※ To setup program, install Setup.exe from [Install] folder after


※ To setup program, install Setup.exe from [Install] folder after
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
※ To setup program, install Setup.exe from [Install] folder after
installing Setup.exe from [DAO_Setup] folder in Disk 1.
Ⅰ. Store Manager Outline
<Program Illustration>
This PC program is designed to edit product information, land additions, advertisements, and data on preset setup and
minimize the effort and processing time of manually transferring the data to the scale. The basic environment for various
product types are 9000 call products, 600 additions, 3 pages of preset, 210 advertisements, 300 additional origins, and
300 user labels. Inquire product purchase location in order to add or change numbers.
Ⅱ. Program Setup
Insert and install program CD. Installation directory folder is located in <C:\program files\Motex\StoreMager> folder.
Database file is saved in < C:\program files\Motex\StoreMager\EX> folder.
User environment indicated as below.
Computer Specifications:
OS Environment: Windows 98/ME, Windows2000, Windows XP
Communication cable between PC and Scale :
Ethernet : Catalogue 5 Cable(Use RJ-45 connector)
Ⅲ. Program Installation
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Main Screen of Program>`
A main screen similar to the Fig. will show up upon program installation. A brief overview and detailed illustration of
the MENU functions are indicated below.
File: Open File, Save as different name, etc. File Management Menu
Item Option : Set up defaults on item information and modify the defaults.
Server Prog : Operate and stop the server. Set up the server port and show the server sales results.
Communication Setup: Setup scale communication after login.
View : On/Off of Toolbar and Status bar
Help : Indicate Program information
Ⅳ. Menu Function
● File
1. New File : Make an item file.
2. Open: Close a currently opened database and open another new database.
3. Save As: Save the currently open database with a different name.
4. Conversion of file (Access into Excel): Convert item file made under Access into Excel file.
5. New file of Excel: Open a new file. Easily input new item information through Excel program.
6. Conversion of file (Excel into Access): Convert the item file made under Excel into Access file in order to use it
under Management Program. (The Excel file is convertible when suiting)
● Item Option
1. Default Value Setup: Set up default value to the item information and automatically input the default value when
adding item information.
2. Information Change: Modify collectively item information in each category of all items.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
● Server Program (※Only communication programs with server functions are applicable)
The Server Program allows direct request of the product, land addition, advertisement, preset, user label from the scale
to the PC or master scale and usage of the requested information. Used product information returns back to the server
in order to be used for future total reports. Only the Root Manager is capable of operating or disabling the server
1. Server Start: Select when using the server function.
2. Server Stop: Select when not using the server function.
3. Port Setting: Use when setting up server port.
(※ Must select and restart the program in order to use the changed features.)
4. Result View: Summary report is conducted on transferred product information from the scale. (Operation capable
with both General Manager and Root Manager)
Shown as below <Fig. Server General Summary>
Select whether to output the “List” or to output “Other Result”in Result Option.
In case of selecting the “List”, it selects the preferred date and outputs as a list without selecting the
scale, item number and date option.
In case of selecting the “other result”(General sales result),
Select a scale to sum up. (Only the scale corresponding to the logged on manager is selectable)
Select the product number.
Select the Date Option. (daily, a day of week, weekly, monthly)
D. Check the summary information using the “Result” button.
<Fig. Sever General Summary>
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
5. Manager Result View: Used when Root Manager wishes to check the transferred product information from the scale
classified as general manager summary reports. (Operation allowed only by Root Manager)
Shown as below <Fig. Summary classified by Server Manager>
Select general manager.
Select Date option. (daily, a day of week, weekly, monthly)
Check the summary information using the “Result” button.
<Fig. Summary Classified by Server Manager >
● Communication Setup
(*Register the scale in “Scale Management – Scale Reg” before the communication setup.
Select startup scale for communication and communication method.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Editor 1
Editor 2
< Fig. 1. Ethernet Communication Setup >
Editor 1
Editor 2
< Fig. 2. SERIAL Communication Setup >
1. Setup 1
Ethernet and SERIAL are two methods for setting up communication. Fig. 1 is used for “Ethernet” and Fig. 2 is used for
SERIAL communication.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Mode: Determine communication method. (Ethernet or SERIAL)
Port: Select COM port when using SERIAL communication.
