Rally Book Part II


Rally Book Part II
Setouchi International
Yacht Rally 2013
Rally Book
Part 2
SIYR2013 Executive Committee
16th Sep. 2013
Part 2 Table of Contents
8. Participates ............................................................................................ 3
8.1 Participates Name List ...................................................................................... 3
8.2 Guest Group...................................................................................................... 5
8.3 Host Group...................................................................................................... 13
8. Participates
8.1 Participates Name List
Name of boat
Host Group
Isao Yamazaki
King Bee
Fumiko Yamazaki
King Bee
Sen-ichi Nagao
King Bee
Ko-ichi Yamada
Yuko Yamada
Isao Kakihara
Yojiro Kawasaki
Ocean Point V
Noriko Kawasaki
Ocean Point V
Mitsuru Ohyabu
Ocean Point V
Shiho Kawasaki
Ocean Point V
Aki Kajiwara
Ocean Point V
Yuka Egusa
Ocean Point V
Kanji Ishida
Les Poissons
Shun-ichi Urano
Les Poissons
Yoshikatsu Wakao
Crow’s Nest V
Takako Wakao
Crow’s Nest V
Masanori Matsushima
Shigeo Sawa
Yoichi Motoki
Hideshige Seki
Yukio Shiode
Chieko Shiode
Haruko Murase
Ben Sanada
Isoo Saigo
Echo Point
Masami Sakaguchi
Sho Sugihara
Koichiro Ohno
Guest Group
Mr. Tony Warren
Beyond Outrageous
Mrs. Shelley Warren
Beyond Outrageous
Mr. David Funk
Fifth Season II
Mrs. Gail Funk
Fifth Season II
Mr. Barry Hare
Mrs Maryanne Hare
Mr. Peter Neville
Mrs. Penelope (Penny) Neville
Mr. Jeremy Elsom
Mrs. Janice Elsom
Mr. Nick Storey
Mrs. Trudy Storey
Mr. Stanley Novey
Mr. Ted Berry
Mrs. Pam Lau
Ms. Doreen (Dorn) Searle
Mr. Peter Sandford
Mr. Colin Cashmore
Mrs. Marion Cashmore
Mr. Paul Mann
Ms. Gloria Neville
Mr. Keith Main
Ms. Christine Main
Ms. Julie Davis
8.2 Guest Group
(G1) Tony Warren
(G2) Shelley Warren
Konichi-wa to all participants of Setouchi Rally,
My name is Shelley Warren(48) and my husband (newlywed in March
2013) is Tony Warren (49).
Tony has been sailing since he was 18 in Port Philip Bay and has
participated in many ocean races such as the Melbourne 2 Hobart,
Sydney 2 Hobart, and four Melbourne 2 Osaka's to name a few. It
was doing the Melbourne 2 Osaka races that put the dream of sailing
the Inland Sea into Tony's heart.
When we were in Japan at the completion of Tony's fourth M2O we found out about the SIYR and
immediately inquired as to how we could join it and met up with Sho-ichi san when he come to
Tony is a refrigeration mechanic and for the last 5 years I was his trade offsider and office manager.
We retired and sold our business before embarking on the beginning of what is hoped to be a 5
year voyage around the world.
Although I am late starter in the world of sailing, only starting when meeting Tony 5 and half years
ago, I have dreamed of sailing around the world for most of my life. That was a large part of the
attraction to Tony when I met him.
The boat that is the center of our life is named Beyond Outrageous, (also known as Kiss Goodbye
to MS), she is an Inglis 39 which really is just an overgrown surfboard. Not really a cruising boat,
we are in the process of modifying her to be more comfortable for her new life as home and
cruiser. She is moored in Osaka and whilst we are at the moment in Australia doing a delivery
down the East Coast we plann to return to Japan on the 12th September to sail her down to
Hiroshima for the start of the Rally. Anyone who would like to arrive a week or so before the
rally is welcome to join us for this leg.
