clothing/goodies winter 2011
clothing/goodies winter 2011
CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 25 Delivery: July 30 - September 30, 2010 Size: 3 Months - 8 Years 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca REVERSIBLE HOODIE with zipper in back 6M-8Y 37€ brown/dar k mauve brown/turquoise brown/dar k mauve brown/dar k mauve brown/turquoise brown/white brown/white brown/turquoise brown/white brown/turquoise brown/dar k mauve brown/white NECKIE One size 15€ SQUEEZE-ME MITTENS One size (Adult) 19€ HUG ME SWEATER 6M-8Y 31€ REVERSIBLE BOOTIES 6M-2Y 15€ COVERALL HAT 6M-8Y 15€ REVERSIBLE MITTENS 6M-8Y 15€ LEGGIES 0 - 4Y 4Y - 8Y 15€ dar k mauve brown black grey KANGA SWEATER 6M-8Y 31€ brown/white dar k mauve dar k mauve brown black grey LUCIEN PANTS 6M-8Y 24€ brown black dar k mauve grey brown black grey LUCIEN SCARF 6M-8Y 15€ LUCIEN HAT 6M-8Y 15€ brown/white brown/turquoise brown/fuschia brown/turquoise grey/light mauve brown/white grey/light mauve turquoise/brown grey/light mauve brown/turquoise brown/fuschia brown/fuschia brown/white grey/light mauve 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 1 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca BAT BOY & BAT GIRL 6M-8Y 15€ MILO SWEATER 6M-8Y 24€ FOREST COAT 6M-8Y 49€ dar k mauve black/turquoise grey/black brown/dar k mauve brown/turquoise brown/turquoise brown/dar k mauve grey/black black/turquoise black MARNIE DRESS 3M-18M 30€ turquoise stripe dar k mauve stripe grey STAR HAT 6M-8Y 15€ HEART DRESS 3M-18M 30€ 2Y-8Y 32€ all black HEART HAT 6M-8Y 15€ 2Y-8Y 32€ brown/turquoise dar k mauve brown brown stripe dar k mauve/brown brown/white grey/white grey grey/light mauve brown/fuschia light mauve/grey brown/turquoise brown/fuschia IVY DRESS 3M-18M 30€ HELMET HAT 6M-8Y 17€ TESS DRESS 3M-18M 30€ PEASANT HAT 6M-8Y 15€ 2Y-8Y 32€ Adult 24€ 2Y-8Y 32€ Adult 22€ light mauve brown brown black dar k mauve grey brown light grey brown dar k mauve black dar k mauve grey 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 2 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca LIV SWEATER 6M-8Y 24€ FOOTIES 3M-24M 20€ grey POMPOM HAT 6M-8Y 15€ grey grey dar k mauve black dar k mauve black black MITTEN SWEATER 3M-24M 27€ dar k mauve WELCOME PANTS 3M-24M 20€ WELCOME BOOTIES 3M-24M 11€ WELCOME HAT 3M-24M 15€ brown/fuschia brown brown black dar k mauve white brown dar k mauve/grey brown/white CLASSIC SWEATER 3M-8Y 24€ black dar k mauve white black dar k mauve white TIE HAT 3M-8Y 20€ ALPACA LEGGINGS 3M-24M 20€ Adult 30€ grey dar k mauve brown grey grey black dar k mauve brown black dar k mauve brown black 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 3 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca ANGEL SWEATER 3M-24M 30€ BABY COAT with zipper in back 3M-24M 38€ ANGEL BOOTIES 0-3M 14€ grey grey white white grey/light mauve brown/white CROCHET CARDI 3M-24M 26€ dar k mauve CROCHET DRESS 3M-24M 26€ BONNET 3M-24M 11€ dar k mauve white CROCHET BOOTIES 3M-24M 15€ dar k mauve white brown dar k mauve white black white white PATCH JUMPER 3M-24M 26€ I HEART JUMPER 3M-24M 25€ grey brown grey black white brown HOODIE WITH EARS with zipper in back 3M-24M 30€ KNOT HAT 3M-24M 11€ grey black white white white 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 4 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca CHUNKY FLAP HAT Baby (0-12M) - 26€ Adult (One size) - 37€ CHUNKY BOOTIES Baby (0-12M) - 26€ CHUNKY BERET Baby (0-12M) - 26€ Adult - 37€ white grey brown black brown black grey CHUNKY MITTENS Baby (0-12M) - 20€ white grey brown black white brown grey ADULT REVERSIBLE MITTENS One Size 17€ CROCHET WRAP ADULT ARM WARMERS One Size 17€ brown/dar k mauve light grey/light mauve black/white brown/dar k mauve brown/white brown/white light grey/light mauve black/white 37€ black SWADDLE brown 34€ dar k grey dar k mauve FURRY SLIPPERS Baby (Small) - 12€ Toddler (Medium) - 14€ Adult (Large) - 19€ black/brown all white brown all brown spotted dar k mauve 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 5 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca For all items except for leather products SNAKE GUITAR 20€ 18€ TOOTH PIRATE PILLOW 18€ EIFFEL TOWER 20€ 9€ PURSE 15€ ALPACA NECKLACE BALL NECKLACE 14€ 10€ ALPACA POUCH 10€ leather suede flower bead FLOWER PINS set of 5 20€ (4€ each) melange SOCCER BALL GARLANDS black fuschia grey light mauve dar k mauve 17€ hear t 12€ SOLID BALL 10€ BLOCKS (set of 6) black brown grey fuschia, circle multi HAND CROCHET BUTTERFLIES circle white 19€ (set of 2) 22€ (set of 3) 38€ (set of 6) circle black 14€ flag multi flag white flag black 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 6 CLOTHING/GOODIES WINTER 2011 100% Baby Alpaca MASK & TAIL SET 15€ CROWN SANTA HAT Sm/Lg 11€ 11€ WILD THINGS TAIL 10€ SANTA BEARD giraffe fox zebra cheetah raccoon 11€ tiger crocodile dog ANIMAL HAT ANIMAL BOOTIES ANIMAL MITTENS 15€ each DEVIL HAT 11€ MUSTACHE set of 3 12€ (4€ each) DEVIL TAIL 10€ OWL MASK $21/15€ wolf dragon elephant moose rabbit bear sheep 119 8th St., Suite #301, Brooklyn, New York 11215 P 718.965.1216 F 718.768.7293 Aggie Osek: [email protected] European contact - Kathy Panzer : [email protected] P 00 33 6 12 61 45 25 P 00 49 1 711 47 39 86 F 00 49 (0) 8 924 22 32 77 7 100% ALPACA OEUF KNITS PROMOTE PROSPERITY When you buy these knits, you help transform the lives of women and children in Bolivia. Oeuf partners with indigenous women to create a unique collection and a sustainable flow of income that allows their children to school. Each piece is Fair Trade for the benefit of all people. At Oeuf, we make sure that our artisans earn a living wage and that their cultural traditions are respected, encouraged and honored. ALPACAS are small, gentle animals raised for their soft, luxurious natural fiber. Alpaca is lanolin free, making it a hypoallergenic fiber; and is a renewable resource, which is sure to please the eco-conscious consumer. BRAZIL PERU BOLIVIA CHILE THE KNITTERS who make these pieces work in self-managing groups, making decisions as a democracy. Their partnership with Oeuf has made a significant impact on their lives. Their children, no longer having to work to help support the family, go to school. They enjoy health and dental care and better nutrition. And there is no longer the uncertaintly of unemployment. PARAGUAY ARGENTINA 8