Performance Chemicals
Performance Chemicals
COMPANY PROFILE This presentation contains forward-looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by LANXESS AG management. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here. The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forwardlooking statements or to conform them to future events or developments. LANXESS Corporate Communications (as of: 2012-01-04) Sales 9M / 2011 EUR 6.652 bn Sales in the year 2010 EUR 7.120 bn Employees worldwide approx. 16,100 Portfolio Performance Polymers Advanced Intermediates Performance Chemicals Global orientation 47 production sites worldwide LANXESS is one of Germany’s most important providers of polymers and chemicals Facts and Figures Global Presence Sites and Offices Our staff is at home all over the world People all over the world are contributing towards the success of our company. Different perspectives Menschen der ganzen Welt wirken mit and am Erfolg Unterschiedliche encourage auf people to think outside the box searchunseres for newUnternehmens. and innovative solutions together.Perspektiven tragen dazu bei, konventionelle Denkmuster zu verlassen und zusammen ganz neue Lösungen zu finden. Worldwide 16,070 incl. service units Employees according to segments Performance Polymers 4,886 Advanced Intermediates 2,848 Performance Chemicals 5,654 As of: September 30, 2011 / Employees worldwide Staff Structure with Global Responsibility Dr. A. C. Heitmann (Chairman of the Board ) Corporate Communications Corporate Development Executive Human Resources Internal Auditing Dr. W. Breuers (Board Member) Aliseca Procurement & Logistics Industrial & Environmental Affairs Innovation & Technology Business Units: AII, BTR, PBR, SCP, SGO, TRP Dr. B. Duettmann (CFO) Accounting Corporate Controlling Investor Relations Law & Intellectual Property Mergers & Acquisitions Tax Treasury Dr. R. van Roessel (Labor Relations) Human Resources Information Technology Business Units: FCC, IPG, ION, LEA, MPP, RCH, RUC LANXESS Board of Management Relocation of LANXESS Headquarters With an excellent transport infrastructure, the drawing power of a major center of science and industry and an attractive environment the new location of our company headquarters in Cologne will help us in the pursuit of our growth strategy. More than 1,000 employees will move into their new offices in the former Lufthansa building in Cologne-Deutz in the second half of 2013. Headquarters in Cologne Corporate Responsibility “Good for business, good for society.” LANXESS’s guiding principles are essentially shaped by a sense of corporate responsibility. The company’s objective is sustainable, forward-looking development that meets the demands of economics, ecology and society in equal measure – in short: sustainable development. Accordingly, this aspect is firmly anchored in LANXESS’s organization, requiring all our employees to act responsibly when dealing with people, the environment and capital. In practice, this means that we always apply our high sustainable management standards when making entrepreneurial decisions. This is backed by the firm conviction that the greatest incentives for and benefits of corporate responsibility are achieved if they are balanced with entrepreneurial objectives. Corporate Responsibility BRIC strategy A key aspect of LANXESS’s strategy is to focus on the fastest-growing markets for our products, especially in the BRIC countries. Well targeted investments and acquisitions served to reposition LANXESS as one of the top suppliers in its key businesses. Between 2005 and 2010, the sales results for BRIC have doubled as a percentage of group sales. By 2012, more than 38 percent of capital expenditures will be directed toward Asia and Latin America, compared with less than 20 percent in 2005. In order to journey on the path to continued profitable growth it is of major importance for LANXESS to focus on the BRIC countries. Expansion in BRIC Megatrends – future business fields The world is becoming ever more mobile. The world needs more and more food. The world’s population is continuing to shift to major cities. And the world needs reliable access to clean water more than ever. With its innovative products and solutions LANXESS is in an excellent position to master the challenges of the global megatrends Mobility Agriculture Urbanization Water – while naturally always taking sustainability aspects into account. Megatrends Innovations are the driving force of every company – LANXESS is a pioneer in many areas There are currently around 170 research and development projects running at LANXESS. Some examples of successfully launched products are Buna® CB 21: A highly elastic rubber from the Performance Butadiene Rubbers (PBR) business unit. It reduces the rolling resistance of tires and helps save driving energy. This property makes it suitable for future high performance automobiles. Organo sheets: These fiber-reinforced plastic sheets