A little more about our history, Tony is from Morwell in country Victoria and I am from Southern
Cross a small gold mining town in West Australia. I have travelled extensively around the world
and Australia moving often. I dreamed of going to Japan when I was a teenager and although it
has taken a long time to come to realization this dream has been worth the wait. The people I
have met in Japan, everyone from strangers on the street to those who have become fast friends
are all amazing, their welcome and generosity of spirit has left me in awe.
It is fantastic to be a part of the inagural Setouchi Inland Yacht Rally, I am confident it will be
fantastic and the start of great things to come. I expect if all the people Tony and I have told and
all the people everyone else told turn up next year Sho you will have a lot to keep you busy for the
next several years.
Thank you, Arigato Gozaimasu.
(G3) David Funk & (G4) Gail Funk
David & Gail Funk
Fifth Season II 1996 Fountaine-Pajot Venezia
David and Gail are Americans who live full-time aboard their 42foot catamaran, Fifth Season II.
They moved aboard on January 2, 2002 in Tortola, British Virgin
Islands. They sailed the Caribbean for 2 years before transiting
the Panama Canal in April 2004.
The next 2 years they traveled in South America, with an excursion on a square-rigged barque to
Antarctica and South Africa. In March 2007 they sailed from Lima, Peru to Easter Island and visited
numerous Polynesian islands before arriving in New Zealand for the cyclone season. They spent
the next four years visiting islands in the South Pacific, returning to New Zealand or Australia each
summer for the cyclone season. September 2012 found them crossing the equator and sailing to
Palau. In May 2013 they arrived in Okinawa and have been enjoying their time in Nihon.
David is a retired electronics engineer and Gail loves to sing and play her harp.
We are lifelong sailors in dinghies and yachts; racing and cruising.
Our boat is a Catalina 42 ‘Toroa 111’ which we bought in 2006,
cruised the Med and sailed back in 2010.
We live in Cardwell Qld and spend a lot of time in Brisbane. Will
be our first visit to Japan.
(G7) Peter & (G8) Penny
Hi Everyone,
Our names are Penny & Peter Neville who have been married for 40
years and are both in our early 60's. We have 3 adult children and 4.5
grand children.
We are retired 'self employed' couple who had our own mechanical
workshop for over 30 years in a remote town called Broome which by
coincidence is a sister city to your Taiji in Japan.
We lived our first 30 years south in Perth, Western Australia before moving north to Broome in
the Kimberly region. Broome is a pearling town from back in the 1800's with many Japanese
families involved and still living in Broome.
Names like Hamaguchi and Nickisun just to name a couple who were also the original Hard Hat
Drivers. Our son was a Drift Pearl Driver and our daughter in law was and still is a Pearl
Technician - both taught by Japanese professionals. Name like Sato, Miura, Hat, Taketoshi Tosaka,
Kasue Chiba and Masao Seki (sadly deceased) just to name a few.
Now my Peter has always wanted to go boating right from when he was a little boy but it wasn't
my dream... I don't like wet, water, wind or waves - but after getting Peter to do lots of thins that
he doesn't like doing - for me and my mate Dorn, as we owned a Fancy Dress business and would
do 'singing type Telegrams' which often required a 3rd person or special props to be made and set
up. So I thought it was time for me to do something for him in return - paybacks are a bitch !!!
So we sold our business in 2009 and bout our catamaran named 'Persian Sands' after our black
Persian cat that we had for 20 years. We have sailed from Broome to Perth, then back to
Kimberly and over to the east coast when we decided to join the Sail Indonesia and Sail Malaysia
Rally. Our boat is now in Thailand. It was on these rallys where we met 3 most lovely Japanese
guys named Sho, Sam and John who were on their 3rd year of circumnavigating the world. It is
with meeting these guys that has given us the best opportunity we could ever of been given to join
this first Japan Rally.
