Northern Land Systems (1:250k) Map Sheet SD5310, Urapunga
Northern Land Systems (1:250k) Map Sheet SD5310, Urapunga
Tam Alp Alp Tac Ibc Tcl Tam Alp 340000 133°30'E Als Tca Ibn Ibc Alh Als Ibn Ibc Tam Tca Alp Ibc Rle 350000 133°40'E k le dd Ibc Asb Ibc Rle 360000 Rle Rle Rlk Rle Rsf Asm Alp Rlk Ibc Ald Ibn Asm Rlk Tcl Asb Rlk Rle 370000 Als 133°50'E Ibn dl e Ck 380000 Rle Rlk Ibn Ck Asb 390000 Tcl 134°0'E Ald Ald Asb Alp Rsf Rsf Rsf 400000 Rsf Als Tal Alp Rls Ald Als Asm Asb 410000 134°10'E 8460000 Ibc Asb Tam Tas Asb Rls 430000 134°20'E Asm Asb Aso Tca Tca Rls NT Por 671 ALAWA 1 ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST 440000 Asb Tal Alp Asb Asb Rls Taf Asb Alp Tas Rle Tca Als 480000 134°50'E Asb Asb Tca Tca Asb ma nji Yu Alh Tpw SE5308 SE5311 SE5312 SE5316 8420000 14°20'S 8410000 Land Systems - Landscape Class Tidal flats Coastal dunes Alluvial floodplains Coastal floodplains Open Forest Clay plains Lateritic plains and rises Lateritic plateaux Elevated plateaux surfaces Granite plains and rises 8400000 Open Shrubland Granite hills Sparse Shrubland Basalt plains and rises Hummock Grassland 14°30'S Land system polygons mapunit label Basalt hills Grassland Limestone plains and rises Limestone hills Sandstone plains and rises Not Recorded Sandstone hills Rugged quartz sandstone plateaux and hills Descriptions for Soil and Vegetation site data can be viewed in the DLRM web mapping application View data layers: - Flora and Fauna\All Flora - Land Resources\SALI Soil Profile Descriptions LIMITATIONS OF USE Land resource information has been derived from field collected data describing landform, soil and vegetation. Mapped boundaries have been transferred photogrammetrically from aerial photographs to 1:250,000 base maps. Enlarging this map, or the data, beyond this scale will not provide further detail. A site inspection should always accompany mapping for specific areas. DATA SOURCE Land Systems, Soil sites, Veg sites: Dept Land Resource Management Property boundaries, Roads, Placenames: Dept Lands, Planning & the Environment Parks: Parks and Wildlife Commission Drainage lines, Index sheets: Topography 250k © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2006 5 10 15 20 km Blue numbered grid has intervals of 10 000 metres Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 53, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Projection Geodetic Datum of Australia (GDA94) Black numbered grid has intervals of 10 minutes of a degree, GDA94 For further information, please contact; Land Assessment Unit Department of Land Resource Management (DLRM) Lwf NT Por Tpw Als 819 Address: Goyder Centre, 25 Chung Wah Tce, Palmerston Email: [email