File - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
File - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 17, 2016 Saint Thomas the Apostle Church Pastor Mission Statement We are a Catholic family, living our awareness of Christ’s presence through worship, service, evangelization and community for the benefit of all. Monsignor Daniel J. Hermes Parochial Vicars Reverend Jerome P. Koutnik Reverend Akan S. Simon Reverend William Tunarosa Permanent Deacons Mr. Allen Bondi Mr. Edward Morrison Mr. Ralph Statter 451 W. Terra Cotta Avenue (Oak Street Church) 453 Pierson Street (Pierson Street Church) 272 King Street (Parish Office) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Marian Prayer Group The rosary is prayed every morning in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:00 am after Mass. Our Saturday devotion concentrates on our Blessed Mother of Medjugorje with meditation prayer and rosary. Eucharistic Adoration Pews in the Holy Hearts Chapel can accommodate approximate 30 people at one time; Every one can come and adore during the hours of 6:00 am to 10:00 pm—Chapel will be open; Security cards will be needed to enter during the hours of 10:00 pm to 6:00 am; If you wish to apply for a security card, please stop in at the Parish Offices to pick up the form; Any questions, please contact [email protected]. Saint Thomas the Apostle School For Your Information… New to Saint Thomas Parish? Being a member means celebrating and making a commitment to Jesus Christ. If you are new to Crystal Lake, or if you have not yet become a member of Saint Thomas, we encourage you to consider joining our community in worship and ministry. Celebrated every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Class, which is held once a month, is required. Parishioners are asked to please call the Parish Secretary at the Parish Office at (815)455-5400 extension 400 to schedule both the Class and Baptism dates. Please note that baptisms are not held during Lent. Weekly classes are held for pre-schoolers through 6th grade on Tuesday & Wednesday, from mid-fall through April. Preparation for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation is also given under the direction of the Director of Religious Education. For more information on the program, please contact Charlotte Kolodzik at (815) 455-9787. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Oak Street Church Every Saturday, 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM; 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM, Every Monday at 5:30 pm, or anytime by appointment. Sacrament of Confirmation Confirmation is celebrated in our parish by the Bishop of the Diocese. There is a two-year preparation for youth 8th grade or older. Contact the Youth Ministry office at (815)455-9037. Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry are encouraged to make arrangements at least six months prior to the wedding date. Please contact the Pastoral Center at (815)455-5400 extension 400. Junior High & High School Youth Ministry Weekly classes are held for on Monday and Thursday evenings. In addition to Classes, we offer many other opportunities for fun and service. All youth are welcome! For more information, contact Dan Wolff (High School) or Lisa Kendzior (Junior High) in the Office of Youth Ministry at (815)455-9037. Weekly Bulletin Articles If you are interested in RCIA, (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or learning more about the Catholic Faith tradition, please contact Father Akan Simon at the Pastoral Center (815) 455-5400, ext. 403. Adults interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation can call the Pastoral Center (815)455-5400. All articles for the Sunday Weekly Bulletin must be turned in Friday, (9 days previous) for consideration of publication in the following Sunday bulletin. Articles should be typed for legibility and accuracy. Insertions may run for a maximum of two weeks consecutively. Please contact Donna Kothera, Parish Secretary, at (815)455-5400, ext. 400. Hispanic Ministry Religious Education Classes Sacrament of Baptism Adult Christian Initiation Saint Thomas the Apostle School is a Catholic