ÿþb t c N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 R E V
ÿþb t c N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 R E V
Page 1 Page 2 Emmanuel Baptist Church Labor Day Car Show The second of Emmanuel Baptist Church’s car shows for this year took place on Labor Day as scheduled. The first was on Memorial Day. The event started with a pancake and sausage breakfast for the participants and members. There were approximately 60 vehicles present and the weather was absolutely fantastic. BuickTown was represented by Bill Cook (1960 Pontiac), Ken Ferguson (1963 Wildcat Covrtible), Bob Gardner (1990 Reatta convertible), Bob Gorski, Bob and Judy Leets (1962 Sk yl ark convertible and 1 9 9 1 Reatta convertible), Jim McLean (1956 Roadmaster), Charles Miller (1975 Electra 225) and Duane and Eunice Williams (1973 Boat tailed Riviera). Bill Cook and Eunice Williams won door prizes and Charles Miller won the President’s Trophy with his deuce and a quarter with a four and a quarter. Everyone seemed to have a good time and with the early start most of us were able to be home by noon to celebrate the holiday with friends and family. Thank you, Emmanuel Baptist Church. Bob and Bentley Page 3 If you’ve ever been tuned down for an auto loan, contact Maureen Bearss 810-653-1000. She’ll show you how low, weekly payments can virtually guarantee approval and put you in a late model car or truck—-some with new vehicle warranties . Page 4 2009 Officers & Chairpersons Director ROGER TYYSKA [email protected] 810-636-8450 Assistant Director CHARLIE JONES 810-845-4779 Secretary CAROL ZIMMERMAN 810-732-7806 Treasurer Inside This Issue JOHN WELBY’S 1959 LESABRE 1 EMMANUEL LABOR DAY CAR SHOW 2 OFFICERS & CHAIRPERSONS 4 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE 5 COMING EVENTS 6-9 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR’S NOTE 9 COVER STORY 1959 LESABRE 10-11 THE EDITOR SAYS 12 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 14 NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 15 PATSY LOU DEPUTY SALES PROGRAM 16 SOCIAL COMMITTEE 18 BUICK, FACTORY WHISTLE & ME 19 DAVID BUICK BOOK 19 MANUSCRIPTS / WILLIAM C. DURANT 19 DO YOU REMEMBER? 21 AUGUST MEETING FERGUSON’S 22-23 MICHIGAN BUICK BASH 24-25 ECHOES / WHEEL ROOM 27 YOU’RE FROM FLINT IF 29 PUZZLE 30 ALL AMERICAN CLASSICS 30 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 31 BURMA SHAVE 32 MEMBERSHIP UPDATE 33 BACK TO THE BRICKS 34 ABBEY PARK 35 CLASSIFIED 36 ASS’T EDITOR’S SPARE PARTS 38 ADVERTISER CAR GUYS GARAGE 39 BUICK NEWS 42 BUICK DEALERS 43 BUICKS AT PATSY LOU’S 43 DAN EMERTON [email protected] 810-732-0565 Member-at-Large JERRY WALKER [email protected] 248-634-2755 Past Directors ED MCQUIGG [email protected] BRIAN E KITCHEN 810-655-4824 [email protected] 810-732-5011 Membership JIM MACLEAN [email protected] 810-736-1578 Activities and Awards DAVID BOTHAMLY [email protected] 810-513-0377 HOWARD ZIMMERMAN 810-732-7806 Editor BOB GORSKI [email protected] 810-239-9324 Assistant Editor BOB GARDNER [email protected] 810-659-8557 Social GARY & DEBBIE MINCH [email protected] 810-653-1967 Historian RON WOODS [email protected] 810-653-7985 Sloan Auto Fair Representatives JOHN DAILY BRIAN E KITCHEN DAVE LANGDON esyrdr7@aol,com 810-658-0126 [email protected] 810-732-5011 [email protected] 810-636-2676 Student Program Liaison Mott Community College LARRY SHERMAN [email protected] JIM BEAL [email protected] 810-695-4026 810-695-3063 U M - Flint SUZANNE SHERMAN [email protected] 810-695-4026 50 / 50 Sales JOHN WELBY 248-628-8787 DAVID BOTHAMLY [email protected] 810-513-0377 Swap Meet JAMES DRURY 989-770-4541 CHARLIE JONES 810-845-4779 cell 810-266-4833 Technical Advisor JOE TAUBITZ [email protected] 810-655-8988 Photographer BUICK CLUB OF AMERICA www.buickclub.org ROBERTA VASILOW [email protected] 810-655-8277 DAVE LANGDON [email protected] 810-636-2676 KEN MCCLELLAN [email protected] 810-875-4606 Web Master ROBERTA VASILOW [email protected] 810-655-8277 Page 5 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Summer wrap-up and the BCA National Recently our members have been exposed to a flurry of end of season activities. The BDE tour, the regional Buick Bash and Golden Memories were three of the more prominent. Now it’s time to arrange for car storage, prep the old vehicle and begin wondering where you left the snow shovel. The September monthly meeting was a culmination of the year’s events. The meeting was at the Buick Gallery with the intention of focusing on club-sponsored activity. This included the Mott Interns, new restoration classes, restoration progress on the 1953 Skylark and the new Archival Internship sponsoring UM-Flint students. Tim Shickles welcomed the club to the Buick Gallery, summed up the past year’s events at the museum and spoke briefly on future plans. Dr Clark Harris and Greg Keller teamed up to review the performance of the Mott interns and progress on the Skylark. These programs are working very well; students are both productive and enthusiastic. Seven students applied for this fall’s opening. Dr Harris further outlined the two new classes in auto restoration for paint and metal forming. In the Gallery, our new initiative is about Buick documents and other Buick related artifacts now located in “deep” storage. Jane McIntosh described the content, quantity and work to be done in general terms. Much time will be devoted going piece by piece through all the boxes to understand what is at hand. Hence, our new archival intern will wade into this morass under the guidance and direction of Jane and Dr John Ellis. John is the Chair of the History Department at UM-Flint and will identify potential candidates. He is very enthusiastic about this unprecedented