FRM Magazine Fall 2009
FRM Magazine Fall 2009
The magazine on the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region Hot Spot House of Logistics and Mobility The science location of the future An Organic Region From organic farms to FRM – Globally Connected Twinning cities in 44 natural food stores FRM Interview Daniel Cohn-Bendit Plus FRM Pocket Guide countries The creative scene is moving in >glish FALL 2009 En ion Edit In Goethe’s footsteps Literature cluster FrankfurtRhineMain Longer fairytales A product of Lufthansa. With over 2,600 European flights daily, there’s always one to suit you. Together with our partner airlines, we offer a wide choice of flight connections to over 170 European destinations, so you can plan your business trip perfectly – or change your schedule to be on time for those special moments. For more information, visit // Editorial DEAR READERS > At the end of June, FRM – the magazine on the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region – appeared for the first time, and was extremely well received. For the most part the first issue was no longer available after just a few weeks. Many readers, not only from the region itself but from all over Germany and even abroad have subscribed to FRM, as they wish to find out more about FrankfurtRhineMain. Thank you – this excellent response is a tremendous incentive for us for the future. In this edition too, it was our intention to portray the region from the most extra- ordinary perspectives and point out particular trends well worth your attention. Did you know, for example, that Offenbach is home to one of the region’s creative hotbeds? FRM visited the entrepreneurs in their lofts. And did you know that FrankfurtRhineMain is one of Germany’s key regions for organic produce? Allow us to take you on a tour of the farms and health food shops. And did you know that almost 250,000 people in FRM are employed in the logistics sector? In this issue, we introduce you to the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) – the hub that will bundle all the industry’s strengths together. On the other hand Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s biggest media event and mar- ketplace for writers, publishers, booksellers, agents and film producers, has an international reputation. In October of each year, they all convene in the city of Goethe. However, the days when the Fair was only about books are long since over – “content” is the current buzzword. Not quite as well known, but certainly of the same unparalleled and multifaceted nature, is the region’s literature cluster. FRM is home to prominent publishing houses and writers. It’s where the Germanspeaking world’s most significant book and literature awards are bestowed. The National Library is located in FrankfurtRhineMain, as is the German P.E.N. Center. Pocket Guide for FrankfurtRhineMain Fall In an attempt to weave all these threads into a finely spun web, FRM has again 2009 succeeded in creating a most interesting edition that will take even insiders by surprise. EVENTS, CULTURE, ENJOYMENT, EXCURSIONS AND MORE I hope you enjoy reading this latest issue of FRM Fotos: Yours most cordially, 1 The cover shows a montage “Goethe in front of the trade Fair Grounds” as a symbol of the FRM literature cluster with the Book Fair as the world’s leading meeting place. Petra Roth Cover photo Michael Hudler Mayor of Frankfurt am Main Content Literaturszene Andreas Maier Nidda literarisch ikntur Wettbewerb „Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher“ 20 g Verla Bücherfest Rhein-Main Vitto Klos Verla rio term g ann atur g ca ON S-L Liter Verla Kling Mus eumspor - Literaturm 2010 & ATI Zwe taus eins iend- on g CoC Verla kfur mes ter se er ks- g ) nber 2010 Gute (bis de p ergil kam Suhr ann s Pres Romanfabrik Literaturhaus Zsuzsa Bank ffling NIS Jan Seghers/ Matthias Altenburg SIN Alina Bronsky INI ensc gese Wiss Buch Literatur ist überall in FrankfurtRheinMain Im Zeichen von Goethe, Gutenberg und den Brüdern Grimm sorgen die Buchmesse, Verlage und Autoren für viel Bewegung in einem der stärksten Epizentren der Literatur Karl-Dedecius-Preis für polnische Übersetzer deutscher Literatur Gabriele Wohmann haft llsch liche E HermannKesten-Preis Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Preis für Literarische Kritik und Essay Literaturpreis des Bundes Deutscher Schriftsteller RicardaHuchPreis Darmstädter Dichterschlacht Literarischer März Die Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung aft S-L Kranichsteiner Literaturpreis ellersche ach , r ES Peter Härtling GeorgBüchnerPreis NÄCHSTER HALT LITERATURCLUSTER FRM Bund Schr Diet iftstDeut zenb E BU INI PaulCelanPreis Peter-Härtling-Preis für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur uppe Johann-Heinrich-Voss-Preis für Übersetzung Büchnerhaus P.E.N.-Zentrum Deutschland VON MATTHIAS BISCHOFF (TEXT) UND CAEPSELE (ILLUSTRATION) Zentrum für junge Literatur Karrillon-Zimmer im Alten Rathaus Verla Belt z gsgr KL ASSIK-LINIE BrüderGrimmPreis Axel Fran Buch Hess Bibli preis isch othe JohannJakob-Christoffel-von Grimmelshausen-Preis Dietmar Dath Schö GA E VENT-LINIE SWR „Literatur im Foyer“-Sendung Grimmelshausen-Geburtshaus (Hotel) Stadtschreiber von Bergen (2009/ 10: Ulrich Peltzer) t y ) ren born Eich Verla der g Auto Pete Mey Verla r er g ss.w g ld Soci Verla etät g sSuhr Verla (bis kam g 2010 p weis book Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm e.V. PREIS-LINIE KRE ATIV-LINIE Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Hessische Leseförderung Robe Gern Förd rt hard erpr eist Frankfurter Autorenstipendium Co Aspekte-Literaturpreis des ZDF SWRLiteraturfestival Stoltze-Museum Peter Suhrkamp Stiftung Alfred-KerrPreis für Literaturkritik Dielm Slam Café der ffm: FH an Goethe-Institut Alissa Walser Eckhard Henscheid Theodor-W.Adorno-Preis Büch e haus entin pus g i Clematur Gese für Spra deutllsch che scheaft Tre VerlaTorr VillaLiter Cam Fran LudwigBörne-Preis Fran Univ kfur ersit Poet doze Bodo Kirchhoff Literaturgesellschaft Hessen e.V. Friedenspreis des deutschen Buchhandels kfur ter S. Verla Fisc gsan her Verla Stro stalt Verla emfe g e n) 9: ann haft Stad r (200 Maro t- Main schr Mon zer eibe ika Allge atur leich wiss mein ende ensc Poet Insti ikdo Buch scha tut zent wiss für ft ur en- sen- Insti und tut Liter Vergfür Verla Schm Main g Mini idt Herm Mes zer pres se g- Jens Schumacher Brüder GrimmHaus Stiftungsgastdozentur Poetik Heinrich-Hoffmann-Museum, Struwwelpeterhaus Goethehaus Schulen des deutschen Buchhandels P O E TRY SL AM-LINIE Where the wide words are MESSE-LINIE Poetry Slam Mainz ung Gute Mus nber eum Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Eva Demski Deutscher Buchpreis Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels Hessischer Literaturrat e.V. n Mart Mos in ebac WISSENSCHAF TS- LINIE Hessischer Verleger- und BuchhändlerVerband e.V. Wiesbadener Literaturtage JosefBreitbachPreis Institut für Jugenbuchforschung Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis Limburger Lesedom Rheingau Literatur Preis h Sinclair-Haus Junges Literaturforum HessenThüringen Hans-im-Glück-Preis für Jugendliteratur OR 12 // BrentanoHaus Stift Lese // // Kreativwirtschaft GEODATEN IDEENSCHMIEDE 1 OFFENBACH 2 3 Die ehemalige Fabrikstadt entwickelt sich zum Kreativ-Zentrum am Main. In alten Hallen und Schuppen entstehen schicke Lofts und Ideen-Werkstätten. Jetzt kommt der neue Hafen 20 21 50°0 9' 99.78"N 0 8 ° 7 5 ' 6 2 . 1 1" E 5 0 ° 0 9 ' 9 1 . 1 1" N 08°78'86.76"E 5 0 ° 1 0 ' 6 9 . 0 1" N 0 8 ° 74 ' 9 0 . 6 5 " E 4 5 0 ° 1 0 ' 7 6 . 7 1" N 0 8 ° 7 6 '47. 9 4 " E 5 50°10'16.57 "N 0 8 ° 7 5 ' 3 7. 2 2 " E 6 5 0 ° 1 0 ' 7 6 . 7 1" N 0 8 ° 7 6 '47. 9 4 " E 1/2/3/4/5/6 Denk-Fabriken Die Kreativen erobern die alten Produktionshallen in Offenbach. Hier: das Loft von Sensory Minds, einem überaus erfolgreichen Start-up, in einer ehemaligen Lederwarenfabrik VON MARTIN ORTH UND MICHAEL HUDLER (FOTOS) FRM 02 I 09 LITERATURE CLUSTER FRANKFURTRHINEMAIN OFFENBACH – FERTILE SOIL FOR IDEAS What makes the region a literature epicenter How the factory town has emerged as a creative center 40 // Wissenschaft 46 FrankfurtRheinMain ist ein europäisches Drehkreuz. Mit dem House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), das zwischen Flughafen und Frankfurter Kreuz entsteht, rückt die Logistik-Region an die Weltspitze vor VON MARTIN ORTH UND MICHAEL HUDLER (FOTOS) GEODATEN 1 49 ° 3 8 '32.93"N 08 ° 38 '18 .93"E F 1 Die Macher Stefan Walter und Jack Thoms treiben das Projekt „House of Logistics and Mobility“ in den Gateway Gardens voran 40 41 FRM 02 I 09 HOUSE OF LOGISTICS AND MOBILITY // Lebensqualität SO VIEL BIO STECKT IN DER REGION Vom Biohof bis zur Öko-Supermarktkette: In FrankfurtRheinMain konzentrieren sich mehr Bio-Unternehmen und Öko-Verbände, als man denkt. Eine Rundreise zu den Orten, an denen FRM sich von seiner natürlichsten Seite zeigt > Lebendige Ökobranche Kuh „Andorra“ mit Kälbchen auf dem Dottenfelder Hof und glückliche Schweine auf der Domäne Mechtildshausen „Trinkt sie noch nicht?“, fragt Margarethe Hinterlang und schaut in die Eckbox im großen Kuhstall des Fläche lag im vergangenen Jahr bei 9,1 Prozent; nur Berlin und Brandenburg bieten noch mehr Bioanbaufläche. Allerdings Dottenfelder Hofs. Auf dem Stroh steht Kuh Andorra mit ihrem sind nicht nur die rund 1600 landwirtschaftlichen Bio-Betriebe vor zwei Stunden geborenen Kälbchen. Leicht tapsig bewegt sich erfolgreich, sondern auch die übrigen 600 Bio-Unternehmen in das Jungtier durch die Box, saugt am Hals der Mutter – aber nicht Hessen. Das in Fulda gegründete und heute im südhesssischen dort, wo es soll. Margarethe Hinterlang beobachtet die Szene Bickenbach ansässige Bio-Lebensmittelunternehmen Alnatura noch ein wenig, öffnet das Gatter und springt in die etwas tiefer etwa, das mit 50 Biosupermärkten deutschlandweit vertreten liegende Box. „Jetzt werden meine ganzen Sachen dreckig“, ruft ist. Tegut aus Fulda wiederum hat in den vergangenen 30 Jahren sie lachend, während sie mit beherztem Griff das Kalb zum Euter mit 300 Filialen eines der größten Bio-Sortimente unter den VON MARC-STEFAN ANDRES UND MARKUS HINTZEN (FOTOS) führt. Margarethe Hinterlang kennt sich aus mit Tieren, denn sie Supermarktketten aufgebaut. Für weiteres Knowhow sorgen ist nicht nur Öffentlichkeitsarbeiterin des Demeter-Hofs in Bad in der Region die Öko-Test-Redaktion in Frankfurt, das Öko- Vilbel, sondern neben dem Schulbauernhof auch für die Kälber Institut, das neben Freiburg und Berlin auch in Darmstadt zuständig. Die freundliche und zupackende Landwirtin ist ein forscht und berät, oder der Demeter-Bund, ebenfalls in Darmgutes Beispiel für viele engagierte Bioarbeiter in Frankfurt stadt. RheinMain. Die bundesweit 5000 Bioland-Mitgliedsbetriebe kommen ebenHier lebt die Biobranche – und das nicht erst seit dem Boom falls über ihren Verband in FrankfurtRheinMain zusammen. der vergangenen Jahre, in denen sich der Bio-Lebensmittelum- Dessen Sprecher Gerald Wehde sitzt in Mainz unweit des Bahn- satz in Deutschland von 3,5 (2004) auf 5,8 Milliarden Euro hofs mit seinen Kollegen auf einer Etage eines hübschen Altbaus. (2008) steigerte. Hessen nimmt dabei eine Spitzenposition ein: Wehde und weitere rund 120 Mitarbeiter beraten die Bioland- Der Bio-Anteil an der gesamten landwirtschaftlich genutzten Unternehmen und machen Lobbyarbeit für Bio-Produkte, die 46 47 FRM 02 I 09 THE ORGANIC REGION FRANKFURTRHINEMAIN Where FRM reveals its natural side Where the sector’s international knowledge center is to be built 03 Editorial > Petra Roth 06 People in FRM GIESSEN FULDA Beatrice Weder di Mauro Tobias Rehberger Ariane Friedrich FRIEDBERG 12 Literature cluster FRM 20 Offenbach – Fertile soil for ideas 30 FRM Interview > Daniel Cohn-Bendit 34 35 36 40 46 BAD HOMBURG HOFHEIM WIESBADEN FRANKFURT HANAU OFFENBACH Innovative 2009 FRM Pocket Guide FRM Standards MAINZ GROSS-GERAU DARMSTADT House of Logistics and Mobility Organic Region FrankfurtRhineMain 54 58 62 66 OBER URSEL BICKENBACH FRM Twinning Cities Moscow on the Main WALD MICHELBACH Chillout Zone FRM Preview Imprint 4 5 4 FRM 02 1 II 0 099 // People in FRM I ONLY COM ON MATTERS ON WHICH I SOMETHING SAY Meeting of the economic experts Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 11, 12th floor, Wiesbaden is where the advisory committee meets. It convenes in the Federal Statistics Office building GEODATA 1 5 0 ° 07 ' 1 7 . 8 1" N 08 ° 25 '16 .98"E On the website of her chair of economics at the University of Mainz George Washington is ruffl ing his hair on a one dollar bill. Th is woman has a sense of humor. And yet she is repeatedly described as reserved and disciplined. But does one not need to be as one of the five members of the “Council of Experts observing the 1 F overall Economic Situation”? Over the next few weeks the economic experts will be convening again in Wiesbaden before publishing their fi ndings in November. picture-alliance/dpa (2), laif/Tim Wegner A year down the road from the major bank crash these are awaited more eagerly 6 7 than ever before. Beatrice Weder di Mauro, is 44 years old, speaks seven languages and can already look back on a top international career: Harvard, the United Nations, the IMF. She can also: hang vertically from a steep wall and still climb higher. The characteristics she needs for her climbing hobby can only be of advantage to her in her job as an economic expert: Self-confidence, prudence, strength of will. But primarily: ability. FRM 02 I 09 \\ MENT Used to pioneering roles Beatrice Weder di Mauro is the first woman and first foreigner in the political advisory committee BEATRICE WEDER DI MAURO She aims for the top when climbing – as well as in her role as an economics teacher. Washington, Tokyo, and Harvard have been the stages in her career so far, now the Swiss national is teaching in Mainz and is one of the leading economic experts in Germany Joachim Gern/photoselection, Markus Hintzen (2) HAVE TO // People in FRM W L A M C TOBIAS REHBERGER He creates superb artistic spaces At the 2009 Venice Biennale Tobias Rehberger, Professor at the Städel School, was awarded the title Best Artist 8 9 8 FR FR MM0 0 2 1I I0099 HAT YOU OVE LSO AKES YOU RY Walk-in spatial sculpture Where does the space begin, where does it end? Tobias Rehberger’s Biennale café is a visual maze of in the “Dazzle Paintings” style 2009 Best Artist The Golden Lion at the Biennale di Venezia is the ultimate accolade for any artist. Tobias Rehberger won it. The art exhibition in Venice is open until November 22 GEODATA 1 5 0 ° 10 '26. 