Editor 1: Indicate all connectable scales logged on with an ID.
Editor 2: Indicate a scale selected for communication.
Select: Select a scale intending for communication from Editor 1.
All Select : Select all scales.
Remove: Select a scale from Editor 2 that will disable the communication setup.
OK: Communication setup is completed
Ex) Utilizing COM2 port to SERIAL connect with scale 1, 2, 3.
Select [Communication Setup]-[Setup]
Select SERIAL for Mode item.
Select COM2 for Port item
Click scale 1 from Editor 1 and click [select] button
Click scale 2 from Editor 1 and click [select] button
Click scale 3 from Editor 1 and click [select] button
Click OK button.
☛This function is possible only upon log in.
● View
1. Tool Bar : Turn On/Off Tool Bar.
2. Status Bar : Turn On/Off Status Bar.
● Help
< Fig. Help>
Ⅴ. Data Management
● Item Catalogue
Item, ingredient, preset, advertisement, and land addition is included in the item related management list. Each category
has an editor function that can add, delete, and change, and a delivery or reception function from or to the scale. In the
case of delivering or receiving an item through the scale, there is an entire transmission and a selective transmission
1. Item
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Item Catalogue-Item >
1) Item Info. Editor
Item number, name, unit price, fixed price, etc. is included in the Item information. Each value of the category can be
changed or typed in with a double click.
New: Upon a click on the “Insert” button, an item list will display. Click the mouse on the empty cell and
enter data.
Change: Select the data intending for change with the mouse and input the new value.
Save: The program auto saves any changes made to the values in the editor window. Thus, it is important
to be careful when changing or modifying data values.
Delete: When deleting item list, press the “Delete” button below the edit window after clicking the optional
data of the item intending for deletion. When deleting optional information among the item data, press the
“Delete” button of the keyboard after clicking the mouse to the according data in order to delete only the
selected domain.
Ex) Item number : 3, name : Potato,
Unit Price : 100 \, Fixed Price: 500 \, POS_FLAG : 88, POS_CODE : 99999,
Counts : 5, Weight : 500g Addition example
[Item relation(double click)] – [item]
Click [Insert] button
Don’t input the grid number in the Grid Line window box.
Click the “Insert” button or input 1 for the
grid number then click the “Insert” button. (a line of an empty item list is created)
Click [ITEM_NUM] domain – Input item number (3)
Click [ITEM_NAME] domain – Input item name “Potato”
When entering data for different categories, use the same method mentioned above.
2) Item Insert/Delete Button
Add Item List
Method 1 : Drag the line according to the desired count with a mouse and click the “Insert” button
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Method 2 : Input the desired count in the window after clicking the “Insert” button
< Fig. Add Item List >
Delete Item List
Method 1: In the case of deleting a number of separated lines, press the CTRL key of the mouse
Method 2: In the case of deleting a number of adjacent lines, select the first part of the line and
and select the lines intending for deletion. Press “delete” when selection is complete.
drag it down to the end part of the line or select the first part of the line, press the shift key, and
click the last line. Then all of the lines in between will be selected. The data of the selected lines
will be deleted when press the “Delete” button
Method 2: Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
3) Item transmission/reception
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving items. Since log in has taken place,
connection setup function is usable.
Trans : Deliver/transmit all item data to the scale.
Select Trans : Press the “Select Trans” button after selecting the transmittable data with the mouse.
All receive : Receive all item data from the scale.
Select Receive : Receive the items selected on the scale. Selected items are distinguished by
numbers, and input the item numbers wishing to receive in the edit window right below the button
shown as the example below.
Select Receive Ex1) In the case of receiving item numbers 1, 3, 5, 7
Input “1, 3, 5, 7”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Select Receive Ex2) In the case of receiving item numbers from 1 to 10
Input “1-10”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button.
Trans Stop : Use when wish to stop the transmission process of Item, ingredient, advertisement,
and land addition.
4) Synchronization
When the server function is in operation, the general manager may upload her/his opened item on to the server. Since
there are no item information in the DB server when the server was first operated, mangers of each part must upload
their item data on to the server in order to call the item from the according scales.