Pre-3 through 8th grade elementary school serving both the parish communities of Saint Thomas the Apostle and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Every student in our Catholic school receives a strong foundation in all core subjects – Religion, Reading, English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, along with regular classes in Spanish, Computer Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education. For more information, contact Deanne Roy, principal at (815)459-0496. Father William Tunarosa offers ministry to the Hispanics of our Parish and of this area. Sunday Masses for the Hispanic are at 9:30 am AND 11:30 am in our Church on Pierson Street. Mass on Thursday evening is at 7:30 pm, AND on Saturday evening at 7:00 pm. Father’s office number 815-356-0860. To schedule baptisms, please call Father Tunarosa at 815-356-0860. Page 2 THE PASTOR’S DESK………... My Dear People, In her work as a chaplain for the Maine Warden Service and her life’s role as a spouse and mother and now grandmother, Kate Braestrup has experienced life at its most traumatic, chaotic, and terrifying — as well as life at its most fulfilling, affirming, and joyful. In her new memoir Anchors and Flares: A Memoir of Motherhood, Hope and Service, she writes: “If the three stages of man are optimism, pessimism, and cynicism, I think I’m going through them in reverse order. I was more cynical when I was younger, and every year brings me closer to optimism. “It was easier to be cynical about men before I married one and had my sons. “It was easier to be cynical about American race relations before my brother adopted by my darling AfricanAmerican nephew, and my son received (after the death of my husband) fathering from men of every hue. “It was easier to be cynical about crime and punishment before I worked with cops, easier to be cynical about war and peace before my son joined my father’s Marine Corps, and downright easy peasy to be cynical about the future before I had a grandson on his way into it. “These days, cynicism seems uncomfortably close to despair, and I no longer believe that the only alternative to despair is blind denial...Bad things happen, but the world isn’t ending. No bang, no whimper, no sudden fix, just this long, slow slog we’re all taking together toward the next shining inevitable miracle.” Our Gospel today is the wonderful story of Jesus at the Wedding Feast in Cana. St. John in his Gospel tells us that this is His “first sign,” His transforming simple water into the choicest of wine. It is also, of course, a sign of what Jesus has been sent by God the Father to do — to transform our world from the brokenness of sin into God’s “wedding feast” of generosity, hope, and healing. We live in the real world, and so of course, we are aware of all the terrible things happening in and around us every day. And yet, like Kate in the wonderful story above, it is crucial that we do not get stuck in pessimism and cynicism. If we do, we will be no good to anyone, and we will become part of the problem rather than part of the solution. As we center our life on Jesus Christ, the “bad wine” of fear and sarcasm, despair and self-centeredness are replaced with the “new wine” of hope, and compassion, and gratitude for the life that God has given us, a respect for every human being as a child of God, and of excitement about God’s plan for us in having us be born in this time and in this place. Sincerely yours, in Our Loving Father, Page 3 Mass Intentions Monday, January 18, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Thomas J. Frangella 8:30 AM (Oak) +John Gillespie Ponti Family Members, Living and Deceased Tuesday, January 19, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +The Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:30 AM (Pierson) +William Collins +Beatrice Stirek Wednesday, January 20, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) John Paul Cyboran (Special Intention) 8:30 AM (Pierson) +Carol J. Cherniak Wartner and Wiedholz Family Members, Living and Deceased Thursday, January 21, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Joan Althoff 8:30 AM (Oak) +Thomas Methenitis +Margery