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you.
(G9) Jeremy & (G10) Janice
Hi everybody
We are Janice and Jeremy Elson and we have lived on a farm near a small
Village called Frittenden in the Kent countryside in the UK for the last 30
years. The area is called "The Garden of England" and is famous for
growing Fruit and also Hops which are used for making Beer. Janice runs
a livery and training stable for horses on the farm and I had an Urban
Planning Company which I sold and now spend much of my time sailing.
We have two children, my son Simon who has sailed with me extensively
and my daughter Raylah who with Janice joins me for the inshore parts of
the sailing where the bottle of wine will not fall over.
I have always loved boats and water and was always turning over sailing dinghy's when I was a
child. I have sailed a lot on the South Coast of England and in the Hebrides in Scotland and when I
was 50 I sailed solo around the UK. I then started going further afield, firstly the Med and then
the Atlantic. But I always wanted to sail around the World and in 2009 I set off with my son in my
Island Packet 420 called Raylah and recently reached Phuket in Thailand.
I first met Sho, Sam and John in the Spice Islands in Indonesia when I was with my super crew Nick
from Australia who is also on this Rally with his wife Trudy. Sho came in with his boat Harmony
and anchored next to us. I complained they were too close, Sho ignored me and then offered me
some raw Tuna and we all become good friends. We also met Peter and Penny there. There was
always a lot of noise and laughter coming from their boat and Nick and I thought these are people
me need to get to know.
(G11) Nick & (G12) Trudy
Hello fellow sailors
We are Trudy and Nick Storey from Sydney Australia. We live in
Balmain, a small peninsula close to the city. Nick is a hydraulics
engineer at Lend Lease and Trudy looks after the inflight
entertainment at Qantas. We are in our mid 50s and have two sons,
Peter (27) and Sam (23). Moored down the hill from our house is
‘Meridian’ our Mottle 33 which Nick races with the Balmain Sailing
Nick's passion for sailing began when he was a child. He built rafts
from whatever materials he could find and set sail on Sydney Harbour. From the many capsizes he
learned valuable lessons about seaworthiness and safety. Since then he has sailed on various
vessels across many oceans. He travelled on a Russian icebreaker from Cape Town to Davis Station
in Antarctica where he spent six months, returning on the Australian ice breaker Aurora Australis.
He was volunteer crew on the replica 15th century square rigger "Duyfken" around southern
Australia. He also crewed a yacht from the Caribbean via the Panama Canal and Galapagos Islands
to Tahiti. Closer to home he has worked on major events on Sydney Harbour including the
millennium New Year’s Eve celebrations and the closing ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games as
marine stage manager. He completed his Master 5 and Marine engine Drivers (MED2) certificates
in 2001. He taught coxswain engineering and MED3 at Sydney TAFE during 2000 and 2003
Nick met Sho during the 2012 Darwin to Indonesia rally when he sailed with Jeremy Elsom on
‘Raylah’. Trudy met Sho while we sailed with Jeremy and Janice Elsom and Penny and Peter Neville
from Langkawi to Phuket in February this year.
Trudy is not a sailor but enjoyed the Phuket trip so much that she’s keen to do more. Nick can’t
believe his luck (it’s only taken 30 years for her to come around!)
We travel as much as we can and one of our favorite places is Japan. Trudy has filmed in Japan on
several occasions promoting new destinations on the Qantas network. She also produced a
documentary ‘Yokoso’ in a joint project with the Australian Government and Qantas, for the travel
industry on the needs of Japanese travellers in Australia.
We are delighted to be part of inaugural Inland Sea Rally and we look forward to meeting our
Japanese hosts and fellow adventurers.
(G13) Ted & (G14) Pam
Ted Berry and Pam Lau are retired teachers from Alaska. They have
been sailing since their retirement in 2010. The couple started in San
Diego, then Mexico and across the Pacific to the French Polynesian
Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu and Australia.