5) Reservation
① Reserved Information
It indicates reserved information.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Reservation Info List >
② Reservation Setup
A user may set up preferred time and item information to transmit to a scale in
< Fig. Reservation Setup >
2. Ingredient
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Item Catalogue-Ingredient >
1) Ingredient Information Editor
Ten types of individual ingredient data can be entered under the Ingredient Information List. A total of 30 Korean
characters and 60 English characters can be saved for individual ingredient data. In order to change/input individual
categories, click the according data cell with the mouse and input information.
New: An empty ingredient list is created upon a click on the “Insert” button. Click on the cell with the
mouse and enter data.
Change: Select the data intending to modify with the mouse and input the new value.
Save: The program auto saves any changes made to the values in the editor window. Thus, it is
important to be careful when changing or modifying data values.
Delete: Click on the optional data intending for deletion on the ingredient list with a mouse and press
the “Delete” button.
In the case of deleting optional information of the ingredient data, click on the according data with the
mouse and press the “Delete” key then only the data according to the selected domain will be deleted.
Ex) Ingredient Number : 1, Str1 : , Str2 : , Str3 : , Str4 :
[Ingredient relation(double click)] – [Ingredient]
Click [Add] button
Don’t input the grid number in the Grid Line window box.
Click the “Insert” button or input 1 for the
grid number then click the “Insert” button. (a line of an empty ingredient list is created)
Click [NUM] domain – Input item number(1)
Click [STR1] domain– Input “ “
Click [STR2] domain – Input “ “
Click [STR3] domain – Input “ “
Click [STR4] domain – Input “ “
2) Ingredient List Insert/Delete Button
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Add Ingredient List
Method 1 : Drag the line according to the desired count with a mouse and click the “Insert” button
Method 2 : Input the desired count in the window after clicking the “Insert” button
Delete Ingredient List
Method 1 : In the case of deleting a number of separated lines, press the CTRL key of the mouse
Method 2 : In the case of deleting a number of adjacent lines, select the first part of the line and
and select the lines intending for deletion. Press “delete” when selection is complete.
drag it down to the end part of the line or select the first part of the line, press the shift key, and
click the last line. Then all of the lines in between will be selected. The data of the selected lines
will be deleted when press the “Delete” button
Method 2 : Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
< FIG. Add Ingredient List >
3) Ingredient transmission/reception
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving ingredients. Since log in has taken
place, connection setup function is usable.
Trans : Delivers/transmits all ingredient data to the scale.
Select Trans : Press the “Select Trans” button after selecting the transmittable data with the mouse
All receive : Receives all ingredient data from the scale.
Select Receive : Receives the ingredients selected on the scale. Selected ingredients are
distinguished by numbers, and input the ingredient numbers wishing to receive in the edit window right
below the button shown as the example below.
Select Receive Ex1) In the case of receiving ingredient numbers 1, 3, 5, 7
Input “1, 3, 5, 7”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Select Receive Ex2) In the case of receiving ingredient numbers from 1 to 10
Input “1-10”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Trans Stop : Use when wish to stop the transmission process of Item, ingredient, advertisement, and
land addition.
When the server function is in operation, the general manager may upload her/his opened ingredient on to the server.
Since there are no ingredient information in the DB server when the server was first operated, mangers of each part
must upload their ingredient data on to the server in order to call the item from the according scales.
3. Preset ( 3 Page )
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Item Catalogue-Preset >
1) Input Preset
A total of 50 preset setups are possible on one page. When preparing preset, only numbers (product call numbers)
can be typed in the first line. Item name and addition info must be typed in lines 2, 3, 4. In order to change or modify
saved values, select the according preset with the mouse and change the value.
Ex) Item Number 4, Name: Corn, Price 500 \, Land origin: Hweng-gae
First Line : 4
Second Line : Corn
Third Line : 500\
Fourth Line : Hweng-gae
2) Select Page
A total of three pages can be selected. Since each page can hold up to 50 presets, a total of 150 presets can be setup.
3) Preset transmission/reception
Trans : Delivers/transmits all preset data to the scale
All Receive : Receives all preset data from the scale
Select Receive : Receives the presets selected on the scale, 1 to 3 pages select receive.
Ex) In case of receiving preset number 1 from PC
Input “1”in edit window
Click “Select Receive” button.
