Chelsea Breeze February 2013


Chelsea Breeze February 2013
Chelsea Breeze
February 2013
Volume II Issue XI
After occupying the ground floor of Chelsea Manor on Victoria Drive in Vancouver for 40
years (1972-2012), New Chelsea Society has finally moved to 7501 Sixth Street in Burnaby. As the
society grows and acquires new properties, we are now anchored for expansion. Our housing
portfolio has doubled in size in the last five years and the expansion of the small office could no
longer meet our needs. The search for a new office was long overdue and the wait ended on November 27, 2012 when the head office staff moved to occupy this 2500 sq ft. space. Located along a
bus route that is only minutes away from the skytrain, the new office is disabled accessible and can
accommodate more staff. It can be accessed by taking the 106 New Westminster bus from Edmonds Station. Visitors do not have to worry about finding the office as the bus stop is right out
front at the intersections of Sixth Street and Sixteenth Avenue. The wide space in the reception area exudes a welcoming ambience that is experienced throughout the entire office. Its modern interior design is highlighted in the boardroom with its sleek furniture and top of the line audio visual
equipment. We can finally bid the old cramped quarters goodbye as we welcome the new year in
this great new office!
From the Desk of the Executive Director
I am pleased to tell you about a program that New Chelsea Society
has been helping to sponsor. First, I’d like to tell you about the program,
then tell you how New Chelsea Society has made a contribution.
Since its creation in 2010, Stewie’s Angels Camp has provided a
unique summer camp experience for children and youth from military families that have lost a parent in the line of duty. The camp was established
in honour of Master Corporal Allan Stewart (Stewie), a member of the Royal Canadian Dragoons who was killed in action in Kandahar, Afghanistan on
April 11th, 2007. His wife Christa and daughters Brittany and Sarah shared
a vision to provide bereaved military children and youth ages 7 to 19 from
all across Canada with a unique experience where they could come together to share, laugh, and bond with
their peers who had had similar struggles coming to grips with their loss. Their ultimate goal was for Stewie’s
Angels Camp to become a recognized National program that would be accessible each year for children and
youth of Canada’s fallen soldiers.
The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families also supports this effort by incorporating support activities
around management of grief, loss, and change.
This past year, Stewie’s Angels Camp ran from August 5th to August 11th, 2012 at Camp Can-Aqua just outside of Bancroft, Ontario. The 11 campers who attended had a true camp experience integrating with other
campers enjoying traditional summer activities complete with cabins, campfires, crafts, and water sports. The
Stewie’s Angels Campers had exclusive daily activities as well as shared cabins with two counsellors from the
Phoenix Centre. In addition to the fun filled games and activities, the children had time to speak with teen
counsellors about their parent and how the loss has affected them. By week’s end they created memory scrapbooks, as a testament to their lost mom or dad.
New Chelsea Society found out about Stewie’s Angels Camp from one of our Board members, Heather
Garrison. We learned that some of the children must come from far away to attend the camp, and that travel
costs could sometimes be prohibitive. The Society’s Board and Staff thought we possibly could help by offering
some free “travel points” that we accrue monthly from the Society’s corporate credit card, and that these travel
points could be put towards making it possible for a parent and their children to be able to travel to the camp.
I am pleased to tell you that this past summer, New Chelsea Society was able to help two families travel
from Fredericton, New Brunswick to the camp near Bancroft, Ontario. Through our points, Jill the wife of Sgt.
Greg Kruse who was killed in action in Afghanistan on December 27th, 2008, and her three daughters Meg, Kari,
and Tori, along with Sarah, the daughter of Master Cpl Allan Stewart after whom the Camp is named, were all
able to travel to Stewie’s Angel Camp 2012.
Below is an excerpt from a letter we received from the Camp Coordinator:
“I just wanted to let New Chelsea Society know that Stewie's Angels Camp ran very successfully this year. In total
there were 11 youth who attended and all of them had an amazing and unforgettable experience. Thank you so much
for your support, without your generous donation of travel points, 4 of the youth would not have been able to attend.”