Baker Friday, January 22, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Paul R. Riopel 8:30 AM (Oak) The Wolff Family Members, Living and Deceased Drew and Marissa Spencer (Special Intention) Saturday, January 23, 2016 7:30 AM (Oak) +Bob Hyland 4:30 PM (Oak) +Sam Cassesse +Robert Castorena Sunday, January 24, 2016 7:30 AM +Mary Ann Lupa 9:00 AM +Doris Schneider +Judy Fues 10:30 AM +Lundo Pietropaoli 10:30 AM Family +The Souls of the Faithful Departed 12:00 PM +James McTague +Skip Harmsen 5:30 PM The People of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Living & Deceased ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLES DEDICATED FOR THE PERIOD For the period January 17, 2016 through January 30, 2016 W. Rinn Family Mosolino Family Schaffer Family Speciale Family SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20-22, 27-28; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-13; Mk 3:7-12 Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2-4, 6, 11; Mk 3:13-19, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Ps 80:2-3, 5-7; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Please pray for all those in our Parish who are sick: Albino Santelli Please pray for all the deceased: Kevin Sullivan (brother of Frances (Danny) Wiggs) Dennis Drennan If you would like Saint Jude’s Guild to pray for your loved one, please contact Georgia Kostur at 815-459-5432. SAINTLY SAYINGS: “Live and hope in the Lord, and let your service be according to reason.” St. Clare WORDS OF LIFE “If we ask Him, Jesus will be with us every step of the way, giving us the grace we need. And His plans are wildly more fulfilling than we can imagine.” USCCB 2-15-16 Respect Life Program Page CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED CATHOLIC Sofia Grace Ramirez (child of Humberto Ramirez and Grace Quintero) 4 Monday evenings started January 11th Relit: Evangelization Series In the Oak St. Church basement 7:00pm—8:30pm For 9 consecutive Mondays Parish Lenten Mission: The Fullness of Purpose With Ken Yasinski January 18-20, 2016 Oak Street Church 7:00 pm Monday, January 18: “What is the Purpose of My Life?; Tuesday, January 19: “Freedom Through Forgiveness; Wednesday, January 20: “Living with an Eternal Perspective.” Each evening’s talk will be followed by musical Eucharistic Adoration. Babysitting available. When you hear the priests urging you to “Evangelize,” do you wonder “how do I actually do that?” If so, then this class is for YOU!!! You will learn practical approaches to effectively lead individuals closer to Christ. A DAY OF ADORATION AND REPARATION FOR THE TRAGEDY OF ABORTION This Friday, January 22, is the 43rd anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade Decision allowing abortion in our Nation. Even seemingly everyday events, like getting coffee can be transformed into opportunities to evangelize! WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY January 18-25 Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for the month of January “During this month of January, when we celebrate the Week of Christian Unity, we pray that, with the grace of the Holy Spirit and through fraternal charity and dialogue, all Christians may overcome divisions. We also ask, O Lord, that sincere dialogue among brothers and sisters of different faiths may produce the lasting fruit of peace and justice.” Please fast on this day to beseech our Lord through your sacrifice to stop abortion in our Nation and to heal all those affected by abortion. Please join us in Adoration on this Friday in our Adoration Chapel at the Oak St. Church. Please join us in lifting both arms of prayer and fasting to our Lord for an end to abortion in our Nation. Please lift up our youth and adult leaders as they travel to Washington, D. C. for the annual March for Life. Pray that the witness of their prayers and presence will touch many lives. We encourage you to watch the March for Life on EWTN Television (Channel 119) on January 22. For the complete television schedule on this and other shows, please go to By exploring such things as some people's obstacles to the faith and learning how others see God in their lives, you will gain the