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view perennials guide
Actaea pachypoda White Baneberry or Doll’s Eye
Plant size: 18-24”
Habitat: Woodland
A great woodland plant. Foliage looks good through the summer. The fruit in the autumn is a real treat.
Actaea rubra
Red Baneberry
Plant size: 18-24”
Habitat: Woodland
A great woodland plant. Foliage looks good through the summer. Fruiting habit similar to White Baneberry but red and very
striking in the autumn.
Agastache nepetoides
Yellow Giant Hyssop
Plant size: 3-4’ Habitat: Open, average soil
Many native bees and butterflies are attracted to the flowers.
The old flower remains attractive well into fall. Can be used for
dried flower arrangements. Flower is greenish/yellow.
Agastache scrophulariafolia Purple Giant Hyssop
Plant size: 4’
Habitat: Averagae to damp soils, sun-
Many native bees and butterflies are attracted to the flowers.
The old flower remains attractive well into fall. Can be used for
dried flower arrangements.
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting
Plant size: 2’
Habitat: Dry, sandy soils
Very tough perennial. Butterflies are attracted to blooms from
July through September. Usually found in open meadows
Anemone canadensis
Plant size: 10-12”
Canada Anemone
Habitat: Woodland
A very versatile plant that will grow anywhere. Can be aggressive. Best suited for a woodland gardens.
Other Anemone natives: thimbleweed, cut-leave anemone, wood
Antennaria parlinii
Smooth Pussytoes
Plant size: 4-6” Habitat: Dry woodland soils, also found
in more open sites.
A very drought tolerant plant that grows like a ground cover.
Small white flower on silvery colored foliage. Not a plant for the
cultivated garden but good for naturalized settings.
Antennaria neglecta Field Pussytoes
Plant size: 10-12”
Habitat: Open dry meadows
A drought tolerant plant usually found in the open. Host
plant for American Beauty Butterfly. Foliage is close to the ground
with flowers and 10” stems above. Seeds used as winter food for
Aquilegia canadensis
Plant size: 15-24”
Wild Columbine
Habitat: Woodland
Hummingbirds love this plant for early summer food source.
Has a very long flower period, especially if old flowers are removed. Will seed itself through your garden, but always welcome.
Aralia racemosa
American Spikenard
Plant size: 3-5’ Habitat: Woodland
This plant needs room, treat it more like a shrub. Plan well,
can be quite large once established. Fruit is valued by wildlife.
Asarum canadense Wild Ginger
Plant size: 6 -10”
Habitat: Woodland
Likes shade and is good to mix with spring ephemerals. The
foliage is very attractive and the plants makes a nice groundcover.
Asclepsia tuberosa Butterfly Weed
Plant size: 18-24”
Habitat: Dry soils
Truly a butterfly magnet and the orange flower is striking in
the garden or meadow. Tolerant of dry, infertile soils but also
does well in average soils. Host plant for Monarch Butterfly.
Asclepsia incarnate
Swamp Milkweed
Plant size: 3-4’ Habitat: Damp soils but very adaptable
Is often found along damp shorelines. Attracts many Lepidoptera & native pollinators. Beautiful seed head and blossom.
Flowers are fragrant. Host plant for Monarch Butterfly.
Black Swallowtail
Asclepsia purpurescens Purple Milkweed
Plant size: 2-3’ Habitat: Damp soils, but is very adaptable
A beautiful fragrant flower that attracts many pollinators, butterflies and moths. Also attracts ruby-throated humming birds.
Host plant for Monarch Butterfly.
Asclepsia verticillata
Plant size:
Whorled Milkweed
1-2’ Habitat: Dry, sandy soils
A fine, dark green foliaged plant. The white flowers is a great
accent and a butterfly magnet. This plant is deer resistant. Host
plant for Monarch Butterfly.
Aster macrophyllus
Plant size: 10-15”
Big leaf Aster
Habitat: Woodland
Found in the shade of the woods. A large heartshaped leaf
with a lavender flower in late summer. Common in the summer
woods. Butterflies are attracted to the late summer bloom.
