native american haplogroup catalog
native american haplogroup catalog
NATIVE AMERICAN HAPLOGROUP CATALOG PekowiBlueJacket Project Compiled by Gaylord Hinshaw, administrator Family Tree DNA Family Finder autosomal test Matches file was downloaded and edited for this article. The Family Finder Matches downloaded file primarily displays cM’s and Ancestral Surnames. A cM is a centiMorgan and these units are used to show how two persons are related to each other genetically. Both persons being compared share a common ancestor who was born at a Genetic Distance from them. In comparing, a Genetic Distance of 0 (zero) shows that the two persons were born in the same generation. Brothers, sisters and first cousins are at a GD of 0. A GD of 1 is for second cousins, a GD of 2 is for third cousins, a 3 is for fourth cousins and so on. The cM’s listed for each match is for their major ethnic group or Haplogroup. The Matches spreadsheet file is sorted on the Shared cM column and values decrease downward so matches get further away genetically. . At inception, fathers and mothers pass mutated chromosomes to their children. Each parent passes 22 chromosomes and they are called autosomal chromosomes. The chromosomes contain information call single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNP’s. The SNP’s are the records of our inheritance from our ancestors going back to and beyond when homo sapiens were developed, about 130,000 years ago. This chart shows the approximate ranges of cM values when comparing two persons with each other. centiMorgans Chart to determine relationships. Ranges of total centimorgans of IBD segments expected, based on family relationship. Half siblings would reduce the number by about 1/2 Parent/child: 3539-3748 centimorgans (cMs) 1st cousins: 548-1034 cMs 1st cousins once removed: 248-638 cMs 2nd cousins: 101-378 cMs 2nd cousins once removed: 43-191 cMs 3rd cousins: 43-ca 150 cMs 3rd cousins once removed: 11.5-99 cMs 4th and more distant cousins: 5-ca 50 cMs Ranges of the number of shared IBD segments based on family relationship Parent/child: 23-29 1st cousins: 17-32 1st cousins once removed: 12-23 2nd cousins: 10-18 2nd cousins once removed: 4-12 3rd cousins: 2-6? 3rd cousins once removed: 1-4 4th and more distant cousins: 0-2 4th and more distant cousins: 0-2 Native American matches are not unusual in non-Indians as early Europeans arrived with a shortagr of women and native maidens took up the slack. Family Finder’s myOrigins does not show ethnic distribution for groups that make up less than one percent of the total DNA. The mtDNA Haplogroups that contain Native Americans are A, B, C, D and X or their subclades (sub-divisions). About 95 percent of all Native Americans are in YDNA haplogroup Q. Many subclades of the haplogroups above do not contain Native Americans. Native American subclades are those that were developed after the Old World peoples entered the western hemisphere beginning about 23,000 years ago. In general, ancestors of Native Americans were peoples residing in the Altai Mountains of Central Siberia about 25,000 years ago. The region was in Southern Russia, Northeast Kazakhstan. Northern China and Northwestern Mongolia. The last Pliestocene ice maximum was about 100,000 years ago and was a factor in the lives of land animal life, especially humanoids and homo sapiens. As glacial ice receded in Siberia, Native American ancestors migrated northward and by about 20,000 years ago, crossed into the Western Hemisphere via a land bridge, now being the Bering Strait, Once in Alaska, they were still “iced in” but did move back and forth for about 5,000 years. During that time, new haplogroups developed and these became the Native Americans. Once ice free avenues HAPLOGROUP CATALOG Y-DNA Haplogroup C-CTS10762 C-M216 C-P39 Q-CTS1780 Q-L53 Q-L54 Q-M242 Q-M3 Q-M346 Haplogroup Origins C-CTS10762 - this haplgroup not found C-M216 - Katgmandu Nepal, Southern Asia C-P39 - North American Canada Q-CTS1780 - Mexico, Guatamala, South America, Q-L53 - in the pre-Columbian Americas and Eurasia Q-L54 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas Q-M346 - Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Central, South and West Asia. mtDNA Haplogroup A A2ac A2-C64T A2e A2f A2l A2x B B2 Haplogroup Origins A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2ac - Columgia A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaul, Choctaw, New Brunswick and the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years agock A2e - Clovis (Anzick) specimen A2f - Clovis (Anzick) specimen A2l - Mexico A2x - Mesico B - Clovis (Anzick) specimen B2 - is Native, Mexican, Columbian, Mayan, Covis (Anzick) specimen, B2a B2a1a1 B2c B2c2a B2g B2g1 B4'5 C C1b C1b10 C1b7 C1b9a C1c1 C1c1b C1c2 C1d1c1 C1d-C194T D D1 X X2a1a X2b X2b5 X2b-T226C X2e2a X4 Yaqui, European, South American,, ancient remains from Lauricocha cave in central Andean highlands. B2a - widespread in SW U. S., Chippewa clan, Tsimshian in Canada, Mexico, Ojibwa, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. B2a1a1 - Clovis(Anzick) specimen, Mexico B2c - Hispanic, Asia, Clovis (Amzick) specimen. B2c2a - Mexico B2g - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico B2g1 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba C - Cherokee East,Mexico, Turkey, Puerto Rico. Ecuador. Argentina, Poland. Canada, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. C1b - North, Central and South Americas C1b10 - Mexico C1b7 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico C1b9a - origin not found C1c1 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen C1c1b - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico C1c2 