skills to help them grow in their faith. Call JoEllen Gregus at 815-455-5400x404 or e-mail [email protected] to register. It is also a day of prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Child. We ask and encourage you to do the following things: YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED TRIP TO CHICAGO FOR THE CHICAGO MARCH FOR LIFE (1.17 miles long) JANUARY 17, 2016 2:00 to 4:00 pm Federal Plaza (50 W. Adams St.) Chicago, IL All are invited to participate in the Chicago March for Life on Sunday, January 17, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Participants will meet at the C.L. Pingree Metra Station (570 Congress Pkwy) no later than 10:45 am. Bring a sack lunch and $8 for the weekend Metra pass. Pass allows up to 3 children (11 and younger) to ride free with a fare-paying adult. Arriving in Chicago, we will walk about 3/4 mile to Federal Plaza. Return times are up to participants - 4:30 pm train arriving at Pingree at 5:48 pm; 6:30 pm train arriving at Pingree at 7:48 pm. For information, contact Kim Marry at 815-236-0502. Page 5 Parroquia Santo Tomás Apóstol /Ministerio Hispano Dirección: 272 King St. Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Teléfono: 815-455-5400 Línea Directa: (815)356-0860 Fax: (815) 455-2733 Coordinador: Reverendo William Tunarosa. Atiende al público: Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, y Viernes de 9:00 a. m. - 4:00 p. m. Educación Religiosa: José Guimaray. Atención al público: Jueves 6:00 p. m. –9:00 p. m. y Sábados 1:00 p. m. –7:00 p. m. Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Secretaria: Esmeralda Montoya. Atención al público: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a. m. - 4:00 p. m. Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a los servidores de nuestra parroquia por haber atendido a las reuniones de planeación. ¡Que Dios los llene de inmensa paz y bendiciones! 17 de enero de 2016 Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario SORPRESAS La vida está llena de sorpresas, algunas agradables, otras no. La Sagrada Escritura está llena de relatos sobre las sorpresas de Dios que surgen donde menos se esperan: los hijos más jóvenes reciben la herencia, a los más humildes se les dan los sitios de honor; un predicador itinerante, condenado a morir como un criminal, es exaltado hacia la gloria celestial eterna. Cualquiera que haya planificado una boda o celebración similar sabe que está llena de oportunidades para que surjan sorpresas. Para el novio (el cual, en el relato bíblico, no tiene contacto directo con Jesús) la agradable sorpresa vino porque otra persona había prestado atención y tenía fe en Jesús. A lo mejor pensamos que la lección de la conocida historia de las bodas de Caná es que cuando tenemos fe en Jesús, nuestra vida cambiará positivamente. Sin embargo, un cristiano necesita tener una perspectiva más amplia, y darse cuenta que tener fe en Cristo implica que la vida de alguien –sea la tuya, sea la de otra persona– va a mejorarse sorpresivamente. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ¡Gracias por tu generosa donación en la Colecta Nacional, que Dios bendiga y san fique tu ofrenda! Las Parroquia s Santo Tomás Apóstol y San Pedro y San Pablo Te invitan A SU GRAN BANQUETE- BAILE Domingo 14 de Febrero 2016 Horario: 5:00pm – 10:30pm Precio: $20.00 Por persona Lugar: Four Seasons Banquet Hall 22 Crystal Lake Plaza Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Colecta Dominical Parroquia Oak St. $ 40,786.42 Parroquia Pierson St. $ 2,548.20 Colecta Victimas de los Tornados y Lluvias Parroquia Oak St. $ 7,105.62 Parroquia Pierson St. $ 1,343.1 1 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: 1 Sm 15:16-23; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mc 2:18-22 1 Sm 16:1-13; Sal 89 (88):20-22, 27-28; Mc 2:23-28 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10; Mc 3:1-6 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Sal 56 (55):2-3, 9-13; Mc 3:7-12 1 Sm 24:3-21; Sal 57 (56):2-4, 6, 11; Mc 3:13-19, o cualquiera de lecturas para el Día de Oración 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Sal 80 (79):2-3, 5-7; Mc 3:20-21 Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 [12-14, 27]; Lc 1:1-4; 4:14-21 El grupo de las Florecitas estará prac cando obras de Misericordia como parte de su Proceso Catequé co. Su Programa es el Siguiente: Enero 10: Ellas oraran por todos los que sufren. Febrero 7: Colectaran Ropa para la Gente Necesitada Marzo 20: Colectara Latas de Comida para la despensa de Crystal Lake. Abril 3: Visitarán una Casa de Ancianos. Mayo 1: Estarán Recogiendo Basura Cerca del Cementerio. Actividades Litúrgicas -Parroquia Santo Tomás Apóstol/Ministerio Hispano Horarios de Misas: Martes: 6:00 am Miércoles: 6:00 am Jueves: 7:30 pm Viernes: 5:00 pm Sábado: 7:00 pm Domingo: 9:30 am Y 11:30 am Meditación del Santo Rosario: Viernes: 12:00 pm Reconciliaciones: Sábado: 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm O, haga su cita en horas de oficina. Unción a los Enfermos: Favor de llamar a la oficina. Cursillos Pre -Bautismales: Primer Domingo del Mes 3: 00 pm Bautizos: Primer Sábado del mes 10:00 am Bodas: Arreglos necesarios en la oficina con 6 meses de anticipación. Adoración al Santísimo: Domingo: 10:30 –11:30 am Viernes: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monaguillos: Cuarto Sábado del mes 4:00 pm Cursillos de Quinceañera: Domingo 8:30 am- 9:30 am Grupo de Jóvenes: Martes 6:00 pm Club de Mujeres: Segundo Sábado del Mes 9:00 am Comunidades : Lunes: 7:00 pm Martes: 7:00 pm Miércoles: 9:15 am Page 6 Viernes: 7:00 pm Práctica Coro Misa 7:00 pm: Sábado 6:00 pm Práctica Coro Misa 9:30 am: Lunes 6:00 pm Práctica Coro Misa 11:30 am: Viernes 6:00 pm Intenciones de Misa y Presentación al Templo: Con 4 días de anticipación (en la oficina parroquial). ST. THOMAS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SERVICE PROJECT The 3rd and 4th Grade R.E. Students will be collecting through the end of January 2016 new and gently-used DVD’s (rated G and PG only) for Kid Flicks. Kid Flicks is a national organization which collects and distributes DVD’s to children’s hospital film libraries. If you wish to donate new and gently-used DVD’s (rated G and PG only), please bring them to the Parish Center (272 King St.) or drop in the collection boxes located in the Community Center at the Oak St. Church. Thank you for helping us help others. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION CLASSES FOR ADULTS Sign up Now to Attend Camp WOW June 28 - July 1, 2016 | Grades 6-8 An amazing 4-day Catholic summer camp with archery, talks by teens, canoeing, live music, laser tag, prayer, small groups, Mass, Wacky Olympics and more! Space is very limited, so sign up ASAP! Ignite Retreat February 26-28, 2016 | Grades 9-12 If you are age 18 or older — a baptized Catholic — have received your First Holy Communion, but have not yet been Confirmed, please join Father Jerome Koutnik for the 4-part series on the basics of the Catholic faith, culminating with the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in April 2016. Please register for these 4 class sessions by calling JoEllen Gregus at 815-455-5400, ext. 404, or email: [email protected]. Class Sessions will be from 7:00 pm to 9:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Oak St. Church on the following Wednesdays in 2016: February 3, 17, 24, and March 2. Please join us. Did you know a Sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation is to be a practicing Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation? ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL PTO 2ND ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT FUNDRAISER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2016 6:00 PM - COMMUNITY CENTER Teams of 8 people will compete to prove their wit and demonstrate how much useless knowledge they possess! In addition to trivia, we will also have games, prizes and tons of great raffle and silent auction items. Start forming your teams now and go to for more details and the registration form. You won't want to miss this fun event!! So... You’ve heard about Jesus before, but have you ever actually met him? Of course not! That’s ridiculous! Or is it?... Well you can meet him on Ignite. No lie. Well, he won’t come down out of heaven and give you a high five, but