opportunity for Flint students and will be the guiding force on behalf of the University. We welcome Dr Ellis’s support and assistance in our quest to preserve, organize and make available the archival assets of the Gallery. By the time you read this edition of the Crier, our final car related activity, the Fall Color Tour, sponsored by the Callards and Beals, may be history. Our annual swap meet looms dead ahead! Please call up Charlie Jones or Jim Drury and sign in for a job at the swap meet at Patsy Lou’s. “If ever we needed you, we need you now”. Really, do what you can. Every little bit counts and is greatly appreciated. We have always pulled this off in style. The agenda for our last meeting was very congested and the meeting ran on way too long. I apologize! The good news is we have a full slate of officers. Thank you to our nomination committee. Because of recent events, or lack of, my personal comments and opinion about our National BCA organization are noteworthy, unfortunately. I see this as a time when more chapter and division members should get informed and play a part in BCA affairs, especially with individual officers. We have seen prices for membership take a high percentage jump without warning or member participation. We see intra organization communications dwindling such as cutting out the Regional Directors and near zero support from the central organization on the critical issue of tax filing. I recently received a letter offering a prize to the chapter bringing in the most new members. Yes, membership is a priority, at all levels, but other critical issues have been let to lapse which negatively affects the desire to be a member. Is there a widening gap between the central organization and its subsidiaries? Are we content with that? Best (Buick) Regards Page 6 Coming Events October 12 14 15 Columbus Day Executive Board Meeting Patsy Lou 5pm Color Tour hosted by Jim Beal and Marshall Callard 17 McLaren Fall Fun Fest 24-25 Al Setzke Swap Meet Patsy Lou Buick 28 Regular Monthly Meeting Hope Lutheran Church, Linden November 3 11 18 26 Buick Motor Division lunch meeting GM Heritage Center Veteran’s Day Regular Monthly Meeting Election Night Fenton Farms Thanksgiving Day 25 Pearl Harbor Day Regular Monthly Meeting Banquet Christmas Party Merry Christmas Hope Lutheran Church MONTHLY MEETING October 28, 2009 Hope Lutheran Church Community Room 7355 W Sillver Lake Rd Linden, MI 6:00 pm Social Hour 7:00 pm Buffet Pulled pork w/ all the fixen’s December 7 ?? REGULAR Awards ONLY 8:00 pm $12.00 Meeting Buick Club website presentation Please contact Charlie Jones at (810) 845-4779 to sign up Page 7 Buicktown goes to HELL! Fall Tour to Hell, MI Thursday October 15th 2009 Depart the Silver Lake Mall (Owen Rd & Jennings Rd, Fenton) 9:00am Tom Walker's Grist Mill is a Michigan Historic Site, commonly known as the Parshallville Cider Mill, sitting on the A small town named Hell complete banks of the North Ore Creek. in Livingston County . The 136 year old with a gift shop, beer store, post ofmill which is one of the few remaining fice and a bar. water-powered mills in Michigan. Cider, spiced donuts, caramel apples, and homemade apple pies are available in addition to a Gift Zukey Lake Tavern was built on the north shore of Zukey Lake right after Shoppe offering the end of Prohibition and is the only full service restaurant on the Huron Michigan River “Chain of Lakes”. Our friendly atmosphere and great food make it a products. must stop whether you’re on your boat or in your car Hosted by Marshall & Diane Callard / Jim & Jackie Beal Page 8 Wednesday Cruise Nights 5pm—9pm Joe’s Garage Sports Pub & Grub 6468 W Vienna Rd (M 57) REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Elections November 18, 2009 Fenton Farms Golf Club 12312 Torrey Rd Fenton, MI (810) 750-6098 6:00 pm Social Hour 7:00 pm Dinner Boiled root beer Ham Buffet Only $15 per person 8:00 pm Meeting Please contact Charlie Jones at (810) 845-4779 to sign up Invitation from Buick Motor Division Buick Motor Division has extended an invitation to the Buick Club of America to attend a lunch meeting at the GM Heritage Center in Sterling Heights, MI on November 3rd, 2009. BMD would like to review their plans and new cars with the BCA and will be open to questions and constructive suggestions for the future of the Buick automobile. Any and all BCA members are invited to attend. Buick Motor Division hopes that we could have 200 - 250 individuals on hand. More information will be forthcoming, and we will keep everyone informed via email as we hear more. There is no charge for this event, and it is an excellent opportunity for the BCA to assist our favorite car manufacturer in planning for the future. Please pass the word to your Chapter members and other BCA members that you feel might want to attend. GO BUICK!!!!! Mike & Nancy Book BCA National Office Administrators Page 9 NOTES FROM THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR The swap meet is coming together in great shape thanks to Jim Drury and all the other members helping spread the word. But our team still needs more players. Please give me a call so we can divvy out the assignments. So far over sixty indoor and outdoor spots have been reserved. And Patsy Lou has offered showroom space for a “premium” car corral. Charlie Jones PS I’m still working on plans for our December Christmas party and Awards night. The goal is to have as nice an event as in the past, but make it affordable so that more will be able to join in the fun. Page 10 Cover Story The Year, the Buick, the ’59 by John Welby I am writing this story on my way out to the Buick Nationals in Colorado Springs where the 50th anniversary of the 1959 Buick will be celebrated. A