City Plan Commission
City Plan Commission
City of Richardson City Plan Commission Agenda Packet Tuesday, November 3, 2015 To advance to the background material for each item in the agenda, click on the item title in the agenda or click on Bookmarks in the tool bar on the left side of your screen. AGENDA CITY OF RICHARDSON - CITY PLAN COMMISSION NOVEMBER 3, 2015 7:00 P.M. CIVIC CENTER – COUNCIL CHAMBERS 411 W. ARAPAHO ROAD BRIEFING SESSION: 6:00 P.M. Prior to the regular business meeting, the City Plan Commission will meet with staff in the East Conference Room, located on the first floor, to receive a briefing on: A. Discussion of Regular Agenda items. B. Staff Report on pending development, zoning permits, and planning matters. MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes of the regular business meeting of October 20, 2015. CONSENT ITEMS All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Plan Commission and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless desired, in which case any item(s) may be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. 2. Revised Site & Landscape Plans – Seventh Day Adventist Church: A request for approval of site and landscape plans for a 6,562 square foot building addition on an existing religious campus. The 3acre site is located at 1201 W. Belt Line Road, the southwest corner of Belt Line Road and Waterview Drive. Applicant: Lloyd Osborn, Novel Builders, representing Seventh Day Adventist Church. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. 3. Revised Site & Landscape Plans – BBVA Compass Bank: A request for approval of revised site and landscape plans to reflect a 1,800 square foot expansion to an existing banking facility. The 0.73acre site is located at 120 N. Coit Road, on the east side of Coit Road, north of Belt Line Road. Applicant: Jerry Fang, RLG, representing BBVA Compass Bank. Staff: Israel Roberts. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Zoning File 15-28 – Altitude Trampoline Park: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor trampoline park). The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial and located at 110 W. Campbell Road, northwest corner of Campbell Road and Alamo Road. Applicant: John Perry, representing JVA Properties. Staff: Chris Shacklett. 5. Zoning File 15-29 – K1 Speed Indoor Karting: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor go-kart business) to be located at 677 W. Campbell Road, south side of Campbell Road between Floyd Road and Nantucket Drive. The property is currently zoned LR-M(2) Local Retail. Applicant: David Danglarg, representing K1 Speed. Staff: Sam Chavez. ADJOURN Accommodation requests for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting Susan Mattison, ADA Coordinator, via phone at 972-744-0908, via email at [email protected] or by appointment at 1621 E. Lookout Drive, Richardson, Texas 75082. I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall on or before 5:30 p.m., Friday, October 30, 2015. ___________________________________ Kathy Welp, Executive Secretary Richardson City Plan Commission Agenda ds/endeavor/cpc/2010/CPC 2015-10-20genda.doc Page 1 of 1 Briefing Session B Development Status Report & Map City of Richardson, Texas ▪ City Plan Commission ▪ November 3, 2015 Meeting Packet Development Status Report City of Richardson, Texas ٠ Development Services Department Updated: October 29, 2015 # Name/Location Project Information Status Zoning File 15-25: A request for approval of a Special Permit for a restaurant with drive-through service to be located at 1380 W. Belt Line Road. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial. Applicant: Jorge Armenteros, representing Pollo Campero of Texas, LLC. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission October 20, 2015 Recommended Approval Zoning File 15-26: A request for approval of a Special Permit for a motor vehicle repair shop – minor to be located at 1325 E. Belt Line Road. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial and LR-M(2) Local Retail. Applicant: Jeff Kauerz, representing Autozone Parts, Inc. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission October 20, 2015 Recommended Approval ZONING/SPECIAL PERMIT 1 2 Pollo Campero 1380 W. Belt Line Rd. AutoZone 1325 E. Belt Line Rd. City Council November 9, 2015 City Council November 9, 2015 3 Altitude Trampoline Park 110 W. Campbell Rd. Zoning File 15-28: A request for approval of a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor trampoline park). The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial and located at 110 W. Campbell Road, northwest corner of Campbell Road and Alamo Road. Applicant: John Perry, representing JVA Properties. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission November 3, 2015 4 K1 Speed Indoor Karting 677 W. Campbell Rd. Zoning File 15-29: A request for approval of a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor go-kart business) to be located at 677 W. Campbell Road, south side of Campbell Road between Floyd Road and Nantucket Drive. The property is currently zoned LR-M(2) Local Retail. Applicant: David Danglarg, representing K1 Speed. Staff: Sam Chavez. City Plan Commission November 3, 2015 5 Race Trac Motor Vehicle Service Station 720 E. Arapaho Rd. Zoning File 15-27: A request for a change in zoning from I-FP(2) Industrial with special conditions to LR-M(2) Local Retail and approval of a Special Permit for a motor vehicle service station to be located at 720 E. Arapaho Road (southwest corner of Arapaho Road and Bowser Road). The property is currently zoned I-FP(2) Industrial. Applicant: Tommy Mann & Laura Hoffmann, Winstead PC, representing RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission November 17, 2015 Tentative X:\Publications and Forms\Development Status Report & Map\COR Development Status Report.docx Page 1 of 3 Development Status Report City of Richardson, Texas ٠ Development Services Department # Name/Location Project Information Status Zoning File 15-30: A request for approval of a Special Permit for massage establishment(s), limited to no more than 660 square feet within a salon suites lease space, to be located at 100 S. Central Expressway (southwest corner of Central Expressway and Belt Line Road. The property is currently zoned PD Planned Development. Applicant: Kalpita Patel, representing VRKP LLC. Staff: Chris Shacklett. City Plan Commission November 17, 2015 Tentative ZONING/SPECIAL PERMIT (CONT’D) 6 Phenix Salon Suites 100 S. Central Expy. VARIANCE No current Variance applications. PLAT/CONCEPT PLAN/DEVELOPMENT PLAN 7 Bush Central Station Addition NW of Plano Rd. & CityLine Dr. Amending Plat: A request for approval of an amending plat of Lot 1, Block E; Lot 1, Block F, and Lot 1 Block X of the Bush Central Addition to revise easement locations. The 6.36-acre site is located on the west side of Plano road, between State Street and CityLine Drive. Applicant: Aaron Graves, Kimley-Horn and Associates, representing CH Realty VI-JLB MF Richardson State Street I, LP and BCS West Land Investments, LP. Staff: Israel Roberts. City Plan Commission October 20, 2015 Approved 8 Palisades Town Central Addition SE of Collins Blvd. & Palisades Creek Dr. Replat: A request for approval of a replat of Lot 1, Block P; Lot 1, Block Q and Lot 12, Block X of the Palisades Town Central Addition to dedicate easements for future development. The 12.74acre site is located at 2525 and 2625 Empire Drive and 229 Palisades Creek Drive, west side of Empire Drive between Golden Gate Drive and North Gate Drive. Applicant: Sarah Scott, KimleyHorn and Associates, representing JP-Palisades III and IV, LLC. Staff: Israel Roberts. City Plan Commission October 20, 2015 Approved 9 Seventh Day Adventist Church 1201 W. Belt Line Rd. Revised Site & Landscape Plans: A request for approval of site and landscape plans for a 6,562 square foot building addition on an existing religious campus. The 3-acre site is located at 1201 W. Belt Line Road, the southwest corner of Belt Line Road and Waterview Drive. Applicant: Lloyd Osborn, Novel Builders, representing Seventh Day Adventist Church. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. City Plan Commission November 3, 2015 X:\Publications and Forms\Development Status Report & Map\COR Development Status Report.docx Page 2 of 3 Development Status Report City of Richardson, Texas ٠ Development Services Department # Name/Location Project Information Status PLAT/CONCEPT PLAN/DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CONT’D) 1 BBVA Compass Bank 120 N. Belt Line Rd. Revised Site & Landscape Plans: A request for approval of revised site and landscape plans to reflect a 1,800 square foot expansion to an existing banking facility. The 0.73-acre site is located at 120 N. Coit Road, on the east side of Coit Road, north of Belt Line Road. Applicant: Jerry Fang, RLG, representing BBVA Compass Bank. Staff: Israel Roberts. City Plan Commission November 3, 2015 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL 10 Verizon Antenna Site 945 N. Dorothy Dr. Site & Landscape Plans: Revised the site and landscape plans to reflect the demolition of the existing cellular equipment building and the construction of a new 293 sq. ft. equipment building within the same location. The existing six-foot high wrought iron fence and the Nellie R. Stevens hollies surrounding the equipment building will remain. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. Staff September 30, 2015 Approved Approval Memo & Plans 11 Qorvo 500 W. Renner Rd. Site Plan: Revised the site plan to reflect the installation of a 5,000-gallon, 18’ high storage tank inside the existing waste treatment plant located near the northeast corner of the property. The subject tank will be screened from view by the surrounding building and utilities. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. Staff October 14, 2015 Approved Approval Memo & Plans 12 McDonald’s 2198 E. Arapaho Rd. Site & Landscape Plans: Revised the site and landscape plans to reflect the addition of a second drive-through lane on the west side of the existing restaurant. Staff: Mohamed Bireima. Staff October 16, 2015 Approved Approval Memo & Plans 13 CityLine Market 1417 E. Renner Rd. Site & Landscape Plans: Revised the site and landscape plans to reflect the installation of an outdoor dining patio on the west side of Building “C” Staff: Mohamed Bireima. Staff October 20, 2015 Approved Approval Memo & Plans X:\Publications and Forms\Development Status Report & Map\COR Development Status Report.docx Page 3 of 3 GARLAND Glenville College Park Ce nte n Spring-Valley Buckingham nia l ² Development Status Map Belt Line Jupiter Plano Grove Whitehall Richland Park s Apollo 2 Frances Spring Valley DALLAS City of Richardson, Texas 12 Main Polk Brand Murphy North Star Greenfield Ho lfo rd Telecom Ow ens Owens La ke sid e Apollo Buckingham Abr am Arapaho Hartford Shiloh Jupiter ek Cre Rou th North Spring GARLAND Yale Dorothy n urb a Int er Gree nville an 5 Bowser Lindale ss w ay Floyd xp re tra lE Sh erm /C en Wea the 75 US Spring Valley 6 TI Waterfall re d Waterview Cottonwood Dublin y Coit rr be Dumont Cree k 10 Coventry Zoning/Special Permit Alma Richardson Custer West Shore Mimosa Woodall Audelia DALLAS w Ne Belt Line Research Lookout Collins Northlake 9 3 al ip ic un M Melrose 1 Alma Collins 4 Campbell Lookout Breckinridge Galatyn Prair ie University Jonsson 8 Sharp n gto Fall Cree k k ee Cr Be ck Renner ld erfie k ee Cr Collin County Dallas County Lake Park es ad lis Pa Lookout CityLine 13 s rin g r Sp Clea on ny Ca Synergy Park 7 rin Car 11Renner Point North m Sum Wa Frankford v t er ie w e Moro ney n sid Gree Wyndham President George Bush Turnpike MURPHY PLANO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pol l o Cam pe ro,1380W.Be l tLine Rd .( ZF1525) AutoZone ,1325E.Be l tLine Rd .( ZF1526) Al titud e Tram pol ine Park ,110W.Cam pbe l l Rd .( ZF1528) K1S pe e d I nd oor Karting,677W.Cam pbe l l Rd .( ZF1529) Race TracMotor Ve h icl e S e rvice S tation,720E.Arapah o Rd .( ZF1527) Ph e nixS al on S uite s,100S .Ce ntralEx py . ,( ZF1530) Variance No curre ntVariance appl ications. Plat/Concept Plan/Development Plan 7. Bush Ce ntral S tation Ad d ition,NW ofPl ano Rd .&City Line Dr. 8. Pal isad e s Tow n Ce ntralAd d ition,S EofCol l ins Bl vd .& Pal isad e s Cre e k Dr. 9. S e ve nth DayAd ve ntistCh urch ,1201W.Be l tLine Rd . 1. BBVACom pass Bank ,120N.Be l tLine Rd . Administrative Approval 10. Ve riz on Ante nnaS ite ,945N.Doroth yDr. 11. Qorvo,500W.Re nne r Rd . 12. McDonal d’ s,2198E.Arapah o Rd . 13. City Line Mark e t,1417E.Re nne r Rd . Undeveloped Land (Approx. 5.5%) Updated: October 29, 2015 1 0. 5 0 1 2 Mil es Agenda Item 1 Approval of the minutes of the October 20, 2015 City Plan Commission Meeting City of Richardson, Texas ▪ City Plan Commission ▪ November 3, 2015 Meeting Packet CITY OF RICHARDSON CITY PLAN COMMISSION MINUTES – OCTOBER 20, 2015 The Richardson City Plan Commission met on October 20, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers, 411 W. Arapaho Road, Richardson, Texas. Barry Hand, Chairman Gerald Bright, Vice Chair Janet DePuy, Commissioner Bill Ferrell, Commissioner Marilyn Frederick, Commissioner Thomas Maxwell, Commissioner Randy Roland, Commissioner Stephen Springs, Alternate Ron Taylor, Alternate CITY STAFF PRESENT: Sam Chavez, Assistant Director – Dev. Svcs. – Planning Dan Tracy, Development Engineer Israel Roberts, Development Manager Chris Shacklett, Senior Planner Kathy Welp, Executive Secretary A BRIEFING SESSION FT MEMBERS PRESENT: Prior to the start of the regular business meeting, the City Plan Commission met with staff regarding staff reports and agenda items. No action was taken. MINUTES R 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular business meeting of September 15, 2015. Motion: Commissioner DePuy made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; second by Vice Chair Bright. Motion approved 7-0. D CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Plan Commission and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless desired, in which case any item(s) may be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. 2. Amending Plat – Lot 1A, Block E; Lot 1A, Block F; and Lot 1A, Block X of the Bush Central Station Addition: A request for approval of an amending plat of Lot 1, Block E; Lot 1, Block F, and Lot 1 Block X of the Bush Central Addition to revise easement locations. The 6.36-acre site is located on the west side of Plano road, between State Street and CityLine Drive. Motion: Commission Roland made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; second by Commissioner Frederick. Motion approved 7-0. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 Minutes.doc Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. Replat – Lots 1A, Block P; Lot 1A, Block Q; and Lot 12A, Block X of the Palisades Town Central Addition: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a replat of Lot 1, Block P; Lot 1, Block Q and Lot 12, Block X of the Palisades Town Central Addition to dedicate easements for future development. The 12.74-acre site is located at 2525 and 2625 Empire Drive and 229 Palisades Creek Drive, west side of Empire Drive between Golden Gate Drive and North Gate Drive. FT Mr. Roberts stated the purpose of the replat was to dedicate the easements necessary for the development of two apartment complexes on Lot 1A, Block P and Lot 1A, Block Q, and the replat complied with City subdivision design standards. With no questions for staff, Chairman Hand opened the public hearing. No comments were received in favor or opposed and Chairman Hand closed the public hearing. Motion: Vice Chair Bright made a motion to approve Item 3 as presented; second by Commissioner Ferrell. Motion approved 7-0. A 4. Zoning File 15-25 – Pollo Campero: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a Special Permit for a restaurant with drive-through service to be located at 1380 W. Belt Line Road, north side of Belt Line Road, east of Coit Road. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial. R Mr. Shacklett stated the applicant was requesting a Special Permit for a restaurant with drive-through service for the property at 1380 W. Belt Line Road. He added the property was the former Hollywood Video site and was adjacent to a Kroger anchored shopping center, a city water storage facility to the east, and two banking facilities to the west. D Mr. Shacklett gave a brief history of the property noting that in the late 1980’s the site received approval for a restaurant with drive-through; however, the business was never constructed, and in the late 1990’s Hollywood Video was built. In addition, a request for a Special Permit was heard in 2013 for an automotive repair shop, but that request was denied at City Council and as part of that denial the Special Permit for the drive-through restaurant was revoked. Mr. Shacklett described the proposed site plan noting that a portion of a driveway would be removed to improve traffic flow and parking, plus the closed driveway would provide additional landscape area for planting required canopy and ornamental trees. Mr. Shacklett explained that the city water facility was zoned residential, which would normally require the construction of a 6-foot masonry wall, but the applicant was requesting a waiver from that requirement based on the fact the city water facility would most likely never redevelop, and the extensive living screen along the chain-linked fence. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 2 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 Mr. Shacklett concluded his presentation by stating that no correspondence had been received in support or opposition and, if the item was approved, the special conditions in the staff report should be made part of the motion. Commissioner Roland asked if the escape lane along the drive-through was a recent addition to new construction or was it something the City required. Mr. Shacklett replied the City does not require an escape lane and when a project is initially proposed the staff will discuss the feasibility of an escape lane with an applicant. FT Commissioner DePuy asked if the two, adjacent, bank buildings were more compatible with the other buildings in the shopping center than the proposed building. Mr. Shacklett said he thought the northern most bank building utilized colors that were similar to the Kroger grocery store. Vice Chair Bright asked if there were any concerns about the throat depth at the end of the escape lane. A Mr. Shacklett replied the escape lane would open up in the area around the menu board then narrow down again after a vehicle passed the pick-up window. Commissioner Frederick asked what type of material would be used on the awnings. R Mr. Shacklett said the awnings on the south elevation were fabric and metal canopies would be over the door, pick-up window and the entrance on the east side. With no further questions for staff, Chairman Hand opened the public hearing. D Mr. David Gregory, Icon Consulting Engineers, 2840 W. Southlake Boulevard, Suite 110, Southlake, Texas; Ms. Naomi Contreras, ID Studio 4, 1431 Greenway Drive, Irving, Texas; and Mr. John Boyd, 5420 LBJ Freeway, Tower 3, Dallas, Texas said they were available to answer any questions. Commissioner DePuy said she understood the company would want to stick with their branding, but wanted to know if the applicant had considered other colors for the elevations, possibly something similar to the adjacent shopping center or banks. Mr. Boyd replied it was their intent to complement their surroundings, but the proposed colors were very specific to the branding and important to their image. Chairman Hand asked if the red/orange were specific to the branding and was the wood tones simply a backdrop. Mr. Boyd said all three colors – the orange, yellow and lime green were all important. He added that the brown wood-like panels were Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) and were part of their new prototype. