2014 Annual Report - A Wish With Wings
2014 Annual Report - A Wish With Wings
A Wish With Wings 2014 Board of Directors: Greg Kalina, President of the Board Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House Kurt Haman, Vice President Sewell Lexus of Fort Worth Thomas Spencer, Treasurer Tarrant County Tax Office Diane Ayres, Secretary Fort Worth Texas magazine Larry Anfin, At Large Formerly with Coors Distributing Company of Ft. Worth Don Marable, At Large Edward Jones Amy Yudiski, At Large TXO - Director of Charities Michelle Porche Hancock Special Advisor to the Board Rebecca Barksdale, Tarrant County Laurie Brants, Brants Realtors Chuck Bush, Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Lindy Eubank, Civic Leader Michael Farmer, UBS Financial Deric Gardner, Tusk Enterprises Donna Kee, Treska Harva Kuykendall, Frost Janeen Lamkin, Civic Leader Norm Lyons, Civic Leader Preston Mundt, Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP Mary Phillips, Civic Leader Cynthia Prince, Civic Leader Trey Quinn, Pilot Logistics Whit Smith, Whitney Smith & Co Frank Testa, Cook Children’s Hospital John W. Wright, McDonald Sanders, P.C. Judy Youngs, Executive Director 1 THANK YOU DONORS: Valli Abel Bill Adams Brooke & Cameron Allen Rosie Alviar Barbara Anderson Becky & Gary Anderson Jennifer Anderson Terri Anderson Judy & Paul Andrews Shannon Hart-Andrews Karen & Larry Anfin Chris Aragon Blenda G. Aycock Diane & Bill Ayres Linda & Frank Bailey Doris & Bill Barker Rebecca Barksdale Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barnes Christopher Bartels Ben Beckman Mark Beckman Susan & Steve Beggs Stephanie & John Bennett Harriet & John Blake Erma Jeane Bell Brent Berryman Betty & Weldon Kent Bernshausen Tony Blauvelt Duffy & Scott Bloemendal Fran Bolen Becky & Henry Borbolla Marcelle & Robert Borgers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boswell Josh Bottelberghe Mrs. Gene M. Bourland Kathleen Bowman Clay & Laurie Brant Lucy Brants Kay & Mike Breedlove Taylor Brown Denise Bynum Alexis Brinkley & Jeremiah Collins Scott Bradley Leslie Brocoff Bari & John Brookman Leah & Jason Browder Brittany Brown Camille & Hal Brown Kena & Baldwin Brown Lynn May Brown Paul Brown Lisa & Matt Bryant Brandi Buckner Amanda Buesking Kathy Buick Margaret Bukatz Anna Burns Leah Burns Amy & Chuck Bush Shelba & Steve Buyers Amy & Chuck Bush Susan & Stephen W. Butt Denise Bynum Lucila T. Cano Beth Caraway Steve Carpenter Lisa Carr 2 Kathryn & Matt Carter Nancy & Tim Carter Felicia Cash Jamie Cashion Dorothy Casteel Barry Caver Sheila A. Chancellor Tanya Charfen Rebecca & Johnny Cheng Donna Christy Gilbert Cipriano Kathryn Clark William & Isabel Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Leland Clemons Jennie Coleman Beth & Craig Collins Gina & Doug Cook Kelicia Qudrette Cooks Mark Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Dan Craine Gay & Scott Davidenko Jay Davidson Helen Buchanan Davis Margaret Davis Mitzi & Bill Davis Sandra & Donald Davis Christine Delph Lynn & Ronny Dennis Michael Derrick Kristen & Jonathan Deweese Paul & Donna Dewsnap Sheri & Jim Dickenson Timothy Dickson James Dill Georgia Dillon Denise & Matt Doherty Trish