z a b a n s h e n a s . c o m


z a b a n s h e n a s . c o m
Life or Death
What would you do in a life or death situation? What would you
give up to save your life? Could you give up your house or your
car? Could you give up all the money in your bank account? How
much could you give up? Could you give up your own arm? What
if your life depended on it? Could you cut your own arm off? In
2003, Aron Ralston was in that kind of life or death situation. He
was hiking in a desert canyon when something terrible happened.
He fell, and his arm became trapped under a big rock. There was
no one to help him. He had only two choices. He could die or he
could cut his arm off to escape.
Aron was an experienced adventure athlete. In 2002, he quit his
job as an engineer and set a world record for climbing. He
became the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest
mountains alone in winter. He was not afraid of danger. In 2003,
he was almost killed by an avalanche while skiing. Later that
same year he almost lost his life while hiking. He didn‘t expect it
to be dangerous, so he made a very big mistake. He didn’t tell
anyone where he was going.
On the first day he hiked about 20 miles into the desert when he
fell into a hole. As he fell, he moved a large rock that weighed
360 kilos. The rock landed on his arm. He was trapped. He was
alone in the desert, and no one knew where he was.
Aron knew that help was not coming. He immediately thought of
cutting off his arm. Of course, he didn’t want to do this, so he
tried not to think about it. After a short time, he lost feeling in the
trapped arm. He tried many different ways to escape. He tried to
push the rock, but he couldn’t. He tried to break the rock, but he
couldn’t. He tried to use his climbing equipment to pull the rock,
but he couldn’t. He knew that there was almost no chance of
anyone finding him. He had very little water and he knew he
could not survive for long.
Aron knew that death was a very real possibility. He took out his
video camera and began to record himself. "My name is Aron
Ralston. My parents are Donna and Larry Ralston of Englewood,
Colorado. Whoever finds this, please make an attempt to get it to
Aron said goodbye to his family. "So again love to everyone.
Bring love and peace and happiness and beautiful lives into the
world in my honor. Thank you. Love you."
He stopped recording. He then used his knife to write his name
on the rock. Under his name he wrote October 1975. This was
the month and year he was born. Under that he wrote April 2003.
This was the current month and year. This was his gravestone.
He prayed to God and was ready to die.
His knife was too weak to cut his bone, but he had an idea. He
wouldn’t cut the bone. He would break it. After breaking his
bone, he was free! He had been alone for five days without food
and with little water, but he was still alive. He took a picture of the
rock and his hand before leaving.
He knew that cutting off his arm was his only chance to escape.
He had a knife, but it was a very cheap one. As he cut off his
arm, he felt a strange mixture of terrible pain and joy. He called it
a beautiful pain. Cutting his arm was the worst pain of his life, but
the idea of freedom made him very excited. He had to be careful
not to pass out from the pain and excitement. He cut the skin. He
cut the muscles. He cut the nerves. But he couldn’t cut the bone.
His knife was not strong enough. He didn’t know what to do.
The place where he was trapped for five days was twenty meters
from the ground. Aron was an experienced climber, but now he
had only one hand. Very carefully, he used his ropes to climb
down to the ground. He was still twenty miles from anyone in the
middle of the desert. He didn’t have a cell phone, so he began to
hike back. After some time, Aron met a family of hikers. They
gave Aron food and water and called for help. Soon, Aron was on
an emergency helicopter that took him to the hospital.
After five days, Aron gave up. He was defeated. He knew he
would die. Then, he had a vision. He saw himself in the future
with only one arm playing with a small boy. The boy had blond
hair and a red shirt. Aron had no children, but he knew this was
his future son. He also knew that he could not give up. He could
not die. He had a son in the future that he needed to meet.
Aron lost his arm that day, but he learned a lot about himself. He
also learned that the most important thing in life is relationships.
When he almost died, thinking about his family and future son
helped him not give up. He still climbs mountains and does other
adventure sports. Aron also travels the world and talks about his
experience to schools and businesses. In 2010, Aron and his wife
had a baby boy named Leo. Aron believes that Leo saved his life
back in 2003.
What would you do in a life or death situation? What would you
give up to save your life? Could you give up your house or your
car? Could you give up all the money in your bank account? How
much could you give up? Could you give up your own arm? What
if your life depended on it? Could you cut off your own arm? In
2003, Aron Ralston was in that kind of life or death situation.
