Growing Pink Lady
Growing Pink Lady
GROWING PINK LADY® Optimizing the quality potential of the variety-Spain Joan Bonany, IRTA-EEA Mas Badia Joaquim Carbó, IRTA-EEA Mas Badia Simó Alegre, IRTA-EE Lleida Ignasi Iglesias, IRTA-EE Lleida Introduction • • • • Growing area Climate and soil conditions Orchard characteristics Fruit Quality overview • Hail net effects on PINK LADY PINK LADY FRUIT GROWING AREA OF SPAIN: Latitude: Between 41 and 42 º N One of the most meridional in Europe Lleida ~100 Ha Altitude: 250 m Rainfall: 395 mm ETo: 1076 mm Girona ~75 Ha Altitude: 15 m Rainfall: 617 mm ETo: 791 mm Climate overview of the growing area 25 100 Pluja (mm) - EE Lleida 35 T- max (C) - EE Lleida Pluja (mm) - EEA Mas Badia T- max (C) - EEA Mas Badia 30 T (C) - EE Lleida 20 T- min (C) EE Lleida 80 T (C) - EEA Mas Badia T- min (C) EEA Mas Badia 25 15 60 10 40 20 15 10 5 20 Desembre Novembre Octubre Setembre Agost Juliol Juny Maig Abril Març 0 Febrer 0 Gener Desembre Novembre Octubre Setembre Agost Juliol Juny Abril Març Febrer Gener 0 Maig 5 Soil characteristics • • • • • Alluvial soils pH: Basic reaction, > 7,5 No restriction for growth In some instances, replant situation Irrigation is compulsory Orchard characteristics • M9 type of rootstock used – Most common M9 types: Pajam 1 or NAKB T337 preferred – Pajam 2, or EMLA in replant situation • Planting distance – 3,75 to 4,00 m x 1,20-1,50 (tendency to 1,2) • Prunning system: Central axe • Thinning program: • NAA (10-12 ppm) + Carbaryl (1275 ppm) PINK LADY® evaluation • First introduced in the cultivar collection of IRTA in 1997 • Planted in 2 locations: EE Lleida (Mollerussa) and EEA Mas Badia • Rootstock: M9 EMLA Cultivar description Site Blooming period Full bloom Harvest period Days Full Bloomharvest Cumulative yield (kg.tree-1) Vigour* cm2 (TCSA) YE** ( EE Lleida 21-Mar./ 18-Apr. 29-Mar. 25-Oct. / 2 Nov. 210 105.1 21.10 4.98 EEA Mas Badia 29-Mar. / 11-Apr. 6-Apr. 15-Oct./ 09 Nov. 206 28.3 17.90 1.58 Site / Variety Mean fruit size (mm) Firmness (kg) SSC IR (ºBrix) T. acidity (g.l-1 mal. acid) Starch Index (0-10, EUROFRU) EE Lleida 75.5 8.3 15.7 6.1 6.7 EEA Mas Badia 78.2 8.0 15.0 6.9 7.9 I. Iglesias Pollination coincidence 20-març 25-març 30-març 1-abril 5-abril 10-abril 15-abril EEA Mas Badia 20-abril EVEREST® BRAEBURN PINK LADY® GOLDEN GEM GRANNY SMITH GALAXY FUJI CHOFU 2 BAUGENE I. Iglesias I. Iglesias Colour distribution EEA Mas Badia 2002 100 90 80 % fruits 70 60 2001 2002 50 40 30 20 10 0 >90% >70% >60% >40% >20% Colour distribution EE Lleida 2002 100 90 80 % fruits 70 60 50 2002 40 30 20 10 0 >75% >50% >25% Final comments • PINK LADY well suited to the growing areas of Lleida and Girona • Grower: productive, regular in production and in general easy to grow and early cropping with feather trees • Quality aspects – No limitation regarding quality aspects – Colour development more than adequate Hail Net effects on PINK LADY® • High value product: – Ensure production to market – Reduce some cosmetic defects on fruit • Evaluate some possible effects on fruit colour • Experimental set-up – Orchards in EEA Mas Badia and EE Lleida – Clear hail net (BENIAGRO GVM) – Untreated control Climate effects of Hail Net (clear) • Small effects on radiation • Small effects on temperature • Induced higher vigour, specially in the top part of the tree 35 Temperatura (ºC) 30 25 20 15 10 5 Blanca Negra Testigo 0 15-6-02 0:00 a.6./p.6. 16-6-02 0:00 a.6./p.6. Hail net effects on PINK LADY fruit Effects on Fruit Colour 100 EEA Mas Badia 2002 90 80 70 60 CONTROL HAIL NET 50 40 30 20 10 0 >70% >60% >40% Hail net effects on PINK LADY fruit Effects on Fruit Colour EE Lleida 2001 100 90 80 70 60 CONTROL HAIL NET 50 40 30 20 10 0 >80% >40% Hail net effects on PINK LADY fruit Effects on fruit quality EE Lleida 2001 Treatment Kg/ tree g/ fruit Hail Net Control 22.4 25.4 220 221 Size (% fruits) <70 70- >80 mm 80 3.9 56.3 47.6 7.6 50.6 41.8 Firm. (kg) 7.8 7.7 IR TA SPI % % (ºBrix) (g/l) cracking Sunburn 14.7 14.8 7.3 7.0 7.9 8.0 0 0 0.8 1.6 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 Eurofru code 05 -1 103 10 29 -1 003 05 -1 10 29 -1 00 3 3 13.0 3 6.5 22 -1 00 13.5 3 7.0 15 -1 00 14.0 3 7.5 08 -1 00 14.5 º Brix 22 -1 003 9 3 8.0 15 -1 003 Acidity 2002 01 -1 00 05 -1 102 15.0 08 -1 003 3 3 29 -1 002 22 -1 002 Firmess 2002 01 -1 003 05 -1 10 29 -1 00 g/L 3 3 15 -1 002 08 -1 002 Kg 22 -1 00 15 -1 00 10 3 3 01 -1 002 8.5 08 -1 00 01 -1 00 Pink Lady® E.E.A. Mas Badia - 2002 I.R. 2002 Starch index 2002 9 8 4 3 1-10 8 -10 14-10 21-10 31-10 8-11 3.4 6.3 5.9 7.8 8.5 8.8 Color and maturation evolution of Pink Lady® (2002)