets. It travels down State, up Main, across First, down Whitney, and
over a portion of Third. In a little over an hour, the event is over."
The reason we found the parade so captivating is that, as stated above, it is FOR KIDS not BY KIDS - and by extension it is
ALSO FOR ADULTS (as many of us have never quite gotten over growing up). It is not a very long parade - but it sure is a
quality one, especially since the SiliconValleyWings are part of it. Sort of reminded us of the Disney "Electric Light Parade" (both
World and Land) - maybe the 2Sers could be part of Disney!
What adds a great dimension to this parade are the Silicon Valley Wings (SVW) and their decorated GoldWings. SVW arrived
around 4PM and were provided a very spacious area to stage the bikes and begin the decorating before nightfall. SVW
participants this year included riders (Douglas, Danny/Leah, Verdi, Charlie/Deb, Von, Gary/Lorie, Tim/Nancy, and John/Debbie),
supporters (Roger), and watchers (Jerry and Judy). Initially it was all business getting the bikes decorated but after it started
getting dark (around 5:15pm) there was time to pound down some great ToGo Sandwiches-drinks-chips that the chapter provided they went fast and were mighty yummy. Roger could not stay to watch the parage as he had committed to a 'hot dinner date' (think
it was a hot date - not hot dinner - maybe both). Each bike had a theme and no two bikes were decorated the same - really was
quite amazing.
The parade started at 6pm - right on time. The SVW were towards the end of the parade. We headed over to State Street to claim
a spot where we could take some pictures/video. The parade moved at a much faster pace than I expected - overall at a really fast
walk - but there was a good spacing between entrants so you had time to regroup for the next show. There were a mind boggling
number of folks that were watching this parade on both sides of the street along the entire route - from curb back to
storefront. When the SVWs passed the crowd noise picked up and reached a cresendo with the passage of Gary/Lorie with their
Snowman Theme - which was definitely a big hit. The only mishap of the SVWs was the loss of air in the Bear on Gary/Lorie's
trailer - as the Bear collapsed on the trailer the crowd went, "Aaaahhhh! Snowman Down! Aaaahhh! Snowman Down!", it actually
was the Bear but hard for the crowd to tell when deflated; nevertheless, the loss of the Bear did notthing to diminish the crowd
cheers for the SVWs during the remainder of the parade!
All enjoyed the parade - both entrants and onlookers - but it certainly was a lot of work/effort getting the SVW costumes,
decorations and lights assembled on the bikes - clearly this had done before and each rider came prepared to professionaly execute
to the pleasure of the crowd - and they did!
Here are YouTube video clips of the event - not such great video - but hopefully an inkling of what transpired in real time
The videos go fast and it is a bit hard to discern who-is-who. Here is the proximate order of rides (there was some change in the
order as the parade progressed) with a bit of a description if you wish to know who rode which bike: Douglas - Small tree on trailer
and lights on MC Jacket; John/Debbie - Candy Canes on bike and front of bike lit with blue lights; Von - Large white well lit
snowman on trailer; Tim/Nancy - Gifts and animals on trailer; Verdi - Large tree on trailer; Charlie/Deb - on trike with penguin
and snowman on trailer; Danny/Leah - Two up with no trailer; Gary/Lorie - Dressed as snow-man and snow-women with lit
snowman on back of bike.
Thanks to the 2Sers that put on a great show!
CA2S Shark Bytes 13
CA2S Member Businesses
Kuryakyn Irgo Iso Wing Highway Foot Rests. New in package but missing one foot pad. Will sell for $75.00
Arai Helmet, White size small with J&M head set # HSECD2718 open face ALMOST NEW $100.00
Arai Helmet, White size medium with J&M head set #HSECD584 open face $100.00
J&M Head Set #HSECD 271 open face EARLIER MODEL, $40.00
3 Patch Cords for Honda, upper & lower cords $50.00 each
Upper Cord $25.00
Call Virg Midkiff. San Jose, California. Home phone: (408) 252-7777. Cell phone: (408) 655-7630
Torqmaster Exhaust pipes for Goldwing 1800
I purchased and installed these pipes on my 2006 in October. I had my GL 1800 triked and to my dismay the pipes no longer fit. These
pipes have less than 1000 miles of use and are in like new condition. I paid over $500 plus tax and shipping.
Asking $300
Contact Sal: 408-639-0609. [email protected]
Couple of
the Year
I got no new exciting stories to relate this month. Been a slow riding month for me
and the wife. Was wearing the warm/solid jacket mostly, but a couple days were
so nice went back to the summer/mesh jacket.
