Cab Parts Tractor Pages - BEPCO Deutschland GmbH
Cab Parts Tractor Pages - BEPCO Deutschland GmbH
Kabine Produktkatalog Your Global Supplier KAbine Ersatzteilkatalog 2013 Bepco Deutschland GmbH Neuer Weg 5 59505 Bad Sassendorf Ruf: +49 2927 919 59 0 Fax:+49 2927 919 59 59 Bepco Parts SA Rue de Waremme, 114 4530 Villers-le-Bouillet Ruf: +32 04257 98 00 Fax:+32 800 231 32 Bepco UK LTD Hartlebury Trading Estate Hartlebury - Worcestershire, DY 10 4JB Ruf: +44 129 925 2270 Fax:+44 800 21 6553 Bepco France SAS Z.l. La Plaine, Allèe de Bigorre BP80041 Le Passage 47901 Agen Cedex 9 Ruf: +33 553 963 125 Fax:+33 553 680 372 Bepco Nederland BV Den Dolvert, 10 5473 GP Heeswijk-Dinther Ruf: +31 413 293 975 Fax:+31 413 294 087 Bepco Iberica SA Pol. Ind. Les Guixeres, C/ Xarol, 7 08915 Badalona (Barcelona) Ruf: +34 902 111 062 Fax:+34 933 813 345 INDEX SECTION 1 FIAT AGRI LAMBOURN CS5, CS6, CS9, CS13, CS17 & CS19 35 CS5, CS6, CS9, CS15, CS16 & CS18 36 WEATHER CAB MK 3 & SAFETY CAB MK 4 1 66 & 66 S SERIES 37 SAFETY CAB MK 5 & MK 6 2 WINNER F SERIES 38 SAFETY CAB IH & DB 3 L SERIES 39 M SERIES 40 G SERIES 41 CASE/IH SEKURA CAB IH & DB 4 L SERIES 5 FORD / NEW HOLLAND XL SERIES 6 SAFETY FRAME CAB XLN SERIES 7 LAMBOURN 2600, 3600, 4100 & 4600 45 DELUXE 90/94 SERIES / MARSHALL S-80 8 LAMBOURN 2610, 3610, 4110 & 4610 46 LP 3200 & 4200 9 SEKURA LOW PROFILE JUNE 82 TO JAN 84 47 10 SEKURA LOW PROFILE FEB. 84 ONWARDS 48 MAXXUM PRO 11 SEKURA ALL PURPOSE CS SERIES 12 WORLD WIDE Q CAB CVX SERIES 13 SUPER Q SERIES 10 FORCE II 52 CX, MX & MXC / McCORMICK CX, MC, MTX & XTX 14 40 SERIES SL & SLE 53 JXC SERIES 15 35 SERIES 54 JXU SERIES 16 35 SERIES Q CAB 55 MXM SERIES 17 60 SERIES 56 MXU & PUMA SERIES 18 70 & 70 A SERIES 57 30 SERIES Q CAB 58 30 SERIES LP CAB SEPT. 92 ONWARDS 59 MAXXUM DEUTZ 42/44 49 50/51 SEKURA CAB S-74 19 INDUSTRIAL 550, 555 & 655 60 07 C SERIES 20 TND, TND-A, TNS & TNS-A 61 MASTER CAB DX SERIES 80 to 160 21 TNF & TNF-A 62 MASTER CAB DX SERIES 4-10 TO 7-10 22 TNN, TNN-A, TNV & TNV-A 63 STAR CAB DX, AGROXTRA & AGROPRIMA 23 TL & TL-A 64 AGROSTAR DX 24 TM 65 AGROTRON 25 TS 66 TS-A & T7000 SERIES 67 CVT & TVT 68 FENDT 300 FARMER LS & LSA 26 600 FAVORIT 27 JOHN DEERE 300C FARMER / GT & GTA / 400, 700, VARIO 800 & 900 28 SEKURA LPU CAB 69 300 FARMER TURBO & 500C FAVORIT 29 SEKURA OPU CAB 70 800 FAVORIT & 900 FAVORIT VARIO 30 MC1 & CC2 71 SG2 72 3000 & 3000 X SERIES 73 FIAT AGRI CS2, CS2/1, CS5, CS6, CS8, CS9, CS11 & CS15 31 3010 & 3010 X SERIES 74 CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CS7, CS8 & CS9 32 6000 SERIES 75 CS6, CS7, CS8, CS9, CS11 & CS15 33 6020 SERIES 76 CS8, CS11, CS12, CS14 & CS15 34 7000 & 7010 SERIES 77 INDEX LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN SAME LAMBOURGHINI 674-70, 774-80, 874-90 78 SILVER 118 HURLIMANN 356, 358, 446, 468, 476, 478, 488 78 ANTARES II 119 LAMBOURGHINI 956, 1106, 1306 79 IRON 120 HURLIMANN 496, 5116, 6136, 6170 79 LAMBORGHINI RACING 165, 190 80 VALTRA - VALMET LAMBORGHINI R4 & R5 81 205 - 555 SERIES 121 LAMBOURGHINI R7, CHAMPION & VICTORY 82 505 - 905 SERIES 122 600 - 900 SERIES 123 A SERIES 123 MASSEY FERGUSON SIRROCO 100 SERIES FLEXIBLE CLADDING 83 C SERIES 124 SIRROCO 100 SERIES RIGID CAB 84 6000 - 8000 SERIES 125 CAB CRAFT 135 85 M, X, XM & T SERIES 125 CAB CRAFT 240 86 ZETOR CAB CRAFT 265 87 G9 - G10 SERIES 126 LAMBOURN 135 & 240 88 G7 SERIES 127 LAMBOURN 165, 168, 188 89 TYPE II SERIES 128 LAMBOURN 240 NON SPACER 90 G12, UR1 - 11, 20, 40 & 45 SERIES 129 LAMBOURN 250 91 UR3 SERIES 130 LAMBOURN 265, 275, 290 92/93 GKN SANKEY 200 SERIES 94/95 GKN SANKEY 300 SERIES 96 500 SERIES 97 600 SERIES 98 2000 SERIES 1 DOOR CAB 99 2000 SERIES 2 DOOR CAB 100 3000 SERIES 101 4200 & 4300 SERIES SECTION 2 GLAZING / RUBBER 131 to 132 SECTION 3 DOOR / WINDOW HANDLES 133 to 139 102/103 4400 SERIES 104 6100, 6200, 6400, 7400, 8100, 8200 SERIES 105 SECTION 4 GAS STAYS 140 to 144 RENAULT / CLAAS TS, TX & TZ SERIES 106/107 SECTION 5 CERES & CERES X 108 CERES 300 & 300 X 109 INTERIOR TRIM MS, MX, PS & PX SERIES 110 FORD W/W Q CAB 3 CYLINDER 145 ERGOS 111 FORD W/W Q CAB 4 & 6 CYLINDER 146 CERGOS 112 FORD W/W Q CAB FLAT DECK 147 ARES RX & RZ 113 MASSEY FERGUSON 500 SERIES 148 JOHN DEERE SG2 CAB 149 INTERIOR TRIM SHEETS 150 SAME EXPLORER 114 LASER & GALAXY 115 ANTARES I 116 ASTER 117 SECTION 6 MISCELLANEOUS FITTINGS 151 to 152 LAMBOURN WEATHER / SAFETY Weather Cab - MK3 S/N: LTC 47 to 75 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-1 Windscreen L46 D6104 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-1M 3 4012-1 Lower Front L & RH - L47 D6416 4110-1M 2 4020-1 Door L & RH D6407 4110-1M 3 4100-1 Hood PVC Safety Cab MK4 S/N: LTC 100 to 107 (David Brown: LTC 106R to 118R) BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-2 Windscreen 8W/50 4022-1 Top Door L & RH - 9W/50 4021-1 Lower Door L & RH - L49 4100-2 Hood PVC Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. D6100 4110-1M 3 D6408 4110-1M 3 D6417 4110-1M 2 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 1 LAMBOURN WEATHER / SAFETY Safety Cab MK5 S/N: LTC 112 to 116 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Windscreen 8W/50 Lower Front L & RH - L47 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4000-2 4012-1 D6100 4110-1M 3 D6416 4110-1M 2 4022-2 Top Door L & RH - 9W/50 D6409 4110-1M 3 4021-2 Lower Door L 7 LRH - L51 D6106 4110-1M 2 4100-3 Hood PVC Safety Cab MK6 S/N: LTC 123 to 130 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Glazing Mtr. 4000-42 Windscreen MK6/WS1 D6102 Handle Gas Stay 4110-1M 4 4073-9 Lower Front L & RH - DBQL2 D6421 4110-1M 2 4022-3 Top Door L & RH - MK6DG2 D6410 4110-1M 3 4021-3L Lower Door L & RH - L117 D6418 4110-1M 2 4100-5 Hood PVC 4104-1 Rear Curtain PVC (1) (2) (3) (1) 4170-3 RH Inner (2) 4170-2 LH Inner (3) 4170-1 Outer For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 2 LAMBOURN WEATHER / SAFETY International Harvester Safety Cab 354, 444, 454, 474, 574 & 674 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-4 Windscreen WS/IH1 D6424 Handle Gas Stay 4010-1 Lower Front RH & IH/16 D6404 4110-1M 2 4011-1 Lower Front LH & IH/13 D6406 4110-1M 2 4020-2 Door L & RH - IH/D2 D6401 4110-1M 4 4100-4 Hood PVC Glazing Mtr. (1) (2) (3) Glazing Mtr. 4110-1M 4 David Brown Safety Cab S/N: LTC 120 to 122 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-5 4073-9 4022-4 Top Door L & RH - DBDT2 D6419 4021-4 Lower Door L & RH - DBDB2 D6420 Handle Gas Stay Windscreen DBWS1 D6101 4110-1M 4 Lower Front L & RH - DBQL2 D6421 4110-1M 2 (1) (2) (3) 4110-1M 3 4110-1M 2 (1) 4170-3 RH Inner (2) 4170-2 LH Inner (3) 4170-1 Outer For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 3 CASE / IH D D1 E E1 A B F F1 C C1 I • • H • • DAVID BROWN & INTERNATIONAL M HARVESTER SEKURA CAB DB - 990, 995, 996, 1210, 1212, 1410 & 1412 IH - 484, 584, 684, 784 & 884 BEPCO No. Description • K • • • G • • • • L Specification O/E No. Framed K965668 (1) • • J • Handle Gas Stay • • • Glazing A 4002-1 Windscreen B 4002-2 Windscreen Framed K965652 Frame C 4016-2 Lower Front RH Framed K965470 Frame C1 4015-2 Lower Front LH Framed K965469 Frame D 4034-1 Top Door RH Framed K965484 Frame D1 4031-1 Top Door RH Framed E Top Door LH Framed 4035-1 Mtr. Frame (1) Frame K965483 Frame E1 4030-1 Top Door LH Framed F 4032-1 Lower Door LH Framed K965485 (1) Frame F1 4033-1 Lower Door RH Framed 3125460R1 G 4041-5 Side Fixed Frame H 4040-3 Side Sliding - 2 holes Frame I 4077-1 Upper Rear Framed K965468 J 4072-23 Upper Rear 8 holes K965668 (2) K 4072-22 Upper Rear 6 holes 3125412R1 (2) (3) (4) (5) L 4075-3 Lower Rear Fixed Frame M 4074-3 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes Frame Frame Frame Frame (3) (4) (5) 870-7 4112-1M 4 4112-1M 4 (1) Fitted to low profile cabs (2) Fitted to super deluxe cabs (3) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (4) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing (5) 4170-50 Handle Kit For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 4 A E C • F• 330mm 125mm CASE/IH L SERIES 384, 385, 484, 485, 495, 584, 585, 684, 685, 784, 785, 884 & 885 BEPCO No. Description A 4000-35 Windscreen • Specification O/E No. 2 holes 3113554R2 D1 D C1 Handle • B • • • • • • • • • • • • CASE / IH Gas Stay B 4012-24 Lower Front L & RH 3113558R2 C 4020-11 Door L & RH 1500610C2 (1) 870-12 C1 4020-12 Door L & RH 3114017R1 (1) 870-12 D 4047-12 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes 3123655R1 D1 4047-13 Side Window L & RH - 5 holes E 4072-30 Upper Rear F 4073-12 Lower Rear 6 holes F1 4073-13 Lower Rear 7 holes 1328550C1 F1 • • • ••• • • • • Glazing Mtr. (a) 4 (a) 2 (a) 4 (a) 4 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 3 (a) 4 3118657R1 4112-1M 3 1328504C1 4112-1M 3 98604C2 870-12 Items A, B, C, D1, E and F are also fitted to stockman cab. (1) 4170-30 Outer (a) 4110-8M & 4111-2M For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 5 CASE / IH C A • • • B • B1 CASE/IH XL SERIES 495, 595, 695, 795, 895, 995, 743/745, 844/845/856, 956, 1056, 1255, 1455, 3220/3230, 4210/4220/4230/4240 BEPCO No. Description Specification • • F • • D • • • K L • A 4000-36 Windscreen B 4012-61 Lower Front B1 4012-62 Lower Front C 4026-2 Front Door L & RH - 1 hole 3233053R1 D 4027-2 Rear Door L & RH 3233051R1 E Handle Gas Stay Glazing 4110-21 LH 3233036R1 4110-21 RH 3233037R1 4110-21 4110-21 4085-1 Rear Corner LH 3233040R1 4110-21 Rear Corner RH 3233041R2 4110-21 F Upper Rear 5 holes 182027A2(a) Upper Rear 5 holes 3226351R3 (1) H 4073-14 Lower Rear 3 holes 182028A1(b) I 4073-15 Lower Rear Cut Out 1500941C1 J 4073-93 Lower Rear 4170-95 870-15 4170-95 870-15 98041C1 K 4020-21 Door One Piece 1975195C1 (2) L Upper Rear Cut Out - 5 holes 126317A2 (2) 4072-33 Mtr. 4110-21 872-14 E1 4086-1 4072-24 • J 3233045R2 G 4072-25 • I • O/E No. E1 • • H • • E G 4110-21 (a) Replaces O/E No. 3233046R4 (b) Replaces O/E No. 3233032R1X (1) Fitted to 955, 1055 & 1255 Timmerman cab only (2) Fitted to 3220, 3230, 4210, 4220, 4230 & 4240 only Items A, B, B1, E and E1 are curved. For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 6 • A • B C • • • • • • • CASE / IH • • • • • • • • F • BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. G • A 4000-45 Windscreen 6 holes 1535093C2 B 4012-29 Lower Front L & RH 1535088C1 C 4022-22 Top Door L & RH - 7 holes 1535113C2 D 4021-22 Lower Door L & RH - 3 holes 1535114C2 E Rear Corner LH 3233040R1 4085-1 E1 4086-1 Rear Corner RH 3233041R1 F 4072-32 Upper Rear 4 holes 1535079C2 G 4073-21 Lower Rear 3 holes 1535071C1 D E • CASE/IH XLN SERIES 595, 695, 743, 745, 795, 844, 845 & 856 • E1 • • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 4 4110-21 872-129 4110-21 4110-21 874-23 4112-1M 4 Items E and E1 are curved. For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 7 CASE / IH AND MARSHALL B B1 C C1 A • D D1 • G • J • • • • F • • • • E E1 E2 • • H • • I • • CASE/IH DELUXE CAB 90/94 SERIES • • & MARSHALL S-80 CASE/IH 1190, 1194, 1290, 1294, 1390, 1394, 1490, 1494, 1590, 1594, 1690 & 1694 MARSHALL 602, 604, 702, 704, 802 & 804 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. K262895(1) 4110-3M 4 A 4000-37 Windscreen B 4016-19T Lower Front RH K262897 4110-3M 2 B1 4015-19T Lower Front LH K303689 4110-3M 2 C 4028-2 Top Door RH K303700 (3) (4) 872-9 4110-3M 3 C1 4039-6 Top Door LH K303701 (3) (5) 872-9 4110-3M 3 D 4038-6 Lower Door RH K262938(2) 4110-3M 3 D1 4029-2 Lower Door LH K303703 4110-3M 3 E 4045-3 Side Window RH - 3 holes K303704(a) (6) 4112-1M 3 E1 4043-2 Side Window LH - 3 holes K303705(a) (6) 4112-1M 3 E2 4047-84T Side Window L & RH - 3 holes NTH184/5(b) 4112-1M 3 F 4072-26 Upper Rear 8 holes K312000 (6) (7) (8) (6) 870-8 4112-1M 4 G 4072-27 Upper Rear 6 holes K303696 (6) (7) (8) 870-8 4112-1M 4 H 4074-4 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes K303707 Frame I 4075-4 Lower Rear Fixed K303706 Frame J 4073-16 Lower Rear One piece K303950 4110-3M 2 (a) Fits CASE/IH only (b) Fits MARSHALL only (1) Replaces O/E No. K303699 (5) 4170-19 Inner (2) Replaces O/E No. K303702 (6) 4170-131 Hinge kit (3) 4170-25 Outer (7) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing (4) 4170-20 Inner (8) 4170-50 Handle Kit Items A, B, B1, C, C1, D, D1, E and E1 are curved. NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 8 CASE / IH • • • • • • • • B A • • • • • 310mm • • E E1 • C • 495mm • • • • • • D H • CASE/IH LP SERIES 3210, 3220, 3230, 4210, 4220, 4230 & 4240 BEPCO No. Description • • • F G • Specification O/E No. • • • • • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-48 Windscreen Fixed - 2 holes 144768A1 4110-21 B 4004-1 Windscreen Opening - 8 holes 144986A1 (1) 4112-1M 4 C 4004-3 Windscreen Opening - 8 holes 234969A1 (2) 4112-1M 4 D 4012-32 Lower Front L & RH 144730A1 E Door LH - 6 holes 144950A1 (3) (4) 872-22 E1 4039-13 Door RH - 6 holes 144969A1 (5) (4) 872-22 F Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 144759A1 G 4072-36 Upper Rear 6 holes H 4073-22 Lower Rear 4038-13 4047-28 144794A1 4110-21 4170-95 870-35 144731A1 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 4110-21 (1) Fits up to cab S/N JJE0918095 (2) Fits from cab S/N JJE0918096 (3) 4170-92 Inner (4) 4170-91 Outer L & RH up to S/N JJE0926239 - from S/N JJE0926240 use 4170-94 (5) 4170-93 Inner Items E and E1 are curved. For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 9 CASE / IH E E1 B B1 A I H CASE I/H MAXXUM SERIES 5120, 5130, 5140 & 5150 BEPCO No. Description C C1 Specification O/E No. G F F1 D D1 Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4000-54 Windscreen Fixed 248715A1 4110-21 B 4016-8 Lower Front RH 1330877C1 4110-21 B1 4015-8 Lower Front LH 1330876C1 4110-21 C 4038-7 Door RH - 7 holes 1330930C2 (1) 872-44 4110-21 C1 4039-7 Door LH - 7 holes 1330931C1 (1) 872-44 4110-21 D 4031-14 Top Door RH - 4 holes 1546817C2 (2) 872-44 4110-21 D1 4030-14 Top Door LH - 4 holes 1546818C2 (2) 872-44 4110-21 E 4033-14 Lower Door RH - 2 holes 1999626C2 4110-21 E1 4032-14 Lower Door LH - 2 holes 1999625C2 4110-21 F Mtr. 4045-14 Side Window RH - 3 holes 1330903C1 4112-1M 3 F1 4043-14 Side Window LH - 3 holes 1330902C1 4112-1M 3 G 4072-63 Upper Rear Cut out - 8 holes 127442A1 (3) 4170-96 870-31 4112-1M 4 H 4072-40 Upper Rear 8 holes 1330904C2 (4) 4170-96 870-31 4112-1M 4 I Lower Rear 4073-36 1981934C1 4110-21 (1) Fits up to cab S/N JJF1020700 (2) Fits from cab S/N JJF1020701 (3) Fits from cab S/N JJF1030001 (4) Fits up to cab S/N JJF1030000 All above items are curved except items G, H & I For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 10 CASE / IH D D1 C A C1 B B1 G E F E1 CASE/IH MAXXUM PRO SERIES 5120, 5130, 5140 & 5150 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4000-54 Windscreen Fixed 248715A1 4110-21 B 4016-8 Lower Front RH 248717A1 4110-21 B1 4015-8 Lower Front LH 248716A1 4110-21 C 4031-14 Top Door RH - 4 holes 248723A1 872-44 4110-21 C1 4030-14 Top Door LH - 4 holes 248724A1 872-44 4110-21 D 4033-14 Lower Door RH - 2 holes 248726A1 4110-21 D1 4032-14 Lower Door LH - 2 holes 248725A1 4110-21 E Mtr. 4045-14 Side Window RH - 3 holes 248719A1 4112-1M 3 E1 4043-14 Side Window LH - 3 holes 248718A1 4112-1M 3 F 4072-63 Upper Rear Cut out - 8 holes 4112-1M 4 G 4073-36 Lower Rear 248720A1 4170-96 870-31 1981934C1 4110-21 All above items are curved except items F & G For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 11 CASE / IH E E1 A D D1 C C1 F J CS SERIES 78, 86, 94, 100, 110, 120, 130 & 150 BEPCO No. Description K G H Specification O/E No. Fixed 134671067 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-21 Windscreen B 4004-19T Windscreen Opening - 7 holes 134671090 C 4016-21T Lower Front RH 134671069 C1 4015-21T Lower Front LH 134671070 D 4038-43T Door RH - 6 holes 134621091 872-127 4112-1M 5 D1 4039-43T Door LH - 6 holes 134621090 872-127 4112-1M 5 E Side Window RH - 3 holes 134671085/75 4112-1M 3 4045-19T 4110-21 874-127 4110-21 4110-21 E1 4043-19T Side Window LH - 3 holes 134671084/74 4112-1M 3 F 4072-90T Upper Rear 7 holes 134671071/91 870-33 4112-1M 5 G 4072-91T Upper Rear 8 holes 134671062/92 870-33 4112-1M 5 H 4071-36T Lower Rear one piece 134671086 4110-21 J 4073-95T Lower Rear RH - 1 hole 340601A1 Framed K 4073-94T Lower Rear LH - 1 hole 340602A1 Framed Items A, B, C & D are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 12 CASE/IH E E1 A D D1 C C1 F J CVX SERIES 120, 130, 150, 170, 1135, 1145, 1155, 1170 & 1190 BEPCO No. Description K G H Specification O/E No. Fixed 134671067 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-21 Windscreen B 4004-19T Windscreen Opening - 7 holes 134671090 C 4016-21T Lower Front RH 134671069 C1 4015-21T Lower Front LH 134671070 D 4038-43T Door RH - 6 holes 134621091 872-127 4112-1M 5 D1 4039-43T Door LH - 6 holes 134621090 872-127 4112-1M 5 E Side Window RH - 3 holes 134671075/85 4112-1M 3 4045-19T 4110-21 874-127 4110-21 4110-21 E1 4043-19T Side Window LH - 3 holes 134671074/84 4112-1M 3 F 4072-90T Upper Rear 7 holes 134671071/91 870-33 4112-1M 5 G 4072-91T Upper Rear 8 holes 134671062/92 870-33 4112-1M 5 H 4071-36T Lower Rear one piece 134671086 4110-21 J 4073-95T Lower Rear RH - 1 hole 340601A1 Framed K 4073-94T Lower Rear LH - 1 hole 340602A1 Framed Items A, B, C & D are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 13 CASE / IH A B 75mm F F1 130mm C D • H CASE/IH CX - 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 MX - 100, 110, 120, 135, 150, 170 MXC - 80, 90, 100 G G1 • E E1 • McCORMICK CX - 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105 MC - 90, 95, 100, 105, 115, 120, 135 MTX - 110, 120, 125, 135, 140, 150, 155, 165, 175, 185, 200 XTX - 185, 200, 215 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-14 Windscreen Opening - 9 holes 255024A1 (1) 870-33 4112-1M 5 B 4004-18T Windscreen Opening - 9 holes 238520A3 (2) 870-33 4112-1M 5 C 4001-19 Windscreen Fixed - 3 holes 238682A4 (3) 4110-21 D 4001-20 Windscreen Fixed 190034A5 (4) 4110-21 E 4015-20T Lower Front LH 190030A5 4110-21 E1 4016-20T Lower Front RH 190029A5 4110-21 F 4039-30 Door LH - 6 holes 192004A6 (5) (6) 872-44 F1 4039-31 Door RH - 6 holes 192003A6 (5) (7) 872-44 G 4043-18T Side Window LH - 3 holes 192001A3 (5) G1 4045-18T Side Window RH - 3 holes 192002A3 (5) H 4071-30 Rear Window 9 holes 284947A2 870-33 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 5 (1) Fits CX & MXC (2) Fits MX & MXC LP Cab (3) Fits CX LP Cab (4) Fits CX, MX & MXC Cab (5) Doors & Side Windows will not fit XTX (6) 4170-19 Inner (7) 4170-20 Inner All above items are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 14 CASE/IH • A • • • E F • • B • • • C D • • • •• • • JXC SERIES 1060, 1070 & 1075 BEPCO No. Description J • G H K • • Specification O/E No. Fixed 44911513 Handle Gas Stay A 4001-17 Windscreen B 4004-17T Windscreen Opening - 6 holes 44911501 C 4016-17T Lower Front RH 44911514 D 4015-17T Lower Front LH 44911515 E 4038-42T Door RH - 6 holes 44910452 872-75 F 4039-42T 872-75 Door LH - 6 holes 44910453 G 4047-91 Side Window RH 47130822 H 4047-92 Side Window LH 47130823 J 4072-88T Upper Rear 8 holes 44911502 K 4073-88T Lower Rear Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 874-30 4112-1M 5 4110-21 4110-21 4110-21 4110-21 874-29 4112-1M 5 44911518 All items are curved except items G, H & K For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 15 CASE/IH A B •• • • •• •• H G • • • • C C1 D D1 E E1 •• • F F1 • JXU SERIES 70, 80, 90, 100, 1070, 1080, 1090 & 1100 BEPCO No. Description • Specification O/E No. Fixed 82002183 • Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4000-80 Windscreen B 4004-5 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82003391 C 4011-10 Lower Front RH 82002184 4110-21 4110-21 Mtr. 4110-21 874-29 4112-1M 5 C1 4011-11 Lower Front LH 82002185 D 4014-19 Lower Front RH 47125737 D1 4014-20 Lower Front LH 47125738 E Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 E1 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 F 4047-59 Side Window RH - 3 holes 5182188 F1 4046-59 Side Window LH - 3 holes 5182189 G 4072-179 Upper Rear 9 holes 82016997 870-111 4112-1M 5 H 4073-38 Lower Rear 4038-40 82000485 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-128 Inner (3) 4170-129 Inner Items A, E & F are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 16 CASE/IH • •• D D1 • A C C1 • •• • • •• •• F • E • • • B B1 • MXM SERIES 120, 130, 140, 155, 175 & 190 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4000-86 Windscreen B 4011-14 Lower Front B1 4011-13 Lower Front C 4038-40 Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 C1 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 D 4047-65 Side Window LH - 3 holes 82029321 4112-1M 3 D1 4047-66 Side Window RH - 3 holes 82029320 4112-1M 3 9 holes 4112-1M 5 E 4072-31A Upper Rear F 4073-38 Lower Rear 82000296 4110-21 RH 82001924 4110-21 LH 82001923 4110-21 Mtr. 82014988 870-57 82000485 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-128 Inner (3) 4170-129 Inner Items A, C & D are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 17 CASE/IH A E E1 B F MXU SERIES 100, 110,115, 125 & 135 PUMA TRACTOR BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Fixed 82030483 4110-21 A 4000-109 Windscreen B 4000-110 Windscreen Opening - 8 holes 82032042 4112-1M C 4014-15 Lower Front RH 82030485(1) 4110-21 Mtr. 5 C1 4014-16 Lower Front LH 82030486(1) 4110-21 D 4014-17 Lower Front RH 82030487(2) 4110-21 D1 4014-18 Lower Front LH 82030488(2) 4110-21 E Door RH - 7 holes 82027356 4112-1M 5 E1 4020-93 Door LH - 7 holes 82027357 4112-1M 5 F Rear Window 7 holes 82030887 4112-1M 5 4020-92 4072-178 (1) To be used with fixed windscreen (2) To be used with opening windscreen All above items are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 18 DEUTZ D D1 C C1 A B B1 E G DEUTZ SEKURA CAB (S74) 80.06 - 100.06 6806 - 7206 BEPCO No. Description H Specification O/E No. I • • Handle • • F J L M •• K •• Gas Stay Glazing A 4002-2 Windscreen Framed 431 6689 Frame B 4016-2 Lower Front RH Framed 431 6654 Frame B1 4015-2 Lower Front LH Framed 431 6655 Frame C 4034-1 Top Door RH Framed 431 6723 Frame C1 4035-1 Top Door LH Framed 431 6724 Frame D 4033-1 Lower Door RH Framed 431 6725 Frame D1 4032-1 Lower Door LH Framed 431 6720 Frame E 4041-5 Side Window Fixed 930 627 Frame F 4040-3 Side Window Sliding - 2 holes 930 626 Frame G 4077-1 Upper Rear Framed 431 6662 Frame H 4079-1 Upper Rear Fixed 930 130 (1) Frame I 4078-1 Upper Rear Sliding - 2 holes 930 131 (1) Frame J 4075-3 Lower Rear Fixed 930 724 (2) Frame K 4074-3 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 930 725 (2) Frame L 4074-7 Lower Rear Fixed 930 737 (3) Frame M 4075-7 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 930 736 (3) Frame Mtr. (1) fitted to early cab (2) fitted to 6806 - 7206 (3) fitted to 80.06 - 100.06 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 19 DEUTZ • • • • A D • • • • C B • E • • DEUTZ 4507C, 6207C, 6807C, 07 C SERIES 4807C, 5207C, 6007C, 6507C, 7007C 7207C & 7807C BEPCO