The second year, they joined the Sail Indonesia and Sail Malaysia.
Currently they are cruising around Asia and experiencing land travel
to some wonderful Asia countries. They hope to sail to Europe via
South Africa. Ted and Pam enjoy adventure and are willing to try new
activities and food. They are excited to learn about Japanese culture and are looking forward to
meeting other people in the rally.
(G15) Dorn & (G16) Peter
We would like to introduce ourselves. I am Dorn Searle and my partner
Peter Sandford. We are from Australia Broome, in the Northern part of
Western Australia, where we have lived for many years.
Broome is the home of the pearl where we had many Japanese divers
in the early years. Taji (Japan) is our sister city and this accompanying
photo of us, is in the historical Japanese cemetery as the divers died at a very early age due to the
hardships of diving for the pearls.
We still have the Japanese technicians fly into Broome to seed most of the pearl shells each year,
it being a very specialized field.
We are very proud to say that Penny and Pete Neville’s (Persian Sands) daughter in law to be Jodie,
is a very successful pearl technician. Prior to my meeting Peter we had a Non Destructive Testing
company in Port Hedland, Ultrasonically testing the rails for defects on the tracks and trains
carrying the iron ore to the port to be shipped to Japan and overseas to other countries. This
business took us overseas to many countries where we had contracts to ensure the safety of rail
systems in the mining industry.
Peter has for many years been involved in the gas and mining industry. We also had a very busy
hotel in a very remote part of the Kimberley’s which was Peter’s home for many years. Managing
there was an experience not to be missed, lots of humorous stories to be told around a campfire.
I am the adventurous one, taking every opportunity for travel wherever I can, whilst Pete has a
passion for food, good wine and the Japanese culture. Like so many others he looks forward to
trying the Japanese fare.
I have sailed on many occasions’ with Pete and Penny Neville (Persian Sands) around the
Whitsundays on the East Coast of Australia, then thru the remote areas of the Kimberley’s, and
sailed with them on the Sail Indonesia rally a year ago. I certainly would not classify myself as
the most competent crew member but always willing to do and learn what I can. I haven’t
mastered the art of cooking seaweed yet, but can pour a good whisky or Sake. Peter has done
some sailing in the past and has been experimenting Japanese cooking in the kitchen.
We both look forward to Sail Japan as neither of us have been there and also to meet again the
fantastic people I met on the sail Indonesia rally and the all the other members of the Sail Japan.
We feel very lucky to be part of this the first Japanese yacht rally and even though we don’t own a
yacht have a friends who do, to whom we spread the word to.
(G17) Colin & (G18) Marion
We have been cruising for about 10 years in our monohull, mainly
the south pacific and we were planning to sail to Japan Alaska next
year, we have got hijacked and are now heading to the Med and
Europe next year. Really looking forward to seeing a bit of Japan. It
may be a few years before we get to sail there on our boat. In New
Zealand we are sheep farmers and wine growers.
(G19) Paul & (G20) Gloria
Paul Mann & Gloria Neville
Prior to going cruising full time they lived in New Zealand on
Auckland's north shore. They have owned their current yacht
Scallywag for five years and in that time sailed over 25,000 nm.
Scallywag is a 2008 Fountaine Pajot 43 ft catamaran, currently
located in Marmais, Turkey. Back in New Zealand they also own 38
monohull built in 1963 out of kauri wood.
Much of their sailing has been around NZ, the Pacific Islands and
Australia. Last year they joined the Indonesia rally from starting in Darwin and ending up in
During their working lives Paul was computer software, company director and Gloria was a
registered nurse. We are very much looking forward to sailing in the rally and experiencing
Japanese culture.
(G21) Keith and (G22) Christine
We are Keith and Christine Main, we live in Gulf Harbour just north of
Auckland New Zealand, we have 43ft cruising yacht which we have
taken to the Pacific islands in 2009 and 2010. We enjoy cruising in our
local waters which is the Hauraki Gulf and are looking forward to our
sailing in Japan.
