2010 Annual Report - North Texas Food Bank


2010 Annual Report - North Texas Food Bank
A Member of Feeding America
Thanks for
sticking it
to hunger.
2010 Annual Report
Close the Gap Year 2 of 3
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Dear North Texas Food Bank Friends and Supporters,
It’s hard to summarize the second year of the North Texas
Food Bank’s Close the Gap campaign. With the shifting
economic climate, changing unemployment rate and evergrowing number of North Texans at risk of going hungry,
it’s easy to simply focus on the overwhelming need.
Indeed, the need is great. The unemployment rate in Texas
jumped to the highest it’s ever been – 8.6 percent – in January.
Thousands of hard-working North Texans have been forced
out of jobs they’ve had for years and are now unable to
provide for their families. Seniors citizens who have worked hard their whole lives
now have only a meager Social Security check on which to live. Children, through
no fault of their own, are going to bed hungry because their parents can’t afford to
buy groceries.
So many of our neighbors are struggling – but the North Texas Food Bank is doing
everything in its power to provide food to those who need it most. Thanks to the
generous support of corporations, foundations, faith groups and friends like you,
we distributed an incredible 43.7 million meals to hungry people during the second
year of our Close the Gap campaign. We also acquired more than 13,400 new donors
during the holiday season, and a remarkably dedicated 22,000 volunteers served
63,000 hours in our warehouse to help feed those in need.
This community-wide effort – this incredible success story – is what I’ll remember
when I reflect on this year.
As we look ahead to the third and final year of our Close the Gap campaign, I’m
more encouraged than ever by the support of our generous community. I know we
can achieve the goals we’ve set before us – to provide our hungry neighbors with
increased access to the food they need – and I’m grateful that you’ve joined us in this
Thank you, on behalf of all those we serve, for your partnership.
Charlie Morrison
Chairman of the Board
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
“Every day, whether or not we think anyone is paying
attention, our actions, our decisions, our choice to stand
up and lead or blindly follow does change lives.”
- Jan Pruitt, North Texas Food Bank President & CEO
It’s truly overwhelming to consider how many lives have been changed here in
North Texas because of our community’s willingness to stand up and be leaders
in the fight against hunger. The support and leadership of this community
enabled the North Texas Food Bank to distribute an incredible 43.7 million meals
to those in need during the second year of our campaign to Close the Gap on
The word “gap” is defined as a break; an interruption in continuity; a wide
divergence or difference, perceived as creating a problem. This definition
couldn’t be more appropriate to describe the gap we’re working to close through
this unique three-year initiative.
There is a gap between the number of hungry people in North Texas and the
food they so desperately need. We don’t want to simply narrow this gap – we
want to close it completely. The recession continues to affect North Texans
everywhere, bringing new faces of hunger to our Member Agencies for help
with food every day. With the goal of distributing 50 million meals annually
by 2011, the Food Bank is doing
everything in its power to ensure
that those in need have increased
access to nutritious food and that
no food goes to waste.
Rebecca and her husband, Juan,
never thought they’d need help
to feed their son. But a year ago,
Rebecca suffered a fall at work,
leaving her permanently disabled
and unable to return to her job. Shortly after her accident, Juan became very
ill and had to take significant time off work without pay. Between this loss of
income and mounting medical bills, the couple just hasn’t been able to afford
rent, utility bills and food.
Fortunately, Rebecca has found the help she needs at Baptist Benevolent Irving,
a Member Agency of the North Texas Food Bank.
“I’m very appreciative,” says Rebecca. “You have helped us.”
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
For Barbara, the unrelenting pangs of hunger aren’t anything new. Though she
spent her entire adult life working tirelessly to provide for her son as a single
mom – sometimes even working two jobs to make ends meet – she just doesn’t
always get enough to eat. With several chronic health conditions, most of her
small fixed income goes toward prescriptions and doctor’s bills rather than food.
“I know what it’s like to go without food,” she says.
Thanks to the generosity of this community,
Barbara doesn’t have to choose between
buying medicine or food anymore. She can
come to the White Rock Center of Hope, a
North Texas Food Bank Member Agency, for
nutritious groceries when she really needs
“This food makes the difference between
giving up and going on,” she says.
Senior citizens like Mavis are also struggling to make ends meet. For most of
her life, she lived comfortably as a middle school math teacher in Bombay, India
with her husband and four children. But years later when she moved to Dallas,
she found she didn’t have the credentials she needed to teach in the United
States. Re-certification was expensive, and she didn’t have the money. She was
forced to work odd jobs which paid very little and were hard on her aging body.
Now at age 70, her only Inc.ome is in the form of Social Security and food stamps
– and with rent, utility bills and medications, she rarely has enough money left
over to buy food.
That’s why Mavis is so glad she can take home groceries from the food pantry at
Lake Cities United Methodist Church, a Food Bank Member Agency.
“Thank you very much!” says Mavis. “I appreciate what you’re doing. You are a
blessing and a help to me.”
North Texans in need like Rebecca and Juan, Barbara and Mavis no longer have
to live with the pain of hunger. Full stomachs are a reality for them, thanks to the
generous donations of foundations, corporations, faith groups and individuals
in our community like you.
Thank you for helping to Close the Gap on hunger in North Texas.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Dear Friends,
Over the last two years, you’ve likely become familiar
with the North Texas Food Bank’s Close the Gap
campaign, a three-year initiative to feed all of our hungry
neighbors by Inc.reasing our food distribution to 50
million meals annually by 2011.
When the campaign first launched in 2008, the year 2011
seemed so far away. It’s hard to believe that it’s now just
around the corner. And thanks to the support of friends
in the community like you, we’re closer than ever to
achieving our goals.
It’s true that the second year of our Close the Gap campaign has not been
without its challenges. Tough economic conditions have affected us all. With high
unemployment and “new faces” of hunger emerging every day, we’ve seen an
unprecedented need. I’ll never forget the story of a man who was laid off from
his six-figure job as an engineer this past year. He lost his home, his savings –
everything. I’m sure he never in his wildest dreams imagined he’d have to apply
for food stamp assistance just to get by.
This has been a difficult season, but we’ve come out of it even stronger than
when we started – and that’s only because of our supporters. Thanks to friends
in the community like you, we were able to surpass our distribution goals by
an incredible 1.1 million meals! When I think about the thousands of families
and individuals who had food on the table because of those meals, I am truly
Now, as we look ahead to the final year of our Close the Gap campaign, our
goals are even bigger and we need your help even more. We’re counting on
the support of this community to help us build the solution to our North Texas
neighborhood’s chronic problem of hunger. It is my continued hope that our
united force against hunger resounds clearly and effectively across America to
inspire everyone to reach out a hand for our hungry neighbors.
We simply couldn’t feed those in need without the generosity of foundations,
corporations, faith groups and individuals like you.
Thank you for your partnership!
W gratitude,
Jan Pruitt
President & CEO
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Road Map to Close the Gap:
Millions of Meals Provided
Close the Gap:
Access to Over 50 million meals by 2011
The North Texas Food Bank relieves hunger in two ways:
1. Food Distribution- We supply donated, purchased and prepared foods to
1,184 community-based programs, including food pantries, shelters, and soup
kitchens. We also operate direct feeding services for seniors and children,
including our PAN program, Food 4 Kids “Back Pack Program” and Kids Cafe
after school meal program.
2. SNAP Services- Our Social Services Assistance team works closely with
Member Agencies to help families and individuals apply for Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits*. Outreach workers make the
application process clearer and more accessible to families in need and are able
to conduct complete interviews in the field and submit applications directly.
With the support of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, our
SNAP outreach team more than doubled in size (to 15 positions) this year. We
estimate the impact of our SNAP services using data on applications submitted,
application success rates, average benefits per recipient and estimated costs
per meal.
*The Food Stamp Program was renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in 2008.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Feeding Families
Elizabeth is raising her three young sons ages 5, 2 and 5 months on her own.
Although she works as a bookkeeper at a local retail store, her hours have been cut
dramatically over the past year due to the economy, and she isn’t earning nearly
enough to make ends meet. Her real passion is education, so she’s taking classes to
become a high school teacher.
But between work, school
and taking care of her
stretched thin. She really
struggles to pay for things
like utility bills, childcare
and food for three growing
Fortunately, food is one
Thanks to the gifts of friends in our community, she can “shop” for free, nutritious
groceries at Christian Community Action in Lewisville, a North Texas Food Bank
Member Agency. Elizabeth is so grateful for the food she receives.
“Thank you!” she says with tears of gratitude. “I never expected to find myself
in this situation. It makes a tremendous difference knowing I can feed my kids
nutritious food.”
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Holiday Awareness Campaign
In November and December of
2009, the North Texas Food Bank launched its Holiday Awareness Campaign in
order to increase awareness because of the economic downfall. The Food Bank
was overwhelmed with the response from the community and generated a 22%
increase in donations over the previous year (November 1 through December 31,
see chart below).
* in millions
KRLD Restaurant Week presented by Central Market
was bigger and better than ever in its 12th year. Running August 17 – 23, with
some restaurants extending the event an extra week or even two weeks, KRLD
Close the Gap:Week proved
Access to Over 50 million meals by 2011
yet again to be a great way toFood
raise awareness
Million of pounds.
the issue of hunger in North Texas. More than 100 participating restaurants
generously donated $7 from each $35 fixed-price meal to the Food Bank. This
year’s event raised $426,214, which provided more than 1,704,856
meals for
those in need.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
198 % increas
canstruction was a feast for the eyes in its 14th year. Eighteen design and
architecture firms constructed larger-than-life creations from nonperishable
food items, which were on display at Galleria Dallas from October 3 - 18. All
food items were donated to the Food Bank at the event’s conclusion. This
year’s canstruction brought in 63,549 pounds of food and more than $11,392,
translating into nearly 95,218 meals! We deeply appreciate the support from
this year’s sponsors, including: CitySprint, Dallas Stars, Thomas Reprographics,
BRW Architects, Inc., Corner Bakery, Blue Mesa, Carter Rose Photography, F11
Media, GSR Andrade, BKCo, Westin Galleria, and Galleria Dallas.
It’s a Fair Deal at the State Fair of Texas, sponsored by
Kroger, proved to be more than just a fair deal for North Texans – it was a
hunger relief effort and a great volunteer opportunity. From September 30 to
October 14, fairgoers received discounted admission prices for bringing three
canned food items for the Food Bank on Wednesdays through Kroger’s It’s a
Fair Deal Wednesdays. Fairgoers also received discounted admission prices on
opening day for bringing a 20-ounce Coca-Cola product to donate to the Food
Bank. The Food Bank collected 144,824 pounds of nonperishable food and CocaCola products, which provided more than 113,144 meals for those in need.
Greater Dallas/Fort Worth Souper Bowl of Caring was
an enormous success in its second year. From January 15 through February 7,
2010, nonperishable foods and cash donations were collected at participating
Albertsons, Central Market, Kroger and Tom Thumb grocery stores. Many local
schools, faith-based organizations and youth groups collected food and funds,
as well. More than 180,190 pounds of nonperishable food and $76,393.90 were
collected to benefit the North Texas Food Bank. Thank you to our grocery and
media partners and all who participated to help make this food drive a success!
Whole Foods Giving Tree, presented by Whole Foods
Market, encouraged customers to buy a paper ornament to decorate the
store’s Giving Tree throughout the month of December. Customers had the
opportunity to donate in any dollar amount and all proceeds went to the Food
Bank. since the close of 2009 brought increased economic uncertainty, Whole
Foods team members shared the story of hunger with their customers to inspire
giving. They saw donations increase by 108 percent over last year, bringing the
total to $66,656.87. This translates into 266,627 meals for hungry North Texans!
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Empty Bowls, presented by Tom Thumb
celebrated its most
successful year to date on February 19, 2010. More than 1,900 guests gathered at
the Meyerson Symphony Center to enjoy the savory soups, breads and desserts
provided by area restaurants. Local artists donated beautiful handcrafted bowls
for the occasion. The event brought in $164,652, translating into an incredible
658,608 meals for hungry North Texans! We would like to extend a special thank
you to our sponsors: Presenting Sponsor Tom Thumb, Official Go Green Sponsor
VHA, Benefactors Alliance Data, BBVA Compass, Andrews Kurth, LLP, Dave &
Buster’s, Grant Thornton, and Supporters Post Properties, Urology Associates
of North Texas, Comerica Bank, and Lockheed Martin. We’d also like to thank
our donors, WFAA, WBAP, City Color, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Urban Floral
Design Studio, Fun Factory Events, and John and Darlene Williams and all of the
artisians who donated handmade bowls.
Dash Down Greenville, presented by Run On!
is a great
way for North Texans to run for a reason. On March 13, 2010, more than 5,200
runners gathered on Greenville Avenue for this annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K run
and walk, presented by Run On! and hosted by Central Market. The event raised
$55,952 for the Food Bank, translating into more than 233,800 meals for those
in need!
Taste of the NFL – The Ultimate Dallas Cowboys
Tailgate Party, presented by Lockheed Martin, saw record
numbers in its fifth year! Hosted by Dallas Cowboys defensive end Marcus
Spears and linebacker DeMarcus Ware, five-time Super Bowl player Preston
Pearson and celebrity chef Kent Rathbun, the event raised $185,127 for North
Texas children on April 25 – that’s 740,508 meals for those in need! In addition
to our hosts, auction committee, host committee chaired by Preston Pearson and
Janie Tilford, guests and participating chefs, we have many generous sponsors to
thank, including: Presenting Sponsor Lockheed Martin; Go Green Sponsor VHA;
Touchdown Sponsors US Foodservice and Lockton; Field Goal Sponsors Mike &
Danya Anderson and Albertsons; and Ultimate Fan Sponsors Charlie Morrison,
Lovell PR, Northrop Grumman, Orix, North Texas Super Bowl XLV Committee,
Mosaic, and Black, Mann, & Graham, LLP Thanks also to our donors: Dallas
Cowboys, CBS 11/TXA 21, Balloons to You, Doc Strange Photography, Tiffany
& Co., Andrews Distributing Company, The Fan, Cabot Cheese, Creative Ice,
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, E&J Gallo, FIJI, The Glass Cactus at the Gaylord
Texan Resort, The IRIS Company, KRLD, Leonard Sloan & Associates,
MillerCoors, Robbins Brothers, SKYY Vodka, Technology Media Group, and
VIP Photo Booths.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
National Association of Letter Carriers Annual
Food Drive, sponsored locally by Kroger, was
a great success in 2010. City of Dallas residents were encouraged
May 8, which were then picked up by their mail carriers and delivered to the
Food Bank. More than 276,736 pounds of food and $535.91 were collected to
help feed the hungry. This generosity provided more than 218,424 meals for
North Texans in need.
Russ Noland Memorial Golf Tournament hosted by
Sachse First United Methodist Church was a huge success in its
fifth year. This annual golf tournament raised $15,000 for the North Texas Food
Bank’s Food 4 Kids backpack program on April 24, 2010. Over the past five years,
the tournament has raised more than $74,700 for Food 4 Kids – enough to provide
more than 14,940 backpacks for hungry children in North Texas. Thank you to all
who helped make this annual event a success, and special thanks to Lisa Morgan,
Victoria Shaw, and Stephanie Noland for their leadership and passion.
Hunger Action Day presented by Kroger is a service day that
provides our corporate partners with an exciting teambuilding opportunity within
the context of the Food Bank’s food distribution operations as the culmination of
Hunger Action Month. Thank you to our corporate sponsors: Presenting Sponsor
Kroger, as well as our other corporate partners EnCanna Oil & Gas, KPMG,
Credit Suisse, Wells Fargo and Valassis. Their efforts boxed 50,283 pounds of
food. With Kroger’s gift of $50,000 for the Food 4 Kids backpack program and
our other corporate partners’ combined gifts of $19,000, we were able to provide
276,000 meals for those in need!
Resounding Harmony was
music to everyone’s ears in November.
The Resounding Harmony Community Chorus’s 2nd annual concert to benefit
the North Texas Food Bank raised $27,249 and 2,826 pounds of food through
ticket sales, virtual food drives, collections, raffles, and canned food drives. This
provided more than 111,300 meals for those in need. Thank you to Dr. Tim Seelig
and the entire Resounding Harmony Chorus.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Public Support:
Public contributions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 52,695,084
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 64,314,508
Donated food and commodities .
Total public support
$ 11,619,424
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 2,272,473
Shared maintenance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 2,429,983
Investment Inc.ome .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 65,107
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 11,263
Government grants and cost reimbursements
Other revenue .
Gain (loss) on investments – realized and unrealized
Total revenue
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total Public Support and Revenue
. . . . . . . . . .
($ 48,434)
$ 2,855,834
$ 69,442,815
Program services
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 1,347,594
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 2,493,491
Management & general .
$ 64,135,266
Total Functional Expenses
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 67,976,351
Feeding Seniors
Catherine & Harold McIntosh
New Hope Compassion
Harold and Catherine have been caring for
family their entire adult lives. They worked
hard to raise their three children, and now
they’re taking care of their two young
grandchildren. But lately it’s been hard to make ends meet.
Catherine is struggling – for the second time – with breast cancer. She receives
disability assistance, but she says this isn’t nearly enough to pay for her medical
expenses. Harold retired a few years ago and receives a Social Security check each
month. But with utility bills and other expenses, they rarely have enough left over
to buy food.
Fortunately, Harold and Catherine have found hope and help at New Hope
Compassion Outreach in Cedar Hill, a Food Bank Member Agency. This food
pantry provides important staples like milk, eggs, potatoes and vegetables to about
60 families each month. Harold and Catherine are so grateful for the food they receive and for those who help provide it.