3 4"N 08 ° 67 '57 .02"E Under some circumstances a café can be art. Like the cafeteria in the main exhibition venue at the Venice Biennale. Tobias Rehberger designed it in psychedelic black and white stripes and dots with sprinklings of neon. A walk-in sculpture, a maze of the senses. The work is called “Was du liebst, bringt dich auch zum Wei- F 1 nen” (what you love also makes you cry). Rehberger however, made it shine out, as for his spatial art work the 43-year old received the Golden Lion for Best Artist. The Professor of Sculpture and Deputy Rector at the Städel School in Frankfurt picture-alliance/dpa (2), Dieter Schwer loves humorous teasing with and in space, including a change of perspective and always in search of what is special in everyday life. The Swabian also fi nds this for himself in Frankfurt: He studied here, also at the Städel School and is an avowed Eintracht fan. At one time ha also had an apartment in Berlin. But then, he told the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper, he worked out that on his many international fl ights, from Berlin he would be on the road two weeks longer every year than from Frankfurt. And then he changed his perspective. \\ // People in FRM PEOPLE TH I’M AN ARR GANT COW DON’T THE GEODATA What a scene. Th is was something special. Pure adrenaline. Compressed and made 1 49 ° 3 8 '32.93 "N 08 ° 38 '18 .93"E into a short fi lm. The women’s high jump fi nal at the World Athletics Championships in the summer in Berlin. In the main role: Ariane Friedrich. The blonde ath- Getty images/Andy Lyons/Michael Kappeler/afp, picture-alliance Sven Simon lete from Frankfurt fl irts with the camera, mumbles something to herself, would 10 11 appear to be in a trance. The TV zooms in on her face. She is competing against F 1 her greatest opponent Blanka Vlašić. With superb performances, tremendous gestures and thundering applause – for both of them. The Croatian takes Gold, Ariane Friedrich Bronze. But even with third place she had achieved a great victory and given German athletics a face again: pretty, extravagant and headstrong. Ariane Friedrich is the topic of conversation far beyond the World Championship. She will ask a reporter: “People think I’m an arrogant cow don’t they?”, only to immediately answer: “I know where they get that impression. I always wear sunglasses. And headphones. The music – mostly Hip-hop – really boosts you.” And where is the fun? “Jumping is fun. Winning is fun.” FRM 02 I 09 \\ INK O- Goes her own way Sunglasses and headphones are the trademark of the charismatic athlete from Frankfurt World Champion of hearts At the Athletics World Championships in Berlin Ariane Friedrich took Bronze in a nailbiting final picture-alliance/dpa (2), Freese/ Y? ARIANE FRIEDRICH 3 She jumps for Frankfurt The LG Eintracht Frankfurt high2 1 jumper is giving German athletics a new face: pretty, extravagant and headstrong // Literary Scene Sinclair-Haus Junges Literatur forum HessenThüringen THE SCIENCE-TOUR P do o e ze tik nt ur Hessischer Verleger- und BuchhändlerVerband e.V. Wiesbadener Literaturtage G M ut us en S eu be L e ti f t m rg se un n g Jens Schumacher pu s Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels am Where the wild words are Aspekte-Literaturpreis des ZDF LudwigBörne-Preis St la Ve roe g rla m f g el d So Ve cie rla t ä g ts- Fi S. Fr a nk sc fu he rt er rV er Ve r la gs an st al t THE EXHIBITION TOUR THE AWARDS TOUR THE CREATIVE TOUR TH Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur E THE EVENT-TOUR IZ AN RG O SWRLiteraturfestival THE POETRY SLAM TOUR et I ik B ns do s c u c ti t u ze h a hw t f nt f t is ü r ur se nIn s u n ti t d u Li V t fü te er r r a gl Al t u e i c l ge rw h m is e n e i se de ne ns ch af t Poetry Slam Mainz Schulen des Deutschen Buchhandels Po M s a M ch r inz on e er i k i b e St a r a M (2 dt ar 0 on 0 9 ) : JosefBreitbachPreis Goethehaus Hessischer Literaturrat e.V. G f e S p ü r d s e ll ra eu sc ch t s ha e ch f t e Rheingau Literatur Preis V Sc erl M hm ag a M id He M i n inz t rm e s ip er r an se es se n n- Vi Li lla te C rat le u m rh en au ti n s e BrentanoHaus Deutscher Buchpreis Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels C Limburger Lesedom Tr Ve e T rla o r r g i Hans-im-Glück-Preis für Jugendliteratur Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis ’S ER SWR „Literatur im Foyer“-Sendung R U TO THE CLASSICAL TOUR NEXT STOP FRM LITERATURE CLUSTER Literature is everywhere in FrankfurtRhineMain In the spirit of Goethe, Gutenberg and the Grimm brothers the Book Fair, publishers and writers ensure there is a lot going on in what is one of literature’s strongest epicenters BY MATTHIAS BISCHOFF (TEXT) AND CAEPSELE (ILLUSTRATIONS) 12 13 FRM 02 I 09 Andreas Maier Institut für Jugendbuchforschung Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Brüder GrimmHaus Stiftungsgastdozentur Poetik Eva Demski Hessische Leseförderung Peter Suhrkamp Stiftung Wettbewerb „Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher“ JohannJakob-Christoffel-von Grimmelshausen-Preis la Ve r n C Ve oC rla o n g D A xe l hr Su g 10 ) an lm ie m ka rg he üc Dietmar Dath Literaturm 2010 Bücherfest Rhein-Main hö V K it Ve los tor rla te io g rm an ffl n in g & C o Zsuzsa Bánk a L Ve iter rla at g u rc K M li n us gs eu po m r- Romanfabrik Literaturhaus Sc Z t w e i a u s e ins e nd - BrüderGrimmPreis rg be (b p ild e Pr Fr U ank ni f ve u r rs t it y B n re Ve de rla rA g ut o P M et Ve ey er rla e r g rn bo ch w b o e is ok ss. w Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm e.V. G es s Frankfurter Autorenstipendium Grimmelshausen-Geburtshaus (Hotel) Stadtschreiber von Bergen (2009/ 10: Ulrich Peltzer) ut en Alfred-KerrPreis für Literaturkritik Theodor-W.Adorno-Preis H B e p r ib l s sis e i i ot c h s h e ek r s- Eckhard Henscheid R G ob Fö er er rd n h t er ar pr dt ei s F B ran uc k hm fu r e s te r se Alissa Walser 20 Goethe-Institut is Literaturgesellschaft Hessen e.V. S C la FH afé mff a n m: de r Stoltze-Museum Heinrich-Hoffmann-Museum, Struwwelpeterhaus Bodo Kirchhoff Ei Jan Seghers/ Matthias Altenburg E TH U TO R GeorgBüchnerPreis Kranichsteiner Literaturpreis HermannKesten-Preis Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Preis für Literarische Kritik und Essay Gabriele Wohmann RicardaHuchPreis PaulCelanPreis Peter-Härtling-Preis für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur pp e Johann-HeinrichVoss-Preis für Übersetzung Zentrum für junge Literatur V Be erl lt z ag sg ru Büchnerhaus P.E.N.-Zentrum Deutschland Literaturpreis des Bundes Deutscher Schriftsteller Darmstädter Dichterschlacht Literarischer März Die Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung B Sc un hr d D if t e st ut el sc le h r e S ES N Karl-Dedecius-Preis für polnische Übersetzer deutscher Literatur r SI BU Peter Härtling Alina Bronsky W B u is s ch en ge s c se ha l l s f tl ch ich af e t OUR M M ar o s ti eb n ac h Nidda literarisch Karrillon-Zimmer im Alten Rathaus // Literary Scene Get a free ride: Nine major language and literature routes plus selected stops – the dense network of the FRM literature cluster ROUTE 1 > THE EXHIBITION TOUR FRANKFURT Frankfurter Buchmesse MAINZ Mainzer Minipressen-Messe ROUTE 2 > THE AWARDS TOUR FRANKFURT Deutscher Buchpreis LudwigFriedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels Börne-Preis Theodor-W.-Adorno-Preis Alfred-Kerr-Preis für Literaturkritik Robert Gernhardt Förderpreis Frankfurter Autorenstipendium Hessischer Bibliothekspreis Stadtschreiber von Bergen (2009/10: Ulrich Peltzer) Wettbewerb „Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher“ DARMSTADT Georg-Büchner-Preis Kranichsteiner Literaturpreis Hermann-Kesten-Preis Johann-Heinrich-Merck-Preis für Literarische Kritik und Essay Johann-Heinrich-Voss-Preis für Übersetzung Literarischer März Paul-Celan-Preis Ricarda-Huch-Preis Karl-Dedecius-Preis für polnische Übersetzer deutscher Literatur HANAU BrüderGrimm-Preis MAINZ Josef-Breitbach-Preis Mainzer Stadtschreiber (2009: Monika Maron) Aspekte-Literaturpreis des ZDF OESTRICH-WINKEL Rheingau Literatur Preis BAD-HOMBURG Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis LIMBURG Hans-im-Glück-Preis für Jugendliteratur GELNHAUSEN Johann-Jakob-Christoffel-von Grimmelshausen-Preis WIESBADEN Junges Literaturforum Hessen-Thüringen DIETZENBACH Literaturpreis des Bundes Deutscher Schriftsteller WEINHEIM Peter-Härtling-Preis für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur FRANKFURT Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels Schulen des Deutschen Buchhandels Literaturgesellschaft Hessen e.V. Goethe-Institut Peter Suhrkamp Stiftung Hessische Leseförderung WIESBADEN Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache Hessischer Literaturrat e.V. Hessischer Verleger- und Buchhändler-Verband e.V. MAINZ Stiftung Lesen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur DARMSTADT Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung P.E.N.-Zentrum Deutschland Zentrum für junge Literatur DIETZENBACH Bund Deutscher Schriftsteller ROUTE 3 > THE ORGANIZER’S TOUR ROUTE 4 > THE CLASSICAL TOUR FRANKFURT Goethehaus Heinrich-Hoffmann-Museum - Struwwelpeterhaus StoltzeMuseum RIEDSTADT / GODDELAU Büchnerhaus STEINAU Brüder Grimm-Haus MAINZ Gutenberg-Museum BAD HOMBURG Sinclair-Haus OESTRICH-WINKEL Brentano-Haus OFFENBACH Klingspor-Museum GELNHAUSEN Grimmelshausen-Geburtshaus (Hotel) WALD-MICHELBACH Karrillon-Zimmer im Alten Rathaus ROUTE 5 > THE BUSSINES TOUR FRANKFURT S. Fischer Verlag Verlag der AuSuhrkamp Verlag (bis 2010) Campus toren Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt Eichborn Societäts-Verlag Stroemfeld Verlag weissbooks.w Peter Meyer Verlag Frankfurt University Press Büchergilde Gutenberg Axel Dielmann Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Verlag Literaturca Verlag Zweitausendeins Schöffling & Co. MAINZ Verlag Hermann Schmidt WEINHEIM Verlagsgruppe Beltz DARMSTADT Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft HANAU CoCon Verlag WIESBADEN Tre Torri Verlag FRANKFURT Martin Mosebach Eva Demski Bodo Kirchhoff Alissa Walser Eckhard Henscheid Dietmar Dath Zsuzsa Bánk Jan Seghers/Matthias Altenburg Alina Bronsky MÖRFELDEN Peter Härtling DARMSTADT Gabriele Wohmann MAINZ Jens Schumacher BAD NAUHEIM Andreas Maier ROUTE 6 > THE CREATIVE TOUR FRANKFURT Hessisches Literaturforum im Mousonturm e.V. Romanfabrik Literaturhaus Literaturm 2010 OFFENBACH Bücherfest Rhein-Main WIESBADEN Wiesbadener Literaturtage Literaturhaus Villa Clementine MAINZ SWR-Literaturfestival SWR „Literatur im Foyer“-Sendung LIMBURG Limburger Lesedom NIDDA Nidda literarisch ROUTE 7 > THE EVENT TOUR FRANKFURT Institut für Jugendbuchforschung Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Stiftungsgastdozentur Poetik MAINZ Institut für Buchwissenschaft Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft Poetikdozentur WIESBADEN Poetikdozentur ROUTE 8 > THE SCIENCE TOUR ROUTE 9 > THE POETRY SLAM TOUR WIESBADEN Where the wild words are 14 15 FRM 02 I 09 FRANKFURT Slamffm: Café an der FH MAINZ Poetry Slam Mainz DARMSTADT Darmstädter Dichterschlacht 1 ROUTE 4 > THE CLASSICAL TOUR > We are here in one of the most venerable and significant places of national intellectual tradition.” Those were the words used by writer Thomas Mann to mark the opening of the extended Goethe Museum in 1932. Notwithstanding Goethe’s equally famed living quarters in Weimar, Großer Hirschgraben in Frankfurt may indeed be regarded as the epicenter of German literature. When, on the eve of what is probably the darkest chapter of German history, Thomas Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The ultimate writer – “Godfather” of German Classicism. Sets the backdrop for everything the FRM literature cluster is essentially composed of. Mann admonished the state of Prussia and the City of Frankfurt “to do everything in their power to shield Frankfurt’s Goethe House from the misery and decay of the times,” just 12 years were to remain before Frankfurt was finally struck with disaster: As early as November 1943 the roof truss of the house was destroyed in air raids, while in March 1944 large parts of Frankfurt’s old town center, including Goethe’s birthplace, was flattened. Ernst Beutler, who was in charge of the “Freie Deutsche Hochstift” at the time, had enough foresight to have the furniture moved to alternative storing facilities and the building’s structure documented to the last detail before it also fell victim to destruction. His efforts during the War and his commitment to reconstructing the building means that today tourists from all over the world can make a pilgrimage to the house located on Großer Hirschgraben. Thanks to his prudence, we can experience the spirit of Goethe’s times between these walls. Once you step across the threshold and into the building, you can imagine yourself at the center of the literary universe, if only for a moment. Who else could it be but Goethe, who, time and again in and around the city of Frankfurt sets the scene and provides the backdrop of countless places located in the literary landscape that is Frank furtRhineMain. However, even beyond Frankfurt’s city walls, following Hölderlin’s footsteps as he walked out to Bad Homburg in worship of his Diotima, or doing a memorial tour to trace the historical whereabouts of the Romantic women and men associated with the families of Arnim and Brentano, we come across countless literary landmarks. And if, in the middle of the 19th century, the town had been put into a fairy-tale slumber, if it had withstood the industrial development into a city complete with factories, villas and Gründerzeit quarters extending beyond the old city walls, we would be wandering through it as if it were the literature-merry town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, where Germany’s Classical and Romantic Period had its heyday. There is no reason to get upset that things did not quite turn out that way, instead, FrankfurtRhine Main has remained a vibrant literature hub to this day, resisting even the attraction of Berlin in the wake of German reunification. There are many writers living in this region, amongst them Martin Mosebach, Matthias Altenburg alias Jan Seghers, Eva Demski, Bodo Kirchhoff, Alissa Walser in Frankfurt, Peter Härtling in Mörfelden, and Jens Schumacher in Mainz – to name but a few. There is definitely no reason why anyone in FrankfurtRhineMain should glance over to Berlin. After all, for almost half a century, the cities on the rivers Main and Rhine were reaping the benefits from Germany’s political divide – the countless institutions, foundations and associations that came to settle in the region after the war originally hailed from cities in the east, such as Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden. It was thanks to them that Frankfurt emerged as the most prestigious city of books and // Literary Scene If you set out to identify all the activities, initiatives and people in the literary scene, you would not reach an end the book trade in the German-speaking world alongside Munich. The main initiators behind this trend were the publishing houses S. Fischer Verlag and Suhrkamp Verlag, a later offspring. While S. Fischer initially had its focus on the literary heritage of Classical Modernism, Suhrkamp evolved into the kind of institution that, for the next four decades, would be pivotal in shaping – even ROUTE 6 > THE CREATIVE TOUR dominating – intellectual life in the old Federal Republic. For many years, the so-called “Suhrkamp culture” was synonymous with German contemporary literature – Lindenstrasse in Frankfurt’s Westend being the central location for post-war literature. And several of the smaller publishing houses headquartered in and around Frankfurt have sprung from the two publishing giants Suhrkamp and Fischer (at times in a less than amicable split). Having worked as an editor for Fischer for several years, Vito von Eichborn established his own publishing house in 1980, while Joachim 1 Matthias Altenburg is better known to thriller fans under the pseudonym Jan Seghers. He used to work for Verlag der Autoren as an editor. Lives in Frankfurt Unseld took over the “Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt” after the split from his parent company and, finally, editor Rainer Weiss founded Weissbooks some years ago. Nonetheless, Schöffling