DISCUSSION A$C'USSIAJ{ All 6p!or Amilis produe p€ll€6, esllg'Lrcd in rh€ ftm of oblong m6s of lll. ud's6Ed @npona.r of rh. brd! lood, Gualty annn,ns of fur, bonB, ctas, hliE sd 1eefi but owl p.ll€ts ue chdacr.riz€d by s@ivlt ot nigher Foponion of skclet l e Fn tuteri.l the pelLts B e prod@ed by othcr prcdab^ (boih @6id.r.d to pnvid. avie and nmdalia,), noE ohptd€ $npl€ ofrnc l@l &uD (Mayh.w, l9mi Lyn@, l94i Teiy, 2OO4) RetuE of stutl d llo$Eq 1938; Ardes, n1!mb ihe D.ll€B &re iddrifid obiely fron ctuial pads (D.vis, l g38t FdnzEb ed r.udftlayd, I982i Bsler, l9t6j l9l, Fll€6 @ fom.d h@e a @o* 1977j 'r Ren. .r da, 2O1l) rn rh. sboactr. owt pybnc opoing n@ lne 6uee *Dhasc pbhibis hrge psnicl6 toMd the iEid. of tnc inrerinei rhe ddiseied ml4i.l t6v€ls b&k up to ih. esopnaes..d is exFued s a peu.1(B€n! 196r; Eoftne, t988: Andr.s, 1990). Pr6at stlrdi*, ds @.60 $ar bd. owt! p.ltaE @s'st d of bon6, tur, cb*, nci6, st€l.ral ml€ i.l! etc. lveng€ nunbs of piey ps pellet w.re I -3 In loiol, th. pr€y mr.rials included; rars/n'c., bnds, br&, inse.1 naldnal .rc w.e idatif.d @irly fton th. sldttj h pt€st shdi6 cSugilrt€! Flt€b of rhe of bam o*t w€re obsded ro bc ov.l, rundcd, Ed&g!l&, cylindnd dd iftgult in $rpe dd bb.k tlght browist\ drlt btoMish, g@rish bl&L ash m @toui Bm owl petleE vary from n4 ofs rhumb.roit lo th.i of . *trol€ dumb Tley e noisr dd btact wh€o A6h ro dry [email protected] rhey beone h{d in .!od s eL, rbrt s6y rhdl six no ls e.t b€*u lo @nbb lna 'n aboul lMlve nonfis (Wilson, 1938, Msn. r940: Bovd and Shriner l9s4 NeleaatMn, 1994; Lynm aod Lytur, 2OO3r Shehab, 2OOt) The lypicd pe .t of rhis owl is oblong dd namst .yli.d.icrl in shap. (Witsm, t938) elorgar.d, DISCUSSION P.lLr W.thr rd sbr: pllgt srldi* lnc .re.8. dg. of Oe Flld! wish! lsElh od widd m ob6d.d io b.0 2-9 0 g 0.8-8.28 m &d 0 5l -5 18 nm rapetively sll srudy !!6 'n b the p@io$ly @rd€d, rhe nsurendF of b6ft owl's pell€L, w.3'x l,' i e..76 Duing nd x t 25 m (Elioq l9l2) Dd 25 r 50 M (Bmon, l9?3). The rrTsl Fllcr of bm 6d n@wly cylindricil 5 io 6 o loe by I 5 od in diuci.r ed av€Dse owl Fllct ,ia 50 x 3l nn (wileon, 1918) Avesac of ?.6 g in wisnr of p.lLr wilh . ong. or3ll g s found in HmFhne CMty, I,tal$hc.ns (Boyd ud Shni€( l9!) Avefrse owlFllei sia 53 m x 3o m m @orded (w.tha, 1948) At oql oblong 6v.d9.6.3 dry w€ignr ofpetl€i md sre68c p.lter size 8 10 be J 6 co x 3 8 cm x 2 4 cn s [email protected] (Gb$ ud Thies, r99?). In cdEdl cotlnbia, cMv of 3o!r[4€m W8hirgioD State siz. of pelet ws nored 5-6 @ lolg 2 5-3 cd dnereE (Wileq 1933j Mon, l9,Oi LFan &d Llmn. 2OO3) t rhe sud-@nal iot.rior of Brifth ColMbi!. rh. dinosiore ofpeu.rs tuged f@m 22.73 nm loi8, I1.44 nm wi<t€ w,. @rd.d (ve Dtue ed Nyhoe 2oo4) rn Califonio, l-2" pelleE @nraining udigdr.d bon6, t*tll and ftr w€rc documat d (Ev.is ed Ehlen, t947r hg.k, l95a) In $ulhm Stdia 1he b6m wl pelldr *@ ddurld s 18,12 m in diamae $d 30-6? m w. in lagd (Sheha\ 2m5) m Tne rv.Ege l@slh, width ed dry wishr ofrh€ g BperrveD (N€ddeyim, t94). Awog. dintuis of pc .6 of bm owl @ SO | 27 x 22 Fu€ts m (Mlroh in ! Sahelie 37911099 259rnm m md 3.76a0.1? p€ll*l6gd 47 m ed 3] oh widd, EE @ded ago-esy3teh (Ctujd ud Tsore 2OO?). Tne av.mse legh! Mdlh &d 1983) TXe !rcEg. wight of dry pelloE wc 37.4+9.1 om, 24 7+5 4 mm Md I 34ar 24 g i€lpetiEty (S€nh.nrlaishne e,ar, 20to) pGat w dlsrd Brg dils@tins toob, every pi@ of bone s cseftUy sp@ted {tdkinS sp€.i.I .{r wib the In 3kul) snidi.s, @h Flla e.t.d in r.t Mrcr for 2-5 nos, t rd sd @hd pirh HydDgh s.pBt d. PelLr @nrats w p€rexilq lhe hai6, tur, fe.thm 6nd d.tns wre tuin d ifltMdurlty wid ln€ h€tp of lidrrc ud af.ena @lletids, ihe Mc identified wh€dcr lhey belong 10 ffids, bids, DISCUSSION p€r pell€t 1.4 B cpril6, mphibitu or ia6r !!miB. Th€ rdbd oa pey 'l.tu @rd.d. lellcls rcc dir€Ld aing ltard&d ldnniqus (Y!l&r, l97r KoBcngs. 1980; F.&d€t md lrddsklys. 1982; Mdti, 198?; Anr er al., 1997; Obucl\ 2001) fte oeueB w6 soakcd in wl.l u.ril $t for sev€al hous md $d di$6ied io t pelle out boid (Ch* od Wis€, 1974j Yom-Tov dd w@1, 1994 Tnc dissetd pcllea w€ qr.d in tap wt.r (Lekuz e, al. 20olr B€grll, 2005; Snehab, 2005i Ro.la ., al., 201 | ). The boffi w@ cudicd und6 a @gliryins ele ed rh. low poc oft dtu&tirg hicG@p€ (Fry, l98lr Hind€ll, 19€81 Yrlden. 1994) In u 8% solutioi of So{tiun Hydroxid€ p.llec of bam owl wc inrcF.d lo.6 h ro selsdt th. rosd dd dn$lve ln. h.nq turfanh€r mtri; dd slan tasn€nts an€r thar eE dn.d in P.ri di.t6 od slb3.quddy Mined wirh a low pomr sie@-micu@pe for sp€i6 idanifotim wnn rEys (lt{.sd e, aa, l97oi claBi l9?l; Blll dd Atooa 1985t Cs.d@2, 2007i Cnnjoo and TnoF, 200?) Bam owl pclleB &ys dd bota u9 by hod, od hdd psrrs de most w4 drCd .r 60"C for 2-3 6ily qtrded by Faijrg sodi@ hydoxide solution, rtrich di$olv6 hriu and fatn€6 (Desn, 1978) wirh Bm owl Fuet' @c pbc.d ir dD ovo at ?ooc 61 24 h6 ro kitt lhe socin€d rdhEDod poait* ud ealyz€d in 8% sodim hydroxid. $lulion &d ihe osiooB e6.iB eE qrctully der.d (NclDaEyed, t 994; Smthdlknrh@ ., al, 2Ot O). Irlc dis€d.d Fllels 1@ 66l pr@e$€d in lhe etutio. ol NaOH and fid w6hal i. Mrs Mmdliln jas Md diagnosric rc@ins ofoli.r aninah wd sepaar.d for subs.qu€hr dlt€milari@ (Obud\ 200D. h lufi soary Mla eguqiur.d peuc6 kr. $a!€d io l4e.!6d and .ll prey rm.i.s .lded ud laid sido for id€nrifidio of 3tulls and low jlw bo6 D ilo h&d t6 (K@G, 2OO9) Eeh of rh€ rctt6 B dd ib nlgheo$ wE logeg .d with th€ h.lp ofthe for.€ps and ieedla (Khd brcLd ./ zl. €r.. lsing 1994) Th. nunb.r ofprct Ds rEtter 3.Oi ps p€lL! (Besall, 2005), 1943) e E r@ded (Witsn, t933), I 24 p,.ys av€fts€ of2.8 (Boyd md Shri.er, 1954) s.d 2.? (\vall&e, dituls eE r@Eed nubs in lh€ b6m owl t U€r. In a S{ll€td.grcesr&m, rie h6 of pcy individude pcr D.lLr mg.d Ll4 io 1.92 Gtobal = 1.53) r@rded (Cnnjo and TEorc, 2m4 Th€ numbs of pr€y nens Fr p.tld ot b6n owl w Eied fioo ln6 with @ ov@ll m@ of 13? prcy p.r pett.i @ obsed (Smtnan krishm eral, 2010) DTSCUSSION ImDo.t rc ofP.[.t Aotyrl|: b.s osl, ryr, atbu (S@poli, l?69) di, b widly Min.d rhr@g!