Did Aron set a record for climbing? Yes, he set a world
record for climbing.
He became the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest
mountains alone in winter. He was not afraid of danger.
Was he afraid? No, he was not afraid.
What kind of situation was it? It was a life or death situation.
In 2003, he was almost killed by an avalanche while skiing.
He was hiking in a desert canyon when something terrible
Did something wonderful happen? No, something wonderful
didn’t happen. Something terrible happened.
He fell and his arm became trapped under a big rock. There was
no one to help him. He had only two choices. He could die or he
could cut his own arm off to escape.
What choices did Aron have? He could die or he could cut
his arm off.
Aron was an experienced adventure athlete. In 2002, he quit his
job as an engineer and set a world record for climbing.
What happened in 2003? In 2003, he was almost killed by an
avalanche while skiing.
Later that same year he almost lost his life while hiking. He didn’t
expect it to be dangerous, so he made a very big mistake. He
didn’t tell anyone where he was going.
What mistake did Aron make? He didn’t tell anyone where he
was going.
On the first day he hiked about twenty miles into the desert when
he fell into a hole.
How far did he hike? He hiked about twenty miles.
As he fell, he moved a large rock that weighed 360 kilos. The
rock landed on his arm.
What landed on his arm? The rock landed on his arm.
Did he try to push the rock? Yes, he tried to push the rock.
Did he try to break the rock? Yes, he tried to break the rock.
Did he try to roll the rock? No, he didn’t try to roll the rock.
He tried to pull the rock.
He was trapped. He was alone in the desert, and no one knew
where he was.
He knew that there was almost no chance of anyone finding him.
He had little water and he knew he could not survive for long.
Aron knew that help was not coming.
Did he have a lot of water? No, he didn’t have a lot of water.
He had little water.
Did he think that help was coming? No, he knew that help
was not coming.
He immediately thought of cutting off his arm. Of course, he
didn’t want to do this, so he tried not to think about it.
After a short time, he lost feeling in the trapped arm. He tried
many different ways to escape.
Aron knew that death was a very real possibility. He took out his
video camera and began to record himself.
Who did Aron record? He recorded himself.
"My name is Aron Ralston. My parents are Donna and Larry
Ralston of Englewood, Co. Whoever finds this, please make an
attempt to get it to them.”
Did he try to escape? Yes, he tried many ways to escape.
Aron said goodbye to his family.
He tried to push the rock, but he couldn’t. He tried to break the
rock, but he couldn’t. He tried to use his climbing equipment to
pull the rock, but he couldn’t.
"So again love to everyone. Bring love and peace and happiness
and beautiful lives into the world in my honor. Thank you. Love
Why did Aron record himself? He wanted to say goodbye to
his family. He wanted to tell his family he loved them.
Why did he feel excited? He felt excited because he was
almost free.
He stopped recording. He then used his knife to write his name
on the rock.
He had to be very careful not to pass out from the pain and
excitement. He cut the skin. He cut the muscles. He cut the
Under his name he wrote ‘October 1975’. This was the month
and year he was born. Under that he wrote ‘April 2003’.
Why did he write ‘October 1975’? This was the month and
year he was born. Why did he write ‘April 2003’? This was
the current month and year.
This was his gravestone. He prayed to God and was ready to die.
He knew that cutting off his arm was his only chance to escape.
He had a knife, but it was a very cheap one.
Did Aron have an expensive knife? No, his knife wasn’t
expensive. It was a cheap knife.
As he cut off his arm, he felt a strange mixture of terrible pain and
joy. He called it a beautiful pain. Cutting his arm was the worst
pain of his life, but the idea of freedom made him very excited.
What did he cut? He cut the skin, the muscles and the
But he couldn’t cut the bone. His knife was not strong enough.
He didn’t know what to do.
Could he cut the bone? No, he couldn’t cut the bone. Why
couldn’t he cut the bone? His knife was not strong enough.
After five days, Aron gave up. He was defeated. He knew he
would die.
What happened after five days? After five days, Aron gave
up. He knew he would die.
Then, he had a vision. He saw himself in the future with only one
arm playing with a small boy.
What did he see in his vision? He saw himself in the future
with only one arm playing with a small boy.
The place where he was trapped for five days was twenty meters
from the ground.