No. Description • • • • • • F • • • • Specification O/E No. A 4000-61 Windscreen Opening - 7 holes 434 0307 B 4012-43 Lower Front L & RH - 4 holes 434 0330 C 4022-32 Top Door L & RH 433 9848 D 4021-32 Lower Door L & RH 433 9842 E 4047-40 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 433 9832 F 4071-24 Rear Window 7 holes 434 0309 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 870-49 4112-1M 4 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 870-49 870-49 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 20 DEUTZ • • • • • • A F H H1 • • • • • • • • • • B B1 • • • G • • • • • J I DEUTZ MASTER CAB DX SERIES 80, 85, 90, 92, 110, 120, 140, 145 & 160 BEPCO No. Description • Specification O/E No. Fixed - 7 holes 433 7958 A 4000-62 Windscreen B 4000-65 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 430 7803 C 4012-41 Lower Front L & RH - 3 holes 433 7767 D 4012-42 Lower Front L & RH - 3 holes 431 2039 E 4011-12 Lower Front RH - 3 holes 433 2556 (1) F 4022-31 • Handle • • • C • • • • • D E • • • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 870-49 4112-1M 4 Top Door L & RH 430 9526 G 4021-31 Lower Door L & RH 430 9514 H 4020-30 Door LH - 8 holes 434 7342 (4) 872-36 4112-1M 5 H1 4020-31 Door RH - 8 holes 434 7343 (5) 872-36 4112-1M 5 I 4112-1M 3 870-49 4112-1M 4 4112-1M 4 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 431 2038 A1 4000-62 4047-39 Upper Rear 7 holes 434 6800 (2) B1 4000-65 Upper Rear 10 holes 431 4333 (3) J Lower Rear Perspex - 2 holes 431 2683 4073-29 (1) Fitted cab with heater (2) Fitted to tractors 80, 86 & 92 also 85 from s/n 7816/0001 & 7817/0001, 90 from s/n 7818/0001 & 7819/0001, 110 from s/n 7820/0001 & 7821/0001, 120 from s/n 7826/0001 & 7827/0001 (3) Fits tractors 85, 90, 110, 120, 140, 145 & 160 (4) 4170-19 Inner (5) 4170-20 Inner Items H, H1 & J are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 21 DEUTZ • • • • L • A A1 • • • • • • • B • K • D • • • • • • • • • • • • H H1 G G1 • • • • I • • E • • BEPCO No. Description • • • • • • DEUTZ MASTER CAB DX SERIES 4-10, 4-20, 4-30, 4-50, 4-70, 6-05, 6-10, 6-30, 6-50 & 7-10 • • • • C • • • • • • • • Specification O/E No. Fixed - 7 holes 433 7958 J • • Handle • • F • • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 870-49 4112-1M 4 872-36 4112-1M 5 A 4000-62 Windscreen B 4000-64 Windscreen Opening - 7 holes 436 3390 C 4012-41 Lower Front L & RH - 3 holes 433 7767 D 4011-12 Lower Front RH - 3 holes 433 2556 (1) E 4012-44 Lower Front L & RH - 3 holes 437 6136 (2) F 4012-45 Lower Front L & RH - 3 holes 437 5964 (3) Door LH - 8 holes 434 7342 G1 4020-31 Door RH - 8 holes 434 7343 (5) 872-36 4112-1M 5 H 4020-32 Door LH - 9 holes 435 8529 (4) 872-36 4112-1M 5 H1 4020-33 Door RH - 9 holes 435 8530 (5) 872-36 4112-1M 5 I 4047-39 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 431 2038 4112-1M 3 J 4047-41 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 436 3398 4112-1M 3 A1 4000-62 Upper Rear 7 holes 434 6800 870-49 4112-1M 4 K 4072-48 Upper Rear Cut out - 7 holes 436 3898 870-49 4112-1M 4 L Lower Rear Perspex - 2 holes 431 2683 G 4020-30 4073-29 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (4) Fitted to cab with heater Fitted to tractors 4-10, 6-05 & 7-10 from s/n ..../6001 Fitted to tactors with airconditioning 4170-19 Inner 4170-20 Inner Item G & G1 has 1 hole for bottom door hinge Item H & H1 has 2 holes for bottom door hinge Items G, G1, H, H1 & L are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 22 DEUTZ F • A A1 • • • • • E E1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B B1 • C C1 • D D1 • • • • • • DEUTZ STAR CAB DX SERIES 3-10, 3-30, 3-50, 3-60, 3-65, 3-70 & 3-90 AGROXTRA STAR CAB DX SERIES 3-57, 4-07, 4-17, 4-47, 4-57, 6-07 & 6-17 AGROPRIMA STAR CAB DX SERIES 4-11, 4-31, 4-36, 4-46, 5-51, 5-56, 6-06 & 6-16 BEPCO No. Description A 4000-63 Windscreen Specification O/E No. 7 holes • • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 436 3114 (1) 870-49 4112-1M 4 A1 4000-66 Windscreen 7 holes 436 3115 870-49 4112-1M 4 B 4020-34 Door LH - 9 holes 435 2850 (2) 872-38 4112-1M 5 B1 4020-35 Door RH - 9 holes 435 2851 (2) 872-38 4112-1M 5 C 4039-22 Door LH - 8 holes 440 0342 (3) (4) 872-38 4112-1M 5 C1 4038-22 Door RH - 8 holes 440 0343 (3) 872-38 D 4047-42 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 435 0515 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 3 D1 4047-43 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 435 0516 4112-1M 3 E Upper Rear Cut out - 7 holes 435 2383 870-49 4112-1M 4 E1 4072-52 Upper Rear Cut out - 7 holes 435 2384 870-49 4112-1M 4 F Lower Rear 4072-51 4073-31 (1) (2) (3) (4) 435 8914 Agroxtra fitted to tractors 4-17, 4-57, 6-07 & 6-17 only Agroxtra fitted up to s/n..../5999 Agroxtra fitted from s/n..../6000 Agroprima fitted to 4-11 & 6-11 from s/n..../6000 Items B, B1, C & C1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 23 DEUTZ • • • • A • B B1 • • • • • • • • BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. A 4001-13 Windscreen 7 holes 438 3606 B 4047-48 Side Window L & RH - 2 holes 438 3617 B1 4047-45 Side Window L & RH - 2 holes 438 3618 C 4047-44 Side Window L & RH - 1 hole 439 0722 C1 4047-50 Side Window L & RH - 1 hole 439 0723 D 4069-1 Rear Corner L & RH - 4 holes 438 3614 D1 4069-2 Rear Corner L & RH - 4 holes 438 3615 E Handle C C1 • • • F • DEUTZ AGROSTAR DX SERIES 4-61, 4-68, 4-71, 4-78, 6-08, 6-11, 6-21, 6-28, 6-31, 6-38, 6-61, 6-71 & 6-81 E E1 • • • D D1 • G G1 • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 870-49 4112-1M 4 4072-50 Upper Rear 6 holes 438 3608 870-49 4112-1M 4 E1 4072-54 Upper Rear 6 holes 438 3609 870-49 4112-1M 4 F Lower Rear 3 holes 438 3611 G 4020-94 4073-30 Door LH 438 6535 (1) 872-38 4110-21 G1 4020-95 Door RH 438 6536 (1) 872-38 4110-21 (1) 4170-7 Outer Items A, G & G1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 24 DEUTZ B A AGROTRON 4-70, 4-80, 4-85, 4-90, 4-95, 6-00, 6-05, 6-15, 6-20, 6-30, 6-45 80, 85, 90, 100, 105, 106, 108, 110, 115, 118, 120, 128, 135, 140, 150, 165, 200, 210, 230, 235, 260, 265 1130, 1145, 1160 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 441 8951 872-39 4112-1M 5 A 4039-41T Door LH - 6 holes A 4038-41T Door RH - 6 holes 441 8952 872-39 4112-1M 5 B 4072-92T Upper Rear 9 holes 442 9137 (1) 870-52 4112-1M 5 All above items are curved (1) This window replaces 441 9379 -conversion kit for handle and fixings NOT AVAILABLE For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 25 FENDT • D A G • F • • FENDT 300 SERIES FARMER LS & LSA 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310 & 311 BEPCO No. Description B E • C • • Specification O/E No. A 4000-55 Windscreen 1 hole 178 810 110 010 B 4012-16A Lower Front L & RH 178 810 110 020 C 4022-30 Top Door L & RH 178 810 110 030 D 4047-36 Lower Door L & RH 178 810 110 040 E 4021-3 Side Window L & RH - 5 holes 178 810 110 050 F 4072-43 Upper Rear 1 hole 178 810 050 410 G 4073-26 Lower Rear Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 3 870-21 872-52 870-21 178 810 050 340 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 26 FENDT • J D A 720 K B C E 740 • • • F 515 450 • • BEPCO No. Description I H G FENDT 600 SERIES - FAVORIT 610, 611, 612, 614 & 615 • Specification O/E No. Handle • • Gas Stay A 4002-3 Windscreen 1 hole 275 500 210 100 B 4012-17A Lower Front L & RH 281 500 190 040 C 4022-33 Top Door L & RH 275 500 210 340 872-57 D 4022-34 Top Door L & RH 281 507 350 020 872-57 E 4021-19 Lower Door L & RH 275 500 210 230 F 4021-29 Glazing Mtr. 870-69 Lower Door L & RH 281 507 350 010 G 4041-6 Side Window Fixed 275 500 210 200 H 4047-37 Side Window Sliding - 1 hole 281 505 350 011 Framed I Side Window L & RH - 5 holes 281 507 350 030 4112-1M 4047-47 • Framed A 4002-3 Upper Rear 1 hole 275 500 210 100 J 4074-6 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 281 500 220 050 Framed K 4074-8 Lower Rear Sliding - 1 hole 281 507 220 011 Framed 3 870-69 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 27 FENDT A A1 B 300C FARMER - 307, 308 & 309 300 GT & GTA - 370 & 380 400 FARMER VARIO - 409, 410, 411 & 412 700 FAVORIT VARIO - 711, 712, 714 & 716 800 VARIO TMS - 815, 817 & 818 900 VARIO TMS - 916, 918, 920, 924, 926 & 930 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr A 4038-37T Door RH - 7 holes 117 810 030 020 872-49 4112-1M 5 A1 4039-37T Door LH - 7 holes 117 810 030 010 872-49 4112-1M 5 B 4072-109T Upper Rear 9 holes 816 810 050 010 870-68 4112-1M 4 Items A & A1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 28 FENDT A A1 B 300 FARMER TURBO - 307, 308, 309, 310, 311 & 312 500C FAVORIT - 509, 510, 511, 512, 514 & 515 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4038-36T Door RH - 4 holes H 816 810 030 340 872-49 4110-21 A1 4039-36T Door LH - 4 holes H 816 810 030 330 872-49 4110-21 B 4072-109T Upper Rear 9 holes 816 810 050 010 870-62 4112-1M Mtr. 4 Items A & A1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 29 FENDT A A1 C 800 FAVORIT - 816, 818, 822 & 824 900 FAVORIT VARIO - 916, 918, 920, 924 & 926 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. B B1 Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4038-36T Door RH - 4 holes H 816 810 030 340 872-49 4110-21 A1 4039-36T Door LH - 4 holes H 816 810 030 330 872-49 4110-21 B 4038-37T Door RH - 7 holes 117 810 030 020 872-49 4112-1M Mtr. 5 B1 4039-37T Door LH - 7 holes 117 810 030 010 872-49 4112-1M 5 C 4072-109T Upper Rear 9 holes 816 810 050 010 870-68 4112-1M 4 Items A, A1, B & B1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 30 FIAT AGRI B A • • E • FIAT AGRI CAB TYPE CS2 & CS2/1 580, 680, 780, 880 & 980 BEPCO No. Description Specification D D1 • • • • • F • O/E No. • Handle • C C1 • • • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 5108663 4110-3M 4 A 4000-46 Windscreen B 4012-30 Lower Front L & RH 5108667 4110-3M 2 C 4039-3 Door RH 5108670 4110-15 4 C1 4038-3 Door LH 5108669 4110-16 4 D 4066-1 Side Window RH 5108673 4110-3M 3 D1 4065-1 Side Window LH 5108674 4110-3M 3 E 4071-12 Upper Rear 7 holes 5108627 (1) 870-22 4112-1M 4 F 4071-13 Upper Rear 7 holes 5121385 (a) (2) 870-22 4112-1M 4 (a) replaces No. 5113393 (1) Fits up to s/n 9000 (2) Fits from s/n 9001 Items C, C1, D & D1 are curved Above items will also fit the following cab type CS numbers but glass colour is tinted:Items A & B cab type CS8, 11 & 15 Items C & C1 cab type CS5, 6, 8 & 9 Item D & D1 cab type CS8 Item F cab type CS8 & 15 NB: Fixing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length 4110-15 & 4110-16 are gaskets For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 31 FIAT AGRI A • • • • FIAT AGRI CAB TYPE CS3 1180, 1280, 1380, 1580 & 1880 CAB TYPE CS4 - 680, 780, 880-5 & 980 BEPCO No. Description Specification E • C C1 • • • • D D1 B O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 5113401 4110-3M 4 A 4000-47 Windscreen B 4012-31 Lower Front L & RH 5113402 4110-3M 2 C 4039-3 Door RH 5108670 4110-15 4 C1 4038-3 Door LH 5108669 4110-16 4 D 4066-1 Side Window RH 5108673 4110-3M 3 4110-3M 3 4112-1M 4 D1 4065-1 Side Window LH 5108674 E Upper Rear 9 holes 5113403 4071-14 870-22 Items C, C1, D & D1 are curved Above items will also fit the following cab type CS numbers but glass colour is tinted:Items A & B cab type CS5, 6 & 9 Items C & C1 cab type CS5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Items D & D1 cab type CS8 Item E cab type CS5, 6 & 9 NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length 4110-15 & 4110-16 are gaskets For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 32 FIAT AGRI A • • • • BEPCO No. Description Specification • • O/E No. F • Handle B • • • • FIAT AGRI CAB TYPE CS7 580, 680 & 780 E C C1 • • D D1 • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 5108663 4110-3M 4 A 4000-46 Windscreen B 4012-30 Lower Front L & RH 5108667 4110-3M 2 C 4039-3 Door RH 5108670 4110-15 4 C1 4038-3 Door LH 5108669 4110-16 4 D 4066-2 Side Window RH 5120154 4110-3M 3 D1 4065-2 Side Window LH 5120155 4110-3M 3 E 4071-12 Upper Rear 7 holes 5108627 870-22 4112-1M 4 F 4071-13 Upper Rear 7 holes 5121385 (a) 870-22 4112-1M 4 (a) replaces No. 5113393 Above items will also fit the following cab type CS numbers but glass colour is tinted:Items A & B cab type CS8, 11 & 15 Items C & C1 cab type CS5, 6, 8 & 9 Item D & D1 cab type CS8 Item F cab type CS8 & 15 Items C, C1, D & D1 are curved NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length 4110-15 & 4110-16 are gaskets For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 33 FIAT AGRI A C C1 • • E • • • • • • FIAT AGRI CAB TYPE CS11 & 12 • 580, 680, 780, 880-5 &980 D • • CAB TYPE CS14 55-55, 60-90, 70-90, 80-90 & 100-90 CAB TYPE CS 15 55-90, 60-90, 65-90, 70-90, 80-90, 90-65, 94-72, 94-82, & 94-88 BEPCO No. Description Glazing Mtr. 5108663 4110-3M 4 L & RH 5108667 4110-3M 2 RH 5125038 4110-17 4 Door LH 5124414 4110-18 4 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 5124412 4112-1M 3 7 holes 5124413 4112-1M 5 A 4000-46 Windscreen B 4012-30 Lower Front C 4039-4 Door C1 4038-4 D 4066-3 E Upper Rear 4071-15 Specification O/E No. Handle B Gas Stay 870-22 Above items will also fit the following cab type CS numbers but glass colour is tinted:Items A & B cab type CS8, 11 & 15 Items C, C1 & E are curved NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length 4110-17 & 4110-18 are gaskets For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 34 FIAT AGRI A C C1 • • E • • • • • • • FIAT AGRI CAB TYPE CS13, 17 &19 90-90, 100-90, 115-90 & 130-90 BEPCO No. Description Specification D B O/E No. • Handle Gas Stay • • Glazing Mtr. 5113401 4110-3M 4 A 4000-47 Windscreen B 4012-31 Lower Front L & RH 5113402 4110-3M 2 C 4039-4 Door RH 5125038 4110-17 4 C1 4038-4 Door LH 5124414 4110-18 4 D 4066-3 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 5124412 4112-1M 3 E Upper Rear 8 holes 5129357 4112-1M 5 4071-16 870-22 Above items will also fit the following cab type CS numbers but glass colour is tinted:Items A & B cab type CS5, 6 & 9 Items C, C1 & E are curved NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length 4110-17 & 4110-18 are gaskets For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 35 FIAT AGRI A C C1 • • • • E • • • • • • FIAT AGRI CAB TYPE CS16 & 18 B 70-90, 80-90, 90-90, 100-90, 115-90 & 180-90 CAB TYPE CS15 SS-90, 60-90, 65-90, 90-65, 94-72, 94-82, 94-88 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. D • Handle • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 5113401 4110-3M 4 A 4000-47 Windscreen B 4012-31 Lower Front L & RH 5113402 4110-3M 2 C 4039-5 Door RH 5130884 4110-19 4 C1 4038-5 Door LH 5130883 4110-20 4 D 4066-4 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 5165571 (a) 4112-1M 3 E Upper Rear 9 holes 5130388 4112-1M 5 4071-17 870-22 (a) Replaces No. 5130773 & 5130895 Above items will also fit the following cab type CS numbers but glass colour is different tint:Items A & B cab type CS5, 6 & 9 Item C, C1 & D cab type CS15 Items C & C1 are curved NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length 4110-19 & 4110-20 are gaskets For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 36 FIAT AGRI A • • FIAT AGRI 66 & 66 S SERIES 35-66, 45-66, 50-66, 60-66, 65-66, 70-66, 80-66, 45-66S, 50-66S & 55-66S BEPCO No. Description Specification C • F • B D E • • G O/E No. A 4000-84 Windscreen B 4012-54 Lower Front L & RH 5136369 C 4020-27 Door L & RH 5136431 D 4047-63 Side Window L & RH 5161665/6 E 4067-3 Rear Quarter L & RH 5161663/4 F 4072-73 Upper Rear 6 holes G 4073-37 Lower Rear Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 4 5136368 5136410 872-122 870-122 5143855 (a) (a) replaces No. 5136409 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 37 FIAT AGRI A B C D E WINNER F100, F110, F120, F130, F140 BEPCO No. Description Specification G F H O/E No. Handle Gas Stay A 4001-10 Windscreen 5158493 870-58 B 4020-26 Door LH - RH Green 5154934 870-55 C 4012-58 Front Lower LH 5158497 D 4012-55 Front Lower RH 5158494 E 4072-84 Upper Rear 8 holes Green 5154756 F 4085-3 Rear Quarter LH Green 5154092 G 4086-3 Rear Quarter RH Green 5154093 H 4073-84 Lower Rear Green 5153550 Glazing Mtr. 870-56 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 38 FIAT AGRI • • • • A • • • • B • • • •• • • • D D1 G • • • H F F1 L SERIES 60, 65, 75, 85 & 95 BEPCO No. Description Handle E E1 C C1 Specification O/E No. Gas Stay Glazing Fixed 82002183 4110-21 A 4000-80 Windscreen B 4004-5 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82003391 4112-1M C 4011-10 Lower Front RH 82002184 4110-21 C1 4011-11 Lower Front LH 82002185 D 4022-41 Top Door RH 82002179 872-42 872-42 4110-21 Top Door LH 82002180 E Lower Door RH 82002181 4110-21 E1 4029-5 Lower Door LH 82002182 4110-21 F Side Window RH 82002229 4110-21 4047-60 F1 4041-7 Side Window LH 82002230 G 4072-31A Upper Rear 9 holes 82014988 H 4073-38 Lower Rear 4 4110-21 D1 4022-42 4025-5 Mtr. 4110-21 4110-21 870-57 82000485 4112-1M 5 4110-21 Items A, D, D1, F & F1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 39 FIAT AGRI • • • • • A B • • • C C1 • • • • • D D1 G • E E1 • • • • • H • • F F1 • FIAT AGRI M SERIES 100, 115, 135 & 160 BEPCO No. Description • • • • • Specification O/E No. Fixed 82000296 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-86 Windscreen B 4004-4 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82000488 C 4011-14 Lower Front RH 82001924 C1 4011-13 Lower Front LH 82001923 D 4020-15A Door LH - 2 holes 82000396 (1) (3) 872-42 D1 4020-16A Door RH - 2 holes 82000367 (1) (2) 872-42 4110-21 E Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 E1 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 F 4047-65 Side Window LH - 3 holes 82009813 F1 4047-66 Side Window RH - 3 holes 82009812 G 4072-31A Upper Rear 9 holes 82014988 870-57 4112-1M 5 H 4073-38 Lower Rear 4038-40 4110-21 874-29 4112-1M 4 4110-21 4110-21 82000485 4110-21 4110-21 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-128 Inner (3) 4170-129 Inner Items A, D, D1, E, E1, F & F1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 40 FIAT AGRI C C1 F • B B1 B 4015-13 Lower Front E • • FIAT AGRI G SERIES 170, 190, 210 & 240 BEPCO No. Description D Specification O/E No. LH 89827539 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 B1 4016-13 Lower Front RH 89827540 C 4020-15 Door LH - 4 holes 86508175 (1) (3) 874-117 4110-21 C1 4020-16 Door RH - 4 holes 86508176 (1) (2) 874-117 D 4040-7 Side Window RH - 3 holes 89861002 (a) E 4041-7 Side Window LH - fixed 89861003 F 4071-28 Upper Rear 8 holes 86002901 (b) 4110-21 4110-21 4112-1M 3 4110-21 870-117 4112-1M 5 (a) replaces No. 86521435 (b) replaces No. 89823602 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-128 Inner (3) 4170-129 Inner Items B, B1, C, C1, D & D1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 41 FORD FORD SAFETY FRAME CAB Standard & Deluxe 2000 & 3000 from Aug. 1970 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-27 Windscreen Cut out 81822764 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. (4) (5) 4 4012-18 Lower Front L & RH 81827479 4022-13 Top Door L & RH 81827481 4021-14 Lower Door Aug. 71 onwards 81827488 (4) (5) 2 4021-13 Lower Door Aug. 70 to July 71 81823055 (4) (5) 2 4062-1 Side Window LH - sliding 81822818 4110-14 4050-3 Side Window RH - sliding 81822817 4110-14 4041-3 Side Window L & RH - fixed 81822820 4110-14 (6) (7) (4) (5) 2 (4) (5) 3 Standard 4000, 5000 & 7000 from Aug. 1970 BEPCO No. Description 4000-30 Windscreen 4000-29 Windscreen 4000-28 Windscreen Specification Cut out O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 81830041 (1) (4) (5) 4 81830040 (2) (4) (5) 4 81822765 (3) (4) (5) 4 4012-19 Lower Front L & RH 81830052 4022-14 Top Door L & RH 81827480 4021-14 Lower Door Aug. 71 onwards 81827488 (4) (5) 2 4021-13 Lower Door Aug. 70 to July 71 81823055 (4) (5) 2 4062-2 Side Window LH - sliding 81822890 4110-14 4050-4 Side Window RH - sliding 81822889 4110-14 4041-4 Side Window L & RH - fixed 81822892 4110-14 (6) (7) (4) (5) 2 (4) (5) 3 (1) 5000 & 7000 from March 73 onwards (5) 4110-5M & 4111-3M H-type with infiller (2) 4000 from March 73 onwards (6) 4170-1 Outer (3) 4000, 5000 & 7000 from Aug. 1970 to Feb. 1973 (7) 4170-23 Inner CONTINUED OVERLEAF (4) 4110-1M S-type (1 piece) For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 42 FORD FORD SAFETY FRAME CAB - CONTINUED Deluxe 4000, 5000 & 7000 Aug. 1970 onwards BEPCO No. Description 4000-30 Windscreen Specification O/E No. Glazing Mtr. 81830041 (1) (4) (5) 4 4000-29 Windscreen 4000-28 Windscreen Cut out 81830040 (2) (4) (5) 4 81822765 (3) (4) (5) 4 4012-19 Lower Front March 73 on 81830052 4012-19A Lower Front Aug. 70 to Feb. 73 4022-14 Top Door L & RH 4021-14 Lower Door Aug. 71 onwards 81827488 (4) (5) 2 4021-13 Lower Door Aug. 70 to July 71 81823055 (4) (5) 2 4062-2 Side Window LH - sliding 81822890 4110-14 4050-4 Side Window RH - sliding 81822889 4110-14 4041-4 Side Window L & RH - fixed 81822892 4110-14 4072-11 Upper Rear 81827484 (4) (5) 3 4073-8 Lower Rear 81827485 (4) (5) 2 81827480 Handle Gas Stay (6) (7) (4) (5) 2 (4) (5) 2 (4) (5) 3 Standard 2600 & 3600 from 1975 to March 1976 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-27 Windscreen Cut out 81822764 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. (4) (5) 4 4012-18 Lower Front L & RH 81827479 4022-13 Top Door L & RH 81827481 (4) (5) 2 (4) (5) 3 4021-14 Lower Door L & RH 4062-1 Side Window LH - sliding 81827488 (4) (5) 2 81822818 4110-14 4050-3 Side Window RH - sliding 81822817 4110-14 4041-3 Side Window L & RH - fixed 81822820 4110-14 (6) (7) (1) 5000 & 7000 from March 73 onwards (5) 4110-5M & 4111-3M H-type with infiller (2) 4000 from March 73 onwards (6) 4170-1 Outer (3) 4000, 5000 & 7000 from Aug. 1970 to Feb. 1973 (7) 4170-23 Inner (4) 4110-1M S-type (1 piece) CONTINUED OVERLEAF For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 43 FORD FORD SAFETY FRAME CAB - CONTINUED Standard 41 / 46 / 56 / 66 & 7600 from 1975 to March 1976 BEPCO No. Description 4000-30 Windscreen Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay 4000-29 Windscreen 81830040 (2) (3) (4) 4 4012-18 Lower Front L & RH 81827479 (3) (4) 2 4022-14 Top Door L & RH 81827480 (3) (4) 3 4021-14 Lower Door L & RH 81827488 (3) (4) 2 4062-2 Side Window LH - sliding 81822890 4110-14 4050-4 Side Window RH - sliding 81822889 4110-14 4041-4 Side Window L & RH - fixed 81822892 4110-14 81830041 (1) (5) (6) Glazing Mtr. (3) (4) 4 Deluxe 41 / 46 / 56 / 66 & 7600 from 1975 to March 1976 BEPCO No. Description 4000-30 Windscreen Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay 4000-29 Windscreen 81830040 (2) (3) (4) 4 4012-19 Lower Front L & RH 81830052 (3) (4) 2 4022-14 Top Door L & RH 81827480 (3) (4) 3 4021-14 Lower Door L & RH 81827488 (3) (4) 2 4062-2 Side Window LH - sliding 81822890 4110-14 4050-4 Side Window RH - sliding 81822889 4110-14 4041-4 Side Window L & RH - fixed 81822892 4110-14 4072-11 Upper