Für Thomas Greinke
Für Thomas Greinke
Detection of genetic modifications in raw and processed cotton products • Lothar Kruse PhD • Workshop „Cotton“, Berlin, February 2009 Impetus GmbH & Co. Bioscience KG • • • • • Accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2000 15 years of experience with DNA technology Currently 8 employees Focus: Detection of animal species and genetic modifications in food, feed, seed, animal and plant fibers Located in Bremerhaven Possible applications Meat, raw Meat, cooked Sausage Canned meat Feedstuff Bonemeal Bloodmeal Animalmeal Petfood Stock cube Lard Gelatin Fish, raw Fish, smoked Canned fish Seeds Soyabeans/-meal/-whole-meal Corn/-meal/- whole-meal Pollen GMO-detection Animal and plant-species-identification Milk full-cream Milk UHT Cheese Plant and animal fibres in raw material and fabrics Furs Chocolate Cornflakes Honey Juice Marzipan Tofu Soya-drink Soya-bread Soya-goulash Soya-sauce Soya-lecithine Soya-oil, raw Margarine Corn-starch Ketchup Cottonseed-oil, raw From biological samples to PCR-products Schematic view of cells Animal cell Plant cell Eucaryotic DNA PCR-cycle Start: Template-DNA 72°C Elongation 3 Reaction runs in thermocycler 1 Denaturation 95°C 50-60°C Annealing 2 Anzahl PCR-Zyklen Effectiveness of PCR Exponential increase of copy number Anzahl doppelsträngiger DNA-Moleküle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 0 0 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1.024 2.048 4.096 8.192 16.384 32.768 65.536 131.072 262.144 524.288 1.048.576 2.097.152 4.194.304 8.388.608 16.777.216 33.554.432 67.108.864 134.217.728 268.435.456 536.870.912 1.073.741.824 2.147.483.648 4.294.967.296 8.589.934.592 17.179.869.184 34.359.738.368 68.719.476.736 137.438.953.472 274.877.906.944 549.755.813.888 1.099.511.627.776 4.398.046.511.104 8.796.093.022.208 17.592.186.044.416 35.184.372.088.832 70.368.744.177.664 140.737.488.355.328 281.474.976.710.656 Screening- / Construct- / Eventspecific detection Screening CaMV 35S-promoter Plant-DNA CaMV 35S-promoter Nos-terminator CTP2 Cry-gene Bt cottoncotton-35S/CTP2 Construct-specific detection Nos-terminator Plant-DNA NosNos-plant Event-specific detection PCR-Precautions • • • • Strictly separated working areas for DNA-extraction, PCR set-up and detection Appropriate air-ventilation / Air-condition/ Air filter-system Solutions in aliquots, One-way gloves, Filter-tips, overall etc. Intensive and frequent cleaning • • • • • Analyses are performed as double-reactions Positive-controls Negative-controls Inhibition-controls Plus/Minus-results are re-analysed Facts about gm cotton • Global cultivation area: 35 million hectares • Genetically modified: 15 mio. ha, i. e. 43% • India: 9,4 mio. ha (6.2 mio. ha gm, 76%); China: 5,6 mio. ha (3.8 mio. ha gm, 66%); USA: 4.4 mio. ha (4.0 mio. ha gm, 86%); Argentina: 0.4 mio. ha (0.38 mio. ha gm, 95%); Mexico: 0.12 mio. ha (0.065 mio. ha gm, 57%) • More than 20 gm cotton events worldwide • Herbicide tolerance (RR cotton) and/or insect resistance (Bt cotton) • 6 events have been approved for food and feed in the EU: MON1445, MON531, MON15985, MON531xMON 1445, MON15985xMON1445, LLCotton 25 Why should be tested? • The rapidly expanding cultivation of gm cotton will make it harder to get „conventional“ cotton • The use of genetically modified plants for feed, food and cultivation is strictly regulated (labelling, thresholds) in the EU (1829/2003, 1830/2003) • Gm cotton fibres used in textiles are not affected by this regulations – but labels like organic, bio, kbA etc. exclude the use of gm cotton (zero tolerance) • Contamination and adulteration is already common – in more than 30% of all cotton samples labelled as „non gm“ we have analysed so far genetic modifications could be identified Specific PCR identification untreated washed mechan. treated chem. treated bleached stained Cotton + + + + + + Hemp + + + Flax + + +/- + + Nettle + + +/- - - Ramie + + - +/- +/- Kenaf + - - - - Sheep (Wool) + + + + Cashmere goat + + + + Yak + + +/- +/- Camel + + + +/- +, detectable; -, not detectable; +/-, not always detectable; grey : unusual processing steps TaqMan-Principle 1. Sequence-specific annealing of probe and PCR-primers 2. Primer-extension and probe-hydrolysis 3. Release of reporter dye 4. Reporter-signal inreases proportionally to number of cycles Influence of heat treatment on the DNA-fragment-length Lane 1: DNA-Standard (λ-DNA, Hind III-Digest) Lane 2: Bovine-DNA, untreated, 2 µg Lane 3: Bovine-DNA, 5 min 100°C, 2 µg Lane 4: Bovine-DNA, 15 min 100°C, 2 µg Lane 5: Bovine-DNA, 30 min 100°C, 2 µg Lane 6: Bovine-DNA, 5 min 121°C, 2 µg Lane 7: Bovine-DNA, 13 min 121°C, 2 µg Lane 8: DNA-Standard (pUC18, Hpa II-Digest) TaqMan-Principle 1. Sequence-specific annealing of probe and PCR-primers 2. Primer-extension and probe-hydrolysis 3. Release of reporter dye 4. Reporter-signal inreases proportionally to number of cycles