2016 Summer Acorn - City of Oak Creek
2016 Summer Acorn - City of Oak Creek
n r o c A City of Oak Creek Newsletter & Recreation Guide Summer 2016 ThIS ISSUE CONTAINS ImPORTANT CITY hALL & LIbRARY CONTACT INFORmATION! SAvE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! CITY NEWSLETTER - PAGE 2 RECREATION GUIDE - PAGE 19 REGISTRATION INFO - PAGE 42 CITY ADmINISTRATOR’S OFFICE GERALD PETERSON TAbLE OF CONTENTS CITY CAPACITY ChALLENGED In 2015, the City of Oak Creek issued $230 million in building permits and 2016 looks to be on pace or ahead of last year’s activity. As a result of the State Legislature’s permanent freeze on property taxes, the City can only expect to generate additional property tax revenues (our primary source of revenues used to pay for services provided to you) to fund operations from new construction activity. In the City of Oak Creek, much of our new construction activity is and has occurred within Tax Increment Districts (TIDs). Generally, the new tax revenue generated within these TID districts is pledged to paying for the public infrastructure needed to serve the property within the District. These tax revenues are usually pledged for the duration of the District, which is routinely 20 years. DEPARTmENTS & DIvISIONS Assessor’s Office ...........................................................17 City Clerk’s Office .........................................................6-7 Fire Department...............................................................9 Health Department.........................................................16 Library..............................................................................8 Police Department .........................................................12 Recreation ................................................................19-47 Streets, Parks & Forestry Department ..................7,10-11 Treasurer’s Office ..........................................................13 ITEmS OF INTEREST Abendschein Community Park Development Phase III ...5 Basketball Standards .....................................................11 BBQ/Picnic Safety .........................................................16 Bicycle Rodeo................................................................12 Block Parties....................................................................6 Branch Pick Up ..............................................................11 Burning Leaves..............................................................16 Child Car Seat Safety ....................................................16 City Calendar (meetings, etc.) .........................................6 City Events at Drexel Town Square .................................3 CPR: Hands Only ............................................................9 Door-to-Door Sales (Transient Merchants)......................6 Eagle Scout Library Project .............................................9 Election Information .........................................................7 Facilities List, Locations & Map ................................14-15 Fine Payments & Open Records Request (Police)........12 Garbage & Recycling Information..............................7, 10 Grilling Safety ..................................................................9 Home Security ...............................................................12 July 4th Festivities.............................................................3 Library: Summer Programs for All Ages...........................8 Mulch .............................................................................11 National Night Out .........................................................12 New Homeowner Information ........................................17 Oak Creek Historical Society ...........................................7 Open Book - Notice of 2016 Assessment ......................17 Pet License Information .................................................13 Pig & Chicken Roast........................................................3 Real Estate Property Tax Information (2015).................13 Rental/Permit Fees: Parks, Shelters, Fields, etc. ............4 Spring Clean Up: May 16 ...............................................11 Stepping On: Steady on Your Feet ................................16 Summer Concerts............................................................3 Summer Swimming Safety ........................................9, 16 Trees & Property Lines ..................................................10 Weed Ordinance ............................................................17 Zika Virus .......................................................................16 The result of little new revenues over the last five years to fund activities outside of TIDs has been to place additional workloads on City staff throughout the organization without the ability to increase staffing including: police and fire services, street and park construction and maintenance, water and sewer operations, library services, and building inspection, engineering, finance, and administrative operations. I am proud of our positive and “can do” staff response over the last five years to these added workloads. However, the challenges impacting our capacity to provide excellent public services to residents and businesses throughout the community remain. The Common Council is aware of these challenges and they have been supportive within the resources the community has provided. Our capacity to continue to absorb added workloads without service or work quality reductions into the future without additional staffing has been reached at various operational levels, and in my judgement, surpasses staffing capability currently in some of our operational areas. In order to solicit community input on City services and taxes, the Oak Creek Common Council approved a community survey to be prepared and mailed to 1500 residents to gather your feedback. Residents who did not receive the survey directly were able to complete it on the City’s website (www.oakcreekwi.org). A presentation of this community survey input is scheduled in front of the Common Council for its June 21st meeting. The survey results will also be available on the City’s website following this presentation. SUmmER RECREATION GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Sports Carpool Request .........................................43, 45 Points of Interest............................................................20 How to Register, Deadlines & Requirements.................42 Registration Forms ..................................................43, 45 Things You Should Know...............................................21 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 2 To follow up resident feedback from the community survey, the Common Council has also provided for: a Strategic Planning Process to be undertaken using the input gained from the survey and further asking residents to participate in a process of planning for the future to identify community priorities. Strategies will need to be developed to implement your vision of the community. You will be able to follow this discussion by attending meetings, reading the Acorn, reading may - August 2016 our new Community Lifestyle Magazine, following us on Facebook, Twitter, or by accessing information from our website. Democracy is a participatory endeavor. The Oak Creek Common Council truly values community input and has a history of acting on your collective input regarding the vision, ideas, and priorities for the City. Let your Alderman and the Mayor know what you value, what should stay, what should go, what the future looks like, and what you are willing to support in services in the form of taxes from your hard earned resources. 2nd Tuesday of the Month ~ 4 - 6 pm Oak Creek City Hall - Delphi Room 8040 S. 6th Street Mayor Scaffidi will conduct monthly "Meet the Mayor" listening sessions in the Delphi Room at City Hall every second Tuesday of the month from 4-6 pm. Residents can come in to City Hall and talk with the Mayor. You will be asked to sign in.Residents can also schedule individual meetings with the Mayor at their convenience, by calling (414) 766-7000. WALK WITh ThE mAYOR Residents can also "Walk with the Mayor" at the Oak Creek High School track on Saturdays from 9 to 10 am. Visit our Facebook page below for the schedule: www.facebook.com/CityofOakCreek/ CELEbRATION COmmISSION 2016 LINE UP OF EvENTS! The Oak Creek Celebrations Commission is partnering with the Oak Creek Community Center to bring you another series of summer concerts. Kick back and relax while listening to music from local bands. Food and beverages will be available for purchase or BYO. The outdoor summer concerts will be held on the west side of the Oak Creek Community Center, 8580 S Howell Ave, Oak Creek, from 7 pm – 9 pm. In case of inclement weather, we move inside. Check us out on Facebook for band announcements. June 29 July 13 July 27 August 10 August 24 JULY 4th FESTIvITIES Join us on Monday for our annual 4th of July Parade. The parade will start at 9 am from Groveland Dr and Verdev Dr. It will wind its way through the city and end at the Legion grounds. Bring the whole family for games, face painting, bike judging and good food! Fireworks begin at dusk, on the East Middle School grounds. Due to the construction, the parade will assemble on Groveland Dr. between Burrell St and Verdev Dr. ANNUAL PIG & ChICKEN ROAST Sunday, September 11 All citizens are welcome to join us outside at Henry Miller Park where you can purchase, for a minimal amount, a fresh grilled chicken or pork dinner. Eat while listening to a live band. There’s fun for everyone so bring the whole gang! Tickets can be purchased in late July at the Community Center or on the day of the event. For more information, visit us at: www.oakcreekwi.org/communityevents Like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/OakCreekCelebrationsCommission/?fref=ts Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 3 COmmUNITY EvENTS COmING TO DREXEL TOWN SQUARE 361 W. TOWN SQUARE WAY The City of Oak Creek will be bringing our community together for events and activities (i.e. concerts, farmer’s markets, etc.) beginning this summer in Drexel Town Square! SATURDAY, JULY 16 featuring Dog-related vendors, businesses, canine dock jumping & more Pier Pups is the first of many community events at Drexel Town Square. We are planning a splashing good time with Pier Pups, a unique dock diving venue that caters from novice to pro jumpers with an emphasis on the "family dog". Does your dog love to swim and chase a toy into the water? Or do you love to watch high flying, catching and splashing canines? This event is family-friendly and just for you! For information on Pier Pups or to preregister (highly recommended) your dog for this event: www.pierpups.com For updates on this event and information on other community events to be held at Drexel Town Square, go to the City of Oak Creek Government page on Facebook. Questions? Ideas for future events at Drexel Town Square? Contact Doug Seymour, Director of Community Development at: [email protected] may - August 2016 PARK, PAvILION & FACILITY RENTAL INFORmATION To reserve facilities, call Oak Creek Recreation at 766-7920 FACILITY RENTAL INFORmATION RESIDENT FEES NON-RES. FEES Courts, ball fields, picnic areas, etc. $6 per hour EXCEPT Shepard hills & Abendschein ball diamonds $8 per hour All facilities: • Does not include equipment and supplies Rent 90 days in advance • Call for league, tournament and special event rates • Ball fields available for use starting April 1, weather & field mOST FACILITIES CAN conditions permitting bE RESERvED ONLINE • Facilities not reserved may be used on a 1st-come, 1st-serve basis • Proof of residency required for resident rate • To receive resident group rates, we may require a team roster Open Air Shelters - 28 Ft. hexagon 1-4 hrs: $20 flat fee Includes 2 picnic tables and trash can Over 4 hrs: $6/hr Rent 1 year in advance Open Air Shelters - 40 Ft. hexagon Abendschein Park ONLY Includes 2 picnic tables and trash can Abendschein Park Concession Stand Hours: 8 am to 10 pm Security Deposit $35 henry miller Park Pavilion, 315 E. Groveland, Oak Creek • Contact Recreation Office for cancellation policy and security deposit information • Inside: 6 picnic tables, 2 serving tables, counter, refrigerator with freezer • Outside: +/- 25 picnic tables • Fire Code: Maximum 60 persons • Indoor men’s and women’s handicap accessible rest rooms • There is no stove or microwave 1-4 hrs: $28 flat fee Over 4 hrs: $6/hr Rent 1 year in advance Daily $35 flat fee Beer Permit $15 Rent 90 days in advance Weekends/holidays $12 per hour $16 per hour Rent 30 days in advance RESERvE bY PhONING REC OFFICE 1-4 hrs: $40 flat fee Over 4 hrs: $12/hr Rent 30 days in advance 1-4 hrs: $56 flat fee Over 4 hrs: $12/hr Rent 30 days in advance Daily $70 flat fee Beer Permit $15 Rent 30 days in advance Weekends/holidays $125 flat fee (5/27-9/5/16) $250 flat fee (5/27-9/5/16) $ 90 flat fee (9/6/16-5/26/17) $180 flat fee (9/6/16-5/26/17) monday thru Friday $45 flat fee Security Deposit $60 Beer Permit $15 Rent 1 year in advance monday thru Friday $90 flat fee Security Deposit $60 Beer Permit $15 Rent 30 days in advance SEE PAGE 14 & 15 FOR FACILITY DESCRIPTION, LOCATIONS AND mAP Volleyball Set Rental Picnic Pack Rental Includes: poles anchors volleyball net stakes To reserve a Includes: volleyball set, volleyball set throw bases picnic pack 2 frisbees or reserve scoop ball set with ball a facility kickball and football Call in advance to reserve. Quantities limited. Resident Fee*: $6 per day $15 per weekend/holiday weekend O FFICE h OURS (Fri/Sat/Sun) Mon-Fri *$20 security deposit 9 am - 5 pm Resident Fee*: $5 per day $10 per weekend/holiday weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun) *$20 security deposit Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter O AK C REEK R ECREATION 766-7920 4 Call in advance to reserve. Quantities limited. may - August 2016 What’s New in the Parks? COUNTY-OWNED PARCELS REzONED TO PARKLAND Earlier this year, Milwaukee County made a request to rezone 55 Countyowned parcels to P-1, Parkland District. The City is in the process of approving this request. Rezoning properties as parkland will make these County-owned parcels less susceptible to sale and development. Falk Park and the Runway Dog Park are two areas within Oak Creek that were included in the rezoning request. The request was made to address an amendment that was passed in the last State Budget giving the County Executive authority to lease or sell non-parkland property without County Board approval. As a result of this amendment, the County Board passed a resolution to protect parks and parkland, and directed the County Executive to request that 55 Countyowned parcels in the City be rezoned to P-1, Parkland. A list of parcels can be found on Plan Commission agendas located on our website at-www.oakcreekwi.org AbENDSChEIN PARK PhASE 3 DEvELOPmENT Over the past 10 years, the City has made strides in implementing the Abendschein Park Master Plan. During that time, the City has installed a skatepark, a playground, an open air shelter, a cricket pitch, a restroom/concession building, a retention pond, and has expanded parking. The next development phase for the park is to be completed this fall. This phase includes adding approximately 4,430 linear feet (0.8 mile) of 8-footwide asphalt recreational trails through the southern and eastern portions of the park. In addition, approximately 1,700 linear feet of mulch pathways will be constructed through the wooded area of the park. To connect the southern and eastern portions of the park, there will be a bridge spanning the Oak Creek. Overall, the park will have approximately 12,000 linear feet or about 2.3 miles of recreational trails throughout the park. After the trail and bridge project is complete, about 3.5 acres located in the southwest corner of the park will be converted to prairie. Partially funded from a grant received from MMSD (Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District), the City will be starting the process of establishing a flower laden prairie. The first phase will include the killing of the existing vegetation and seeding of the area next spring. This process will take approximately three years to complete, as prairie plants take a longer time to establish and grow. There are many websites explaining how to successfully establish a prairie. If you want to learn more about what it takes to establish a prairie, go to-www.prairienursery.com Once complete, the area should be a beautiful wildlife habitat with numerous wildflowers that can be observed from the recreational trails. A b EN D SC h EIN C Om mU EN T Omm U N ITY PA R K - Ph A SE III D EvELOPm EvELOPmEN Ye llow Line s - Mulch Recreation Trails Pi n k L i n e s - Asphalt Recreation Trails N u mb e re d Are Ar e a s - Disc Golf Course Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 5 may - August 2016 may 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 23 24 30 June 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 16 20 21 27 28 CITY CALENDAR CAThERINE ROESKE, CITY CLERK 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. (Wed.) 