protected] Web: © Northern Territory of Australia The Northern Territory of Australia does not warrant that the product or any part of it is correct or complete and will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any person as a result of its inaccuracy or incompleteness. Map created by Spatial Data and Mapping Unit, DLRM 3/12/2014 Als r) Riv e s n Taf e To w Ck (littl Alh 490000 Mer Closed Forest 8390000 8380000 14°40'S 8370000 Asm Tca Alp SE5307 Land system survey extent Land Systems - Dominant Veg Structure km 0 Asb Alh Alo SE5304 Lit1 Asb Limmen National Park Als Alp 470000 Wnm Alm Alh Asm 134°40'E Kny Tca Rlk Asb Aso Tca 460000 Tca Tca WESTE RN A UST RAL IA 14°10'S 8430000 Asb Tca Als Alp Als Tca 450000 Rle Als Alp Rsf 134°30'E Als Asb St Vidgeon Tca Asb Tca Asb Rlk SE5303 QUEENSLAND 14°0'S 8450000 8440000 Rlk Alp Tal Tca Rls 420000 Aso Kny Alp Rlk Alp SE5302 Closed Grassland Asb NT Por Wnm 4249 Asb Rsf Tas Tam Tas Ald Tca Tca Tam Rls Als Tca Ald St Vidgeon Tca Tam Tra ck Ibc Alp Tac Alh Als Rls Rls Rle Wnm Tca Alp Alp er Asb Tca Tca Tal Tac Alh Alp Tas Tca Tam Tal Als Ald Rls Alh Rsf Asm Tac Asm Hod g Asb Tal Rle SE5301 Closed Shrubland Lwf Tam Asb Tac Rlk Alp Alo Rle Asb SE5204 View Metadata for land system spatial data description details. Alp Tca SE5203 NORTHERN LAND SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS Download either the complete Technical Report (18mb) or the Summary of Land system Descriptions (1.2mb) via the Northern Territory Library. Asb Tca Rle SD5315 Shrubland Tac Rls Ibc SD5314 Open Grassland Rls Rlk Rlk Tac Tca Tcl Alp Tca Rle Tac SD5313 Woodland Asb Asw Rle Asb Alp Als Tah Asb Tca Tam Tca Asb Tca Alp Ibc Tam Alp Tam Ibn Asb Tca Ibn Rle Ibn Ibc Rlk Asb Ibc Tam Rle D e adman t as (e Tal Alp Asb Als Tam Tac Ibc Alp Asb Rls Ibn Ngukurr NT Por 4717 Asb Rlk Tca Tca Tal ud Rle Ibc Rlk Rle Tac Asb Tca Ald Alp Ibc Rls Tca Tac Tca J Ald Asb Ald Ibn Asm Asb Als Alp Tam Alm Tca Asb Ibc Valley NT Por 4777 KEWULYI ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST Tca Als Aso m k Ibc Rlk Alp NT Por 2632 YUTPUNDJI-DJINDIWIRRITJ ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST a Rle Rle K o okabu r ra C k Urapunga Tal Ald Alp Ibc Als Roper Tca Tal Asb Alp Alp wa Str k Cat tl e C Asm on Tcd Als Ibn Tca Pack s Tam e rs Patt Asb Tam Asb e Th Ibc Als Yng Ald Ald Ibc River ys g an Ibn Ibc Tac Ibc Asm NT Por 4971 MOUNT MCMINN Tca Asb Urapunga Tac W a Rittarangu Rls SD5216 Parks and reserves Tac Alp Asb Tca Alp Alp Tca Tca Asb Alp Mount a in Ck Ibc Yng Tca Tac Alp Asb Namul Namul k sC Ibc Tac Tca Rlk All Alp Tal Asb Alp Rls Asb Asb R iv Tac Asb Tas Asb Ibc Ibc Alp Asb Als Alp Als Als Asb Ibc Tac NT Por 4256 son Ibc oper