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico C1d1c1 - Texas, Michigan, Mexico C1d-C194T - Mexico, Argentina, Columbia D - Choctawm Kore, Japan, Mexico, Venezuel, Clovis (Anzick) specimen D1 - Beringian, Mexican, North American, Katuena, Poturujara, Surui, Tiryo, Waiwa, Zoro, Gaviao, Guarani/Rio-das-Cobras, Guarani, Brazilian, Que Chia, Pima Indian, British Colombia, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2a1a - found among the Sioux and Tanoan speakers X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick) Specimen X2b5 - possibly in Navajo, Yakima and Ojibwa X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick specimen) specimen X2e2a - Clovix (Anzick. X4 - central Euirope, Caucasus, central Asia Fig. 1 In Central Asia, areas of Southern Russia, Northeastern Kazakhastan, Northern China and Northwestern Mongolia contain the Altai Moutntains. This reion became the cradle of Native American ancestors. Q-M242 was a pricipal group that spawned various native populations, carrying into the western hemisphere. Similarily, mtDNA haplogroups passed through Beringia with the same results. Once in Beringia, they had to tarry for about 5,000 years due to glacial ice. Altough not shown, Polynesian DNA e nded up in the Americas and the Pin in Hawaii could be on the ocean track or tracks. Finally, Shawnee SNP's of today were a resuld of the five Shawnee divisions coming together in the Ohio Valley by the end ot the French Indian War in 1763. Much travlling continued before we settled in Indian Territory for good. Fig. 2 During the waiting period, several haplogroups developed. Once avenues to the south opened up, the New World was populated from head to toe. Family Finder Native American Haplogroup Matches In this Bluejacket familu catalog of haplogroups, there are no keys to identifing the Shawnee Tribe of Indians. All but four of the 22 members of PekowiBlueJacket Project trace their genealogy back to Shawnee leader Blue Jacket. Their genetic relationships support going back 278 years to his birth of about 1737. Haplogoups Q-M242, Q-M3 and X are wide ranging in the Americas and most Native Americans in the U. S. probably relate to those three. Haplogroups B4'5 and B2are wideranging also.. The Anzick site shown in Figure 1 is a burial complex on the Anzick Ranch in southwestern Montans. The site is about12,500 years old and contained an intact skull of a 2 year old boy that has many of mtDNA haplgroups in the above catalog plus, the Anzick Child was in YDNA haplogrooup Q-L54. Haplogroup X2b-T226C so far is limited to the Clovis (Anzick) specimen. There are 25 mtDNA haplogroups that are in just one of our members. Maria Malcom and her mother are Hispanic, and Maria has most of those single haplogroups.. However, B2 amd B4'5 are found in the Anzick Child and in the southwestern United States and Mexico. The Shawee DNA of today linked with the Anzick peoples (Clovis Age of Native Americans) prior to going south from North America, through Mexico, Central Americ and into South America incuding Chile and Argentia. No. YDNA 32 Q-M242 28 Q-M3 3 Q-L54 2 C-M216 2 C-P39 1 C-CTS10762 1 Q-CTS1780 1 Q-L53 1 Q-M346 Total Matces 17 No. 24 18 15 12 9 5 5 4 4 mtDNA No. 1 1 1 1 mtDNA X X2b-T226C B4'5 B2 C D D1 B2c C1c2 C1 C1b C1b10 C1b4 No. 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 No. 1 1 1 1 mtDNA X2b5 C1d-C194T A2e A2f1a B2a1a1 B2g1 C1b C1b7 C1c mtDNA D2a1a D2a1a – Aleut D4i2 X2a1a No. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C1d1a1 A2g1 A2l A2x B B2a1a1 B2c2a B2g B4b1c1 1 C1b7 1 C1b9a 1 C1c 1 C1c1a 1 C1c1b 1 1 1 1 X2a2 X2b7 X2c1 X2e1 Total Matches 134 Native American DNA Precentages of Bluejacket Family Members Native American DNA precentages includes Central Asia and Northeast Asia ancestors. Those percentages have to be included when totalling Native American percentages. The data is from PekowiBluejacket Member Appendix Last Name 1 First Name 2 Middle Name 3 Y-DNA Haplogroup mtDNA Haplogroup Relationship Range Suggested Relationship Shared cM Longest Block 40.69 29.81 66.42 26.71 23.22 17.87 34.09 11.92 E-mail NATIVE AMERICAN HAPLOGROUP MATCHES Robert Denton Bluejacket Fortune Alexander Fletcher Rose Dave Bluejacket Bert Henry Jones Eugene Joseph Young Guzman McGarvey Steven Jose J. Marvin Drake Bell Bluejacket Robert Huff John Sharp William Bluejacket B Bluejacket Robert Pruhs Dittli Stout Fletcher Whitman Lee Denton Joseph H. H Eugene Sharon John Leland Gary Grant Sophi (Dorothy) F Daniel C-P39 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-L54 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M3 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M3 K 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin C-P39 - North American Canada Q-L54 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] B2a1a1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.13 8.79 [email protected] D 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 38.31 13.74 [email protected] X2b5 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 43.03 9.52 [email protected] B2a1a1 - Clopvis(Anzick) specimen, Mexico D – Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Choctaw, Korea, Japan, Mexico and Venezuela. Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M3 2nd Cousin - 3rd Cousin 2nd Cousin Q-M3 2nd Cousin - 3rd Cousin 2nd Cousin Q-M242 - widesspread in the Americas Q-M3 - widesspread in the Americas mtDNA Haplogroup Matches B2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin B4'5 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin B4'5 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin D1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 81.41 26.53 29.76 141.96 147.70 34.71 8.60 23.86 29.89 37.63 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 35.82 23.03 76.40 25.72 28.13 9.79 7.73 31.80 8.14 8.24 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Easley HENSON Raper Jodi Janet Joe Katherine Ann Gaylord Carlyle Hinshaw Bluejacket Robert Denton Faulkner ChristopherJohn Huff Billie J X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.44 9.93 [email protected] X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 28.36 8.04 [email protected] X2b5 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 31.79 10.17 [email protected] B2 - is pre-Clovis in age being over 12,500 years old B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba C - Cherokee East, Mexico, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Argentina, Poland, Canada, C;ovis (Anzick) specimen D1 - Beringian, Mexican, North American, Katuena, Poturujara, Surui, Tiryo, Waiwa, Zoro, Gaviao, Guarani/Rio-das-Cobras, Guarani, Brazilian, Que Chia, Pima Indian, British Colombia, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. X - Washington State, Malhi, Tamm amd Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2b5 - possibly in Navajo, Yakima and Ojibwa Q-M242 Q-M242 Q-M242 K 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 31.90 37.65 36.74 14.24 13.41 10.73 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Nhung Koromzay Jennings Parsons Phan Anh Mary-Blanche George Oden John Winston Charles Bingham Bluejacket Robert Denton Marshall Martin Joseph Bluejacket B H Bueno OrtÃ-z Odgers Davidson Sorrells Denny McArthur Noemi Nolin Alejandro Richard Stace Ellen Mattie Estrada Bert William Catherine B4'5 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 43.30 22.46 X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 23.24 13.61 X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 22.76 9.60 X2b-T226C 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 29.35 13.28 B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick)sSpecimen Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas QA-M3 - widespread in the Americas A A B2c1 C1b D X2b-T226C X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 81.04 32.42 66.42 23.26 7.79 34.09 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 24.69 32.27 31.84 28.85 32.48 45.22 25.40 9.16 8.04 8.19 8.77 14.48 13.08 15.37 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Roberts Dobelbower Tanya Peter nmn X2b-T226C X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 22.84 33.57 7.81 8.19 [email protected] [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. B2c1 - found in Mexico C1b - widely distributed in the New World, not in Asia D - Choctaw, Korea , Japan, Mexico, Venezuela Anzick Child X2b-T226C - present in Clovis (Anzic) specimen X4 - central Euirope, Caucasus, central Asia Vaughn Alan Pedersen Bluejacket Robert Bluejacket Bert Denton Henry Willie Erving Haynes Haynes Shield Sort Sort Willie Shield Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M3 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas 86.17 49.02 30.84 22.49 [email protected] [email protected] A 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 28.73 10.82 [email protected] D1 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.18 10.29 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. D1 - Beringian, Mexican, North American, Katuena, Poturujara, Surui, Tiryo, Waiwa, Zoro, Gaviao, Guarani/Rio-das-Cobras, Guarani, Brazilian, Que Chia, Pima Indian, British Colombia, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. Carolynn Ann Hinshaw Bluejacket Bluejacket afable Cousins Brazile Crowe Alford Berdugo Robert Robert Paul Francisco Consuelo Darrell Juan Denton Eugene E L V. Abravanel Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M3 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas 4th Cousin Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas mtDNA Haplogorup Matches A 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin A2f1a 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin B4'5 4th Cousin - Remote -Cousin C 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin C1b 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin D1f 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin [email protected] 106.35 33.84 34.35 34.35 17.58 17.05 [email protected] [email protected] 46.05 46.42 41.75 24.47 42.08 23.44 9.34 17.41 10.57 8.07 9.60 8.30 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Cress Long Adairwojcik James Anne Diane Hilary Mattie Elizabeth Marie Ann Catherine M X X X X2b-T226C 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 22.65 25.97 22.80 26.11 18.54 9.77 8.11 10.68 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2f1a - Anzick, New Brunswick and Chippewa and Nova Scotia and Ojibwa and Mi’kmaq B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba C - Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina C1b - North, Central and South America D1 - Beringian, Mexican, North American, Katuena, Poturujara, Surui, Tiryo, Waiwa, Zoro, Gaviao, Guarani/Rio-das-Cobras, Guarani, Brazilian, Que Chia, Pima Indian, British Colombia, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. X - Clovis (Anzick) specdimen, Washington State, Algonquian proples, Souix, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Yakama . X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick specimen) specimen Rodney Wayne Slagle Robert Davis Sharon Pruhs Jimmy Spencer Lee Charles Graham Byron Whitesides Charles David Keys Amy Johnson Harold Allen Day Robert Edwin White Kim Louise Glidden John Goodson A2-C64T 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 39.00 11.00 B2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 