The boy had blond hair and a red shirt. Aron had no children but
he knew this was his future son.
Aron was an experienced climber, but now he had only one hand.
Very carefully, he used his ropes to climb down to the ground. He
was still twenty miles from anyone in the middle of the desert.
What did the boy look like? The boy had blond hair and a red
shirt. Who was the boy? The boy was Aron’s future son.
He also knew that he could not give up. He could not die. He had
a son in the future that he needed to meet.
His knife was too weak to cut his bone, but he had an idea. He
wouldn’t cut the bone. He would break it. After breaking his
bone, he was free!
Did Aron cut his bone? No, he didn’t cut his bone. He broke
his bone.
He had been alone for five days without food and with little water,
but he was still alive. He took a picture of the rock and his hand
before leaving.
What did he do before leaving? He took a picture of the rock
and his hand before leaving.
How far was Aron from anyone? He was twenty miles from
He didn’t have a cell phone, so he began to hike back. After
some time, Aron met a family of hikers. They gave Aron food and
water and called for help.
Who gave Aron food and water? A family of hikers gave
Aron food and water.
Soon, Aron was on an emergency helicopter that took him to the
Where did the emergency helicopter take Aron? The
emergency helicopter took Aron to the hospital.
Aron lost his arm that day, but he learned a lot about himself. He
also learned that the most important thing in life is relationships.
When he almost died, thinking about his family and future son
helped him not give up.
What did Aron learn about the most important thing in life?
The most important thing in life is relationships. Thinking
about his family helped him not give up.
He still climbs mountains and does other adventure sports.
Has Aron quit climbing? No, Aron hasn’t quit climbing
mountains. He still climbs mountains and does other
adventure sports.
Aron also travels the world and talks about his experience to
schools and businesses. In 2010, Aron and his wife had a baby
boy named Leo. Aron believes that Leo saved his life back in
Who saved Aron’s life in 2003? His son, Leo, saved his life.
Aron will be an experienced adventure athlete. Aron is going to
quit his job as an engineer and set a world record for climbing.
Is Aron going to become an engineer? No, he’s not going to
become an engineer. He’s going to quit his engineer job.
He will become the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest
mountains alone in winter. He is not going to be afraid of danger.
Will Aron become the first man to climb Everest? No, he
won’t become the first man to climb Everest. He will become
the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest mountains
alone in winter. Is he going to be afraid? No, he’s not going
to be afraid of danger.
What mistake will he make? He won’t tell anyone where he
is going. Why won’t he tell anyone where he is going? He
won’t expect it to be dangerous.
On the first day he will hike about twenty miles into the desert
when he will fall into a hole.
How far will he hike into the desert? He will hike twenty
miles into the desert.
As he falls, he is going to move a large rock that weighs 360
kilos. The rock is going to land on his arm.
Where will the rock land? The rock will land on his arm.
In the future, he will almost be killed by an avalanche while
He is going to be trapped. He will be alone in the desert, and no
one will know where he is.
What will happen in the future? In the future, he will almost
be killed by an avalanche while skiing.
Who will help Aron? No one will help Aron. He will be alone.
No one will know where he is.
Later that same year he will almost lose his life while hiking. He
won’t expect it to be dangerous, so he will make a very big
mistake. He isn’t going to tell anyone where he is going.
Aron is thinking of cutting off his arm.
What is Aron thinking about? Aron is thinking about cutting
off his arm.
Of course, he doesn’t want to do this, so he is trying not to think
about it. After a short time, he is losing feeling in the trapped arm.
Is Aron feeling pain in the trapped arm? No, Aron isn’t
feeling pain in his trapped arm. He is losing feeling in his
trapped arm.
Yes, he’s trying to break the rock. Is he trying to pull the
rock? Yes, he’s trying to pull the rock.
He is thinking that there is almost no chance of anyone finding
him. He is worrying about his water.
What is he thinking? He’s thinking there is no chance of
anyone finding him. He is worrying about his water.
Aron is thinking that death is a very real possibility.
He is trying many different ways to escape.
Is Aron feeling positive? No, he’s not feeling positive. He is
thinking that death is a real possibility.
What is he trying to do? He is trying many different ways to
He takes out his video camera and is recording himself.