you can encounter him in a way that totally blows your mind… and ignites you! Register by February 22, 2016 Our Youth Need Your Prayers Ongoing | All Ages - Youth & Adults Join a dedicated team of prayer warriors who are committed to praying for our youth! We will send you monthly prayer updates via email, sharing prayer requests and the needs of our youth in each update. Sign up to be a Prayer Warrior Youth Ministry Nights Mon & Thu, 7-8:30pm, Oak St. | Grades 6-12 Every week we offer a way for our youth to grow closer to God, play fun games, and meet new friends who are striving to live out their faith! Text YMNIGHT to 84576 for weekly texting updates. No need to sign up, just show up! YEAR OF MERCY QUOTE “Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters...and let us heed their cry for help!” Pope Francis Page 7 ST.THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School and Little Saints Preschool extend a warm invitation to our Open House and Student Art Fair on Sunday, January 31, 2016. Please join us at St. Thomas the Apostle School, 265 King Street, Crystal Lake, for Preschool – Grade 8 from 2:30PM – 4:30PM for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. All current and potential St. Thomas School parents and students are welcome. Faculty and staff will be available for personalized tours and to answer any questions you may have about our school. Please call us at (815)459-0496 with any questions or to set up a tour during our Open House. PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR 2016-17 YEAR TO BEGIN SOON St. Thomas Catholic School is excited about the soon-to-be completed, Little Saints Catholic Preschool, The Preschool will be located on the same campus as St. Thomas Elementary School. Little Saints Preschool will offer a variety of times and sessions for children 3 years old through 5 years old, along with a new 2 year old program, and enrichment classes. In-house registration for currently enrolled school families will start on January 17th, with Open Registration for new families starting on January 24th. FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERISTY FPU is a 9 week course that walks you through many aspects of financial prudence, including budgeting, saving, paying down debt, insurance, and more. The St. Thomas Parish Class started on Monday evening January 11, 2016. For more details please call, text, or email Mark Hryniewicz at 815-355-2774 ([email protected]) or go right to the website and register ( A PRO-LIFE DOCUMENTARY – THE FILM ‘40’ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Crystal Lake The film ‘40’ is a motivating documentary that examines the effects of abortion in our Nation. All are invited to attend the showing of this film on Friday, January 22, 2016, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (Seton Hall), 1023 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake (815-459-3033). MOBILE FOOD TRUCK SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 2016 10:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON Oak St. Church We will be collecting winter clothes beginning Monday, January 18, through Thursday, January 21. Please place in the Community Center at the Oak St. Church. For information please contact St. Thomas School at 815-459-0496. Registration can be completed on our website at Volunteers are asked to sign up online at Thank you for helping us help others! Time - Talent - Treasure Our Parish Income (Oak St. Church) for Sunday, January 10, 2016 was $40,786.42 Our Parish Income (Pierson St. Church) for Sunday, January 10, 2016 was $2,548.20 Special Collection to Catholic Charities for flood and tornado victims: Oak St. Church—$7, 105.62; Pierson St. Church — $1,343.11 Thank you for your generosity to Our Lord and to your Parish Our Parish Tithe this week will go to First Way Pregnancy Center in Johnsburg, Illinois. They wrote to us recently with a thank you for our help from our Christmas Giving Tree. They also wanted to tell us that they are serving an increasing number of young women in our community. 