Aster laevis
Plant size:
Smooth Aster
2-3’ Habitat: Open to light shade
A little lighter colored flower and smaller habit than N.E. Aster. Pinching back will help to keep the plant upright in the garden.
The foliage has a blue-green hue.
Aster novae-angliae
Plant size: 3’
land edges
New England Aster
Habitat: Open meadow, and along wood-
A very adaptable late blooming flower. Quite common along
rural roads and in fields. The flowers are a nice contrast to the
wheat colored grasses.
Baptisia bracteata Cream Wild Indigo
Plant size: 2-3’
Habitat: Open dry meadow
Needs a dry open site with lots of sun. Visited by many pollinators. The early summer bloom develops a seedpod for autumn
interest. Watching the bumblebee crawl into the flower is a treat.
Also makes a nice garden plant.
Baptisia tinctoria
Plant size: 2-3’
Wild Indigo
Habitat: Open dry meadows
Needs a dry open site with lots of sun. Visited by many pollinators. The early summer bloom develops a seedpod for autumn
interest. Watching the bumblebee crawl into the flower is a treat.
Makes a nice garden plant.
Caltha palustris
Marsh Marigold
Plant size: 6-12”
Habitat: damp to wet sites, found
growing in the water.
A bright yellow flower in mid spring rising above shiny green
leaves. Flowers will last about a month and then the plant goes
Campanula rotundifolia
Plant size:
Habitat: Open meadows
A narrow low foliage with the flowers rising up on stems The
dainty blue flowers bloom throughout most of the summer. Tough
plant is found growing on dunes in Sleeping Bear National
Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue Cohosh
Plant size:
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland
Small yellow blossom that becomes a blue fruit. Foliage similar to Thalictrum, hence the species name. Helps to cover the
ephemerals as spring moves to summer. Foliage looks good into
the autumn.
Chelone glabra
Plant size:
White Turtlehead
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland to open damp areas
Many bees and butterflies attracted to the flower when
blooming in late summer. Chelone will spread by rhizomes so if
planted in the garden you will need to be a gardener! The host
plant for the Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly.
Coreopsis lanceolata
Plant size: 12-18”
Sand Coreopsis
Habitat: Dry, open meadow
A bright yellow flower that will continue blooming for most of
the summer if old flowers are removed. Foliage is blue-green and
thin bladed, older foliage staying close to the ground. Can handle
very dry conditions.
Cornus canadensis
Plant size:
4-6” Habitat: Woodland groundcover
A slow growing groundcover. Grows well in acidic woodland
soils. Is very shade tolerant. A beautiful pure white flower in the
spring, with showy red fruit in the autumn.
Cypripedium candidum White Lady Slipper
Plant size:
Habitat: Moist shady bog type
A white blooming slipper. It likes a damp, slightly alkaline
site. If possible plant in a grouping. Deer love it so keep it protected.
Cypripedium calceolus var. pubescens
Yellow Lady Slipper
Plant size:
Habitat: Moist shady bog type
What a lovely plant and flower. When you find a site in the
garden for this gem, plant it and leave it alone. If possible plant in
a grouping. Deer love it so keep it protected.
Cypripedium reginae
Plant size:
Showy Lady Slipper
Habitat: Moist shady bog type
This is probably the largest of the native lady slipper s. Deer
love it so keep it protected. Although tricky to get started it is well
worth the trouble.
Cypripedium parv. Makasin
Small Yellow Lady Slipper
Plant size: 8-15”
moist and dry sites
Habitat: Adaptable; found in
Smaller yellow flower than calceolus. Easier to grow that
some of the more fussy Lady Slippers. Deer love it so keep it protected.
Dalea candida White Prairie Colver
Plant size:
Habitat: Open meadow , likes it dry
Similar to the Purple clover but has a larger leaf and blossoms
a little later in the summer. Not common in our northern meadows.