@i de sdd b6."e of then 6@Fliiin dbribltion RcuiE of lbiqu'los strEll odtulsin rhe bm osl sdhered p.Uers Me idaifed chi.,lt frcm @ial pa.ls (Davis, 19331 'nE IrEdeb ed LudedLyq, r 982; Bal.r, I99l I sch€ibl.r and Chnsbq 2007) The bqn b6t sp@i6 appDprilt€ for Fll.t balrsE dd 6e ro d.lt56, b@Ne n is 6 ndhod dlat perf4tly retlEs! *r'.t bsm owl @6me dd give new dar. @ 0'. owl is de of the sp*i6 @positid ofa tdnicul.r.rc., Md v.gdan@, ed oo popuhtion leslures in ebnon to bio-cli@te boSeographic infomation (Eningloh, 1912, Glading er o/, 1943i al, 199?; B€locq, 2000) ed aE satid !o iddtiry dqry p.tlE droud toph'c *eb od to und€Brdd how srec'€ divi{ie food @uG lurdmoF, bDwLdgc of roPhic @logy is ir&nolll 1o ud61!ld C.ding sntl.gi6 G.l-tiE lrd opponnitic bdwious) dd nch. dyndc (B.llo.q, 2ooo). nlc pcllct.mlysis hs pbr€d flnlv uenil r tnowing lh€ Rlcaasb sd RlpFcni, 1974r Trylor, l94i Amt ?t h$iF of rh. o*ls s Ell s lhc oaMe oa d'fer€nl tmll $'mals innabi'3 bo$ l!. b€osDh.c &d is ad.pkd wU io th. snbEopitl dd tenpet re d* ofrhe Fdd (xno €, dt, 1994). Th. id.diliabl. sk l.ral lEmins of ihe prev it€@ 6n t' food povid.d trry inporhnt infomlrion bcc.6. th.F pr.dltoG hlbitl.llv ot h snall ndnalr which &€ ely qptuEd by clsic t€ppio8 nethods (Dovs €r al l99r) w. Nppl.mdl€d wih infodlion oh{n€d from re8lrsitdted pell'ts of bd owl (Pm!14, 1954) Pr€y onsuDad bv livinS bad owls hs b.d ued to di@$ cu@nl looal fau.a of small madmls (Jaksid el 4r, l98l ) As pr€ddor nod€ls in sto@h &rlys6 stldid of onnuit @logy,8plo6 b!v. b.bitu.llv bd 6ed (laksia 1935iMlri tl al, 193) P€llet e.lys6 h!v. prclidld subsllntial dd! o. lhe nat@l hislorv ot tbe baF owl. Diet sbdies @ p@vid. U. foundaton for addtrcial in!6tigatio6 b6'd6 erslo@ of cdLrn pily sp4i.s within $e owl\ 6'gei its calab'l'lv lo take sld prey, &d rahriw $udA@ of pev tF 6 ii de o*l! diel (Colvi4 1984), pteddorFey inl.actroN (Otkni .t al, 197\ L'oni' l9?4) 4d lhe N of owls s d@natng the biolosi€l onltol lg.nts oalon. l98O) P.ll.t ea!66 ltl* prcvid'd $b6brtd &ra utril hislory ofd. bts owl (Colvin od Mct6, 1986) Amlvsis ofbd oqn di€{ d Drovide inforuijon oi dt. .ilabilitv of snall ftmtr'.j pev sp@6 b a o ||.tc DISCUSSION F lr@br .t4 .H *,ia fa p.U.a @ auiL6l. (Cmloli al, 1978; 86. and dvtronftdlal fe1o6 (Sp z, l98l ) By $. b.n Nb reguraitlt d f6sili2.d @6Ddio pEy t@irs hN. b€r N€d io pdentologi@l shdi6, mkins n pGsiblo to @nprehcnd iho @lo!} dd C{itbli, 2001). 95% oi rh. vebbiliry in oopGition ofati.cl snall Duing the sludy pqiod w irs di.l s, is du. to li|fual 6mnuni6 (Catillo .r aa, 20ol ) @lle1ed 1,831 regulgirdd pell.B f@m tMt one difr€F r d.lyz.d lo 2603 diftmt pcy ir@! qhich inctudq nvmie, 'rog.i4 sl'4, birds, ba$, iisct rwins, planl @tcdal etc. V.ry lidl€ i.fom6rio. is sv.il.bl. on e.lrsis of b.m owl pcy i. Pal'slln S1udi6 6i€d our Lo*.r Sindn, Patislln, sbdy sn6 &d indiere 337 p.llets wirh 437 pEy il.ns (Kn& .r dl , 1994). 'n L CdtBt tunjab, 2413 pret n€c F@ daet d out of | 694 esurg,bLd Flle6 (M.hn@d-ul-Hstu er al, 2ooo) dd 2360 bln o*l p.lle8 w@ olcur:ted wi$ 3354 Pray ire@ (Mlllnood-ul-H8s e, ur., 200?a). In Cij.4 603 p.ll.rs wirh 654 pr.y ire6 wrc obsdcd (Mlshi'4-ulH8M er al, 2004) h B.lochLran, 463 bo owt p.lter wilh 492 rrey ii€m were siudidd (Muhbq-ulHae e, ar, 2007). Sihite to p.tl€r an.llsB of bm ost *veat srdi6 bwC ben 6ied out i! nmdoB a@ rltroudod ib gosEphic tugc in rh. world. In Ao Arbor, Michigan, 6 | 9 p.llds wG found @nr.i.i.g I ,888 skutts (\vit3o4 1938). tn OLLiooa, 880 foo<t iteG reE Eordcd lion 251 p€ll.ts (Bsungartls &d Bcwg!fi€( 1944) h Hrnpshne Counq l'4.ss.cl6.tts,28 b.m owt pelte$ wilh 78 ites *@ @.d.d (Boyd ud Sl\riiea 1954) L Nodr*tcm Orcson. 2513 p@y n€m were obsfl.d in ovd 825 pell€b (Bull and Akdeoa l98J). ln southen Chil., 531 vdr|b4& prcrs lr@ dMiotcd our of302 b&a owl pends (lrian aal..I90) 335 pEy p€11.l3 Tdil @ntiining 49 individuol F€y nens weG id6ntified in Mryihdlthuhi, du (Nela'myau, 1994). In N€g* d6.( bnel,414 stutt nmdb ee found in 256 Dell€B (Yom-Tov ard Wool, 1997) In nonnm lialy, 1266 D€lt.t, wid it ns we @o8.iz€d (BGe a.d Cflidlli, 20Ot) t a @srd sn of solthw6Ln Mauntdnia, 212 individuds of sn.U n.n@b ke id€ntficd in 150 p.ll.ts (G@jor .r dL, 2002). 316 p.tl€as @ni.in.d 106l individul pEy iEns i. sourhm EnSl&d, UK. (Boid eral, 2004) In Ce.l6t G€ee, 420 Dcl|€b w h l.l)lj g* id.f,riG€d (B.nbod6 e/ zl, 2005) In Atgdtii. patago.d, t 145 prry pEy 'c@ 4455 pr.y DISCUSSION irans lr@ idodfed &on pers rc 2mt 638 bb owl p.ll.B (Irgo d, ai , 2005) ln cdral Chil', 689 st].lied fron 55? bm owl p.ll.b, cu|nng in I 24 pGts Ps p'll€t (B'sall r84 pol.8 yield.d 40? i.dividud pevs *@ foud i! Sou6'n Svrit (sh'hb, vi.ld.d 545 pEv i'dividult v4 !@rd€<t (Gejon sd Truc,2oO?) Olr of 415 p€tleE of b@ owl i' 249 @ll4led during rne Bitry !.en $d 166 @ll6cd duing the drv s*o' 2800 2OO5I In ! SslElid tsb.g$r!|.n,4ol bm osl peUets Mc idd66ed in suthNien Mldag!3r (RMA dd CnodnM, 2OOt). ln th. tods Vlucv, IsEel, olt of 506 p.U€b 3 't44 Fcv nrns wE stu{,i.d (Ch.nd er al, 2oo9) In Maduoi Dbt.ct, Tanil Nadu, southeh w€ id.ntiff.d from 3,1 13 ban owl peU€rs (Sdthaoaknehnan dt Indi., 4,295 pr.y 'tems dl . 2ol o) In cdtr.l Bmzil, ou1 of 286 pcll.ls. 225 verlbEte p@vs w4 teordd v.rt bftre dd 225 iNerlehEl pr.t it ms Pftr SF.ie h lte Brd Oin't P.ll.rr Ii $e DrMt study, cldo (| I ) pEy 3pei6 \@ found in the di€r of bam owl whrch lft4tivoa a.d Chnoprea): tutdEmoe birds D3el cMirs, plad nirai.l .tc. Thc Od.r Rodcnti: @nralned Fdilv Muidaq k$.r Hddwick l 813). Bddicoor Rat o, Ind&r Mol. Rt BaNli@ta bettsalmit (Cn! ^d Short-Tailed Mole Rr! Nno&4 td'@ (Cny ed lltrd*icte, 1832) [email protected] n Hous Rlr llatt r Enlr Oinl].@, I ?58), Hous€ Mos. Mtt t6dl,r (Lino4s, I 758) ed b.torsins to 3 ord.$ (Rod6to. Sot- Fwed li€ld RltMttldldit tdlrda hdi^n Cgtbil Tdten imlia (Htdwicke, Ord6 lns.atiloro, Fdily (Gay, 183?) The Subbnilv Gqbilljnei Th. 180?) *.e iddtifi€d Soricid&; Ho$e Sht€w S,ndr Shtes belonsmg u!,tb to lh' (Lin.a€us, l?66)' Sh@,t ndd rblist trt (Andeuon!, l8??) sd Comon White'Toofi€d Stuw CwAurc tu$ula (l'(]'rui, ITEO).nd btl! belo.ging to Otdd Chiopl@, Subordd Mlcmchnoolera, Imit Ehh6lloiuid!