When the server function is in operation, the general manager may upload her/his opened preset on to the server. Since
there are no preset information in the DB server when the server was first operated, mangers of each part must upload
their preset data on to the server in order to call the item from the according scales.
4. Advertisment ( 210EA )
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Item Catalogue-Advertisement >
1) Advertisement Information Editor
Two types of advertisement data can be inputted into the advertisement information list. A total of 27 Korean characters,
55 English characters can be saved on the individual advertisement data. In order to change/input individual categories,
click the according data cell with the mouse and input information.
New: An empty advertisement list is created upon a click on the “Insert” button. Click on the cell with
the mouse and enter data.
Change: Select the data intending to modify with the mouse and input the new value.
Save: The program auto saves any changes made to the values in the editor window. Thus, it is
important to be careful when changing or modifying data values.
Delete: Click on the optional data intending for deletion on the advertisement list with a mouse and
press the “Delete” button.
In the case of deleting optional information of the advertisement data, click on the according data with
the mouse and press the “Delete” key then only the data according to the selected domain will be
예) Advertisement Number : 1, Str1 : , Str2 :
[Item relation(double click)] – [advertisement]
Click [Insert] button
Don’t input the grid number in the Grid Line window box.
Click the “Insert” button or input 1 for the
grid number then click the “Insert” button. (a line of an empty advertisement list is created)
Click [ADV_NUM] domain – Input item number (1)
Click [STR1] domain – input“ “
Click [STR2] domain – input“ “
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
2) Advertisement List Insert/Delete Button
Add Advertisement List
Method 1 : Drag the line according to the desired count with a mouse and click the “Insert” button
Method 2 : Input the desired count in the window after clicking the “Insert” button
< FIG. Add Advertisement List >
Delete Advertisement List
Method 1 : In the case of deleting a number of separated lines, press the CTRL key of the mouse and
select the lines intending for deletion. Press “delete” when selection is complete.
Method 2 : In the case of deleting a number of adjacent lines, select the first part of the line and drag it
down to the end part of the line or select the first part of the line, press the shift key, and click the last
line. Then all of the lines in between will be selected. The data of the selected lines will be deleted
when press the “Delete” button
Method 2 : Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
3) Advertisement list Transmission/Reception
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving advertisement lists. Once log in has taken
place, connection setup function is usable.
Trans: Delivers/transmits all advertisement list data to the scale.
Select Trans: Press the “Select Trans” button after selecting the transmittable data with the mouse.
All receive: Receives all advertisement list data from the scale.
Select Receive: Receives the advertisement lists selected on the scale. Selected advertisement lists
are distinguished by numbers, and input the advertisement list numbers wishing to receive in the edit
window right below the button shown as the example below.
Select Receive Ex1) In the case of receiving advertisement lists 1, 3, 5, 7
Input “1, 3, 5, 7”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Select Receive Ex2) In the case of receiving advertisement lists from 1 to 10
Input “1-10”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Trans Stop : Use when wish to stop the transmission process of item, ingredient, advertisement, and
land addition.
When the server function is in operation, the general manager may upload her/his opened advertisement on to the
server. Since there are no advertisement information in the DB server when the server was first operated, mangers of
each part must upload their advertisement data on to the server in order to call the item from the according scales.
4. Land Addition
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Item Catalogue-Land Addition >
1) Land Addition Information Editor
One land addition data can be inputted into the land addition information list. A total of 27 Korean characters, 55 English
characters can be saved on the land addition data. In order to change/input individual categories, click the according
data cell with the mouse and input information.
New: An empty land addition list is created upon a click on the “Insert” button. Click on the cell with
the mouse and enter data.
Change: Select the data intending to modify with the mouse and input the new value.
Save: The program auto saves any changes made to the values in the editor window. Thus, it is
important to be careful when changing or modifying data values.
Delete: Click on the optional data intending for deletion on the land addition list with a mouse and
press the “Delete” button.
In the case of deleting optional information of the land addition data, click on the according data with
the mouse and press the “Delete” key then only the data according to the selected domain will be
예) Land Addition Number : 1, Land_Str:
[Item relation(double click)] – [land addition]
Click [Insert] button
Don’t input the grid number in the Grid Line window box.