Rear 81827484 (3) (4) 3 4073-8 Lower Rear 81827485 (3) (4) 2 81830041 (1) (5) (6) (1) 56 / 66 / 7600 cabs only (4) 4110-5M & 4111-3M H-type with infiller (2) 4100 & 4600 cabs only (5) 4170-1 Outer (3) 4110-1M S-type (1piece) (6) 4170-23 Inner Glazing Mtr. (3) (4) 4 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 44 FORD LAMBOURN FORD Q CAB 2600, 3600, 4100, 4600, Industrial 233 & 333 BEPCO No. Description 4000-31 Windscreen Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay 4000-32 Windscreen D6398 (2) (5) 4 4011-7A Lower Front LH D6457 (5) 2 4010-10 Lower Front RH D6463 (5) 2 4013-2 Lower Front with heater fitted D6518 (5) 2 4022-16 Top Door L & RH D6460 (5) 3 4021-23 Lower Door L & RH D6459 (3) (5) 2 4021-15 Lower Door L & RH D6465 (4) (5) 2 4047-1 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes D6461 4112-1M 3 4072-12 Upper Rear all corners radius D6462 (1) 870-12 (5) & (6) 4 4072-13 Upper Rear square at bottom D6548 (2) 870-12 (7) & (6) 4 4073-9 Lower Rear D6421 (1) (5) 2 4073-10 Lower Rear D6399 (2) (5) 2 D6458 (1) (8) (9) (10) Glazing Mtr. (5) 4 (1) up to cab s/n LQC 764 / 1299 & LQC 771 / 2599 (2) from cab s/n LQC 764 / 1300, LQC 771 / 2600 also 4WD LQC 802 / 001 & LQC 803 / 001 (3) 2600, 3600, 233 & 333 only (4) 4100 & 4600 only (5) 4110-2M & 4111-2M H-type with infiller (6) 4112-1M (7) 4110-6M (8) 4170-18 Outer (9) 4170-16 Inner RH (10) 4170-17 Inner LH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 45 FORD LAMBOURN FORD Q CAB 2610, 3610, 4110, 4610, Industrial 234 & 334 BEPCO No. Description 4000-33 Windscreen 4012-66 Lower Front 4013-4 Lower Front 4012-20 4013-3 Specification O/E No. Glazing Mtr. D6582 Handle Gas Stay (5) 4 L & RH D6507 (1) (5) 2 L & RH D6508 (2) (5) 2 Lower Front L & RH D6509 (3) (5) 2 Lower Front L & RH D6510 (4) (5) 2 4022-17 Top Door L & RH D6583 (5) 3 4021-17 Lower Door L & RH D6584 (1) (5) 2 4021-16 Lower Door L & RH D6585 (5) 2 4047-1 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes 4072-13 Upper Rear D6548 4073-10 Lower Rear D6399 (8) (9) (10) D6461 870-12 4112-1M 3 (7) & (6) 4 (11) 2 (1) 4110 & 4610 only (2) 4110 & 4610 with heater fitted (3) 2610, 3610, 234 & 334 only (4) 2610, 3610, 234 & 334 with heater fitted (5) 4110-3M S-type (1 piece) (6) 4112-1M (7) 4110-6M (8) 4170-18 Outer (9) 4170-16 Inner RH (10) 4170-17 Inner LH (11) 4110-2M & 4111-2M H-type with infiller For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 46 FORD D D1 A • • G • • • • • FORD SEKURA LOW PROFILE CAB 3610, 3910, 4110, 4610, 5610, 6610, 7610, Industrial 234 & 334 also Highway 3910H & 4610H From June 1982 to Jan 1984 BEPCO No. Description • K K1 •• Specification O/E No. C C1 B • H • • E E1 • • F • J J1 Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4002-1 Windscreen Framed 83931983 Framed B 4012-22 Lower Front L & RH 83932011 4110-3M C 4016-1 Lower Front RH - Framed 83931985 Framed C1 4015-1 Lower Front LH - Framed 83931986 D 4030-1 Top Door LH - Framed 83932008 (6) 872-6 (6) 872-6 2 Framed Top Door RH - Framed 83932000 E Lower Door LH - Framed 83932009 E1 4033-1 Lower Door RH - Framed 83932001 F Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 83932025 4170-104 G 4072-22 Upper Rear 6 holes 83932033 4170-50 H 4072-15 Upper Rear 6 holes 83932022 (1) 4170-50 J 4075-2 Lower Rear Fixed 83932013 (2) K 4074-2 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 83932012 (2) Framed K1 4074-1 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 83932020 Framed J1 4075-1 Lower Rear Fixed 83932021 Framed 4047-9 Mtr. Framed D1 4031-1 4032-1 • Framed Framed Framed (3) (4) 3 870-7 (3) (4) (5) 4 870-7 (3) (4) (5) 4 Framed (1) 3610 only (2) 5610, 6610 & 7610 only (3) 4112-1M Knock-on rubber (4) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (5) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing (6) 4170-124 Outer For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 47 FORD • • A1 • • • • • B B1 • • F • • FORD SEKURA LOW PROFILE CAB 3610, 3910, 4110, 4610, 5610, 6610, 7610 Industrial 234 & 334 also Highway 3910H & 4610H From February 1984 onwards BEPCO No. Description • • G • • • H •• • E • • • D D1 • C C1 I Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4170-50 874-1 (2) (3) (4) 5 A 4000-34 Windscreen Opening - 6 holes 83956746 B 4016-1 Lower Front RH - Framed 83931985 Framed B1 4015-1 Lower Front LH - Framed 83931986 Framed C 4030-2 Top Door LH - Framed 83944252 (5) (6) 872-6 Framed C1 4031-2 Top Door RH - Framed 83944242 (5) (7) 872-6 Framed D 4032-2 Lower Door LH - Framed 83944253 Framed D1 4033-2 Lower Door RH - Framed 83944241 Framed E 4047-9 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 83932025 4170-104 (2) (3) 3 F 4072-22 Upper Rear 6 holes 83932033 4170-50 870-7 (2) (3) (4) 4 G 4072-15 Upper Rear 6 holes 83932022 (1) 4170-50 870-7 (2) (3) (4) 4 H 4074-1 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 83932020 Framed I Lower Rear Fixed 83932021 Framed 4075-1 (1) 3610 only (2) 4112-1M Knock-on rubber (3) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (4) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing (5) 4170-25 Outer (6) 4170-19 Inner (7) 4170-20 Inner For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 48 FORD • • • F A • • • • • • • • • • • • FORD SEKURA ALL PURPOSE CAB 3610, 3910, 4110, 4610, 5610, 6610, 7610, Industrial 335 also Highway 5610H & 6610H From February 1984 onwards BEPCO No. Description H H1 C C1 D D1 J J1 •• • G • • • E • • B B1 Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4170-50 874-1 (3) (4) (5) 5 A 4000-34 Windscreen Opening - 6 holes 83956746 B 4016-1 Lower Front RH - Framed 83931985 Framed B1 4015-1 Lower Front LH - Framed 83931986 Framed C 4030-2 Top Door LH - Framed 83944252 (6) (7) 872-6 Framed C1 4031-2 Top Door RH - Framed 83944242 (6) (8) 872-6 Framed D 4032-2 Lower Door LH - Framed 83944253 Framed D1 4033-2 Lower Door RH - Framed 83944241 Framed E 4047-9 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 83932025 4170-104 (3) (4) 3 F 4072-22 Upper Rear 6 holes 83932033 4170-50 870-7 (3) (4) (5) 4 G 4072-15 Upper Rear 6 holes 83932022 (1) 4170-50 870-7 (3) (4) (5) 4 H 4075-2 Lower Rear Fixed 83932013 (2) Framed J Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 83932012 (2) Framed 4074-2 J1 4074-1 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes 83932020 Framed H1 4075-1 Lower Rear Fixed 83932021 Framed (1) 3610 only (2) 5610, 6610 & 7610 Only (3) 4112.1M Knock-on rubber (4) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (5) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing (6) 4170-25 Outer (7) 4170-19 Inner (8) 4170-20 Inner For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 49 FORD A • • • D E B C F FORD WORLD WIDE Q - CAB 2600, 2610, 3600, 3610, 4100, 4110, 4600, 4610, 5600, 5610, 6600, 6610, 7600, 7610, 6700, 6710, 7700, 7710, 8100, 8200, 8210 & TW10, 15, 20, 25, 30 & 35 BEPCO No. Description Specification • • O/E No. • • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 83951871 4110-3M 4 A 4001-3T Windscreen B 4010-5 Lower Front RH 83904536 (1) 4110-3M 2 B 4017-1T Lower Front RH 83904538 (1) 4110-3M 2 C 4011-5 Lower Front LH 83904537 (2) 4110-3M 2 C 4018-1 Lower Front LH 83904539 (2) 4110-3M 2 B 4010-7 Lower Front RH 83925760 (2) 4110-3M 2 B 4017-3 Lower Front RH 83925761 (2) 4110-3M 2 B 4010-6 Lower Front RH 83925758 (3) 4110-3M 2 B 4017-2T Lower Front RH 83925759 (3) 4110-3M 2 D 4022-18 Top Door L & RH 83914256 (4) (5) 4110-3M 3 D 4022-19 Top Door L & RH 83934057 (4) (5) 4110-3M 3 E 4021-18 Lower Door L & RH 83914254 4110-3M 2 E 4021-18T Lower Door L & RH 83914253 4110-3M 2 F 4047-10 Side Window L & RH - 7 holes 83904554 4112-1M 3 F 4047-10T Side Window L & RH - 7 holes 83904555 4112-1M 3 (1) From 1976 to 1981 only (4) 4170-24 Outer (2) From 1983 onwards (5) 4170-14 Inner LH 4170-15 Inner RH (3) From 1981 to 1982 only Item A is curved NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket CONTINUED OVERLEAF For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 50 FORD • • • • • • G • • • • • • H • • • • ••• I • • • • J • • N P FORD WORLD WIDE Q - CAB CONTINUED 2600, 2610, 3600, 3610, 4100, 4110, 4600, 4610, 5600, 5610, 6600, 6610, 7600, 7610, 6700, 6710, 7700, 7710, 8100, 8200, 8210 & TW10, 15, 20, 25, 30 & 35 BEPCO No. Description G 4072-17 Rear Window Specification O/E No. 8 holes Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 83909853 (1) (a) 4110-6M 4 H 4072-18 Rear Window 4 holes 83917955 (2) (a) 4110-6M 4 G 4072-17T Rear Window 8 holes 83909854 (1) (a) 4110-6M 4 H 4072-18T Rear Window 4 holes 83917956 (2) (a) 4110-6M 4 I 4072-16 Top Rear 11 holes 83909857 (b) 4110-6M 4 I 4072-16T Top Rear 11 holes 83909856 (b) 4110-6M 4 J 4073-11 Lower Rear 2 holes 83909859 (b) 4110-6M 4 4072-20 Lower Rear 2 holes 83909858 (b) 4110-6M 4 4071-5 Rear Complete Framed - 13 holes 83910336 (3) (b) Rear Complete Framed - 13 holes 83910338 (3) (b) J 4071-5T Framed Framed N 4076-1 Bottom Rear 83909609 (b) 4110-3M 2 N 4076-1T Bottom Rear 83911750 (b) 4110-3M 2 P 4076-2T Bottom Rear 83904585 (a) 4110-3M 2 P 4076-2 Bottom Rear 83904584 (a) 4110-3M 2 (a) 3 cylinder models only (b) 4 & 6 cylinder models only (1) up to March 1979 (2) from April 1979 (3) 4071-5 & 4071-5T are items I & J fixed in a frame NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 51 FORD C D A B FORD SUPER Q - CAB SERIES 10 FORCE II 2610, 3610, 4110, 4610, 5610, 6610, 7610, 6710, 7710, 8210 & 8630, 8730, 8830 BEPCO No. Description Specification G F H • • E I O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 83951871 4110-3M 4 A 4001-3T Windscreen B 4011-6 Lower Front LH 83952305 4110-3M 2 C 4010-8 Lower Front RH 83952306 4110-3M 2 D 4022-19 Top Door L & RH 83934057 E 4021-18T Lower Door L & RH 83914253 F 4047-11 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 83952226 G 4072-19 Upper Rear 15 holes 83952034 H 4072-20 Lower Rear 2 holes I 4076-1T Bottom Rear 4071-8 Rear Complete Framed - 17 holes (2) (3) 872-5 4170-104 870-6 4110-3M 3 4110-3M 2 4112-1M 3 4110-6M 4 83909858 4110-6M 4 83911750 4110-3M 2 83952026 (1) Framed (1) 4071-8 is items G & H fixed in a frame (2) 4170-21 Outer (3) 4170-126 Inner LH 4170-125 Inner RH Item A is curved NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 52 FORD A A1 D D1 J B B1 I F G C E E1 H FORD 40 SERIES SL & SLE CAB 5640, 6640, 7740, 7840, 8240 & 8340 BEPCO No. Description A 4000-44 Specification Windscreen A1 4000-44A Windscreen B 4011-7 Lower Front LH O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing 83995040 4110-21 82005280 (a) 4110-21 83995039 4110-21 B1 4010-11 Lower Front RH 83995038 4110-21 C 4014-3 Lower Front L & RH 82005281/82 (a) 4110-21 D 4020-15 Door LH - 4 holes 81871242 (4) (5) 872-42 4110-21 E Door LH - 2 holes 82000396 (a) (4) (5) 872-42 4110-21 D1 4020-16 Door RH - 4 holes 81871241 (4) (6) 872-42 4110-21 E1 4020-16A Door RH - 2 holes 82000367 (a) (4) (6) 872-42 4110-21 F 4020-15A Mtr. 4047-65 Side Window LH - 3 holes 82009813 (1) G 4047-66 Side Window RH - 3 holes 82009812 (2) H 4072-31 Upper Rear 8 holes 81865244 870-57 4112-1M 5 9 holes 5178304 (a) (3) 870-57 4112-1M 5 I 4072-31A Upper Rear J 4073-20 Lower Rear 83995042 4110-21 (a) from November 1995 (1) replaces No. 83995322 (2) replaces No. 83995321 (3) replaces No. 82005316 (4) 4170-127 Outer (5) 4170-129 Inner LH (6) 4170-128 Inner RH Items A, A1, D, D1, E, E1, F & G are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 53 FORD A E C B D F FORD 35 SERIES 3435, 3935 & 4135 BEPCO No. Description G Specification O/E No. A 4000-84 Windscreen B 4012-54 Lower Front L & RH 5136369 C 4020-27 Door L & RH 5136431 D 4047-63 Side Window L & RH 5161665/6 E 4067-3 Rear Quarter L & RH 5161663/4 F 4072-73 Upper Rear 6 holes G 4073-37 Lower Rear Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 4 5136368 5136410 5143855 (a) (a) replaces No. 5136409 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 54 FORD A B H G C C1 FORD 35 SERIES 4635, 4835, 5635, 6635 & 7635 BEPCO No. Description D D1 Specification O/E No. Fixed 82002183 F F1 E E1 Handle Gas Stay A 4000-80 Windscreen B 4004-5 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82003391 C 4011-10 Lower Front RH 82002184 C1 4011-11 Lower Front LH 82002185 D 4022-41 Top Door RH 82002179 872-42 872-42 Glazing 4110-21 874-29 4112-1M 4110-21 4110-21 Top Door LH 82002180 E Lower Door RH 82002181 4110-21 E1 4029-5 Lower Door LH 82002182 4110-21 F Side Window RH 82002229 4110-21 4047-60 F1 4041-7 Side Window LH 82002230 G 4072-31A Upper Rear 9 holes 82005316 H 4073-38 Lower Rear 5 4110-21 D1 4022-42 4025-5 Mtr. 4110-21 4110-21 870-57 4112-1M 5 82000485 Items A, D, D1, F & F1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 55 FORD G A E E1 B • FORD 60 SERIES 8160, 8260, 8360 & 8560 F • F1 C C1 H • BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Fixed 82000296 D D1 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-86 Windscreen B 4004-4 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82000488 C 4011-14 Lower Front RH 82001924 C1 4011-13 Lower Front LH 82001923 D 4020-15A Door LH - 2 holes 82000396 (1) (2) 872-42 D1 4020-16A Door RH - 2 holes 82000367 (1) (3) 872-42 4110-21 E Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 E1 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 F 4047-65 Side Window RH - 3 holes 82009813 F1 4047-66 Side Window LH - 3 holes 82009812 G 4072-31A Upper Rear 9 holes 82005316 870-57 4112-1M 5 H 4073-38 Lower Rear 4038-40 4110-21 874-29 4112-1M 5 4110-21 4110-21 4110-21 82000485 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-129 Inner LH (3) 4170-128 Inner RH Items A, D, D1, E, E1, F & F1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 56 FORD C C1 F B B1 D E FORD 70 SERIES 8670, 8770, 8870 & 8970 FORD 70-A SERIES 8670-A, 8770-A, 8870-A, 8970-A BEPCO No. Description B 4015-13 Lower Front Specification O/E No. LH 89827539 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 B1 4016-13 Lower Front RH 89827540 C 4020-15 Door LH - 4 holes 81871242 (1) (2) 874-117 4110-21 4110-21 C1 4020-16 Door RH - 4 holes 81871241 (1) (3) 874-117 4110-21 D 4040-7 Side Window RH - 3 holes 89861002 (a) E 4041-7 Side Window LH - fixed 89861003 F 4071-28 Upper Rear 8 holes 86002901 870-117 4112-1M 5 (a) replaces No. 86521435 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-129 Inner LH (3) 4170-128 Inner RH Items B, B1, C, C1, D & D1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 57 FORD • • A A1 C • •• • F B E FORD Q - CAB 30 SERIES 3430, 3930, 4130, 4630, 4830 & 5030 BEPCO No. Description D Specification O/E No. Door RH - 4 holes 83990226 A1 4039-12 Door LH - 4 holes 83990270 4110-21 B 4047-83T Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 81873533/4 4112-1M 3 C 4072-78 Upper Rear 6 holes (1) (2) (3) 4 D 4073-92 Lower Rear E 4075-11 Lower Rear F 4074-12 Lower Rear A 4038-12 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 81875338 4170-50 870-7 81873525 (a) 4110-21 Fixed (b) Framed Sliding - 2 holes (b) Framed (a) August 1991 onwards (b) from March 1990 to July 1991 (1) 4112-1M Knock-on rubber (2) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (3) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing Items A & A1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 58 FORD B B1 D A A1 C C1 FORD LP - CAB 30 SERIES 3430, 3930, 4130, 4630, 4830 & 5030 from September 1992 onwards BEPCO No. Description A 4031-3 Top Door E Specification O/E No. RH 81875605 872-6 872-6 A1 4030-4 Top Door LH 81875606 B 4033-4 Lower Door RH 81875608 B1 4032-4 Lower Door LH 81875607 C 4045-4 Side Window RH 81876983 C1 4043-4 Side Window LH 81876984 D 4072-78 Upper Rear 6 holes 81875338 E Lower Rear 4073-92 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 4110-21 4170-50 870-7 81873525 (1) (2) (3) 4 4110-21 (1) 4112-1M Knock-on rubber (2) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (3) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 59 FORD A B FORD INDUSTRIAL 550, 555 & 655 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-82 Windscreen 83902011 4112-1M 5 B 4072-77 Upper Rear 83902006 4112-1M 4 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 60 NEW HOLLAND E F A B C D G H TND & TNS 55, 65, 70, 75 TNDA & TNSA 60, 70, 75 BEPCO No. Description J K Specification O/E No. Fixed 44911513 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-17 Windscreen B 4004-17T Windscreen Opening - 6 holes 44911501 C 4016-17T Lower Front RH 44911514 D 4015-17T Lower Front LH 44911515 E 4038-42T Door RH - 6 holes 44910452 872-75 4112-1M 5 F 4039-42T 872-75 4112-1M 5 Door LH - 6 holes 44910453 G 4045-17T Side Window RH 44910542 (1) H 4043-17T Side Window LH 44910555 (1) J 4072-88T Upper Rear 8 holes 44911502 K 4073-88T Lower Rear 4110-21 874-30 4112-1M 5 4110-21 4110-21 4110-21 4110-21 874-29 4112-1M 5 44911518 (1) Only fitted to TND & TNS All items are curved except items G, H & K For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 61 NEW HOLLAND F G A D E H TNF 65, 70, 75, 80, 90, 95 TNFA 75, 85, 95 BEPCO No. Description B C J Specification O/E No. 44910454 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 874-30 4112-1M 5 A 4001-18 Windscreen 6 holes B 4016-18T Lower Front RH 44910446 4110-21 C 4015-18T Lower Front LH 44910447 4110-21 D 4038-42T Door RH - 6 holes 44910452 872-76 4112-1M 5 E 4039-42T Door LH - 6 holes 44910453 872-76 4112-1M 5 F 4045-17T Side Window RH 44910542 4110-21 G 4043-17T Side Window LH 44911555 4110-21 H 4072-89T Upper Rear 8 holes J Lower Rear 4073-89T 44910455 (1) 874-29 4112-1M 5 44910437 (1) Only fitted to TNF 65, 75 & 90 - Does not fit TNFA ALL Items are curved except items F, G & J For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 62 NEW HOLLAND F G D E TNN & TNV 55, 65, 75 TNNA & TNVA 60, 70, 75 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. D 4038-42T Door RH - 6 holes 44910452 872-76 4112-1M 5 E 4039-42T Door LH - 6 holes 44910453 872-76 4112-1M 5 F 4045-17T Side Window RH 44910542 4110-21 G 4043-17T Side Window LH 44911555 4110-21 Items D & E are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 63 NEW HOLLAND A F A1 C D B E TL SERIES 70, 80, 90, 100 TL-A SERIES 70-A, 80-A, 90-A, 100-A BEPCO No. Description A 4000-80 Windscreen G Specification O/E No. Fixed 82002183 Handle Gas Stay Glazing 4110-21 Mtr. A1 4004-5 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82003391 4112-1M B 4011-10 Lower Front RH 82002184 (5) 4110-21 B 4011-11 Lower Front LH 82002185 (5) 4110-21 C 4020-15A Door LH - 2 holes 82000396 (1) (2) 872-42 4110-21 C 4020-16A Door RH - 2 holes 82000367 (1) (3) 872-42 4110-21 D 4038-40 Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (4) (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 D 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (4) (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 E 4046-59 Side Window LH - 3 holes 5182189 E 4047-59 Side Window RH - 3 holes 5182188 F 4072-31A Upper Rear 9 holes 870-57 4112-1M 5 G 4073-38 Lower Rear 5178304 5 82000485 Items A, C. D & E are curved (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-129 Inner LH (3) 4170-128 Inner RH (4) Fitted to TLA (no option) (5) Does not fit TLA For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 64 NEW HOLLAND A1 A B E C F D TM SERIES 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140 150, 155, 165, 175, 190 BEPCO No. Description A 4000-86 Windscreen Specification O/E No. Fixed 82000296 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 A1 4004-4 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 82000488 B 4011-14 Lower Front RH 82001924 B 4011-13 Lower Front LH 82001923 C 4038-40 Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 C 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 D 4047-65 Side Window LH - 3 holes 82029321 D 4047-66 Side Window RH - 3 holes 82029320 9 holes 870-57 4112-1M 5 E 4072-31A Upper Rear F 4073-38 Lower Rear 82014988 874-29 4112-1M 5 4110-21 4110-21 82000485 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-129 Inner LH (4) 4170-128 Inner RH Items A, C & D are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 65 NEW HOLLAND A F B E C D G TS SERIES 80, 90, 100, 110 & 115 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-16 Windscreen Fixed 82011530 4110-21 B 4016-29T Lower Front RH 82011532 4110-21 B 4015-29T Lower Front LH 82011531 4110-21 C 4020-16A Door RH - 2 holes 82000367 (1) (3) 872-42 4110-21 C 4020-15A Door LH - 2 holes 82000396 (1) (2) 872-42 4110-21 D 4038-40 Door RH - 7 holes 82036000 (1) (3) 872-42 4112-1M 5 D 4039-40 Door LH - 7 holes 82036001 (1) (2) 872-42 4112-1M 5 E 4047-65 Side Window LH - 3 holes 82009813 E 4047-66 Side Window RH - 3 holes 82009812 F 4072-31A Upper Rear 9 holes 870-57 4112-1M 5 G 4073-38 Lower Rear 82014988 82000485 (1) 4170-127 Outer (2) 4170-129 Inner LH (3) 4170-128 Inner RH Items A, B, C, D & E are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 66 NEW HOLLAND A E E1 C C1 D D1 B TS-A SERIES 100, 110, 115, 125 & 135 & T7000 SERIES BEPCO No. Description F Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Fixed 82030483 4110-21 A 4000-109 Windscreen B 4000-110 Windscreen Opening - 8 holes 82032042 4112-1M C 4014-15 Lower Front RH 82030485(1) 4110-21 Mtr. 5 C1 4014-16 Lower Front LH 82030486(1) 4110-21 D 4014-17 Lower Front RH 82030487(2) 4110-21 D1 4014-18 Lower Front LH 82030488(2) 4110-21 E Door RH - 7 holes 82027356 4112-1M 5 E1 4020-93 Door LH - 7 holes 82027357 4112-1M 5 F Rear Window 7 holes 82030887 4112-1M 5 4020-92 4072-178 (1) To be used with fixed windscreen (2) To be used with opening windscreen All above items are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 67 NEW HOLLAND E E1 A D D1 C C1 F J CVT SERIES 120, 130, 150 & 170 K G H TVT SERIES 135, 145, 155, 170 & 190 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Fixed 47110836 Handle Gas Stay A 4001-21 Windscreen B 4004-19T Windscreen Opening - 7 holes 47110383 C 4016-21T Lower Front RH 47108764 C1 4015-21T Lower Front LH 47108765 D 4038-43T Door LH - 6 holes 47110845 872-127 D1 4039-43T Door LH - 6 holes 47110844 872-127 E Glazing Mtr. 4110-21 874-127 4110-21 4110-21 4045-19T Side Window RH - 3 holes 47110847 4112-1M 3 E1 4043-19T Side Window LH - 3 holes 47110848 4112-1M 3 F 4072-90T Upper Rear 7 holes 47110841 870-33 4112-1M 5 G 4072-91T Upper Rear 8 holes 47110842 870-33 4112-1M 5 H 4071-36T Lower Rear One Piece 47110846 4110-21 J 4073-95T Lower Rear RH - 1 hole 47108325 Framed K 4073-94T Lower Rear LH - 1 hole 47108326 Framed Items A, B, C & D are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 68 JOHN DEERE C C1 A G F • JOHN DEERE SEKURA LPU CAB 1040, 1140, 1640, 2040 & 2140 B B1 D D1 • E • BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. H Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4002-1 Windscreen Framed AL29675 Framed B 4016-2 Lower Front RH Framed AL27353 Framed B1 4015-2 Lower Front LH Framed AL27352 Framed C 4030-1 Top Door LH Framed AL29671 (4) Framed C1 4031-1 Top