“Thank you for helping us!” says Catherine. “We appreciate what you’re doing.”
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
. . . .
$ 687,493
. . . . . .
$ 214,734
$ 1,312,626
Cash and cash equivalents .
Shared maintenance fees
$ 836,093
. . . . .
$ 1,523,886
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
$ 217,734
receivable (net allowance)
Pledges receivable
. . . . . . . .
$ 1,312,626
(net allowance)
Other receivables.
. . . . . . . . . . .
$ 4,269,141
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inventory of food
$ 548,791
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 10,000
. . . . . .
. . .
$ 558,791
. . . . .
$ 4,269,141
$ 2,765,690
. . . . .
$ 2,765,690
. . . . . . . . . .
$0 .
. . . . . .
and commodities
Prepaid expenses and
. . . . . . . .
$ 162,657
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
$ 162,657
other assets
Total current assets
$ 7,195,442
. . . . . . . . . . .
Pledges receivable
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Building, equipment,
$ 7,195,442
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
$ 3,611,783
. . . . . . .
$ 4,441
. . . .
$ 10,807,225
. . . . . . . .
. . . .
$ 5,893,491
. . . . .
. . . .
$ 9,509,715
. . . .
$ 4,441
$ 5,893,491
furniture and fixtures (net)
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 16,705,157
Accounts payable
. . . . . . . . . . .
$ 701,171
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
$ 701,171
and accrued expenses
Due to (from) other funds
Total current liabilities .
. . . .
($ 430,282) .
. . . . . . . . . .
$ 270,889
. . . .
. . . .
$ 430,282
$ 9,509,715
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .
$ 701,171
Operating .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Land, building and
. . . . . . . .
$ 6,924,553
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
$ 6,924,553
$ 5,893,491
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
$ 5,893,491
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
$ 3,185,942
Other (primarily inventory) .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 12,818,044
. . . .
$ 3,185,942
. . . .
$ 16,003,986
. . . . . . . . .
$ 13,088,933
. . . .
$ 3,616,224
. . . .
$ 16,705,157
An estimated wholesale value of the donated food and other products is Inc.luded in both the Statement of Financial
Position (ending inventory) and Statement of Activities. Wholesale pricing was calculated for each of 29 different
categories by Feeding America, and supplemented by local pricing data. The pricing used has been reviewed by
independent auditors for both Feeding America and the North Texas Food Bank. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING
JUNE 30, 2010.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
$100,000 - $249,000
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
Beaumont Foundation of America
Communities Foundation of Texas
Dean Foods Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Missiles & Fire Control - Dallas
The Rees-Jones Foundation
Calvert K. Collins Family
Foundation, Inc.
Combined Federal Campaign of
North Central Texas
CoServ Charitable Foundation
Craft Dallas
Credit Suisse Securities
The Dallas Foundation
Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
The Dallas Morning News
$49,000 - $99,999
Charities Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
B. B. Owen Trust
The David M. Crowley Foundation Dallas Stars Foundation
Dallas Theater Center
The Houston J. & Florence A.
Del Frisco's Double Eagle
Doswell Foundation
Steak House
Emergency Food and
C.E. Doolin Foundation
Shelter Program
Doolin Family Foundation
Roger & Rosemary Enrico
Earl L. Doolin
ExxonMobil Foundation
Christina & Chris Durovich
Feeding America
Embrey Family Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
The Hirsch Family Foundation
Estech Systems
Kroger Co. Foundation
Fearing's At the Ritz-Carlton
Kroger Food Stores
Five Sixty By Wolfgang Puck
Harvey E. Najim
Candee & Matt Fleeger
Family Foundation
Bill E. & Tonda J. Frazier
Lloyd D. Freeman
Racing Systems
Marie Garrison Foundation
Share Our Strength
Fund of Communities
James and Angela
Foundation of Texas
Thompson Foundation
United Way of Metropolitan
General Electric Capital Solutions
Dallas, Inc.
Wal-Mart / Sam's Club Foundation Ruth Glaze
The Glenmede Trust
Whole Foods Market
Company, N.A.
The George & Fay Young
Global Impact
Christina Gomez
$9,999 - $49,999
Grainger, Inc.
Aaron's Inc.
H. E. B. - Central Market
Aegon Direct Marketing Services The Craig and Kathryn
Hall Foundation
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Keeley & Keith Hennington
Al Biernat's Restaurant
AMP Electric Inc.
Highland Park ISD
Andrews Kurth, LLP
Highland Park
Presbyterian Church
The B.E.L.I.E.F. Foundation
Highland Park United
Bank of America Matching
Methodist Church
Gifts Program
Al G. Hill
Alice & Forrest Barnett
Hillcrest Foundation
Bessemer Trust
Hoak Foundation
Cynthia & Thai Hoang
Jenny Birge
Huawei Technologies
Bridget & Tom Black
The M. R. & Evelyn
Black, Mann & Graham, LLP
Hudson Foundation
Brinker International
Vester T. Hughes
Broadview Security
Tracy & Jeff L. Hull
(Brink's Home Security)
III Forks Dallas, LP
Peter & Lael Brodsky
Independent Jewelers Organization
Diane Buchanan & Rick Andrew
Jo Bess Jackson
Jeff & Laurie Burgher
Gunjan & Anurag Jain
The Capital Grille
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Nirmal S. Jayaseelan
Citi Cards
Jonas Brothers' Change for the
Mary & David Clark
Children Foundation
Katie Cline & Scott Turner
Sheryl & Robert Cole
Marcia & Mark Kawalek
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Donna & Wayne Kern
Sheryl & Ron Knight
Lantana Education
Charitable Foundation
Law Office of E. Todd Tracy, PC.
Miriam L. Lee
John & Diane Lister
Lockton Dunning
Benefit Company
Mr. Donald R. Luntey &
Ms. Madge Cruse
Matthew Luth
Edie & Bo Lycke
Stacy & Gary Mading
Masco Builder Cabinets/
Quality Cabinets
Renee Melancon
Robbie & Bill Moore
Stephanie & Jeff Moore
Vicki & Hicks Morgan
Nana Restaurant, Hilton Anatole
NOBU, Dallas Associates, LP
NTR Metals
One Technologies, LP
Panera Bread Foundation
Pappas Bros.
Steakhouse Restaurant
PepsiCo Foundation Inc.
The Perot Foundation
Philadelphia Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Pioneer Natural Resources
Pizza Hut/Yum! Brands
Daniel & Lucy Polter
Post Hope Foundation, Inc.
Post Properties, Inc.
Elizabeth & Martin Price
Candace & Charles Priest
The Prudential Foundation
Katherine Perot Reeves
Remington Hotels & Ashford
Hospitality Trust
Republic National
District Company
Resounding Harmony
Hazel Ripp
Evelyn P. & Edward W. Rose III
Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
Safeway Inc.
Saint Michael and All Angels
Episcopal Church
Schwab Charitable Fund
Joanne & Charles Teichman
Texas Instruments Foundation
Tom Thumb Food & Pharmacy
TOSA Foundation
US Foodservice
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
VHA, Inc.
Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc.
Vought Aircraft, Inc.
Walder Intellectual Property
Law, P.C
Jean H. and John T. Walter, Jr. Fund
Thomas P. Waters Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Westwood Trust
J. L. Williams Foundation
Craig & Pamela Wohlers
Women of Saint Michael and
All Angels Church
Lu F. Yarbrough
Julie Yarbrough
William & Sylvia Zale Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
The Akshaya Patra
Foundation, USA
Albertsons Stores
Charitable Foundation
Alliance Data
An Anonymous Fund of The
Dallas Foundation
The Andrew Family Foundation
Robert F. Ashley
The Astrid and Pat Merriman
Family Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
B. Thomas Family Foundation
BAE Systems
Weldon and Marcella Baird
Bank of America
United Way Campaign
Christopher Barrett
Baylor Health Care System
BBVA Compass Bank
Monty Bennett
Bloomberg, LP
Jerry & Gay Brinkerhoff
Mrs. Purna Byraiah &
Mr. Erwan Quintin
Carquest Charitable Foundation
Employee Account
Mark and Eileen Cason
Suely & Brad Cecil
Centerline Capital Group
Central 214
Chamberlain's Steak And
Chop House
Charlie Palmer At the Joule
Lydia & Stephen Chase
Clubcorp USA, Inc.
Culinaire International, Inc.
Dallas Womens Foundation
Jeffrey E. Dalton
Jeff & Theresa Davis
Rachel & Russell DeFriend
Janese & Richard Deitch
Norbert L. Doligalski
EE & G, Inc.
EnCana Oil & Gas
Erhard M. Bruhns Foundation
Financial Executives Int'l Dallas
Michael E. & Marcia L. Flowers
Food Industry Crusade
Against Hunger
DeDe & Scott T. Ford
The French Room
GE Foundation
Ruth Gluck
Joyce & Tim Goss
Kenny Goss
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Graham
Grant Thornton LLP
The Grape Restaurant
Lillian N. Gregory
Theresa & Phillip Halff
Thornton Hardie
The Harold Simmons Foundation
Hector's on Henderson
Vivian L. Heder
Tim A. Helmers
Highland Park Scots
Wrestling Club
Hillwood Residential
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hoffman
The Horchow Family
Charitable Trust
Janet & Thomas Horton
IBM Employee Services Center
James & Elizabeth
Lewis Foundation
Leigh Ann Johnson
Carolyn L. & Chris A. Johnson
JPMorgan Chase Bank
The Keith Beers & Helen Laughlin
Beers Foundation
Kelly Oil Company
The Clark and Christine
Kennington Fund
Kane, Russell, Colman &
Logan, P. C.
Lisa & Peter Kraus
Krewe de Roux
Legacy Texas
Live Nation Worldwide, Inc.
Luck Family Foundation
Macy's Corporate Headquarters
Marcia & John Mares
Marriott International, Inc.
Maverick Capital Foundation
David & Kathryn McCabe
James & Jeanne McCullor
Rosalyn Mc Kee
Meadows Foundation Inc.
The Mercury Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Merriman
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
MMK Foundation
Clay & Nancy Mulford
Network For Good
North Texas Infectious Disease
Consultants, PA
Laura & Sean O'Leary
Lynn & Micheal O'Neil
Mary Lynne & Rafael Palmeiro
The Pamela & John Beckert
Family Foundation
The Pampered Chef
Peach Mott Foundation
The Place At Perry's
Plano Data
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Linda & Frank Roby
Mary Rooney
Sabre Holdings Matching Gifts
The Sarah & Ross
Perot Jr. Foundation
Cheryl & Ron Schaller
Monica & Steve Schenkel
Liana Scott
Marie & Russell Siebert
Sioux Fallas PCA-WFB,
NA Wells Fargo
Sodexho Foundation, Inc.
Sodexo @ JCPenney
St. Ann Catholic Parish
The Sunshine Foundation
Beverly Taylor
Tellabs Foundation
Ty Commercial Group, Inc.
University of Dallas Office of Advancement
Urology Associates of North Texas
Vendor Resource Management, Inc.
Vetter Foundation
Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation
The Wachovia Foundation
Wal-Dot Foundation
Weaver & Tidwell
Private Foundation
Wells Fargo Foothill
The Woodforest
Charitable Foundation
$2,499 - $4,999
E. W. Adams
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Partners In Community Giving
Alton & Chris Parkes
American Honda
Financial Services
Danya & Mike Anderson
Debbie & Marc Andres
The Anne F. Lyster Foundation
Marlene & Sid Arrambide
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Bank of America - Home Loans
Scott & Rebecca Barrett
Sue Bayless
Mary C. Beck
Behringer Harvard
Bernbaum Magadini Architects
Donna J. Berndt
Cathryn A. Berryman
Beverly & Bob Blumenthal
The Anonymous Philanthropic
Fund of the Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
BMC Software
BNP Paribas Prime Brokerage Inc.
Dr. Bob & Jean Smith Foundation
William R. Bogart
Ellen Boozer
John Bowen
Roger K. Bower
William Bowles
Jean Ann & Carson Brock
Keri & Michael Brookshire
The Bruess Family
Susan & Peter Brundage
Nicole & Michael Bunger
David Buxton
Cardiovascular Provider
Resources, LP
Angela Caronia
CarQuest Auto Parts
Jeffrey A. Carter
Amy & Thomas Castillo
The Catholic Foundation
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Chamberlain's Fish Market Grill
Integra Color
Jack Childress
The James T. and Cecilia S.
Claudius Peters Americas, Inc.
Norwood Fund
Mary Clyburn
Camille & Richard Jefferson
Coca-Cola North America
Jones Lang LaSalle Staubach
Brian Collett
JPMorgan Chase Foundation Danny Collins
Matching Gifts and
Comerica Bank - Texas
Volunteer Programs
Hal Coon
Judd, Thomas, Smith & Company
Coppermark Bank
Ryan Kanto
CoreNet Global Southwest Chapter Keller Williams Elite
Dakota's Restaurant
Gary Kelly
Dallas Observer
Kenichi Dallas LP
The Dallas Palm Restaurant, Inc.
Kenny's Wood Fired Grill
Dallas Security Traders
Jennifer Kimbrell
Association Charitable Fund
Kirby's Wood Fired Grill
Linda J. Davis
The Kline Family Foundation
DeGolyer Elementary School
Larry H. LaFontaine
Deloitte & Touche
The Landmark Restaurant
Regina Derbin
Lawry's The Prime Rib
The Ed and Josie
Robert Leblanc
Toogood Foundation
Leodis & Elneeta Sharpe
Edith and Herbert Stehberg
Loft 610 Frisco, LLC
Charitable Trust
Maureen T. Luby
Sharon & Edward Troy
Luther King Capital Management
Ms. Ellen Barry & Mr. Larry Herold Katherine G. Lyle
Aaron Enrico
Macy's at Stonebriar
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Macy's Collin Creek
Fairmont Hotel - The Pyramid Grill The Mansion On Turtle Creek
Amy & Lee Fikes
Financial Planning Association
Masergy Communications, Inc.
of Dallas/Ft Worth
Lee Mason
Thomas Flaherty
Elizabeth L. McClain
The Fluor Foundation
The McDowell Family Trust
Laura & Norman Foster
Donald McKinney
Steven V. Foster
Merit Energy Company
Janette & J. R. Foster
Stephanie Merrifield
Fox International LTD, Inc.
Elizabeth Merrill
Carolyn & David Franklin
Jerald & Debra Merriman
Freedman Meats, Inc.
Sandra & Douglas Metten
Clifford L. Friedman
Linda Meyer
Fujitsu Network
Christine & Robert Morris
Communications, Inc.
Debora & Charles Morrison
Gerald P. Gallagher
Renee Munger
Joseph M. Gavigan
Dr. Joseph T. Murphy &
Mrs. Naomi Winick
Margaret & Joseph Giangiulio
Rick Narramore
Give With Liberty
Arlene & Louis Navias
Employee Donations
Nick & Sam's Steak House
Carl & Dixon Glaze
Nokia, Inc.
Gordon Biersch
North Texas Super Bowl XLV
Debjyoti Goswami
Host Committee, Inc.
Joanna & David Greenstone
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Stephen Griffin
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Charles Gummer
James O' Hickey
Steven P. Hagemann
The Oceanaire Seafood Room
The Old Monk
Mr. & Mrs. John Hammack
The Olmsted-Taylor
Sally & Larry Hankins
Foundation Inc.
Nancy Hanley
Mary G. O'Meara
L. Cade Harvard
Overhead Door Corporation
Havertys Furniture
Owens Machine & Tool Company
The Historic Meadows Building
The Pack Family Foundation
James & Ynette Hogue
Pappas Restaurants, Inc.
Deborah M. Holubec
Parish Episcopal School
The Horizon Foundation
Pei Wei Asian Diner
Horizon Lines
Penstar Power
Hotel ZaZa
Pepsico C/O Feeding America
Lee Coleman & Susan Hubbard
Grant Administration
Royce Humpert
Jim, Brenda and Josh Perkins
Impartial Services Group
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Dennis Peters
Sherrill & Ana Pettus
Phil and Bo Warnick Family
Charitable Fund
Jan & Charles Pruitt
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
Rathbun's Blue Plate Kitchen
Raytheon Charitable Giving
Mickey & Melanie Reeves
Jon & Pamela Reinke-Walter
Research In Motion (RIM)
Stephen & Lynn Rexroat
Catherine & James C. Richards
Rosen Systems, Inc.
The Rosewood Foundation
RSW Creative, Inc.
Salum Restaurant
Julia Sands
SanMar Corporation
Dale Schmeltzle
Donald & Lisa Schwarz
Sandy & Mark Singer
Joyce & James Slider
Belinda & Chris Sliva
Sue H. Sloan
Glenda E. Smith
Brian & Jennifer Smith
Purcell Smith
Stuart Smith
Karen Sobhani
The Sonsteby Family
Charitable Trust
Sprint Nextel
Steel Restaurant
Stephan Pyles Concepts, LTD
Steve Fields Steak and
Lobster Lounge
Stoneleigh Hotel & Spa
Strelizia Foundations
Jeffery Stutes
Sysco Corporation
T. C. Lupton Family Foundation
Rita J. & Burton M. Tansky
Temple Emanuel
Texas Chefs Association
Texas Energy Engineers, Inc.
Texas Health
Texas Riders Helping Texans
Marcia D. Tittle
T - Mobile USA,Inc.