€, Shatn_Taild B^ T.Ahdots sp (G.!ftox 1818) dd Fmily vdp€n!lio.id!.; Hdpnch\ bngeE{ed Bat oto'r4rst'r ,errrirrit (P€r6, 1s59) qw @rd.d whil. orhd 3tudi6 sucl s Mtnoood'lf I{ls@ €r at (2OOO) 6o..dcd tw.lv€ spei6 of sntll Mrds dd M sp€i.! or shr* in 6e pclLrs ofb6m Nl in C6!d Punjcb (P.li$ar) sevo sp@i6 ofs' ll @n@ls w @rded in GojF (Mlshi4-uuLss et 4/, 2007) Eighl sp€i.s of r6/nic, M spei6 of shrGE ,nd onc sr.ci* of4liml rce foDtd in Oe p.lle$ of Andeuonb Drsc!ssIoN cdlrll Puj.h, b6n o$l in P.risitn (Mlnnood'ulgas .t dl , 2007b) Sn sPei6 or we r.@ve@d in B.luchiltan, Pdlistin (Mushraq-ul'Hsd t' at, 2OO?) h d& wrl4 sad sr.ll nmnds w@ r€Pond in okbhoM (B$ms'rtrd Dd B.mgn'l6, l9l4) Twlv. p.ey sp€ie with mediun b smll odents wd n6/mi@ b'o docuneit d in Califonit (Fit \ le4?) Elwd sp..i6 of bsts w@ round in ihe oei'r di.t (Pi.D.r, 19?6). Nile spei6 of nMtule wrc !@ulcd i! Cur'olh l)@ and B6h, l98o) TMlvc sp4ies of t€"stid stull mnmrs ME @rd.d in @|l!l Cnib (H€l@ rtd Jalisic, 1980) Four Em'Bl 3peB w'E as2) Twtv on' smll mmmtl dmundted AnzoM (Ft!l6b Md t uddttFr. I 'n l 986) sp.ci6 we id€ntili.d i. the d'et of ban owl ii Ohio (C'l!ii rd Mctsn TMty limdliD sp*i6 (1? mtvc maltfuls sd $rc' ntrduc'd Mundt *E @ick oboded in *d Tds Gutf Cctil rcd in MaviLdutnuBi sp6i6 {@ Plain TM sho$rcd in N.eev' (B*er, nadu lsEl l9l ) Six speci* of sndl (N4ldrvda41994) (Yon_Tov Dd Wool' nmtn's F@ FivesdlllM hd l9?) Sdd rcddl sp@'6 ArsddB (B.llocq, 1998) T'n msnnalEn 3p@ sp'ci6 and 2l nonh6lm Gn4 (Alvn4o6 dd Coulld, 199) Ninerd i&ntdabl' nMn.lie prev eG rc@rd in d€ brh oelS di'l in Neb6t' ftF stare<t ii epnm @bpn5iig (Hu.b.h.@ ., aa. Nisdid ssnn' lix soall nMsls spdi's (92 2%) 94 I r% @!d'd @$irr of rod6t3 ?6d,6, im.(ii@r6 r23% &d chioprdd In a c@ul (rkunk?/a/ 2OOl I Ten speca or rod€nb sd lw sh rc* wc'e enrmtEd 2Oo2) El€!" sNll ndml spec6 d site of soulhw6ted Maurit!.s {cn&Jot ' 'l &d Alivianos' 2003) Sevd r'<lcni (Gouts o Cn*4 noflhast in wE disov€'.d er al 2OO4) A total of lO snall soeci* wG found in Bsj. Califomia (Alvda'Ca$'n& Mnml sp@i6 2OOo) we Ii lhe discovded in souih'm Engltrl UK (B'nn al li '2004\' 4' o/ Comt ctre-c, Ml\€ 3@ll rommlEn 'p'ci6 we d'nsfied tBon@dd sp$i$ Me @osniad' of stich l0 wde 2oo5). Ii Cent l Chile, trclve nmml mnmls in thc Eros of (Begall, 2OO5). In Ol!e, al l6t l0 sp'ci6 oddl5 'm'lt €ighl in Mt Hvnenns e'gnt D.lti. 6ve ,D.cics in ?ono Llsos, *v'n sp€cies in Poude' Islmd r@ foud in rpdi6 in Avlo6,lh@ sp46 of sodl ndflb in Antikllnd (12 2oo5) Di'r ofbd owls includ'd 22 sen'r the $€ bd owl's did (Ativianos er .snuls, 30 sdd 6 btds, {l I od 'l 4 adhropodt geneo), 'l$nltt 4 bi'ds, sd diel ofMagellanic hom'd owls iocluded a"d l5 tnhroPo& 8o'n) w€t€ rt!s'n&d in At ltllne Drsc!ssIoN Patrsoii! (TEjo er ar, 2005) Prey ilem r€pr.&nt d €dhr 3p@ies of od.nts, 'n sourhd Sri. (Sh.bb, 2oot). sn sp€i6 of b.ts we rcponcd in Boeil (Eslti+ TAlls Md P6s6!, 2OO5) S*en odc.t spdi6 bclonsng to 3 &rili6 (Mund!. &d SDal&id!.) wF id€ndfi.d in Nonh.m Svria (Shebab and Al Chdabi, *4 @rd.d (NeLlmttMt\ 200?) 2006) ir Indi\ sir sp*i6 of soall 't|lttlmls s.vd nomliu s!.o6 we i*ord.d in nonh Endod (Arkcw er al , 2007) Fouried mlnrd sp4is wE [email protected] by bd owlt (eloding bats) in sourh@ Bstl (Scheibhr dd Chnsnlfr' 2oo7). Iiv. !p@i6 of rod€nrs (EGJnie) P* pMt'd in sdl€lia Cdcetid.e ' lgio-.erysten (Gsnjon sd Tee,2OO7).lt ilE Jot&n Vall'v b@1. six mdmol'an @otded (chans al, 2009) II M!d@' sp.ci6 6dpri!.d 8l .8.96 6% of .ll pFv 6 " Dist'c! T@il Nadu So hd hdit' ne sp.ci6 of nb/mi@ *G r@tded (Smth4lriish@ et 4t, 2OlO). In Cdtnl Bar@il' nne rod€nl's spec'€s w'e found cl4rlv strtie 6ndud.d on lh. did of bsn owl lh€ world ovd including or studv lMl fauna dd $' v'naro' In d€nodrate th. vuerv of di6r pref.e@ of fi. '!rl!io Foo.l Pnf.M.6 it Btd Oin'r Di.ll L th. !r6dt srudy, BEr'nic. $e hund to be bm osl dreuglout the sddv pdod BesrdB prcttv @nnon prcv im of in th€ diet shr's otrds rn!{is baB nmb6 Cd'Ar in mphib'd s wtl 6 phnr @rqial $a also found ro {).d Sood doninlled pellcl Ftui$ of tha ubiqu'tous Milladid nelbda sd MB tuusc'tus h th€ pt'!€nt invostgation stull @lldtion fron dl snldv dd in rh. pG'n ts@h wc foud $ a tujo' pEv itqs in thc di't of b6n od Sinils obsdarions a v'aet) ol mrimls i.di@ted th.t sn4lt mnmls Pstbbt (Khs (6rs/6ioe) appor is a ar' 1994) prcv i|ens of b'm owh min in cef,tdl Punjab (M!shtaq_!l'thss' $ ol 't doniMr thc *q! shilc shrcs 2@4I i!Blt@hi a! (Mshitq_uUrsstn er ai ,2oo?)' ar' (Mahnood_uLtbsss' 2oo4; Mthn@d'ul-Ha$tn et LoM food Sindh, nd, 2007.), in *dtal d Sourhm €r ?unjab PDrlsb (N zn6 't al 21l2r r breushout the owt h've snr{li6 bsed on the di.t ofrhe @nnon bM lor s@U mnmls is w€ll knosi in Msric bM wld onduct€d dd iB Dun@6 pEfeEse l'ng lsldd lD'vid a'd Nichols' 1935)' n DISCUSSION T.s (Coy.r .r al. l98l), in Ati4M (FM€! dd t&d@st"€r' 1932), in (N..1&6ttM, 1994), in loulh'd Chile (lriltre 'r ar' lslsd, (Diclnu d, al, l9la; l99lb) in Califomi' 0rs€15 M.yiLddnuai! Tmiln du lgOI in Boullsngd N.btuka Gruab6chtu, dr ar, 2ooo). in A4entie (B€llo'q 2000), in ine Ng@d svens (L€totra .r al, 2ool ), i. Cuac& (D.brot " a', 2001 I n no' i6r'n GF* (G.utts dd Aliviatos, 2OO3), in fic Ncg€v D.s.n (Toe and Yoe_Tov, 2001), in rhe soltn-oatll intedor of Bdtish Coluobid ryan Dadfre a'd Nvhoi 2004)' i' l95a), ii southm England, 2oo4), il B@il u.K (Bood e/ 41, 2oo4), iD Bda califomia (Nvue'csttnd' et 4t i' califomia onsels, 199tu: in A4.nti.. PaLSonia Gt€Jo d ar' 2005) $ ([email protected]€_TaBEs Md P*sOa, 2oot), I99sbl i. soulhm Srria (Sh.h.b, 2OO5), Cjlla (Glue, 1971; Cmpb.ll .t al,.198?r Yon'Tov &d wool, 199?; Gorbq dd Aliviz.to! 2OO3: Bonrzorlot .l a!.2@5', Alili2^Ds .t ol 20051 2006), in North'm slri! (Snehlb dd Al Chebi, 2006) in M.viLdulhld, Indi! (Nel&@vd'4 200?)' in sih6leh M!d.8!ts (Rso@ dd CedtM 2oo?) in ' $n€!6n 8se ds)$d (Ctujo ud 1m@, 2OOt), i. Mrd@i Disrric! Td'l Nadu Soutnen Ld'! (S!nhd&irh@ e, ar, 2Ol0), in Nonh.m Ubn (M!ni 2010) dd in Catrar B@'l Eochr ?r al, 2ol l) sdll n@uli wc fould s s tuh fMd iiem in rhe di€i of bd ! speialnt hutd, bld owtt d. ptni@ldlv r.list on sndl nl,md popobids A Yorl Cily Lrse pde.r!g. ofneado{ nicc in di.t of bm owl wq' iddlili'd in New (D€vd dd N'chols. lal5) Populltons of oddb mdnlv colion Bb werc hrgh As r' oktanom (3s@saflnr md Blum!,rrfl6r, 1944) R4b aF clrylv $e dom'ndt 'Ltu i' the pellea of bm Banaro (B!den, l9?4). ft. hirh prcpoftion ol n4dow lole found owl in Nortn And@ {Pdson sd Pdson, 194?; watlace' 1948; smifi €r dl' l9?2' EaRdt n'e Dqrer. 