User Manual
User Manual
MARINEVHF/FM HAND.HELD TRANSCEIVER @ry lJ)l @ |En@ @ @ r Owner's Manual 1. SPECTFTCAT|ONS I i I. 1. GENERAL Channels: Transmit54 (55for U.K.and Aust.type) Receive: 55 (56for U.K.and Aust.type) ChannelSpacing:25 KHz FrequencyStability:0.00050/o Temperature Range:-2OoCto +50oC(-4oF to +122ofl PowerSupplyRequirement 13.2VDC*10o/o (Negative GroundAceeptable) Antennalmpedance:50 OHMSUnbalanced Dimensions: 77Ia"(H)x 25|e"(D) Weightllb.4oz. BatteryPack:450 mAH I.2. TRANSMITTER FrequencyRange:156.050to 157.425MHz (157.850 MHzfor U.K.type.) OutputPower:Hi:S watts;Low:1 watt Spuriousand Harmonic Emissions: 2.SuW Modulation: 16F3:+SKHZ Ior 10Ao/o at 1 KHZ FM Humand Noise:-40 dB AudioDistortion:10oloat I3KHZ Deviation CurrentDrain:1.2Amp at 5 watts;0.70Amp at 1 watt I.3, RECEIVER FrequencyRange:156.050to 162.025MHz AdjacentChannelRejection:65 dB, t25KHz Spuriousand lmage Rejection:60 dB lntermodulation: 60 dB FM Hum & Noise: -40 dB Audio Output Power:300 mwt10o/o Distortion CurrentDrain:300 mA at FullAudio Outout 60mA at Stand By (Squelched) DESIGNANDSPECIFICATIONS TO CHANGE SUBJECT WITHOUTNOTICE -2- II.1. INTRODUCTION Ycrur neur transceiver is truly a stateof-theart solid state, microprocessorcontrolled,synthesizedMarineVHF/FM HandHdd Transceiver. IT FEATURES: r lnternationalChannelCoverage r InstantAccess to Channel 16 . Prograrnmable and Memory.Scanning o 5 Watts Full Power r Multi-Function LCD Displaywith Night Lighting r ElectronicPush ButtonTuning r Full Gasket,Rugged, Water ResistantCase Everyfeatureof thisHand-HddTransceiver wasengineeredand manufacturedto provideyou the mostreliable,convenient,and easy operation. Proper storage and maintenanceof your transceiverwill provide you with years of dependable seMce. CAUTON: ALTHOUGH THE TRANSCEIVERCASE WAS MADE TO BE WATER RESISTANT,PLEASEMAKE SURE TO KEEP IT FACE DOWN TO AVOID GETTINGWATTER THROUGH THE SPEAKERGRILL II.2. GENERALINFORMATION li Antenno Jock S q u e l c hK n o b Vol/on-off Knob BockLight Switch Speoker PTT{Push-To-Tolk Swirch) LCDDisploy Chonnel LockSwitch Microphone Exlernol Microphone Jock Exlernol Speoker Jock Key Pod Chorging lndicotor Botlery Pock Lock C h o r g i n gJ o c k *4- CONTROLS/FUNCTIONS III. 1. LCDDISPLAY: I TX DW Lo rNlL PT t_ t t i-l tJ EE l: III.2. TOP PANEL: /--Y 7fi- 7+v' \r*v*N4* III. 3. FRONT PANEL: ru. lffil lffil fiEN'r-l tffil FFil lml E@E IV. OPERATION IV. 1. GENERAL A. Rotatethe SQUELCH knob counterclockwise fully. B. Rotatethe FOWEM/OLUME knobclockwiseuntilyou obtain the desireablevolume. C. Turnthe SQUELCHknobclockwiseuntilthe backoround noiseis eliminated. D. Slide KEYLOCK to the OFF oosition. power(H= Hi 5 E. UseH/L buttonto chooseyourtransmitting watt; L:Low 1 watt) Fl PressUP/DOWNbuttonsto choosethe desiredchannels. G. PresstheCH.l 6 buttonsto accessdistress channel16 instantly(pressCLR buttonto cancel). H. PressDW button to access dual watch. l. PressSCAN bufton to resumescanning PressCHM buttonto resumeCHM (U.K.Type Only) Press87A buttonto resumechannel87A (Aust.TypeOnly) J. lf