Doswell Sarah & Richard Drew Fobbie Dunn Jenny & Rob Dupree James Duppstadt Virginia Durham Mary Ann Dzubinski Melissa & Andy Eldridge Carol Ellis Rose Ellis Lisa Endicott Lindy Eubank Christi & Ken Evans Nan Wardlaw Fidler Robin Fielding Anita Fogtman Matt Forman Pamela & Glen Foster Jolie Fotoohi Jennifer & Albert Fox Mr. & Mrs. Dan Feehan Harriett & Arnie Gachman Danette Galvis Robert Garcia Robin & Deric Gardner Ashley Garrison Jay Gauthier Diane & Arsalan Gittiban Mr. & Mrs. Gary Goble Cecil Gomez Mandy & Bobby Gorman Jack Gratch Patricia A. Gray April Green Brendan Green Kristy & Carl Greer Eli Gross Tonia L. Guffey Pamela Gullett Oliver Gunnels Alf & Stacy Gunnerson Justin Hall Carol & Kurt Haman Steven & Lynn Hambrick Michelle Hancock Jane Hansen Natalia & Gregory Hanson Eden Harveson Ashley & Corey Hawkins Cindy & Pat Hawkins Jane Hays Juanita Hayward Lee & JJ Henry Larry Heppe Clarissa Hernandez Blair Herrod Brad Hickman Susan & Tim Hill Alice & Bob Hinckley Anne & Barney Holland Martha Horsman Debbie & Scott Horton Nancy Horton Melissa Hoskins Elise Howard Wes Howeth Elizabeth Hull Deloris Hummel Christina & John Hutchens Lesley & David Irwin Lisa Jackson Laura Jakubisyn Adrienne & Walt Jennings Jill & Bill Jennings Kelly & Scott Johnson Trina Johnson Kevin Jimerson Laura Jones Jaqueline R. Jones Rachel & Nathan Jones Andrew Johns Kelly & Scott Johnson Melody Johnson Randi Johnston Tina & Greg Kalina Donna & Gary Kee Courtney Kennebeck Cathy & Jim Kerrigan Joe Kimball Bert King Mary King Mary Ann & Frank King Charlotte & Speedy Kirkpatrick Sandra Knight Rupesh Kotiya Marty Kowalkowski Barry & Vaughna Kromann Joyce Krupansky Harva Kuykendall 3 Theresa Kwiatkowski Cindy & Nick Kypreos Jo & Dallas Lacy Thomas Lain Janeen & Bill Lamkin Jayne Landers Allen Lawrence Lori Leach Stephen Lenhoff Brenda & Bill Leonard Martha Leonard Joanne & Robert Lieberman Tracy & Marc Lieberman Lezlee Liljenberg Shirley Little June Littlepage Mr. & Mrs. Billy Lloyd Beth Lockwood Emily & Mitch Loftis Justine Lord Dan Lowrance Penny Luker Marilyn A. Mackey Arlene Ann Mancini Kris & Lee Manzke Michelle & Scott Marlow James Marrocco Mr. & Mrs. Edward Martin Carol & Buster Mason Loretta & Don Marable Bobbie & Bill Marshall Irma & Kent McAfee E.R. McAteer Ben McBroom Dana & Bryan McCaleb Mr. & Mrs. Kelly McCann Patricia E. McCartney Tim McClure Emily & Jason Brown Thomas & Brenda McGahey Lorna McGowen Tammy McKinney Scott McKnight Evan McShirley Mike McStay Shelly & Mark Mednansky Sandra Melanson Salem & Josephine Messaoui Diane M. Micek Scott & Lori Miller Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller Melissa Miller Kimberly Mills Mandy & Jonathan Mills Pam Minick Daniel Mohorc Julie & Troy Moncrief Rosie & Mike Moncrief Lynn Montgomery Karen Monez Loretta W. Morgan Cassie & Allan Morrison Kathy & James Mott Stephanie Mott Greg Morse Cheryl & Fred Moore Michael Moore Preston Mundt Carole Myer Sondra Napier Jeff Naquin Whitney & Fln Neve Khan & Don Nguyen Joann Nicosia Lynn Smith-Nienhaus Shannon & Steve Nolan Amy & Jay Novacek Tracy & Adam Novak Stephen Oden Sue & Max Odle Laura Ohara Mr. and Mrs. Dave Owen Claudia & Edward Ownby, Jr. Sarah & Mike Padar Raphael