19?8) Md in Euft9e (Gluq l9?4i Bucklct tnd c'oldsnith' l9?5) (clue' 1975) The 6tton nt re@ ih€ pEftred foo<t item of lh€ owl io Bdfth hlan& diet of bu owr ohpnsrs ll,is,i4dd an^ae, Ms $. tust fr.qudl pEv in lhe Ie82i vol6 wt de 38 s9o oalhe ovmll dd h Anen! (f tuaeb dd tild4later' n6r n€quol prey rt@. in ,od'al.m Ocgo (Bull sd AleMl! 1985) nF nish peueE poponion of mddow wle MEretos p.tutllwifu' l?5 ?tt foad in the habits in ualvz.d in |nit sildv is @npmbl. ro tunv olhd $!di6 o' bad osl f@d DtscussloN McIi$, re86) Po*et niE (Pensiath^ sp.) MP oe nost @6mon pcy in @nmon bm owl's di€t i. soudm Ctlifonia d6'ns (Bsm* 1939) !t soudeto N.$ M€xEo, bd o*b @L P.ro8tata b a grds d'gE thtr e4{@d thite fliling io epn!. Crudro dizr sd P4Dtlsar i. .rsb.6 repr'saunve of tn'n $udde (rory@., ai, Iscsl h rh. LrK. fietd rc16 w' fi' m6t impo@t ptev 3!ei6indrabMowl!.lierOrsis et al, 1995 ltN.et al 200D) n!'hishprcqlqe ofMicrcer in ovl D.ll€rs hs ben Epottod in Neb6ld Gru'bschM .' 41 , 2000)' h nontld ltsly, hvo fdilies of iodois (Micolidle and Muddr') we fte n6t 'nporidni dd blach rat rce round dichry @oton€i|! (Boe ed Glibli, 2ool ) Tne ho6e nou' 6. din pFy in Cu4tu (D.bot d, al 2ool) Cdbillid& dd Muddac we 'lonhMr' EDrefilg 64 2% sd l3% 6pen@b 'n ! c@tal sirt of $ulhsi'n Mt!f,iitt! (G@jm e, ar, 2Oo2) Ii Euope, dF Srdd whirebo$'d shres w@ shoM 6 Ohio (Corvin &d SoImd al 2005) s@ll ' mndh siSnintut pan of bm owl! did (Tavlor, 1994; 'r in dE Nig€n& sasnnr die( owl's b6ft in $' [email protected] food n@ mio w@ fie (IdllE .t a/., 2ool). in d€ Nes.v D*n (IoB {d Yon_Tov 2003) in Badz'l Nonn'o Svd' (Sn€rlab sd Al Chtab! 2006) bi(h mu* $4'rb s,'/Jr d'Eci.d ID Cahl Euop., rh. h'gh 6€qu*ies of soudd greLt *titetoo6'd sbFw B foud a a in $e diel ofbm owl (Cel!64 2OO7) Th' 20c') MNtorDt trybtutdds @ nAjor pEy itdn ofbsn owl in lrelsdlLvnsetdl v€'Llrate in s Sth€li& lsro@3vsEm rhe min oEy 3pci.s, [email protected] 8l 57. of sU (EsdrLtcTsls6 !.d P6sO., 2OOJ) ; BMI (Ctrelo atxl T6oF. 2oo?l Md tlwld 816''6 se dadt'd h sdlhm wrc ncr (&heibls 4d Chri*ofr, 2o0D kQ voL, hou* nouse tnd Tti$$t iird a/' 2009)' vol6 ohn@ f,anid 3pdi6 in lhe tord!! Valltv, IiEel' (Ch!'l!r e' food iiehs in rhe dier ol bM owl 'n LVt rctut spp ) wd€ fou.d as a tmvilv dooi@t ffeld rcles dd NoilEn Urah (Mdi, 2olo) Th. ftsl high prdalde of comnon/ Splin (Jdcno er at' ?01 I ) s4dd high pteAka@ of agod micc MG obda€4 in NW in rh! sdin MidkDds ofEleLnd (Melt Rlr!/Di& .t r Pr.Y In brm oql" et al .2or2) l.[.!: F@vded prcv n brm h $e !6@t $!dv, oddts (s$/ni@) Mre rh€ nost @mdonlv (D-l ) 64 9% in dBmd llan' {D_2)' owl peU.ts, a@uring 86 6vo in dhdict 'dthbad l'*@ (D-4) 95 3% i' disLid Dtdu {D_ 50.9,1/0 in disf|d rrE hi (l!3). ?S l % distict DISCUSSION dd! (D) of lhe lobl pEv 5), ?6.1% in ov@ll l!di$ lf ih lin@ of FE/mie chug'd 6rmred: drfr{ In fi( dsE cl5 6 bdse hlb ob.l@lrry' ed and Egd (mv b€ du. lo @losicd chdgs) ln a previous studv of the ban o*l! di'r in Paldst'n' dJnia we .lso lh. msr c.|l@n pEv found in pell€ts' lJ 4?% in CtJa o'tushbqul-sisg .r al, 2oo4), 91.9e/6 Blvoi@ in U*s Mnhd@d, Bal@hisbn 0''I6htiq{r' al Hssd .t al, 2OO?), 840,6 nMmdis bons !n rlw Sindh (KJtu et (Malnood'llH6s ct Ets/mid h sodbem Plij.b dd eu$6t€m Bddhsun '/ 2 ?% odenF a' 2000) sid 2OOft). 2?.5% h Cohl Pujlb (Mahhood_ul'Llars 'n 1994''13% " al 2012) Sidildlv. in studics ffon otlahom 6?% @non ' (Brung'rhd dd B.ungan's, 1944) in Est Lsing M'chgan Sodbdm ?uoj.b o'lad@n dts s@ dominst er Bthm!' 76 5% 6ls (Bud6' *re ober'd (Hdd and 1974), in Chil. dd Spain, 95 5% dd,5%, 6pdti@lv cottoi d (slrtodo' talsic. l98O) 96.1% toddls \@ @lAined sd ?l'270 hispid ,r,tlrr) wc dooindl food itoN in T€s (Govs dr 4l l93l) 88 2% llll@Nl @ % tlE iott n€quqr pov in the dier of 6t (s']q,or',, ad') n@Drls we [email protected] ob6*€d bul lhe to be 9s.93% (W.llac', l9l8), in @nu bm owl.omprisitg 3s 8olo of1h. ov€oll diel D Arizons r982I 9.8% o.knls in soulh.m chile (ltiart€ Tdil$du (Neli.mv&d, lgq) nonh6l.m Glt@ {Alivizdos dd 94% in "ar' (FrMeb dd Ldddsklv'r' l99o)' 99l9r'/' in Mlviladuthlrd C'lifon'a (lngels Goutncr' 199), Ivlannals l95r) 9% oded d tod66' msupials snd aresg.27 r_rooq. of the bEl prev found F p'll'ts olb€m osl 'n (Debd ?t d/ 2001r' h 6c ArsahD (B. cq. 2!ool 61 2'a Edm& u Curoo zr' 2001)' i' the N'gd Nisdiu svMM, 76010 Fd.db ofioid pt v aroic (Lel@' et D$trt 9610. nmntls (1016 $d yon_To\' 2ooll '40o rcdenE In nonndrm (Bond a al Gl!@ (Cnuh.. &d Alivialos 2003) s@/o in sou$cm Enshd U K (vd Daon' &d Nvhoi 2m4). 96.4% in t[. soulh.@tal inBio' of Bril'sh Colunbia *F 96.40l. io Catll Chile (!€gall, 2OO5), ddenll 6stit td 85'5% t6rs) repre.nutd 2OO4), e rcdenb 'n Bdeil {Eserlat''Tivae a'd P6s6r' sdhd SFa (Sh€hrb. 2oO5) S6 ?% rodo6 i' ,$5\ 94.9/r i Cqtlt Glg. (Bolz!d6 a al , 2!&5i ia Crc@' 9e4 sntll de in Mt in th. Evrcs D.lit" 9?% in Pono Lasos, 92% i' Polido' 92% '@nds (Aliviz'ios et a/ ' ttyn€tts, 96% b Avlonc, 83% i. Anti4ahe6 lsland wE r&rded Svnt' 2mt. 96.6% rcdais Aa.nlin. Ptt ronio (Iqo a a' 2005) Nortnem 'i o{t\aB cclitlr.d \@ 'n 86 9./. rcd€nl5 in tha diet of bm owl (Sh'hab Dd Al Chtdbi DTSCUSSION (68/nie) we preMt in ! Sthel'an asto_et3rfl (Gnnro' Bdtl lscherbler dd 98 /o bdsu ftft d'r'd'd r eulh€m 2006) 85.890 rcdds d<l T@c, 2OO7) Cbrision 2OO?) Iour sp.c'.s of mtds'@ 56 8_3t 6% *rc obs'ned dunns lne Einv (oo Md 718" dunn8 dt 6s ie$n and dm.8 the dN:son bur bulsm6ll msmll' Mldlsaq {Rsom md dm) and dD sqsn @.Glrmtled 'n southGEn 6tE Do$ connon roddrs sp€'6 G.odmt! 20o?). In in€ Jodd vallev, I5@l ?' aI 2009) rn Madu6' F€v @tden (Chliet sn![ nMhah Eodeni'" Ls&rivoa &d Disrrc! Tanil Nadu, Southed India S5 5% 93'lo smlr dr al 2010) l' Nonhd Uhl\ comgri$d ?2.9'lo to 8? 