So, it’s time to get excited about the upcoming year, and plan some rides and
adventures. All the great ideas and options to go to new and some old favs. Hope
to see many of you at the planning meeting so we can focus down all the possibilities into the most interesting and popular
rides for 2014. Throw in a couple workshops, PLP’s, rally’s, and after meeting rides, and there’s a whole lotta fun just
waiting to happen.
I’ve been enjoying the weekday RTE’s, and a great job to our organizers, Jerry McHugh and Pete Stinson. They’ve taken us
on some great rides close to home. Too bad it’s limited to us non-working types. Although Bill Hubbs did breakaway from
work to join us on the Alice’s Restaurant ride. Glad he could come along.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all the sweethearts out there!
Until next time, ride safe and often,
CA2S Shark Bytes 14
Jan 16 RTE by Jerry McHugh
The weather on this ride was delightful - temperature around 70 degrees and SUNNY.
The route (100 miles and 2.5 hours in the saddle) follows:http://goo.gl/maps/SGJLS
Danny, Buddy, and Jerry met at Omega with KSU at 10:15, and a stop at Chabot Park (20min - off road paved scenic
road into park over to the Chabot Gun Club with is very interesting. It was closed to the public on Thursday but it was
open to the AGENTS. Don't ask what an Agent is - you may not want to know. We met an Agent - he was with the
Coast Guard - had skin tight tan tights on - from head (literally) to foot. Nice guy - we talked for about 15 minutes this guy was in 'great shape' - but you sure would not want to be (literally) in his cross-hairs - he was out
'practicing'. They have rifle, trap, pistol ranges at Chabot - 'Have Gun - Will Travel' - rememer that TV show? Next
we went to the Orinda Theatre Square for lunch. It is literally a square and we walked all four sides to peruse
restaurants and select ours ( http://www.orindatheatresquare.com/index.php/dinning). On the way around we
stopped at the Orinda Move Theatre - which was restored in 1989 - it is about a pretty a Theatre as you will
see. Marty at the Theatre gave us a grand tour and we were impressed. I told Marty that the Theatre tag line should
be "Come for the Theatre - Stay for the Show" - Marty was clearly not impressed with my tag line - but I like it. Danny
was the only decisive one in our group (Buddy and I waffled on our decision) in picking where to eat - and when it is
time to eat it is best to be decisive - thanks Danny!. We ate Greek and it was delish!
After lunch, we took a great route home.
Alternate Route:http://goo.gl/maps/xZhvc
The alternate route took us (from lunch spot) to Orinda Wilder (http://www.orindawilder.com/), for a ride through a
spacious very high-end residential development 20 years in the planning off route 24 that is a special place relatively
few have seen that is just getting its legs going on some residential ($3 million dollar homes!) construction. Following,
we headed over to Alhambra Valley Road with a ride through the Oakmont Memorial Park which is a magnificent
cemetery with a view to 'die' for - one of my favorite places (in this life - not later)! Photos are posted on the Yahoo
Site (http://goo.gl/75E8cF) with a few posted in this article.
Jan 23 RTE to Panoche Inn
CA2S Shark Bytes 15
CA2S Shark Bytes 16
CA2S Shark Bytes 17
CA2S Shark Bytes 18
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Region and District Staff
Region F Directors
Region F Educators
District Directors
District Educator
Anita & JR Alkire
Dave & Dee Gormley
Vince & Pam Puterbaugh
Gerald Gragg
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chapter CA2S Staff Members
Chapter Directors
Assistant Chapter Directors
Chapter Educator
Assistant Chapter Educator
Ride Coordinator
Membership Enhancement
Coordinators (MEC)
Assistant MEC
Recognition & Special
News Letter Editor
Ride for Kids Coordinator
Ways & Means Coordinator
Chapter Historian
Chapter Store Coordinator
Individual of the Year
Couple of the Year
Charlie & Debra Porzio
Sal & Pattie Esposito
Rocky Fagundes
Roger Moraes
Rick Hobbs
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(408) 710-6227
(408) 639-0609
(408) 504-0440
(408) 926-5828
(408) 747-5233
Ron & Danita Bratcher
Pete Stinson
[email protected]
[email protected]
(408) 225-7040
(408) 778-1450
Sandy Shewey
Douglas Loyd
Danny Shewey
Douglas Loyd
Les Cook
Bill Hubbs
Tim & Nancy Wheatley
Les Cook
Rocky Fagundes
Danny & Sandy Shewey
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
popcycle@ pacbell.net
[email protected]
[email protected]
(408) 729-0548
(408) 259-8334
(408) 729-0548
(408) 259-8334
(408) 745-9777
(408) 680-3250
(760) 822-7686
(408) 745-9777
(408) 504-0440
(408) 729-0548
CA2S Shark Bytes 19
Monthly Meetings—The third Saturday of each month. The meeting starts promptly at 8:45
AM, and is usually over by 10:45 AM. Hometown Buffet, 212 Ranch Dr. (408) 935-0893
“McCarthy Ranch Shopping Center”, Milpitas. Business meeting, Safety Talk, 50/50 raffle,
General camaraderie. Any rider of Honda Gold Wing and Valkyrie motorcycles, or anyone
who just loves to ride.