2014 year they met with 240 clients; 2015 year they met with 312 clients. They provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, education, counseling, and many material items and they thank us for our help! Page 8 Parish Calendar MINISTRY SCHEDULES Sat./Sun. Jan. 23 and 24, 2015 Altar Servers: 4:30 PM: 7:30 AM: 9:00 AM: 10:30 AM: 10:30 AM Family: 12:00 PM: 5:30 PM: Tomkiewicz K. Beilstein, N. Costantini, A. Kumar, P. Winnicki J. Cormier, G. Macias, J. Schmid, E. Tarlow S. Coveny, A. Ellinger, L. Martinez, D. Martinez O. Arza, L. Giacchetti, A. Kohls, K. Thompson N. Bucci, W. Martin J. Fiedler, S. Fiedler, A. Kinghorn, M. Montanaro A. Milone, J. Paffrath, B. Smith, III, T. Lectors: 4:30 PM: 7:30 AM: 9:00 AM: 10:30 AM: 10:30 AM Family: 12:00 PM: 5:30 PM: T. Hicklin, V. Boslet N. Gargano, M. Przybylski T. Walters, C. Bush J. Wiedenfeld, K. Herba M. Winnecke A. Deitz, R. Shustitzky J. Ladd, C. Milone Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 4:30 PM: #1 T. Favuzzo, #2 A. O’Connell, H. Barrett, L. Buthod, M. Caliendo, R. Heuel, A. Kumar, J. Meisner, J. Mickow, C. Ossman 7:30 AM: #1 V. DeLance, #2 Volunteer Needed, J. Diamond, L. Doherty, M. Genzler, M. Hunt, K. Mink, L. Pieper, R. Reisenbuechler, E. Stanton 9:00 AM: #1 K. Anderson, #2 S. VanHerzeele, M. Coveny, V. Cuchna, D. Dunlea, J. Ellinger, B. Frey, M. Martinez, T. Mueller, M. VanHerzeele 10:30 AM: #1 J. Pollastrini, #2 R. Telmanik, J. Arza, F. Barnes, R. Ellis, E. Matts, M. McCoy, J. Thompson, M. Turk 10:30 AM Family: #1 K. Bucci, K. Krallitsch 12:00 PM: #1 Volunteer Needed; C. Krambeer, J. Majewska, V. Roberts Celebrants: Sat.,M.April 4 5:30 PM: #1 D.Mon. Deitz,March J. Ladd,30 Jr.,through D. Wypasek, Wypasek 3-30-15: 6:30 am 3-31-15: 6:30 am 4-1-15: 6:30Mon., am Jan. 18 through Sat. Jan. 23, 2016 Celebrants: Celebrants—Holy Saturday, April 4 and 1-18-16: 6:30 am Msgr. Hermes; 8:30 am Fr. Simon Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 1-19-16: 6:30 am Fr. Simon; 8:30 am Fr. Koutnik Sat. April 4: am NoFr. 4:30 pm Mass 1-20-16 6:30 Simon; 8:30 am Msgr. Hermes 7:30am pm: Father Akan Simon Celebrants (March 30 and March 31) 1-21-16: 6:30 Fr. Koutnik; 8:30 am Fr. Simon Sat. March 30:****************************** pm Mass 1-22-16: 6:30 am No Fr. 4:30 Koutnik; 8:30 am Msgr. Hermes Sun. April 5: am 7:30 amFather (Church): 7:30 pm: Akan Simon 1-23-16: 7:30 Msgr. Hermes 9:00 am (Church):23 and 24, 2016 ****************************** Celebrants—January Sun. 31: 9:00 7:30am am(Comm.): (Church): Msgr. Daniel Hermes 4:30 March PM Father Akan Simon 10:30 am (Church): 9:00 am (Church): Msgr.Simon Daniel Hermes 7:30 AM Father Akan 10:30am am(Comm.): (Comm.): 9:00 FatherKoutnik Jerome Koutnik 9:00 AM Father Jerome 12:00 pm (Church): 10:30 am (Church): Father Jerome 10:30 AM Msgr. Daniel Hermes Koutnik Noam 5:30 pm Mass 10:30 (Comm.): Father Koutnik Akan Simon 10:30 AM Family Father Jerome 12:00 pm (Church): FatherHermes Akan Simon 12:00 PM Msgr. Daniel No 5:30 pm Mass 5:30 PM Father Akan Simon Page Sunday, January 17, 2016 Knights of Columbus Breakfast 9:00 AM R.C.I.A. Mass (Oak St. Church) 10:00 AM R.C.I.A. (Lower Level-Oak St. Church) 2:00 PM Family Bowling (Woodstock) 2:00 PM Chicago March for Life (Chicago) Monday, January 18, 2016 No School—Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parish Center Open Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan. 18-25) NO 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:30 PM Confessions (Oak St. Church) 6:30 PM That Man Is You (Parish Center) 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Ken Yasinski (Oak Church) 7:00 PM Financial Peace Univ. (School) 7:00 PM Relit to attend Parish Mission 7:00 PM YM to attend Parish Mission Tuesday, January 19, 2016 4:30 PM Grade R.E. Classes (All Buildings) 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Ken Yasinski (Oak Church) 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus (Lower Level-Oak Church) Wednesday, January 20, 2016 St. Fabian/St. Sebastian 4:30 PM Grade R.E. Classes (All Buildings) 6:30 PM Grade R.E. Classes (All Buildings) 7:00 PM Parish Mission with Ken Yasinski (Oak Church) Thursday, January 21, 2016 St. Agnes 7:00 PM Moms Thursday Group (Lower Level-Oak Church) No YM Night Friday, January 22, 2016 