8% of tll * ,*rd* t**ealrishnd ' 91670 soall @ddtt wa B'@il' "nt.or"*, Coml In 2Ol0) Ot4ttt .*"r, *t" "t.*a rcor&d (Roch. Stl!fl ! Ii tha et al, 2ol I )' PilY h B.m Osn prMt 3l!di6 0 5vo lti'l: *E shras lound and @nb'oins th@ tuMb wnib ,,"^' s!46' Jldr n'qu6cv or 63% in Goin in Puojrb dE :";;;;. ;; thicn s ^cdi"'E rons or bsn owr's did o,' ;;;;;;;* "" 65% in caral Puja! (Mal$@<l'uut$s 'r d/ ' '" l' lM*r*"''t*60 2eo 5!,@ :: ::-1";*-' "*,'Pu'rab (Mdrmo'd'ur'Hs$ ?'| a/ 2007!' Plnr'b and sr ai 2or2' 1a4o 'n sou'n'm o'd'en Punra! ;";''' ;;;;;:'; 2oo?b' E( r@d€d sinirdrv 4 4/ (Mnhnood{r-Has!' ffi;;;;;;;" (Golt'd dd Ariv'a@s' m rcnhdtm c'ce E@rd'd @rc ii^ r-^- "0, re30) d spain G@n a'd rersic eudEm ii ;;i;t" t'.*t'"* -"bubd (BonE nGda/ 200t) 20% shre{'g 3% :;;;.;*-*, ;";.;; wF roud '5 (Bond'ra/ 2ooa) r2 )% r ne r"rsFn- sv*a rl'kunu "* :;;;';;"'-"*^5":li ?.*"J::tr:'l"J'""::l: BlbdBF ;,;;;rd ;:;,.,,",. .h"*,.,*": :.5:;;::.f":"#ffi; cetll lcd|d (MdhEq{FrBu ));' ;;, ; T@rc' 2oo?I " o 9% siE ot rol -"'"".i''lY.:::',::':"#",,,J'":i Tdil l[od€d in N&d!@ Drsuio! 2010) dt N6dq South'd DISCUSSION Erlt r Prcy io D@ Ocn'r Di.rr bm oel in pr6dt ot6w'riotr otd'r chnoPEd i!.brLd rF h6rs sp.ci6 rhicr' w Oto4EEtu lenpnAti at Iaphoba $ (0e ) 2007a), rhb is sinilu to, 0.3-?.7c &uxl it CatDI Pujtb (M.hnood-ulEa@ er al, 2% in @tzr Pujrb Mthnood-llrb$o .t al, 2m0), 04% in Usit M!!etrd. B.lo.lisLD (MEhq{LElss €, dl, 200?) @d.d in lhe b@ o*l! did Sidilat ihc loBl o..eM of b6ts spcoi€s 2% wE rcpoli.d in Ban@ (Bud6, 1974)' I 64% B 5 w. n€gligible in lhe did of slre fturd r B@il (Escdl.leTasGs Md Pcss6t" 2oo5). 3.lolo wE 6timal4d 'n $e N$m.n sa\Ma OekuM ?ral 2OOlI,I2oi 4rc obse^ed m CuoaorD€btol4r4/' 2ool ), 0.4% Me @td€d in island e4s of Cnee (Aliviatos t, d/ 2005), ive sp€i4 ol ot46t Chitor)tn: MompE8.ltgubit, Ch@el'hu btcogtte\ MoPs le@tigtu r ^d sts6i6m Mtdasls (R4ou snd Gsdm 2O0?), rm sp'ci6 of bots 0 5v' *r' d.t.t d in so hd BEit (Sch.tbLt dd Chtdotr 200?) four sp€!i6 or b!$ Epl6at d 7.1% of ('{xnlm@ in . Slhclis sgtostst€n (G4j@ ed TmG' 2o0n bd do rctalt einds O!t) l4 i&iti6€d iom tne l€@iG ord' hdn Nl Ob@@ nbltagps@ndtit Mob$idae hdet' 7 2-r931/r *@ dis@Y'rod hisiBi om@@ or btll sp'd6 Fllets (Cddim dd Tltoffom, 1998), sl,it. lhc @npns.d 56.6010 of tne di.t of $. bld owls in AtS.ndE (Bello€q 2000)' 2'2% bctt we ob6fl.d Mrdnr D'rhc! TMil Nldu SoudEm Indra lsdthanatnshM 'r a/ 'n 2010) lird! uPdr hE m ovl'tDi.lr lr@ obened in ln' bm owrb di.r is siniLr to r.torts in dE pr.vio!! !nl(li6 in Pakn6 O 8' l l l% birds @@ found runjtb (Mlhn@d_ in C6trl Punjab otahnod-ulnsqi .r 41 200?a), l e'lo in @nd ulll.ls .. rr, 2oo7b) 5.1% in @ ttl PMrtb (MdtDod-ut_Hars dr' 2000)' In $e pt6di stdt 24.r% i! s@ih@ tn€ low fi€qudcy of bn{s (5.8%) Pudjlb 44. 2oo4), 13% itr Usta (Ndm., aa,2ol2). I 52% " Goje (Mshlaq_ulrb$tn 'n Muhrimd, Bdo.,thiin (MEhaq_uLE6o rt 41 t' 200?)' Sinild Epois nob olhr p6rte of tn. snd inclld. I ot'6 r'nds *€r Mrd'd in Eat t4sine, Michige (Wslle. 1948), I?4% @€ obsry€d in Balda (Budd, l9t4)' 1930), 2'4% in 3 6% ed 4l% in Chile &d SPain, rcsp4tiv.lv (He@! md lalcic. DrscussloN dl, lgsl), I s% in ohio (C.lvii dd McLiM' 1986),0 2% n south€n Chib (Irilrte.r ar, l9o), 5 8% in mn!6i.m Gr*, (Alivizros dd coum'r, 1999) NisEnd 0.2% in Mayihdulhusi, lmil.ldu (N4hoBtu6 l94) 416 in dc eveB g.hrM ,r 41, 2ool), 30.5% io Cu'!@ (Debror dr 41, 2001), 0 5% n th€ N.!.v D6d { f@ .rd Yom_Tov. 2ool) a" In nonh@len Gee lcolb6t and T.B (G.y.r et Alivizltos,2oolt l l9% h B@it (E!c.ttateT!@ dd ?s6a 2005)' 696 r e!n!d Syria (shdt!b, 2oo5), 1 5% in Catd CtiL (B'g'tl. 2005) r 9'lo 'n C'!r6l Ccd (BonE 116 ., al., 2005), I r_16% in 'slod t@ of Gre@ (Aliviaios tt ar' 1 2OO5). 1.5% Nodhch Syna (Sheh.b 't (Cndjd ed [email protected] ssltst.n ud Al Chanbi, 2006), I 8% nr 2oo?), O?% bt& w€ a dcieded in $l'lis 'go_ eu6'n B@'l (Schciblr and Chrisrofr,2oo7), t*tlvc sPei6 of AvE *G obsw€d duflrs th' n'nv (4.8p/.) dd duinS rh. dtY s6on (r lvo) EE disvercd in e!$slem las Mlrhsrss (R!em| sd GoodMi.2oo?), fou. sp@'4 ofbnds pict'dd &d BGl\ rh' bam owrs lgso). but no Voldt dinah (birds) w€c id@tined ftod the rcmai's or of bids (253%) wc {Goodtu &d lrbd.@, 199q, anib thc high fr'quacv 355%we @d€d i'cld' 12Ne ga@ found in Bdm! (Budd, 19a), 3 spFi.s of bids (10 6%) @€ ddunot'd '' tuirona (!6reb and Lsd.nshver, l9s2)' 24% bnds in de diel of bam owl Mrd.d in rrs Sinlh ((h& etdl, 1994) @mon prov of the {Alrviar6 ?t aI. 2OO5l. brtds (mge = 06l ?oo, we s@ndsv b.n or'l\ di€t in Atgdtio (B.ltocq, 2OOO) In MadlBi Dbinc! Tamil N!d!' Soulb'n 04% hdi!,2.27. bn{rs wc obetue{t (S.nth@kishnd eral.2olo) !t CentEl B@il bids w. lnt.l, @rded (Roch! €r 4l , 201 I ) .r Pi.t h B.n Osl" Di.lt Inv@bEte Emm l@st CaFll r 6e lom oI rBar &igtrtrE in lssBird wi|h bdr d'pdrE in p@ot snidv The @d lh. dict of b@ owl Eguryit &d pellere we ale found in th' The ptdtloc' of for rh. p6oce of this dth@po<t ft.lenal t nidrlv @njetuEbh 0 l% 66$ wE insdt Drcv itm s lo.8'ld tbtd.d in lhc pt6at studv StmiLrlv' d in Prnjab (Mrtmod'ulHlls e' al 2OOO) o lolo ilsB *@ 'outd ii Colid !uj.b (Mlnn@tl'uLHa3s aal,2ootu) ?7o insd w€c staEd in soull€h dd l'5% inv€i'bnil Fft ?uojab O&nnood.ul_8.sss eral,2oo?b) 1.5% Dsd F e also folnd D orhe' E@rd€d in rnwr Sindh, 6nd., ai, 1994) sinils 6ults DlscusstoN plns of $c mddj l 3% ed 4.6% invsEbte fl w' @rd'd in Chilc nd Sprd $d GLrt6 sd Jalcic, I9SO) 2 10,6 iMts include lw 3pdi6 Me reporld itr Cu@ in nodlBi.rn GE*! (Alividd tnd Gorttd lgg) 3 4% (l'h@ tt (D€b.ot,r at, 2OOl) 0 4% ins41s wF pl6@Ld ib th€ NiStti!f, ewi' et dl 2004) 0 7 ' al- 2ool ) 9.270 wE Eported in Bda C.lifomit (Atw€_c5dan& ' sp@i6 of rhE at, 2mt' a (Aliviatos diswEd it i5led !@ of G!