Kind regards Keith and Christine
(G24) Stan
My name is Stanley Novey. I grew up in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin
area in the US, which planted in me an affinity for beer. I attended
the University of Wisconsin, and following graduation, married my
wife Kathy. We’ll be celebrating our 40th anniversary shortly after
my return from Japan.
I started my working life at Texas Instruments in Austin, TX on the
ASC (Advanced Scientific Computer) project, which was a first
generation supercomputer. I spent 10 1/2 years with TI in Austin,
including a 1 1/2 year field assignment
at Naval Research Labs in Washington, DC. Following TI, I made the move from sunny and warm
Texas to Minnesota winter (-19F on arrival) to work at Cray Research. I first met Sho back in 1984
at a Cray event in Minnesota. While at Cray, I had the opportunity to travel to Japan 26 times over
the years, establishing my fondness for the country and it’s people. I stayed with Cray until my
retirement in 2009.
After retirement, we traded our cabin in the Wisconsin woods for a condo on Mustang Island on
the Texas gulf Coast. We now escape the Minnesota winters down there. I enjoy the flexibility
retirement offers and being able to act on opportunities such as SIYR 2013.
(G25) Julie
Hi, My name is Julie Davis
LIVES: I live in St Kilda, a suburb on Port Phillip Bay about 5 kilometers
from Melbourne city center. Melbourne shares a sister city relationship
with Osaka.
WORKS: I am a self employed Lawyer. I practice as a Barrister at the
Victorian Bar. I specialize in Town planning and Local Government
matters. I prefer these days to have adventures when they come along.
Work is taking a back seat.
MEMBERSHIPS: I am a member of Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron at St Kilda, and honorary
member of the Osaka Hokko Yacht Club, and a member of the Melbourne Cricket Club.
SAILING EXPERIENCE: I have competed in 3 Melbourne to Hobart (Westcoaster) races. In 1998, I
undertook that race with an all female crew - the only time this has been done - and we came in
(Coincidently, I salied the other two Westcoasters with Tony Warren on his previous yacht
Outrageous III). I have delivered a yacht from Osaka to Guam two handed; and from Gizo in the
Solomon Islands to Brisbane two handed. I have undertaken a number of other ocean races over
many years. I have competed in weekend races on Port Phillip Bay for approximately 18
years. Last year, I completed in a J24 regatta in New York on the Hudson River, organized by the
Manhattan Yacht Club.
OTHER: I love a laugh, a good time, food and wine/sake, good fellowship and fun.
OSAKA: I am a friend of the Melbourne to Osaka double handed yacht race. I have been
involved at both the start in Melbourne, and the end in Osaka, meeting yachts finishing that rage,
over the last 18 years.
I have many friends in Osaka and always have a wonderful time there. The kindness and
hospitality of the Japanese people is extraordinary. I'm looking forward to this rally.
8.3 Host Group
Isao Yamazaki & (H2) Fumiko Yamazaki
Isao Yamazaki (Born in 1943 and grew up in Kyoto. Become age
70 Sept-17.
Family: Living in Nagoya with wife and 3 children now grown up
and all married.
Sailing carrier: Over 45 years started with Y-15, Canal 24,
Peterson 30, Yamaha 33.
Sail boat: Currently own Yamaha 45 ketch (Name of boat: King
Home Port: Shima Yacht Harbor (Also Vivre Ocean Club
Cruise Japan: From Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa and
Ogasawara. This year I am currently cruising Japan sea (June to
Cruise Pacific: From 2011 May to 2012 July, cruised Hawaii,
Marquesas, Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, New Caledonia,
Vanuatu and Guam.
Work: Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, and was rocket science
engineer until retire at age 65.