Verlag, Stroemfeld Verlag, Axel Dielmann Verlag (to name but a few) also rank among the distinguished publishers, without which our literary landscape would be a good deal poorer. Last but not least, it is no coincidence that the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (The German Book Publishers and Booksellers Association), which in 1948 split from the original Leipzig Association founded in 1825 and merged again in 1990 following the German reunification has its 2 Martin Mosebach Was awarded the Georg Büchner Prize in 2007 and is regarded as a gifted stylist. Born and raised in Frankfurt, he succeeded in creating a formidable portrait of his home town in the novel “Westend” quarters in the immediate vicinity of the Goethe House on Großer Hirschgraben. As an umbrella organization representing all German publishers, book traders and distributors, the Börsenverein is the brain and the heart of the book industry, the powerful lobby in the world of literature. What’s more, in endowing the “Deutsche Buchpreis” (German Book Prize), the Association succeeded in establishing the long overdue equivalent to the British Booker Prize or the Prix Goncourt. The winner, who is awarded the title “Best German-language novel of the year”, will find that the prize money worth EUR 25,000 comprises but a small part of the overall benefit – high print-runs, inter- 3 Eva Demski Is the “Grande Dame” of the Frankfurt literary scene; her latest book “Gartengeschichten” (Garden Stories) was inspired by the greenery outside her balcony door national attention and translations are an added bonus not to be underestimated. Within a very short time, the Deutsche Buchpreis has shot to recognition as the most prestigious German award for monographs. On the six days following the award ceremony, the Book Fair indeed turns Frankfurt into the epicenter of the literary world. At the Frankfurter Hof, one of the city’s most prestigious hotels, for the duration of the exhibition one can witness the non-intellectual, in other words, the business side of the literary circus. Just a few hundred yards from the “Frankfurter Hof”, the Book Fair’s top event takes place on Sunday morning: The Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (Peace Prize of the German Book Trade) is awarded in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche. If you are in the lucky position to join the illustrious audience at the award ceremony, you will find yourself amongst the top representatives of the state who have come to Frankfurt to demonstrate their affinity with literature. Nonetheless, this in itself does not turn the Paulskirche speech into a political issue. Those who have the honor of speaking at this event are certain that their words will be heard all over the world. 16 17 FRM 02 I 09 4 Zsuzsa Bánk used to be a bookseller, studied literature in Mainz, now living in Frankfurt as a writer (“The Swimmer”) 5 Bodo Kirchhoff From his “writer’s apartment” in Sachsenhausen he has a fabulous view of the Skyline 2 3 4 5 picture-alliance/dpa, laif/Vegner/Kirchgessner/Gerster, Peter Peitsch 1 // Literary Scene picture-alliance/dpa, Buchmesse 1 2 18 19 FRM 02 I 09 The sheer wealth is impressive as it is overwhelming. Including the institutions, the literary scene is almost impossible to grasp While the Frankfurt Book Fair is renowned the world over, another literary event is known only by few despite the fact that it is the biggest of its kind in the German-speaking world: Every two years, ROUTE 2 > THE AWARDS TOUR 1 Georg Büchner Prize Since 1923 the prestigious prize, named after the gifted writer from the town of Goddelau, is awarded in Darmstadt attracting more than 300 exhibitors, the “Mainzer Mini-Pressen-Messe” (Mainz Mini Letterpress Fair) takes place just several hundred yards away from the Gutenberg Museum. Compared to the Goethe House on Hirschgraben, the museum constitutes a rather different epicenter, not only of German literature but of the entire literary western world. Just consider the following: Without the art of book printing with movable letters, there would be no Bible editions, without Bible editions there would be no proliferation of Lutheran Bibles, hence no language norms to standardize the German language – in short: without the letterpress there would be no publishing industry. Book printing was invented in Mainz, while the office of Town Writer was invented in Frankfurt. There are many cities now that for a full year provide a writer with lodgings and a sizable allowROUTE 1 > THE EXHIBITION TOUR 2 Frankfurt Book Fair On six days in October, the international book industry convenes in Frankfurt’s exhibition halls – and surroundings ance. By the way, Mainz also joined their ranks in 1984, with Monika Maron currently inhabiting the town writer’s apartment. However, the original idea is claimed by the Bergen-Enkheim district of Frankfurt, which is where the office of Town Writer was invented in 1974, when Bergen had not yet been incorporated into Frankfurt. When Ulrich Peltzer, Bergen’s current town writer, takes a walk in the orchard meadows at Berger Hang located just a few steps to the back of the small town writer’s house, he literally has the whole region at his feet. From this vantage point it soon becomes clear that FrankfurtRhineMain is but one interconnected natural area, bordered in the south by the Odenwald and in the east by the slopes of the Lower Franconian Spessart. If Darmstadt had a skyline similar to that of Frankfurt, from up here the region’s southern edge could even be made out in good viewing conditions. On the far side, in the distant city of Darmstadt, we see the Mount Olympus of Germany’s literary gods, as it were. It is where Germany’s most prestigious literature prize – the Büchner Prize – is awarded once every year. The award ceremony marks the highlight of the fall conference held by the Deutsche Akademie für Dichtung und Sprache (German Academy for Literature and Language). In any case, the concentration of prizes in FrankfurtRhineMain is highly impressive: If you attempt- ed to explore all those literary activities and initiatives, the people and institutions comprising and shaping the literary scene, you would hardly come to an end. The sheer wealth is as impressive as it is overwhelming and attempting to grasp it all borders on the impossible, if you include the universities and specialist publishers, the libraries, literature houses and the media in the equation. Literary life as it is now is the sum of what happens at the interfaces between the creative minds, publishers, academies, cultural departments, festivals, exhibitions, institutions and, last but not least, the temporarily or permanently resident writers and the interested public. In this regard, there is scarcely a region where literature is found to be flourishing more than in FrankfurtRhineMain. \\ // Creative Economy FERTILE SOIL FOR IDEAS OFFENBACH The former working city is emerging as a creative center on the banks of the River Main. Old factories and warehouses are becoming chic lofts and workshops where ideas are born BY MARTIN ORTH AND MICHAEL HUDLER (PHOTOGRAPHS) 20 21 FRM 02 I 09 GEODATA 1 5 0°0 9' 9 9.78"N 0 8 ° 7 5 ' 6 2 . 1 1" E 2 5 0 ° 0 9 ' 9 1 . 1 1" N 08°78'86.76"E 3 5 0 ° 1 0 ' 6 9 . 0 1" N 0 8 ° 74 ' 9 0 . 6 5 " E 4 5 0 ° 1 0 ' 7 6 . 7 1" N 0 8 ° 7 6 '47. 9 4 " E 5 50°10'16.57"N 0 8 ° 7 5 ' 3 7. 2 2 " E 6 5 0 ° 1 0 ' 7 6 . 7 1" N 0 8 ° 7 6 '47. 9 4 " E F 1/2/3/4/5/6 Think tanks Creative minds are taking over the old factories in Offenbach. Here: The loft of Sensory Minds, a highly successful start-up company, in a former leather goods factory. // Creative Economy 1 Wolfgang Henseler A graduate of the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) in Offenbach, his first Internet company made him a millionaire. He now develops innovative Websites and is in international demand. 22 23 FRM 02 I 09 2 Knut Hartmann In 2002 the brand designer relocated with his agency from Frankfurt to Offenbach, halving his rent in the process. In the meantime he has handed over the running of the business to his daughter (right) and now concentrates on photography. // Creative Economy 3 Sebastian Herkner The product designer graduated in 2007 in Offenbach with the reinterpretation of an armchair. In 2009 the design magazine Wallpaper voted his table (above) among the 20 best products at the Milan furniture fair. 24 25 FRM 02 I 09 > On Tuesday, the people from Google were in Offenbach looking for new Internet so- lutions. At Sensory Minds in Ludwigstrasse. Within a short space of time, Wolfgang Henseler’s start-up company has emerged as a major player in the field of natural user interfaces. This is the term used for the change that takes place at the man-machine interface: Mice and keyboards are truly yesterday, today it’s all about touch-screen operation using fingers, hands, or a pencil – “natural use”, as the name implies. As Wolfgang Henseler says, “there are no longer any long ways round via menus and input commands, handling becomes simpler, quicker, more efficient, and more fun. Anybody, young and old, gets to grips with it intuitively.” This development also affects the Google business model. How do Websites change? What must the interface be like? Sensory Minds has the answers, which is why Google was in Offenbach on Tuesday – and Youtube on Wednesday. Offenbach in late summer 2009. A city about to witness the greatest transformation in its history? A working city yesterday, the hot spot of the creative scene tomorrow? Offenbach is shedding its skin, wiping the sweat from its brow. While mechanical engineering companies such as Manroland (printing) and GKN Löbro (automotive) are still two of the biggest employers, the large-scale production of leather goods, with which the city of 120,000 inhabitants made its name, is history. Today all that bears witness to it is the Leather Museum. In its place, but hardly perceived beyond the city limits, what is known as the creative economy is assuming an ever more prominent position. Artists, musicians, and photographers are attracting attention. IT firms, designers, and advertising agencies are developing ideas for products. As a study reveals, with 4,000 people working in 900 companies, Offenbach is disproportionately represented in the sector. A cluster is taking shape. Empty factories are becoming chic lofts, a former hall for storing oil is used for exhibitions, workshops are springing up in backyards, an industrial wasteland is now an open-air cinema and a disused engine shed a trendy meeting place. Wolfgang Henseler’s premises are on the second floor of a former leather goods factory. The rooms are spacious, open, everything is black and white. He is the Bill Gates of Offenbach, the icon of the creative scene; there from the word go, art student, founder, millionaire – always at the cutting edge of developments. Even as a student at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) in the city he was working on the future of computers. In 1988 he presented his professors with a piece of black Plexiglas that responded to touch. At the time this was a case of either genius or madness. In 1994 he founded the Pixel Factory and designed the first Internet pages for Deutsche Bank, MercedesBenz, and Lufthansa. At its peak the company had a payroll of 120 in Offenbach and branches in London and New York. In 1999 Henseler was appointed Professor of Visual Communication at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Pforzheim – and sold his company at a profit. Following a brief interlude as managing director of an Internet agency in Bad Homburg (“I would have missed the boat in terms of developments there”) he is back with a bang. The big names are standing in line at Sensory Minds, which was only founded in May 2009. AMG Mercedes plans to use his Natural User Interface Design in a big way, and the German Army (the Bundeswehr) is interested in his projects. 12 employees are working away feverishly on innovative Websites for MLP and Arte. Only in July, Sensory Minds installed the world’s biggest multi-touch and multi-user wall at the Nürburgring – 45 meters long and 11 meters high. It was just the warm-up for a big race. But why in Offenbach? Short distances, quick decisions, creative potential, multi-cultural flair – and low rents. Like in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. In 1997 the painter Johannes Kriesche moved his studio from Frankfurt to Offenbach, to the Mato factory, a former machine factory on Bieberer Strasse. It was meant to be demolished and its use as a studio a temporary solution. Today there are over 40 painters, sculptors and musicians working in the factory, which has all the charm of Kunsthaus Tacheles in Berlin. It still smells of metal, but it is art that is produced there. The artists’ group “Kunst Raum Mato” champions Offenbach as a center of creativity; Kriesche, who rose to national fame with his paraffin works, is its Chairman. Shirt-sleeved, unpretentious, // Creative Economy 4 Wilfrid Kreutz In 1998 the metal sculptor founded his studio Hammer Art in the Mato factory in Offenbach. In 2009 he designed a cup for the German Football Association. 26 27 FRM 02 I 09 5 Bernd Kracke The Professor of Electronic Media has been President of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach since 2006. In fall 2009 he is hoping for a decision in favor of the move to the former docks. // Creative Economy 6 Johannes Kriesche The painter, who enjoys an international reputation through his paraffin works, relocated to the Mato factory with his studio in 1997. He is now the highly committed head of the “Kunst Raum Mato” group of artists. 