@c. 0.6010 s 2oo5) Inse'1s (Actidid'e) wcrc ins61s l.?% res @o'ded i. sou$@ Svi' (shehab, In Coml olgar I 2% tr Catol Cree (Bon@dc ?r a/ 2005) o 7!' 6 ob*F'd M' found in Nonhd Svn! Chile (B.!dl, 2OOt. 3 65010 wd swd sp*i6 of inscrs 24 3vr w're t$tdct (Sherub dd Al Clunbi, 2006) Ttu€ ,!.ci6 of iD*15 3 ry' 'nd Mdlgrs {R@s ud during 6iry &d dry s.as Gpeti*lv in elthc|En sslc-t G.odru. 200?) Inve&bd! Mai6 wrc foond i' lh' fom of cdb and ls?41 2% dltrogods fi'aendrs h llwirtrd slh boie de!6'E d Bsn'm Gud@ * w€ si8.d in no.hc$tem Cii!4 (Goulld dd Aliviar's 2o0l) l 9elo Dipodidae (G6joi et at 2002) Bet es snnsr€d in a @stst sit€ of louthrc€o M'uriliia 12% we slb fo@d in p.lLts i. slhcd Eneland UK (Bond et dl' 2f]o4\ le32) Four CMtacs (Csvfblt) B ob.rvcd h Anas (Fsnz@b sd lnudoskavd' dd BEsh 1980) bul dE insds lhal wr€ lhetls of sEils l* disvecd (Dickcmd espechv.ly iddtiff'd wilh tlaps (Lop'zFomor tnd abudlnt in th. p.lLls wt! vcry diffiouh io optuic I'dia' Coldplen (0 9/o) and Urbeo. 197) h M..lus Dissicl Tdil Nadu sou$em zi 20t0) Isootqi O.4%) ot insrs wE oh6d'd (S'dndttdshd " ADphibir@ s Pr.Y it Btd Otl'! Ditt: (Mtrnood_ur_ in Punjcb 0 3olo h $e pr66t snrdi.s I 5% fbss wt' E@rded wllile €t a] 1994)' J% n ' HA$ .t al, 2o@) 0 5% sphtubDs if, L*r Sindll (Kn@ inddG stud'6 Olnd o|h*tn &loch's6 (lvllhmd ul_HEw tt d/ 2m?br w€r ab6ol ii centol Chil€ (H'rcu 3 ?% lsDhibi.ns in soutlFm Spaii, anphibids (ttt!@ er4l 200lI08% 6 &d llbic, l98o), ll% in thc Nigpru $vrs' 4'n in isla'd t4 ofct@e nofln*iod C,ttd (Cou$d lnd Al'viald 20or) o t/o_2 (N€elardvaM' l99r) (Alivizlt6 .t ai.. 2oo5), l 2% in MEvil'duthu6i' T'n'lmd! n't csdtu 2oo7)' 099' in 22.8n0.t'6 in sd$i.n Madas6q {Rlsctu DISCUSSION Mldudi Disfic! Tamil Nadu, Soulhm bdi. (S!.iisakGbm w. FFrt d in c.trd B@il (Ro.l'! ./ z, 201 I ) Bn H..r Mrt.ril ir et al 2010) sd | 2r/' Osl't DLl: @od.d Sihildlv it s 0 2./o i' LoEi planl nit'nal Sirdt (Ktie et ar, 1994) on lhe oha.hed d.te s no evida@ of ev lt6dt h th. h di€r in In oth€r @wrid, 5 50,6 R.ptI6 lnd Orn.r @e PruY a/ 2OO?a: 2OOft Murhl,q_ul_tbss pldl @l.rid ws ftpMttd B.j4 caliromit (alva@cabndt R@irks w ti.l (M.hmood'ul'tl,t5s .i bsm o*,l s det 2OO4: 2OO?). ot snrdie 2.s% phnl et i' th€ ?r bM al owl3 4l' 2004) rt.Drt nor found in $€ bm owl! did in tlE pt6ol strd16 dd pEviou 3n]d'6 6duct d h PdrisE. whe'6 o0EB 3td'6 w @ducEd 'he FF'|6 we ob66'd b h. O.s4% lizid! (ButLa, 1974), one sp€i6 of . Epllle 6 demined (Diclms ii ArSdlid srd B6b. lgso) SMt6 e.l ig!!N EE foud in pell€b of6e b6m owls (Bellocq, 2OOO} 1.5'ld *4 @rded r lho Ec rQod.d in Cul'@ (D€btot tro1,2001) l 604vo @plili6 \rgdiM !.t!M 0rkl@ tr al 200 | )] 29' epli6 we &EGd D6e4 GoEs md Yoi-Tov, 2oo3) lo4% rcplilG Me shtcd in ilLnd of Gre@ (Aliviatos €r al, 2OOt) 0 3% liA& wE @rd€d i' Nodhm Stti' '@ d/' wre obe{ed dunns {Sh.i!b ud Al Chrobi, 2006) Tw 5t..i6 ol regiilB 0 2-0 (Raona ed G'odiM 6iny rels an! dry s€as, in solhwest€m Mad'ga$d in te N€gev th€ Sroll n@upob w.c spBoted 2l 8q' bkd bv bam owls In Ag4lim Chile (Bell@q, 2mo) I I s% tuupials &d o 6% lsgoooDhs Me obse €d in CdEal 2OO7) (B.sdl, 2OO5). o l% epdlca h.tia (Srfih.n&ish@ in c..t!l srldt of al, r@rded in lvtldlDi Dism€t Tamil Nadu Soulh'n 2OlO) t 8v. nsupids dd O qel" re9tl6 w€ rQon'd Baroil (ItoclE ., aa, 2ol I ) Rrar/[id.' g.in: hu @ od€nts sFcis Tbi IE lEhctu6 dilf€rdn er s* of sodi.d 'n sm. tod'nrs ed foud r€s@ch hd bef, prop6ed to cutcle paem 66 in dsnbe t'€ mo stru'or6 DTSCUSSION of roddts hciB. In p6al fl 3trt16' ln. adrpdve sisni6@e of thc haiB or curEl|d !6ndro ofh.i6 of sone rcd.nt-Fev sFd6 ha b'd obs'dd ed Th. hai6 of 6!/ni@ s@ @ll6Gt fton dE Fllclt of btm owl for snrd'a sle @pded 619 nfetde b@Lc Md l@rue ln th€ p 66r studv oncdu prev ldtm ofg!.rd h.irs of one noh ach spdii€n s'iples of @ch spei€s of tlle 3n difrGEnt v@ s$d,€d und.r d €leion d6opc (Plilq 43) fte snldv 6Fned Millatdia @lbda MB sD.ci6 of EE/mia; satdi@rd beneal4sis Nerl/;i4 indi@ peiod N'venhel6s' lhE nusuh6, Rlttos frn6 ad htero ,dr& dlri'g lhe rcsarch rhe b&n owls di€t b. uetul for idrtificirion of ottdi@ sP6i6 in sndv coul.l lu'u .@in in the bam o 's diet na@ ta@lv b*n studien' inis gap In 6' plt91 snio6' tn€ snd th. i4sk of lhis in6tisltion ss 10 Mk€ up for Me c@ircd unds ihe inot ssid of th€ qniolin pltleh of Ednie h!i6 prepded $d comp6'en Ltry '}e mrcosoe ed laF on th€tr pnoomK'olrapb *er' pr'pned KF *h'ch pholoanphs rltEne lrldc ed @f,pdtd cma th' efeme iid66pv (sEM) l@ &3qib€d by M!shLq-!l_H!s& (19E6) &d.adirs eledo' damialid hans Culicl6{tuctuF €ls.whcd for $e stutv of cuticle situ'tur€ of sD€i6 and th' dnor p6ft.G of h.i6 wd us.d for iiro id€nificatron of ftanrul'd nf shflBl hti6 h8c bed iddii€d 3a5 ffotulio sp6i6 Mogholoeral fotui6 od eYplodlrd of a pFdtior drel widely uF! for d{ufi@lon ol Dd@htn sp{B on te r'lDle, rhe odem! (Chdos, 2oO2) ft' stuci@l f@NB of namntlian haiu sc rov b' us'd lo d'nt$ d' spci6 6r sbdtcd !o hsv. i lltobonr esrlnde dd spmes Md odou Tn€.rchieM'6 4 ,tudrcd dd foud rn drfTeed rodd '3pare' vd6 in difcdn s!'ci6 DtB h.i6 .n l r.!l@ @ticle psn F (sr'r6 b't*@ sdl6) m'in srlctud of spine 4d ban io h€lp stody ts bcn pop6ed io exPltin in' 2OOl) The olicle ol th' hatr' idddffstiot of prcrtator di€l (Ch€mova ud Kuetsov' r' homv ospent *h(n b rB our.mll ineguol sd *hch 6 onpos'd of oftwogdcd kinds pl.i.6danultibdeoffoms Thec iobrsol6 ofthehliB dc viz ovore' &umna&i 'io'8!@' d$ iibti@i6 6d rhe oronal Five el4'ntal vdelis' ol. in 6en fidd Th6 tdanfiqn@ of c@te dd n.tl.cd hlvc b@ @gris€d (Hasm 192a) is vtlublc d'haMmdls b 6t!l@li6 s9@i6 bv nmsclid lui6 i' th€ s"t ttultss qnich @ b€ provid€d h€lttul infomtion on $e bm owrs dE odnictable iochrqu6 DIS(lUSSION Er!