show Stand 31.12.2009 / Mitarbeiter weltweit a particularly high mechanical performance at lower weight compared to metal sheets. The high-tech plastics and the know-how comes from the Semi-Crystalline Products (SCP) business unit. Organo sheets are going to enter the automobile industry. Baynox®: A highly effective biodiesel stabilizing product from the Advanced Industrial Intermediates (AII) business unit. Innovations Broad product range comprising premium chemicals, rubber and polymers Basic chemicals Active ingredients (custom manufacturing) and intermediates for pharmaceuticals and crop protection products Material protection products Finishing agents for leather Ion exchange resins, especially for water treatment Inorganic pigments for coloring concrete and surface coatings Dyes and inorganic and organic pigments for coloring plastics Plastics additives such as flame retardants and plasticizers Solid rubber and rubber chemicals for the rubber and tire industry Plastics for automotive, electrical appliances, furniture, sports and leisure Perlon wire for technical applications Product Portfolio The Business Units Performance Polymers Butyl Rubber Performance Butadiene Rubbers Technical Rubber Products Semi-Crystalline Products Advanced Intermediates Advanced Industrial Intermediates Saltigo Performance Chemicals Functional Chemicals Inorganic Pigments Ion Exchange Resins Leather Material Protection Products Rhein Chemie Rubber Chemicals Overview: Business Units Grouping business activities into segments Reporting structure Key data 9M / 2011 in € Key data year 2010 in € Performance Polymers Advanced Intermediates Performance Chemicals Sales 3.798 bn. Sales 1.182 bn. Sales 1.640 bn. Sales 3.782 bn. Sales 1.321 bn. Sales 1.987 bn. Segment Overview Performance Polymers Products that go to the distance It’s our long standing expertise that has made the difference for LANXESS in the field of Performance Polymers. All over the world, cars and trucks are on the move with tires produced with our rubber. Behind this achievement is a century of know-how – after all we invented rubber synthesis in the year 1909. Today we continue to build upon our successes, taking advantage of our position at the forefront of Performance Polymers technology. Durethan® and Pocan® are plastic materials on the rise, offering outstanding potential for growth and innovation. They also make a strong contribution to our Semi-Crystalline Products (SCP) Business Unit. Reporting structure Key data 9M / 2010 in € Key data year 2010 in € Performance Polymers Advanced Intermediates Performance Chemicals Performance Sales 3.798 Rubber bn. Sales 3.782 bn. Segment Overview: Performance Polymers Performance Polymers – Butyl Rubber A producer of high-quality rubber products for the tire and rubber processing industries. Butyl rubber has the special property of being impermeable to air. Regular butyl is to be found in inner tubes for trucks and bicycles and in balls. Special applications include pharmaceutical stoppers and protective apparel. Head of Business Unit: Dr. Ron Commander Performance Polymers – Performance Butadiene Rubbers (PBR) An international manufacturer of the synthetic rubber polybutadiene. This is used in car tires, golf balls, technical rubber goods, electronics articles and much more besides. Important products: PBR (Polybutadiene Rubber): Buna® CB SSBR (Solution Styrene Butadiene Rubber): Buna® VSL, Buna® SL, Buna® BL ESBR (Emulsion Styrene Butadiene Rubber): Buna® SE Head of Business Unit: Dr. Joachim Grub Performance Polymers – Technical Rubber Products (TRP) The business unit is one of the most important suppliers of specialty elastomers for the rubber processing industry. The products are processed into technical rubber goods and tires. They are also used as modifiers for plastics and as adhesive raw materials. Product selection: Baypren® Buna® EP Therban® Levapren® Krynac® Perbunan® Levatherm® F Head of Business Unit: Dr. Günther Weymans Performance Polymers – Semi-Crystalline Products (SCP) The Semi-Crystalline Products business unit has two product lines of high-quality plastics, Durethan® (polyamide) and Pocan® (polyester). The primary applications for these products are in the automotive industry, electrical engineering and electronics and the construction sector. The monofilaments Perlon®, Atlas® and Bayco® are used for paper machine clothing, fishing lines, cables and ropes, agriculture and sports articles. Head of Business Unit: Dr. Michael Zobel Advanced Intermediates Basic and fine chemicals for the world market The Advanced Intermediates segment combines the business operations in the fields of basic and fine chemicals. LANXESS is one of the leading global suppliers in these fields. We owe our strong presence in the global market to our many years of expertise, successful branding and the intensive global isomer management in our unique aromatic network. Reporting structure Key data 9M / 2011 in € Key data