Door RH Framed AL29672 (4) Framed D 4032-1 Lower Door LH Framed AL27356 Framed D1 4033-1 Lower Door RH Framed AL27357 Framed E 4047-14 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 930 - 614 4170-104 (1) (2) 3 F 4072-22 Upper Rear 6 holes 930 - 174 4170-50 (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) 4 G 4072-28 Upper Rear 8 holes L36075 4170-50 (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3) 4 H 4073-17 Lower Rear 930 - 177 (1) 4112-1M Knock-on rubber (2) 4170-131 Hinge Kit (3) 4170-132 Gas Stay Fixing (4) 4170-124 Outer (5) 870-18 Lgth 500 mm (6) 870-118 Lgth 420 mm (7) 870-17 Lgth 255 mm For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 69 JOHN DEERE C C1 A I E • • F B B1 H D D1 K JOHN DEERE SEKURA OPU CAB 1830, 2030, 2130, 3030 & 3130 G J BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay • • Glazing A 4002-2 Windscreen Framed AL27351 (a) (1) Framed B 4016-2 Lower Front RH Framed AL27353 (a) (2) Framed B1 4015-2 Lower Front LH Framed AL27352 (a) (3) Framed C 4035-1 Top Door LH Framed AL27354 (a) (4) (11) Framed C1 4034-1 Top Door RH Framed AL27355 (a) (5) (11) Framed D 4032-1 Lower Door LH Framed AL27356 (a) (6) Framed D1 4033-1 Lower Door RH Framed AL27357 (a) (7) Framed E 4040-3 Side Sliding L & RH - 2 holes L32953 (a) Framed F 4041-5 Side Fixed L & RH L32954 (a) Framed G 4077-1 Upper Rear Framed AL28056 (b) H 4078-1 Upper Rear Sliding - 2 holes 930 - 131 (d) Framed I 4079-1 Upper Rear Fixed 930 - 130 (d) Framed J 4074-3 Lower Rear Sliding - 2 holes L32955 (a) Framed K 4075-3 Lower Rear Fixed L32956 (a) Framed (8) (9) (10) Mtr. Framed (a) up to cab s/n 199830 the following are o/e numbers for tinted version: (b) from cab s/n 212716 (1) AL25755 (5) AL25759 (d) up to cab s/n 212715 (2) AL25757 (6) AL25760 (3) AL25756 (7) AL25761 (8) 870-18 Lgth 500 mm • • (4) AL25758 (9) 870-118 Lgth 420 mm (10) 870-17 Lgth 255 mm (11) 4170-124 Outer For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 70 JOHN DEERE • • • • A • • • • • • • • • I B • • • • • 590mm • • • • • 331mm • •• •• • • F E •• •• •• BEPCO No. Description 452mm C • • • • JOHN DEERE MC1 & CC2 CAB 1040, 1140, 1550, 1640, 1750, 1850, 1950, 2040, 2250, 2450, 2650 & 2850 D • • • •• • • G G1 476mm K • H H1 • • • J • • • • L Specification O/E No. 10 holes Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. L57290 (1) 870-17 4112-1M 5 874-128 4112-1M 5 A 4000-38 Windscreen B 4000-39 Windscreen 10 holes L59466 (2) C 4012-25 Lower Front L & RH - 3 holes L57280 (1) D 4012-26 Lower Front L & RH - 1 hole L60319 (2) E 4022-20 Top Door L & Rh - 9 holes L63914 (a) (b) 870-19 4112-1M 4 F 4022-23 Top Door L & RH - 9 holes L57904 (d) 870-19 4112-1M 4 Lower Door L & RH - 2 holes L63916 (a) (e) 4112-1M 2 G1 4021-24 Lower Door L & RH - 2 holes L57905 (d) 4112-1M 2 H 4047-16 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes L60325 (f) 4112-1M 3 H1 4047-15 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes L60335 (3) 4112-1M 3 I 4047-17 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes L61159 (4) 4112-1M 3 J 4072-29 Upper Rear 8 holes L57284 4112-1M 4 K 4073-18 Lower Rear 8 holes L57285 (5) L Lower Rear 2 holes L60320 (6) G 4021-20 4073-19 870-19 (a) 4 cylinder models only (1) up to cab s/n 003481 (b) replaces o/e No. L57908 (2) from cab s/n 003482 (d) 3 cylinder models only (3) up to cab s/n 06180 (e) replaces o/e No. L57909 (4) from cab s/n 06181 (f) for vehicles fitted with snow chains (5) up to cab s/n 003447 (6) from cab s/n 00348 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 71 JOHN DEERE • • A B C D E F JOHN DEERE SG2 CAB 1640, 2040, 2140, 3040, 3140, 4040, 4040S, 4240 & 4240S, 4030, 4230, 4430, 4630, 8430 & 8630, 1350, 1550, 1750, 1850, 1950, 2150, 2250, 2350, 2450, 2550, 2650, 2750, 2850, 2950, 3050, 3150, 3350, 3650, 4050, 4250, 4350, 4450, 4650 & 4850, 4055, 4255, 4455, 4555, 4755 & 4955 Specification O/E No. Glazing Mtr. A 4047-20 BEPCO No. Description Side Window L & RH - 4 holes L55037 (a) Handle 4112-1M 4 B 4047-19 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes L55040 4112-1M 4 A 4047-18 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes L57977 4112-1M 4 C 4047-21 Side Window L & RH - 9 hole R50757 D 4071-9 Rear Window 13 holes L36606 E 4071-11 Rear Window 9 holes R50758 F 4071-10 Rear Window 8 holes AL70847 (b) 4170-50 4170-50 Gas Stay 4112-1M 4 (1) (2) 4112-1M 5 (1) (2) 4112-1M 5 (1) (2) 4112-1M 5 (a) for vehicles fitted with snow chains for 40 series items A & D are used only (b) replaces o/e No. L57978 for 55 series items C & E are used only (1) 870-20 up to Serial No. 690260 (ball joint fixing each end) (2) 870-119 from Serial No. 690261 (ball joint one end - eyelet one end) For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 72 JOHN DEERE A G 593mm E F 593mm 195mm B C D JOHN DEERE 3000 STANDARD & X SERIES 3100, 3200, 3300 & 3400 BEPCO No. Description Specification H O/E No. Handle A 4000-58 Windscreen A 4000-57 Windscreen B 4012-39 Lower Front L & RH RT6005010157 (b) B 4012-38 Lower Front L & RH RT6005010160 (a) C 4021-30 Door L & RH RT6005010161 D 4047-38 Side Window L & RH - 2 holes RT6005010162 E 4072-42 Upper Rear 6 holes RT6005010163 (1) 4170-95 F Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 4 RT6005010155 (b) RT6005010158 (a) 4072-82 Upper Rear 6 holes RT6005021388 (2) 4170-95 870-24 4112-1M 4 G 4072-82 Upper Rear 8 holes - (2 extra holes for wiper motor) 4170-95 870-24 4112-1M 4 H 4073-28 Lower Rear RT6005002917 (a) standard cab (1) up to cab s/n 013529 (b) X series cab (2) from cab s/n 013530 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 73 JOHN DEERE A D B C BEPCO No. Description F E JOHN DEERE 3010 & 3010X 3110, 3210, 3310, 3410 G Specification O/E No. Handle A 4000-105 Windscreen Fixed RT6005010159 A 4000-58 Windscreen Fixed RT6005010155 (a) B 4000-106 Windscreen Open - 6 holes RT6005023243 C 4012-39 Lower Front L & RH RT6005010157 (a) C 4012-38 Lower Front L & RH RT6005101160 D 4020-66 Door L & RH - 8 holes RT6005023110 E 4047-38 Side Window L & RH - 2 holes RT6005010162 F 4072-82 Upper Rear 8 holes G 4073-28 Lower Rear RT6005023210 4170-95 Gas Stay 870-24 Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 4 RT6005002917 (a) Fitted to X series For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 74 JOHN DEERE A B • • • G G1 413mm E E1 F F1 • 432mm • • • • • • • JOHN DEERE 6000 SERIES 6010, 6100, 6110, 6200, 6210, 6300, 6310, 6400, 6410, 6506, 6510, 6600, 6610, 6800, 6810, 6900 & 6910 BEPCO No. Description H • Specification O/E No. L78726 A 4004-7 Windscreen Opening - 8 holes B 4000-59 Windscreen Fixed - 3 holes L78733 (a) B1 4000-111 Windscreen Fixed L112972 (b) (d) C 4012-47 Lower Front RH - 2 holes L78534 (a) D 4012-64 Lower Front LH - 1 hole L114753 (b) (d) C1 4012-46 Lower Front LH - 2 holes L78533 (a) D1 4012-63 Lower Front RH - 1 hole L114754 (b) (d) E 4047-52 Side Window RH - 3 holes L78538 F 4047-70 Side Window RH - 3 holes L113305 Handle D D1 • • C C1 B1 Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 874-50 4112-1M 4 E1 4047-51 Side Window LH - 3 holes L78537 F1 4047-71 Side Window LH - 3 holes L113306 G 4038-10 Door Rh - 6 holes L77648 872-50 4112-1M 5 G1 4039-10 Door LH - 6 holes L77647 872-50 4112-1M 5 H 4072-60 Rear Window 8 holes L78727 870-72 4112-1M 4 All items above are curved (a) up to s/n 223897 (b) from s/n 223898 (d) Fitted to 10 series only For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 75 JOHN DEERE B A • • • D D1 F F1 • • • E E1 • G JOHN DEERE 6020 SERIES 6020, 6120, 6220, 6320, 6420, 6420S, 6520, 6620, 6820, 6920, & 6920S BEPCO No. Description C Specification O/E No. A 4001-37 Windscreen Fixed - 6 holes L166875 B 4004-7 Windscreen Open - 8 holes L78726 C 4000-111 Windscreen Fixed L112972 D 4012-47 Lower Front RH - 2 holes L151753 D1 4012-46 Lower Front LH - 2 holes L151752 E 4047-70 Side Window RH - 3 holes L113305 E1 4047-71 Side Window LH - 3 holes L113036 F Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 874-50 4112-1M 4 4038-10 Door RH - 6 holes L77648 872-50 4112-1M 5 F1 4039-10 Door LH - 6 holes L77647 872-50 4112-1M 5 G 4072-60 Upper Rear 8 holes L78727 870-72 4112-1M 4 All items above are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 76 JOHN DEERE B B1 C A JOHN DEERE 7000 & 7010 SERIES 7600, 7610, 7700, 7710, 7800 & 7810 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-38 Windscreen R114807 B 4038-23T Door RH - 6 holes R131164 872-130 4112-1M 5 B1 4039-23T Door LH - 6 holes R131163 872-130 4112-1M 5 C 4072-61 Rear Window 8 holes R110990 (1) (2) 4112-1M 5 (1) 870-120 Length 410 (2) 870-121 Length 500 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 77 LAMBORGHINI & HURLIMANN A B • E D C • • • • F I • • • LAMBORGHINI 674-70, 774-80, 874-90 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. B 4001-28 Windscreen C 4014-9T Lower Front L & RH 9231 211 0/10 D 4020-41 Door L & RH 9231 212 0 E 4047-85T • G • Handle • • • • • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 9241 210 0 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9231 214 0 G 4072-97T Upper Rear 7 holes 9231 268 0 I Lower Rear 4073-46 • 872-58 4112-1M 3 870-38 4112-1M 4 Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 9231 255 0 HURLIMANN 356, 358, 446, 468, 476, 478, 488 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle A 4001-27 Windscreen C 4014-9T Lower Front L & RH 9231 211 0/10 D 4020-41 Door L & RH 9231 212 0 E 4047-85T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9231 214 0 4112-1M 3 F 4072-96T Upper Rear 5 holes 9231 215 0 870-38 4112-1M 4 G 4072-97T Upper Rear 7 holes 9231 268 0 870-38 4112-1M 4 I Lower Rear 4073-46 9241 210 0 872-58 9231 255 0 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 78 LAMBORGHINI & HURLIMANN • A D • • C • • • E • • • • BEPCO No. Description • Specification O/E No. Windscreen B 4014-10T Lower Front L & RH 9234 211 0/30 C 4020-44T Door L & RH 9234 212 0/20 D 4047-86T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9234 214 0/20 F Upper Rear 7 holes 9234 273 0 H 4073-96T • H A 4001-29 4072-100T B • • F • LAMBORGHINI 956, 1106, 1306 • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 9234 210 0/30 Lower Rear 870-38 4112-1M 3 870-83 4112-1M 4 Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 3 9234 216 0/20 HURLIMANN 496, 5116, 6136, 6170 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle A 4001-29 Windscreen B 4014-10T Lower Front L & RH 9234 211 0/30 C 4020-44T Door L & RH 9234 212 0/20 D 4047-86T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9234 214 0/20 E 4072-99T Upper Rear 5 holes 9234 215 0/20 870-83 4112-1M 4 F 4072-100T Upper Rear 7 holes 9234 273 0 870-83 4112-1M 4 H 4073-96T Lower Rear 9234 210 0/30 870-38 9234 216 0/20 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 79 LAMBORGHINI • • B B1 • A • • • • • • C • G • • RACING 165, 190 F • • • •• • • • D • BEPCO No. Description Specification • • O/E No. Handle • • • •• E • • •• Gas Stay • Glazing Mtr. A 4000-100 Windscreen 009 0300 0 B 4038-44T Door RH - 8 holes 00773360/10 872-23 4112-1M 5 B1 4039-44T Door LH - 8 holes 00773350/10 872-23 4112-1M 5 C 4047-87T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 007 5106 0/10 4112-1M 3 D 4072-85T Upper Rear 11 holes 007 5181 0/20 872-37 4112-1M 5 11 holes 009 1306 0 872-37 4112-1M 5 E 4072-102T Upper Rear F 4073-97T Lower Rear 007 5312 0/10 G 4073-98T Lower Rear 009 0969 0 items A, B & B1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 80 LAMBORGHINI • • B B1 • A • • • C D • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • E • R4 85DT, 95DT, 105DT R5 115DT, 130DT BEPCO No. Description • • • • • •• F • • • • • G Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-100 Windscreen 009 0300 0 B 4038-44T Door RH - 8 holes 00773360/10 872-132 4112-1M 5 B1 4039-44T Door LH - 8 holes 00773350/10 872-132 4112-1M 5 C 4047-87T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes (1) 007 5106 0/10 4112-1M 3 D 4047-88T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes (2) 007 7337 0/10 4112-1M 3 E 4072-85T Upper Rear 11 holes 007 5181 0/20 872-37 4112-1M 5 F 4072-86T Upper Rear 11 holes 007 7338 0/10 872-37 4112-1M 5 G 4073-97T Lower Rear 007 5312 0/10 (1) 4047-87T Size = 780 x 542 mm (2) 4047-88T Size = 775 x 535 mm items A, B & B1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 81 LAMBORGHINI B A CHAMPION 180, 200 VICTORY 260 R7 175S, 190S, 200 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 441 8951 872-39 4112-1M 5 A 4039-41T Door LH - 6 holes A 4038-41T Door RH - 6 holes 441 8952 872-39 4112-1M 5 B 4072-92T Upper Rear 9 holes 442 9137 (1) 870-52 4112-1M 5 All above items are curved (1) This window replaces 441 9379 -conversion kit for handle and fixings NOT AVAILABLE For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 82 MASSEY FERGUSON SIRROCO 100 SERIES FLEXIBLE CLADDING 135, 148, 165, 168, 175, 178, 185 & 188 BEPCO No. Description 4000-3 Windscreen Specification 4000-6 Windscreen 4010-2 Lower Front L & RH 4011-2 Lower Front 4024-1 Top Door 4023-1 O/E No. Glazing Mtr. 1887038M1 (1) Handle Gas Stay 4110-3M 4 1887790M1 (2) 4110-3M 4 1887039M1 (3) 4110-3M 2 L & RH 1887801M1 (4) 4110-3M 2 L & RH 1887041M1 (5) 4110-3M 2 Top Door L & RH 1887040M1 (6) 4110-3M 2 4024-3 Top Door L & RH 1887909M1 (7) 4110-3M 2 4024-2 Top Door L & RH 1887831M1 (8) 4110-3M 2 4100-6 Hood PVC 1887048M91 (9) 4100-7 Hood PVC 1887916M91 (10) 4101-2 Side Screen LH - PVC 1864931M91 (11) 4102-2 Side Screen RH - PVC 1864932M91 (11) 4101-1 Side Screen LH - PVC 1867796M91 (12) 4102-1 Side Screen RH - PVC 1867797M91 (12) 4104-3 Rear Curtain PVC 1868175M91 4180-1 Lower Door L & RH - PVC 4180-2 Top Bonnet PVC (1) fits MK1 only:- 135, 165, 175 & 178 (2) fits MK2 only:- 135 & 165 also 148, 168, 185 & 188 (3) fits RH only on MK2 135 & 165 also 148, 168, 185 & 188 (4) fits LH only MK2 135 & 165 also 148, 168, 185 & 188 (5) fits MK1 135, 165, 175, 178 & MK2 135, 165 only (6) fits High Clearance cab & 185 only (7) fits 168 & 188 only (8) fits 148 only (9) fits 135, 165 & 185 only (10) fits 148, 168 & 188 only (11) fits 165, 168, 185 & 188 only (12) fits 135 & 148 only for 4180-1 tractor size must be stated when ordering For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 83 MASSEY FERGUSON SIRROCO 100 SERIES RIGID CAB 135, 148, 165, 168, 175, 178, 185 & 188 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4003-1 Windscreen 1 hole 1864703M1 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4110-3M 4 4000-7 Windscreen 1878585M1 (1) 4110-3M 4 4012-3 Lower Front L & RH 1862347M1 4110-3M 2 4024-4 Top Door L & RH 1862349M1 (2) 4110-3M 3 4023-2 Top Door L & RH 1864676M1 (3) 4110-3M 3 4024-5 Top Door L & RH 1866272M1 (4) 4110-3M 3 4020-14 Top Door L & RH 1878507M1 (1) 4110-3M 3 4025-1 Lower Door L & RH 1862351M1 (2) 4110-3M 2 4025-2 Lower Door L & RH 1866275M1 (4) 4110-3M 2 4041-1 Side Fixed L & RH 1862346M1 4040-1 Side Sliding L & RH 1864660M1 4042-1 Side Front L & RH 1878462M1 (1) 4110-3M 2 4070-1 Rear Window 2 holes 1878349M1 4110-3M 4 (1) 148, 168, 185 & 188 only (2) 135, 165, 175, 178 & 185 only (3) High clearance cab only (4) 148, 168 & 188 only For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 84 MASSEY FERGUSON CAB CRAFT MF135 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-8 Windscreen 4011-3 Handle Gas Stay CG8265 (1) 4 Lower Front LH CG6230 (1) 2 4010-3 Lower Front RH CG6231 (1) 2 4022-5 Top Door L & RH CG6222 (1) 3 4021-5 Lower Door L & RH CG6223 (1) 2 4043-1 Side Window LH - opening CG6224 4112-1M 3 4044-1 Side Window RH - fixed CG6229 (1) 3 4104-15 Rear Curtain PVC BM691 (2) Glazing Mtr. (1) 4110-2M & 4111-2M H-type with infiller (2) 4170-10 Outer For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 85 MASSEY FERGUSON CAB CRAFT MF 240 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-9 Windscreen 4012-4 Handle Gas Stay CG6437 (1) 4 Lower Front L & RH CG6440 (1) 2 4022-6 Top Door L & RH CG6443 (1) 3 4021-6 Lower Door L & RH CG6444 4045-1 Side Window RH - opening 4 holes 4046-1 Side Window LH - fixed CG6438 4104-6 Rear Curtain PVC BM1149 (2) (3) Glazing Mtr. (1) 2 4112-1M 3 (1) 3 (1) 4110-2M & 4111-2M H-type with infiller (2) 4170-8 L & RH (3) 4170-7 Outer L & RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 86 MASSEY FERGUSON CAB CRAFT MF 265 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-10 Windscreen 4014-8 Handle Gas Stay CG8274 (1) 4 Lower Front L & RH CG6398 (1) 2 4022-7 Top Door L & RH CG6400 (1) 3 4021-7 Lower Door L & RH CG6401 4045-2 Side Window RH - opening 4 holes CG6413 4046-2 Side Window LH - fixed CG6399 4104-7 Rear Curtain PVC BM1052 (2) (3) Glazing Mtr. (1) 2 4112-1M 3 (1) 3 (1) 4110-2M & 4111-2M H-type with infiller (2) 4170-8 L & RH (3) 4170-7 Outer L & RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 87 MASSEY FERGUSON LAMBOURN MF 135- CAB S/N: LQC/783 MF 240- CAB S/N: LQC/797 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-11 Windscreen 4012-6 Handle Gas Stay D6529 (1) (2) 4 Lower Front L & RH D6411 (1) (2) 2 4020-3 Door L & RH D6531 (1) (2) 5 4047-1 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes D6461 4112-1M 3 4071-1 Rear Window 8 holes D6553 4112-1M 4 (3) (4) 870-116 Glazing Mtr. (1) 4110-2M H-type (2) 4111-2M infiller (3) 4170-10 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-2 Inner LH - 4170-3 Inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 88 MASSEY FERGUSON LAMBOURN MF 165, 168 & 188 CAB S/N: LQC/782 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-11 Windscreen 4073-9 Handle Gas Stay D6529 (1) (2) 4 Lower Front L & RH D6421 (1) (2) 2 4020-4 Door L & RH D6532 (1) (2) 5 4047-1 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes D6461 4112-1M 3 4071-1 Rear Window 8 holes D6553 4112-1M 4 (3) (4) 870-116 Glazing Mtr. (1) 4110-2M H-type (2) 4111-2M infiller (3) 4170-10 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-2 Inner LH - 4170-3 Inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 89 MASSEY FERGUSON LAMBOURN MF 240 (non spacer) CAB S/N: LQC/792 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 4000-11 Windscreen 4012-8 Handle Gas Stay D6529 (1) (2) 4 Lower Front L & RH D6542 (1) (2) 2 4020-3 Door L & RH D6531 (1) (2) 5 4047-1 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes D6461 4071-1 Rear Window 8 holes D6553 Specification O/E No. (3) (4) Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 3 870-116 4112-1M 4 Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. (1) (2) 4 MF 240 (2 & 4 WD) CAB S/N: LQC/804 BEPCO No. Description 4000-14 Windscreen Handle D6567 4012-9 Lower Front L & RH D6565 4020-5 Door L & RH D6566 4047-2 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes D6570 4072-1 Upper Rear 8 holes D6571 (3) (4) 870-116 (1) (2) 2 (1) (2) 5 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 (1) 4110-2M H-type (2) 4111-2M infiller (3) 4170-10 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-2 Inner LH - 4170-3 Inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 90 MASSEY FERGUSON LAMBOURN MF 250 (2 & 4 WD) CAB S/N: LQC/813 & INDUSTRIAL 20E BEPCO No. Description 4000-13 Windscreen Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay D6588 4012-10 Lower Front L & RH D6586 4020-6 Door L & RH D6587 4047-5 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes D6570 4072-1 Upper Rear 8 holes D6571 (3) (4) 870-116 Glazing Mtr. (1) (2) 4 (1) (2) 2 (1) (2) 5 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 (1) 4110-2M H-type (2) 4111-2M infiller (3) 4170-10 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-2 Inner LH - 4170-3 Inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 91 MASSEY FERGUSON LAMBOURN MF 265, 275 & 290 - CAB S/N: LQC/791 & 798 ALSO MF 265 LOW SPEC - CAB S/N: LQC/794 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay 4001-15 Windscreen 4012-28 Lower Front L & RH D6536 (1) (2) 2 4015-12T Lower Front LH - Heater Fitted D6568 (1) (2) 1 4020-7 Door L & RH D6541 4047-3 Side Window L & RH - 6 Holes D6537 4072-2 Upper Rear 8 Holes 4073-91T Lower Rear D6538 D6555 (3) (4) 870-12 870-116 D6540 Glazing Mtr. (1) (2) 4 (1) (2) 5 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 (1) (2) 2 (1) 4110-2M H-type (2) 4111-2M infiller (3) 4170-10 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-2 Inner LH - 4170-3 Inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 92 MASSEY FERGUSON LAMBOURN MF 265, 275 & 290 CAB S/N: LQC/796, 798 & 801 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay 4001-15 Windscreen 4012-28 Lower Front L & RH D6536 (1) (2) 2 4015-12T Lower Front LH - Heater Fitted D6568 (1) (2) 1 4020-7 Door L & RH D6541 4047-3 Side Window L & RH - 6 Holes D6537 4072-2 Upper Rear 8 Holes 4073-91T Lower Rear D6538 D6555 (3) (4) 870-12 870-116 D6540 Glazing Mtr. (1) (2) 4 (1) (2) 5 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 (1) (2) 2 (1) 4110-2M H-type (2) 4111-2M infiller (3) 4170-10 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-2 Inner LH - 4170-3 Inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 93 MASSEY FERGUSON • • A B • • • • G • F • • • • C • • H • • BEPCO No. Description Specification E D GKN SANKEY 200 SERIES 240, 250, INDUSTRIAL 20E O/E No. Handle • • • I Gas Stay 1897898M1 Glazing Mtr. 4110-3M 4 4110-3M 2 4110-3M 3 A 4000-15 Windscreen B 4012-11 Lower Front L & RH 1897853M1 C 4022-8 Top Door L & RH 1897860M1 D 4021-8 Lower Door L & RH 1897861M1 (1) 4110-3M 2 E 4021-9 Lower Door L & RH 3473434M1 (2) 4110-3M 2 F 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 3 (3) (4) 4047-5 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes 1897852M1 G 4047-4 Side Window L & RH - 5 holes 3473415M1 4170-104 H 4072-3 Upper Rear 7 holes 1897724M1 4170-116 I Seat Pan 4080-3 870-1 870-1 1897854M1 4112-1M 4 4110-3M 1 (1) Up to cab s/n 01427 & 01517 (2) From cab s/n 01428 & 01518 (3) 4170-12 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-14 LH Inner (from cab s/n 00760 - Ind. 20E 01036) (4) 4170-15 RH Inner (from cab s/n 00760 - Ind. 20E 01036) NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - 0/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 94 MASSEY FERGUSON • • A B • • • • G • F • • • • C • • H • • GKN SANKEY 200 SERIES 265, 275, 290 & INDUSTRIAL 30D BEPCO No. Description Specification • J E D • • I O/E No. Handle Gas Stay 1897855M1 Glazing Mtr. 4110-3M 4 4110-3M 2 4110-3M 3 A 4000-16 Windscreen B 4012-12 Lower Front L & RH 1897856M1 C 4022-9 Top Door L & RH 1897857M1 D 4021-10 Lower Door L & RH 1897858M1 (1) 4110-3M 2 E 4021-11 Lower Door L & RH 3473435M1 (2) 4110-3M 2 F 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 3 (3) (4) 870-1 4047-5 Side Window L & RH - 6 holes 1897852M1 G 4047-4 Side Window L & RH - 5 holes 3473415M1 4170-10 H 4072-3 Upper Rear 7 holes 1897724M1 4170-116 4112-1M 4 I 4073-2 Lower Rear 1897859M1 4110-3M 2 J 4080-3 Seat Pan 1897854M1 4110-3M 1 870-1 (1) Up to cab s/n 02326 (2) From cab s/n 02327 (3) 4170-12 Outer L & RH (4) 4170-14 LH Inner (from cab s/n 