Todd & Linda Smith
Tre Amici Prime Steakhouse
and Seafood
Truluck's Addison, LTD.
Truluck's Steak and Stone Crab
Julia & Robert Verdon
James Wallace
Karen & Marshall Warren, Jr.
Dick Washburen
Watson Wyatt
Weathers Family Charitable Fund
of Communities Foundation
of Texas
Scott Wells
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Community Support
Campaign (United Way
Mark V. White
Jennifer & Jeff Wier
Sheri & Jon Wolkenstein
Christina Wood
Paige & Grant Yaney
Young Boozer Family
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
$999 - 2,499
7-Eleven Inc.
David & Nancy Aboulafia
ACGG, Inc.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Matching Gift Program
Advancial Federal Credit Union
Advantix Solutions Group
Agrium Advance Technologie
The Aileen and Jack
Pratt Foundation
Albertsons, LLC
Dallas/Fort Worth Division
Patti & Bill Alcorn
V. A. Alford
Ruth B. Alhilali
Robert B. Allen &
Cynthia A. Hennessy
American Beacon Advisors
American Legion Post # 361
Andrews Distributing Company
of North Texas
Andrews Kurth, LLP
Anne & Larry Angelili
Craig Anglemier
Michael L. Anthony
Arthur E. Anthony
Melissa & Anthony Holland
Architecture Demarest, LP
Melinda & Bret Arriola
Arrow Fabricated Tubing
The Arthur J. Gallagher
Kaliah & Sylvester Atemkeng
B&B Society
Mary Babcock
Bailey's Prime Plus
Mary & Ron Baker
Emily Baldridge
Andrea B. & Jonathan B. Bard
Martha & Pete Barrera
Colleen Barrett
Michael Barrett
Noel Barrick
Deno Barroga
Val I. Bashour
The Bassett Firm, PC
Peter Bausbacher
Cheryl C. Bazzle
Katherine R. Beams
Charles Becker
Richard Beggs
Rebecca A. Bell
Charles N. Bell
Bellinger & Dewolf
Michael & Kathi Benoit
Ruby Berry
Vikrant & Yasmin Bhatia
Paige Bingham
Robert D. Bird
Bishop & Hummert PC
Russell & Kathryn Blake
Mary & John Blanchett
David Blaylock
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Gina Bond
Bonded Together Inc.
Selma Bookatz
Pam & John Borders
Frank E. Borgsmiller
William & Julie Borus
Robert M. Brackbill
Mary B. Bradford
Brady Corporation Foundation
Peggy Braecklein
Mr. & Mrs. George Bramblett
Cheryl Brannon
Lewis & Virginia Brereton
Jennifer R. & Jeffrey Bridges
George Bright
Colleen & Barney Brinkmann
James Brodsky &
Cynthia Schneidler
Henri & Sharon Bromberg
Candy & Irwin J. Brown
Mr. James D. Brown, Jr.
Brown-Forman Corporation
Richard & Diane Brummell
Rosario R. Brusniak
Karen Brustman
The Bryant & Nancy
Hanley Foundation Inc.
Christine & George Buchanan
Hubert L. Burgess
Carol & Michael Burnaman
Kathleen & R.D. Burton
Meomi L. Butler
Barbara Buzzell
Nathan Byars
Larry R. Byrd
C. Ray & Associates, Inc.
Cafe Pacific
Bonnie J. Caldwell
Calvert Social Investment
Joelle Camp
Shari & Bryan Campbell
Pamela & George Carey III
Rita Carlile
D. E. Carr
Kristin & Rob Carringer
William F. Carroll
John Carulli
Tracy & Bob Caruth
Bill's Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
David Casey
Center For Veterinary
Specialty Care
Robert B. Chaffe
The Chalon Corporation Rehab
Jonina & Chunchun Chan
David Chard
Jeffery Chern
Matthew Chiarizio
Wayne Childers
Godfrey Chithambo
Susan & Robert Chitwood
Michael Chmielecki
Alissa K. & Brent E. Christopher
Emillio C. Chua
Jessica & Chuck Griege
CInc.o Media
Communications, Inc.
Kathy Clark
Gregory G. Clarke
Ann & Stephen Claypool
Tara Clayton
Rebecca Cob & Gwen Campbell
Bonnie E. Cobb
Coca Cola Company
Terri & Robert Cocanougher
Susan & Chris Cockrell
Codel, Inc.
Henry C. Coke
James Coleman
Colemont Brokerage Group, Inc.
Collin County Community
Supervision Corrections
Sharon Collins
G. V. Collins
Collins Bassinger &
Pullman, P. C.
The Communication Counsel of
America, Inc.
Community Foundation of
North Texas
Computer Sciences Corporation
Nancy & John Condit
Serena & Thomas Connelly
Lydia Connor
Nancy S. Cook
Mary M. Cook
Shirley W. Cooper
Kathleen B. & Ronald J. Cooper
Corgan Associates, Inc.
Annette A. Corman
Nina Cortell
Margaret Cortez
Cindy Cosman
Walter and Susan Cowger
Charitable Fund
Cowperwood Dallas LLP
Dorothy & Webb Cox
Billie Cox
Craighead-Green Gallery, Inc.
The Crescent Club
Richard H. Crosby
Katherine & Harlan R.
Raymond Crow
Judy & Cullen Cullers
Culpepper Steak House
Francis Cunningham
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
Cynthia & Bryan Gentry
Daisy Brand
Dallas Bar Association, Real
Property Section
Dallas ISD
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Dallas Karma Thegsum Choling
Randy Daniel
Hubert Daniels
Steve & Jan Davidson
Barbara A. Davis
Hal Davis
Constance & Kamal Daya
Donald & Tracy Dean
Dean Foods
Dean Foods Matching
Gift Program
Beth Debebe
Delia Duson-Investment
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Deline
Dell-Direct Giving Campaign
Deloitte & Touche
Dennis M. Healy, CPA
Pamela A. Derouen
Vaishali Deshpande
Deutsche Bank America's
Shari & William DeVane
Jason Devening
Clayton & Laura Devin
DFW Retail
Executive Association
Oscar Diaz
Suzan Dick
Sandra Dilworth
Karen Dixon
Son Do
Norman L. Dockins
Jeffrey Dodson
Timothy Doke
Kathleen A. Donahue
Harry & Rene Donavon
Michael W. Dorman
Anthony Doti & Deana Gendron
Jeff Dougan
Deborah & Robert Dove
Dresser Inc.
Richard Drysdale
DSC Leasing
Deborah Duewall
David & Linda Duhon
Joe & Doris M. Dujka
Samantha Durst
John Dyer
Deborah Dyer
Kent Thele
Mike & Vikki Eastland
Sandra and John Secor
The Edward Henry Family
EF Johnson Technologies
Electra Link
Mark S. Ellis
Tim & Marsha Elms
Glenda & Philip C. Elston
Keith Ely
Emilie & Phil Schepps
Advised Funds
The Emmaus Calling, Inc.
Energy Future Holdings Inc.
Energy Plaza
Cheryl Engelmann
Enmark Services, Inc.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation
James Epstein
Ericsson-Sodexho Inc.,
Human Resources
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Mary L. Essinger
Bill Evans
Courtney Evans
Courtney N. Evans-Powell
Exco Resources, Inc.
Exxonmobile Foundation
Exy Nails
Marybeth Ezaki
Patricia Fagadau
Fannie Mae Serve Program
Irfan & Marcia Farukhi
Jill & Greg Fearing
Paula Felps
Pam & Mark Fiechtner
Bert Fields
Lewis W. Finley
Mary Clare & Stan Finney
Firehouse, LTD.
Fireman's Fund Insurance
Gary Edd & Nancy J. Fish
Michael Flecker
Lane & Jodie Fletcher
The Flour Foundation
Fluor Foundation Matching Funds
Carole Flynt
Ann J. Folz
Alan L. Folz
Ford & Harrison, LLP
Fort Worth Restoration Branch
Candice Foshee
Frampton Insurance Agency, Inc.
Amanda Francis
Laura Frase
Theodore A. & Mary E. Fredericks
Sandy & William French
Sonja Fritsen
Full Circle Wireless, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome M. Fullinwider
Furstenwerth & Bagley Design, Inc.
Fuse Restaurant
Christine A. Galloway
Jerry Galloway
Jennifer & Michael Garberding
Garland Independent
School District
Louise Gartner
Tonie Garza
Andrew Gellman
Christine Gelwick
General Reinsurance Corporation
Melissa & George Lamb
Gene C. Gerard
Dawn & John G. Gibbs
Jody Gilbertson
Henry Gilchrist
Liza Gillespie
Donald Gilliland
Magda Girgis & Connie Jenkins
Glaxosmith Kline Foundation
Glaxosmith Kline Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Glenn Park Family
Reverend Charles & Mrs. Bobbye
Lee Godbey
Berta T. Goetz
Goldberg Family Foundation
Irrevocable Trust
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Roslyn A. Goodall
Monique & Craig Goodhart
Bryan Gooding
Thomas P. Goranson
Ralph & Karen Gordon
Robert Granoff
Grant Thornton LLP
Greater Providence Baptist Church
Greatwide Logistics
Jodi Greenblatt
Nelson Greenfield
Deborah V. Greer
Jewel & Ralph Gretzinger
Susan C. Griffin
Joe Griffith
Brice Family Charitable Fund II of
Communities Foundation of
Texas (Gail Griswold and
Bill Brice Jr.)
James & Connie Grube
Gulf Trust
Michael A. Guthrie
Tim & Frances Hafer
Marilyn & Thomas Hagan
Cathy & Cynthia Hageman
Janelle & Neal Hail
Halbrook and Miller Inc.
TM Television
Sheldon Hall
Blakeley & Catherine Tucker Hall
Ms. Eileen Hall & Ms.
Brenda McCoy
Sharon & Gary Hampton
Brian H. Hanagan
Stephen Hancock
Deborah Hankinson
Harbour Trust & Investment
Management Company
Mary Jane & David Hardenbergh
Mary L. Hardinger
Tracy Harker
Harmon Foundation Incorporated
Curtis Harshaw
Kelly Hart & Eric
Christopher Neilson
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Hartman
Marianne T. & Gary Hatsell
Hattie's Restaurant, Inc.
Jess Hay
HCC Life Insurance Company
Michael Healy
Barbara & John Hedrick Sr.
Kim Hefley & Mark Sprick
Susan & Joseph Henchal
Gary M. Hepler
Jannie & Kenneth Herchuk
Janet & Greg Hidalgo
Laura & K. R. Higgins
Highland Park Middle School
Paul Hill
Patricia Hinojos
Mary H. Hodge
Shelly M. & Garry Lee Hodges
Art and Jennifer Holguin
Sue & Royce J. Holland
John R. & Sandi T. Holzgraefe
Marla & Chris Hood
David & Cari Hooper
Ronald Hopton-Jones
Stephen M. Horn
Hossley Lighting Associates
Douglas & Rogene Howard
The Howard & Leslie Schultz
Family Foundation
Constance A. & Kevin C. Howe
HP Company Foundation
Philip Huber
Human Resources
Aritsu Company
John Hurlbert
J'Lane Hurst
Scott Huska
Rick Hutton
Robert Hyatt
Kristen & Scott Hyden
Mr. Donald Iglehart
Illes Seasonings & Flavors
Carol & Mark Immel
India Association of North Texas
Jean Inman
Charles & Julie Irsch
Mary S. Jackson
Sarah & Brice Jackson
Mark Jackson
Stephanie Jacobs
Jon & Kathleen Jacobson
Rusty & John Jaggers
Christopher L. Jagmin
Ramneek Jaitla
Delores & Robert Jajtner
Michael Jalbert
Tanarra James
Jason's Deli
Jda Software Inc.
Jesse R Hooks-Properties
Jewish Community Foundation
John A. & Harriet H.
Stoneham Advised Fund
John C. Bowden Foundation
Joseph A. Johnson
Amanda Johnson
Scott & Patricia Johnson
Mimi & Steve Johnson
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Robert B. Johnston
Carol & David Jones
Tori & Casey Jones
Edwin & Louise Jordan
Leah Jordan
Bobby Julius
Evelyn & Paul Junius
Jason Kahn
Renee A. & Alan Kailer
John Kalb
Richard D. Kantrud
Brian J. Kasper
Les Keesee
Brendan Kelley
Kenney Industries, Inc.
Charlie Kim
Ki & Douglas Kim
Jennifer & Kee Kimbrell
David & Jacquelyn Kindle
Judy & Larry King
Jeanne & Denis King
Family Foundation
Matthew Kita
Deborah & Jeffrey Kittleson
Kiwanis Club Arlington Southwest
Dean Koby
George & Carol Kondos
Eileen & Denny Kranzberg
Ann Kraus
Kathryn A. Kreider
William & Karen Kreighbaum
Joan Krigbaum
M. A. Krywucki
Peter Kuettel
Randall D. & Lynn M. Kurtz
Kristen & Randy Lackner
Robin & Steve Ladik
David LaGrassa
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
Stephen D. Lamendola
Tim Lark
Thomas Larkin
Michael Lavoie
Lois & B. W. Lawson
Mr. Tom Leatherbury &
Ms. Patricia Villareal
Mr. Laurence Lebowitz &
Ms. Naomi Aberly
John R. & Marcae O. Lee
Susan M. Lehnortt
Muffin & John Lemak
Richard & Debbie Lemon
William Lesikar
Ron Leverock
Milton P. Levy
Michael Lieser
Lighted Accents, Inc.
Patricia & Robert Lium
Living In Gratitude Photo
Exhibit and Benefit
Lyle & Debora Livingston
LKS Foundation, Inc.
Local Restaurant
Julie & Douglas Logan
Carl & Christie Long
David & Deborah Long
Joan Longorio & B.J Claybourn
Leonard Lopez
Carmen Lowell
David Lowenthal
Matt Ludlam
Dennis Lutes
M'Lou & Tom Lytle
Macedonia Ministries
Leslie MacLean
John MacPete
Macy's Dallas Galleria
Macy's Foundation
Madeleine Crouch & Co., Inc.
Kay & Dennis Magill
Mammen Glass & Mirror, Inc.
Janell & Joe A. Marek
Charlene & Tom Marsh
Rosemarie M. Marshall
James Martin
Cory & Charlie Martin
Micky Martin
William H. Martin
Mary Rebecca McNatt Grant Trust
Mason Brown Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Matching Gift Center
Mark L. Matos
Anne & Andrew Mattson
Robbie Mattson
Tamara Matttison & Mark Floyd
Jeff Maughmer
Catherine Maxey
Terri Maxwell
Michael McAdams
Joanna & Charles McCallum
Anna Cristian McCarty
Michael A. McClelland
Carol & Mark McClung
Heather McClure
McCone Insurance Group, Inc.
Michael L. McCoy
James & Becky McCulley
Charisse McCumber
David W. McDaniel
Jon McDonald
Kevin C. McDonough
Scott A. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. McHugh
Jean McIntosh
McKool Smith
Kassandra McLaughlin
Patrick D. McPherson
McQueary Henry Bowles
Troy, LLP
Angela McQuien
Joseph M. McQuillan
Charles D. Mead
Meadows Alpha Properties, LP
Medco Construction LLC
Medora P & Kenneth D. Monigold
Meeting Protocol, Inc.
Meghan Cuddihy & Shay
Thomas K. Mendenhall
Joan Mendoza
Dail A. Mengelkoch
The Men's Downtown Bible Class
Mercer (US) Inc.
Jessica L. Merrell
Metroplex Mini
Ronald & Sylvia Meyer
Carissa & Matthew Meyer
Ms. Wendy J. Meyer &
Mr. George P. Rodrigue
Rilda & Kenneth Miller
Miracle Home Health, Inc.
Charles D. Mitchell
Mizkan Americas, Inc.
Daniel Moates
Pamela & Mehrdad Moayedi
Brenda Mogilnicki
Annell Moore
Allan Moore
Geoff Moore
Carolynn Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Moran
Theodora & Howard Morgan
Karen M. Morin
Maria Morrissey
Robin Moses
Mountain View Church of Christ
Elizabeth & Pat Moyer
Lynda Mubarak
Tom Mueller & Sheryl Sunderman
Heribert Muensterer
John Mulcahy
Timothy Muldoon
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Patrick Mullins
Mullis Newby Hurst LP
Mark Muratore
NAIFA - Dallas
Brent Napier
NARI Greater Dallas
Nations Residential Service
Neiman Marcus Group Matching
Gift Program
Robert Newsom
Nexen Petroleum USA, Inc.
NICE Matching Gifts Program
Elizabeth G. Nichols
Leslie O. Niemi
Nina B. Work Revocable Trust
Farhad Niroomand
North America Coal Corporation
North Texas Soccer Association
NorthPark Merchant's Association
Anthony S. Norton
Novacopy, Inc.
Howard L. Nycum
Oak Cliff Christian Church
Sheralyn & John O'Connor
Jennifer & David Okamoto
Eric Okeefe
Olabisi Olajide
D. E. Olenzek
Michelle & Kevin Olmscheid
Bill & Ann O'Neill
Geoff & Natalie Osborn
Marueen O'Toole
Dr. Ron & Mrs. Christine Overberg
Joe Pacetti
Alexander Pantazis
Paragon Painting, Inc.
Christopher & Kellie Parrick
Emily & Nicholas Partridge
Patrick A. Dunigan Advised
Fund of the Dallas Foundation
Nick Patton
Gerald & Lisa Payne, Jr.
Betty Peck
People Report
Paul Percifield
Performance Matters Associates
Debbie & Mike Perry
John Persons
Peter W. Baldwin Investment
Jack Pew, Jr.