With Heartfelt Thanks,
Natasha Lubimiv
Coordinator, Stewie's Angels Camp
Also, New Chelsea Society received the following letter from Jill Kruse,
the mother of three of the youth who were able to attend Stewie’s Angels
Camp because of New Chelsea Society’s donation of points to assist with
their travel:
“When I met my girls at the Toronto Airport at the end of their week at
Camp Can-Aqua, it was obvious they had a wonderful time. They were in
the midst of a teary goodbye with one of their fellow Angel Campers. I recalled putting them in Greg's (Phoenix Centre) van a week earlier for their
two-hour trek to the camp and wondered how they would make out at the
Camp and with this new camper who was waiting in the vehicle. As it
turned out, they made fast friends with Jennifer. Initially they all had to
adjust to living in a much more rustic camp setting this year. Stewie's Angels Camp was held at a cottage country resort the year before where they
enjoyed a cozy cottage environment. However, they tell me it didn't take
long for them all to settle in and enjoy the variety of activities offered by
Camp Can-Aqua. There were some adjustments to make as there are with
any camp experience: i.e. no electricity, limited access to technology,
scheduling, etc. But what I was most impressed with is what I was hoping
they would experience: an opportunity to have fun and connect with other
Campers and Staff 2011
children who have experienced a similar loss. All the girls told me that
the time they spent sharing their stories with other Angel campers really helped, and re-connecting with past
campers solidified the bond they made the year before. Stewie's Angels Camp is a valuable asset for our children and I am so pleased they were able to participate again this year. Thanks so much to New Chelsea Society,
the Stewart Family and the Phoenix Centre for giving Greg's girls a place to connect with friends who know
what it's like to lose a parent. Here are the girls' favorite camp memories:
Meg's Angel Camp memories: Meeting Jenn, knee boarding and doing arts and crafts.
Tori's Angel Camp memories: Water skiing and singing camp songs at lunch
Kari's Angel Camp memories: Kayaking on the lake with Jenn and Brady and laughing and laughing!
Your support is so very much appreciated, thank-you again!
Jill Kruse
Widow of Sergeant Greg Kruse”
New Chelsea Society was founded in 1952 by a group of dedicated Veterans in the Vancouver area to
provide low cost housing for World War 2 Veterans and their families. For the past 60 years the Society has
continued helping Veterans as well as Seniors, Families, and Persons with Disabilities from all walks of life in
providing them with a safe and affordable home. Today we are very proud to be able to go a step further in
this small way, to assist families and children of our present-day brave soldiers who have given the ultimate
New Chelsea Society looks forward to supporting Stewie’s Angels Camp through our travel points in the
years to come in the hopes that we can assist some of the families who live a long distance away in being able
to participate in this truly wonderful Camp that otherwise they would not be able to do.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Buchannon
Executive Director
Richard Ho, Non-Profit Portfolio Manager, B.C. Housing, was the 2012 recipient of the New Chelsea Society Patron
Award in recognition of exceptional
individual service. Presenting the
award to Richard are Society President,
Fran Walton, and Executive Director,
Pat Buchannon.
After working with New Chelsea Society for
23 years, Lee Miller celebrated her retirement on January 23rd at Chelsea Gardens.
As she embarks on her new journey, her
family, friends, colleagues, and members
of the board commemorated two decades
of wonderful memories. From working
with the Legion, becoming the society’s
secretary and Assistant Administrator, to
being part of the tenant placement, Lee is
definitely New Chelsea’s longest and most
diverse employee. Her hard work, dedication and passion will truly be missed!
Seems an Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He decided that he'd just throw a cinder
block through a liquor store window, grab some booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and
heaved it over his head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the would-be thief
on the head, knocking him unconscious. The liquor store window was made of Plexiglas. The whole
event was caught on videotape.
Edward Des Los Reyes has
been appointed as the new
site manager for Chelsea
Green, Crossing and View.
With a background in hospitality maintenance, Edward
brings years of experience in
his new role and managing 3
properties will certainly keep
him busy.
New Chelsea Society is
pleased to welcome Stefan
Baune as our new Operations
Manager. With a background
in property management,
electrical engineering and social work, Stefan’s wide array
of experience will be a valuable asset to the New Chelsea
senior staff team.
New Tenant Placement Clerk,
Constance Pagkalinawan, joins
the head office in assisting the
senior management team and
contributing to tenant placement. Her main duties will deal
with application processing,
landlord references, tenancy
agreements and ensuring potential tenants meet all requirements.
Royal Canadian Legion
National Youth Track and Field Championships
Langley, B.C.