27.00 10.00 B4b1c1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 31.00 9.00 C 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 31.00 10.00 D2a1a 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 31.00 14.00 D4i2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 42.00 8.00 X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 30.00 10.00 X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 23.00 8.00 X2b5 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 34.00 10.00 X2c1 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 39.00 15.00 X2e1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 22.00 8.00 A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaul, Choctaw, New Brunswick B2 - is Native American, Mexican, Columbian, Clovis (Anzick) specimen Yaqui, European, South American,, ancient remains from Lauricocha cave in central Andean highlands. B4b1c1 - China, new Jiang haplogroup C - Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina D2a1a – Aleut D4i2 - found in Nepal, Japan, Siberia, Kazakhstan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] X - Clovis (Anzick) specdimen, Washington State, Algonquian proples, Souix, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Yakama . X2b5 - possibly in Navajo, Yakima and Ojibwa Mary Lynn Bluejacketr Bluejacket Robert Denton Q-M242 Bluejacket Bert Henry Q-M3 K 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 2nd Cousin - 3rd Cousin 2nd Cousin Q-M3 R1a1b 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas. Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas. Santini Zack Adans Baukey Vets Vicki Barbara Phillip Dinna Tony Sbarra LaRue A. Lee - 53.00 15.72 217.63 48.14 26.16 8.95 A 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin 39.96 9.85 C1c 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin 21.62 7.83 C1c1a 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin 28.03 8.31 D 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 31.80 18.40 X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin 36.09 8.24 A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. C1c - Native American, dating to 1700 brought by Vikings. C1c1a - Asia – Herrnstadt, Pima, Mexico [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] D - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Choctaw, Korea, Japan, Mexico, Venezuela X2b-T226C - Clovix (Anzick sepicmen Robert Euegene Bluejacket Keizer Lous Elwood Bert Henry Bluejacket Bert Henry Joker Robert John Riley Sandra Pierce Nancy Miller Danell Cody Linda Marvel Fay Sands Samuel Paullus Workman Elaine Moore A Carl Q-M242 H1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 1st Cousin - 2nd Cousin 2nd Cousin Q-M3 J1c2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas 27.54 479.12 28.51 9.52 73.87 9.30 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 21.80 7.80 [email protected] A2f1a 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 23.50 8.93 [email protected] B4'5 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 21.08 8.16 [email protected] C1c 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 21.28 8.11 [email protected] C1d1a1 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 43.41 15.90 [email protected] X2b5 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 28.05 9.87 [email protected] X2b-T226C 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 29.65 10.37 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2f1a - Anzick, New Brunswick and Chippewa and Nova Scotia and Ojibwa and Mi’kmaq B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba C1c - Beringia, Mexian American, Canada, Cherokee, Cuba, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. C1d1a1 - Oklahoma, Montana, Quebec, Zacatecas – Perego, Canada-Cree – Rieux X2b5 - possibly in Navajo, Yakima and Ojibwa X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick specimen) specimen Robert Edward Lauzpn O'Shea Chamberlain Herbert Charlie Patrick C Smith Wheatley Morgan Monica John Patricia Dunbar Neil L. C-CTS10762 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin C-CTS10762 - this haplgroup not found Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas B2 X X 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin 30.93 29.90 7.8648400000 [email protected] [email protected] 26.13 33.06 57.5 10.79 7.74 25.36 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] B2 - is Native American, Mexican, Columbian, Clovis (Anzick) specimen Yaqui, European, South American,, ancient remains from Lauricocha cave in central Andean highlands. X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. Janet Elizabeth Bingham Hammer Frank Bluejacket Robert Sizemore Richard Carroll Irwin Samuel David David Lee Vella Tyner Donald McNeely Rice Campos Michael Eileen V. Steven Theodore Q-M242 U4a1b 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Denton Q-M242 k 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Paul Lee Richard Q-M3 35.42 29.41 29.41 15.21 11.77 11.77 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] C1 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 29.44 X2b-T226C 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 51.36 C1 is Native American, Mexican, Clovis (Anzick) specimen, X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick)sSpecimen 11.45 12.14 [email protected] [email protected] 13.44 [email protected] 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 30.34 A 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 20.12 8.35 [email protected] X 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.89 14.39 [email protected] X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.07 10.90 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick)sSpecimen