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 3 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 Commissioner Ferrell asked about the interior design and the maximum occupancy. Ms. Contreras replied there would be 60 seats inside the restaurant and a total occupancy of 81. Ms. Rose Mezza, JLL, 8343 Douglas Avenue, Suite 100, Dallas said she was representing the landlord and was in favor of the application. No other comments were received in favor or opposed and Chairman Hand closed the public hearing. FT Commissioner Springs said he did not particularly like dead-end parking and thought the proposed parking could be problematic. He also wanted to know if there was a point when an area might be seen as having too many drive-through businesses (restaurants and banks) based on the existing businesses in Richardson and the south side of Belt Line Road in the City of Dallas. Mr. Shacklett replied that with respect to drive-through restaurants, that was the reason for the required Special Permit so the Commission could determine if that type of business would be a good fit for the area. A Chairman Hand concurred with Mr. Springs and said he did not like dead-end parking, but felt the intersection was sufficient in size and volume to handle the number of businesses in the area. Mr. Shacklett explained that staff tries to avoid dead-end parking and that was the reason for the stripped area in the parking lot that should help facilitate easier maneuvering. He also pointed out that the current site provided almost twice as much parking as required by code. R Commissioner DePuy said she did not have a lot of concern with the location or circulation, but did have concerns with the color scheme and the fact it was not compatible with the rest of the shopping center. She added that for years the City had discussed redevelopment along this area with higher end business and she felt the proposed business did not fit that model. D Commissioner Springs stated he thought the lot usage was inefficient (large space, tiny building) and would rather see a more substantive restaurant. He added that if a drive-through was not acceptable along Central Expressway because it was a gateway to the City, he did not see why it would be allowed at the proposed location. Vice Chair Bright said he was okay with a drive-through restaurant at the proposed location and indicated he would be supporting the item. Motion: Commissioner Roland made a motion to recommend approval of Zoning File 15-25 as presented; second by Commissioner Maxwell. Prior to the final vote, Commissioner Maxwell suggested the applicant take another look at the dead-end parking before coming back for site and landscape plan approval, and Chairman Hand suggested increasing connectivity from the parking to the restaurant. Motion approved 7-0. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 4 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 5. Zoning File 15-26 – Autozone: Consider and take necessary action on a request for approval of a Special Permit for a motor vehicle repair shop – minor to be located at 1325 E. Belt Line Road, north side of Belt Line Road west of Plano Road. The property is currently zoned C-M Commercial. Mr. Shacklett advised that when the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO) was updated in 2008, the definition was changed for motor vehicle repair shop – minor to require a Special Permit for businesses selling tires and batteries. Since AutoZone would be selling batteries, it fell under the definition and would be required to obtain a Special Permit. FT Mr. Shacklett stated the applicant was proposing to position the store facing Belt Line Road with a 10foot landscape buffer across the front of the property. He added that staff had recommended the applicant look at the recent remodels and new construction surrounding the site to take into consideration the possibility of using other building materials and adding architectural features to their design. In closing his presentation, Mr. Shacklett suggested that if the Commission recommended approval of the item, the three suggested special conditions should be incorporated in the motion including the verbiage at the end of special condition three stating “…is limited to the sale of batteries for motor vehicles.” A Vice Chair Bright stated that based on his personal experience, he had concerns about how the proposed building would affect parking for the surrounding businesses because customers of the adjacent Applebee’s use the proposed site for overflow parking. R Mr. Shacklett replied the Applebee’s was sufficiently parked per City Code and any parking south of Applebee’s would be eliminated. Commissioner Frederick said she wanted to know the minimum parking allowance since the proposed location was designated for retail as opposed to auto repair. She also wanted to know the applicant’s response to staff’s suggestion of changing the exterior to blend in with the adjacent businesses. D Mr. Shacklett replied that retail would be parked at 1:333, or 21 parking spaces and the proposed site would provide 29 parking spaces. He added that if it was a vehicle repair business, the site would have to provide five parking spaces plus two per garage bay. Regarding the applicant’s response, Mr. Shacklett said staff did not give the applicant any specific directions, but the suggestions were more general in nature regarding using materials similar to the adjacent businesses and possibly some building articulation. He added that Autozone did have other locations that have used different materials from those currently proposed. With no further questions for staff, Chairman Hand opened the public hearing. Mr. Scott Peruski, Professional Engineering Associates, representing Autozone, 2900 E. Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan, stated he was the civil engineer and had worked closely with city staff to come up with the current design, which offered a great deal of green space and provided the required number of parking spaces. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 5 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 Regarding the façade, Mr. Peruski said the proposed building was similar to the prototypical Autozone with the exception of the split-faced, Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU), wall and the raised parapet to screen rooftop mechanical equipment. He added the original design had Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS), but at the request of the City the EIFS was replaced with masonry. Commissioner Springs noted there were other Autozones not too far from the current site and wanted to know if the site was being used to relocate one of those businesses or was it a new business. Mr. Peruski replied he did not know if there would be a relocation. FT Commissioner Ferrell said he had similar concerns to Ms. Frederick over the building design and asked if the design was based on concerns over branding or cost of material. Mr. Peruski replied the branding was important and if the materials were changed it would still be Autozone’s preference to paint them with their corporate colors. He added that Autozone was not opposed to looking at the façade materials during site plan review. Mr. Peruski added that with the downturn in the economy, people were more inclined to keep and maintain their current vehicles. A Commissioner Roland noted that the Autozone closest to him looks completely different from the one being proposed and was similar in appearance to the theme of the nearby businesses; however, with the current location – the retrofit of the Albertsons and two franchise restaurants that built their style of buildings, there did not seem to be a theme to the area. R Chairman Hand asked about the faux windows on the front façade. He also said he could empathize with Ms. Frederick’s concerns over the elevations, but felt he could go along with the design. Mr. Peruski replied those windows were used to break-up the look of the front elevation. D With no other comments in favor, Chairman Hand called for comments in opposition to the item. Mr. Jack Winfield, Winfield Jewelry, 129 N. Plano Road, Richardson, Texas, said this was the first time he had viewed the proposed design and thought the building was too big for the site. He also pointed out that the drive aisle between the Wendy’s restaurant and the proposed location, which provided access to his business, would be removed if the building was built. Mr. Winfield noted that although the Applebee’s restaurant met the City’s parking standard, it had put a real stress on the parking with the overflow and felt the proposed building would adversely affect the situation even further including having deliveries at the rear of the building impact traffic flow through the area. Mr. Winfield concluded his comments by expressing concern that customers of the Autozone might use the parking lot to make their vehicle repairs after purchasing parts from the store, and said he would also address the parking concerns via a shared parking agreement with the owners of the property. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 6 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 Mr. Peruski stated in rebuttal that deliveries to the building would be once per week during off-peak hours. Commissioner Taylor asked for the applicant’s definition of “off peak hours”. Mr. Peruski replied the store hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sundays so off peak would be in the evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. No other comments were received in favor or opposed and Chairman Hand closed the public hearing. FT Commissioner Ferrell asked what the square footage was on the two adjacent restaurants. Mr. Shacklett replied the Wendy’s was approximately 2,500 to 3,000 square feet and the Applebee’s was 4,500 square feet. He acknowledged the Autozone would have a larger footprint, but noted the design was well within the allowable coverage for the site (Floor to Area Ratio or FAR) at 0.23 when the site could hold a 0.6 FAR. A Mr. Shacklett also acknowledged that the drive aisle mentioned by Mr. Winfield would go away, but pointed out that the dedicated access/easement actually was to north along the front of the U-Fit building. Chairman Hand asked to clarify why the parking island on the site plan did not match what was on the photograph. R Mr. Shacklett said the Autozone exhibit was developed based on a site plan prepared for the Applebee’s and did not reflect what is currently on the site. D Vice Chair Bright said he was concerned about the parking but thought it was more an Applebee’s issue instead of a potential problem with Autozone. He also wanted to know more about the shared parking arrangement. Mr. Shacklett replied that he did not know the specifics of the shared parking agreement, but explained that if all the businesses met their parking code requirements then an agreement could be entered into privately. In addition, if an agreement was being used to accommodate a deficiency on one property, then that would come before the Commission as a request for a parking variance. Mr. Chavez added that a shared parking agreement made the property lines invisible so customers could park anywhere without fear of having their vehicles towed. Commissioner Springs said he was sympathetic to Mr. Winfield’s concerns, but felt it was not an Autozone problem, but an “allowed by right” problem. He also requested a clarification on the two definitions in the code – parts and accessories regarding “sale or installation” and the definition for repair shop – minor that had “sale and installation”. Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 7 Richardson City Plan Commission Minutes October 20, 2015 Mr. Shacklett replied the allowed by right use of parts and accessory sales prohibited sale or installation of batteries, therefore, the proposed use would require a Special Permit. Commissioner DePuy said her concerns were with the use and the design of the building and thought the applicant should have followed the staff’s suggestions. In addition, while looking at another Autozone site in the City she noticed a proliferation of other auto repair or auto related businesses and was concerned the same could happen at the proposed location. FT Vice Chair Bright concurred there were a number of car related businesses in close proximity to the other Autozone, and thought the proposed location was an odd choice, but said he would support it with the added condition suggested by staff. Motion: Vice Chair Bright made a motion to recommend approval of Zoning File 15-26 as presented including the special condition suggested by staff regarding motor vehicle parts and sale to be added to the end of special condition three; second by Commissioner Maxwell. Motion approved 5-2 with Commissioners DePuy and Frederick opposed. ADJOURN A With no further business before the Commission, Chairman Hand adjourned the regular business meeting at 8:36 p.m. D R _______________________ Barry Hand, Chairman City Plan Commission Ds:CPC/2015/2015-10-20 CPCMinutes.doc 8 Agenda Item 2 Revised Site & Landscape Plans: Seventh Day Adventist Church City of Richardson, Texas ▪ City Plan Commission ▪ November 3, 2015 Meeting Packet Seventh-Day Adventist Church Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Locator Site plan staff report Site plan Landscape plan staff report Landscape plan N Waterview Dr St Lukes Dr Sh a dy wo od Pl Subject Site 2.99 acres Ha mi lto Delmont Dr Seventh-Day Adventist Church 1201 W. Belt Line Road Ln Ln dy rra y et h Sh a Mu ab r wo El iz nD Ln Danville Dr od Dover Dr S Waterview Dr W Belt Line Rd 4 CITY PLAN COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 3, 2015 Revised Site Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Seventh-Day Adventist Church Location: 1201 W. Belt Line Road Southwest corner of Belt Line Road and Waterview Drive Staff Comments: The site plan reflects the construction of a 6,562 square foot building expansion with an expanded parking area on the east side of the existing sanctuary. The proposed expansion will include a family life center and additional classrooms. The site plan complies with all applicable zoning and development regulations. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Zoning: R-1250-M Residential District Tract Size: 2.99-acres (130,524 square feet) Variances: On August 30, 1982, the City Council granted a variance to allow a living screen along the south and west property lines in lieu of a masonry screening wall. Building Area/Use: Existing Proposed 26,381 square feet/religious facility 19,819 square feet 6,562 square feet Site Access: The site has direct access to Belt Line Road and Waterview Drive. Parking Summary: Parking Ratio Spaces Required Spaces Provided 1 per 3 seats (375 seats) 125 167 Page 1 of 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES U:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Belt Line Rd W\1201 (7th Day Adventist Church) - converted\Staff Reports & Minutes\2015-11-03 Site & Landscape - CPC\Site Plan Staff Report.doc Required Screening: The subject property is screened from the residential homes along the south and west property lines by an existing living screen in lieu of the required masonry screening wall in accordance with a variance granted by City Council on August 30, 1982. Page 2 of 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES U:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Belt Line Rd W\1201 (7th Day Adventist Church) - converted\Staff Reports & Minutes\2015-11-03 Site & Landscape - CPC\Site Plan Staff Report.doc UES CW West Belt Line Road CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW SS SS CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW Waterview Drive CW CW PWTR CW CW CW SS STRM CW CW UES STRM CW UES PWTR CW UES STRM PWTR CW UES CW UES CW UES CW UES CW UES CW UES CW CW CW UES CW CW CW UES CW CW CW SS GAS PWTR PWTR SS SS GAS SS SS SS S UE PWTR SS SS SS GAS SS GAS SS S UE S UE S UE S UE SS SS SS SS SS SS SS A0.02 CITY PLAN COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 21, 2015 Revised Landscape Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: Seventh-Day Adventist Church Location: 1201 W. Belt Line Road Southwest corner of Belt Line Road and Waterview Drive Staff Comments: The landscape plan reflects a 6,562 square foot building expansion with an expanded parking area on the east side of the existing sanctuary. The design is consistent with City regulations and policies. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Landscape Area Summary: Area Required Area Provided 10% of property (13,524 square feet) 22.8% of property (29,766 square feet) Landscape Design: The landscape design reflects the installation of canopy and ornamental trees within the landscape buffer along Belt Line Road and Waterview Drive to meet City policy for street trees. Internally to the site, foundation plants consisting of evergreen shrubs are provided adjacent to the new building expansion; and canopy trees will be provided within the proposed landscape islands. In addition, the existing burford holly shrubs within the landscape buffer screen the parking lot from the adjacent street; and the existing photinia hedgerow screens the church campus from the adjacent residential homes along the south and west property lines. Tree Preservation/Removal: All of the existing plant material on the site will be preserved. Page 1 of 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES U:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Belt Line Rd W\1201 (7th Day Adventist Church) - converted\Staff Reports & Minutes\2015-11-03 Site & Landscape - CPC\Landscape Staff Report.doc Agenda Item 3 Revised Site & Landscape Plans: BBVA Compass Bank City of Richardson, Texas ▪ City Plan Commission ▪ November 3, 2015 Meeting Packet BBVA Compass Bank Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Locator Site plan staff report Site plan Landscape plan staff report Landscape plan Coit Rd Subject Site 0.73-acres BBVA Compass Bank 120 N. Coit Road e Rd W Belt Lin CITY PLAN COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 3, 2015 Site Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: BBVA Compass Bank Location: 120 N. Coit Road East side of Coit Road, north of Belt Line Road. Staff Comments: The site plan reflects three (3) expansions to the existing BBVA Compass Bank building totaling 1,865 square feet, increasing the total building area to 3,800 square feet. To accommodate the expansion, four (4) drivethrough lanes will be removed from the site. The site plan complies with all applicable zoning and development regulations. