Ariocarpus agavoides


Ariocarpus agavoides
Bits and Pieces
Ariocarpus agavoides ‘sanluisensis’
by Cristian Perez Badillo, Mexico
It is a rare miniature cactus that grows in San Luis Potosi state, where habitat plants remains almost completely buried
like other species of this genus, standing only a few tubercles above the ground, its main feature in comparison with the
plants near Tula, Tamaulipas, are its size tubers, which are larger and with 3-7 spines on each one.
Fig.1 Habitat of Ariocarpus agavoides ’sanluisensis’. Location 1
The photographs shown are for 2 sites, located in the municipality of Guadalcazar, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
The majority of these plants flower in November but the sluggish ones as late as December.
Fig.2, 3 Ariocarpus agavoides ‘sanluisensis‘. Location 1
Xerophilia – Anul I, nr. 3 (3) – Decembrie 2012
ISSN 2285 – 3987
Fig.4, 5 Ariocarpus agavoides ‘sanluisensis’. Location 1
Fig.6, 7 Ariocarpus agavoides ‘sanluisensis’. Location 2
The populations are estimated at several thousands of plants, have a somewhat remotely location, far fromthe
civilization and only few people know the exact habitat, therefore their main enemy arethe rabbits and the grazing
animals likegoats.
Fig.8 Two plants of Ariocarpus agavoides ‘sanluisensis in the location 2 together with Ariocarpus retusus
Xerophilia – Anul I, nr. 3 (3) – Decembrie 2012
ISSN 2285 – 3987

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