Hobby: Sailing and oil painting
(H3) Sen-ichi Nagao
Sen-ichi Nagao (Born in 1950 July)
Family: Wife with son and daughter
Sailing Experience: 40 years
Boat name: Kagetora / Doufour325 (Name origin came from
famous Samurai name)
Home Port: Laguna Marina (Aichi Gamagouri)
Chairperson of Laguna Marina Cruising Event
Cruise Career : 2010 July to 2012 July for 2 years total.
Canada, USA, French Polynesia, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, New
Caledonia, Banuatsu, Pompei etc.
Retired from Fuji Xerox company.
Hobby, Golf and Paintings
(H4) Koichi Yamada & (H5) Yuko Yamada
Koichi was born in 1952 Jan. At Onomichi Hiroshima.
Obtained boat license at the low age of 20, then enjoyed life
with a power-boat. It was about 40 years ago, when I tried
a cruise with a sailing boat, it did not inspire me at all.
About 15 years ago, the teacher in high school invited me to
join a sailboat and it amazed me how very quiet and fast it
was. Then I joined as crew member for each weekend and
built my skills on his boat.
Used Sun First 32 was the first sailboat I got and enjoyed for
3 years of sailing. But summer in Setouchi is so hot and
also I am too tall to fit in 32ft Sun First.
It was about this time that the Internet boom started and I
was attracted by the Home Page of Lagoon Co., then I visited
the boat show in Yokohama. I was then amazed with their
boat with its quality.
As a birthday present for my 50 years celebration, I ordered
a Lagoon 380 catamalan boat from the First Marine Co.
Cruise Career: First traveling the west part of Japan and enjoyed local seafood.
2003: Circled Shikoku Island, 2004; Circled Kyushu Island, 2005 Korea/Busan Cruising, then in 2006
cruised Japan main island and Hokkaido.
2010: Okinawa, Yonaguni and Haderuma cruising. 2011: Move boat to Okinawa/Ginowan
2012: Back to Setouchi/Onomichi. It took us 10 years to cruise around Japan.
Now I want to return my thanks to all of people who supported us, then work with local
government to expand Onomichi Sea Station. And since last year, I established“Onomichi
Activation Commitee” with other members and we try to promote Onomichi and support visitors.
Boat: Lagoon400 Homeport will be Okinawa from November this year.
(H6) Isao Kakihara
Born in 1941 Nov. And Sailing Career: 58 years
Owner of Hayate-VI 26 ft sailboat at Osaka Tan-nowa Yacht harbor.
Chair person of Osaka Bay Tan-nowa Yacht Club.
Supporting oversea sailors to visit Japan.
When I was a student, Sailing, Painting, Judo were the activities which I
was passionate about myself.
But now I enjoy sailing as my hobby most of the time.
At the back of my picture above is one of the drawings I painted at the
One more picture shown here is a memorable time with a German sailing couple while they
cruised around the world.
Cruise Career: 2003 Round trip to Kyushu, 2004 Shikoku,
2006 for Honshu and Hokkaido, including Okushiri, Rishiri,
Rebun Islands.
2008 Iki, Tsushima, Goto Islands, 2009 Amami Oshima, 2010
Okinawa and 2011 Kerama Islands (home port Ginowan)
Most of cruising done was Single Handed.
(H7) Yojiro Kawasaki & (H8) Noriko Kawasaki
Boat Career is 35 years and Troller career is 5 years. Owner of
Ocean Point V.
Main Cruise area is Setouchi , enjoying marine life.
Lately, we took a long cruise including Okinawa and Busan.
Wish to have a wonderful time in the beautiful Islands in Setouchi.
(H9) Mitsuru Oyabu & (H12) Yuka Egusa
We are the staff of Ocean Point Co. located in Fukuyama who mainly
trade fishing products such as the famous Hiroshima Oyster. We join
the cruise with Ocean Point V as captain and crew and wish to show
guests around the area.
Wish to have a wonderful time together in a relaxed trip.