Rides going NorthEast – Omega Restaurant parking lot, 90 S. Park Victoria Dr (near
Calaveras/Park Victoria), Milpitas.
Rides North to SF - Mercado Theater Santa Clara on Hwy 101 Frontage Rd. between Great
America Parkway and Lawrence Expressway. This is the meeting place for rides that take us
North along Hwys 101 or 85 (San Francisco, Marin, Eureka).
Rides South – Four Points by Sheraton (formerly Holiday Inn) at Bernal Rd and 101 South.
Disclaimer: Please note all meetings are subject to change, both in location and times to meet.
If you are interested in a ride or event and have questions, please call or email any staff member
noted in the newsletter or on the web. http://www.ca2s.org.
Motorcycling Book List
“Street Strategies”
“Riding in the Zone”
“Ride Hard Ride Smart”
“Total Control”
Twist of the Wrist II
“Sport Riding Techniques”
“Maximum Control”
“Motorcycling Excellence”
“Motorcycling Journeys
Through California”
David L. Hough
Ken Condon
Pat Hahn
Lee Parks
Keith Code
Nick Ienatsch
Pat Hahn
Clement Salvadori
ISBN 1-889540-69-2
ISBN 978-1-884313-76-9
ISBN 978-0-7603-1760-0
ISBN 13-978-0-7603-6
ISBN 0-9650450-2-1
ISBN 1-893618-07-2
ISBN 978-0-7603-3674-8
ISBN 1-884313-01-9
Bow Tie Press
Whitehorse Press
Calif. Super Bike School
David Bull Publishing
Whitehorse Press
Whitehorse Press
CA2S Shark Bytes 20
California Chapter Meetings and Locations
Meeting Date & Time
1st Saturday 9:15 AM
Breakfast 8:30 AM
3rd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
4th Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
Last Saturday, 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Sunday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Sunday 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:30AM
1st Sunday 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
3rd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Sunday 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
1st Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
1st Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00AM
4th Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:30 AM
2nd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
2nd Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Saturday 8:45 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
1st Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
Meeting Location
Greenhouse Cafe, 1169 Commerce Ctr Dr., Lancaster
Burgers and Beer, 32-772 Dinah Shore Dr,
Rancho Mirage
Elks Lodge, 8108 E. Alondra Blvd., Paramount
Broken Yolk Café, 1851 Garnet Ave., San Diego
Denny’s, 546 W. Baseline Rd, Glendora
Home Town Buffet, 6705 N. Fallbrook Ave,
Canoga Park
IHOP Restaurant, 212 Madonna Rd, San Luis Obispo
Pepper Steak, 26589 Highland Ave, Highland
American Legion Post 295, 5646 Corporate Dr, Cypress
Home Town Buffet, 1008 East 17th Street, Santa Ana
Carrow’s Restaurant, 2401 Harbor Blvd, Ventura
Mawell’s, 17772 Wika Rd, Apple Valley
Home Town Buffet, 40390 Margarita Rd., Temecula
Old Salles Cafe, 2082 North J Street, Tulare
Elks Lodge #6, 6446 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento
Hometown Buffet, 2050 Diamond Blvd., Concord
Benicia Grill, 4760 East 2nd Street, Benicia
Pine Tree Restaurant & Lounge, 19601 Hess Ave, Sonora
Black Bear Diner, 5100 Hopyard Rd, Pleasanton
Vittles Restaurant. 2385 North Street, Anderson
Hometown Buffet, 212 Ranch Dr. “McCarthy Ranch
Shopping Center”, Milpitas
Yosemite Falls Café in Granite Park, 4020 N. Cedar Ave,
CA2S Shark Bytes 21