He is trying to push the rock, but he can’t. He is trying to break
the rock, but he can’t. He is trying to use his climbing equipment
to pull the rock, but he can’t.
Is he trying to push the rock? Yes, he’s trying to push the
rock. Is he trying to break the rock?
What is he doing? He is recording himself.
Aron is saying goodbye to his family.
What is Aron saying to his family? Aron is saying goodbye
to his family.
He stops recording. He is using his knife to write his name on the
What is he writing? He is writing his name. What is he using
to write? He is using his knife to write.
Under his name he is writing ‘October 1975’. This was the
month and year he was born. Under that he is writing ‘April
2003’. This is the current month and year. This is his gravestone.
Why is he writing this? He is making a gravestone.
He is praying to God and is ready to die.
Aron was thinking that cutting off his arm was his only chance to
What was he cutting? He was cutting the skin, the
muscles, and the nerves.
Why was he thinking about cutting off his arm? He was
thinking of cutting off his arm because it was his only
chance to escape.
But he couldn’t cut the bone. His knife was not strong enough. He
didn’t know what to do. He was thinking about giving up.
He was thinking about using his knife, but it was a very cheap
one. As he was cutting off his arm he felt a strange mixture of
terrible pain and joy.
What was he feeling? He was feeling a strange mixture of
terrible pain and joy.
Was he thinking about freedom? No, he wasn’t thinking
about freedom. He was thinking about giving up.
Then, he had a vision. He was watching himself in the future with
only one arm playing with a small boy.
What was he watching? He was watching himself in the future
with only one arm playing with a small boy.
He called it a beautiful pain. He was feeling the worst pain of his
life, but the idea of freedom was making him very excited.
He was thinking that this was his future son.
How was the idea of freedom making him feel? The idea of
freedom was making him feel very excited.
What was he thinking? He was thinking that this was
his future son.
He was being very careful not to pass out from the pain and
excitement. He was cutting the skin. He was cutting the muscles.
He was cutting the nerves.
He was also feeling that he could not give up. He was thinking that
he could not die.
Was he thinking about giving up? No, he wasn’t thinking
about giving up. He was thinking that he could not die.
He had a son in the future that he needed to meet. Then he was
thinking about a new way to escape. He would break his arm.
When he was breaking his arm, he was in a lot of pain.
How did he feel when he was breaking his arm? He was in a
lot of pain when he was breaking his arm.
Then he was free.
Aron Ralston is an amazing person. He has done many things in
his life. He has had many adventures.
He has experienced an avalanche. He has even cut his own arm
off. As you can see, he has escaped death several times.
What has Aron done? Aron has done many things in his life.
What has Aron had? Aron has had many adventures.
Since then, he has traveled the world. He has been to many
He has seen beautiful places.
Has he been to other countries? Yes, he has been to many
countries. Since then, he has talked about his experiences
with businesses and schools.
Has he seen ugly places? No, he hasn’t seen ugly places.
He has seen beautiful places.
He has shared his story with many people.
He has been in dangerous situations.
What kind of situations has he been in? He has been in
dangerous situations.
He has climbed many mountains. He has skied down many
slopes. In fact, he has set a world record for climbing.
What kind of record has he set? He has set a world record
for climbing.
Has his story been a secret? No, his story hasn’t been a
secret. He has shared his story with many people.
Since then, he has continued to climb mountains. He has
continued to have adventures. He has even become a father.
Over the years, he has learned many things about himself and
about life. He has learned that his will to live is very strong.
What has he learned? He has learned that his will to live is
very strong.
Also, he has learned that the most important thing in life is
What else has he learned? He has also learned that the most
important thing in life is relationships.
He has taught us that humans can do amazing things.
What has he taught us? He has taught us that humans can
do amazing things.
He has shown us that we can overcome life and death situations
if our desire to live and to love is strong enough.
What would you do in a life or death situation? What would you
give up to save your life? Could you give up your house or your
car? Could you give up all the money in your bank account? How
much could you give up? Could you give up your own arm? What
if your life depended on it? Could you cut your own arm off? In
2003, Aron Ralston was in that kind of life or death situation.
There was no one to help him. He had only two choices. He could
die or he could cut his arm off to escape.
What kind of situation was it? It was a life or death situation.
When did it happen? It happened in 2003.
Aron was an experienced adventure athlete.