Click the “Insert” button or input 1 for the
grid number then click the “Insert” button. (a line of an empty land addition list is created)
Click [LAND_NUM] domain – Input item number (1)
Click [LAND_STR] domain – input “ “
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
2) Land Addition List Insert/Delete Button
Add Land Addition List
Method 1 : Drag the line according to the desired count with a mouse and click the “Insert” button
Method 2 : Input the desired count in the window after clicking the “Insert” button
< FIG. Add Land Addition List >
Delete Land Addition List
Method 1 : In the case of deleting a number of separated lines, press the CTRL key of the mouse and
select the lines intending for deletion. Press “delete” when selection is complete.
Method 2 : In the case of deleting a number of adjacent lines, select the first part of the line and drag it
down to the end part of the line or select the first part of the line, press the shift key, and click the last
line. Then all of the lines in between will be selected. The data of the selected lines will be deleted
when press the “Delete” button.
Method 2 : Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
3) Land Addition list Transmission/Reception
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving Land Addition lists. Since log in has taken
place, connection setup function is usable.
Trans : Delivers/transmits all land addition data to the scale.
Select Trans : Press the “Select Trans” button after selecting the transmittable data with the mouse.
All receive : Receives all land addition lists from the scale.
Select Receive : Receives the land addition lists selected on the scale. Selected land addition lists are
distinguished by numbers, and input the land addition list number wishing to receive in the edit window
right below the button shown as the example below.
Select Receive Ex1) In the case of receiving land addition lists 1, 3, 5, 7
Input “1, 3, 5, 7”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Select Receive Ex2) In the case of receiving land addition lists from 1 to 10
Input “1-10”in Edit window.
Click the “Receive Selection” button
Trans Stop : Use when wish to stop the transmission process of Item, ingredient, advertisement, and
land addition.
When the server function is in operation, the general manager may upload her/his opened land addition on to the server.
Since there are no land addition information in the DB server when the server was first operated, mangers of each part
must upload their land addition data on to the server in order to call the item from the according scales..
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
● Result Catalogue
The total related data is received from the scale. The scale total result, item total result, item day result, etc. data are
displayed, and this data cannot be changed and can only be read differently from the previously mentioned item related
1. Scale Total Result
The total result data of all item data is displayed after the scale total result has been cleared.
< Fig. Result Catalogue – Scale Total Result >
Result Start Day : the initial date of the most recent total result data.
Total Print Count : the total number of label prints after the first day of the new total result
Total Print Weight : the total weight printed after the first day of the new total result.
Total Price : the accumulated price from the first day of the new total result.
Receive Day : the date of receiving the total result data.
Receive Scale : the ID of the scale that received the total result data.
Item Result Total Memory : the total memory capacity allocated for the total result
Used Item Memory : used up memory amount for the total result.
Day Result Total Memory : the total memory capacity allocated for the item day total result
10) Used Result Memory : used up memory amount for the item day total result.
11) Scale Total Result Button
Result Receive : Receive the Scale Total Result
Reload Receive : Recall or reopen the received total result info from the DB file.
Result Clear : Delete the Scale Total Result, Item Total Result, Item Day Result, One Day Result
information from the scale.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Result DB Sum : The currently received total result information is recorded on the currently
opened item info file. This function is used when wish to move current total result info to the DB
file that only manages the total result information due to the overload of such info. The current
total result info disappears when the total result info is moved. When wanting to check total result
info in the future, open the DB file that only manages the total result information.(* The domain
2. Item Total Result
Displays the total result of each item after the scale entire total result has been deleted.
< Fig. Result Catalogue – Item Total Result >
Item Number : the allocated number to the item
Result Start Day : the initial date of the most recent total result data
Total Print Count : the total number of label prints after the first day of the new total result
Total Print Weight : the total weight printed after the first day of the new total result
Total Price : the accumulated price from the first day of the new total result
Receive Day : the date of receiving the total result data
Receive Scale : the ID of the scale that received the total result data
Item Total Result Button
Result Receive : Check the Item Total Result
Reload Receive : Recall or reopen the received total result info from the DB file
Result DB Sum : The currently received total result information is recorded on the currently opened
item info file. This function is used when wish to move current total result info to the DB file that only
manages the total result information due to the overload of such info. The current total result info
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
disappears when the total result info is moved. When wanting to check total result info in the future,
open the DB file that only manages the total result information.(* The domain location (DB file) for
managing only the total result information is located in C:\Motex\Result_Sum.mdb)
Receive Result Display : Display data related to the total number, weight, price printed from the start
date of each item total result. The date of the data read from the scale and the scale’s ID or IP address
is displayed.