onlyone channelis desiredto be monitoredand used, slide CHANNELLOCKswitchto the ON position. K. To transmit,depressthe PTT (push{o{alk)switch, and speakinto the microphone. IV. 2. PROGRAMMING/MEMORY SCAN A. Turn on the transceiver. B. Pressthe P/S button(programmable/scan). You willnotice the LCD displaywill have a "P" abovea "O", and two dashesnext to each other displayed. C. Pressthe UP/DOWN buttonto selectthe channelto be programmed,-whichwill replacethe two dashes.And press H/L buttonto chooseyour transmittingpower. D. Pressthe ENT buttonto storethe selectedchannelinto memory. E. Repeatthe precedingstepsto store more channelsinto the memorybank, up to 10 channels. F. Use CH16, or CLR buttonsto get out of P/S mode. G. To eraseprogrammedchannels;call up the channelby -6- pressingthe P/S buttonuntiithe channelsappearin the LCD display.Then press the DW button.ihe channel numberswill be replacedby two dashesagain.Repeat stepsA-E to storenew channelsinto memorv. To resumescanning,pressthe P/S buttonfor one full second. CHAIINEL FNEQUEiICIES $h TffiI h 1 3 5 7 a 9 10 srF n(.|r rs6 o-g | [email protected] r5€.15( €o.75( | 56.2d m.u | 56.23 [email protected]( 5eg r56.S s6.3r rm.950 1$.O s0 s.€ 1$i50 b S/D o o o o o art ort r6cc grts E{} h! @n )ta gib gra )16 F l}!. AT ffi A& Ant A* h otdd h opdh hnoff tulotr&i h oldnr Cd' SaLty forl Operalb. lfr€trp fod Opssb Fod OFalb D s s ll 12 l3 11 15 | 56.56( rsss | 56.6q 156.@0 s rsqs rs.m s rsTd r 56.700 | 56.7C r 56.750 tunOo€lh Pod O€.elbo Bng! b Itir$ Itw) rh,ijdid MOEdb l6 lf t8 t9 m r$.9 r$.9 | 56.9 | 55.95( t57.q CChg t Wy CdeE e SdHy {1 w} Fo.lhb6 Fo.l O9@L. ft.|Opddbn 21 n 23 21 25 26 27 Ornd & 61 62 g s 66 s 69 70 72 73 $.& $.ag 61.50( 61.55( 61.6d o D o t57.ffi r61.650 o I 161.7@ o 157.r5( r 61.750 D 157.m 161.m D 157.X r61.ffi o r57.9 t6l_s o 157.9 | 61350 D r5?.4 D gi9 lltltilr grF ho*. hd. eh rso2l r60.el r 56.07t r60.671 156.12l [email protected] r s r T l r60.771 r5€.221tsa2! o o o D D r $.271 r 56.32: r 56.37! r 56.421 ts47! r@371 | 60.921 r56371 | 5€'421 r$47! o o s s |56.571 |56.621 | 56.671 |56.721 156_521 | 56.571 r56.el | 56.671 | 56.721 s s s |56.87: s6.92t l$.97! 57.O2! 57 07! 56.821 56€71 61.521 61.571 6r.021 6r.671 ftdhbo(tSCG) tod Ope6lion {USCGI M@i<h(USCGI Mb mbM tuUbCMc Prblb Cq6rtde@ tudtCo.r6ffi ort Ird odt C6l IFCG gtb shb Rd Rd srp Ero n a u s s a7 Rcv Rca At& Conaodq At.Cdcddre ful 0F6 ftd ftdh M O9€ratb Fod O@td hotdn(tw) Fod Ofdtr M ODoreb ; ; s D o o o r 5zr 2: D t 57.r7a t61_771 o 157.224 | 51_42! o 157.274 t6t.87l D t57.124 t6t 921 D I 57.37: t61€71 o t&.@! o ; Bd Only Inhlris tud Orclih lfr6hip tonOrEb Fbd O@lih R* Onlv Only lG.slSp Fod Opqdh M Opordb Fod Opeetb. tod Oo€Glion IUSCG) tMOFab{tSCGI Hb hd oldb 0jsccl ftd ogdin A* CdEqtu |utffim tublic CorGFdere Publb CdGdrd€rr cHn 57.85( t57.85( 87^ ftn Opmb' tu opf,*r fol opdh Rcv 75 76 77 7a 79 & 81 !D. ofo0..&r yes yes 57.371 157.371 -8- ye9 no Mdina Only Non Commercial IN TAIWANR.O.C. PRINTEO AV0120010F
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