White & purple
blooming together
Dalea purpurea
Plant size:
Purple Prairie Clover
2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow , likes it dry
What a lovely flower. Not common in our northern meadows
but have found it growing at the Charter Sanctuary in Omena. I
think this plant has value in any modern garden.
Echinacea purpurea
Plant size:
Purple Coneflower
2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow
Coneflower is slowly making its way back into the state after
being extirpated. Many pollinators attracted to the flower and the
seedhead will remain long into the winter feeding the wildlife.
Echinacea pallida: Pale Purple Coneflower
Plant size: 2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow
Not as showy as the purple coneflower . The petals are a
lighter color, have a drooping habit exposing the seedhead, making
it more prominent. The seedhead will remain long into the winter
feeding the wildlife.
Eryngium yuccifolium
Rattlesnake Master
Plant size: 2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow
Usually found in moist areas but will do well in most garden
settings. The stem is green with small white hairs. Flowers late in
the summer and it attracts many insect.
Erythronium americanum
Plant size:
Yellow Trout Lily
2-3’ Habitit: Open meadow
Always an indicator of the warm weather to come. This
ephemeral joins many others in the woods to welcome the summer. The lily type foliage will persist through the summer and is
Eupatorium purpureum
Plant size:
Purple Joe-Pye Weed
3-5’ Habitat: Open meadow
Usually found in moist areas but will do well in most garden
settings. Give it some room! The stem is green with small white
hairs. Flowers are in late summer, is fragrant and attracts many insect and butterflies.
Eupatorium maculatum Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
Plant size:
4-6’ Habitat: Open meadow, damp areas
Very similar to Eupatorium purpureum. Usually found along
streams or road ditches. The stem is spotted and purple green in
color. Can grow up to 8’. Flowers are in late summer, is fragrant
and attracts many insect and butterflies.
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Plant size:
Common Boneset
3-4’ Habitat: Open meadow
Requires some space in the garden but worth it. The late
summer blossom attracts many pollinators and last a long time.
Can be pinched back in early summer to keep a tighter shape.
Filipendula rubra
Plant size:
Queen of the Praire
3-5’ Habitat: Open meadow
Great plant to use in mass in the back of a garden. Native
habitat is damp soil but does well in average soils.
Fragaria virginiana Blanket Strawberry
Plant size: 3-5”
partial shade.
Habitat: Average to dry soils, sun to
Spreads quickly with long runners. Can be used a
low growing ground cover. A white blossom and small
very sweet fruit. Foliage keeps its dark green color all
summer long.
Gaultheria procumbens
Plant size:
3-6” Habitat: Acidic woodland
Evergreen groundcover. Slow to establish as groundcover but
worth the wait. Broken foliage smells and taste like wintergreen.
Delicate white flower yields red berries. Foliage in the autumn
turns a reddish purple.
Gentiana andrewsii
Plant size:
Bottle Gentian
1-2’ Habitat: Open meadow
Late summer bloomer, does well with afternoon shade or full
sun. Good organic matter will reward you with a long lived beautiful flower. Find the time to watch a bumblebee pollinate this plant,
it’s well worth it.
Geranium maculatum
Plant size:
Wild Geranium
Habitat: Woodland
This spring blooming plant is a stalwart of our beech, maple
and hemlock forests. Very adaptable to many conditions. Can be
aggressive in your garden, but easy to remove.
Geum triflorum
Prairie Smoke
Plant size:
Habitat: Open meadow
A very durable plant with a wonderful flower. Does well in
dry sandy soils and average soils. Birds enjoy the seed hips left after flowering.
Goodyera pubescens Downey Rattlesnake Plantian
Plant size:
3-5” Habitat: Dry to slightly moist woodlands
A beautiful foliage on this low growing plant spreads by underground rhizomes. The foliage is evergreen lasting about 3-4
years. It is a late summer bloomer.