28 29 FRM 02 I 09 The HfG The Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) in Offenbach is one of Germany's largest art academies. It trains 600 students in Visual Communication and Product Design and awards the prestigious German Diplom qualification. It deliberately maintained this form of degree to ensure high standards and international mobility. As of the 2009 winter semester students will also have an opportunity to study for a doctorate. As of the 2010 summer semester there will also be an endowed chair of Creativity in the Urban Context initiated by the city of Offenbach. "there’s a lot going on here". He has long since been living in Offenbach as well. He has just got back from an exhibition in Nuremberg. On the site of the former AEG works a new art center based on the cotton spinning mill in Leipzig is being set up. He would love to see Offenbach in the same league. Knut Hartmann, founder and owner of khdesign, relocated his brand agency from Frankfurt to Offenbach in 2002 - and halved his rent in the process. His studio is in the former Heyne screw factory close to the docks. Once the third largest factory in Offenbach, when production came to a halt in 1968 the site was renovated and awarded numerous architecture and listed building prizes. Today more than 200 companies work in the chic lofts and showrooms, developing trends in design, fashion, architecture and advertising. Knut Hartmann’s accounts include major clients such as the pharmaceuticals giant GlaxoSmithKline and the drugstore chain “dm”. Offenbach’s financial advantage has long since taken a backseat. Creative networks are a convincing factor for the city. Hartmann has just as much considered joint projects with the furniture dealer on the ground floor as he has with the ad man above him – albeit through art happenings. The agency business has made him reflect on things. Hartmann would like to get back to his roots. He has transferred the management of the agency to his daughter, and is now doing photography. “City Lights”, blurred urban images with bright lights, are his trade mark. Art is the real argument in favor of Offenbach. With its long-standing tradition, the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) is the core of the creative center. It is the country’s leading communications design institute and – just to compare – five times as big as the renowned Städel Schule in Frankfurt. With 22 professors and 15 lecturers, the HfG instructs 600 students in visual communication and product design and is continually producing top people and talents, including the artist Thomas Bayrle and the designer Oliver Grabes, who designed the Xbox for Microsoft, the film director Carsten Strauch and only recently the product designer and graduate of 2007 Sebastian Herkner. In April he presented three designs at “Salone”, the world’s largest furniture fair in Milan. Wallpaper, the world’s leading design magazine, promptly voted one of the exhibits one of the 20 best products. Herkner is currently in negotiations regarding two other designs with manufacturers in the Netherlands and Spain. Born and brought up in Bad Mergentheim, Herkner – like so many others – has stayed on in Offenbach. He lives and works in a loft in a back-yard building on Geleitsstrasse – barefoot and wearing jeans and a T-shirt. An Offenbach Bohemian. “Lots of graduates go to Berlin of course,” says Herkner. “But the region around Offenbach has far more financial clout. And then all the major exhibitions are held in Frankfurt.” On his desk there is already a design for a sideboard made of wood and beveled brass for the next Milan furniture fair. As Professor Bernd Kracke, President of the Hochschule für Gestaltung says, “There’s a sort of Kreuzberg effect in this city. The potential is to be found in HfG, the freedom in the city. Both benefit from each other.” His biggest project is HfG’s move to the now disused docks. Things are becoming too cramped on the old site with the idyllic Isenburg Castle. According to an expert opi nion, an additional 5,000 square meters of space are needed. “If we don’t expand now, in ten to 15 years we are going to have problems and will fall behind in the competition with other universities,” Kracke says. Discerning, headstrong, but convincing, and convinced of his plans. The docks are ideal for the project, which is set to cost millions. With 26 hectares of land and 6 hectares of water, it is one of the largest and most attractive area for building on in FrankfurtRhineMain – twice as large as the Westhafen site in Frankfurt, and about a quarter of the size of the Hafencity development in Hamburg. Building plans have been drawn up, the site is currently being made accessible, and construction could commence in the coming year. At the moment the state government is examining the Creative Campus project. A decision is due to be made in the fall. If it is in favor – something all the creative minds from Henseler and Kriesche to Hartmann and Herkner hope – it really would be the Big Bang for urban development in Offenbach. \\ // FRM Interview The European Laif/Reporters Daniel Cohn-Bendit, born in Montauban, southwest France, in 1945, is regarded as one of the most dazzling figures of the 1968 movement, one who “commutes” between Germany and France. Since 1994, “Dany le Rouge” has been an MEP, representing in turns the German and the French Green parties. At the 2009 European elections he won 16.9 percent with his party Liste Europe Ecologie, triggering a veritable “Dany boom” in France. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, co-chair of the Green Party, lives in Frankfurt 30 31 FRM 02 I 09 GEODATA 1 50°07'30.66"N 0 8 °4 0 ' 0 3 . 5 7 " E F1 COHN-BENDIT WHY FRM IS INTERNATIONAL An FRM interview about Frankfurt, its strength and the possibilities it offers > For somebody who, more than anybody else from the re- > Won itself a place in my heart is not the same thing as gion, is active in and for Europe, how is Frankfurt perceived becoming my home. internationally? How do people in Brussels, Strasbourg, No, of course not. For me, that feeling has more to do with people London and Paris view FrankfurtRhineMain? and certain locations than it has with assignment to a specific In the fi rst instance, Frankfurt is perceived through the vehicle urban domain. For my son the situation is admittedly different. of the European Central Bank, which is seen as something of a He was born here. Frankfurt is his home. Generally speaking, European trademark. The second thing is Frankfurt airport. Germany does possess a strong sense of region, a local conscious- These are the two fi xed points in the European consciousness. For ness. People like to distinguish themselves from the others, for certain groups, the Frankfurt Book Fair also plays an important instance, the Bavarians from the rest of the Germans. According- role. ly, it is easier for a Turk living in Frankfurt to defi ne himself as a citizen of Frankfurt than as a German Turk. > How do you explain your personal connection with Frankfurt to your colleagues in the European Parliament? > In France, the Netherlands, and even in Berlin people with To begin with, people do not primarily live in a city but in certain a migrant background have quite obviously been relegated personal circumstances. For me this has a great deal to do with to ghettos. How has the region here succeeded in creating a my history, my marriage, my child, my relationships, my friends. social climate that seems to balance out all these enormous I mean at some point in my life I wound up here, I liked it here, tensions? I fell in love here and I ended up living here. Within this relation- Th ings do vary from district to district, even in Frankfurt and the ship network I fi nd that it is possible to live very pleasantly in fact that even in Frankfurt Turkish youths do have problems Frankfurt. should not be underestimated. But it is true that in Frankfurt people no longer only need an “Apfelwein (local cider) identity” in > Can Frankfurt become home to somebody who moves here? order to be accepted here. Th is has a lot to do with what has been For me, the term home is a difficult one and the sense of mission, so done on a political level for integration. Generally, however, it is to speak, that some people in Germany seem to have about it is true that the high proportion of foreigners protects everybody. very foreign to me. Frankfurt can grow on you, certainly. You can Foreigners do not feel foreign here, simply because there are so feel comfortable in Frankfurt. At some point, its provincial quality many other foreigners. Th is also clearly defi nes the relationship does perhaps get on your nerves – but of course Frankfurt has won between locals and foreigners. There are so many foreigners that itself a place in my heart. everybody has the feeling that foreigners belong here. // FRM Interview the kind of freedom that promotes every talent, every initiative – these are some of the characteristics of the city of tomorrow. > Does Frankfurt have the right preconditions for this? Frankfurt does have good preconditions, if it solves certain problems. The good preconditions are the fact that Frankfurt is a very interesting mixture of town and village. The village can provide a feeling of security and the town can provide the freedom of anonymity. That is positive explosive force and quality. > In view of global challenges such as climate change and Laif/Reporters financial crisis, does the local and regional dimension really still have a place on the European stage? All changes in behavior that are necessary to deal with the ecological crisis will have to be dealt with in the towns. In this conDaniel Cohn-Bendit Former head of the Department for Multicultural Affairs: “You can feel comfortable in Frankfurt.” text there is no contradiction between what needs to be handled globally and the necessary dimension of activity on the metropolitan or urban level. > Although people are always saying that Europe is far away... > Richard Florida, the US sociologist, came up with the theory That is just something that people say, that Europe is far away. of the three Ts: Florida demonstrated that creative people But that is absurd. To begin with, we do not live in “the” world. are particularly attracted by towns and regions where new We live in a much smaller context than we think. And none- technologies, talent and social tolerance are in evidence to theless Europe is in Frankfurt. If, for instance, you are in Paris, a large degree. In your opinion, to what extent are these then Paris is in the middle of Europe. And if you are in Frankfurt, three attributes present in FrankfurtRhineMain? then Frankfurt is in the middle of Europe. And then you Of course, talent is relevant and in evidence. And the fact that the cannot say: Frankfurt is far away. new technologies engender incredible creativity goes without DANIEL COHN-BENDIT WAS SPEAKING TO FRANÇOISE GIBERT. \\ saying. But at the same time, today, they are to be found almost everywhere. In my opinion though, Florida underestimates the social component. I believe, for example, that a town where there is a great social divide between rich and poor cannot be so very FRANKFURT AM MAIN productive in the long term. For me, a town is creative and in motion when social mobility is real – for example, when schools Total population: 674,604 function as a means of upward social mobility. Here, this is only the case in a limited sense and accordingly, Frankfurt has not yet 164,163 foreign residents in Frankfurt, that is 24.3% fully realized its creative potential; in order to do this, it would have to be more compact in social terms. Young migrants for example, possess talents that cannot be discovered so easily without encouragement. > To your mind, what is it that makes up the quality of a city, a metropolitan region of the future? In order to provide a proper basis for existence, the first thing that a city must do is to get the ecological dangers under control. This is very difficult because an ecological city demands a completely different approach to traffic, noise, and CO2 emissions. However, the city of tomorrow is also a city that is able to combine solidarity with freedom. There should also be a sense of public spirit that protects the weak and also, so to speak, offers 32 33 FRM 02 I 09 Foreign residents with their main residence in Frankfurt am Main by nationality: The top 10 1. Turkey: 31,066 2. Italy: 13,661 3. Croatia: 11,861 4. Serbia: 10,245 5. Poland: 9,321 6. Greece: 6,411 7. Morocco: 6,183 8. Bosnia and Herzegovina: 5,260 9. Spain: 4,494 10. Portugal: 3,423 NEU: SURROUNDINGS Gotta have it! Jetzt ist Frankfurt meine zweite Heimat Bryan Jones und seine Familie lesen Surroundings. Surroundings: Das englische Frankfurt-Rhein-Main-Medium Jetzt erhältlich im ausgesuchten Buch- und Zeitschriftenhandel und als Abo. Einzelpreis: € 6 Jahresabo (4 Ausgaben): nur € 20 // Event INNOVATION NIGHT EXPERIENCE THE FUTURE Just how much potential knowledge is there really in FrankfurtRhineMain? Innovative 2009, the fair for creative minds in Darmstadt, provides the answer > A firework display of creativity: For the first time, universities, research institutes and companies are jointly presenting the region’s innovative power. The exhibition, which premieres on October 2 from 10 a.m. through 9 p. m. goes by the name of Innovative 2009. In the darmstadtium anything and everything scientists, service providers, and engineers develop and research day in day out between Mainz and Aschaffenburg and between Gießen and Darmstadt will be on display. Over 60 participants are presenting exhibits and hands-on experiments and providing information in the form of lectures and video presentations. “Edutainers” accompany visitors through the exhibition and explain the complex world of science in a simple vivid manner. The list of participants reads like a “Who’s Who” from FRM. Those attending the event in the darmstadtium include the universities of Frankfurt, Gießen and Darmstadt, the Mathematikum in Gießen, the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT, the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, as well as Heraeus, Schott, Continental and Software AG. Innovative 2009 is not intended to be a one-off event. Following the premiere this year, in future there are plans for the Innovative exhibition to surprise visitors every year. A region presents its creativity The darmstadtium provides the right setting for Innovative 2009 Darmstadtium/Jürgen Mai(2) 34 35 FRM 02 I 09 Pocket Guide for FrankfurtRhineMain Fall 2009 Fotos: EVENTS, CULTURE, ENJOYMENT, EXCURSIONS AND MORE 1 For the After Work Logistics! With useful information and recommendations // 36 37 FRM Brands FRM 02 I 09 // 38 39 FRM Brands FRM 02 I 09 4 9 ° 6 6‘ 7 6 . 0 0 “ N 0 8 ° 9 9 ‘ 7 2 . 4 5“ E 5 0 ° 1 7 ‘ 1 0 . 7 1“ N 0 8 ° 5 3 ‘0 0.6 8“E Tangible ideas. The former Koziol ivory factory in Michelstadt now produces fashionable luminaires, trendy partitions and colorful gifts. The classic: The dream sphere. The world famous snow globes are also available with gold dust and silver stars – and on request with your very own motif. Verboten gut aussehen (look forbiddingly good): The current advertising slogan for the Braun razors from Kronberg applies just as much to the customers as to the appliances themselves. The razors have enjoyed international success ever since the 1960s – with regard to industrial design as well. “Mr. Braun” Dieter Rams gave the products an unmistakable face - elementary functionalism. 49 °87‘51. 12“N 08 °6548. 23“E 5 0 ° 5 4 ‘ 3 9 . 8 1“ N 08 °39‘14. 52“E 5 0 °2 2 ‘59. 59“N 0 8 ° 2 6‘ 5 3 . 8 8 “ E Wella creates trends. In the 1970s the hair care products from Darmstadt enable the afro-look, in the ‘80s the wet-look, and today a highly individual hair fashion worn by several international style icons. “Virtual Life” is the name of the current vision – visually somewhere between reality and the virtual world. Leica is a legend. Among several professional journalism photographers the cult cameras from Solms are known particularly for the superb visual and mechanical quality of their lenses. Seven Leica galleries worldwide – including New York, Tokyo and Frankfurt – present masterpieces by photographers who use Leica. “At home outdoors”: You could be forgiven for thinking Jack Wolfskin, a leading supplier of outdoor clothing, was based in Canada rather than Idstein. The company with the wolf’s paw trademark started out as the brand of the Frankfurt company Sine. Today over 200 Jack Wolfskin stores worldwide sell rucksacks, tents, and fashionable all-weather clothing. “Brands are like machetes. They cut a path through the brand jungle. ” FLORIAN LANGENSCHEIDT // 50 °12‘26. 28“N 0 8 ° 6 1‘ 7 7. 9 8 “ E 49 °98‘75. 32“N 0 8 °4 0 ‘ 7 3 . 9 5“ E Sinn watches are different. Not knickknack, not plain fashion, not jewelry in the traditional sense. Made in Frankfurt, these chronographs are, though, unadorned engineering, pure innovation. With his financial center watch models Sinn also reveals a sense of FrankfurtRhineMain. Not only for FrankfurtRhine Main is Opel a marque with tradition and a future. Opel must gleam again, says state Prime Minister Roland Koch in the wake of the turbulence of the past few months. With the Insignia and the new Astra the Rüsselsheim work force has optimistically made itself the topic of conversation again. Per aspera ad astra. Or: the beginning of a new era. 5 0 ° 1 2 ‘4 6 . 