Jane Phillips
Roger & Courtney Picardo
Belinda Pierce
Robert Pierry
Narayana Pillai
The Lillian and Jon Pinkus
Philanthropic Fund II
Pitney Bowes Relief Fund
Pizza Inn
Plano Petro Management LLC
Laurie & Todd Platt
David & Denise Pollack
Robert G. Pollock
Margaret Polston
Celia Poole
Sally Posey
Mr. & Mrs. Max Post
Chris Powe
The Prayer Closet
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Gerrit Pronske
Prospera Financial Services
Natalie Pruitt
Elizabeth R. & John P. Puckett, III
Candace L. & Robert E. Quimby
Rabobank International Dallas
Representative Office
Howard Earl & Cindy Rachofsky
Pamela Rafferty
Randy's Steakhouse /
R & D Food Services
Rapid Power Management
Carolyn & Karl Rathjen
David Rathkamp
Kathleen Ray
Raymond James Charitable
Endowment Fund
Daniel L. Rech
REDO, Inc.
Gerald Reihsen
Carol G. Reinert
Diana Remus
The Renee Malca Cadour Corn
Charitable Trust
Lynn & Nathan Renken
Republic Beverage Company
Marilyn Rich
Richard A. Leach Company, LLC
Natalie Richardson
James & Nancy Riddle
Wilburn E. Rieves
Right Now Technologies
Emily Ripple
Annette C. Rivera
Brett Roberson
Robert Tucker Hayes Foundation
Jay Rodman
Katherine S. Rodriguez
Roll Giving
Rolland Safe & Lock
Company, LLC
David & Melissa Rosales
Brent & Betty Rosenthal
Rosewood Hotels & Resorts
Rothstein, Kass & Company, PC
John Rothwell
Lizzie & Dan Routman
Roy's/Outback Joint Venture
The Rupert Living Trust
Russell Reynolds Associates, Inc.
Ruth C. & Charles S.
Sharp Foundation
Ryan & Company
Paul Salcido
Sally & Ralph Wood Family Fund
Jacqueline Sandfield
Peter C. Sandmore
Morgan Schilhab
Mr. & Mrs. Ethan A. Schrader
Gaynelle & Miles Schulze
Marsha & Ronald Scott
Debbie & Ric Scripps
Melissa & Sean Meehan
Seegers Foundation
James R. Seitz
Brian Selberg
Beverly K. Sellers
Ardeshir & Dana Shahraki
Phyllis M. Shamoon
Paul Sheeran
Scott & Kimberley Sheffield
Kristi Sheffy
Shepherd One Trust
Shoemaker Family Fund
Bill & Nancy Short
Elizabeth Showers
Randy & Debra Shulkin
Barbara & Walter Simmons
Heinz K. Simon
Slate, Inc.
York Street Restaurant
Steve Slattery
Shawn Slywka & Kenneth Roe
Phillip Smiley & Christie Beck
Tronnia Smith
Robert Smith
Margaret & William Smith
Charles Smith
John & Patricia Smith
Bryan & David Smith
Patsy & Winston Smith &
Lidan Gavigan
Aaron Sobel
Lynn Soderstrom
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Solana
Brett E. Sonntag
Source Corp.
Southwest Airlines
Nancy Spector
Mike & Helen Spence
St. Monica Catholic Church
Stainless Studios
Mark Stalzer
Standard Controls
Standard Furniture
David Stark
Ann & Robert Steffler
Sabine Stener
Susan & Bruce Stephens
Tom & Joan Stephens
Michele Stephens
Frank Stephenson
Richard Stern
Pamela & Ferguson Stewart
David S. Stewart
Bruce Stewart
James Stock
Erica Stockbridge
Ms. Barbara Stone &
Ms. Betty Fineman
David W. Strasser
Paul Strayhorn
Pamela E. & Richard M. Strickland
Anthony Strupczewski
Allison Stuckey
Robert Sullivan
T. G. R. A. Inc.
Sara A. Tangen
Taste of the NFL
Harry Tatelbaum
C. A. Tatum
Karen & John Tegeler
Tektronix Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Telect Connecting The Future
Cynthia L. & Jay E. Tenney
Mary & Michael Terry
Mike & Mary Terry
Texas Capital Bank
Texas Mutual Insurance
Texas Society of Professional
Engineers-Dallas Chapter
Marlys Thierry
Allison J. Thompson
James Thompson
William Thompson
Melva Thornton
Michael Thornton
Terry Thornton
John Thrailkill
Carolyn & Scott Tilden
Debra L. Tippett
Glenn & Gail Tobleman
Karin B. Torgerson
Drue Townsend
TriQuint SemiConductor
Brett Tritch
Aileen J. Trollinger
Timothy Trone
William Trotter
Shin Ban Tsai
Emily Tubb
Nichole & Shane Tucker
Turley Law Firm
TXI Safety Department
Melinda Uhrich
United Supermarkets, LTD.
Urban Retail Services
West Village
USFN - America's Mortgage
Banking Attorneys
Gertrude G. Van Horn
Anjana Vellingiri
Pamela & Randall Vermillion
Victory Wholesale Grocers
Ann Vincent
Paul & Mindy Vinton
Dr. W. M. Hamilton Family
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gifts
Wachovia/ Wells
Fargo Foundation
Mary Wagner-Wilkins
Kay & Kerry Walbridge
Joy & Drew Wall
James Wallace
Diane M. Wanger
Lori & Denton Wantumull
Janice & Athol Ware
Yvonne Warner
Mary & William Warrick
The Warwick Melrose Hotel
R. P. Washburne
Helen Wathen
Lori & David Watkins
Linda & Brian Watts
Louise Weber
Dr. Howard Weiner &
Mrs. Karen Weiner
Howard & Leslie Weinstein
Wells Fargo Adviser Corp
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Cynthia Wenban
Richard Wenban
Christy & Glenn West
Susan A. Wetzel
Mary V. Whelan
Judy Whetzel
Stacey White
Mark & Jennifer White
John & Mary Whitehead
Why Hunger
George Wilkin
Alexis & Robert G. Williams
C. R. & L. A. Williams
Christopher & Helen Williams
Scott Wilson
Doug Wilson
Derek M. Winch
The Windhover Foundation
Cherlyn Wise
Michael Wisner
Bruce Wittrig
Helen E. Wolford
Timothy Wood
Sears Woods
Anne Yearta
Bonnie Young
Marie Zablocki
David J. Zehr
Zelle Hofmann Voelbel
& Mason, LLP
Jenny & Steve Zimmerly
Jeffrey L. Zwiebel
Kelly E. Zwinggi
A. T. Idea, Co.
Abell - Hanger Foundation, Inc.
Rhonda Abraham
Petrine Abrahams &
Robert Yaquinto
Judith Adams
Bettie & William Adams
R. E. Adams
Diana & Jack Addams
Adelmo's Ristorante
Osama & Christina Ahmad
Russ Aikman
Henry & Susan Albach
Amy Alford
Graham D. Allan
Allegiance Title Company
Stanley Allen
Timothy Allen
Deborah Allen
Lola Allison
Dan'l & Andrew Almy
Alpha Graphics
Brian & Janis Alton
Keith Alvarez
American Wallcovering, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial
Gift Matching Program
Rebecca & Michael Anderson
Scott & Erika Anderson
Valerie & Robert Anderson
William Anderson
Matthew J. Anderson
Orman Anderson
Ira A. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Andress
Daniel Andrew &
Emma Jane North
Angelika Film Center
Cynthia Anthony
Applied Materials
Kerstin Archer
Miriam E. Armstrong
Betty K. Armstrong
Lee D. Arning
Susan & Stephan Arnold
Malou & Owen Arnold
ArtHouse Homes, Inc.
Arthur's Prime Steaks & Seafood
Anna Asava
Richard & Shirley Ashby
Asher Media, Inc.
ASI Gymnastics
Georges Astie
Jane Aten
Atlantic Aviation
Benny Au
Cheryl Augustus
Jeffrey & Connie Austin
Austin Industries, Inc.
Automechanika, Inc.
Autonation, Inc.
Avanti Ristorante
Debora Babb
Penny Baccus
The Baddish Group
Mitchell Baddour
Faye Bagby
Veta D. Bailey
Angeline & Dickson Bain
Linda Baker
Balanced Coil Technologies, LLC
Sunil Balgobin
Peggy J. Banczak
Katie Bangert
Amit Bansal
Nancy Barber
Karla & George Barber
David Bardoff
Barbie A. Bardon
Deborah Barefoot
Jacques B. Bares
Mr. & Mrs. C. Jay Barlow
Christopher Barnes
Angela Barrese
Mindy A. Barton
Robert Bartzokas
Courtenay Bass
Karen & Eric Bassett
Darin D. Batchelder
Sharon Bautista
Nina C. Baxter
Frances Bayman
Laurel K. Beason
Leslie & J. Robert Beatty
David J. Beck
Richard & Sandra Beckert
Steven Bednar
Katharine & William Begg
Judith L. & Denny W. Beikman
LeeAnn & Peter Belcher
James A. Belk
Brian Bell
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Mr. Mark E. Bengston &
Ms. Rica H.B. Potenz
B. J. & L. M. Benoit
David J. Berberian
Robert Berger
Jill & Charles Berry
Vickie L. Berry
Arlene Betancourt
Carla Betelson
Justin Betzen
Paula C. Biestek
Laurie & Jonathan Bigelow
Surjit Binning
John & Ann Bischoff
Kathryne Bishop
The BJM Trust,
William L. Manchee Trustee
David & Kim Black
Ernie L. Black
Martha Blair
Mike Blalock
Joshua Blanco
Steve Bland
Don Blankenship
Steven & Lisa Block
Amy Bloom
BNSF Railway Company
Bob & Betty Ploger
Boeing Service Company
Kelly Bohne
David & D'Ann Bohrnstedt
Linda D. Boldt
David Bolte
Bonilla Family Partnership
Books Are Fun
Richard Boss
Boudreaux's Cajun Kitchen
Clay R. Bradfield
Debra V. Bradley
G. W. Bradstock
Rebecca Brady
Kevin J. Brady
Randall C. Brandt
Nancy Breitfeller
Maureen Brenner
Lewis Brereton
David K. Brice
Douglas Bridges
Bridlewood Womens
Jeri & John Bridwell
Brief Therapy Institute
Robert Brielmaier
Rosemary H. Briggs
Chad Brister
Mr. A. Compton Broders &
Ms. Maureen Murry
Deborah Broekhove
Mary M. Brookley
Elvis M. Brooks
Doug Brooks
Sheila C. Brookshire
David Brophy
Liz Brown
Markeeta Brown
Michelle Brown
Pamela Brown
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Diane Brown
Dana Browne
Ann & John Bruce
Amy S. & Anthony K. Bruster
Michelle Bruu
Betty & Rodney Bryan
Erin Bryant
Timothy Bryant
Kelly Buckley
Gerald F. Bulloch
Terri & Randall Bunch
Lawrence Bunyard
James & Glenda Burford
Philip Burger
Eden L. & Seth J. Burgess
Teresa & Larry Burgess
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
E.R. Burkhalter
Wilton M. Burt
S.A. & D.R. Burton
Sydney Burton
Cheryl L. & James J. Burzynski
Vincent Bush
Annette Butler
Coburn A. Buxton
Preston Byrd
C. & M. Marine
Aviation Services, Inc.
CA, Inc. Matching
Gifts Program
Susan & David G. Caffo
Steven & Megan Calandra
James E. Calloway
Michele E. Calvin
Carolyn & Guy Camarata
Malcom & Beverly Cameron
Career Brokers, Inc.
Careerbuilder, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Carlson
Brian Carlton
Betty C. Carmack
Gladys W. Carr
Kathy Carrington
Fredi A. Carter
George & Jo Ann Caruth
Casa View Christian Church
Ligia P. Cascante
Erin Case
Case Management Society
of America
Joan A. Casey
Sally O. Cassidy
Alicia K. Cassity
Ronald R. Cathey
Cathy Waterman, Inc.
Rita Cavanaugh
David & Bettye Cejka
Celanese Chemicals
Cheryl Cerminara
Stephen Chapman
Mary Cheek
Mann-Li C. Chen
Shari Chernack
Jane Chien
Donna C. Childs
Robert Chilton
Jerrie T. Christian
Barbara Christopher
Chrysler Group
Chubb Corporation Matching
Gifts Program
Church World Service, Inc.
Allison Chwerchak
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Roy Cisneros
CL Verify LLC
Patrick Clagett
The Clampitt Foundation
Donna & Charles Clark
Stephen & Josephine Clark
Tonia Clark
Doug Clark
Loretta & John Clarkson
Classic Party Rentals, Inc.
Clothes Circuit
Kathleen & Gregory Clute
CNA Foundation
CNC Home Care
Maryanne Coelln
Brett Cohen
Richard Cohn
Colburn Peterson
Williams Ray LLP
Deborah Coldwell
Kyla Cole
Karen & Randall Cole
Bryan Coleman
Joshua Comer
Communities Foundation
of Oklahoma Inc.
Con Am Mgmt-Corporate
Jamie Condon
Michael & Connie Conn
Entertainment, Inc.
Content Polit, LLC
Tracey R. Copeland
Sandy R. Cordova
Jeremy T. Correll-Smith
Brian Courtney
Ellen Cozart
Cozen O'Connor
Matthew Craig & Linda Gregg
Credit Solutions of
America. Inc.
Jan & Gresgory S. Crespi
Martina Crevecoeur
Ricky A. Cribbs
Brenton & Carrie Croley
Madeleine Crouch
Gregory C. Crown
Larry & JoAnn Cruise
Dan R. Cullum
George & Sally Cullum
Walter Curry
Custer Road United
Methodist Church
D. F. W., Attorney
D. T. Shields Elementary
School Third Grade
Gerald W. Dahlander
The Dallas 40
Dallas County Sherriff Office
Dallas Fish Market
Julia T. Dane
Frances Dare
Anthony W. Darwin
Jodi Dashe
Liz Datema
Lisa K. Davenport
Judy R. David
Lindsay Davidson
Judson & Lindsey Davis
Heather & Robert Davis
Lorenzo Davis
Gregory & Kristen Dawson
Catrina & Craig Dawson
Deborah Day
Dayton Foundation
Depository, Inc.
Lee De La Houssaye
Davis Deadman
Richard E. & Lou M. Delcamp
Mary Dell
Cara & Daniel Demarco
Lynne & Ronald DeMoss
Martha S. Denson
Denton County
Republican Party
Denton County
Republican Victory Fund
Erin Derby
Marva E. DeVault
D. S. Dewald
DHAT Digestive
Health Associates
Diamond McCarthy, LLP
Dickeys Barbecue Pit, Inc.
Anne & Bernard DiFiore
Linda DiGregory
Donovan G. Dillon
Direct Flow, Inc.
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 42
Donna Distefano
District Probation Department
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Karen Dodson
Richard Doelling
Joe Dolcini
Craig Donahue
Sarah Donce
Marius Donnelly
Robert Dorough
Dotson Chiropractic, PC
James & Janie Douglas
Michael Douglass
Kenneth J. Downing
Adrienne & Dennis Drapkin
Ann & David Drumm
Glenda & Bobby Duckworth
Joyce & William Dunn
Sarah Dunning
Joseph Dwyer
E. L. Bond, Number Two
E.L.M. Group, Inc.
Ebby Halliday Realtors
Angela M. Eckensberger
Regina Eddleman
Ruth Edmondson
Cara Edwards
Joan & Steven Ehlers
Mr. John C. Eichman & Ms.
Victoria Zudak
Elizabeth Eiseman
Eric Eisenbrandt
Randy Eisench
David H. Elder
Shawn Elder
Lincoln & Susan Eldredge
Cathy A. Elkins
Nancy Ellis
George E. Ellis
Jerry & Lucille Ellis
Claire & Dwight Emanuelson
The Emmaus Calling, Inc.
Diane England
Cynthia Eppler-Lewis
Joyce & Michael Ernst
Ronald Ervin
Richard Erwin
Joseph Escano
Allison Esenwine
Sally Estes
Judy & Scott Etchison
Andrew Ethridge
Event Source Professionals, Inc.
The Ewing Family Foundation
Gary & Janet Fabian
Mitchell & Mary Fadel
Violet Fagan
Patti Faherty
Fairpay Solutions
Buck Farish
Dan Farley
Farmers Insurance Group
David K. & Cynthia M. Farr
Libby & Gregory Farris
Shawn E. Fauver
Dean Fearing
Jeffrey Fearon
Peter R. Fenner
Robert W. Ferguson
Fidelity Investments
Financial Planning Association
Niklaus B. Fincher
David & Shari Finfrock
First Preston Management
Leslie E. Fisher
Tiffany Fitzpatrick
FMHS Choir Booster Club
Susan & Tom Fogarty
Jacqueline Fojtasek
Becky & E.S. Folmar
Robert Folz
The Food Depot
Fort Worth Restoration Branch
David G. Fox
Lisa Fox
Betty & Jerry Francisco
Margie N. Frank
Helen Frank
Lynn & Thomas Frazier
Lynn Frazier
Andrew Fullford
Jennifer A. & John A. Funk
G. Bedell Moore
Memorial Fund
The Gaba Family
Michelle Gabelmann
Angela & Robin Gaines
Kyle Galbraith
Sheila E. Gallagher
Susan Gambardella
Gamtex Industries
Judith Gardere
Gene Garrett
Sal & Mary Gazioglu
James Gee
Henry & Daryl Gelender
Gemsource, LC
Genesis Physicians Group
Victoria George
The George and Claudette
Hatfield Foundation, Inc.