year 2010 in € Performance Polymers Advanced Intermediates Performance Chemicals Sales 1.182 bn. Sales 1.321 bn. Segment Overview: Advanced Intermediates Advanced Intermediates – Advanced Industrial Intermediates (AII) Advanced Industrial Intermediates is a major supplier of industrial chemicals. A group of production plants, known as the aromatic network, provides the basis for production. This enables the BU to provide a very wide range of products. The main product groups are chlorobenzenes, chlorotoluenes and cresols, nitrotoluenes, polyols, oxidation products, amines, monoisocyanates, benzyl products and inorganic acids. Head of Business Unit: Dr. Hubert Fink Advanced Intermediates – Saltigo (SGO) Development and production of numerous products that are used as raw materials as well as intermediate products for crop protection agents and pharmaceutical active ingredients, and other high quality fine chemicals. Corresponding supply of services. Head of Business Unit: Wolfgang Schmitz Performance Chemicals LANXESS makes colours brighter In the field of special chemicals, LANXESS enjoys an excellent reputation with its colourful brands. Our organic plastic colorants are the brightest stars on the horizon in this market. By means of a global sales and service network we guarantee our stars keep shining with the highest possible quality through long-term patent protection for our technologies. Reporting structure Key data 9M / 2011 in € Key data year 2010 in € Performance Polymers Advanced Intermediates Performance Chemicals Sales 1.640 bn. Sales 1.978 bn. Segment Overview: Performance Chemicals Performance Chemicals – Functional Chemicals (FCC) Phosphorous Chemicals Polymer Additives Colorants Flame retardants Intermediates Special phosphorous products Complexing and dispersing agents Solvent dyes for plastics High performance pigments Pigment preparations Colorants for special applications Plasticizers Blowing agents Bonding agents Modifiers Head of Business Unit: Jorge Alberto Nogueira Performance Chemicals – Inorganic Pigments (IPG) A globally operating manufacturer of iron oxide pigments with a broad range of products. Coloring of building materials such as roofing tiles and pavers surface coatings plastics and paper, plus special applications in the fields of toner pigments, arsenic adsorbers and catalysts Head of Business Unit: Jörg Hellwig Performance Chemicals – Ion Exchange Resins (ION) Ion Exchange Resins is one of the world’s most important providers of ion exchange resins, absorbers an functional polymers. The products are sold world-wide under the brand name Lewatit® and Ionac®. water treatment the food industry catalysis and chemical processes the pharmaceutical industry Head of Business Unit: Jean-Marc Vesselle Performance Chemicals – Leather (LEA) An important supplier of leather chemicals and system solutions with a broad product portfolio for all stages of leather manufacture inorganic and synthetic tanning materials preservatives and fat-liquoring agents dyes tanning and finishing agents Head of Business Unit: Dr. Markus Eckert Performance Chemicals – Material Protection Products (MPP) Comprehensive range of biocides and specialty active ingredients for wood preservatives/antifouling products disinfectants/personal care products beverage preservatives industrial preservatives (paints, mineral slurries, dry film and in-can preservation, corrosion inhibitors etc.) Head of Business Unit: Dr. Torsten Derr Performance Chemicals – Rhein Chemie (RCH) A cross-industry manufacturer of custom-made products and services. Rhein Chemie delivers Additives for the rubber, lubricants, polyurethanes and plastics industries. The range includes customer-specific products specialties services Head of Business Unit: Dr. Anno Borkowsky Performance Chemicals – Rubber Chemicals (RUC) A worldwide manufacturer and supplier of rubber chemicals. These are used in the tire industry and in the manufacture of technical rubber goods. Important brands and products: Vulkanox®, as antioxidants Vulkacit®, as accelerators Specialty chemicals Head of Business Unit: Luis López-Remón Group Functions as service providers for the Business Units Accounting Global Procurement & Logistics Investor Relations Aliseca Human Resources Law & Intellectual Property Corporate Communications Industrial & Environmental Affairs Mergers & Aquisitions Corporate Controlling Information Technology Tax Corporate Development Innovation & Technology Treasury Internal Auditing Overview: Group Functions Accounting (ACC) – The Group’s “nervous system“ Accounting collects and checks information on all business transactions and presents it in a structured form. The core component is the profit and loss statement. The responsibilities of this group function include compilation of the consolidated financial statements, financial and quarterly reports, accounting for the main German LANXESS companies and support activities for country companies within the