7 8 “ N 08 °93‘88. 37“E 5 0 °10‘8 5. 24“N 08 °72‘96. 68“E 5 0 ° 0 8 ‘4 8 . 7 6“ N 0 8 ° 8 3 ‘01 . 5 4“E 5 0 ° 1 6‘ 5 6 . 0 1“ N 0 8 ° 2 1‘4 2 . 1 1“ E 108 years old and still sprightly. The frog from Mainz is probably the oldest in the world. But it is still making great claims. “Erdal – polished shoes have it”, the red frog maintains. It has stood for uncompromising quality for over 100 years now. The shoe polish has a fairly constant market share of 80 percent. And the winner is: a kettle. Ever since the 1920s the Offenbach company Rowenta has stood for shapely household appliances with innovative functions, which are self-explanatory in their use. The “red dot Design Award” was bestowed on the M-Edition only recently. Even today the revolutionary steam irons are a big sellers. Masterpiece in leather. One thing can be said of the luxury articles by the Offenbach leather goods manufacturer Seeger for certain: they are second to none in terms of softness. Specially treated top-quality lambskin nappa guarantees this. Star conductor Leonard Bernstein only ever put his baton down if his special Seeger case was close by. A name goes round the world. 40 years ago, when Heinz Hankammer came up with the idea of filtering tap water in order to rid it of lime and chlorine, he simply named the young company after his daughter. Today the name Brita is known throughout the world. There is a water filter from Taunusstein in almost every household. Science Yuliyan Velcher // 40 41 FRM 02 I 09 FrankfurtRhineMain is a European hub. The emergence of the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), situated between the airport and Frankfurter Kreuz, is transforming the region into a world-class logistics center BY MARTIN ORTH AND MICHAEL HUDLER (PHOTOGRAPHS) GEODATA 1 49 ° 3 8 '32.93 "N 08 ° 38 '18 .93"E F 1 The doers Stefan Walter and Jack Thoms are moving the “House of Logistics and Mobility” project at Gateway Gardens forward // Science The region is focusing on its strengths. First the House of Finance and now the House Of Logistics and Mobility – a research, education and knowledge transfer center that will be unique in the world > Frankfurt Airport. Gateway Gardens. The flowery name still conceals a huge area of derelict land. Hoarding, demarcated building land and a few deserted apartments. Only the freshly tarmaced roads give any indication that the future is to be built here. At one time 2,500 US soldiers and their families lived here. There was a movie theater and a church, an elementary and a middle school, Coca Cola and barbecues. That is all history. Gateway Gardens now stands for a vision. By 2016 an urban neighborhood for over 10,000 people is to be built close to the airport, 1 The location Gateway Gardens, the new neighborhood at Frankfurt Airport will be the most easily reachable in the whole of Europe a center for the future. Featuring offices and hotels, cafés and restaurants – and the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM). 2 A poster on one of the surviving ochre barracks and a sign reading second floor points the way to the future. This is home to the HOLM project office, to be more precise the Director, Prof. Stefan Walter, the Head of Marketing Dr. Jack Thoms and their 12 employees. In five apartments that have been turned into a single refurbished, state-of-the-art office. There is no stopping the young acade- The model There is a model of the “House of Logistics and Mobility” in the project office. Construction work is due to begin in the coming year mics-come managers, directors of the Supply Chain Management Institute (SMI) at the European Business School (EBS), talking, almost waxing lyrical about “their” project. “First the House of Finance and now the House of Logistics and Mobility“, says Professor Walter. “The region is focusing on its strengths.” The HOLM is intended to become a Silicon Valley for logistics, a spearheading research, education and knowledge transfer center that will be unique in the world. The framework for such an ambitious project could scarcely be better. FrankfurtRheinMain is a European hub, competing directly with Dubai and Singapore. The sector employs 245,000 people in the region. Four of the five largest regional employers are in the business. With the airport, the Frankfurter Kreuz intersection and Frankfurt’s main station FrankfurtRhineMain is one of the most easily reachable regions in Europe. Its economic clout is enhanced by academic expertise – at the University of Frankfurt, the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt Technical University and the European Business School (EBS) in Wiesbaden, the founding universities of HOLM. Professor Hans-Christian Pfohl, the co-founder of logistics management in Germany, no less, teaches in Darmstadt. And the Supply Chain Management Institute (SMI) at the EBS, which is headed by the President of the university Prof. Christopher Jahns, is one of the world’s leading purchasing, logistics, and supply chain management institutes. Walter and Thoms are fascinated by the idea of creating a closely networked, integrated cluster from the geographical proximity of companies and universities. After all, only a cluster with a capable management team is going to make all those in it successful. Stefan Walter likes drawing a comparison with sport. “It’s like saying that a group of 11 professional players make a successful football team: That is not the case. Only successful club management like that of Uli Hoeness at Bayern Munich has established the club at the top on a long-term basis. That applies just as much to clusters.“ 42 43 FRM 02 I 09 3 The vision A new urban center for over 10,000 people is due to be built on the former US housing area Frankfurt-West Fair ground Frankfurt-South Airport 1 3 2 // Science And Walter goes one step further. “According to the latest academic findings the strength of the local logistics clusters determines just how efficient industry clusters are. In the age of global sourcing and global supply & distribution networks, purchasers and sales people rely on smoothly running supply chain management. And it is precisely this that networked logistics clusters are unique in offering. Recent research even reveals that for all other industry clusters logistics clusters are decisive in corporate success and established companies settling somewhere – and as such decisive for the region as well.“ Walter quotes Michael E. Porter, the well-known Harvard economist and “father of the cluster theory“, whom he visits once a year. At the moment, however, the project office is busy with its own “logistics”. “Events, conferences, meetings and talks, talks, talks “, says Stefan Walter. You can sense the momentum. 70 project partners have already been acquired. All 15 universities in Hesse are now on board, covering over 90 logistics and mobility-related areas. 50 professors, for the most part from the founding universities, will work at the House of Logistics and Mobility on a long-term basis. Another 40 will work in project offices. These will be joined by over 200 academics from around the world, one of them from Harvard. At the HOLM he will expand Michael E. Porter’s cluster ideas. Construction work is due to commence as early as next year, almost 90 percent of the planned gross surface area 20,000 square meters already having been earmarked. In 2012 it will then be a case of “Go HOLM!“ DOCKS Frankfurt Airport is one of the central European hubs. Over 50 million passengers take off or land there every year The docks in the region handle far in excess of ten million tons of goods per year. The boats have access to the North Sea and the Black Sea MAIN STATION FRANKFURTER KREUZ Frankfurt’s main station is the largest in Europe. Some 350,000 people use it and its excellent regional transportation links every day The Frankfurter Kreuz intersection is one of the busiest in Europe. Far more than 300,000 vehicles pass it daily 44 45 FRM 02 I 09 laif/Langrock/Zenit/ Oliver Tjaden AIRPORT LOGISTICS & MOBILITY IN FRM \\ FRQVHOOGH Discover our unique ways to make your visions come true. Visions, ideas and dreams come in different sizes, but putting them into practice is great at any rate. To promote your success FrankfurtRhineMain offers a first-rate infrastructure right in the heart of Europe. Whether it’s road, rail, water, air or state of the art data highway – our means of transportation in FrankfurtRhineMain are as diverse as your objectives may be, but they share one destination: your success. Discover how to make the most of your business. Join the network of FrankfurtRhineMain. // Quality of Life PACKED WITH ORGANIC PRODUCE FRANKFURTRHINEMAIN From organic farms to organic supermarket chains: FrankfurtRhineMain is home to far more organic companies and organic farmers’ associations than you may have thought. So come and join us on a tour of the places where FRM is at its most natural BY MARC-STEFAN ANDRES AND MARKUS HINTZEN (PHOTOGRAPHS) 46 47 FRM 02 I 09 > The green industry is thriving “Andorra”, the cow, pictured here with her newborn calf on Dottenfelder Hof, and happy pigs in the Domain Mechtildshausen “Is it not sucking yet?” asks Margarethe Hinterlang, land constituted 9.1 percent of the total agricultural area in Hesse; peering in the box in the corner of the massive cow- topped only by the states of Berlin and Brandenburg. However, shed at Dottenfelder Hof. There, on the straw, we see “Andorra”, success is being enjoyed not only by the roughly 1,600 organic the cow, with her calf, born just two hours ago. Still somewhat farms but also by organic companies, of which there are 600 lo- awkward on its feet, the young calf is stumbling across the box cated in Hesse. The organic food manufacturer Alnatura, for inand sucking on its mother’s throat – but not where it’s supposed stance, originally founded in Fulda and today headquartered in to suck! Margarethe Hinterlang watches them a bit longer before the town of Bickenbach in southern Hesse, owns 50 organic suopening the gate and jumping into the box below. “Now my permarkets all over Germany. Moreover, having opened 300 clothes are ruined”, she laughs, while guiding the calf to its stores in the last 30 years, Tegut from Fulda has succeeded in es- mother’s teat with a hearty grip. Margarethe Hinterlang knows a tablishing one of the biggest ranges of organic produce in the su- lot about animals. Not only is she the PR representative for the permarket segment. The region’s organic expertise is further enDemeter farm in Bad Vilbel, in addition to running the school hanced by the editorial department of Eco Test magazine based in farm she is also responsible for the calves. With her friendly dis- Frankfurt, the Ecological Institute with research and advisory position and hands-on attitude, the farmer is a perfect example capacities located in Darmstadt, Freiburg, and Berlin, as well as of the enthusiasm and commitment shown by many people em- the Demeter Association, also headquartered in Darmstadt. ployed in the organic industry in FrankfurtRhineMain. The 5000 associated Bioland farms nationwide also have ties The organic industry is thriving – and not just since the boom of with FrankfurtRhineMain – the Association’s spokesman Gerald recent years that saw sales of organic produce in Germany climb Wehde is based in Mainz, where he and his colleagues have set up from EUR 3.5 billion in 2004 to EUR 5.8 billion in 2008, with office in a beautiful old building not far from the city’s railroad Hesse spearheading the trend: Last year, organically cultivated station. Together with his roughly 120 employees, Wehde advises // Quality of Life Dottenfelder Hof For a good 40 years, organic principles have been applied on the Demeter flagship farm in Bad Vilbel, which has its own livestock, dairy and bakery 48 49 FRM 02 I 09 The Domain Mechtildshausen Fancy farm shop, extensive stables, good restaurant – everything is 100 percent organic, from vegetables right down to boxes of chocolates ALNATURA BICKENBACH Bergstrasse, District of Darmstadt-Dieburg Manufacturing and Trading Ltd. BIOLAND MAINZ Association of eco-producers DEMETER DARMSTADT Association for ecologic crop cultivation based on Anthroposophic principles HESS NATUR BUTZBACH Clothing made from natural fibers INSTITUTE FOR APICULTURE OBERURSEL Research ECO INSTITUTE DARMSTADT Research ECO TEST FRANKFURT Consumer magazine TEGUT… FULDA Trade company Gutberlet Foundation & Co // 50 51 Quality of Life FRM 02 I 09 Target group with an affinity for organic produce In FrankfurtRhineMain, the organic industry is thriving because those inclined to buy organic live in the region – welleducated people with high incomes who care for healthy eating habits and buying regionally grown produce GEODATA* 1 49°75'50. 56"N 0 8 ° 6 1' 9 0 . 5 3 " E 5 5 0 ° 2 1' 8 0 . 5 1" N 08°5 4'8 3.93"E 2 50°0 0'30.78"N 08°26'25.99"E 6 49°87'08.67"N 0 8 ° 6 3 '4 0 . 3 1" E 3 49° 8 3'59. 3 4"N 0 8 ° 5 7 '4 0 . 1 4 " E 7 50°12'12.38"N 08°63'70.13"E 4 5 0 °4 3 ' 0 4 . 2 0 " N 0 8 ° 6 9 ' 0 7. 2 2 " E 8 50°57 '19.0 0"N 09°67 '5 8 .65"E 8 4 7F 5 2 1 3/6 * Companys and institutions page 49 the Bioland enterprises and does the lobbying work for organic roughly 3,000 customers spread across the entire FrankfurtRhine produce, manufacturers and an additional 800 Bioland farms. Main region. Each morning, four delivery vans leave the Pappel- With a hint of pragmatism, Wehde, an agricultural engineer, ex- hof to take the orders to the customers; including freshly baked plains the choice of Mainz as the association’s headquarters: “We goods supplied by an organic bakery. 