D. Palumbo Martha & Robert Park Dalene Parker Caren & Keith Parten Kelsey & Gary Patterson Sherri & Bobby Patton BJ & Herb Pease, Jr Kimberly Pease Ashley & Hans Peeders Tom Pennison Jamie Pearson Officer Andrew Johns & Dwan Perrin Mr. and Mrs. John Pergande Alan & Bonnie Petsche Mary Phillips Pat Pierce Stanton Pierce Kay Pile Mr. & Mrs. James Pittman Charlie Powell Linda Price David Prichard Honorable Betsy Price & Tom Price Cynthia & Scott Prince Julie Preble Chris Pulliam Lauren Pulido Nancy Purtell Travis L. Quadlander Kristi Quick Tim Raetz Virginia Ramos Jami Rasco Shashi P. Rastogi, M.D. Matt Redding Linda & Gary Reeder Laverna & Richard Render Christine Cano Renteria Autumn Reo William Rhodes Helen Richards Bobby Richardson Tom Ritter Christi Robinson Dorothy Robinson Rudy & Judy Robinson Ana E. Rojas Leslie Rosser Pamela Ryan Ryan Sanders 4 Travis Sanders Michelle & Scott Sankary Mr. & Mrs. Greg Scheideman Gerry Schlegel Kami & Jim Schlossnagle Linda Schulze Patricia & Morris Sheats Roxanne & Alan Shipman Robert Shumacher Ryan Senter Jennifer Shears Denise & Joseph Sherwood Katie Singleton Van Singleton Marie Sgalambro Briton Smetzer Carrie Shadid Smith Christy & Jason Smith Lori Jo Smith Sarah Smith Michael Sorum Kathleen & Paul Soye Cheryl & Tom Spencer Stephen Hill Spruiell FG & KB St. John Lee Ann & Chuck Stanley Mike Stekoll Sonya Stenzler Kendall Stephenson Sally Stevens John Steinbrenner Gregg Stieber Rob Stephenson Roby Stringer Tracey & Darrell Sulak Constance Sunday Prema Jane & John Swearingen Sam Tallis Janie Thannisch Brooksie Terrell Lei & Frank Testa Karen & Nicolas Thireos Brent Thompson Karen & Jim Thompson Mechelle Thurston Sue Tombrella Geoff Tomlinson James Travis Albert Trujillo William B. Tucker Peter Tunnard Robert Ussery Lee & Jim Usher Dominique Vahed Angela & Todd Waldvogel Valerie & James Warneke Jennifer Warren Shellie D. Weems Eric Werner Dana Wilson Devin Wilson Lori Wilson Marva & Darrell Wood Ralph Wood Tracey Wood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Worthy Aaron Wright Diane & John Wright Kaye Wright Anne & James Wroble Cynda & Eric Wroten Susan & BJ Wroten Karen L. Wylie Ingrid Yardley Judy & Don Youngs Shanie & Scot Youngs Mr. & Mrs. Field Yow Amy Yudiski Stephanie Zingone Michelle Zodrow CORPORATE DONATIONAS: A Candlelight Christmas in Ryan Place, Inc. Aetna-Arlington Volunteer Council Alliance Texas – A Development of Hillwood Ambitious Women Amon G. Carter Foundation Anchor Roofing Systems Arlington Lodge No. 2114 AT&T Employee Giving Campaign AZZ incorporated Bank of Texas BilDor Management Bless Investments & Properties, LLC Brants Realtors, Inc. Cargill Coppell Independent School District Cook Children’s Medical Center Coors Distributing Company of Ft. Worth Dallas City Charitable Giving Campaign DavOil, Inc. Decorator’s Warehouse, L.P. Del Frisco’s Double Eagles Steak House Del Frisco’s Restaurant Group DFB Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Entact, LLC Fort Worth Billiard Supply Co. Fort Worth Chapter of Credit Unions Frost Bank Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Health Management Resources Corp. Hunt Consolidated, Inc. Keene & Associates, Inc. Keller