Hw y R Tac Tca Asb Asb Tca Alh Ibc Tam Asb Asb Alp Als Asb NT Por 916 Alp Asb Ibc Ibn Tca Ibc Ald Tac Asb Rls NT Por 5417 Ald MANGARRAYI Ibc ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST Alh Asb Ald Als Ald Asb Ibc Tac Ald Tac Tac Tac Ibc Tac Als Tac Rlk NT Por 4972 LONESOME DOVE Asb Ro er pe r Riv k Asb Rle Tca Rls Ibn Lonesome Dove Ck Asb Alp Tca Asb Tas Tam Tam Alp Rle Tac Rls Rls Tal Als Tac Asb C irs Lcm Asm Asm Moroak Alp Tac Ibc Asb u im M Tpr Lcm Alp Ibc Alp Asb Ibc Tam Rls Asb z Fiz NT Por 2193 Tam Rls Tas Ibn Tal Als Ald Tca Asb a Rls Ibn SD5215 SD5308 8360000 14°50'S Ibc Als Tpw Ibn Rle Tca Tca Asb kw Ibc Asb Ibc Tac Tam Tcl ater Tac Tac Alp Ibc Rlk Ibc Rlk Rlk Rlk Tpw Asb Tpw Ibc a Asb Rlk Tac Bl ac Tal Tcl Als Rle Alp Ibc Rle Rsf Ibn Ibc Ibc Ibn Tca Tac SD5311 Property boundaries Als Rls C Tal Tcl Asb Tam Tac Tpw Ibn Sandy Ck Tac Rls g Tam Tcl Tca Taf Rls Ibc Rlk Tca Alp i ran Alp Tca l Ibc Alo Tac Ibn Als k NT Por 1287 GOONDOOLOO Tal Alp Asm Tam Ibn Ibn Tpw Tcl NT Por 745 URAPUNGA ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST uck C nD Asm NT Por 1288 MOROAK Asm Tca Rle Ibc Ibc SD5212 Open Woodland Als Tca de Asw Ibc Asb Asb Alp Asb Alp Ibc Alp Ibc Tam Alp Ibc Tca Ibc Als iver nR Col Alp Ibc Tca NT Por 4775 FLYING FOX Asm Asb Tca Tam r d any Ibc Rle SD5211 Katherine SD5309 SD5310 Vegetation survey site Asm Asm SD5307 LEGEND Tal Asb Ibc Mangka Tam Asb Tal Alo Ibc Ibn Alo Rsf Als Asb lto Wi Tca Asm Alp Asb Alp Ibc Tal Ibc Tal Asb Ibc oo Tca Alo SD5306 Soil profile site Alh Taf Asw Als Ibc Asb Asw Rle Als Asw Tac Aso Alm Asf Tam Als Tca Ibc Als Tac Lwr Tca Als Asm Alo Asb Tam Ibc Tca Ibc Rsf Tca Tal Alf SD5305 Tam Alh Rle Asm Asb Asw Ibc Rsf Ibc Alp Ibc Tam Rle Rle Tam W Asb Asw Asb Tca Alm Asm Tal Tca Tam Rle Ibc Als Asw Als Tas Asf Als iver Tal Asm Alp Cls Alp Ibc SD5208 SD5304 For land resource information south of this 250k survey extent, refer to the dataset; Land Systems of the Southern Part of the Northern Territory Survey Code: South_1M; Survey Scale 1:1 million Asb Alh Asw Als ag SD5303 8350000 Ibc Asb Tca Tca Tca Tam Rls Ibc Alm SD5302 SD5301 Tennant Creek Taf 8340000 15°0'S Asb Asb Asw Taf Lwf Als Alh 500000 135°0'E 8330000 Asb Tam gh Als k tC Rle Ck Ibc Ibc Rls Tca Ibc Tca Br 8420000 14°20'S 8410000 14°30'S Rls Alp Alp Als Ibc Alp Ibc Alp Ibc Alo Ibc Asb W hirlp oo l i Ibc Asb Asw 14°40'S 8380000 Alp Ck Tas Asb Asb Alp Ibc Alf Alm Accide Rsf Tam Ibc lo r km Als Alp Tcl NT Por 4973 BIG RIVER Asm Tal Asm Alp Alh Alh Asw SC5316 Ald Ibc Alf Alm Alo Alf Asb Asm SC5313 SD5204 SD5207 g Tac M o rok Ck Tcl 8370000 Ibc B u ka Tcl Asb Asw Asw Rle Lwr Asb Alm Darwin Alf Lwc Ibc SC5216 Alf Dwl Asw Asb Asb Asb Ibc Asb Tcl Alm Ibc