13 years ago, Thomas Wolff are ideally located in terms of transport as Mainz is right in the came up with the idea for an organic delivery service – now center of Germany.” Querbeet shares the market with other organic suppliers such as “Novum” in Bischofsheim and “Paradieschen” in Geiselheim. For Wehde, the reason there are so many organic farms, enter- After completing his training as a Bioland farmer, Wolff, 48, prises and associations located in FrankfurtRhineMain lies in the joined the Pappelhof in 1992. Having worked in crop production region’s high purchasing power – with the Hochtaunuskreis dis- for some time, it became clear to him that he preferred the martrict having the highest purchasing power in Germany and the keting side of the business. Wolff, an avid long-distance runner district of Main-Taunus-Kreis lying in fourth place. “On average, and astute business man, teamed up with other companies to organic products are still more expensive than conventionally supply the athletes competing in the Frankfurt Marathon with produced foodstuffs, which is why they are more likely to be organic fruit. As a marketing man, his initial task was looking consumed by well-educated people with high incomes”, says after the market stalls. Soon after, he set up the fi rst all-organic Wehde. Renée Herrnkind, spokeswoman of the Demeter Associ- market stall at Frankfurt’s farmers market at Konstablerwache ation, also argues in the same vein: “Marketing strategies are so (today, 15 out of the overall 55 stalls are organic) and organized successful because those inclined to buy organic – our target the large Querbeet stall in Frankfurt’s Kleinmarkthalle. group – live in this region”, she explains. Th is is likely to be the reason why Dottenfelder Hof in Bad Vilbel is also doing so well. The Domain Mechtildshausen, which is affi liated with the Wies- Since it was founded in 1968, the farm has been operating accord- baden youth workshop, also knows a thing or two about market- ing to the principles of biodynamic agriculture and now has 130 ing. Located in the vicinity of Erbenheim airfield the manor staff. The farm was fi rst mentioned as a convent estate in 976 and farm, which has three branches and a total of 600 hectares of oozes romantic appeal. It provides a home and livelihood to some land, has devoted 22 years to establishing a biological farming 100 people. The Dottenfeld family includes 30 children and sev- system. Horst Freund, who manages the fruit and vegetable pro- eral seniors who enjoy the right of lifelong residence and provi- duction, has been there from the word go. When taking a tour of sion of food there. When farming became increasingly industri- the farm, he briefly stops at the cream-colored Charolais cows or alized in the 1960s, they established the farm, as they were keen casts his expert eye over the tomatoes and cucumbers in the on experimenting with an alternative, sustainable and ecologi- greenhouses. “We only have top organic produce on offer,” he cally diverse model of agriculture. emphasizes. Freund, who is 53, fi nds that Mechtildshausen is a perfect example of organic living put into practice. “Everything A few kilometers down the road we come across Querbeet, an in our farm shop is organic, even the chocolates.” The concept is organic delivery service operated from Reichelsheim. The Quer- borne out also by the social dimension on the farm. In the Do- beet workers are dashing from one shelf to another, picking up main Mechtildshausen, about 80 permanent staff comprising yellow zucchinis, shiny purple-black eggplants and dark green master craftsmen, engineers and other experts are currently givcucumbers which are packed in delivery boxes. The organic veg- ing 300 young people on-the-job training, while many long-term etables along with other organic produce are delivered to their unemployed are given a chance to work again. // Quality of Life Working in the countryside FrankfurtRhineMain is so much more than just finance and big business Andreas Schneider is an organic farmer by conviction. Now 39 purpose again. “The flax is made into linen, which in turn is used years old and running a cider farm, he was fascinated by the idea to make our clothes”, says Verena Kuhnert, 37, spokeswoman at of ecological living even as a youngster. “Around the time that Hess Natur, a company that since 1976 has aimed to manufacture Chernobyl and other environmental disasters were happening, I ladies’, men’s and children’s clothing purely from organically knew I wanted to do something different with our farm”, he grown materials and eco-friendly fabrics. 310 employees in says. After completing conventional training in pomology he Butzbach and branches in the United States and Switzerland look took over the farm, which the family has owned since 1965. In after some 700,000 customers who purchase the organic cloth- 1994, he switched his six hectares of orchards and 2.5 hectares of ing predominantly by mail order. Hess Natur is continuously natural fruit meadows over to organic farming procedures and, striving to improve its standards, has had several inspections following the transition period, was certified in 1996. The other performed by independent bodies and will persevere until all remarkable thing about Schneider: He is one of the few apple textiles have become organic. Moreover, the Butzbach company farmers who only use single varieties to achieve very sophisti- uses no harmful dyes, chlorine bleaches, chemical moth repel- cated ciders that are excellent on the palate. His products are lents or non-iron finishing for its clothes and is keen on helping made either of the organic apples from his orchards or, if his own to improve working conditions in the producing countries. “So crops are not enough, of apples from natural fruit meadows. In far, we are the only company in Germany to agree to being con- doing so he protects the more labor-intensive method of crop trolled by the Dutch Fair Wear Foundation,” Verena Kuhnert is production that is so characteristic of the majority of the land- proud to say. The company philosophy is even reflected in the scape in FrankfurtRhineMain. company building, which was built according to Anthroposophic principles and reflects the ecological approach so typically Another product almost forgotten in Germany grows around common in the FrankfurtRhineMain region: Located not far the town of Gießen. Since 2005, ten organic farmers have been from the A5 interstate and close to the Butzbach exit, in what cultivating and harvesting a crop that is not meant for consump- seems to be your average industrial estate, the building, with its tion – flax. The plant, which had more or less disappeared from reddish, blue and yellow hues, provides a matt yet very relaxing German fields since the late 19th century, is now serving a useful colorful contrast to the surrounding green of the countryside. \\ 52 53 FRM 02 I 09 // FRM – GLOBALLY CONNECTED FRM International MANY CITY PARTNERSHIPS* PLACE FRM IN THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE RAINER STUMPF AND DUNJA METZ (ILLUSTRATION) 1 Altenstadt Beauchamp Altenstadt Kazimierza Wielka Albig Signy-l’Abbaye Allendorf (Lumda) Nouvion-surMeuse Allendorf (Lumda) Allendorf in Thüringen Alsbach-Hähnlein Diósd Alsbach-Hähnlein Crinitzberg Alsfeld Amstetten Alsfeld Chaville Alsfeld New Mills Alsfeld Nakskov Alsfeld Spisská Nová Ves Alsheim Nossen Alsheim Pellerd Alsheim Pesmes Alzenau Thaon-les Vosges Alzenau Pfaffstätten Alzenau Sint-Oedenrode Alzey Josselin Alzey Harpenden Alzey Rechnitz Alzey Koscian Alzey Lembeye Alzey Kamenz Amorbach Vic-sur-Cère Antrifttal Rosora Appenheim Apfelstädt Appenheim Marano di Valpolicella Armsheim Fleville-devant-Nancy Aschaffenburg Perth & Kinross Aschaffenburg Saint-Germain-enLaye Aschaffenburg Miskolc Aspisheim Moroges Aspisheim Sainte-Hélène im Babenhausen Bouxwiller Bacharach Santenay Bacharach Overijse Bad Camberg Chambray-lès-Tours Bad Homburg v. d. H. Chur Bad Homburg v. d. H. Dubrovnik Bad Homburg v. d. H. Exeter Bad Homburg v. d. H. Greiz Bad Homburg v. d. H. Marienbad Bad Homburg v. d. H. Mayrhofen Bad Homburg v. d. H. Peterhof Bad Homburg v. d. H. Terracina Bad Homburg v. d. H. Bad Mondorf Bad Homburg v. d. H. Cabourg Bad König Argentat Bad Nauheim Buxton Bad Nauheim Chaumont Bad Nauheim Oostkamp Bad Nauheim Langensalza Bad Orb Istra Bad Salzschlirf Bad Tennstedt Bad Salzschlirf Castel San Pietro Terme Bad Soden am Taunus RueilMalmaison Bad Soden/Taunus Kitzbühel Bad Soden/Taunus Franzensbad Bad Soden/Taunus Yoro-cho Bad Soden-Salmünster Guilherand-Granges Bad Vilbel Glossop Bad Vilbel Moulins Bad Vilbel Brotterode Bechtheim Lauterbach Beerfelden/Olfen Trévignin Bensheim Beaune Bensheim Amersham Bensheim Mohács Bensheim Riva del Garda Bensheim Klodzko Bensheim Hostinné Bessenbach Dury Bessenbach Saint Fuscien Bessenbach Sains-en-Amienois Biblis Gravelines Biblis Katy Wroclawskie Bickenbach Saint Philbert de Grand Lieu Bickenbach Tricarico Biebertal Denbigh Biebertal Eibenstock Biebertal Sarrians Biebesheim Romilly-sur-Andelle Biebesheim Palo-del-Colle Bingen Hitchin Bingen Nuits-Saint-Georges Bingen Prizren Bingen Venarey-les-Laumes Birkenau La Rochefoucauld Birstein Bischofsheim Dzierzoniow Bischofsheim Crewe & Nantwich Bodenheim Seurre Brensbach Ezy-sur-Eure Brombachtal La Rivière-de-Corps Bruchköbel Boskoop Bruchköbel Harkany Budenheim Eaubonne Budenheim Isola della Scala Büdingen Gistel Büdingen Loudéac Büdingen Tinley Park Büdingen Herzberg Büdingen Bruntal Büdingen Sebe Burghaun Mertzwiller Bürstadt Krieglach Bürstadt Wittelsheim Buseck Molln Buseck Tát Butzbach Saint-Cyr-l’École Butzbach Eilenburg Dalheim Szomolya Darmstadt Alkmaar Darmstadt Troyes Darmstadt Chesterfield Darmstadt Graz Darmstadt Trondheim Darmstadt Bursa Darmstadt Plock Darmstadt Szeged Darmstadt Gyönk Darmstadt Freiberg Darmstadt Brescia Darmstadt Saanen Darmstadt Ushgorod Darmstadt Liepaja Darmstadt Logroño Dieburg Aubergenville Dieburg Mladá Boleslav Dieburg Vielau Dienheim Sours Dietzenbach Vélizy-Villacoublay Dietzenbach Masaya Dietzenbach Rakovník Dietzenbach Neuhaus am Rennweg Dorfprozelten Tullnerbach Dorn-Dürkheim FontaineFrancaise Dorn-Dürkheim Gierstädt Dreieich Stafford Dreieich Montier-en-Der Dreieich Joinville-en-Village Dreieich Bleiswijk Dreieich Oisterwijk Egelsbach Chojnów (Haynau) Egelsbach Pont-Saint-Esprit Eich Fleury la Vallee Eichenzell Steinbach-Einhausen Attichy Einhausen Shoreview Eiterfeld Dermbach Elsenfeld Condé Intercom Eltville am Rhein Montrichard Eltville am Rhein Arzens Eltville am Rhein Passignano Elz Waldmünchen Ensheim Dommartemont Eppertshausen Chaource Eppertshausen Codigoro Eppstein Aizkraukle Eppstein Kenilworth Eppstein Langeais Eppstein Schwarza Erbach Ansião Erbach Jicín Erbach Königsee Erbach Pont-de-Beauvoisin Erbes-Büdesheim MaurepasLeforest Erlenbach am Main Erlenbach am Zürichsee Erlenbach am Main Saint-Maurice Erlensee Biggleswade Erlensee Wusterwitz Erzhausen Incisa in Val d´Arno Erzhausen Mnichovo Hradiste Eschborn Montgeron Eschborn Póvoa de Varzim Eschborn Zabbar Esselborn Friedrichswalde Essenheim Stumsdorf Essenheim Werben Essenheim Göttnitz Essenheim Boursault Essenheim Chatillon sur Marne Essenheim Festigny Essenheim Verneuil Feldatal Friedrichswerth Fischbachtal Leutersbach Flomborn Höckendorf Flonheim Schwepnitz Flonheim Villenauxe-la-Grande Flörsheim am Main Pérols Flörsheim am Main Pyskowice Florstadt Pléneuf-Val-André Florstadt Izbicko Florstadt Staden Frankfurt Deuil-la-Barre Frankfurt Lyon Frankfurt Birmingham Frankfurt Budapest Frankfurt Dubai Frankfurt Granada Frankfurt Guangzhou Frankfurt Kairo Frankfurt Krakau Frankfurt Leipzig Frankfurt Mailand Frankfurt Prag Frankfurt Tel Aviv Frankfurt Toronto Freiensteinau Tourouvre Freigericht St.Quentin-Fallavier Friedberg (Hessen) Bishop´s Stortford Friedberg (Hessen) Villiers-surMarne Friedberg (Hessen) Magreglio Friedberg (Hessen) Oliveto Lario Friedrichsdorf Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting Friedrichsdorf Houilles Friedrichsdorf Chesham Fulda Arles Fulda Como Fulda Leitmeritz Fulda Sergiew Posad Fulda Willmington Fürth Thizy Fürth Buzancy Fürth Zabrani/Guttenbrunn Gau-Algesheim Saulieu Gau-Algesheim Caprino Gau-Bickelheim Aiserey Gau-Bischofsheim Bischofsheim a.d. Rhön Gau-Bischofsheim Liernais Gau-Odernheim Pulnoy Gedern Columbia Gedern Polanow Gedern Nucourt Geiselbach Bavent Geisenheim Puligny-Montrachet Geisenheim Chauvigny Geisenheim Trino Geisenheim Szerencs Gelnhausen Clamecy Gelnhausen Marling Gensingen Pierre-de-Bresse Gernsheim Bar sur Aube Gersfeld Bellegarde Gießen Winchester Gießen Ferrara Gießen Netanya Gießen Waterloo Gießen San Juan del Sur Gießen Gödöllö Gießen Hradec Králové Gimbsheim Talant Ginsheim-Gustavsburg Bouguenais Ginsheim-Gustavsburg Ballou Glashütten Caromb Glattbach Bretteville sur Odon Glauburg Allmenhausen Glauburg Maio Goldbach Courseulles sur Mer Grasellenbach Bédarrides Grasellenbach Cunit Grävenwiesbach Wuenheim Griesheim Bar-le-Duc Griesheim Pontassieve Griesheim Gyönk Griesheim Wilkau-Haßlau Groß-Bieberau Montmeyran Groß-Bieberau La Baume Cornillane Großenlüder Stadtlengsfeld Großenlüder Windischgarsten Groß-Gerau Brignoles Groß-Gerau Bruneck Groß-Gerau Szamotuły Groß-Gerau Tielt Großkrotzenburg Acheres Großkrotzenburg Torsby Großkrotzenburg Oederan Großostheim Olympia Großostheim Carbon Blanc Großostheim Saulxures *List of the FRM twinning agreements (subject to change) 54 55 FRM 02 I 09 Großostheim Groß-Rohrheim Groß-Umstadt Groß-Umstadt Großwallstadt Groß-Zimmern Hamoir Mouzon St. Péray Santo Tirso St. Fargeau Ponthierry Groß-Zimmern Rignano sull' Arno Grünberg Condom Grünberg Mragowo Gründau Neugersdorf Gründau Laussonne Gundersheim Selongey Guntersblum Muldenstein Hadamar Bellerive-sur Allier Hahnheim Váralja Haibach Marck Hainburg Alberndorf Hainburg Retz Hainburg Trumau Hainburg Vernouillet Hamm Varois-et-Chaignot Hammersbach WechmarGünthersleben Hanau Dartford Hanau Conflans-Sainte-Honorine Hanau Francheville Hanau Doorn Hanau Jaroslawl Hanau Tottori Harxheim Messigny-et-Vantoux Hattersheim am Main Sarcelles Hattersheim am Main Mosonmag yaróvár Hattersheim am Main Santa Catarina Heidenrod Wissous Heidenrod Sollstedt Heidenrod Màd Heidesheim Auxonne Heidesheim Egstedt Heidesheim Waltersleben Heimbuchenthal Thury-Harcourt Heppenheim Le Chesnay Heppenheim Kaltern Heppenheim West Bend Heppenheim Bubenreuth Herbstein Oelegem Herbstein Héviz Hesseneck Weißenborn Heuchelheim Gémenos Heuchelheim Gemeinde Heusenstamm Saint-Savin Heusenstamm Tonbridge Heusenstamm Malle Heusenstamm Ladispoli Hilders Kachtem Hirschhorn Château-Landon Hirzenhain Hochheim am Main Le Pontet Höchst i. Odw. Montmélian Hofbieber Comunitá Montana Acquacheta Hofheim, am Taunus Chinon Hofheim, am Taunus Tiverton Hofheim, am Taunus Buccino Hohenstein Aube Homberg/Ohm Stadtroda Homberg/Ohm Thouare Hünfeld Landerneau Hünfeld Proskau Hünfelden Le Thillay Hünfelden Prösen Hungen Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure Hünstetten Neukirchen Idstein Zwijndrecht (Brucht) Idstein Heusden (Vlijmen) Idstein Lana Idstein Uglitsch Ingelheim Neisse Ingelheim Limbach-Oberfrohna Ingelheim Berlin-FriedrichshainKreuzberg Ingelheim San Pietro in Cariano Ingelheim Stevenage Ingelheim Autun Johannesberg Avenay Johannesberg Amaye sur Orne Johannesberg Maizet Johannesberg Montigny Johannesberg Preaux Bocage Johannesberg Maisoncelles/Ajon Johannesberg Sainte Honorine du Fay Johannesberg Vacognes-Neuilly Johannesberg Trois Monts Jossgrund Pfaffenhausen (Allgäu) Jugenheim Oberhoffen Kahl am Main Villefontaine 1 2 1 2 1 1 5 Kahl am Main Budakalász Karben St. Egrève Karben Ramonville St. Agne Karben Luisenthal Karben Krnov Kelkheim (Taunus) Saint-Fons Kelkheim (Taunus) High Wycombe Kelsterbach Baugé Kiedrich Hautvillers Kirtorf Kilb Kleinostheim Bassens Kleinwallstadt St.Pierre sur Dives Klein-Winternheim Muizon Klein-Winternheim Elxleben Klingenberg Saint-Laurent d’Arce Königstein im Taunus Le Mele sur Sarthe Königstein im Taunus Le Cannet-Rocheville Königstein im Taunus Königstein in Sachsen Königstein im Taunus Königstein in der Oberpfalz Königstein im Taunus Kórnik Kriftel Airaines Krombach Soliers Kronberg im Taunus Le Lavandou Kronberg im Taunus Porto Recanati Kronberg im Taunus Aberystwyth Kronberg im Taunus Ballenstedt am Harz Künzell Dingelstädt Künzell Rustington Lampertheim Adria Lampertheim Dieulouard Lampertheim Ermont Lampertheim Maldegem Lampertheim Wierden Lampertheim Swidnica Langen Aranda de Duero Langen Long Eaton Langen Romorantin-Lanthenay Langen Tarsus Langenselbold Mondelange Langenselbold Simpelveld Langgöns St. Ulrich am Pillersee Laubach Elancourt Laubach Gräfenhainichen Laubach Didim Laubach Zoersel Laufach Ste.