00365 - Ind. 30D 00491) (4) 4170-15 RH Inner (from cab s/n 00365 - Ind. 30D 00491) NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 95 MASSEY FERGUSON • A C 178mm 210mm F B • • I • • M • G H • J • • •• L • • 615mm O/E No. Handle • • K • • • •184mm Description Glazing Mtr. A 4000-17 Windscreen 3475991M1 (1) 4110-3M 5 B 4000-41 C 4000-18 Windscreen 3478320M1 (2) 4110-3M 5 Windscreen 3475992M1 (3) 4110-3M 5 D 4011-4 Lower Front LH - 1 hole 3475994M1 4110-3M 2 E 4010-4 Lower Front LH & RH 3475995M1 4110-3M 2 F 4022-10 Top Door L & RH - 2 holes 3476159M1 Lower Door L & RH 3476160M1 (4) H 4022-11A Lower Door L & RH 3477778M1 (5) I 4047-6 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 3476127M1 (6) J 4047-6A (8) (9) Gas Stay • •• • 300mm • 600mm • BEPCO No. G 4022-11 Specification • D • 102mm GKN SANKEY 300 SERIES 350, 355, 360, 365, 375, 390, 398 & 399 E 872-2 (10) 4110-3M 3 4110-3M 2 4110-3M 2 4112-1M 3 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 3900618M1 (7) 4112-1M 3 K 4072-4 Upper Rear 8 holes 3476182M1 (4) 4170-115 870-1 4112-1M 4 L 4072-5 Upper Rear 8 holes 3477716M1 (5) 4170-115 870-1 4112-1M 4 M 4073-3 Lower Rear 3 holes 3476137M1 (1) Fits 350, 355 & 360 only up to cab s/n N11006 & Forrestry cab up to s/n P21355 (2) Fits 350, 355 & 360 only from cab s/n N11007 & Forrestry cab from s/n P21356 - and hi-line (3) Fits 365, 375, 390, 398 & 399 (4) up to cab s/n N11006 (5) from cab s/n N11007 (6) up to cab s/n B18008 (7) from cab s/n B18009 (8) 4170-30 Outer L & RH (9) 4170-80 Inner LH - 4170-88 Inner RH (10) 4170-113 LH - 4170-114 RH NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 96 MASSEY FERGUSON C A C1 A1 H D E B MF 500 SERIES 550, 560, 565, 575, 590, 592 & 595 BEPCO No. Description Specification F 506mm O/E No. F1 Handle 506mm E1 490mm G 490mm Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-1T Windscreen 1670465M1 (5) (6) 4 A1 4001-5 Windscreen 1670361M1 (1) (5) (6) 4 B 4014-1T Lower Front 1699453M1 (5) (6) 2 L & RH C 4048-1T Upper Side L & RH 1699449M1 (7) (8) (5) (6) 4 C1 4080-4 Upper Side L & RH (2) (7) (8) (5) (6) 4 D 4049-1T Lower Side L & RH 1699454M1 (5) (6) 3 E Side Fixed RH 1698162M1 (3) E1 4051-2T Side Fixed RH 1875901M3 (4) F 4050-2T Side Sliding RH 1875902M2 (4) F1 4050-1T Side Sliding RH G 4072-6T Upper Rear 1699450M2 (5) (6) 4 H 4073-4T Lower Rear 1699452M2 (5) (6) 2 4051-1T 1698161M2 (3) 870-1 (1) Fits Scandinavian cab only (2) Replacement for RH fixed & sliding unit (2 door cabs only) (3) 2 door A1 cab only (4) 2 door standard cab only (5) 4110-2M H-type (6) 4111-2M infiller (7) 4170-10 outer (8) 4170-57 inner LH - 4170-58 inner RH For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 97 MASSEY FERGUSON • • • • A C • • • • • • • B D • • • • • • • • E • • • • • MF 600 SERIES 675, 690, 698, 698T & 699 BEPCO No. Description Specification G O/E No. A 4000-20 Windscreen 5 holes 3301875M3 B 4012-14 Lower Front L & RH - 4 holes 3301879/80M C 4020-8 Door L & RH - 4 holes 3301841/45M D 4047-7 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 3302705/06M E 4072-7 Upper Rear 7 holes 3303023M1 F 4072-8 Upper Rear 9 holes G 4073-5 Lower Rear Handle • • F • • • Gas Stay •• • Glazing • Mtr. 3306547M2 (1) 870-2 4112-1M 4 3302607M1 870-2 4112-1M 4 (1) 2 extra holes are for a wiper motor For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 98 MASSEY FERGUSON A C • • E B MF 2000 SERIES 1 DOOR CAB 2620, 2640, 2680 & 2720 BEPCO No. Description Specification F D G • O/E No. Handle Gas Stay A 4000-21 Windscreen B 4014-4 Lower Front L & RH C 4058-1 Upper Side LH 3040425M1 (1) 872-1 C 4059-1 Upper Side RH 3042334M1 (2) 872-1 C 4048-2 Upper Side L & RH 3052724M1 (3) 872-1 D 4052-1 Side Fixed RH 3380127M1 E 4053-1 Side Sliding RH - 2 holes 3380125M1 E 4056-1 Mtr. 3052607M1 Side Sliding LH - 2 holes 1634975M1 D 4055-1 Side Fixed LH 1634974M1 F 4054-3 Lower Side RH 1627756M1 (2) F 4057-1 Lower Side LH 3052598M1 F 4057-2 Lower Side LH 1627752M1 (1) F 4054-2 Lower Side RH 1634971M1 (1) F 4054-1 Lower Side RH 3380271M1 (4) Rear Window 1 hole 3042339M2 G 4070-2 Glazing 870-1 (1) 2620, 2640 & 2680 up to cab s/n S271213 & from cab s/n J237208 (2) 2640 & 2680 up to cab s/n J237207 (3) LH only up to cab s/n J237207 & L & RH 1-piece from cab s/n S271214 (4) 2720 only For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 99 MASSEY FERGUSON A C H B • MF 2000 SERIES 2 DOOR CAB 2620, 2640, 2680, 2720, 2625, 2645, 2685 & 2725 BEPCO No. Description Specification • • G Windscreen B 4014-4 Lower Front L & RH C 4048-2 Upper Side RH D 4056-1 Side Sliding L & RH - 2 holes 1634975M1 E 4055-1 Side Fixed L & RH 1634974M1 F 4022-12 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 3052607M1 3052724M1 (1) Rear Fixed L & RH - 6 holes 3465755M1 (2) G 4020-9 Front Opening L & RH - 1 hole 3465754M1 (2) H 4057-1 Lower Side L & RH 3052598M1 I Rear Window 1 hole 3042339M2 4070-2 I • • • O/E No. A 4000-21 E • F • • • D 872-1 870-1 (1) for cabs fitted with one fixed upper side (2) 2625, 2645, 2685 & 2725 only For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 100 MASSEY FERGUSON • A • D • • • C • • • B F E • • • • • • • • • • MF 3000 SERIES 3050, 3060, 3065, 3070, 3075, 3080, 3085, 3090, 3095, 3115, 3120, 3125, 3610, 3630, 3635, 3645, 3650, 3655, 3670, 3680 & 3690 BEPCO No. Description Specification • • H O/E No. A 4000-23 Windscreen B 4012-15 Lower Front L & RH 3389391M1 (1) C 4026-1 Front Door L & RH - 2 holes 3389399M1 D 4027-1 Rear Door L & RH - 4 holes 3389398M1 E 4047-8 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 3389393M1 F 4072-9 G • • • Handle • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 3385240M3 (1) 872-2 Upper Rear 8 holes 3389902M2 (2) 870-4 4112-1M 5 G 4072-9A Upper Rear 7 holes 3618433M2 (3) 870-4 4112-1M 5 H 4073-6 Lower Rear 3389389M1 (1) up to engine s/n 50129 (2) up to cab s/n C136021 (3) from cab s/n C136022 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 101 MASSEY FERGUSON • • A • • B • • • • • • D E C • • MF 4200 SERIES 4215, 4220, 4225, 4235, 4240, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4265 & 4270 (also 4300 series) BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4000-70 Windscreen Fixed 3814953M1 (1) A 4000-70T Windscreen Fixed 3814954M1 (1) B 4000-71 Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 3806580M4 (2) A 4000-72T Windscreen Fixed 3806573M1 (3) 4110-21 C 4000-74T Windscreen Fixed - 2 holes 3821747M1 (2) (4) 4110-21 B 4000-73T Windscreen Opening - 10 holes 3806704M4 (2) (4) D 4012-37 Lower Front LH 3804553M1 (2) D 4012-37T Lower Front LH 3806585M1 (2) (3) 4110-21 D 4012-40 Lower Front RH 3804552M1 (2) 4110-21 D 4012-40T Lower Front RH 3806584M1 (2) (3) 4110-21 E 4012-49 Lower Front LH 3806589M1 (2) 4110-21 E 4012-49T Lower Front LH 3806703M1 (2) (3) 4110-21 E 4012-50 Lower Front RH 3806588M1 (2) 4110-21 E 4012-50T Lower front RH 3806702M1 (2) (3) 4110-21 Mtr. 4110-21 4110-21 870-53 870-53 4112-1M 4112-1M 5 5 4110-21 (1) fits Lo-Profile cab (2) also fits MF4300 series (3) fits Versa-cab (4) Holes are for the wiper motor (5) from s/n K37009 NB: For fixed windscreen use lower front 4012-37 & 4012-40 (6) 4170-122 Outer (7) 4170-118 LH inner 4170-119 inner For opening windscreen use lower front 4012-49 & 4012-50 Items D, E, F & G are curved CONTINUED OVERLEAF For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 102 MASSEY FERGUSON G H F H1 MF 4200 SERIES - Continued 4215, 4220, 4225, 4235, 4240, 4245, 4255, 4260, 4265 & 4270 (also 4300 series) I BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing F 4038-9 Door RH - 2 holes 3804658M1 (6) (7) 870-53 4110-21 F 4038-9T Door RH - 2 holes 3805642M1 (6) (7) 870-53 4110-21 F 4039-9 Door LH - 2 holes 3804659M1 (6) (7) 870-53 4110-21 F 4039-9T (6) (7) 870-53 4110-21 Mtr. Door LH - 2 holes 3805643M1 G 4069-3 Rear Corner RH - 3 holes 3804666M2 G 4069-3T Rear Corner RH - 3 holes 3806590M2 (2) G 4069-4 Rear Corner LH - 3 holes 3804667M2 (2) G 4069-4T Rear Corner LH - 3 holes 3806591M2 (2) (3) H 4072-44 Upper Rear 8 holes 3804694M2 (2) 4170-123 870-53 4112-1M 4 H 4072-44T Upper Rear 8 holes 3806581M2 (2) (3) 4170-123 870-53 4112-1M 4 H1 4072-176 Upper Rear 8 holes 3821484M1 (5) (2) 4170-123 870-53 4112-1M 4 H1 4072-177 Upper Rear 8 holes 3821485M1 (5) (2) 4170-123 870-53 4112-1M 4 I Lower Rear 4073-27 3804726M2 (2) (1) fits Lo-Profile cab (2) also fits MF4300 series (3) fits Versa-cab (4) Holes are for the wiper motor (5) from s/n K37009 (6) 4170-122 Outer (7) 4170-118 LH inner 4170-119 RH inner NB: When ordering doors for MF 4300 Series check holes - could have five holes required. These are bolt on type not bonded. Items D, E, F, & G are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 103 MASSEY FERGUSON A B C E MF 4400 SERIES MF4435, 4445 & 4455 BEPCO No. Description D Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing A 4001-35 Windscreen V36123600 4110-21 B 4016-3 Lower Front RH V33118100 4110-21 B 4015-3 Lower Front LH V33118000 4110-21 C 4039-35T Door LH - 4 holes V34022200 872-104 4110-21 C 4038-35T Door RH - 4 holes V34022300 872-104 4110-21 D 4047-54 Side Window LH - 4 holes V32993900 D 4048-54 Side Window RH - 4 holes V34915500 E Rear Window 8 holes V33118300 872-104 4112-1M 4071-25 Mtr. 4 Item C is curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 104 MASSEY FERGUSON B A D C F MF 6100, 6200, 6400, 7400, 8100 & 8200 SERIES 6110, 6120, 6130, 6140, 6150, 6160, 6170, 6180, 6190, 6235, 6245, 6255, 6260, 6265, 6270, 6280, 6290, 6445, 6455, 6460, 6465, 6470, 6475, 6480, 6485, 6490, 6495, 6497, 6499 7465, 7475, 7480, 7485, 7490, 7495 8110, 8120, 8130, 8140, 8150, 8160, 8170, 8180 8210, 8220, 8240, 8250, 8260, 8270, 8280 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-56 Windscreen 3902148M1 (1) 4110-21 B 4000-90 Windscreen 3 holes 3777602M2 (2) 4110-21 C 4014-6 Lower Front LH 3902149M1 4110-21 C 4014-7 Lower Front RH 3902150M1 4110-21 D 4039-2 Door LH - 3 holes 3907221M1 (5) (7) (8) (9) 872-43 4110-21 D 4038-2 Door RH - 3 holes 3907222M1 (6) (7) (8) (9) 872-43 4110-21 E 4069-7 Rear Corner LH - 3 holes 3902130M1 E 4069-8 Rear Corner RH - 3 holes 3902131M1 F 4071-22 Rear Window 8 holes 3902141M1 (3) 870-63 4112-1M 4 G 4071-23 Rear Window 8 holes 3715438M1 (2) (4) 870-63 4112-1M 4 (1) 6100 & 8100 series (2) fits 6200, 6400, 7400 & 8200 series (3) wiper motor fitted to RH side (as looking from rear) (4) wiper motor fitted to LH side (as looking from rear) (5) o/e number 3907221M1 replaces 3902123M1 (6) o/e number 390722M1 replaces 3902124M1 (7) 4170-117 Outer (8) 4170-118 LH inner 4170-119 RH inner (9) 4170-120 RH inner (MF6100 only) 4170-121 LH inner (MF6100 only) Items C, D & E are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 105 RENAULT • • • • • • • A C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • F B • • • • • • E • D •• • • • • •• • • • G • • • • • • • • • • H • • TS - 75.12, 75.14, 77.12, 77.14, 85.12, 85.14, 95.12, 95.14, 103.12, 103.14, 103.52, 103.54, 110.14, 110.54, 113.12, 113.14, 120.14, 120.54, 133.14 & 133.54. TX - 75.32, 75.34, 80.12, 80.14, 85.12, 85.14, 85.32, 85.34, 90.32, 90.34, 95.12, 95.14, 103.12, 103.14, 103.52, 103.54, ,110.14, 110.54, 113.12, 113.14, 120.14, 120.54, 133.14, 133.54, 145.14, 145.54 & 155.54. TZ - 110.54, 120.14, 120.54, 133.14, 133.54, 145.14, 145.54, 155.54, 160.94, 175.74 & 180.94 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle A 4001-12 Windscreen B 4014-5 Lower Front L & RH 7700017128 C 4020-28 Door L & RH 7700017134 C 4038-21 Side Window RH - fixed 7700017132 (1) D 4047-67 Side Window L & RH - 3 holes 7700016530 E 4071-32 Rear Window 16 holes 7700687193 (2) 4170-95 F 4071-33 Gas Stay Glazing Mtr 870-25 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 5 7700016589 870-25 Rear Window 17 holes 7700017671 (3) 4170-95 870-25 G 4072-66 Upper Rear 11 holes 7700687192 (2) 870-25 H 4072-67 Upper Rear 12 holes 7700017670 (3) 870-25 I Lower Rear 9 holes 7700017669 (3) 4170-95 4073-39 (1) TS tractors only (RH on door) (2) up to March 1985 - 2 holes per hinge (3) from April 1985 - Rear & Upper Rear 5 holes per hinge CONTINUED OVERLEAF For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 106 RENAULT J K L M N P CONTINUED TS - 75.12, 75.14, 77.12, 77.14, 85.12, 85.14, 95.12, 95.14, 103.12, 103.14, 103.52, 103.54, 110.14, 110.54, 113.12, 113.14, 120.14, 120.54, 133.14 & 133.54. TX - 75.32, 75.34, 80.12, 80.14, 85.12, 85.14, 85.32, 85.34, 90.32, 90.34, 95.12, 95.14, 103.12, 103.14, 103.52, 103.54, ,110.14, 110.54, 113.12, 113.14, 120.14, 120.54, 133.14, 133.54, 145.14, 145.54 & 155.54. TZ - 110.54, 120.14, 120.54, 133.14, 133.54, 145.14, 145.54, 155.54, 160.94, 175.74 & 180.94 BEPCO No. Description J Specification O/E No. Handle 4073-40 Bottom Rear 7700007517 (4) K 4073-41 Bottom Rear 7700007528 (5) L 4073-42 Bottom Rear 7700017136 (6) M 4073-43 Bottom Rear 7700020507 (7) N 4073-44 Bottom Rear Centre 7700001555 (8) (a) P Bottom Rear Side 7700007527 (8) 4073-45 Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. (a) replaces o/e number 7700007526 (4) up to March 1983 (5) from April 1983 to June 1987 (6) from July 1987 to June 1989 (7) from July 1989 onwards (8) cabs with moveable seat For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 107 RENAULT A C • B D • • • E • H • CERES & CERES X 65, 70, 75, 85, 95, 70X, 75X, 85X & 95X • • Specification • • • • • F 593mm 593mm O/E No. • Handle A 4000-58 Windscreen A 4000-57 Windscreen B 4012-39 Lower Front L & RH 6005010157 (b) B 4012-38 Lower Front L & RH 6005010160 (a) C 4012-30 Door L & RH 6005010161 D 4047-38 Side Window L & RH - 2 holes 6005010162 E 4072-42 Upper Rear 6 holes 6005010163 (1) 4170-95 F • • • G • BEPCO No. Description 195mm • • Gas Stay • • Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 4 6005010155 (b) 6005010158 (a) 4072-82 Upper Rear 6 holes 6005021388 (2) 4170-95 870-24 4112-1M 4 G 4072-82 Upper Rear 8 holes - (2 extra holes for wiper motor) 4170-95 870-24 4112-1M 4 H 4073-28 Lower Rear 6005002917 (a) fits 65, 70, 75, 85 & 95 (b) fits 70X, 75X, 85X & 95X For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 108 RENAULT A D B C CERES 300 & 300X 310, 320, 330 & 340 320X, 330X & 340X BEPCO No. Description F E G Specification O/E No. Fixed 6005010159 A 4000-105 Windscreen B 4000-106 Windscreen Opening - 6 holes 6005023243 C 4012-38 Lower Front L & RH 6005101160 D 4020-66 Door L & RH - 8 holes 6005023110 E 4047-38 Side Window L & RH - 2 holes 6005010162 F 4072-82 Upper Rear 8 holes G 4073-28 Lower Rear 6005023210 Handle 4170-95 Gas Stay 870-24 Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 5 4112-1M 5 6005002917 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 109 RENAULT A C • • B D F E • G MS - MX & PS - PX SERIES 58-32, 58-34, 65-32, 65-34, 70-32, 70-34, 75-32, 75-34, 80-32, 80-34, 85-32, 85-34, 90-32, 90-34 & 90-34FT BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. A 4000-104 Windscreen B 4014-12 Lower Front L & RH 6005002912 C 4022-82 Top Door L & RH 6005002914 D 4022-83 Lower Door L & RH 6005002913 E 4047-90 Side Window L & RH 6005002915 F 4072-173 Upper Rear 6 holes G 4073-28 Lower Rear • • • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4170-95 870-24 4112-1M 4 6005002910 6005002916 6005002917 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 110 RENAULT A C B B1 E G F ERGOS 85, 95 & 105 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 6005014309 A 4000-107 Windscreen 2 holes B 4014-13 Lower Front RH - 3 holes 7700038868 B1 4014-14 Lower Front LH - 3 holes 7700038869 C 4020-62 Door LH - 2 holes 4020-68 Door E 4020-91 Side Window L & RH 6005014310 F 4072-175 Upper Rear 10 holes 6005014311 G 4073-174 Lower Rear 4 holes 6005014312 Handle Gas Stay 7700038870 872-26 6005026598 872-26 4170-95 870-61 Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 4 Items B, B1, C & F are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 111 RENAULT D D1 A B C C1 F G J CERGOS 330, 340, 350 H BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. 2 holes 6005014309 Handle Gas Stay A 4000-107 Windscreen B 4000-108 Windscreen Laminated 6005021290 C 4014-13 Lower Front RH - 3 holes 7700038868 C1 4014-14 Lower Front LH - 3 holes 7700038869 D 4020-67 Door LH - 2 holes 7700038870 (a) 872-26 6005026598 (b) 872-26 6005021291 (a) 872-26 6005026688 (b) 872-26 Glazing Mtr. 4020-68 Door D1 4020-69 Door 4020-70 Door 4020-91 Side Window L & RH 6005014310 G 4072-174 Upper Rear 8 holes 6005021292 (a) 4170-95 870-62 4112-1M 4 H 4072-175 Upper Rear 10 holes 6005014311 (b) 4170-95 870-62 4112-1M 4 J Lower Rear 4 holes 6005021293 F 4073-173 (a) up to serial number: RH - 2 holes (b) from serial number: 3512 - G0234 3512 - G0235 3522 - G0347 3522 - G0348 3532 - G0448 3532 - G0449 also fits : 3532 - G0444 Items C, C1, D, D1, G & H are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 112 RENAULT • • A D • •• • • • • • B • • • • •• • •• • • • •• •• C • • • • •• • • •• G F ARES RX - 540, 550, 610, 620 & 630 RZ - 550, 610, 620, 630, 640, 710, 720, 725, 735, 815 & 825 BEPCO No. Description • • •• • • E •• •• • Specification O/E No. Fixed 7700035810 (1) Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 874-7 4112-1M 5 A 4001-11 Windscreen B 4004-6 Windscreen Opening - 13 holes 7700048128 C 4016-11 Lower Front RH 7700035806 C 4015-11 Lower Front LH 7700035805 D 4038-20 Door RH - 8 holes 7700044196 (5) 872-125 4112-1M 5 D 4039-20 Door LH - 8 holes 7700044195 (6) 872-125 4112-1M 5 E 4069-5 Rear Corner RH - 3 holes 7700054133 (2) E 4069-6 Rear Corner LH - 3 holes 7700054132 (3) F 4071-31 Rear Window 10 holes 7700048325 (4) 4170-95 870-125 4112-1M 4 Rear Window 15 holes 7700050257 870-125 4112-1M 4 G 4071-31A 4170-95 (1) same as o/e number 7700035820 (2) replaces o/e number 7700048327 (3) replaces o/e number 7700048326 (4) replaces o/e number 770003766 & 7700047268 (5) 4170-120 Inner Handle (6) 4170-121 Inner Handle All items are curved NB: Doors may require 4 holes for the handle - Please enquire before ordering For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 113 SAME A 782 B 772 • E D C • • • • F I SAME - EXPLORER 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90T & 90T II BEPCO No. Description • • • Specification O/E No. 857 x 782 mm 9231 210 0/10 A 4001-27 Windscreen B 4001-28 Windscreen 858 x 772 mm 9241 210 0 C 4014-9T Lower Front L & RH 9231 211 0/10 D 4020-41 Door L & RH 9231 212 0 E 4047-85T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9231 214 0 F • • G • Handle • • • • • • • • • • H • Gas Stay • • • Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 3 872-58 4072-96T Upper Rear 5 holes 9231 215 0 870-38 4112-1M 4 G 4072-97T Upper Rear 7 holes 9231 268 0 870-38 4112-1M 4 H 4072-98T Upper Rear 9 holes 9231 268 0/20 870-38 4112-1M 4 I Lower Rear 4073-46 9231 255 0 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 114 SAME • A D • • C • • • E • • • • SAME - LASER & GALAXY 90, 100, 110, 130 & 150 BEPCO No. Description Specification • • • F • • B • H O/E No. A 4001-29 Windscreen B 4014-10T Lower front L & RH 9234 211 0/30 C 4020-44T Door L & RH 9234 212 0/20 D 4047-86T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9234 214 0/20 E 4072-99T Upper Rear 5 holes 9234 215 0/20 F Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 9234 210 0/30 870-38 870-83 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 4072-100T Upper Rear 7 holes 9234 273 0 870-83 4112-1M 4 G 4072-101T Upper Rear 9 holes 2905545 870-83 4112-1M 4 H 4073-96T Lower Rear 9234 216 0/20 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 115 SAME A C • • • D B • • • SAME - ANTARES I 100 BEPCO No. Description • Specification • • • • E O/E No. A 4001-28 Windscreen B 4014-9T Lower Front L & RH 9231 211 0/10 C 4020-41 Door L & RH 9231 212 0 D 4047-85T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 9231 214 0 E 4072-98T Upper Rear 9 holes 9231 268 0/20 F 4073-46 Lower Rear • Handle F • Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 9241 210 0 872-58 870-38 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 9231 255 0 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 116 SAME A • • C C1 • • • B D • • • • • • • SAME - ASTER 60 & 70 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. • • • • • • • • E • • • • • Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 5 A 4000-103 Windscreen opening - 6 holes 00827210/20 B 4014-11T Lower Front L & RH 00827220/10 C 4039-45T Door LH - 8 holes 00823370/10 872-133 4112-1M 5 C1 4038-45T Door RH - 8 holes 00823360/10 872-133 4112-1M 5 D 4047-89T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 00824070/10 E Upper Rear 14 holes 00728600 870-38 4112-1M 5 4047-103T items C & C1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 117 SAME • • B B1 • A • • • C D • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • E • SAME - SILVER 80, 90, 100-4 & 100-6 • • • • • •• F • • • • • G BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4000-100 Windscreen 009 0300 0 B 4038-44T Door RH - 8 holes 00773360/10 872-132 4112-1M 5 B1 4039-44T Door LH - 8 holes 00773350/10 872-132 4112-1M 5 C 4047-87T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes (1) 007 5106 0/10 4112-1M 3 D 4047-88T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes (2) 007 7337 0/10 4112-1M 3 E 4072-85T Upper Rear 11 holes 007 5181 0/20 872-37 4112-1M 5 F 4072-86T Upper Rear 11 holes 007 7338 0/10 872-37 4112-1M 5 G 4073-97T Lower Rear 007 5312 0/10 (1) 4047-87T Size = 780 x 542 mm (2) 4047-88T Size = 775 x 535 mm items A, B & B1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 118 SAME • • B B1 • A • • • • • • C • G • • SAME - ANTARES II 110 & 130 BEPCO No. Description F • • • •• • • • D • Specification • • O/E No. Handle • • • •• E • • •• Gas Stay • Glazing Mtr. A 4000-100 Windscreen 009 0300 0 B 4038-44T Door RH - 8 holes 00773360/10 872-23 4112-1M 5 B1 4039-44T Door LH - 8 holes 00773350/10 872-23 4112-1M 5 C 4047-87T Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 007 5106 0/10 4112-1M 3 D 4072-85T Upper Rear 11 holes 007 5181 0/20 872-37 4112-1M 5 11 holes 009 1306 0 872-37 4112-1M 5 E 4072-102T Upper Rear F 4073-97T Lower Rear 007 5312 0/10 G 4073-98T Lower Rear 009 0969 0 items A, B & B1 are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 119 SAME B A IRON 150S, 175S, 190S, 200 BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 441 8951 872-39 4112-1M 5 A 4039-41T Door LH - 6 holes A 4038-41T Door RH - 6 holes 441 8952 872-39 4112-1M 5 B 4072-92T Upper Rear 9 holes 442 9137 (1) 870-52 4112-1M 5 All above items are curved (1) This window replaces 441 9379 -conversion kit for handle and fixings NOT AVAILABLE For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 120 VALTRA A B C D • • • E 205 - 555 SERIES 205, 255, 305, 355, 405, 415, 415M, 455 & 555 • • • • BEPCO No. Description Specification O/E No. A 4000-69 Windscreen B 4012-48 Lower front L & RH 30752900 C 4020-22 Door L & RH 31023000 D 4047-56 Side Window L & RH 30753700 E Rear Window 8 holes 30942200 4071-27 