reporting process. Head of Group Function: Gerhard Schmitz Aliseca (ASC) – A reliable and competent partner The Aliseca group function supports LANXESS business units all around the world, providing services that are essential for the manufacture of chemical products and their supply to our customers. The service mainly covers all aspects of maintenance. An additional objective of the group function is to further develop key technical competencies for LANXESS and to strengthen LANXESS business units through knowledge transfer. Head of Group Function: Dr. Michael Kortenbusch Corporate Communications (COM) – The global ambassador for LANXESS The group function Corporate Communications is responsible for the strategic and long-term positioning of the LANXESS corporate brand. The entire array of communications disciplines is employed to achieve the communications objectives. The aim is to continuously develop the positive perception of LANXESS by internal and external stakeholders. Head of Group Function: Christoph Sieder Corporate Controlling (CON) – The planners and analysts The main responsibilities of Corporate Controlling are planning, reporting, analyzing, controlling and managing LANXESS’s key financial and business parameters, based on the income, assets and liabilities and cashflow statements. Management decisions and operational transactions as well as medium-term business planning are prepared, supported and based on these. Head of Group Function: Michael Pontzen Corporate Development (DEV) – Setting the strategic course for the corporation’s future The most important strategic decisions are prepared in the Corporate Development group function; from total business reorganization (corporate strategy) through business acquisition and disposition (active portfolio management) to allocation of key investments (strategic allocation of resources). Corporate Development is also in charge of assisting the strategic development of all business units and provides support to business units in the form of market and competition analyses (Competitive Intelligence). Corporate Development (DEV) supports the Board of Management with the organization and implementation of Board of Management projects and initiatives. Head of Group Function: Dr. Uwe Boltersdorf Global Procurement & Logistics (GPL) – LANXESS’s centrally managed purchasing organization and supply chain provider Procurement ensures the provision of all necessary materials, equipment and services. A global procurement network enables the use of purchasing synergies, so that LANXESS can be as effective as possible on the market and utilize price benefits. Its main objective is to ensure the effective positioning of the entire LANXESS purchasing power in procurement markets in order to achieve competitive advantages for the business units. Furthermore GPL guarantees the efficiency of the global supply chain for LANXESS products. Head of Group Function: Holger Hüppeler Human Resources (HR) – The success of a Group lies in its people The knowledge, skills and motivation of staff are essential requirements for the economic success of LANXESS. The objective of the Human Resources group function is to harmonize these three assets for the benefit of the business. By adopting the appropriate personnel strategies, for example result and performance-oriented compensation systems or up-to-date measures for personal development, HR is contributing to the success of the business. Head of Group Function: Zhengrong Liu Industrial and Environmental Affairs (IEA) – Legal and political interface The IEA group function ensures compliance with legal requirements in the areas of environmental and chemical safety, hazard and risk assessments and product and site safety. IEA is likewise responsible for the registration and licensing of LANXESS products, defending products against the authorities and political lobbying as well as for site and asset management. IEA also supports business units and group functions in the implementation, maintenance and development of an integrated and process-oriented management system to continuously improve business processes designed to assure long-term business security. This group function is also responsible for documentation control at LANXESS. Head of Group Function: Georg van Bracht Information Technology (IT) – IT system planning and operation The IT group function provides IT support for the relevant business processes. This includes provision of the infrastructure and also the development and operation of applications at the lowest possible cost while maintaining internal and external standards. Head of Group Function: Christoph Schulze-Berge Innovation & Technology (INN) – Our investment in the future The Innovation & Technology group function makes a significant contribution to increasing added value at LANXESS. Its main tasks include: Optimizing existing, and developing new, production processes Developing new products and product