- Thc htics ssucturc it polvmotpbN dd Ptldad (Btlmd dd CoM' 194) breds Sooe My signifiondy .litrc. in phvlogm.tollv cl6' 3pdi6 suFspei6 'nd of $e snrdied empl' (Nob&k of iB fdtut6 haw dagnosri. value in idotifiQtion dr.ls. l95l) lloll!tl& ! ofRrrt.rd Mie: of wn'd re &d ldg. Ets/nia spEnl a vuelv of 'nfdnod dis@: msv diss4' @!n!niot' food' *riors lrd o66 of lhe disas, hlw doppilgs lhtt sp@d dl'l tsnn db4t' Bh'r o' b. arfi6 of fl6, !cts, ti@ Dd nit6 (d1o'p'sit6) (\'flF)' Wcil! ss aG SnoN s eri6 of b{bdic plarn' Vinl hemdn4ic ftvd htw dts*, Q-f.vo. crtTcpondosis sd t&t6vr6 pulmonarv ssdon' dr!.s) @ humds hrough dq nou* sho btr mfe8.d bv fl6 ltfflllrru" d'sa$ spead chilh heldehe' Busea' dreppin$, Hdtavrrus sttptoG inclqd. n6t @mon "ver' d rhe 3@nd rus 6tu6 .tdonin l &d b&k p{4 l8ir.s tom 3'7 d!t5 Md a Dd ! wilh oind rn{nn l on lh. tg.icul&d n ld, ir pr.fa lo live cto6' to hunus 3€i6 of ni@, lh. ddga of mou* dopPinst onnnitlting food $d sPedns wll6 sls chcw and tfittd disar. mk6 @se bf6Ltiotr t sdiou pobld Mie s wlL, 0006. dd .ledti4l wi6 !@enc rbnmg fiEs b6!d6 cdrirg Borh 3@ll tumrtore, a hallh $€ peple Otr.t rod'ois in th' fi€ld; rhe mesdo* vol' ec of de{ tictsl i5 Asou fo' spr€ditrg Lvne d'se rhr.lt sd idatrned s inf.oion or dis4e in did B.n owls @ pi€datos ol sdll sMo'l 3pdi6 (s!'cislv dgni@) v!rcb @ I &a'datu bensokn$ @ned.t d hAmtur for asndlnrre and 4rc_ror6w 'uxJ' fttldd tnd TaM i'di@ N.so*ia ittdtu, Rtras tdtu. M6 nlltqlut, Mlludit plErdlod d dord'd in Dt6at 3n!B *no$ to d|mgp dops ed v@s tt' lE @ 6 stry Illri..tute. C.lonvs lalAL' Otigortwts fuvwt ad Atto'td gr'i 1995)Dd !.riow huos discs sucn s Hantaviro pulnona'v sv'dioi' Gais availab'hv of roosdns sit6 for henorh.gic f€vd (Knv6iz €r a/, l9s6) ln'Eaing of C'loDF [ploii.l bid5 in cop fi€l& tBult€d in de'@sed snonnm !b6d4@ !n'r h'b't!t ?.!.ra {Bcltocq ud Knvelz l9l9o) SimiLr 6ulb M€ fo$d bor6 aneeMl for ptldabb r pne Pldrnc (Munoz ed MuM l99ol sd n6l DISCUSSION w.tul tool 1o indas Poduclivitv of b&n owls in agrcstlt's of Arsqdo (B.llocq sd (Evda r93i B.llo.q 2000) h.vc bd . As. C.l.gori6 ol Rdt/oi..: SdcEl n€iho<ls fo. detefrining tlD agp of .ninak in litttltuE !'bgc cheg$ 'xist Mirht difrer€icca, bacule cluBclds, crMial diodsioo dsiidtion ofballte cic hlve nd@ls liLe h6n N.rtto dnblbh !s. gow ir BiN Lind, of &i@h B!! in s@[ sia i' 2_3 Gt5 sft€r rh. nio. {hrcn bi..& alnost ihDlrlDut dE vd rnd sttth adllt p'titfr of dole €oplion &d the de binl! lh* cii6tit e of limited use How@, the €l *w found 6wh 16 $riabL lhd $'l of bodv go*rn; n ltl.4 rn3t . of ioolh h 6is s$tlv &re ttc looh Dan m teh.iqu. i3 n6t b.n licialthd ot'r l4nniq!6 d ihe bsts of lhe @$ w4 196 eEgoti6, 3ub_adull adult Md old @rc 6Ebl6h'd em Ecr'oi@ (PlaG 36) ln PlB4t sudi! 6tcbhsh'd ,le lsc cLs: r!.ttdn of pttEm ot bod l@ @ $' @l6al sbrduhcbs,2_ adultcl$ sd l_ old cl6s b) $' found to prcvid€ d'fi'n've $rfr.cs ofth. moldifom t .lh of dif'rd nt/nie fld ridit fot 66bli5hi.g age adult 1243(6r.5%) sFi6. size 6lrs. al.s Ih' lveage A'q6cv sd old 6rs/ni@ w 469(23 2%) irtcnnic<l bas.d d wE 6{3ub{duh s 310(15 3%)' found dlring studv R!6r'm'@ rtolar bo'6 (Bello'q |nd XEvtiz' 1933 ) dd sp€linc nondoLtuft of $e noLt sier is 6soli6l io 6cilitate in h' dom 356 sl-llls ol Tdte4 indi@ {h6qion@ oftu.hr46 &xsciai'd *i!r sg€ mhnhn led snd {q. @ined u&' th. bd@ls lo nol. dE d€gt@ of wg' oi Stuc$e $e sifucuE clNs Me stablilh.d on lhe b|sis of wd ln vouS sp!cir@' dc pttrom spe'n@ ihe @m of usm mlNnfom te.th B pr6gr In oldd '@ the adjacat fol'ls In do* of anh o'lgc absion shapcd shich on tuflhd fivc &ge d didond_ onlv slight *d In wsr ondture), $€ cusps of tho nola6 sho$€d dd l@he bdwd the @sDs dieppc{'d In 2 Gub{ddo, lhc @sps 6 Ml .,d tvE wo Th' *d clas-3 (Ad!lt), th€ folds of upF nolts had l6se tusv'M l&6 d lh'n \@ clas olsl 5 (old) nols t*o l.l@ ofM3 \@ @n0uot In w'ar cls4 sd 'xtds've fou ae€ ( dd@in'd 19?5) 6pesly in lh. ld.r dls (z5M! 195) Siniltlv lqbal eps{'.'lv on $' b$sis of ch$s oIM6 ,6d',r dd lt'd bodug! w t@gt'ittd qirh ine upper r4 on lh. noldfom redh patien Clss_ I conptised uimls F showd DISC]USSION odlsd l.*t Ii @ulBI tal; mol6 sho$€d ct{ didde of wd$ough$e @mel h ch$-r' @r 6 qtdsiw In cla554, rhe csF wE o'ipLElv mm 6d lh. com foft'd n ed ft.iltds sur66. MBht q-ut-r&ss tt z/ (2oO?) dcLmin'd five !s' €teaon* or Itl relradd .fll lh@ ,s. at6goti6 w@ id.nli6.d bv tn pt[.n of la on ih' Ml6l solsr O43) hld nol snn to lh. clN-2, M1 isd tbin'd tc.th fiom the FIbE of snorr4@d owls vd d'r str&rq (l9so) d€L{iFd i'orh c@ ofM..tonlt inditiduh and io 6ihat€ rour age cla$s; 0 Gr&lon 6uv€iilc), I (toug !dult), 2 (.dux) .nd 3 (old .dux), b6ed on the @ieepn6 dd TsoE (2oon Atinaied looth @r patlM ind skulb n' surh@r ofthe mlsifom owl Simi'ls ro Lla$tuts hubefi ihto th' fo$ class M p'lLt @luAl.d thrtugh @ltsis of ioot @r of prcv sp€ci6 rttich 'emi6 in tF spl6. B.Io.q (1998) dotediied lhAl ag. ol6s G nor pdsibl€ in eme ca6 fron smiN in llre p€lleE of B.s@ and Bes (1980) penn'd ror wd clss idFtfi.d by in. ddrd p.rt mt of Ba"di.c'ta betgale6is Nd Nev*it ituIi@ Roddt' P@ clu$i6ed ilro 6v. ioolh ve 48. clar6 hul l-2 @' @ai&nd b6os lh. nold wrc absdt or bokd dsidld€d .dulrs (R@ht., dl 2oll) Gtujs dd Trut {2oon sbr€d dtst .rt!h 6dni@ wrc turvet domiffit food ditgory in lh€ b6m oel! diet *{ile youg ,{r'ar,m/J ,lbtlr Ms stonglv obseded domi@i r $' bah o*l'i diel s a De6dtial @Bmpion. AdlI oddls @v u* nore hicoh'bit'ts wilh juhil6' dd 3-5 M. dds wgerdtion (Dickmn tr.t, l91b) md nov€ shon{ disrln6 wdd 1994) juvoile ed P.datioo risk. In @'ra! b. not€ wlnesble ro pEdlrion $m voueq adulis (Bdlocq, ths dispdins juvaiks od hda fec oldq in.livdBls (vNllo a low l98I Ss Cd.eori.3 of R|6/nic.t &dl. ds/mic. wrc stdi€d bv lhe sbaF of pelvrc boB io Minc the s ditr @6, it is fou.d dlx in Eoat. rcd.ns ! sqaonm of th' Puh6 (i... thc pubic atnphysi! E8i6) 0@6 dunnS g6t lion gdiod dd lhi5 is di6{v €N€{t by Fx homo.es. h th. ce of mtl. todd! Pbic svnphvsn is absr a'd In f.male rcd€fts tn. pqbic ayophylis is p..qt (Duimi.e" 1955) on lhe bais of lh* h laat sMies hale dd snl(ti6 w€ @ 4 y dmin. and id€nti& lne sde of ode'i pEv spei6 fodd r th' DrscussroN lelleE ni€ !v.68. frequdcv of mal. w6 lodd during t@nr strdY 969(54 4vo) ed ftntle flI 814(45 6%) 615/mrce pr.d.io6 Mv .lso diff€Enrialv clNn' difddr sd d rs' lubtl' cfidts on pdv @np@6te sihin pop!l$6 of pt v spei6 md haw rod'nrs