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. CLOSED Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Common Council Meeting Immunization Clinic Board of Health Police & Fire Commission, if required Immunization Clinic, by appointment Water & Sewer Utility Commission Municipal Court Plan Commission Meeting Landscape & Beautification, if needed Traffic & Safety Commission Celebrations Commission Parks, Rec. & Forestry Commission Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Common Council Police & Fire Commission, if required Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Plan Commission Meeting mEmORIAL DAY 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Immunization Clinic Board of Health Police & Fire Commission, if required Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Common Council Landscape & Beautification, if needed Traffic & Safety Commission Celebrations Commission Immunization Clinic, by appointment Water & Sewer Utility Commission Municipal Court Plan Commission Meeting Police & Fire Commission, if required Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Library Board Common Council Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Plan Commission Meeting July 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 21 25 26 August 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 18 22 23 29 30 766-7023 CLOSED JULY 4Th hOLIDAY NO COmmON COUNCIL mEETING 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Immunization Clinic 6:00 p.m. Police & Fire Commission, if required 8:30 – 11 a.m. Immunization Clinic, by appointment 9:00 a.m. Water & Sewer Utility Commission Municipal Court 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Plan Commission Meeting 6:00 p.m. Landscape & Beautification, if needed 7:00 p.m. Traffic & Safety Commission 5:00 p.m. Celebrations Commission 8:30 – 11 a.m. Immunization Clinic, by appointment 5:00 p.m. Library Board 5:00 p.m. Municipal Court 7:00 p.m. Common Council Meeting 6:00 p.m. Police & Fire Commission, if required 8:30 – 11 a.m. Immunization Clinic, by appointment 5:00 p.m. Municipal Court 8:30 – 11 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 7 a.m.–8 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 – 11 a.m. 5:00 p.m. with the Alderperson of your district, rebLOCK PARTIES If you are planning to hold a “block quire approval. There is no fee. party”, please be aware that City officials require approval. You can either visit the If barricades will be needed to block off City’s website, www.oakcreekwi.org - a portion of the street, you will be responsible for pickup and delivery City Clerk’s Office, to before 3 p.m. Friday from the-download or complete a fill-in application, or Street Department stop at the City Clerk’s 800 W. Puetz Rd. office approximately two weeks (or more) in advance to fill out an application, along with a map detailing where the party is to be held. The Police, Fire and Street Departments, along Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 6 Immunization Clinic, by appointment Common Council (Monday) NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Immunization Clinic Board of Health Police & Fire Commission, if required Immunization Clinic, by appointment PARTISAN PRImARY ELECTION Water & Sewer Utility Commission Municipal Court Plan Commission Meeting Landscape & Beautification Committee Traffic & Safety Commission Celebrations Commission Immunization Clinic, by appointment Library Board Municipal Court Common Council Police & Fire Commission, if required Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court Plan Commission Meeting Immunization Clinic, by appointment Municipal Court TRANSIENT mERChANTS (Door to Door Sales) According to the Municipal Code, all persons going doorto-door soliciting must be licensed by the City of Oak Creek and must wear a photo ID badge. Non-profit and charitable organizations are not required to be licensed, but must be registered at the Police Department. If you are aware of someone soliciting without proper identification, please contact the: Oak Creek Police Department 762-8200 may - August 2016 2016 FALL ELECTIONS The Fall Partisan Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, and the Fall General Election will be held Tuesday, November 8, 2016. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY TO vOTE! Due to the expected large voter turnout at these elections, those residents not currently registered are encouraged to register early to vote. A qualified elector must be at least 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen, and a resident of the City for at least 28 days prior to registering to vote. You must present a form of ID showing proof of residence. A Wisconsin driver’s license or Wisconsin ID is preferred. You may register to vote: City Hall Clerk’s Office Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. By Mail (look for instructions on the City’s website) Online at https://myvote.wi.gov/ CITY CLERK’S OFFICE CAThERINE ROESKE, CITY CLERK POLLING SITES ARE AS FOLLOWS: DISTRICT 1 - WARDS 1-2-3 DISTRICT 2 - WARDS 4-5-6 DISTRICT 3 - WARDS 7-8-9 DISTRICT 4 - WARDS 10-11-12 DISTRICT 5 - WARDS 13-14-15 DISTRICT 6 - WARDS 16-17-18 -19 766-7023 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 7630 S. 10th St. WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL 8401 S. 13th St. EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL 9330 S. Shepard Ave. DEERFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3871 E. Bluestem Dr. PARKWAY CHURCH 10940 S. Nicholson Rd. OAK CREEK COMMUNITY CENTER 8580 S. Howell Ave. Photo ID is now required to vote. For more information on this requirement, please visit-http://bringit.wisconsin.gov/ Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 766-7023 with questions about the upcoming elections, or click on “Election Information” on the City’s website at www.oakcreekwi.org – for information, including your correct polling location, verification of voter registration, new voter registration, absentee voting, and for consideration for assignment as an election official (pollworker). GARbAGE & RECYCLING CART INFORmATION Per Section 8.41 of the City of Oak Creek Municipal Code, household combined garbage not placed in a container provided by the City of Oak Creek or its contractor, will not be collected. Also, all containers shall be stored upon private property & screened from public view and shall not be stored in the front yard setback. Also per Section 8.42, garbage shall be placed for collection no later than 6:45 a.m. of the morning of collection. Then per Section 8.43, no carts shall be placed at the curb any earlier than 6:45 p.m. on the day prior to the scheduled collection day. Also, residents shall restore containers to their original storage location after collection on the same day as the collection. As of January 1, 2015, Advanced Disposal collects both the garbage & the recycling for the City of Oak Creek. You should continue to use the carts you have in the same way. If you have collection issues, need additional carts, replacement carts or Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 7 a repair to either of your carts, please contact: Advanced Disposal - 262-679-0860 Also effective, January 1, 2015, when there is a holiday within the week, from the holiday day forward, Advanced Disposal will be doing your pickups one day later than normal, for the holiday week only. The regular schedule will then resume the next week. Reminder signs are no longer placed street side. For Streets, Parks & Forestry questions, please call (414) 570-5682 may - August 2016 OAK CREEK LIbRARY JILL LININGER, LIbRARY DIRECTOR Important Library Program Info: * For more library programs see Pgs. 33-34 in this issue of the “Acorn” * Registration NOT required for the activities on this page. * Library programs are NOT scheduled for the week of July 3 – July 9 * For more information about the listed programs, contact the Oak Creek Public Library at: 766-7900 www.oakcreeklibrary.org www.facebook.com/oakcreeklibrary ON YOUR mARK, GET SET… READ! @ the LIbRARY this SUmmER SUmmER READING ChALLENGE June 6 – August 6 All ages – children, teens and adults Keep track of the hours you read this summer and you may win a prize! Register in person at the Library beginning June 6! ChILDREN’S SUmmER LIbRARY PROGRAmS & PERFORmANCES June 14 – July 26 Tuesdays, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Performances are geared toward children (ages 5-11) but all are welcome! mILLER & mIKE COmEDY ShOW June 14 Presented by Miller and Mike featuring the talents of former Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus clowns Miller & Mike. This family comedy show includes physical comedy, juggling, audience participation, magic, and other entertainment. FORWARD TO FITNESS: READ! June 21 Dr. Bob Kann, storyteller/magician/juggler and Professor of Reading Education, leads kids on a wild and wonderful sprint to literary, physical, and planetary health. Bob uses storytelling, juggling, magic, and fast-paced, frolicking fun to teach kids how to race forward to different kinds of fitness through reading. PRINCESS OF mAGIC June 28 The Award Winning Magic of Julie Sobanski has been mystifying and entertaining audiences of ALL ages, on television and throughout the U.S. In a profession dominated by men, "Magicienne" Julie Sobanski is one of a handful of performing female magicians in the country and is the only female magician in Wisconsin! This magic show is filled with visual, entertaining magic for young and old, music, comedy and audience participation. ThE REACh OF ThE RAIN FOREST July 12 Presented by Kohls Wild Theatre. Travel to rainforests around the equator with 2 short plays wrapped together in a 45minute presentation. It starts with a wild chase through a South American jungle in “The Spot of the Jaguar.” Next, audiences journey across the globe to the rainforests of Borneo to protect orangutans in “A Climb Through Time.” Concepts presented include rainforest habitats, predator-prey relationships, benefits of rainforests and what kids can do from home to conserve these natural treasures. REPTILE & AmPhIbIAN PROGRAm July 19, 1:30 Pm – 2:30 Pm Presented by Schlitz Audubon Nature Center. Students learn about reptiles and amphibians native to Wisconsin. A variety of reptiles and amphibians are brought for children to meet up close and personal! SUmmER READING WRAP UP PARTY WITh hILLbILLY SILLY SCIENCE SPECTACULAR July 26 Two zany hillbillies take the stage and present all of their homemade science experiments while sharing scientific educational pointers and training on important safety issues. The hillbilly scientists will show off homemade cannons, optical illusions, volcanoes, and more! Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 8 766-7900 WWW.OAKCREEKLIbRARY.ORG CRAFTS FOR KIDS Wednesday, August 10 Drop in between 12 PM – 7:00 PM Activities geared toward children (ages 5-11) but all are welcome! ADULT GAmE CLUb - Age 18+ June 14, July 12, August 9 Drop-in at the library to play a variety of board and card games. Feel free to bring a friend! Light refreshments will be provided. Located in the Technology Training Room. “Great Lakes Small Streams: how Water Shapes Wisconsin” August 22 - September 5 This Wisconsin Historical Society’s Water Council has partnered with the Urban Ecology Center, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, and UWM School of Freshwater Sciences to bring this interactive exhibit about the Great Lakes to the Oak Creek Library. This exhibit is aimed at middle school audiences, but all ages will enjoy it. It looks at both historical and ecological topics, from Wisconsin’s geology through settlement to the substantiality issues facing water today. The exhibit will be on display in the library during open hours from August 22 - September 5. bAbY & TODDLER PLAYTImE Drop in – Fridays 10 Am-11:30 Am June 24, July 1 & 22 For ages birth to 3. Drop in during this time for open play. The Story Time room will be filled with age friendly toys for children to enjoy. Join in the fun! FAmILY STORY TImE - All Ages June 15 – July 20 Wednesdays 6 Pm - 6:45 Pm This 45 minute family program will immerse your child in an enjoyable, interactive literary experience, followed by a playtime. Programs are not scheduled for the week of July 3 – July 9 may - August 2016 FIRE DEPARTmENT TOm ROSANDICh, FIRE ChIEF GRILLING SAFETY There is nothing better than a barbeque on a warm summer night. The Oak Creek Fire Department would like to make sure that residents keep safety in mind when they fire up their grills. GAS GRILL SAFETY TIPS 1. Check grill hoses for cracking, brittleness, holes, and leaks. Make sure there are no sharp bends in the hose or tubing. 2. Move gas hoses as far away as possible from hot surfaces and dripping hot grease. 3. Always keep propane gas containers upright. 4. Never store a spare gas container under or near the grill or indoors. 5. Never store or use flammable liquids, like gasoline, near the grill. 6. Never keep a filled container in a hot car or car trunk. Heat will cause the gas pressure to increase, which may open the relief valve and allow gas to escape. ChARCOAL GRILL SAFETY TIPS 1. Never burn charcoal inside of homes, vehicles, tents, or campers. 2. Charcoal should never be used indoors, even if ventilation is provided. 3. Since charcoal produces CO fumes until the charcoal is completely extinguished, do not store the grill indoors with freshly used coals. 4. Allow charcoal and ashes to completely cool prior to disposal. Warmer weather means children spend much of their summer vacations in the water. Whether it’s a backyard pool or open water such as a river or lake, parents can take several steps to keep their children safe this summer. • Actively supervise children whenever they are near water. • Enroll children in swimming lessons as soon as possible to get them comfortable with the water. • Small children should always swim with an adult, and older children who are more experienced swimmers should swim with a buddy. • Make sure that children only swim in designated swimming areas. • Teach children that open water swimming is much different that swimming in a pool. Current/undertow, uneven bottom surfaces and weather conditions can have an effect on their experience in the water. • Consider building a fence with a gate around your pool. • Install an alarm on the gate to alert you if a child enters the swimming pool area without your knowledge. DIAL 911 It may seem like a simple task, but in the event of an emergency, dial 911 to reach fire, rescue and emergency medical services. Time is of the utmost importance in the event of an emergency and every second counts. For example, fires double in size every minute. Fires that start out small can easily grow to engulf entire buildings. Serious medical conditions like a heart attack, stroke, or traumatic injury require immediate attention by medical personnel. The Oak Creek Fire Department provides not only fire suppression, but also Paramedic level emergency medical care. With three stations strategically located throughout the city, the Fire Department is only minutes away. hANDS-ONLY CPR As a part of an initiative in Milwaukee County, the Oak Creek Fire Department has Hands-Only CPR training materials at each station. These materials can be signed out so that citizens can facilitate in-home training. Each training kit contains a CPR manikin, training materials, and an instructional DVD. For more information, visit our website at http://www.oakcreekwi.org/yourgovernment/departments/fire-department,like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@Oak_Creek_FD). Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 9 PUbLIC EDUCATION If you would like to schedule a public education opportunity with the Fire Department, please fill out the form on the City’s website and submit your request to: Lieutenant Scott Kasten email: [email protected] Fire Department Website: www.oakcreekwi.org/fire “Like” the Oak Creek Fire Department on Facebook OAK CREEK LIbRARY EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT Sam Konieczny, a Life Scout in Oak Creek, Troop 218, is working on his Eagle Project which consists of three miniprojects benefitting the Oak Creek Public Library and the community it serves. The first project is to design, build and install a 6 foot by 8 foot Illumination Peg Board for an interactive experience. The second project is to purchase and install a 65 inch Interactive Touch Screen display for interactive kid friendly content. Lastly he will be making a pair of wood checker/ chess tables. Sam is trying to raise the $6,700 to cover the expenses for his projects. If you would like to help, go to Oak Creek Public Library Web Site, select Oak Creek Public Library Foundation link and donate directly through the website. Type in the reference note apply to “Sam Konieczny’s Eagle Project”. All donations are tax deductible as long as the donation is made in the form of a check payable to the Oak Creek Public Library Foundation. You will receive a thank you letter on the foundation’s letterhead which will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. may - August 2016 STREETS, PARKS & FORESTRY DEPARTmENT TED JOhNSON, DIRECTOR STREETS, PARKS, & FORESTRY TREES AND PROPERTY LINES how to Reduce Conflicts between Trees & Neighbors A well designed landscape, beginning with the careful placement of trees, can have quite a positive impact on your property. Conversely, there are times when unforeseen circumstances or poorly placed plants can create difficult situations between neighbors. Respecting the property line, and your neighbors, is the best way to ensure that our neighborhoods look great and our residents stay on good terms. The City is not a source of legal advice regarding boundary issues. In fact, the City cannot become entangled in a boundary conflict between private properties. We can provide assistance in finding a qualified arborist and potentially advise you on the technical issues of a tree. For instance, we could confirm that a tree is a dead American elm or that your ash is infested with emerald ash borer. Here are some possible measures for maintaining healthy trees as well as good relationships with neighbors. Landscape Planning and maintenance Check out the plat map that often comes with a home purchase. Milwaukee County provides an internet accessible interactive map with aerial views and an overlay of property lines and other useful tools. It helps to have an accurate knowledge of your property boundaries. • One of the most common mistakes made during landscaping is to plant a large growing tree in a small space. We’ve all seen that blue spruce overflowing a ten-foot space in a tiny front yard. Know the potential size, shape and particular habits of your tree selections. A large tree canopy could be over 60 feet wide at maturity. Some trees will be less than two inches wide when planted but have stem growth of 5 feet wide in 30 years. • Trees are often used to define some portion of a lot. It may be wise to consciously avoid planting on property lines. Offset vegetation to consider JEFF WENDT, PARKS SUPERvISOR the width as plants grow taller and wider. • Keep trees pruned to avoid directing low branching or deadwood into your neighbor’s yard. • If you want to develop a tall canopied, spreading tree, hike it up while it is young and adaptable. • Avoid planting tall-growing trees under overhead powerlines. Take responsibility when your trees cause serious issues for your neighbors. Wood Lots Perhaps you are considering the purchase of a wooded lot. You can save money, headache and heartache if you consult with a qualified, certified arborist for an evaluation and protection plan for the trees you select to save. A good arborist can help you select the best trees and provide species-specific information that may protect you from difficulties in the future. A good look around the perimeter of the property will also help to safeguard against potential future conflicts with neighbors due to problem trees. Problem boundary Trees Perhaps you or your neighbors have inherited some declining boundary trees or find yourselves in a difficult situation due to a serious tree disease or insect. It is best to accept the fact that the problem isn’t going to go away on its own and that it will likely cost you something in the future to resolve. Acknowledge when a removal exceeds your skill level. Hazard tree or branch care is best handled by a professional. A proactive approach to boundary vegetation can help everyone enjoy the benefits of healthy trees and landscapes. Fast Tree Fact: Oak trees, although reputed to be slow growing, can grow very quickly for the first 30 years or so. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 10 768-6552 REbECCA LANE, CITY FORESTER GARbAGE & RECYCLING COLLECTION INFO FOR UPCOmING hOLIDAYS When there is a holiday during the regular collection days of Monday through Thursday, from the holiday day forward, Advanced Disposal will be doing your pickups one day later than normal, for the holiday week ONLY. The regular schedule will then resume the next week. Reminder signs are no longer being placed street side. The following holidays are observed by Advanced Disposal New Year’s Day Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day FOR GARBAGE & RECYCLING COLLECTION ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT ADVANCED DISPOSAL(262) 679-0860 RECYCLING YARD INFORmATION 720 W. Puetz Road Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. In addition to the regular hours, the yard is open Tuesday evenings ONLY until 8 p.m. starting the first Tuesday in April through the last Tuesday in September. Any residence that receives an individual property tax bill may use the recycling yard. Occupants of trailer parks that have private garbage pickup may use the recycling yard for disposal of yard waste ONLY with the exception of grass clippings, which are not accepted. * NO items may exceed 4’ in length except for branches, furniture, appliances & metals. * NO contractor vehicles will be allowed in to the yard. *The yard does NOT accept shingles, roofing materials, grass, gas, medical or hazardous waste, paints or vehicle salvage. * All freon appliances (refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air may - August 2016 STREETS, PARKS & FORESTRY DEPARTmENT TED JOhNSON, DIRECTOR STREETS, PARKS, & FORESTRY conditioners & water coolers) brought to the recycling yard will be charged a $15 per unit fee. Doors need to be removed from refrigerators & freezers. A fee of $7 per TV will be charged for drop off of same. Tires brought to the recycling yard should be free of rims. A fee of $3 per tire will be charged. USAgain USAgain now has a bin located at the yard for depositing textile items such as clothing, shoes, bedding, towels, curtains, handbags, backpacks, etc. It is located at the end of the garbage compactors. See yard attendant if you have any questions. SPRING CLEAN-UP bEGINS mONDAY, mAY 16, 2016 The Street Department will conduct their spring clean-up beginning on Monday, May 16, 2016, for residential homes or condos that have City provided garbage & recycling pickup. There is NO CHARGE for this pick-up. Items that will be picked up are as follows: • Furniture • Wood • Metal • Mattresses • Televisions • Carpeting/Rugs • Appliances (Doors need to be removed from refrigerators & freezers). • Construction Materials - NOT resulting from a contractor • Garden Clippings - excluding leaves, grass and branches Items that will not be picked up are as follows: • Paints • Tires • Batteries • Grass Clippings • Leaves • Concrete • Branches • Concrete/Stone • Hazardous Materials • Fluorescent Lights Residents are required to have their items at the curb or roadside by 6:45 a.m. on Monday, May 16 in order to be guaranteed a pick up. Once we pass through your neighborhood, we will not return for additional no charge pickups until the fall clean-up on Tuesday, November 15. See Special Pick-Up section for information on how to make arrangements for a prepaid special JEFF WENDT, PARKS SUPERvISOR pick-up for other times of the year or if you should miss the Spring Clean-Up date. SPECIAL PICK UPS In addition to the fall & spring cleanups that are provided at NO CHARGE, the City of Oak Creek provides special pick-ups for residential homes or condos that have City provided pickup of garbage & recycling. The fee for this service is $25 and includes pick up of the following items: • Appliances (A $15 additional fee will be charged for freon appliances – refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners & water coolers) • Furniture • Mattresses • Metals of any kind • Televisions ($7 additional fee will be charged for each TV) Special pick-ups are done on Friday mornings ONLY. Items for pick up must be at the road by 6:45 a.m. on the scheduled Friday. Residents requesting special pick-ups must prepay the fees due by noon, the Thursday prior, in order to be put on that Friday’s pick up schedule. Please note that special pick ups will not be done for the following items: • Branches • Yard Waste • Recyclables • Tires • Contractor generated materials • Hazardous Waste • Concrete/Stone bRANCh PICK-UP DATES FOR 2016 NEW MONTHS BEGINNING 2016 Branches will be picked up beginning at 6:45 a.m.on the following dates: • Monday, May 2 • Friday, July 1 • September 1 • November 1 To guarantee that your branches are picked up, you must have them at the roadside BY the dates listed above, but no earlier than 2 weeks prior. Once we pass through your neighborhood, we will not be back until the next date listed. Reminder, branches are to be stacked neatly with the cut ends facing the road. Roots should be separate from Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 11 768-6552 REbECCA LANE, CITY FORESTER the brush pile. The Street Department WILL NOT pick up brush that is the result of a contractor doing work on your property. It is their responsibility to dispose of the brush properly. Branches may also be brought to the recycling yard at 720 W. Puetz Road. The hours of operation are Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are extended hours on Tuesdays from the first Tuesday in April through the last Tuesday of September when the hours are 8 am to 8 pm. mULCh Generally, from mid-April through midNovember, mulch is often available for free pickup at the recycling yard. Residents may call the Street Department to check availability and/or to be put on a list to have mulch delivered to their homes for a fee of $25 per load (approximately 5 yards). 570-5682 bASKETbALL STANDARDS There has been an ongoing problem with residents placing basketball standards in the right-ofway (terrace area). This area is defined as that area between the curb and the sidewalk, and where no sidewalk exists, that area between the street pavement and the right-ofway/property line. Section 6.25 Terrace Areas, Section (d) of the Municipal Code states: “No structures or fixtures shall be placed in the terrace area. Examples of prohibited items would be basketball backstops, statuary, flagpoles and other objects. The exception to this subsection is the installation of a mailbox as specified by the U. S. Postal Service.” Streets, Parks & Forestry Website: www.oakcreekwi.org/SPF may - August 2016 JOhN EDWARDS, POLICE ChIEF COmmUNITY bIKE RODEO Saturday, may 21, 2016 ~ Noon-3 p.m. American Legion Post 434 Lower hall and grounds 9327 S. Shepard Avenue Children in Kindergarten through Grade 8 are eligible to participate and may register at the event. Basic skills and bike safety tips will be offered by the Oak Creek Police Department to help prepare youth for a safe summer of biking fun. A bicycle and helmet are required to participate. Contact the Oak Creek Police Department’s Community Resource Bureau at 414-766-7624 for more information. 2016 NATIONAL NIGhT OUT Tuesday, August 2, 2016 ~ 6-9 p.m. American Legion Post 434 Lower hall grounds 9327 S. Shepard Avenue This free and familyfriendly event sponsored by the Oak Creek Police Department and Oak Creek National Night Out Committee helps strengthen neighborhood spirit and police/community partnerships and sends a message that Oak Creek neighborhoods are organized and fighting back against crime! This year’s event will include crime prevention and safety messages from local and state agencies; Oak Creek Police Dept. driving skills course, ERU tactical vehicle, and K-9 Unit; Oak Creek Fire Dept. equipment and Survive Alive house; inexpensive food and drink, and a fireworks display to close out the evening. Please bring non-perishable food items for the Family Life Center and the Salvation Army. These local food banks help the residents of Oak Creek. Baby/toddler food, canned fruit, peanut butter, canned tuna and pasta/pasta sauce are always in demand. Look for the marked balloons to drop off your items. Bring your family and friends, meet your neighbors, and enjoy a safe and enjoyable night of information, food and fun. For more information, contact POLICE DEPARTmENT mIChAEL bOLENDER, CAPTAIN the Oak Creek Police Department’s Community Resource Bureau at (414) 766-7624. WARm WEAThER REmINDERS • With the warm weather comes more activities outside. There are more car windows down and gatherings at residences. Please be courteous of your neighbors with regard to loud noise and music levels. The Oak Creek Police Department responds to complaints at all times of the day, but the main hours of enforcement for loud noise/music (per City Ordinance) is between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. The Noise Ordinance also designates that lawn care equipment cannot be operated between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. • Rummage sale, garage sale, advertising or other such signs cannot be placed on streets, sidewalks or other public right-of-ways, nor can they be attached to public utility poles. Illegally posted signs will be removed by police personnel. • City Ordinance prohibits the sale, possession or use of illegal fireworks, except paper caps, snakes and sparklers. However, keep in mind that sparklers can get as hot as 1,200 degrees and can cause serious injury to young hands and eyes. FINE PAYmENTS & OPEN RECORDS REQUESTS Fine payments and open records requests can be made during normal business hours—Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A 24-hour drop box is available in the station lobby for payments after hours. For more information, please contact the following: (414) 766-7658 – Open Records Requests (414) 766-7621 – Municipal Court Info. SUmmERTImE hOmE SECURITY The Oak Creek Police Department would like to remind homeowners of a few simple tips to protect your home during this ever-popular Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 12 STEvE ANDERSON, CAPTAIN “vacation” time of year: • Residents can request a “vacation watch” of their home by the Oak Creek Police Department. Prior to leaving for vacation, contact the Department at 762-8200 (press “0” for Dispatch) and provide the dispatcher with information (i.e., your departure/return date, whether lights will be left on and when, if vehicles will be left in the driveway, any designated key holders, etc.). Our Police Aides will conduct periodic checks of your home while you are gone. • Do not allow daily deliveries of mail, newspapers, or flyers to build up while you are away. Arrange for a friend or neighbor to pick up these items or stop your mail at the post office. • Give your house a lived-in appearance. Put automatic timers on several lights, a radio, and a television. Set the timers so that the lights and appliances will turn on and off at random times. Leave shades and blinds in a position that you would normally leave them. Ask your neighbor to use your driveway and garbage cans. • Arrange for your lawn to be mowed if you are going away for an extended period of time. • Make sure all locks on the doors and windows function properly, and use them. Don’t leave keys under doormats, flowerpots, mailboxes or other “secret” hiding places. Burglars know where to look for hidden keys. • Make sure smoke and burglar alarms function properly and are armed. • Turn the ringer on your telephone down low or off and leave a normal message on your answering machine. • Keep a detailed inventory of your valuables, including a description of the items, date of purchase, original value, and serial numbers, and keep a copy in a safe place away from home. Etch personal identification codes on your valuables with an engraving tool. You can also make a photographic or video record of items in your home. • Be a good neighbor. Get to know your neighbors and watch out for each other. If you notice anything suspicious, call 9-l-l immediately and report it to the police. may - August 2016 CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE 766-7000 bARbARA GUCKENbERGER, CITY TREASURER 2015 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY TAX See website for more details Website: www.oakcreekwi.org go to: I Want To, View, My Property Tax Information Tax Information: payments made to the City appear on the City Website as processed. Delinquent payments made to MILWAUKEE COUNTY are not posted to the City’s website. PERmANENT ADDRESS ChANGES If your mailing address has changed please contact the Assessor’s Office at (414) 766-7069 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR TAX COUPON with all payments (in place of tax bill). • ChECK(s) make payable to Treasurer or to City of Oak Creek. • DO NOT COmbINE with other payments. • ChECKS RETURNED from the bank Payment is void and a replacement payment, plus a separate $25 recovery fee, must be made with certified funds. PAYmENT DEADLINE: THIRD INSTALLMENT – due May 31. WE DO NOT SEND REmINDER NOTICES. PAYmENT OPTIONS mAIL, to: Treasurer, City of Oak Creek, 8040 South 6th St., Oak Creek, WI 53154. DO NOT use the blue return envelope. DRIvE-UP 24-hOUR DEPOSITORY, located at the Civic Center on the southwest corner of the building; NO cash. CITY hALL, Mon. through Fri., 7:30 am to 4 pm (closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 30, 2016). Please note: City hall closes at 4 pm, so please allow sufficient time. OvERPAYmENTS - No cash refunds; checks are mailed to the payer in three to four weeks. CREDIT CARD, Telephone or Internet only DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAX DELINQUENCY results in forfeiture of the installment option and accumulates INTEREST AND PENALTY charges from February 1 at 1 ½% per month on the entire unpaid principal balance until paid in full, regardless of when it becomes delinquent. Delinquent notices are mailed in June. Payment will be accepted by the City of Oak Creek through July 31, 2016. Please contact MILWAUKEE COUNTY at (414) 278-4033 for payment after July 31st and all PRIOR YEAR DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAX. LOTTERY AND GAmING CREDIT Applications are available on our website or at the City Hall. Before applying, please be sure the credit does not already appear on your tax bill. Those who qualify are owners of a home in Wisconsin who used the home as their primary residence on January 1 (Certification Date) of the year in which property taxes are levied. Primary residence is defined as the home where an individual lives more than six months of the year. 2015: Lottery and Gaming Credit is $102.94. If you qualify and did not receive the credit, submit a 2015 Late Lottery and Gaming Credit application to the State by October 1, 2016, with a copy of your tax bill. Also submit the 2016 Lottery and Gaming Credit application as noted below. 