Aron was hiking in a desert canyon when something terrible
Did something wonderful happen? No, something wonderful
didn’t happen. Something terrible happened. Where was he
hiking? He was hiking in a desert canyon.
How many choices did he have? He had only two choices.
What choices did Aron have? He could die or he could cut his
arm off.
Was Aron an experienced athlete? Yes, he was an
experienced adventure athlete.
In 2002, he quit his job as an engineer and set a world record for
When did he quit his job? He quit his job in 2002. Did Aron set
a record for climbing? Yes, he set a world record for climbing.
He fell and his arm became trapped under a big rock.
Did he fall? Yes, he fell. Did his arm become trapped under a
house? No, his arm didn’t become trapped under a house.
His arm became trapped under a big rock.
He became the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest
mountains alone in winter.
Who was the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest
mountains alone in winter?
Aron was the first person to climb all of Colorado’s largest
mountains alone in winter.
On the first day he hiked about twenty miles into the desert when
he fell into a hole.
He was not afraid of danger.
How far did he hike? He hiked about twenty miles. Did he fall
into a lake? No, he didn’t fall into a lake. He fell into a hole.
Was he afraid? No, he was not afraid.
In 2003, he was almost killed by an avalanche while skiing.
As he fell, he moved a large rock that weighed 360 kilos. The rock
landed on his arm.
What happened in 2003? In 2003 he was almost killed by an
avalanche while skiing.
What landed on his arm? A large rock landed on his arm. How
much did the rock weigh? The rock weighed 360 kilos.
Later that same year he almost lost his life while hiking.
He was trapped. He was alone in the desert, and no one knew
where he was.
What happened later that year? Later that year he almost
lost his life while hiking.
He didn’t expect it to be dangerous, so he made a very big
mistake. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going.
What mistake did Aron make? He didn’t tell anyone where
he was going. Did he expect it to be dangerous? No, he
didn’t expect it to be dangerous.
Was Aron with his friends in the desert? No, he wasn’t with
his friends in the desert. He was all alone in the desert.
Aron knew that help was not coming.
Did he think that help was coming? No, he knew that help was
not coming.
He immediately thought of cutting off his arm. Of course, he
didn’t want to do this, so he tried not to think about it.
Did he have a good chance of anyone finding him? No, there
was almost no chance of anyone finding him.
Did he want to cut off his arm? No, of course he didn’t want
to do this. Did he think a lot about cutting off his arm? No,
he tried not to think about it.
He had little water and he knew he could not survive for long.
After a short time, he lost feeling in the trapped arm. He tried
many different ways to escape.
Did he try to escape? Yes, he tried many ways to escape.
He tried to push the rock, but he couldn’t. He tried to break the
rock, but he couldn’t. He tried to use his climbing equipment to
pull the rock, but he couldn’t.
Did he have a lot of water? No, he didn’t have a lot of water.
He had little water.
Aron knew that death was a very real possibility.
Did Aron know that death was a real possibility? Yes, Aron
knew that death was a very real possibility.
He took out his video camera and began to record himself.
Who did Aron record? He recorded himself.
Did he try to push the rock? Yes, he tried to push the rock.
Did he try to break the rock? Yes, he tried to break the rock.
Did he try to roll the rock with his equipment? No, he didn’t
try to roll the rock with his equipment. He tried to pull the
rock with his equipment.
He knew that there was almost no chance of anyone finding him.
"My name is Aron Ralston. My parents are Donna and Larry
Ralston of Englewood, Colorado. Whoever finds this, please make
an attempt to get it to them.”
Who did Aron want to contact with the recording? He wanted
to contact his parents.
Aron said goodbye to his family.
Did Aron say goodbye to the rock? No, Aron didn’t say
goodbye to the rock. He said goodbye to his family.
"So again love to everyone. Bring love and peace and happiness
and beautiful lives into the world in my honor. Thank you. Love
What did Aron want? Aron wanted everyone to bring love
and peace and happiness and beautiful lives into the world.
This was the month and year he was born. Under that he wrote
‘April 2003’. This was the current month and year.
Why did he write ‘October 1975’? This was the month and year
he was born. Why did he write ‘April 2003’? This was the
current month and year.
This was his gravestone. He prayed to God and was ready to die.
Was Aron ready to die? Yes, Aron was ready to die.
He stopped recording.