good friend and I are taking the southern route. Sadly we are not driving the blue 1959 LeSabre sedan. We will travel through Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas, then on to New Mexico and to the Nationals in Colorado. On the way back we will go north through Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota and back to the Midwest across Lake Michigan on the S.S. Badger. The story of the ’59 started in the spring of 1982 on the east side of Detroit. Being in the refrigeration service business, I went on a service call to an elderly woman’s home. She had lived in the house since the 1940’s and was now too old to keep up the property, so everything was up for sale. The day I was there she had the garage door open and I saw the ’59 LeSabre. I asked if the car was for sale. The woman had no family and no one to leave the car to. So she said she would sell it. Page 11 I then went out to the garage for a closer inspection and found the car was up on blocks and covered with dust. The car still had the 1962 Michigan plate on the back. Now I was very intrigued and started asking a lot more questions. I was told her husband worked at Buick for 40 years and retired in 1959. He never liked automatic transmissions, so he ordered this Buick with a stick shift, a radio, white wall tires, deluxe wheel covers and nothing else. The original owner drove the car until 1962, when he passed away. His widow never drove cars and never had a driver’s license. So the Buick was put up on blocks, the gas drained out and never driven again until I found it in 1982. A deal was struck and the Buick was mine for the price of $1200, plus a refrigeration repair job. The next weekend I went back to the house on the east side with a new battery, some gas and an air pump to inflate the original tires. I changed the oil and filter and got the car started. That’s when I noticed the odometer read 14,000 miles and was told those miles were correct. (The car now has 24,000 miles on the odometer.) I was followed by a friend while I slowly drove the car back home on the original tires. The original tires are on the car to this day. Some people think I am a little loony to drive around on 50 year old tires. I guess I will put on a new set sometime in the next few years! If you have never driven one of these late ‘50’s Buicks with a stick shift, you are missing something. It is a whole different experience than a Dynaflow! So now I’m back from Nationals after driving through 12 states and traveling 5000 trouble free miles in a vintage Buick. If you are not comfortable driving an old car long distances, just remember the old adage is true, “Buicks were built to be driven!” Page 12 the editor says One advantage to being editor is being able to throw out what you wrote and redo it after reading everyone else’s contribution to the monthly Crier. So this month, after reading Roger’s words of wisdom, I decided to quote myself about the Buick Club of America and their actions regarding members and chapters. But being over 18 and no longer the smartest person in the world, I had to go through more than a couple dozen Criers to find it. An interesting thought after searching through all those old Criers is that you get a glimpse of the heart and soul of our Chapter from the words of the Buicktown Directors, Assistant Directors, Past Directors, Chairpersons, and yes maybe the Editor and Assistant Editor too. So if you ever get bored or can’t get to sleep some night, pick up an old Crier and look back and remember and reflect. I finally found the statement but it never was in a Crier. It was part of the Editor’s Report to the Chapter Board. “On a sad note, our Chapter newsletter will not receive an award from the National for 2008. The B. C. A. Board of Directors has determined that it no longer has the financial or personnel resources to review the chapter publications and distribute the tokens of recognition to the Chapters and Divisions. New blood and a dues increase were not sufficient to maintain the program at this time.” The program needed to be improved to be a greater benefit to the Chapters and Divisions. I think the time may be right for B C A members and chapters to let their feeling be known by e-mail, US mail, or telephone to the National Office and the elected B C A Board members. Communication and service is more important now than ever for the B C A. Have fun driving safe Editor, Bob Gorski Page 13 Based out of Grand Blanc, MI Certified stated value insurance appraisals Numbers matching and date coding service Former sub-contract adjuster For Hagerty and JC Taylor Jason Phillips, owner (810) 694-2008 Page 14 1 3 3 5 7 8 9 11 11 12 12 15 15 17 17 17 17 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 24 25 25 26 26. 29 Bobbie Cutter Faith Aseltine Jackie Metcalfe Richard Bozung Dale Butler Greg Pauly Jackie Beal Larry Wilson Kathy Daily Marvin Stephenson John Daily Wendell Stringer Colleen McClellan James Aseltine Cathy Neumann Michael Hurley Evelyn Wilson Jack Diamond Ron Frakes Saniya Hamady Jackie Booth David Waite Sally Lurvey James Campbell Jim Heiser Barb Phillion Judy Leets Ed McQuigg David Hall Robert Bonk EVERY DAY IS SOMETHING SPECIAL AT SHAP’S Mondays Italian Night Tuesdays Polish plate day Wednesdays BBQ Ribs Thursdays Mexican Night Fridays Fish Fry Saturday morning Mini breakfast Buffet Sundays BREAKFAST BUFFET Page 15 5. 10. 12. 13. 20. 22. 23. 23. 