2016: Submit the 2016 Lottery and Gaming Credit application to the Oak Creek Treasurer’s Office by November 30, 2016; the credit will appear on the 2016 and future Real Estate Tax Bills. Have a wonderful summer! Treasurer’s Office Website: www.oakcreekwi.org/treasurer Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 13 PET LICENSE INFORmATION Wisconsin State Statutes, Section 174 makes it mandatory for dogs and cats to be licensed. Licensing Requirements: 1. Dogs (limit 2) and cats over five months of age 2. A current certificate of rabies vaccination showing the tag number and the expiration date (will be returned with the license) 3. License year of January 1 through December 31 is due by March 31 beginning April 1, a late fee will be charged except for a New Resident or New Pet Owner who licenses within 30 days of: • Residency • Obtaining a dog or cat on or after April 1 • When a dog or cat reaches five months of age on or after April 1 LICENSING OPTIONS: ONLINE, with a credit card at www.madacc.org. Add $1 to license fee. bY mAIL, • Make check payable to MADACC, 3839 W. Burnham St, West Milwaukee, WI 53215. Add $1 to license fee. • Make check payable to City of Oak Creek, 8040 S. 6th Street, Oak Creek, WI 53154. CITY hALL, make check payable to City of Oak Creek, 8040 S. 6th Street. Natural Male or Female Dog/Cat 2016 FEES License Fee Late Fee $24.00 Neutered or Spayed Dog/Cat $12.00 $12.00 $ 6.00 *If late, the license will not be issued without the applicable late fee. See Municipal Ordinance 7.40 on animal regulations at www.oakcreekwi.org under Your Government, Departments, Clerk’s Office, Municipal Code, Chapter 7 Licensing and Regulations. If you have any questions, please contact the City Hall at 766-7000 may - August 2016 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cedar Hills School Johnstone Park 2225 W. Sycamore Ave. Chapel Hills Park 6735 S. Highfield Deerfield School 3871 Bluestem Dr. Drexel Town Square 361 W. Town Square Way East Middle School 9330 S. Shepard Ave. Edgewood School 8545 S. Shepard Ave. Emerald Preserve 10 Dale Richards Trail 8031 S. 6th St. Forest Ridge Elementary 11 School 2200 W. Drexel Ave. Greenlawn Park 12 7628 S. Howell Ave. Haas Park 13 4215 E. Elm Rd. Kickers Creek Park 14 8460 S. Chicago Rd. Lake Vista Park 15 to be determined Manor Marquette Park 16 801 E. Marquette Ave. Mardeand Park 17 10550 S. Oakview Pkwy. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Meadowview School Park 10420 S. McGraw Dr Henry Miller Park 315 E. Groveland Dr. Oak Creek High School 340 E. Puetz Rd. Oak Leaf Park 401 W. Centennial Dr. Otjen Park 9330 S. Chicago Rd. Riverton Meadows Park 2801 Honeysuckle Dr. Shepard Hills School Park 530 E. Shepard Hills Dr. South Hills Park 9299 S. 22nd St. Veterans Memorial Park 552 W. Rawson Ave. West Middle School 8401 S. 13th St. Willow Heights Park 1111 W. Weatherly Dr. Updated: April 2016 10.43 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 0.53 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 1S Ɣ Ɣ Volleyball (sand) Tennis Courts S Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 0.62 Ɣ 2 Ɣ 2 S Ɣ 0.19 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 0.85 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 0.70 Ɣ 2 S Ɣ 2 Ɣ 1 Ɣ Ɣ S/F 10.70 Sledding Hill Ɣ 2 Ɣ Ɣ Skate Park # picnic tables under shelter 0.44 Ɣ Ɣ 1S Splash Pad Shelter - Open Air Ɣ Ɣ 9.80 Under Construction 37.00 Ɣ 1S Ɣ Ɣ 2 Ɣ Ɣ 0.41 Ɣ Ɣ 0.45 Undeveloped 8.00 1S 16.80 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 4.80 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 1S Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 1S Ɣ 2S Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 1S Ɣ Ɣ 11.60 2 S Ɣ Ɣ 3S 28.20 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 0.50 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 2 2 S Ɣ 2 0.58 Ɣ 2 Ɣ 1 S Ɣ Ɣ 0.30 Ɣ 2 Ɣ 2 S Ɣ Ɣ 0.41 Ɣ 2 Ɣ 1 26 1.30 Ɣ 21.40 7.62 2 Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 18.00 11.90 Recreation Pathway (est. size-miles) 1S 5.60 12.00 Ɣ 2 0.40 Ɣ 3.30 Ɣ 4 Ɣ Ɣ 1.00 10.80 Ɣ Ɣ 9.20 9.20 Pond Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ Ɣ 2S 7.50 Playground Picnic Areas Pickelball Court Ɣ Pavilion Ɣ Ɣ 1S 4.40 17.67 17.10 Parking Ɣ S/F Nature Area Ice Rink Fishing Ɣ Fields: soccer (s), football (f) Ɣ Disc Golf Course Basketball Courts Ballfield (s-softball, b-basebal Ɣ 1B Cricket Field 74.50 Concession Stand Abendschein Park 1311 E. Drexel Ave. Camelot Park 7385 S. Chapel Dr. Carollton School Park 8965 S. Carollton Dr. Baby swings Site 1 Acreage (approx.) FACILITIES LIST & LOCATIONS - Updated! Ɣ 1S Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter S Ɣ Ɣ 2 14 may - August 2016 FACILITIES mAP- Updated! Family Get Together? Birthday Party? Rent a volley ball set or picnic Pack! Rent a park, shelter or pavillion! See Pages 5, 14-15 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 15 may - August 2016 hEALTh DEPARTmENT ANNE bARbERENA, INTERIm PUbLIC hEALTh OFFICER bURNING LEAvES- IS IT SAFE? Many people love the smell of burning leaves and enjoy burning them. Did you know that leaf burning can hurt people’s health? The smoke can hurt the eyes, nose and throat of healthy adults, but it can hurt small children, the elderly, and people with asthma or other lung or heart diseases much worse. For some people, leaf burning makes it so they cannot enjoy going outside. The smoke from leaf fires is made up almost entirely of tiny particles that can reach deep into lungs and cause coughing, wheezing, chest pain and trouble breathing. For some people symptoms happen right away but for others symptoms might not happen until days after leaf burning. Instead of burning your leaves, you can compost leaves and plant clippings, chip brush and clean wood to make mulch or decorative chips. If you really want to get those leaves out of your yard, Oak Creek residents can dispose of their leaves at the Municipal Service Recycling yard during normal recycling yard hours. hOW YOU CAN STOP mOSQUITOS IN ThEIR TRACKS Almost everyone has had the unpleasant experience of being bitten by a mosquito. One way you can help control the mosquito population is by making sure that mosquitoes don't have a place to lay their eggs around your home. Because mosquitoes need water it's important to monitor standing water sources. These are a few ways to prevent mosquitoes: • Get rid of standing water in rain gutters, old tires, buckets, plastic covers, toys or any other container where mosquitoes can breed. • Empty and change the water in bird baths, fountains, wading pools, rain barrels and potted plant trays at least once a week to eliminate potential mosquito habitats. • Drain temporary pools of water or fill with dirt. 766-7950 • Keep swimming pool water treated and circulating. STEPPING ON - STAYING STEADY ON YOUR PREPARING FOR YOUR bARbECUE OR PICNIC • Keep cold food cold. Place cold food in a cooler with ice or frozen gel packs. Meat, poultry, and seafood may be packed while still frozen so that they stay colder longer. • Organize cooler contents. Consider packing beverages in one cooler and perishable foods in another. • Keep coolers closed. Once at the picnic site, limit the number of times the cooler is opened as much as you can. This helps to keep the contents cold longer. • Don’t cross-contaminate. Be sure to keep raw meat, poultry, and seafood securely wrapped and kept separate from cooked food and produce. • Clean your produce. Rinse fresh fruits & vegetables under running tap water before packing them in the cooler. What is zika virus? Do you hear about diseases on the news and want to know more? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC, is a great resource for accurate information. You can visit their website at www.cdc.gov. If you have a specific question you can also call the health department to speak with a nurse. The Oak Creek Health Department also helps with limiting the mosquito population. Every season we treat known water basins that consistently hold standing water in Oak Creek to prevent mosquito larvae from growing into adult mosquitos. With our work and your help eliminating standing water sources, let’s stop those mosquitos in their tracks! IS mY CAR SEAT SAFE? Did you know that 3 out of every 4 car seats is installed incorrectly? If your car seat is not installed correctly, it can affect how it protects your child in a crash. It is recommended that you have your car seat installed with a Child Passenger Safety Technician. The Oak Creek Health Department has someone on staff to help. Call to schedule an appointment. If you are in need of a car seat and cannot afford one we may be able to help! Call to see if you are eligible. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 16 FEET AS YOU AGE Do you have a friend or relative who has fallen? Have you fallen yourself? If so, you’re not alone. Don’t let the fear of falling rule your life. There are many things that can help reduce the risk of falling. The Oak Creek Health Department will be offering a fall prevention class in September 2016, date to be determined. Please call if you are interested. SWIm INTO SAFETY When the warm weather hits, many of us want to be in the pool or at the beach, but before you jump in, read these safety tips! • Protect your skin by wearing sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15. • Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty. • Never leave a young child unattended near water and teach children to always ask permission to go near water. • Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear life jackets around water. • If you have a pool, secure it with appropriate barriers. • If someone is missing, check the water first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability. • Know how and when to call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number. For more summer swim safety tips, see Page 9 may - August 2016 Assessor’s Office The Assessor’s Office is conducting a revaluation for 2016. Revaluations were also performed in 2014 and 2015. As opposed to performing revaluations once every three to four years, these annual revaluations ensure assessed values are based on current market conditions which lead to more equitable assessments for property owners. As in previous years, property owners that were approved for a building permit for remodeling, new construction, additions, wood decks, detached buildings and other similar type permits were visited by a member of the assessment staff to update assessment records. For permits relating to interior remodeling, basement finish, additions and new construction, an interior inspection was attempted. Properties that sold during 2014 and 2015 may have also received a request for an interior inspection. These properties are referred to as comparable sales and are used to establish the assessed value of other properties that have not sold. Verifying sales information with property owners is an important part of the assessment process. In addition to the fieldwork and sales verification of certain properties mentioned above, owners of commercial real estate were mailed and asked to complete an Income and Expense Form. This information is for confidential use by the Assessor’s Office by State Statute and City Ordinance. The information gathered on these forms is used to help establish equitable assessments for commercial properties based on the current market conditions relating to commercial leases. The form does not request personal or business income, only the income information relating to the lease or potential lease of the property. Business owners that may or may not own the real estate where they conduct business were also mailed and asked to complete a Statement of Personal Property. Per State Statute, business owners are required to complete this form and return it to the Assessor’s Office annually. These forms were mailed in January 2016 with a due date of March 1. OPEN bOOK Property owners will be mailed a 2016 Notice of Assessment between midMay and June of 2016. That Notice of Assessment will include the 2016 assessed value and will include instructions on how to contact the Assessor’s Office during the Open Book period in order to schedule a meeting if they are in disagreement with the value. If you have questions concerning the assessment process, please contact: Assessor’s Office 414-766-7069 Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Email: [email protected] NEW CONDOmINIUm hOmEOWNERS NEW SUbDIvISION hOmEOWNERS Real estate property tax bills are based on what improvements are on the property as of January 1. If the parcel or condominium unit did not exist as of January 1, it will not receive a tax bill for 2016. On January 1 this property may have been land only and/or part of one large parcel. Please contact your builder/developer, NOXIOUS WEED ORDINANCE **OFFICIAL NOTICE** CITY OF OAK CREEK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT: (a) In addition to the weeds mentioned to be noxious under s. 66.0407(b), Wisconsin Statutes, the following weeds are also declared to be noxious weeds within the boundaries of the City of Oak Creek: Bull Thistle, Wild Carrot, Sour Dock, Wild Mustard, Chickory, Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Sow Thistle, Burdock. (b) Except as provided in sub. (c), all weeds and grass in platted subdivisions which have buildings on more than 50% of the lots in the subdivision, in multifamily apartments and complexes, planned developments and mobile home districts shall be cut to and maintained at a height not to exceed six (6) inches. All Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 17 766-7069 check your sales contract to review your closing statement or contact your attorney to verify if you will be responsible for any property taxes for the current tax year. If you have any questions regarding how tax payments are handled, please call the Treasurer’s office at (414) 766-7000, Monday – Friday, from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM or visit the website at www.oakcreekwi.org, Your Government, Departments, Treasurer’s Office, Tax Information. Address Changes: If the parcel or condominium unit did exist as of January 1st, and you moved into the newly constructed home or condominium in 2016, please check the Assessor’s Office page on our website or contact the Assessor’s Office at (414) 766-7069 to verify current ownership and mailing address information. Wis. Stats. 74.09 Property tax bill and related information – (6) Effect of Failure to Receive. Failure to receive a property tax bill does not affect the validity of the general property taxes, special taxes, special charges and special assessments levied or the collection of delinquent general property taxes, special taxes, special charges and special assessments. weeds and grass in platted subdivisions which have buildings on 50% or less of the lots or which are not located in platted subdivisions and all weeds and grasses in business and manufacturing zoning districts shall be cut to a height not to exceed one foot (12 inches). The City may cause all weeds, grass and brush to be cut and removed, in accordance with this subsection and the cost thereof shall be charged to the property owner pursuant to Section 66.0627 Wis. Stats. (c) The provisions for destruction of noxious weeds and cutting of all weeds and grass as provided above shall not apply to areas which are designated by the Common Council as nature centers or wildlife preserves. may - August 2016 OAK CREEK COmmUNITY EDUCATION hEAThER RYAN, YTh. EXTENSION PROGRAm COORDINATOR Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 18 768-6173 [email protected] may - August 2016 RECREATION - TABLE OF CONTENTS REGISTRATION FORmS..........................................43, 45 REGISTRATION DATES.................................................42 GENERAL INFORmATION Age Requirements for Classes/Activities.........................21 Carpool Request........................................................43, 45 City Directory ....................................................Back Cover Contact Us...................................................................... 20 Fine Print: Things You Should Know ...............................21 Points of Interest..............................................................20 Registration Made Easy ..................................................42 DISCOUNT ATTRACTION TICKETS .............................22 CAmP PROGRAmS...................................................26-29 maps & Facility Listing Parks, Playground, School & Trails ............................14-15 YOUTh SPORTS Baseball...........................................................................25 Cheer...............................................................................24 Golf ..................................................................................23 Kickball ............................................................................24 Mighty Mitts .....................................................................25 Poms ...............................................................................30 Recess Games ...............................................................24 Rookie Ball ......................................................................25 