Seminary News - Mount St. Mary`s University
Seminary News - Mount St. Mary`s University
Seminary News ology ond The ski, Sec w o Steve , lk O ts paren Brian ) and his rg u b is rr (Ha et. and Jan Alfredo Porras, Fir st Pre-Theology (Worcester), his parents, Raul and Maria, brother, Ra ul, sister-inlaw, Joni, nephew , Gabriel, and go dfather, Carlos Duchane. eology (St. ley, First Pre-Th . Jonathan Stan vid and Rose Da s, nt d his pare Augustine) an Eighth Annual Seminary Family Weekend This year’s Seminary Family Weekend proved to be a huge hit. The eighth annual weekend was the largest to date, attracting 281 participants, which included 75 Mount seminarians, representing 22 of the 28 sending dioceses, and 206 family members—parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents and godparents. (The previous highs were 58 seminarians and 166 family members). The presentations focused on the four pillars or dimensions of the Seminary’s Formation Program. Faculty presentations included: Fr. J. Daniel Mindling, OFM, Cap., (Intellectual Formation), Fr. John Dietrich, (Spiritual Formation), Fr. Brian Doerr, (Human Formation) and Fr. Kenneth Brighenti, (Pastoral Formation). In addition, Msgr. Stuart Swetland outlined the Pre-Theology Program, and Fr. Lee Gross provided an overview of seminary life. Family members travelled to the Mount from 18 states and the District of Columbia. In his welcome and opening remarks on Saturday morning, Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D., P.A., Rector, told family members, “For many, this may be your first trip to Emmitsburg. I also suspect you may not have a real grasp on the daily life of your seminarian. It is our sincere hope that after listening to the presentations you will have a much better and clearer understanding of all facets of our Formation Program. He also emphasized, “We pray for you to recognize that the support and encouragement for your son, grandson, brother or loved one is so very important as he prepares to be an ambassador of Christ, teaching and preaching the Gospel, and for a life-time of service to the Church.” attended the formation presentation program. Other events during the weekend included free time for family members to visit the Mount’s National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes and the nearby Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, opening and closing Masses in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception and vocation stories, with seminarians Eric Silva (Bridgeport) Danny McShane (Peoria) and Eric Stelzer (St. Augustine) sharing their personal experiences which led them to pursue studies for the priesthood. There was also a Morning of Recollection in St. Bernard’s Chapel conducted by Deacons Chase Hilgenbrinck (Peoria) and Zak Barry (Fort Wayne-South Bend) for family members who previously Msgr. Rohlfs has announced that the dates for next year’s weekend will be October 24–26, 2014. The Seminary has reserved 35 rooms at the Sleep Inn– Emmitsburg (301-447-0044). When calling for reservations, family members should mention they are with the seminary. For more information about the weekend, family members should contact Phil McGlade or Mary Anne Shields (301-4475017, [email protected] or [email protected]). A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | reflections on seminary family weekend “My parents came to Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Family Weekend for the third year in a row last October, and I hope they will continue to come each year, if they are able. I think the entire event is a wonderful way for my parents to get a better idea of what the Seminary is like in ways I would not be able to communicate to them, and it has also been affirming for me to spend time with them in a place that I am experiencing formation, especially by bringing together these two aspects of my life. The first year my parents came, my dad expressed surprise at how many men were in formation here, versus what he is used to hearing about the shortage of priests in the United States; and my mom noted that the Mount is “so Catholic!” From the faculty presentations on the four pillars of priestly formation to reflections given by the deacons, and vocations talks given by different seminarians, to having Mass and meals together, the entire event really helps to clarify all that is going on in the Seminary in a very enjoyable setting, and I’m so happy that we’ve been able to take part in it.”