Helenuim autumnalis
Plant size:
3-5’ Habitat: Average to damp open meadow
Sneezeweed starts blooming in mid summer and will continue until early fall. The prominent flower top is prized by birds and
bees alike. The stems have an interesting ribbing making it easy to
Heracleum maximum
Cow Parsnip or Hogweed
Plant size: 4-7’ Habitat: Average to damp open meadow
A rather large, bold plant that blooms in late summer. Juices
from stems can cause mild irritation. Can be aggressive! Flowers
attract many pollinators.
Helianthus occidentalis Western Sunflower
Plant size:
2-4’ Habitat: Dry, open meadow
The flower is a magnet for butterflies and bees. Will need
some controlling in the garden. Blossoms late in the summer.
Heliopsis helianthoides False Sunflower or Oxeye
Plant size: 3-4’ Habitat: Moist or dry open meadow
Mid to late summer bloomer, about the same bloom period
as sneezeweed. Very showy flower. Is susceptible to mildew id not
Hepatica americana Round-lobed Hepatica
Plant size:
3-4” Habitat: Humus rich soil, woodland
A beautiful early spring blooming plant. Foliage is semieveregreen. The new foliage is shiny with a tinge of purple. A great
plant for the shady woodland garden. Foliage holds up well during
the summer.
Heuchera americana
Alumroot or Coral Bell
Plant size: 6-10” Habitat: Average to moist, partial shade
A nice foliaged plant. Will succumb to root rot if the soils are
not well drained. The flowers form on scapes above the plant and
are cream colored and dainty. Its native habitat is woodland.
Hepatica acutiloba Sharp-leaf Hepatica
Plant size:
3-6” Habitat: Humus rich soil, woodland
A beautiful early spring blooming plant. Foliage is semievergreen. The new foliage is shiny with a tinge of purple. A great
plant for the shady woodland garden. Flowers range from white to
pale pink to light purple. Foliage holds up well during the summer.
Heracleum maximum
Nataive Cow Parship
Plant Size: 3-4’ Habitat: Average to moist, partial shade
A big plant with large cut leaves. A large flat umbrel
flower in late summer. Very adaptable to sun or shade,
damp or dry. Does best in moist shady areas and will form
a dense colony. Good accent in a garden but must be kept
Heuchera richardsonii Prairie Alumroot
Plant size: 12”
Habitat: Average to moist, partial shade
The new foliage opens with a purple blush and eventually
turning to a green. The flowers form on scapes above the plant and
are cream colored and dainty. Its native habitat is woodland.
Hibiscus moshcheutos Swamp Rose Mallow
Plant size: 3-5’ Habitat: Damp humus rich soils, sun to
partial shade
Yes, Hibiscus is native to Michigan. This is a bit far north for
it but it’s worth the effort to grow it if conditions allow. Flowers are
very showy, each flower lasting about two days
Iris versicolor
Wild Blue Flag or Northern Blue
Plant size:
Habitat: Marsh, wetlands or damp
A wetland plant usually found in and around lakes or ponds.
A striking blue flower in late spring.
Hydrastis canadensis Goldenseal
Plant size: 8-12”
Habitat: Shady moist woodland with
acidic soils
Grows where there is consistent moisture. Has a wrinkled basal leaf with a dainty white flower extending from the
center. The flower produces a red fruit in the autumn. If allowed to dry out in the summer it will go dormant .
Liatris spicata
Plant size:
Marsh Blazing Star
2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow
A wonderful flower in late summer. Attracts many insects,
butterflies and bees. Can be planted in a meadow or as a specimen
in the garden.
Hummingbird moth visiting
the blossom
Liatris aspera
Plant size:
Rough Blazing Star
2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow
A wonderful flower in late summer. Attracts many insects,
butterflies and bees. Can be planted in a meadow or as a specimen
in the garden.
Lilium michiganense
Plant size:
Michigan Lily
1-3’ Habitat: Moist soils, sunny spots.
Will find growing along streams and ponds. Flowers in midsummer. The plant is very narrow so mix with other perennials in
the garden. Hummingbirds will visit the flowers.