Johnny Getum
Carol & Robert Collins Gibbons
Gilbert Financial Services
Giving Express Program From
American Express
Nancy & Mark Glandon
Rebecca & David Glover
GMAC Financial Services
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Goetz
Rita Sue & Alan Gold
Andrew S. Goldberg
Wendy B. Goldman
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Matching Gifts
Melissa Gombert
Nancy L. Good
Jim Goodman
Thomas Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Gottschalk
Donna & Louis Grabowsky
Grand Bank
Becky & James Grant
Tom Gray
Mary & Griff Gray
Glenda M. Green
Kimberli & Dale Greer
Jeremy Gregg
Karl Griffis
The Grill On the Alley
Sherry Grimes
Laura G. Grimmer
Patrick Grismer
Diane Gross
William S. Gross
The Grotto (Salerno Pizza Co.)
Group & Pension
Administrators, Inc.
Mary & Wesley Guinn
Mark C. Gunnin
H.R. Benefits
Ellen & Gary Haas
Patricia Hague
Rebecca Hall
Robert & Sarah Hallam
Sandra & George Hallmark
John Hamm
Barbara & Barry Hammond
Ruth Hampton
Sandra Hancock
Mary Ellen Hanna
Cynthia Hansen
Sean Hanson
Marcus Haralson
Patrick Hardy
Catherine Hardy
Josh Hare
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Susan & Bobby Harjo
Deborah & Clark Harmon
Carolyn Harmon
Louis & Matthew Harms
Jessica Harpham
John & Lynda Harrell
Katherine K. Harris
Deborah & Douglas Harris
David & Stephanie Harris
Jen Harris
Jan & Jim Harrison
Tom L. Harrod
Michael J. Hart
David W. Hart
R. Chris Harvey
Harvey R. Mitchell, III &
Ms. Linda J. Helton
Kim Hasty
Harry D. Hawn
Karla & Gary Haynes
David D. Heard
Stella L. Heidman
David Hein
Georgianna Heinke
Miki Heiss
Marcy C. Helfand
John Henard
Mary L. Henderson
Joshua Henderson
Mark Hendon
Henneman Engineering Inc.
Helen N. Hensley
Steve M. Henson
John J. & Clare P. Hickey
Don Hicks
Michelle Hiller
Kelly K. Hiser
Hi-Tech Oil Blends, Inc., DBA:
Champion Lubricants
Yiu Kee Ho
Anita Hobbs
Tres & Patrick Hodges
Pamela D. Hoffman
Carol & Daniel Hoffman
Guy Hoffman
Michael J. Holck
Mark & Kim Holdsworth
Carolyn & Bryan Holland
David Holley
Pamela Ann & Oscar C. Hollis
Carol Hooks
Shelton & Katherine Hopkins
The Hopkins Group
Wanda & Roger Horn
Debbie Horne
Katherene Hough
Virginia Houston
Kathryn Howard
Sean Howard
Bill Howard
Roger H. Howe
Michael Howell
Richard J. Howell
Thomas Hubbert
James O. Hughey
Andra Humes
Jody Hundley
Nancy A. Hunt
Rebecca F. Hunt
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Ellen & Gregory Hunter
Gordon Hunter
Amy & George Hurst
Gayle & Don Hurst
Lisa & Brian Hurst
Bob Hutchins
Susan Iannaccone
Cathryn Ignatin
Dr. & Mrs. A. Iliya
Internation Christian
Church, Inc.
Interstate Hotel/Resorts
IPC National Charity
Dennis S. Ippolito
Joanna Irizarry
Irwin Grossman Investments
Properties, Inc.
Carole L. Ishii
Tracy & Bryan Ishman
Mitsuka Iwahiro
James Izzo
J & K Restoration LP
Scott Jackson
John Jackson
Mark E. Jacobs
Marge and Clyde James
Gift Fund
James & Marion Moore
Living Trust
The James Hodges Family
Paul Jargowsky
Jeffrey E. Jarvis
Thomas R. & Patricia A.
Megan Jennings
Vesta O. Jenson
Peg & Bernard Jezercak
John Bowles Company
David T. Johns
Sean Johnson
Patricia & William Johnson
Iris Johnson
Deborah & Keith Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Pam Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Rob Johnston
Charles E. Johnston
Kathryn & Michael Jones
The Jones Family Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Jean Jordan & Ms. Judith
A. Greene
Burt Jordan
Jason Jordan
Margaret H. Jordan
Bindu Joseph
Linda Justice
J-W Operation Company
Elaine & Richard Kamp
Karen & Robert Kantner
Jean & Steven Kaplan
Laura Karlen
Lori & Robert Karol
Rabbi Nancy Kasten & Rabbi
David Stern
James Keay
Janet & Thomas Keckeisen
Julia Keith
Keller Independent
School District
Brian D. Kelley
P. J. Kelly
Gale & Sean Kelly
The Kelsoe Family
Kemple Capitol
Herbert and Michele Kesner
Philanthropic Fund
James Ketchersid
Dustin & Jennifer Key
Rachel D. Keyes &
Susan Rhames
Keystone Automotive
Operations, Inc.
Sima Khaleque
JoAnne Kimberlin
David Kindle
Kay & Joe Barton King
Glenn M. Kinzler
Brett A. & Lillian
Fouche Kirstein
John Kirtley
Dean & Charlotte Knuth
Hyechong Ko
Neil Kocianic
Shannon A. Komodore
Leah Koontz
Kraig L. Korpela
Robin Kosberg
William A. Kramer
Allyn & Susan Kramer
Kristi J. Kramer Dann
Krause Advertising, Inc.
Lorri & Harrald Kroeker
James & Janis Kull
Tracy Kutch
Barbara & David A. Kvale
La Cima Club
Teresa & Philip Lack
Rita LaCour
Kathy & Richard Lam
Margaret & David Lamb
Jim & Camille Lamoureux
Lancaster I.S.D
Lancaster Middle School
John Landes
Eliot Landrum
Melanie & Greg Lane
Shirley & John Lapicola
Jeanne & Robert Larson
Paula Larson
Clinton S. Lassman
Andy Lau
Law Office of Mark D. Foster
Jennifer & Andrew Lawrence
Amy Lawrence
Jody Lay
Leadership Dallas Class of '88
Leadership Texas
Donna & Charles Lee
Bill & Melora Leiser
Holly & Brian Lemons
Lennox International, Inc.
Matching Gifts Program
Richard & Helen Leonhardt
Mr. Robert F. Leroy
Les Lacs Yacht Club
Stephen Levene
Carol & John Levy
Melody & Ben H. Lewis
Larry Lewis
Mark & Rebekah Lewis
Ken Lewton
Marc & Deborah Lipnick
Crystal Lippert
Charles Livingston
Charles Lloyd
Lone Star Cyclist Association
Sharon & Bernard Long
Timothy Looney
Billie & Leroy Lott
Charles R. & Gayle M. Lotter
Chris Lovejoy
Ms. Lori Lovelace & Mr.
Reinhard Ziegler
Harold Luedke
A Mark IV Industries Company
Luna De Noche - NorthPark
Melody Lynch
Trang T. Ma & Toi V. Le
Matthew Mabel
Paul MacAlevey
JoAnn MacDonald
Cathy & Harold MacDowell, III
Kelly & J.N. MacDowell
Iris Macklin
Sue & Douglas W. Maclay
Macy's Bag Hunger
Macy's South - Willow Bend
Macy's Southwest
Donald M. Magyari
Ann & Chris Mahowald
Diane & Falvey Malarcher, Sr.
Chris Mancill
Doreen Manley
Mary Mann
Janet Marcum
Linda Marcusen
S. Marek
Marilyn G. & Donald H.
Schaffer Philanthropic Fund
Brenda L. Marks
Mark & Roxana Mars
Lynn Ellen Martin
Laura & Glenn Martin
Margaret E. Marvin
Mary Ann & Neal Hasty
Masco Builder Cabinet Group
David Mason
Mark & Janice Mathews
Kenneth W. Mathis
Keith Matthews
Emelio Mattorano
Alfred Maurstad
Greg May
W. G. Mays
McAfee Matching Gift Program
Noelle & Phil McAlpine
Dona J. McArron
Tom & Phyllis McCasland
Carla McClanahan
Jasmine & Patrick McCormick
McCormick & Schmick's
Seafood Restaurant
Rosemary & Medford McCoy
Troy McDougald
Bill & Frances McElvaney
Scott R. McKenzie
Sandra & J. R. McKenzie
Kathi W. McKenzie
Cleon & Sabrina McKnight
Megan & Casey McManemin
Bonnie & Ernie McManus
Christopher McNeese
Monica McNeill
Melinda McNutt
Toni & Patrick McNutt
John & Elise Meadows
Means & Matthews Custom
Builders, LLC
John Meek
Patricia Mehal
Kathleen & Joseph Meng
Mercer HR Services
Paul Mersiovsky
Karen Metcalf
Bruce A. Meyer
Mi Piaci
Ron Middleton
Military Sales & Service Co.
Homer & Georgia Miller
Marsha M. Miller
David Miller
Pamela Jane Miller &
Janeil M. Engelstad
Miller Family Foundation
Christopher Mims
Diane & Chris Mims
Mindwave Research Inc.
Lydia O. Minnett Rev. Trust
Miranda Partners, LP
Conrad & Janell Mirochna
Joyce & Harvey R. Mitchell
Karen & Charles Mitchell
Jeanne Mitchell
Frank Mivelaz
Rick Mohr
Monitronics International, Inc.
Mark G. Monse
Susan Mooney
Cindy Moor
Bertha R. Moore &
Ms. Lisa Holmes
Gloria & Garland Moore
Robert L. Moore
Gregory Moore
David T. Moore
Barbara Moore
Paul Morgan
Michael Morris
The Morris Family
Louis Morrison
Morton's of Dallas Downtown West End
Cheril Moseley
Jennifer & Jon Mosle, III
Wendy Moss
Nora L. Mullens
James A. Mulligan
Sharon & Robert Muncrief, III
Brian Murphy
Kathy Jane & Brian Murphy
Michael D. Murphy
Leslie Murray
Katy Murray
Casey Murrell
Wes Musselman
Emily Musser
Jacqueline & Mitch Myers
Elizabeth & Peter Myles
Andrew Nagel
Deepa Natarajan
S. L. Neal
Rachele & Patrick Neher
Jeffrey & Frances Neighbors
Neiman Marcus
Quynh & Khai V. Nguyen
Tim Nichols
Ned R. Nixon
Thomas Noble
Kelly Noblin
Jan Norris
North Texas Chapter
North Texas
Compensation Assoc.
The North Texas Conference
of the United
Methodist Church
The North Texas Scuba
Retailers Assoc.
Northwood Country Club
Joe Norville
Travis Nutzman
Scot & Anne O'Brien
Jim & Ann O'Donnell
Selma Oliveira
Olympus America Inc.
Oncor Electric Delivery
T & D Services Volunteers
Oncor Electric NE
Service Center
J. F. O'Neill
Gail & Mike O'Quinn
Trenton L. Finaldi & Kelli J. Orr
Cynthia R. Osborne
Emily Osborne
Osgood O'Neil Salon
Michael J. Oujesky
Jack & Joanne Owen
Lamar E. Ozley
Don H. Pace
Carrie Paige
Jane & Charles Pak
Eashwaran Pallipuram
Jacqueline H.
Palmer Parigi
Parish Mission Mar Thoma
Church of Dallas
Glenn F. Park
Park Cities Prime
Kevin W. Parke
Judith G. Parker
Lynna Parker
Sara E. Parker
Thomas Parker
Parkland Health &
Hospital Systems
Kevin Parma
Dennis & Myra Parrott
Mark Passwaters
Elaine Storey & Jamie Patterson
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
George M. Patton
Paul & Robert A.
Barker Foundation
Cliff & Ralene Pauling
Marvin J. Pautsch
Amy & Steven Pawlowski
Lee Ann Pearse
Pecan Creek Office Group
Edward A. Pechar
Pediatric Society of
Greater Dallas
Brad Peek
Brad Pence
Paula L. Peppard
Sean Perkins
Bob Perkins
Robert Perkins
Tom Perkowski
Michelle & Richard Perrin
Virginia & Roger Perry
Karen Perry
Edward H. Perry
Bonnie Peter
Joyce Peters
Elizabeth Peters
Neila & Thomas Petrick
Petro Casa
Edith Pfautsch
The Pfizer Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Mark Phariss
Virginia Phillips
John Phillips
Jennifer K. Pierce
Kurt & Cara Pilgrim
Lisa PInc.kard
Donald Pinkard
Plains Capital Bank
Sallie & Brown Plummer
Mark B. Plunkett
Sylvia Poirot
Susan & Charles Pollan
Kevin & Amy Pollard
Leah L. Pollman
Janet Poo-Pourri
PoPoLos Cafe
Debi & Byron Potter
Rachel Potter
Jack E. Pratt
President and Members of
Nirmanakaya Lodge, A. U. M.
Davyion Preston
Joseph Preston
Preston North Lion's Club
Jessie H. Price
Sean Prokasy
Promotion Network
Erin Pryor
John F. Psutka, M.D.
Lisa Pugh
Peter Punzmann
Melanie & Bill Purcell
Donna Purzycki
Marcel Quimby
Quinlan Chiropractic Clinic
Changho Ra
Lydia Radnik
M. Carolyn Raiser
Rambouillett Book Club
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Sara A. Ramos
Randall Noe
Geneva C. Ranta
Warren L. Rapert
Patty & Jeff Reekers
Region #10
Shams U. Rehman
Mary Beth Reid
Robert Rein
Reliant Energy
Kenneth R. Remeur
Helen E. Reynolds
Barbara Reynolds
Patricia C. Rice
Danny Rich
The Richard Callicutt Family
Richardson Church
of the Nazarene
Rick's Chophouse
Right Management Consultants
Right Now Technologies
Steve Ring
Mary Rixford
The RJN Foundation, Inc.
Charme Robarts
Gayle Roberts
Linda Rollins
Sue Roman
Julie Romero
Richard Rosalez
Rose Baker Charitable
Gift Fund
Carolyn J. Rosenbaum
James Ross
Gerald Roth
Jami Roux
John N. Rowland
Jane & Chris Rowley
The Roy Gene &
Pamela Evans Foundation
Joan & Stephen Rubin
David R. Ruffin
Jeanette & Jared Rushman
Michele Russell
Bridget Russell
Bethany Russell
Kevin Ryan
Carole & Dale Rylander
Kenneth Sabot
Sabre Holdings
Sher Sachedina
Lida Sahami
Thomas Saine
George Salamon, M.D., P.A.
Margie Salazar
Debra & William Saller
Scott Sanderson
Ilene & Scott Sandlin
Greg Schaffner
Elizabeth Schartz
Stephen E. Schlarb
Cristie & Rodney Schlosser
Gregory & Christie Schmitt
Nicole Schneekloth
Scott M. Schubert
William & Carol Schucany
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit P. Schuller
Sandra Schulte
Jamie D. Schultz
Nina Schwartz
Scott French Appraisals
Scouts Without Borders
Stephen & Charlene Seachord
The Second Floor Westin Galleria
Dave Sedlin
Tamir Segal
Henry Sermersheim
John R. Sewell
William Shaefer
Timothy Shaffer
Mark Sharkey
Judy & Andy Shaw
Ray Sheeler
Jonathan Sher
Charles Sheridan
Matthew Sherrod
Bruce Shilcutt
Lisa Shirley
William Short
Brenda M. Shorter
Robert L. Shubert
Sherry & Raymond Siler
Katherine Sill
Jake Silverstein
Evelyn B. Simmons
Gary Simms
Wes Simon
Shelia & Ross Simon
Alric Simon
Todd Simpson
Muriel Sims
Debby Singleton
Warren L. Sippel
Sandra Skipworth
Courtney Slater
Betty & Richard Slaven
Kimberly Sloan
Cheryl Small
Joan Smallshaw
Raymond G. and
Patricia A. Smerge
Richard Smith
Anne Smith
Bernard Smith
Faye B. Smith
David Smith
Peggy L. Smith
Nathan Smithson
Rebecca Smotherman
Paul Smyth
Mike Snider
Elizabeth A. Soch
Kathleen J. Soch
Sodexho at Ericsson
Delia Solis
Gregory Sommers
Helen Sons
South Dakota Royalty
Southwest Airlines
People Department
Southwest Alliance
Southwest Anesthesia Service
Karen Spae
John Roger & Betty Spalding
Sharon Spanhel
Sparkman Club Estates
Gregory Speer
Karen & David Spika
David Spika
Dawn Springer
St. Anne Episcopal Church
Cindy Stasinski
Randall E. Stebbins
Lisa & John Steele
Mark Stehling
Marianne R. Steinberg
Ardis & Christi Stembridge
Kathleen & Paul Stephenson
Amy Stephenson
William E. &
Meribeth H. Stevens
Bobby K. Steveson
Marilyn G. Stewart
Shawn Stewart
Jagade Stewart
Charlotte Stockard
Patricia & Scott Stone
Stonebridge Healthcare
Consulting, LLC
Sally Storie
Michael Storm
Susan E. Strieter
Mary Stroup
Deborah & Michael Strube
Louise Suder
Scott Sugar
Michael Sullivan
Sullivan's SteakHouse
Claire Summers
Lea & Richard Sund
Superior Search And Staffing
Michael Surovik
Sandra Swanson
Claire Taitte
Alan Talllis
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Brice Tarzwell
Christine & Jimmy Taylor
Elizabeth & Ronald Taylor
Mr. & Ms. John R. Taylor, Jr.