25. Don & Patsy Lou Williamson Dean & Eydie Michael Patrick & Cathy Olinski Bill & Jackie Metcalfe Tim & Debbie Donlan Norbert & Leone Burwell Clare & Dodie Barcome Jim & Jackie Beal Robert & Judy Leets Bob and Ellen Cushman are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on October 8, 2009. Also they are joined in celebration with their daughter and son-in-law, Bill and Jane Harris, who are celebrating their 27th anniversary on the same day. Bill and Jane are long time Buicktown Chapter members. Ellen was Director and Bill was Assistant Director in 1990. This is a big day for them and they would like to share their joy with their Buick Friends. Page 16 Patsy Lou Williamson’s Deputy Sales Associate Program N o w that Jim and Jenna Dollinge r h ave moved back to Patsy Lou Williamson’s Buick, GMC, Chevrolet dealership in Flint the activity level is picking up. Patsy and Don Williamson were on hand to welcome BuickTown members to their dealership and introduce them to the Deputy Sales Associate Program. Dani Dye handed out vouchers worth $150.00 when a deputy brought an associate in to purchase a new vehicle from Patsy Lou’s. Susan greeted everyone at the front desk and Shap’s restaurant provided their spicy chicken wings for everyone’s enjoyment. The musical quartet Dixieland Dujour consisting of Delores Borrow, Paul Sterling (BuickTown member), Jim Booth and Lee Crandler provided entertainment for the group. Howard Zimmerman did his usual superb job of pulling the BuickTown group together on relatively short notice and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time. Bob and Bentley Page 17 Page 18 SOCIAL COMMITTEE Get Well Cards were sent to Jean Crocker, Bill Salisbury, Rollie Rolison Sympathy Cards were sent to John and Annette Lucky death of John’s mother Larry and Suzanne Sherman death of Larry’s father Sympathy cards, Get well cards, Glad you’re well cards, etc. are sent to members and families for the well being of the Chapter. Please notify the Social Committee if you are aware of any situation needing our consideration. Gary and Debbie Minch Social Committee Chairpersons (810) 653 1967 Page 19 Bill Lamb Veteran broadcaster DJ spins story of Flint, Buick and factory workers David Buick’s Marvelous Motor Car a 232-page book including about 80 black-and-white photos and other illustrations and a 16-page color section Bill Lamb hosted a radio show dedicated to Buick factory workers called "The Factory Whistle" for 26 years. His children convinced him to share the stories he collected during his career in a book. His book "Buick, The Factory Whistle & Me!" is available at area Buick dealers, the book store at the Sloan Museum, or by calling Bill at (810) 694-1421 for an autographed copy. written by Lawrence R. Gustin published by the Buick Gallery and Research Center of the Alfred P. Sloan Museum The book is available from the Sloan Museum (810) 237-3450 www.sloanmuseum.org (regular edition $30, leather bound $55 Incl. postage & handling) Scharchburg Archives Richard P. Scharchburg was instrumental in the establishment of The Kettering/GMI Alumni Foundation Collection of Industrial History in 1974. Upon his death in 2000, the collection was renamed in his honor. Scharchburg dedicated his life's work to automotive history. In recognition of General Motor's 100th Anniversary the Scharchurg Archives has published the previously unpublished and unedited manuscripts of William C. Durant, founder of General Motors from our collection. These writings cover Durant's experiences in the vehicle industry starting with the Flint Road Cart Company in 1886 and includes photos from the Durant Collection. The book may be obtained at the Archives with a donation of $20.00 during normal business hours. It may be obtained through the mail by sending a check for $22.00 which includes shipping and handling ( payable to Kettering University ) to: Kettering University Archives, 1700 W. Third Ave, Flint, MI 48504. Page 20 Page 21 DO YOU REMEMBER? Bill Stolpin Located in Holly Michigan, (about twenty minutes south of Flint Michigan), Bill comes from a talented family. His father was an engineer and sculptor while his mother was a stockbroker, a pianist and composer, and his brother is a retired journeyman model maker and an inventor with several patents in his name. An eagle scout and a retired engineer himself, Bill used to play the flute, has done everything in Community Theater including directing, and has studied lithography (with Emil Weddige), woodcut (with Akira Kurosaki) and etching (at Crown Point Press). He currently teaches printmaking at the Flint Institute of Arts in Flint. Bill Stolpin has been making prints since he was a kid. In junior high school, he was making linoleum block Christmas cards. The year he made a card with 7 blocks, and fifteen colors, he decided to take advantage of his printmaking skills. In addition to his own prints, Bill began printing with the late James Anthony in 1980. Quickly joined by Stefan Davidek and Carole Brender, the four printmakers soon became known as DAS PRINT Co. As a well known group in the Flint area, they have printed together ever since. They have had group shows throughout mid-Michigan, and recently had a twenty-five year retrospective show at Alma College in Alma Michigan. Many of Bill’s prints are available through the Art Rental program at the Flint Institute of Arts (810234-1695) ups at the Flint Art Fair every June. Did everyone recognize and remember Smith-Bridgeman’s, First Presbyterian Church, and the 1947 Flood in Bill Stolpin’s paintings in the October Crier? Page 22 August Chapter Potluck Meeting Hosted by Ken and Charlene Ferguson Page 23 Page 24 Michigan Buick Bash 2009 Hosted by West Michigan Chapter Gilmore Museum, Hickory Corners I have heard from the more seasoned members that they have been to the Gilmore Museum many times and they are looking for something new and different. Well this was my first trip to the Gilmore and I was totally overwhelmed by the size, diversity and scope of