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Zoning: C-M Commercial District under ordinance 96-A Tract Size: 0.73-acres (31,920 square feet) Building Area/Use: Existing Expansion 3,800 square feet/bank 1,935 square feet 1,865 square feet Site Access: The site has direct access to Coit Road and Belt Line Road via a mutual access easement. Parking Summary: Parking Ratio Spaces Required Spaces Provided 1/250 square feet of building area 15 15 Page 1 of 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Coit Rd N\120 (Compass Bank) - converted\Staff Reports and Minutes\2015-11-03 CPC\Site Plan.doc 11011 Richmond Ave., Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77042 PROMENADE MOTORBANK RENOVATION 120 N. COIT RD. RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080 THESE DRAWINGS ARE NOT APPROVED UNLESS SIGNED AND SEALED BELOW. REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION DATE DATE ISSUED: 10-27-2015 REVIEWED BY: RLG DRAWN BY: RLG DESIGNED BY: RLG AEP PROJECT NUMBER Project Number © 2014 REYNOLDS, SMITH, AND HILLS, INC. SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER C0.20 CITY PLAN COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 3, 2015 Landscape Plan PROJECT SUMMARY Project: BBVA Compass Bank Location: 120 N. Coit Road East side of Coit Road, north of Belt Line Road. Staff Comments: The landscape plan reflects three (3) expansions to the existing BBVA Compass Bank building totaling 1,865 square feet, increasing the total building area to 3,800 square feet. The design is consistent with City regulations and policies. CPC Action: Final decision BACKGROUND Landscape Area Summary: Area Required Area Provided 7% of property (2,234 square feet) 18.4% of property (5,868 square feet) Landscape Design: The landscape plan retains the existing trees and shrubs along the eastern and norther property lines, as well as the shrub-row adjacent to Coit Road. To meet City design policy, three (3) canopy trees and three (3) ornamental trees will be added within the landscape buffer along Coit Road. Tree Preservation/Removal: One (1) Braford Pear tree will be removed to accommodate the installation of a new dumpster pad at the southeast corner of the site. The removed tree will be replaced with one (1) Chinese Pistachio tree. Page 1 of 1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES X:\Development (new)\Development Plan Files\Site Plan Files\Coit Rd N\120 (Compass Bank) - converted\Staff Reports and Minutes\2015-11-03 CPC\Landscape Staff Report.doc Landscape Plan notes: 1. All landscape areas shall be irrigated by an automatic underground irrigation system equipped with and operating rain and freeze sensors. 2. All bed areas shall be separated from turf areas by steel edging. 3. The property owner must maintain all landscaping in accordance with the landscape plan approved by the City Plan Commission. 4. Landscape material within designated sight visibility triangles and parking islands must be less than 24” in height for ground cover and shrubs and lower tree limbs must be a minimum of 7’ from the adjacent ground. Agenda Item 4 Zoning File 15-28: Altitude Trampoline Park City of Richardson, Texas ▪ City Plan Commission ▪ November 3, 2015 Meeting Packet ZONING FILE 15-28 Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Zoning Map 3. Aerial Map 4. Oblique Aerial Looking North 5. Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit “B”) 6. Applicant’s Statement & Parking Survey 7. Site Photos 8. Notice of Public Hearing 9. Notification List X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-28 Trampoline Park - 110 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet Info\ZF 15-28 Attachment List.docxe Staff Report TO: City Plan Commission FROM: Chris Shacklett, Senior Planner CS DATE: October 30, 2015 RE: Zoning File 15-28: Special Permit – Commercial Amusement Center (Indoor Trampoline Park) REQUEST: Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor trampoline park) located in a 23,978square foot lease space within an existing 113,675-square foot building located at 110 W. Campbell Road, on the north side of Campbell Road, west of Alamo Road. APPLICANT / PROPERTY OWNER: John Perry – JVA Properties / Coy Haynes – Leon Capital Group. EXISTING DEVELOPMENT: The 10.86-acre site currently consists of the subject 113,675-square foot building as well as two (2) freestanding restaurant buildings, totaling 9,849 square feet. ADJACENT ROADWAYS: Campbell Road: Six-lane, divided arterial; 38,700 vehicles per day on all lanes, eastbound and westbound, west of Alamo Road (April 2014). Alamo Road: Two-lane, undivided local street; no traffic counts available. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: Office; O-M Office Retail/Commercial & Office; C-M Commercial & LR-M(2) Local Retail Retail/Commercial; LR-M(2) Local Retail Retail/Commercial; C-M Commercial FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: Neighborhood Service Service-related uses such as retail sales; personal services; entertainment; recreation; and office uses oriented to the immediate area. Future Land Uses of Surrounding Area: North: Neighborhood Service South: Regional Employment East: Neighborhood Service West: Neighborhood Service DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EXISTING ZONING: C-M Commercial per Ordinance Number 558-A. TRAFFIC/ INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS: The request will not have any significant impacts on the surrounding roadway system or the existing utilities in the area. APPLICANT’S STATEMENT (Please refer to the complete Applicant’s Statement.) STAFF COMMENTS: Background: The subject property was initially developed in the 1970’s as a 104,000-square retail building along with multiple restaurant pad sites along Campbell Road. Currently, the shopping center is being expanded by approximately 9,700 square feet to accommodate a health club that will occupy the eastern third of Building ‘A’ (as shown on Exhibit “B”). The other tenants include a restaurant/bar and office supply store. Request: The applicant is requesting a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center, specifically to accommodate an indoor trampoline park. The proposed use, which would be located in a 23,978-square foot lease space, provides the following areas within the facility: • • • Trampoline area – 16,000-17,000 square feet Party area – 3,000 square feet Offices, restrooms, break rooms, etc. – 4,000 square feet The applicant states the trampoline park provides family entertainment. These types of facilities typically provide multiple activity areas where several groups or parties can be accommodated at the same time. The proposed hours of operation would be as follows with earlier opening times (9:00 a.m. in the summer): • • • • 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Monday through Thursday) 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Friday) 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Saturday) 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Sunday) The applicant expects the maximum allowable occupancy to be 300 to 400; however, he does not expect the facility to achieve maximum occupancy except during the grand opening or holidays. The maximum number of expected employees on a busy weekend day is thirty (30) to forty (40), but only half would be on shift at a given time. It is expected that 65-70% of the participants will be between the ages of eight (8) and fourteen (14). Regarding food service, the facility will sell bottled, non-alcoholic beverages and pre-packaged snacks. No food will be prepared on-site; however, food will be provided from contact vendors, which are typically local restaurants. X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-28 Trampoline Park - 110 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet Info\ZF 15-28 Staff Report.doc 2 Parking – Staff requested the applicant to provide additional information regarding the parking needs for the proposed use along with parking survey information from existing, similar facilities and parking requirements from area cities. The applicant is proposing a parking ratio of one (1) space per 200 square feet, which would require 120 parking spaces for the proposed use. Based on this proposed ratio and other uses on the subject property, the site would provide a surplus of eight (8) parking spaces. The City has a parking ratio for private recreation facilities (health clubs, martial arts studios, dance studios, etc…) which is one (1) space per 100 square feet of activity area. The space would require 160-170 spaces based on their trampoline area; however, the applicant is requesting a lower ratio