Temple Shalom
Shan-Mei C. Teng
Texas de Brazil - Addison
Texas de Brazil - Dallas
Texas FFA
Texas Methodist Foundation
Texas Rangers Women's Club
Linda G. Tezeno
Bonnie & Robert Thiebaud
Cathy & Christopher Thomas
Shelley & Mike Thomas
Mary A. Thompson
Margaret Thompson
Gene Thompson
The Thompson Family
Charitable Fund
Clark & Ann Thurston
Arthur Tijerina
David Tilley
Kristen Tinajero
Bob Titus
Susan Tobin
Jonathan Toman
Tournament Players Club of
Craig Ranch, LP
Richard F. Tozer
Michelle Trahan
Trinity Hall Irish Pub
Bebe Triplett
John B. Trowbridge
The Truemper Family
Charitable Fund
Keith & Crystal Trull
Barbara A. Tudhope
Rhonda Turner
John Turner
Suzanne M. Turquette
Cheryl & Stan Ullom
Uncle Calvin's Coffeehouse
United Healthcare
United Way of
Central New Mexico
Uptown Dallas
Nancy & Rick Usrey
Kara Van Duzee
Edward Van Horne
Fredrick & Diane Van Naerssen
Brenda Vangilder
Hemant Vankawala
Kristin Vantilburg
Patricia A. Vaughan
Gloria & Barry Vaughn
Jey Veerasamy
Verado Energy Inc.
Randall Vermillion
Victory Tavern, LP
Martha & Jose Villela
Bradley E. Visosky
Benedict Voit
Janice Vonada
Jan Vrielink
Edward Wagner
David Wagoner
Carol Wakeman
Joy & Danny Waldron
Vonda Walgrave
Brigham Walker
James W. Walker
LaShonda Walker
Patricia & Karen Walker
Walnut Place
Mr. Dennis Walo &
Ms. Kathleen Irvin
Charlya & Robert Ward
Mark W. Warren
Sally Warren
John Warren
Robin & Billy Waters
Travis Waters
Jennifer Waters
Timothy Watkins
Mary N. Watson
Steve Watson
Rebecca Waymack
Kenneth Weaver
Amy & Christopher Weaver
Tom & Sarah Webster
Weil, Gotshal & Mages LLP
Barry & Jane Weiman
Arthur & Sharon Weinberg
James Welch
WellPoint Foundation Associate Giving Program
Janita H. Wells
Wells Fargo/Insurance
Services USA, Inc.
Phillip & Susan Wentworth
Kevin & Lorraine Wessels
Western Union Foundation
Brian Westgate
Westlake Community
Involvement Team @
Levi Strauss E. Co.,
Douglas A. White
Annelle & Robert White
Jean & Martin White
Hughes Whittington
Robert & Jacqueline Wiebe
Harvey W. Wiggins
Bettye Wiggins
James A. Wiggs
Roscoe C. Wilber
Andrew Williams
Betty Williams
Becky Williamson
Ray B. Williamson
James Willson
Joseph Wilson
Deborah & Douglas Wilson
Greg Wilson
Terri Wilson
Lawrence & Kathy Wilson
Cynthia & T.W. Wilson
Sherry & Robert Wilson
Jennifer & Michael Wimbish
Terilyn R. & Joel Winful
Andy Winger
Kimberly Winger
Carol A. Winkelmann
Carolyn A. Winkler
Winnetka Heights
Neighborhood Assoc.
Betty L. Winslow
David & Karen Winters
Lynn Wisdom
Catherine & Billy Wolfe
Woodmen Lodge 978
Kristi Woolley
Julie A. Work
John & Karen Workman
World Banana Day
Helen M. Wostmann
Eric Wright
Rebecca & Jerry Wright
Piper & Mike Wyatt
XO One
Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse
Elizabeth Yancey
Jean & Gordon Yates
Hector Ybanez
Yee & Association, P. C.
Thomas S. Yoder
Phillip Young
Gordon Young
Cynthia Yung
Naveed Zaheer
Rhonda Zahnen
Mary R. & David Zarate
Peggy & Sam Zarro
Zea Woodfire Grill
Shari Zerener
Raya D. & Michael Zerger
June & Garland D. Ziegenhorn
The Mark and Peggy Zilberman
Family Charitable Fund
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
128 Produce
1st Global
24 Hour Fitness
588 Lofts
7-Eleven, Inc.
A+T Distributing
AA Credit Union
Aanka Dulaney
Abbott Nutrition
ABC Pest & Lawn Service
Academy of Dallas Charter School
Accor North America
ACE Cash Express
ACH Food Companies, Inc.
Acosta Sales and Marketing
Advanced Tela Solutions
Affiliated Com.
Air Products
AIU Holdings, Inc.
Marie F. Alarcon
Albertson's LLC
Jay T Albin
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Juan Alejo
Alexan City North
Tiffany Algarin
Evelyn Allen
Natalie Allen
Allflex USA, Inc.
Alliance Trucking Services, Inc.
Allied Marketing Group, Inc.
Allison Miller
Roberto Alonzo
Alpha Graphics
Alpha Phi Omega
Ambit Energy
AMC Entertainment, Inc.
AMC Warehouses Inc.
America First Insurance Company
American Beacon
American Food Service
American Fresh Point Co.
American Gold Lable
American Home Mortgage
Servicing, Inc.
American Honda Finance Corp.
American Red Cross
American Welding
Americold Logistics
Ameriprise Financial
Amerisource Bergen Specialty
AMLI Residential
Don L Anderson
Andrew Robbins Holdings LLC
Courtney Andujar
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
ANI Direct, LP
Appraisal Institute North Texas
Arcadia Park Elementary School
Arthur Archuleta
Arizona Association of
Food Banks
Armour-Eckrich Meats, LLC
Around Town Kids
Crystal Arredondo
ARS Rescue Rooter
Art Institute of Dallas
Assured Self Storage
ATI Career Training
Atlanta Community Food Bank
Atlantic Aviation
Atmos Energy
Auto City
Damous Avant
The Aveda Institute of Dallas
Angela Ayers
Joan Ayers
Bachman Recreation Center
Bank Of America, N.A.
Nancy Barber
Barney's of New York
Miguel Barron
Bartush-Schmitzius Foods
Basil Hendrix
Gerald Bates
BAWA Trucking
Bay Area Food Banks
Bayer Corporation
Baylor University School
of Nursing
BDO Seidman
The Be Club
Beal Financial Corporation
Rita Becker
Bell Carter
Bella Vida at Coyote Ridge
Ben Washington Baptist Church
Bent Tree Child
Development Center
Javier A Bernal
Tim Bernardo
Berry Berry
Berry King
Best Choice Foods
Beverage-Crestwood Overflow
Beverly Hills N/A
Bexar St. Baptist
Beyonce’ Event
Bhuh Cardiac rehab
Big Dogs Youth Organization
Big League Dreams
Big Thought
Wesley Biggs
Michael Bingham
Birds Eye Foods
Timothy Birrenkott Jr.
Bishop & Hummert
Broderick Black
Chiquita Blackwell
Patrick Blankenship
Rodney Blue
Blue Bell Creameries, LP
Blue Goose International
Blue Line Foodservice Distributing
Blue Sea
Boar's Head Provisions Co., Inc.
Boboli International
Gene Bohn
Krista Bolton
Bombardier Aerospace
Dany Bonillon
BOP - Affirmative
Action Committee
Borden Milk Products
Borderland Food Bank
Salvador Borja
Brian Boullard
Bowie Elementary School
Carmon Boyd
Bradenburg Intermediate School
Billy Bradford
Eric Brand
Scott Brandt
Jorge Bravo
Chris Briggs
Brilliance Preschool & Academy
Brinker International
Parsons Brinkerhoff
The Broadway Apartments
Brookshire Grocery Company
Brian Broome
Brothers Produce
Alonzo Brown
Darrin Brown
Eleanor Brown
Galen Brown
Gregory Brown
James Brown
Patricia Brown
Brown McCarroll, LLD
Angelina Browning
Bruce & Susan Caldwell
Buchanan Associates
BUMC Transplant Service
Tracy Bundy
Bureau of Statistics
Marcus Burgdurf
Edward Burns
Steven Burton
Bush Brothers and Company
Bushman's Inc.
Todd Buss
Corey Butler
Butler Transport
David Buxton
BV&D Imports
Emmitt Byrd
C F Chefs, Inc.
C. F. Carr Elementary School
C-47-Films Inc.
Cadeau Express
Calavo Growers
Mario Calzada
James Campbell
Campbell Soup Company
Brands LP
Jose R. Campos
Can-Drive Car-Meet
Maria Cantu
Marta Cantu
Canyon Specialty Foods
Capital One
Capital One Auto Finance Inc.
Capital Title
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Cargill Meat Solutions
Melvin Carisle
Carlisle on the Katy Trail
Carlson's Restaurants
Carolina Logistics Services Inc.
Walter Casey
Castle Hills Montessori
Bill Cates
Catie Ronquillo
CBIZ Valuation
CCCS of Greater Dallas, Inc.
Celestino Soto Elementary
Celina Police Department
Central Insurance
Central Market
Centre of Physical Rehab
CF Chefs, Inc.
CH Robinson Trucking
Chandler Signs
Changing Direction
Christian Center
Bryant Chapple
Charles A Gill Elementary
Charter Builders, LTD
Chase Home Lending Inc.
Chavez Learning Center
Jeremy Cheer
The Cheesecake
Factory Restaurants
Jorge Chico
Children's Medical
Center Dallas
Chiquita Brands
International, LLC
Tony Chounlamany
Christian Men's Conference
Chub Insurance
Chubbys Foods
Church Brothers
Churchill on the Park
CIGNA Corporation
Ciriaco Nognez
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Citi Cards
City Credit Union
City of Dallas
City Tavern
Derrick Clark
Clark Consulting
Classic Mazda of Denton
Classic Residence By Hyatt
Chris Clay
Elizabeth Clay
Clay Academy
Clear Springs Packing, LLC
Eugene Cleary
Jalal Clemens
John Clemons
Clifford Gladney
Chris Cline
The CMI Group, LP
Coast Global Seafood
The Coca Cola Company
Fredie Cohen
Jason Cole
Eric Coleman
Tony Coleman
Ulysses Coleman
Colemont Brokerage Group Inc.
Colgate Oral
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Colliers International
Columbia Fresh Produce
Supervision Department
ConAgra Foods, Inc.
William B. Cook
Coppell Curves for Women
Coppell Independent
School District
Matt Cororan
Corptax Inc.
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Country Fresh
Countrywide Home Loans
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Cameron Cox
James Mc Coy
CP&Y, Inc.
Craig Ranch Community
Craighead Green Gallery
Vernon Crandell
Cranial Technologies, Inc.
Credit Protection Services
Credit Solutions
Credit Union Services Inc.
Creekside Homes Apartments
Crestone Group
Baking Company
Crete Carrier Corp.
Crosswood Associate Inc.
Erin Crowder
CSPH, Inc.
Cub Scouts Lamplighter School
Freddie Cubuera
John Cuevas
Jasmine Mc Cullum
Sally Cullum
Myrtle Cummings
Michael Curry
Curves for Women
CVS Caremark
D&M Carriers
The Da Vinci School
Jon Dahlander
Dallas Area
Pharmacy Association
Dallas Association of
Health Underwriters
Dallas Bar Association
Dallas Chinese Bible Church
Dallas City Hall
Dallas County CSCD
Dallas County Democratic Party
Dallas County Juvenile Justice
Alternative Education
Dallas County Public Works
Dallas County Tax Office
Dallas Depot Inc.
Dallas Fire Department
Dallas Independent
School District
Dallas Kids Expo
Dallas Lutheran School
Dallas Public Library
Dallas Transfer Terminal
Dallas Zoo
Dalya Hason/ Whitney Waters
Dart Employees
David W. Carter High School
David's Meat Market
David Davila
Don Davis
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Bryan Davis
Corey Davis
Dana Davis
Nehecha Davis
Trenell Davis
Vernon Davis
Davita Dialysis
Diane Davlin
Dawn Food Products
Dawson State Jail
Dean Foods
Deerfield Apartments
Dekota Growers
Del Monte Corporation
Kelly Delay
Dell Perot System
Delta Air Lines
Sharon Denmark
Denton Creek
Elementary School
Amy Denvir
Department of Education
Department of
Homeland Security
Desert Glory
Desoto Freshman Campus
Detachment 835
Dfeeters SC
Juan Diaz
Dicker Staffing
Dietz & Watson
Oda Dightman
Dignity Memorial L.I.F.T. Group
Kyle Dillard
Brian Dimmit
Dimond Onion
Directorz Inc.
Disciples Womens Ministry
Steven Dismore
Maddie Dittmar
Dittrich Family
Diversified Foods Incorporated
Dobie Primary School
Dole Food Company, Inc.
Don Miguel Foods
Dana Doody
Keith Dotson
Double Diamond Co.
Doubletree Hotel
Campbell Center
Robin Douglas
Dover Elementary
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group
Dr. Kracker
Dr. Pepper StarCenter
Kelvin Drain
James Drake
Dry Clean Super Center
Mary Beth Duffy
Alan Dugger
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Terrance Dunn
Curtrenna Duren
DVB Imports
Dymatize Enterprises Inc.
E.D. Walker Middle School
E.H. Cary Middle School
Eagle Advantage Schools
Early College High School
Earth 1st Recycle Centers, Inc.
Earth Bound Farms
Eastfield Pleasant
Grove Campus
Tonya Eaton
Ebby Halliday Young
Professionals Group
Echo Springs Blueberry Farm
Lawrence Echols
Jason Eddy
Edward Don & Co.
Scott Eley
Rita Elliott
Elliott Management Group
Stephen Ellis
EMC Mortgage Corp
Empire Terminal Warehouse
EnCana Corporation
Ensco International Inc.
Epi Breads
E-Rewards Market Research
Ernst & Young LLP
Ricardo Espinoza
Vincent Espinoza
Europa Sports Products Inc.
European Imports
Brandy Evans
William Evans
Everfresh & Crengland
LaNiueya Ewing
Exchange Logistics
Explorations Prepartory School
Extreme Makeover
Exxon Mobil Corporation
EZ Money
Fair Oaks Day School
Fairmont Hotel
Family Union
Farmland Foods, Inc.
Federation of State
FedEx Freight
FedEx Office
Feeding America
FFE Transportation, Inc.
Fidelity Investments
Demetria Fields
Fifth Church of Christ
Figueroa Brothers
Elizabeth Filpi
Filter Fresh
Fire Department #17
First Assembly Church
Fish & Richardson
Flextronics International
Edgar Flores
Fluor Inc.
Focus Learning Academy
Food Source Inc.
Michael Ford
Forest Brooks Apts.
Forest Park Medical Center
Forex Capital Markets LLC
Cory Foster
Foundation Of Naifa
Shawn Fraley
Francisco Medrano Middle School
Freebirds World Burrito
Alica Freeman
Fresh Express
Frisco Family Services
Frito-Lay North America, Inc.
Frontera Produce
Fruge Seafood
Frymire Services
Future Foam
Gabe P. Allen Student Council
Gaedeke Group LLC
Donna Galbraith
Rodrigo Galicia
Sharon Gallagher
Antonio Garcia
Jaime J Garcia
Garden Gate Apartments
Gardens of Richardson
Terrell Garner
Maria Garza
Garza ECHS @ Mountain
View College
GE Capital
Geico Insurance
The Genecov Plastic
Surgery Group
General Mills, Inc.
George W. Truett Elementary
Gerber Products Fremont
Gesnel Gach
DeMarcus Gichles
Helen Gidding
Milo Gienger
Zachary Gillespie
Gilley's Dallas
Gilliam Collegiate Academy
Gilsa Dairy
Gilster MaryLee
The Gingerman Bar
Girl Scout Troop 1315
Girl Scout Troop 2116
Girl Scout Troop 603
Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
Glenda Lane
Global Foods
Heidi Goad
God's Word God's Way
Christian Assembly
Gold's Gym International
Golin Harris
Santiago Gonzales
Anthony Gonzalez
Good Samaritans of
Garland, Inc.
Goodies from Goodman
Cheryl Goodman
Jay Goodnight
Gordon's Pepper Co.
Lane Gorman
Gourmet Foods Inc.
Grace Academy of Dallas
Grand Bank
Grant Thornton, LLP
Grapevine Mills
Charles Gray
Tracie Gray
Graybar Electric
Great South
Great Western, LLC
Greatwide Logistics Services
Cherona Green
Deanotra Green
Demetor Green
Joseph Green
Kathy E Green
Greenville Surgery Center
Greenz Restaurants
Grider Jerod
Griffin Partners, Inc.