—Brother Paul Werley, C.O., Second Theology “Family Weekend was an opportunity for my entire family to come to the Seminary to see not only where their son, brother or grandson was living, but also to see exactly how the process of priestly formation takes place. Being from a Catholic family, my family was naturally inquisitive as to what was being done to form those men whom they have seen so frequently on the altar and in the confessional line. My grandparents were so grateful to participate because it was a reassurance that the faith they have been so long a part of was to continue for generations to come. They were in awe seeing the number of young men who desired a relationship with God in the midst of a generation that seemingly pushes him away. It is always a beautiful moment when you are able to share your life with those whom you are closest. Seminary Family Weekend gave me the opportunity to bring my family much closer into my life.”—Eric Silva, Second Theology, Diocese of Bridgeport Dave and Karen Cronin travelled from Lincoln, NE to visit the four seminarians from the Archdiocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and to participate in the Seminary Family Weekend activities. The four seminarians are co-sponsored by the Diocese of Lincoln and the Cronins are their host family during their stay in Lincoln. This is the Cronin’s second visit to the Mount. Their son, Tyler, studied at the Seminary for a year. The group is pictured enjoying the Saturday evening Family Dinner which followed Vespers. They include the Cronins, (standing, left – right), Deacon Asitha Hettiarachchi and Deacon Eranga de Silva and (seated) Shanaka Mendis and Gerald Ferreira. “Family Weekend is important because it gives families an opportunity to take a closer look at what we are doing as seminarians. The Mount is truly a great place filled with normal, healthy men searching for God’s will in their lives. The weekend also provides families with hope and inspiration to grow deeper in their love of Jesus Christ, the man for whom their sons, brothers, grandchildren and nephews are searching. Our families are able to meet the priests on the faculty, delve into the process of what forms a man to become a priest, hear personal testimonies and vocation stories and obtain advice from the deacon class about the helpful roles parents can play in the life of their seminarian.”—Joshua Evans, Third Theology, Diocese of Wichita Keep up-to-date with the seminary Seminary Blog: Visit and the blog is on the right. Seminary Facebook: For access to pictures from recent past seminary events, please visit the seminary Facebook page at A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | Bishop Barry Knestout to be Celebrant at Reunion Homecoming Mass The Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington and Seminary class of 1989, will be the main celebrant for the traditional Homecoming Mass at the Seminary Alumni Reunion on October 7, 2014. Bishop Knestout is the 50th Mountaineer priest to be elevated to the episcopacy. In making the announcement, Seminary Rector, Monsignor Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D., P.A., S’76, said “It will be an honor to have Bishop Knestout come to the Mount for the reunion and be the celebrant at the Homecoming Mass, especially since he and his classmates will celebrate their silver jubilee.” The reunion will also feature the presentation of the 39th Annual John Cardinal McCloskey Award at the alumni dinner and Mass at the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes on October 8, 2014. A block of rooms for the reunion has been reserved at the Sleep Inn-Emmitsburg, located off U.S. Route 15, a mile north of the Mount. For reservations, and a special Mount rate, alumni should call 301-447-0044 and be sure to mention the Seminary reunion. For more information about reunion activities, please contact Phil McGlade, Office of Seminary Development and Alumni Relations (301-447-5017 or [email protected]). Father Brett Brannen, S’91, Leads Annual January Silent Retreat Joe Baker, Third Theology, Diocese of Peoria After a three-week Christmas break, seminarians returned well rested in time for the annual mid-year Silent Retreat held January 6-10 at the Seminary. The retreat master was former Seminary Vice Rector, Fr. Brett Brannen, who completed his six-year tenure as Vice Rector following the 2010-11 academic year. A 1991 graduate of Mount St. Mary’s, Fr. Brannen has served in numerous parishes in his Diocese of Savannah, Ga., and is now the pastor at Most Blessed Sacrament church in Savannah. During his term as Vice-Rector, he authored the book “To Save a Thousand Souls,” which has been invaluable in assisting countless men in their vocational discernment. Fr. Brannen is also a skilled retreat master, having vast experience in offering various types of retreats and parish missions to a wide range of groups. During the Mount’s retreat, Fr. Brannen held two conferences each day on various topics relevant to seminary life and the seminarian’s future priestly ministry. Aside from the conferences, strict silence was maintained throughout the week with the exception of the daily sacrifice of the Mass and the celebration of morning and evening prayer. The silent nature of