-Eulalie Lauterbach Reinickendorf Lauterbach Bechtheim Lauterbach Lézignan-Corbières Lauterbach Cahuzac-sur-Vere Lautertal Parish of Aldenham Lautertal Jarnac Lich Dieulefit Lich Tangermünde Lich Budakeszi Liederbach (Taunus) Villebon sûr Yvette Liederbach (Taunus) Frauenwald am Rennsteig Liederbach (Taunus) Verwood/ Dorset Liederbach (Taunus) Saldus Liederbach (Taunus) Pietrowice Wielkie Limburg Sainte Foy-lès-Lyon Limburg Lichfield Limburg Oudenburg Linden Sosnicowice Linden Loucna nad Linden Linden Warabi Linden Machern Lindenfels Moëlan sur Mer Lindenfels Pawlowiczki Linsengericht Alsónána, Linsengericht St. Etienne du Bois Löhnberg Ostermundigen Löhnberg Auleben Lollar Brassac-les-Mines Lonsheim Lückersdorf-Felenau Lorch Ligugé Lorch Saint Benoît Lorsch Le Coteau Lorsch Zwevegem Lörzweiler Epoisses Ludwigshöhe Kunzwerda Mainhausen Pöls Mainhausen Schwerstedt Maintal Luisant Maintal Moosburg Maintal Esztergom Maintal Katerini Mainz Baku Mainz Dijon Mainz Erfurt Mainz Haifa Mainz Kigali Mainz Longchamp Mainz Louisville Mainz Rodeneck Mainz Valencia Mainz Watford Mainz Zagreb Mauchenheim Bulliguy Messel Oberrodenbach Mettenheim Puppilin Mettenheim Mettenheim (Bayern) Michelstadt Hulst Michelstadt Rumilly Miltenberg Arnouville-lès-Gonesse Modautal Szölösgyörök Modautal Pelago Mömbris Pré Bocage Mömlingen La Rochette Mommenheim Neuilly-les-Dijon Mörfelden-Walldorf Vitrolles Mörfelden-Walldorf Wageningen Mörfelden-Walldorf Torre Pellice Mörlenbach Grossbreitenbach Mörlenbach Aszofö Mörlenbach Gardony-Agàrd Mörlenbach Gondreville Mossautal Binnenmaas Mühlheim am Main Saint-Priest Mühltal Nemours Mühltal Vingåker Münster Abtenau Münster Reinsdorf Münster-Sarmsheim Berric Münzenberg Ronneburg Nackenheim Pommard Nauheim Born – heute Stadtteil der Stadt Sittard-Geleen Nauheim Charvieu-Chavagneux Neckarsteinach Grein Neckarsteinach Pargny-sur-Saulx Neu-Anspach Saint-Florent-surCher Neu-Anspach Thalgau Neu-Anspach Sentjur Neuberg Neuberg an der Mürz Neu-Isenburg AndrézieuxBouthéon Neu-Isenburg Veauche Neu-Isenburg Dacorum Borough Neu-Isenburg Bad Vöslau Neu-Isenburg Weida Nidda Crest Nidda Weißenstein Nidda Bad Kösen Nidda Cromer Nidderau Gehren Nidderau Kurd Niederdorfelden Saint-Sever Niederheimbach Champtoceaux Nieder-Hilbersheim Bouchet Niedernberg Santes Niedernhausen llfeld Niedernhausen Wilrijk Nieder-Olm Recey Nieder-Olm Bussolengo Nieder-Olm L'Alcudia Nieder-Wiesen Salorney-sur-Guye Nierstein Gevrey-Chambertin Nierstein Freyburg Oberdiebach Tröbsdorf Oberheimbach Chargé Ober-Hilbersheim Bonavigo Ober-Hilbersheim Winterstein Obernburg a. Main Aszód Ober-Olm Ramonchamp Ober-Olm Schloßvippach Ober-Ramstadt Cogoleto Ober-Ramstadt Saint-André-lesVergers Ober-Ramstadt Pragelato Ober-Ramstadt Vermezzo Ober-Ramstadt Zelo Surrigone Ober-Ramstadt Thurm Obertshausen Laakirchen Obertshausen Meiningen Obertshausen Sainte Geneviève des Bois Oberursel (Taunus) Epinay-surSeine Oberursel (Taunus) Lomonossow / Oranienbaum Oberursel (Taunus) Rushmoor Oberursel (Taunus) Koggenland / Ursem Ockenheim Povegliano Oestrich-Winkel Denicé Oestrich-Winkel Tokaj Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Esch-Sur-Alzette Köszeg Kawagoe Mödling Nahariya Orjol Puteaux Rivas Saint-Gilles-LezBruxelles Tower Hamlets Velletri Yangzhou Zemun Offenheim-Stutzheim Adnet Calpe Givry Sant Ambrogio Werder Ortenberg (Baden) Mirebeau Lencloitre Langenweißbach Troissy Billère Sa- Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenheim Oppenheim Oppenheim Oppenheim Oppenheim Oppenheim Ortenberg Osthofen Otzberg Otzberg Partenheim Petersberg Petersberg biñánigo Pfungstadt Figline Valdarno Pfungstadt Gradignan Pfungstadt Héviz Pfungstadt Retford Pohlheim Admont Pohlheim Strehla Pohlheim Zirc Poppenhausen Poppenhausen (Bayern), Poppenhausen Poppenhausen (Thüringen), Poppenhausen Poppenhausen (Baden), Rabenau Nans-les-Pins Rabenau Plan d'Aups Rasdorf Himesháza Raunheim Le Teil Raunheim Trofarello Raunheim Shiramine Reichelsheim (Odenwald) Dol-deBretagne Reichelsheim (Wetterau) Reichels heim (Odenwald) Reinheim Cestas Reinheim Fürstenwalde Reinheim Licata Reinheim Sanok Reiskirchen Wandersleben Reiskirchen Muttersholtz Reiskirchen Goleszow Riedstadt Brienne-Le-Château Riedstadt Sortino Riedstadt Tauragé Rimbach Colwich-Haywood Rimbach Thourotte Rödermark Saalfelden Rödermark Tramin Rödermark Bodajk Rodgau Donja Stubica Rodgau Hainburg Rodgau Puiseaux Rodgau Nieuwpoort Romrod La Coquille Rosbach v. d. Höhe Netzschkau Rosbach v. d. Höhe Ciechanowiec Rosbach v. d. Höhe St. Germain les Corbeil Roßdorf Vösendorf Roßdorf Reggello Rüdesheim am Rhein Meursault Rüdesheim am Rhein Swanage Rüdesheim am Rhein Julienas Rüdesheim am Rhein Oingt Rüsselsheim Evreux Rüsselsheim Rugby Rüsselsheim Varkaus Rüsselsheim Kecskemét Saulheim Beire-le-Chatel Saulheim Neukirchen Schaafheim Richelieu Schaafheim Mansfeld Schlangenbad Craponne Schlitz Bogyiszlo Schlüchtern Jarocin Schmitten Courtomer, Schmitten Moulins la Marche Schmitten Ste. Gauburge Schöllkrippen Kochanowice Schöneck Anould Schöneck Gyomaendröd 1 Schotten Schotten Schotten Schotten Schotten Schwabenheim Arco Quevaucamps Crosne Rýmarov Maybole ChambolleMusigny Schwabenheim Schmerbach Schwabenheim Minerbe Schwalbach am Taunus Avrillé Schwalbach am Taunus Yarm Schwalbach am Taunus Olkusz Schwalbach am Taunus Schkopau Seeheim-Jugenheim Ceregnano Seeheim-Jugenheim Villenave d' Ornon Seeheim-Jugenheim Kosmonosy Seeheim-Jugenheim Cunersdorf Seligenstadt Brookfield Seligenstadt Triel-sur-Seine Selters (Taunus) Mohlsdorf Sörgenloch Ludes Spiesheim Sprendlingen Genlis Sprendlingen Longecourt-enPlaine Stadecken-Elsheim Rupt-surStadecken-Elsheim Bovolone Stadecken-Elsheim Ershausen Stadecken-Elsheim Wilbich Staufenberg Pusztaszabolcs Steinau an der Straße Sarród Steinau an der Straße Naszály Steinau an der Straße Szederkény Steinau an der Straße Welsberg Steinbach (Taunus) Pijnacker Steinbach (Taunus) Saint Avertin Steinbach (Taunus) SteinbachStockstadt Villa Lagarina Stockstadt St. André sur Orne Stockstadt St. Martin de Fontenay Stockstadt May sur Orne Sulzbach (Taunus) Jablonec nad Jizerou Sulzbach (Taunus) Pont Sainte Maxence Sulzbach (Taunus) Schönheide Sulzbach am Main Urrugne Sulzheim Canton Ste. Suzanne Tann Kaltennordheim Taunusstein Herblay Taunusstein Yeovil Taunusstein Caldes de Montbui Taunusstein Wünschendorf Trebur Verneuil Udenheim Blaisy-Bas Udenheim Dolcè Usingen Chassieu Usingen Overbetuwe (früher Valburg) Vendersheim Bruley bei Toul Viernheim Franconville Viernheim Potters Bar Viernheim Rovigo Viernheim Satonévri Wächtersbach Châtillon-surChalaronne Wächtersbach Vonnas Wächtersbach Baneins Wächtersbach Troizk Wächtersbach Roßleben Wackernheim Roncà Wackernheim Daix Waldalgesheim Ratten in der Steiermark Waldaschaff Clonakilty Waldems Szikszó Waldems St. Bonnet en Champsaur Wald-Michelbach Montmirail sur Marne Wald-Michelbach Hassocks Walluf La Londe les Maures Wehrheim Werischwar Weilburg Privas Weilburg Zevenaar Weilburg Käsmark Weilburg Colmar-Berg Weilburg Kizilcahamam Weiler Lugangano Weilmünster Le Cheylard Weilrod Billy-Berclau Weinbach Debrzno Weinolsheim Brochon Weiterstadt Verneuil sur Seine > Without doubt FrankfurtRhineMain is a level. Heading the international FRM twinning rank- gateway to the world. The airport links the ings is France with 287 (!) partnerships, followed by region with the entire globe. 130 airlines fly to 317 des- Italy with 63 and Great Britain with 47. Hardly surpris- tinations in 105 countries from here. Impressive figures. ing, after all, when World War II ended, such twinning And as regards international networking another fact agreements largely served as a vehicle for reconcilia- is no less impressive. The cities and municipalities tion with former wartime enemies. Indeed, it was the in the FrankfurtRhineMain region have partnerships Germans and French who specifically promoted such with 760 municipalities – 649 of them abroad. Argua- municipal friendships. And indeed, FrankfurtRhine- bly no other region in Germany cultivates such twin- Main was among the pioneers of city partnerships. ning agreements as intensively and at such a high Amittedly, the honor of the first partnership involving 1 1 2 1 17 1 1 3 28 47 3 17 2 19 6 1 34 287 43 2 3 63 2 1 9 1 1 4 3 2 1 6 2 1 1 649 Twin towns abroad FrankfurtRhineMain is one of the best networked regions in Europe 1 1 1 // FRM Internationa 8 5 2 FrankfurtRhineMain is very active when it comes to town twinning. Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Wiesbaden, Bad Homburg and Offenbach combined can boast an amazing 64 twin towns 56 57 // FRM 02 I 09 Germany and signed and sealed back in 1925 goes to ceived the symbolic European Flag and in 1975 the Euro- North Germany, more precisely to Kiel. But number two pean Prize from the European Council in Strasbourg. comes from Wiesbaden. As early as 1930 the spa town Since 1975 it has borne the title City of Europe. sealed its friendship with Klagenfurt in Austria. Today, But it is always the citizens who form the heart of every politan outlook. The Olfen district of Beerfeld (in the city partnership. Oberursel’s citizens engage in exem- Odenwald), for example, boasts the “smallest partner- plary efforts for their twinning cities. This year on ship in Europe”. with Trévignin in France. But other in- October 10 there will be a big party to celebrate three teresting facts emerge on perusing the region’s extensive anniversaries. 45 years jumelage with Epinay, France, partnership list. Hardly anyone is surprised that Frank- 20 years partnership with Rushmoor, Britain and five furt has close ties with Toronto and Birmingham, or that years with Lomonossov, Russia. Incidentally, in Sep- Bad Homburg and Dubrovnik are partnered. But Offen- tember the partnership between Oberursel and Lomon- bach’s connections with the city of Rivas in Nicaragua, ossov produced the first matrimonial connection. Na- or those of Mainz with Kigali in Ruanda or Ginsheim- talya went to Oberursel in 2005 as a trainee. Now she is Gustavsburg with Ballou, Senegal sound much more ex- happily wed to Oliver, an engineer from the town near otic. Some FRM cities have even earned prizes for their Frankfurt. Their honeymoon is just one good example of international networking efforts: In 1964 Darmstadt re- cultivating partnership. -B arr e[ FR Lyon [F AN FRANKFURT Milan [ITALY] 14 ] BLIC REPU ] EL Kairo Kr ak au ig [G Te [IS Guangzhou [CHINA] z Leip RA viv lA AB AR bai Du NITED A] [U RAGU [NICA a d a n Gra ] E] S] TE RA I EM CE RANC ECH e [CZ Pragu Bud ape st [H -la ERM [CANA DA] uil ANY ] Toront o De ham ing N] Birm RITAI B EAT [GR UNG ARY ] even the smaller FRM municipalities have a very cosmo- [P [EGY OL PT] AN D] // Community The Journalist Olga Wilms informs the community and visitors about the region with a Russian-language magazine 58 59 FRM 02 I 09 MOSCOW ON THE MAIN The Russians’ preference for FrankfurtRhineMain has a long-standing tradition. Even Dostoevsky recorded his experiences in the region in the novel “The Gambler”. Since the Berlin Wall came down the Russian community has been growing continually BY CHRISTIAN SÄLZER AND TIM WEGNER (PHOTOGRAPHS) > What do Russians think the first time they land in the Rhine-Main region? “They are astonished that Frankfurt is so much smaller than Moscow. And they are amazed by the quality of life and the diversity of the region”, says Olga Wilms. The 31-year old, who was born in Novosibirsk, has been working in the Frankfurt office of the MK publishing house, the largest in what is today the Russian Federation for five years. She recently became editor-in-chief of “Life in Rhein-Main”, a new Russian-language magazine guide to the region. From the castles along the Rhine, the vintage car rally, the Deutsche Klinik für Diagnostik in Wiesbaden and the Frankfurt Christmas market – the themes indicate who the target group is: “In addition to well-heeled Russians living here we also target business people, visitors and medical tourists.” Their numbers are clearly not insignificant. From the first to the second issue the publisher almost doubled the print run to 12,000. To Wiesbaden or Bad Homburg to recuperate – this is not the first time that wealthy Russians are discovering the region for themselves. In the last decades of the Czar’s regime the bourgeoisie and nobles of Moscow and St. Petersburg enjoyed life in the spa towns in the region. For writers such as Turgenev, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and later on the Expressionist painters, the journey to FrankfurtRhineMain was well worth while. In many places the heyday of the ties between Hesse and Russia has left traces: the orthodox churches in Darmstadt, Bad Nauheim, Bad Homburg and – architecturally outstanding – on Neroberg in Wiesbaden. Then there is the novel “The Gambler”, in which Dostoevsky dealt with his “bad luck” in the casinos in Wiesbaden The Organizer Michael Friedmann brings Russian culture, from pop singers to ballet ensembles, to Germany // Community The Kindergarten Teacher Alexandra Basova raises the children of Russian parents in the German-Russian kindergarten “Nezabudka” GEODATA 1 50°07'30.66"N 0 8 °4 0 ' 0 3 . 5 7 " E 1/2/3/4 and Bad Homburg. And then again there are the pictures by Alexei Jawlensky, which even today are the most valuable in the federal state capital’s museum. The two World Wars put an end to this intensive exchange though with the demise of the Soviet Union the page has turned again. Nobody knows this better than archpriest Dimitri Graf Ignatiew. Every Sunday for several decades now he has been holding services in St Nicholas, the church of the Frankfurt Russian orthodox community. “For a long time our parish was not getting bigger, just older”, he says. Nowadays the church with the onion domes in the Hausen district of the city is bursting to the seams. “We're now a very young community”, Ignatiew says. In the past 18 years lots of people from the former Soviet republics have left their home country and built a new life for themselves in FrankfurtRhineMain. Whereas in 1991 there were just 1,183 registered in Frankfurt, today there are six times as many, more than 10,000 in the region. Michael Friedmann has also noticed the growth. The concert organizer, who has been in Frankfurt since 1991 on account of its central location, stages events in Germany featuring the best-known Russian pop singers, folklore and The Priest Dimitri Graf Ignatiew looks after a parish that is becoming ever bigger in the Frankfurt neighborhood of Hausen cabaret groups, as well as ballet ensembles. Almost every other day a performance he has organized now takes place in Germany or elsewhere in Europe – and the number is increasing. Government and business have played an active role in the strong upswing in relations between Russia and Hesse. By way of example, as early as 1991 representatives of Frankfurt and 60 61 FRM 02 I 09 Moscow signed a cultural agreement, while in 1995 the Business Development Bureau in Frankfurt and the Finance Agency of the city of Moscow concluded a cooperation agree- The Businessman Sergei Rodionov heads the Russian Chamber of Commerce in Frankfurt and swears by it as a business center ment. The German-Russian Business Forum, an initiative set up by major Frankfurt banks, Deutsche Börse, the Center for the Promotion of foreign Investments in Russia (ZfAR) and the Frankfurt am Main Business Development Bureau, has emerged as a driving force in economic cooperation. There is no shortage of success stories – on both sides Companies from FrankfurtRhineMain are committed to the growth market in Russia, while today there are well over one hundred firms from Russia operating between Aschaffenburg and Wiesbaden – from the watch manufacturer “Alexander Shorokhoff” in Alzenau to the east of Hanau, to