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 4112-1M 5 30752800 872-104 870-99 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 121 VALTRA A B C • • D • • • • E 505 - 905 SERIES 505, 605, 615M, 655, 705, 715M, 755, 805, 855 & 905 BEPCO No. Description Specification • O/E No. A 4000-68 Windscreen B 4012-36 Lower Front L & RH 30028500 C 4020-17 Door L & RH 30104100 D 4047-53 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 30028710 (1) E 4072-76 Upper Rear 4 holes 30028600 F 4073-76 Lower Rear 3 holes 30002800 F • Handle • • Gas Stay • Glazing Mtr. 30028400 872-65 870-96 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 4 (1) replaces o/e number 30028700 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 122 VALTRA A C • •• • • B D • E • • • F • • Specification O/E No. • G • • • • • A - SERIES 65, 75, 85, 95 • • • 600 - 900 SERIES 600, 700, 800, 865 & 900 BEPCO No. Description • • Handle Gas Stay 33118200 Glazing Mtr. A 4000-67 Windscreen 4110-21 B 4016-3 Lower Front RH 33118100 4110-21 B 4015-3 Lower Front LH 33118000 4110-21 C 4034-4 Top Door LH - 4 holes 33191000 872-104 4110-21 C 4035-4 Top Door RH - 4 holes 32993700 872-104 4110-21 D 4037-2 Lower Door LH 33191100 4110-21 D 4036-2 Lower Door RH 32993800 4110-21 E 4047-54 Side Window LH - 4 holes 32993900 4112-1M 3 E 4047-55 Side Window RH - 4 holes 33191200 4112-1M 3 F 4071-25 Rear Window 8 holes 33118300 870-104 4112-1M 4 G 4071-26 Rear Window 8 holes 33118900 (1) 870-126 4112-1M 4 (1) Fits Forrestry cab NB: A-SERIES-N (e.g. A95N) Door glass one piece 4039-35T - 34022200 LH & 4038-35T - 34022300 RH See page 123 for drawing (c) For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 123 VALTRA A B C - SERIES 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 150 BEPCO No. Description D C E Specification O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. A 4001-36 Windscreen 33717400/500 4110-21 B 4016-28T Lower Front RH 34046400 4110-21 B 4015-28T Lower Front LH 34046500 4110-21 C 4039-35T Door LH - 4 holes 34022200 872-104 4110-21 C 4038-35T Door RH - 4 holes 34022300 872-104 4110-21 D 4047-54 Side Window LH - 4 holes 32993900 4112-1M 3 D 4048-54 Side Window RH - 4 holes 34915500 4112-1M 3 E Rear Window 13 holes 34022100 4112-1M 4 4071-41T 870-104 Items A, C & E are curved For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 124 VALTRA A C D B E • • • • • Specification O/E No. • • • G F • 6000 SERIES • 8000 SERIES M SERIES - 120, 130, 150 X SERIES - 100, 110, 120 XM SERIES - 130, 150 T SERIES - 120, 120C, 130, 130C, 140, 140C, 150, 160 160C, 170, 170C, 180, 190 BEPCO No. Description • • • Handle • Gas Stay 31515400 Glazing A 4000-81 Windscreen B 4012-80 Lower Front RH 31515500 4110-21 B 4012-81 Lower Front LH 31515600 4110-21 C 4022-80 Top Door RH 31506000 872-104 4110-21 C 4022-81 Top Door LH 31506100 872-104 4110-21 D 4021-80 Lower Door RH 31506200 D 4021-81 Lower Door LH 31506300 4110-21 E 4047-81 Side Window RH - 4 holes 31535000 4112-1M E 4047-82 Side Window LH - 4 holes 31534900 F 4072-83 Upper Rear 15 holes 31553300 G 4073-80 Lower Rear 2 holes 32054020 Mtr. 4110-21 4110-21 870-57 3 4112-1M 3 4112-1M 5 Items A, B, C, D, E & F are curved NB: Door glass could be one piece - Please telephone for information For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 125 ZETOR B A C D E F H G9-G10 4911, 5911, 5945, 6911 & 6945 5011, 6011, 6045, 7011 & 7045 BEPCO No. Description Specification G I O/E No. Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 67827961 (1) 4110-3M 5 A 4000-49 Windscreen A 4000-101 Windscreen 69117950 (2) 4110-3M 5 B 4012-33 Lower Front L & RH 67827959 (1) 4110-3M 2 B 4012-65 Lower front L & RH 69117948 (2) 4110-3M 2 C 4022-24 Top Door L & RH 67827917 (1) 4110-3M 3 C 4022-44 Top Door L & RH 69117912 (2) 4110-3M 3 D 4021-25 Lower Door L & RH 67827918 (1) 4110-3M 2 E 4021-44 Lower Door L & RH 69117913 (2) 4110-3M 2 F 4047-29 Side Window L & RH 67827963 4110-3M 4 G 4072-37 Upper Rear 67827958 4110-3M 4 H 4073-23 Lower Rear 67827934 (1) 4110-3M 3 I Lower Rear 69117956 (2) 4110-3M 2 4073-90 (1) Fits 4911, 5911, 5945, 6911 & 6945 (2) Fits 5011, 6011, 6045, 7011 & 7045 NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 126 ZETOR C A D B G7 5718, 5748, 6718 & 6748 BEPCO No. Description E F Specification O/E No. G Handle H Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 56117960 4110-3M 5 A 4000-50 Windscreen B 4012-34 Lower Front L & RH 56117962 4110-3M 2 C 4022-25 Top Door L & RH 57187910 4110-3M 3 D 4021-26 Lower Door L & RH 56477903 4110-3M 2 E 4047-30 Side Window L & RH 56117965 4110-3M 4 F 4063-2 Rear Quarter L & RH 56117970 4110-3M 2 G 4072-38 Upper Rear 57187931 4110-3M 3 H 4073-24 Lower Rear 56117978 4110-3M 2 NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 127 ZETOR C A B TYPE II 6011, 6045, 7011 & 7045 BEPCO No. Description D O/E No. H G F Specification E Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 59117937 4110-3M 5 A 4000-51 Windscreen B 4012-35 Lower Front L & RH 59117938 4110-3M 2 C 4022-26 Top Door L & RH 59117964 4110-3M 3 D 4021-27 Lower Door L & RH 59117962 4110-3M 2 E 4047-31 Side Window L & RH 59117907 4110-3M 4 F 4063-3 Rear Quarter L & RH 59117910 4110-3M 2 G 4072-38 Upper Rear 59117988 4110-3M 3 H 4073-25 Lower Rear 59117929 4110-3M 2 NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 128 ZETOR • • • I D A • •• • • • • • • C J F B E • G G12 & UR1 5211, 5245, 6211, 6245, 7211, 7245, 7711 & 7745 3320, 3340, 4320, 4340, 5320, 5340, 6320, 6340, 7320 & 7340 BEPCO No. Description Specification • • L M H K • O/E No. Handle • Gas Stay 59117937 Glazing Mtr. 4110-3M 5 A 4000-51 Windscreen A 4000-101 Windscreen 69117950 (1) 4110-3M 5 B 4012-35 Lower Front L & RH 59117938 4110-3M 2 C 4012-65 Lower Front L & RH 69117948 (1) 4110-3M 2 D 4022-27 Top Door L & RH - 3 holes 60117961 (3) (4) E 4022-44 Top Door L & RH 69117912 (1) (3) (4) F 4021-27 Lower Door L & RH 59117962 4110-3M 3 F 4021-44 Lower Door L & RH 69117913 (1) 4110-3M 3 G 4047-31 Side Window L & RH 59117907 4110-3M 4 H 4041-9 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 70117943 (1) 4112-1M 4 I 4072-39 Upper Rear 7 holes 60117910 (2) (3) (4) 4112-1M 5 J 4072-87 Upper Rear 6 holes 70117969 (1) (3) (4) 4112-1M 5 K 4073-25 Lower Rear One piece 59117929 4110-3M 2 L 4075-5 Lower Rear Sliding - 1 hole 62117939 L 4074-11 Lower Rear Sliding - 1 hole 70117974 (1) M 4074-5 Lower Rear Fixed 62117938 M 4075-10 Lower Rear Fixed 70117975 (1) (1) Fits 5211 & 5245 only (2) Also o/e number 62117909 (3) 870-91 - MK1 = 440mm (length) (4) 870-93 - MK2 = 340mm (length) NB: Glazing 4110-3M is a replacement part supplied in one length - o/e part is a gasket For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 129 ZETOR • • • • • B A • • • • • • • • • • • 547mm • C • • BEPCO No. Description • • • • 602mm • UR3 7520, 7540, 8520, 8540, 9520, 9540, 10520 & 10540 • E D • Specification O/E No. L & RH - 9 holes 10368056 Handle Gas Stay Glazing Mtr. 872-20 4112-10 5 A 4020-65 Door B 4047-80 Side Window L & RH - 4 holes 10368113 4112-10 4 C 4072-65 Upper Rear 7 holes 10368441 870-100 4112-10 5 D 4072-79 Upper Rear 7 holes 10368021 870-100 4112-10 5 E Lower Rear 4073-65 10368121 For pictures, descriptions & O/E numbers of Handles, Gas Stays & Glazings please turn to section 2, 3 & 4 at the back of the catalogue Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 130 GLAZING RUBBER 4010-15 Foam Strip Self Adhesive 25 General cab use Roll size 10m 6 4111-2M Locking Bead Infiller for use with 4110-8M & 4110-2M Roll size 30m 7 10 4111-3M Locking Bead Infiller for use with 4110-5M 7 Roll size 60m 6 4110-8M 20 6 H - Type Section Roll Size 30m 2 16 4110-2M 23 H - Type Section Roll Size 30m 4110-14 4110-5M 17 5 Bepco UK Ltd FORD Safety Frame Cab 2 23 6 Side/Sliding Channel Rubber - Kit 4 Pieces H - Type Section Roll Size 30m 2 13 Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 131 GLAZING RUBBER 4110-1M 13 S - Type Section Roll size 50m 4 2 17 4110-7M S - Type Section Roll size 30m 20 25 4110-3M 15 S - Type Section Roll size 30m 20 5 2 4110-6M 6 U - Type Section Roll Size 100m 12 4010-14 Safety Edge Knock-on 15 General cab use Roll size 50m 8 4112-1M 25 Draught Excluder Knock-on General cab use 15 14 Roll size 50m 4110-21 Bonding Kit Glazing Bonding Kit Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 132 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-8 Inner Caralock L & RH Cab Craft MF240 & 265 - BM2405 4170-7 Outer Caralock L & RH Cab craft MF240 & 265 - BM1170 Duetz (DX Agrostar) LH - 438 6520 & RH - 438 6533 Ford Ind. 550, 555 & 655 (1975 - April 1979) 83902003 4170-1 Outer Handle L & RH Non-lockable Old Lambourn Safety cabs Also for general cab use 4170-18 Outer Handle L & RH Lockable Lambourn Ford Q cabs Also for general cab use 4170-112 Outer Handle L & RH Non-lockable Lambourn MF Q cabs Also for general cab use 4170-10 Outer Handle L & RH Lockable Lambourn MF Q cabs MF500 Series - 1877159M92 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 133 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-57 Inner LH MF500 Series - 1670819M 4170-58 Inner RH MF500 Series - 1670820M 4170-2 Inner slam lock LH Lambourn old safety & MF Q-cabs 4170-3 Inner slam lock RH Lambourn old safety & MF Q-cabs 4170-16 Inner slam lock RH Lambourn Ford Q-cabs 4170-17 Inner slam lock LH Lambourn Ford Q-cabs 4170-97 Window Catch Lambourn MF Q-cabs Also for general cab use 4170-50 Rear Window Handle Kit Ford Sekura LP & AP cabs also Ford 30 Series - 83956742 John Deere SG2 cab - AL 113821 4170-30 Outer L & RH MF300 Series - 3476151M1 Case/IH L & 85 Series - 161328543 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 134 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-80 Inner LH MF300 Series - 3476171M1 4170-88 Inner RH MF300 Series - 3476157M1 4170-113 Side Window Handle LH Kit MF300 & MF6000 Series - 3476132M91 - MF5000 4170-114 Side Window Handle RH Kit MF300 & MF6000 Series - 3476133M91 - MF5000 4170-115 Rear Window Handle MF300 Series - 3476188M1 4170-116 Rear Window Handle MF200 GKN Sankey Cab - 3473280M91 4170-117 Outer L & RH MF6000 Series - 3902356M91 4170-118 Inner LH MF4000 & 6000 Series - 3804663M1 4170-119 Inner RH MF4000 & 6000 Series - 3804662M1 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 135 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-120 Inner RH MF6160 (only) - 3902126M1 / RENAULT ARES 4170-121 Inner LH MF6160 (only) - 3902125M1 / RENAULT ARES 4170-122 Outer L & RH MF4000 Series - 3806412M91 4170-123 Rear Window Handle MF4000 Series - 3804697M1 4170-124 Outer L & RH Ford Sekura LP & AP cabs (1982 to 1984) - 83932007 4170-104 Side Window Handle Kit - Over Centre Ford Super Q Cab - 83953338 Ford Sekura LP & AP cabs - 83932097 MF200 GKN Sankey cab (from S/N 01739) - 3473427M1 4170-125 Inner RH Ford Super Q cab - 83958274 4170-126 Inner LH Ford Super Q cab - 83958275 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 136 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-127 Outer L & RH Ford 40 Series - 82010401 4170-128 Inner RH Ford 40 Series - 83994191 4170-129 Inner LH Ford 40 Series - 83994207 4170-14 Inner LH Ford WWQ cab - 83909274 MF200 GKN Sankey cab - 3473297M91 4170-15 Inner RH Ford WWQ cab - 83909273 MF200 GKN Sankey cab - 3473298M91 4170-12 Outer L & RH MF200 GKN Sankey Cab - 3473512M91 4170-23 Inner Slam Lock L & RH General cab use 4170-24 Outer L & RH Ford WWQ cab - 83944231/2 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 137 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-19 Inner LH Ford LP & AP cabs (1984 onwards) - 83944244 Case/IH Deluxe 90/94 Series - K303805 / CX & MX 4170-20 Inner RH Ford LP & AP cabs (1984 onwards) - 83944243 Case/IH Deluxe 90/94 Series - K303806 / CX & MX 4170-21 Outer L & RH Ford Super Q cab - 83952261 4170-25 Outer L & RH Ford Sekura LP & AP cabs (1984 onwards) - 83944249 Case/IH Deluxe 90/94 series - K303755 4170-92 Inner LH Case/IH LP cab - 1535126C1 4170-93 Inner RH Case/IH LP cab - 1535127C1 4170-91 Outer L & RH Case/IH LP cab (up to S/N JJE0926239) - 1971204C1 4170-94 Outer L & RH Case/IH LP cab (from S/N JJE0926240) - 255195A1 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 138 DOOR & WINDOW HANDLES 4170-96 Rear Window Handle Kit Case/IH Deluxe 90/94 Series - 224730A1 Case/IH Maxxum Series 4170-95 Rear Window Handle Kit Case/IH XL Series - 224736A1 RENAULT TS, TX, T2, CERES, CERES X, MS, MX, PS, PX, ERGOS, CERGOS, ARES 4170-130 Side Window Handle Kit - Ratchet Fiat Agri - 5178432 4170-131 Window Hinge Kit - Side & Rear Sekura cabs: Ford LP & AP / Ford 30 Series Case/IH Deluxe 90/94 Series 4170-132 Gas Stay Window Fixing Sekura cabs: Ford LP & AP / Ford 30 Series Case/IH Deluxe 90/94 Series Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 139 GAS STAYS CASE/IH BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 874-127 CVX & CS WINDSCREEN 199976065 872-127 CVX & CS DOOR 199976061 870-33 CVX & CS REAR 199976066 870-33 MX-CX & MXC WINDSCREEN 189447A2 872-44 MX-CX & MXC DOOR 1977416C1 870-33 MX-CX & MXC REAR 189447A2 874-23 MAXXUM / PRO WINDSCREEN 126266A1 872-44 MAXXUM / PRO DOOR 1977416C1 870-31 MAXXUM / PRO REAR 1971235C2 872-22 LP / 3200 - 4200 DOOR 1332420C1 870-35 LP / 3200 - 4200 REAR 144947A1 870-12 L-SERIES REAR 3118430R1 872-14 XL DOOR 3232937R1 872-15 XL REAR 3234163R1 872-129 XLN DOOR 1535128C1 874-23 XLN REAR 1328453C1 872-9 DELUXE 90 / 94 DOOR K303870 870-8 DELUXE 90 / 94 REAR K303743 870-57 MXM REAR 82019393 874-29 JXU WINDSCREEN 82001505 872-42 JXU DOOR 5183854 870-111 JXU REAR 47126775 874-30 JXC WINDSCREEN 44910537 872-75 JXC DOOR 5191712 874-29 JXC REAR 5192009 Description O/E No. DEUTZ BEPCO No. 870-49 07C WINDSCREEN 4388075 870-49 07C DOOR 4388075 870-49 07C REAR 4388075 870-49 MASTER CAB DX WINDSCREEN 4357776 872-36 MASTER CAB DX DOOR 4373763 870-49 MASTER CAB DX REAR 4357776 870-49 STAR CAB / AGROXTRA / AGROPRIMA WINDSCREEN 4388075 872-38 STAR CAB / AGROXTRA / AGROPRIMA DOOR 4373761 870-49 STAR CAB / AGROXTRA / AGROPRIMA REAR 4388075 870-49 AGROSTAR DX WINDSCREEN 4357779 872-38 AGROSTAR DX DOOR 4403124 870-49 AGROSTAR DX REAR 4357779 870-49 AGROTRON WINDSCREEN 4388075 872-39 AGROTRON DOOR 4416549 870-52 AGROTRON REAR 4415239 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 140 GAS STAYS FENDT BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-21 300 FARMER LS & LSA WINDSCREEN X800420490000 872-75 300 FARMER LS & LSA DOOR X800420491000 870-21 300 FARMER LS & LSA REAR X800420490000 870-69 600 FAVORIT WINDSCREEN X800420489000 872-75 600 FAVORIT DOOR X800420491000 870-69 FAVORIT REAR X800420489000 872-49 300, 500, 400, 700, 800, 900 VARIO DOOR H816 810 030 500 870-68 300, 500, 400, 700, 800, 900 VARIO REAR H205 810 040 030 BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-22 ALL CS CABS REAR 5129427 872-122 66 - 66 S DOOR 5136422 870-122 66 - 66 S REAR 5136427 872-42 L SERIES DOOR 81867743 870-57 L SERIES REAR 81865239 874-29 M SERIES WINDSCREEN 82001505 872-42 M SERIES DOOR 81867743 870-57 M SERIES REAR 81865239 874-117 G SERIES DOOR 89706806 870-117 G SERIES REAR 86502868 BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-12 LAMBOURN Q CAB REAR E1017 874-1 LP / AP (SEK) WINDSCREEN 83944280 872-6 LP / AP (SEK) DOOR 83944272 870-7 LP / AP (SEK) REAR 83932024 872-5 SUPER Q SERIES 10 DOOR 83952266 870-6 SUPER Q SERIES 10 REAR 83952213 872-6 30 SERIES DOOR 83944272 870-7 30 SERIES REAR 83932024 874-29 35 SERIES WINDSCREEN 82001505 872-42 35 SERIES DOOR 81867743 870-57 35 SERIES REAR 81865239 827-42 40 SERIES DOOR 81867743 870-57 40 SERIES REAR 81865239 874-29 60 SERIES WINDSCREEN 82001505 827-42 60 SERIES DOOR 81867743 870-57 60 SERIES REAR 81865239 874-117 70 SERIES DOOR 89706806 870-117 70 SERIES REAR 86502868 872-131 IND. 550 / 555 / 655 DOOR 83932992 872-131 IND. 550 / 555 / 655 REAR 83932992 FIAT FORD Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 141 GAS STAYS JOHN DEERE BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-18 30/40 SERIES (SEK) REAR - length 500mm AL33170 870-118 30/40 SERIES (SEK) REAR - length 420mm AL30141 870-17 30/40 SERIES (SEK) REAR - length 255mm AL28599 874-4 MC1 & CC2 WINDSCREEN - length 330mm AL61021 870-19 MC1 & CC2 WINDSCREEN - length 500mm AL58521 874-128 MC1 & CC2 WINDSCREEN - length 810mm AL64477 870-19 MC1 & CC2 DOOR AL60324 870-19 MC1 & CC2 REAR AL58521 870-20 SG2 (up to s/n 690260) REAR - ball joint both sides AL66992 870-119 SG2 (from s/n 690261) REAR - eyelet one end AL68211 870-24 3000 SERIES REAR RT7700005276 874-50 6000 SERIES WINDSCREEN AL78987 872-50 6000 SERIES DOOR AL110629 870-72 6000 SERIES REAR AL81578 872-130 7000 SERIES DOOR RE46646 870-120 7000 SERIES REAR - length 410mm RE174161 870-121 7000 SERIES REAR - length 500mm RE170092 MASSEY FERGUSON BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-12 LAMBOURN Q CAB DOOR E1017 870-116 LAMBOURN Q CAB REAR E1041 871-116 LAMBOURN Q CAB ROOF E1042 870-1 200 GKN SANKEY SERIES DOOR 3384671M1 870-1 200 GKN SANKEY SERIES REAR 3384671M1 871-3 200 GKN SANKEY SERIES ROOF 1897726M91 872-2 300 SERIES DOOR 3478319M2 870-1 300 SERIES REAR 3476187M1 871-3 300 SERIES ROOF 3476251M1 870-1 500 SERIES REAR 1873903M91 870-2 600 SERIES REAR 3301920M93 871-3 600 SERIES ROOF 3303021M91 872-1 2000 SERIES DOOR 3380149M2 870-1 2000 SERIES REAR 3384671M1 872-2 3000 SERIES DOOR 3385316M91 870-4 3000 SERIES REAR 3389556M2 870-53 4200 SERIES WINDSCREEN 3804759M1 870-53 4200 SERIES DOOR 3804759M1 870-53 4200 SERIES REAR 3805354M1 872-43 6000 / 8000 SERIES DOOR 3902121M1 870-63 6000 / 8000 SERIES REAR 3902140M1 BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 874-42 TL WINDSCREEN 5188188 872-42 TL DOOR 5183854 NEW HOLLAND Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 142 GAS STAYS NEW HOLLAND BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-57 TL REAR 81865239 874-29 TM WINDSCREEN 82001505 872-42 TM DOOR 81867743 870-57 TM REAR 82019393 874-29 TS WINDSCREEN 82001505 872-42 TS DOOR 81867743 870-57 TS REAR 81865239 874-76 TND & TNS WINDSCREEN 44911645 872-76 TND & TNS DOOR 44910474 870-124 TND & TNS REAR 44910433 874-30 TNN & TNV WINDSCREEN 44910537 872-76 TNN & TNV DOOR 44910474 870-113 TNN & TNV REAR 44911878 874-30 TNF WINDSCREEN 44910537 872-76 TNF DOOR 44910474 874-29 TNF REAR 44910433 874-127 CVT & TVT WINDSCREEN 47108190 872-127 CVT & TVT DOOR 47335077 870-33 CVT & TVT REAR 47108191 BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-24 CERES & 300 / 300X REAR 7700005276 870-24 CERES & 300 / 300X REAR 7700005276 870-25 TS / TX / TZ DOOR 7700037427 870-25 TS / TX / TZ REAR 7700037427 870-24 MS-MX / PS-PX REAR 7700005276 872-26 CERSOS DOOR 6005014361 870-62 CERGOS REAR 6005022224 872-26 ERGOS DOOR 6005014361 870-61 ERGOS REAR 6005014318 874-7 ARES WINDSCREEN 7700047061 872-125 ARES DOOR 7700046733 870-125 ARES REAR 7700044591 RENAULT SAME / LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 872-58 EXPLORER & ANTARES I & LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN DOOR 92411404 870-38 EXPLORER & ANTARES I & LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN REAR 92061984/10 870-38 LASER & GALAXY & LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN DOOR 92331664 870-83 LASER & GALAXY & LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN REAR 92331674 872-23 ANTARES II & RACING SERIES DOOR 00820894/30 872-37 ANTARES II & RACING SERIES REAR 754070 872-132 SILVER & LAMBORGHINI R4/R5 DOOR 00977384/10 873-37 SILVER & LAMBORGHINI R4/R5 REAR 00754070 872-133 ASTER DOOR 00827373 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 143 GAS STAYS SAME / LAMBORGHINI / HURLIMANN BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-38 ASTER REAR 92061984/10 872-39 IRON & LAMBORGHINI R7 / CHAMPION / VICTORY DOOR 4416549 870-52 IRON & LAMBORGHINI R7 / CHAMPION / VICTORY REAR 4415239 VALTRA-VALMET BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 872-104 205 & 555 DOOR 31517910 870-99 205 & 555 REAR 30314200 872-65 505 & 905 DOOR 30191700 870-96 505 & 905 REAR 30077200 872-104 600 & 900 & A SERIES / C SERIES DOOR 31517910 870-104 600 & 900 & A SERIES / C SERIES REAR 32995000 870-126 600 & 900 (FORESTRY CAB) REAR 33116500 872-104 6000 / 8000 & M, X, XM, T SERIES DOOR 31517910 870-57 6000 / 8000 & M, X, XM, T SERIES REAR 31631300 BEPCO No. Description O/E No. 870-93 G12 & UR1 DOOR - MK 2 - length 340mm 62117932 870-93 G12 & UR1 REAR - MK 2 - length 340mm 62117932 870-91 G12 & UR1 DOOR - MK 1 - length 440mm 60117921 870-91 G12 & UR1 REAR - MK 1 - length 440mm 60117921 872-20 UR3 DOOR 10368919 870-100 UR3 REAR 10368917 872-71 21 / 41 SERIES DOOR 53369903 870-123 21 / 41 SERIES REAR 53369904 871-123 21 / 41 SERIES ROOF 53367920 ZETOR Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 144 INTERIOR TRIM 2 1 3 5 4 6 8 7 FORD W/W Q-CAB 3 CYLINDER 2600, 2610, 3600, 3610, 4100, 4600, 4110 & 4610 BEPCO No. Descirption Specification 1 4155-1 Roof Lining 2 4151-6 Side Panel RH 2 4152-5 Side Panel LH (not illustrated) 3 4151-9 Fender Panel RH 3 4152-8 Fender Panel LH (not illustrated) 4 4154-9 Underseat Panel 4 4154-10 Underseat Panel 10 Series only 5 4160-1 Spray Adhesive Aerosol can - 500ml 6 4153-3 Floor Mat RH 7 4153-1 Floor Mat LH 8 4153-6 Transmission Mat 8 4153-7 Transmission Mat 10 Series only 4150-7 trim kit comprising of all items except roof lining Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 145 INTERIOR TRIM FORD W/W Q-CAB 4 & 6 CYLINDER 5600, 5610, 6600, 6610, 7600 & 7610 BEPCO No. Descirption Specification 1 4155-1 Roof Lining 2 4151-7 Side Panel RH 2 4152-6 Side Panel LH - Standard Toolbox (not illustrated) 2 4152-6A Side Panel LH - Deluxe Toolbox (not illustrated) 3 4151-10 Fender Panel RH 3 4152-8 Fender Panel LH (not illustrated) 4 4154-8 Underseat Panel Centre 4 4154-15 Underseat Panel Centre - 10 Series only 5 4154-13 Underseat Panel RH 5 4154-16 Underseat Panel RH - 10 Series only 6 4154-14 Underseat Panel LH 6 4154-17 Underseat Panel LH - 10 Series only 7 4156-2 Toolbox Surround Deluxe - early type 8 4156-3 Toolbox Fill in Pad Deluxe - from lid to window 9 4156-4 Toolbox Top Pad Late Type 10 4153-4 Floor Mat RH 11 4153-2 Floor Mat LH 12 4153-6 Transmission Mat 12 4153-7 Transmission Mat 10 Series only 13 4160-1 Spray Adhesive Aerosol can - 500ml 4150-8 trim kit comprising of all items except 1, 7, 8 & 9 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 146 INTERIOR TRIM FORD W/W Q-CAB FLAT DECK 4 & 6 CYLINDER 6700, 6710, 7710, 8100, 8200, 8210, TW10, TW15, TW20, TW25, TW30 & TW35 BEPCO No. Descirption Specification 1 4155-1 Roof Lining 2 4151-8 Side Panel RH 2 4152-7 Side Panel LH (not illustrated) 3 4156-2 Toolbox Surround Early type 4 4156-3 Toolbox Fill in Pad From lid to window 5 4156-4 Toolbox Top Pad Late type 6 4151-11 Fender Panel RH 6 4152-9 Fender Panel LH (not illustrated) 7 4154-3 Underseat Panel 8 4153-5 Floor mat 9 4160-1 Spray Adhesive Aerosol can - 500ml 4150-9 trim kit comprising of all items except 1, 3, 4 & 5 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 147 INTERIOR TRIM MASSEY FERGUSON 500 SERIES BEPCO No. Descirption Specification 1 4151-1 Wing Panel RH - 1 Door cab 1 4151-2 Wing Panel RH - 2 Door cab 2 4152-1 Wing Panel LH 3 4154-5 Rear Underseat Panel 4 4154-11 Front Underseat Panel 550 only 4 4154-12 Front Underseat Panel 565 only 4 4154-6 Front Underseat Panel 575, 590 & 595 5 4155-2 Roof Panel 6 4160-1 Spray Adhesive Aerosol can - 500ml 4150-5 trim kit comprising of all items for MF550 - 1 door cab 4150-12 trim kit comprising of all items for MF550 - 2 door cab 4150-13 trim kit comprising of all items for MF575, 590 & 595 - 1 door cab 4150-2 trim kit comprising of all items for MF575, 590 & 595 - 2 door cab 4150-3 trim kit comprising of all items for MF565 - 1 door cab 4150-14 trim kit comprising of all items for MF565 - 2 door cab Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 148 INTERIOR TRIM 14 9 11 10 12 13 JOHN DEERE SG2 SERIES BEPCO No. Descirption Specification 1 4159-1 Roof Hatch Panel 2 4155-3 Roof Lining 3 4155-4 Roof Lining Front Section 4 4113-1B Side Panel RH 5 4113-1A Side Panel LH 6 4113-1E Base Panel RH - 2 parts 7 4113-1F Base Panel LH 8 4113-1C Rear Corner Panel RH 8 4113-1D Rear Corner Panel LH (not illustrated) 9 4113-1G Rear Panel Rear Section 10 4113-1K Front Post Panel RH (not illustrated) 10 4113-1L Front Post Panel LH 11 4113-1J Rear Post Panel RH (not illustrated) 11 4113-1H Rear Post Panel LH 12 4113-1N Dash Surround Panel Early type 13 4113-10 Front Cover Panel LH - Early type (RH not available at the moment) 14 4160-1 Spray Adhesive Aerosol can - 500ml 4113-1 trim kit comprising of items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 14 Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 149 INTERIOR TRIM 9 FOAM COVERED PERFORATED VINYL SHEETS BEPCO No. Descirption Specification 1 4158-1 Grey 2m x 1.2m x 12mm thick 2 4158-5 Grey 2m x 1.2m x 24mm thick 3 4158-2 Brown 2m x 1.2m x 12mm thick 4 4158-6 Brown 2m x 1.2m x 24mm thick 5 4160-2 Black 2m x 1.2m x 12mm thick 6 4158-7 Black 2m x 1.2m x 24mm thick 7 4158-4 Blue 2m x 1.2m x 12mm thick 8 4158-8 Blue 2m x 1.2m x 24mm thick 9 4160-1 Spray Adhesive Aerosol can - 500ml The above sheets are for alternatives to trim kits and the required panels can be cut as and when needed - 2 sheets will be enough to re-trim most cabs. The above can be ordered as a kit wich comprises of two sheets and one can be sray adhesive. Simply place a K behind the part number i.e. 4158-1K. These sheets can also be used for many other purposes where interior trim is required. Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 150 MISCLLANEOUS FITTINGS 1904-1 Complete Front Light Side light & indicator Lambourn Q cabs & Cab Craft cabs Also general cab use 63/1912-222 Complete Rear Light Rear light, Indicator & brake light Lambourn Q cabs & Cab Craft cabs Also general cab use 1905-1 Front Lens For use with 1904-1 63/1913-222 Rear Lens For use with 63/1912-222 63/1918-222 Complete Front Light Front Light & Indicator Lambourn MF Q cabs, Cab Craft cabs & J/D SG2 cabs Also general cab use 63/1918-222 Marker Light Side & Rear light General cab & trailer use Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 151 MISCLLANEOUS FITTINGS 4172-9 Mounting Bush Lambourn Q cabs MF200 GKN Sankey Series - 1683157M1 Door Retainer 4161-1 - Plug (male) 4161-2 - Cup (female) Lambourn Q cabs Also general cab use Bepco UK Ltd Tel: 01299 252270 Fax: 0800 216 553 Original equipment manufacturers names and numbers are quoted for reference purposes only and are not intended to infer that our replacement parts are used as original equipment 152 mehr Informationen finden Sie auf © bepco 2013 Nachdruck, auch nur auszugsweise, nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung. Für eventuelle Druckfehler in diesem Katalog übernimmt die Bepco Deutschland GmbH keine Haftung. Irrtümer vorbehalten. Warenabgabe nur solange Vorrat reicht. Bepco Deutschland GmbH Neuer Weg 5 - 59505 Bad Sassendorf T +49 2927 919 59 0 · F +49 2927 919 59 59 [email protected] · · SPIEGELKÖPFE SPIEGELS 70/4172-40 70/4172-41 70/4172-92 70/4172-15 siehe Seite / zie page Ret-3 70/4172-1A 70/4172-15 70/4172-99 70/4172-100 Links Rechts siehe Seite / zie page Ret-3 70/4172-50 70/4172-51 Rechts Links 70/4172-52 70/4172-52 70/4172-6 70/4172-8 siehe Seite / zie page Ret-3 70/4172-175 ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.9 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 190x140 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : 2x Ø 6 mm 190 mm 70/4172-5 70/4172-15 ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 177x125 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 13-16 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-15G 70/4172-18 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 183x131 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 13/16 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-18G 70/4172-78 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal Abmessung / Afmetingen : 200x130 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 10/12 mm 70/4172-72 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 226x165 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 12/18 mm Ed. 1 (07/02) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" RET-1 SPIEGELKÖPFE SPIEGELS 70/4172-20 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 318x220 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 16/22 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-20G 70/4172-85 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 345x200 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 15/18 mm 70/4172-86 ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.3 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 354x169 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 19 mm 70/4172-87 ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.3 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 370x186 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : 18 mm Für italienische Serie Italiaanse bevestiging 270 mm 80 mm Ø 18 mm 70/4172-1A Ø 13 mm 260 mm Link - left 2x M6 Rechts - right 280 mm 45 mm 70/4172-89 2x Ø 9.5 mm 70/4172-88 450 > 700 mm 44 mm 70/4172-92 10° 10° Ø 20 mm 290 mm 2x M8 mm 70/4172-91 Ø 6 mm Ø 20 mm 6x Ø 6 mm 270 - m 420 m 70/4172-8 (2 Bohrungen/2 gaten), T.= / dikte : 8 mm 70/4172-94 : 2x M6 70/4172-93 : 60 mm Für/voor 70/4172-91 (4 Bohrungen/4 gaten), T.= / dikte : 20 mm Ed. 1 (07/02) Ø 16 mm 330 mm Adapter Bevestigingsplaat 70/4172-94 50 mm 70/4172-93 2x Ø 9.5 mm 443 > 718 mm 265 mm "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" RET-3 SPIEGELKÖPFE SPIEGELS 70/4172-52 ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 235x175 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 20 mm 70/4172-5 ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 242x163 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 15/17 mm Für italienische Serie Italiaanse bevestiging 70/4172-80 ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal Abmessung / Afmetingen : 245x140 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 10/12 mm 70/4172-27 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek Abmessung / Afmetingen : 245x155 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : M16 Serie/Serie : CASE-IH : (XL, XLA) Ersetzt / Vervangt : 3399576R9 70/4172-19 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 253x153 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 13/16 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-19G 70/4172-81 ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 258x150 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 10 mm 70/4172-16 ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 260x160 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 13/16 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-16G 70/4172-71 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Kunststoffgehäuse Kuip-plastiek ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 265x165 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 12/15 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-101 70/4172-102 (Weitwinkel/ Groothoek) 70/4172-30 ; Weitwinkel / Groothoek ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal Abmessung / Afmetingen : 300x210 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 15/18 mm Serie/Serie : Deutz (ersetzt / Vervangt 04304841) 70/4172-17 ; Metallgehäuse / Kuip-metaal ; Zertifiziert / Gehomologeerd E.11 Abmessung / Afmetingen : 300x210 mm Befestigung / Bevestiging : Ø 16/22 mm Glas / Spiegelglas : 70/4172-17G Ed. 1 (07/02) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" RET-2 PRODUCT NEWS-SHEET PAGE : N° 7249 DATE : 07/04 CAB PAR TS Rétroviseur d’intérieur de cabine - Inner cab mirror - Binnenspiegel Innenrückspiegel von Kabine - Retrovisor interior de cabina Part N° HxL 70/4172-180 155 x 235 mm Les références des pièces sont indicatives. Nos pièces ne sont pas d’origine. Part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only. Our parts and accessories are not original. “THE RELIABLE SERVICE” SPIEGELKÖPFE SPIEGELS 70/4172-96 Ø 12 > 15 mm 70/4172-97 Ø 15 > 17 mm 70/4172-98 Ø 17 > 19 mm 70/4172-95 Ø 15 > 25 mm Vergleichsliste / Vergelijkingslijst Alte-Nr. Oude Nr. 10/390 10/50006 10/5118 10/5191 10/5192 10/51921 10/5417 10/5419 10/6100K 10/6217 10/6218E 10/6219E 10/6220 10/6226E 10/6227E 10/6228E 10/6229E 10/6230 10/6231E 10/6245 10/6246 10/6247 10/6248 10/6356 10/6357 10/721 10/722 28/4172-42 28/4172-43 29/9234-147 29/9234-149 31/L1427/251 31/L3301/568 4172-15G 4172-16G 4172-17G 4172-18G 4172-19G 4172-20G ET.120 ET.120/ARM ET.4161 ET.642 ET.642/3 New New Ed. 1 (07/02) Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/4172-30 70/4172-101 70/4172-81 70/4172-71 70/4172-85 70/4172-102 70/4172-27 70/4172-87 70/4172-91 70/4172-78 70/4172-15 70/4172-18 70/4172-80 70/4172-5 70/4172-16 70/4172-19 70/4172-17 70/4172-72 70/4172-20 70/4176-96 70/4172-97 70/4172-98 70/4172-95 70/4172-93 70/4172-94 70/4172-50 70/4172-51 70/4172-88 70/4172-89 70/4172-99 70/4172-100 70/4172-86 70/4172-52 70/4172-15G 70/4172-16G 70/4172-17G 70/4172-18G 70/4172-19G 70/4172-20G 70/4172-40 70/4172-92 70/4172-8 70/4172-1 70/4172-1A 70/4172-6 70/4172-175 Alte-Nr. Oude Nr. 70/4172-100 70/4172-1 70/4172-101 70/4172-102 70/4172-15 70/4172-15G 70/4172-16 70/4172-16G 70/4172-17 70/4172-17G 70/4172-18 70/4172-18G 70/4172-19 70/4172-19G 70/4172-80 70/4172-20 70/4172-20G 70/4172-27 70/4172-30 70/4172-40 70/4172-5 70/4172-50 70/4172-51 70/4172-52 70/4172-6 70/4172-71 70/4172-72 70/4172-78 70/4172-8 70/4172-81 70/4172-85 70/4172-86 70/4172-87 70/4172-88 70/4172-89 70/4172-1A 70/4172-91 70/4172-92 70/4172-93 70/4172-94 70/4172-95 70/4172-97 70/4172-98 70/4172-99 70/4176-96 70/4172-175 "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 29/9234-149 ET.642 10/50006 10/51921 10/6218E 4172-15G 10/6227E 4172-16G 10/6229E 4172-17G 10/6219E 4172-18G 10/6228E 4172-19G 10/6220 10/6231E 4172-20G 10/5417 10/390 ET.120 10/6226E 10/721 10/722 31/L3301/568 New 10/5191 10/6230 10/6217 ET.4161 10/5118 10/5192 31/L1427/251 10/5419 28/4172-42 28/4172-43 ET.642/3 10/6100K ET.120/ARM 10/6356 10/6357 10/6248 10/6246 10/6247 29/9234-147 10/6245 New RET-4 GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS Frontscheibe Voorruit CASE-IH CASE-IH DAVID BROWN EUROPE Tür Deur Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit 20/871-7 (255mm) (K303741) 20/870-8 (502mm) (K303743) CASE IH (David-Brown) 1190, 1290, 1390, 1490, 1690 (Alte Modelle / Oude modellen) 20/872-8 (395mm) (K302896) 1290, 1390, 1490, 1690, 1690T, 1194, 1294, 1394, 1494, 1594, 1694 20/872-9 (245mm) (K303870) CASE IH (Europe) 433, 533, 633, 733, 833 ( C82 "STD", "S3" & "Luxe") 25/872-11 (239mm) (1284622C2) 533, 633, 733, 833 644, 744, 844, 946, 955, 1046, 1055, 1246 ( "Comfort 2000") 25/872-11 (239mm) (1284622C2) 25/870-9 (240mm) (1284636C2) 25/872-22 (500mm) (1332420C1) 25/872-12 (402mm) (3232760R2) 743, 745, 844S, 845, 955, 1055 743, 745, 844, 845, 856, 955, 956, 1055, 1056, 1255, 1455, 3210, 3220, 3230, 4210, 4220, 4230, 4240 ( XL) 25/872-14 (278mm) (3232937R1) 856, 956, 1056, 1255, 1455 25/871-8 (250mm) (3221572R1) 25/870-10 (500mm) (3221531R1) 25/871-9 (240mm) (3399042R1) 25/870-11 (500mm) (3225465R2) 25/871-11 (224mm) (3399422R3) 25/870-15 (550mm) (3234163R1) 25/871-9 (240mm) (3399042R1) "XL" 25/870-36 (500mm) (3148826R2) 5120, 5130, 5140, 5150 25/872-44 (250mm) (1977416C1) 7110E, 7120E, 7130, 7140, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, 7250 25/870-34 (485mm) (1-99-976-066) CS78, CS86, CS94, CS110, CS120, CS130, CS150, CVX120, CVX130, CVX150, CVX170 CX50, CX60, CX70, CX80, CX90, CX100, MX80C, MX90C, MX100C, MX100, MX110, MX120, MX135, MX150, MX170 25/872-64 (501mm) (1-34-701-577) 25/870-60 (205mm) (1-99-976-061) 25/870-33 (487mm) (189447A2) 25/870-31 (478mm) (1971235C2) 25/870-32 (305mm) (1343825C1) 25/872-21 (330mm) (1280263C1) 9270, 9280, 9310, 9330, 9350, 9370, 9380, 9390, MX180, MX200, MX220, MX240, MX270 CS48, CS58, CS68, CS75 25/871-11 (224mm) (3399422R3) 25/872-44 (250mm) (1977416C1) 25/871-43 (276mm) (1-99-976-036) 25/870-34 (485mm) (1-99-976-066) 25/870-33 (487mm) (189447A2) Motorhaube Motorkap Maxxum 5120 25/876-1 (402mm) (1531489C1) Maxxum 5130, 5140, 5150 25/876-2 (400mm) (1531490C1) Maxxum 5120, 5130, 5140, 5150 25/876-3 (227mm) (108157A1) Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-1 CASE-IH ENGLAND GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS KHD-DEUTZ Frontscheibe Voorruit Tür Deur Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit 485, 585, 685, 695, 785, 795, 885, 895, 995 ( “XL”) 25/872-14 (278mm) (3232937R1) 25/871-11 (224mm) (3399422R3) 25/870-15 (550mm) (3234163R1) 384, 484, 584, 684, 784, 884, 385, 485, 585, 685, 785, 885 ( “L”) 25/870-13 (285mm) (3123040R1) CASE IH (England) 25/870-12 (285mm) (3118430R1) 25/871-10 (255mm) (3123835R1) 484, 584, 684, 784, 884, 485, 585, 685, 785, 885 ( “Super De Luxe”) 3210, 3220, 3230, 4210, 4220, 4230, 4240 ( “LP”) 25/872-22 (500mm) (1332420C1) 25/870-14 (422mm) (3125425R1) 25/870-35 (450mm) (144947A2) KHD-DEUTZ D45 D60 D68 D72 07C, 07C, 07C, 07C, D48 D62 D69 D78 07C, D52 07C, 07C, D65 07C, 07C, D70 07C, 07C 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357777) D68 07, D72 07, D78 07 21/871-25 (253mm) (04316669) DX80, 85, 86, 90, 92, 110, 120, 145 21/870-46 (505mm) (04344257) DX4.10, 4.30, 4.50, 4.70, 6.05, 6.10, 6.30, 6.50, 7.10 21/870-47 (505mm) (04357776) 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357777) DX85, 90, 110, 120, 140, 145, 160, 230, 250 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357777) 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357777) 21/872-35 (611mm) (04356301) 21/871-25 (253mm) (04316669) 21/871-25 (253mm) (04316669) 21/870-47 (505mm) (04357776) 21/872-36 (611mm) (04373763) 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357777) 21/870-48 (505mm) (04336970) 21/870-48 (505mm) (04336970) DX3.10VC, 3.30VC, 3.50VC, 3.60VC, 3.65VC, 3.70VC, 3.90VC 21/870-66 (500mm) (04335085) DX3.10V, 3.30V/F, 3.50V/F/S, 3.70V/F, 3.90F/S 21/874-21 (500mm) (04366129) 21/870-94 (278mm) (04366164) 21/870-94 (278mm) (04366164) 21/870-94 (278mm) (04366164) DX3.10SC, 3.30SC, 3.50SC, 3.60SC, 3.65SC, 3.70SC, 3.80SC, 3.90SC, AgroPrima 4.31, 4.51, 4.56, 6.06, 6.16, AgroXtra 3.57, 4.07, 4.17, 4.47, 4.57, 6.07, 6.17 21/870-49 (505mm) (04388075) 21/872-34 (505mm) (04373761) 21/871-25 (253mm) (04316669) 21/870-49 (505mm) (04388075) AgroStar 4.61, 4.68, 4.71, 4.78, 6.08, 6.11, 6.21, 6.28, 6.31, 6.38, 6.61, 6.71, 6.81 21/870-50 (505mm) (04399081) 21/872-40 (500mm) (04402639) 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357779) 21/870-45 (505mm) (04357779) Agrotron 4.70, 4.80, 4.85, 4.90, 4.95, 6.00, 6.01, 6.05, 6.15, 6.20, 6.30, 6.45, 160, 175, 200 21/870-52 (535mm) (04415239) 21/872-39 (235mm) (04428681) Agro Compact 3.30V/F, 3.50V/F/S, 3.70V/F, 3.90F/S 21/874-21 (500mm) (04366129) 21/870-94 (278mm) (04366164) Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. VER-2 21/870-50 (505mm) (04399081) 21/872-38 (500mm) (04403124) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" 21/870-52 (535mm) (04415239) 21/870-94 (278mm) (04366164) 21/874-21 (500mm) (04366129) De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS DIETEG Frontscheibe Voorruit Tür Deur FENDT Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit DIETEG F8000, FP8000, FPK8000 40/874-10 (215mm) (32147) Compact 80 Deutz 40/870-79 (595mm) (010008100) Compact 80 Case IH Compact 50 Deutz, Case IH, John Deere 40/874-13 (485mm) (01008088) 40/874-12 (340mm) (010008062) 40/870-79 (595mm) (010008100) 40/870-67 (605mm) 40/872-47 (340mm) Compact 90 Deutz Compact 10 Deutz DX smalspoor 40/870-79 (595mm) (010008100) Seitenscheiben Zijruit Compact 80 Deutz, Case IH Compact 90 Deutz 40/873-3 (183mm) (010008010) FENDT Farmer 100 LS Serie 22/874-18 (500mm) (A) (F182800202060) 22/872-55 (278mm) (F258514210020) 22/871-33 (222mm) (X800420446000) 22/874-19 (430mm) (B) (F182800200210) Farmer 200V, 203P, 204P, 204V Farmer 240, 250, 260, 270, 275, 280 S, P, V 22/870-70 (500mm) (F166810040010) 22/870-68 (500mm) (H205810040030) 22/872-55 (278mm) (F258514210020) 22/872-55 (278mm) (C) (F258514210020) Farmer 300 LS, LSA Serie Favorit 600 LS, LSA Serie 22/870-21 (592mm) (X800420490000) Favorit 500, 700, 800, 900 series / Serien 22/870-69 (603mm) (X800420489000) F 255 GT, F 275 GT 22/874-15 (305mm) (X800420422000) F 345 GT, F 350 GT, F 360 GT, F 365 GT, F 370 GT, F 380 GT, F 390 GT, F 395 GT 22/870-21 (592mm) (X800420490000) 22/872-16 (501mm) (X800420414000) 22/870-71 (405mm) (H205810050100) 22/871-33 (222mm) (X800420446000) 22/870-21 (592mm) (X800420490000) 22/872-57 (490mm) (X800420491000) 22/872-49 (325mm) (H816810030500) 22/871-30 (215mm) (H816810020100) 22/870-68 (500mm) (H205810040030) 22/872-57 (490mm) (X800420491000) 22/871-33 (222mm) (X800420446000) 22/870-21 (592mm) (X800420490000) 22/871-30 (215mm) (H816810020100) 22/870-68 (500mm) (H205810040030) Xylon 520, 522, 524 Motorhaube Motorkap 700, 900 Serien Neue Ausführung Nieuwe generatie (A) (B) (C) 22/876-4 (590mm) (H716501021200) Flache Frontscheibe / Vierkante ruit Gewölbte Frontscheibe / Ronde ruit Mit Frontlader / Met frontlader Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-3 FIATAGRI FORD NEW HOLLAND NEW HOLLAND Frontscheibe Voorruit GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS Tür Deur Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit 23/871-16 (260mm) (5125289, 5116437, 5108535) 23/870-23 (500mm) (5113767) FIATAGRI NEW HOLLAND “80” Serie 23/870-1 (495mm) 23/870-1 (495mm) (9933355, 62750096) (9933355, 62750096) 46, 56, 66, 66S, 76, 80, 86, 90, 94 series / Serien Comfort, Super Comfort Geotech 83 “90” Serie “Winner” Serie 23/870-22 (498mm) (5129427) 23/870-58 (637mm) (5155032) L60, L65, L75, L85, L95 23/870-55 (540mm) (5147419) 23/871-11 (224mm) (5153206) 23/870-56 (640mm) (5153193) 23/872-69 (215mm) (5183854) M100, M115, M135, M160, TM115, TM125, TM135, TM150, TM165, TS90, TS100, TS110, TS115 23/872-42 (215mm) 23/871-42 (215mm) (81867743, 83994021) (83949895) 23/870-57 (585mm) (82019393, 83995329) FORD NEW HOLLAND 2310, 2610, 2810, 2910, 3610, 3910, 4110, 4610, 5110, 5610, 6410, 6610, 6710, 6810, 7410, 7610 LP (1/82 Ö 1/84) AP (2/84 Ö) 24/874-1 (255mm) 24/872-6 (500mm) (E3NN94032N09AA11M, (E3NN94201N18AA, 83944280) 83944272) 3430, 3930, 4130, 4630, 4830, 5030 24/872-7 (200mm) (E9NN9423552AB, 81878231) 5110, 5610, 5900, 6610, 6710, 7610, 7710, 7910, 8210, TW5, TW15, TW25, TW35 (10/85 Ö) 6410, 6810, 7410, 7810, 8530, 8630, 8730, 8830 Gen. I Super Q 24/872-5 (200mm) (E4NN94201N18AA, 83952266) 10 Serie Gen. II 24/872-68 (215mm) 4635, 4835, 5635, 6635, 7635, TL70, TL80, TL90, TL100 5640, 6640, 7740, 7840, 8160, 8240, 8260, 8340, 8360, 8560, TM115, TM125, TM135, TM150, TM165, TS90, TS100, TS110, TS115 24/872-42 (215mm) (E9NN94201N18AB, 81867743) 24/871-5 (255mm) (E2NN94502R28AA, 83932028) 24/870-7 (500mm) (E2NN9444000AA, 83932024) 24/871-4 (215mm) (E4NN94502R28AA, 83949895) 24/870-6 (375mm) (E4NN9444000AA, 83952213) 24/870-57 (585mm) 24/871-4 (215mm) (F0NN9444000BA, (E4NN94502R28AA, 81865239, 82019393) 83949895) Seitenscheiben Zijruit 2600, 3600, 4100, 4600, 5600, 24/873-1 (370mm) (B) 5700, 6600, 6700, 7600, 7700, (D7NN94303N04D, 8700, 9700, TW10, TW20, TW30 83917053) 2610, 3610, 3910, 4110, 4610 (Ö 12/85) 24/873-2 (370mm) (C) 5110, 5610, 5900, 6610, 6710, (D7NN94303N05C, 7610, 7710, 7910, 8210, TW5, 83917055) TW15, TW25, TW35 (Ö 9/85) Q Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. VER-4 Heckscheibe Achterruit (A) Mit Halter / Met steun (B) Für Seitenscheibe vorne links und hinten rechts Gasveer passend voor zijruiten links voor en rechts achter (C) Für Seitenscheibe vorne rechts und hinten links Gasveer passend voor zijruiten rechts voor en links achter "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" 24/870-5 (370mm) (A) (D7NN94303N04A, 83917049) De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS HILL BRANT Frontscheibe Voorruit HÜRLIMANN Tür Deur JOHN DEERE Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit HILL BRANT Hill Brant 40/870-95 (400mm) 40/870-95 (400mm) HÜRLIMANN H356, H358, H466, H476, H468, H478, H488 33/872-59 (500mm) (9241.140.4) 33/871-35 (318mm) (9234.373.4) 480, 490, 5110 XT 6115, 6135 33/870-84 (520mm) (9206.198.4/10) 33/870-85 (700mm) (007.5407.0) 33/872-60 (390mm) (008.2089.4/20) JOHN DEERE 1030, 1130, 1630 ( “SEKURA”, “SEK 442”, “OPU”) 26/870-17 (255mm) (AL28599) 1830, 2030, 2130 ( “SEKURA”, “SEK 293”, “SEK927”) 26/871-13 (255mm) (AL28649, AL25968) 2030, 2130, 3030, 3130 ( “SEKURA”, “SEK 294”, “SEK 443”) 26/870-17 (255mm) (AL28599) 26/870-19 (500mm) (AL58521, AL60324, AL63124) 26/871-14 (224mm) (L57248) 26/870-18 (500mm) (AL33170) 940, 1040, 1140, 1550, 1640, 1750, 1850, 1950, 2040, 2040S, 2250, 2450, 2650, 2850 ( “MC1”) 940, 1040, 1140, 1640, 2040, 2040S, 2140, 3040, 3140 ( “OPU”) 1640, 2040, 2040S, 2140, 2250, 2450, 2650, 2850, 3040, 3050, 3140, 3350, 3640, 3650 ( “SG2”) 26/874-4 (323mm) (AL61021) 26/870-19 (500mm) (AL58521, AL60324, AL63124) 26/870-19 (500mm) (AL58521, AL60324, AL63124) 26/870-17 (255mm) (AL28599) 26/870-17 (255mm) (AL28599) 26/870-20 (736mm) (AL66992, AL35675, L63085) 4040S, 4055, 4240, 4240S, 4250, 4255, 4440, 4450, 4455, 4640, 4650, 4680, 4755, 4850, 4955 6100(SE), 6200(SE), 6300(SE), 6400(SE), 6506, 6600, 6800, 6900 26/870-72 (500mm) (AL77303, AL81578) 26/872-50 (260mm) (AL110629, AL78435) 6101SE, 6110(SE), 6210(SE), 6310(SE), 6410(SE), 6510(SE), 6610(SE), 6810, 6910 7600, 7610, 7700, 7710, 7800, 7810 26/870-73 (500mm) (AL114803) 26/870-72 (500mm) (AL77303, AL81578) Motorhaube Motorkap 6100, 6200, 6300, 6400, 6505, 6506, 6510(SE), 6600, 6610(SE), 6800, 6810, 6900, 6910(S) 26/876-5 (354mm) (AL77767) Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-5 LAMBORGHINI LANDINI Frontscheibe Voorruit MANITOU Tür Deur GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit LAMBORGHINI R.674, R.874 R.956, R.1106, R1306, R1506 32/872-61 (500mm) (9233.166.4) 32/872-61 (500mm) (9233.166.4) 32/871-36 (318mm) (9234.373.4) 32/872-61 (500mm) (9233.166.4) R.774 32/870-86 (500mm) (9233.167.0) R.774-80, R.874T R.874-90T, R.974-90T Grand Prix, 105 Formula 32/872-61 (500mm) (9233.166.4) Premium 850, 950, 1050, 1060 32/872-62 (390mm) (008.2089.4/20) 32/870-87 (700mm) (007.5407.0) Racing 150, 165, 190 LANDINI 5500 Large 12500, 14500 31/871-26 (255mm) (1427157M91) 6550, 8550, 6880, 7880, 8880, 9080, 9880, Large 10000, 13000 31/871-38 (215mm) (3303021M91) 31/870-88 (550mm) (1427130M92) 31/870-89 (525mm) (3301920M92) Legend 105, 115, 130, 145, 165 MANITOU Motorhaube Motorkap MC40, MC50 (Powershift) (1 & 2 Serie) MC60, MC70 (Turbo Powershift) (1 & 2 Serie) 44/876-6 (585mm) (214241) M26-2, M26-4, M30-2, M40-2, M40-4 (1 & 2 Serie), MC30 44/876-7 (585mm) (213461) MT930 44/876-8 (380mm) (404719) M30-4, MC40, MC50, MC60, MC70 (Ö S170800), MT732, MT835, MT932, MT1332H, MT1337, MT1637, MLT629, MLT633, MLT730, MLT735H, MLT740H, MLT740T 44/876-9 (525mm) (226681,240923) 165ATJ, 165ATJS (2 Serie) 44/876-10 (365mm) (498542) MLT523, MLT526 (1 Serie) 44/876-11 (885mm) (232509) MLA628T, MLT 523, MLT526 (1 Serie) 44/876-12 (585mm) (223523) MT835, MT1337, MT1637 44/876-9 (525mm) (226681,240923) MT835, MT1330, MT1337, MT1637 (1 Serie) 44/876-6 (585mm) (214241) MC60, MT727, MT728, MT927, MT928, MLT628, MLT632, MLT728 44/876-15 (885mm) (209377) M2 26 CP, M2 30 CP, M4 26 CP, M4 30 CP, M4 40 CP, M4 50 CP, MC 30 CP, MC 40 CP, MC 50 CP, MCE 40 CP, MLT523, MLT526 (1 Serie) 44/876-16 (585mm) (174114) Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. VER-6 "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" Tankhaube Tankkap Heckscheibe Achterruit 44/876-12 (585mm) (223523) De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS MANITOU Motorhaube Motorkap MASSEY FERGUSON Tankhaube Tankkap Heckscheibe Achterruit MANITOU MT727, 927 (C Serie), MT830, MT840, MT930, MT1230, MLT626, MLT630, MLT725 (2 & 3 series / Serien) 44/876-17 (885mm) (78442) MLT626, MLT630, MLT725 (2 & 3 series / Serien) MSI20, MSI25, MSI30 44/876-20 (887mm) (189010) 44/876-18 (500mm) (211101) MT830, MT840, MT930, MT1230 (1 Serie) 44/876-21 (887mm) (184499) MLT626 (1 Serie) 44/876-19 (885mm) (78857) MT732, MT835, MT845, MT932, MT940, MT1232, MT1240, MT1330, MT1332, MT1337, MT1637, MLT523, MLT526, MLT629, MLT633, MLT730 (A Serie) Frontscheibe Voorruit 44/870-102 (315mm) (551569) Tür Deur Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit MASSEY FERGUSON 154, 174, 184, 194 30/872-51 (317mm) (3103957M1) 154, 254, 274, 1114, 1134 30/871-37 (255mm) (1427157M91) 200 Serie Sankey LPQ 342, 350, 352, 355, 360, 362, 365, 372, 375, 382, 390, 396, 398, 399 233, 253, 263, 273, 283, 293, 333, 353, 363, 373, 383, 393 30/872-2 (280mm) (3478319M2, 3476027M1) 30/870-74 (361mm) (3103958M1) 30/871-3 (215mm) (1897726M91) 30/872-51 (317mm) (3103957M1) 30/870-3 (497mm) (1897990M91, 3476187M1) 30/870-74 (361mm) (3103958M1) 354, 364, 374, 384, 394 30/872-51 (317mm) (3103957M1) 30/870-74 (361mm) (3103958M1) 500 Serie Mähdrescher / Maaidorsers 530, 535, 560, 565, 660, 665, 800, 805, 810, 815, 820, 825, 830, 835, 840, 845, Ind 20E, 30D 30/870-1 (495mm) (1873903M91) Serie 600 Serie, 274SK, 284S, 294S, 377, 387, 397, 397T, 1004, 1004T, 1007, 1014, 1024 30/870-2 (525mm) (3301920M92) 2600, 2700 Serien 3000 Serie 30/872-1 (505mm) (3380149M2) 30/870-74 (361mm) (3103958M1) 3100, 3600 Serien 4200, 4300 Serien 30/870-53 (485mm) (3805354M1, 3804759M1, 3806767M1) 6100, 6200, 8100, 8200 Serien Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) 30/871-1 (215mm) (3303021M91, 3301617M91) 30/872-3 (250mm) (3385316M91) 30/870-1 (495mm) (3384671M1, 1873903M91) 30/870-74 (361mm) (3103958M1) 30/870-4 (786mm) (3389556M2) (190 N) 30/870-53 (485mm) (3805354M1, 3804759M1) 30/871-39 (215mm) (3901826M91) 30/870-53 (485mm) (3805354M1, 3804759M1) 30/872-43 (227mm) (3902121M3) 30/871-1 (215mm) (3303021M91) 30/870-63 (585mm) (3902140M1) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-7 MINSK TRACTORS RENAULT D.M.A. Frontscheibe Voorruit SAME Tür Deur GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit 39/870-65 (600mm) (308250111) 39/870-65 (600mm) (308250111) MINSK TRACTORS BELARUS MTS 80, 82, 102, 550, 920, 952 RENAULT D.M.A. 301, 351, 361, 421, 461, 462, 466, 521, 551, 651, 652, 656, 681, 751 28/872-19 (490mm) (7701350668) 28/870-54 (490mm) (7701025587) 751, 781, 851 28/870-26 (590mm) (7700002849) 891, 951, 981, 1151, 1181 28/870-26 (590mm) (7700002849) 55-12, 55-14, 70-12, 70-14 28/870-61 (325mm) (6005014318) 58-12, 58-14, 58-32, 58-34, 61-12, 61-14, 65-12, 65-14, 65-32, 65-34, 68-12, 68-14, 70-12, 70-14, 70-32, 70-34, 75-12, 75-14, 75-32, 75-34, 80-12, 80-14, 80-32, 80-34, 85-32, 85-34, 90-32, 90-34, 95-12, 95-14, 103-12, 103-14, 106-14, Ceres 65, 70, 75, 85, 95, 310, 320, 330, 340 28/870-24 (375mm) (7700005276) 75-32, 75-34, 85-32, 85-34, 90-32, 90-34, 95-12, 95-14, 103-12, 103-14, 103-52, 103-54, 106-14, 106-54, 110-14, 110-54, 113-12, 113-14, 120-14, 120-54, 133-14, 133-54, 145-14, 145-54, 155-54, 160-94, 175-74, 180-94, Temis 550, 610, 630, 650 28/870-25 (600mm) (7700002848, 7700037427, 7700687189, 7700687409) Ares 540, 550, 610, 620, 630, 640 28/874-7 (630mm) (7700047061) Ergos 85, 95, 105 28/872-26 (252mm) (6005014361) Cergos 330, 340, 350 28/870-61 (325mm) (6005014318) 28/870-61 (325mm) (6005014318) 28/870-62 (365mm) (6005022224) SAME Antares, Titan 29/872-23 (390mm) (008.2089.4/20) Aster Buffalo, Centauro, Centurion, Leopard, Taurus Explorer 29/871-34 (318mm) (9234.373.4) 29/874-6 (500mm) (9206.194.4) 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) 29/874-20 (255mm) (9200.170.3) Explorer II 60, 70, 80, 90 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) 29/871-34 (318mm) (9234.373.4) Galaxy 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) Hercules Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. VER-8 "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" 29/872-37 (700mm) (007.5407.0) 29/870-27 (512mm) (9208.140.3) 29/874-6 (500mm) (9206.194.4) 29/870-27 (512mm) (9208.140.3) 29/870-38 (520mm) (9206.198.4/10) 29/870-83 (500mm) (9233.167.4) De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS SAME Frontscheibe Voorruit STEYR Tür Deur VALMET Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) 29/870-27 (512mm) (9208.140.3) SAME Jaguar 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) Laser 29/874-20 (255mm) (9200.170.3) 29/871-34 (318mm) (9234.373.4) 29/870-83 (500mm) (9233.167.4) Solar Tiger, Trident 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) 29/872-58 (500mm) (9241.140.4, 9233.166.4) 29/870-27 (512mm) (9208.140.3) STEYR 80 Serie, SK2 27/872-53 (325mm) (1-99-976-060) 27/870-76 (582mm) (1-99-976-047) 80 Serie, 8150, 8170, FK1 27/870-75 (571mm) (1-99-976-005) 80 Serie CVT 120, 130, 150, 170, 9105, 9115, 9125, 9145, M9078, M9083, M9086, M9094 900 Serie, 27/872-63 (205mm) (1-99-976-061) 27/870-90 (485mm) (1-99-976-066) 8045, 8055, 8065, 8075, 8085, RSK2 27/872-54 (501mm) (1-34-701-577) 27/870-90 (485mm) (1-99-976-066) 27/872-52 (316mm) (1-34-701-485) 8075 8060 27/870-90 (485mm) (1-99-976-066) 27/871-32 (205mm) (1-99-976-062) DUO M968, M975 27/871-31 (276mm) (1-99-976-036) 27/870-77 (485mm) (1-99-976-051) 27/874-17 (483mm) (1-99-976-048) 27/870-78 (504mm) (1-34-701-526) 8085, 8090 VALMET 205, 305, 405, 415, 504, 604 255, 355, 365, 455, 465, 555, 565 41/872-66 (345mm) (31517900) 505, 515, 605, 615, 655, 705, 715, 755, 805, 815, 855, 905, 915 41/872-65 (600mm) (30191700) 41/870-99 (500mm) (30314200) 41/870-96 (500mm) (30077200) 600, 700, 800, 865, 900 5180HI, 5480HI, 6000, 6100, 6250HI, 6300, 6350HI, 6400, 6550HI, 6600, 6650HI, 6800, 6850HI, 8000, 8050, 8050HI, 8100, 8150, 8200, 8350HI, 8400, 8450, 8550, 8550HI, 8750, 8950HI 8300, 8600, 8800 Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) 41/872-66 (345mm) (31517900) 41/871-40 (280mm) (32241400) 41/872-67 (250mm) (F33853161) 41/871-41 (215mm) (F33030211) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" 41/870-97 (520mm) (31631300) 41/870-98 (786mm) (F33895561) De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-9 VOLVO GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS ZETOR Frontscheibe Voorruit Tür Deur Dach Dak Heckscheibe Achterruit VOLVO 36/870-42 (237mm) (BM782481) ZETOR 3320, 3340, 4320, 4340, 5320, 5340(H), 6320, 6340 ( “BK6011”) 37/870-91 (420mm) (60117921) 3320, 3340, 4320, 4340, 5320, 5340(H), 6320, 6340 ( “BK7011M”) 37/870-93 (313mm) (62117932) 4321, 4341, 5321, 5341, 6321, 6341, 7321, 7341 37/872-71 (410mm) (53369903) 5211, 5245, 6211, 6245, 7211, 7245(H), 7711, 7745 ( “BK6011”) 37/870-91 (420mm) (60117921) 37/870-91 (420mm) (60117921) 37/870-93 (313mm) (62117932) 37/870-93 (313mm) (62117932) 7520 Ö 9450, 10520, 10540 Alte Modelle / Oud modellen 37/872-70 (277mm) (10368919) 8111, 8145, 9111, 9145, 10111, 10145, 12111, 12145, 14145, 16145 37/870-92 (400mm) (12190101, LP.3482) 37/871-44 (274mm) (10368916) 37/870-100 (508mm) (10368917) 37/870-92 (400mm) (12190101, LP.3482) 8211, 8245, 9211, 9245, 10211, 10245, 11211, 11245, 12211, 12245, 14245, 16245 VER-10 37/870-91 (420mm) (60117921) 37/870-101 (505mm) (10368911) 7520 Ö 9450, 10520, 10540 Neue Modelle / Nieuwe modellen Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. 37/870-93 (313mm) (62117932) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-500 A (mm) 222 B (mm) 120 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 6 120 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-510 A (mm) 402 B (mm) 205 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 70/870-501 224 105 6 6 160 70/870-511 485 250 8 8 70/870-502 227 117 6 6 150 75 70/870-626 498 245 8 8 70/870-503 250 122 6 150 6 150 70/870-512 500 245 8 8 70/870-504 255 125 130 8 8 275 70/870-513 550 270 8 8 70/870-505 255 275 132 8 8 180 70/870-627 585 288 8 8 70/870-506 400 305 165 6 6 250 70/870-628 585 288 8 8 700 70/870-507 315 160 8 8 100 70/870-514 597 298 8 8 150 70/870-508 361 175 8 8 250 70/ 870-629 600 305 8 8 200 70/870-625 365 182 6 6 350 70/870-630 885 447 8 8 800 70/870-509 400 205 8 8 330 70/870-631 885 447 8 8 1000 Newtons C Newtons 250 D B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-515 A (mm) 205 B (mm) 104 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 100 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-533 A (mm) 500 B (mm) 260 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 70/870-516 205 105 8 8 500 70/870-534 501 253 8 8 70/870-517 250 120 8 8 200 330 70/870-535 501 260 8 8 70/870-632 274 132 8 200 8 150 70/870-536 502 265 8 8 70/870-518 278 135 200 8 8 200 70/870-537 512 253 8 8 70/870-633 315 350 151 8 8 150 70/870-538 525 255 8 8 70/870-519 190 316 168 8 8 280 70/870-634 525 259 8 8 600 70/870-520 325 163 8 8 200 70/870-540 540 277 8 8 140 70/870-521 365 180 8 8 200 70/870-541 584 295 8 8 100 70/870-522 375 185 8 8 180 70/870-542 585 290 8 8 200 70/870-523 395 200 8 8 150 70/870-543 585 292 8 8 150 70/870-524 400 193 8 8 250 70/870-635 585 292 8 8 500 70/870-525 400 210 8 8 370 70/870-636 585 292 8 8 600 70/870-526 483 240 8 8 100 70/870-544 592 301 8 8 220 70/870-527 485 240 8 8 200 70/870-545 600 310 8 8 150 70/870-528 485 246 8 8 175 70/870-546 640 346 8 8 100 70/870-529 490 246 8 8 100 70/870-547 736 368 8 8 170 70/870-530 497 260 8 8 200 70/870-548 786 398 8 8 190 70/870-531 500 260 8 8 210 70/870-637 885 447 8 8 500 70/870-532 500 260 8 8 220 70/870-638 885 447 8 8 800 Newtons Newtons 230 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-549 A (mm) 318 B (mm) 152 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 70/870-550 323 156 8 70/870-551 402 197 8 Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) 170 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-552 8 100 70/870-553 8 150 Newtons "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" A (mm) 500 B (mm) 242 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 500 242 8 8 Newtons 170 200 De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-11 GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS C D B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-554 A (mm) 450 B (mm) 227 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Newtons A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) Newtons 150 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-555 70/870-556 A (mm) 215 B (mm) 105 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 237 112 8 8 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-639 Newtons 1100 A (mm) 500 B (mm) 258 C (mm) 10 D (mm) 10 A (mm) 390 B (mm) 193 C (mm) - D (mm) - Newtons 2100 135 B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-557 A (mm) 215 B (mm) 100 C (mm) - D (mm) - 410 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-561 70/870-558 250 123 - - 350 70/870-562 500 350 - - 200 70/870-559 260 130 - - 250 70/870-563 500 350 - - 300 70/870-640 278 135 200 70/870-564 505 250 - - 220 70/870-560 330 160 - - Newtons Newtons 570 278 C D B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-565 A (mm) 420 B (mm) 220 C (mm) 10 D (mm) 10 200 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-641 70/870-566 490 235 8 8 400 70/870-567 490 240 8 8 210 70/870-568 498 247 8 8 230 Newtons A (mm) 500 B (mm) 245 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 70/870-569 504 253 8 8 150 70/870-570 590 290 8 8 400 Newtons 300 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-571 70/870-642 A (mm) 215 B (mm) 105 C (mm) 6 D (mm) 8 215 105 6 8 Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. VER-12 Newtons 200 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-572 A (mm) 430 B (mm) 265 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 Newtons 985 300 "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-573 A (mm) 260 B (mm) 130 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 6 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Newtons A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) Newtons Newtons 120 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-574 A (mm) 215 B (mm) 126 C (mm) 6 D (mm) 6 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Newtons A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) A (mm) 487 B (mm) 240 C (mm) - D (mm) - 120 B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-575 A (mm) 227 B (mm) 110 C (mm) - D (mm) - 600 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-584 70/870-576 235 120 - - 750 70/870-585 500 250 - - 70/870-577 252 130 200 - - 250 70/870-586 500 252 - - 70/870-578 276 150 138 - - 100 70/870-587 505 255 - - 70/870-643 230 277 140 - - 150 70/870-588 520 260 - - 200 70/870-579 305 160 - - 142 70/870-589 535 270 - - 180 70/870-580 325 162 - - 200 70/870-590 600 300 - - 250 70/870-581 325 164 - - 250 70/870-591 630 315 - - 250 70/870-582 405 205 - - 200 70/870-592 637 345 - - 200 70/870-583 478 235 - - 150 70/870-593 700 444 - - 350 Newtons Newtons 200 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-594 A (mm) 183 B (mm) 93 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 150 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-603 A (mm) 422 B (mm) 210 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 70/870-595 200 95 8 8 400 70/870-604 495 250 8 8 70/870-596 239 117 8 8 210 150 70/870-605 500 240 8 8 70/870-597 240 118 8 150 8 340 70/870-606 500 245 8 8 70/870-598 240 122 130 8 8 220 70/870-607 505 240 8 8 70/870-599 278 200 125 8 8 330 70/870-608 505 270 10 10 70/870-600 530 280 125 8 8 320 70/870-609 550 270 8 8 180 70/870-601 340 168 8 8 100 70/870-610 595 300 8 8 100 70/870-602 340 168 8 8 250 70/870-611 605 287 8 8 150 70/870-644 410 205 8 8 200 70/870-612 611 345 8 8 100 Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) Newtons "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" Newtons 135 De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-13 GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS D B C A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-613 A (mm) 500 B (mm) 248 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Newtons A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) Newtons 180 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-645 A (mm) 380 B (mm) 200 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-614 Newtons 400 A (mm) 575 B (mm) 294 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 6 A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) Newtons A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) Newtons Newtons 150 B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-615 A (mm) 590 B (mm) 300 C (mm) - D (mm) - Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Newtons 530 C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-616 A (mm) 354 B (mm) 193 C (mm) 8 D (mm) - Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Newtons 900 C D B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-617 70/870-618 70/870-619 A (mm) 245 B (mm) 120 C (mm) 6 D (mm) 6 285 313 138 161 10 8 10 8 210 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-620 520 150 70/870-646 70/870-647 Newtons A (mm) 500 B (mm) 265 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 8 887 887 445 445 8 8 8 8 Newtons 960 600 800 D C B A Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-621 70/870-622 A (mm) 253 B (mm) 115 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 6 255 116 8 6 Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. VER-14 200 Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. 70/870-623 210 70/870-624 Newtons "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" A (mm) 255 B (mm) 120 C (mm) 8 D (mm) 6 255 120 8 6 Newtons 230 300 De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. Ed. 1 (01/03) GASFEDERN GASCILINDERS KUGELKOPF / KOGELGEWRICHTEN Abb. Afb. Bestell-Nr. Bestel Nr. Type Typ A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) 70/877-1 70/877-2 70/877-3 70/877-4 70/877-22 70/877-5 70/877-6 70/877-7 70/877-8 70/877-9 RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RP RP M5 M6 M8 M10 M6 M5 M8 M8 M6 M6 M5 M6 M8 M10 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 M8 10.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 13.0 11.0 14.0 10.0 13.0 13.0 - 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 20.0 30.0 30.0 20.0 18.0 25.0 - 70/877-10 70/877-11 70/877-12 P(P) P(P) P(P) M5 M6 M6 - - 6.2 6.2 8.2 16.0 20.0 22.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 70/877-13 70/877-14 70/877-15 P(G) P(G) P(G) M6 M6 M6 - - 6.1 8.1 10.1 21.0 21.0 29.0 21.5 21.5 21.5 70/877-16 70/877-17 70/877-18 AV AV AV M6 M8 M5 - - 6.1 8.2 6.2 27.5 30.5 25.0 13.0 18.0 13.0 70/877-19 70/877-20 - M8 M10 8.0 10.0 - 9.0 10.2 32.0 40.0 16.0 20.0 70/877-21 - M10 - - 8.2 25.0 17.0 A B C E A B C E D A F E D A F E D A F E D F B A E D F A E RA - AV P(P) Stahl - Staal Kleines Model - Klein model Wir vertreiben keine Originalteile. Die Nummerm dienen lediglich als Beschreibung. Ed. 1 (01/03) RP P(G) "THE RELIABLE SERVICE" Nylon - Kunststof Grosses Model - Groot model De onderdeelnummers zijn ter indicatie. Het betreft niet originele onderdelen. VER-15 PRODUCT NEWS-SHEET PAGE : N°7372 DATE : 02/05 ACCESSORIES CAB PARTS Câbles d’arrêt - Stop cables - Stoppzüg - Motorstopkabels - Cables de paro A Câble à recouper / Cable to cut Bowdengzug (universal) / Kabel in te korten Cables para cortar Parts N° Longueur A - Lenght A Länge A - Lengte A Longitud A 70/107-2 2000mm 70/107-23 4000mm Les références des pièces sont indicatives. Nos pièces ne sont pas d’origine. Part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only. Our parts and accessories are not original. “THE RELIABLE SERVICE” PRODUCT NEWS-SHEET PAGE : N° 7242 DATE : 07/04 CAB PAR TS 40 Bras de rétroviseur - Arm - Spiegelsteun - Spiegel - Brazo retrovisor 55 70/4172-142 (Droit - RH - Rechts - Rechts - Derecha) 70/4172-143 (Gauche - LH - Links - Links - Izquierda) 190 400 - 600 Support gyrophare - Rotating light bracket - Zwaailampsteun Kontakstecker für Rundunkennleuchte - Soporte faro rotativo 63/1943-15 63/1943-14 Boule de volant - Steering knob - Stuurknop - Runder Knopf - Bola de volante 70/4178-1 70/4178-2 “THE RELIABLE SERVICE” 70/4178-3 PRODUCT NEWS-SHEET PAGE : N°7537 DATE : 09/06 ACCESSORIES Garde-boue pour roues avant - Fenders for front wheels - Kunststoff-kotflügel Spatborden voor voorwielen (Vervolg) - Guardabarros (ruedas delanteras) B A R Prix compétitifs - Competitive prices - Konkurenzfähige Preise Competitieve prijzen - Precios competitivos Dimensions de pneu - Tyres size - Masse Reifen - Afmetingen banden Dimensión de neumáticos Ref. A (mm) B (mm) R (mm) 4.00-15, 5.00-15, 4.50-16, 5.00-16, 5.50-16, 6.00-16, 4.00-19, 4.50-19, 6.00-19 70/844-46 180 700 440 7,50-16, 6.50-16, 7.00-16, 7.50-16, 7.50-18, 6.00-20, 6.50-20, 7.3-24 70/844-47 230 800 480 6.50-20, 7.50-20, 8.00-20, 7.3-24 70/844-48 250 920 525 9.5-20, 8.3-24, 9.5-24, 8.3-28, 9.5-28 70/844-49 265 1000 615 70/844-50 300 950 590 9.00-16, 10.00-16, 10.5-18, 10.5-20, 11.2-20, 275/80-R20, 11.2-24, 11.2-28, 12.5/80-18, 12.4-28, 275/80-R18 70/844-51 320 1070 640 12.4-24, 11.2-32, 320/70-R28 70/844-52 330 1180 720 11.00-16, 12.5-18, 335/80-R18, 11.4-20, 12.5-20, 335/80-R20, 12.4-24, 320/70-R24, 360/70-R24. 70/844-53 350 1090 650 13.6-24, 12.4-28, 320/70-R28, 12.4-32, 14.5-20, 13.6-28 70/844-54 370 1280 720 405/70-R20, 380/70-R24, 14.9-28, 380/70-R28 70/844-55 420 1200 725 425/75-R20, 16.9-24, 420/70-R24, 445/70-R24, 16.9-26, 480/70-R26, 420/70-R28, 480/70-R28, 420/70-R30, 16.9-28, 14.9-28, 11.2-32 70/844-56 470 1330 790 70/844-57 470 2200 964 70/844-58 540 1540 810 70/844-59 550 2200 964 70/844-60 620 1900 900 70/844-61 620 1560 810 19.5-24, 19.5-28, 18.4-26, 480/70-R26, 480/70-R28, 480/70-R30, 18.4-30, 18.4-34. 405/70-R20, 600/65-R28, 620/70-R26 Part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only. Our parts and accessories are not original. Les références des pièces sont indicatives. Nos pièces ne sont pas d’origine. “THE RELIABLE SERVICE” PRODUCT NEWS-SHEET PAGE : N°7556 DATE : 11/06 ACCESSORIES CAB PARTS ECHELLE (3 MARCHES) - LADDER (3 STEPS) - LEITER (3 STUFIG) TRAP (3 TREDEN) - ESCALERA (3 ESCALONES) 355mm 240mm 240mm 785mm 70/1799-1 Part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only. Our parts and accessories are not original. Les références des pièces sont indicatives. Nos pièces ne sont pas d’origine. “THE RELIABLE SERVICE” PRODUCT NEWS-SHEET PAGE : N°7540 DATE : 10/06 ACCESSORIES CAB PARTS Porte-documents - Document case - Dokumentenbox Dokumentenkoffer - Portafolios 340mm 365mm 395mm 275mm 70/1563-13 Part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only. Our parts and accessories are not original. Les références des pièces sont indicatives. Nos pièces ne sont pas d’origine. “THE RELIABLE SERVICE”
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