August 7—13, 2013
Donate, Sponsor, Volunteer
[email protected]
[email protected]
Amy Juarez, a student who lives with her family at
Chelsea Gardens, was a recent recipient of a B.C.
Housing Bursary in the amount of $1000. Amy is a
culinary student and currently works part-time at
Chelsea Park. The B.C. Housing Education Awards
Program helps individuals living in subsidized housing to pursue their educational goals. More info is
available at
services/educationawards .
In the last six months, there has been a flurry of
reroofing at several New Chelsea projects. Chelsea Crossing has just recently been completed
(as shown) and in 2013 Chelsea View and possibly Chelsea Court are slated for shingle replacement.
John and Barbara McKay, East Side Portfolio Managers, enjoyed their retirement party at Chelsea Gardens
in late September. They are both looking forward to
retirement living in Maple Ridge, enjoying their time
at Lake Samish, and travelling.
Once again, New Chelsea Society wants your photograph submission for the front of our
2013 Christmas Card. The holiday and winter season is full of scenic opportunities so keep
that camera handy ! Winner will receive a $100 cash prize plus acknowledgement on the
back of the card. Print your name and address on a sheet of paper, add the photo and mail
your submission to
The Christmas Photo Contest c/o New Chelsea Society,7501 Sixth Street, Burnaby, B.C. V3N 3M2
Deadline is March 31, 2013
Sponsored by the New Chelsea Activities Committee
Pat Buchannon elected to Board of Directors of the
BC Non-Profit Housing Association
New Chelsea Society’s Executive Director, Pat Buchannon, was
elected to the Board of Directors of the BC Non-Profit Housing
Association (BCNPHA) at the 20th annual conference held in
Richmond this past November. He was elected for a 3-year term and
will be representing the Vancouver region. BCNPHA serves and supports over 600 non-profit
housing societies across the province of BC, and New Chelsea Society has been a member of this
professional Association for close to 15 years.
Always plan ahead for the
inevitable situation when you
have lost your keys or simply
locked them inside your suite.
Keep a spare, unmarked set
in a safe place, such as your
car, wallet/purse, or with a
trusted neighbour. Our staff
are only available from 8AM
to 4PM, so create a plan and
avoid a $200 bill from a locksmith!
Spring is around the corner and site staff
Thomas Peat and Grant Dricos are busily
preparing the flower beds for the new growing season at Chelsea Corner.
Chelsea Breeze is published for the residents,
directors, staff, and friends of New Chelsea Society.
2013 Suite Inspections
are a perfect time to inform staff of
any necessary repairs. Watch for notices indicating your inspection date.
7501 Sixth Street, Burnaby, BC V3N 3M2
Phone: 604.395.4370 Fax: 604. 395.4376
Email: [email protected]
Editor: Constance Pagkalinawan
Photographer: Terry Alleyn
Karen Dupont, Residents Service Manager
at Chelsea Park, presents an Afghan blanket, knitted by Society President Fran Walton, to Chelsea Manor resident, Christine
Society President, Fran Walton, presents the Long-Term Service Award to
Executive Director, Pat Buchannon, in
recognition of his 15 years of service to
the organization.
WHAT! A water pipe has burst in my suite and my landlord will not reimburse
me for all my damaged furniture? What gives?
Unfortunately, any damage to your personal belongings caused by a malfunction
of any building component is your financial responsibility. Even if your suite becomes uninhabitable, you must find temporary accommodation and, if necessary, pay for moving and storing your personal belongings. You are also legally
and financially liable for any harm you cause to any part of the building in which
you live. If you cause a flood by overflowing your tub and it damages your neighbour’s home………..
you pay! If your visitor falls in your home and sues you…… you pay!
The Answer: TENANT INSURANCE for $12.50 a month
MARSH CANADA provides relatively inexpensive tenant insurance giving you peace of mind with coverage of your personal belongings and provides you with liability coverage for damage caused by you
and protection from being sued by others for personal injury.
Take an inventory of the furniture, electronics and the rest of the stuff you’ve accumulated. What’s
the price to replace all of these worldly possessions if they are wiped out by fire? A crook breaks in
and steals your new computer and X-Box….. you’re covered!
This new tenant insurance policy offered through Marsh Canada will cost around $12.50 per month.
Relatively inexpensive when you think of the consequences without it. Marsh Canada can be contacted a 1-877-476-6727.
New Chelsea is not affiliated with this program in any way, but we encourage you to check it out!