Alo Tca Asb Rle k Tam Tpw Lwc Lwr Ibc C nt Ibn M Tca Asm Lwr Lwr Asw Asb Asb Asb Rsf Asf URAPUNGA SD5310 Asb Asf Tca Ck aori Asb Tca Ibc Rle Rle 14°50'S 8360000 Asb Ibc Ibn Alp Rle Als Tac Alp Asw Tam NT Por 1636 BESWICK ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST Ibn Ibn 8400000 Ve lkerri C k Alp Tal ok Ck Asb Ibn Asb Asf Als 1:250,000 Topographic Map Sheet Reference Que Asb Alf Ibc Als Asb Asw Ald Asm Ibc Rle Alp Clr Asw Tas Ibc Alf Ald Ibc Als Ibc Ph Alm Asw Asb Asw Asw Asw Ibc Que Que Ald Flm Lwr Asf Ard Asb Jlb LAND SYSTEMS of the NORTHERN PART of the NORTHERN TERRITORY Ibc Ald Lwc Als Tca Tam Wongalara Station Ck Als Asb Tal b ikwi Ibc Asb NT Por 1646 ARNHEM LAND ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST Als Ibc Asw Als Tam Asw Lwc Asb Tac Als Als Yjl Asm Asm Ibn i an m Tal Tas Ibc Ald Tca Ck bo Als Asb Ald Flm Que Jlb Tca Asb Alg ui Ald Rle Ibc Flm Ald Asb Alm NT Por 5109 WONGALARA Asf lla ka Ck Bo Als Tas Ibc Asb Alp Asw Lwr Tam Tca Alg Alp Ibc M Ce U mbi Ibc Tpr Ibc Ibn Rle Rle Conways Asb Lwr Tgm Asb Rle Tas ai w Ald Tca Tam Ibc Asb Tam Lwc Tca Rsf Tam Tca Tca Asw Tal Tal Als Tam Rsf Ck ra Als Als Jlb Bri Ald n tral Arnh em Rd Alp Tal Ald Asw Tca Tal Rle Als Rld C dilli on C Ibc Lwr Lwc 8390000 Ald Asb Rle Tam ur nb Tam Ibc Ibc NT Por 6518 MOUNTAIN VALLEY Rls Alp Asb Asb Asb Alp Tca Asb Ck Rle Alf Tpr Ibc anc h Als Tav Tac Tac Asb Alp Rls Alf Als NT Por 6517 CONWAYS Tpw Alf Rld Packsad Barmgue Asw Als Tac aku Kr k Ck Ck Ibc Alh Als Alh Ibc Rls Tal k rikb aC k Lwc Lwc Mountain Valley Alp C 8440000 Alf Rsf Q 14°10'S Alf Rle Tac Rsf Alp Rle Flm Asb Jlb Asf Ibc Alf Ibc Rsf Tav Tam Lwc Tac Asb Rls Rls Rsf Ibc erim Ck Deri m D 8430000 Asw Als Alh Alf Als Asw NT Por 5108 MAINORU Ald Tam Alp Tac Lwc Als Rle Rle 135°0'E 500000 490000 Rle Ibc Rlk oon Tal Ibc Rsf Als Rle Tam Rsf Asw Tam Tam L Lwc Rle u River or Ibc E mu Ck Tam Rsf Rls Ibc Rle Rsf Als Rle 134°50'E 480000 470000 er Ri v 14°0'S 8450000 k Alf Ald Rld Rsf Rle Tam 134°40'E 460000 elp x Fo Asb Alh 8350000 Lwc ing C Ibc 15°0'S 8340000 Mai n Lwc Ibc 8330000 Lwr Lwr Tam Rsf Tpw Tac Rsf Rls 450000 Turkey Ald Alh Tam Rls Alp Alp Tal Rls 134°30'E 440000 Ck Alh Rls Rld Rsf Rld Tal Ald Ibc Tal S he r w in Alh Als Als Lwr Fly Tal Asb Rsf Lwc Lwr Alf Asw Asb Li n say C k d 134°20'E 430000 420000 er Als Asw Alh Als Als Tal Alf Ibc Emw Alh Emw 134°10'E 410000 400000 eon Ck Lwc 134°0'E 390000 Bu Asw Alo Asw 380000 Ch Als 133°50'E 370000 ) 8460000 Asb 360000 ab Aso Ibc 133°40'E 350000 Jalboi R 133°30'E 340000 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike This publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence
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