ISD Ice Hockey Kroger La-De-Da Productions, Inc. Legacy High School Mid-Cities Air Conditioning Mill Creek Resort and Marina Moncrief Investments NARI of Greater Dallas O’Neal Oil Company PlainsCapital Bank Princess Energy Inc. Primrose School of Grand Penninsula Primrose School of Walnut Creek Rainwater Business Advisors, LLC 5 Rustic Fence S & K Management Safeway, Inc. Sewell Infiniti of Fort Worth Sewell Lexus of Fort Worth Spirit of 56 Collectors Club Sportsmen’s Club of Fort Worth Texas Christian University The Arlington Life Shelter The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel Tiff’s Treats Tusk Enterprises, LLC TXO United Way of Galveston State Employees Campaign WhitneySmith Company Worthington National Bank Shale Exploration Sharon Schmidt Skipping Stone Studio Squire Shop Summit Casing Equipment Tanya Moss Telecomm Wizards Teresa’s Bartending & Catering Texas Appliance The Harbor on Possum Kingdom Lake Times ten cellars Travis Stewart Treska, Inc. True Grit Redi-Mix Ltd. TXO University Stores IN-KIND DONATIONS: Joseph Aguillar Selma Sherman Samantha Alison Bell Joyce Bell Vonie & Randy Davis Ann Bogart Selma Sherman & Kathy Suder Charlotte Bostick Vonie & Randal Davis Caden Boyle Teresa Roberts Sandra Walker Bill Brock Selma Sherman Clint Byford Judy & David Smith Kay Clarkson Brenda & Dan McGahey Austin Covalt Selma Sherman Jerry Dortch Sharon & Harvey Haynes Margie Eddy Pam & Bruce Lane, Jr. Joe Elkington Brenda & Dan McGahey Dorothy Faulk Brenda & Dan McGahey Frances Gilmore Blossoms on the Bricks Buyers Barricade Carrier Enterprise LLC Carrington Voight Designs by Lisa C. Voight ClearChannel OUTDOOR Coors Distributing Company of Ft. Worth Cowtown Cycle Party Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House Kathryn & Matt Carter Kevin James McCrea Photography Fletcher Consulting Fort Worth Billiard Supply Co. Fort Worth Texas, magazine Fossil Rim Haltom’s Jewelers Howard Halbert Kelly’s Treasure Lawrence’s Lane Boots Let’s Eat – Chef Curren Dodds Margaret Palmer Rahr & Sons Brewery Renfro Foods Rent a Frog Rocker B Ranch Sarahjanes IN MEMORY OF: Retha & Ronnie Adams Waco Association of Realtors, Inc. Paula Wells Elton Green David, Judy, Sara, and Jacob Thompson Mary Harris Barbara Crowley Carol Henderson Tisha & Link Moore Maddie Higgins Leah Burns Holt Hickman Selma Sherman Eloise Catherine Horton Debbie & Scott Horton Brad Howell Vonie & Randal Davis Emily Hunter Arlington High School John Anderson Donna & Vic Barranco Sally & Ron Bates Laura Jones Rhys Lutsky Mr. & Mrs. Willis Mahon Myra & Ray Smith Rob Taylor “Granny” Sharon & Brent Thompson Sheldon Jappa Andrea & Mark Chicotsky Donna & Robert Chicotsky Jerrod Jamieson Audrey & Roy Stolting Brooke & Rick Jamieson JD “Pete” Kirkpatrick Brenda & Dan McGahey Raoul Kunert Selma Sherman Kent Kunkel Selma Sherman Hope Lancarte Cheryl & Tom Spencer Selma Sherman Harold Landers Selma Sherman Jean Landesco Susan Copeland 6 Kendrick Little Charles David Newby Pat Marino Selma Sherman Al Mathews Shirley Jones Mary Phillips Steve Menscher Selma Sherman Josephine Micucci Nancy Horton Jim “Pooh” Phillips Nancy & Wayne Anderson Susanne Ashworth Sylvia Jo & E.G. Barbee