Lilium philadelphicum
Plant size:
Wood Lily
1-3’ Habitat: Dry woods and meadows
A short lived lily that will grow in dry sandy sites as well as
damp sites. The early summer flowers are upward facing, usually
brilliant red. Found on the dunes of Sleeping Bear National
Lithosperma canescens Hoary Puccoon
Plant size:
1-2’ Habitat: Dry open meadows
Usually found growing on open dunes, but adaptable to average soils. Just don’t overwater. The bright yellow blossom last
about one month in mid-summer. It is quite showy. Stems are very
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal Flower
Plant size:
Habitat: Humus rich damp soils
This plant will work in most garden soils. The red flower is
striking and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. If you love canoeing or kayaking our local rivers you will always find this plant
blooming in late summer along the river edges.
Lobelia siphilitica
Plant size:
Great Blue Lobelia
2-3’ Habitat: Humus rich soils, sun or partial
A beautiful long lived blue flower that attract butterflies and
humming birds in mid to late summer. Can spread in the garden
Lespedeza capatata Roundheaded Bush Clover
Plant size: 3-4’
Habitat: Dry meadow soils
A rather non-descript cream colored flower on a stiff stem
will yield a great seed source for fall and winter bird feeding. A
good plant for the meadow mix. A very good late summer pollinator.
Lupine perennis
Wild Lupine
Plant size:
Habitat: Dry open meadows
Prefers a dry soil and will get crown rot if given to much moisture. What a lovely flowers. The host plant of the blue karner butterfly. It is the only plant the larvae feed on.
Maianthemum canadense Canada Mayflower
Plant size:
3-5” Habitat: Dry shady woodlands
Found growing in a lot of shade. A delicate white flower in
late spring with a reddish berry in the fall. Foliage is very similar to
lily of the valley. Makes a very nice groundcover.
Mertensia virginica Virginia Bluebells
Plant size:
Habitat: Woodland
A spring ephemeral with a beautiful blossom. Intersperse with
later arriving perennials in the garden. Will disappear from the garden in early summer only to reappear the next spring.
Mitella diphylla Bishop’s Cap or Miterwort
Plant size:
Habitat: Dry shady woodlands
Found growing in a lot of shade. A delicate white flower on
stems above the foliage. Makes a very nice groundcover. Habit is
similar to foamflower.
Monarda fistulosa
Plant size:
Wild Bergamot
2-3’ Habitat: Well drained average soils
A butterfly & hummingbird magnet. Flowers in mid summer.
Avoid too much moisture or the stem becomes weak. Bergamot is
a member of the mint family and has a fragrant foliage. Will
spread in the garden but easy to remove.
Monarda punctata Horsemint or Spotted Bee Balm
Plant size:
Habitat: Open meadow
Is found growing in dry sandy meadows but does equally well
in the garden setting. Given a little compost in the soil this plant
will reward you with much larger flowers. The seedheads stay
erect through the winter snows and will be food for the winter wildlife.
Penstemon digitalis Foxglove Beardtongue
Plant size:
2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow or partial shade.
A easy perennials to grow. Will form a nice clump over time.
The late spring blooming flowers attract hummingbirds. Really
works well in a meadow mix or makes a good garden plant.
Penstemon hirsutus
Plant size:
Hairy Beardtongue
Habitat: Open meadow
A very nice
low growing plant with an abundance of flowers in late spring—
early summer. When in bloom the plant is clothed in flowers. Really works well in a meadow or makes a good garden plant.
Penstemon grandiflorus Large Beardstongue
Plant size:
24” Habitat: Open dry meadows
A larger pink to purple flower on a stiff stem. One of the
showiest of the beardstongue. Frequently visited by Bumblebees
and other pollinators.
Phlox divaracata
Blue Phlox or Woodland Phlox
Plant size:
Habitat: Woodland
A woodland plant that will benefit from enriched soil and
mulching if used in the garden. Will be browsed by deer. After
flowering cut back old stalks to keep a neat habit. Will blossom
through most of the spring. Flowers will cover the entire plant.