He knew that cutting off his arm was his only chance to escape. He
had a knife, but it was a very cheap one.
Did he continue recording? No, he didn’t continue
recording. He stopped recording.
Did Aron have an expensive knife? No, his knife wasn’t
expensive. It was a cheap knife.
He then used his knife to write his name on the rock.
As he cut off his arm, he felt a strange mixture of terrible pain and
What did he use to write his name on the rock? He used his
knife to write his name on the rock.
Under his name he wrote ‘October 1975’.
What kind of pain did he feel? He felt a strange mixture of
terrible pain and joy.
He called it a beautiful pain. Cutting his arm was the worst pain of
his life, but the idea of freedom made him very excited.
Why did he feel excited? He felt excited because he was
almost free.
He had to be very careful not to pass out from the pain and
excitement. He cut the skin. He cut the muscles. He cut the
What did he cut? He cut the skin, the muscles and the
But he couldn’t cut the bone. His knife was not strong enough.
Could he cut the bone? No, he couldn’t cut the bone. Why
couldn’t he cut the bone? His knife was not strong enough.
He didn’t know what to do. After five days, Aron gave up. He was
defeated. He knew he would die.
What happened after five days? After five days, Aron gave
up. He knew he would die.
Then, he had a vision. He saw himself in the future with only one
arm playing with a small boy.
What did he see in his vision? He saw himself in the future
with only one arm playing with a small boy.
The boy had blond hair and a red shirt. Aron had no children, but
he knew this was his future son.
What color was the boy’s hair? The boy’s hair was blond.
What color was the boy’s shirt? The boy’s shirt was red.
Did Aron have children? No, Aron didn’t have children. Who
was the boy? The boy was Aron’s future son.
He also knew that he could not give up. He could not die. He had
a son in the future that he needed to meet.
Who did he need to meet? He had a son in the future that
he needed to meet.
His knife was too weak to cut his bone, but he had an idea.
He wouldn’t cut the bone. He would break it.
What was he going to do to the bone? He was going to
break the bone.
After breaking his bone, he was free!
He was still twenty miles from anyone in the middle of the desert.
What happened after breaking his bone? After breaking his
bone, he was free.
How far was Aron from anyone? He was twenty miles from
He had been alone for five days. He took a picture of the rock
and his hand before leaving.
He didn’t have a cell phone, so he began to hike back.
Did he have a cell phone? No, he didn’t have a cell phone.
What did he do before leaving? He took a picture of the rock
and his hand before leaving.
The place where he was trapped for five days was twenty meters
from the ground.
How long was he trapped? He was trapped for five days.
How high was he? He was twenty meters from the ground.
Aron was an experienced climber, but now he had only one hand.
Very carefully, he used his ropes to climb down to the ground.
What did he use to climb down to the ground? He used his
ropes to climb down to the ground.
After some time, Aron met a family of hikers. They gave Aron food
and water and called for help.
Who gave Aron food and water? A family of hikers gave Aron
food and water.
Soon, Aron was on an emergency helicopter that took him to the
Where did the emergency helicopter take Aron? The emergency
helicopter took Aron to the hospital.
Aron lost his arm that day, but he learned a lot about himself.
What did Aron learn about? He learned about himself.
He also learned that the most important thing in life is
Who does Aron talk to about his experiences? Aron talks to
schools and businesses about his experiences.
In 2010, Aron and his wife had a baby boy named Leo.
What did Aron learn about the most important thing in life?
Aron learned that the most important thing in life is
What is their baby’s name? Their baby’s name is Leo.
When he almost died, thinking about his family and future son
helped him not give up.
Who saved Aron’s life in 2003? His son, Leo, saved his life.
What helped him not give up? Thinking about his family
helped him not give up.
He still climbs mountains and does other adventure sports.
Has Aron quit climbing? No, Aron hasn’t quit climbing
mountains. He still climbs mountains and does other
adventure sports.
Aron also travels the world and talks about his experience to
schools and businesses.
Aron believes that Leo saved his life back in 2003.
Photo Cover, by werner22brigitte, http://pixabay.com/en/upper-antelope-slot-canyon-page-62249/
Photo Page 09, by GabboT, https://www.flickr.com/photos/tonyshek/5412185013/
Photo Page 22, by Colin Davis, https://www.flickr.com/photos/roughgroove/3554305017/