Deborah Blair Deloris & Gwen Burton Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Jr. Elizabeth & Scott Carson Pat & Bert Collini Jeanie Connell Sue Daniel Gail & Denis Davidson Linda Denson Ann & Pierce Doan Barbara Farrar Sam Grant Barbara & Peter Grenier Kathy & Fred Hoffman Elizabeth & Robert Holland Mary Jane Hunter Dean Jessop, Jr. Donna Kellam Mary Ann & Frank King, III Dale Kinney Keith Kolaja Labco Consulting, LLC Jo Carol LaBorde John Larson Cathy & Hilmer Lindemann, III Linda Linder Lupe & Jose G. Lopez L.E. & S.H. McNeill Leslie Ann & Kenneth McVay Patricia & Aloren Mince Dawn Morgan Rita & Richard Nagy Mary Phillips Sue & Robert Rash Kellie Seagraves Gloria Snodgrass Elizabeth & Michael Snyder Laura & Marvin Tinsley Lynn & Robert Tramp Susan & Leon Uzdavinis Linda Williamson Gayle & John Woodruff Sherman Jimmy Philpot Mark Chicotsky Danny Prescott Selma Sherman Wayne Redding Sandy & Bill Benson Harold Rosen Selma Sherman Shirley Rosen Andrea & Mark Chicotsky Donna & Robert Chicotsky Zona Searcy Brenda & Dan McGahey Dixie Shipman Lindy Eubanks Martin Siegel Selma Sherman Nat Simon Selma Sherman Aaralyn Isabela Rodriguez Gene M. Rodriguez Morton Rudberg Selma Sherman Carson Snow Brenda & Dan McGahey Kelly Stockton Angela & John Manuel, III Jane Terrell Ann Tyler Jeramy Thomas Amy & Pat Thomas Clara Vivion Thornton Patsy & Ralph Holloway Ann Thornton Andrea & Mark Chicotsky Gene Tobor Mark & Robert Chicotsky Nelson Trahan Susan & Chunky Copeland Madeline Wenkman Judith Sutherland Robert White Selma Sherman Bill Williams Bruner Motors, Inc. Melanie & John Brown Sharon & Paul Davis Joyce & Paul Gray Sharon Glendening Joyce & Paul Gray Connie & Mark Hinkson Jan & Kirk Hinkson Coppy & Lisa Hodgkins & Family BJ Kirkpatrick Charlotte & Speedy Kirkpatrick Lisa & Shannon Kirkpatrick Lynna & Brad Kirkpatrick Nancy Kirkpatrick Brenda & Dan McGahey Sandy & Jerry Pack Joe Prado Phyllis D. Provan Linda & Fred Stallings Judy & Don Youngs John Andrew Wynn Barbara Wynn Jane Young Shanie Youngs Collin Zimmer Linda & Steven Neel Louise & Artie Zimmer IN HONOR OF: Diane Ayres Christy & Jason Smith John Bennett Cynthia & Scott Prince Christa Broadie Michael Goldman Brent Dawson Melissa Williams David & Shayna Garza Octavio Garza Gabriel Gere Jennine Gere Megan Goin 7 Judith & Rainard Fisher Michelle Hancock Ronnie Casey & Pennie Ellis David Crowley Carol & Jim Dunaway Betsy & Richard Eiseman Mary Lynn & Gavin Garrett Cindy & Nick Kypreos Dan Lowrance Malynda & Bruce McGee Aubrie Hunter & Wade Barranco John Anderson Donna & Vic Barranco Sally & Ron Bates Rhys Lutsky Myra & Ray Smith Rob Taylor Rick Jamieson Audrey & Roy Stolting Jill & Bill Jennings Jennifer Jennings Greg Kalina Mitzi & Bill Davis Janeen Lamkin Cynthia Prince Frank Testa Janeen & Bill Lamkin Valarie & Bob Freeman Dan Lowrance Carol & Jim Dunaway Betsy & Richard Eiseman Michelle Hancock Cindy & Nick Kypreos Malynda & Bruce McGee Michelle Marlow Cynthia Prince Bobby Marshall Regina Smith Rosie Moncrief Fran Bolen Will Courtney Linda Fulmer Martha Leonard Christy & Jason Smith Rosie & Mike Moncrief Karen & John Corn Trent Pace Ron Basham Kathy & Guy Buzzard Kristina & Luke Carnevale Christine & John Cowan Marsha & Martin Day Julie & Timothy Doyle Cathy & Eric Estes Pat & Dave Estes Rebecca Estes Bernadette Furon John Hardy Peggy & Carroll Kennedy, Jr. Kelley Minnick Nicki & Shane Pace Kacey Ann Pike Margaret Smith Robert Trown & Associates, Inc. Keenan Weiss Cynthia Prince Frasher & John Pergande Jacob Reece Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Buster Robinson Melissa Williams Julie & Steve Robinson Belinda & Ed Robbs Bud & Lexy Rogers Octavio Garza The “Wish Ladies” Cynthia Prince Jeramy Thomas Jeramy’s parents, Amy & Pat Carrie & Don Thompson David, Judy, Sara, and Jacob Thompson Mary Tretter Melissa Williams Joe Turner The Turner Family Amy Yudiski Christy & Jason Smith FOUNDATIONS, GRANTS & CHARITIES: ClubCorp Charities, Inc. Colonial Country Club Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Daughters of America Texas District #1 Fred & Mabel R. Parks Foundation Hudiburg Foundation Linda C. and Don E. Bowden Family Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Employee Charity Fund Lowden Family Foundation Mattel Children’s Foundation Meredith Hatch Foundation Nicholas & Louella Martin Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas The Morris Foundation Pantego Lions Foundation Rainbow Council No. 20 Daughters of America Something mAAgic Foundation Terry Family Fund Texas Rangers Foundation The Ryan Foundation UPS Foundation, Inc. 8 THE WISH L A D I ES Rachel Jones Wish Coordinator Rachel is the Wish Coordinator whose responsibility is to make sure each and every Wish is as Magical and perfect as possible! With a degree in Child Development, specializing in Child Life, she works closely with our Wish families, child life specialists, hospice and other providers. Clarissa Hernandez Wish Coordinator Judy Youngs Executive Director Clarissa joined the Wish with Wings team in 2013. She graduated from Texas Woman’s University with a bachelor’s degree in child development, emphasis in child life. Her determination and strong work ethic has been a great asset to the team. Judy joined the wish team in September 2010, bringing extensive leadership experience from local, state and national levels, in numerous for-profit and not-forprofit organizations. Previously the executive director for Rocky Top Therapy Center, Judy currently also serves as the president of the board for the Association of Wish Granting Organizations and as a board member for both Metroport Meals on Wheels and the Association of Fundraising Professionals. “I am thrilled to be here at the wish house where I have the opportunity to advocate for children and their families in such a unique and special way.” Lesley Irwin Community Outreach & Events Manager Lesley is the voice of a Wish with Wings™, cheerfully greeting each visitor, handling the dayto-day administration of the wish house, and coordinating volunteer services and special events. With a BS in recreation and leisure studies from the University of North Texas, she previously served in several positions for the Colleyville Area Chapter of the National Charity League, and as a logistics event coordinator for Gail Davis & Associates. 9
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