Softball.............................................................................25 Sports! .............................................................................24 T-Ball ...............................................................................25 TaeKwonDo .....................................................................32 Tennis in the Parks ..........................................................23 TEEN Archery ............................................................................32 Babysitting .......................................................................31 Drama: “After Hours” ~NEW~..........................................31 TaeKwonDo .....................................................................32 Teen Adventure Camps ~NEW~ ................................28-29 PRESChOOL FUN Dance: Beginnings, Hip Hop & Poms..............................30 Tails Over Whiskers.........................................................30 KIDS STUFF Archery Instruction...........................................................32 Camps (Weekly) ........................................................26-27 Dance: Beginnings, Ballet & Tap .....................................30 Drama: “The Wizard of Oz” ~NEW~................................30 Taekwondo ......................................................................32 Tumbling ..........................................................................30 FALL ALL YOUTh SPORTS PREvIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter $AvE mONEY ON ADULT FITNESS FLEX PA$$ .........37 ADULTS Archery: Instruction & Shoot............................................32 Barre Connect ~NEW~....................................................36 Dance: Beginner Ballroom, Cha Cha ..................................36 Fitness Boot Camp ....................................................................35 Fitness Flex Pass Punch Card .............................................37 Golf ..................................................................................35 Hot Hula...........................................................................35 Kayaking..........................................................................35 Mind & Body Workout ......................................................36 PiYo .................................................................................37 Painting Party ..................................................................37 Simply Yoga.....................................................................37 TaeKwonDo .....................................................................32 Tai Chi/QiGong ................................................................39 Yoga: Simply Yoga...........................................................37 Zumba Gold.....................................................................36 ADULTS 50+ Dance: Beginner Ballroom, Cha Cha ..............................36 Forever Young Club & Members Only Activities ..............41 (Garden Club, Monday Lunches, Wii Bowling, Wii Trivia, Pin & Needles, etc.) Intro. to Essential Oils......................................................40 Line Dance Fitness..........................................................39 Max Your Social Security.................................................40 Organizing Old Photos ....................................................40 Tai Chi/QiGong ................................................................39 The Next Step..................................................................40 Understand Medicare ......................................................41 Yoga (Gentle Yoga)..........................................................39 Zumba Gold.....................................................................39 50+ TRIPS .......................................................................38 Milwaukee Bour Tour/Cruise Kenosha Museum & Harbor Market Gettysburg Rivers & Rails Trip with Mayflower tours LIbRARY PROGRAmS: Youth thru Adult ~NEW~ Basic Computer Skills......................................................34 Bingo Night ......................................................................34 Buggy Olympics...............................................................33 Build A Lego Village .........................................................33 Editing Pictures................................................................34 Kite Making......................................................................33 Martial Arts Demo ............................................................33 Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher ....34 Preschool Storytime ........................................................34 Run Like a Cheetah, Hop Like a Hare.............................33 Super Smash Bros. .........................................................34 Teen Lock-In ....................................................................34 Teen Volunteer Orientation ..............................................34 more Library Programming ............................................8 19 may - August 2016 POINTS OF INTEREST REC OFFICE IS CLOSED ON: The Recreation Department is CLOSED on the following holidays: memorial Day: monday, may 30 Independence Day: monday, July 4 CONTACT US OAK CREEK RECREATION DEPARTmENT Service Desk: Service Desk hours: Office Phone: Phone hours: Office Fax: visit us at: Email us at: EmPLOYmENT The City of Oak Creek utilizes an online employment application system. TO APPLY FOR EmPLOYmENT-: Visit www.oakcreekwi.org : Click on “I want to”, “apply for” : Select “City Employment” : Click the link for the position you are seeking. For cancellation information, call: (414) 299-9721 Press 1 for General Information-all others Press 2 for Team Sports Information AmERICAN WITh DISAbILITIES ACT Upon reasonable notice, a good faith effort will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aid at no cost to the individual to participate in recreation programming. Due to the difficulty in finding aides/interpreters, requests should be made as far in advance as possible, preferably at time of registration. For additional information or to request this service, contact: Oak Creek Recreation Department at (414) 766-7920 or by writing to: ADA Coordinator, Oak Creek Health Department, 8040 S. 6th Street Oak Creek, WI 53154 “Like Us” on Facebook. Search for: Oak Creek Recreation and Oak Creek Recreation 50+ Activities SmILE! YOUR PhOTOS WANTED TOO! On occasion, our staff may take pictures of participants in our programs. These pictures are for our future program brochures/bulletin boards. If you do not want your child photographed, please notify the Recreation Office. Have you taken photos of recreation activities, fun in our parks, beautiful scenery in Oak Creek? We are always looking for good quality digital photos for use in the “Acorn” and our brochures. O NLINE REGISTRATION Register any time for Recreation or Library classes in the comfort of your home or office! Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 414-766-7920 8:00 AM - 5 PM 414-766-7942 www.oakcreekwi.org/rec [email protected] FOR FURThER INFORmATION: [email protected] 766-7920 “ACORN” NEWSLETTER & REC. GUIDE Acorn is published 3 times a year: mid-may mid-August mid-December GO TO ACTIvITIES-: Visit www.oakcreekwi.org : Click on “I want to, then “register for” : Recreational classes/activities vis it us online a t : www.oa k c r e e k wi.or g or use the below link: http://city.oakcreekwi.org/webtrac/ Visa, Discover, MasterCard & American Express accepted Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 20 may - August 2016 FINE PRINT: THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW IS ShE/hE OLD ENOUGh? PROOF OF DATE OF bIRTh Age requirements are as of the date of the first class, unless otherwise specified and are designed to provide the best and safest environment for the children. Please do not request to have your child put in a class he/she does not meet the age requirement for. Proof of date of birth for all children is required at their first registration Fees and charges are assessed based on the cost of the program. The Department does not want to exclude children of families experiencing financial hardship. Resident families needing financial assistance should contact the office at 766-7920. ST. JOhN’S SChOOL: 2525 W. Oakwood Road. Please enter using the driveway located behind the church, between the church and cemetery. hOW mUCh IS IT? NEED TO TRANSFER? Transfers will be made at no charge. NEED A REFUND? Refunds will be made upon request until 1/3 of the scheduled classes have been held, except as noted. Refunds are issued based on your original payment method. A $3 service fee will be charged on each refund. Avoid the service fee by requesting credit to your account in place of a refund. CAN I WATCh? OPEN hOUSE You are welcome to discuss your child’s progress before or after each class and attend the open house held on the final class date. Only registered participants are permitted in classrooms during instruction. This avoids distractions and interruptions in instruction, and allows adults to participate in an adult-only atmosphere. mAKEUPS? mISSED A CLASS? Classes missed due to absence are not “made up” nor may participants attend classes other than the one they are registered for. Activities cancelled by the Department will be rescheduled, if possible. If a class is unable to be rescheduled, no refunds will be issued. hAvE A CONCERN? If a class does not meet your expectations, please contact the Oak Creek Recreation Department at 766-7920 or email [email protected] to discuss your concerns. Am I A RESIDENT? WhERE DO I PARK? ENTER? mAPS PG. 14-15 EAST mIDDLE SChOOL: 9330 S. Shepard Avenue, use Entrance #7 OAK CREEK LIbRARY/CIvIC CENTER: 8040 S. 6th Street. Parking in the south lot, use main entrance. WhAT IF? mY ChILD WANTS TO bE ON ThE SAmE TEAm OR IN A CLASS WITh A FRIEND OR SIbLING. uSiblings who meet the requirements for the same class section, or sports league will be placed together unless otherwise requested in writing by the parent or guardian. uFor all other requests please complete the carpool form on Pg. 43 or complete during online registration by clicking on “add a note or info for staff” before proceeding to the shopping cart. I WANT TO REGISTER WITh mY ADULT FRIEND: uIf one person is placed on the wait list, the entire group will be placed on the wait list uIf one person is a non-resident, the entire group will be processed during non-resident registration (if space is available) JOIN OUR REC E-mAIL LISTS! Do you? aWant to get up-to-the-minute class and activity announcements? a Want registration reminders? aWant to be the first to know when the “Acorn” is online? Join our mailing list by using the QR code below with your smart phone or go to our website at the link below and fill out the email list form. We do not share or sell your email information. The resident fee applies to any person whose primary residence is within the Oak Creek city limits at the time of registration and children in the Oak Creek-Franklin School District. For proof of residency information, please see page 42. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter http://www.oakcreekwi.org/rec/signup.htm 21 may - August 2016 DISCOUNT ATTRACTION TICKETS - SAVE $$ MasterCard, American Express & Discover. Please call ahead. 4$.75 per ticket transaction fee when 4Ticket sales are final! No refunds using credit or debit card. or exchanges. st st 4Tickets sold until Friday, September 41 come, 1 served. Sorry, we 2, or stock is depleted. cannot mail or hold tickets for pick up. 4 Prices and terms subject to change 4NO ChECKS! Use cash,VISA, 4Ticket arrival varies by vendor. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 22 without notice. 4Purchase tickets IN PERSON only at the Oak Creek Rec. Dept., 8040 S. 6th St., 2nd floor service counter in the Library. 4Sales hours: Monday thru Friday, 9 am to 5 pm may - August 2016 YOUTH SPORTS Youth Golf beginner Ages 10-16 4 classes Lessons are individualized to student's abilities, teaching fundamentals, irons, driver, short game & putting. All are welcome. Balls are provided by the department. Tennis racquets are available for use during class time. Feel free to bring your own racquet. Instructor: Marly Gould Clubs are available for use during class, those using their own should bring a 7 iron. Tuesdays - meadowview School Park, Tennis Court Activ/Sect# 247301-A1 247301-A2 247301-A3 247301-B1 247301-B2 Additional Fee: $28 FEE for driving range balls due at 1ST class. Payable to Gastrau's Driving Range. Instructor: To be announced Location: Gastrau Driving Range, 1300 E. Rawson Ave. Activ/Sect# 244001-A1 244001-B1 begins Day 6/7 Tue 7/12 Tue Time 6 - 7 pm 6 - 7 pm Inclement Weather? We’ll move into the covered, heated range area! TENNIS IN ThE PARKS Ages 5 - 17 6 classes Ages 5-8 8-11 11-17 6-9 9-16 begins 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 Day Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Time Res/NR Fee 9:00-10:00 am $28 / $56 10:00-11:00 am $28 / $56 11:00am-12 pm $28 / $56 5:30 - 6:30 pm $28 / $56 6:30 - 7:30 pm $28 / $56 Wednesdays - Carollton School Park, Tennis Court Activ/Sect# Ages 247401-A1 5-8 247401-A2 8-11 247401-A3 11-17 Res/NR Fee $36 / $42 $36 / $42 begins 6/15 6/15 6/15 Day Wed Wed Wed Time Res/NR Fee 9:00-10:00 am $28 / $56 10:00-11:00 am $28 / $56 11:00am-12 pm $28 / $56 Thursdays - Oak Leaf Park, Tennis Court Activ/Sect# 247501-A1 247501-A2 247501-A3 247501-B1 247501-B2 Ages 5-8 8-14 11-17 6-9 9-16 begins Day 6/16 Thu 6/16 Thu 6/16 Thu 6/16 Thu 6/16 Thu Time Res/NR Fee 9:00-10:00 am $28 / $56 10:00-11:00 am $28 / $56 11:00am-12 pm $28 / $56 5:30 - 6:30 pm $28 / $56 6:30 - 7:30 pm $28 / $56 mAP OF PARKS ON PAGES 14-15 Oak Creek Shred Day Saturday, September 24 9 am to Noon See Pages 26-27 Oak Creek Street Department 800 W. Puetz Road. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 23 may - August 2016 KICKbALL - bOYS & GIRLS YOUTH SPORTS Entering Grades 2-5 in Sept. 2016 6 classes Everyone plays in this just for fun league. Teams are formed each week with the players in attendance. Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds Activ/Sect# Grades begins 251005-K2 2-5 6/14 Day Tues Time Res/NR Fee 12:30-2 pm $24 / $48 Ages 7 to 10 - boys & Girls 6 classes Will NOT meet on 7/4 Learn about, then play, a different sport each week. We’ve planned soccer, flag football, dodgeball, tennis, ball hockey, and track events for everyone to play. All equipment and supplies are included, no experience necessary! Location: Oak Creek High School. Meet at Diamond #2 Activ/Sect# 251004-F1 begins Day 6/13 Mon Time 10:50 am - 12 pm Res/NR Fee $22 / $44 Youth & Teen Library Programs Pages 33-34 RECESS GAmES bOYS & GIRLS ChEER Ages 5 - 11 6 classes Learn beginning motions, jumps, cheers, chants and dances. Sharpen your cheer leading skills, learn new techniques, and have fun! Instructor: Anna Levine Location: St. John's School, 2525 W. Oakwood Rd. Activ/Sect# Ages begins Day 243001-A1 5-7 6/22 Wed 243001-B1 8-11 6/22 Wed Time Res/NR Fee 6:00-6:50 pm $30 / $60 7:00-7:50 pm $30 / $60 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Entering Gr. 4-8 in Sept. 2016 6 classes Remember those games you played at recess, in the yard, or at the playground? Let’s play them again! We’ll pick a new game each week including Wiffle Ball, Dodgeball, 4 Square and more. No practices! We’ll go over the rules, then have some fun, fabulous and friendly competition. Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds Meet at Diamond #2 Activ/Sect# Grades begins 251007-K1 4-8 6/16 24 Day Thu Time Res/NR Fee 12:30-2:00 pm $24 / $48 may - August 2016 PLAY BALL! ImPORTANT INFORmATION FOR ALL YOUThbALL: aAll programs are through the end of July a Sunscreen & Water Bottle recommended a All grades are as of September 2016 aINCLUDE T-ShIRT SIzE ON REGISTRATION FORm: Yth S (6-8), Yth M (10-12), Yth L (14-16) or Adult S, M, L or XL mIGhTY mITTS - bOYS & GIRLS bOYS & GIRLS Entering Grades 2-4 (Sept. 2016) Ages 3 & 4 Baseball using a pitching machine to provide consistent pitches to each batter. Fun and fundamentals are stressed. Introduce your child to baseball while developing motor skills, coordination and friendships. Players will practice basic skills then participate in a T-ball scrimmage each day. The number of innings will vary depending on the amount of practice time. Everyone bats, everyone plays, every inning. bRING A GLOvE Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds Activ/Sect# 251003-A1 bRING A GLOvE Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds Activ/Sect# 251002-A1 251002-A2 251002-A3 251002-A4 251002-A5 Ages 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 begins Day 6/13 Mon 6/13 Mon 6/15 Wed 6/15 Wed 6/15 Wed Time Res/NR Fee* 9:00-9:45 am $24 / $36 10:00-10:45 am $24 / $36 9:00-9:45 am $24 / $36 10:00-10:45 am $24 / $36 11:00-11:45 am $24 / $36 bRING A GLOvE Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds Activ/Sect# 251001-A1 *FEE INCLUDES T-ShIRT AND CAP Slow pitch softball in a recreational setting. Players will develop skills during a short warm up, then play a game each day. Baseball using a batting tee to develop correct swing, stressing fun, and fundamental baseball skills. The decision to form teams for the season, or at each game, will be made based on registration numbers and announced at the first game. bRING A GLOvE Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds bRING A GLOvE Will NOT meet on 7/4 Time Res/NR Fee* 9:00-10:00 am $45 / $83 6:00-7:00 pm $45 / $83 6:00-7:00 pm $45 / $83 Location: Oak Creek High School ball diamonds Activ/Sect# 251006-A1 *FEE INCLUDES T-ShIRT AND CAP Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Time Res/NR Fee* 4:00-5:30 pm $54 / $99 GIRLS SOFTbALL Entering K5 thru Grade 2 (Sept. 2016) Will NOT meet on 7/4 begins Day 6/14 Tue, Thu 9 Years Thru Entering 8th Grade in Sept. 2016 T-bALL - bOYS & GIRLS Day Tue,Thu Mon,Wed Tue,Thu *FEE INCLUDES T-ShIRT AND CAP Res/NR Fee* $54 / $99 Entering Grades 4-7 (Sept. 2016) *FEE INCLUDES T-ShIRT ONLY begins 6/14 6/13 6/14 Time 10:15-11:30 am bOYS & GIRLS Will NOT meet on 7/4 Activ/Sect# 251002-B1 251002-P1 251002-P2 begins Day 6/14 Tues, Thu 25 begins Day 6/13 Mon,Wed Time 4:00-5:30 pm *FEE INCLUDES T-ShIRT ONLY Res/NR Fee* $52 / $97 may - August 2016 Entering Grades 1-7 (Sept. 2016) CAMP PROGRAM CAmP REGISTRATION IS OPEN! l Choose the option that is right for you All day, 8 am-5 pm includes all field trips, activities and lunch on Friday. RESIDENT: $98 per week NON-RESIDENT: $137 per week l All camps monday thru Friday, except “Fun in the Sun”(Tues. - Fri.) Am Only, 8 am-1 pm: includes lunch on Friday if child is present when served*, most field trips NOT included Pm Only, Noon-5 pm includes lunch on Friday if child is present when served*, and all afternoon field trips RESIDENT: $55 per week NON-RESIDENT: $88 per week *times TbA in weekly newsletter *times TbA in weekly newsletter Camp includes: aLibrary Activity aBowling Camp includes: aMovie aLaser Tag All Day AM Only PM Only 223101-A1 223101-A2 223101-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 Session/Time 223101-B1 223101-B2 223101-B3 223291-A1 223291-P1 All Day AM Only PM Only bREW CREW All Day AM Only PM Only 223103-A1 223103-A2 223103-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up 223102-A1 223102-A2 223102-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223102-B1 223102-B2 223102-B3 223291-A2 223291-P2 July 5 - July 8 Tuesday - Friday Camp includes: aBrewers Stadium Tour aBrewers Game St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 FUN IN ThE SUN June 27 - July 1 Session/Time ROLL INTO SUmmER June 20 - June 24 June 13 - June 17 St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 Late Pick Up 5-6 pm RES/NON-RES: $10/week RESIDENT: $65 per week NON-RESIDENT: $98 per week SChOOLS OUT! Session/Time Early Drop Off 7 am - 8 am RES/NON-RES: $10/week Camp includes: aMini-Golf aCool Waters henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223103-B1 223103-B2 223103-B3 223291-A3 223291-P3 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Session/Time All Day AM Only PM Only 26 St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 223104-A1 223104-A2 223104-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223104-B1 223104-B2 223104-B3 223291-A4 223291-P4 may - August 2016 Entering Grades 1-7 (Sept. 2016) CAMP PROGRAM WET & WILD TASTE OF WISCONSIN July 11 - July 15 July 18 - July 22 Camp includes: Camp includes: aCountry Springs aRacine Zoo Session/Time All Day AM Only PM Only aLibrary Program aPalermo’s Pizza Tour St. John’s School Entering Grades 1-3 223105-A1 223105-A2 223105-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223105-B1 223105-B2 223105-B3 223291-A5 223291-P5 Session/Time All Day AM Only PM Only St. John’s School Entering Grades 1-3 223106-A1 223106-A2 223106-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up CREATE & DISCOvER Camp includes: aDiscovery World aCeramics All Day AM Only PM Only St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 223107-A1 223107-A2 223107-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223107-B1 223107-B2 223107-B3 223291-A7 223291-P7 hOmETOWN hEROES August 8 - August 12 Camp includes: aArmory & Fire Station Tour a2nd Activity (TBA) Session/Time All Day AM Only PM Only St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 223109-A1 223109-A2 223109-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up Camp Information-- henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223109-B1 223109-B2 223109-B3 223291-A9 223291-P9 J bRING: lunch, beverage, water bottle, sun screen and bug spray. Please label everything. J Campers will not be released early without notification from parent/guardian. Camp includes: aLibrary Program aBrown’s Lake Session/Time All Day AM Only PM Only St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 223108-A1 223108-A2 223108-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223108-B1 223108-B2 223108-B3 223291-A8 223291-P8 hOmERUN OF A SUmmER August 15 - August 19 Camp includes: aChinook’s Game aLibrary Program & picnic Session/Time All Day AM Only PM Only St. John’s School Entering Gr. 1-3 223110-A1 223110-A2 223110-A3 Early Drop Off Late Pick Up J No refunds issued after 4:45 pm on the Friday before camp starts J All activities subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control. J Children may be sent home due to illness, poor behavior, or emergency. Please have a back-up plan. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 223106-B1 223106-B2 223106-B3 223291-A6 223291-P6 R&R August 1 - August 5 July 25 - July 29 Session/Time henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 27 henry miller Park Entering Gr. 4-7 223110-B1 223110-B2 223110-B3 223291-ED 223291-LP J Please pick up children on time! Children on site more than 15 minutes before or after camp will be charged the weekly early/late fee. J Parents are encouraged to pick up children during severe weather warnings or extremely hot weather. may - August 2016 Entering Grades 6-11 (2015-2016) TEEN ADVENTURES morning activities, 8 am until trip departure, NO additional fee! a 8 am drop off at Oak Creek Civic Center - Multipurpose Room, 8040 S. 6th Street, use main entrance. Afternoon activities include trip, and activities thru 5 pm (later when noted). See below for trip departure/return times. a Fees include all admission fees, materials & bus transportation. lunch included when noted. a NO REFUNDS after 4:45 pm on the Friday preceeding the week of your camp or trip a Schedules & trips are subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control. We will notify participants as soon as possible. a We suggest leaving valuables at home and using disposable cameras. a Travel times are unpredictable. Return times are approximate. a All trips depart/return to the Oak Creek Library. (East Middle School 6/20 - 6/24 only) a Spending money optional O LY M P I C G A M E S W E E K JUNE 20 - JUNE 24 DATE mon. 6/20 Tue. 6/21 Wed. 6/22 Thu. 6/23 Fri. 6/24 PM AM Golf Day (see description below) Mt. Olympus Ice Skating at Petit Midwest Twisters Soccer Program at Uhlein DIY Monday - Crafts/Projects Game Day Tuesday- Board, video, Lego, etc. Outdoor Fun-Games/Activities outside Movies & Munchies- Movie with Make-&-Eat snacks TGI Fun - TBD by camp participants OLYmPIC GAmES WEEK (mON-FRI) CAN’T FIT ThEm ALL IN? PICK YOUR DAY(S): Golf Day (Intro to Golf, Mini Golf, Frisbee Golf) Mt. Olympus Ice Skating at Petit Midwest Twisters Soccer Program at Uhlein ACTIv/SECT# 291201-A1 291201-A2 291201-A3 291201-A4 291201-A5 291201-A6 Depart Return 12:30 pm 8:00 am 12:30 pm 1:00 pm 12:30 pm RES/NR FEE $149 / $169 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:15 pm $ 24 / $30 $ 49 / $59 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 FUN & FITNESS WEEK DATE mon. 7/11 Tue. 7/12 Wed. 7/13 Thu. 7/14 Fri. 7/15 AM PM JULY 11 - JULY 15 Action Territory Adventure Rock Riverbend Nature Center (see below) Helium Trampoline Bounce Milwaukee DIY Monday - Crafts/Projects Game Day Tuesday- Board, video, Lego, etc. Outdoor Fun-Games/Activities outside Movies & Munchies- Movie with Make-&-Eat snacks TGI Fun - TBD by camp participants F UN & F ITNESS W EEK (m ON -F RI ) CAN’T FIT ThEm ALL IN? PICK YOUR DAY(S): Action Territory Adventure Rock Riverbend Nature Center (geocache, survival skills) Helium Trampoline Bounce Milwaukee Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 28 ACTIv/SECT# 291202-B1 291202-B2 291202-B3 291202-B4 291202-B5 291202-B6 Depart Return 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 4:30 pm 3:45 pm 5:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm RES/NR FEE $149 / $169 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 may - August 2016 Entering Grades 6-11 (2015-2016) TEEN ADVENTURES WATER SPORTS WEEK JULY 18 - JULY 22 DATE mon. 7/18 Tue. 7/19 Wed. 7/20 Thu. 7/21 Fri. 7/22 AM PM DIY Monday - Crafts/Projects Game Day Tuesday- Board, video, Lego, etc. Outdoor Fun-Games/Activities outside Movies & Munchies- Movie with Make-&-Eat snacks TGI Fun - TBD by camp participants Country Springs Timber Ridge Paddleboard Lesson Kalahari Cool Waters Water Sports Week (mon-Fri) CAN’T FIT ThEm ALL IN? PICK YOUR DAY(S): Country Springs Timber Ridge Paddleboard Lesson Kalahari Cool Waters Depart Return ACTIv/SECT# 291203-C1 291203-C2 291203-C3 291203-C4 291203-C5 291203-C6 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 8:00 am 12:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 4:30 pm RES/NR FEE $149 / $169 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 49 / $59 $ 24 / $30 For other “teen” activities, see: Pg. 23 - Golf & Tennis in the Parks Pg. 25 - Baseball & Girls Softball Pg. 31 - Babysitting & Drama Pg. 32 - Tae Kwon Do & Archery get in the game week JULY 25- JULY 29 DATE mon. 7/25 Tue. 7/26 Wed. 7/27 Thu. 7/28 Fri. 7/29 AM DIY Monday - Crafts/Projects Game Day Tuesday- Board, video, Lego, etc. Outdoor Fun-Games/Activities outside Movies & Munchies- Movie with Make-&-Eat snacks TGI Fun - TBD by camp participants PM Bigler Sports Riverbend Nature Center (see below) Laser Tag & Games (TBA) Brewers Game Bowling & Sand Volleyball Get In The Game Week (mon-Fri) CAN’T FIT ThEm ALL IN? PICK YOUR DAY(S): Bigler Sports Riverbend Nature Center (archery & canoeing) Laser Tag & Games (Location TBA) Brewers Game Bowling & Sand Volleyball Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 29 ACTIv/SECT# 291204-D1 291204-D2 291204-D3 291204-D4 291204-D5 291204-D5 Depart Return 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 12:30 pm 11:30 am 12:30 pm 4:45 pm 5:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm RES/NR FEE $149 / $169 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 32 / $38 $ 24 / $30 may - August 2016 KIDS STUFF DRAmA PRODUCTION 12 classes Completed Grade K through 5 (Summer 2016) Wizard of Oz Enchantment abounds as Dorothy begins her wondrous journey to the Land of Oz! Good Witch Glinda and the Munchkins point Dorothy to the Yellow Brick Road in this retelling of the Wizard of Oz written for young performers. Fun for everyone-No experience necessary! Dance beginnings - Ages 4 & 5 (5 classes) Activ/Sect# 249001-A1 Activ/Sect# 249005-A1 Instructor: To be announced Location: East Middle School Cafeteria Time 5:30-7:00 pm begins Day 6/14 Tue Time 7:00-7:45 pm Res/NR Fee $28 / $56 Res/NR Fee $28 / $56 Poms - Ages 5 & Up (5 classes) Activ/Sect# begins Day 249004-A1 6/14 Tue Performance: week of July 25th for family & friends begins Day 6/13 M, W Time 5:45-6:15 pm hip hop - Ages 5 & Up (5 classes) Class will not meet: 7/4 & 7/6 Activ/Sect# 241101-A1 begins Day 6/14 Tue Res/NR Fee $49 / $98 Time 6:15-7:00 pm Res/NR Fee $28 / $56 Please wear t-shirt and shorts, sweats or plain leotard and tights, or sweatshirt and pants. Please wear tennis shoes. Tumbling 5 classes Class will not meet: 7/5 Beginning tumbling and balance skills. Need an active outlet for the child who is always twisting, turning and upside down? Tumbling is a fun way to use that energy while building upper body strength, coordination and balance. Instructor: Natalie Marino Location: Oak Creek Library, 1st Floor, “Storytime Room”, 8040 S. 6th St. Reminders for all classes: a Students are not accompanied by parents during class sessions. a Children must be toilet trained. a Wear: Please wear a leotard, t-shirt and shorts, or sweats. No jewelry or clothing with zippers or belt buckles. Long hair should be tied up and shoes may not be worn on the mats. COmmUNITY bIKE RODEO Saturday, may 21, 2016 Noon-3 p.m. American Legion Post 434 Lower hall and grounds 9327 S. Shepard Avenue Class will not meet: 7/4 Kindergarten through Grade 8 Instructor: Katelyn Edwards Location: St. John’s School, 2525 W. Oakwood Rd. Tails Over Whiskers (Ages 3-6) Activ/Sect# Ages begins Day 245001-A1 3-4 6/13 Mon 245001-A2 4-6 6/13 Mon Time 6:00-6:30 pm 6:30-7:15 pm Res/NR Fee $26/$52 $26/$52 Activ/Sect# Ages begins Day 245001-B1 5 -14 6/13 Mon Time 7:15-8:00 pm Res/NR Fee $26/$52 beginners (Ages 5 & Up) Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter For more information contact: Oak Creek Police Department Community Resource Bureau 30 414-766-7624 may - August 2016 OLDER KIDS STUFF DRAmA PRODUCTION ~ babysitting Two – 3 hour classes Age 11 - 16 The Red Cross Babysitting Course helps you learn safety, supervision and basic care of children. 12 classes COMPLETED GRADE 6 THRU AGE 16 OR HAVE COMPLETED GRADE 5 WITH PREVIOUS DRAMA EXPERIENCE START. All is quiet on the storefront as the small clothing shop is closed for the night, but when the lights go down, the activity really picks up. Patty and LuAnn, two lively mannequins, discover fellow mannequin Danny in a mistakenly delivered crate. Together they scare off two bumbling crooks while avoiding detection by the security guard and some late night window shoppers. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this award-winning comedy, popular with all ages! Location: Oak Creek Civic Center - Tower Room Instructor: To be announced Attendance at all class sessions and completion of ALL skills are required to receive certification. Make up classes are not available. bring a pen or pencil. NO REFUNDS AFTER 5 PM 1 DAY PRIOR TO CLASS Instructor: Susan Stadler Activ/Sect# 240001-A1 240001-A2 240001-A3 Dates 6/16 & 6/23 7/7 & 7/14 8/17 & 8/24 Day Thur Thur Wed Time 6-9 pm 6-9 pm 6-9 pm Class will not meet: 7/4 & 7/6 Location: East Middle School Cafeteria Res/NR Fee $48 / $69 $48 / $69 $48 / $69 One Performance: week of July 25th for family & friends Activ/Sect# Ages 241101-A2 10.75-16 Res/NR $49 / $98 DISCOUNT ATTRACTION TICKETS SAvE $ CITY EmPLOYmENT The City of Oak Creek is always looking for helpful, friendly faces to work in various positions. Did you know that you can complete a Job Interest Card and receive notification when we are accepting applications for a job that interests you? Boat Tours - Upper Dells Chula Vista Waterpark Country Springs Ducks House on the Rock Mt. Olympus Noah’s Ark Pirate’s Cove Golf Six Flags Wild Thing Jet Boats Milwaukee Zoo * Simply visit our website (www.oakcreekwi.org) * Click “I want to…” * Click “Apply For” * Click “City Employment” * Click the Job Interest Cards link on the bottom of the page * Select the categories that interest you, provide your contact information, and Submit Request. For 12 months after you submit the form, you will receive an email notification each time a position opens with City of Oak Creek whose category matches one of the categories you've chosen. We'll also send you a reminder email in 11 months to give you an opportunity at that time to extend your notifications for another year. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter begins Day Time 6/13 M, W 7-8:30 pm 31 S EE PAGE 22 may - August 2016 YOUTH & ADULT ARChERY TAE KWON DO Ages 6.5 thru adult Directions to Big Muskego Lake can be found at: www.schultzgunclub.com TaeKwonDo is truly a Way of Life sport that isn't just about punching and kicking. It teaches the age old values of honor, respect and perseverance. Questions? Call Mike at 414-881-7163 Other Fees: Dobok (uniform) is required. Location: Schultz Gun Club, W146 S8025 Schultz Lane, Muskego Cost: $50. Instructor will have sizing/ordering information at first class. No cross bows or broad head arrows are allowed. ARChERY INSTRUCTION Ages 8 through Adult 5 classes Testing for color belts is available; however, additional fees will apply. Protective sparring gear will need to be purchased as students advance. Instruction for beginners or those wanting to improve their skills. Instructor: Aaron J. Zehner Minors must have a parent or guardian present. Location: St. John's School, 2525 W. Oakwood Rd. bEGINNER (10 classes) Activ/Sect# 246001-C1 246001-C2 246001-C3 246001-C4 Ages 6.5-17 18 & up 6.5-17 18 & up begins 6/14 6/14 6/16 6/16 Day Tue Tue Thu Thu Time 7:00-8:15 pm 7:00-8:15 pm 7:00-8:15 pm 7:00-8:15 pm ADvANCED bEGINNER (20 classes) Registrants mUST hAvE ThEIR OWN EQUIPmENT: bow, arrows, quiver, tab/release and arm guard or PAY AN ADDITIONAL FEE FOR ShARED USE OF ThE CLUb'S EQUIPmENT. Res/NR Fee $40 / $80 $46 / $92 $40 / $80 $46 / $92 Activ/Sect# 241501-A1 begins Day 8/3 Wed Time 5 - 7 pm FEES: $40 bring your own equipment $50 using shared club equipment Activ/Sect# Ages begins Day Time Res/NR Fee 246201-A1 6.5-17 6/14 Tue,Thu 7:00-8:15 pm $80 / $160 246201-A2 18 & up 6/14 Tue,Thu 7:00-8:15 pm $86 / $172 ARChERY ShOOT Ages 12 through Adult 2 hour session The Schultz Gun Club and Archery Range will have its 14 target field course, 5 different challenges, open for a 2 week bow hunter tune up. Come and enjoy shooting at targets in a wooded natural setting, 15-40 yards distance. Sharpen your skills while enjoying a casual competitive atmosphere. Sign up with a friend or hunting partner to enjoy the adventure. Broadheads will be permitted on a limited basis. maps & Facility Amentities Activ/Sect# 241502-A1 See Pages 14-15 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 32 begins 8/17 Day Wed Time 5 - 7 pm Fee $25 may - August 2016 LIBRARY PROGRAMS- “World of Activities” “World of Activities” program is designed for grade school children enabling participants with hands-on activities ranging from learning martial arts to creating art projects. * For children Ages 6 - 12 * Registration is required for all classes on Page 33-34! * All Classes meet: Thursdays from 1:30 - 2:30 pm * Fees: FREE bUILD A LEGO vILLAGE New: Children’s proof of age must be supplied at time of registration! bUGGY OLYmPICS June 16 July 14 This workshop will provide children with the opportunity to design the Oak Creek Olympic Lego Village. Lego blocks provided, children bring your imagination! Buggy Olympics is a unique program that combines three things that are irresistible to kids: putting on a show, competition, and bugs! Participants will explore the theater process as they perform a puppet show based on the book “The Bugliest Bug” by Carol Diggory Shields. Children will discover lessons about insects and their creepy crawly relatives and will try to “out compete” some of their favorite insects in the Buggy Olympics while getting up-close and personal with some live insects. Presented by: John Peine, Architect Activ/Sect # 921005 L1 Presented by: Nature in the Parks KITE mAKING June 23 Activ/Sect # 921005 L4 This workshop will teach children the art of kite flying. Each child will design their own kite to take home. mARTIAL ARTS DEmO July 21 Presented by Gifts of Wings Manager, Kim Albrecht Activ/Sect # 921005 L2 During this interactive martial arts demonstration, the presenter will work with children on respect, focus, and discipline while learning simple martial art moves. RUN LIKE A ChEETAh, hOP LIKE A hARE! June 30 Presented by Peter Sorce, Sorce Martial Arts Activ/Sect # 921005 L5 This Art in a Suitcase program exercises children’s bodies and brains. Cheetahs, hares, hummingbirds, flamingos, fleas, crickets, and lizards are among the record-breaking animals featured. After learning terrific and true animal facts, children will try to run like cheetah, hop like hare, flap as fast as a hummingbird, and imitate other animal actions. Program includes a hands-on art project: an origami cheetah that each child can take home. O NLINE REGISTRATION Register any time for Recreation or Library classes in the comfort of your home or office! GO TO ACTIvITIES-: Visit www.oakcreekwi.org : Click on “I want to, then “register for” : Recreational classes/activities or use the below link: Presented by Mary Tooley, Artist http://city.oakcreekwi.org/webtrac/ Activ/Sect # 921005 L3 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter * Location: Oak Creek Civic Center Multi-Purpose Room 8040 S. 6th Street Use main entrance 33 Visa, Discover, MasterCard & American Express accepted may - August 2016 LIBRARY PROGRAMS R EGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR PRESChOOL STORYTImE June 15 - July 20 ~ Ages 3-6 L IbRARY P ROGRAm Play bingo, win non-cash prizes, chat with friends, and enjoy light refreshments. For additional information: Call: 766-7900 Visit: www.oakcreeklibrary.org Location: Oak Creek Civic Center, 8040 S. 6th Street, Multi-Purpose Room (use main entrance) Will not meet: July 6 Location: Oak Creek Library - Story Time Room begins 6/15 6/15 Day Wed Wed PAGES 33-34! LIbRARY bINGO NIGhT - ADULT August 17 from 6 -7 pm Preschool story time focuses on sharing literacy experiences including book, flanne board stories, songs, finger plays and creative dramatics. Each week a craft project allows the child to extend the experience and take home a reminder of the theme of the day. Children sit independently with library staff. Activ/Sect# 921100 L1 921100 L2 ON bASIC COmPUTER SKILLS Ages 18+ 4 sessions Time 10:30-11:15 am 1:30-2:15 pm Participants will learn: computer basics (using a mouse, opening and closing windows, etc.), internet basics (going to websites, navigating a website, etc.), basic internet search tools (using the online Library catalog, using Google, etc.), and email basics (sending, replying, deleting emails, etc.) TEEN vOLUNTEER ORIENTATION June 4 from 12 noon to 2 pm Entering Grades 7 -12 in Fall 2016 Are you looking for a fun way to volunteer? Register for the Teen Volunteer Orientation to learn about the types of activities the library will need help with over the summer. Opportunities are available for a variety of times and days-from just a few hours to weekly shifts. Location: Oak Creek Library - Tech Training Center Activ/Sect# 953002 L6 953002 L7 Location: Oak Creek Library - Story Time Room Activ/Sect# 922001 L1 begins 8/1 8/3 Day Mon Weds Time 6 - 8 pm 10 am - 12 pm mICROSOFT OFFICE - Ages 18+ 4 sessions TEEN LOCK-IN - Ages 12-18 July 8 from 8 pm to 11 pm Have fun in the library afterhours! This “teen only” event will feature movies, video, and board games, crafts, and activities. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Have to use Microsoft Office products for work or school? Wish that you were more familiar with the basics? Learn an introduction to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher. Location: Oak Creek Civic Center, 8040 S. 6th Street, Multi-Purpose Room (use main entrance) Activ/Sect# 953002 L3 953002 L5 Activ/Sect# Location: Oak Creek Library - Tech Training Center 922001 L2 SUPER SmASh bROS. July 30 from 12 noon to 3 pm Ages 12 - 18 begins 6/6 6/8 Day Mon Wed Time 6 - 8 pm 10 am - 12 pm EDITING PICTURES - Ages 18+ Wednesday, July 20 from 10 am to 12 pm Pick your favorite Nintendo character and get ready to BRAWL in this fun tourney! All gamers must be familiar with the Wii gaming system and its controls. Learn how to download and edit pictures using Microsoft Picture Manager. Participants will learn how to change the brightness and contrast, cropping, rotating photos, redeye removal, resizing and saving/opening. Activ/Sect# 922001 L3 Activ/Sect# 953002 L4 Location: Oak Creek Library - Tech Training Center Location: Oak Creek Library - Gaming Room Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 34 may - August 2016 4 classes REC FOR ADULTS Lessons are individualized to student’s abilities, teaching fundamentals, irons, driver, short game and putting. All are welcome! hot hula 6 classes Slip off your shoes and dance your way to a total body workout. Focusing on the core, especially abs, and inspired by the dances of the Pacific Islands, Hot Hula Fitness is set to the sounds of Polynesian drum beats with funky Reggae music. Clubs are available for use during class, those using their own should bring a 7 iron. Additional Fee: $28 fee for driving range balls due at 1st class. Payable to Gastrau Driving Range Class will not meet on: 7/5 Location: Gastrau Driving Range, 1300 E. Rawson Ave. Location: East Middle School Instructor: Diane Maegli-Hippert Instructor: To be determined Activ/Sect# 264001-A1 264001-B1 begins Day 6/7 Tue 7/12 Tue Time 7 - 8 pm 7 - 8 pm Activ/Sect# 261013-A1 Res/NR Fee $59 / $61 $59 / $61 begins 6/14 Day Tue Time 6:15-7:15 pm Res/NR Fee $30 / $60 Inclement Weather? We’ll move into the covered, heated range area! FITNESS bOOT CAmP Ages 16+ 5 classes Kayaking ~ 1 class Learn the basic strokes and safety skills needed to be safe and comfortable paddling a recreational kayak on our many calm inland lakes and rivers. Instructor: Sherri Mertz, ACA Certified Open Water, Coastal, Level 3 Kayaking Instructor Improve your core strength, muscle flexibility and endurance along with a cardio workout! Sherri has over 10 years teaching experience, & over 20 years of paddling all kinds of canoes and kayaks in lots of different places. Sherri owns SherriKayaks Outdoor Programs LLC, offering paddle sports lessons and trips in SE Wisconsin. Instructor: Josh Brown Location: East Middle School 6A Common Area All equipment provided. bring: water bottle, sun screen Wear: synthetic quick dry clothing for optimal comfort Activ/Sect# 261003-A1 Questions? call 262-895-2008 or email [email protected] Date 6/16 Day Thu Time 6:30-7:30 pm Res/NR Fee $49 / $58 Day of trip: call 414-791-8877 Participants must sign a waiver form. Go to: http://www.oakcreekwi.org/your-government/departments/recreation-department/ Class will meet at: Sportsman's Lounge, 25313 W. Loomis Rd. Wind Lake. Kayaking will be on Wind Lake. Activ/Sect# 268001-A1 begins 7/23 Day Sat Time 1:30 -4:00 pm Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Res/NR Fee $60 / $75 35 may - August 2016 barre Connect 6 classes REC FOR ADULTS Barre Connect class blends aspects of ballet, yoga, functional strength and cardiovascular conditioning for maximum results and total body fitness. 6 classes Ages 18+ Suitable for all fitness levels! Zumba geared for active adults who prefer a more moderate workout. Enjoy dancing to Latin and global music while getting the benefits of an aerobic type workout. Instructor: Kaye Kass, Certified Barre Connect Instr. Location: East Middle School Activ/Sect# 261014-A1 begins Day 6/14 Tue Time 7:00 - 8:00 pm Instructor: Kaye Kass Res/NR Fee $30 / $60 Location: East Middle School Activ/Sect# begins Day Time Res/NR 261112 A2 6/14 Tue 6:00-6:50 pm $30 / $60 Dance the Night Away! Mind & Body Workout Adults 30+ Grab your dancing partner & join Eric Guy as he shows you basic steps and variations of these dance styles. Classes are for those with little or no dancing experience. 5 classes FEES ARE PER PERSON*, HOWEVER, PLEASE BE SURE YOUR DANCING PARTNER REGISTERS TOO! Improve strength and balance with Tai Chi movement and light weight ball exercises, then unwind with chair yoga and relaxation exercises. This class is a great all around workout for mind and body. beginner ballroom Dance- 4 classes (Fox tr ot, Wa ltz & Swing) New to Ballroom dancing? Experienced but looking for a refresher? Preparing for a special occassion? This class is for you. We’ll concentrate on basic steps and variations that will get you comfortable moving around the floor. Class will not meet: 7/13 Instructor: Cathy Stocker Cha-Cha - 3 Classes Location: East Middle School - Common Area The Cuban motion in Latin rhythm. How do they move like that? Come learn in this workshop how to work your body into a Latin dancer. We’ll focus on Cha-Cha but you’ll learn to incorporate all moves into most Latin rhythm. Fee* Activ/Sect# Workshop begins Day Time Res/NR 292003-F1 292003-F2 Ballroom Cha Cha 6/23 Thu 7/12 Tue 7-8:30 pm 7-8:30 pm Activ/Sect# 261004-A1 $25 / $38 $19 / $28 Res/NR Fee Time 6:00-7:00 pm $42 / $52 Try it! FREE!! Weds. 6/15 at 7 pm Location: Country Dale School, 7380 S. North Cape Rd., Franklin. There will be road construction on St. Martin’s Road this summer. Approach the building from North Cape Road. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter begins Day 6/15 Wed 36 may - August 2016 REC FOR ADULTS PAINTING PARTY 6 classes Enjoy socializing, snacks, water and soda, laughs and fun while your class’s personal artist guides you step-by-step through your painting. Whether you’re a beginner, advanced, or somewhere in between, you will take home your very own masterpiece to share with your family and friends. Stressed? Relax your mind while increasing strength & flexibility with simple yoga exercises. This class will teach you basic level breathing techniques and a variety of beginner level seated, standing, and mat postures. Simply Yoga Activ/Sect# 263001-A1 263001-A2 bring a towel or mat and a water bottle. Class will not meet: 7/13 Time Res/NR Fee 6:30 - 8:30 pm $24/$43 6:30 - 8:30 pm $24/$43 INCLUDING WATER, SODA, Location: East Middle School - 6A Common Area begins Day Time 6/15 Wed 6 - 7 pm Day Tue Tue ALL mATERIALS PROvIDED & SNACKS Instructor: Cathy Stocker Activ/Sect# 261005-A1 Date 6/21 7/19 Instructor: Becca Allard Res/NR Fee $48 / $60 Location: St. John’s School, 2525 W. Oakwood Rd. G ET MEDICAL CLEARANCE FROM YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING AN EXERCISE PROGRAM , ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A PRE - EXISTING CONDITION . A SK IF THERE ARE ANY ACTIVITIES YOU SHOULD AVOID . 6 sessions Punch Card PiYo is a fusion workout combining the principles of Yoga and Pilates in a dynamic blend of movement and high energy music. You will improve your flexibility, strength & balance while burning calories in this low impact, yet high intensity workout. 8 Visit *any adult fitness class c No expiration c Must meet prerequisites for class/activity Class will not meet: 7/4 Available in the Rec Office by phone, fax or mail. Not replaced if lost or stolen. No refunds. Please bring a yoga mat and water *NOTE: a 2 visit limit for TaiChi/QiGong, Mind & Body Workout, Yoga classes, & Next Step Instructor: Renee Lenda Location: East Middle School-6A Common Area a Not valid for co-op classes Activ/Sect# 261006-A1 $39 Resident / $78 Non-Resident Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 37 begins Day 6/13 Mon Time 6 - 7 pm Res/NR Fee $30/$60 may - August 2016 ACTIVE ADULTS 50 + - TRIPS milwaukee boat Tours history & Architecture Cruise Friday, July 15, 2016 Kenosha museum & harbor market Saturday, August 13, 2016 (Rain or shine) Departs: 9:30 am Return: 2 pm (approx.) Depart Time: 11:15 am Return Time: 2:20 pm (approx.) A light lunch of brat with bun, chips, soft drink and cookie are included while cruising. Other drinks and light snacks are also available for purchase while on board. Activ/Sect# 292001-A1 FYC/Res/NR $36 / $39/ $42 8 days, 13 meals Featuring “At home pick-up” Depart/Return Location: Oak Creek Community Center 8580 S. Howell Avenue Transportation:Yellow School Bus Depart/Return Location: Oak Creek Community Center, 8580 S. Howell Ave. Explore Milwaukee’s past and present from our rivers, harbors and Lake Michigan. Unforgettable views and a unique perspective of Milwaukee’s history and architecture. Live narration is provided by experienced and entertaining tour guides and the captain. Gettysburg Rivers & Rails Trip with mayflower Tours August 7 - August 14, 2016 Hop on the bus and let us do the driving for you! Grab your money and enjoy 2-1/2 hours enjoying either of these two options within walking distance from each other. There is time to look and purchase local goods at the Kenosha Harbor Market or time to discover some of the exciting exhibits at the Kenosha Public museum, or both. It’s up to you. Trip includes an ice cream cone at Scoops Ice Cream & Candy after the museum/market to keep you cool on a warm August day. Note: Trip includes a moderate amount of walking that can be done at your own pace. Activ/Sect# 292001-A3 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter FYC/Res/NR $20 / $23/ $27 38 Take a historic journey by river and rail through America’s rich heritage. Ride the Pride of Susquehanna riverboat, the Blennerhassett Island Ferry to the historic B&O Railroad, and the New Tygart Flyer. History awaits. Be entertained at Toby’s Dinner Theatre and experience the dining venues of Dobbin House Tavern and Mitchie Tavern while learning the history of this great nation. Deposit due at registration. Final payment by June 7 Activ/Sect# 292004 A1 Fees: $1759 per person twin room $ 729 single room (additional fee) $ 60 Optional cancellation fee waiver may - August 2016 ACTIVE ADULTS - 50 + TaiChi/Qigong FYC member registration opens may 2 6 classes Explore the art of relaxation and breathing. Enhance your mental focus, coordination and balance. Class will not meet: 7/5 Instructor: Cathy Stocker 6 classes Location: Oak Creek Library, 8040 S. 6th St. - Story Time Rm. Activ/Sect# 292103-A1 begins Day 6/14 Tu Time 9:55-10:40 am Zumba geared for active adults ages 50 and better. Enjoy dancing to Latin and global music while getting the benefits of an aerobic type workout. FYC/Res/NR $35 / $39 / $42 Instructor: Kaye Kass Location: St. John’s School, 2525 W. Oakwood Rd. Activ/Sect# begins Day 261112 A1 6/15 Wed Gentle Yoga 9 Classes This relaxing class will improve balance, strength and flexibility, at the same time reduce stress and tension. Wobble, Slide, Hustle, Cha Cha and Tush Push those calories away! Chair and standing, no mat needed. No dance experience needed! We’ll teach the dance steps you need. However, this is not line dance instruction. Class will not meet: 7/5 bring a bottle of water and your tennis shoes and prepare to have fun. bring a water bottle. Instructor: Cathy Stocker Location: Oak Creek Library, 8040 S. 6 St. Story Time Rm. Note: This class is designed strictly as a FITNESS CLASS. It is NOT intended to teach an array of new line dances each week. th begins Day 6/14 Tue Watch for-- Time 9:05 am - 9:50 am Class will not meet: 7/6 FYC/Res/NR $35 / $39 / $42 Instructor: Vickie Francolucci, Certified Instructor Location: Country Dale School - Multipurpose Room 7380 S North Cape Rd., Franklin Activities in the parks Free Try-Its Games/Contests Activ/Sect# begins 292003-F5 Details soon at: www.oakcreekwi.org/rec FYC/Res/NR $21 / $24 / $27 Line Dance Fitness Class 7 classes Activ/Sect# 292303-A1 Time 9:15-10 am Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 39 6/15 Day Wed Time 6 - 7 pm CO-OP WITh FRANKLIN Res/Non-Res $41 / $61 may - August 2016 Organizing Old Photos ACTIVE ADULTS - 50 + max Your Social Security 1 session 1 session How many boxes of old photos are languishing in your closets and basement? They’re out of sight but not forgotten. If you’re ready to start dealing with them, this class is for you. Bring one or two boxes of your old photos to class. You’ll receive help in deciding what to keep, what to toss and how to organize what is left so you can truly enjoy them. Learn how Social Security works, how benefits are calculated, get insight on what the future of Social Security looks