applications to safeguard the economic success of LANXESS In addition to utilizing and pooling in-house expertise, we also incorporate external know-how into LANXESS processes by cooperating closely with key research organizations. State-of-the-art tools and methods in the group function, combined with effective innovation and information management, ensure the efficiency of research and development activities. Head of Group Function: Dr. Paul Wagner Internal Auditing (IA) – Keeping an eye on order and efficiency Internal Auditing verifies that business processes are run efficiently and properly. The LANXESS businessoriented internal audit focuses first and foremost on seeking methods to simplify structures and thus reduce costs. As well as efficiency, auditors’ investigations also focus on compliance with legal procedures and directives. If they become suspicious, for example of any fraud, price rigging or sexual harassment, the Compliance Committee will be called in. Head of Group Function: Stefan Klamroth Investor Relations (IR) – Interface between the capital market and LANXESS The responsibilities of Investor Relations include arrangements for direct and indirect contact (e. g. roadshows, investor conferences, Annual Stockholders’ Meetings and annual reports) with investors, analysts, potential financiers and capital market multiplicators. The objective is to ensure a continuous flow of information about LANXESS and to create a long-term and trusting "relationship" with the capital market by means of an ongoing dialog with the financial community. In addition, internal IR communication should make the company more sensitive towards subjects relevant to the capital market and its own specific communication needs. Head of Group Function: Oliver Stratmann Law & Intellectual Property (LIP) – Legal management and control of all LANXESS activities Law & Intellectual Property (LIP) is an instrument of the Board of Management for ensuring that all LANXESS business activities are legally compliant. LIP is thus the point of contact for all relevant issues and its objective is to organize, protect and optimize the legal compliance of LANXESS business activities around the world. Thus in addition to General Law (GL) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), LIP also looks after other functions such as collection of accounts receivable and administrative functions for LANXESS subsidiaries. Head of Group Function: Dr. Jochen Schroer Mergers & Acquisitions (MA) – The specialists for corporate transactions Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A) extends beyond merging and purchasing corporations to include divestments (e. g. of products, product groups, plants, investments, business units) and cooperations (e. g. joint ventures, strategic partnerships). Its work centers on the management and coordination of M & A projects. In addition, the MA group function maintains contact with competitors, strategic investors and financial investors as well as investment banks and other financial advisors. Head of Group Function: Marcel Beermann Group Function Tax – The skilled tax advisor The tax experts are responsible for optimizing the structure of the Group and its companies from a tax point of view. They are also responsible for ensuring compliance with fiscal obligations. This GF is involved with the accounting, balance sheet compilation and planning processes for LANXESS and takes care of the Group’s tax payments. It also provides guidance on drawing up contracts for the sale and/or purchase of business divisions, setting up joint ventures and other legal relationships within the Group and with external partners. Head of Group Function: Jürgen Topoll Group Function Treasury (TR) – The guardians of the vault One of the main tasks of the Group Function Treasury at LANXESS is to ensure that the company has the financial headroom to achieve its corporate goals. Principal activities include steering the global banking portfolio, obtaining financing from the capital market and banks, and actively communicating with the rating agencies. The Group Function Treasury also manages all financial risks from a global perspective, plans financing and liquidity, and oversees the global insurance programs. Head of Group Function: Christoph Koch The team stands firm, the policy fits the bill and the chemistry is right LANXESS is a leading specialty chemicals company with sales of EUR 7.120 billion in 2010 and currently around 16,100 employees in 30 countries. The company is represented at 47 production sites worldwide. The core business of LANXESS is the development, manufacturing and marketing of plastics, rubber, intermediates and specialty chemicals. But LANXESS wants more: Now that the restructuring has created a solid foundation for the future, the long-term objective is to become an active key player in the national and international chemicals market.
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