the retreat allowed the seminarians to enter into the desert with the Lord. At the conclusion of the retreat, the community welcomed James McCann as he begins his formation and philosophical studies in the pre-theology program from the Diocese of Colorado Springs. Dennis DiBenedetto from the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend returned to the Seminary in First Theology after spending a year away. A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | The Holy Land Pilgrimage Walking with the Lord in His Land Deacons at the Jordan River: (L-Rback row): Scott Sina, (Arlington), Matthew Capadano (Omaha), Chris Perella (Bridgeport), Matthew DeFusco (Baltimore), Eric Clark (Lincoln), Corey Krengiel (Peoria), James Boric (Baltimore), Asitha Hettiarachchi (Colombo, Sri Lanka), Brian McAllister (Arlington), (L-R-front row): Carlos Osorio (Baltimore),Kyle Lucas (Peoria), Steve Duquaine (Lafayette-inIndiana), Zac Barry (Fort WayneSouth Bend), Chase Hilgenbrinck (Peoria), Canisius Tah (Baltimore), Matthew Hoelscher (Peoria), Eranga DeSilva (Colombo, Sri Lanka), Accompanied by: Fr. Ian Jeremiah, S’08, Confessor, (far right) and Msgr. Steven Rohlfs, Rector Deacon Eranga DeSilva, Fourth Theology, Archdiocese of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Deacon Canisius Tah, Fourth Theology, Archdiocese of Baltimore The deacon class was given the tremendous opportunity of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, together with the Rector, Msgr. Steven Rohlfs, Fr. Ian Jeremiah, S’08 and Sacred Scripture professor, Dr. Steven Smith. Deacon Andrew DeFusco (Archdiocese of Baltimore), who completed his pre-theology at the Mount and is currently attending the Theological College, D.C., also joined the pilgrimage. This is the third consecutive year Mount St. Mary’s Seminary has offered this great opportunity, organizing the pilgrimage for the deacon class to visit the Holy Land where our Lord Jesus was born, lived, preached, worked miracles, suffered, died and resurrected. The first 10 days were spent in Galilee visiting different sites where Jesus grew up and began His public ministry. The time in Galilee also included a canonical retreat for the deacons in preparation for their upcoming priestly ordinations. The last week of the pilgrimage was spent in Jerusalem, where there are many sites related to Jesus’ public ministry and His last days on earth. During these 17 days, the deacons had the great opportunity to visit sites related to 19 mysteries of the Holy Rosary. her: Holy Sepulc e Church of th -inat te ns et co ay Dea ine, (Laf Steve Duqua Corey , e) or (From L-R): tim al (B los Osorio, ur guide), Indiana), Car . Samuel (to Fr ), ria eo (P thew at M Krengiel, ), ria brinck, (Peo Capadano, Chase Hilgen ew th at M (Peoria), Hoelscher, a) ah m (O On December 28, we left the Mount and arrived at Tel-Aviv airport in Israel the following evening. Passing very familiar biblical towns such as Kaper Nahum (Capernaum) and Migdal (Magdala), we arrived at the Pilgerhaus Guest House in Tabgha, Galilee, where we took part in the Sunday Mass celebrated by Msgr. Rohlfs. The guest house was established by the German Association of the Holy Land and is situated on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee in walking distance to the Sea. Deacon Corey Krengiel (Peoria) put his experience in the Holy Land into words, saying, “The trip was an amazing experience. Spending time walking the hills that Jesus walked and swimming in the Sea of Galilee gave me an insider’s perspective into the life of Christ. Visiting the holy sites of our Lord’s last days in Jerusalem allowed me a whole new sense of connectedness with the most important events of history. I look forward to bringing these experiences into my ministry.” After having a fruitful retreat led by Fr. Eamon Kelly, LC, we left Tabgha, Galilee on January 8 to make our way towards the great city of Jerusalem, which is considered to be the holy city of three monotheistic religions in the world: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The retreat was very practical and challenging. Fr. Kelly emphasized that every talent in us as persons is there because God wanted them to be there as priests. And so, God has incorporated all that has taken place in our lives to what we are now. Fr. Kelly also called on us to open our eyes to see the needs of humanity and to seek the things that are above, having a heart like Christ. The next week we stayed at the Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center in Jerusalem, which is situated no more than a 10-minute walk to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. We had the once in a lifetime opportunity of spending the whole night in prayer at this sacred place where Jesus was crucified and was buried in the tomb. Having joined all the Holy Land pilgrimages with the deacon class over the past three years, Dr. Smith also shared his thoughts: “With good reason, Pope Benedict XVI referred to the Holy Land as ‘the fifth gospel.’ Every day, every step of the way, is a step into the life of Jesus—and with Him, the Virgin Mary, the Apostles and the early Church. Although I have many favorite places there, without question, it is the Holy Sepulcher that is most special to me. Here, we encounter the crucified Christ—and in the same basilica, just a few yards away, the tomb itself, where Mary Magdalene first encountered the risen Lord. Ideally, I pray that every Christian visit the Holy Land at least once. However, in this age of the New Evangelization, it is a ‘no-brainer’ that every priest and seminarian meet Jesus there, so that He can proclaim Him with greater depth and power.” A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | On January 15, we returned to the Mount, enriched with the tremendous experience and filled with blessed memories that have already changed each of us in a unique way. We gratefully remember all the benefactors who made this pilgrimage possible and prayed for them every day during the Mass in the Holy Land. As Msgr. Rohlfs reminded us, this lifetime experience will change the way we pray, the way we read the Sacred Scriptures, the way we preach, the way we minister as deacons, and soon as priests in our respective dioceses. 25 Seminarians Receive Candidacy Joe Baker Third Theology, Diocese of Peoria Twenty-five seminarians in the Third Theology Class received Candidacy at the November 22, 2013 Mass, celebrated by the Most Rev. Daniel Thomas, D.D., S.T.L., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia. The admission to candidacy rite offers the candidate for ordination the opportunity to publicly express his intention to receive ordination as a deacon and later as a priest. In receiving candidacy, the seminarian acknowledges that he must care for his vocation in a renewed way, both in prayer and study. He acknowledges he is making this petition of his own free will. The bishop receives the seminarian on behalf of the Church. Deacon Eranga DeSilv a (Sri Lanka) serving at Mass with Fr. Ian Jeremiah, S’08, Pilg rimage Confessor (Bridgeport) on the Mount of Beatitudes. The 25 candidates pictured with Bishop Thomas and Msgr. Rohlfs include: Jay Alexius (Lake Charles), Joe Baker (Peoria), Dort Bigg (Arlington), Eric Bolek (Peoria), Ricardo Borja Alcaraz (Hartford), Devin Burns (Wichita), Adam Cesarek (Peoria), Martino Choi (Washington), Kevin Dansereau (Arlington), David Darland (Wichita), Matthew Deptula (Peoria), Josh Evans (Wichita), Thomas Gallagher (Arlington), Branson Hipp (Atlanta), Mateusz Jasniewicz (Paterson), Darwin Lastra Barraza ( Paterson), Rob Maro (Washington), Alex Millar (Peoria), Noah Morey (Arlington), Jonathan Norton (Fort Wayne-South Bend), Jonathan Phillips (Lubbock), Matthew Soberalski (Fort Wayne-South Bend), Jacob Valle (Peoria), Philip Voegeli (Wichita) and William Wadsworth (Washington). Organ concert held at Immaculate Conception Chapel Joe Baker, Third Theology, Diocese of Peoria The Mount at March for Life: Seminarian Sam Mangieri, S’16 (Peoria) participates in the March for Life with a fellow supporter. Association of Theological Schools (ATS) Re-accreditation Mount St. Mary’s Seminary is receiving an evaluation committee from the Association of Theological Schools in the fall of 2015. Anyone wishing to comment regarding the seminary’s qualifications for accreditation by the ATS is invited to submit comments in writing to: The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools 10 Summit Park Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1110 On the evening of November 14, 2013, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary hosted a concert in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, performed by the world renowned organist, Christopher Houlihan. The concert marked the first time a public performance was played on the Chapel’s new organ purchased during the Chapel restoration and installed in 2009 through the generous efforts of the Knights of Columbus. The community was privileged to experience the concert by Mr. Houlihan, a graduate of the Julliard School, and regarded as one of the world’s premiere organists. He has received high marks from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times. In addition to his preparation at Julliard, he also studied at the French National Regional Conservatory in Versailles, where he earned the “Prix de Perfectionnement” (equivalent to a university’s artist’s diploma in the U.S.). He also served as assistant musician at the American Cathedral in Paris, where he had the honor of performing for then President and Mrs. George W. Bush. Mount St. Mary’s was honored to have a musician of such repute play on our campus. A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | Monsignor