(H10) Shiho Kawasaki (Crew of Ocean Point V)
This is going to be my first time experience joining a sailing trip.
I grew up just in front of Setouchi, but never lived on the ocean side.
Wish to find new Setouchi through the life on the boat as well as
practice my limited English.
(H11) Aki Kajiwara (Crew of Ocean Point V)
I grew up at Tsuneishi near by Sakaiga-hama, then worked as an English
teacher at Fukuyama.
Wish to have a wonderful meeting with all the participants of the
Setouchi Cruise and to enjoy each party planned at the various locations.
Come on board!
(H13) Ishida Kanji
Ishida Kanji (Born in 1962 Sep.)
Love ocean with a suntan through out the year. Dreaming of
cruising the ocean in a Gland Banks and become owner now.
Previously owned sail boat and enjoyed cruising. When time
allowed, I would like to visit many different places. We are hoping
to see the guests from around the world and enjoy Rally although it
is the first time.
(H14) Toshi Urano
Born in 1948, called the baby-boomer generation, While I was in the
university I spent most of my time in the training camp at the beach
near Kamakura, of the yacht club of the Snipe class dingy sailing. Then
after graduation I did sail a K16 class with the aim of winning in the all
Japan championships at Enoshima.
After a while, I moved onto most of the offshore races held by the ex
Nippon Ocean Racing Club as a crew of Hisha-kaku for nearly ten years.
Since then I am dreaming of my circumnavigation by a sailing boat
However I was Transferred to an overseas position including UK,
Germany, Switzerland and China for over 20 years just before retirement. Dedication to the
business caused not enough time to think of sailing away.
When retired at age 63, I obtained a Yamaha 26ft sailing boat and keep it in Yokohama Bayside
Sailing 3 to 4 times a week near by Yokohama. And all of a sudden there is crew wanted ads
from Umineko which is organizing an around the world cruise. Now I have joined as crew of
Umineko for RTW trip.
2011 Nov: Shake down cruise at Hawaii for 3 weeks on Umineko
2012 July to Nov: Mackay to Reunion 6500nm by UMINEKO, 43ft Catamaran
2013 Apr to Jun: Grenada to New York 2500nm by UMINEKO
2014 Feb to Jul: Panama to Darwin 9500nm by UMINEKO (confirmed)
2014Nov. to 2015 Apr: Mauritius to St. Lucia 8500nm(World ARC planned)
(H15) Yoshikatsu Wakao & (H16) Takako Wakao
Yoshikatu (54), Takako with daughter (9th grade)
Sailing Career: Since 24, so it is about 30 years.
Jointly purchased Yamaha JOG21 at 24 and shared with other 3 owners.
Tan-nowa yacht harbor was the place we started sailing. Since then
stayed away from sailing until I was 30. Back to sail at around 30, then
step up from MyLady25, Bavaria32 then Bavaria38 and home port was
Ushimado Yacht harbor.
Last year, we planned to start around the world cruise then purchased
HR46 in east coast of US. In next spring, we wish to cross the pacific to
go to Europe. We are looking for the crew who could join us for passage.
My boat
CROW’S NEST 5 Bavaria38 (Currently on sale)
CROW’S NEST 7 Hallberg Rassy 46 (in USA)
(H17) Masanori Matsuhima
Born in 1947 March. Living in Tokyo Tama City
Sailing experience: 20 years
Boat: Hans Christian 33 (Lyme Light:
Dream Come and
Friends Come) Home port: Numazu Kou Yacht Club
Comments: Dreaming of cruise to Tahiti single handed, but not
realized yet. Joining SIYR will inspire me and make me ready for a long
cruise. Hope to meet wonderful people from around the world.
(H18) Shigeo Sawa
Born in 1943, Kanagawa, Sagamihara City
Sailing experience: 30 years
Boat : Yumemaru II (Seven Ocean 32)
Home port: Kou Yacht Club , Numazu
Comments: Completed around the world sailing trip double handed
(with wife) 7 years ago. It took 5 and half years.