like, learn tips on how to maximize one’s benefits and use it to generate retirement income. Find out if your Social Security payments will be taxed or not. Presenter: Adam Keller, Wealth Management Advisor Location: Franklin High School, Rm. A110 8222 S. 51st St., Franklin, WI Enter lower level Rec Dept./Athletic doors Activ/Sect# 292003-F6 Date 6/28 Day Tue Time 6:30 - 8:30 pm CO-OP WITh FRANKLIN FYC member registration opens may 2 Location: Franklin High School Library 8222 S. 51st St., Franklin, WI Res / NR $16 / $24 Activ/Sect# 292003-F7 Date 7/14 Day Thu Time 10:15-11:45 am CO-OP WITh FRANKLIN Res / NR $7 / $10 ChECK OUT OUR vARIETY OF OThER ADULT CLASSES: Archery, Barre Connect, Beginner Ballroom Dance, Cha Cha, Fitness Boot Camp, Golf, Hot Hula, Kayaking, Mind & Body Workout, PiYo, Painting Party, Simply Yoga, TaeKwondo and more..... Intro to Essential Oils 1 session 8 classes Is it time for the “Next Step” on the road to fitness? Learn the history of oils and how they can transform your health. Learn about the 10 most power oils and how to use them. The Next Step is an exciting opportunity to target and strengthen your major muscle groups at a level and pace that’s just right for you. Physio is providing their equipment and the supervision of a registered Physical Therapist for this 8 class session at an unbeatable price. Note: This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition, and is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advise of your physician regarding any medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, medication, or other health program. Class will not meet: 7/4 & 7/7 Instructor: Richard Bigalk Registered Physical Therapist Instructors: Linda Kochiv & Tabitha Schultz Location: Franklin High School Library 8222 S. 51st St., Franklin, WI Activ/Sect# 292003-F8 Date 6/28 Day Tue Time 6:30 - 8:00 pm CO-OP WITh FRANKLIN Location: Physio (formerly Therapy Plus) 8619 S Howell Ave. Res / NR $7 / $7 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Activ/Sect# begins Day Time mbr/Non-mbr 292003-A1 6/20 Mon/Thu 1:00-2:00 pm $18 / $22 292003-A6 8/1 Mon/Thu 1:00-2:00 pm $18 / $22 40 may - August 2016 ACTIVE ADULTS - 50 + Forever Young Club - Ages 50 + Members Only Activities Forever Young Club VISIT or CALL~ Email: [email protected] Phone: 766-7920 Facebook: Oak Creek 50+ Activities PINS & NEEDLES DROP IN ACTIVITY 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month 10 am to noon Oak Creek Library, 8040 S. 6th Street - Trustee Room CLUB MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS a Annual Membership ONLY $7/year a $AvE money with-a Discounts a Activities a Enjoy an active social life Beginners welcome. Bring your own yarn/supplies to work on a project. No Fee! Wii BOWLING LEAGUE - 8 weeks Thursdays, June 9 to July 28 at 12:45 pm. Like bowling? Friends & Fun? Join us for Wii Bowling! CARD SOCIAL - Mondays - 9:50 am to 2:30 pm Location: Oak Creek Library - Gaming Room At “The Center”, 8580 S. Howell Avenue Wii Trivia Challenge - 8 weeks Tuesdays, June 14 - August 9 (no class 7/5) at 10 am. Test your knowledge and skill to compete against others in trivia. Keep your mind active and your friends guessing while you try your best to win. You can come one week or you can come to all, it’s up to you. Forever Young Club Members Only Do you and your hands like getting into the garden but your back and knees disagree? Come garden with us! We use knee and back friendly raised bed gardens to produce fresh produce for Gardening Club Members. Location: Oak Creek Library - Gaming Room Forever Young Club Member Appreciation Summer BBQ Celebrate summer together! Enjoy cheeseburgers, chips, coleslaw, fruit & dessert. Soda & water will be provided. Gardeners will decide what to plant, then work together for a successful garden this summer. Activ/Sect# 292002-A6 Meets: Every other Wednesday at 9 a.m., starting May 25 Location: Oak Creek Community Center - Day Room, 8580 S. Howell Ave. Monday Lunches - Forever Young Club Members Only Monday lunches will be available every other week this summer for $5. Regular Monday beverages will be available. Pre-registration is required and lunches may be cancelled due to low enrollment. June 13: June 27: July 11: July 25: August 8: August 22: Cheeseburger Brat Hot Dogs Cobb Salad Grilled Chicken Sandwich Cheeseburger Contact the Recreation Department for more information. Registration Deadlines: Monday prior to lunch by 5 pm Location: Oak Creek Community Center - Day Room 8580 S. Howell Ave. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter FYC member registration opens may 2 Date 7/13 Day Wed Time 4:00-7:00 pm Location: Oak Creek Community Center 8580 S. Howell Avenue Understand medicare 1 session Getting closer to the age of 65 and don’t know a thing about Medicare? Learn about Medicare Part A, B, and C as well as many important issues that you need to know about. Instructor: Marsha Kowalski Location: Franklin High School Library 8222 S. 51st St., Franklin, WI Activ/Sect# 292003 F4 41 begins 6/18 Day Sat Time Res / Non-Res 9 am -10:30 am ~ CO-OP PROGRAM WITH FRANKLIN ~ $14 / $21 may - August 2016 REGISTRATION MADE EASY! W AY S T O R E G I S T E R ONLINE: R EGISTRATION D ATES : monday, may 2 http://city.oakcreekwi.org/webtrac/ Call to find out how to get your user name and password. Forever Young Club for 50+ classes Wednesday, may 11 Resident & Oak Creek Franklin School District Students Online only! monday, may 16 DROP bOX:Located at the southwest corner at the Oak Creek Library. mAIL IN OR WALK IN: Oak Creek Recreation Department 8040 S. 6th Street, 2nd Floor (Library) Oak Creek, WI 53154 Service Desk: Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 5 pm All others registration (mail, fax, phone, & non-resident) FAX: 414-766-7942 PROOF OF RESIDENCY & DATE OF BIRTH REQUIREMENTS FIRST REGISTRATION: a** Proof of current residency. Include child’s residency if the child’s name does not match the parent/guardian aProof of date of birth. ANNUALLY: aOak Creek-Franklin students not living within the District: Provide proof of school district attendance. ** Pre-printed record, label, form, card or other document with the needed information. QUESTIONS 414-766-7920 PhONE IN: 414-766-7920 Payment methods: * masterCard, visa,Discover, American Express * Checks in person or mailed, payable to “OC Rec” * Cash - in person only ! Classes with insufficient ait W ’t w! registration will be cancelled at Don oll No the Department’s discretion. r En size AvOID DISAPPOINTmENT, s s Cla mited REGISTER EARLY! i is l NOTES! 4 The Department is not responsible for registrations not received for any reason. 4 Registrations &/or payments not accepted at class site. 4 Incomplete registrations will be returned without processing! WAITING LISTS 4 Waiting lists are available for all filled classes. 4 We call off the waiting list until 1/3 of the class has been completed. RECEIPTS Registration receipts processed by the Rec. Office will be emailed to households with an email on file. When registering online, you may print your receipt at that time. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Do you want? aup-to-the-minute class and activity announcements? aregistration reminders? ato be the first to know when the “Acorn” is online? Join our mailing list by using the QR code with your smart phone or go to our website at the link below. We do not share or sell your email information. http://www.oakcreekwi.org/rec/signup.htm 42 may - August 2016 OAK CREEK RECREATION - REGISTRATION FORM ~ P LEASE P RINT ~ hOUSEhOLD NAmE (First/Last):______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State zip NEW CUSTOMER/INFORMATION UPDATE: PREFERRED PhONE: __________________________ ALTERNATE PhONE _______________________________________ Email:_________________________________ IN CASE OF EmERGENCY: ____________________________________________ WAIvER OF LIAbILITY ~ mUST bE SIGNED AT ThE FIRST CLASS OF EACh SESSION PARTICIPANT FIRST & LAST NAmE F ORMS S E X A G E RECEIVED WITHOUT PAYMENT Current Grade bIRTh DATE & 2015-2016 ACTIvITY NAmE INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED Youthball Program Only! T-Shirt size 2ND ChOICE 1ST ChOICE ACTIvITY/SECT# ACTIvITY/SECT# WITHOUT PROCESSING FEE TOTAL FEES: $ Special Information: (ie: medical, physical, allergies): ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ omC ovISA oDiscover oAmEx Card # ______________________________________ Exp.__________ Cvv# _____ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Print Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ SPORTS CARPOOL REQUEST ~ PLEASE PRINT & COmPLETE FORm bELOW ~ All team sports carpool requests are limited to a max. of 3 individuals & are accommodated at the Department’s discretion Participant #1: ______________________________________ Participant #2: ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ PLACE ChILDREN TOGEThER IN: CLASS/ACTIvITY NAmE Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________ ACTIvITY/SECTION # ____________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________________ Signature of Participant #1 Parent/Guardian PROOF DOB Signature of Participant #2 Parent/Guardian NEED RESIDENCY CHILD RES. RECEIPT # INITIALS DATE hAvE OFFICE USE ONLY: o CASH o CHECK # _____________ Date Date o EMAILED LOG-IN INFO o EMAILED RECEIPT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 43 may - August 2016 FOR YOUR INFORMATION COmmUNITY EvENTS COmING TO DREXEL TOWN SQUARE 361 W. TOWN SQUARE WAY OAK CREEK RECREATION CELEbRATES-NATIONAL PARKS & RECREATION mONTh JULY 2016 The City of Oak Creek will be bringing our community together for events and activities (i.e. concerts, farmer’s markets, etc.) beginning this summer in Drexel Town Square! SATURDAY, JULY 16 featuring Dog-related vendors, businesses, canine dock jumping & more Saturday, September 24 9 am to Noon Oak Creek Street Department 800 W. Puetz Road. Pier Pups is the first of many community events at Drexel Town Square. We are planning a splashing good time with Pier Pups, a unique dock diving venue that caters from novice to pro jumpers with an emphasis on the "family dog". Does your dog love to swim and chase a toy into the water? Or do you love to watch high flying, catching and splashing canines? This event is family-friendly and just for you! Watch for-Activities in the parks Free Try-Its Games/Contests Details coming soon at: www.oakcreekwi.org/rec “Like Us” on Facebook. Search for Oak Creek Recreation & Oak Creek Recreation 50+ Activities For information on Pier Pups or to preregister (highly recommended) your dog for this event: www.pierpups.com For updates on this event and information on other community events to be held at Drexel Town Square, go to the City of Oak Creek Government page on Facebook. Shred Day Or via our Email Group Join our mailing list by using the QR code below with your smart phone or go to our website at the link below and fill out the email list form. We do not share or sell your email information. Apps for Crime Prevention Looking for a virtual neighborhood watch program? Check out: http://www.nextdoor.com Wish to receive crime, amber or silver alerts via: Email - Cell Phone Text – FAX, Check out: http://www.wisconsincrimealert.gov/ 2016 CLEAN UP DATES: branch Pick Up begins: Monday, May 2 Friday, July 1 Thursday, September 1 Tuesday, November 1 Spring Clean Up begins Monday, May 16 SEE PAGE 11 FOR DETAILS Questions? Ideas for future events at Drexel Town Square? Contact Doug http://www.oakcreekwi.org/rec/signup.htm Seymour, Director of Community Development at: [email protected] Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 44 may - August 2016 OAK CREEK RECREATION - REGISTRATION FORM ~ P LEASE P RINT ~ hOUSEhOLD NAmE (First/Last):______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State zip NEW CUSTOMER/INFORMATION UPDATE: PREFERRED PhONE: __________________________ ALTERNATE PhONE _______________________________________ Email:_________________________________ IN CASE OF EmERGENCY: ____________________________________________ WAIvER OF LIAbILITY ~ mUST bE SIGNED AT ThE FIRST CLASS OF EACh SESSION PARTICIPANT FIRST & LAST NAmE F ORMS S E X A G E RECEIVED WITHOUT PAYMENT Current Grade bIRTh DATE & 2015-2016 ACTIvITY NAmE INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RETURNED Youthball Program Only! T-Shirt size 2ND ChOICE 1ST ChOICE ACTIvITY/SECT# ACTIvITY/SECT# WITHOUT PROCESSING FEE TOTAL FEES: $ Special Information: (ie: medical, physical, allergies): ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ omC ovISA oDiscover oAmEx Card # ______________________________________ Exp.__________ Cvv# _____ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Print Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ SPORTS CARPOOL REQUEST ~ PLEASE PRINT & COmPLETE FORm bELOW ~ All team sports carpool requests are limited to a max. of 3 individuals & are accommodated at the Department’s discretion Participant #1: ______________________________________ Participant #2: ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ PLACE ChILDREN TOGEThER IN: CLASS/ACTIvITY NAmE Address: _______________________________________________ ________________________________ ACTIvITY/SECTION # ____________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________________________________________________ ___________________ Signature of Participant #1 Parent/Guardian PROOF DOB Signature of Participant #2 Parent/Guardian NEED RESIDENCY CHILD RES. RECEIPT # INITIALS DATE hAvE OFFICE USE ONLY: o CASH o CHECK # _____________ Date Date o EMAILED LOG-IN INFO o EMAILED RECEIPT _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 45 may - August 2016 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 46 may - August 2016 RECREATION FALL PREVIEW FLAG FOOTbALL PROGRAm boys & Girls - Grades 1 - 6 SOCCER PROGRAm boys & Girls - Grades 1 - 8 REGISTRATION INFORmATION: Oak Creek resident & OC/FSD reg.: Mon., August 1 Non-resident registration: Monday, August 8 Days: Wednesday & Friday & Saturday- Instruction/team selection Wednesday - Practices Program begins: Early September REGISTRATION INFORmATION: Oak Creek resident & OC/FSD reg.: Mon., August 1 Non-resident registration: Monday, August 8 Days: Tuesday & Thursday-Instruction/team selection Thursday - Practices Program begins: Early September League Minor Major Middle School Grade 1-3 3-5 6-8 League Minor Major Time: 4 - 5 PM 5 - 6 PM 5 - 6 PM Grade 1-3 4-6 Time: 4 - 5 PM 5 - 6 PM GAmES Games are scheduled for Saturdays between 8am-3pm beginning mid-September through the month of October. Exact game times cannot be determined until registration & team selection has been completed. Games may be scheduled on Mondays or Wednesdays as needed. GAmES Games are scheduled for Saturdays between 8am-3pm beginning mid-September through the month of October. Exact game times cannot be determined until registration & team selection has been completed. Games may be scheduled on Tuesdays or Thursdays as needed. Location: Kickers Creek Park, 8460 S. Chicago Rd. Location: Kickers Creek Park, 8460 S. Chicago Rd. Soccer/Football Flyers available online & in the office in mid-July REGISTRATION IS NOT OPEN AT ThIS TImE O NLINE HELP WANTED ! REGISTRATION Flag Football Coaches & Officials Register any time for Recreation or Library classes in the comfort of your home or office! Soccer Coaches & Officials Go to: TO ACTIvITIES-: Visit www.oakcreekwi.org : Click on “I want to, then “register for” : Recreational classes/activities INTERESTED PERSONS APPLY ONLINE ONLY or use the below link: http://city.oakcreekwi.org/webtrac/ TO APPLY FOR EmPLOYmENT-- : Visit www.oakcreekwi.org : Click on “I want to”, “apply for” : Select “City Employment” : Click the link for the position you are seeking. Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter Visa, Discover, MasterCard & American Express accepted 47 may - August 2016 CITY OF OAK CREEK PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MILWAUKEE, WI PERMIT #530 ACORN ~ SUmmER 2016 visit the City of Oak Creek website at: www.oakcreekwi.org DIRECTORY N EW PhONE NUmbERS IN “bLUE bOLD” CITY hALL PhONE INFORmATION: To better serve you, we now have one centralized phone number, and fax number for Oak Creek City Hall EmERGENCY City hall Centralized Phone # City hall Centralized Fax # Fire (non-emergency) 911 570-5630 Assessor’s Office 766-7069 health Dept. Phone Health Dept. Fax 766-7950 766-7977 City Clerk’s Office Library Phone Library & Rec Dept. Fax Police General Information Open Records Requests Municipal Court Community Resource Bureau Crime Stoppers Recreation Phone Rec. & Library Fax Forever Young Club (50+) 24 hr. Rec. Activity Tape Recording Press 1 General Info. Press 2 Team Sports Info Streets, Parks & Forestry Forestry Recycling/Rubbish Water & Sewer Utility 766-7023 766-7900 766-7942 762-8200 766-7658 766-7621 766-7624 766-7699 766-7920 766-7942 766-7920 299-9721 414-766-7000 414-766-7976 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Steve Scaffidi Alderpersons: District 1: Steve Kurkowski District 2: Daniel Bukiewicz District 3: Mark Verhalen District 4: Mike Toman District 5: Ken Gehl District 6: Chris Guzikowski UTILITY DIRECTORY Water Utility Emergency WE Energies Customer Service Gas Leak or Emergency Power Outage Hotline Diggers Hotline Wisconsin Natural Gas 766-7000 336-0125 762-2583 764-7828 762-9009 570-0801 759-5418 570-8210 768-7060 1-800-242-9137 1-800-261-5325 1-800-662-4797 1-800-242-8511 1-800-236-9874 768-6552 570-5685 768-6552 570-8210 Acorn Recreation Guide & City Newsletter 48 may - August 2016