the facility and I will need to return many times before I will feel like I have even scratched the surface of all that is on display and things I want to see. But now more about the 2009 Buick Bash event. Page 25 It was an Agatha Christy kind of morning when the intrepid six vehicles showed up at the McDonald’s restaurant at the corner of Elms and Miller roads at 7:30 AM. Bill (U-turn) Smith and his wife Pat led the parade in their 1984 Riviera with Ken (tail gunner) McClellan and his wife Colleen bringing up the rear in their 1985 turbo Riviera. Trapped between those two were Bob and Agnes Gardner in their 1990 Reatta Convertible, Ed and Marj McQuigg in their 1979 Electra 225, Dan Bower and his grandson Paxton in their 1978 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz with Bob Gorski riding shot- gun, and Roberta Vasilow in her 1970 GSX. Now one thing the seasoned members of BuickTown neglected to mention is that you cannot get to the Gilmore from Flint. You either have to go to Kalamazoo and come back or go west of Lansing and then go south. Bill Smith did a fantastic job of leading the group over the secondary roads and once the fog burned off it was a beautiful trip through rural Michigan. Other Buicktown members and Buicks attending the Bash included David Bothamly (1968 Wildcat), Norb Burwell (1967 Skylark GS convertible), John Root (1964 Riviera), and John Welby (1959 LeSabre). I don’t know how many Buicks were at the Gilmore but I do know that I was #87 and there were many more that arrived after we did. The West Michigan Chapter of the BCA did a fantastic job of providing great weather and a terrific Buick Bash at the Gilmore facility and I personally hope to return there many more times. Bob and Bentley Page 26 Automotive art in its many forms reflects the interest and passion for the dynamic automotive world. We seek to further this excitement by commissioning original works, offering exclusive products and providing high-quality reproductions. Motorcities Dreamakers presents a dynamic and constantly evolving environment featuring an extensive collection of some of the most creative, innovative, and collectible automotive artists and their works. These works are available in a number of various editions - from limited-edition offset lithography prints to the most current digital process reproductions. Let us fill your corporate boardroom, office, lobby or personal workspace with a custom work that will enhance your prestige for years. Whether you're a racing team member, a shade tree mechanic, or an automotive enthusiast, we have the finest in automotive and racing memorabilia in a convenient and secure online shopping environment. We represent the most creative, innovative and collectible artists and product lines in the automotive art industry and the Motorcities Dreamakers e-commerce website is an important aspect towards our continued efforts. A truly versatile site, www.Motorcities Dreamakers.com allows customers to browse our gallery and features online shopping, membership benefits and special promotions; additionally, each month we highlight an artist or selected works in our collection. The gallery's main hall, an ideal setting for a variety of events and private and select viewings, is located on S. Saginaw St. in Grand Blanc, Michigan. We're here to make your experience enjoyable and effortless; if there is anything we can do to serve you better, please contact us by calling (810) 695-9200. The Motorcities Dreamakers Team Page 27 ECHOES FROM THE WHEEL ROOM AT THE HOTEL DURANT .· Animals run to eat or to avoid being eaten; we run for fun. Is this really progress? · Move in the direction of your dominant thought. · You never know when you are making a memory. · Even the big chicken has to deliver the eggs. Photo Courtesy of Kettering University Archives Page 28 Joe’s Garage Sports Pub and Grub 6468 W Vienna Rd (M 57) (810) 686-1100 Clio Page 29 You Know You’re From Flint If: You know what a coney is You’ve been to a Generals game You know what an Eastsider is A gourmet meal is “two up to go” You have heard Rosie Sing “Won’t you come home Bill Bailey” Page 30 B U I U I C K T O W N C K T O W N All American Classics Recently the Flint Cultural Center Corporation invited the members of the “Friends of the Sloan” to attend an evening at the Sloan Museum to view and enjoy the “All American Classics” display. There are nine cars from the 20s, 30s and 40s on display which were top of the line offerings from the various American automotive companies of that time. While you are sitting out on your patio enjoying some leisure in the late Summer or early Fall sunshine, try your skill at putting “Buicktown” in each row and each column and each of the nine minisquares. The solution to getting “Buicktown” to all four corners or everywhere it should be will in next month’s Crier with another brainteaser. B C O B O U N I C W W O T O K U K I U T W B O C K N T I B B Hors d’Oeuvres were provided by “Special Occasions” which is operated by Marjorie Murphy who once again has proven we eat with our eyes long before we experience with our taste buds. What an excellent presentation. All the cars were borrowed from private owners or museums except the 1936 model 91 Buick which is owned by the Sloan Museum. Cindy Ornstein and Tim Shickles conducted a short thank you presentation and everyone seemed to have a good time. Bob and Bentley Page 31 ARROW AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC SEALED POWER PLASTICOAT SPRAY PAINT (810) 239-3108 2931 E. COURT ST FLINT, MI 48506 “Service is Our Aim” NEW & REBUILT PARTS HOURS MON-FRI 8-5:30 SATURDAY 8-5 FILTERS SHOCK ABSORBERS IGNITION PARTS RELINED BRAKE SHOES & PADS CARBURETORS STARTERS - ALTERNATORS FUEL & WATER PUMPS EXHAUST SYSTEMS SIGNAL STAT LIGHTS WIX Welcome New Members Michael & Carrie Book FILTERS COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE ROTORS & DRUMS TURNED “LET US HELP LOCATE PARTS FOR YOUR BUICK” Linden MI Sponsored by: Denny Manner 1970 Gran Sport 2 Door Mike McNamara 1702 DAVISON ROAD—FLINT, MI Linden MI (2 BLKS WEST OF FRANKLIN AVE.) Sponsored by: Charlie Jones 810-238-9601 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1990 Reatta Convertible INSURANCE CLAIMS HONORED WINDOW GLO GLASS CLEANER AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT GLASS CUT TO PATTERNS FOR ANTIQUE CAR -ALSOSTORM WINDOWS, SCREENS REPAIRED MIRRORS—TABLE TOP GLASS LOIS JENSEN, RETIRED MEMBER: BUICKTOWN CHAPTER, B C A, & BUICK DRIVING ENTHUSIASTS BARRY JENSEN OWNER Bob & Lorene Wilson Grand Blanc, MI Sponsored by: Bob Gorski 2001 LeSabre Page 32 10% Discount for Buicktown Chapter Members with Ad OLD DOBBIN.... READS THESE SIGNS.... EACH DAY.... YOU SEE, HE GETS.... HIS CORN THAT WAY.... BURMA SHAVE I'VE READ.... THESE SIGNS.... SINCE JUST A KID.... NOW THAT I SHAVE.... I'M GLAD I DID.... BURMA SHAVE THE MINUTES.... SOME FOLKS.... SAVE THROUGH SPEED.... THEY NEVER EVEN.... LIVE TO NEED.... BURMA SHAVE Page 33 MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Happy Turkey! Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is nearly here. The months and years just seem to fly by anymore. I have gotten some positive feedback since I began using my "Me and my First Car" snapshot. It’s kinda fun looking back to the simpler times. It's strange how when you were young you wanted to be older and now that you're old you complain that youth is wasted on the young. Go figure. We now have 190 Memberships with 347 members. Renewal time is nearing. Be sure to check that you are paid up for the coming year. Membership applications will be in future CRIERS. Drive Safely, Jim MacLean, Buicktown Membership Chairman Page 34 BACK TO THE BRICKS 2010 Planning for the 2010 ‘Back to the Bricks’ Cruise and Car Show is well underway. The committee has begun to form subcommittees for the various jobs and tasks that come with putting on a show that is five days in length. The dates for the 2010 event will be August 17th through the 21st. Once again, we will be lining up with the ‘Woodward Dream Cruise’. Back by popular demand, we will be kicking off the event with the 2nd Annual ‘Drive In’ movie. We do not know what the film will be but for sure, it will have a lot of car action in it. Look for more details to come in future updates. We are already starting to receive requests from car clubs requesting side street reservations. If you are thinking about it, please visit our website at www.backtothebricks.org for further information. It has been estimated that this year’s ‘Back to the Bricks’ event brought in $10-20 million to the local economy. Jerry Preston, President of the Flint Convention and Visitors Bureau said there was a significant increase in hotel reservations this year with many out of state attendees as well as in state attendees. Vaughn Smith, Chairman for the Burton Chamber of Commerce ‘Back to the Bricks’ activities, said that Burton is already working on their ‘B2B’ activities for 2010. He had also told me that the merchants along the ‘Rolling Cruise’ route in Burton experienced a significant positive impact on their business. Vaugh also related the following story to me. One of the host sites, ‘Trapper Joe’s’, brought in extra help for three nights of the event. One of the waitresses, a single mother of six children, collected more than $600 in tips for the three nights work. It may not sound like much to some of us, but I can tell you with no doubt, the lady was more than pleased. It is little side stories like this, that somehow brings it all together and makes it worthwhile. Hopefully next year she can make $1,000 in tips. It has been suggested that we look into a swap meet and car corral for next year and we would like your feedback. Is this a good idea or what? We do have the space at the U of M’s ‘White Lot’ (located at Saginaw and Robert T. Longway). Let us know what you think. Email your suggestions to: [email protected] and she will make sure the committee reviews them. The last item for this month’s update; please help us get the word out on the new ‘zero tolerance’ rule that will be implemented next year regarding ‘burn outs’. This is something that the ‘Back to the Bricks’ committee has requested that the police departments implement and we don’t want anyone complaining ‘that we did not know anything about it!’ Let’s all of us get the word out and work to continue to have a safe event. Cordially, Al Hatch, Chairman Back to the Bricks Cruise and Car Show Page 35 Abbey Park The weather was cool but the sun was shining and there was no rain and the annual Abbey Park “Classic Buick Day” came off without a hitch. Howard Zimmerman did a great job of pulling together about 14 BuickTown members to display their vehicles to the Abbey Park residents. There were hot dogs and brats as well as soft drinks and Mario from “Timeless Music Productions” doing a lip sync presentation of the oldies but goodies for everyone to enjoy. Many of the Abby Park residents came out to view the cars and reminisce about when there was one just like that one in their family. One elderly gentleman noted that he had one just like one of the cars being displayed but his wife took it away from him. I bet there are two sides to that story. Everyone had a good time and the residents seemed to have a good time inspecting the Classic Buicks. Thanks Howard. Bob and Bentley Page 36 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified Ads are free to members