3. Item Day Result
Display all the item day result of each item after the total data has been deleted.
< Fig. Result Catalogue – Item Day Result >
Item Number : product number
Result Day : the date the total result data has been received.
Total Print Count :
Total Print Weight : total weight printed in one day
Total Price : total accumulated price in one day
Receive Day : the date the data has been received after a recent communication
Receive Scale : the ID of the scale that received the total result data
Item Day Result Button
total numbers printed in one day
Result Receive : Check the Item Day Result
Reload Receive : Recall or reopen the received total result info from the DB file
Result DB Sum : The currently received total result information is recorded on the currently opened
item info file. This function is used when wish to move current total result info to the DB file that only
manages the total result information due to the overload of such info. The current total result info
disappears when the total result info is moved. When wanting to check total result info in the future,
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
open the DB file that only manages the total result information.(* The domain location (DB file) for
managing only the total result information is located in C:\Motex\Result_Sum.mdb)
Receive Result Display : Displays total data of each items sold each day starting from the initial date
the total result started. Displays data related to the product numbers sold, the total number, weight, and
accumulated price printed each day. The date of the data read from the scale and the scale’s ID or IP
address is displayed.
4. One Day Result
The One Day Result is displayed starting right after the total result data has been deleted previously.
< Fig. Result Catalogue – One Day Result >
Result Day : the date the total result took place
Total Print Count : the sum of all the product’s print count in one day.
Total Price Weight : the sum of weights of all the products printed in one day.
Total Price : the sum of price of all the sold products in one day.
Receive Day : the date the data has been received
Receive Scale : the ID of the scale that received the total result data
One Day Result Button
Result receive : Receives one day result.
Reload Receive : Recall or reopen the received total result info from the DB file
Result DB Sum : The currently received total result information is recorded on the currently
opened item info file. This function is used when wish to move current total result info to the DB
file that only manages the total result information due to the overload of such info. The current
total result info disappears when the total result info is moved. When wanting to check total result
info in the future, open the DB file that only manages the total result information.(* The domain
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Receive Result Display : Displays data related to the total number, weight, price of each item
printed in one day starting from the initial date of total result, the date the One Day Result was
checked, and the scale’s ID or IP address.
● User Label Catalogue
1. User Label
The definition of the label print domain can be set as optional by the user, and each category is explained as below.
< Fig. User Label Catalogue – User Label>
file_num : user label call number
X axis : the X axis of the starting point of the data (item name, land origin, etc.) that will be printed on a label.
Y axis : the Y axis of the starting point of the data (item name, land origin, etc.) that will be printed on a label.
Kind : determine the data font size of item name, land origin, etc. printed on a label
Line : the print line must be set up for advertisements and ingredients.
Length : the print length of the barcode must be customized.
Barcode Form : Sets up the barcode shape by rotating it 90 degrees, 270 degrees.
1) The First Method of User Label Information Editor
New: An empty user label list is created upon a click on the “Insert” button. Click on the cell with the
mouse and enter data.
Change: Select the data intending to modify with the mouse and input the new value.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
Save: The program auto saves any changes made to the values in the editor window. Thus, it is
Delete: Click on the optional data intending for deletion on the advertisement list with a mouse and
important to be careful when changing or modifying data values.
press the “Delete” button.
In the case of deleting optional information of the user label data, click on the according data with the
mouse and press the “Delete” key then only the data according to the selected domain will be deleted.
Editor 1
Editor 2
< Fig. User Label Image Part >
2) The Second Method of User Label Information Editor
This method brings the icon from Editor2 to label paper shape of Editor1 shown as <Fig. User Label
Image Part>.
Set the label paper size same as the label size in Editor 1.
The 2nd method saves in DB when the DBSave button in Editor1 is clicked instead of auto saving the
icon that has been dragged from the DB. When clicking this button, must select one user label list that
will remember the current information.
3) User Label List Insert/Delete Button
Add User Label List
Method 1 : Drag the line according to the desired count with a mouse and click the “Insert” button
Method 2 : One user label list is created.