Laurie Jones Neighbors Bluejacket Robert Stevens Philip Brown Bobby Tyner Donald cooke Foust Gonzalez Koromzay Larsen Sprouse H Ford Folan Stapleton Denton L R. Lee kevin michael Earl Edward Laura Ann Mary-Blanche Cheryl Royce P. C Susan Downey Martin Joseph Charles Homer Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M3 T1a1 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M3 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas 57.75 46.62 26.83 45.35 16.72 14.79 17.39 14.05 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 36.15 11.88 [email protected] A2e 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 35.73 14.27 [email protected] B2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 28.04 14.86 [email protected] X 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 29.16 20.72 [email protected] X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.11 8.27 [email protected] X 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 40.08 13.18 [email protected] X2a1a 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 24.09 8.91 [email protected] X2b-T226C 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 34.85 13.41 [email protected] X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.76 8.88 [email protected] X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 27.84 7.85 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2e - Clovis (Anzick) specimen B2 - is Native American, Mexican, Columbian, Clovis (Anzick) specimen Yaqui, European, South American,, ancient remains from Lauricocha cave in central Andean highlands. X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2a1a - found among the Sioux and Tanoan speakers X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick specimen) specimen Jacquline Ann Foster Gatlin Daniel Hooker John Bluejacket Robert Skidmarks Johnny Bluejacket Robert Gareth Darvin Denton Eugene C-M216 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-L54 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M3 2nd Cousin - 3rd Cousin 2nd Cousin C-M216 - has been found in Kathmandu and Nepal, probably acient DNA ancestral to Native Americans Q-L54 - North America and is in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen.. Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas., Q-M3 - widespread im the Americas. 24.64 34.76 61.24 35.01 142.54 10.27 8.29 34.09 13.79 33.96 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Madrigal THOMAS Bachelor Marvel Larsen Holman Burba Gunter Feffer Remillard Jose APRIL Teresa Fay Cheryl Jesse Marrell Steven Jonathan Robert Ruby Louise Foster Hooker John Bluejacket Robert Cruz David Tucker Jerry Bluejacket Robert A. A 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.00 7.76 [email protected] A2-C64T 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 27.07 8.02 [email protected] B2a1a1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 21.83 8.58 [email protected] C1d1a1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.36 8.60 [email protected] X 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.85 15.08 [email protected] X 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 36.59 16.55 [email protected] X 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.98 14.53 [email protected] X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.01 9.19 [email protected] X2b7 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 22.31 7.95 [email protected] X2b-T226C 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 39.88 14.60 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaul, Choctaw, New Brunswick and the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years agock B2a1a1 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen C1d1a1 - Oklahoma, Montana, Quebec, Zacatecas – Perego, Canada-Cree – Rieux X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick) Specimen Marie Bradford Thomas Ray Paul Darvin Denton M Eugene Eugene Q-L54 Q-M242 Q-M3 Q-M3 Q-M3 K 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin 30.91 26.97 36.09 28.27 118.37 8.29 15.84 13.25 7.82 22.83 [email protected] 28.6 23.67 20.14 35.56 27.24 41.24 7.76 7.78 9.91 9.54 8.56 15.08 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] C-M216 - has been found in Kathmandu and Nepal, probably ancient DNA acestral to Native Americans Q-L54 - North America and is in Clovis (Anzick). Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas. Q-M3 - widespread in the America Madrigal Torres Zuniga Ripple Sprouse Larsen Jose Richard Dolores Randal Royce Cheryl A. Arriaga Lee P. A D D X X X 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote -Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. D - Choctawm Kore, Japan, Mexico, Venezuel, Clovis (Anzick) specimen X - Washington State, Malhi, Tamm amd Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2b-T226C - Clovis(Anzick) specimen X2e2a - Clovix (Anzick. Linda Joyce Kincaid Henson Joseph Bluejacket Robert Alderman William Denton S John William Kincaid Fortune Alexander Fletcher Bluejacket Robert Denton Henson Joseph William Johnson Lonnie Beebe Kelly Chavez Loudon Martin Rydeski Ortiz Perkins Jones Rosamond Kelly King Monosmith Rhombs Vicki Mary Daniel D Jeremy Kathy Jeannie Carlos Douglas Megan Jimmy Regina Muriel Fiona Velma Ellen Paul Ann Lee Eliseo R Dale Faye L Q-M242 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas 39.64 63.93 20.08 34.35 [email protected] [email protected] B4'5 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen 63.00 30.28 [email protected] C-P39 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 K 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M242 U5a1f1a1 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin C-P39 - Canada and United States Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas 37.43 72.50 51.08 36.17 9.28 33.17 20.08 11.71 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A2-C64T 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.20 7.96 [email protected] A2-C64T-A189G 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 23.97 10.43 [email protected] A2g1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.74 9.19 [email protected] B2 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 46.86 12.59 [email protected] B2a1a1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 26.24 9.64 B4'5 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 29.33 9.45 [email protected] C1b4 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 34.71 12.81 [email protected] C1d-C194T 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 39.11 13.69 [email protected] X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.06 8.04 [email protected] X 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 36.25 13.13 [email protected] X2a2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 22.25 7.95 [email protected] X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 43.03 8.80 [email protected] X2b-T226C 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.14 13.71 [email protected] X2b-T226C 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 38.66 12.31 [email protected] A2-C64T - Cuba, Gauatemala, Choctaw, New Brunswick, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. A2-C64-A189G – Menominein Wisconsine in Wisconsin A2g1 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Mexico, New Mexico, Athabascan heritage, B2 - is Native American, Beringian, Mexican, Columbian, Mayan, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. Yaqui, Lauricocha cave central Andean highlands. B2a1a1 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Mexico B4'5 - Anzick specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba C1b4 - Hispanic C1d-C194Mexico, and Argentina and Columbia Kent Lee Malcom Rofheart Evan Helton Blennie Hersey Vernon Ward James E. Nmn Kenneth Maria Malcom-Parker Maria Malcom Fuentes Jose Gonzales Richard Milian-Cortez Ed Rodela John Dennis Steve Hersey Vernon Mendoza Fernández Sergio Pagan Alejandro Sanchez Paul Villarreal Manuel Q-M242 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 31.69 Q-M3 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 35.57 Q-M3 H 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.87 Q-M346 A2-C64T 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 38.02 Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas Q-M346 - Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Central, South and West Asia. 11.01 8.54 9.66 8.65 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A Parent/Child Parent/Child 3380.76 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaul, Choctaw, New Brunswick Eugene Nmn Javier Ray Beatriz Eunice evelyn josephine Rosa Maria Hernandez Anna Nicole Maria del Rosario Alaniz (Rosemary) Q-CTS1780 H30a 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-L53 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 K2a 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M242 B2c 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 K2a8 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin Q-M3 H 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 B2c 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin Q-M3 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 J 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-CTS1780 - Mexico, Guatamala, South America, Q-L53 - in the pre-Columbian Americas and Eurasia Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas A A A A A A 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 34.11 30.76 37.58 35.30 51.09 38.23 38.46 51.77 26.38 32.39 8.72 13.74 13.90 8.00 21.30 9.94 7.74 15.96 10.47 7.97 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 49.36 42.61 29.46 25.57 36.72 29.18 19.82 14.22 13.59 10.51 12.46 14.09 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Raul Paul Richard Samuel James Tomas Charles Fernando Jorge Miryam Arturo Ramon Julia Teresa Robert Angela Gilbert Angelica Antonio Gloria Dan Miguel Edelmiro Oswaldo Luis John Alejandro george Rose Joel Jaime Julia Albert Alice Carmen Sonya Louis Silvestre Jeremy Raul Robert Adela Martina Gonzales Harris Arthur E-L117 G-M201 I-M223 J-M267 R-M269 R-M269 R-M269 R-Z214 J-FGC8223 Berenice M E-L117 R-M269 R-L21 Marie Salvador J-Z640 Garcia Angel Ignacio Ray Marie Humberto E-L117 E-PF2477 I-M223 R-Z210 R-M269 Q-M242 Q-M3 T-CTS11968 R-L150 R-M269 E-L17 Bravo David Ernest Soto Charles Noemi Ramirez E-L677 I-M253 J-M267 R-M269 A A A A A A A A A2ac A2-C64T A2-C64T A2-C64T A2-C64T-T16111C! A2e A2f A2l A2x B B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2a B2c B2c B2c2a B2g B2g B2g B2g1 B2g1 B4'5 B4'5 B4'5 B4'5 B4'5 B4'5 B4'5 B4'5 C C 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin 3rd Cousin 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 29.54 26.06 42.31 23.06 35.05 30.45 43.72 27.84 33.08 32.84 46.61 31.36 29.05 51.58 56.09 40.11 31.17 67.22 48.72 43.09 66.83 30.12 31.27 41.34 29.14 35.30 51.77 39.63 36.35 28.53 54.21 51.43 32.74 32.68 41.42 41.47 43.23 24.81 44.35 41.04 23.67 49.04 38.48 19.39 11.61 7.99 14.13 8.32 8.16 21.34 14.13 8.36 9.48 17.25 7.76 10.83 15.53 15.76 8.79 9.95 13.53 8.87 12.71 14.02 8.16 9.42 10.53 12.62 8.00 15.96 13.86 12.41 7.81 34.05 13.51 9.47 15.81 13.01 9.73 15.05 8.82 20.56 10.78 9.26 19.30 12.72 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Corrine Elizabeth Gilbert Ruben Gloria Reynaldo Rosa Elva Ernesto Oscar Albert Joe Robert Ricardo