Survived pirate attack near the border of Ecuador and
Columbia. Cruising in Japan is rather new experience for me, and I hope
to enjoy the wonderful inland cruise at Setouchi.
(H19) Yoichi Motoki
Currently own 30ft mono-hull boat. Sailing at the weekend around the
west part of Izu.
I was in the telecom business for 30 years. Then as a business trips, I
made over 100 or more trips mainly to north America, Asia including
India etc. Hope to enjoy traveling around the world some day. Work
in Tokyo and enjoying country life at the weekend in the Izu area. It
will be my first time to join a Yacht Rally, so excited to meet sailors from
the world.
(H20) Hideshige Seki
Born in 1950 June (Address: Osaka Toyonaka City)
Cruise Log :
Travel Distance 55,230 nm,
Travel Hour 12,730 hr as of 2013 Aug-19
(H21) Yukio Shiode and
(H22) Chieko Shiode
For several years, we have been joining cruising trips as crew members
on Japanese sailboats around the world, we also enjoy yacht
Our boat is moored in the middle of Setouchi Sakaiga-hama
Marina. We are pleased to introduce the wonderful cruising ground
of Setouchi to all our Guest and Host members.
We own Sail boat Sakura and Home port is Sakaiga-hama Marina.
(H23) Haruko Murase
Born in Setouchi and grew up Setouchi.
We enjoy Setouchi cruising and racing with local club
members which was established over 40 years ago
on our boat Bun-Bun (Yamaha 31S).
In July 2003 Russell Coutts visited Onomichi and we still remember like yesterday when he
expressed the beauty of Setouchi cruising at that time. The picture was taken with him on the
day he was in Onomichi.
Now it is over 10 years ago and I am very pleased to join SIYR 2013 and have the opportunity to let
people from both overseas and Japan know about the wonder of Setouchi cruising. Hope to see
you all. I will participate as crew member of Sakura this time.
(H24) Tsutomu (Ben) Sanada
Born in 1947
Home address: Dallas Texas, USA
(Famous Pitcher Dalvish played in Texas Rangers as well)
Address in Japan: Musashi-kosugi, Kawasaki City
Born in Maizuru, Kyoto
Occupation: Real estate business owner
Motto: Youth means how you are motivated rather than age.
Physical strength is down and I am one of elderly people, need to be
motivation and encouraged
Hobby: Play Golf (step up from bogy golfer)
Ski: try to attack any slope angle.
Memorable cruise: As a crew of Kagetora for Canada, California to Hawaii
(H25) Isoo Saigo
Sailboat: Blue Water 33
Name of boat: Echo Point
Home port: Atami Spa Marina
Sailing experience: 40 years (born in 1943), The first boat was made of
wood, 25ft boat and become owner at age 34.
Since then I was a Sunday sailor and never go on long cruise. Retired at
age 60 and the first long cruise was to go down to Okinawa. So far, no
cruising experience overseas.
Cruising Style: Single. Minimum two nights at first time port and visit historical sites near the
If location is comfortable enough for long stay then stay for more days. Out come of sailing around
Keep track all of waypoint data and entry route information as well as other log information and
share the information on the web. It is accessible by Google Map and Google Earth.
(H26) Masashi (Sam)
Together with 2 other friends, we completed around the world sailing trip
with Harmony VI.
Voyage started in 2008 December and completed on 2012 November.
Joined 4 different rallies and found out that the sailing trips become so
much more fun by joining Yacht Rallies.
Wish to make successful rally from host support.
(H27) Sugihara (Sho) Shoichi
Completed around the world trip.
Now busy with rally support and playing with grand son and daughters.
(H28) Koichiro Ohno
A drinking Sunday sailor, sailing around Tokyo and Izu islands. As I am new
to Setouchi sea, I am looking forward to sailing Setouchi with new