Robert C. Gribbin Cardinal McCloskey Award Recipient Monsignor Robert C. Gribbin, college class of 1943, Seminary class of 1947, and a priest in the Diocese of Harrisburg, died on Christmas Day 2013. At the time of his death, he was a senior priest in residence at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Abbottstown, Pa., where he assisted Father Kenneth Smith, S’84, pastor. After receiving his baccalaureate degree from the Mount, Msgr. Gribbin entered the seminary and was ordained by the late Bishop George Leech on May 31, 1947 at St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg. During his 66 years ministering in the diocese, he served as principal of Lebanon Catholic, Lancaster Catholic and Bishop McDevitt High Schools, and assistant pastor at St. Patrick Parish in Carlisle and St. Joseph Parish in Hanover. In 1964, Msgr. Gribbin was re-assigned to St. Joseph’s as administrator and in 1968, he was named pastor, a position he held until his retirement in 1998. While at St. Joseph’s, he worked tirelessly to retire the parish debt and also raised much needed funds to build a new church, school buildings and a parish center. A native of Shamokin, Pa., Msgr. Gribbin received the John Cardinal McCloskey Award from the National Alumni Association in 1994 for his outstanding service to the Church and the Diocese of Harrisburg and for his dedication and loyalty to the Mount during the traditional Seminary Alumni Reunion Dinner. He was appointed an honorary prelate to His Holiness Pope John Paul II with the title Monsignor in April 1979. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated on December 30 at St. Joseph Church in Hanover. Among Msgr. Gribbin’s survivors are his brother, Leo, Class of 1953, and his wife, Elaine, York, Pa. The Seminary Remembers Mrs. Frances A. Stinson Bittle Mrs. Frances A. Stinson Bittle, the first woman to receive a master’s degree from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, died on January 10, 2014. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on January 16, 2014 at nearby St. Anthony Shrine Parish in Emmitsburg, with Fr. John Kemper, S.S., S’83 serving as the celebrant and homilist. Concelebrants included Fr. Michael Roach, Seminary faculty, Fr. Philip Burger, S’83 (Harrisburg) and Fr. Joseph Stahura, C’62 (Harrisburg). After attending St. Joseph’s College in Emmitsburg, Fran graduated from Union Memorial Hospital School of Nursing in Baltimore and received a baccalaureate and master’s degree in nursing from the University of Maryland. In 1983, she earned a master’s degree in theology at the Mount and she remained close with many Seminary alumni and classmates until her death. During her distinguished career, Fran served on the faculties of St. Joseph’s College, Penn State University at Hershey Medical Center, Harrisburg Area Community College and Messiah College. She was also very active with the St. Joseph’s Alumnae Association. In Memoriam Msgr. Robert C. Gribbin College Class of 1943 Seminary Class of 1947 Diocese of Harrisburg December 25, 2013 Dr. Robert G. Cofenas, Ed. D. Seminary Class of 1973 December 14, 2013 Fr. Domenic F. Mancini Seminary Class of 1976 Diocese of Pittsburgh November 12, 2013 Fr. Francis J. Travis Seminary Class of 1982 Diocese of Charleston January 22, 2014 Fr. G. William Evans Seminary Class of 1978 Diocese of Trenton November 18, 2013 Fr. John J. Herbert Seminary Class of 1983 Diocese of Burlington September 14, 2012 Mrs. Frances Bittle Master’s Degree- Theology Seminary Class of 1983 January 10, 2014 Thomas W. Armbruster Seminary Class of 1987 December 15, 2013 May they rest in peace. A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | Monsignor James Farmer Honored Father G. Eugene Nickol, S’73 (Baltimore) has been appointed associate pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Columbia, MD. Father Lee Fangmeyer, S’89 (Washington) has been named pastor of Mother Seton Parish in Germantown, MD. Father Jeff Windy, S’96 (Peoria) has been appointed parochial vicar at Holy Trinity Parish and Historic St. Patrick Parish in Bloomington, IL Father Gary Coulter, S’99 (Lincoln) has been appointed as Director at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House in Waverly, NE. He continues his duties in the Marriage Tribunal and also as Co-Vicar for Religious and Editor of the Diocesan website. Father Michael Dobbins, S’99 (Arlington) has been named temporary administrator of Saint John Bosco Parish in Woodstock, VA. Father Joseph A. Marcello, S’03 (Bridgeport) has been released from ministry as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Bridgeport by Bishop Frank J. Caggiano to ministry as Priest Secretary to Archbishop William E. Lori, S’77, Archdiocese of Baltimore. Fr. Marcello will remain incardinated in the Diocese of Bridgeport. Father Peter DiTomasso, M.SS. CC., S’04, has been