Francisco Heriberto Charles Douglas Delbert Jorge Christina Jesus Fiehn Rodriguez E E-L117 G-M201 R-M269 Javier Albert Javier A R-M269 J-M267 R-M269 I-M223 I-M223 J-M172 R-DF27 R-Z307 I-DF29 R-M269 R-M269 R-P312 C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 34.38 8.00 C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 36.26 8.27 C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 24.54 8.93 C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 23.70 8.26 C1b 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.30 7.76 C1b10 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 39.40 9.79 C1b7 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 21.32 9.89 C1b7 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 39.36 9.71 C1b9a 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 35.63 11.16 C1c1 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 37.02 16.21 C1c1b 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 45.23 12.41 C1c2 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 34.43 11.53 C1c2 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 35.31 8.19 C1c2 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 53.10 13.53 C1c2 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 77.08 14.18 C1d1c1 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 36.41 24.46 C1d-C194T 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 41.89 20.98 C1d-C194T 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 36.51 20.54 D 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 37.19 16.33 D1 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 45.31 10.27 D1 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 33.18 8.22 A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaul, Choctaw, New Brunswick and the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years agock A2ac - Columgia A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaul, Choctaw, New Brunswick and the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years agock A2e - Clovis (Anzick) specimen A2f - Clovis (Anzick) specimen A2l - Mexico A2x - Mesico B - Clovis (Anzick) specimen B2 - is Native, Mexican, Columbian, Mayan, Covis (Anzick) specimen, Yaqui, European, South American,, ancient remains from Lauricocha cave in central Andean highlands. B2a - widespread in SW U. S., Chippewa clan, Tsimshian in Canada, Mexico, Ojibwa, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. B2c - Hispanic, Asia, Clovix(Anzick) specimen B2c2a - Mexico B2g - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico B2g1 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico B4'5 - Clovis (Anzick) specimen, Eastern Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw; Mexico, Guatemaula, Nicaragua, South America and Cuba C - Cherokee East,Mexico, Turkey, Puerto Rico. Ecuador. Argentina, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Poland. Canada, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. C1b - North, Central and South America C1b10 - Mexico C1b7 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico C1b9a - origin not found C1c1 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen C1c1b - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico C1c2 - Clovix (Anzick) specimen, Mexico C1d1c1 - Texas, Michigan, Mexico C1d-C194T - Mexico, Argentina, Columbia D - Choctawm Kore, Japan, Mexico, Venezuel, Clovis (Anzick) specimen D1 - Beringian, Mexican, North American, Katuena, Poturujara, Surui, Tiryo, Waiwa, Zoro, Gaviao, Guarani/Rio-das-Cobras, Guarani, Brazilian, Que Chia, Pima Indian, British Colombia, Clovis (Anzick) specimen. David Moon Gatlin Daniel Beyers Barbara Malcom-Parker Maria Bendo Marcia Branda Wohlgemuth Almqvist Peter Händel Osten Vick William Helton Blennie Gareth Jean Watson Edward E. Malcom-Parker Maria Bendo Marcia Watson McCoy Dawn Durham Michael Lindell Josephine Ellen C-M216 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin C-M216 - Katgmandu Nepal, Southern Asia 31.66 15.23 [email protected] A 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 20.33 7.88 [email protected] A 1st Cousin - 2nd Cousin 2nd Cousin 420.80 64.90 [email protected] A2-C64T 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 24.31 11.44 [email protected] A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaula, Choctaw, New Brunswic, Clovis (Anzick) s[edimenk Q-M242 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M3 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin Q-M242 - widespread in the Americas Q-M3 - widespread in the Americas 33.15 51.82 42.78 33.84 A 1st Cousin - 3rd Cousin 2nd Cousin 277.04 A2-C64T 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin 4th Cousin 39.99 X 4th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 38.38 X 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 25.32 X2b-T226C 5th Cousin - Remote - Cousin 32.14 A - Cherokee, Huron, PeeDee, Panama, Manitoba, Alask, Mi’kmaq, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, Kuna-Panama, Cree, Chippewa, Guatemaula, Brazil, British Colombia, Honduras, 11.55 11.07 10.34 8.54 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 36.69 13.26 11.30 8.28 8.05 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Choctaw, Costa Rica and in the Clovis (Anzick) specimen of 12,5000 years ago. A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaula, Choctaw, New Brunswic, Clovis (Anzick) s[edimenk A2-C64T - Cuba, Guatemaula, Choctaw, New Brunswic, Clovis (Anzick) s[edimenk X - ancient DNA found in Washington State, Clovis(Anzick) specimen. X2b-T226C - Clovis (Anzick) Specimen PekowiBluejacket Member Genealogy List Appendix GENERATION 1 BLUE JACKET'S TREK, A SHAWNEE TRACE Family Tree DNA Testa, PekowiBlueJadket Project Blue Jacket, ca 1737 - ca 1808 & Mrs Baby, ca 1759 - 1846 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mary Bluejacket, ca 1774 - 1806 James LeDuc-Percy, 1823-1864 George Albert Percy, 1854 - 1952 Anne Elizabeth Percy, 1897-1977 Clarence Edward Lauzon, 18911964 Robert Edward Lauzon, 1926 - 2010 Kit # 103841 YDNA Haplogroup: R1b1a2 / R-M269 mtDNA Haplogrop: K 2 George Bluejacket (Sr)., ca. 1781 - 1729 3 George (Jr), ca. 1802 - 1867 || Henry, ca 1812 - 1855 || Rev. Charles, 1817 - 1897 3 George, (Jr), ca. 1802 - 1867 4 5 6 Charles Bluejacket, Jr., ca 1846 - 1907 Clyde Leroy Bluejacket, 1903 - 1985 Robert Dentin Bluejacket. 