of the Buicktown Chapter and will run for 3 consecutive months unless specified otherwise. Ads must be to the Editor by the 15th of the month prior to the month in which the ad will run. BUICKS FOR SALE 1948 Roadmaster 4 dr sedan real good condition, black, extra parts, $15,000 (989)799-3070 1 1955 Special--2 dr HDTP 264 V-8 Dyna, Nice Clean #3, Runs good, Blue & White, George (810)742-3375 $11,000 or B.O. 1 9 6 2 Special convertible Mint cond, new top, new upholstery & trim, chrome wheels, V8, $7,500 OBO Jerry (810) 653-4364 *** 1 9 6 2 Skylark v i n y l hardtop New interior, original car, new red paint, black int & top, $6,500 OBO Jerry (810) 653-4364 *** 1964 Riviera cream w/ tan interior 41k, in storage 8 years, full power, 465 wildcat engine, good shape needs work, $4000 Dave (810) 691-6814 *** 1972 Electra 225 Custom 4 dr HT 1989 Riviera 2Dr Coupe Sapphire Blue Firemist (two-tone), blue leather and suede Interior, gorgeous $5,500 firm (cash) [email protected] *** 1989 Reatta coupe, zero rust, needs new home, $2500 firm M Callard (810)655-6388 3 1990 Reatta coupe, red & tan, low miles, 2 sets wheels & tires, $6500 Ed (734)676-2493 3 1990 Reatta coupe, red & beige, 64k, $4100 (248)342-0356 2 1990 Reatta coupe, $3500 obo (248)634-2755(810)8699-4148 2 1990 Reatta coupe, Black, red int, wrecked right front, less than 100k miles, no wheels, $1000, [email protected] or call (810)767-2501 for pic or to see ***** 1991 Reatta coupe, black & tan, sun roof, $3500 complete car or part out Bob (810)655-4202 (for your parts needs) 3 1997 Century Limited beautiful and nicely optioned 56k miles $4200 /$4800 w/ new custom rims & tires Ron (810)653-7985 *** BUICK STUFF FOR SALE “BCA Senior Car” Sunburst yellow w/Black vinyl top Green cloth interior, 47k miles, $15,000 Diana (989)743-5347 *** 1983 Riviera convertible white / new top, $8,500 Harry (810) 694-1694 *** 1985 Riviera coupe with 307 v-8. A complete parts car. It was driven into storage. Last chance to secure those parts before China does… Only $500. Roger Tyyska, (810) 636-8450. 2 1970s,80s,90s chassis service manuals (248)634-2755 (810) 8699-4148 2 1 1981 LeSabre new 15" chrome wheel with new royalseal tire Jerry (810) 869-4148 **** 1966 Riviera 425 Eng. QJ Carb to pan, no Exh Manifolds. Turns over w/ wrench. stand & gasket set incl’d Alt & PS brkts incl’d $700 Jim (810)735-1928 ***** 1936 rear axle asm. Incl. brakes & drums $230 Dick Fenton (810)629-3043 3 1979-85 Riviera front end clip. rust free southern sheet metal, only $400. remanufactured 307 v-8 engine, $800, Transmission $200 Roger Tyyska (810)636-8450 2 FOR SALE aluminum ramps pick-up truck Jim (810)736-1578 *** 17 years of Automotive Quarterly (hard cover) magazine approx 70 issues Ron (810)653-7985 ***** 1987 BMW K75 street bike low miles, large windshield optional-comes standard windshield (248)634-9426 *** Scottsman automatic ice maker 50 pound capacity clear cube white cabinet $325 John (248)628-8787 *** Steel wheel gantry crane w/ C-M trolley rated at 1 ton each, 9’6” overall height, 7’3” inside width, $100 J P Lucky (810)6593529 *** Metal folding picnic table, good shape, $20 Bill (810)694-3281 2 WANTED 14” x 7” for show car, nice condition (chrome or other) Dave evenings (810)767-9465 3 1930-1950 sedan delivery Bob Hadley (989)799-1233 *** 1994-1996 Buick Estate Wagon Harry (810)694-1694 *** 1995 to 1999 Riviera seven spoke chrome wheel Must be free of corrosion at the surface where the tire seals to the rim. Need one now and will buy four if available. Roger Tyyska. (810) 636-8450 1 1968 full size Buick wiper uransmission and arms David (810)513-0377 2 Edlebrock 850 cfm carb vacuum and secondary Jerry (810)6594664 2 1931 Buick 86 series outside doorhandles and rear bumper (2 bars) Charles SeKrenes (810)742-0318 2 FOR RENT Grand Blanc Furnished Studio Apt, AC, TV, Utilities paid, carport, (810)694-8454 2 Page 37 Page 38 Spare Parts Boy, talk about bad timing. No sooner do I take up the cause of not having an events chairperson in last month’s Spare Parts column and I find out that Howard Zimmerman has stepped forward and volunteered to fill this position. Congratulations Howard and thank you for filling this very important office and successfully sponsoring the Abbey Park and Patsy Lou events. OK everyone who thinks we have had a “bummer of a summer” line up over there and all those, like me, that think we have had a great summer not having to run the air conditioner line up on the other side. Now don’t talk to each other because neither of these groups are going to change the others minds and besides that it doesn’t make any difference and there is nothing any of us can do about it. Sure I miss the prolific tomato crops that didn’t happen because of the cool weather but I can find all the fresh fruits and vegetables I want at the Flint Farmer’s Market (the most loved Farmer’s Market in the country) and I don’t have to worry about the weeds and bugs. My feeling is I am cooped up long enough in winter I don’t like being cooped up in summer too while the air conditioning is running. On page 32 of the September Buick Bugle Helen V. Hutchins does a book review on two recent books relating to GM design and styling. “Driving Style, The Art and Colour of General Motors” is broken into several segments written by different essayists. The seventh segment “New Challenges in the Post-oil Crisis Era” is authored by BuickTown member Larry Gustin. What a great Christmas present to get a copy of this book, have Larry personalize it, and give to your Buick aficionado on Christmas morning. That’s all for now. Bob and Bentley - Assistant Editors Page 39 Car Guys Garage welcomes do-it-yourself car gals, too Excerpts from a 2005 Flint Journal article by James