Platanthera blephariglottis White Fringed Orchid
Plant size:
Habitat: Bogs
This plant will need to be wet and acidic. Blossoms in mid
summer and last about a month. Flower is fragrant.
Platanthera flava
Plant size:
Pale Green Orchid
Habitat: Bogs or damp meadows
A fragrant pale green flower attracts pollinators. Blossoms in
mid summer.
Podophyllum peltatum
Plant size:
May Apple
Habitat: Woodland
A beautiful and interesting foliage hides the may apple
bloom. The flower forms a fruit that ripens late in the summer. All
part of the plant are considered toxic. This plant spreads by rhizomes, can be aggressive.
Polemonium reptans
Plant size:
Spreading Jacob’s Ladder
Habitat: Woodland
Jacob’s Ladder has a long blossom period from April through
June. Flowers are great for pollinating insects. A good plant for
massing in the garden.
Polygonatum biflorum Giant Solomon’s Seal
Plant size:
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland
A great woodland plant. Can grow in dense shade. Usually
found growing in masses. Attracts birds and butterflies. Foliage
holds up very well in summer.
Polygonatum pubescens
Plant size:
Hairy Solomon’s Seal
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland
Very similar to giant S. Seal but has hairy veins on the lower
side of the leaf. Very stately when found in the woods, or your garden. Foliage holds up very well in summer.
Ratibida pinnata
Plant size:
Gray-headed Coneflower
4-6’ Habitat: Open Meadow
This plant gets tall, but youcan also pinch back in early summer to stiffen. The flower heads are magnets for bees, insects and
butterflies. A late summer blossom and old seed heads are valuable into the early winter.
Rudbeckia fulgida Black-eyed Susan
Plant size:
Habitat: Open Meadow
Great garden or meadow plant. Long blossom period through
the summer. Flowers attracts many insects and butterflies. Sometimes called Orange Coneflower.
Rudbeckia hirta
Plant size:
Black-eyed Susan
2-3’ Habitat: Open Meadow
Good to have in the meadow for it will spread from seed. Attracts many butterflies.
Rudbeckia lanciniata
Cut-leaved Coneflower
Plant size: 3-5’ Habitat: Open Meadow
This is a very nice plant for the meadow mix or for the garden. Much taller than other Rudbeckia with large flowers more
closely resembling Ratibida but with a yellow seedhead instead of
Rudbeckia triloba
Plant size:
Three-lobed Coneflower
2-4’ Habitat: Open Meadow
Yet another coneflower. More for the meadow mix than for
the garden. It is a short lived perennial but readily reseeds. The
flowers are large with a very dark center. Again the blossom attracts
many butterflies, bees and insects.
Sanguinaria canadensis
Plant size:
6-8” Habitat: Woodland
A beautiful white flower celebrates spring in the woods. The
foliage will persist through the summer. Flowers are short lived but
always welcomed after a long winter.
Silphium integrifolium Rosin Weed
Plant size:
dry soils.
3-5’ Habitat: Open meadows, will do fine in
Rosin Weed is an easy to grow plant in dry sandy soils. Will
hold itself upright without support. The late summer blossom attracts many pollinators. This plant is reported to be deer resistant.
Silphium perfoliatum
Cup Plant
Plant size: 4-6’ Habitat: Open meadows, average to
damp soil.
A large bold plant with daisy-type flowers in late summer.
The picture below shows how the leaves form a cup. This cup can
hold water and serves as a bird bath. The seed-heads feed many
birds in the fall and winter.
Siphium laciniatum Compass Plant
Plant size:
3-8’ Habitat: Open Meadow
Large 5” flowers adorn this plant in July through September.
Many insects, bees and butterflies visit the flowers and birds use
the seed-heads for food in the winter. Leaves will orient themselves
north-south, hence the name. Once established hard to remove
because of deep taproot.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Blue-eyed Grass
Plant size:
Habitat: Open grasslands and damp
Narrow type foliage that continues looking good through the
summer. A lovely small blue flower in May and June, opening in
the morning and closing during the heat of the day. Use in masses.