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection Of Unborn Children March for Life—Washington, D.C. 9:30 AM Moms Group Bible Study (Community Center) 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry (Lower Level-Oak Church) Saturday, January 23, 2016 St. Vincent/St. Marianne Cope 6:00 AM That Man Is You (Community Center) 8:15 AM Men’s Saturday Group (Lower Level-Oak Church) 9:45 AM Bible Study Prophets (Lower Level-Oak Church) 10:00 AM Mobile Food Truck (Community Center) Sunday, January 24, 2016 Coffee and Donuts 9:00 AM R.C.I.A. Mass (Oak St. Church) 10:00 AM R.C.I.A. (Lower Level-Oak St. Church) 9 Saint Thomas the Apostle Church 272 King Street (Parish Office) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 815-455-5400 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School 265 King St. (School Office) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 815-459-0496 Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church 451 W. Terra Cotta Avenue (Route 176 & Oak St.) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 St. Thomas Pierson St. Church: 453 Pierson Street, Crystal Lake, IL Saint Thomas the Apostle Pastoral Office: 272 King Street Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Office Telephone: 815-455-5400 Fax — 815-455-2733 Web-Site St. Thomas School—815-459-0496 School Office hours: 7:30 am to 3:00 pm Pastoral Center (272 King St.) Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Oak St. Church Office (in Parish Library) Hours: Sunday 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM Office Telephone: 815-455-5400 Mass Schedule: Daily Mass: 6:30 AM (Oak Street) 8:30 AM (Oak Street—Mon/Thurs/Friday) 8:30 AM (Pierson St..—Tuesday/Wed) Saturday: 7:30 AM (Oak Street) 4:30 PM (Oak Street) Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM (Oak Street) Family Mass @ 10:30 AM (Oct. — May) Spanish Mass (Pierson St. Church): Thursday — 7:15 pm Saturday — 7:00 pm Sunday — 9:30 am and 11:30 am Reconciliation: Every Saturday (Oak St. Church): 8:00 AM— 8:45 AM and 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM Every Monday: 5:30 pm –6:30 pm (Oak St. Church) or anytime by appointment NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING COUPLE: ALFONSO (815-236-7905) AND MARGARITA (815-2455427) MARTINEZ ([email protected]) LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOPPE: 469 LAKE STREET, CRYSTAL LAKE, IL (815) 459-9442 ST. THOMAS OUTREACH: 469 LAKE STREET, CRYSTAL LAKE, IL (815) 455-1249 Marian Central Catholic High School Mr. Andy Edmondson, Superintendent 815-338-4220 PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRIESTS 815.455.5400 MUSIC AND LITURGY JULIE HERMANN, MUSIC DIRECTOR MEG STRUTTMAN, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 815.455.5400 MONSIGNOR DANIEL HERMES, PASTOR FATHER JEROME P. KOUTNIK, PAROCHIAL VICAR FATHER AKAN S. SIMON, PAROCHIAL VICAR HISPANIC MINISTRY: FATHER WILLIAM TUNAROSA PAROCHIAL VICAR 815.356.0860 PERMANENT DEACONS ALLEN BONDI EDWARD MORRISON RALPH STATTER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 815.455.5400 DONNA KOTHERA, PARISH SECRETARY SONDA HERREN, FINANCIAL SECRETARY ESMERALDA MONTOYA, HISPANIC SECRETARY MELINDA POPP, FINANCIAL ASSISTANT VAL DELANCE, RECEPTION RENEE LYONS, RECEPTION CATHY SIERANT, RECEPTION CINDY TARLOW, RECEPTION ALLYSON SVIGELJ, PUBLIC RELATIONS/PROMOTIONS EVANGELIZATION & ADULT FORMATION 815.455.5400 JOELLEN GREGUS, RETREAT COORDINATOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 815.455.9787 CHARLOTTE KOLODZIK, DIRECTOR JENNIFER GALLIEN, SECRETARY RUTH CARLSON , COORDINATOR YOUTH MINISTRY 815.455.9037 DAN WOLFF, HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTER LISA KENDZIOR, JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTER MAUREEN SULLIVAN, SECRETARY SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL 815.459.0496 DEANNE ROY, PRINCIPAL MARY POMILI, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL MICHELLE BOPPART, SECRETARY KAREN CAMPOS, SECRETARY ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS: KATHLEEN CORMIER, AMY DEITZ, SOCORRO ESPINOZA, DON FURLANO, MSGR. DAN HERMES, MATTHEW HRONICK, LETICIA LUNA, KIM MARRY, ROBERT TELMANIK, JAMES VANBOSCH