since the trampoline areas can only accommodate a limited number of jumpers, and he feels the requested ratio of one (1) space per 200 square feet for the entire space is adequate for the use. He states that although the occupancy may be over 120, children are frequently dropped off or multiple children are brought to the facility in one (1) vehicle, thereby requiring less than one (1) parking space for each attendant. The applicant provided a parking survey from a similar location located at US-75 and Royal Lane in Dallas called Jump Street. The applicant states between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., a total of fifty (50) vehicles entered the parking lot. The survey states most of the vehicles parked for an extended period of time, and occupants went into the facility. Furthermore, the applicant has provided parking ratios for this type of use from the following cities: • City of Arlington – 1 space per 225-250 square feet. • City of Cedar Hill – 1 space per 200 square feet. • City of Sugarland – 1 space per 350 square feet (plus one (1) additional space per two (2) employees on shift). Staff contacted additional surrounding cities that have this type of use in their cities. It appears that the proposed ratio is comparable to the ratios being required in other cities. Some require parking based on the area of the space while others require a certain number of parking spaces for a certain number of attendants and employees. Correspondence: As of this date, no correspondence has been received. Motion: The Commission will be making a recommendation to the City Council regarding this request. The Commission may approve the request, add or amend conditions, or recommend denial of the request. Should the CPC recommend approval of the applicant’s request, the motion should include the following special conditions: 1. A commercial amusement center, limited to a trampoline park, shall be allowed and shall be limited to the area shown on the attached concept plan, marked as Exhibit “B” and made a part thereof. 2. The commercial amusement center shall provide parking at a ratio of one (1) parking space per 200 square feet. Council Hearing Date: The tentative City Council hearing date is December 14, 2015. X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-28 Trampoline Park - 110 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet Info\ZF 15-28 Staff Report.doc 3 413-A TO-M ZF 15-28 461-A / 574-A R-2000-M Ea st w oo d Dr k Dr E Prai rie Cree 2004-A LR-M(2) k Pa r e sid 540-A R-1500-M Cen tral Ex p y Dr 3362-A / 2988-A 558-A O-M 2807-A 2306-A Alamo Rd O-M N Collins Blvd 3803 700-A LR-M(2) 3372-A 558-A C-M 4078 710-A C-M 2018-A C-M t Li ght 2942-A 4025 Dar 2792-A E Campbell Rd 2045-A Gateway Blvd W Campbell Rd 2044-A LR-M(1) 3499 1081-A LR-M(2) 3873 2175-A LR-M(2) 845-A C-M 3535 PD 3696 / 2296-A C-M O-M ZF 15-28 Zoning Map Updated By: shacklettc, Update Date: October 15, 2015 File: DS\Mapping\Cases\Z\2015\ZF1528\ZF1528 zoning.mxd 2826-A C-M ra il SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 4 ZF 15-28 Ea st w oo d Dr k Dr E Prai rie Cree k Pa r e sid Alamo Rd Cen tral Ex p y Dr N Collins Blvd Dar t Li ght ra il SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT E Campbell Rd Gateway Blvd W Campbell Rd ZF 15-28 Aerial Map Updated By: shacklettc, Update Date: October 15, 2015 File: DS\Mapping\Cases\Z\2015\ZF1528\ZF1528 ortho.mxd This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 4 Exhibit B - Part of Ordinance ZF 15-28 Applicant's Statement City of Richardson To Whom It May Concern: JVA Properties in partnership with Altitude Trampoline Parks is requesting a zoning change for the property at 110 W. Campbell Road. We are requesting that parking be 1 space per 200sf of building square footage. Because this is a relatively new form of family entertainment, we have enclosed several examples of parking requirements from other cities. John Perry JVA Properties, L.L.C. 972-617-7110 ZF 15-28 Applicant's Statement Additional information on existing trampoline parks in the area and the number of required and provided parking spaces. Examples below: City of Arlington - 1 parking place for every 225-250sf of building space. City of Cedar Hill - 1 parking place for every 200sf of building space. Sugarland, TX - 1 parking place for every 350sf of building space. In addition, Redlee USA, LTD. took a survey Saturday, October 10, 2015 at Jump Street in North Dallas (Central Expressway at Royal) – the report is enclosed. * HOURS OF OPERATION: The hours of operation during the school year will be approximately 11am-8pm M-Th, 11am-9pm Friday, 10am-9pm Saturday and 10am-8pm Sunday. During the summer months the hours will be extended by opening earlier in the mornings - approximately 9am. * EMPLOYEES: The maximum number of employees required to operate this facility for a busy weekend will be 15-20 per shift or 30-40 per day. * CUSTOMERS: This particular concept is targeting kids age 8-14. segment of the market makes up 65-70% of all jumpers. This * SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOTMENT: We hope to get 16k-17k square foot of trampoline area in the building. The party area will be around 3k sf. The remainder will be used for restroom facilities, office, break room, etc. * FOOD AND DRINK: We will be selling bottled beverages and package snacks; but all other food will come from contract vendors in the area such as Chic-fil-a, CiCi's and/or Domino’s. REDLEE USA, LTD. Service Management October 12, 2015 John Perry On October 10. 2015, we surveyed the activities related to guests parking and entering the facility versus the cars that pulled up and dropped kids and then left the parking lot. This survey was done in the parking lot of Jump Street located at the Royal Central Center, 11250 N. Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas. The survey began at 1:30 PM cst and ended at 3:30 PM cst. There were a total of 50 cars involved in the survey. 48 cars parked and occupants went into the facility for extended periods of time. 2 cars dropped children at the curb and drove out of the parking lot. Respectfully, Larry Wright Managing Partner REDLEE USA, LTD. 10425 Olympic Drive, Dallas, Texas 75220 214/357-4753 FAX 214/357-9435 Notice of Public Hearing City Plan Commission ▪ Richardson, Texas An application has been received by the City of Richardson for a: SPECIAL PERMIT File No./Name: Property Owner: Applicant: Location: Current Zoning: Request: ZF 15-28 / Altitude Trampoline Park Coy Haynes / Leon Capital Group John Perry / JVA Properties 110 W. Campbell Road (See map on reverse side) C-M Commercial with Special Conditions A request for approval of a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor trampoline park) to be located at 110 W. Campbell Road (northwest corner of Campbell Road and Alamo Road). The City Plan Commission will consider this request at a public hearing on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Richardson City Hall, 411 W. Arapaho Road Richardson, Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request; as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Process for Public Input: A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to the applicant and to those in favor of the request for purposes of addressing the City Plan Commission. A maximum of 15 minutes will also be allocated to those in opposition to the request. Time required to respond to questions by the City Plan Commission is excluded from each 15 minute period. Persons who are unable to attend, but would like their views to be made a part of the public record, may send signed, written comments, referencing the file number above, prior to the date of the hearing to: Dept. of Development Services, PO Box 830309, Richardson, TX 75083. The City Plan Commission may recommend approval of the request as presented, recommend approval with additional conditions or recommend denial. Final approval of this application requires action by the City Council. Agenda: The City Plan Commission agenda for this meeting will be posted on the City of Richardson website the Saturday before the public hearing. For a copy of the agenda, please go to: For additional information, please contact the Dept. of Development Services at 972-744-4240 and reference Zoning File number ZF 15-28. Date Posted and Mailed: 10/23/2015 Development Services Department ▪ City of Richardson, Texas 411 W. Arapaho Road, Room 204, Richardson, Texas 75080 ▪ 972-744-4240 ▪ 413-A TO-M ZF 15-28 Ea st w oo d Dr k Dr E Prai rie Cree 2004-A LR-M(2) k Pa r e sid Dr 3362-A / 2988-A 18 2807-A 6 7 2306-A 558-A O-M 5 19 4 3 O-M 3803 8 3372-A 558-A 10 13 16 23 710-A C-M 2018-A C-M 4078 14 15 Dar 2942-A E Campbell Rd 2045-A Gateway Blvd W Campbell Rd 2044-A LR-M(1) 3499 1081-A LR-M(2) 2175-A LR-M(2) 22 20 3873 845-A C-M 3696 / 2296-A C-M 200' Notification Boundary 3535 PD 21 O-M ZF 15-28 Notification Map Updated By: shacklettc, Update Date: October 15, 2015 File: DS\Mapping\Cases\Z\2015\ZF1528\ZF1528 notification.mxd 2826-A C-M ra il 12 11 2792-A LR-M(2) 17 C-M SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT 700-A Alamo Rd N Collins Blvd 9 Ex p y 1 2 tral R-1500-M Cen 540-A t Li ght 461-A / 574-A R-2000-M This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 4 1&4-TAKANORI LLC 2150 N COLLINS BLVD RICHARDSON, TX 75080-2639 2-COLLINS 2095 LTD 2071 N COLLINS BLVD STE 200 RICHARDSON, TX 75080-2697 3-BRAVO CENTRAL LLC % KEITH KOOP 5720 LBJ FWY STE 180 DALLAS, TX 75240-6386 5-2100 NORTH