1930 Kit # 94430 YDNA Haplogroup Q / Q-M242 mtDNA Haplogrou: K, Member: Eastern Shawnee Tribe 3 Henry Bluejacket. ca 1812 - 1855 4 5 6 7 Emma Bluejacket, 1854 - 1917 Gertrude Alice (Foreman) Hinshaw, 1880 - 1981 Felic Carlyle Hinshaw, 1910 - 1968 Gaylord Carlyle Hinshaw, B. 1933 Kit # 92661 YDNA Haplogroup: R1a1 / R-M517 mtDNA Hapalogroup: W6b Member: Shawnee Tribe Stephen S Bluejacket, 1838 - 1901 Edward Stephen Blejacket, 1864 - 1939 Geraldine Marjorie (Bluejacket) Pedersen, 1919 - 1996 Vaughn Alan Pedersen, 1948 Kit # 94558 YDNA Haplogroup: R1a1 / R-M417 mtDNA Haaplogroup: H Member: Shawnee Tribe 4 5 6 7 Emma Bluejacket, 1854 - 1917 Gertrude Alice (Foreman) Hinshaw, 1880 - 1981 George Robert Hinshaw, 1921 - 1982 Carolynn Annn Hinshaw, 1945 Kit # 208296 mtDNA Haplogroup: H Member: Shawnee Tribe Stephen S Bluejacket, 1838 - 1901 (ED) Edward Stephen Bluejacket, 1864 - 1939 Karl (Carl) M Bluejacket, 1894 - 1975 Richard Carl Blue (jacket), 1925 - 1988. 8 David Gabe Blue (jacket), 1956 Kit # 95168, Haplogroup: Q1a3a1 / Q-M3 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee 4 5 6 7 Stephen S Bluejacket, 1838 - 1901 Mamie F (Bluejacket) Bingham, 1883 - 1965 Tom Farrar Bingham, 1902 - 1967 Winston Charles Bingham, 1946 Kit # 100230 YDNA Haplogroup: R1b1a2 / R-M269 mtDNA Haplogroup: H Member: Shawnee Tribe Stephen S Bluejacket, 1838 - 1901 Mamie F (Bluejacket) Bingham, 1883 - 1965 Charles Winston Bingha, 1905 - 1965. Beverly Lynn Bingham, 1932 - 1994 8 David James Vella, 1953 Kit # 275072 YDNA Haplogroup: I-M223 Member: Shawnee Tribe 4 Stephen S Bluejacket, 1838 - 1901 Stephen S Bluejacket, 1838 - 1901 5 Mamie F (Bluejacket) Bingham, 1883 - 1965 Mamie F (Bluejacket) Bingham, 1883 - 1965 6 Winston Churchill Bingham, 1905 1965 Tom Farrar Bingham, 1902 - 1967 7 Carrol Winston Bingham, 1935 Winston Charles Bingham, 1946 8 Janet Elizabeth Bingham, 1975 Heather Kim Bingham, 1974 Kit # 294633 mtDNA Haplogroup: H 4 Isaac Bluejacket. 1852 - 1881 Kit # 311071 mtDNA Haplogorup: H Member: Shawnee Tribe 5 6 7 8 9 Rosa Elmer Bluejacket, 1870 - 1903 Eva Vesta Allen, 1898 -1985 Kathryn Eva Murdock, 1918 - 2006 Patrick Allen Lacy, 1942 - 2003 Laurie Jones Neighbors, 1966 Kit # B3956 mtDNA Haplogroup: U5 3 Rev. Charles Bluejacket, 1817 - 1897 4 5 6 7 Silas Daugherty Bluejacket, 1858 - 1923 Bonnie Elizabeth Bluejacket, 1887 - 1956 Dana Ivy Harrison, 1904 - 1998 Marvin Drake Bell, 1929 Kit # 282260 YDNA Haplogroup: R1b1a2 / R-M269 mtDNA Haplogroup: H Member: Shawnee Tribe Silas Daugherty Bluejacket, 1858 - 1923 Jonathan Henry Bluejacket, 1892 - 1969 Terrell Holden Bluejacket, 1916 - 1970 Robert Eugene Bluejacket Hall, 1933 Kit # 97409 YDNA Haplogroup: Q1a3a1 / Q-M3 Member: Shawnee Tribe 4 5 6 7 8 Sally (Bluejacket) Gore, 1844 - 1924 Henry Blake Gore, 1869 - 1931 Golda Gore. B. 1894 - 1990 Katherine Roberta Hightowe,. 1919 - 2006 John William Kincaid, Jr., 1943 Kit # 124250 YDNAHaplogroup: R1b1a2 / R-Z22 mtDNA Haplogrpup Hz22 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee Sally (Bluejacket) Gore, 1844 - 1924 Henry Blake Gore, 1869 - 1931 Golda Gore, 1894 - 1990 Katherine Roberta Hightower. 1919 - 2006 Lind Joyce Kincaid, 1940 Kit # 124250 mtDNA Haplogroup: R1b1a2 / R-Z22 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee 4 5 6 7 Willis G. Bluejacket, 1856 - 1891 Alexander Choteau Blluejacket, 1881 - 1978 Joseph David Bluejacker, 1919 - 2006 Mary Lynn Bluejacket, 1955 Kit # 207469 mtDNA Haplogorup: H Member: Cherokee Nation AS as an Adopted Shawnee 4 5 6 7 Willis G. Bluejacket, 1856 - 1891 Minnie H Bluejacket, 1878-1945 Dennis WayneSlagle, 1898 - 1986 John Franklin Slagle, 1925 - 2007 Willis G. Bluejacket, 1856 - 1891 Alexander Choteau Blluejacket, 1881 - 1978 Joseph David Bluejacker, 1919 - 2006 Richard Reese Bluejacket, 1954 - 2008 8 Benjamin Joseph Bluejacket, 1976 Kit # 94982 YDNA Haplogroup: Q1a3a1 / Q-M3 Member: Shawnee Tribe Silas Daugherty Bluejacket, 1858 - 1923 Bert Silas Bluejacet, 1885 - 1912 Geoorge Kenneth Bluejacket, 1903 - 1972 Bert Henry Bluejacket, 1943 8 Rodney Wayne Slagle, 1952 YDNA Haplogroup: E-L795 Kit # 365710 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee Kit# A207554 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee 4 5 6 7 Silas Daugherty Bluejacket, 1858 - 1923 Bert Silas Bluejacet, 1885 - 1912 Geoorge Kenneth Bluejacket, 1903 - 1972 Ima Jean Bluejacket, 1929 - 2010 Ruby Louise Foster, 1951 Kit# B16129 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee Silas Daugherty Bluejacket, 1858 - 1923 Bert Silas Bluejacet, 1885 - 1912 Geoorge Kenneth Bluejacket, 1903 - 1972 Bert Henry Bluejacket, 1946 Kit# B16749 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee Silas Daugherty Bluejacket, 1858 - 1923 Bert Silas Bluejacet, 1885 - 1912 Geoorge Kenneth Bluejacket, 1903 - 1972 Ima Jean Bluejacket, 1929 - 2010 Jacqueline Ann Foster, 1948 Kit# B16742 Member: Cherokee Nation as an Adopted Shawnee Gaylord Carlyle Hinshaw 3 Cambridge Elizabethtown PA 17022 717-689-2250 [email protected] July 2915, 2015 L.COM .com
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