M. Miller Mike Lown owns the Car Guys Garage, a car storage facility and workshop in Mt. Morris Township. The facility offers a car lift so patrons can work on their cars as well as store them there It's obvious: The new Car Guys Garage is a garage for car guys. But it is for women, too, the owner says. Mike Lown of Walled Lake has opened the business at 5190 Clio Road in a building that once served as the used-car office for a Buick dealership. Car Guys Garage has a hoist and other equipment that can be rented by the hour or by the day so customers can work on their own cars. Lown said he also has a wire welder, arc welder, torches and a drill press available for customers to use. "Women can be 'car guys,' too," Lown said. "It was my wife that suggested the name." He said Car Guys Garage will store cars for customers, and has room for about 45 cars. Lown said he also will take cars for sale on consignment, and plans to sell vehicles and project cars. After he bought the building, Lown said, he was talking with a neighbor who said, "I'd like to rent a little shop in there." That gave him the idea to set up a work area to rent to car guys who don't have their own shop. The Mt. Morris Township business has a 3,000-square-foot showroom and a 7,000-square-foot area used for vehicle storage and a work area. The Car Guys Garage is located at 5190 Clio Road in Mt. Morris Township. . Details: (810) 787-4181. Remember to patronize our advertisers Page 40 B&B BOAT COMPANY 3472 N. GENESEE RD. FLINT, MI 48506 1/4 MILE N. OF RICHFIELD RD. 810 736-4110 OPEN 6 DAYS ARCTIC CAT MON-FRI 9:30 - 5:30 EVINRUDE SAT 9:30 - 12:30 MerCruiser SALES SERVICE PARTS RINKER POWER BOATS CLASSIC CAR STORAGE Clean and Safe 24 hour alarm Easy entry and exit Accessible to expressways $40 per Month On site management by TERRY HANSON BCA # 05897 2540 South Grand Traverse Flint, MI 48503 (810) 767-2500 (Office) (810) 423-3330 (Cell) HEATED SHOWROOM Thanks for visiting The Hot Dog Stand! Home of the “Original” Red Sauce Hot Dog Stand Coupon Purchase 6 or more of any of our delicious hotdogs and receive a free 1/2 gallon of Rootbeer. Not valid on Tuesdays or with other specials Expires 12/21/2008 Hot Dog Stand Coupon Enjoy a Hot Dog featuring our Original Red Sauce. Only $1.00 Valid only on hot dogs. Expires 12/21/2008 What is the history of the “Original Red Sauce”? My grandparent’s Ellsworth and Aileen Moore were involved in the A&W business when they came to Flint in 1935 and opened the city’s first A&W. My Grandfather had never cared for the taste of ketchup, so my Grandmother came up with a homemade ketchup recipe better suited to his taste. It has been used ever since in our restaurants. My Grandfather and Father in 1964 built the Hot Dog Stand in Grand Blanc that my family currently operates. Our family also had the A&W in downtown Flint, on Beech Street, that was in our family for over 50 years. The A&W name may be gone, but our restaurant still uses the original recipe that has been in our family businesses for the last 70 years. The “Original Red Sauce” is only available at the Hot Dog Stand in Grand Blanc. - Rhonda Moore Tuesdays are Coney Days only $1.19 each Open March 1– December 23 ~ The Hot Dog Stand ~ 11338 S. Saginaw St.. Grand Blanc, MI ~ 810.695.7597. Page 41 Page 42 BUICK NEWS Buick Takes Another Look at Premium Small-Car Market With Action Avant Concept After years of avoiding the competition that exists in the premium small-car market, Buick has decided to take another look at it -- and some of the innovations the brand's designers have come up with are very impressive. The vehicle pictured here is the Buick Action Avant, and as best we can tell it exists principally in artists' renderings. No problem, because it's very clear to see a designer's work this way, especially when it's conveyed in a publicly accessible video. We strongly encourage you to check it out. If you do, you'll be able to see some of the nifty innovations Buick designers have come up with recently. They include: A luggage porter that consists of automated trays or arms that extend luggage to you, rather than requiring you to reach into the vehicle to get it. A "smart door" that recognizes when you've pulled into a tight parking space and automatically slides forward to facilitate exiting. And, seats and other components that move sideways (inward and outward) to maximize occupant space depending on how many people are in the vehicle. The video's narrator says "this is a small, very premium vehicle, somewhat coupe-like, for city driving." That it is. But it's also a showcase of GM innovation and a Buick a normal person could easily get excited about. If the Action Avant is an indication of what Buick intends to take to the premium small-car market, we would not be surprised if it thrived there -- if the brand's reliability and fuel economy are on par with the attention this concept gives to customer needs Page 43 BUICKTOWN 5925 STATE ST SAGINAW 989 497-4444 TOLL FREE 1 888 GOGARBER www.gogarber.com BUICK’S ARE BACK AT PATSY LOU BUICK SHOWROOM S SAGINAW ST GRAND BLANC 810 694 5600 TOLL FREE 1 888 493 8956 www.alserra.com Joe Talbitz’s 1972 Skylark GS Convertible 8700 MAIN ST BIRCH RUN 810 742-7650 TOLL FREE 1 800 856 4400 www.suskiusa.com I-69 & M-15 DAVISON 810 653-1000 TOLL FREE 1 800 WALDRON www.jimwaldron.com G5511 CORUNNA RD FLINT 810 732 7500 TOLL FREE 1 800 362 5246 www.patsylou.com Bob and Nancy Gorski’s 1967 Skylark Convertible Harry and Shirley Abbott’s 1985 Riviera Convertible Buicktown Chapter, B.C.A. Robert John Gorski, Editor 1337 Peachwood Drive Flint, Michigan 48507-5629 USA PRESORTED STANDARD U. S. POSTAGE PAID FLINT MI PERMIT NO. 172
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