named administrator of St. Joseph the Worker Church in Bonneauville, PA (Diocese of Harrisburg). Father Michael Tietjen, S’06, (Washington) has been appointed as pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Mechanicsville, MD. Monsignor James P. Farmer, S’80, pastor of St. John Parish in Westminster, Md., received the Man for All Seasons Award from the St. Thomas More Society on October 27, 2013. The presentation took place at the Catholic Center in Baltimore following the annual Red Mass celebrated in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Archbishop William E. Lori, S’77, was the celebrant at the Mass, which recognizes the opening of the judicial year. Before entering the Mount to begin his studies for the priesthood, Msgr. Farmer, an attorney, served as a captain with the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps. This prestigious award is presented by the society to an individual who “embodies the examples and principles demonstrated by St. Thomas More.” St. Thomas More, a knight and Lord Chancellor of England under King Henry VIII, was martyred on May 7, 1535 rather than violate his conscience. Currently, Msgr. Farmer serves as a member of the Mount’s President’s Council. Father Michael Foppiano, S’07 (Baltimore) has been named pastor of St. Agnes Church, Catonsville, MD and St. William of York Church in Ten Hills, MD. Father Jerome A. Magat, S’02 is a candidate for the Society of St. Sulpice and serves as Director of Liturgy and Professor of Homiletics at St. Patrick Seminary and University in Menlo Park, CA. St. Patrick’s is the seminary for the Archdiocese of San Francisco and serves a dozen other dioceses in the West. Mount 2000 Mount 2000, an annual, Eucharist-centered, youth retreat was hosted by the Seminary over the weekend of February 7-9. More than 1600 participants representing 13 dioceses attended this year’s retreat. The Seminary community has organized and sponsored this retreat since 1996 and it offers a great opportunity to share the faith with the youth in the surrounding states and regions. A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 | Catholic Review Media, Tom McCarthy, Jr. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Alumni News 16300 Old Emmitsburg Road Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 faith | discovery | leadership | community 2014 Upcoming Events Seminary Alumni Retreat June 16-20, 2014 Retreat Master: Monsignor Aloysius R. Callaghan, S.T.D., J.C.D, Rector, Saint Paul Seminary, Saint Paul, Minn. Seminary Alumni Reunion October 7-8, 2014 Homecoming Mass Celebrant: Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout, S’89, Auxiliary Bishop of Washington; Presentation of the 39th Annual John Cardinal McCloskey Award Seminary Family Weekend October 24-26, 2014 For information about these events, please contact: Phil McGlade or Mary Anne Shields in the Office of Seminary Development/ Alumni Relations (301-4475017, [email protected] or [email protected]). Msgr. Aloysius Callaghan to Lead Alumni Retreat Msgr. Aloysius R. Callaghan, S.T.L., J.C.D., Rector of Saint Paul Seminary in Saint Paul, MN, will serve as Retreat Master for the annual Seminary Alumni Retreat to be held at the Mount, June 16-20, 2014. Rector, Msgr. Steven P. Rohlfs, S.T.D., P.A., made the announcement at the Seminary Alumni Reunion Dinner on October 1, 2013. Msgr. Callaghan, a highly respected Retreat Master for priests and religious, was ordained for the Diocese of Allentown on December 17, 1971 in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Rome, by the late Cardinal James Hickey. He earned a Doctorate in Canon Law from the Lateran University in 1977. During his service in the Diocese of Allentown, he was Secretary to the late Bishop Joseph McShea and Bishop Thomas Welsh, Director of Vocations, Judicial Vicar, member of the Committee for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life and Pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Whitehall, PA. Save-the-Date Alumni Retreat 2014: June 16-20 In July 1995, Msgr. Callaghan was released from the Diocese of Allentown to the Archdiocese of Military Services and served as Chancellor and Moderator of the Curia and Vicar General. It was during this time in his ministry he also was an adjunct Spiritual Director for Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. Msgr. Callaghan was appointed on July 1, 2005 as Rector of Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity of the University of St. Thomas by Mountaineer Archbishop Harry Flynn, S’60, Archbishop Emeritus of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. For more information or to make reservations, alumni priests should contact Phil McGlade, Director of Seminary Development and Alumni Relations (301-447-5017 or [email protected]). A Newsletter for Seminary Alumni & Friends | Spring 2014, Volume XVIII, No. 2 |