Griggs Chapel Missionary
Baptist Church
Toni Grimes
Grimes Antoinette
Group Dynamics
Guide A Long Mentors
Guitar Center
Jose Carlos Gutierrez
Vidal Gutirrez, Jr
GVA Cawley
H.D. Vest Financial Services
H.E. Butt Company
H.S. Thompson
Elementary School
Habitat for Humanity
Daryl Hacker
Cammy Haigh
Half Price Books
Adam Hall
Tony Hall
Haltom City Mixing Center
Ham I Am
EJ Hammond
Melody L. Hampton
Sharon Hampton
Brian Hanman
Taranza Harbin
Harley-Davidson Financial
Michia Harper
LaShonde Harris
Lyndon Harris
Steve Harris
Harris Quality Trucking
Harvest Foods
Harvest Texarkana Food Bank
Toriano Harvey
Terry Hatfield
HCA Shared Services
Head Start
Healds Valley Farms
Health Dialog
The Heart Hospital
Baylor Plano
Heartland Express
Kayla Hebert
David Hedgpitz
Heinz-North America
Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary
Herbert Marcus Elementary
Heritage of Lakeside
Heritage Specialty Foods
Antonio Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Juan L Hernandez
Luz D Hernandez
Michael Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez
The Hershey Company
HFA Inc.
Hickory Creek Dental Group
Hickory Farms
Donald W. Hicks II
Stacy Hicks
Pierce Higginbotham
Adam Higgins
Terri High
Highland Park Middle School
The Highlands at Galloway
Highlands Bank
Highwood Apartments
Jasmine Hill
Hillcrest High School
Hilton Anatole Hotel
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Hilton Reservations Worldwide
Hiram Lacy
Hirsch Family Foundation
HLP Solutions
HMS Host
Hockaday School
Elizabeth Hoffmann
The Holiday Vixens
Michael Holloway
Holmes Murphy & Associates
Holts Lunsford Commercial Inc.
Holy Spirit Church
HomeCare Homebase
Tonnia Honeycutt
Hooters Restaurant
Jessica Hopper
Horizon Lines
Alvin Horton
Toni Horton-Parker
Hossley Lighting Associates
Houston Food Bank
Daimon Howard
Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
HPF Distribution
HUD Homes Dallas
Cheryl Hughes
Kenneth Hughes
Humphrey & Associates Inc.
Hungshu Lin
Rachael Hunt
Nicole Hutchins
Tom Hutt
Hydraquip Distribution
I S Networld
IAP Worldwide Services
The Idaho Food Bank
Ideal Sales
Idearc Media
Illes Seasonings & Flavors Inc.
Impartial Services
Indian Creek Apartments
ING Clarion
Insight Imaging
Internal Revenue Service
Invensys Operations
Irongate Security
Irving Mall
Ivie & Associates, Inc.
J. P. Morgan Chase Collection
J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.
J.C. Combs Produce
J.M. Swank
J.O.Y. Foods, Inc.
Jacqueline Jackson
Rodney Jackson
Jacobson Companies
Shamira James
James Madison High School
Shuilendua Jayswau
JCPenny, Inc.
Felicia Jeter
Phyllis Joest
Jason John
John L. DeGazier Lodge #1349
John Neely Bryan
Elementary School
Paige Johns
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Cedric Johnson
E. F. Johnson
EF Johnson
Jo Johnson
Scarlett Johnson
Stanley Johnson
Teresa Johnson
Toni Johnson
Denton Jones
Howard Jones
Jeannie Jones
Keitha Jones
Leslie Jones
Micheal A. Jones
Michelle Jones
Jones Lang LaSalle
Tommy Jordon
Kathy joseph
Joyce Turner
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Juvenile Dept.
J-W Operating Company
K Force
Ronnie Kalenda
Kalif Perkins
Amy Karp
Kasmir Fabric
Kaufman Youth Program
Keefe Supply Company
Keil Software
Kellogg Company
Kelly Beans Co.
Kelron Logistics
Lee Kelton
Anthony Kemp
Sharon Kemp
Ken Sutter Car Care
Kennemer M. S.
Kerns Beverages, LLC
Kerr Elementary
Paul Keshrari
Douglas Kessler
Kessler Park United
Methodist Church
Keystone Fruit
Kikkoman Foods, Inc.
Shareem Kimard
Ashley King
Torey King
Ann Kinsfather
KIPP Truth Academy
Bob Kirby
David Kirkland
Kiwanis Div. 2
Klass Time
Kleberg Elementary
KLLM Trucking
LaKesha Knight
Knight Transportation
Koch Poultry
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Koetter Fire Protection
John F. Kolce
Konstanze Coleman
Kozy Shack
Kracker Enterprises LLC
Kraft Foods Inc.
The Kroger Company
Kroger (Hunger Link)
Kroger Food Show
Tanatida Kungvarluongse
L & S Plumbing
L. A. Stemmons Elementary
L. D. Bell High School
La Bodega Produce
La Familia Distribution
La Madeline
La Mexicana Tortilla Factory
LaBatt Food Service
Labinal, Inc.
Manuel De Lacurz
Lady of America
Lake Creek Farms dba
Lake Highlands Homeowners
Lake Highlands Junior High
Lakeland Marketing
Lakethye Valdes
Lakeview Apartment Homes
Lakewood Greens
Lakewood Montessori School
Lambda Chi Alpha
Lance Distribution
Lance Foods
Lansing Area Red Cross
Lantmannen Unibake
Paul Laplante
LaPorsche Sanders
Laredo-Webb County
Food Bank
Larry & Jane Thompson
Larry G. Smith ES
David Latham
Greg A Lawrence
LBJ Elementary
The LeCroy Center
Lee Financial
Leo's Foods Inc.
Levy Resturant
Ashley Lewis
Sharon Lewis
Vernon Lewis
Liberty Mutual
LInc.oln High School
Learning Processes
Linden Alschuler & Kaplan
Shelonda Lindsey
Lino Transport
Lite House
Harold Little
Little Ladies Society
Living in Gratitude
LOA Fitness for Women
LOBO Tortillas
The Lodge at Timberglen
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary, LLP
Logistic Solutions
Lone Star Cold Storage
Lone Star Credit Union
Lone Star Integrated
Lone Star Ride Fighting AIDS
Dan Long
Longfellow Henry W. M. School
Stacey Lott
LPB Energy Management
David Lucky
Jose Lujan
Chris Luke
LXP Company
Macy's Central
Sedrick Madison
Magdalena Awalking
Lisa Malone
Malt O Meal
The Malt-O-Meal Company
Manara Academy
Jeff Manning
Corey Manson
Mapp Construction
Markel Corporation
William Marlan
The Marquis at Waterview
Marquis-Turtle Creek
Marsalis Ave COC
Andrew Martin
Sharon Martin
Martin Transportation Systems
Emilio Martinez
Gilbert A. Martinez
Javier Martinez
Kathleen Marvay
Jimmy Massey
Master's Distribution Co Inc.
Michael Matlock
Ginna Mattingley
Maui Foods Internation
Aaron May
Melissa Mayfield
Daniel Maynard
Maynard Jackson
Middle School
Maynard Trucking Co.
Kristopher Mays
Mc Donald's
Stephanie McCormick
McCormick Company
Damarcus A. McCoy
Ashley McCurley
Cortni McDaniel
Chad McDonald
McGriff, Seibels & Williams
Terry McInnis
Harold McKinney
Christopher McTall
Sonja Meador
Meadowcreek Apartments
Meadwestvaco, Inc.
Med Alert
Medical Clinic of
North Texas, P.A.
Medical Managment
Mega Fleet
Memshalah Realty/
Dominion Plaza
Ana Menendoza
Jackie Mercer
Mercer(Comerica Bank Tower)
Meridan Buisness Center
Merit Energy Company
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc.
Meyerson Symphony Center
Mi Escuelita Preschool, Inc.
Michael Foods
Michaels Stores, Inc.
Middlebrook Dryden Carter
Midnight Hour Moving
Jason Milano
Ephriam Miles
Mia Miles
Millennium 3 Education
Adolph Miller
Daniell R Miller
Linda Miller
Lindsey Miller
Mary Miller
Jay Milliner
Donald Von Minden
Minyard Food Stores, Inc.
Delvin Mitchell
Jasmine Mitchell
Jerome Mitchell
Turkelta Mitchell
MMH Partners
Earl Modkin
Willie Mohan
Molina High
Felix Montalvo
Montessori: New
Beginnings Academy
Michael Moore
Moore & Moore Ventures Inc.
Moore's Lawn & Garden
Chrysler Mopar
Demone Morgan
Hollis Morgan
Morning Star ( Dean Foods )
Seth Morrison
Victoria Morton
Morton Salt
Pat Mosley
Mosque Of Allah
Mount Sinai Church of God
Mount Vernon Apartments
Mountain King Potatoes
Mountain View College
Mr. Kooks, Inc.
Mrs. C's Foods & Kosher Bakery
Mt. Olive Pickle Company, Inc.
George Muchanga
Lauren Mundy
Murphree Produce
Kendra Murry
Thomas Mushroom
MW Logistics
George Myers
Nates Enterprise
Nathan Adams Elementary
National Asset Direct
National Broadcasting
National Charity League, Inc.
National Food and Beverage
Nationwide Insurance
Natividad Johnny Hernandez
Natural Brands
Naturally Fresh
Navigation Financial
NCH Corporation
Patrick McNeal
Nestle' Waters North America
Networkers MSB
New Friendship Baptist Church
New Horizons Computer
Learning Center
New St. Peter's
Presbyterian Church
New Sun Produce
Daryl Newton
Nexa Tech
Nexen Petroleum U.S.A Inc.
NFI Industries
Michael Nichols
Nicole Miller
Nike Factory Store
NLCA Food Drive
No Limit Women's Expo
Noble Royalties, Inc.
Nokia Theater at Grand Prairie
Malcolm Nolan
North Central Ford
North Central Surgical Center
North Dallas Jazzercise Center
North Hills Prepartory
North Texas Anesthesia/
North Texas Soccer Association
Northeast Texas Food Bank
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Northpark Center 15
Northpark Mall
Northwood Country Club
Novana Figueroa
Oak Cliff Lion Club
Oak Cliff Unitarian Church
Oak Farms Dairy
Casey O'Brien
Zachary Lane Obst
Occidental Tower
Ocean Beauty Seafood
Michael Ontiveros
Optimum Re Insurance
Alyssa Orta
Judy Orta
Osborne Hessey Logistics
Kovin Outha-Alphay
Overhead Door Corporation
Owens Country Sausage, Inc.
Eduardo Ozuna
P & K Services
Pablo O'mos
Pactiv Corporation
Joe Padilla, Jr.
Paladin Consulting, Inc.
Hubert Palmer
Michael Palmore
The Paper Plate
Pappa John's
Parish Episcopal School
Monroe Parker
Parker College of Chiropractic
Parkland Health &
Hospital System
Sameer Parov
Peak Prep
Pear Ridge Creek Apartments
Pecan Creek Office Group
Pedro's Tamales Inc.
Pegasus Schl Liberal Art & Sci
Pei Wei Asian Diner
Joshua Penny
The People's Lunch Counter
Pepperidge Farms,
PepsiCo, Inc.
Ramiro Perdomo
Perdue Farms, Inc.
Federico Perez
Jovita Perez
Maricela Perez
Performance Food Group
David Peritz
Kelton Perry
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Pest Eastside
Petrocco Inc.
Terrell Philen
PHNS, Inc.
Brooke Pierce
Pilgrim's Pride
Larry M Pinle
Pinnacle Foods Corp., LLC
Pioneer SW Energy Partners
Melissa Pipes
LaTonya Pippens
Pizza Hut, Inc.
Jeff Place
The Planet
Plano East Senior High School
Plano Senior High School
Plano West Senior High School
Pleasant Grove Elementary
PM Realty
Clyde Polk
Jondrea Portis
Post Properties, Inc.
Potanden Produce
Jazzmon Powell
Power Packaging of Texas Inc.
PPS Produce Distributors LLC
Pratt & Whitney
Precious Moments
Learning Center
Premier Sales Solutions
Presbyterian Hospital
Presbyterian Plano Center
Patty Pressley
GendInc.e Price
Pride Transport
Prime Lending
Prime Trucking
Primrose School Of Wellington
Procore Labs
Proper Vision
Protrocco Farms
ProVest Services, LLC
PSRC Positive Strokes
Nicholas Pyburn
QT Technologies
Quaker Oats Company
Quality Packaging
Quarter Bar
Quenicy Figures
Quick Trip Park
R. S. Hanline
R.Q. Mills Elementry
Rack Daddy's
Rack Space
Beverly Rafner
Raising Canes
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Chris Ramey
Eddy B Ramirez
Sylvia Randle
Ray's Barber Shop
Kelton Rayson
Raytheon Company
Reachout Homecare
Red Cross
Red Robin
Justin Reed
Kenneth Reed
Jessica Reeves
Refrigerated Transport Inc.
Reginald Ballard
Reginald Moody
Region 10
Regional East Texas Food Bank
Remington College
Hospitality Trust
Renaissance Hospital of Dallas
Rene Flores
Republic Title of Texas
Republic Underwriters Ins.
Bryles Research
Restaurant Depot
Revolution Tea, LLC
Jose Reyes
The Rho Theta Chapter of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorrority, Inc.
Rich Products Corporation
The Richards Group
Andrew Richardson
Richardson H.S. Eaglettes
Richland College
Richland Elementary
Bill Riggs
Roaring Lion
LaDarrell Roberson
Robert Heath Trucking, Inc.
Robert Pride
Robins & Morton
Bryan Robinson
Roc Republic
Rockbrook Montessori
Francisco S. Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez
Pedro Rodriguez
Toni Rodriguez
Miracle Rogers
Norbert Rogers
Rolling Hills Neighborhood
Larry Rollins
Roma Foods Importing Company,
Rose Haggar Elementary School
Demarcus Ross
Rothstein Kass
Jim Rothwell
Ashley Roundtree
Clyde Rowe
Royal Freight
Royce West CFD
RP Foods, LLC
RTKL Associates, Inc.
Rubio Trucking
Rudolph Food
Rudy's Tortillas Corporation
Tomesha Ruffin
Ruiz Foods Service
Rupa Rajagopal
Jacob Russell
Ryan and Company
RZM Import-Export
Padi Sabouri
Saddle Creek
Sadler's Bar-B-Que Sales, LTD
Jay Sage
Sage Fruits
Sage Point Apartments
Saia Motor Freight Lines
Saigling Elementary
John R. Sainz
Sales Partnership
Dorian Salmon
Salon @ Remington
Salon Pompeo
Sam's Club
Raul Sanchez
Phoebe Sanders
Gerald Sanders Jr
Sanderson Farms
Rolando Sandoval
Sanford Brown Institute
SanMar Corporation
Sara Lee Corporation
Shamika Saunders
Save-A-Lot food stores
Schepps Dairy
Laurie Schilling
Schneider National, Inc.
Brian Scott
Camilte Scott
Screams Halloween Park
Seafood Supply Company
Stephen Searl
Sears Home Appliance
Second Harvest Food Bank
Sedgwick CMS
Send Hope
Seneca Foods
Adrian Serafin
Service Craft Logistics
Seven Eleven
Sewell Automotive Companies
Shady Grove Baptist
Laura Sharp
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Sherwin Williams
Shie UNT
Torry Shields
Shippers Warehouse, Inc.
Jasvindsr Shoker
Ronnie Shue
Jerry Sidder
Signature Baking Company
Silicon Valley Bank
Silver Springs Citrus
Sima Foods
Joe Simmons
Candi Simon
Patricia Simon
Simon David Supermarket
Anthony Skinner
Skyline High School
Preston Slaton
McKinsey Slaton
Tachero Smalley
Alan Smith
Cheryl Smith
Christsonya Smith
Harry L Smith
Henry Smith
James Smith
Marcellus A. Smith
Michael Smith
Rashard Smith
Tayala Smith
Wayne Smith
Smithfield Packing Company
SMU Wesley Foundation
Jimmy Snowden
Snug Harbor
Snyder National
Social Media Club Dallas
Society Bakery
Society of St. Andrews
Sodexho - Exxon
Arturo Solis
Sonnen Services
Chris Sorenson
David Sosa
Luis Sotelo
South Coast Produce, Inc.
South East Dallas BPW Club
South Texas Food Bank
Southern Methodist University
Southwest Airline Federal
Credit Union
Southwest Airlines
Southwest Alliance of Asset
Managers, LLC
Southwest Democrats
Southwest Expo
Southwest Ice Cream
Southwest Traders, Inc.
Southwestern Christian College
Southwood United
Methodist Church
Danielle Spaulding
Eve Spearman
Marketing International
Steven Spencer
Denise Spriggs
Spring Trail Park
Springhouse Apartments
Sprint Communication
SRT Trucking
St. Gabriel Catholic Community
St. Louis Area Food Bank
St. Marin Apartment Homes
St. Mark's School
St. Monica Catholic School
St. Paul AME Church
Episcopal Church
Chris Stader
Standard & Poors
Stanley Korshak
Starbucks Coffee Comapny
State Fair of Texas
State Farm Automobile
Insurance Company
Camille Stefani
Allen Stein
Roger Stevens
Jon Stine
Sting Soccer Foundation
Kevin Stoler
Stone Elephant
Stonebriar Center
Brenda Stoner
Patrick Strambler
Stream Realty Partners, LC
Brian Strub
Sts. Constantine & Helen
Orthodox Church
Studio Movie Grill Addison
Leann Stundins
Sun Glo Of Idaho, Inc.
Sunmaid Raisins
Sunny Delight
Beverage Company
Sunsweet Growers, Inc.
Super Plaza Stores Corp.
Superior Solutions Staffing
Supplemental Health Corp.
Sur La Table
Suwannee Farms
Suzanne I. Calvert & Associates
J M Swank
Swift Transportation,
Craig Swindell
Sygma Network, Inc.
Sysco Corporation
Taco Bueno
Tamra Cooper
Tanimura & Antle, Inc.
Taplin Walker
Target Brands, Inc.