COLLINS LLC PO BOX 1868 ROCKWALL, TX 75087-1868 6-VALINOTES LLC 2089 N COLLINS BLVD STE 100 RICHARDSON, TX 75080-2664 7-LION ROCK LP 2083 N COLLINS BLVD STE 100 RICHARDSON, TX 75080-2660 8-RHODES PROPERTIES 613 EASY ST GARLAND, TX 75042-6812 9&11-NW CANYON CREEK LP 7047 CURRIN DR DALLAS, TX 75230-3527 12-FAMBRO JAMES R 1416 J AVE PLANO, TX 75074-6225 10&13-PATIRIS YIOTA REV TR A & %MICHAEL SHEBAY PO BOX 6969 SYRACUSE, NY 13217-6969 14-QUIK WAY RETAIL ASSOCIATES 8350 N CENTRAL EXPY STE M2185 DALLAS, TX 75206-1600 15-FAMBRO LUTHER J 1416 J AVE PLANO, TX 75074-6225 16-SCHOLER ZK DALLAS LLC %SGU INSURANCE PPTY LP 2815 TOWNSGATE RD # 130 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91361-3089 18-PRINCE & GOLDEN PROP LP 105 N TRENTON ST RUSTON, LA 71270-4321 19-EVAN AZ ENTERPRISES LP 3933 SUNFLOWER LN PLANO, TX 75025-2022 20-BURGER KING WEST %RYAN PO BOX 460189 HOUSTON, TX 77056-8189 21-TARAZ KOOH LLC %ALIREZA MORIRAHIMI 1981 N CENTRAL EXPY RICHARDSON, TX 75080-3509 22-275 CAMPBELL PTNRS LTD 15280 ADDISON RD STE 301 ADDISON, TX 75001-4548 17&23-LG 75 CAMPBELL LLC 2301 CEDAR SPRINGS RD STE 200 DALLAS, TX 75201-7387 COY HAYNES LEON CAPITAL GROUP 2301 CEDAR SPRINGS RD, STE 200 DALLAS, TEXAS 75214 JOHN PERRY JVA PROPERTIES PO BOX 298 RED OAK, TEXAS 75154 ZF 15-28 Notification List Agenda Item 5 Zoning File 15-29: K1 Speed Indoor Karting City of Richardson, Texas ▪ City Plan Commission ▪ November 3, 2015 Meeting Packet ZONING FILE 15-29 Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Zoning Map 3. Aerial Map 4. Oblique Aerial Looking South 5. Zoning Exhibit (Exhibit B) 6. Floor Plan (for illustrative purposes only) 7. K1 Speed Photos(source: web site) 8. Applicant’s Statement 9. Notice of Public Hearing 10. Notification List X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-29 K1 Speed, Inc - 677 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet\ZF 15-29 Attachment List.docxe Staff Report TO: City Plan Commission FROM: Sam Chavez, Assistance Director of Development Services SC DATE: October 30, 2015 RE: Zoning File 15-29: K1 Speed – 677 W. Campbell Road. REQUEST: Special Permit for a 48,998 square foot commercial amusement center (indoor electric kart racing facility) located within an existing 76,802 square foot single story building at 677 W. Campbell Road. The site is located on the south side of Campbell Road, between Floyd Road and Nantucket Drive. APPLICANT / PROPERTY OWNER: David Danglard – K1 Speed, Inc. / Dr. Michael Mazaheri EXISTING DEVELOPMENT: The 7.3-acre site contains a 76,802-square foot building and associated parking lot. The site is currently used as an automobile museum and special event facility (NTX Event Center). ADJACENT ROADWAYS: Campbell Road: Six-lane, divided arterial; 40,300 vehicles per day on all lanes, eastbound and westbound, west of Floyd Road (April 2014). Floyd Road: Two-lane, undivided minor collector; 9,200 vehicles per day on all lanes, northbound and southbound, north of Campbell Road (April 2014). SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: South: East: West: Office & Retail/Commercial; O-M Office (Mobil 1 Lube Express) School; R-1100-M Residential (Richardson North Junior High School) Retail/Commercial; LR-M(2) Local Retail (Campbell Road Shopping Center) Single Family; D-2400-M Duplex (Duplexes) FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: Neighborhood Service Service-related uses such as retail sales; personal services; entertainment; recreation; and office uses oriented to the immediate area. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Future Land Uses of Surrounding Area: North & East: Neighborhood Service South: School West: Neighborhood Residential EXISTING ZONING: LR-M(2) Local Retail (Ordinance Number 272) with a Special Permit for an automobile museum and special events facility (Ordinance Number 3720) and a Special Permit for a Temporary Open Air Market (Ordinance Number 4103). TRAFFIC & INFRASTRUCTURE IMPACTS: The requested Special Permit will not have any significant impacts on the existing utilities or traffic in the area. APPLICANT’S STATEMENT (Please refer to the complete Applicant’s Statement.) STAFF COMMENTS: Background: The subject site is zoned LR-M(2) Local Retail with Special Permits for an Automobile Museum/Meeting Room and Special Events Facility (NTX Event Center), and a Temporary Open Air Market (Four Seasons Market). The subject site is buffered from the duplex residential subdivision to the west and south by an existing six (6) foot high masonry screening wall. The NTX Event Center will be reduced in size and will operate at this location; however, the Four Seasons Market will be impacted if the applicant’s request is ultimately approved. Since K1 Speed intends to operate seven (7) days a week, the Four Seasons Market will be prohibited from operating since a condition of the Special Permit allows the Market to operate only on Saturdays and only when the principal building located on the property is not open and/or not holding an event. The property owner and the Four Seasons Market are aware of this situation and they intend to submit a request in the near future to amend the current Special Permit for the Temporary Open Air Market to allow the Market and K1 Speed; if approved, to operate simultaneously on a Saturday. Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a Special Permit for an indoor commercial amusement center and more specifically an indoor electric kart racing facility. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance only allows commercial amusement centers upon approval of a Special Permit in the LR-M(2) Local Retail, C-M Commercial and Industrial Districts. K1 Speed is an indoor, state-of-the-art kart racing facility with thirty-four (34) locations throughout the US, including locations in Arlington, Austin, Houston and San Antonio. The karts are fully electric powered, high performance, 20-hp, single person karts, which produce no noise or odor. The karts are fully computerized and can be remotely controlled by the track operator to control undisciplined driving, or to reduce all speeds if someone has lost control. X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-29 K1 Speed, Inc - 677 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet\ZF 15-29 Staff Report.doc 2 The proposed kart racing facility will occupy the western 48,998 square feet of the existing 76,802 square foot building. The remaining 27,804 square feet will continue to operate as the NTX Event Center. The NTX Event Center will now support 15,000 square feet of meeting/event area and 12,804 of museum area. The proposed facility will operate seven (7) days a week, with the hours of operation being Monday – Thursday 12 pm – 10 pm, Friday 11am – Midnight, Saturday from 10 am – Midnight, and Sunday 10am – 10 pm. As part of the request, and common with similar proposed uses, a parking ratio will need to be established for the proposed use as the City of Richardson’s parking standards do not have a specific parking ratio for a commercial amusement center. Related Request: Parking Ratios – Although a parking ratio was not proposed by the applicant, a comparison of their facility in Carlsbad, California revealed a parking ratio of one (1) parking space per 1,672 square feet of facility. Based on staff’s review of the stated parking ratio, the parking ratio is insufficient for the proposed facility as the stated parking ratio yields a total of thirty (30) required parking spaces. Staff considered the following elements of the request to help determine an appropriate parking ratio for the proposed use: • • • • the number of proposed employees (30-35 employees) the maximum number of karts on the race track during a race (12) ancillary uses (concessions, retail, office etc.), and the applicant’s projected maximum capacity of 100 patrons. As a result, an appropriate parking ratio should include separate parking ratios for the race track area and for the concession/retail/office area. The proposed 48,998 square foot facility supports 34,900 square feet of race track area (track, kart charging area and kart maintenance) and 14,098 square feet of concession/retail/office area. The race track itself is surrounded with a 12 inch tall hard plastic/polyurethane barrier, while the race track area, as depicted on the floor plan, is separated from the concession/retail/office area by a 42 inch tall galvanized fence. Based on the number of karts that can be on the track during a race and those in the que waiting to start a race, a parking ratio of one (1) space per 1,150 square feet of area is recommended which would yield thirty-one (31) parking spaces. Based on the amount of square footage of concessions/retail/office area, a parking ratio of one (1) space per 100 square feet is recommended which would yield 141 parking spaces. The recommended parking ratio is compatible with other previously approved parking ratio for areas with multiple uses. X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-29 K1 Speed, Inc - 677 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet\ZF 15-29 Staff Report.doc 3 As proposed by staff, the parking ratios would yield 172 parking spaces for the proposed use which would support the number of racers, employees and the projected maximum capacity of 100 patrons. With the NTX Event Center area being reduced, a total of 195 parking spaces will now be required for the NTX Event Center. When combined, the NTX Event Center and the proposed K1 Speed facility will require a total of 367 parking spaces, while 483 parking spaces are provided thus leaving the site with an additional 116 available parking spaces. Correspondence: As of this date, no correspondence has been received. Motion: The Commission will be making a recommendation to the City Council regarding this request. The Commission may approve the request, add or amend conditions, or recommend denial of the request. Should the CPC recommend approval of the applicant’s request, the motion should include the following special conditions: 1. A commercial indoor amusement center, limited to an electric kart racing facility, shall be allowed and limited to the area shown on the attached Zoning Exhibit, marked as Exhibit “B” and made a part thereof. 