Delete User Label List
Method 1 : Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
4) User Label List transmission/reception
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving User Label Lists.
Since log in has taken place, connection setup function is usable.
Trans : Delivers/transmits all user label data to the scale.
Select Trans : Press the “Select Trans” button after selecting the transmittable data with the
Receive : Receives all user label data from the scale
5) User Label list Image Display Button
This button displays an image in order to allow the user to easily comprehend the value of the User Label list.
The value according to Editor1’s User Label list < Fig. User Label Image Part > is displayed as an image
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
when this button is clicked. After making changes with this image, the changed DB value is saved after the
DBSave button has been clicked.
When the server function is in operation, the general manager may upload her/his opened land addition on to the server.
Since there are no land addition information in the DB server when the server was first operated, mangers of each part
must upload their land addition data on to the server in order to call the item from the according scales.
● Scale Management
1. Scale Info
The user may optionally define the basic information of the scale.
< Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Scale Info>
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Sub Scale Info>
The Insert, Update Button from the Scale Info.
When the Insert Button is clicked:
This < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Sub Scale Info> screen will show up and when the
user clicks the Ok Button after inputting the scale info that they wish to define, the according
information < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Scale Info> will be inputted.
When the Update Button is clicked:
The Update Button must be clicked after the scale info list has been selected.
Similarly, when the Update Button is clicked, the < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Sub
Scale Info> screen will show up and when the user clicks the Ok Button after inputting the scale
info that they wish to define, the according information < Fig Scale Management Catalogue –
Scale Info> will be inputted.
The Scale Info List is “read only” from the < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Scale Info>.
Scale Info Delete Button
Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
Scale Info Trans Button
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving scale info. Since log in
has taken place, connection setup function is usable.
Trans : Transmits the scale info list data to the scale.
Since every scale must keep one scale info, transmit only one scale info list one at a time.
2. Scale Info2 (Root Manager : Only root can use this function.)
This function allows the Root Manager to set up the scale’s native information.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Scale Info2>
< Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Sub Scale Info2>
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
The Insert, Update Button from the Scale Info 2
When the Insert Button is clicked:
This < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Sub Scale Info> screen will show up and when the
user clicks the Ok Button after inputting the scale info that they wish to define, the according
information < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Scale Info 2> will be inputted.
When the Update Button is clicked:
The Update Button must be clicked after the scale info 2 list has been selected.
Similarly, when the Update Button is clicked, the < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Sub
Scale Info> screen will show up and when the user clicks the Ok Button after inputting the scale
info that they wish to define, the according information < Fig Scale Management Catalogue –
Scale Info 2> will be inputted.
The Scale Info List is “read only” from the < Fig Scale Management Catalogue – Scale Info 2>.
Scale Info 2 Delete Button
Scale Info 2 Trans Button
As mentioned before, connection must be setup prior to transmitting or receiving scale info. Since log in
Select the optional domain of the list intending for deletion and click the “Delete” button.
has taken place, connection setup function is usable.
Trans : Transmits the scale info 2 list data to the scale.
Since every scale must keep one scale info, transmit only one scale info list one at a time
3. Scale Reg (Root Manager: Only root can use this function.)
This menu is available only when the Root Manager logs on. The scale number, name, IP address, manager Id, etc.
setup on the whole program is manageable. As shown in the Fig. below, it contains an Update function that can renew
the scale information, a delete function that can delete the scale, and an insert function that can add scales.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Scale Registration Info >
1) Update : Change or modify selected scale info.
< Fig. Scale Info - Update >
Scale Number : Scale number to be changed
Scale Name : the scale name allocated to the to be changed scale.
IP Address : the according IP number when using a Ethernet connected scale
Scale ID Number : the ID assigned on the scale
Manager ID : Corner’s manager ID included in the scale.
2) Insert : Register new scale.
Store Type Server Communication Program Version 1.6
Jo Han-min
< Fig. Scale Info-Insert >
Scale Number : the number assigned to the scale
Scale Name : the name assigned to the scale
IP Address : the according IP number when using a Ethernet connected scale
Scale ID Number : the ID assigned on the scale
User ID : Corner’s manager ID included in the scale
3) Delete : Delete the selected scale.