Smilacina racemosa False Solomon’s Seal or False
Plant size:
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland
Small white blossoms develop on the ends of the stems, Good
to mix with ferns and other shade loving plants.
Solidago rigida Stiff Goldenrod
Plant size:
2-3’ Habitat: Open meadow
A wonderful bright yellow blossom in late summer. Many
pollinators are attracted. The stiff stems allow the seed-heads to
stay up in the heavy snow for wildlife to browse in the winter.
Solidago speciosa
Plant size:
Showy Goldenrod
2-4’ Habitat: Open meadow
A wonderful bright yellow blossom in late summer. Many
butterflies at attracted. The flower head more compact than other
varieties. Forms a nice clump of foliage below the flowers.
Solidago riddellii
Plant size:
Riddell’s Goldenrod
2-3’ Habitat: Damp meadow
A wonderful bright yellow blossom in late summer. Many
butterflies at attracted. Somewhat smaller than other varieties and
grows in moist area.
Stylophorum dipyllum Celandine Poppy or Woods
Plant size:
12” Habitat: Woodland
What a beautiful open blossom and a fuzzy seed-head after
blooming is done. Cut back old flowers and foliage holds its own
in the garden the remainder of the summer. Will spread but easy
to keep in its place.
Thalictrum dioicum
Plant size:
Early Meadow Rue
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland
Many open, loose small flowers in early spring. A nice foliage
for the garden after blossoming is done.
Thalictrum dasycarpum
Plant size:
Tall Meadow Rue
Habitat: Woodland
The stems have a purple coloring and the flowers are more
white than green.
Tiarella cordifolia
Plant size: 5-8” Habitat: Woodland, but adaptable
Foliage similar to Heuchera, with heavy flower production.
Works well as groundcover in shady area.
Tradescantia ohioesis
Plant size:
1-3’ Habitat: Woodland, damp open meadow
Beautiful flower that opens in the morning and closes after
mid-day. Needs to be mixed with other perennials because the foliage will deteriorate in late summer.
Trillium grandiflorum
Plant size: 10-12”
Large flowered Trillium
Habitat: Woodland
One of our favorite ephemeral plants. If the plant is setting
seeds the foliage will remain into the late summer. Deer love it also.
Uvularia grandiflora
Plant size:
Large-flowered Bellwort
1-2’ Habitat: Woodland
A lovely plant. Blossoms in late spring with foliage that holds
up very well until frost.
Verbena hastata
Plant size:
Blue Vervain
1-3’ Habitat: Damp open meadow
Attractive purple flower and nice foliage. The foliage is coarse
but I like the dark green color. The spent seed heads are attractive
also. Will do well in average to damp soils.
Verbena stricta
Hoary Vervain
Plant size: 1-3’ Habitat: Open meadow, a drier setting
than V. hasta
This verbena has thick flower spikes and blossoms from the
bottom up. Butterflies are attracted to the flowers. To prevent reseeding, remove the spent flower tops.
Veronicastrum virginicum
Culver’s Root
Plant size: 2-4’ Habitat: Open meadow, does well in
damp areas also.
Has an upright habit with spike type flowers. Works well in
the back of the garden. Foliage looks very nice throughout the
summer. Flowers attract butterflies .
Vernonia missurica
Plant size:
3-4’ Habitat: Open meadow
What a stately plant in the garden. Blooms late in the summer and early fall, holds its blossom well. A butterfly and bee magnet. Dark burgundy stem adds interest.
Viola pendata
Plant size:
Bird’s –foot Violet
4-8” Habitat: Average to dry sandy soils
Clothed in purple flowers in mid-spring with sporadic blooming throughout the summer. Very drought tolerant. Larva host for
the Great Spangled Fritillary.
Zizia aurea Golden Alexanders
Plant size:
2-4’ Habitat: Open meadow
Large umbels of yellow blossoms in early summer. This
plant can get tall and is helped when grown with native grasses to
keep it upright. Flower is similar to yarrow.