2. The parking ratio for the proposed use shall be: a. Race Track Area: One parking space/1,150 square feet b. Concession/Office Area: One parking space/100 square feet Council Hearing Date: The earliest possible City Council hearing date is December 14, 2015. X:\Zoning\Zoning Cases\2015\ZF 15-29 K1 Speed, Inc - 677 W Campbell\2015-11-03 CPC Packet\ZF 15-29 Staff Report.doc 4 Gettysburg Ln 757-A R-1500-M Fai rm e adow ee k 664-A R-1100-M 208-A R-1100-M Cr 801-A R-1500-M Fla t 304-A R-2000-M Pl ZF 15-29 Dr 3012-A 2051-A 2051-A O-M Bunker Hill 756-A O-M 756-A O-M 2478-A O-M N Floyd Rd W Campbe ll Rd 4103 Snowden Dr 272-A LR-M(2) 466-A D-2400-M 3720 SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT 2392-A 3825 2352-A 273-A LR-M(2) 2417-A 3500 Vinecrest Ln 234-A R-1100-M 2009-A LR-M(2) y ll e Va D r 78-A R-1100-M Nantucket Dr ep De Updated By: shacklettc, Update Date: October 16, 2015 File: DS\Mapping\Cases\Z\2015\ZF1529\ZF1529 zoning.mxd 3087-A 4122 PD 251-A R-1100-M ZF 15-29 Zoning Map 2785-A / 3812 4138 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 4 517-A O-M Old Campbell Rd adow Dr Bunker Hill Fai rm e Fla t Gettysburg Ln Cr ee k Pl ZF 15-29 N Floyd Rd W Campbe ll Rd Snowden Dr SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT ep De y ll e Va D r ZF 15-29 Aerial Map Updated By: shacklettc, Update Date: October 16, 2015 File: DS\Mapping\Cases\Z\2015\ZF1529\ZF1529 ortho.mxd Nantucket Dr Vinecrest Ln This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 4 Old Campbell Rd VICINITY MAP NORTH 51' 35' MOBIL 1 LUBE EXPRESS LR-M(2) CAMPBELL ROAD SHOPPING CENTER LR-M(2) LEGEND PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED K1 SPEED TENANT AREA EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA WITHIN PROPERTY EXISTING FIRE LANE EASEMENT INDICATED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PER ROW K1 SPEED TENANT AREA 48,998 SQ. FT. EXISTING NTX EVENTS CENTER TO REMAIN 27,804 SQ. FT. SITE INFORMATION - PROJECT SUMMARY LR-M(2) WITH SPECIAL PERMIT FOR AN AUTOMOBILE MUSEUM, MEETING ROOM AND SPECIAL EVENTS FACILITY (ORDINANCE NO. 3720) AND A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY OPEN AIR MARKET (ORDINANCE NO. 4102) 7.288 AC (317,465 S.F.) 76,802 S.F. 48,998 S.F. 0.24:1 (0.5:1 ALLOWED) 24'-2" (ONE STORY) 483 SPACES USE DUPLEX D-2400-M MEETING/EVENT AREA (NTX CTR.) (15,000 S.F.) MUSEUM AREA (NTX CTR.) (12,804 S.F.) 0 15 30 60 FT RICHARDSON NORTH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL R-1100-M NORTH SCALE - 1" = 30 FT. Exhibit "B" - Part of Ordinance PARKING RATIO 1/100 S.F. REQUIRED SPACES 150 SPACES 45 SPACES OVER 10,000 SF PROPOSED K1 SPEED RACE TRACK (34,900 S.F.) 1/1,150 S.F. OTHER K1 SPEED USE (14,098 S.F.) 1/100 S.F. 31 SPACES 141 SPACES 367 SPACES ZF 15-29 ENTRY office staff PREP AREA it/stor rm game area 14'-0" 30'-67 8" 12 CHARGERS gate entrance gate exit EXISTING CANOPY mens recep/concession area womens 12 CHARGERS OFFICE 685 SF 30'-67 8" 30'-67 8" CONCESSION/OFFICE AREA 14,098 S.F. 30'-67 8" NTX EVENT CENTER 27,804 S.F. 36'-43 4" 36'-43 4" 36'-43 4" 36'-43 4" 30'-67 8" RACE TRACK AREA 34,900 S.F. 30'-67 8" KART SHOP 831 SF 36'-43 4" 30'-67 8" 36'-43 4" K1 SPEED TENANT AREA 48,998 SF 42" TALL GALVANIZED BARRIER FENCE 12" TALL 12" TALL HARD PLASTIC/POLYURETHANE BARRIER HARD PLASTIC/POLYURETHANE BARRIER 0 NORTH 15 SCALE - 1" = 15 FT. 30 FT K1 Speed Photos Notice of Public Hearing City Plan Commission ▪ Richardson, Texas An application has been received by the City of Richardson for a: SPECIAL PERMIT File No./Name: Property Owner: Applicant: Location: Current Zoning: Request: ZF 15-29 / K1 Speed Indoor Karting Michael Mazaheri David Danglard / K1 Speed, Inc 677 W. Campbell Road (See map on reverse side) LR-M(2) Local Retail A request for approval of a Special Permit for a commercial amusement center (indoor karting facility). The City Plan Commission will consider this request at a public hearing on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2015 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Richardson City Hall, 411 W. Arapaho Road Richardson, Texas This notice has been sent to all owners of real property within 200 feet of the request; as such ownership appears on the last approved city tax roll. Process for Public Input: A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to the applicant and to those in favor of the request for purposes of addressing the City Plan Commission. A maximum of 15 minutes will also be allocated to those in opposition to the request. Time required to respond to questions by the City Plan Commission is excluded from each 15 minute period. Persons who are unable to attend, but would like their views to be made a part of the public record, may send signed, written comments, referencing the file number above, prior to the date of the hearing to: Dept. of Development Services, PO Box 830309, Richardson, TX 75083. The City Plan Commission may recommend approval of the request as presented, recommend approval with additional conditions or recommend denial. Final approval of this application requires action by the City Council. Agenda: The City Plan Commission agenda for this meeting will be posted on the City of Richardson website the Saturday before the public hearing. For a copy of the agenda, please go to: For additional information, please contact the Dept. of Development Services at 972-744-4240 and reference Zoning File number ZF 15-29. Date Posted and Mailed: 10/23/2015 Development Services Department ▪ City of Richardson, Texas 411 W. Arapaho Road, Room 204, Richardson, Texas 75080 ▪ 972-744-4240 ▪ 304-A R-2000-M Gettysburg Ln 757-A R-1500-M Fai rm e adow 208-A R-1100-M Cr 664-A R-1100-M Fla t 801-A R-1500-M ee k Pl ZF 15-29 Dr 756-A O-M N Floyd Rd 8 Vinecrest Ln 11 272-A LR-M(2) 14 466-A D-2400-M 6 3825 3720 2392-A 16 2352-A 273-A LR-M(2) 2009-A LR-M(2) 24 23 251-A R-1100-M ep De y ll e Va D r ZF 15-29 Notification Map 2417-A 3500 20 22 Updated By: shacklettc, Update Date: October 16, 2015 File: DS\Mapping\Cases\Z\2015\ZF1529\ZF1529 notification.mxd 25 19 18 234-A R-1100-M O-M 2785-A / 3812 4138 3087-A 517-A 200' PD O-M Notification Boundary Old Campbell Rd 4122 21 78-A R-1100-M Nantucket Dr 17 2478-A 4103 7 13 SUBJECT PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL PERMIT 2051-A 1 9 12 15 2 756-A O-M W Campbe ll Rd 10 Snowden Dr 3 4 5 Bunker Hill 3012-A 2051-A O-M This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 4 1‐MAZAHERI MEHRDAD 648 W CAMPBELL RD STE B RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3300 2‐EITZ CHAIM CONGREGATION INC 650 W CAMPBELL RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3301 3‐KSH HOLDINGS LLC 25 SHADY CV RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐2540 4‐MEHRDAD MAZAHERI 670 W CAMPBELL RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3393 5‐690 METROPOLITAN CAMPBELL R 3838 OAK LAWN AVE STE 1416 DALLAS, TX 75219‐4515 6‐MAZAHERI MEHRDAD 670 W CAMPBELL RD STE 100 RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3358 7‐SPARLING FINANCIAL CORP LONE STAR LUBRICATION INC 3059 W 15TH ST PLANO, TX 75075‐7633 8‐GRAY CANDACE J 1932 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3330 9‐SOUIFE JACQUELINE 1930 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3330 10‐RICHARD RAJIV S & SUSHILA R 1927 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3369 11‐LING JAMES & IHIM PONG PO BOX 833322 RICHARDSON, TX 75083‐3322 12‐GOSS KRISTEN & MICHAEL RYAN 1925 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3369 13‐COOK ALAN 534 RINEY RD LITTLE ELM, TX 75068‐5403 14‐OSBORNE DOUGLAS W II 1924 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3330 15‐SAMSON DANIEL & AVERILL PAINE 1108 HAWTHORNE DR SAN MATEO, CA 94402‐1978 16‐NOLAND RUTH 7654 INDIAN SPRINGS RD DALLAS, TX 75248‐5607 17‐FERGUSON JOSH 1919 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3369 18‐SMELKO THOMAS J 1933 DEEP VALLEY DR RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3100 19‐NELSON MICHAEL W & PATRICIA H NELSON 4103 CROWNE BROOK CIR FRANKLIN, TN 37067‐1640 20‐NELSON MICHAEL W SR & PATRICIA H NELSON 4103 CROWNE BROOK CIR FRANKLIN, TN 37067‐1640 21‐RICHARDSON I S D 970 SECURITY ROW RICHARDSON, TX 75081‐2234 22‐HARRISON PAMELA D 1916 DEEP VALLEY DR RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3108 23‐TING SARAH C LIFE ESTATE SARAH TING FAMILY TRUST 1907 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3331 24‐BOLTON JANET J 1909 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080‐3331 25‐UNDERWOOD FINANCIAL CORP 25 HIGHLAND PARK VLG # 100‐574 DALLAS, TX 75205‐2789 DAVID DANGLARD K1 SPEED 17221 VON KARMAN AVENUE IRVINE, CA 92614 MICHAEL MAZAHERI 677 W CAMPBELL ROAD RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080 ZF 15‐29 Notification List