bv owls popuhtion dyndiB lot @nple sl.cliw prqbtio' ol tule ot f@de r@rcducr'on' (Longled ed Jeikirs, l9s?) @v skew popll6rion sex 6tios Md disru Ias ob cly, vids sl..riv. !ted!i16 of @hs9kuous or doni@l individ$ls mv d'stupt o€ pEd'1o6 EudV nk' po$lation 3.4id tlucflre (Roberb $d WoUe 19?4) Conwcdv habihrs md subordioE individuds $!t Mve bdi tansfered to trboptidl sirly ofpr.dldon @ n'glislbl€ (Eftinsloi' l9l2) Padalou @v populsion ond ml6 q old h@l $l6t'v.lv for €ithq ldg€ ind'vidu.ls wiiio a juvdile (Mt'r' sid in.lividuls Mo@, l gso) or for snrll4 indiliduls offd fen'16 or m'xi6iz' lh' at€ of endsv 19?9i Monis, 1t9) to ninimiz. hditlins ri.B ad 6s thal d.pcsi* .ftcs Hosue, ae intsrc P&dabu @v &o hur !t lin6 or in nicrohtbitlG wh'E lhev r6t l*.ly b a@uq pR-v (H@gob@h ?r a/ la34' lh' d@uE' 6da of pre! vnnin dho5h Dsd.ios bis rhen pEv seldtion iowds tarS€r ud oldd r clafion @ popll.lDie, whsd cruBDg Pred.bu ulc populaton @mPondB moE or $lrid lheir abuds@ (Grahe' 1935) In th. pEgt stutty tn Btsr'mi@ imodiot b@6 in $€ bm owls pellets wr ctss Ning th. sul dim4bnn in eee6l 3h!pc 6 tLo d'sdib€d momdb bon6 b, DlMiG{l9tt) S.c of od.nl 3p&rd le 'dahfi€d hs€d d e.pdrled itlo ex (Bdl@ &d Knv.tt, 1983) Sexul dinolphism of ihe innomhlt' bo'6' m'xng sq Cleinmoflts detenitunon posible, in MEtutut ptnntrl@dt swptM't' P'tonw6 (Cit',td^y, l95r'), Mictutos @lifonids l4kst triktcMtos abeenss h"mhnt @ieldtus @hensis, Neotow l^cipzs motuls botta' Diponrr l@tl!, CiElrB b.e.tEY (D6nirqlttJ), atd M"mtu dd Ptmtv@r (Cldk ud Wis- l9,l) lE b@ EFon d sdob sd le$ on nsl6 th& 'xp4itd baed on tap $gnin€nt lh. ffrwinld sof,, triil€ ditredG we 'ol statisti@llv Owk prey.d noF on female cr!tuEs, durinS i. 1986. ihu fdale ln @n[st, du.ing sprins 1985 lo sun@' 1986 sote mal6 'lddrs DtscussroN w simil{ to dpeled vsb6 b35!d on 6ttMt'd sd nnos 'n $e 6.ld oGiLnlg th. dul ex 6tio h lh. did of os& fron f'll 1985 L sl)md wr Nld 1986, by in th. di.t Sd pt!d!ti@ (B.lldg, 1993) Aglilrhlr.l ldport re ud CoB.mdon P!rPot.: TIE bad owl, nls dd ii@ ry, bF tndi€d io tnow lh.n potdrtisb from oltivsuoc, $ev s.3nuggling hdd !r)e-Gy!l.N Ii arba have 'n th. @ld dd simiLr tctulE 1o s d agdl to @1rol srfrive su@csstullv in ihe @e ob6sed dutmg prddt t56rch th€ wid6pFd in6tgrlim, bd odt hwc .lso bd tetn dd scnxiniz'd 'or |ney o plty wit! 6pet to li.n ft.ding habit (Cotvin sd Mald' 19361 rne de CsDb.ll .t al. 198?; Marti, 1988; toqd@ er 4l r98: Bcllocq, 20mi BGe and dEt B@ Cflidlli. 2OOl: g.vMod dd Pavev, 2OO2; Mcclirc, 2004 elc') ft is owk se !o phying !t inportant ole 6e a biologiQl mlol 'sdmled 68'nt ii ihc ffeld aerinsl agnoltlsl p6ts (L.loM e, at, 2OOl I ,rEno d al 201 1) h€tw' bam owl sp€'tlv (B€t4 hvouE o@ h.bilt or d*, ond Ftdlv s@iared wilh 'snoltuGl a6 r'd6 hlv€ ob6ded rhal 196l: Csthell sd C$pbe[, 198]; lvttli lgg2b) Sddt d 6tu bY bn owl m dE .snculNdl v.rLbr& Ddl i5 sgnrfidlv 'd '€du..d on rodor Unfortuct ly, no long iem Fsdct hs bd @nduci€d 10 d@!ftdt 'tr'cte exren'rv popdstiots by installi4 ndt box.s ongel5, 1954i 1995b)' It s alrc a ftom popul& dd cnon\e sp{rcs ed @ne.quotl} h& EeNen muqh anention foltovirs popul.tlon Fducri@s oB much ol irs 6n8t (tukew er a/ r6i-box h!5 b'at Bed for bon 2OO?) Si@ the 6ly l9?C medod6 b6.d 6i'nv on o*l Dol.ction (Klein €, at, 2dl?) onsfl.tdbtt hlw ba studied Ydv l4nlv ihtouehout the w d bdusc' in $is age of wldlile @llmrillisn, ad wi$ e inct*ing ttod of gsi'ing nqimum ben'fft frcn bi'ds t' @hde ns s h€ntase lhFugh@t the w d No @ @uld d!'k of uins ft. owls dtcrill ba.6r3 in Pslistd ar |nst rin , while d pt6di bd owl i! sludi'd for ils r Mv eFm$ion on $. dsory of @urv E ononic ominobgtels @ dplov'd sp'ci6 lmw to b' advsc.d oodLid of the wdd lo 6tmtc lh' ul@ of *ry bnd lam p!!d@ls 8d lbet 0166l s$in $cn de&sive linib h adels lh€n foesls pEdrloB @ pbt nsnd srpPli6 of f4$er€d gmd Th. owh e€ polvphasous ' DlscjussloN ldidw oL in ninimizing whidr lh€i 6irg bdm owl 6ddl popul.tios b.low u e@nomic thr6bold lercl it . !€st pbporlion Tho biologi€l @nlnl ptogmm' hs b€n inPlml€d in nMv 6t t6 of M.lavsi! lhoughout th' popubriotu &hicv€ @unty, by providing n6t boxB ro wild populatioB of bm owl As I t6ult thd' has b@t in lhe bm owl populatio. in oil patn fot lhe purpo$ !o detem'nc h€ orEnr $!nF of 6. @ntol by rhe bon owl in oil p.ln 6irl5 0l!6dzi dd s&von 2ool) iollowiig tu@tuI toats i. 6idl6 in seleSor sd Nessi Sdhil$ (s@l l98Eb) Ii lh. o'l patn pkn|||ioB, th€ b|n owl hs bd found suc'*tuj as!'tur 6w ii@ Os'loi, lgSO: Snl .r a/ . 1990; Mrhmod_uulsls et 'l . 2000) ed s now a in@rt @ntrol cmpoRnl in oil talm i e s2% of 6LB th.r pctncipar€d in $c b@ a md in lhe rice fields ofMalavsis where $e ddag' The bm owl reduced tom 670 to 2 3v. (Mohmdd tttd G.|r' l99l ) suestullv E.d for 6e 6trol or field Ets in cl@{@trut tgc sloey (tltidzi ds.d by d! hs dso b6 sd @sys&ns for 6t h Saoyon, 2OOl) mmg.d.il (l*e, l9E7) rs ll|c pololtn@ of rcddt pd in Agruln]ol fi'lds ved'bde lg'nl donly, g@tlv lse toxiclDE shile lh' bF owt s ! ntrlr'l @rol Parjs:rlt\ for ttdE Ddr @rg6 bul d plsv r' hr 6l! ed mic. apper to hav€ h..dlv evd ben Bcd in Paldslln $6e bn& bv in@ing lhc @lMv of 6€ @Erv md c@te ede '6p€cl roMd! 6 a ndtuEl @tuI asmt htw firshhghtng dd' frm.r fn.ndlv aniud. bll bm owtr 10$6 in0i'i'd bv p4l 6b rcvs bd usd inidiro llv in de @unlry 10 ninidi4 dE qclsivelv oi agricultudl pd mc'ns ed nie IlE bm owl f.Gds, apprexioablv h4 hd lsrdtd in Plki n 6b/mi@ (s@tl n@n'd, sd va lirle condd€raion pet ootol Smdl ddsds towds ite consmnon dd lilclv ustd in 'od€ni blsss d@s6 of 6p66llv dFme d. calLd len bde pcst bsu* ol de 6d& f.m coF dd sbred stu's *hich is for aeiculnBlists i. !u orcr Ptk'sran (DlGlshanwr' tgnsltldl prodle of o.m in l993i Mshtlq'ul- Hals et al. 1998i MlirrFod_ulH6sd er dl, 2OOo) Whdhq' ii thcn fdMli avtrdn* 3 or r. M.@t d hab'bt'. $'v mdtlv hu small atrBfEl otigml qsc of hdins Thdt long wng: Md runly rodd$, lnrch $et lcd€ bv usng ds' hunt ov'r l.$ sd ofi.r 6pets of in€n a@bnv d'dotstde lh'l tiev are ad'ptcd lo o!.. {6 G.Ylo., 1994)