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Tarrant County College
Murray Tasby
Tastefully Simple
Vernika Tate
Tatum, LLC
Darryl Taylor
Tarnesha Taylor
Taylor Farms, Inc.
Ann Teaster
Teledyne Storm Products
Televista Inc.
Temple Emanuel
Richard Tennison
Elmo Terrell
Terrell First Assembly
Texas Air Composites
Texas Can Academy
Texas Capital Bank
Texas Crumb & Food Products
Texas De Brazil
Texas Food Bank Network
Texas Health Partners
Texas Ice House
Texas Motor Speedway
Texas Natural Meats, Inc.
Texas Oncology
Texas Riders Helping Texans
Texas Wholesale
TGI Friday's, Inc.
Micheal Thoman
Herschel Thomas
Robert Thomas
Gina Thompson
Kenneth Thompson
LaTret Thompson
Matthew Thompson
Sheila Thompson
Thompson Coe Cousins & Irons
Thomson Reuters
David Thornton
Three Fountains
Thurgood Marshall Elementary
ThyssenKrupp Elevator
Stephen Tigh
Melton Tippen
Daniel Toledo
Paulo Tolentino
Tom Thumb
Arturo Torres
Sasha Torres
Sergio Torres
Total Quality Logistics
Total Transportation Services
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Tour 18-Dallas
Townview Magnet Center
National Honor Society
TPC Craig Ranch
Trans Pak Inc.
Transplace Lowell
Stevens Transport
Transportation America
Transtar National Title
Tree of Life
Tree Top, Inc.
Treymore at Cityplace/North
Tri-Cities Fellowships
Damon Tricom
Trinity Christian Academy
Trinity Produce Company
Trinity Valley Foods
Triquint Semiconductor Inc.
Tropicana Products, Inc.
Truco Enterprises, LP
True Believer of Christ
Francisco Trujillo
Truman Dobbins
Christin Tumey
Turbine Aircraft Services
Turkey Trot
Turley Law Firm
Turnberry Isle
Albert Turner
Damon Turner
Turtle Creek Centre
Twin Garden Sales, Inc.
Jamie Twine
TXU Energy
Tyson Foods, Inc.
U.S Food Service
U.S. EPA Region 6
UDR - Springhaven/Glenwood
UK Trucking
Umphrey Lee School
Unified 360
Unilever HPC
Unilever/Best Foods
United HealthCare
United Pentecostal Temple
United States Post Office
United Way
Universal Technical Institute, Inc.
University Meadaos N A
University of Dallas
University of Phoenix
University of Texas at Dallas
University Park
Elementary School
Urology Assoc.of North Texas
US Cold Storage
US Debt Resolve
US Food Service
US Navy
USDA-CSFP Commodity
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
USMD, Inc.
VA North Texas Health
Care System
Rosa Valencia
Van Oriental Food Inc.
Vandervoort Dairy Food Co.
Vaneja Waoner
Varel International, Inc.
Mario Vasquez
Velvet Snout
Ventura Foods, LLC
Venturity Financial
Versa Cold
Vertis Communication
Vie De France
Vietti Food Company Inc.
Village Farms
Village Green
Clara Villagomez
Cruz Villegas
Vistar of Dallas
Volmers Bakery
Mike Vorney
Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc.
W.A. Blair Elementary
Wada Farms Potatoes
Chris Wade
Jeremy Wade
Sharon Wade
Kendrick Wafer
Thomas Walker
Ronnie Wallace
Donald Walls
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Walnut Hill Elementary School
Frances Walters
Warner Enterprises
Dave Washatka
Henry Washington
Telisa Washington
Tonya Washington
Waterford at Goldmark
Wayne E. Bailey Product Co.
Sue Weaver
Weight Watchers
Weil, Gotshal & Mages LLP
Weiss Family
Wel Companies
Welch Food, Inc.
Wellpoint, Inc.
Larry Wells
Wells Fargo
Werner Enterprises Inc.
Werner GNT
West Texas Food Bank
Western Distribution
Western Star
Western Vegetable Produce Inc.
Westin City Center
Westin Park Central
Which Wich
Cory Whipper
LeRoy White
White Rock North School
White Wave Foods
Brian Whitlock
Whole Foods Market
Whole Sale Produce
Wichita Falls Food Bank
Wilk Farms
Ava Wilkins
Jack Williams
Timothy Williams
Ty Williams
Williams and Sivie DDS
James Willis
Tracy Willoughby
Amy Wilson
Wilson Middle School
Windhaven Park Apartments
Wing House Dallas
Winston School
Women In Need
Women Praying for
Christ Ministries
Woodforest National
World Gourmet Marketing, LLC
Trent Wortham
Jetty Wright
Waymond Wright
Wright Ginsberg Brusilow PC
WT White High School
WWJH - Richardson
Watson Wyatt
XO One Customer Service
Xochitl Inc.
Yardi Systems
Younan Property Four Forrest
Rodney D. Young
Ryan Youol
David Youoy
Yu Ji Yuan
Yum Restaurants International
Yum! Ice Cream Company
Zale Corporation
Marco Zamarripa
Zandra Cat
Timothy Zbylut
Zephries Family
Jason Zubik
Zubras Electric
Briggs Equipment
City Color
Foundation for Women's
JPMorgan Chase through
Feeding America
Leonard Sloan & Associates
Southwest Airlines
Tocrok Productions
Feeding Kids
As the program director of St. Anthony Community
Center’s after-school and summer programs for kids,
Melanie Carter can personally attest to the importance
of nutrition in a child’s development. This Food Bank
Member Agency in Dallas serves a healthy after-school
meal to 80 students during the school year and a filling
breakfast and lunch to between 100 and 125 children each
weekday during the summer.
Melanie says about 80 percent of the children she serves participate in their
schools’ free meal program and almost all come from single-parent families.
During the summer when they don’t have access to school meals, the food they
receive at St. Anthony’s is truly a lifeline.
“The kids really rely on this food,” she says. “Thank you – a huge thanks! This
food is giving them the nutrition they need.”
Executive Committee
Charlie Morrison, Pizza Inn, Inc. (Chairman)
W. Lee Coleman Jr., CB Richard Ellis
(Past Chairman)
Tom Black, Black, Mann and Graham, LLP
Stephen Chase, KPMG LLP
Gary Huddleston, Kroger Food Stores
Debra Tippett, Cardinal Company
Jon A. Wolkenstein, Grant Thornton LLP
Carole S. Young, Carole S. Young & Associates
Members at Large
Sally Cullum, Crystal Charity Ball Committee
Christina Durovich, Community Volunteer
David Franklin, Franklin Investments
Roslyn Goodall, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Jess Hay, Texas Foundation of Higher Education
Thomas Huffhines, SYSCO Food Services
of Dallas, LP
Larry Lavine, Turtle Creek Restaurants
Karen Lukin, Whole Foods Market
Frank Roby, Concero Global
Greg Schaffner, US Food Service
Steve Schenkel, Schepps Dairy
Chris Sliva, Dean Foods
Cynthia Wenban, Lockheed Martin
Julie Yarbrough, Yarbrough Investment
Connie Yates, Tom Thumb Food and Pharmacy
General Counsel
Jeffrey Goldfarb, DLA Piper US LLP
Life Board Members
John Beckert
Jerry Ellis, Community Volunteer
Louise Gartner, Community Volunteer
Bette Perot, Perot Foundation
Teresa Phillips, TPHD, LLC
Stephan Pyles, Stephan Pyles Concepts
Ambassador Kathryn Hall, Hall Wines
Liz Minyard, Community Volunteer
President & Chief
Executive Officer
Jan Pruitt
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
A n n u A l% increase
C l o s% eincrease
Y e A %R increase
2 of
Food Sourcing
Close the Gap:
Access We
to Over
50 million
by 2011 pounds
of food this year.
Where does it come from?
members and local organizations, faith
groups and businesses contributed
13.5 million pounds. Thank
Actual you!
Millions of pounds.
of pounds.
Feeding America – We secured 12 million
pounds through our partnership
with Feeding America, a nonprofit
organization that solicits donated food
and grocery products from national
suppliers for distribution through over 200 certified food banks nationally.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – 14.8 million pounds were
provided through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).
Purchased Food – We purchased 7.6 million pounds of staple items to help
ensure a reliable supply of nutritious foods to local pantries and meal
programs. Our core inventory items Inc.lude rice and beans, ground meats,
pasta, fresh and canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, fresh milk
and eggs.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
198 % increase
Agency University (AU) is a program that empowers Member Agencies
of the NTFB by providing information and knowledge which enhances their food
programs and helps them to leverage their resources. Additionally, the skills learned
in AU teach our Agencies to increase their capacity so they can help more people
in need. In our 2010 fiscal year, Agencies could choose from eight different courses
consisting of 24 classes taught by professionals in the fields of health and nutrition,
fund development, PR/marketing, grant writing and finance. This year we had 120
participants resulting in more than 1,309 hours of training, which were provided to
our Agencies free of charge. Agency participants who decide to complete an entire
course of classes also receive continuing education college credits from El Centro
Community College.
Charitable Produce Center Founded in 1994 with Louise Gartner’s
vision, the Charitable Produce Center was designed to transform the large amount
of waste in the fresh produce market into a source of nourishment for hungry
North Texans. The Food Bank extended this concept in 1999 with a grant from Kraft
Foods, Inc., by developing the Rural Produce Initiative to distribute fresh produce
to Member Agencies outside of Dallas County each week. In fiscal year 2010, the
program distributed 6,485,301 pounds of produce throughout all 13 counties in the
North Texas Food Bank’s service area.
Commodities Supplemental Food Program In 2000, the North
Texas Food Bank became the first Commodities Supplemental Food Program (also
known locally as People and Nutrition, or PAN) distributor in Texas. The program
provides surplus USDA commodities for low income Dallas County residents who
meet certain requirements, such as being 60 years old or older, children under
six not receiving assistance from WIC (Women, Infants and Children Program)
or pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women not receiving assistance from
WIC. Each month, 8,500 participants receive an estimated 32 pounds of USDA
commodities at 98 PAN distribution sites in Dallas County. PAN is a partnership
of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Texas Department of Agriculture, Catholic
Charities of Dallas and the North Texas Food Bank.
Community Kitchen The Community Kitchen began as a North Texas
Food Bank pilot program in early 2000. The mission of the kitchen is to offer
Member Agencies nutritious, fully prepared frozen meals to heat and serve to the
hungry while providing culinary job skills training to disadvantaged individuals
with an interest in a food service career. Construction of a new 3,000 square foot
kitchen at the Food Bank was completed in February 2002. The kitchen provides an
average of 8,000 meals weekly in a variety of formats which are then distributed
to 39 program sites. Up to 30 students, primarily from the Texas Second Chance
Program in partnership with Dawson State Prison, receive food service training
each year while helping to prepare meals.
Food For Families Food For Families is a cooperative effort between the
North Texas Food Bank and more than 27 Member Agencies. Pre-qualified clients
of participating Agencies are issued a voucher for specific food distribution. Clients
meet Agency volunteers at a specific parking lot at a pre-determined time. A drivethrough line is organized and Agency volunteers give food directly to clients from
Food Bank trucks. In fiscal year 2010, more than 839,753 pounds of food were
distributed to more than 14,804 families and 59,816 individuals.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Food 4 Kids Elementary school children on the free and reduced-price school
meal program often face hunger when these meals are not available on weekends.
The Food 4 Kids program helps to solve this problem by providing backpacks full of
nonperishable, kid-friendly food for these chronically hungry children to take home
on Friday afternoons. The program has grown exponentially from 200 participating
elementary schools in 2008 to 323 schools in fiscal year 2010. Approximately
7,500 children in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Rockwall and Fannin counties received a
backpack full of food each weekend during the school year.
Food Stamp Outreach (FSO) offers the highest return on investment
in terms of access to nutritious food per program dollar spent. It also offers the
client access to the food items offered at the local supermarket, as opposed to
needing the support of a food pantry. This allows the food pantries to serve
more clients that are in need. Another benefit of this program is the introduction
of Federal dollars in to the local economy. When a client uses SNAP benefits,
they are helping the economy by supporting their local supermarket.
Our FSO staff works closely with Member Agencies to identify, educate and
help enroll families and individuals who are eligible for Food Stamp (or SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. They also advocate for
clients who experience barriers within the system. In some of the areas that we
serve, families have been forced to wait several months just to get an appointment
to apply for benefits.
This year, our FSO field staff went above and beyond the call of duty. In response
to the skyrocketing demand for Food Stamp benefits in our area, they assisted in
the completion of 8,112 applications and helped provide access to an estimated
6.5 million meals, more than double their annual goal. The extraordinary
productivity of the Food Stamp Outreach program built on our direct food
distribution and enabled us to exceed our overall hunger relief goals for FY09.
Kids Cafe The North Texas Food Bank’s Kids Cafe program began in 1998 as a
way to provide nutritious after-school meals to children who may not have enough
to eat when they go home from school. The Food Bank currently operates 31 Kids
Cafe sites with generous funding from several donors, including Capital One. More
than 321,445 meals were served last year to children in Dallas, Collin and Grayson
Main Program The Main Program of the North Texas Food Bank gathers
donations of both perishable and nonperishable food as well as nonfood items.
These items are then distributed to North Texas area food pantries, soup kitchens,
homeless shelters and other programs that serve people in need. In fiscal year 2010,
the Food Bank’s Main Program distributed enough resources to Member Agency
food pantries to serve 653,344 families. Area homeless shelters, day-care centers,
soup kitchens and other facilities provided 7,356,019 on-site meals and snacks to the
hungry in our community.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Nutrition Education/Operation Frontline
In fiscal year 2010,
305 people participated in 20 six-week classes, a 12 percent increase in the number
of people served through this series of classes since last year. Furthermore, 15,333
people received nutrition education through nutrition workshops, cooking
demonstrations and events in the community targeting low Inc.ome populations.
This was a 27 percent increase in people reached through additional nutrition
activities since last year.
Retail Store Donation Program
The Retail Store Donation Program
is one of our most important growth areas. Products which might otherwise be
discarded—such as butcher shop and deli meats—are frozen before their “useby” dates at more than 115 local grocery stores, picked up on a daily schedule by
dedicated North Texas Food Bank vehicles and incorporated into our inventory
of frozen foods. These foods are then available to Member Agencies operating
community-based food pantries and direct feeding programs. Having expanded
from 365,500 pounds of food in 2008 to over 1.5 million pounds in 2009, the program
is now providing over 2 million pounds of high-quality perishable foods annually.
Serving U Serving U is a popular one-day teambuilding program hosted in our
distribution facility. The program is designed to help key executive and departmental
personnel sharpen their communication and teamwork skills while serving a larger
purpose. In just one day, corporate teams learn how to work together effectively, set
aside differences, plan common goals and build stronger bonds. At the same time,
team members are helping to feed thousands of North Texans in need by volunteering
together at the Food Bank. In fiscal year 2010, nine companies took part in Serving
U, for a total of 700 participants. The following companies are Serving U alumni
from the past two years: Aaron’s, ALCOA, Brown-Forman, Capital One, Capital
One Auto Financing, Capital One Commerical Banking, Celenese, Communities
Foundation of Texas, Covidien, CVS Caremark, Dallas Convention and Visitors
Bureau, Diamond Consultants, EnCana Oil and Gas, Firehouse Agency, FritoLay, Johnson Controls, Leadership Texas, One Technologies, PepsiCo, Pizza Inn,
Plexet, Powerwave, Republic National Distributing Company, RSW Creative, Sabre
Holdings, Southwest Airlines, SRS Real Estate Partners, Travelocity, University
Park United Methodist Church and Walmart.
“Serving U was a great exercise. It combined teamwork, fun, and serving
our community. Our team prepared 59,040 meals, and we all thought it
was a terrific experience. I recommend it to others.”
-Mary Jo Hoch, Capital One Bank
“What a great time the Firehouse gang had participating in the Serving U
program. The program could not have been any better suited for what we
were trying to accomplish and the tone we were hoping to set for the agency
for 2010.”
-Firehouse Agency
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
“I’ve done lots of corporate teambuilding events. This was the most
meaningful one I’ve ever done – both from the aspect of helping the
community and from ... improving our team.”
-University Park United Methodist Church
“This great exercise combined teamwork, fun, caring hearts, and productivity
-- elements of Southwest's culture. Our Team prepared 17,500 meals in
one day!”
-Southwest Airlines
Texas Second Chance
In 1997 the North Texas Food Bank formed a
collaborative partnership with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Texas
Second Chance allows selected prison confinees to volunteer at the Food Bank
up to four days a week. As volunteer laborers, they receive job skills training in
warehousing and food service. This training vastly improves participants’ ability
to successfully reintegrate into the community. Last year participants in the Texas
Second Chance program provided more than 14,334 hours of community service
for the Food Bank.
The Volunteer Experience Volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank
is truly a unique experience. With a variety of ways to serve – from packing and
sorting food to helping with administrative tasks to teambuilding programs like
Serving U – our volunteers enjoy a hands-on, engaging and effective community
service experience that brings them back again and again. In fiscal year 2010,
community volunteers contributed 67,436 hours of service to the North Texas Food
Bank through 21,000 volunteer shifts. The Food Bank is grateful for the hard work
and dedication of our many volunteers and community leaders who help make
our work possible.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
The North Texas Food Bank passionately
pursues a hunger-free community.
4500 S. Cockrell Hill Road
Dallas, TX 75236-2028
P: 214.330.1396
F: 214.331.4104
A member of