major finance institutes. Just how important FrankfurtRhineMain is from a Russian perspective is revealed by two other decisions in its favor: In early 2008 a Russian Consulate General opened in downtown Frankfurt for the first time. Two years earlier the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation opened a second representative office in Frankfurt after Berlin. “This makes Germany the only country in the world in which we have two offices”, says its general manager, Sergei Rodionov. And why is that? “Entering the German market is only possible through the Rhine-Main region.” And what standing does the region have on a European basis? “Russian billionaires buy a villa in London”, Rodionov explains, but as far as business is concerned Frankfurt is far more important.” \\ “The Gambler” is set in FRM “The main thing is moral strength. I only need to think about my state seven months ago in Rouletteville, in the period before my complete breakdown. Oh, what remarkable proof of decisiveness it was! I had gambled away everything, absolutely everything. Leaving the Kurhaus I noticed I had one more guilder in my inside pocket. “Aha“, I thought, I have something to buy lunch with after all!” Having gone one hundred steps, however, I had different thoughts and turned round. I put the guilder on manque (manque had come up trumps the previous time), and really, it is a very special feeling, all alone in a foreign country, far from home and all your friends, betting your last guilder, your very last one, without knowing to what you’re going to eat that day! I won, and after twenty minutes left the Kurhaus with 170 guilders in my pocket to my name. That is a fact! This shows what you can do with your very last guilder! But what would have become of me, if I had lost my courage and not dared to make a bold decision? Tomorrow, tomorrow, everything will end well!” From the novel “The Gambler”, in which Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) wrote about his addiction to gambling and his experiences in the casinos in Wiesbaden and Bad Homburg. It is unclear which of the two places “Rouletteville” refers to. // CHILL OUT IN FRM Lifestyle PLACES TO RELAX It does not have to the lounge and an exotic drink. You can find peace and quiet in many places in the busy region, for example here: BY JANET SCHAYAN Smit, SpJotocz, Carlos E. Santa Maria, Anna Diederich, Stephen Sweet, Nikateron, Jule Berlin, Mark Yuill, Stepanov, Ivan Ponomarev, Sergej Razvodovskij 1 To the park bench in Grüneburgpark to decelerate 2 To Kloster Eberbach to gather spiritual strength 3 To the Opel Zoo in Kronberg to keep the children happy You can get to the park by bike, but OK it is true, that it is not exactly a se- In a white dress in front of the game when you do please get off it. It’s best cret tip. Nonetheless, it is always nice enclosure, holding a bag of animal of all fi rst thing in the morning. It here. It need not be at the weekend feed like cooked almonds. A wide will revitalize your spirit. Particularly when everybody is out and about. A grin. A child’s happiness in summer in the early fall, when the sun still has free day during the week is far better. 1972. Driven up in the yellow Opel enough power to disperse the mist. When everybody else is working, to Rekord with mummy, daddy and the Then there are sometimes those magi- just go to the monastery for an hour or little brother. Unforgetable. Some- cal moments in Grüneburgpark. two, to linger on one’s own for at least times it is supposedly quite normal Breath in, breath out. Ignore the fit- a moment in the strict Romanesque things one remembers particularly ness freaks jogging round and sit basilica and collect one’s thoughts. well. Like a relaxed family trip to the down on a park bench for a few min- And to sense the amount of time these Opel Zoo. Incidentally, it works the utes. Provocatively, without any sem- walls have existed. For more than 800 same way today as it did 40 years ago. blance of a workout. The green of the years now the mighty nave has been a And not just with children at the pet- park shines. Very british. On the grass place of prayer, song and thought. The ting zoo age. Even older boys enjoy a Tai-Chi artist is practicing his slow place’s aura is tangible. “Porta patet, watching the elephants. They are movements. And just watching helps cor magis” –the door is open, the heart cool, there is no beating them, they you become calm. The skyline in the even more so. A motto of the Cistercian are the epitome of calm. Th ick- background does not let you forget monks who founded the monastery in skinned, after all. The longer you that downtown is really close. Let the the 12th century. A mantra for visitors watch, the more your blood pressure day begin. to it. drops… 62 63 FRM 02 I 09 GEODATA 4 To the KaiserFriedrich-Therme for total relaxation 5 1 5 0 ° 1 2 ' 74 . 0 2 " N 08°66'01 .02"E 2 50°0 4'21 . 20"N 08°05'03.18"E 3 5 0 ° 1 8 '4 2 . 6 3 " N 0 8 °4 8 ' 3 5 . 4 8 " E 4 50°08'51 .10"N 0 8 ° 24 ' 0 3 . 47 " E 5 50°0 4'52.35"N 08°19'90.62"E 6 5 0 ° 1 8 ' 8 8 . 1 1" N 0 8 ° 5 1' 2 2 . 5 9 " E To Schierstein marina to get a breath of sea air 2 3/6 1 F 4/5 6 To the Schlosshotel Kronberg for Royal Tea Tepidarium, sudatorium, sanarium, This is not an illusion. And we haven’t Relaxing with style and elegance. Dig- lavaorum, frigidarium. Now decline even had a drink yet. They really are nified, pleasurable – and with cu- them please. No, don’t worry you don’t parrots, a swarm of them, green, yel- cumber sandwiches. It goes without need to have done Latin at school to low, screeching. The rose-ringed para- saying that the term “English After- understand these chill-out classics. A keets gather in the dusk before flying noon Tea” in the Kaiser’s library in visit to the Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme in to the tree to sleep. It’s not surprising, Schlosshotel Kronberg is pure un- Wiesbaden teaches you this very because we are in the south here. derstatement inspired by the British. quickly. Between lessons please don’t Spotlessly clean sail boats are ancho- The small culinary work of art in this forget to gather your strength in the red. On the terrace of Yachtcafe Goethe noble setting was at least able to be warm water of the Adlerquelle. And it is as if you were on the deck of a called Royal Tea. And the venerable enjoy with all your senses the won- schooner enjoying the view of the wa- walls were designed and lived in by derful 1913 Art Nouveau baths that ter and the Alpes-Maritimes, sorry, Princess Royal Victoria, who was have restored in such an exemplary the gentle hills of the Rheingau. When born in Buckingham Palace and was way. Afterwards you may well cer- it’s windy and the weather is poor the German Kaiserin for 99 days. Th is tea tainly fall gently asleep on one of the view also works from the warmth ge- time has to be well planned: It is only comfortable black recliners in the Lu- nerated through the large panorama held on selected weekends, and it is menarium, the quiet room with chan- windows. For a short time-out in bet- best to inquire by phone fi rst ging colored spots on the arched cei- ween Schierstein the marina is just the (0 61 73/7 01 01). Coffee is served as ling. Latin is fun like this. Lumenari- place. It’s like being on the Côte. well – and Charles has already been um, lumenarii, lumenario… here. // Lifestyle GEODATA Pakhnyushcha, Lena Rozova, Ultrashock, titelio, Olaf Rehmert 7 To the Kempinski Falkenstein for a panorama view of FRM 8 7 50°19'28.6 4"N 0 8 °4 8 ' 0 8 . 8 7 " E 8 5 0 ° 1 1' 76 . 3 4 " N 08°67 ' 95.6 4"E 9 50°09'8 5.4 6"N 0 8 °4 3 ' 6 1 . 0 5 " E To Fleming’s for an after-work drink overlooking Frankfurt 7 F 9 8 9 To Hofheim to take a deep breath on the Meisterturm The view from the terrace would cer- Take the paternoster up. Where If you want to chill here you have to tainly have deserved a sixth star. The can you still do that? It is nostalgic in- sweat fi rst. That is because you only Kempinski-Hotel Falkenstein already deed. Then order an Aperol Sprizz at reach the Meisterturm on foot – and has five anyway. For anyone wishing the bar on the seventh floor and gaze only uphill. To a height of 292 meters. to observe the FrankfurtRhineMain through the window. It’s nice just as From Hofheim. If you do make it, an- region and the Frankfurt skyline from the sun is going down and the Taunus other 35 meters takes you to the top of a distance, this is the place. After- hills are bathed in red. Are they really the Meisterturm. Not having vertigo wards the best thing to do is plunge that close to the city? A totally new is advantageous, the spiral staircase is into the heated outdoor pool. Or take perspective. Then the big city lights. surrounded by lots of space on all four the underground tunnel to the Ascara At the same level as the top of Eschen- sides. The steps are open – and there Spa in the next building. Anti-aging, heimer Turm. You don’t experience are 173 of them to be precise. When fitness, bio-spa and beauty all feature that very often either. From this angle there is a clear view, directly above on the pampering program here. Pha- Frankfurt looks like a really big city. the tree tops you can see far as the raonic milk baths and lomi-lomi-nui But we will not be affected by stress Odenwald. And of course over the massages. Even though one can no here. We are above it all. hills of the Taunus. One should take a longer abide the word wellness: A deep breath here and then perhaps day of luxury can sometimes work take a stroll through the woods. wonders. 64 65 FRM 02 I 09 BANK ON GERMANY As a central institution for around 1,000 cooperative banks in Germany we have long been known for our stability and reliability. We are one of the market leaders in Germany and a renowned commercial bank with comprehensive expertise in international financing solutions and representations in major financial and commercial centers. Find out more about us: // Preview EDITION 03 FEBRUARY 2010 Rat für Formgebung DESIGN PRIZE Every year the Frankfurt-based German Design Council’s design prize represents the sector’s “prize of prizes”. The region competes with excellent design ABOUT FRM The magazine FRM appeared for the first time at the end of June 2009. The goal the editors set themselves was to give concrete contours to the way FrankfurtRhineMain portrays itself in and beyond the region and to help strengthen the region’s identity. Only a few weeks after it appeared the first print run of 35,000 copies, 15,000 of them in English, was already no longer available. Tim Wegner FOUNDATIONS The 2010 German Foundation Congress is being held in Frankfurt. Its theme: Foundations in the City – Impetus for the local Community. FRM has long since been regarded as a region of foundations More than half the print run goes to companies, institutions and associations in the region, as well as national and international universities and cultural institutions. They use the magazine to provide interested clients, partners, members and students with a differentiated picture of FrankfurtRhineMain. A good 30 percent of the print run goes to multipliers and interested parties in and beyond FrankfurtRhineMain – including more than 3,000 media in and outside Germany. As such FRM reaches more editorial desks than most of the region’s other communication means. 15 percent of the print run was ordered directly by readers wanting to learn more about FrankfurtRhineMain. We would like to offer our thanks for this advance of trust. It will be an incentive for us. FRM ORDER FORM IMPRINT I would like to order FRM – The magazine on the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region – free of charge (please tick box). Publisher FRM – The magazine on the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region is published by FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH International Marketing of the region in cooperation with Wirtschaftsinitiative e.V./Themenwelt and Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main FALL 2009 EDITION (CURRENT ISSUE) REGULARLY COMMENCING WITH THE COMING EDITION Please send FRM – The magazine on the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region in GERMAN ENGLISH to: COMPANY / INSTITUTION NAME Advisory team to the editorial office Dr. Hartmut Schwesinger (FrankfurtRheinMain GmbH), Annette Schömmel (Wirtschaftsinitiative e.V./Themenwelt), Henner Alms (Wirtschaftsinitiative e.V./Themenwelt), Peter Hintereder (Societäts-Verlag) Publishing House Societäts-Verlag, Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei GmbH, Tel. (069) 75 01-0, Managing Directors: Hans Homrighausen, Burkhard Petzold Information in accordance with clause 5, paragraph 2 of the Hessian Act on the Freedom and Rights of the Press: shareholders in the company are: Fazit Foundation, Gemeinnützige Verlagsgesellschaft mbH; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH Address of the Publisher and Editorial Office Frankenallee 71–81, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, this is also the service address for all responsible parties and authorized persons mentioned in the imprint Editorial Office Editor-in-chief: Peter Hintereder, Martin Orth (Desk Editor), Janet Schayan, Julia Söhngen (Pocket Guide), Mariella Höfle (documentation), Dr. Jeremy Gaines (Translation), Tel. (069) 75 01-43 52, Fax (069) 75 01-43 61 STREET Art Direction Dunja Metz, Stefanie Schwary ZIP CODE / PLACE Production Stefan Reichart, André Herzog Distribution Klaus Hofmann, Tel. (069) 75 01-42 74, Fax (069) 75 01-45 02 COUNTRY E-MAIL Ordering by fax: +49 (0)69 75 01 45 02 Ordering by e-mail: [email protected] Subscribing online: 66 67 FRM 02 I 09 Notes FRM – The magazine on the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region appears four times a year. Articles by named contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor’s office.Reprints only with the publisher’s authorization. FRQVHOOGH Discover our unique ways to make your visions come true. Visions, ideas and dreams come in different sizes, but putting them into practice is great at any rate. To promote your success FrankfurtRhineMain offers a first-rate infrastructure right in the heart of Europe. Whether it’s road, rail, water, air or state of the art data highway – our means of transportation in FrankfurtRhineMain are as diverse as your objectives may be, but they share one destination: your success. Discover how to make the most of your business. Join the network of FrankfurtRhineMain. Anzeige – FRM – GB – Digital Concert Hall – 210 x 276 mm – 16.09.2009, 12:41 Uhr CORPORATE & INVESTMENT BANKING I ASSET MANAGEMENT I PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT I PRIVATE & BUSINESS CLIENTS We proudly present: the Berliner Philharmoniker – live on the internet We believe great art should be accessible to everyone. Deutsche Bank has encouraged this approach for decades, recognising that nothing can take the place of first-hand experience. In supporting the Digital Concert Hall, we help to provide a truly innovative new concert experience, a concert broadcast via the internet. Classical music fans can thus enjoy the Berliner Philhamoniker in an entirely new sound dimension – live and yet, from the comfort of their own home. Deutsche Bank cordially invites you to take part: © Copyright Deutsche Bank 2009 Photo: Monika Rittershaus 210x276_DigiConHall_FRM_GB2.indd 1 16.09.2009 18:18:58 Uhr